Kopa V People (Appeal 79 of 2017) 2018 ZMSC 39 (5 June 2018)
Kopa V People (Appeal 79 of 2017) 2018 ZMSC 39 (5 June 2018)
Kopa V People (Appeal 79 of 2017) 2018 ZMSC 39 (5 June 2018)
79 / 2017
(Cr iminal Jurisdiction)
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RABAN MWENI KOPfj_ ri.::;-~::, I ... !. . ''I ..• ~•......~ -1\ ..·":'-~·
I ' ""\ . L·, ' APPELLANT
b etween them but PW 1 and other p eople managed to stop the fight.
s ay that for him whoever provoked him , the figh t did not e nd and
then went to PW4 's shop across the road and bought two boxes of
as h e s lept with his wife and three childre n. They all s uffered third
portion of the wall r escu ed them from the burning house. Sadly,
Robinson Chibesa and two of the children died that d ay while his
PW7 visited the crime scene the next day . He found the burnt
Chibesa. He carefully searched the scene for any clue of what could
to bury the bodies in marked gr aves and left word with the villagers ,
to a ppre hend the appellant if seen and surrender him to the police.
Late r , PW3 and his wife (a sister to the a ppellant) were told by
their children tha t the appellant h a d a sked for some food as h e was
hungry. They prepared food for him so that they could a pprehend
him. PW3 called the appellant from the bush and alerted other
Whilst the a ppellant was eating in the house, PW3 called out
police. The app ellant came out with a plate of n s hima and
PW3 grabbed him but h e slipped out of his leath er jack et, leaving it
The next d ay, PW7 collected the a ppellant from Mwewa Police
explain to others why he was b eing detained. Thus , the young man
gather at the burning h ouse , h e ran away. PW6 revealed that it was
n ot see the face of the young man, but h e h eard his narration.
body was taken to Mwewa. Afterward , the bodies of the other three
that her husband h a d told h er of the fight h e had with the a ppellant
and the threats . Tha t night, she woke up to a house full of smoke.
She h eard a voice she identified as that of the appellant saying; "if
you are a champion , wake up and come out to fight with me ."
conducted on h e r body r evealed that she too died from the burns.
told him about the fire the following morning. F earing ly n ching by
their children and all his property. He said h e ran away b ecause h e
a ppellant s e t fire to the house in issue . The question the court had
the fire started from within the house, as claimed by the defence.
the court first dealt with the evidence of PW6. The court observed
on the offence the appellant was charged with; that PW6 did not
know the appellant prior to that date; and that this was clearly a
chance meeting in the darkness of the police cells. The court also
PW6 and found that the person who confessed to committing the
offence, was the appellant who came from Samfya and took judicial
explained by the d efence , namely : (1) PW6 's evidence that the
the shop across the road and PW4 confirmed that the appellant
bought two boxes of matches known as 'elephant' from his shop. (4)
m e tres from the burnt house during his investigations at the scene,
whose brand was 'elephant', the same brand PW4 sold to the
appellant. (5) When PW7 tried to follow up the matter with the
The r eason the appellant gave was that h e feared reprisals from the
villagers, but h e did not explain why from all the r esidents of the
village, villagers should single him out for reprisals . (6) When the
appellant was lured from the bush with food, h e tried to run away
leaving behind his leather jacket where a box of matches was found.
(7) No explanation was given by the appellant why his own relatives
appellant who set fire to the house in which the deceased were
sleeping. The court found that setting fire to the house was a felony
and that the a ppellan t knew or ought to have known that he would
cause grievous h arm to the people who were sleeping inside. The
knowledge of what he had done, that sent him into hiding; and that
this was the only reason he feare d reprisals from the villagers. As a
final point, the court found the appellant guilty of murder on all the
1. The trial Judge erred in law and fact when she accepted PW6's
evidence that the appellant confessed to having set on fire the
house of Robinson Chibesa resulting in his death and four other
members of his family.
2 . The Judge erred in law and fact when she held that the only
reasonable inference that could be drawn from the circumstances
was that the appellant set fire to the house the deceased p e rsons
herein were sleeping in.
committing the offe n ce was the appellant who came from Samfya.
m a tters: (1) PW6 found three p eople in the p olice cells . Since it was
dark, h e was una ble to identify them . (2 ) PW6 did not tell the court
whe re the three p eop le had come from or the offen ces they were
the cells, PW6 was unable t o see his face a s it w as dark. Th erefore,
it could b e infe rred that the p er s on who confessed was any of them .
produce the receip t h e got after p aying the fine to the police.
Coun sel for the a ppellant quoted the case of Shawaz Fawaz
prob a bly s p ok e the truth ; a nd that the eviden ce of the witn ess mus t
s uffic ie n t for th e court to find tha t PW6 prob a bly s p ok e the truth .
of the r ecord that, the evidence PW6 was giving in court was true,
put to him was very broad and general, it did not specify facts of
the r espondent d id not adduce any evidence to dispr ove acciden tal
testify tha t the deceased h a d put out their cooking fires; and that
It was also a r gued that the fact that the a p pella n t went into
hiding did not prove that h e was running away because he was
guilty. That the explana tion he gave was a reason able explanation
in t h e circumstances; and an infe ren ce of guilt was not the only one
that could be drawn from th e circumstan tia l evid ence which did n ot
satisfy the test laid down in th e case of David Zulu v The People 3 .
counsel supported the trial court's findings of fact and con clusions
and the 'odd coincidences' which the court found were not
explained by the a ppella nt. It was argued that the a ppellant did not
suggest any motive on the p art of PW6 to implicate him falsely. That
could h ave b een anyone of the three other p eople in the cells, it was
submitted first , that th ere was no other p lace where five people
were burnt on the fateful night a part from the area the appellant
came from. Second, that the appellant did not refute PW6 's
of the obiter remarks by Doyle, J .A. (as h e the n was) were quoted in
the judgm ent of the court b elow at p age 98 of the record of appeal.
was 'eleph ant', the same type PW4 said h e sold to the appellant. It
was argued that on his appreh ension, the a ppellant was found with
the other box dropped at t h e scene wh ere he had lit the h ouse.
To support this argum ent, counsel cited the case of Ilunga Kabala
connection no explanation.
counsel cited the cases of The People v John Nguni6 and Sinyama
evidence available to the court satisfied the test laid down in the
case of David Zulu v The People 3 . Reference was also made to the
court below h a d to d etermine was who set fire t o the house in which
set fire to the house resulting in the death of Robinson Chibesa and
PW6 and his reply thereto. Th e relevant part of the record reads:
A. Yes my Lady.
Q . Witness just also confirm that the evide nce that PW6 was givi ng
in court is true ?
It is true from the above p assage that PW6 was not mentioned
this aspect of the m a tter was not an issue in the court below. As
his client was broad and general or if the appellant did not know
whom PW6 was, counsel ought to h ave obj ected but h e did not.
that h e did not, m eant that the a ppellant unde rs tood the questions
put to him and confirmed as true what PW6 had said in court.
Furthe r , the fact that PW6 did not see the face of th e young
the issue of whether or n ot the app ellant made a 'confession ' in the
d eny tha t h e m a d e the statem ent allude d to by PW6 but he did not,
t ell the cou r t wh ere the three p eople h e found in the police cells
did not produce the receipt h e wa s give n after h e paid the amount
h e was ch arged were not in issue in this case. Wha t is more, it was
you ng man from Ng'umbo though h e did not see his face .
with whom he had not differed. In contrast, the court found that the
fact and the conclusions made by the court below which gave
cogent reasons for believing the evidence of PW6 and finding that
the person who confessed to the crime was the appellant who came
should not have held that the only reasonable inference that could
be drawn from the circumstances was that he set fire to the house.
his wife's dowry and told him that the marriage was end ed. The
house. That evening the father-in-law's house caught fire and the
evidence, which , the court accepted was that the appellant, was
seen standing n ear the house some twenty paces away and when a
the effect that the accused set the fire in question, it must disprove
the appellant set the fire to the house. There was also evidence that
the house was not electrified and that the family was using firewood
from the above quoted case because here there was the
accidental fire was disproved and there can b e no doubt that the act
of setting fire to the house was intentional and malicious . There was
dismiss it.
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