Scott D. cannot be entirely eliminated, despite Some critics of disarmament falsely Sagan sustained efforts to do so, and thus be- complain about nonexistent proposals on the global lieve that nuclear deterrence will inev- for U.S. unilateral disarmament. Frank nuclear itably fail over time, especially if large Gaffney, for example, asserts that there future arsenals are maintained and new nu- has been “a 17-year-long unilateral U.S. clear states, with weak command- nuclear freeze” and claims that Presi- and-control systems, emerge. dent Obama “stands to transform the Perhaps the most widespread moti- ‘world’s only superpower’ into a nucle- vation for disarmament is the belief ar impotent.”3 More serious critics fo- that future progress by the nws to cus on those problems–the growth disarm will strongly influence the fu- and potential breakout of latent nws, ture willingness of the nnws to stay the future of extended deterrence, the within the npt. If this is true, then enforcement of disarmament, and the
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the choice we face for the future is not potential instability of small numbers– between the current nuclear order of that concern mutual nuclear disarma- eight or nine nws and a nuclear-weap- ment. These legitimate concerns must ons-free world. Rather, the choice we be addressed in a credible manner if face is between moving toward a nu- signi½cant progress is to be made to- clear-weapons-free world or, to bor- ward the goal of a nuclear-weapons- row Henry Rowen’s phrase, “moving free world. toward life in a nuclear armed crowd.”2 To address these problems adequate- There are, of course, many critics of ly, the current nuclear disarmament ef- the nuclear disarmament vision. Some fort must be transformed from a debate critics focus on the problems of how among leaders in the nws to a coordi- to prevent nuclear weapons “breakout” nated global effort of shared responsi- scenarios in a future world in which bilities between nws and nnws. This many more countries are “latent” nws essay outlines a new conceptual frame- because of the spread of uranium en- work that is needed to encourage nws richment and plutonium reprocessing and nnws to share responsibilities for capabilities to meet the global demand designing a future nuclear-fuel-cycle re- for fuel for nuclear power reactors. gime, rethinking extended deterrence, Others have expressed fears that deep and addressing nuclear breakout dan- nuclear arms reductions will inadver- gers while simultaneously contributing tently lead to nuclear proliferation by to the eventual elimination of nuclear encouraging U.S. allies currently liv- weapons. ing under “the U.S. nuclear umbrella” of extended deterrence to pursue their own nuclear weapons for national se- The npt is often described as a grand bargain between nws and nnws. The curity reasons. Other critics worry nnws, it is said, agreed not to acquire about the “instability of small num- nuclear weapons in exchange for the bers” problem, fearing that conven- “inalienable right,” under Article IV of tional wars would break out in a nu- the Treaty, to acquire civilian nuclear clear disarmed world, and that this power technology under international risks a rapid nuclear rearmament race nonproliferation safeguards and the by former nws that would lead to nu- promise by the nws, under Article VI clear ½rst use and victory by the more of the Treaty, to work in good faith to prepared government. eliminate eventually all of their nuclear
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weapons. Wolfgang Panofsky, for exam- of all the Parties to the Treaty to devel- Shared ple, argued: op research, production and use of nu- responsi- bilities for clear energy for peaceful purposes with- nuclear Non-nuclear Weapons States were en- out discrimination and in conformity disarma- joined from acquiring nuclear weapons ment with Articles I and II of this Treaty.” and Nuclear Weapons States were forbid- The expected global expansion of nu- den to transfer nuclear weapons and the clear power, however, will lead to in- wherewithal to make them to an nnws. creasing demand for enriched uranium To compensate for this obvious discrim- and reprocessed plutonium around the inatory division of the world’s nations, globe; a crucial question for future se- nnws were assured that they had an curity therefore is whether the spread “inalienable right” to the peaceful appli- of nuclear power will lead to the spread cation of nuclear energy, and the nws of enrichment and plutonium fuel-pro-
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obligated themselves in Article VI of duction facilities. Mohamed ElBaradei the treaty to work in good faith toward has been particularly forceful in warn- nuclear disarmament.4 ing of the security risks inherent in In his 2009 Prague speech, President such a world of multiple “virtual nucle- Obama similarly maintained that “the ar weapons states,” arguing for “a new basic bargain is sound: Countries with international or multinational approach nuclear weapons will move towards dis- to the fuel cycle so as to avoid ending up armament, countries without nuclear with not just nine nuclear weapon States weapons will not acquire them, and all but another 20 or 30 States which have countries can access peaceful nuclear the capacity to develop nuclear weapons energy.” in a very short span of time.”5 George These statements correctly highlight Perkovich and James Acton agree, not- the important linkage between nuclear ing that the nws are unlikely to take disarmament and nuclear nonprolifera- the ½nal steps toward complete disar- tion. But framing the linkage in this way mament if there are many states that –with nws seen as responsible for dis- could quickly get nuclear weapons ma- armament and nnws responsible for terial from their own national urani- accepting nonproliferation safeguards um or plutonium production facilities. on their nuclear power programs–is “If no acceptable form of regulation historically inaccurate and politically can be established for the proliferation- unfortunate. It is historically inaccurate sensitive activities that many states because both Article IV and Article VI which today promote disarmament were written to apply to both the nws are seeking to conduct,” they argue, and the nnws. This common descrip- “the abolition of nuclear weapons tion of the Treaty is unfortunate because may not prove possible.”6 it limits the prospects for crafting a more Many proposals exist for different comprehensive and more equitable im- forms of multinational fuel-cycle facil- plementation of the basic npt bargains, ities (plants owned and operated by based on shared responsibilities be- multiple states) or international facili- tween nws and nnws, in the future. ties (plants owned and operated by an international organization). Govern- A rticle IV of the npt simply states, ments of many nnws, however, as well as some nuclear technology exporters, “Nothing in this Treaty shall be inter- preted as affecting the inalienable right argue that creating any constraints
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Scott D. on the national production of nuclear facilities. Indeed, such an agreement in Sagan fuels would violate the “inalienable principle, with an exception for facilities on the global right” mentioned in Article IV. As Al- with “direct national security signi½- nuclear bert Wohlstetter once noted, it is as if cance,” was in fact made by President future some diplomats believe that all states Lyndon Johnson in 1967, as a major com- have “a new natural right to Life, Lib- promise during the npt negotiations.9 erty, and the Pursuit of Plutonium.”7 Reaf½rming this commitment, as a re- Three important points about Arti- sponsibility under Article IV, should be cle IV become clearer if one probes a lit- easy to accept in principle; after all, if tle more deeply. First, this “inalienable nws are committed to working in good right” is in reality a conditional right, faith toward nuclear disarmament, at dependent upon the state in question some point they would become, to coin being “in conformity” with Articles I an acronym, fnws (former nuclear-
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and II of the npt. It is too often forgot- weapons states), and the safeguard ex- ten in the debate over the Iranian nu- ceptions they currently maintain would clear program, for example, that a state no longer apply. that is not behaving “in conformity” In practice, it would be helpful for with its Article II commitment “not nws to go beyond reaf½rmations and to seek or receive any assistance in the expressions of principle and pick one manufacture of nuclear weapons” has or more model facilities to place under at least temporarily sacri½ced its rights advanced safeguards, to demonstrate to acquire civilian nuclear technology future intentions and help create best under Article IV. The Board of Gover- practices. Strict safeguards on existing nors of the International Atomic Energy nuclear-fuel production facilities in Agency (iaea) decides whether or not the nws are not really necessary today a state is in compliance with its speci½c to ensure that the materials from the safeguards commitments. But the iaea plants are not diverted for nuclear does not determine the appropriate re- weapons, since nws already have suf- sponse to a safeguards violation that is ½cient ½ssile materials from their mili- not remedied in a timely fashion; in- tary nuclear production programs. But stead, it reports any such case of non- placing new facilities under iaea safe- compliance to the un Security Council guards would signal equitable treat- and the General Assembly–as it did in ment and a long-term commitment to 2004 with respect to Libya and in 2006 disarmament. Similar safeguards will with respect to Iran–and then the Se- also be needed if a Fissile Material Cut- curity Council must decide on appro- off Treaty (fmct), ending the produc- priate responses.8 tion of materials for weapons, is suc- Second, Article IV refers to “all the cessfully negotiated, though in this case Parties to the Treaty,” not just the nnws. the veri½cation and safeguarding func- This should lead to increased opportu- tions would be best handled (at least ini- nities to share responsibility for nonpro- tially) by a new organization of inspec- liferation and disarmament, for it sug- tors from nws, rather than the iaea, so gests that as part of their Article IV com- as to limit access into sensitive former mitment, the nws should reaf½rm that weapons-material production facilities. international safeguards can eventually Third, responsibilities for sharing the be placed on all of their nuclear power ½nancial support of iaea international plants and enrichment and reprocessing safeguards can be improved. Today, each
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iaea member state pays into a regular their disarmament commitments, and Shared budget of the Agency, from which the the May 2009 npt Preparatory Com- responsi- bilities for Safeguards Division draws funds for its mittee meeting was not unusual in that nuclear inspection programs; but the Agency regard. The nnws complaints are not disarma- without some merit, for the recent Bush ment is strapped for funds to deal with the current level of inspections, and will administration did not follow through be much more so if nuclear power con- on some of the disarmament-related tinues to expand as expected and if the commitments (most speci½cally, seek- more intrusive regime required by the ing rati½cation of the Comprehensive Agreed Protocol, which calls for ad- Test Ban Treaty) that previous admin- vanced inspections, comes into force. istrations had made at npt review con- One approach that has been advocated ferences.11 In addition, some former is to have states pay more into the iaea U.S. government of½cials have unhelp-
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safeguards budget in proportion to the fully claimed that the United States number and kinds of facilities they have never really intended to keep its Article on their soil that are subject to inspec- VI commitments. Former cia Director tion. This approach, however, places the John Deutch, for example, asserted in ½nancial burden only on the state that Foreign Affairs in 2005 that Washington bene½ts from the nuclear power plant or was “unwise” “to commit under Article fuel facility in question and ignores that 6 of the Nonproliferation Treaty [npt] the nonproliferation bene½ts of the safe- ‘to pursue good-faith negotiations’ to- guards are shared by all states. A better ward complete disarmament, a goal it approach would be to have all govern- has no intention of pursuing.”12 The ments–both nws and nnws, and both Bush administration’s 2001 U.S. Nu- states with nuclear power programs and clear Posture Review was also widely those without nuclear power–substan- interpreted to signal movement away tially increase their funding support from the npt commitment to nuclear for the iaea, to enhance its future safe- disarmament because the document guards capabilities. Indeed, it would be declared that U.S. nuclear weapons possible to have private industry and “possess unique capabilities . . . to hold even philanthropic organizations inter- at risk targets [that are] important to ested in promoting more safe and secure achieve strategic and political objec- use of nuclear power also contribute to tives”; it called for the development of the iaea safeguards budget.10 new nuclear warheads; and it outlined a strategy of “dissuasion,” the policy of A rticle VI of the npt states in full, maintaining such a large advantage in military forces, including nuclear, that “Each of the Parties to the Treaty un- dertakes to pursue negotiations in good other states would be dissuaded from faith on effective measures relating to even considering entering into a mili- cessation of the nuclear arms race at an tary arms competition with the United early date and to nuclear disarmament, States. and on a treaty on general and complete Many diplomats and scholars have disarmament under strict and effective spoken about the speci½c arms-con- international control.” Many diplomats trol and disarmament steps the Unit- from nnws have complained at virtual- ed States and other nws could take ly every npt review conference that the to demonstrate that they are pursuing nws have not done enough to meet their Article VI commitments more se-
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Scott D. riously. Missing from this debate is a and a collective responsibility to make Sagan discussion of what the nnws can do to sure that constraints are placed on sen- on the global help in the disarmament process. Look- sitive fuel-cycle facilities. In short, the nuclear ing at shared responsibilities points to nnws should recognize that entering future two speci½c ways in which the nnws into negotiations about international can better honor their Article VI com- control of the nuclear fuel cycle is an mitments. essential part of their Article VI commit- First, just as nws and nnws should ment “to pursue negotiations in good share responsibilities for funding the in- faith on effective measures relating to creasingly advanced international safe- cessation of the nuclear arms race.” guards necessary for nuclear power facil- ities, the nws and nnws should both contribute signi½cantly to funding the A third common criticism of the dis- armament goal is that nuclear force re-
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necessary major research and develop- ductions might back½re, inadvertently ment effort for improved monitoring encouraging nuclear proliferation, by and veri½cation technologies that will undercutting U.S. extended deterrent be needed if nuclear disarmament is to commitments. In September 2008, for progress to very low numbers of weap- example, Secretary of Energy Samuel ons. In October 2008, the British gov- Bodman and Secretary of Defense Rob- ernment invited the governments of the ert Gates declared that “the United other npt-recognized nuclear states– States will need to maintain a nuclear the United States, Russia, France, and force . . . for the foreseeable future,” bas- China–to participate in a major tech- ing this position in part on the need to nical conference examining future veri- protect U.S. non-nuclear allies: ½cation challenges and opportunities. The role nuclear forces play in the deter- Even more importantly, the British gov- rence of attack against allies remains an ernment recognized that R&D for dis- essential instrument of U.S. nonprolifera- armament veri½cation must not occur tion policy by signi½cantly reducing the in “splendid isolation,” and so jointly incentives for a number of allied countries sponsored test programs with the Nor- to acquire nuclear weapons for their own. wegian government laboratories to iden- . . . In the absence of this “nuclear umbrel- tify promising technologies that would la,” some non-nuclear allies might per- permit Norway and other nnws to be ceive a need to develop and deploy their more directly involved in implement- own nuclear capability.14 ing and monitoring future global nucle- ar disarmament.13 The term “nuclear umbrella,” how- Second, focusing on shared respon- ever, should be deleted from the strate- sibilities helps identify a more direct gic lexicon used by government of½cials and stronger linkage between Article VI and scholars alike. It connotes a defen- and Article IV of the npt. Because nws sive, passive strategy–as if Japan, South will be less likely to accept deep reduc- Korea, and nato countries were pro- tions to zero (or close to zero) if there tected by some kind of missile defense are more and more states with latent shield–rather than the threat of retal- nuclear-weapons capability because of iation with nuclear weapons against a the spread of uranium enrichment and state that attacks a U.S. ally. Even more plutonium reprocessing technologies, importantly, the nuclear umbrella term nnws have both an individual interest does not differentiate between two very
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different kinds of extended deterrence a commitment to isolate and overthrow Shared policies: a U.S. commitment to use nu- any leader who uses outlawed chemical responsi- bilities for clear weapons ½rst, if necessary, to de- or biological weapons. Finally, limiting nuclear fend an ally if it is attacked by an ene- the role of U.S. nuclear weapons to de- disarma- my who uses conventional forces, bio- terrence of other states’ use of nuclear ment logical or chemical weapons, or nuclear weapons would signal strong support weapons; and a more tailored U.S. com- for the eventual elimination of all nu- mitment to use U.S. nuclear weapons in clear weapons, for if such a no-½rst-use retaliation against only a nuclear attack nuclear doctrine became universally ac- on an ally. The ½rst form of extended de- cepted, the existing nws could more terrence was the U.S. Cold War policy easily coordinate moving in tandem to in nato and in East Asia and remains lower and equal levels of nuclear weap- largely intact today despite the end of ons on the road to zero.
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the Cold War. Such a change in U.S. and other pow- Adopting the second form of extend- ers’ nuclear doctrine will not be easily ed deterrence–maintaining commit- accepted by all allies, nor will it be easy ments to joint defense but limiting the to implement within military establish- threat of nuclear weapons use to retal- ments. nato of½cial doctrine, for ex- iation against nuclear attacks on allies– ample, which has not been revised since would not necessarily lead to the nucle- 1999, continues to assert (though it does ar proliferation cascade that Gates and not prove) that nuclear weapons remain Bodman seem to fear. Indeed, a more critical for a variety of threat scenarios: targeted U.S. nuclear guarantee, if im- “[T]he Alliance’s conventional forces plemented properly after alliance con- alone cannot ensure credible deterrence. sultation, could have a number of pos- Nuclear weapons make a unique contri- itive strategic effects. First, such a bution in rendering the risks of aggres- change might be welcomed by those sion against the Alliance incalculable allies who continue to value allied con- and unacceptable. Thus, they remain ventional military commitments, but essential to preserve peace.”15 Interest feel that ½rst-use nuclear threats en- in maintaining an expansive form of courage nuclear proliferation elsewhere extended deterrence remains strong in in the world. A more targeted nuclear East Asia as well. Ambassador Yukio guarantee would also make U.S. nucle- Satoh, for example, correctly notes ar weapons doctrine consistent with that the Japanese government’s of½cial Negative Security Assurances (nsas)– “Defense Program Outline” states only commitments not to use nuclear weap- that “to protect its territory and people ons against nnws–which all ½ve npt- against the threat of nuclear weapons, recognized nws have made at past npt Japan will continue to rely on the U.S. review conferences and at the un Secu- nuclear deterrent”; but Satoh has also rity Council in 1995. In addition, aban- recommended that the United States doning U.S. threats to use nuclear weap- should now threaten to retaliate with ons in response to another state using nuclear weapons if North Korea uses chemical or biological weapons against chemical or biological weapons in any the United States or our allies could future conflict.16 be followed by more credible deterrent The major responsibility for reduc- threats to respond with devastating con- ing the roles and missions that nuclear ventional military retaliation, and with weapons play in the doctrines of the
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Scott D. nuclear powers clearly falls on the gov- global strategic context is different, Sagan ernments of those nations. President Henry Kissinger alluded to a similar on the global Obama called for precisely such doctri- dynamic when he admonished the nuclear nal change in his 2009 Prague speech, nato alliance back in 1979: future promising that “to put an end to Cold We must face the fact that it is absurd War thinking, we will reduce the role to base the strategy of the West on the of nuclear weapons in our national se- credibility of the threat of mutual sui- curity strategy.” This will require that cide. . . . Don’t you Europeans keep ask- U.S. politicians and military of½cers ing us to multiply assurances that we stop leaning on the crutch of nuclear cannot possibly mean; and that if we weapons to shore up deterrence, even mean them, we should not want to ex- in situations in which the credibility ecute; and that if we execute, we’ll de- of such threats is vanishingly thin. Dur-
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stroy civilization. That is our strate- ing the 2008 U.S. election primary cam- gic dilemma, into which we have built paign, for example, Senators Hillary ourselves by our own theory and by Clinton and Christopher Dodd both the encouragement of our allies.19 criticized then Senator Obama for say- ing that he would not consider using Second, it would be helpful if the U.S. nuclear weapons to attack al Qae- nnws that are not members of U.S. da targets inside Pakistan (a U.S. ally), alliances would spend as much time arguing, in Clinton’s words, “I don’t condemning states that are caught vio- believe that any president should make lating their commitments not to devel- any blanket statements with respect op chemical or biological weapons as to the use or non use of nuclear weap- they do complaining that the nsas of- ons.”17 In May 2009, General Kevin fered at the npt review conferences Chilton, the commander of the U.S. should be legally binding. Finally, those Strategic Command, took the “all op- U.S. allies that remain concerned about tions are on the table” argument to a conventional or chemical and biological new level, threatening U.S. nuclear re- threats to their national security should, taliation in response to cyber attacks: as part of their Article VI disarmament “I think you don’t take any response commitment, help to develop the con- options off the table from an attack on ventional forces and defensive systems the United States of America. . . . And I that could wean themselves away from don’t see any reason to treat cyber any excessive reliance on U.S. nuclear weap- differently. I mean, why would we tie ons for extended deterrence.20 the president’s hands?”18 While the United States and other nws should take the ½rst steps to reduce The ½nal argument against nuclear dis- armament concerns breakout scenarios their reliance on nuclear weapons, there and the challenge of enforcement. Har- is much that nnws can do to encourage old Brown and John Deutch, for exam- and enable new nuclear doctrines to be ple, have argued that “[p]roliferating adopted, in the spirit of shared responsi- states, even if they abandoned these de- bilities for nuclear disarmament. First, vices under resolute international pres- nnws that are members of U.S. allian- sure, would still be able to clandestinely ces can stop asking to be reassured about retain a few of their existing weapons– noncredible military options. This is not or maintain a standby, break-out capa- a new problem. Indeed, although the bility to acquire a few weapons quick-
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ly, if needed.”21 The breakout problem, the iaea and in the un Security Council Shared however, applies to both new potential to create stronger resolutions condemn- responsi- bilities for proliferators and former nws that have ing these violations and imposing sanc- nuclear disarmed in a nuclear-free world. Thom- tions on the violators. Such a display of disarma- as Schelling and Charles Glaser have shared responsibilities would both help ment made similar arguments about “the in- resolve these proliferation crises and set stability of small numbers,” fearing nu- better precedents for future challenges. clear use would be more likely at the ½- Second, the nnws and nws need to nal stages of disarmament or after nucle- work together more effectively to reduce ar disarmament occurs, because states the risks of nuclear weapons breakout would engage in arms races to get nucle- in the future. To help deter withdrawal ar weapons in any subsequent crisis and from the npt, the un Security Council the winner in any such arms race would could adopt a binding resolution stating
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use its nuclear weapons with less fear of that it would consider any case in which nuclear retaliation.22 a state withdraws from the npt, after These are legitimate concerns, and being found to be in noncompliance addressing the challenges of veri½ca- with its safeguards agreements, to con- tion and enforcement of disarmament stitute a threat to international peace should be a high priority for future dis- and security under the un charter. The armament efforts. How can a vision of Nuclear Suppliers Group and the iaea shared responsibility between the nws could also discourage future withdraw- and nnws help address these vexing als from the npt by making all future problems? First, nws and nnws sales of sensitive nuclear facilities sub- should work together to punish the vio- ject to safeguards agreements that do lators of currently existing nonprolifer- not lapse if a state withdraws from the ation agreements. North Korea violated npt and including a “return to sender” its npt commitments by secretly tak- clause in which the recipient state would ing nuclear material out of the Yongby- be required to close down the facilities on reactor complex in the 1990s and by and return the sensitive technology and covertly starting a uranium enrichment nuclear materials to the country of ori- program with the assistance of Pakistan. gin as soon as possible.23 Iran similarly was caught in violation of It is often forgotten, however, that its npt safeguards agreement in 2002, there is a logical link between Article when the covert Natanz enrichment fa- VI and Article X of the npt. It will be cility was discovered and evidence of dif½cult for the existing nws to take nuclear weapons-related research was the ½nal steps of nuclear disarmament later released by the U.S. intelligence without more con½dence that nnws community. Finally, Syria was caught will not withdraw from the Treaty in violating its npt commitments in 2007, the future. It will also be dif½cult for when Israeli intelligence discovered a the nnws to accept constraints on their covert nuclear reactor under construc- Article X rights without more con½- tion. More consistent pressure by all dence that the existing nuclear powers ½ve permanent members of the un Se- will actually implement disarmament curity Council (the P5 are the United in ways that are dif½cult for them to re- States, Russia, China, France, and the verse. At future npt review conferences, United Kingdom) should be matched by the nws and nnws should therefore more uniform support by the nnws at address how best to promote increased
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Scott D. veri½cation and transparency and to re- ing from any disarmament agreement. Sagan duce incentives for npt withdrawal and The possibility of rearmament, however, on the global disarmament reversal as part of their is both a potential problem for stability, nuclear joint responsibilities to work in good if a conventional war or deep crisis oc- future faith toward a nuclear-free world. curs between two latent nuclear states, Efforts to prevent cheating on npt and a potential source of stability, for commitments or future disarmament each latent nuclear state will know that agreements may fail, of course, and if it rushes to rearm, others may do so stronger enforcement mechanisms as well. “Irreversibility” is often cited therefore need to be considered. There as a key objective in any nuclear disar- are, fortunately, strong logical reasons mament agreement (for example, this to be optimistic about the prospects for goal was cited in the 13 Practical Steps enforcement in a nuclear-free world: in agreed to at the 2000 npt Review Con-
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such a world, the major powers, which ference). Yet in a world without nucle- would include both traditional nnws ar weapons, the former nws would be and new former nws, would take viola- “more latent” than others who did not tions more seriously because small-scale have their technological expertise or op- cheating would pose an even greater risk erational experience, and an objective to their security than is the case now. in the ½nal negotiations in the global Today, the existence of large arsenals in disarmament process must be to create the United States and Russia, and argu- stronger veri½cation and monitoring ably in other nws as well, encourages capabilities to provide con½dence that some leaders to be complacent about one state could not start the rearma- the spread of nuclear weapons to new ment process without others observ- nations. Faith in the strength of nuclear ing such actions. Nuclear deterrence deterrence leads some policy-makers would still exist in a nuclear-weapons- to believe that North Korea or Iran, for free world, but it would be of a much example, will be deterred from ever more recessed and latent form than using their nuclear weapons if the cur- exists today. rent negotiations fail. In a nuclear-free Some are pessimistic about the pros- world, however, such deterrence opti- pects for latent nuclear deterrence, be- mism would be far less likely, and all lieving that it is inherently less stable major powers would share deeper than the current form of active nuclear fears of the emergence of new nuclear deterrence. Sir Michael Quinlan, for states.24 The temptation for buck-pass- example, argued that “it is sometimes ing would remain, but the faith that nu- suggested that the very fact of this re- clear deterrence would constrain a vio- constitution risk would serve as a deter- lator would not, and new institutional rent to war–weaponless deterrence, it arrangements for coordinating decision- has been called, a sort of deterrence at making on sanctions and conventional one remove. But that implies a world- military operations, perhaps through wide and long-sighted wisdom on the un Security Council, could help which it would surely be imprudent produce more effective enforcement to count.”25 Quinlan was certainly cor- of nonproliferation and disarmament. rect to remain skeptical about the de- Finally, it should be noted that in a gree we can ensure that “worldwide nuclear-weapons-free world, former and long-sighted wisdom” will exist nws will retain the option of withdraw- in the future world without nuclear
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weapons. But surely the same argu- is therefore by no means clear that the Shared ment holds true, and in spades, for nws will be able to overcome these responsi- bilities for a future world with many states hold- challenges to achieve the goal of com- nuclear ing nuclear arsenals. We cannot design plete nuclear disarmament. What is disarma- an international system in which wis- clear, though, is that the existing nws ment dom and prudence are guaranteed. cannot reach the summit of a nuclear- A nuclear-free world would, however, free world without the active partner- reduce the consequences of individu- ship of the current nnws. The nws al failures of wisdom and prudence. and nnws have a shared responsibil- ity for nuclear disarmament in the fu- The technical and political challenges ture, and will share a common fate if they fail to cooperate more effectively. that confront proponents of nuclear dis- armament are complex and serious. It
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ENDNOTES 1 George P. Shultz, William J. Perry, Henry A. Kissinger, and Sam Nunn, “A World Free of Nuclear Weapons,” The Wall Street Journal, January 4, 2007, and “Toward a Nuclear-Free World,” The Wall Street Journal, January 15, 2008; Douglas Hurd, Malcolm Rifkind, David Owen, and George Robinson, “Stop Worrying and Learn to Ditch the Bomb,” The Times (London), June 30, 2008; Alexander Kwasnewski, Tadeusz Mazowieki, and Lech Walesa, “The Vanishing Bomb,” The Moscow Times, April 7, 2009; Helmut Schmidt, Richard von Weizsacher, Egon Bahr, and Hans-Dietrich Genscher, “Toward a Nuclear-Free World: A German View,” International Herald Tribune, January 9, 2009; Massimo D’Alema, Gian- franco Fini, Giorgio La Malfa, Arturo Parisi, and Francesco Calogero, “A World Free of Nuclear Weapons,” Corriere Della Sera, July 24, 2008; Malcolm Fraser, Gustav Nossal, Barry Jones, Peter Gration, John Sanderson, and Tilman Ruff, “Imagine There’s No Bomb,” The Age, April 8, 2009. 2 See Albert Wohlstetter, Thomas A. Brown, Gregory Jones, David McGarvey, Henry Rowen, Vincent Taylor, and Roberta Wohlstetter, “Moving Toward Life in a Nuclear Armed Crowd?” Report for the Arms Control and Disarmament Agency, April 22, 1976; -EtAl-MovingTowardsLifeNuclearArmedCrowd&PDFFolder=Essays. 3 Frank Gaffney, Jr., “Peace Through Weakness,” February 16, 2009; 4 Wolfgang K. H. Panofsky, “The Nonproliferation Regime under Siege,” Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists (August 5, 2007); the-nonproliferation-regime-under-siege. 5 Mohamed ElBaradei, “Addressing Veri½cation Challenges,” Statements of the Director General: Symposium on International Safeguards, October 16, 2006; .org/NewsCenter/Statements/2006/ebsp2006n018.html. 6 George Perkovich and James M. Acton, “Abolishing Nuclear Weapons,” Adelphi Paper 396 (London: International Institute for Strategic Studies, 2008), 93. 7 Albert Wohlstetter, “Spreading the Bomb without Quite Breaking the Rules,” Foreign Policy (Winter 1976/1977). 8 Pierre Goldschmidt, “Exposing Nuclear Non-Compliance,” Survival 51 (1) (2009): 143–164.
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Scott D. 9 See George Bunn, Arms Control by Committee (Stanford, Calif.: Stanford University Press, Sagan 1992), 101. on the 10 For creative ideas on increasing the size and diversity of iaea contributions, see Thomas global nuclear Shea, “Financing iaea Veri½cation of the npt,” November 2006; future .org/Essays/20061113-Shea-FinancingIAEAVeri½cation.pdf. 11 For differing views on this, see Christopher A. Ford, “Debating Disarmament: Interpret- ing Article VI of the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons,” The Nonprolif- eration Review 14 (3) (2007): 402–428, and Scott D. Sagan, “Good Faith and Nuclear Disar- mament Negotiations,” in Abolishing Nuclear Weapons: A Debate, ed. George Perkovich and James M. Acton (Washington, D.C.: Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, 2009), 203–212. 12 John Deutch, “A Nuclear Posture for Today,” Foreign Affairs (January–February 2005): 51. 13 Des Brown, “Laying the Foundation for Multilateral Disarmament,” February 5, 2008;
Downloaded from by guest on 08 October 2024 DesBrown.pdf. 14 Samuel W. Bodman and Robert M. Gates, “National Security and Nuclear Weapons in the 21st Century,” September 2008; policy.pdf. 15 “The Alliance’s Strategic Concept” (nato, April 1999); pr/1999/p99-065e.htm. 16 See “Are the Requirements for Extended Deterrence Changing?” Carnegie Endow- ment for International Peace Conference, April 6, 2009; transcript available at http:// 17 Reuters, “Obama, Clinton in New Flap over Nuclear Weapons,” August 2, 2007; http:// 18 Elaine M. Grossman, “U.S. General Reserves Right to Use Force, Even Nuclear, in Response to Cyber Attack,” Global Security Newswire, May 12, 2009; 19 “Kissinger on nato,” Time, September 17, 1979; magazine/article/0,9171,920653,00.html. 20 George Perkovich, “Extended Deterrence,” Draft Paper Prepared for the Evans- Kawaguchi Commission, May 2009. 21 Harold Brown and John Deutch, “The Nuclear Disarmament Fantasy,” The Wall Street Journal, November 19, 2007. 22 See Thomas C. Schelling’s essay in this issue of Dædalus, as well as Schelling, “The Role of Deterrence in Total Disarmament,” Foreign Affairs (April 1962). See also, Charles Glaser, “The Instability of Small Numbers Revisited,” in Rebuilding the npt Consensus, ed. Michael May (Stanford, Calif.: Center for International Security and Cooperation, 2008); http:// 23 See Pierre Goldschmidt, “Concrete Steps to Improve the Nonproliferation Regime,” Non- proliferation Program Paper 100 (Washington, D.C.: Carnegie Endowment for Interna- tional Peace, April 2009). 24 This argument was ½rst made by Charles L. Glaser, “The Flawed Case for Nuclear Disar- mament,” Survival 40 (1) (Spring 1998). 25 Michael Quinlan, “Abolishing Nuclear Armouries: Policy or Pipedream?” Survival 49 (2) (Winter 2007–2008): 12.