Transformer 1
Transformer 1
Transformer 1
• A transformer is a static electromechanical energy conversion device i.e., transfers electrical energy between
two or more circuits through electromagnetic induction.
• used either for raising or lowering the voltage of an AC supply with a corresponding decrease or increase in
• electric power in one circuit is transformed into electric power of the same frequency in another circuit.
• In its simplest form, it consists of two inductive coils which are electrically separated but magnetically linked
through a path of low reluctance. The two coils possess high mutual inductance.
• If one coil is connected to a source of alternating voltage, an alternating flux is set up in the laminated core,
most of which is linked with the other coil in which it produces mutually induced emf.
Types of Transformers
1) Based on output voltage
i) Step-up i.e., output voltage(V2) is greater than input voltage (V1)
ii) Stepdown i.e., output voltage(V2) is less than input voltage (V1)
2) Based on construction
i) Core type i.e. winding encircles/surrounds the core
ii) Shell type i.e. core encircles/surrounds the winding
3) Based on number of phases
i) Single phase ii) Three-phase
4) Based on application
i) Power transformer i.e., used generally in generating station
ii) Distribution transformer i.e., used in distribution lines/consumer terminal.
Principle of Operation
• A transformer in its simplest form will consist of a rectangular laminated magnetic structure on which two
coils of different number of turns are wound as shown in Figure
Depending upon the number of turns of the primary (N1) and secondary (N2), an alternating emf (E2) is
induced in the secondary. This induced emf (E2) in the secondary causes a secondary current I2.
Consequently, terminal voltage V2 will appear across the load.
If V2 > V1, it is called a step up-transformer.
On the other hand, if V2 < V1, it is called a step-down transformer.
• When an alternating voltage V1 is applied to the primary, an alternating flux Φ is set up in the core. This
alternating flux links both the windings and induces emfs E1 and E2 in them according to Faraday’s laws of
electromagnetic induction. The emf E1 is termed as primary emf and emf E2 is termed as Secondary emf.
• As E1=-N1
• If a load is connected in the secondary side, then secondary emf cause current I2 in the load side. Thus,
transformer enables us a flow of power from one circuit to another.
Q. What will happen if DC supply is given to the transformer?
The flux increases from its zero value to maximum value of ɸm in one quarter of the cycle i.e., in second.
The average rate of change of flux =
So average emf induced per turns in volts = 4fΦm volts
RMS value of emf induced per turns = 1.11*Average value
=4.44fΦm volts
If, N1 and N2 are number of turns in primary and secondary winding then, the primary and secondary voltage
can be determined
E1= 4.44fΦm*N1
E2= 4.44fΦm*N2
Voltage Transformation Ratio (K)//turn ratio: The ratio of emf induced in secondary to primary is called voltage
transformation ratio(K).
2 2
1 1
Current Transformation Ratio: The ratio of current induced in primary to secondary is called current
transformation ratio.
1 2
2 1
Considering purely inductive load with negligible resistance, E2=V2 and E1=V1
Ideal Transformer
A transformer is said to be ideal if it satisfies following properties:
i) It has no iron losses i.e., hysteresis and eddy current loss.
ii) Its windings have zero resistance i.e., purely inductive with no ohmic losses (copper loss) and no resistive
iii) Magnetic Leakage flux is zero i.e., 100 % flux produced by primary links with the secondary.
iv) Permeability of core is so high that negligible current is required to establish the flux in it.
Ideal Transformer on No Load
• Consider an ideal transformer as shown in figure. For no load I2 =0. I1 is just necessary to produce flux in the
core, which is called magnetizing current denoted as Im. Im is very small and lags V1 by 900 as the winding is
purely inductive.
• According to Lenz's law, the induced e.m.f. opposes the cause producing it which is supply voltage V 1.
Hence E1 and E2 are in antiphase with V1 but equal in magnitude and E1 and E2 are in phase. i.e.
E = -N = -N.Φm coswt = -N.Φm sin(wt-90) i.e., E lags Φ by 90.
• As we have considered inductive load current I2 lags the voltage E2 or V2 by angle Φ2.
• The secondary current I2 setup mmf N2I2 which produces a flux in the opposite direction to the flux originally
set up in the primary by the magnetization current. This will change a flux in the core from original value.
However, the flux should not change from original value.
• Thus, when a transformer is loaded and carry a secondary current I2, then a current I1 must flow in the
primary to maintain the mmf balance. In other words, primary must draw the enough current to neutralize the
demagnetizing effect of secondary current so the mutual flux remains constant. Thus, if a secondary current
increase, then primary current increases in unison and keep mutual flux constant.
• The Phasor diagram for the ideal transformer on load is shown in Figure (ii) above. The secondary current I2
lags behind V2 (or E2) by Φ. t causes a primary current 1 = KI2 = I2 (for K=1) which is in antiphase with it.
1) Φ1=Φ2
or, cos Φ1= cos Φ2
Thus, power factor of primary is equal to secondary.
2) since no losses so input primary power is equal to output secondary power.
V1I1 cos Φ1= V2I2cos Φ2
Practical Transformer
A practical transformer differs from the ideal transformer in many respects. The practical transformer has
(i) iron losses
(ii) winding resistances
(iii) magnetic leakage, giving rise to leakage reactance.
Practical Transformer on No Load
• Consider a practical transformer with no load i.e., secondary open circuited,
• The back emf E1 tends to reduce the difference between V1 and E1 which cause more current to be drawn
from the sources, until the back emf E1 balance the voltage V1.
• KI2 be additional primary current and is counter balancing current because it is in phase opposition with
secondary current such that it sets up extra mmf N1kI2 producing flux let Φ2’ which will be in same direction
of main flux produced by N1I1 and thus try to maintain the original flux Φ.
• Now, we can show that flux Φ2 and Φ2’ are equal in magnitude.
• We have, output VA= V2I2
And, additional power input= V1 *kI2
for power balance
V2I2 = V1 *kI2
2 2 1
or, = as kI2 = I1 as Io is verry small and is negligible. So,
1 2 2
• The value of resistance, leakage reactance and impedance can be transformed to both side of transformer
without affecting the performance of transformer.
• The advantage is that calculating in one side of winding makes easier and simple because one has to work in
only one side of transformer.
Equivalent circuit of the transformer referred to the primary
• Proof:
1 2
The total copper loss due to both winding == I12 R1 + I22 R2 = I12 R1 +
= I12 [R1 + ] = I12 [R1 + R2’]
Here, is resistance value of R2 which is shifted to primary side.
R2’ is the equivalent resistance of secondary referred to primary. Therefore, R2’=
So, equivalent resistance of transformer referred to primary, R1e = R1 + R2’
R1e = R1 +
Similarly, equivalent reactance of transformer referred to primary,
X1e = X1 + X2’ = X1 +
And equivalent impedance referred to primary, Z1e = R1e + jX1e
Equivalent circuit of the transformer referred to the secondary
• Proof:
The total copper loss due to both winding == I12 R1 + I22 R2
= k2 I22 R1 + I22 R2
= I22 [R2 + k2 R1]
= I22 [R2 + R1’]
Here, k R1 is resistance value of R1 which is shifted to Secondary side.
R1’ is the equivalent resistance of primary referred to secondary.
Therefore, R1’ = 2 R1
So, equivalent resistance of transformer referred to secondary, R2e = R2 + R1’
R2e = R2 + k2R1
Similarly, equivalent reactance of transformer referred to secondary,
X2e = X2 + X1’
X2e = X2 + K2 X1
And equivalent impedance referred to secondary, Z2e = R2e + jX2e
• Similarly, R0 and X0 can be referred to secondary side
R0’ = k2 R0 and X0’ = k2 X0
Q. What do you mean by leakage reactance? Write down its effect?
Losses in a Transformer
The power losses in a transformer are of two types,
1. Core or Iron losses 2. Copper losses
The above losses appear in the form of heat and produce (i) an increase in temperature and (ii) a drop in
1) Core or Iron losses (Pi): These consist of hysteresis and eddy current losses and occur in the transformer
core due to the alternating flux. These can be determined by open-circuit test.
Hysteresis loss = KhfBm1.6 watt/m3
Eddy current loss = Kef2Bm2t2 watt/m3
Since transformers are connected to constant-frequency, constant voltage supply, both f and Bm are constant.
Hence, core or iron losses are practically the same at all loads.
The hysteresis loss can be minimized by using steel of high silicon content whereas eddy current loss can be
reduced by using core of thin laminations.
2) Copper losses (PC): These losses occur in both the primary and secondary windings due to their ohmic
resistance. These can be determined by short-circuit test.
Total copper Cu losses: = I12R1 + I22R2 =I12Re1 = I22Re2 Watt
They are called variable losses as they depend on load. These losses vary as square of load current or KVA.
if copper loss at full load is Pc then at any part load x, copper loss will be (1/x)2*Pc
3) Other losses are also occurred in transformer like Stray load loss and Dielectric loss. But they are negligible
so neglected.
Q. The full load iron loss in 140 Watt, what will be the loss at half load? Ans: 140Watt
Q. The full load copper loss in 900 Watt, what will be the loss at one-third load? Ans: 100Watt
Usually high voltage (HV) winding is kept open and the low voltage (LV) winding is connected to its
normal supply. A wattmeter (W), ammeter (A) and voltmeter (V) are connected to the LV winding as
shown in the figure. Now, applied voltage is slowly increased from zero to normal rated value of the LV
side with the help of a variac. When the applied voltage reaches to the rated value of the LV winding,
readings from all the three instruments are taken.
Wo = wattmeter reading V1 = voltmeter reading Io = ammeter reading
Then, the iron loss of the transformer Pi = Wo and,
W0 = V1 Io cos o
Then, no load power factor, cos o=
The short circuit test is performed on the secondary or high voltage winding of the transformer. The
measuring instrument like wattmeter, voltmeter and ammeter are connected to the high voltage winding of
the transformer. Their primary winding is short-circuited by the help of thick strip or ammeter which is
connected to its terminal.
W2sc = wattmeter reading V2sc = voltmeter reading I2sc = ammeter reading
Q. Why open circuit test is done at rated voltage and short circuit test at rated current?
Ans: OC test is used to determine iron loss which depend on rated voltage.
SC test is used to determine copper loss which depend on rated current.
Q. Why in an open circuit test the HV side is open and in short circuit test the LV side is shorted?
Ans: OC test is used to determine iron loss which depend on rated voltage. In LV side rated voltage required
will be less compare to High voltage side. so low range voltmeter and wattmeter sufficient to conduct the test.
Also, In no load test, no load current is only 4 to 6 percentage of full load current, so for LV side rated current
is high and no load current which only 4 or 6 percentage will be high compare to no load current in case of high
voltage winding. So that's why no-load current can be accurately measured.
Similarly, SC test is used to determine copper loss which depend on rated current. As the rated current on high
voltage side is much less than low voltage side, so the rated high voltage side current is easily achieved compared to
low voltage side.
Also, because we cannot short circuit high voltage side, as, if we short circuit high voltage side, voltage of high
voltage side essentially falls to zero and since VI=constant, so the high voltage side current will be very high and will
burn the winding
Also, in Low voltage iron loss is, the wattmeter reading will be copper loss.
Efficiency of a Transformer
• Efficiency of a transformer is defined as ratio of output power (in watts or kW) to input power (watts or kW).
• The losses can be determined by transformer tests i.e OPEN Circuit test and short circuit test.
Condition for Maximum Efficiency
Output power = V2I2 cosϕ2
losses= iron losses + copper losses
= Wi + I22R02 (Because R02 is equivalent resistance of secondary
so total copper loss = I22R02
2 2 cosϕ2
So, efficiency = = 2
2 2 cosϕ2 2 02
For a load of given power factor, efficiency depends upon load current I2. Hence, the efficiency to be
maximum the denominator should be minimum i.e.
2 2 cosϕ2
cosϕ2 2 =0
2 2 2 02
2 2 cosϕ2
Or, (V2I2 cosϕ2 + Wi + I22R02) * - V2I2 cosϕ2* (V2I2 cosϕ2 + Wi + I22R02) =0
On solving, we get
or, Wi = I22R02
Wi = Wcu
Iron losses = Copper losses
Hence, efficiency of a transformer will be maximum when copper losses are equal to constant or iron losses.
NOTE: Efficiency=
x=√ =√
Output kVA corresponding to maximum efficiency is given by
= full load KVA * √
Proof: Wi = Wcu
I12 R01 = Pi
I1 = √ = √ = √ =If√
I1 = If √
V*I1 = V*If √
% Voltage regulation
= [ I1R01 Cos Φ 2 / 0V2] × 100%
= [ I1R0 / 0V2 ] × 100% ( As Cos Φ2 = 1 )
General equation for voltage regulation
= [(I2R02 Cos Φ 2 ± I2X02 Sin Φ 2) / 0V2] × 100%
+ Sign for lagging power factor and
– Sign for leading power factor
Angle Φ2=0 for unity/resistive load
If the value of R01, X01 and I1 is known
% Voltage regulation = [(I1R01 Cos Φ 2 ± I1X01 Sin Φ 2) / 0V2] × 100%
Q. Describe the condition for maximum voltage regulation at lagging power factor?
Voltage regulation = [(I2R02 Cos Φ2 + I2X02 Sin Φ 2) / 0V2]
Maximum voltage regulation occurs when
d (V.R.) / dΦ 2 = 0
or, (I2R02 / 0V2) (– Sin Φ 2) + (I2X02) (Cos Φ 2) = 0
– R02 Sin Φ 2 + X02 Cos Φ 2 = 0
tan Φ 2 = X02 / R02
Φ 2 = tan –1 [ X02 / R02 ]
Power factor at which voltage regulation becomes maximum = Cos Φ2
= cos tan –1 [ X02 R02]
It occurs when load is inductive and power factor is lagging.
Q. Describe the condition For Zero voltage regulation?
Zero voltage regulation means, sending end voltage and Receiving end voltage become equal. This case is
also known as ideal voltage regulation. Ideal voltage regulation is desirable in a power system but not
possible practically.
• V.R = 0
or, I2R02 Cos Φ2 + I2X02 Sin Φ 2 =0
or, R02 Cos Φ2 = - X02 Sin Φ 2
or, tan Φ2 = - R02 / X02
or, Φ2 = - tan-1(R02 / X02)
or, Φ2 = cot-1(X02 / R02)
therefore, Φ2 = tan-1(X02 / R02)
-ve sign indicate zero voltage regulation. It occurs when load is capacitive or power factor is leading.
Voltage regulation curve
Hence, = 1- = 1-
Wa = Wtw (1-k)
Wa - Wtw = k Wtw
∴ Saving of copper in auto transformer compared to two winding transformers,
1) For transformation ratio = 2, size of auto transformer would be approximately 50% of corresponding size
of two winding transformer. For transformation ratio say 20 however the size would be 95 %. The saving
in cost of the material is of course not in the same proportion. The saving of cost is appreciable when the
ratio of transformer is low, that is lower than 2. Thus, auto transformer is smaller in size and cheaper.
2) An auto transformer has higher efficiency than two winding transformers. This is because of less ohmic
loss and core loss due to reduction of transformer material.
3) Has better voltage regulation as voltage drop in resistance and reactance of single winding is less.
1) The main disadvantage of an autotransformer is that it does not have the primary to secondary winding
isolation of a conventional double wound transformer. Then an autotransformer cannot safely be used for
stepping down higher voltages to much lower voltages suitable for smaller loads.
2) If the secondary circuit suffers a short-circuit condition, the resulting primary current would be much
larger than an equivalent double wound transformer due to the increased flux linkage damaging the
3) It is applicable in restricted areas where a small difference in the o/p voltage from i/p voltage is
4) The leakage flux between the primary and secondary windings is small and hence the impedance is low.
This results into severer short circuit currents under fault conditions.
Applications of an Auto transformer
1) As starters for induction motors and synchronous motors which are known as auto transformer starters.
2) In labs for obtaining a continuously varying voltage.
3) In voltage stabilizers as regulating transformers.
4) As booster transformer to raise the voltage in AC feeders.
Q. Why autotransformer is not safe for supplying a low voltage from a high voltage source?
Ans: If used to supply low voltage from a high voltage source, the full primary voltage may come across the terminal
in the event of a break in the secondary winding. This poses a risk to operators and equipment. The maximum limit
for voltage transformation in an autotransformer is 3:1. beyond this value, it is safer to use a 2-winding transformer.
VA rating of Auto transformer
(VA) Auto = V1I1
(VA) Two Winding = (V1-V2) I1
So, = = =
( ) ( )
So, kVA Autotransformer = kVA of two winding transformer / (1 – k),
Thus, power rating is greater in auto transformer.
Autotransformer Conductor = (1 – k) x two winding transformer conductor
Autotransformer loss = (1 – k) x loss of the two-winding transformer
Autotransformer impedance = (1 – k) x impedance of the two-winding transformer
Auto transformer voltage regulation = (1 – k) x two winding transformer voltage regulation
Components of power transfer
In an auto transformer power is transfer through conduction and convection. Emf induced in the winding is
proportional to the number of turns. Therefore, the secondary voltage can be varied by just varying the secondary
number of turns. As, the winding is common to both circuit, most of the power is transferred by conduction process
and a small portion by induction process.
So, power transfer by induction process = V2(I1-I2) = (1-k) input power
Power transfer by conduction process =V2I1
Three phase transformers
In general, for transformation, transmission and utilization of electric energy, it is economical to use the three-phase
system rather than the single phase. For three phase transformation, two arrangements are possible.
i) First is to use a bank of three single phase transformer
ii)Second, a single three phase transformer with the primary and secondary of each phase wound on three lags of a
common core.
The advantages of using 3 units of single-phase transformer over single units of three phase transformer are
i) Usually, a single unit of three phase transformer is quite large, so transportation of 3 units of single phase is easier.
ii) During maintenance only one unit becomes available, so system is more reliable and faster.
iii) It is economical to put single phase transformer as backup than three phase transformers.
The disadvantages of using 3 units single phase transformer than single units of three phase transformer are
i) Using 3 separate single-phase transformer is more expensive than using single 3 phase unit.
ii) Less efficient
iii) It occupies more space.
iv) Connecting single-phase transformers to form a 3- phase bank must be done with extreme caution. It is essential
that the windings be connected in a certain way only. Reversing a winding can damage the transformer.
Instead of using three number of single-phase transformers, a three-phase transformer can be constructed as a
single unit. The advantage of a single unit of 3-phase transformer is that the cost is much less compared to a bank of
single-phase transformers. In fact, all large capacity transformers are a single unit of three phase transformer.
let us refer to figure below Here three, single phase transformers are so placed that they share a common central limb.
The fluxes φA(t), φB t) and φC(t) will be produced in the cores differing in time phase mutually by 120°. The return
path of these fluxes are through the central limb of the core structure. In other words, the central limb carries sum of
these three fluxes. Since instantaneous sum of the fluxes, φA t)+ φB t)+ φC(t) = 0, no flux lines will exist in the central
limb at any time. As such the central common core material can be totally removed without affecting the working of
the transformer.
Considerable saving of the core material takes place if a 3-phase transformer is constructed as a single unit. The
structure however requires more floor area as the three outer limbs protrudes outwardly in three different directions.
simplification of the structure can be obtained by bringing the limbs in the same plane as shown in the figure.
Q. Difference between a single unit 3 phase transformer and bank of 3 single phase transformers.
Q. Show that no flux will flows through the central core?
The flux through three different limbs is
ΦA = Φm sinwt
ΦB = Φm sin(wt-120)
And ΦC = Φm sin(wt-240)
So, total flux in central limbs is
Φ = Φm sinwt + Φm sin(wt-120) + Φm sin(wt-240)
On solving, we get,
Φ=0 Hence, no flux flows through the central limbs.
Q. What are the possible connection available in three phase transformers?
Delta-Delta (Δ-Δ)
This connection is generally used for large, low-voltage transformers. Number of required phase/turns
is relatively greater than that for star-star connection.
The ratio of line voltages on the primary and the secondary side is equal to the transformation ratio of
the transformers.
This connection can be used even for unbalanced loading.
Another advantage of this type of connection is that even if one transformer is disabled, system can
continue to operate in open delta connection but with reduced available capacity.
The delta-delta transformer has no phase shift associated with it and problems with unbalanced loads or harmonics.
Advantages of delta–delta connection of transformer
The following are the advantages of the delta-delta configuration of transformers.
1. The delta-delta transformer is satisfactory for a balanced and unbalanced load.
2. If one transformer fails, the remaining two transformers will continue to supply the three-phase power.
This is called an open delta connection.
3. If third harmonics present, then it circulates in a closed path and therefore does not appear in the output
voltage wave.
The only disadvantage of the delta-delta connection is that there is no neutral. This connection is useful when neither
primary nor secondary requires a neutral and the voltage are low and moderate.
• Each of these currents has two components; the first component represents the transformer's share of the load
current and the second component is a circulating current in the secondary windings.
• Circulating currents have the following undesirable effects:
• They increase the copper loss.
• They overload one transformer and reduce the permissible load KVA.
Instrument transformer
Instrument transformers is to step down the AC System voltage and current. The voltage and current level of power
system is very high. It is very difficult and costly to design the measuring instruments for measurement of such high-
level voltage and current. Generally, measuring instruments are designed for 5 A and 110 V.
A transformer is used to transform the current or voltage down when turns ration is known after that determining the
stepped down magnitude using a usual range of the device. The unique magnitude is decided by simply multiplying
the outcome with the conversion ratio. So, such kind of transformer with a precise turn ratio is known as Instrument
Types of Instrument Transformers
Instrument transformers are classified into two types such as
i) Current Transformer ii) Potential Transformer
Current Transformer (CT)
• Current transformers are generally used to measure currents of high magnitude. These transformers step
down the current to be measured, so that it can be measured with a normal range ammeter.
• A Current transformer has only one or very few numbers of primary turns. The primary winding may be just
a conductor or a bus bar placed in a hollow core. The secondary winding has large number turns accurately
wound for a specific turn’s ratio. Thus, the current transformer steps up (increases) the voltage while
stepping down (lowering) the current.
• Now, the secondary current is measured with the help of an AC ammeter. The turns ratio of a transformer is
K = Ns / Np = Ip / Is
I1 (or, Ip) = K. Is (or I2)
If CT ratio 1000/5A i.e. k= 1000/5 = 200
Secondary is connected directly to an ammeter. As the ammeter is having very small resistance. Hence, the
secondary of current transformer operates almost in short circuited condition. One terminal of secondary is
earthed to avoid the large voltage on secondary with respect to earth.
• Note: The secondary winding of C.T shouldn't be left without ammeter. If we did so secondary current I2
will be zero and opposing flux in the iron core will be zero therefore magnetic flux in the core due to I1 will
be very high. Hence, high voltage will be induced in primary as well as secondary winding. Because of this
high voltage the insulation of primary and secondary winding will get damage. Therefore, if we want to
remove the ammeter the secondary winding must be short circuited by a thick wire.
• Secondary of P.T. is having few turns and connected directly to a voltmeter. As the voltmeter is having large
resistance. Hence the secondary of a P.T. operates almost in open circuited condition. One terminal of
secondary of P.T. is earthed to maintain the secondary voltage with respect to earth, which assures the
safety of operators.
• If N1 and N2 are turn in primary & secondary, then turn ratio =N2/N1 which will be given on rating plate of
• If V2 is reading of voltmeter then, V1 = V2/K can be calculated.
Connection of Current transformer (CT) and Potential Transformer (PT):
Transformer Oil
Transformer oil (also known as insulating oil) is a special type of oil that has excellent electrical insulation and is
stable at high temperatures. Oil-immersed transformers use oil for the purpose of insulation, stopping the discharge
and aura discharge, and at the same time dissipating the heat of the transformer (i.e. acting as a coolant).
Functions: Transformer oil's primary functions are to insulate and cool a transformer. Besides it,
1) To preserve the transformer’s core and windings – as these are fully immersed inside the oil
2) Prevent oxidation of the cellulose-made paper insulation as the transformer oil acts as a barrier
between the atmospheric oxygen and the cellulose – avoiding direct contact and hence minimizing
Types of Transformer oil
There are two main types of transformer oil used: Paraffin-based transformer oil & naphtha-based transformer oil.
a. Naphthenic Oil
The mineral insulating oil is derived from particular crudes, which include extremely low n-paraffin known
as wax.
This oil's pour point is low compared with the paraffinic type due to less wax content.
The boiling point of this oil is approximately 425 °C.
As compared with other oil, this is more readily corroded.
The products of oxidation are soluble within the oil.
The corrosion of paraffin-based crudes generates an unsolvable sludge to increase the viscosity. So it will
reduce the capacity of heat transfer, service life, and overheating.
These oils include aromatic compounds at relatively fewer temperatures, like -40°C.
b. Paraffinic Oil
Mineral insulating oil derived from special crudes contains a substantial amount of n-paraffin, i.e., wax.
This oil's pour point is high compared with the naphthenic type due to high wax content.
The boiling point of this kind of oil about 530 °C.
Oxidation of this oil is less.
Oxidation products are insoluble within the oil.
Even though the naphthenic type is more readily corroded than paraffinic, the oxidation products are soluble
within the oil that results in a decrease of problem.
In theory, Paraffin-based oil is not as easily oxidized as naphtha-based oil is, producing less sludge. Cause sludge
naphtha-based oil is more soluble than paraffin-based oil, so whatever sludge naphtha-based oil generates is more
easily removed than the sludge from paraffin-based oil. If sludge builds up at the bottom of a transformer container,
it'll interfere with the transformer operation.
The Naphtha-based oil and paraffin-based oil do not contain dissolved wax. This wax can increase the pour point and
potentially cause issues, but in warmer climates where the temperature never gets very low, this is not an issue.
However, paraffin oil is the most commonly used type of oil in transformers worldwide, despite naphtha-based oil
has more apparent superiority.
Transformer Oil Properties
Some specific properties of insulating oil should be considered to determine the serviceability of the oil.
The properties (or parameters) of transformer oil are:
1. Electrical properties: High Dielectric strength, specific resistance, dielectric dissipation factor.
2. Chemical properties: Good resistance to emulsion to Water content, acidity, free from sludge
3. Physical properties: Interfacial tension, low viscosity, high flash point, pour point.