Skill Matrix Level 4
Skill Matrix Level 4
Skill Matrix Level 4
b) Check the oil level in actual & record the value in the check sheet
b) Oil sludge
c) Leather waste
b) Pusher Pin
c) PKO Lever
QUESTION 12 How will you avoid nick marks during trimming of Hex head screws?
Length oversize
Part will not get eject from the die
Pellet will break & dia oversize
Length undersize
TOPIC 8 Knowledge on machine operating
QUESTION 15 What is the use of pusher pin?
QUESTION 16 When machine get jammed in front dead centre with the material, What is the first step you will take ?
d) Loosen dies
TOPIC 9 Handling of measurement and quality assurance instruments.
QUESTION 17 Which instrument to be used for measuring the hole inner diameter ?
b) Micrometer
d) Profile projector
QUESTION 18 How will you check the concentricity of shank diameter to the head diameter ?
a) Hold on head diameter on V block & keep dial indicator on shank diameter
b) Hold on shank diameter on V block & keep dial indicator on head diameter
d) By vernier
TOPIC 10 Knowledge and practice of 4M
QUESTION 19 Who is primarily responsible for the all 4M & Abnormal situation ?
a) Maintenance & HR
b) Production
c) Quality
d) Operator
a) Planned change
b) Unplanned change
c) Abnormal situation
d) Normal situation
TOPIC 11 Knowledge on NC part handling
QUESTION 21 When you will do containment action for the part ?
a) After the part rework
b) When parts become Reject
c) When part becomes NC
d) None of the above
QUESTION 22 What will you do if OK and NC parts mixed up ?
a) Put red tag
b) Put yellow tag and move parts to hold area
c) Put green tag
d) Put blue tag
TOPIC 12 Machine checksheet knowledge( Daily/ Weekly/ Monthly)
QUESTION 23 What is the checking method to check the belt condition ?
a) By hand and Eyes
b) By hand
c) By Eyes
d) By noice
QUESTION 24 What is the criteria to check the electronic counter ?
a) Check with weighing machine
b) Check with stop watch
c) Proper counting of parts
TOPIC 13 Knowledge on similar part handling
QUESTION 25 Which stage to be define the similar parts?
a) During Development Stage
b) Production Stage
c) IPC Stage
d) None of the above
QUESTION 26 Which stage to be define the all control method for handling of similar parts?
a) IPP Stage
b) IPC Stage
c) Production Stage
d) None of the above
TOPIC 14 Knowledge on machine setting
When part is not ejected fully out of the die while adjusting the knock out pin, Punch block will it be on the front
end or back end ?
a) Front end
b) Back end
c) Middle of the punch & die
QUESTION 28 What will happen if extrusion length is less than the required length and transferred to next station?
a) Part will not get ejected
b) Part will get bend
c) Step will form in the neck area
d) Part will get scoring
TOPIC 15 Knowledge on Red Bin analysis
QUESTION 29 Why redbin is kept in a locked condition?
a) To avoid the mix up
b) Inorder to avoid unauthorized handling
QUESTION 30 What is frequency of redbin analysis ?
a) Daily Once
b) Weekly once
c) Weekly twice
d) Monthly once
TOPIC 16 Knowledge on defect awareness & significant charecteristics
QUESTION 31 What do you mean by significant charecteristics ?
a) unilateral tolarence
b) All dimentions
c) Important customer specific requirments
d) Thread rolling dia
QUESTION 32 How will you identify the significent charecteristics ?
a) Through control plan
b) Through production plan
c) Through check sheet
TOPIC 17 Knowledge on caliberation
QUESTION 33 What is the calibration frequency for vernior caliper ?
a) Once in a 3 months
b) Once in a year
c) Once in 6 months
d) Once in a month
QUESTION 34 What is the calibration frequency for micro meter ?
a) Once in a 3 months
b) Once in a year
c) Once in a 6 months
d) Once in a month
TOPIC 18 Knowledge on Poke Yoke
QUESTION 35 How will you know the number of poko yoke available in the machine ?
a) Through poko yoke check sheet
b) Through control plan
c) Through check list
d) Through prouction plan
QUESTION 36 How will you varify that the poko yoke is fuctioning or not ?
a) Send the poko yoke to caliberation
b) Check the currant
c) Poison test( to giving the wrong input to the poko yoke)
d) Check for tool setting
TOPIC 19 Knowledge on Kaizens
QUESTION 37 Kaizen word is ------------- language
a) English
b) Japanese
c) Korean
d) Kannada
QUESTION 38 What do you call the activity if you increased the tool life ? (Example from 20k to 80k)
a) Poko yoke
b) 5S
c) Continual improvement
d) Six sigma
TOPIC 20 Knowledge on Rework
QUESTION 39 How to trace the rework part?
a) Using ERP by taking reference of invoice number
b) By using tag
c) By using production report
d) By using control plan
QUESTION 40 Can we intimate customer about part rework?
a) Yes
b) No
c) As per customer requirement
d) As per management instruction
TOPIC 21 Knowledge on IPP/IPC
QUESTION 41 What is the abbrevation of IPP?
a) Improved production parts
b) Initial production part
c) Internal production process
d) Initial part process
QUESTION 42 What is the abbrevation of IPC?
a) Improved production control
b) Initial part control
c) Internal production control
d) Initial production control
QUESTION 43 Which department is primary responsible for IPP?
b) QA
c) NPD
QUESTION 44 Which department is primary responsible for IPC?
b) QA
c) NPD
TOPIC 22 Knowledge and practice on Run chart
QUESTION 45 What is the abbrevation of SPC?
a) Statistical product control
b) Statistical process control
c) Specification product control
d) Simple process control
QUESTION 46 X bar R chart data using in_________________
a) Range value
b) USL value
c) Inspection report
d) Cp and Cpk Value
QUESTION 47 What is Cp ?
a) Process confirmation
b) Process control
c) Process capability
d) Control programe
QUESTION 48 Wthat is the abbrevation of USL ?
a) Upper special limit
b) User specific limit
c) Unilateral system limit
d) Upper Specific limit
TOPIC 23 Knowledge and practice on customer specific requiremetns
QUESTION 49 Is Significent charecteristics will come under customer specific requirement ?
a) True
QUESTION 50 What do you understand by customer specific requirement ?
a) Concentricity
b) Runo ut
c) Other than the normal requirement specified by the customer is CSR
d) Strightness
QUESTION 51 Sellect the correct symbol of critical charecteristics internally in our drawings.
a) D
b) A
c) K
d) M
QUESTION 52 Where do you find CSR details related to production process ?
a) In drawing
b) In production plan
c) In machine ckeck list
d) In Control plan