Cement L2

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International Journal of GEOMATE, July 2023, Vol. 25, Issue 107, pp.

ISSN: 2186-2982 (P), 2186-2990 (O), Japan, DOI: https://doi.org/10.21660/2023.107.1671
Geotechnique, Construction Materials and Environment



*Joenel Galupino1 and Mary Ann Adajar1

Department of Civil Engineering, De La Salle University, Philippines;

*Corresponding Author, Received: 30 Nov. 2021 Revised: 22 May 2022, Accepted: 02 April 2023

ABSTRACT: The study examined the use of waste materials such as fly ash and bauxite laterite soil in
concrete to address waste disposal issues and reduce the cost of concrete products. Bauxite laterite soil is a
byproduct of aluminum extraction, while fly ash is a byproduct of coal-fired power plants. To produce bauxite
laterite concrete, 20% fly ash was utilized as a partial cement substitute, and 10%, 20%, 30%, and 40% bauxite
laterite soil was utilized as a fine aggregate substitute. The mechanical properties of bauxite laterite concrete
were studied and compared to those of conventional concrete. The test results indicate that a 10 % substitution
of bauxite laterite soil is the optimal amount. After 28 days of curing, the mixture achieved a 58% improvement
in compressive strength compared to conventional concrete. In addition, bauxite laterite concrete exhibited
high early compressive strength and a unit weight decrease of between 6% and 8%. However, as more bauxite
laterite soil was incorporated into the mix, the concrete's workability decreased. Moreover, a Response Surface
Model was developed to predict the compressive strength of the bauxite laterite concrete. It can be inferred that
both bauxite laterite soil and fly ash are viable alternatives to fine aggregates and cement.

Keywords: Bauxite laterite soil, Fly-ash, Compressive strength, Response surface modeling, Philippines

1. INTRODUCTION materials served as substitutes for components

utilized in the production of concrete. Fly ash was
Meyer [1] estimates the annual production of used due to its inherent pozzolanic and cementitious
concrete to be 10 billion tons worldwide. The characteristics.
substantial demand for concrete demands massive This research is working towards a sustainable
quantities of raw materials and energy. goal of finding new uses for materials that are
Numerous researchers are currently studying the currently considered waste. To achieve this, this
use of alternative materials [2-6] and techniques [7- research is focused on recycling as a means of
10] to improve construction materials. providing an alternative source of raw materials,
Consider the possibility of cement substitution. specifically cement and fine aggregates. Although
Cement is generally composed of limestone, clay, the replacement cost of these materials may seem
and shale. Silica, alumina, and lime are used as raw cheap in comparison, when applied to large projects,
materials [11]. They are calcined to make clinker in the cost savings can be significant. Additionally,
cement kilns. After that, the clinker is pulverized to recycling these materials can also help mitigate
an extremely fine powder. Cementitious or concerns surrounding waste disposal, as the amount
pozzolanic materials can be used in place of cement of waste is reduced. In addition, it may eventually
[12]. Fly ash is an example of this, it is abundant in lead to a reduction in the pollution generated by the
the Philippines [13]. mining and power generation industries.
Fine aggregates are another component of Modeling is one technique to establish a
concrete that is utilized in considerable quantities. connection between the qualities of these wastes
Typically, fine aggregates are acquired through and their subsequent impacts [15-17]. In this study,
river dredging and, in some instances, rock crushing. response surface modeling will forecast or predict
Fine aggregates can be replaced with other the causative relationship between the use of fly ash
materials that have comparable particle sizes and and bauxite laterite waste, notably its compressive
surface roughness [14]. Due to its resemblance to strength and curing days.
sand, bauxite laterite soil could be employed as one This study aims to develop a response surface
of the materials. model that predicts the compressive strength of
To extract bauxite, vast tracts of land must be bauxite laterite concrete given its percentage of fly
cleared to reach the material beneath the surface. ash, bauxite laterite, and curing days. To create a
Following bauxite mining, surrounding ground model [18-20], an equation for the compressive
surfaces are contaminated with mineral waste and strength of concrete can be established and utilized
made worthless. to estimate the concrete's strength at a certain
In the study, both of the aforementioned percent substitution and number of curing days.

International Journal of GEOMATE, July 2023, Vol. 25, Issue 107, pp.9-16

2. RESEARCH SIGNIFICANCE A constant water-cement ratio of 0.57 with a

slump of 25mm-50mm was considered. Due to the
While the Philippine mining industry is still in specific gravity of fly ash class F being identical to
its development, it is essential to explore and that of cement, a partial substitution of cement was
develop ways for waste product utilization. There is made in terms of weight. Due to the varying specific
minimal research on laterite concrete at present. gravity of bauxite laterite soil and river sand, the
The purpose of this work is to develop a sustainable fine aggregate replacement was done by volume at
material from fly ash and bauxite laterite soil, 10%, 20%, 30%, and 40%. Compressive strength
Utilizing the complementing properties of the two specimens were made in cylindrical molds with a
waste products. The building industry's innovation diameter and height of 150mm by 300mm,
is significantly influenced by waste materials, since respectively.
the utilization of waste materials in concrete
decreases the demand for cement and fine 3.2 Index Tests and Scanning Electron
aggregates. At an alarming rate, the world's Microscope-Energy Dispersive X-ray (SEM-
resources are depleting, posing a serious EDX)
problem, including the construction sector. As a
result, it is becoming increasingly clear that The bauxite laterite soil was mined at Samar's
sustainable construction methods are the way aluminum mines. These mining locations are
forward. currently undergoing soil explorations, which has
identified various layers of laterite soil.
3. METHODOLOGY The soil used in the study was extracted two
meters below the earth to guarantee that it was free
3.1 Design of Experiment of contaminants. Visual examination revealed that
the bauxite laterite soil is red in color and has a
The experimental research approach established particle size distribution that is predominantly fine,
the causes and effects of partially substituting fly shown in Fig. 1.
ash for cement and fine aggregates for bauxite
laterite soil in the production of concrete on its
mechanical properties. The experimental design
considers a design mix containing a constant 20%
cement replacement for fly ash and varied amounts
of fine aggregate in place of bauxite laterite soil.
The compressive strength is the dependent
variable in this study, while the amount of bauxite
laterite soil used as a partial fine aggregate
substitution and the curing days as independent
variables. The study's control specimen is with a
mix of Portland cement type 1b and fly ash class F
(20%) to be used in place of cement. Fig. 1 Extracted Bauxite Laterite Soil
The percentages of bauxite laterite soil
substituted were 10%, 20%, 30%, and 40%, The soil underwent Atterberg Limit Test to
represented as LS0, LS10, LS20, LS30, and LS40. define the boundaries between different states of
Laterite Soil (LS) and the number following it Bauxite Laterite, Specific Gravity Test as a criterion
denotes the percentage replacement of fine particles. to distinguish Bauxite Laterite soil type, and
Compressive strength of 25 MPa was used to Particle Size Distribution Curve to classify Bauxite
calculate the design mix, shown in Table 1. Laterite based on the proportions of different-sized
particles. All procedures were done in accordance
Table 1 Design Mix with the ASTM Standards.

Mix (m3) LS0 LS10 LS20 LS30 LS40 3.3 Scanning Electron Microscope and Energy
Dispersive X-ray (SEM-EDX)
Water 0.205 0.205 0.205 0.205 0.205
Cement 0.092 0.092 0.092 0.092 0.092 A Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) was
Fly Ash 0.023 0.023 0.023 0.023 0.023 also performed to determine the shape of the
LS 0.000 0.030 0.061 0.091 0.122 particles and their interlocking in soil and to
examine the presence voids or micro cracking in
Gravel 0.358 0.358 0.358 0.358 0.358
the soil and concrete respectively. A magnification
Sand 0.303 0.270 0.240 0.210 0.180 of x1000 and x7500 will be used for SEM.
Lastly, an Energy Dispersive X-ray for the

International Journal of GEOMATE, July 2023, Vol. 25, Issue 107, pp.9-16

Bauxite Laterite Soil was performed to identify the A response surface plot is a useful tool for
chemical composition to expound on possible identifying the parameters that will yield the desired
chemical reactions between the various components response. An equality line was also used to validate
of the soil. the predicted versus the actual data.
3.4 Concrete Works and Tests
Concrete was cast and cured according to
ASTM C192 specifications, the sample matrix is 4.1 Index Tests
shown in Table 2.
The concrete mixtures were subjected to the To determine the particle size distribution of the
slump test before moulding. The slump test enables oven-dried specimen, sieve analysis was used. The
us to analyze and quantify the workability of fresh bulk of particles, 96.85%, that passed through the
concrete, allowing researchers to determine #4 sieve and were retained on the #200 sieve were
whether or not the concrete mixture has sufficient classed as sand and were used as a substitute for fine
water. To establish the slump height, the distance aggregate. Fines were identified as a very minor
between the top of the mold and the top of the percentage of the 0.97% that passed through the
concrete was measured. #200 sieve.
The soil is well-graded, as indicated by a
Table 2 Number of Specimen uniformity coefficient, Cu, of 9.09. Additionally,
the coefficient of curvature, Cc, the value of 0.9,
Days of Curing which is close to one, indicates that the delivered
Mix soil is well-graded sand. This is great for
7 14 21 28
substituting fine aggregates since it aids in the
Control 5 5 5 5 interlocking of particles, which is necessary for
LS0 5 5 5 5 concrete strength.
LS10 5 5 5 5 Bauxite laterite soil has a specific gravity of
LS20 5 5 5 5 2.05, which is lower than the specific gravity of fine
particles. The liquid limit is determined to be
LS30 5 5 5 5 50.61% water, whereas the plastic limit is
LS40 5 5 5 5 determined to be 35.92% water. The plasticity index
for this soil sample is 14.69%, indicating that it is
On the concrete sample, the Compressive of medium plasticity. The plasticity of the soil can
Strength of Concrete Test was performed (based on be attributed to the clay particles present in the soil
ASTM C39). The purpose of the test was to evaluate sample. The Atterberg limits was determined to
the sample's resistance to compressive forces up to establish the properties of bauxite laterite soil prior
the point of failure. to its application as fine aggregate replacement. It
The two bases of the concrete cylinder were has no quantifiable effect on the properties of
covered and positioned vertically within the concrete although it might affect the workability of
Universal Testing Machine. Subsequently, the fresh concrete due to the cohesiveness of bauxite
specimen was subjected to an axial compressive laterite concrete.
load until failure.
4.2 Scanning Electron Microscope and Energy
3.5 Response Surface Modelling Dispersive X-ray (SEM-EDX)

Lastly, a response surface model was used to The physical formation of bauxite laterite soil
create a forecasting model to determine which and bauxite laterite concrete was analyzed with a
variables have an impact on the compressive scanning electron microscope (SEM). It can be seen
strength of the concrete mixed with Laterite Soil, in the Fig. 2 and Fig. 3 that the soil particle in the
while providing a graph and an equation, the specimen that was going to be further examined and
parameters are shown in Table 3. magnified does not have any intragranular voids. In
addition to this, the soil particle has a densely
Table 3 Parameters used in the Response Surface packed structure with prominently sharp edges.
Modelling However, for the SEM analysis of the bauxite
laterite concrete revealed a large particle composed
Dependent Variable Independent Variable of sand, gravel, fly ash, cement, and bauxite laterite
Compressive soil, as depicted in Fig. 4. The presence of micro
Curing Days (days)
Strength of Bauxite cracking in Fig. 4 and voids in Fig. 5 throughout the
Laterite Concrete Amount of Bauxite specimen, which may explain the specimen's
(FC) Laterite Soil (%) relatively low strength compared to that of

International Journal of GEOMATE, July 2023, Vol. 25, Issue 107, pp.9-16

conventional concrete, is an important feature to soil sample contained four major mineral
note. Fig. 5 depicts a fly ash particle in the compounds: Aluminum (Al), Silica (Si), Iron (Fe),
foreground that is surrounded by very fine particles and Dysprosium (Dy), with Aluminum (Al) and
that are assumed to be cement hydration products. Iron (Fe) accounting for the majority of the
composition based on their atomic percentages.

Fig. 2 Soil Micrograph at x1000 Magnification of

Bauxite Laterite soil Fig. 4 Concrete Micrograph at x1000
Magnification of Bauxite Laterite Concrete
depicting micro cracks

Fig. 3 Soil Micrograph at x7500 Magnification of

Bauxite Laterite soil
Fig. 5 Concrete Micrograph at x7500
Observing Fig. 5, it was determined that the Magnification of Bauxite Laterite Concrete
bonding between particles was insufficient, as depicting micro cracks
concrete materials such as fly ash did not properly
combine with cement, as evidenced by the presence Due to the fuzziness of weight percentages, the
of voids surrounding the fly ash particle. In Fig. 5 atomic percentage was utilized in the analysis.
revealed that the fly ash particle in the modified Aluminum had the highest atomic percentage of the
bauxite laterite concrete did not mix and bond four mineral compounds, with a value of 64.21 %,
effectively with the other concrete materials, indicating that this element made up the majority of
whereas the fly ash particle in the fly ash concrete the soil. It should be noted that aluminum reacts
did mix and bond effectively with the other concrete chemically with the alkalis present in concrete to
materials. This analysis revealed that poor mixing generate hydrogen bubbles and ultimately cause
and bonding between concrete particles may have cracking. The soil sample was also found to be rich
contributed to the decrease in the bauxite laterite in Iron, which was the second-most abundant
concrete samples' strength properties. element at 15.03%. Iron is already present in cement
Energy Dispersive X-Ray Analysis was utilized and contributes to its increased strength and
to examine the Bauxite Laterite soil and this hardness.
analysis was conducted to determine the elemental It was discovered that the laterite soil contained
composition of the soil, which was then used to trace amounts of dysprosium (Dy), which was
describe the soil's properties. Table 4 displays the dispersed throughout the particles of soil. It was
mineral composition of the Bauxite Laterite soil, discovered that dysprosium did not have any
where it was determined that the Bauxite Laterite discernible impact on the characteristics of the

International Journal of GEOMATE, July 2023, Vol. 25, Issue 107, pp.9-16

laterite soil and the bauxite laterite concrete. occurs in which there is the contraction of concrete
that ultimately increases the tensile stress within the
Table 4 Elemental Composition of Bauxite Laterite specimen. The internal tensile stress may cause
Soil cracking, warping and deflection even before
loading. The standard dimensions for the concrete
Element Atomic % specimens have small discrepancies of a few
millimeters which can be attributed to human error
Al 64.21
and shrinkage. Outliers are identified and removed
Si 9.91 if the data have deviations that go too far from the
Fe 15.03 behavioral trend.
Dy 10.85 The workability of bauxite laterite concrete
decreases in direct proportion to the percentage
The findings of the EDX analysis performed on substitution, as measured by the slump value,
the soil sample demonstrated the presence of the shown in Table 5. The concrete mix LS0 has the
fundamental elements of aluminum (Al) and iron maximum slump due to the addition of fly ash as a
(Fe), which justified its name of Bauxite Laterite plasticizer. On LS40, the lowest slump value was
soil. It has been established that laterite soil almost obtained. Due to the decreased workability of the
always contains aluminum and iron, albeit in concrete sample, shown in Fig. 7, the researchers
varying percentages depending on the type of parent mixed fresh concrete manually. During the mixing
rock. Silica (Si) was another element that was process, it became apparent that the workability
prevalent in the laterite soils, and it was discovered decreased due to the cohesiveness of the fresh
in the Bauxite Laterite soil that was used for the concrete.
research, as well. It is well known that silica is an
important element that can be found in cement, and Table 5 Slump Test Results
this significance is related to the properties of silica
that can induce bonding and strength in concrete. Specimen Slump (mm)
The composition of the Bauxite Laterite soil and Control 29
the effects of Iron, Aluminum, and Silica allowed LS0 37
for the interpretation of the effect of the Bauxite
Laterite soil on the properties of Concrete. Iron has LS10 23
properties that increase the strength of concrete, LS20 20
whereas aluminum decreases its strength. The LS30 15
presence of silica in cement is essential for the LS40 12
development of concrete's strength. Aluminum
dominates the elemental composition of Bauxite
Clay is a form of soil that has a greater capacity
Laterite soil, which explains the relatively weaker
for water retention than sandy soils [21]; this
strength properties of Bauxite Laterite concrete in
attribute of clay relates to the ability of laterite soil,
comparison to conventional concrete.
which is rich in clay minerals, to retain more water
than the ordinary sand used as fine aggregates in
4.3 Concrete Tests
concrete. It was learned during the mixing process
that water is progressively absorbed by the bauxite
Compressive tests were performed on concrete
laterite soil, drying portions of the concrete mix.
samples to investigate the effect of bauxite laterite
The control specimen failed in failure categories
soil as a partial substitution for fine aggregates and
I and II, and this is due to the concrete's brittleness.
fly ash as a 20% substitute for cement. Compressive
The failure modes observed for LS0 and bauxite
strength development was determined on concrete
laterite concrete are Type II and IV.
samples after 7, 14, 21, and 28 days of curing,
The average compressive strength of concrete
sample testing is shown in Fig. 6.
specimens was determined at various curing times.
The strength of concrete depends on many
The control specimen has an average strength of
variables such as its design mix, mixing proper and
24.24 MPa, which meets the structural concrete
overall handling. Losses should be anticipated and
minimum standards. The increased use of fine
accounted for since mechanical and human errors
particles weakens the concrete specimen. LS0 has
are expected to occur along the way. During the
the maximum compressive strength when compared
mixing proper, it is expected that there are
to bauxite laterite concrete, which has a
components losses such as those inside the concrete
compressive strength of 16.52 MPa. LS0 had a
mixer. It may affect the overall strength of the
compressive strength of just 68% of that of the
concrete specimen due to the disproportion of the
control specimen. The compressive strength of the
sand, gravel, cement and water. Loss of capillary
LS10 specimen was marginally lower at 13.42 MPa.
water in hardening concrete results in dry shrinkage

International Journal of GEOMATE, July 2023, Vol. 25, Issue 107, pp.9-16

While the compressive strengths of LS20, LS30,

and LS40 are decreasing at 12.65 MPa, 9.08 MPa,
and 7.70 MPa, respectively, as shown in Fig. 8.
Additionally, it is worth noting that the early
strength of LS10 and LS20 is greater than that of
LS0, which increased strength through subsequent
curing periods.

Fig. 7 Workability of the Soil Mix

Fig. 6 Sample Concrete mixed with Bauxite

Laterite Soil Substitution

The control and LS0 specimens gained

increasing amounts of strength over time, Fig. 8 Compressive Strength vs. Curing Days
particularly during the later curing periods. As a
result, both control and LS0 specimens The researchers noted that several concrete
demonstrated improved long-term strength. LS10 examples had uneven top and bottom surfaces. It
and LS20 build strength rapidly, attaining 69.37 % was determined to be caused by air voids, settling,
and 65.77% strength after 7 days, respectively. and moisture loss in the concrete. When the
Although bauxite laterite concrete demonstrates a specimen was placed on the Universal Testing
linear strength rise, this contributes to the material's Machine (UTM), the specimen's uneven surface
low 28-day compressive strength. On bauxite was seen. The initial focus of the applied force was
laterite concrete specimens, it is noted that the on the partial cross-sectional region it impacted.
strength develops slowly. Without having to optimize the strength, the top
Long-term strength can be linked to the piece eventually failed. Side fractures occurred on
hydration process, in which water causes concrete either the top or bottom faces of these specimens.
to harden by forming cementitious components.
The chemical reaction between cement components 4.4 Response Surface Modelling and Validation
and water produces hydration products, which are
found in concrete [22]. Laterite soils are mainly A response surface model for the compressive
composed of clay, which has a better water-holding strength of bauxite laterite concrete was used for
capacity than sandy soils. Due to the low estimating the strength at a given percent
workability of laterite concrete, it is prone to substitution of the laterite soil and days of curing. A
include a large number of voids. While the curing Response surface model graph was used to illustrate
process may have aided in the hydration of the the strength development curve for each percent
specimen, due to water's incompressibility, it is substitution, shown in Fig. 9, and in equation form,
unable to support loads, which may have resulted in shown in Eq. 1.
the bauxite laterite concrete's decreased The response surface model has an R2 value of
compressive strength. 0.7542 which shows an agreement between the
model and the observed parameters. An equality

International Journal of GEOMATE, July 2023, Vol. 25, Issue 107, pp.9-16

line was also used to validate the predicted versus hydrogen bubbles that ultimately cause micro-
the actual data, shown in Fig. 10. cracking within the specimen as affirmed by the
micrographs of bauxite laterite soil. Soil
micrographs of bauxite laterite soil indicate the
presence of angular particles.
Increased partial substitution of bauxite laterite
soil resulted in a decrease in the concrete's strength
and workability.
LS10 is the preferred substitution due to its
superior combination of compressive strength when
compared to the other percentage substitution
specimens. After seven days of curing, it regained
69.37% of its compressive strength. At 13.42 MPa,
the compressive strength of LS10 was 57.80% that
of the control sample. Due to the lower specific
gravity of bauxite laterite soil compared to river
sand, the unit weight of bauxite laterite concrete
Fig. 9 Response Surface Model Graph was up to 8% lighter than traditional concrete.
The study was able to create a response surface
model for the compressive strength of bauxite
laterite concrete for estimating the strength at a
given percent substitution of the laterite soil and
days of curing. The response surface model has an
R2 value of 0.7542 which shows an agreement
between the model and the observed parameters.


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