Justin Wolfers CV 12 2020
Justin Wolfers CV 12 2020
Justin Wolfers CV 12 2020
Professor of Economics Jan 2013 – Present
Department of Economics, University of Michigan
Professor of Public Policy Jan 2013 – Present
Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy, University of Michigan
Visiting Professor Feb 2014 – Present
The University of Sydney
Contributing Columnist Jan 2014 – Present
The New York Times
Research Associate April 2009 – Present
National Bureau for Economic Research
Programs: Labor Studies, Law & Econ, Economic Fluctuations & Growth, Monetary Economics
Previously: Faculty Research Fellow, March 2003 – April 2009
Senior Fellow Sept. 2014 – Present
The Peterson Institute for International Economics
Non-Resident Senior Fellow March 2009 – Present
The Brookings Institution (Economic Studies Program), Washington D.C.
Research Affiliate Jan. 2005 – Present
Centre for Economic Policy Research, London
Programs: Labor Economics, Public Policy
Research Fellow Nov. 2004 – Present
Institute for the Study of Labor (IZA), Bonn
National Fellow April 2006 – Present
Center for the Study of Poverty and Inequality, Stanford
Research Fellow August 2007 – Present
Center for Economic Studies / Ifo Institute, Munich
International Research Fellow June 2007 – Present
Kiel Institute for the World Economy, Germany
Research Fellow Dec. 2008 – Present
National Centre for Econometric Research, Australia
Research Associate Dec. 2009 – Present
Centre for Applied Macroeconomic Analysis, Australian National University
Labor Economics; Social Policy; Law and Economics; Political Economy; Behavioral Economics;
Dual Australian and U.S. citizen
HARVARD UNIVERSITY Sept. 1997 – June 2001
Ph.D., in Economics
A.M in Economics, June 2000
Multidisciplinary Training Program in Inequality and Social Policy
Doctoral Fellow, Wiener Center for Social Policy
Dissertation: “Essays in State Political Economy”
Advisors: Larry Katz, Olivier Blanchard, Christopher Jencks, Alberto Alesina
UNIVERSITY OF SYDNEY (Australia) 1991-1994
Bachelor of Economics (First class honors and University medal)
Majors in economics, law and computer science
Ford School Teaching Honor Roll 2017, 2019
Wharton MBA Core Teaching Award (“Tough, but we’ll thank you in 5 years”) Spring 2007, 2010,
and 2011
Wharton Excellence in Teaching Award: Core Curriculum Spring 2009
Excellence Award in Global Economic Affairs, Kiel Institute (Germany) January 2007
Award for Distinguished Economic Research, Milken Institute January 2002
Graduate Fellow, MacArthur Network on Inequality and Social Interactions 1999-2000
GSAS Term-Time Fellowship 2000-2001
Social Science Research Council Fellowship 2000-2001
Fulbright Scholarship 1997-2001
Frank Knox Fellowship 1997-1999
Reserve Bank of Australia Post-Graduate Study Award 1997-2001
RG Menzies Fellowship 1997
Dennison Miller Scholarship 1997
Economic Society of Australia Prize 1994
University of Sydney Medal (top student in graduating class) 1994
Visiting Associate Professor 2011/12
Department of Economics, Princeton University
Associate Professor of Business and Public Policy (with tenure) 2008 – 2012
(In July 2010, named: “Class of 1965 Wharton Term Associate Professorship”)
The Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania
Assistant Professor of Business and Public Policy, Wharton 2004-2008
Assistant Professor of Economics, Stanford Graduate School of Business 2001-2004
Political Economy Group. Taught in MBA core.
Teaching Assistant, Harvard University 2000-2001
Developed new class on Economics of Marriage and Divorce. (Syllabus on my website)
Research Assistant, Harvard, MIT and NBER 1998-2000
Working for Olivier Blanchard and Greg Mankiw
Economist, Reserve Bank of Australia 1995-2001
Analyzed labor market developments
Associate Lecturer, University of Sydney 1994
Taught introductory economics
Advisory Board 2018 – Present
The Niskanen Center
Member, Panel of Advisers 2014 – 2018
U.S. Congressional Budget Office
Board Member 2017 – Present
Research Advisory Board, Committee for Economic Development
Honorary Board 2017 – Present
National Economic Education Delegation
Advisory Board 2015 – Present
Project TIER: Teaching Integrity in Empirical Research
Senior Scientist 2011 – 2018
Gallup Organization, Washington DC
Board Member 2016 – 2018
Committee on the Status of Women in the Economics Profession, American Economic Association
Advisor 2013 – 2014
Social Progress Imperative
Columnist 2011 – 2013
Bloomberg View
Advisor 2013 – 2016
The Good Judgment Project
Regular Commentator 2008 – 2012
Public Radio’s Marketplace
Board Member 2007 – 2010
Prediction Markets Industry Association
Board of Advisors 2007 – 2010
Crowdcast (Prediction market vendor; formerly Xpree, Inc.)
Advisory Board 2005 – 2009
Washington Stock Exchange (Political prediction market; www.washingtonsx.com)
Scientific Advisory Board 2005 – 2009
NewsFutures (Prediction market vendor; www.newsfutures.com)
Columnist 2008
Wall Street Journal Online
Strategic Advisory Board 2007 – 2008
Thomson Scientific (Global Academic & Government Markets)
Academic Advisor 2005 – 2007
Protrade Sports (Sports prediction leagues; www.protrade.com)
Academic Advisory Board 2004 – 2008
HedgeStreet (Financial trading exchange; www.hedgestreet.com)
Senior Fellow, Peterson Institute for International Economics Sept 2014 – Aug 2015
Senior Fellow, The Brookings Institution Sept 2013 – Aug 2014
Visiting Research Scholar, Princeton University Sept 2011 –June 2012
Visiting Senior Fellow, The Brookings Institution Sept 2010 – Aug 2011
Visiting Scholar, Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco 2003 – June 2010
Visiting Scholar, Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia Nov. 2008 – June 2009
Institute for International Economics, Stockholm University June 2008
Kiel Institute for the World Economy June 2007
Ifo Institute, Munich June 2007
Institute for the Study of Labor (IZA), Bonn December 2004
Institute for International Economics, Stockholm University September 2004
MIT Economics Department Summer 2000
Justin Wolfers and Eric Zitzewitz, “The ‘Standard Error’ of Event Studies: Lessons from the 2016 Election,”
American Economic Review, Papers and Proceedings, 108, May 2018.
Pope, Devin G., Joseph Price and Justin Wolfers, “Awareness Reduces Racial bias”
Management Science, 64(11) 4988-4995, November 2018.
Stevenson, Betsey and Justin Wolfers, “Subjective Well-Being and Income: Is There Any Evidence of
Satiation?” American Economic Review, Papers and Proceedings, 103(3) 598-604, May 2013.
Stevenson, Betsey and Justin Wolfers, “Trust in Public Institutions,” American Economic Review, Papers and
Proceedings, 101(3):281-287, May 2011.
Price, Joseph and Justin Wolfers, “Racial Discrimination Among NBA Referees”, Quarterly Journal of
Economics, 125(4) 1859-1887, November 2010.
Snowberg, Erik and Justin Wolfers, “Understanding the Favorite-Longshot Bias: Risk Preferences versus
Misperceptions”, Journal of Political Economy, 118(4) 723-746, August 2010.
Stevenson, Betsey and Justin Wolfers, “The Paradox of Declining Female Happiness”, American Economic
Journal: Economic Policy, 1(2), 190-255, August 2009.
Stevenson, Betsey and Justin Wolfers, “Economic Growth and Happiness: Reassessing the Easterlin
Paradox”, Brookings Papers on Economic Activity, Spring 2008, 1-87 (Lead article). Reprinted in Recent
Developments in the Economics of Happiness, Frey, Bruno and Alois Stutzer (eds) (Edward Elgar), 2012.
Stevenson, Betsey and Justin Wolfers, “Marriage and Divorce: Changes and their Driving Forces”, Journal of
Economic Perspectives, 21(2) 27-52, Spring 2007.
Veldkamp, Laura and Justin Wolfers, “Aggregate Shocks or Aggregate Information? Costly Information and
Business Cycle Comovement”, Journal of Monetary Economics, 54(S1) 37-55, September 2007.
Snowberg, Erik, Justin Wolfers and Eric Zitzewitz, “Party Influence in Congress and the Economy”,
Quarterly Journal of Political Science, 2(3) 277-286, August 2007.
Snowberg, Erik, Justin Wolfers and Erik Zitzewitz, “Partisan Impacts on the Economy: Evidence from
Prediction Markets and Close Elections”, Quarterly Journal of Economics, 122(2) 807-829, May 2007.
Wolfers, Justin, “Did Unilateral Divorce Raise Divorce Rates? A Reconciliation and New Results”, American
Economic Review, 96(5) 1802-1820, December 2006.
Wolfers, Justin, “Point Shaving: Corruption in NCAA Basketball”, American Economic Review, Papers &
Proceedings, 96(2) 279-283, May 2006.
Wolfers, Justin, “Diagnosing Discrimination: Stock Returns and CEO Gender”, Journal of the European
Economic Association, 4(2/3) 531-541, May 2006.
Stevenson, Betsey and Justin Wolfers, “Bargaining in the Shadow of the Law: Divorce Laws and Family
Distress”, Quarterly Journal of Economics, 121(1) 267-288, February 2006.
Donohue, John and Justin Wolfers, “Uses and Abuses of Empirical Evidence in the Death Penalty Debate”,
Stanford Law Review, 58(3) 791-845, December 2005. Reprinted in Economics of Criminal Law, Steven D.
Levitt and Thomas Miles (eds) (Edward Elgar), 2008. Also: The Role of Social Science in Law, Elizabeth Merz
(ed) (Aldershot: Ashgate), 2008. Also: Foundations of Law and Economics, Robert D. Cooter and Francesco
Parisi (eds) (Edward Elgar), 2010.
Wolfers, Justin and Eric Zitzewitz, “Prediction Markets”, Journal of Economic Perspectives, 18(2) 107-126,
Spring 2004. Reprinted in Futures Research Methodology version 3.0, Jerome C. Glenn and Theodore J.
Gordon (eds) (The Millenium Project, World Federation of UN Associations), 2009. To be reprinted in
Companion to Financial Derivatives, Robert W. Kolb and James A. Overdahl (eds) (Wiley-Blackwell), 2009.
Mankiw, N. Gregory, Ricardo Reis and Justin Wolfers, “Disagreement About Inflation Expectations”, NBER
Macroeconomics Annual, 18 209-248, 2003.
Blanchard, Olivier and Justin Wolfers, “The Role of Shocks and Institutions in the Rise of European
Unemployment”, Economic Journal, 116(510) 1-33, March 2000.
Principles of Microeconomics with Betsey Stevenson. September 2019, Macmillan Press.
Principles of Macroeconomics with Betsey Stevenson, January 2020, Macmillan Press.
Principles of Economics with Betsey Stevenson. January 2020, Macmillan Press.
Snowberg, Erik, Justin Wolfers, and Eric Zitzewitz, “Prediction Markets for Economic Forecasting,” in
Graham Elliott and Allan Timmermann (eds), Handbook of Economic Forecasting, Volume 2, Elsevier, 2013.
Sacks, Daniel, Betsey Stevenson and Justin Wolfers “The New Stylized Facts about Economics and
Happiness”, Emotion, 12(6) 1181-1187, December 2012.
Stevenson, Betsey and Justin Wolfers, “Subjective and Objective Indicators of Racial Progress,” Journal of
Legal Studies, 41(2) 459-493, June 2012.
Price, Joseph and Justin Wolfers, “Biased Referees? Understanding the NBA’s Findings on Own-Race Bias,”
Contemporary Economic Policy, 30(3) 320-328, July 2012.
Stevenson, Betsey and Justin Wolfers, “Trends in Marital Stability”, in Cohen, Lloyd and Joshua D. Wright
(eds), Research Handbook in the Law and Economics of the Family, (Edward Elgar Press), 2011.
Sacks, Dan, Betsey Stevenson and Justin Wolfers, “Subjective Well-Being, Income, Economic Development
and Growth”, in World Bank volume, Development Challenges in a Post-Crisis World, 2010.
Snowberg, Erik, Justin Wolfers and Eric Zitzewitz, “How Prediction Markets can Save Event Studies”,
forthcoming in Prediction Markets, Leighton Vaughn Williams (ed) (Routledge). 2011.
Donohue, John and Justin Wolfers, “Estimating the Impact of the Death Penalty on Murder”, American Law
and Economics Review, 11(2) 249-309, December 2009. (Lead article.)
Henderson, M. Todd, Justin Wolfers and Eric Zitzewitz, “Predicting Crime”, Arizona Law Review, 52(1),
Spring 2010.
Wolfers, Justin and Eric Zitzewitz, “Using Markets to Inform Policy: The Case of the Iraq War”, Economica,
76(302), 225-250, April 2009.
Stevenson, Betsey and Justin Wolfers, “Happiness Inequality in the United States”, Journal of Legal Studies,
37:s2, S33-S79, June 2008. Reprinted in Law and Happiness, Eric A. Posner and Cass R. Sunstein (eds)
(University of Chicago Press), 2010.
Wolfers, Justin (one of 22 coauthors), “The Promise of Prediction Markets”, Science, 320 877, May 16 2008.
Bradlow, Eric T., Shane T. Jensen, Justin Wolfers and Abraham J. Wyner, “A Statistical Look at Roger
Clemens’ Pitching Career”, Chance, 21(3), October 2008.
Larsen, Tim, Joseph Price and Justin Wolfers, “Racial Bias in the NBA: Implications in Betting Markets”,
Journal of Quantitative Analysis in Sports, 4(2), 2008.
Wolfers, Justin and Eric Zitzewitz, “Prediction Markets in Theory and Practice”, in Larry Blume and Steven
Durlauf (eds) The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics, 2nd ed (London: Palgrave), 2008.
Snowberg, Erik and Justin Wolfers, “Examining Explanations of a Market Anomaly: Preferences or
Perceptions?”, in William Ziemba and Don Hausch (eds), Handbook of Sports and Lottery Markets,
(Elsevier), 2008.
Snowberg, Erik, Justin Wolfers and Eric Zitzewitz, “Prediction Markets: From Politics to Business (and
Back)”, in William Ziemba and Don Hausch (eds), Handbook of Sports and Lottery Markets, (Elsevier), 2008.
Leigh, Andrew and Justin Wolfers, “Competing Approaches to Forecasting Elections: Economic Models,
Opinion Polling and Prediction Markets”, Economic Record, 82(258) 325-337, September 2006.
Leigh, Andrew and Justin Wolfers, “Happiness and the Human Development Index: Australia is Not a
Paradox”, Australian Economic Review, 39(2) 176-184, June 2006.
Wolfers, Justin and Eric Zitzewitz, “Five Open Questions About Prediction Markets”, in Robert Hahn and
Paul Tetlock (eds) Information Markets: A New Way of Making Decisions in the Public and Private Sectors,
(Washington DC: AEI-Brookings Press), 2006.
Gürkaynak, Refet and Justin Wolfers, “Macroeconomic Derivatives: An Initial Analysis of Market-Based
Macro Forecasts, Uncertainty and Risk”, NBER International Seminar on Macroeconomics, 2005. [Lead
Snowberg, Erik, Justin Wolfers and Eric Zitzewitz, “Information (In)Efficiency in Prediction markets”, in
Leighton Vaughan Williams (ed) Information Efficiency in Financial and Betting Markets, (Cambridge:
Cambridge University Press), 2005.
Servan-Schreiber, Emile, Justin Wolfers, David M. Pennock and Brian Galebach, “Prediction Markets: Does
Money Matter?”, Electronic Markets, 14(3) 243-251, September 2004.
Wolfers, Justin, “Is Business Cycle Volatility Costly? Evidence from Surveys of Well-being”, International
Finance, 6(1) 1-26, Spring 2003. [Lead article]
Wolfers, Justin and Andrew Leigh, “Three Tools for Forecasting Federal Elections: Lessons from 2001”,
Australian Journal of Political Science, 37(2) 223-240, July 2002.
Kumar, Alok, Alexandra Niessen-Ruenzi and Justin Wolfers, “In-Group Bias in Financial Markets,” under
review, Journal of Finance.
Wolfers, Justin and Eric Zitzewitz, “Interpreting Prediction Market Prices as Probabilities”
Wolfers, Justin, “Are Voters Rational? Evidence from Gubernatorial Elections”
Revise and resubmit, Review of Economics and Statistics.
Rothschild, David and Justin Wolfers, “Forecasting Elections: Voting Intentions versus Expectations”
Sacks, Daniel, Betsey Stevenson and Justin Wolfers, “Growth in Subjective Well-Being and Income Over
Leigh, Andrew, Justin Wolfers and Eric Zitzewitz, “What Do Financial Markets Think of War in Iraq?”, NBER
Working Paper #9587, March 2003.
Leigh, Andrew, Justin Wolfers and Eric Zitzewitz, “Is There a Favorite-Longshot Bias in Political Prediction
Dupas, Pascaline, Alicia Modestino, Muriel Nierderle, Justin Wolfers and the Seminar Culture Collective,
“Gender and the Dynamics of Economics Seminars”, to be presented at AEA meetings.
Stevenson, Betsey and Justin Wolfers, “Subjective Well-Being and Economic Development”, solicited for the
Handbook of Economic Growth.
Stevenson, Betsey and Justin Wolfers, “Inequality and Subjective Well-Being”
Phelps, Glenn, Betsey Stevenson and Justin Wolfers “The World Distribution of Income”
Wolfers, Justin, “Teaching Useful Economics”
Hellebrandt, Thomas, Michael Jarand, Jacob Funk Kirkegaard, Tyler Moran, Adam Posen, Justin Wolfers and
Jan Zilinsky, “Raising Lower-Level Wages: When and Why It Makes Economic Sense”, Peterson Institute for
International Economics Briefing 15-2, 2015.
Wolfers, Justin, “Statement on Job Creation and a Healthy Economy”, testimony before Senate Finance
Committee, 2015.
Gunn, Dwyer, Betsey Stevenson and Justin Wolfers, “O paradox da tristeza” [Translates to: “The paradox of
sadness”] Veja [Brazil], May 2010.
Wolfers, Justin, Betsey Stevenson and Dan Sacks, “O dinheiro traz felicidade?” [Translates to: “Money brings
happiness,”] Exame CEO [Brazil], April 2010.
Wolfers, Justin, “Prediction Markets: The Collective Knowledge of Market Participants”, CFA Institute
Conference Proceedings Quarterly, June 2009.
Wolfers, Justin, “Comment on Marriage and Divorce since World War II”, NBER Macroeconomics Annual,
Stevenson, Betsey and Justin Wolfers, “How Should We Think About the Taxpayer Consequences of
Divorce?”, Council on Contemporary Families, April 15, 2008.
Stevenson, Betsey and Justin Wolfers, “Marriage and the Market”, Cato Unbound, January 2008.
Price, Joseph and Justin Wolfers, “Study of Unconscious Bias Withstands Harshest Scrutiny”, Sports Business
Journal, 10(8), June 11, 2007.
Leigh, Andrew and Justin Wolfers, “Prediction Markets for Business and Public Policy”, Melbourne Review,
3(1), May 2007
Arrow, Kenneth J. and 24 co-authors, “Statement on Prediction Markets”, AEI-Brookings Joint Center for
Regulatory Studies Publication #7-11, May 2007.
Wolfers, Justin, “New Uses for New Macro Derivatives”, Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco Economic
Letter, 2006-21, August 2006.
Donohue, John and Justin Wolfers, “The Death Penalty: No Evidence for Deterrence”, The Economists’ Voice,
3(5), April 2006.
Donohue, John and Justin Wolfers, “A Reply to Rubin on the Death Penalty”, The Economists’ Voice, 3(5),
April 2006.
Wolfers, Justin, “Super Bowl Science: Sports Betting and Behavioral Finance”, Harvard Business School
online e-learning series (CD-ROM), 2006.
Wolfers, Justin and Eric Zitzewitz, “Experimental Political Betting Markets and the 2004 Election”, The
Economists’ Voice, 1(2), October 12, 2004.
Wolfers, Justin, “Pricing Political Risks with Prediction Markets”, Stanford Institute for Economic Policy
Research Policy Brief, June 2004.
Leigh, Andrew and Justin Wolfers, “The Best and Worst of the United States”, Australian Quarterly: Journal
of Contemporary Analysis, September 2003.
Wolfers, Justin and Andrew Leigh, “Economics, Experiments and Psychology”, Quadrant, Jan/Feb 2003.
Leigh, Andrew and Justin Wolfers, “Moving to Opportunity”, Australian Quarterly: Journal of Contemporary
Analysis, September 2001.
Leigh, Andrew and Justin Wolfers, “Abortion and Crime in Australia”, Australian Quarterly: Journal of
Contemporary Analysis, August 2000.
Wolfers, Justin, “An A- for the U.S. Economy, but Failing Grades for Trump’s Policies,” New York Times,
February 4, 2019.
Wolfers, Justin, “Trump’s Tariffs Haven’t Really Transformed Trade. Yet.” New York Times, November 21,
Wolfers, Justin, “Money Really Does Lead to a More Satisfying Life,” New York Times, August 24, 2018.
Wolfers, Justin, “How to Think About Corporate Tax Cuts,” New York Times, March 30, 2018.
Wolfers, Justin, “Why Women’s Voices Are Scarce in Economics,” New York Times, February 2, 2018.
Wolfers, Justin, “An Economist Explains: How to Sort Facts From Fiction”, New York Times, December 8,
Wolfers, Justin, “Pinpointing Racial Discrimination by Government Officials,” New York Times, October 6,
Wolfers, Justin, “Evidence of a Toxic Environment for Women in Economics,” New York Times, August 22,
Wolfers, Justin, “The Economy May Be Stuck in a Near-Zero World”, New York Times, April 7, 2017.
Wolfers, Justin, “How Gorsuch Could Pull the Eight Other Justices Rightward”, New York Times, April 4,
Wolfers, Justin, “Ivanka Trump, Nordstrom and an Ill-Fitting Approach to the U.S. Economy”, New York
Times, February 9, 2017.
Wolfers, Justin, “Pressure From Trump May Delay a Factory’s Exit, but It Won’t Stop It”, New York Times,
January 27, 2017.
Wolfers, Justin, “Why Economists Are So Worried About Trump”, New York Times, January 11, 2017.
Wolfers, Justin, “Trump and Carrier: How a Modern Economy Is Like a Parking Garage”, New York Times,
December 1, 2016.
Wolfers, Justin, “Markets Sent a Strong Signal on Trump… Then Changed Their Minds”, New York Times,
November 18, 2016.
Wolfers, Justin, “Debate Night Message: The Markets Are Afraid of Donald Trump”, New York Times,
October 2, 2016.
Wolfers, Justin, “Prediction Markets Score the Debate a Rout: Clinton Over Trump”, New York Times,
September 28, 2016.
Wolfers, Justin, “Red Tie and No Kiss? What Bettors Expect in the Clinton-Trump Debate”, New York Times,
September 27, 2016.
Wolfers, Justin, “Why a President Trump Could Start a Trade War With Surprising Ease”, New York Times,
September 19, 2016.
Wolfers, Justin, “Could Donald Trump Drop Out? Some Bettors Seem to Think So”, New York Times,
August 4, 2016.
Wolfers, Justin, “An Index of Uncertainty Surges After ‘Brexit’”, New York Times, July 1, 2016.
Wolfers, Justin, “‘Brexit’ Hits U.S. Stock Market Harder Than an Election”, New York Times, June 25, 2016.
Wolfers, Justin, “A Family-Friendly Policy That’s Friendliest to Male Professors”, New York Times, June 24,
Wolfers, Justin, “If the Economy is Sinking, Policy Makers Are Far From Prepared”, New York Times, June 9,
Wolfers, Justin, “The Jobs Report Is Not Quite as Terrible as It Looks”, New York Times, June 3, 2016.
Wolfers, Justin, “What We Can Learn From Donald Trump’s Unreleased Tax Returns”, New York Times,
May 12, 2016.
Wolfers, Justin, “Unusual Flavor of G.O.P. Primary Illustrates a Famous Paradox”, New York Times, May 10,
Wolfers, Justin, “The ‘Women’s Card’? We Measured, and It’s Not Worth Much”, New York Times, April 28,
Wolfers, Justin, “Growing Up in a Bad Neighborhood Does More Harm Than We Thought”, New York Times,
March 27, 2016.
Wolfers, Justin, “The Headlines Have Changed for Sanders, but the Prediction Markets Haven’t”, New York
Times, March 10, 2016.
Wolfers, Justin, “Google Searches Point to a Strong Showing for Donald Trump”, New York Times, March 2,
Wolfers, Justin, “‘Donald Drumpf’ is Beating Rubio and Cruz for Second in Google Searches”, New York
Times, March 2, 2016.
Wolfers, Justin, “To Know Who’s Leading in the Voting, Just Ask Google”, New York Times, March 2, 2016.
Cohn, Nate and Justin Wolfers, “Donald Trump’s Chances”, New York Times, March 1, 2016.
Wolfers, Justin, “Uncovering the Bad Math (or Logic) of an Economic Analysis Embraced by Bernie
Sanders”, New York Times, March 1, 2016.
Wolfers, Justin, “Betting Markets Weight the Odds of Vice President Christie”, New York Times, February 27,
Wolfers, Justin, “Prediction Markets’ Sudden New Favorite: Third-Place Rubio”, New York Times,
February 3, 2016.
Wolfers, Justin, “Prediction Markets: Donald Trump’s Nomination Chances Better Than 50 Percent”, New
York Times, February 2, 2016.
Wolfers, Justin, “When Teamwork Doesn’t Work for Women”, New York Times, January 10, 2016.
Wolfers, Justin, “Forget Trump’s Noise: Here’s What He’s Signaling”, New York Times, December 9, 2015.
Wolfers, Justin, “Even Famous Female Economists Get No Respect”, New York Times, November 12, 2015.
Wolfers, Justin, “Is the Economy Overheating? Here’s Why It’s So Hard to Say”, New York Times,
November 7, 2015.
Wolfers, Justin, “Betting Markets Call Marco Rubio Front-Runner in G.O.P.”, New York Times, October 24,
Wolfers, Justin, “Numbers Take a Star Turn on World Statistics Day”, New York Times, October 21, 2015.
Wolfers, Justin, “Why Angus Deaton Deserved the Economics Nobel Prize”, New York Times, October 13,
Wolfers, Justin, “A Better Government, One Tweak at a Time”, New York Times, September 27, 2015.
Wolfers, Justin, “A Government Shutdown Suddenly Looks Far Less Likely”, New York Times, September 26,
Wolfers, Justin, “G.O.P Debate: Best Bets to Win (and Lose)”, New York Times, September 17, 2015.
Wolfers, Justin, “How Emotion Hurts Stock Returns”, New York Times, August 25, 2015.
Wolfers, Justin, “A Gay Baseball Player, in Statistical Perspective”, New York Times, August 22, 2015.
Wolfers, Justin, “An Ashley Madison Recession? Or an Ashley Madison Stimulus?” New York Times,
August 21, 2015.
Wolfers, Justin, “An Influential Debate? Not if You Trust Prediction Markets”, New York Times, August 8,
Wolfers, Justin, “Fox Failed Statistics in Explaining Its G.O.P. Debate Discussion”, New York Times, August 7,
Wolfers, Justin, “More Greeks Looking to Work Abroad, Search Engines Suggest”, New York Times, July 11,
Wolfers, Justin, “After ‘Frozen’, a Baby Boomlet of Elsas”, New York Times, July 2, 2015.
Wolfers, Justin, “Betting Markets Suggest Greeks Will Reject Government Stance in Referendum”, New York
Times, July 1, 2015.
Wolfers, Justin, “Trade Deal’s Setback Left Wall Street Unmoved. Why?” New York Times, June 13, 2015.
Wolfers, Justin, “If You’re a Betting Man, It’s Time to Start Believing Donald Trump”, New York Times,
June 10, 2015.
Wolfers, Justin, “Want to Bet That Jeb Bush is Running?” New York Times, June 10, 2015.
Wolfers, Justin, “Shrinking Economy? No, but It’s Not Surging Either”, New York Times, May 30, 2015.
Barro, Josh and Justin Wolfers, “The Dad Bad, Quantified”, New York Times, May 21, 2015.
Wolfers, Justin, “Dueling Views on the First-Quarter Slump”, New York Times, May 20, 2015.
Wolfers, Justin, “How Britain’s Election Stumped Pollsters and the Betting Markets”, New York Times, May 7,
Wolfers, Justin, “Why the New Research on Mobility Matters: An Economist’s View”, New York Times, May 5,
Wolfers, Justin, “Why You Can’t Put Faith in Reports of First-Quarter Economic Slumps”, New York Times,
April 24, 2015.
Wolfers, Justin, “Areas With Large Black Populations Have the Smallest Shares of Black Men”, New York
Times, April 22, 2015.
Leonhardt, David, Kevin Quealy and Justin Wolfers, “The Methodology: 1.5 Million Missing Black Men”, New
York Times, April 21, 2015.
Leonhardt, David, Kevin Quealy and Justin Wolfers, “1.5 Million Missing Black Men”, New York Times, April
20, 2015.
Wolfers, Justin, “Duke Is Also a Winner in Graduation Rates”, New York Times, April 8, 2015.
Wolfers, Justin, “Jobs Report Adds to Evidence of a Slowing Economy”, New York Times, April 4, 2015.
Wolfers, Justin, “Why a Claim About the Irrelevance of Parenting Time Doesn’t Add Up”, New York Times,
April 3, 2015.
Wolfers, Justin, “Yes, Your Time as a Parent Does Make a Difference”, New York Times, April 2, 2015.
Wolfers, Justin, “All You Need to Know About Income Inequality, in One Comparison”, New York Times,
March 14, 2015.
Quealy, Kevin and Justin Wolfers, “Free-Throw Distraction: The Best Fans in the N.C.A.A.”, New York Times,
March 13, 2015.
Wolfers, Justin, “A Prediction Market for Inflation, or Deflation”, New York Times, March 8, 2015.
Wolfers, Justin, “Fewer Women Run Big Companies Than Men Named John”, New York Times, March 3,
Wolfers, Justin, “How Arizona State Reinvented Free-Throw Distraction”, New York Times, February 13,
Wolfers, Justin, “No, More Running Probably Isn’t Bad for You”, New York Times, February 5, 2015.
Wolfers, Justin, “Game Theory Says Pete Carroll’s Call at Goal Line Is Defensible”, New York Times, February
2, 2015.
Wolfers, Justin, “Economist’s Advice on Super Bowl Pick: Follow the Money”, New York Times, January 30,
Wolfers, Justin, “We Can’t Blame a Few Rich People for Global Poverty”, New York Times, January 28, 2015.
Wolfers, Justin, “Gains From Economic Recovery Still Limited to Top One Percent”, New York Times, January
27, 2015.
Wolfers, Justin, “How Economists Came to Dominate the Conversation”, New York Times, January 23, 2015.
Wolfers, Justin, “Why You Should Be More Optimistic About Wage Growth”, New York Times, January 9,
Wolfers, Justin, “Obama’s College Proposal Is Also a Bid to Revive the Economy”, New York Times, January 9,
Wolfers, Justin, “Renewed Interest in Inequality at Annual Meeting of Economists”, New York Times, January
5, 2015.
Wolfers, Justin, “Census Bureau’s Plan to Cut Marriage and Divorce Questions Has Academics Up in Arms”,
New York Times, December 31, 2014.
Wolfers, Justin, “The Big Economic Unknowns of 2015, From Unemployment to Oil”, New York Times,
December 27, 2014.
Wolfers, Justin, “How We Know the Divorce Rate Is Falling”, New York Times, December 3, 2014.
Wolfers, Justin, “A Persuasive Chart Showing How Persuasive Charts Are”, New York Times, November 24,
Wolfers, Justin, “A Higher Quit Rate Among Employees Actually Offers Hope”, New York Times, November
13, 2014.
Wolfers, Justin, “The Jobs Report Is Even Better Than It Looks”, New York Times, November 7, 2014.
Wolfers, Justin, “Voters Know Themselves Better Than the Pollsters Do”, New York Times, November 5,
Wolfers, Justin, “Why the Time Is Now to Predict (Loudly) a Democratic Victory”, New York Times,
November 4, 2014.
Wolfers, Justin, “How Confirmation Bias Can Lead to a Spinning of Wheels”, New York Times, October 31,
Wolfers, Justin, “The Fed Has Not Stopped Trying to Stimulate the Economy”, New York Times, October 29,
Wolfers, Justin, “Republicans Are Surging in the Prediction Markets”, New York Times, October 24, 2014.
Wolfers, Justin, “A Record Drop in the Unemployment Rate for a Midterm Cycle”, New York Times, October
20, 2014.
Wolfers, Justin, “Have Economists Actually Read Thomas Piketty? They Say They Have”, New York Times,
October 16, 2014.
Wolfers, Justin, “Fellow Economists Express Skepticism About Thomas Piketty”, New York Times, October
14, 2014.
Wolfers, Justin, “Jean Tirole’s Nobel Prize Is Also a Win for Modern Microeconomic Theory”, New York
Times, October 13, 2014.
Wolfers, Justin, “Who Will Lead the Senate? Follow the Prediction Markets”, New York Times, October 11,
Wolfers, Justin, “The Federal Budget Deficit Is Back to Normal”, New York Times, October 10, 2014.
Wolfers, Justin, “Jobs Report Highlights the Wage Growth Puzzle”, New York Times, October 3, 2014.
Wolfers, Justin, “Uber Improves Life, Economists Agree”, New York Times, September30, 2014.
Wolfers, Justin, “Forecasting the Fall of the Two-Hour Marathon”, New York Times, September 29, 2014.
Wolfers, Justin, “GDP Report Emphasizes the Problem of Conflicting Economic Signals”, New York Times,
September 26, 2014.
Wolfers, Justin, “Romney in 2016? Never Say Never”, New York Times, September 25, 2014.
Wolfers, Justin, “Scotland's 'No' Vote: A Loss for Pollsters and a Win for Betting Markets”, New York Times,
September 19, 2014.
Wolfers, Justin, “Perceptions Haven't Caught Up to Decline in Crime”, New York Times, September 16, 2014.
Wolfers, Justin, “Betting Markets Not Budging Over Poll on Scottish Independence”, New York Times,
September 8, 2014.
Wolfers, Justin, “Italy's Lost Decade”, New York Times, August 6, 2014.
Wolfers, Justin, “An Unemployment Line, From Coast to Coast”, New York Times, August 1, 2014.
Wolfers, Justin, “Steady but Slow Remains the Story of This Recovery”, New York Times, July 30, 2014.
Wolfers, Justin, “What Debate? Economists Agree the Stimulus Lifted the Economy”, New York Times, July
29, 2014.
Wolfers, Justin, “North Carolina's Misunderstood Cut in Jobless Benefits”, New York Times, July 26, 2014.
Wolfers, Justin, “On State Unemployment Rates, It's Analyst Beware”, New York Times, July 26, 2014.
Wolfers, Justin, “Life in Prison, With the Remote Possibility of Death”, New York Times, July 18, 2014.
Wolfers, Justin, “Why World Cup Final Is Too Close to Call”, New York Times, July 8, 2014.
Wolfers, Justin, “Job Growth Is Up, Production Down”, New York Times, June 26, 2014.
Wolfers, Justin, “Congress and Us: A Hate-Love Relationship”, New York Times, June 19, 2014.
Wolfers, Justin, “An Honest Answer From David Brat”, New York Times, June 11, 2014.
Wolfers, Justin, “Australia's Odd World Cup Optimism”, New York Times, June 10, 2014.
Wolfers, Justin, “In Jobs Report, Two Milestones”, New York Times, June 6, 2014.
Wolfers, Justin, “Deceptive Dip in G.D.P. Points to Perils of Election Forecasting”, New York Times, May 29,
Wolfers, Justin, “A New Critique of Piketty Has Its Own Shortcomings”, New York Times, May 23, 2014.
Wolfers, Justin, “Labor Market Seems Dented, Not Broken”, New York Times, May 13, 2014.
Wolfers, Justin, “How Gary Becker Transformed the Social Sciences”, New York Times, May 5, 2014.
Wolfers, Justin, “A Low-Wage Recovery? The Evidence Isn't There”, New York Times, April 28, 2014.
Wolfers, Justin, “Piketty’s Book on Wealth and Inequality Is More Popular in Richer States”, New York Times,
April 23, 2014.
Wolfers, Justin, “Monday’s Boston Marathon provides yet more data illustrating that arbitrary numbers can
serve as motivating goals”, New York Times, April 22, 2014.
Wolfers, Justin, “What Good Marathons and Bad Investments Have in Common”, New York Times, April 22,
Holden, Richard and Justin Wolfers, “Nobel Prize Shows Both Wisdom and Madness of Crowds”, Bloomberg
View, October 14, 2013.
Wolfers, Justin, “Why I’m Very Happy About Janet Yellen”, Bloomberg View, October 8, 2013.
Wolfers, Justin, “Markets, Unlike Media, Aren’t in a Lather Over Fed Chair”, Bloomberg View, August 12,
Wolfers, Justin, “Why Markets Aren’t Getting the Fed’s Message”, Bloomberg View, June 27, 2013.
Wolfers, Justin, “How to Understand What the Fed Says”, Bloomberg View, June 18, 2013.
Stevenson, Betsey and Justin Wolfers, “Reinhart-Rogoff’s Lessons for Economists”, Bloomberg View, May 6,
Stevenson, Betsey and Justin Wolfers, “Six Ways to Separate Lies From Statistics”, Bloomberg View, May 1,
Stevenson, Betsey and Justin Wolfers, “Refereeing the Reinhart-Rogoff Debate”, Bloomberg View, April 28,
Stevenson, Betsey and Justin Wolfers, “Is Paul Ryan an Inflation Nutter?”, Bloomberg View, March 12, 2013.
Stevenson, Betsey and Justin Wolfers, “Valentine’s Day and the Economics of Love”, Bloomberg View,
February 13, 2013.
Stevenson, Betsey and Justin Wolfers, “Why Top Colleges Miss Great Students”, Bloomberg View, December
18, 2012.
Stevenson, Betsey and Justin Wolfers, “Forget the Cliff, Fix the U.S. Tax System”, Bloomberg View, December
3, 2012.
Stevenson, Betsey and Justin Wolfers, “Crowds Are This Election’s Real Winners”, Bloomberg View,
November 19, 2012.
Stevenson, Betsey and Justin Wolfers, “What Mitt Romney Doesn’t Know About Families”, Bloomberg View,
October 22, 2012.
Stevenson, Betsey and Justin Wolfers, “Romney’s Party Isn’t Fiscally Responsible”, Bloomberg View, October
8, 2012.
Stevenson, Betsey and Justin Wolfers, “Mitt Romney Won’t Lower Americans’ Taxes”, Bloomberg View,
September 23, 2012.
Stevenson, Betsey and Justin Wolfers, “Are You Better Off? Take a Look at the Stock Market”, Bloomberg
View, September 10, 2012.
Stevenson, Betsey and Justin Wolfers, “Business Is Booming in Empirical Economics”, Bloomberg View,
August 6, 2012.
Stevenson, Betsey and Justin Wolfers, “Fed Harms Itself by Missing Goals”, Bloomberg View, July 9, 2012.
Wolfers, Justin, “Weak jobs report will force the Fed to act, but Congress remains paralysed”, The Guardian,
July 6, 2012.
Stevenson, Betsey and Justin Wolfers, “Equal Opportunity Makes Both Sexes Richer”, Bloomberg View, June
18, 2012.
Stevenson, Betsey and Justin Wolfers, “The Death-Penalty Debate Represents a Market Failure”, Bloomberg
View, June 11, 2012.
Wolfers, Justin, “May’s jobs report hurts Obama’s re-election prospects”, The Guardian, June 1, 2012.
Stevenson, Betsey and Justin Wolfers, “Debt-Ceiling Déjà vu Could Sink Economy”, Bloomberg View, May 28,
Stevenson, Betsey and Justin Wolfers, “The Economic Case for Same-Sex Marriage”, Bloomberg View, May
14, 2012.
Stevenson, Betsey and Justin Wolfers, “Job Sharing Would Ease the Pain of Recessions”, Bloomberg View,
April 30, 2012.
Stevenson, Betsey and Justin Wolfers, “Tax System is America’s Biggest Spender”, Bloomberg View, April 16,
Stevenson, Betsey and Justin Wolfers, “U.S. Economy Needs Stimulus, Not Soothsayers”, Bloomberg View,
April 2, 2012.
Stevenson, Betsey and Justin Wolfers, “The Tea Party Can Thank the Sun for Success”, Bloomberg View,
March 20, 2012.
Stevenson, Betsey and Justin Wolfers, “Bernanke Needs Some Bounce in His Tail”, Bloomberg View, March 8,
Wolfers, Justin, “Erase student loans?,” NPR Marketplace Commentary, October 10, 2011
Wolfers, Justin, “The job rule,” NPR Marketplace Commentary, June 24, 2011.
Wolfers, Justin, “Halfway through a lost decade,” NPR Marketplace Commentary, June 7, 2011.
Wolfers, Justin, “How marriage survives,” New York Times, October 13, 2010.
Wolfers, Justin, “Don’t bet on economic forecasting,” NPR Marketplace Commentary, September 21, 2010.
Wolfers, Justin, “GDP may reflect quality of life after all,” NPR Marketplace Commentary, December 28,
Wolfers, Justin, “If you run the numbers, it’s a good time,” NPR Marketplace Commentary, August 25, 2009.
Wolfers, Justin, “Long-term jobless will struggle,” NPR Marketplace Commentary, August 11, 2009.
Wolfers, Justin, “Economy needs more stimulus money,” NPR Marketplace Commentary, July 9, 2009.
Wolfers, Justin, “Name this Recession,” NPR Marketplace Commentary, March 19, 2009.
Wolfers, Justin, “Income Growth a Matter of Perspective,” NPR Marketplace Commentary, November 25,
Wolfers, Justin, “Election 2008: Instant Analysis,” Wall Street Journal Online, November 5, 2008.
Rothschild, David and Justin Wolfers, “Market Watcher’s Guide to Election Day”, Wall St Journal Online,
November 4, 2008.
Wolfers, Justin, “Markets May Understate Obama’s Odds”, Wall St Journal Online, October 30, 2008.
Rothschild, David and Justin Wolfers, “Market Manipulation Muddies Election Outlook”, Wall St Journal
Online, October 2, 2008.
Wolfers, Justin, “Blame Both Parties for Bailout Failure”, NPR Marketplace Commentary, September 30,
Wolfers, Justin, “Making Sense of Market Disagreement”, Wall St Journal Online, September 18, 2008.
Wolfers, Justin, “Sharp Shifts Raise Kaine”, Wall St Journal Online, August 1, 2008.
Wolfers, Justin, “Here’s how to predict future oil prices”, NPR Marketplace Commentary, July 17, 2008.
Wolfers, Justin, “Polls Glance Backwards, Markets Peer Ahead”, Wall St Journal Online, July 8, 2008.
Sunstein, Cass and Justin Wolfers, “A Death Penalty Puzzle”, Washington Post, June 30, 2008. (Reprinted in
Houston Chronicle, Cleveland Plain-Dealer, Minneapolis Star Tribune, Sacramento Bee and others.)
Wolfers, Justin, “Look at the Benefits of Higher Gas Prices”, NPR Marketplace Commentary, June 20, 2008.
Strömberg, David and Justin Wolfers, “Decoding the Prediction Markets”, Wall St Journal Online, June 12,
Wolfers, Justin, “A Split Decision With a Clear Winner”, Wall St Journal Online, May 7, 2008.
Rothschild, David and Justin Wolfers, “Clinton’s Win Doesn’t Move Political Markets”, Wall St Journal Online,
April 23, 2008.
Wolfers, Justin, “Preparing to Parse a Split Decision”, Wall St Journal Online, March 4, 2008.
Rothschild, David and Justin Wolfers, “Handicapping the VP Race”, Wall St Journal Online, February 12,
Bradlow, Eric, Shane Jensen, Justin Wolfers and Adi Wyner, “Report Backing Clemens Chooses Its Facts
Carefully”, New York Times, February 10, 2008.
Wolfers, Justin, “Markets Show Late Surge for Obama”, Wall St Journal Online, February 5, 2008.
Wolfers, Justin and Eric Zitzewitz, “Edwards Dropout Offers Boost to Obama”, Wall St Journal Online,
January 31, 2008.
Wolfers, Justin, “How Rudy’s Bet Went Wrong”, Wall St Journal Online, January 23, 2008.
Wolfers, Justin, “Clinton’s Historic Surprise”, Wall St Journal Online, January 9, 2008.
Wolfers, Justin, “Political Markets Forsee Turning Point”, Wall St Journal Online, January 8, 2008.
Wolfers, Justin, “Using Markets to Handicap Iowa”, Wall St Journal Online, January 2, 2008.
Wolfers, Justin, “Best Bet for Next President: Prediction Markets”, Wall St Journal Online, December 31,
Stevenson, Betsey and Justin Wolfers, “Divorced from Reality”, New York Times, September 29, 2007.
Wolfers, Justin, “Blow the Whistle on Betting Scandals”, New York Times, July 27, 2007.
Leigh, Andrew and Justin Wolfers, “Wisdom of the Masses”, Australian Financial Review, Jun 8, 2007.
Price, Joseph and Justin Wolfers, “In Basketball, and Life, Race Has Influence”, The Ithaca Journal, May 31,
Wolfers, Justin, “How Much Do Election Shakeups Affect the Nation’s Economy?”, Wall Street Journal Online,
November 3, 2006.
Leigh, Andrew and Justin Wolfers, “Lies and Statistics: Happiness in Australia”, Australian Financial Review,
August 13, 2005.
Leigh, Andrew and Justin Wolfers, “Unemployed Finally Get Chance to Work”, Sydney Morning Herald,
June 16, 2005.
Wolfers, Justin, “Lies and Statistics: Iraq Election Turnout”, Australian Financial Review, February 26, 2005.
Leigh, Andrew and Justin Wolfers, “Pollsters at Odds with Simple Probabilities”, Australian Financial
Review, October 7, 2004.
Leigh, Andrew and Justin Wolfers, “Lies and Statistics: Betting on Latham”, Australian Financial Review,
December 19, 2003.
Wolfers, Justin and Wolfers, Rohan, “Divorce is Hell, But so is a Bad Marriage”, Sydney Morning Herald,
December 10, 2003.
Wolfers, Justin and Eric Zitzewitz, “The Furor Over ‘Terrorism Futures’”, The Washington Post, July 31,
Wolfers, Justin, “Fasten Your Seatbelts – It’s Going to be a Bumpy Ride”, Silicon Valley Biz Ink, July 2003.
Leigh, Andrew and Justin Wolfers, “Policy Improves by Putting Rhetoric on Trial”, Sydney Morning Herald,
March 5, 2003.
Wolfers, Justin and Christopher Barrett, “Inflation is Critical in RBA Strategy”, Australian Financial Review,
January 28, 2003.
Leigh, Andrew and Justin Wolfers, “Oil Prices May Make US Voters Swing”, The Canberra Times,
November 5, 2002.
Leigh, Andrew and Justin Wolfers, “To Banish Hatred, We Must Understand It”, Australian Financial Review,
November 1, 2002.
Leigh, Andrew and Justin Wolfers, “Coverage of Bali Tragedy Shows How Australia Misses the Bus in
America”, Sydney Morning Herald, November 1, 2002.
Leigh, Andrew and Justin Wolfers, “Train the Politicians First”, The Canberra Times, September 10, 2002.
Wolfers, Justin and Andrew Leigh, “Baseball Could Learn a Few Things From Australia”, New York Times,
September 1, 2002.
Leigh, Andrew and Justin Wolfers, “Numbers Crunch Salary Cap’s Logic”, Sydney Morning Herald, August 26,
Wolfers, Justin and Andrew Leigh, “Hardly Family Friendly”, The West Australian, June 20, 2002.
Leigh, Andrew and Justin Wolfers, “Smaller Classes Become Big Issue”, The Australian, June 1, 2002.
Leigh, Andrew and Justin Wolfers, “If that City’s Where the Boys Are, Then it has to be Fabulous”, Sydney
Morning Herald, May 13, 2002.
Wolfers, Justin and Wolfers, Rohan, “Recent Downturn Wasn’t Your Average Recession”, Sydney Morning
Herald, April 13, 2002.
Wolfers, Justin, “U.S. Recession Puts Us to the Test”, Sydney Morning Herald, November 1, 2001.
Wolfers, Justin, “Human Touch Emerges From Dry Economic Theory”, Sydney Morning Herald, October 12,
Leigh, Andrew and Justin Wolfers, “Winner Takes All”, Sydney Morning Herald, September 29, 2001.
Leigh, Andrew and Justin Wolfers, “Take the Money and Run… Or Wrestle”, Sydney Morning Herald, May 15,
Leigh, Andrew and Justin Wolfers, “A Jobs Miracle That Has Baffled the Experts”, The Canberra Times,
March 5, 2001.
Leigh, Andrew and Justin Wolfers, “Howard Dumbs Down the Policy Debate”, Australian Financial Review,
July 6, 2000.
Wolfers, Justin and Andrew Leigh, “Unfair Admissions Index”, Sydney Morning Herald, December 13, 1999.
Leigh, Andrew and Justin Wolfers, “Abortion’s Secret Legacy”, The Melbourne Age, November 11, 1999.
Wharton Global Initiatives Research Program 2009, 2010
Zicklin Center for Business Ethics Research 2008
Wharton Sports Business Initiative 2006, 2008
Microsoft Research 2005
Geewax, Terker and Co. Research Fellow 2005
Mack Center for Technological Research 2005, 2006, 2007
Hirtle, Callaghan & Co. Research Fellow 2004
Zell/Lurie Real Estate Center 2004-2007
Social Science Research Council, Small Grants Program 1999
Economics 101, University of Michigan 2015 – Present
Introductory microeconomics course with 450 students.
Ratings 2015: 4.7/5.0 2016: 4.7/5.0
Microeconomics A, Ford School of Public Policy, University of Michigan 2015 – Present
Core microeconomics class for public policy masters students.
Ratings 2015: 3.9/5.0 2016: 4.4/5.0 2017: 4.7/5.0
The Governmental and Legal Environment of Business, Wharton MBA Core 2005 – 2012
Studying interactions between business, government and lobby groups.
Ratings 2005: 3.4/4.0; 2006: 3.6/4.0; 2007: 3.5/4.0; 2008: 3.3/4.0; 2009: 3.4/4.0; 2010: 3.2/4.0.
Behavioral Economics and Prediction and Betting Markets, MBA Elective 2006 – 2012
Designed new class on prediction markets and behavioral finance.
Ratings 2006: 3.2/4.0; 2007: 3.6/4.0; 2008: 3.5/4.0; 2008 (executive MBA): 3.3/4.0.
Strategy in the Business Environment, Stanford GSB Core 2002 – 2004
Political economy and strategy class, studying interactions between business and government.
Ratings 2002: 4.3/5.0; 2003: 4.3/5.0; 2004: 4.5/5.0
Business Ethics, Stanford GSB Core 2003
Core business ethics class.
Ratings 2003: 4.1/5.0.
Finance, Behavioral Economics and Sports Betting, Stanford MBA elective 2002-2003
Designed new class teaching behavioral finance through the lens of sports betting.
Ratings 2002: 4.9/5.0; 2003: 4.7/5.0
Economics of Marriage and Divorce, Harvard Economics Sophomore Tutorial 2000-2001
Designed new class analyzing family economics and social policy.
Ratings 2000: 4.7/5.0; 2001: 5.0/5.0
Non-Resident Tutor and Sophomore Advisor, Dunster House, Harvard 2000-2001
Provided academic and career advice to Harvard undergraduates.
Introductory Macroeconomics, University of Sydney 1994
Section leader
Undergraduate: Doug Geyser (Stanford economics, 2004)
Doctoral: Cameron Shelton (Wesleyan, 2004); Haitao Yin (Michigan post-doc); Erik Snowberg (CalTech
political science, 2008); David Rothschild (Yahoo! Research, 2011); Eric Chyn (UVA, 2016); Steven
Hamilton (GWU, 2018).
Advisory Board, Brookings Papers on Economic Activity 2016 – Present
Editor, Brookings Papers on Economic Activity 2009 – 2015
Associate Editor, Journal of Prediction Markets 2006 – Present
Co-Editor, economics e-journal 2006 – Present
Associate Editor, Economica 2008 – 2015
Panel Member, National Academy of Science Panel on “Measuring Subjective Well-Being in a Policy-
Relevant Framework” 2011 – 2013
Panel Member, National Academy of Science Panel on “Macroeconomic Implications of Population Aging”
2013 – 2015
Program Committee: 9th World Congress of the Econometric Society (2005); European Economic
Association Annual Congress (2006); Workshop on Prediction Markets (2007); Econometric Society
Winter Meetings (2009); NBER Monetary Economics Meeting (Spring 2009); American Economic
Association Annual Conference (2013); American Economic Association Annual Conference (2018).
Referee: American Economic Review, Journal of Political Economy, Quarterly Journal of Economics,
Econometrica, Review of Economic Studies, Journal of Economic Literature, Review of Economics and
Statistics, Economic Journal, Journal of Business and Economic Statistics, AEJ: Applied Economics, Berkeley
Electronic Press, Economica, Economics Letters, Empirical Economics, Journal of the European Economic
Association, European Economic Review, Scandinavian Journal of Economics, Economic Record, Oxford
Economic Papers, Canadian Journal of Economics, Scottish Journal of Political Economy, Journal of
Economic Theory, Journal of Public Economics, Journal of Monetary Economics, International Finance,
Journal of Labor Economics, Journal of Human Resources, Labour Economics, Industrial and Labor
Relations Review, British Journal of Industrial Relations, Journal of Population Economics, Journal of Law
and Economics, Journal of Law, Economics and Organization, International Review of Law and Economics,
Journal of Socio-Economics, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, Economic Modelling, Review
of Urban and Regional Development Studies.
Referee (Other disciplines): Science, Demography, American Political Science Review, Journal of Politics,
American Sociological Review, Chance, Electronic Markets, Australian Journal of Political Science, Harvard
Law Review, Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, Journal of Quantitative Analysis in Sports.
Reviewer: Stanford University Press, Oxford University Press, Cambridge University Press, Brunner-
Routledge Press, International Monetary Fund.
Grant reviewer: National Science Foundation, World Bank, Cambridge-MIT Institute, Davidson Institute,
Economics and Social Research Council (UK), MacArthur Foundation, Nuffield Foundation.
Remote Teaching Committee, Department of Economics 2020 – Present
Faculty Diversity Ally, Department of Economics 2016 – Present
Recruiting Committee (Behavioral science), Ford School 2019 – 2020
PhD Admissions Committee, Department of Economics 2019 – 2020
Executive Committee, Department of Economics 2017 – 2019
PhD Program Committee, Ford School 2016 – 2019
Diversity Committee, Department of Economics 2016 – 2018, 2019 - Present
Undergraduate Program Committee, Department of Economics 2013 – 2014, 2016-2017
Chair—Computing Committee, Department of Economics 2015 – 2016
Masters Program Committee, Ford School 2015 – 2016
Recruiting Committee (Junior Finance), Ford School of Public Policy 2012 – 2013
Quinquennial Review Committee, Insurance and Risk Management Dept 2010
Quinquennial Review Committee, Business and Public Policy Dept. 2009
Faculty Advisory Group, Wharton Sports Business Initiative 2008 – Present
Dean’s Advisory Council 2008 – 2009
Applied Economics Doctoral Program Committee 2008 – Present
Recruiting Committee, Business & Public Policy Dept 2007 (Chair); 2008; 2009
Guest Star, Wharton Follies 2007
Faculty Advisory Board, Wharton Social Impact Management 2005-Present
Co-organizer, Wharton Applied Economics Seminar 2004-2006
Organizer, Stanford GSB Political Economy Seminar 2001-2004
PhD Liaison 2002-2003
Cuba Study Trip (MBA) 2002
Brazil Study Trip (MBA) 2001
Recruiting committee 2001
Graduate Instruction Committee 1997-1999
Organizing committee, Political Economy Lecture Series 1998-2000
Conference; Discussant (x3), American Economic Association Annual Conference—Chicago; Ontario
Securities Commission Academy—Toronto; Keynote speaker, Australian Business Economists Annual
Conference—Sydney; Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet Seminar—Canberra; Discussant, ESRI
2015-2016: Christie Lecture, Millersville University; James C. Kautz Lecture, University of Cincinnati;
Keynote speaker, Spanish Economic Association annual conference—Girona; Reserve Bank of Australia;
Lowy Institute — Sydney; Australian and New Zealand School of Government seminar — Melbourne;
Annual Bank Conference on Development Economics—World Bank, Washington DC; Conference honoring
Olivier Blanchard—MIT.
2014-2015: Government Accountability Office; Georgetown University; Peterson Institute for
International Economics Conference on Labor Market Slack; IMF conference on “Challenges to Job-Rich and
Inclusive Growth”; University of Colorado Boulder Seminar; Presenter and discussant, American Economic
Association Annual Conference—Boston; National Academy of Sciences Workshop on Statistical Challenges
in Assessing and Fostering the Reproducibility of Scientific Results; Panelist – Expanding Employment
Opportunities, The Hamilton Project; Peterson Institute for International Economics Conference on Wages
and Corporate Behavior; Panelist, Committee for Economic Development Spring Policy Conference;
Panelist, “40 years later: The relevant of Okun’s ‘Equality and Efficiency’”; Brandywine Asset Management;
Think Tank Diversity Consortium “Careers in Public Policy” conference; Indeed Interactive — Austin;
Discussant, NBER National Security Summer Institute.
2013-2014: Office of Financial Research (US Treasury); Discussant and chair, American Economic
Association Annual Conference—Philadelphia; Bureau of Labor Statistics; George Washington University;
New American Foundation “Cryptocurrencies” conference; George Mason University; Society for Research
on Educational Effectiveness annual conference—Washington, DC; University of Maryland Decision
Science Seminar; Summerlin Lecture, Johns Hopkins University; Merrick Lecture, University of Virginia;
American University School of Public Affairs; James R. Jundt Visiting Professor of Economics, Gonzaga
University; Presenter and chair, Society of Labor Economists Annual Conference—Washington, DC; Lunch
speaker, Urban Institute Conference on “Demographic Divide or Opportunity?”; Keynote speaker, National
Tax Association Spring Symposium—Washington DC; Congressional Budget Office Panel of Economic
Advisers meeting; Discussant, IMF-ITUC Workshop on Collective Bargaining—Washington DC; CFA
Institute Financial Analysts Seminar—Chicago.
2012-2013: Michigan STIET Seminar; Presenter, discussant and chair, American Economic Association
Annual Conference—San Diego; Keynote Speaker, Australian-American Association Annual Dinner;
Michigan Population Studies Seminar; Panelist, “Predicting Elections” Conference—Columbia University;
AEA Conference on Teaching—Chicago; New America Foundation Conference on the Modern Family—
Washington, DC; Discussant, NBER Conference on Labor Markets after the Great Recession—National
Press Club, DC; Keynote speaker, 8th Annual Behavioral Operations Conference—Michigan.
2011-2012: Harvard Inequality & Social Policy Seminar; Berkeley Law and Economics Seminar; Princeton
“Dilemmas of Inequality” Seminar; Dartmouth; USC Law, Economics and Organizations Seminar; UCLA
Anderson School Global Economics and Management Seminar; Cornell Economics; Maryland Economics;
Conference on Empirical Legal Studies—Northwestern; Moody’s Economic Outlook Conference; Columbia
GSB Applied Micro Seminar; NBER Political Economy Meetings; UCSD Economics Seminar; USC Marshall
School of Business Seminar; CalTech Seminar; USC Law Seminar; Russell Sage Foundation Seminar;
Harvard Kennedy School Seminar; World Affairs Council of Philadelphia; University of Michigan Ford
School; Johns Hopkins Macro Seminar; Michigan Economics Seminar; Princeton Industrial Relations and
Center on Health and Wellbeing Seminar; Collective Intelligence Conference—MIT; Inter-American
Development Bank Workshop; NBER Forecasting and Empirical Methods Summer Institute; Discussant—
NBER Crime Summer Institute; Aspen Ideas Festival.
2010-2011: Kellogg Management and Strategy Seminar; Harvard Law, Economics and Organizations
Seminar; Gallup Well-Being Forum—Washington, DC; Federal Reserve Board Academic Consultants
Meeting; Developing Standards for Cost-Benefit Analysis conference—Washington, DC; Congressional
Budget Office seminar; Legg Mason Capital Management Thought Leader Forum—Baltimore; Conference
on Empirical Legal Studies—Yale; Brookings Institution; American Economic Association Annual
Conference—Denver; Center for Global Development; Harvard economics department-wide seminar;
Keynote speaker, World Bank Institute; International Monetary Fund; Discussant—National Academy of
Science Panel on Deterrence and the Death Penalty; Council of Economic Advisors; Aspen Ideas Festival;
Discussant—NBER Law and Economics Summer Institute.
2009-2010: Rutgers Law School, Camden; NYU Applied Micro Seminar; Janus Forum—University of
Vermont; IZA Happiness Conference—Washington DC; ANU Happiness Conference—Canberra;
Discussant, American Economic Association Annual Conference—Atlanta; Zicklin Center for Business
Ethics Research Seminar; Annual Behavioral Economics Conference—Cornell; Chicago Law School, “The
Law and Economics of Race” conference; Annual World Bank Conference on Development Economics
(ABCDE)—Stockholm; Western Economic Association Annual Conference—Portland.
2008-2009: Presenter and discussant, Conference on Empirical Legal Studies—Cornell; Brandywine
annual conference; Penn Business Law seminar; Temple Law and Human Behavior Seminar; Berkeley
Psychology and Economics Seminar; Stanford Law & Economics Seminar; University of British Columbia
Applied Micro Seminar; Deutsche Bank Quant Conference—New York; University of Michigan Law and
Economics Seminar; Berkeley—Haas Seminar on Institutional Analysis; Discussant—NBER Monetary
Economics Fall Meeting; Presenter and discussant, American Economic Association Annual Conference—
San Francisco; Discussant—NBER Monetary Economics Spring Meeting; Harvard Business School; Florida
International University; UCLA—Anderson School Economics Seminar; Harvard Law School; American
Law and Economics Association Annual Conference—San Diego; Discussant—NBER Law and Economics
Summer Institute.
2007-2008: University of Delaware Economics Seminar; Discussant—NBER Economics of Crime
Conference; Case Western Reserve Economics Seminar; New England Symposium on Statistics in Sports—
Harvard; Rockefeller Center Public Lecture—Dartmouth; Dartmouth Applied Statistics Seminar;
Presenter and discussant, Conference on Empirical Legal Studies—NYU; Discussant, IMF Annual Research
Conference; Michigan State Economics Seminar; Chicago GSB Applied Micro Seminar; Securities and
Exchange Commission; National Research Council Committee on Evidence and Its Uses; Philadelphia
Federal Reserve Bank; Presenter and discussant, American Economic Association Annual Conference—
New Orleans; Harvard Labor Seminar; O’Reilly Money:Tech Conference—New York; Cornell Law School
Seminar; Discussant, NBER Macroeconomics Annual; Brookings Panel on Economic Activity—Washington
DC; Economics of Business and the Law symposium—UT Austin; Society of Labor Economists Annual
Conference—New York; CFA Institute Annual Conference—Vancouver; American Law and Economics
Association Annual Conference—New York; European Central Bank; Institute for International Economic
Studies—Stockholm University; Research Institute of Industrial Economics (IFN)—Stockholm;
Discussant—IFN Stockholm Conference on Family, Children and Work; Institute for Social Research
(SOFI)—Stockholm University; University of Oslo; NBER Economic Growth Summer Institute; NBER
Monetary Economics Summer Institute; NBER Labor Economics Summer Institute; NBER Law and
Economics Summer Institute.
2006-2007: Harvard Law and Economics Seminar; George Mason Public Choice Seminar; Penn
Criminology Seminar; NBER Political Economy Conference; Wallis Conference on Political Economy—
Rochester; JME/Swiss National Bank conference—Gerzensee; Conference on Empirical Legal Studies, UT-
Austin; National Association of Science Writers New Horizons in Science Conference—Johns Hopkins;
American Society of Criminology annual conference—Los Angeles; INFORMS annual conference—
Pittsburgh; Carnegie Mellon Behavioral Decision Research Seminar; Barclays Global Investors—San
Francisco; University of Washington Economics Seminar; Toronto University Labor Seminar; Vanderbilt
Law School; MIT Macro Seminar; Georgetown Public Policy and Government Seminar; Discussant / chair
/ session organizer, American Economic Association Annual Conference—Chicago; Prediction Markets
Cluster—Washington D.C.; Columbia Political Economy Seminar; Northwestern Law School; Discussant,
NBER Law and Economics Conference; Princeton Political Economy Seminar; Chicago Law School;
Strategy and Business Environment Conference—Harvard; Technology Speaker Series— Mitre
Corporation; Federal Trade Commission Economics Seminar; University of Missouri Economics Seminar;
Discussant, National Academy of Science Committee on Law and Justice; Brown University Macro Seminar;
Society of Labor Economists Annual Conference—Chicago; American Law and Economics Association
Annual Conference—Harvard; UCLA Policy and Strategy Seminar; MIT Center for Collective Intelligence
Seminar; Conference on Gambling and Prediction Markets— Palm Desert; Conference on Legal
Implications of the New Research on Happiness—Chicago Law School; Chartered Financial Analysts
Institute Conference on Efficient Markets and Behavioral Finance—Boston; Kiel Institute for the World
Economy; University of Munich; University of Linz, Austria; Discussant, NBER Political Economy Summer
Institute; NBER Labor Studies Summer Institute; Discussant, NBER Law and Economics Summer Institute.
2005-2006: Kellogg, Management and Strategy Seminar; Penn State Market Design Seminar; Yale Law
and Economics Seminar; Tow Lecturer, University of Iowa; Columbia Law and Economics Seminar; NBER
Macroeconomics and Individual Decision-making Conference; University of North Carolina Public
Economics Seminar; CEMFI Seminar—Madrid; London Business School Conference on Information
Markets; Presenter / discussant / chair / session organizer, AEA meetings—Boston; Econometric Society
Meetings—Boston; UC Berkeley Law and Economics Seminar; MacArthur Network on Inequality and
Social Policy Conference; Penn Econometrics Seminar; San Francisco Federal Reserve Seminar;
Discussant, San Francisco Federal Reserve Conference on Labor Markets and the Macroeconomy; Penn
Law School Seminar; USC Symposium on the Economics of Happiness; Alpha-UBS conference—Duke;
Discussant, Global Network on Inequality Conference—Princeton; Society of Labor Economists Annual
Conference—Cambridge; American Law and Economics Association Annual Conference—UC Berkeley;
Career Trajectories of Female Professionals Workshop—Radcliffe Institute; Maryland Summer Workshop
on Criminology and Economics; Prediction Markets Cluster—Chicago; NBER Forecasting and Empirical
Methods Summer Institute; NBER Labor Studies Institute; NBER Law and Economics Summer Institute;
Citadel Investment Group—Chicago; Econometric Society European Meetings—Vienna; European
Economic Association Annual Conference—Vienna.
2004-2005: Institute for International Economic Studies—Stockholm University; CEPR/IZA European
Summer Symposium in Labor Economics—Ammersee; Uppsala Economics Seminar; Columbia Financial
Engineering Seminar; ZEW Evaluation Conference—Mannheim; Prudential Quantitative Finance
Conference—Boston; IZA Workshop on Labor Market Institutions—Bonn; RWI-Essen Economics Seminar;
IZA-Bonn Economics Seminar; Brookings-AEI Joint Center Conference on Prediction Markets—Washington
DC; Wharton Applied Economics Seminar; DIMACS Conference on Markets as Predictive Devices—
Rutgers; Cornell Labor Economics Seminar; Hirtle-Callaghan Risk Conference—Philadelphia; UQAM
Economics Seminar—Munich; American Law and Economics Association Annual Conference—NYU;
Wharton Applied Economics Workshop; Society of Labor Economists Annual Conference—San Francisco;
San Francisco Federal Reserve Bank Seminar; International Symposium on Forecasting—San Antonio;
NBER International Seminar on Macroeconomics—Budapest; Discussant, Wharton Careers Conference;
Society for Computational Economics Annual Conference—Washington, DC; Wharton Decision Processes
Seminar; SOLE/IZA Transatlantic Meetings—Ammersee; NBER Law & Economics Summer Institute;
European Economic Association Annual Conference—Amsterdam; Yale Political Economy Seminar;
Australian Conference of Economists—Melbourne.
2003-2004: Society of Labor Economists Annual Conference—Toronto; UC Berkeley Macro Seminar;
NBER Macroeconomics and Individual Decision Making Conference; Texas A&M Economics Seminar;
University of Miami Economics Seminar; Chicago GSB Macro Seminar; NBER Economics of National
Security Conference; John F. Kennedy School of Government Seminar; Stanford Center for International
Security and Cooperation Seminar; American Economic Association Annual Conference—San Diego;
Chicago-Harris School Public Policy Seminar; Wharton Applied Economics Seminar; Kansas Economics
Seminar; New School Economics Seminar; Discussant, Stanford Conference on the Media and Economic
Performance; USC Law and Economics Seminar; Society of Labor Economists Annual Conference—San
Antonio; Business Environment Conference—Wharton; Chicago Quantitative Alliance—Las Vegas;
Stanford Applied Micro Seminar; Stanford Macro Seminar; Yahoo Research Labs; Global Association of
Risk Professionals—San Francisco; Stanford Financial Math Seminar; Society of Quantitative Analysts—
New York; QWAFAFEW—San Francisco; NBER Labor Studies Summer Institute; University of
Sydney/SUGUNA/Advance Lecture.
2002-2003: Johns Hopkins Macro Seminar; Discussant, APPAM Fall Conference—Dallas; New School
Conference in Honor of Jim Tobin; Discussant, Econometric Society Winter Meetings; J. Fish and Lillian F.
Smith Lecturer—Brigham-Young University; UT-Austin Labor Seminar; Haas Business and Public Policy
Seminar; NBER Macro Annual Conference; San Francisco Federal Reserve Bank Seminar.
2001-2002: Discussant, Wallis Conference on Political Economy—Rochester; American Economic
Association Annual Conference—Atlanta; Stanford Law School Seminar; Discussant, Strategy and the
Business Environment Conference—Stanford; University of Sydney Economics Seminar; Reserve Bank of
Australia Seminar; University of Melbourne Economics Seminar; Council on Foreign Relations Macro
Conference—Washington, DC.
2000-2001 and earlier (graduate school): NBER Economic Fluctuations Group Conference—San
Francisco; Society of Labor Economists Annual Conference—Cambridge; MacArthur Network on
Inequality and Social Interactions Conference—UCLA; Harvard Labor Seminar; Harvard Monetary and
Fiscal Policy Seminar; Chicago GSB Micro/Macro Joint Seminar; John F. Kennedy School of Government
Seminar; Stanford GSB Political Economy Seminar; UC Berkeley Economics Seminar; Princeton Economics
Seminar; Yale Economics Seminar; NYU Economics Seminar; Columbia Business School Joint Micro/Macro
Seminar; London School of Economics Seminar; Michigan Economics Seminar; Harvard Business School
NOM Seminar.
Last updated: December 14, 2020.