1. Write a program to enter two integers, two floating numbers and then perform all arithmetic operations on them. 2. In this scenario, two friends are eating dinner at a restaurant. The bill comes in the amount of 547.28. The friends decide to split the bill evenly between them, after adding 15% tip for the service. Calculate the tip, the total amount to pay, and each friend's share, then output a message saying "Each person needs to pay: " followed by the resulting number. 3. This code is supposed to take two numbers, divide one by another so that the result is equal to 1, and display the result on the screen. Write the code. 4. Write a program that receives a name, then returns a greeting based on whether or not that name is "Taylor". 5. Write a program to check the no is odd or even. 6. Write a program using bitwise operator. 7. Write a program to find the largest no out of 2 numbers. 8. Write a program to find the largest no out of 3 numbers. 9. Find odd no. , even no. 10. Write a program to take 5 subjects marks, and compute total, average and grade based on the marks. 11. Write a program to input any choice and to implement the following. Choice Find 1. Area of square 2. Area of rectangle 3. Area of triangle 12. Write a program using logical operator. 13. Write a program to check whether a number is an Armstrong number or not. 14. Write a program to print the sum of all the primes between two ranges. 15. Write a program to swap two strings.
16. Write a program to find whether the year is a leap
year or not. 17. Write a menu driven program to accept two strings from the user and perform the various functions using user defined functions. 18. Write a program to find smallest and largest number in a list. 19. Write a program that uses a user defined function that accepts name and gender (as M for Male, F for Female) and prefixes Mr./Ms. on the basis of the gender. 20. Write a program to print the Fibonacci series using recursion. 21. Write a python program to perform menu driven basic calculator operation using functions. 22. Create a dictionary whose keys are month names and whose values are the number of days in the corresponding months. ● Ask the user to enter a month name and use the dictionary to tell them how many days are in the month. ● Print out all keys in the alphabetical order ● Print out all the months with 31 days ● Print out the key value pairs sorted by number of days in each month 23. Make a list of first 10 letters of the alphabet, then use the slicing to do the following operations: ● Print the first 3 letters of the list. ● Print any 3 letters from the middle ● Print the letter from any particular index to the end of the list 24. Write a program that scans an email address and forms a tuple of user name and domain.
25. Write a program to display Bar graphs or Pie charts
using Matplotlib.
26. Write a program that defines a function large in a
module which will be used to find the larger of two values and called from code in another module. 27. Write a program to know the cursor position and print the text according to specifications given below: ● Print the initial position ● Move the cursor to 4th position ● Display next 5 characters ● Move the cursor to the next 10 characters ● Print the current cursor position ● Print next 10 characters from the current cursor position 28. Create a binary file with roll number, name and marks. Input a roll number and perform the following operations: ● Update the marks ● Delete the record ● Display the record ● Append the record ● Search the record Write a program to create a CSV file by entering 29. user-id and password, read and search the password for given user id.
30. Write a program in python to take 5 records in
student text file and display it. The file should have following fields: ● Roll number ● Name ● Marks