316l Stainless Steel Chemical Compatibility From Ism

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316L Stainless Steel Chemical Compatibility Chart

ver 28-Oct-2022
Chemical Chemical
Acetaldehyde A Alcohol, Propyl A
Acetamide A Alkyl Benzene B
Acetate Solvents, crude A Allyl Chloride A
Acetate Solvents, pure A Allyl Phenol A
Acetic Acid, 10% A Alum Ammonium (ammonium aluminum sulfate) A
Acetic Acid, 20% A Alum Chrome (chromium potassium sulfate) A
Acetic Acid, 50% A Alum Potassium (potassium aluminum sulphate) A
Acetic Acid, 80% B Aluminum Acetate A
Acetic Acid, glacial (anhydrous) A Aluminum Chloride, 10% B
Acetic Acid, pure A Aluminum Chloride, 20% C
Acetic Acid, vapors D Aluminum Fluoride D
Acetic Anhydride A Aluminum Hydroxide C
Acetone A Aluminum Nitrate A
Acetone, 50% water A Aluminum Potassium Sulfate, 10% A
Acetonitrile A Aluminum Potassium Sulfate, 100% B1
Acetophenone A Aluminum Salts D
Acetyl Chloride A Aluminum Sulfate, aqueous B1
Acetylene A Alums A
Acrylic Acid A Amines A
Acrylonitrile A Ammonia, 10% A
Adipic Acid, aqueous A 1
Ammonia, anhydrous A1
Alcohol, Amyl A Ammonia, aqueous A
Alcohol, Allyl A Ammonia, gas A
Alcohol, Amyl A Ammonia, liquid A1
Alcohol, Benzyl B Ammonia, solutions A
Alcohol, Butyl A Ammonium Acetate A
Alcohol, Diacetone A Ammonium Bicarbonate A
Alcohol, Ethyl A Ammonium Bifluoride B1
Alcohol, Hexyl A Ammonium Bromide A
Alcohol, Isobutyl A Ammonium Carbonate B
Alcohol, Isopropyl B Ammonium Caseinate A
Alcohol, Methyl (methanol, wood alcohol) A Ammonium Chloride B1
Alcohol, Octyl A Ammonium Fluoride D

Key to General Chemical Resistance – All data is based on ambient or room temperature conditions, about 64°F (18°C) to 73°F (23°C)
A = Excellent C = Fair - Moderate Effect, not recommended
B= Good - Minor Effect, slight corrosion or discoloration D = Severe Effect, not recommended for ANY use

It is the sole responsibility of the system designer and user to select products suitable for their specific application requirements and to ensure proper installation,
operation, and maintenance of these products. Material compatibility, product ratings and application details should be considered in the selection. Improper
selection or use of products described herein can cause personal injury or product damage.

Industrial Specialties Mfg. and IS Med Specialties 4091 S. Eliot St., Englewood, CO 80110-4396
Phone 303-781-8486 I Fax 303-761-7939
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industrialspec.com I ismedspec.com
ISO 9001:2015 Certified Companies
© Copyright 2022 Industrial Specialties Mfg.
316L Stainless Steel Chemical Compatibility Chart
ver 28-Oct-2022
Chemical Chemical
Ammonium Hydroxide A Asphalt, liquid A
Ammonium Metaphosphate A Barium Carbonate B
Ammonium Monophosphate A Barium Chloride A
Ammonium Nitrate A Barium Hydroxide B
Ammonium Oxalate A Barium Nitrate B
Ammonium Persulfate B Barium Sulfate B
Ammonium Phosphate, Dibasic C Barium Sulfide B1
Ammonium Phosphate, Monobasic C Beer A
Ammonium Phosphate, Tribasic B Beet Sugar Liquors A
Ammonium Sulfate B Benzaldehyde B
Ammonium Sulfide A Benzene B
Ammonium Sulfite B Benzene Sulfonic Acid B
Ammonium Thiocyanate A Benzoic Acid B
Ammonium Thiosulfate A Benzol A
Amyl Acetate A Benzonitrile D
Amyl Alcohol A Benzyl Chloride B
Amyl Chloride B Bleach (sodium hypochlorite, 5.25%) A
Amyl Hydride (pentane) A Bleach (chlorine, 12.5%) C
Animal Oils A Borax (sodium borate) A
Aniline B Boric Acid A
Aniline Dyes A Brake Fluid A
Aniline Hydrochloride D Brewery Slop A
Antifreeze A Brines, acid B
Antimony Trichloride D Bromine D
Apple Juice A Bunker Oils (fuel oils) A
Aqua Regia (80% HCL, 20% HNO3 D Butadiene A
Arochlor™ 1248 B Butane A1
Argon Gas A Butanol (butyl alcohol) A
Aromatic Hydrocarbons C Butter A
Arsenic Acid A 1
Buttermilk A
Arsenic Pentafluoride Gas A Butyl Acetate (butyl ethanoate) B
Arsine Gas A Butyl Amine A
Asphalt, emulsion A Butyl Carbitol A

Key to General Chemical Resistance – All data is based on ambient or room temperature conditions, about 64°F (18°C) to 73°F (23°C)
A = Excellent C = Fair - Moderate Effect, not recommended
B= Good - Minor Effect, slight corrosion or discoloration D = Severe Effect, not recommended for ANY use

It is the sole responsibility of the system designer and user to select products suitable for their specific application requirements and to ensure proper installation,
operation, and maintenance of these products. Material compatibility, product ratings and application details should be considered in the selection. Improper
selection or use of products described herein can cause personal injury or product damage.

Industrial Specialties Mfg. and IS Med Specialties 4091 S. Eliot St., Englewood, CO 80110-4396
Phone 303-781-8486 I Fax 303-761-7939
End your search, simplify your supply chain
industrialspec.com I ismedspec.com
ISO 9001:2015 Certified Companies
© Copyright 2022 Industrial Specialties Mfg.
316L Stainless Steel Chemical Compatibility Chart
ver 28-Oct-2022
Chemical Chemical
Butyl Cellosolve A Carbon Tetrachloride Gas, wet A1
Butyl Chloride B Carbon Tetrafluoride Gas A
Butyl Ether A Carbonated Water A
Butyl Phthalate B 1
Carbonic Acid A
Butylamine A Castor Oil A
Butylene (butadiene) A Catsup A
Butyric Acid B 1
Caustic Potash (sodium hydroxide) A
Calcium Bisulfate A Cellulube A
Calcium Bisulfide B Cellusolves (glycol ethers) A
Calcium Bisulfite A China Wood Oil (Tung oil) A
Calcium Carbonate B Chloric Acid C
Calcium Chloride, aqueous, 30% B1 Chlorinated Glue A
Calcium Fluoride A Chlorine, dry B
Calcium Hydroxide (Lye) B Chlorine Gas B
Calcium Hydroxide, 10% B Chlorine Dioxide D
Calcium Hypochlorite, 30% C Chlorine Water C
Calcium Hydroxide, saturated B Chlorine, anhydrous liquid C
Calcium Nitrate B 1
Chlorine, dry B
Calcium Oxide A Chloroacetic Acid B
Calcium Sulfate B Chlorobenzene, mono B
Calcium Chlorate A Chloroform, dry A
Calgon A Chloropicrin B
Cane Juice A Chlorosulfonic Acid B1
Cane Sugar Liquors A Chocolate Syrup A
Caprylic Acid A Chrome Alum (chromium potassium sulfate) A
Carbolic Acid (phenol) B Chromic Acid, 5% A
Carbon Bisulfide B Chromic Acid, 10% B
Carbon Dioxide, dry A Chromic Acid, 30% B1
Carbon Dioxide, wet A Chromic Acid, 50% B1
Carbon Disulfide (carbon bisulfide) B Chromic Oxide, aqueous B
Carbon Monoxide Gas A Chromyl Chloride A
Carbon Tetrachloride B Cider A
Carbon Tetrachloride Gas, dry B 1
Citric Acid A1

Key to General Chemical Resistance – All data is based on ambient or room temperature conditions, about 64°F (18°C) to 73°F (23°C)
A = Excellent C = Fair - Moderate Effect, not recommended
B= Good - Minor Effect, slight corrosion or discoloration D = Severe Effect, not recommended for ANY use

It is the sole responsibility of the system designer and user to select products suitable for their specific application requirements and to ensure proper installation,
operation, and maintenance of these products. Material compatibility, product ratings and application details should be considered in the selection. Improper
selection or use of products described herein can cause personal injury or product damage.

Industrial Specialties Mfg. and IS Med Specialties 4091 S. Eliot St., Englewood, CO 80110-4396
Phone 303-781-8486 I Fax 303-761-7939
End your search, simplify your supply chain
industrialspec.com I ismedspec.com
ISO 9001:2015 Certified Companies
© Copyright 2022 Industrial Specialties Mfg.
316L Stainless Steel Chemical Compatibility Chart
ver 28-Oct-2022
Chemical Chemical
Citric Oils A Cyclohexanol A
Citrus Juices A Cyclohexanone A1
Clorox® bleach (sodium hypochlorite, 5.25%) C Detergent Solution A
Cocoa Butter A Detergents A
Coconut Oil A Dextrin B
Coffee A Dextrose A
Coffee Extracts, hot A Diacetone Alcohol A
Cooking Oil A Diborane Gas A
Copper Acetate (blue verdigris) A Dibutyl Ether A
Copper Ammonium Acetate A Dibutyl Phthalate A
Copper Carbonate A Dibutylamine A
Copper Chloride D Dichlorobenzene B
Dichloroethane B
Copper Cyanide B Dichloroethylene A
Copper Fluoborate (copper fluoroborate) D Dichlorohydrin B
Copper Nitrate A 1
Diesel Fuels A
Copper Sulfate, 5% B Diethyl Carbonate B
Copper Sulfate, >5% B Diethyl Ether B1
Copperas (hydrated ferrous sulfate) B Diethylamine A
Corn Oil A Diethylene Glycol A
Cottonseed Oil A Diethylenetriamine B
Cream A Diisobutyl Ketone A
Creosote Oil (coal tar) A Diisopropyl Ketone A
Cresols A Dimethyl Aniline B1
Cresylic Acid A Dimethyl Formamide (DMF) B
Crotanaldehyde (crotan aldehyde) A Dimethyl Hydrazine B
Crude Oil, sour (0.5-2.5% sulfur) A Dimethyl Terephthalate (DMT) B
Crude Oil, sweet (0.2 to 0.5% sulfur) A Dimethylamine (DMA) A
Cupric Acid B 1
Dioctyl Phthalate (DOP) A
Cupric Sulfate, aqueous B Diphenyl B
Cuprous Ammonia Acetate, aqueous B Diphenyl Oxide A
Cyanic Acid A Disodium Phosphate A
Cyclohexane A Dowtherms (Diphenyl) A

Key to General Chemical Resistance – All data is based on ambient or room temperature conditions, about 64°F (18°C) to 73°F (23°C)
A = Excellent C = Fair - Moderate Effect, not recommended
B= Good - Minor Effect, slight corrosion or discoloration D = Severe Effect, not recommended for ANY use

It is the sole responsibility of the system designer and user to select products suitable for their specific application requirements and to ensure proper installation,
operation, and maintenance of these products. Material compatibility, product ratings and application details should be considered in the selection. Improper
selection or use of products described herein can cause personal injury or product damage.

Industrial Specialties Mfg. and IS Med Specialties 4091 S. Eliot St., Englewood, CO 80110-4396
Phone 303-781-8486 I Fax 303-761-7939
End your search, simplify your supply chain
industrialspec.com I ismedspec.com
ISO 9001:2015 Certified Companies
© Copyright 2022 Industrial Specialties Mfg.
316L Stainless Steel Chemical Compatibility Chart
ver 28-Oct-2022
Chemical Chemical
Dry Cleaning Fluids A Ferrous Chloride D
Dyes A Ferrous Sulfate B
Ethyl Chloride, wet B Ferrous Sulfate, saturated B
Epichlorohydrin A Fertilizer Solutions A
Epsom Salts (magnesium sulfate) B Fish Oils A
Esters, general A Fluoboric Acid B
Ethane A Fluorine B
Ethanol A Fluorosilicic Acid D
Ethanolamine A Food Fluids and Pastes A
Ethers A Formaldehyde, 35% A
Ethyl Acetate B Formaldehyde, 37% A
Ethyl Acetoacetate A Formaldehyde, 40% A
Ethyl Acrylate A Formaldehyde, 50% A
Ethyl Alcohol A Formaldehyde, 100% A
Ethyl Benzene B Formaldehyde, cold A
Ethyl Benzoate B Formaldehyde, hot A
Ethyl Chloride, dry A Formic Acid B
Ethyl Chloride, wet B Freon 11 (trichlorofluoromethane) A
Ethyl Ether B Freon 12 (dichlorodifluoromethane) B
Ethyl Sulfate D Freon 13 (chlorotrifluoromethane) A
Ethylene Bromide A Freon 14 Tetrafluoromethane A
Ethylene Chloride B Freon 21 Dichlorofluoromethane A
Ethylene Chlorohydrin B Freon 22 Chlorodifluoromethane A
Ethylene Diamine B Freon 23 Trifluoromethane / Fluoroform CHF A
Ethylene Dichloride (dichloroethane) B Freon 31 Chlorofluoromethane A
Ethylene Glycol B Freon 113 TF Trichlorotrifluoroethane A
Ethylene Oxide B Freon 115 Chloropentafluoroethane C A
Ethylene Trichloride B Freon 116 Hexafluoroethane C A
Fatty Acids A Freon TF (trichlorotrifluoroethane) A
Ferric Chloride D Freon, dry A
Ferric Hydroxide A Fruit Juices A
Ferric Nitrate B Fuel Oils A
Ferric Sulfate A Furan Resin A

Key to General Chemical Resistance – All data is based on ambient or room temperature conditions, about 64°F (18°C) to 73°F (23°C)
A = Excellent C = Fair - Moderate Effect, not recommended
B= Good - Minor Effect, slight corrosion or discoloration D = Severe Effect, not recommended for ANY use

It is the sole responsibility of the system designer and user to select products suitable for their specific application requirements and to ensure proper installation,
operation, and maintenance of these products. Material compatibility, product ratings and application details should be considered in the selection. Improper
selection or use of products described herein can cause personal injury or product damage.

Industrial Specialties Mfg. and IS Med Specialties 4091 S. Eliot St., Englewood, CO 80110-4396
Phone 303-781-8486 I Fax 303-761-7939
End your search, simplify your supply chain
industrialspec.com I ismedspec.com
ISO 9001:2015 Certified Companies
© Copyright 2022 Industrial Specialties Mfg.
316L Stainless Steel Chemical Compatibility Chart
ver 28-Oct-2022
Chemical Chemical
Furfural B Hydrobromic Acid, dilute D
Gallic Acid B Hydrochloric Acid, 20% D
Gasoline, aviation A Hydrochloric Acid, 37% D
Gasoline, high aromatic A Hydrochloric Acid, 100% D
Gasoline, leaded A 1
Hydrochloric Acid, dry gas D
Gasoline, refined A Hydrocyanic Acid D
Gasoline, sour A Hydrofluoric Acid, < 50% D
Gasoline, unleaded A 1
Hydrofluoric Acid, 50% D
Gelatin A 1
Hydrofluoric Acid, 70% D
Germane Gas A Hydrofluoric Acid, 75% D
Gin A Hydrofluoric Acid, 100% C
Glucose A Hydrofluosilicic Acid, 20% B
Glue (PVA, polyvinyl acetate) A 1
Hydrofluosilicic Acid, 100% D
Glycerine (glycerin, glycerol) A Hydrogen Cyanide C
Glycolic Acid, < 70% (hydroxyacetic acid) A Hydrogen Fluoride A
Glycols A Hydrogen Gas A
Gold Monocyanide A Hydrogen Iodine B
Grape Juice A Hydrogen Peroxide, 10% B
Grease A Hydrogen Peroxide, 30% B
Green Liquor Sulfate A Hydrogen Peroxide, 50% A1
Helium Gas A Hydrogen Peroxide, 100% A1
Heptane or n-Heptane A Hydrogen Selenide Gas A
Hexane or n-Hexane A Hydrogen Sulfide, aqueous A
Hexanol, tertiary A Hydrogen Sulfide, dry A
Hexyl Alcohol A Hydrogen Sulfide, wet cold D
Honey A Hydrogen Sulfide Gas A
Hydraulic Oil (petroleum) A Hydroquinone B
Hydraulic Oil (synthetic) A Hydroxyacetic Acid < 70% (glycolic acid) A
Hydrazine A Hypo (sodium thiosulfate, sodium hyposulfite) A
Hydrobromic Acid D Hypochlorites, Sodium D
Hydrobromic Acid, 20% D Hypochlorous Acid D
Hydrobromic Acid, 50% D Ink C
Hydrobromic Acid, 100% D Iodine D

Key to General Chemical Resistance – All data is based on ambient or room temperature conditions, about 64°F (18°C) to 73°F (23°C)
A = Excellent C = Fair - Moderate Effect, not recommended
B= Good - Minor Effect, slight corrosion or discoloration D = Severe Effect, not recommended for ANY use

It is the sole responsibility of the system designer and user to select products suitable for their specific application requirements and to ensure proper installation,
operation, and maintenance of these products. Material compatibility, product ratings and application details should be considered in the selection. Improper
selection or use of products described herein can cause personal injury or product damage.

Industrial Specialties Mfg. and IS Med Specialties 4091 S. Eliot St., Englewood, CO 80110-4396
Phone 303-781-8486 I Fax 303-761-7939
End your search, simplify your supply chain
industrialspec.com I ismedspec.com
ISO 9001:2015 Certified Companies
© Copyright 2022 Industrial Specialties Mfg.
316L Stainless Steel Chemical Compatibility Chart
ver 28-Oct-2022
Chemical Chemical
Iodine Solution, 10% D Lubricants A1
Iodine, in alcohol A Lubricating Oils A
Iodoform A Lye (calcium hydroxide) B
Isobutyl Acetate B Lye (potassium hydroxide) A
Isooctane A Lye (sodium hydroxide) B
Isopropyl Acetate A Machine Oil A
Isopropyl Alcohol (isopropanol) A Magnesium Bisulfate A
Isopropyl Ether A Magnesium Carbonate B
Isopropylamine B Magnesium Chloride D
Jet Fuel (JP3, JP4, JP5, JP6) A Magnesium Hydroxide A
Kerosene A Magnesium Nitrate B
Ketchup (tomato sauce) A Magnesium Oxide A
Ketones A Magnesium Sulfate (Epsom salts) B
Lacquers A Maleic Acid B
Lacquer Thinners A Maleic Anhydride A
Lactic Acid B 1
Malic Acid A1
Lard (animal fat) A Manganese Sulfate B1
Latex A1 Mash A
Lauric Acid A Mayonnaise A
Lead Acetate B Melamine D
Lead Chloride B Mercaptan (methanethiol) A
Lead Nitrate B Mercuric Chloride, dilute D
Lead Sulfamate C Mercuric Cyanide C
Lead Sulphate A Mercuric Nitrate A
Ligroin A Mercurous Nitrate A
Lime A Mercury A
Lime Sulfur (calcium polysulfides) A Methane Gas A
Linoleic Acid A Methanol (methyl alcohol, wood alcohol) A
Linseed Oil A Methyl Acetate B
Lithium Bromide A Methyl Acetone A
Lithium Chloride A 1
Methyl Acrylate A
Lithium Hydroxide B Methyl Alcohol 10% A
LPG (liquified petroleum gas) A Methyl Bromide A

Key to General Chemical Resistance – All data is based on ambient or room temperature conditions, about 64°F (18°C) to 73°F (23°C)
A = Excellent C = Fair - Moderate Effect, not recommended
B= Good - Minor Effect, slight corrosion or discoloration D = Severe Effect, not recommended for ANY use

It is the sole responsibility of the system designer and user to select products suitable for their specific application requirements and to ensure proper installation,
operation, and maintenance of these products. Material compatibility, product ratings and application details should be considered in the selection. Improper
selection or use of products described herein can cause personal injury or product damage.

Industrial Specialties Mfg. and IS Med Specialties 4091 S. Eliot St., Englewood, CO 80110-4396
Phone 303-781-8486 I Fax 303-761-7939
End your search, simplify your supply chain
industrialspec.com I ismedspec.com
ISO 9001:2015 Certified Companies
© Copyright 2022 Industrial Specialties Mfg.
316L Stainless Steel Chemical Compatibility Chart
ver 28-Oct-2022
Chemical Chemical
Methyl Butyl Ketone A Nickle Nitrate B1
Methyl Cellosolve B Nickle Salt B
Methyl Chloride A Nickle Sulfate B
Methyl Ethyl Ketone (MEK) A Nitric Acid, 5% A
Methyl Fluoride A Nitric Acid, 10% A
Methyl Formate A Nitric Acid, 20% A
Methyl Isobutyl Carbinol A Nitric Acid, 30% A
Methyl Isobutyl Ketone (MIK) B Nitric Acid, 50% A
Methyl Isopropyl Ketone A Nitric Acid, concentrated A
Methyl Methacrylate B Nitrobenzene B
Methyl Sulfuric Acid B Nitroethane B
Methylamine A Nitrogen Gas A
Methylene Chloride B Nitrogen Trifluoride Gas A
Milk A Nitromethane A
Mineral Oil A Nitropropane B
Mineral Spirits A Nitrous Acid A
Molasses, crude A Nitrous Acid, 10% A
Molasses, edible A Nitrous Acid, 5% A
Monochloroacetic Acid A Nitrous Oxide Gas B
Monochlorobenzene A Octane A
Monoethanolamine A Oil Water Mixtures A
Morpholine A Oil, Aniline A
Motor Oil A 1
Oil, Anise A
Muriatic Acid (hydrochloric acid) D Oil, Bay A
Mustard A Oil, Bone (Dippel's oil) A
Naphtha A Oil, Castor A
Naphthalene A Oil, Citric A
Naphthalene Chloride B Oil, Clove A
Naphthenic Acid B Oil, Coconut A
Natural Gas A Oil, Cod Liver A
Neon Gas A Oil, Cooking A
Nickle Ammonium Sulfate A Oil, Corn A
Nickle Chloride C Oil, Cottonseed A

Key to General Chemical Resistance – All data is based on ambient or room temperature conditions, about 64°F (18°C) to 73°F (23°C)
A = Excellent C = Fair - Moderate Effect, not recommended
B= Good - Minor Effect, slight corrosion or discoloration D = Severe Effect, not recommended for ANY use

It is the sole responsibility of the system designer and user to select products suitable for their specific application requirements and to ensure proper installation,
operation, and maintenance of these products. Material compatibility, product ratings and application details should be considered in the selection. Improper
selection or use of products described herein can cause personal injury or product damage.

Industrial Specialties Mfg. and IS Med Specialties 4091 S. Eliot St., Englewood, CO 80110-4396
Phone 303-781-8486 I Fax 303-761-7939
End your search, simplify your supply chain
industrialspec.com I ismedspec.com
ISO 9001:2015 Certified Companies
© Copyright 2022 Industrial Specialties Mfg.
316L Stainless Steel Chemical Compatibility Chart
ver 28-Oct-2022
Chemical Chemical
Oil, Creosote B Olive Oil A
Oil, Crude Oil A Oxalic Acid, 5% A
Oil, Fish A Oxalic Acid, 10% A
Oil, Ginger D Oxalic Acid, 50% D
Oil, Lard A Oxalic Acid, cold D
Oil, Lemon A Oxygen Gas A
Oil, Linseed A Ozone, dry A
Oil, Machine A Ozone, wet A
Oil, Olive A Paints and Solvents A
Oil, Orange A Palm Oil A
Oil, Palm A Palmitic Acid A
Oil, Peanut A Paraffin A
Oil, Peppermint A Paracymene or p-Cymene A
Oil, Pine A Paraformaldehyde A
Oil, Rapeseed A Peanut Oil A
Oil, Sesame Seed A Pectin, liquor A
Oil, Silicone A Pentane (amyl hydride) A
Oil, Soybean A Peracetic Acid, 40% A
Oil, Sperm (whale) A Perchloric Acid C
Oil, Tanning A Perchloroethylene, dry A
Oil, Transformer A Perfluoropropane Gas A
Oil, Tung (China wood oil) A Petrolatum (Vaseline) A
Oil, Turbine A Petroleum A
Oil, Vegetable A Phenol (carbolic acid) B
Oils and Fats A Phenol, 10% (carbolic acid) B
Oils, Animal A Phosgene D
Oils, Bunker A Phosphine Gas A
Oils, Diesel Fuel (20, 30, 40, 50) A Phosphoric Acid (>40%) D
Oils, Fuel Oil (1, 2, 3, 5A, 5B, 6) A Phosphoric Acid, crude B
Oils, Lubricating A Phosphoric Acid, molten C
Oils, Mineral A Phosphorus A1
Oleic Acid A Phosphorous Pentafluoride Gas A
Oleum, 25% (fuming sulfuric acid) A Phosphorus Oxychloride D

Key to General Chemical Resistance – All data is based on ambient or room temperature conditions, about 64°F (18°C) to 73°F (23°C)
A = Excellent C = Fair - Moderate Effect, not recommended
B= Good - Minor Effect, slight corrosion or discoloration D = Severe Effect, not recommended for ANY use

It is the sole responsibility of the system designer and user to select products suitable for their specific application requirements and to ensure proper installation,
operation, and maintenance of these products. Material compatibility, product ratings and application details should be considered in the selection. Improper
selection or use of products described herein can cause personal injury or product damage.

Industrial Specialties Mfg. and IS Med Specialties 4091 S. Eliot St., Englewood, CO 80110-4396
Phone 303-781-8486 I Fax 303-761-7939
End your search, simplify your supply chain
industrialspec.com I ismedspec.com
ISO 9001:2015 Certified Companies
© Copyright 2022 Industrial Specialties Mfg.
316L Stainless Steel Chemical Compatibility Chart
ver 28-Oct-2022
Chemical Chemical
Phosphorus Pentoxide A Potassium Carbonate (potash) A
Phosphorus Trichloride A 1
Potassium Carbonate, 50% A
Photographic Developer A Potassium Chlorate B
Phthalic Acid A Potassium Chlorate, aqueous 30% B
Phthalic Anhydride A Potassium Chloride A
Picric Acid A Potassium Chromate, 30% B
Pine Oil A Potassium Cyanide A
Pineapple Juice A Potassium Cyanide, 30% B
Plating Solutions, Arsenic A Potassium Dichromate B
Plating Solutions, Antimony A Potassium Diphosphate A
Plating Solutions, Brass A Potassium Ferricyanide B
Plating Solutions, Bronze A Potassium Ferrocyanide A
Plating Solutions, Cadmium A Potassium Ferrocyanide, 30% B
Plating Solutions, Chrome D Potassium Fluoride A
Plating Solutions, Copper D Potassium Hydroxide A
Plating Solutions, Gold C Potassium Hydroxide (Lye, caustic potash) A
Plating Solutions, Indium C Potassium Hypochlorite B
Plating Solutions, Iron C Potassium Iodide A
Plating Solutions, Lead C Potassium Nitrate B
Plating solutions, Nickel C Potassium Oxalate, 20% B
Plating Solutions, Rhodium D Potassium Perchlorate A
Plating Solutions, Silver A Potassium Permanganate B
Plating Solutions, Tin C Potassium Persulfate A
Plating Solutions, Zinc D Potassium Phosphate C
Polyethylene Glycol B Potassium Sulfate A
Polyvinyl Acetate (PVA glue) A Potassium Sulfate, 10% A
Potassium Acetate C Potassium Sulfide B
Potassium Bicarbonate B Potassium Sulfite A
Potassium Bichromate A Potassium Thiosulfate C
Potassium Bisulfate B Propane, gas A
Potassium Bisulfite A Propane, liquefied A
Potassium Bromate B Propionaldehyde B
Potassium Bromide B Propyl Acetate A

Key to General Chemical Resistance – All data is based on ambient or room temperature conditions, about 64°F (18°C) to 73°F (23°C)
A = Excellent C = Fair - Moderate Effect, not recommended
B= Good - Minor Effect, slight corrosion or discoloration D = Severe Effect, not recommended for ANY use

It is the sole responsibility of the system designer and user to select products suitable for their specific application requirements and to ensure proper installation,
operation, and maintenance of these products. Material compatibility, product ratings and application details should be considered in the selection. Improper
selection or use of products described herein can cause personal injury or product damage.

Industrial Specialties Mfg. and IS Med Specialties 4091 S. Eliot St., Englewood, CO 80110-4396
Phone 303-781-8486 I Fax 303-761-7939
End your search, simplify your supply chain
industrialspec.com I ismedspec.com
ISO 9001:2015 Certified Companies
© Copyright 2022 Industrial Specialties Mfg.
316L Stainless Steel Chemical Compatibility Chart
ver 28-Oct-2022
Chemical Chemical
Propyl Alcohol A Soaps A
Propylene A Soda Ash (sodium carbonate) A
Propylene Dichloride A Sodium Acetate B
Propylene Glycol B Sodium Aluminate A
Propylene Oxide A Sodium Benzoate D
Pydraul® (hydraulic fluid) A Sodium Bicarbonate A
Pyridine A Sodium Bisulfate, 10% C
Pyrogallic Acid (pyrogallol) B Sodium Bisulfite B
Pyrrole B Sodium Borate (Borax) B
Quinine A Sodium Bromide C
Resorcinol (resorcin, m-Dihydroxybenzene) D Sodium Carbonate (soda ash) A
Resins and Rosins A Sodium Chlorate B
Road Tar A Sodium Chloride B
Roof Pitch A Sodium Chlorite A
RP-1 Fuel A Sodium Chromate B
Rubber Solvents A Sodium Cyanate D
Rum A Sodium Cyanide B
Rust Inhibitors A Sodium Ferricyanide A
Salad Dressings A Sodium Ferrocyanide B
Salad Oil A Sodium Fluoride A
Salicylic Acid B 1
Sodium Hydrogen Sulfite B
Salt Brine (NaCl saturated) A 1
Sodium Hydrosulfide B
Salt Solutions A Sodium Hydrosulfite D
Sea Water C Sodium Hydroxide (Lye, caustic potash) B
Sewage A Sodium Hydroxide, 20% B1
Shellac, bleached A Sodium Hydroxide, 50% B
Shellac, orange A Sodium Hydroxide, 80% B
Silane Gas A Sodium Hypochlorite, 5.25% C
Silicone Oil A Sodium Hypochlorite, <20% C
Silver Bromide D Sodium Hypochlorite, 100% D
Silver Chloride D Sodium Hyposulfate A
Silver Nitrate B Sodium Metaphosphate A
Soap Solutions (stearates) A Sodium Metasilicate, cold A

Key to General Chemical Resistance – All data is based on ambient or room temperature conditions, about 64°F (18°C) to 73°F (23°C)
A = Excellent C = Fair - Moderate Effect, not recommended
B= Good - Minor Effect, slight corrosion or discoloration D = Severe Effect, not recommended for ANY use

It is the sole responsibility of the system designer and user to select products suitable for their specific application requirements and to ensure proper installation,
operation, and maintenance of these products. Material compatibility, product ratings and application details should be considered in the selection. Improper
selection or use of products described herein can cause personal injury or product damage.

Industrial Specialties Mfg. and IS Med Specialties 4091 S. Eliot St., Englewood, CO 80110-4396
Phone 303-781-8486 I Fax 303-761-7939
End your search, simplify your supply chain
industrialspec.com I ismedspec.com
ISO 9001:2015 Certified Companies
© Copyright 2022 Industrial Specialties Mfg.
316L Stainless Steel Chemical Compatibility Chart
ver 28-Oct-2022
Chemical Chemical
Sodium Metasilicate, hot A Sulfate Liquors B
Sodium Nitrate B Sulfur A
Sodium Perborate B Sulfur Chloride D
Sodium Peroxide, 10% A Sulfur Dioxide, dry D
Sodium Phosphate, acid A Sulfur Dioxide, wet B
Sodium Phosphate, alkaline A Sulfur Hexafluoride Gas A
Sodium Phosphate, Dibasic A Sulfuric Acid, <10% B
Sodium Phosphate, neutral A Sulfuric Acid, 10-75% D
Sodium Phosphate, Tribasic A Sulfuric Acid, 75-100% D
Sodium Polyphosphate B Sulfuric Acid, cold concentrated B
Sodium Silicate (water glass) B Sulfuric Acid, hot concentrated C
Sodium Sulfate B Sulfurous Acid B
Sodium Sulfide D Sulfuryl Chloride D
Sodium Sulfite A Sugar Solution A
Sodium Sulfite, 10% A Tall Oil (liquid rosin) A
Sodium Tetraborate A Tallow A
Sodium Thiosulfate B Tannic Acid A
Sorghum A Tannin A
Sour Crude Oil A Tanning Liquors A1
Soy Sauce A Tanning Oil A
Soybean Oil A Tar and Tar Oil A
Stannic Chloride D Tartaric Acid C
Stannic Fluoborate A Tetrachloroethane, anhydrous A
Stannic Chloride D Tetrachloroethylene A
Stannous Chloride A 1
Tetraethyl Lead A
Starch, aqueous A Tetrahydrofuran A
Stearic Acid A Tetramethylene B
Stoddard's Solvent (white spirit, mineral spirits) A Tetraphosphoric Acid D
Styrene A Thread Cutting Oils A
Succinic Acid A Tin Ammonium Chloride D
Succinic Acid Ester A Tin Salts D
Sucrose Solutions A Titanium Dioxide B
Sugar Liquids A Titanium Tetrachloride B

Key to General Chemical Resistance – All data is based on ambient or room temperature conditions, about 64°F (18°C) to 73°F (23°C)
A = Excellent C = Fair - Moderate Effect, not recommended
B= Good - Minor Effect, slight corrosion or discoloration D = Severe Effect, not recommended for ANY use

It is the sole responsibility of the system designer and user to select products suitable for their specific application requirements and to ensure proper installation,
operation, and maintenance of these products. Material compatibility, product ratings and application details should be considered in the selection. Improper
selection or use of products described herein can cause personal injury or product damage.

Industrial Specialties Mfg. and IS Med Specialties 4091 S. Eliot St., Englewood, CO 80110-4396
Phone 303-781-8486 I Fax 303-761-7939
End your search, simplify your supply chain
industrialspec.com I ismedspec.com
ISO 9001:2015 Certified Companies
© Copyright 2022 Industrial Specialties Mfg.
316L Stainless Steel Chemical Compatibility Chart
ver 28-Oct-2022
Chemical Chemical
Toluene (Toluol) A Vegetable Juice A
Tomato Juice A Vegetable Oil A
Transformer Oil A Vinegar A
Transmission Fluid Type A B Vinyl Acetate B
Tributyl Phosphate A Vinyl Chloride A
Tricalcium Phosphate B Water, Deionized (demineralized water) A1
Trichloroacetic Acid D Water, Distilled A
Trichloroacetic Acid, 2N D Water, Fresh A
Trichlorobenzene B Water, Salt B
Trichloroethane B Water, Sewage A
Trichloroethylene B Waxes A
Trichloropropane A Weed Killers A
Tricresylphosphate B Whey A
Triethanolamine (TEA, TEOA, triethanolamine) A Whiskey A
Triethylamine A White Liquor (pulp mill) A
Trimethyl Phosphate Gas A White Water (paper mill) A
Trioctyl Phosphate B Wine Vinegar A
Trisodium Phosphate B Wines A
Tung Oil (China wood oil) A Xenon Gas A
Turpentine A Xylene (Xylol), dry B
Urea B Yeast, liquid A
Urea Formaldehyde A Zinc Chloride B
Urethane A Zinc Hydrosulfite A
Uric Acid B Zinc Nitrate A
Urine A Zinc Phosphate B
Varnish A Zinc Sulfate B
Vaseline A Zinc Sulfate, 30% A

Key to General Chemical Resistance – All data is based on ambient or room temperature conditions, about 64°F (18°C) to 73°F (23°C)
A = Excellent C = Fair - Moderate Effect, not recommended
B= Good - Minor Effect, slight corrosion or discoloration D = Severe Effect, not recommended for ANY use

It is the sole responsibility of the system designer and user to select products suitable for their specific application requirements and to ensure proper installation,
operation, and maintenance of these products. Material compatibility, product ratings and application details should be considered in the selection. Improper
selection or use of products described herein can cause personal injury or product damage.

Industrial Specialties Mfg. and IS Med Specialties 4091 S. Eliot St., Englewood, CO 80110-4396
Phone 303-781-8486 I Fax 303-761-7939
End your search, simplify your supply chain
industrialspec.com I ismedspec.com
ISO 9001:2015 Certified Companies
© Copyright 2022 Industrial Specialties Mfg.

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