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Cities Matching

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* The good, me bad and tre unbearable

Vocabulary and Reading Exam practice: Part 4

4 FOI questIOns 1-12. choose from the Cilll!SA-E. Some of
1 Put the words in the box under the following headings:
the Citiesmay be used more than once When more

- types of load ri".~rond than one answer is required. these may be given in any
- forms of transport ilIU!I'f1 order.
metro ring road biglt\y;!y undcfJ.tround bus \Vhith city or cities:
one-way bt.n:et uam p;tth kllT) hl<.,'Cle morcrway (k>L~nul have an underground
I r:aln car Jane van "ide road nlOpt."lI motorcycJe ~slcnl)'l-1!
'C..'OOIU Slreet ieep cuk!~c CO:I(:h UXi
-~-- h.I, jLOO<I r.ciI."", for ()dl"'"
tu!t ~ cbeap and efficieru r.u1\\"'3)' ~"ICC?
2 Readthe texts quickly and hnd out which cities have
h.loIian espenswe \lndc:rgrotUl<1 ')",h:m' kjJ
good publIC transport and which cities have bad public
Ilanspon. IS pl~lnnin8 (0 Improve its rail "'II'1IiII-- .. .--,
Scr\icc."i? t"qJ liM
Exam practice: Part 3 iI:IU beuerbu~M:rvi<'cs in the P:l~·~t1:""1IL.-~F~i*~®::=~
h.I"i -erloes parkinR problem» M
3 Sevensentenceshave been le~ from Ihe text.
Choose from the sentencesA-H the one which fits h.....crk.-<.I10 limit the number
each gap (1-7). There is one eXirasentence which you
do not need to use.
or CJ~ In the ciI)' cent.rc?' GI;:'J'I:=~B!@!;~
has iJ\(;~ in o:~ n:a.1lrl) ~ km.
A Gelling there means choo.~lnJtbetween an efficient h:l' ulNllubic roods foron? MfM
underground ~l"S(~mor bt,:in~"Iluc:k in tr.IITk· Fi.J1'b
fOI much of the journey
B ~lo!'1cuy dwellers boughr a second car.
5 Find words in the texi that mean:
e 1lle ring road \\':15 oPJ'K~d b)! cnviroluncnr'::1lists
lxu has turned OUI 10 1x.: a great soecess. - 'flake ~llcdljng change direclion (ViCltnll)
o ~f:lIlYor the city's hiA'l\\'ays nre blocked off 10 - t'tHlnc.:ction . , (\'ie.nn,1)
.,UO\\· construction work to J.K> nhcad. - rcpail"\, JITll)rOvemenl (Berlin)
E Predictably. private (;1'''' were found 10 be lhe main - P'L"OI,lc ,,,ho travel Jong tJi'i1:ances 10 and (rOI11 work
source o( poUuhon, (lJerlin)
F H.I( the mone), is prtJ\.dt-d I» !he llO'cmmcnt. the - -evere, dramanc (Alhd)"')
remainder ('()ft')O (")1'11 (JI't"'\ - punlflSC rllOOe)~ into :t project (Ath e'ft,,)
(, Abo\t;! ground, Londonet'5;'n.! nUl domg much - hc::1\1'tr.dllc that block....Uk: rwd, (London)
better. - forbkkk:n (London)
11 It wiU certainly be 'he 1'flO.'!( modem. - .Ire:l,; on the edge of :a town or cuy (SlockhoLnl)
- pushed into :1small Sp:.IC ..'C(SlIx'khulnl)

1 Work With. partner and discussthese questIOnS.
IC()\\'I);Id is (he traffic in )'our Im\-'n'at)·?
t 10\\ has the kx:d p'"Cml1ll...u tried 10 unpro"c (he
113\(: these .ulempts to improve thl.: ~hU;tIlOn\vorked?
If nOl, why not?

Unit 3

Itil.*, gm :;;:~::E
Although Vienna :already has Q superb public uunspon 1() For II nil ion whK.:honce prided iL-.elfon buildilla mod .. and
~ -tem, work h:ar-begun on a plan to divert Il':Iffic away from I"'uih\ B)" for orbers. transport in the capital i~
in 3 sorry )Cale.
the "I!'eels or the city. Key plans inclU<k:buildina I'CWand Today.lhe wOlld's oidesl Tube (Ihe first section W;15opened
Improved mororwny nnd rail links and u city ring mad. Within in 1863)~till boU!ols 735 million passenger jQUI'IIC)'~Il year,
c. the cily. 30 kllomeues or underground Iineli wn! 1)&added to BUI it is wlncly regarded as over-priced, incfflclem lind in
the ~IClro OYerthe next ten years. ;\1 preM:III, live billion 41 need or eXlcn"jvc repair, , ~ I The WOI~enlnj or public
~hilli"&)I. i..poured inlo Vienna's public tn1n~pon system services h;l~brought an increase in private Iran~pon. The
c\cr) year UlEl IThe llJ'IdergJtM.u\CJlin~ .. !NtH with the ,.u~uenl cong~lionon the capital', Str«'1S ",n_.. made
extensive uam lines and bus renes. Tbere are alttad)' 500 WOI'$C when cars were banned from the Cillo London',

"", of ()(Ic I',,,h, .u lthough VlC11oc>cC)oh, .. ,rumble nt filW1<1.1ceree. foll"";"g bomb 31':><ks by tho IRA.
deep polhol", in tbe p31hs.

B n...ItLIN, ~ r; ~Ii!i!lll ',.,..,...;0 'rnnff,~ so h is len )dl()mclre~ trommy house in the SI(M:khohnsuburbs
HUllCbuildin& :.il~. largc·scale rcpalrx of roads and the to the office in me city centre where Lwork. G!iQII I For
reconeecucn or the 1\\'0halves of lhl!thy huve 1111 conlbincd me. public tmnsporl wins hands down, If I leave bome ju:.t
to make Uc:rlln n difllcuh place 10 1l10Ve about in. Ifll I before ,illill o'clock, I'", at the office by half POSItighl. The
Sevemt of Ihe underground and cress-town rJilwtL),SI:UiCN'S train runs every three minutes or SOat pc:.).: linlc~ on the main
.lrt' ekbed
down for rcoovatioc. For car driven. the worst 55 COUtes.DurinS the rush hour i( can be difficult 10 J;(1 II scat.
problem " Irying 10'geetc tbe Olhc:rsldc' -10 move (rom but il'$ rare to be: crammed in like sardi~. a.~in London or
eut 10 west or \ ice versa Tbere are simpl)' not enou&h roads Paris, Fa<lhe pnc<: of. monthly p»s (375 krona). you can
'0 meet lhe d.m:md. The good news is lhaL.lIlhi. i...,.,· U'3\ el on all bu<eli and lrain.( within Siockholm - to me thllt is
_ 'enlcoce i5 "Ming towards a good cause. \Vhen all the true value for nlOncy and ccl1a.in1yless than lhe ~t of lhe
oolldlng and rebuilding is finished. BC11in'5 ecmuuners will 60 pelrol you would usc. By comparison, driving 10work, with
b3\C olle of EUl'ope's nlOSlefficient Ir:,llie "yslelns. the con,e ..lion IlIl(l dirlicull)' finding J)arklng '1':lcc. is jusl no«
l. IAI present. the 'Green WU\'c' l'Juumnl~s the free wonh the hassle.
do", or (r-anl" 1,long the city'S main streets: drivers who keep
:0 SO kill can hit It WB\<eof green lighl ... ind .Ivoid geuing
~~ in trafflc,

The Grecl rnctropolis was confirmed IlJ Europe" moi'

_;QIlutctlcity this \\cck. [.sMI IGiven the tl1y·" poor
rubhc tranvpcn, cers are o\'et"'helminJ;ly Ihe IllClln:.of
:ran~p01'chosen by most Atbenians, Unronunolct)'. h is a
:boicc to \vhlch Alhen~ ill particularly i11·..uhed, with us high
t:vildings. narrow streets ODda single ring rood. which forces
ICN vehicle~ to enttr the cily ccnlrc :It sonlC point filong their
JOIIIlICy. The nlOStdrastic of a sene5 or ntca."urc, - banning
-~ or c\'cn numbcr.pbted cars from the city centre on
.to:",,". ~"'~ing cla)s - has failed 10 soh.. lhe problem •
..... '--' The go'\"(':m.mc:nl has also begun in\eqing heavily
pj~hc tnln~pon3fld.arler long delays,III<now building me
..:it) \ tin.l underground metro SYSICU1.


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