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Spiritual Techniques

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Spiritual Guidance

We provide spiritual guidance to anyone who’s interested in learning Meditations in

a systematic way. If you are new to the concept of Meditations, the introductory
articles in ‘New to this Site’ might be a good place to start.

The basic technique given in the section – ‘Spiritual Guidance General Techniques’
can be practiced by anyone. For higher techniques and further guidance, you need
to enroll as a student at VishwaAmara.

Please email us at [email protected]. You’ll hear from us soon. A small

fee will be charged. This token amount is collected mainly to inculcate a degree of
seriousness in the Sadhak, on his spiritual pursuit.

The Workshops are devised to benefit everyone pursuing their Spirituality.
Depending on the individual’s spiritual level, the benefits could range from better
health and clearing of karmas to the higher benefits like the activation of Inner
Faculties and experiencing Spiritual Realities.
The techniques practiced in the workshop will involve using Light and new
Energies which are of a stronger spiritual frequency. The Rishis have been
experimenting on many new energies for the past year and they have devised these
The workshop also helps the individuals to cope up with the present transition and
the process of Pralaya easily.
These workshops will benefit the students of VishwaAmara and the individuals who
are pursuing their own spiritual progress independently. The techniques, if
practiced sincerely and regularly after the workshop will help the individuals
immensely and accelerate their spiritual growth.

Stages —
The various modules of the workshop are designed to boost and strengthen the
spiritual progress of every individual. The different levels are progressive, and they
will ultimately help the individual in attaining Perfection and Enlightenment.

We will be conducting workshops on the following modules periodically

The Different Levels of Workshop —

Level 1 – Introduction to Meditation and Spirituality
Level 2 – Cleansing and Balancing of the System
Level 3 – Inner Healing
Level 4 – Activation of Inner Faculties
Level 5 – Cleansing and Activation of DNA (3 Modules)
Level 6 – Light Body and Awakening
Level 7 – Experiencing Higher Spiritual Realities (5 modules)

The announcements regarding the schedule and location will be made regularly on
the website. Check this link to see the latest announcements. You can also email
us to be kept informed.
For any further queries please email us at [email protected]
General Techniques

Pranayama with Light

▪ Relax yourself first. Then sit cross-legged facing East.
▪ Inhale slowly and deeply and then exhale slowly. You don’t have to hold
your breath in between.
▪ During the breathing, also imagine that you are breathing in Blue
Light which spreads to your entire system and then while exhaling the
breath, exhale the Blue Light also.
▪ This inhaling and exhaling form one round.
▪ You can practice this for 7 rounds.
▪ Sit cross-legged on a clean mat, facing North. Close your eyes.
▪ Pray to your elders and God.
▪ Take seven slow deep breaths.
▪ Now imagine a lot of Golden Light coming from above. Let this Light fill
up your entire system.
▪ Keep experiencing the Light within for about 12 minutes.
▪ Silently keep repeating the mantra “Om” throughout.
▪ Then offer thanks to your elders and Light (God). Lie down for a few
minutes and relax.
▪ This technique is very simple but very powerful. DO NOT practice it for
more than 5 days.
▪ Relax yourself and sit cross-legged facing East.
▪ Pray to the Goddess of healing – Santoshi Devi. Strongly think of the
Goddess and pray to her to heal you.
▪ After the prayer, imagine a lot of baby-Pink coloured energies coming
from Santoshi Devi to you and pass the energies to the diseased area in
your body.
▪ Imagine this process for about 7 minutes
▪ Silently keep repeating the mantra “Om Santoshi Deviyai Namaha”
▪ This technique has to be practiced for a minimum of 3 days and a
maximum of 5 days.
Techniques for Daily Issues
Follows are the properties of different colours of Light and the ways we can use
them to help us in our daily living.
Bright-Golden Light
Golden Light is the go-to Light. We use this Light to experience God.
Bright-Golden Light can also be used to strengthen any intention or projects, to
sharpen our Intuition, for Lighting the House, Lighting ourselves etc.
The best way to take the help of Golden Light is to keep imagining the Light within
you and experience it. This can be done throughout the day. Connect to it often. It
will help you immensely.

Dark-Navy Blue Light
Note – All parts of the colour of the Light are important. Navy-Blue itself may be a
dark blue colour, but the frequency of dark-Navy Blue colour is different from Navy
Blue colour.
This is a magic Light and is a gift from Lord Maha Vishnu to humanity, to deal with
the present period.
This Light has a wide range of applications from healing to solving issues. We can
also use this to clear our blocks, suffocation, and pain of any kind.
Dark-Navy Blue Light can also be used for Self-Lighting. The more we fill ourselves
with the Light and keep experiencing, we get healed, we gain clarity in our thoughts
and actions, as well as witness improvements in our behaviour.
The Light also is very effective when used to heal situations, problems, and the
toughness of life.
Whenever you use the Light, practice with faith and respect.
There is no specific direction or duration for this technique.
First mentally imagine the situation or aspect that is bothering you.
Then imagine a lot of dark-Navy Blue Light coming from above and filling you.
Then send the Light to the situation that you are healing. Keep practising this till
you feel lighter.
There is no mantra.
Practice the technique regularly till the issue gets resolved.

Orange Light
This is a special Light from Lord SuryaNarayana. It is immensely powerful,
especially in the present pandemic times.
Use the Light to energize the food and water before having it. You can also energize
anything else you consume, medicines for example.
This Light is also a very effective shield. This shield can protect against bacteria
and viruses, including Covid. (As always with all techniques, the more regular and
sincere you are with it, the more effective are the results)
For protection from Covid and recovery (in case you get infected), you can practice
the following technique
Begin with 3 rounds of Pranayama with Orange Light
Pray to Lord SuryaNarayana and for protection and healing.
After this, imagine a lot of Reddish-Orange Light coming from Lord SuryaNarayana
and filling you. Experience for a couple of minutes.
Then imagine the Light to spread and form a globe of Reddish-Orange Light around
you. This globe of Light will shield and protect. Keep experiencing this.
Repeat the mantra “Om Suryayai, Neela Brahmaya Namaha”.

Dark-Pink Light
The colour of Light is primarily from Goddess Adi Shakti. As humanity, we are
blessed to be able to receive this Light. This Light aids us in various areas. In the
present times, dark-Pink Light also contains the energies of Goddess Santoshi
Devi, the Goddess of healing.
Dark-Pink Light is usually used for healing, nurturing, and protection. It also
protects the individual from spirits or other unwanted forces.
You can imagine this Light within you and experience. It is more effective when you
sit and practice it as meditation.
Face North
Duration – 12 to 24 minutes
First, express your love and gratitude to Goddess Adi Shakti and to Goddess
Santoshi Devi.
Then imagine an abundance of dark-Pink Light coming from both of them and
allow this to fill yourself completely. Experience for some time.
Then imagine the Light to spread and form a globe of dark-Pink Light around you.
Keep experiencing this and repeat the mantra “Om Adi Shakti Deviyai Namaha”
Green Light
This Light is used to deal with the issues of the Mind – relief from stress and
anxiety, to experiencing mental peace, calmness, compassion, and joy.
This Light also helps individuals who are having issues relating to their lungs and
breathing problems.
The following technique can be practiced to deal with the above issues
Face East
Duration – 15 minutes.
Imagine a lot of bright-Green Light coming from above and imagine it to fill your
brain. Experience for some time.
Then extend the same Light to fill your entire chest region. Keep experiencing till
you feel better, recovered, and feel hopeful.
Repeat the mantra “Om Annamayi Brahmaya Namaha” silently.

Technique for Kama Dahana
The Arishadvargas are the self-centred characters in the individual. They are also
described as the animalistic aspects present in the individual, as the human bodies
evolved from the animal forms. From the spiritual view point, these characters are
gross in nature and difficult to heal or overcome with Meditation directly. Hence the
energies of these aspects must be consciously removed from the system. Kama
Dahana is a practice through which we remove the energies of each of these
aspects from the system and transmute them. The technique for Kama Dahana is
as follows —

• Face North-East
• Practice 7 Rounds of Pranayama with Golden Light.
• Then, we invoke the God of Fire to help us in burning and transmuting these
gross energies.

o Imagine a homa kunda in front of you. Repeat the mantra “Om Agni Devaya
Namaha” silently for three times and imagine a fire present in the homa kunda.
Pray to the Fire to help you in transmuting the negativities.
▪ Then imagine each of the following characters mentioned, one by one.
Gather them as black energies in front of you for about 3 minutes each and
then put it into the fire and imagine them to be getting burnt.
o The aspects to be burnt are —
o Kama – Lust This aspect deals with Lust and the perversions in the
o Krodha – Anger, Rage and Fury In this aspect, we deal with the
energies of anger which is present within us. It also helps to remove
the energies of hatred and revenge.
o Lobha – Greed and Miserliness Other than the aspects of greed and
miserliness, we also deal with lack of contentment and the inability to
manifest abundance.
o Moha – Attachment and Possessiveness Through this aspect, we
overcome our attachments and the possessive nature within.
o Madha – Arrogance and Anger are related to each other as one
camouflages the other. The aspect of arrogance is dealt with.
o Matsarya – Jealousy In this aspect, we deal with both envy and
o SvaPrashamsa – Self Praise Though not a part of the Arishadvargas,
the energies of this aspect is difficult to sublimate directly and
requires to be consciously removed from the system. Swashlaga deals
with the individual seeking praise and attention, non-humility and
the dominant ‘I’ aspect of the individual.

• Then practice this technique of meditation —

• Imagine an abundance of Fluorescent Green Light coming from above and
filling you completely. Keep experiencing the Light and repeat the mantra “Om
Pranama Prakasha Brahmaya Namaha” silently. Practice for 12 minutes, upto
24 minutes.
• Finally thank the God of Fire and the Rishis and close your Meditation.
Please feel free to contact us –
Mr Karthik
Phone – (+91) 99864 80077 between 10am to 12pm and 5pm to 7pm only.
General enquiries – [email protected]
Spiritual guidance (for students) – [email protected]

Prayers and Affirmations

Submitted by VishwaAmara on July 20, 2021 –No Comment

Our Prayers and Affirmations (Sankalpa) play an important role in our Spiritual
growth, though we give this aspect less importance. Generally, we only pray to
address our immediate problems. Our tendency is to be impulsive and rarely do we
think long term. This is inefficient and it hardly yields proper results.
What are Prayers and Affirmations?
Prayers and Affirmations are closely related and are usually intertwined.
Prayers are a request to the Divine for help and assistance. For example, prayers
for health, overcoming a problem, etc. It is also a means of communication with the
Divine. For example, expressing our gratitude and thanks.
Affirmations are a process of strengthening our intention. It is usually an
individual resolving to undertake a particular action. For example— Let me
meditate every day.
Why are they important?
Having clear Prayers and Affirmations is important. Having clarity in thought
brings clarity in our Mind, which further translates to clarity in our actions. This
clarity helps to simplify our life and channel our efforts properly.
Prayers give us hope and strength. They help us connect to the Spiritual energies
which we can utilize through our actions. Regular prayers also aid contemplation
and finding a clear path forward.
Prayers are also a medium through which we connect to the Divine.
The evolution and transformation of humanity has occurred through prayers and
affirmations. The intent has been strengthened over generations, bringing about
change and betterment.
Prayers are also a feedback from us to God. They express our understanding and
difficulties to the Divine and a way to seek large-scale change and transformation.
For example, various breakthroughs in medicine have occurred because of
collective prayers. It is especially important in this Pralaya period. Group prayers
bring faster results.
How do Prayers and Sankalpa contribute to our Sadhana?
The primary fact is that they help us understand more about ourselves. They help
us comprehend our fears and worries, our desires and wishes as well as enable a
better understanding of what makes us happy and all that we are grateful for.
Prayers give us hope. This hope gives us strength and helps us to cope with the
situations we go through.
They also help us identify our rigid patterns, and areas where we are weak. They
help to analyse whether we are able to deal with them by ourselves or need extra
help. Prayers help us identify, acknowledge, work on, and finally resolve the
Prayers help us to open up and receive from the Divine. It could be guidance,
answers, solutions and energies. The connectedness we experience while praying
also brings a lot of peace, calmness, and love within.
If we are able to utilize prayers wisely, we can connect more to the Divine, and it
expands our emotions and thinking. We are able to face the difficulties in life and
gradually change for the better. We grow as individuals.
We also strengthen our Sadhana and grow Spiritually. The more we grow, the more
we can manifest our true nature and deal with the issues by ourselves.
In the present tough times of Pralaya, Prayers and Sankalpa are like a security
Additionally, Rishis and Divine Personalities are anchoring various energies that
help in the manifesting of Sankalpas. Hence having the right prayers connects us
to these energies and the manifestation of the results.
As mentioned above, group prayers help in bringing large changes.
If surrender is the ultimate, why Prayers and Sankalpa?
In the big picture, it is true that the Divine knows everything and the goal is
Surrender. When we are in this state of surrender, there are no personal prayers.
We are connected and in alignment. We go along with the flow in total acceptance.
But this is the highest, the destination! Most of us are yet to reach this stage. In
the present turbulent times, prayers, affirmations, and seeking help from the
Rishis and Divine make the journey easier. We are able to cope better and find
solutions faster because of their Grace.
How do we go about with our Prayers and Sankalpa?
We can affirm and pray every day. The best time for this would be before starting
our Meditation.
It will be of great help if we are organised and methodical in our prayers and
affirmations. We will be able to identify better and prioritise what is important for
To have proper clarity, we suggest that you introspect, contemplate and then
organise your thoughts. Next, note them down. Noting down helps, as if you rely
only on your memory, certain points will gradually slip away without you even
realising it. Referring periodically to the written notes will help you remember and
strengthen them.
When dealing with prayers and affirmations, being realistic is important. For
example, we can ask for the highest Spiritual experience. But are you ready for this
experience? Have you made the necessary efforts and attained the required purity
for this to manifest? This prayer might be our goal, but at the moment it will come
much lower on priority compared to what we need immediately.
The intention behind our prayers should not be for miracles but for a way the
results can manifest through our efforts. Praying for things like Immortality is not
realistic as such things will not be granted.
Similarly, in the material areas. We can pray for becoming a billionaire. If you know
how, are willing to make the efforts, and take the necessary risks, why not! But if it
is a fantasy or for some lottery to click, it is not realistic.
We also usually expect some perfect idealistic solutions to our problems. More often
than not, this never occurs. The solution always lies in realistic possibilities, not in
romantic optimism.
When we wait for our prayers to be answered, we always continue with our efforts.
We also have to learn to be patient. Some of our prayers will take time, and some
may not happen at all. It is not possible to understand everything logically.
Another part that we have to be aware of is that when dealing with our problems,
we keep praying based on the symptoms we are having rather than identifying the
root cause. Such prayers will only lead to short term solutions. Understanding the
root cause of the problems is important. Having a list of prayers may help you
identify the recurring patterns. Contemplating further on this will help you identify
the root cause.
How do we structure our Prayers and Sankalpa?
The following is generic and is supposed to be a guide to help you with. The focus,
priority and requirement of each individual are different. For example, a student’s
prayer and a retired person’s prayers will be completely different.
Please introspect, contemplate and then make your own list.
You can broadly organise your prayers and Sankalpas into three categories—
1. Material/Personal
2. Spiritual
3. Pralaya period related
1. Your Personal Section can be further sub-categorised as—
▪ Family and Relationship (spouse, family, parents, children, relatives,
friends, colleagues)
▪ Work and Career; studies for students
▪ Finances
▪ Health
▪ Problems and Issues you have
▪ Wishes, Ambitions and Goals, including hobbies
2. We can divide the Spiritual section as—
▪ Regular Sadhana and Spiritual Growth
▪ Clearing of Blocks, Arishatvargas, Fears, Shortcomings…
▪ Spiritual goals – Eg: Being more aware, Intuition, contact with Rishis
▪ Humanity and the World
3. Pralaya period related prayers—
▪ Let me be able to take this period as my teacher and mentor, and not get
into the mode of fear and apprehension.
▪ Let my life go along smoothly with that of the period.
▪ May the Pralaya period allow me to grow, evolve and transform as
beautifully as possible.
▪ Let me be able to learn what the period wants to teach me. Let the
period be a smooth journey instead of a chaotic one of turmoil.
▪ Let me have a deeper understanding of the importance of the period and
the Divine Principles and ways required of me.

▪ .
Should we do this every day?
The above details are very broad-based and guidelines highlighting various aspects.
It is for you to customize them for yourself.
The above details may overwhelm, to begin with. Start in a simplified manner. Take
baby steps. The essence is to have clarity on what you want and how to pursue
them. Categorising them helps towards this clarity. Eventually, with practice, this
will become your second nature.
Prayers are a choice. It helps us in our Spiritual journey. But there is no
compulsion for anyone to practice them.
Also, please be aware that Prayers and Sankalpa are not the ends. In fact, they are
the beginning. Our efforts determine whether or not they get answered. The general
human tendency is to expect miracles. Miracles do happen, but the majority of
prayers manifest through our efforts and action.
May the above guidelines help you with clarity, and on where to focus your efforts.
May it also strengthen your intent to achieve your goals.
•• •• •• •• ••
Submitted by VishwaAmara on February 1, 2019 –2 Comments

There are many words which in a general usage have a particular meaning but in
the Spiritual context has a different connotation. For example the word surrender
is generally used in the context of defeat. In Spirituality, surrender is not being
defeated but it is a processes of aligning one’s will with the Higher will.
Similarly humility is usually referred in perspective of being meek or submissive,
but in the Spiritual context it refers to being devoid of Ego. Humility is one of the
higher virtues of Spirituality.
Humility is a very important spiritual Principle to imbibe in our lives. It is so
important that this Principle is held in very high regard by God Himself.
Maharishi Amara was the personification of Humility. His entire life was aligned to
the Rishis and God’s work and he was a perfect channel of their Light and Wisdom.
On the occasion of Maharshi Amara’s centenary birthday (born 1st Feb, 1919), we
publish this article as a tribute to him.
We are a Soul. A Soul is a particle of Light that came from the Ocean of Light (God).
As the Soul came from God, the Soul is always connected to God and through this
connection it can channel the Intelligence and Wisdom from God.
But to experience the diversity of the Creation, the Soul had to cover itself with
different Koshas. We have a total of five Koshas around us. Each of these Koshas
have their own role, will and intelligence.
The intelligences of the Koshas do not necessarily function in alignment with that
of the Soul. Usually in our daily living, it is this Intelligence that dominates and we
operate through it. In a general understanding, the combined intelligence of our
Body, Mind and Intellect is known as the Ego.
Humility can be defined as the silencing of the Ego to allow the Wisdom and intent
of the Soul (and God) to flow through. Being humble is a process of consciously and
continuously sublimating the ego to allow the Light and Higher Intelligence to
Origin of the Concept
In our Creation, the concepts of the Microcosm hold good even at the level of the
Macrocosm as all has been manifested in the image of the Macrocosm. Humility is
an aspect that first originated in the Macrocosm before manifesting at the
individual level.
The concept of humility originated from Devi Loka. From ParaBrahma, Devi
Loka manifested. God allowed his manifestation to have its own Intelligence and
free will.
When ParaBrahama wanted to manifest further from Devi Loka, Devi had to allow
the intent of ParaBrahama and become a channel, even though She was
instrumental in creating the other Divine Lokas. This gave rise to the concept of
keeping the individual Intelligence aside and allowing that of God’s to flow through,
which we refer to as humility.
Humility was the tool and gateway through which God could pass on many things
to His manifestation without any obstructions or dilution.
Similar to Humility, the concepts of Surrender and Grounding also arise from Devi
Loka and these three concepts are interconnected.
Humility is the silencing of one’s intelligence to allow the Higher Intelligence to flow
through. Surrender is the process of aligning the individual will to that of the
Divine Will. Grounding is the process of keeping the ego in check and
strengthening the fundamentals of Spirituality.
The Vignanamaya Kosha (Intellect) is the carrier of the energies of these aspects as
we obtain the Kosha from Devi Loka. Similarly, all Light and energies from Devi
Loka carry an abundance of these three characteristics.
As the Creation progressed, it was observed that the energies of humility were
struggling to penetrate fully into the Material Cosmos (Brahmanda). On observing
this, Lord Brahma added his energies to it. After this process, the energies of
humility could penetrate to all parts of the Creation.
Even after this, for various reasons this was not functioning very efficiently and
remained so for a long time. Maharshi Amara is credited with identifying this
phenomena. He did a lot of research, and Tapas to understand this concept (It
happened millions of years ago). He then worked on it and it was due to his
brilliant effort and later assistance of Vasistha Maharshi that shaped humility in
the Manifestation of ParaBrahma.
The energies of humility that we can experience contain about 80% energies from
Adi Shakti and about 20% from Lord Brahma.
Humility — A Spiritual Virtue
Humility is woven right into the fabric of our Creation. Humility establishes an
eternal connection between the Divine and His Manifestation. It also creates a
Divine link between God and the individual. Humility is the tool through which God
could pass on many things to His Creation without distortion.
The energies of humility have a special radiance. It is not like that of Light but
Humility is one of the most important spiritual values to be cultivated. Strangely
enough, it is not necessary for an individual to be humble. In our Creation freewill
exists and because of this, we have the right to exercise “Our will” anytime, as long
as we do not break the Divine laws.
More frequently than not, while using our free will, we land up breaking the karmic
laws as we haven’t grown Spiritually to be aware of all the laws. Being in alignment
with our Soul and God is the easiest way to grow and path of least resistance.
Being humble has its own benefits and helps immensely in our Spiritual growth.
Humility enables various spiritual qualities like Oneness, Peace and Bliss. Being
humble also helps us to connect to God and understand more about the Creation
and the Purpose, and also experience.
In our daily life, Humility gives rise to immense Patience. It also enables us to be
detached from the results. Humility also help us to be more compassionate.
Humility has the rare power and strength to unite two extremes into a unified
pattern. It also enable us to live in this Plane of duality with ease and acceptance.
Humility has the capacity to solve many complex issues. In certain circumstances,
it can even solve issues which Love cannot.
Being humble helps us to be continuously connected to Light and getting
The Creation is constantly changing. Being in the constant link of God helps us to
tune into these changes, align ourselves and move along with them.
Humility does not lead to Mukti directly. Being humble helps establish many of the
Spiritual values and Divine qualities within which subsequently aid Mukti.
As we grow Spiritually, being humble is the main way through which one can
operate from the level of the Soul, while living in a body. By continuously
incorporating humility one can connect to the Divine as much as possible. Then
with training and perseverance, one can start operating and working from the level
of the Soul.
Humility is not subject to restrictions and limitations. Humility is the process of
allowing the Divine Intention to flow through. If the Divine wishes and we are
humble, external factors do not interfere or restrict the flow.
Amidst all these qualities, oddly humility and Love are not connected. For
establishing Love within, we have to work separately.
Special Properties of Humility
Humility is a special Spiritual Virtue and influences various aspects of our life. The
attributes like Surrender arise because of humility. One’s capacity for hard work
with perseverance and the ability to unify our thought process with that of the
Divine is possible only with humility.
Humility helps the individual be very organised, systematic and methodical with
the work they execute and in their personal life too.
The intelligence of the Soul can be brought out mainly through humility.
Humility also helps add “silence” in our life and which will further multiply into
Peace and Bliss.
It is easier to experience Oneness with God when you are humble. The individual is
already aligned with God and resonates with those vibrations. Experiencing is the
next step.
The intelligence of humility is very unique and will guide the individual when
required. As we keep experiencing this and specialising in this aspect, the
Intelligence of the Divine also keeps getting added within, which is very difficult to
attain otherwise.
In a larger picture, humility is the channel through which pure and undistorted
energies and Light can flow into Creation.
It is because of humility that the Divine has been able to reach many rigid and
tough places and bring about beautiful changes. The energies of Humility also can
help to repair various issues in Manifestation and restore Purity.
As mentioned earlier, humility is not subject to restrictions and limitations. Most of
the spiritual properties like healing are absent in the 14th Plane of our Cosmos
(Patala). It is the capacity of humility that enables the Beings of that Plane to
receive some quantities of nurturing and healing and a few other good qualities.
Much of the higher aspects of Humility are applicable while working for God. It is
not easy working for God and continuous hard work is required. It is first a process
of removing one’s ideas and ways and allowing that of God to flow. Then comes the
execution of the work. This process involves the individual overcoming various
obstacles of their own ego and humility is the way.
Humility enables the person to blend well into the environment that they are
working in, which could range from complete darkness to Light. Humility also helps
the individual to remain focused and not deviate from the purpose of their mission.
Humility is required to execute work in a balanced way. This includes taking
various aspects, laws, and rules into consideration.
Our Silver Cord has many special faculties. Being absolutely humble helps to
access, activate and operate these faculties.
There are certain occasions when the Rishi workers have to alter their DNA for
work reasons. This can be done through the energies of humility.
Strangely the dark forces do not like the concepts of humility and surrender. This
helps Humility acts as a shield from unwanted energies and Beings which hinder
the work.
The energies of humility also contain rare healing powers for the four Koshas, and
they have a lasting permanent effect. Presently, research is going on by the Rishis
on this aspect.
There are instances where different works are carried out after a person teleports or
multiplies their body. The effects of such works are not very long lasting. It is only
when the energies of humility are added that they can sustain and remain active
for a long time.
A few thoughts of Maharshi Amara on Humility
Maharshi Amara mentions that from the level of his Soul itself, a sense of service
has been deeply stitched into him. From the beginning of his creation, he has been
working for God and his Manifestation.
On his experiments with different aspects of Spirituality, he took the attribute of
humility as his route for Spiritual growth. He discovered that he was able to hold
and contain a lot of Divine energies within him, especially that of Goddess Adi
Shakti, and could also perform his duties and missions with better ease.
Maharishi Amara says that Humility sums up the very nature of God and His
Creation. From God, various diverse aspects have manifested and all have occurred
in the intent of God. The diversity in Manifestation could occur as His intent was
allowed at various levels of Creation.
He says that being humble helped him connect to God better. This further helped
him to shape his thinking and behaviour, and also improve his ways of working for
God with better efficiency. He says that humility helped him to surrender better
and be of more service.
He acknowledges that humility is an aspect that is tough to attain and also
maintain, as it requires continuous surrender and trusting of God.
He mentions that Humility may be a tough aspect to incorporate, but the path of
Humility is one of the easiest ways through which we can understand and
experience the finer aspects and qualities of the Divine.
He mentions that right from when he was created, he could connect to the
surrendered nature of the Manifestation with God, and this helped him experience
the omnipresent nature of God.
In context of being of service and a part of God’s work, he says that being humble
means focusing on the work. True humility is focusing on the purpose and the
mission and it is not for gaining recognition or fame. It is unconditionally
continuing with responsibility accepted and aligning oneself with God.
People may recognize the accomplishments but wanting any appreciation, or
pointless talk about the work will only hinder and limit oneself from performing the
service. Being humble, is being a perfect channel. It is allowing the Divine to work
through you.
He enjoys doing his work of God by adopting humility as they have to be done
silently. He says that working silently helps him execute thrice the quantity of work
that otherwise would be executed.
Experiencing Humility
Being humble always is difficult. It requires a lot of hard work to maintain it and
only with long practice does it become your second nature. In this process, we also
go through various tough phases, especially that of self-doubt, and then the
inability to distinguish between the voice of the ego and that of the Soul.
Living in a society in midst of people and this complex world, we are influenced by
our surrounding and other individuals. It takes a massive effort on our part to be
untouched by these and in stay in alignment with the Divine Will always.
The practice of humility take a lot of patience and perseverance. Silencing our Ego
takes immense efforts and it will also take time to actually witness the results of
our practice.
In spite of these challenges, it is possible to attain the higher states of humility.
Following is a technique that will connect us with the energies of humility and
absorb it in our system.
Technique that can be practiced
The following technique helps us to connect better with the energies of Humility
and hastens our connection to the aspect. With conscious efforts, we begin to
manifest more humility in our lives.
There is no particular direction or time duration to follow for this technique. Ideally
practice it indoors.
Begin with 12 rounds of Pranayama with Green Light.
Then imagine Green Light coming from Goddess Adi Shakti and imagine it to fill
all your Koshas one by one. Then consciously experience it in your physical body
and send the Light to all your actions.
Imagine the Light to radiate and shine in you.
Keep experiencing this and repeat the mantra “Om Namrathaya Namo Namaha”
Note – after a few months of regular practice, you can change the dharana of the
technique to Orange Light from Green Light.
Spirituality — Our True Nature
Submitted by VishwaAmara on September 14, 2012 –6 Comments

Spirituality is the new buzz word of our age. Many times it is presented as a new
‘religion’, especially when celebrities speak about it. With the increasing popularity
of ancient traditions like Yoga, Vaastu, Tai Chi and eastern martial arts among the
younger generation, the word ‘Spirituality’ is used freely as an all-encompassing
entity. And the exponential sales of self help books which draw upon ‘ancient
wisdom’ also gives new meanings to this word. The term Spirituality has come to be
associated with personal growth, healing and new age faith among others.
With newer meanings and interpretations, there are also many distortions and
falsehoods associated with Spirituality. The earlier distorted idea was that spiritual
practices are restricted to recluses, sanyasis or aged upper caste males. Now the
term spiritual is used to mean ‘anti-religion’ or a different lifestyle and education
system, or even a certain genre of music and arts. It is in fact fashionable to call
oneself Spiritual to indicate ones modernity or unorthodox approach to life.
The term ‘spiritual’ indicates ‘spirit’, so spiritual means ‘of the spirit’. When we look
at Spirituality in this light, we understand its basic definition and essence. This
essence was perceived and taught in every age by the finest spiritual beings—the
Rishis. The following account presents the undistorted and pure meaning of
What is ‘Being Spiritual’?
Being Spiritual means being in alignment with the qualities of the Spirit – the Soul.
It means manifesting the subtle and refined qualities of our Soul in our actual
As individuals, we all have positive qualities as well as shortcomings. We bring out
many good qualities like love, kindness, selflessness and compassion in our
everyday interactions with the world. And on various occasions, our shortcomings
like jealousy, hatred, anger and possessiveness also get manifested. Yet, at the
deepest level of the Soul, we carry the divine qualities of Peace, Bliss, Truth, Purity
and Unconditional Love. At the Soul level, every human being is divine—
magnanimous, expanded and deeply compassionate.
When we allow these divine qualities of the Soul to manifest at the physical level—
in our everyday living, we will be living a Spiritual Life!
Thus, a Spiritual person is one who is pure in thoughts and emotions, and radiates
Love and Peace. He/She manifests Truth all the time, is organised and honest. He
is humble, accommodating, wise and also strong. He stands up to his
commitments and balances the material and spiritual aspects of his life. He is at
peace with himself and the world around—one can feel peace, love and joy just by
being in his presence. All these qualities gradually lead to perfection in him when
he shines with his inner light and becomes an example in Spiritual living.
Spirituality is Righteous Living, at all levels, all the time!
Why Become Spiritual?
From the above definition of Spirituality, we can understand that such a living is
possible for anyone irrespective of their religion, gender, age, social status or
affluence. It also becomes evident that there are very few individuals who can be
called truly Spiritual. The majority of us are not in alignment with our inner
divinity, and continue to lead a life filled with fears, struggles and compromises,
controlled by our instincts and demands of life, only occasionally manifesting
goodness and virtue.
Yet, becoming Spiritual and living a righteous life is not only possible but also a
deep necessity of today. We have to become spiritual because that is our true
nature! Manifesting our nature and being true to our core is one of the purposes of
Another reason why we should become Spiritual is the turbulent times we’re living
in. The turbulence that we find in the world today is because most of us are cut off
from our true nature. We wake up every day to stories of corruption, greed,
intolerance, violence and many unspeakable atrocities on helpless humans. Wars
and genocides ravage many parts of the world while abuses and human rights
violations are the norm. The disharmony between humans is only surpassed by our
disregard towards nature and the abundant life that supports us. At the individual
level too, we face a similar disharmony within ourselves, unsure of our path,
purpose or aim in life.
The non-spiritual living of Humanity over thousands of years has lead to this
disharmony—within us, between fellow humans and in the entire planet. If we do
not connect to our inherent divinity and transform, if we do not manifest peace
within and without then the future of humanity and the planet will be in peril.
Becoming spiritual is the way if we are to save ourselves and our planet.
As we become spiritual, we unify ourselves deep within and become aligned to our
divine nature. We also become aligned with those around us, with nature and with
existence itself. The fears and struggles which normally rule our life are replaced
with joy, harmony and abundance. Life becomes an easy flow as the peace within
manifests outside in our thoughts, actions and living. When many individuals live
in this way, this world gradually becomes a paradise, a heaven on Earth.
This is a larger purpose of humanity at this point in time. And the path towards
this purpose is for each one of us to become Spiritual.
How To Become Spiritual?
To ‘Be’ Spiritual is our natural state of living. It is the state with which we
descended into Creation, from our Source, to experience life here. During all of this
experiencing, we were expected to be in link with the Supreme, in link with our
inner nature. But the excessive experiences, also known as karmas resulted in us
losing this link, forgetting our true nature and coming to believe ourselves as
helpless individuals, stuck in life and controlled by fate.
Connecting to our inner nature is the same as regaining our link with the divine. It
is a process which takes time and efforts. This process helps an individual to clear
his karmas, align completely with his inner Self and regain his lost divinity. In
short, this process helps him to ‘Become’ Spiritual.
There are various ways and paths by which one can become spiritual and connect
to his inner divinity. Depending on the path chosen, the individual also gains
various benefits on his journey. One of the practices is a simple prayer everyday
where the individual disconnects himself from the world around and connects to
the Higher Intelligence in silence. It is an occasion to share ones love, request for
solace or be in communion with God.
There are many who take up practices like singing devotional songs and being in
the mood of the positive vibrations of the Divine. There are also others who take up
social service and voluntary works, in order to help others and thus manifest
selflessness and love in relation to others. Another path towards becoming Spiritual
is the way of knowledge and contemplation, where the individual studies and
reflects upon his nature and the nature of the divine. All these paths ultimately
result in the individual connecting to his inner divinity, with or without his
conscious awareness.
Many also adopt the practice of Meditations to connect to the Source of all
existence. By silencing ones system and gradually experiencing stillness, the
individual can expand his awareness to the whole of existence and directly
experience the Supreme! This experiencing helps the individual to easily manifest
the subtle divine qualities in his everyday living.
As with any journey, the ‘spiritual journey’ can also be exciting as well as
challenging. There will be setbacks and obstacles on the way. Sometimes one may
not see immediate results for their efforts. And manifesting spiritual qualities is a
battle between ones inner darkness and inner light. Only by patience, perseverance
and efforts, one can make the Light win and shine.
There are also a few spiritual principles which one can adopt and follow in their
daily living. These principles alone can help an individual to connect to his divine
nature and then manifest those qualities. When combined with the various
practices, these principles give faster results by accelerating ones spiritual
The Spiritual Principles
A set of 12 principles have been studied, practiced and perfected across the ages,
by spiritually evolved individuals. These spiritual masters, also known as the Rishis
have discovered that when these principles are adopted in our daily living, they
connect us to our true nature and help us to manifest the divine qualities of love,
peace and happiness. These simple principles are also called as ‘Light Principles’ as
they link us to the Supreme Light behind all of Existence, God.
The Light principles are:
▪ Manifest Peace and Prosperity.
▪ Manifest Love, Patience and Accommodation.
▪ Manifest Oneness with the entire Creation.
▪ Live with an expanded Awareness
▪ Be united within and with others to keep the Ego and Negativities out.
▪ Use Light to achieve Goals.
▪ Meditation and Sadhana are basic necessities.
▪ Be humble always and live in Light.
▪ Maintain secrecy before achieving the Results.
▪ Respect the space and privacy of others.
▪ Balance the material and spiritual by surrendering to God.
▪ Execute every work with sincerity and love.
These principles have been explained in detail in our article, ‘The Light Principles’.
One can also follow a value system, commonly known as ‘Yama-Niyama’ in Yoga.
The values are Truth, Non-Violence, Non-stealing, Selflessness, Purity, Contentment,
Introspection, Surrender, Making God a part of our life, and Shining with
Light. These values when adopted and followed also encourage and enhance ones
spiritual growth and connect the individual to the divine.
The value system of Yama-Niyama has been explained in detailed in our article:
‘Yama Niyama’.
Some Misconceptions About Spirituality
There are many misconceptions and pre-conceived notions about Spirituality.
While it is important to realise what is Spiritual, it is also necessary to recognise
what is not Spiritual. The following are some of the most
prevalent misconceptions of what is spirituality and who a spiritual person is.
▪ A Spiritual person is one who is cut off from society and lives a secluded
life, meditating and contemplating on God.
▪ If he lives among people, he leads a life of poverty, struggling for basic
▪ He will not be an active participant in life. A spiritual person will not
enjoy arts, music or poetry.
▪ Spirituality also means poor intellect. A spiritual person may not be
informed, intelligent or articulate, so he will not be up to date with
technology or modernity.
▪ He will definitely not be a jovial person. He should be serious, non-
humorous and contemplative. He remains unemotional and doesn’t
display anger, sorrow or happiness.
▪ The food habits and dress code also define a Spiritual person, hence he
lives on a vegetarian diet and wears simple clothes.
▪ Most of his time is spent in social service and in the welfare of others. A
spiritual person donates his wealth for charity and sacrifices himself for
▪ He should follow the religion into which he is born, practicing the rituals
or associating himself with the symbols and dress of his religion.
▪ The opposite of the above belief is that, a spiritual person will not be
religious and will not follow any ritual or practices. He will be free from
all religious beliefs.
▪ A spiritual person also possesses occult powers and uses them to heal
or help others.
▪ Only people from a certain class or caste can become spiritual. And
most of the time, only men are entitled for Spiritual practices and
These ideas about Spirituality arose because such behaviours or practices were
followed by Spiritual people in the past, at different time periods, as was the
necessity of those times. When an uneducated, poor person became spiritually
awakened, spirituality became associated with poverty or non-education. Gradually
these beliefs became generalizations, so anyone who violated these was considered
Spirituality is all about being aligned with ones true nature and manifesting the
divine qualities in life. A spiritual person participates in life and goes through
varied experiences without being attached. He or She could be the exact opposite of
all of the above misconceptions, yet be deeply spiritual if he is a loving and peaceful
person. He need not wear saffron robes or be malnourished. One can be wealthy
and live a comfortable life and also be spiritually evolved.
Religion and Spirituality
Spirituality is a set of guidelines and Universal Principles. It teaches values like
Love, Peace, Accommodation and Contentment which can be practiced by anyone.
When these guidelines become rigid and the principles are replaced by ritualistic
practices, we have the birth of religion.
All religions in the world today have their origin in Spirituality. They can be traced
back to teachers like Christ, Buddha and others who taught simple values and
shared their insights about life and human nature to those around them. The
subsequent followers who lacked these insights or the vision of the founders began
to simplify or interpret the original teachings. In due course of centuries, the
teachings degenerated into dogmatic rituals and beliefs, giving rise to Religion.
Adding to this were the grosser energies of the Dark Age, which assisted in the
distortion of the pure Spiritual values and the rise of strict religious beliefs.
Religion expects the followers to conform to its beliefs while Spirituality liberates
the practitioner from all beliefs. Religion divides while Spirituality unifies. While all
religious traditions came out of a common Spiritual base, one can be deeply
spiritual without following any religion, without practicing any rituals or holding
any beliefs. To be Spiritual is our true nature, which does not require any religious
Mysticism and Spirituality
There are various mystical traditions in different cultures across the world. While
some of them like Sufism, the Siddha tradition, or Zen Buddhism have their roots
in different religions, there are others which are non-religious like the Shamanic
traditions and indigenous paths. Through years of dedicated practice in these
paths, one can directly encounter the divine and experience those exalted qualities.
There are some groups which focus on occultism and gaining special powers,
raising Kundalini etc. These practices usually are very tempting and attract many
individuals, but they do not directly lead to their spiritual evolution. Also such
paths tend to have their own goals and some of them will be underground cults
which are disguised as a Spiritual path.
Practicing Mysticism or following a path definitely helps an individual as many of
the basic principles are followed, but it does not mean that everyone who follows
these paths is Spiritual. To be spiritual is to be connected to one’s inner Self and
manifest the divine qualities in their actual living. A path helps an individual with
the best opportunities to become Spiritual. But by itself, a path doesn’t make an
individual Spiritual.
One can be spiritual and evolved without following any of these traditions. And
those who follow a path have to manifest the finer divine qualities, which they
experience through their practices. Only then can Mysticism help an individual
become Spiritual.
God and Spirituality
God is a Spiritual Reality whether one accepts it or not. Most individuals on a
spiritual pursuit will have faith in a Supreme Intelligence, which they worship as a
deity or just as an intangible Presence or even as ‘Light’. Yet this is not a pre-
requisite for a person to be spiritual. One need not have faith in anything beyond
the immediate realities and still be a spiritually evolved person. There are atheists
who live simple, principled lives and manifest spiritual qualities which are missed
by many devotees and believers.
A Spiritual person will be in alignment with his inner nature—Truth, Love and
Expansion. This alignment itself brings in purity in him. It makes it easier for him
to be open and access the higher realities. Yet, he may consciously choose a simple
life and live content with the physical reality. Such individuals live as role-models
for others, spread peace and harmony just by their presence and attain liberation
on leaving their body.
Experiencing and relating to God is a part of one’s spiritual evolution. While some
choose to limit themselves to the physical reality, others would want to experience
the higher, intangible realities which are created by the Supreme Intelligence. And
one can also experience God as Light, as Pure Consciousness, in deep states of
Samadhi and manifest those exalted qualities of the divine in their actual living. In
such a state, we realise our true nature with which we descended into Creation to
experience it. We experience oneness with all of existence, understand the purpose
of our lives and then live out this purpose in total alignment with Divine will.
Conclusion: Spirituality in the context of the New Age
Manifesting Spiritual qualities is always a choice for each one of us. The opposite
qualities like greed, hatred, backstabbing or selfishness are always alluring and
easy to choose. We face a choice between these opposite polarities in every step of
the way. Life here, on this Earth, is made interesting and challenging because of
the interplay of these two forces—the spiritual and non-spiritual.
This interplay works at the planetary level too where our Earth passes through
different time-periods, each of which witnesses the dominance of one force over the
other. When one force has maximum influence, it is difficult for the Souls to choose
the opposite; hence being Spiritual had been one of the biggest challenges in the
dark ages. This Dark Age has just ended and the remnant non-positive energies are
leaving our Earth.
New Divine Energies from different sources are flooding our Earth, heralding new
changes at various levels. These changes can be witnessed at the physical level in
the popular protests against corruption, in the occupy movement, in the uprisings
against dictatorships in Middle East and Africa and in many more big and small
acts of courage. Individually too, people are gravitating towards things of value and
choosing from their hearts.
The New Energies on our Earth support every endeavour of manifesting Love and
Peace, and uplift us towards a greater Spiritual evolution. As we reject the non-
spiritual values of the Dark Age and turn towards Spirituality, we move closer to
the New Light Age. Choosing to be Spiritual is also choosing the Light Age and
aligning ourselves with this great evolution.
♦ ♦ ♦

Spiritual Healing — Part 1

Submitted by VishwaAmara on February 24, 2013 –8 Comments

Health is an important aspect of a prosperous and fulfilling life. We normally think

Health in terms of the body alone but being healthy goes even deeper, into the
areas of our emotions, thoughts and intentions. A healthy system is a pre-requisite
to experience and enjoy the various aspects of Life. Keeping our system healthy is
also a spiritual responsibility, as it helps us grow spiritually and fulfil the purpose
of our lives.
Our system remains healthy as long as it is in a state of balance and harmony. Any
interruption in this harmony results in ill-health and dis-ease. We normally take
the help of conventional medicines and allopathic treatments to restore our
systems back to good health. Or, we may resort to traditional methods like
Ayurveda, Homeopathy or alternative healing practices like Reiki / Pranic Healing.
This process of restoring our systems back to a state of harmony and well-being—is
called as Healing. And using Light and Subtler Energies to assist this process of
harmonising our system is called as Spiritual Healing.
How does Spiritual Healing work?
Everything in existence is one or the other form of Energy. The disease in the body
also has its own energy and energy field. When we take medicines for any illness,
by curing the physical symptoms, the effect of the disease-energy is reduced and
the person gets well. But in case of Spiritual Healing, this energy itself is
transmuted or removed from our system. Spiritual Healing removes the illness at
its roots.
When the Healing energies (or Light) are sent to the affected part of the body, they
first request permission from the disease energies to transmute them. Then, they
check on the spiritual condition of the individual and the karmic necessity of the
disease. Based on these, further healing takes place.
If the person qualifies for healing, then the healing energies begin to slowly
transmute the disease energies and restore normal health gradually. It takes
around 3 days to heal a minor infection or fever. However, an illness of serious
nature needs continuous healing. The disease energies are transmuted into a
neutral energy which is full of love. If the person is a Meditator, then the
meditational practices themselves heal by removing karmas, generating new cells
and revitalizing the system. The practice of Healing will magnify those processes.
The healing energies also provide relief and love to the individual and assist the
growth of new, healthy cells in the system. Depending on the spiritual condition of
the individual, the healing energies create conditions within the system which
prevent the disease from recurring.
And if the individual is less spiritual and has many lessons to be learnt through
their karmas, the healing energies will not transmute all of the disease energies. In
this case, although the disease is not completely cured, the person experiences
much relief and comfort because of the healing process. And if the person of lesser
spiritual maturity continues to heal themselves indiscriminately, there will be many
side effects! The karmas keep manifesting in different ways, until the individual
learns the lessons and grows spiritually.
The Different Types of Healing Energies
There are infinite different Healing energies available in our Material Cosmos from
various sources. But only a few of them are relevant to our Earth and the life here,
hence only such energies are available to us.
The Goddess Santoshi Devi is the Deity in charge of the Healing energies present in
our Cosmos. To make use of the Healing energies, we usually pray to Her. Since
some of the energies are very powerful, the healing technique should be practiced
only under guidance. Excess of these energies have their side effects.
The next level of Healing energies are available in the Divine Cosmos which
consists of the Lokas of Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva and Adi Shakti. These energies are
used to heal our subtle bodies (Koshas) which finally result in the well-being of our
physical body.
A still higher grade of Healing energies are available at our Source—ParaBrahma!
When one experiences ParaBrahma, those energies from God are enough to heal us
as well as help us grow spiritually. All that an individual has to do is to surrender,
trust and devotedly experience Golden Light. The Supreme Intelligence knows best
and takes care. It takes more time for a complete cure, but in this practice of
experiencing God, there are no side effects nor is there a necessity of any special
guidance. We connect to our real Guru and then commune with Him.
There are different Universes—both Manifested and UnManifested—beyond our
Supreme God, ParaBrahma. These Universes carry various Healing energies, which
can be tapped at into, at present, only under specific guidance and help from the
Rishis. Very severe illnesses can be cured with the help of these special energies
but it takes time. Also this practice requires continuous monitoring and spiritual

The Practice of Healing

Spiritual Healing involves drawing energies from a higher realm and directing it to
the affected part of the body. We use our intention and visualization in this
practice, very similar to the practice of Meditation.
One of the Manifested Universes, Neela Brahma, is full of Light containing great
healing qualities. The following healing technique draws energies directly from that
Universe; hence it’s a very powerful and effective practice.
Sit facing East.
Practice 7 rounds of Pranayama with Light (Inhale deeply, imagining Golden Light
filling up your system. Exhale the Light out of the system. Seven rounds)
Imagine that you are receiving a lot of Dark Blue Light from the Universe, Neela
Brahma. Let this Light enter and spread into your system. Imagine more of this
Light in the affected part of the body. Pray to this Light for healing.
Repeat the mantra ‘Om Neela Brahmaya Namaha’ silently, for at least 7 minutes.
Experience the blue light in your system all the time.
Advancement in the Healing Techniques
Our transition into the New Age has also opened access to many new energies
which were hitherto unavailable to us. Now, with our Earth gradually becoming
purer, the Higher Intelligence is able to bring and anchor many new Healing
energies from other Universes and this has accelerated the efforts in Spiritual
These new healing energies not only help in healing the system but also help the
individual to experience God directly. They also help the individual to open up and
tune to the high frequency energies.
Some of these healing energies assist in activating the inner faculties along with
improving the individual’s health. And there are a few rare healing energies which
can help one to experience Samadhi and lead to his Enlightenment!
The Rishis are also devising new techniques which tap into the special healing
energies in the other Manifested and Unmanifested Universes. These practices are
made available to the select individuals who qualify. Such techniques cannot be
published as these are devised for each individual; we help only our students with
these techniques, at present.
Healing Others
Healing another individual is a noble gesture. We normally try to heal others out of
compassion and love, in order to alleviate their suffering. Yet, there are certain
guidelines to be followed when we do this. A doctor does not hand out medicines to
everyone just because he knows the science.
To begin with, it is always better to teach the healing practice to another person so
that he can practice it himself and get healed. The Rishis also emphasise that the
best method of healing is self-healing. Yet, if the other person is unable to practice
then we need to keep a few things in mind before beginning healing.
Firstly, the person who receives healing should be open to the concept of Healing
and should have faith in it. He should be willing to receive the energies and get
The healer should do the practice out of unconditional love and humility. He
should have a clear intent of providing relief to the other individual. He should
remember that he is only a channel of God’s energies and not the ‘healer’.
A very important point is that, the healer should not be attached to the results of
the healing process. He should just do the job of channelling the healing energies
and allow the results to follow their own course. Being emotionally attached to the
outcome results in interference in Karmas of the other individual.
Most importantly, such healing has to be done under proper guidance, on a case to
case basis. In some cases, certain special techniques may need to be employed,
under the guidance of the Higher Intelligence. The healer should be guided by a
competent guide or should be able to receive instructions directly from the Higher
Generally while healing others, the healer prays to God and receives the healing
energies. The Higher intelligence knows which specific energy is required for the
other person, and the healer will receive only those energies automatically even
when he practices the general healing technique.
Then the healer experiences the healing energies and sends it to the other person.
The unconditional love and a positive intent for the well-being of the other person—
these qualities in the healer help in the healing process. The healing energies work
in a similar fashion as explained earlier, while healing others.
It’s not necessary that the healer should be physically present near the person who
requires healing. This type of healing can be done remotely, or sitting in front of the
person. However, healing others involves using a range of Energies. So sometimes,
depending on the illness, transmission of grosser healing energies is required and
the proximity to the other person and touch help.
Another crucial information is that, an individual should not try to heal those who
are spiritually more advanced than him. Such a healing will have little impact on
the other individual. And this also leads to hampering the healer’s own spiritual
The main aspect of healing others is to provide relief from pain. Ultimately, it is the
efforts of the other person, his openness to healing and a willingness at a deeper
level to transform, which help in removing the disease completely.
♦ ♦ ♦
Spiritual healing restores our entire system back to radiant health and aliveness.
Yet it is not a standard, uniform process. Our bodies (Koshas) respond to healing in
different ways, and Spiritual healing works on each of our bodies in a unique way.
Also the processes of healing is also bound by the law of Karmas, especially in
cases where healing is done on others.
These aspects will be explored in detail in the next and final part of this article.
♦ ♦ ♦

Spiritual Healing — Part 2

Submitted by VishwaAmara on March 17, 2013 –6 Comments

Spiritual healing is a holistic way of removing an illness from our system. Although
the practice of healing is simple enough, the healing energies work on our system
in an elaborate way. They interact with our different bodies and, based on the
necessity, assist in gently transmuting the disease at that level. The healer need
not directly be aware of these processes. He allows the healing energies to flow
through with his intentions and prayers; from that point, the intelligence of the
energies takes over.
These energies also take into consideration all the divine laws and principles before
initiating the healing process. One of the major laws that come into play during
healing is the law of karmas. Spiritual Healing works in tandem with the complex
Karmic laws in the process of restoring a system back to radiant health.
We have seen that Spiritual healing transmutes the disease energies and restores
the system back to radiant health. If the disease is because of Karmas, the Healing
energies burn and remove these karmas and provide relief. This leads to an
important question: Does Spiritual healing interfere with the Karmic Laws? And
when we do spiritual healing on ourselves or on others, do we deprive the
individual of the lessons which arrive because of the Karmas?
Generally, Karmas are the residues formed on our mind because of excessive
experiences. Also, when we break a rule or a divine law we attract karmas. Based
on various factors, these karmas manifest in our lives as a problem or a disease, or
may even result in us taking birth again and again to clear them. The Karmas are
cleared completely when the Soul learns the necessary lessons that are required on
its journey.
The Rishis say that Spiritual Healing does not interfere in the Law of Karmas,
especially when we do Self-Healing!! Light teaches the necessary lessons to the Soul
directly at a deeper level. The more we open up and accept the healing process, the
easier these lessons are imparted and the faster we recover. Since self-healing is a
part of our Sadhana, we learn the lessons and also outgrow our negativities. So the
lessons that were supposed to be learnt through Karmas are learnt directly in
Healing!! Hence clearing the Karmas through healing doesn’t affect our growth in
any way.
In case of healing others, there will not be any interference in the Karmic laws if we
follow guidelines properly. Such a healing should be done under proper guidance
and with the consent of the other individual who needs healing. That person should
have total faith in the healing process. Then the lessons are imparted to the Soul
by Light at a deeper level, and the Karmas are also cleared without any hindrance
to the individual’s growth.
But if healing is done indiscriminately, with or without the consent of others, then
we will be interfering in their karmas. The Healer will also have to deal with the
side-effects if amateurish methods are used. These effects will also be there if
healing is done without proper guidance or if the other person is not completely
willing to receive the energies. Such a healing can attract karmas to the healer
himself! The healer also attracts the karmas if he is attached to the results of the
whole healing process.
Generally we think of ourselves as physical bodies but in reality, the physical body
is only a part of our system. This system has five different bodies—the spiritual
body, the intellect, the mind, the vital body and the physical body. We the souls live
in this system and experience life through these bodies.
When we fall sick, it is usually the mind and the physical body which are to be
healed. The other bodies also become ill but healing happens in a different way for
each of them..
Spiritual Body / Anandamaya Kosha
The Spiritual body is the subtlest of all bodies where the Soul resides. It carries the
Divine matter from the Source, providing that atmosphere to the Soul. It is also the
container of Light in our entire system.
This body does not get affected by our thoughts, emotions or karmas. But it can be
damaged by black-magic attacks and also because of prolonged exposure to
energies from the ‘Black Holes’. Long practices of wrong spiritual techniques also
affect the spiritual body. The Rishis also mention that excessive energies which the
system cannot contain, or energies from certain Unmanifested Universes also affect
the Spiritual body. There have been cases where the Spiritual bodies have been
damaged in individuals who underwent extreme torture during wars.
When the spiritual body is affected, the astral body and the physical body are also
impacted. Severe damage to the spiritual body has also lead to the dispersion of the
Soul in the past.
Such damages cannot be ‘healed’ by individual or by regular healing practices.
Healing the Spiritual body is a very important aspect of higher spiritual studies.
Only Spiritual masters like Rishis and Light workers can repair and heal the
Spiritual body.
♦ ♦ ♦
Intellect / Vignanamaya Kosha
The Intellect from which our thoughts originate is usually not affected or damaged.
If we continuously carry negative thoughts, they naturally affect this kosha but the
impact is more on the mind. There are special circumstances under which the
Intellect gets injured.

Healing of the Intellect happens by using special energies or even the Intellect
matter, from its source—Devi Loka. Such a healing not only requires special
guidance but also a lot of help from the astral level.
Individually, we can keep our Intellect healthy by always nurturing positive and
loving thoughts.

♦ ♦ ♦
Mind / Manomaya Kosha
Mind, also referred to as the emotional body, is the Kosha that usually requires
most of the healing. The Mind acts as a filter for our excess experiences and
thereby absorbs all the extra experiences. It is also the body that contains our
karmas. Keeping our minds healthy is a very important step in maintaining an
overall good health.
The impact of all our emotions and thoughts are experienced by the Mind. As it
also contains our karmas, sometimes damages are formed even before birth. All the
diseases which are karmic have their origin in the Mind. Strong emotions like anger
and all negative emotions affect the Mind.
Healing the Mind generally takes about 3 days for its effect to be felt completely in
the physical body. In some cases where there is severe damage to the Mind, special
energies and matter from its source (Brahma Loka) are required to heal the Mind.
Such healing is done under special supervision and care. The spiritual condition of
the individual is a very important factor in deciding the extent of healing
permissible. A strong faith in the Spiritual realities and in the Higher Intelligence is
an important factor which supports healing of the Mind.
Spiritual healing purifies the Mind to some extent and gives relief. Also,
meditations help in clearing the karmas, which again is an indirect form of healing.
Regular meditations over a period of time lead to a very good improvement in the
health of the mind, and of the system.
We can also assist the healing of our minds by keeping our emotions stable, by
having an organised life and making efforts to outgrow certain traits like anger.
Negative emotions impact the health of our minds, so we need to consciously
cultivate positive emotions like contentment, peace and love.
♦ ♦ ♦
Vital Body / Pranamaya Kosha
The Pranamaya Kosha contains the naadis or channels which regulate the flow of
energies in our system. We get this body from the Sun at the time of birth, and it
disintegrates or goes back to the Sun at death.
The vital body also acts as the glue between the physical and astral bodies, hence it
is well integrated with the body and mind. All our emotions, thoughts and physical
activities impact the vital body. This body can get affected when the energy flow in
its channels gets blocked. Depending on the severity, different techniques can be
used to clear these channels and regulate the energy flow.
The simplest and most efficient method is the practice of ‘Pranayama with Light’.
Regular practice of this technique keeps the vital body healthy.
Sometimes the naadis of the vital body get damaged when wrong spiritual
techniques are practiced. As an example, if an individual tries to raise the
Kundalini Energy without cleansing and properly preparing the system, then the
Kundalini, instead of flowing in the central Sushumna Naadi can flow through the
Ida or Pingala or through other naadis. This leads to a permanent damage of the
vital body and the individual will have the side-effects until death. Such cases
cannot be treated, hence it is very important not to meddle with spiritual practices
without proper guidance or total purification.

♦ ♦ ♦
Physical Body / Annamaya Kosha
The mainstream methods of healing the body can be termed as ‘partial healing’
because they act only on the physical body. While some sicknesses arise directly in
the physical body, most of them originate in other bodies—a fact which is not yet
understood or acknowledged by the ‘scientific’ healing methods. The allopathic
medicines can quickly act on the physical body and give relief but it is through
spiritual healing that a holistic recovery can happen.
Our physical body is well integrated with our Mind. All sensations including pain
are actually experienced by the Mind. When healing is done on the affected part of
the body, the energies impact both body and mind. A minor issue like tiredness or
headache that originate in the body can be overcome by practicing healing for 7-12
minutes. But if the source of disease is not in the physical body, then spiritual
healing should be done for a few more days. When we absorb healing energies
through the practice, they give relief and peace to the entire system. They
transmute the negative energies and help in the regeneration of new cells.
The Rishis mention that we need to take proper care of the physical body instead of
just healing it whenever we fall sick. We should regulate our eating habits and keep
our bodies fit with exercises. Another interesting revelation is that our arrogance or
pride can come in the way of healing the body, hence we need to make conscious
efforts to outgrow such traits.
♦ ♦ ♦
Healing occurs not only at the level of our bodies but also in other specialized areas
like the ‘Silver Chord’ (which connects our astral and physical bodies), the various
gadgets and faculties in our system, and also in dealing with
injuries/complications arising at the astral levels. These are advanced forms of
healing, which are dealt exclusively by spiritually evolved Souls like Rishis!
Spiritual healing is not a replacement for the general methods of healing and
recovery. It helps and accelerates the recovery process along with the conventional
methods. The ultimate aim of any healing is to restore a person to good health—
hence one needs to judiciously follow the advice of a physician and also apply
spiritual healing as a complementary practice. This results in a speedy recovery
and holistic health rather than a lopsided result because of following only one
Spiritual healing gives the fastest result when one has total open mindedness and
acceptance towards the process. Another factor which accelerates the healing
process is a strong faith in the higher intelligence and its compassion towards all
life. A positive, joyful attitude and cheerful nature by themselves create the
necessary conditions in our system where healing can work most effectively.
Perhaps the most important boost for healing is for the person to ‘Know’, in totality,
that Healing works.
While Spiritual healing removes the effects of a disease and restores the system
back to good health, there exists another aspect of Healing which deals with
identifying the shortcomings and negativities in oneself and clearing them so that
the individual is cleansed. This prevents the future manifestation of any ill health
and the individual can also avoid many testing situations in life which would have
come along to teach him many lessons. This form of healing is commonly known
as Inner Healing and the next article looks at this aspect of healing in greater
♦ ♦ ♦

Spiritual Shields — Part 1

Submitted by VishwaAmara on May 26, 2012 –13 Comments

The World around is unravelling slowly and the signs are evident for those who pay
a little attention to the events happening at various levels. Such changes are a part
of Nature, a part of human life here, but the current times have intensified these
processes. The theory of evolution says that ‘only the fittest survive’. Applying this
to our social context, one can say that, in the days to come ‘only those who adapt
and transform will survive and thrive’. Transformation at all levels—from the purely
physical to the highest intentional and spiritual levels is the mantra of the day.
The focus at VishwaAmara is to assist anyone towards such a transformation, with
the help of the guidance from the Great Rishis. As a part of this effort, we
published a free to download eBook, Communing with Light, which explains the
basics of spirituality and helps individuals begin their spiritual journey. We also
published three articles about Light, the Highest Reality. The articles ‘Light—The
Reality‘ and ‘Experiencing Light‘ explore the knowledge about Light, the different
ways in which one can experience it, and the benefits of making Light an integral
part of our living. ‘Pointers on Light‘ explains the subtle nuances one comes across
when he begins to implement the suggestions mentioned.
The book and the articles are a part of an important series: The Spiritual
Transformation Series’. A complete transformation at all levels involves working
on many aspects apart from Experiencing and Communing with Light. The
subsequent articles in this series will explore each of these topics in greater detail.
Taken as a whole, this entire set of articles forms a consolidated body of knowledge
which anyone can follow and assimilate in their journey towards self-
One of the important aspects of transformation is the knowledge about Spiritual
shields and how to build and strengthen such a shield around oneself. This article
explains the basic ideas of a Spiritual Shield.
What is a Shield?
A shield is a protective covering around an individual. Although some shields are
physical objects, most shields are invisible energy fields which safeguard an
individual from external negativities and harm. They also act as containers to hold
and prevent the loss of important energies from his system.
The spiritual practice of building such an energy field around oneself and
strengthening it regularly is called Shielding.
And it is a very important complementary practice for any spiritual aspirant,
especially in the times we are in, where a decisive battle is on between the forces of
Light and dark on our Planet. The practice of shielding protects an individual from
the influence of dark forces and helps him evolve spiritually.
The Benefits of a Strong Shield
The basic function of a shield is to protect the individual from any external harm or
negative effect. This negative effect arrives in the form of energies which enter an
individual and disrupt his health and well being. The harmful energies can also
cause accidents or create dangerous situations in the individual’s life. They can
pervert his thinking/perception and influence his interaction with others. Most
importantly, they can weaken the positive energies and faculties inside his system.
They can influence and divert his attention away from spiritual growth and
A strong shield around the individual acts as a barrier for such harmful energies,
wherever they come from. If the shield is strengthened regularly, it does not allow
any negativity to enter and influence the individual in any of the above ways.
People with psychic powers can read others’ minds and gather information about
the person. A shield around us prevents such mind-readings done by others.
A shield which is strengthened with the help of Light results in a strong Intuition in
the individual. It helps in awakening and sharpening ones hidden faculties. It has
the capacity to hold important energies which are required for the individual on a
periodic basis. The person can gather such energies and hold within his shield as
long as required.
Shields also protect individuals from strong attacks by dark forces and other
harmful entities. If the shield is sufficiently energized for decades, even death rays
will not be able to touch the individual. In such cases, the Lord of Death—Yama,
personally arrives to assist the individual in transiting from one life to another.
How does a Shield work?
The Shield forms a layer around the individual. With regular strengthening, the
individual will be surrounded by a protective covering of Light, which is God
Himself. This Light which forms the shield has its own intelligence and can
function independently.
For the individuals who are not spiritually advanced, the shield usually repels the
negative energies (those which cause sickness, accidents or even purely dark
energies). If the other energy is very strong, then the shield will not be able to stop
everything and the individual will begin to receive them and gets affected. He has to
strengthen his shield more and also make more efforts at spiritual growth and
healing to reverse this effect.
For spiritually advanced individuals, the shield works by both repelling and
absorbing the negative energies. Being an intelligent entity, the shield can
understand the intent behind the attacking negative energy. A strong shield has
the capacity to absorb such energies. In cases where a negative energy is sent
consciously to harm an individual, the shield absorbs it for a period of time and
then, at an appropriate time, rebounds the dark energies back to the attacker.
In certain cases, the shield just absorbs the negativity. It accepts the core aspect of
the negative energy and then dissipates or transmutes that energy.
A shield can also mislead an attacker or a psychic reader by giving false
information and thus protect the individual. In one case, when a psychic tried to
read a person and understand his activities, the shield around the person
camouflaged the real activities and projected a false picture to the psychic, so that
he would leave satisfied.
Although a shield has to be strengthened initially, in case of spiritually advanced
individuals the shield will have the intelligence and capacity to consciously connect
to the source and strengthen itself. But even in such cases, the shield needs
regular strengthening for proper functioning.
Other features of Shields
Shields protect us not just at the physical but also at the astral levels. They
safeguard our astral bodies from attacks at that level. A strong shield acts like a
magnet and attracts positive light and energies which are required for the physical
and astral bodies.
A shield also plays an important role during astral travel. When we travel at the
astral level, it will not be possible for a guide to be present with us all the time, or
to help everyone during the entire journey. In such cases, the shield not only
protects but also guides us. It acts as an antenna and warns the individual if it
senses any danger in the surroundings. It can be used by the individual to gather
information about the surroundings at the astral level.
A sufficiently strengthened shield also helps in bridging the gap between the
physical and astral worlds. It helps the individual to connect to the astral planes,
understand those events better and also recall the details of the astral travel. And it
assists him in having a calm and peaceful sleep without any disturbing dreams.
It is also possible for one person to create and strengthen a shield for another
individual. In case of children below 12 years, their responsibility lies with the
parents, so the parents can build and regularly strengthen a shield for them. And
Spiritual masters and the Rishis can protect and shield their followers.
Apart from these cases, when one individual tries to build a shield for another, the
other person should be willing. A shield cannot be built against his wishes. And the
shield has to be strengthened regularly. Even then, such a sheild will be effective
only for a short duration. In the long run, the other individual has to take
responsibility for his own protection and shield himself.
A sufficiently strengthened shield remains with the individual until his death. After
death, the shield either dissipates away or is taken by the guides who arrive at that
time—the Yama-dhutas. Only in cases of spiritually advanced individuals like
Rishis or Divine personalities, the shield continues to exist around the astral body.
Factors that weaken a Shield
The shields are designed to protect us from external negativities. They also can help
in cleansing and transcending our inner negativities, but this happens rarely.
However, our own negativities can in turn have an adverse effect on the shields
that are built around us. If we harbour strong negativities in our thoughts,
emotions or actions, they can weaken and even destroy our shields. So,
transcending our weaknesses and negativities is as important as strengthening the
shields around us.
The shields that are used presently need to be strengthened regularly, along with
the other practices. If we are lax in this practice, the shield gets weakened over a
period of time. Also practicing wrong spiritual techniques can weaken the shields.
And strangely, at times when an individual receives very strong energies, if he is
not able to handle it, the shield can break.
If a shield is weak, the strong negativities of others can damage it further. And a
very strong psychic or tantric can easily destroy a weak shield.
The shield also gets affected when the individual’s material life is not smooth. The
shield begins to weaken and wither away in such a case, and the individual has to
make a lot of efforts to re-strengthen it.
So safeguarding against these factors is as important as strengthening the shield.
With our regular practice and strong faith, we need to keep the shield vibrant and
sturdy. Along with making efforts to grow spiritually, we need to consciously
positivise our living.
How to create a Shield and strengthen it?
The easiest and most efficient way to build a shield and strengthen it is to be
regular in meditations. A dedicated effort at spiritual growth creates a shield
automatically and also keeps it vibrant and strong. And when we relate to Light all
the time and be aware of its presence in our system, this Light itself acts as a
shield—protecting, guiding and nurturing us.
A separate effort at creating a shield and keeping it strong arises when our
meditations are not regular. Also, there could be a need to make a shield stronger
with special energies. In such cases, one can practice specific techniques for this
One of the most effective ways to build and maintain a shield is to take the help of
Light. The technique of shielding was shared in our book, Communing with
Light. It is as follows:
1. Sit cross legged on a mat facing North
2. Imagine that you are inside a Blue globe of Light. This globe can be of
any size that you are comfortable with.
3. Pray to this Blue Light and also to Lord Hanuman, for protection and
4. Experience this Light for 3 minutes.
This practice has to be done every day after the meditations. Only a regular
practice keeps the shield strong and healthy. We can also consciously think of this
shield for a minute whenever we go out of our homes. And trying to be aware of this
Blue globe around us, whenever possible, also strengthens the shield.
There are special procedures and elaborate rituals performed by different sects to
develop different kinds of shields. The technique mentioned above is the simplest
and also one of the best techniques of shielding because, in this method we
connect to the source of all existence—Light. The practice of shielding which is
done with Light also keeps us connected to the Supreme Intelligence at all times.
Shields are also of different types and special properties, used for various purposes,
with many different utilities. And as we move into the new Light Age, special
shields will be created around us, with many new enhanced features. The next
article will briefly touch upon these aspects.
Conclusion: the necessity of Shielding now
At the highest level of God, there is no difference between good and bad, between
positive and negative. From that level of Unity Consciousness, everything appears
as a play of Light, an interaction between opposite polarities which gives rise to
Creation. When we rise to that level and experience Light in all its purity and
expansion, we would have gone beyond duality. We will continue to live life here,
but experiencing everything as God experiences, untouched by any aspect of
Creation—good or bad.
That is the aim of Sadhana and we are moving into such a level of consciousness
as Humanity and all life on Earth steps into the New Light Age, a few years from
now. Yet, we are still in the transitory period, and are yet to move into the
awareness of Oneness where the distinction between good and evil vanishes. In this
intense period of transition where the duality dramas are playing out at their
maximum potency, we need to safeguard ourselves from the harmful effects of
negative forces. In order to transcend duality, we need to focus on the positive
aspects of Light and shield ourselves from the negative.
The practice of shielding has become an essential aspect of one’s Sadhana because
of this. It is as important as our daily meditations in our movement through this
period of Pralaya and in our ascension into the New Light Age. A regularly
strengthened shield is our protection in this twilight zone of two ages until Satya
Yuga completely dawns on this Earth.
♦ ♦ ♦
Spiritual Shields — Part 2
Submitted by VishwaAmara on June 24, 2012 –3 Comments

The most effective way of building a shield around oneself is to imagine a globe of
Light around and then to strengthen it with intention and prayer. Such shields are
enough for individual protection and guidance. Apart from these, there are
advanced shields with different shapes and characteristics, which are used by the
Rishis, Rishi-workers and the Light workers, as a part of their work.
These special shapes help in making the shields more effective. And the efficiency
of these shields is enhanced by the unique energies which are used to strengthen
The Various Shapes of Light Shields
1. Spherical: A Spherical shield is one which is most commonly used and
is very effective. The Light globe represents the Universe which has no
2. Octahedron: This shield has eight faces and is used commonly by Light
workers when they work with energies. The special shape of this shield
protects them from negative forces and helps in receiving and containing
new energies. Such shields also help these Light workers to cope up with
abrupt situations or sudden developments that they encounter in the
course of their work.
3. Spiral: A spiral shaped shield is used by Rishis when they split their
astral bodies and multiply themselves. The unique shape of this shield
not only protects each of the split astral body but also continues to
energise and vitalise them against any possible attack from outside
4. Matrix: This shape is very complicated. For an easier intellectual
understanding, it is similar to the shape of a mesh. It is used by the
Rishis and Rishi-workers on very rare occasions. When the Rishis need
protection from hitherto unknown factors, they make use of this shield.
They also use this in the process of inventing or exploring new realities
in Existence. This special shield was invented by Purushottama
5. X Shaped : The Rishis use this shield to identify hidden or foreign
objects. Such shields also help in detecting and dealing with evil forces.
6. Others: Various other shapes like the Dodecahedron (10 faces) or a
pyramid are used to shield places. Some shields take the form of
transparent air or liquid, in order to shield individuals from specific
people or some types of energies.
The Other types of Shields
Although shielding with Light is the easiest and commonly used method, there are
many other types of shields available. These shields are used for specific and
important purposes. Pulastya Maharshi, one of the Saptarishis, is an expert in the
area of creating Shields. He has spent a lot of time experimenting and exploring
different shields. The following information about the Shields has been shared by
this great Rishi.
♦ Shielding using Capsules
Capsules are special shields which are built to protect the astral bodies. They
contain very strong and special energies which can cause a lot of damage if not
handled properly. Such shields are used by the Rishi workers and Light workers in
the course of their activities. And very few of them know how to use these capsules
at the physical level too.
♦ Shielding by being in the presence of higher Energies
Many places of worship and Energy centres are also places where ancient Energies
have been gathered and stored underground. These strong energies can help
individuals in building shields around themselves. When people stay in these
energy fields for a considerable duration, they absorb these energies automatically
and a shield forms around them.
♦ Shielding with Gadgets
Gadgets are physical objects which are energised in order to perform specific
functions. The talismans people use around their wrists, arms or necks acts as
shields and protect them from harm. The Greek hero Achilles would shield himself
with a special gadget which was placed near his feet. Destroying the gadget was the
only way to kill him, which made him invincible. When he forgot to shield himself
and an arrow penetrated his feet, he was killed.
At the higher levels, special gadgets are used for unique purposes. These gadgets
are available only in Vasishta Maharishi’s laboratory. When the Rishis explored the
Manifested and Unmanifested Universes, they used special gadgets for protection
as the astral and causal bodies would not have sustained the Light and
environment of those places.
♦ Shielding of Multiple bodies
Our bodies can be multiplied using advanced techniques. Such feats are usually
done by the Rishis for a higher purpose. In such situations, certain special shields
are used to protect all the multiplied bodies.
♦ Shielding with Yagas
There are special Yagas and Homas which are performed to create a shield around
individuals or their houses. These spiritual practices have to be performed often to
maintain and strengthen such shields.
♦ Shielding with Metal/Glass
The use of Metals for creating shields is a common practice. People use Yantras
which are copper plates with sacred geometric symbols etched on them. Jewels and
precious stones like diamonds are also used for protection against diseases and
The higher spiritual shields are created using metals and even glass. Such shields
are energised for thousands of years before being used. The mythological
hero Karna used such a shield which was given to him by the Sun God.
Shielding further: House and Area
Shielding can be done not just around individuals but also around our houses and
larger areas. Such bigger shields work in the same way as the usual shields—
protecting the individuals from external negativities and preventing the loss of
positive energies. They shift the vibratory frequency of the house/area to a higher
level, making it invisible to anyone with negative intentions.
The individuals’ house can be shielded in the same way as shielding oneself. We
imagine a globe of Blue Light around the house. Pray to God and the Rishis and
then keep strengthening the globe with our Intention.
Shielding larger areas belong to a different category. Creating and maintaining
such bigger shields is usually done for a higher purpose and there are various
different methods depending on the purpose.
There are also many energy fields which are anchored in different places on our
Planet, especially in places of worship or inter-dimensional entry points. Such
energy fields will usually have another energy which forms a shield and protects
the field from dissipating away. The ancient energy fields found across the globe
have such strong shields. The newly formed energy fields need to be shielded and
strengthened regularly, similar to individual shields.
Shields of the Future
The dawning of the Light Age on this Planet in a few years from now will witness
many changes at various levels. There will be extreme Earth changes, shifts in
continents and water bodies, disappearance of many plants and animal species
and emergence of new Life forms. Our present human systems will also undergo
major modifications to suit the high levels of purity and perfection of that Age. All
this information has been shared in the Earth changes and Light bodies article
The Shields of the future will also change from what they are now. Their functions
and capacities will undergo major overhaul to suit the conditions of the New Age.
Other than protecting the individual, the shields will help in furthering his spiritual
progress and evolution. They will monitor the various inner processes occurring in
each individual. They will assist him in opening up to the new Energies and
Knowledge which will be available in the enhanced pure conditions of the new Light
They will also monitor the individual’s life and help in correcting the course when
one deviates from the ways and values of Truth. A main feature of the Light Age is
Oneness–between all humans, all life and everything in existence. The spiritual
shields assist in manifesting this quality yet, they also help in protecting the
privacy and individuality of every person.
The inhabitants of the New Light Age will have a direct contact and communion
with the Highest Intelligence at all times. Inspite of this, in some situations where
the Individual has doubts or needs a clarification, the shield will be able to act as a
checkpoint in taking the right decision or following the laws of the New Age.

♦ ♦ ♦
Pointers on using Light in our Living
Submitted by VishwaAmara on February 27, 2012 –4 Comments

Recently we published an eBook, ‘Communing with Light’ in which the different

ways of using Light in our lives has been explained. The book contains simple
techniques of utilizing Light as a part of our daily activities and also on various
other important occasions. Such practices tune us to the divine vibrations of Light
and help us sail through the current turbulent times into the new Light age of the
Many readers have appreciated the usefulness of the information presented in that
book. They have begun to apply those principles and practices in their daily lives.
We also received many questions from various readers about the practical aspects
of these techniques. Some of those questions and our answers to them are shared
in this article so that it helps everyone understand these practices in better light.
♦ ♦ ♦
Life is so busy and hectic these days that we lose ourselves in the details and
forget about holding Light in our system. It’s difficult to be aware of Light at
all times. What is to be done?
It’s not too difficult to remember to hold Light in our system, however busy life
becomes. All that is needed is willingness and a bit of effort in the beginning. The
mistake we make is to assume that we have to be aware of the Light at all times.
We begin slowly, and gradually the practice becomes effortless and natural just like
our breathing.
We can start our day with a few minutes of experiencing Light in our system. Then,
in the middle of our daily activities, whenever we remember, we can think strongly
of Light and continue with our work. We can remember the presence of Light in us
when we are stressed or in need of guidance/support. We can also be aware of its
presence in the background while being engaged in activities like watching the
television. And we can end the day by thinking of Light in us and thanking it for
being in our awareness.
Although we may not be aware of it all the time, Light will be present in us and will
be guiding us at different levels. By remembering it every now and then, we bring
its awareness to the physical level and establish a conscious relation with it. The
disconnect occurs when we emote strongly, especially the negative emotions. After
such incidents, it is advisable to consciously sit and practice the technique for
some time.
Such a state of living in Light is not only possible for everyone but also easier
because of the times we are in. We can take advantage of the availability of the
higher energies on our Earth now and consciously tune up to Light.
♦ ♦ ♦
Are there ways in which we can improve our system so that we can hold Light
more efficiently?
There are many steps you can do in this regard. Practice seven rounds of
Pranayama with Light when you get up from sleep in the morning. This helps in
energising the system and makes one feel very refreshed.
Practice physical exercises. It is very important. Other than the benefits of
overcoming lethargy and improving the physical health, it also helps in the removal
of old energies from the system, thereby allowing the newer energies to flow better.
Consciously cultivate positive thoughts and emotions. Try to be aware of your
thoughts and reject the negative thoughts when they arise. Listening to good music
helps in refining our emotions. Take care of the health of each part of the system
(body, mind and intellect). Health and vitality in one part of the system influences
the others, so when we strengthen all the parts, our overall system will be strong,
tuned and capable of holding Light efficiently.
Finally, practice the technique of holding Light in your system whenever you
remember. The more one practices, the easier it becomes to align with Light
♦ ♦ ♦
When I go to places that have grosser / negative vibrations, I sometimes feel
lost or drained of energies. Why is it so?
People who are sensitive to the presence of energies usually get affected by the
grosser vibrations in a few places. Although these negative vibrations affect
everyone, it’s the sensitive ones who’re more prone to feeling drained or lost.
At such times, consciously think of the shield around you and imagine that it is
strengthening. Hold more Light in your system. If necessary, practice Pranayama
with Light for a few rounds.
♦ ♦ ♦
How to deal with people who are very negative and cynical and always a huge
burden to interact with?
Firstly, we cannot do much about how the other individual is. It is not in our
spiritual interest to interfere with others and also, we should not judge them. It is
their choice on how they want to be.
When it comes to interacting with people who are very negative, we do it silently
and allow the Light within to take care. If they begin to interfere in our life, we then
pray to God and send a lot of Golden Light to them until the
situation normalizes and the interference stops.
When our Meditations are regular and we practice the techniques like shielding
and carrying Light all the time, others will not be able to harm us or interfere in our
lives. And if they try, it can be handled easily.
♦ ♦ ♦
In a conflict situation, I’ve observed that it is very difficult to hold Light and
strangely less effective too when I do it. How to handle such situations?
The reason why holding Light is difficult or ‘less effective’ in a conflict situation is
mainly because the individuals themselves become agitated and get worked up.
They unconsciously connect to and manifest the negative vibrations prevalent
during that situation which prevents them to hold on to Light.
Being too involved into the situation also takes away our awareness from Light.
Although Light remains in the background and plays a role, when we get agitated,
we allow the grosser vibrations to take over. To hold on to Light and allow it to
diffuse the situation, we need to be calm and composed.
We also react to a situation especially when we have to defend ourselves. Instead of
reacting impulsively, we have to pause, think calmly and then respond. We have to
act with patience and maturity.
Light works best even in a conflict or argument when we face the situation calmly,
all the while holding on to Light.
♦ ♦ ♦
A similar difficulty arises during meetings where the discussion becomes an
argument and things get heated up. What should be done in such situations?
The first priority in any such situation is to calm down. Practice Pranayama with
Light silently. If possible, drink some water. This will give you space to mentally
disconnect from the argument and hold Light more efficiently.
The key is to detach from the vibrations of the argument. Being aware of your
shield along with Light will also help.
So ideally before the beginning of any important discussion follow this –
1. Imagine a globe of Golden Light around you. This acts as your shield as
well. Experience it for some time. Then send that Light to the people in
the discussion and the place. The vibrations of these energies help in
resolving any conflicts that may arise.
2. Do not lose patience at anytime. Also, have strong faith in Light and
have positive hope.
3. If none of these works, the right thing to do is to surrender to God and
allow things to happen silently. Accept the outcome without hatred or
judgement and allow Light to take care of the situation.
♦ ♦ ♦
I am practicing the technique mentioned for contacting the Rishis, but I do
not hear anything, however much I try.
Establishing a contact with the Higher Intelligence – Light and the Rishis is very
important, especially in the current times where each individual can take direct
guidance in every aspect of their lives. And because we are not used to this type of
communication, it takes some time and effort to establish a contact. We need to
approach the practice with humility and surrender, with a strong willingness to
talk to and hear from the Rishis. The main requirement to establish a contact with
them is the purity of thoughts and emotions in our daily lives.
One major hurdle to overcome is to get over our logical thinking. So strengthening
our intuition helps us to establish a better contact with the Rishis. This is a good
way to open up our higher channels of communication. Intuition surfaces mainly
through our thoughts, usually as the first response to a situation when our mind is
quiet. Some also experience a hunch or a strong conviction about a choice. Others
may experience a surge of positive energy or see some specks of Light. The way
Intuition operates varies for each person and the individual has to learn the best
way out for themselves through a little trial and error. The clarity of Intuition
increases with practice.
For example, if you are going out, refer to your Intuition on the route to take, or in
the order in which things have to be done in a day. While purchasing items, if you
have to choose between two, refer to your intuition. You can also use your intuition
before watching a movie to see whether it’ll be a good one or ordinary and then
watch the movie to check up on the results. In the beginning stages, link up to the
Soul and refer all such small decisions to its wisdom. Once this practice
strengthens, you can shift to bigger issues.
In the beginning, we may get one in ten such decisions correct but that is a good
start. Sharpening the Intuition is like a toddler learning to stand and walk. We
learn through mistakes and continue our attempts until we stabilize. Take it up as
a project and don’t be in a hurry to achieve results. Enjoy the journey to the
destination as well. As the Intuitive faculty sharpens, it assists us in deciphering
the communication that we receive from the Higher Intelligence.
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Yama and Niyama — The Value System
Submitted by VishwaAmara on November 11, 2011 –2 Comments

In every age on our Earth, the general living is guided by the value systems that are
prevalent in that period. These systems vary from one age to another. In the Dark
Age, the ways of life were guided by the religions in different parts of the world. All
these religions originated from Spiritual masters but over the course of centuries,
various distortions arose in their principles and teachings. The purity of the origins
was lost in the subsequent interpretations due to the effects of the age.
The New Light Age that we are entering into will have no religions. Life will be based
on a common value system which will be followed by all individuals on Earth. Two
sets of principles form the basis of this Universalism. These principles were
compiled and recorded by a great master, Patanjali Maharshi.
Patanjali Maharshi spent thousands of years understanding the Mind and its
influence on life and spiritual growth. He recorded his observations and
understandings which have now become a part of the scriptures. In his work called
the Ashtanga Yoga (a part of Raja Yoga), he notes two very important aspects
required for the spiritual growth of a person – Yama and Niyama.
Adopting these values and following them in our daily life is an important part of
our spiritual growth. They help us align with Light easily and achieve spiritual
transformation Now.

The necessity of these principles

Yama and Niyama are a set of principles to be adopted by the individual and
applied in all situations. They are a part of the higher spiritual laws that are
applicable throughout the entire Creation of God.
Life, especially on our Earth where there are opportunities for both good and evil, is
usually guided by perceptions. For example, a corrupt person would consider
corruption as a virtue and honesty as weakness. A power hungry or greedy person
might consider his negativities as supreme qualities. It is here that the principles of
Yama and Niyama help in bringing clarity and understanding to such issues among
others. They provide guidance and proper perspective for the ways of life—both at
the individual as well as collective levels.
Yama consists of five principles which deal with the characteristics of a person’s life
as a part of the society. These principles define the larger role of individuals in
relation to one another, so that collective living can be healthy and harmonious.
The five principles of Yama are – Nonviolence, Truth, Non-stealing, Non-Greed and
Making God a part of life.
The principle of nonviolence emphasizes that an individual should always be
compassionate and kind to his fellow beings and also to Nature. He should never
hurt others through his actions or words.
Non-violence should be adopted not just at the physical level but also internally at
the level of thoughts and emotions. The individual should not carry aggressive or
violent thoughts towards others, as these ultimately manifest in the real world.
Rejecting these negativities at the subtler levels is an important part of this
This principle should also be extended to one’s own self where we are
compassionate, kind and reasonable towards ourselves. An important aspect of this
principle is manifesting love. When we have unconditional love towards others as
well as ourselves, we follow this principle naturally.
This principle refers to the most fundamental value to be manifested – Truth. It is
one of the characteristics of the Supreme Intelligence—God Himself. When we
follow the principle of Truth, we will be in tune with Light at all levels.
An individual should never deceive or cheat others in any way and he should
always be conscious of what he speaks and expresses. This practice flows naturally
through having total clarity and awareness within oneself and by keeping one’s
conscience clear. Following Truth irrespective of the consequences is an important
spiritual achievement which aligns us directly with the Higher Intelligence.
The essence of this principle is Honesty. An individual should not take things into
his possession which do not belong to him. The higher aspect of this principle
states that he should not take credit for the ideas and efforts of others. This
principle goes hand in hand with the principle of Truth.
The highlight of this principle is that an individual should not possess anything in
excess. He should live in balance with things that support and nurture his life.
Everyone has the right to live comfortably but when our possessions become
excessive and we start hoarding, life goes out of harmony and balance. It leads to
greed and attachment in course of time.
A healthy respect and regard for life and our fellow beings helps us manifest this
principle effortlessly. Shifting our focus from the material to the spiritual wealth
also builds in us the mindset of non-greed. A balance between these two riches
brings a natural abundance into our lives.
Brahmacharya means movement (charya) towards God (Brahman), rather than the
commonly misunderstood meaning of celibacy. The highlight of this principle is
that all our activities should be focused on moving towards the higher experiences,
towards Light. Any actions which break the laws of karmas or come in our path of
spiritual growth should be avoided.
When we live in the awareness of God or Light, all our actions will be in tune with
the greater whole, with Nature. It brings a harmony within ourselves and between
us and the larger society. Ultimately it aligns us to the flow of the whole Universe.
Niyama consists of five principles which are the precepts of individual discipline
required for daily living. These principles refine an individual at the personal level
and elevate his ways of living.
The five principles of Niyama are – Purity, Contentment, Shining with Light,
Introspection and Surrender.
This principles lays emphasis on being pure at all levels—body, mind and intellect.
We should be pure and clean physically and also keep all things around in a neat
and tidy way. We should have pure thoughts, emotions and intentions.
Many other positive qualities flow naturally out of purity and freshness. Being pure
is a basic essential of a spiritual life.
Being content with what we have is very important to lead a happy and peaceful
life. While one need not be complacent and continue to make efforts to grow, this
urge should not make us dissatisfied with what we already have.
In contentment, we also save our energy and efforts which can be channelled
toward higher spiritual pursuits.
Tapas is a state of experiencing God and thereby shining with His Light always. In
the context of individual values, it refers to the individual being disciplined in his
daily life and following spiritual practices as a part of his routine so that he can be
with Light all the time.
Manifesting goodness and honesty in life and being a God Loving person itself is
enough for a person to start shining with Light.
There are two aspects to this principle. At the physical level, it refers to regular
introspection and observation of one’s behaviour and actions, so that
improvements can be made. Such introspection helps one to correct his mistakes
and live in harmony with others.
And at a spiritual level, the principle refers to an individual making regular efforts
to understand more about Himself, his origin and higher aspects. This
introspection defines his purpose and brings clarity and direction to this entire life.
The literal meaning of Ishwara Pranidhana is to give one’s life to God. What it
means is that an individual should surrender to God and dedicate all his actions
and positive results to Him. This helps an individual to be humble always and
remain connected to the Universe, to the larger Whole.
♦ ♦ ♦
Experiencing Light
Submitted by VishwaAmara on October 6, 2011 –4 Comments

We know and understand something in totality only by experiencing it. The

succulent taste of a juicy fruit is best understood, not by reading or theorising
about it but by savouring and relishing it slowly. Similarly, one would have heard
or read about the expanse of an ocean, but only when he stands before that vast
blue does one really ‘know’ what an ocean is.
Humans are creatures of experience. One of the purposes of our lives is to
experience the diverse life on this plane. In fact, we the Souls have arrived from our
Source so that we can experience the rich and varied life that has been created
here on this planet. We grasp these experiences through our senses and make
meaning out of them through our faculties of feeling and understanding.
This process of experiencing occurs at various levels, from the gross to the subtle.
We experience the gross in the course of our everyday lives, in various physical
sensations of sights, sounds, smells, taste and touch. A slightly elevated experience
happens when we are moved by a melodious musical note or by the beauty of a
Sunrise. A further refined experience occurs when we feel love and affection
towards another individual.
The highest and most refined experience happens when the Soul experiences the
subtlest aspect of all Creation — the Light that shines deep within everything! This
experience of Light is the greatest experience that a Soul can have while still
existing in a physical body on this Earth.
Why Experience Light?
The Soul is equipped with unlimited capacities to experience Creation. But since it
has to survive in the diverse environment of Creation, it is surrounded by the
sheaths of the body-mind-intellect of an individual. These sheaths restrict the
experiences that a Soul can have because of their own limitations. So a Soul can
perceive only a part of the experience which can be grasped by the mind.
The mind, which is a wonderful tool of perception, is not unlimited like the Soul in
its capacities. It can perceive experiences only to a limit, and beyond that, the
excessive experiences form a residue around it. These residual experiences, also
called as Karmas, force the Soul to incarnate again and again in various lives in
order to go through or clear those experiences. The Karmas gathered over
innumerable lifetimes, form thick layers over our mind. They hinder the capacities
of the mind and also block the channels of communication of the Soul with the
Higher Intelligence.
So the awareness of an individual remains, most of the time, at the level of the
body-mind-intellect. The person perceives himself not as the radiant Soul, but as
an ordinary human being, living a life of struggles and triumphs between life and
death. Being cut off from the higher intelligence, the individual leads his life as per
the directions of the collective intelligence of his body-mind-intellect, also known as
the Ego. This limited awareness continues in every lifetime and the individual gets
caught in the web of life, restricted by the laws of Creation and re-incarnating again
and again according to his Karmas.
The experience of Light breaks all these limitations and awakens an individual to
his divine nature!
When the individual experiences Light for the first time, it is similar to waking up
after a very long sleep. The awareness shifts from the limited self of body-mind-
intellect to the unlimited, luminous Soul. Along with experiencing Creation, the
individual will also experience the divine Light that pulsates within everything that
is created — even a blade of grass or a raindrop. His perception and hence his
entire life undergoes a profound transformation when this higher experience
The processes involved in this experience of Light also results in clearing of Karmas
and opening up of the blocked communication channels with the Higher
Intelligence. The individual Soul re-establishes its contact with the Ocean of Light
— God Himself! Many dormant faculties become activated and the individual gains
access to great Knowledge, Energies and Wisdom. He breaks free from all
limitations and confinements of this world, and continues to experience life and
reality here, while being established in the permanent reality — Light. He regains
the freedom to move through the innumerable worlds and dimensions of Creation
and becomes a truly unlimited being, radiating the light and love of the Supreme
This extraordinary experience is the birth-right of every Soul! Internal purity is the
main requirement and the doorway that leads one to this experience. Meditation is
one of the main ways through which this can be achieved.
The Initial Stages of Meditations
Meditation is the process of silencing our systems of body, mind and intellect. (The
silencing helps the awareness to release itself from the system and then rise and
expand in pure consciousness.) A cleansing process also gets initiated when we
begin the practice. As our system becomes purer, we become sensitive to the
presence of Higher Energies. We will be able to experience these subtle energies
during meditations.
As we progress, we slowly begin to experience the various qualities of Light like
peace, purity and fulfilment. We experience Love, which is our nature itself. All
these spill over to our daily life where we manifest these qualities with less effort.
We will be at peace and contented in any situation. We also share unconditionally
and accommodate others. We interact with people and approach situations with
unbiased love.
As we continue to progress spiritually, we enter the zones of Stillness! We begin to
experience deeper states of Peace, which slowly grows towards Bliss. This is also
the stage where our awareness, which is usually confined to our system, begins to
rise and expand. We feel lighter and lighter as our awareness transcends the limits
of our body-mind-intellect and expands. We experience an extraordinary vastness.
As our awareness expands and encompasses all Creation, we begin to experience
Oneness with Creation. These two stages of experiencing Expansion and beginning
to experience Oneness are commonly referred to
as Savikalpa and Nirvikalpa Samadhi.
The actual experience of Light starts after these stages!
Higher Stages of Experiencing
The stage where one experiences Light is called as Turiya. By this time, there will
be a huge transformation in the individual. The experience of Light leads to further
transformation and growth. In this stage the veil of Maya drops and the individual
sees everything in its pristine pure state — as Light itself. He perceives a flying
bird, the clouds and the sky as pure light. This is a stage where the individual
requires assistance to lead a normal life because he will not be able to distinguish
one thing from another. With a few exceptions, most individuals will not be allowed
to continue in this stage for longer durations by the Higher Intelligence, as it affects
their normal living.
In the next stage, Turiyatheetha, the awareness of the individual expands in other
planes and realms of Light. Along with experiencing that expansion, he will still be
able to live a normal life, without that higher experience interfering with his life.
In one of the highest stages, the Paripoorna Samadhi, the individual will be
experiencing all the dimensions of existence, all the manifestations of Light and yet
continue to live this life simultaneously. He will be in communion with Light at all
times. This is the stage of perfection which is attained by highly evolved Souls.
Revised Approach Towards Sadhana
In the earlier age of Kali Yuga and in the present transitory phase, one had to go
through various purifying processes like cleansing the naadis and activating the
chakras, before experiencing Light. All these processes will not be required when
we enter the New Light Age. There will be no other medium between an individual
and Light.
In the New Light Age, the Light body and other Koshas of the individuals will be
highly advanced, pure and equipped with various inbuilt capabilities and
potentials. Faculties like telepathy, teleporting, having a direct link with Light etc
will be a common occurrence. A new Kundalini energy will be flowing in the entire
system. Every individual will be living with a higher awareness. Light will be
present everywhere and its help will be taken in every area of life.
With the present understanding, one can say that all of humanity will be in the
stage of Paripoorna Samadhi in the New Light Age!
Hence the focus of spiritual growth will be entirely different in the New Age. The
present stages of Samadhi will become obsolete and will be replaced with other
advanced stages which take the aspirant into areas beyond Paripoorna Samadhi.
There will be newer areas of Spiritual Sadhana which are yet to be revealed and
Living in a Light Body
When an individual makes sufficient spiritual progress and experiences Light, he
will be able to gather and hold this Light in his system. As he continues to gather
more and more Light, the physical body slowly evolves into a Light body, with each
cell radiating Light. The Immortals who transcend the laws of birth and death
usually live in such advanced systems.
A Light body can be achieved with persistent efforts in any age. These advanced
physical bodies will be the ones we use when enter the Light Age. Those who
qualify to live in the Light Age will ultimately be able to transmute their present
bodies into Light bodies, with extraordinary capabilities and fully functioning
The Light Age that awaits humanity in the near future is a unique era and part of a
new experimentation process. Hence an entirely new and extremely advanced Light
body will be available to all those Souls who shift into the Light Age. This advanced
body not only helps to live the pure and divine life of the New Age but also assists
the individual to make further progress in the higher stages of spiritual Sadhana. It
helps in experiencing and holding the very pure and higher frequencies of Light
which can be accessed by meditating in those advanced stages.
More information about the Light bodies can be found in the articles of the Light
body series.
Enlightenment normally indicates a state where an individual experiences his
oneness with Light and all the manifestations of Light, all the time. The Rishis say
that the real enlightenment occurs at a much higher level than this. Such a state
can be achieved only by those who are ready to serve the higher intelligence and
work for the betterment of all creation. This vast growth cannot be achieved by
individuals who are focussed on their personal growth.
Enlightenment is a state of a very high order. The awareness of the individual will
be connected to Light all the time and the cells of his body also hold a lot of Light.
The person will be experiencing Light at all levels and live with an expanded
awareness every moment. He will be a channel of Light. The Light that radiates will
be experienced by those around him as love and peace. The individual will also
radiate knowledge and wisdom which can be grasped by those who’re sensitive by
just being in his presence.
An enlightened person is above the general karmic laws that are applicable to
others. It is a state of perfection where the individual does not commit mistakes.
Such individuals can live as long as they wish and they usually continue to live
until the purpose of their life is fulfilled.
The individual who achieves Enlightenment dedicates his life towards working for
the betterment of humanity and all life. Such individuals will be advanced spiritual
Souls who would’ve focussed on their spiritual growth for many lifetimes.
This state of enlightenment has been achieved only by great Rishis and Avatars!
Beyond Enlightenment
Even this is not the final stage in the spiritual growth of an individual. There are
stages which are beyond this very exalted and advanced level of experience. Just as
Existence has no end and its mysteries are still being probed by the great Rishis,
the avenues for spiritual growth also have no end.
The Rishis say that even Vishwamitra Maharshi, the greatest Soul in Existence who
has achieved extraordinary heights, is still growing spiritually!
Conclusion… Other ways to experience Light
Meditations and higher spiritual practices lead us to the experience of Light. Yet
these are not the only ways which bring us this divine experience. It is possible to
connect to different aspects of Light and its manifestations in various other ways.
When we have no complaints about life and are content and fulfilled we experience
Light (or God) as Peace. We experience God as vastness when we expand our
emotions and thoughts. We also experience Him as elevatedness when we rise
above and view things from a higher angle. We experience Him as purity when we
recognise the inherent goodness and selflessness of individuals, of Existence itself.
And as Love, when we overflow with affection for another Soul or receive it from
We can also witness God in the beauty of Nature around: the sailing clouds,
chirping birds, flowing river, blooming flowers or the tender dewdrops on a misty
morning. The majestic silence that is intrinsic in Nature can also be felt within
ourselves, in moments of deep stillness, in situations of total present-moment
awareness. We can experience Him in the exalted qualities of Truth and Honesty.
And also in the pristine pure innocence of a child’s smile!
Sri Aurobindo said, ‘All life is Yoga’. When we recognise and feel the sacredness of
every moment of our existence, we open ourselves to the influence of Light. When
Light arrives into our lives, all confusions, questions and problems end. Light
illuminates and divinises every aspect of our lives and guides us further on our
For Contemplation:
Kindly contemplate on the below two questions. These questions when asked over
and over in a state of relaxed concentration, help in taking the awareness of the
individual beyond thought, into the realms of direct experience.
These are the fundamental questions of every spiritual seeker. They help the
individual to ponder over whom he really is and what is his connection and relation
to the whole and the creation around. The contemplation and intellectual
understanding, along with the ‘deep feeling’ of the answers to these two questions,
move his awareness towards actually experiencing higher truths.
These questions, like Zen Koans, still the mind and take the inquirer beyond
contemplation into deeper areas of stillness and experiencing.
Who Am I?
“Who am I” is the famous way given to humanity by the master Ramana Maharshi.
The purpose of this question is self-enquiry and this seemingly simple method can
help an individual to realise directly that he is a particle of Light at his core. The
intellectual realisation leads the individual to actually experience himself as a
luminous particle of Light, as a part of an immense Presence. He experiences
himself as God, manifested in a form to know Creation. The answer to the question
‘Who Am I?’ becomes evident as a direct experience.
Ask yourself ‘Who Am I?’ over and over and ponder over the answers that your
mind throws up.
Where Am I?
The parallel query the individual seeks is “Where am I?” On deep contemplation on
this query, the individual understands by direct experience that he exists not just
inside a limited form but also everywhere in Creation. He exists in each particle of
everything that ever manifested and will manifest further. And he also belongs to
no-where, to the nothingness, to the deep void which gave birth to and permeates
all of Existence! In essence, the individual is everywhere and also nowhere, all in
the present moment, in no-time.
Ask ‘Where Am I?’ again and again and reflect on the answer that arrives with each
♦ ♦ ♦

Meditations: A beginning
Submitted by VishwaAmara on July 25, 2010 –4 Comments

Imagine looking up at the clear night sky, at the millions of sparkling stars, away
from the glare of the city-lights. Or staring out on the vast expanse of the blue
oceans, all the way upto the horizons. Or waking up early to view the sunrise in the
eastern sky. Or listening to the chirping birds in the still dawn. These are moments
when we’re filled with a sense of wonder and awe. Our thought process stop
momentarily and we experience an unexplained joy and peace without much effort.

The peace we experience appears to be because of external factors, like the sky or
the ocean but it’s our mind, or more precisely, the silence in our mind that results
in this peace. When we face the beauty and majesty of nature, the flow of thoughts
stop and the mind automatically becomes like a clear pond, revealing the depths of
our true nature. We have a momentary glimpse of joy and harmony in the silence
where our mind turns meditative. It’s as if the peace was always there, within us,
obscured by the thought flow; when the thoughts cease, we become aware of the
inner harmony.
Such joy and harmony can be experienced anytime if we deliberately silence our
minds, if we bring silence in our system of body, mind and intellect. This process of
establishing silence is called ‘Meditation’ or ‘Dhyana’(in Sanskrit).

Why Meditate?—The Benefits

Meditation brings to our minds the pictures of recluses, sages and mystics, who
lived away from the society, searching for the meaning of life or seeking God-
realisation. It’s difficult to associate meditations or any spiritual practices to
modern man, who’s in the thick of family, society and the material life. But the
benefits that can be derived by proper efforts at Meditation makes it the perfect tool
for our busy, stressed out lives. Many of the ailments, difficulties and problems
that we face in our day-to-day living can be handled with poise, with the proper
understanding and application of Meditation.
Peace and calmness are the first results of the practice of meditation. When we
start the practice, many inner processes get initiated in our system. The
continuous chatter inside our heads reduce and gradually we experience a clarity
in our thinking and understanding. Our memory power and the capacity to
concentrate for longer periods improve, so does the ability to remain calm in
stressful situations. Innumerable researches have pointed out at the improved
immunity and general well-being in the physical and mental health of individuals
who meditate regularly. With clear thinking and the ability to be at peace always,
we’ll be able to face any situation squarely. Just these benefits should be enough
for any of us to take up meditations and make it an inseparable part of our daily

People take up meditations for different reasons–for peace of mind, stress-relief or

health benefits. Or to explore the spiritual areas, to find the meaning of life and to
discover one’s purpose. Or even out of curiosity, to understand and explore this
fascinating discipline, which has been practiced by individuals in different cultures
across the world, since thousands of years. Any type of meditation begins with the
simple effort at slowing down ones movements and turning the attention inwards.

How to Meditate
We start the silencing process at the level of the body, by sitting still in a particular
posture. We can further silence the mind and intellect by focussing our attention
on one thought and ignoring all other thoughts. In the beginning it may appear
difficult to sit unmoved for more than a few minutes. Also the flow of thoughts will
be more when we sit for meditations and it will look daunting to focus our attention
and not get lost in thinking or dreaming. But the thoughts gradually subside and
we will be able to sense calmness and relaxation. As with any practice, the key is to
overcome the initial resistance and persist with the efforts.

A Simple Technique
1. Sit cross-legged on a clean mat, facing north. Close your eyes.
2. Pray to your elders and God.
3. Take seven slow deep breaths.
4. Then remain calm for 3 minutes.
5. Now imagine a lot of golden light coming from above. Let this light fill up your
6. Experience this Light and imagine that it spreads out to your surroundings.
Practice this for 12 minutes.
7. Then offer thanks to your elders and Light(God). Lie down for a few minutes and
This technique can be practiced by anyone and the results vary from one individual
to another. Some may find it difficult to sit still while others may struggle with their
thoughts. Yet with regularity and a bit of effort, almost anyone can experience
calmness and feel refreshed after the practice.

Who can Meditate

Meditations can be practiced by any genuine seeker who wishes to improve his life
and experience the benefits of this practice. Ideally anyone who’s above 12 years of
age can takeup this practice.

Some obstacles
Practicing meditations is like climbing a mountain—the higher we climb, better the
view and also bigger the obstacles. Understanding the difficulties in the practice
can help us overcome them, so that we can derive the complete benefits. These
obstacles are the general ones which anyone who begins the practice is likely to

Difficulty to sit
Many find it difficult to sit still in the beginning. Also, when we sit cross-legged, we
may experience pain in the knees after sometime, especially when we sit for longer
periods in the advanced stages. The aches and discomfort in the body can distract
us from focussing our attention on the meditation technique.
Becoming physically fit helps us to overcome this obstacle. Another hint is to have
a walk for 10 minutes, half an hour before meditations. Then sit on the floor,
stretch your legs and gently rotate the feet for a few minutes. This will help the
muscles to relax and you’ll be able to sit comfortably.

The thoughts are always present in the background but they become evident when
we try to establish silence in our system. We may find it difficult to ignore them and
focus our attention on the meditation technique. It’s easy to lose focus and slip into
thinking or day-dreaming—and gradually lose interest in Meditations.
The only way to overcome this is to ignore any thought which may present itself.
Everytime our mind wanders, we have to bring it back to the visualization. The
thoughts will reduce gradually and we’ll be able to meditate successfully even if any
thoughts are present in us.

Inertia and Lethargy

Meditation is not a one-time activity but a continous process, which has to be
regularly practiced over many days, weeks and months. It’s easy to become
lethargic after the initial excitement wears off and we may find it difficult to
motivate ourselves to sit for the practice. This can happen in any field of endeavour
and is not unique to Meditations.
Defining our goal in meditations and constantly reminding ourselves of it helps us
shake off the Inertia whenever it arrives. Also, if we keep in mind the various
benefits and advantages of meditations, and envision the ways in which it can
positively impact our lives, we can overcome the lethargy and find motivation for
the daily practice. Persistent effort is the key to overcome these obstacles.

In the beginning, out of enthusiasm people may practice the technique for more
than the prescribed time-period or more number of times in a day. This will lead to
the over exertion of our body and system, which will not be properly tuned.
We have to practice for shorter durations in the beginning and gradually increase
the duration as we advance in meditations, with better techniques.

The various benefits of meditations cannot be derived at the first attempt or within
a few sessions of practice. It takes time for our system to get used to this discipline
and gradually we’ll be able to experience the effects like calmness and improved
concentration. The higher benefits of meditations like Psychic experiences, Visions
and Spiritual experiences require more efforts over a longer time-period. When we
sit for meditations, our effort should be to establish silence in our system and not
wait for any results to manifest.
More hints for successful meditations
To derive more benefits from meditations, it helps to follow these hints.
1. Meditate at least once every day at the same time, preferably in the morning
around sunrise. This is the time when we’re refreshed after a night’s sleep and our
system can be guided to silence with more ease.
2. Choose a clean, airy place free of disturbances. If possible, meditate at the same
place everyday.
3. Have a bath if possible. Have very light food before meditations as an empty
stomach will distract or a heavy meal will make us fall asleep.
4. Wear loose clothing. Choose a comfortable mat to sit on.
5. Sit comfortably with an erect spine but don’t keep it too rigid. Place the palms
one above the other on the lap.
6. Focus your gaze at the mid-brow point for better concentration. Look straight
ahead and close your eyes. If the gaze lowers during the practice, return it to the
mid-brow point.
7. If the attention wanders during meditation, gently bring back the focus to the
technique (experiencing light). Persist until it becomes effortless.
What is Light?
The Light we imagine during meditations is not the physical light which is visible to
the naked eye. This Light is the Universal Intelligence out of which the entire
creation got manifested. In our scriptures, we refer to this Light as Parabrahma,
the formless God who created the Universe and the worlds. Different cultures and
religions refer to this Highest intelligence as the Supreme God.

In ancient times, every individual could link up to this Supreme Intelligence

directly and communicate with it. As Kali yuga or the dark age began, we lost these
faculties and had to depend on priests, rituals and ceremonies. As time passed,
God became obscured behind dogmas, religions and beliefs. Humans lost touch
with Nature, with their innate divinity and came to believe themselves as finite
beings, with life being reduced to just a material existence, between birth and

Spiritual practices like Meditations help us re-establish this contact with Life, with
Nature and with the Divine.

Meditation has long been considered as a tool for self-transformation, self-discovery
and spiritual enlightenment and not just as a stress-relief, health improvement
practice. Apart from the immediate benefits, a meditator can easily recognise a
reduction in negative traits like anger, impatience and jealousy over a period of
sustained practice. He will find it easier to develop positive qualities like
accommodation, compassion, unconditional love and a healthy regard for all life.

Meditation purifies and transforms a person for the better. This fascinating practice
has been the road on which seekers across millenia have travelled with various
purposes– from simple stress-relief to healing to self-discovery and ultimately
enlightenment. Anyone with a genuine intent and sincere efforts can derive the
benefit, for which he pursues meditation.

We should take up the practice with a sense of adventure and an open mind. The
journey may be easy or arduous but the revelations and discoveries that await us
on this road make it one of the most rewarding experiences of our lives.
Meditation – The Journey (Part 1)
Submitted by VishwaAmara on July 25, 2010 –One Comment

‘The Hero’s Journey’ is a common narrative found in most of the myths and stories
across the world. An ordinary man is forced to go on a journey, either out of choice
or because of some circumstances. He embarks on the journey, enters an unknown
world, faces many hardships and difficulties, makes friends and allies and finally
reaches his goal to find new knowledge, wisdom and power. A transformed man, he
returns home to become a mentor to others, with the capacity to change their lives
with his newfound knowledge.

A Meditator is also an ordinary person until he answers the call of the spirit and
sets out on the inner journey. He is initiated into a new world by a Master, a world
filled with wonders, challenges and mystery. As he battles his demons, finds his
strengths and moves ahead, the journey itself transforms him. He stumbles upon
new worlds and unknown realities and, on reaching the destination, discovers his
purpose. The inner transformation manifests in his outer life and he becomes a
role-model and inspiration to others by his perfect living.
The journey begins with a call and for a Meditator, this call comes in the form of
various life-situations which motivate him to pick up the practice.

Call to adventure
We come to meditations through various means, with different purposes. It could
be to solve a problem, for health issues, for stress-relief. Or it could be to find
answers when life appears devoid of any meaning. It soon becomes apparent that
the journey doesn’t end once the initial goals which prompted us to pickup
meditations are reached. As we allow these practices to impact our lives in positive
ways, our goals also get shifted further and further. We also realise that the
journey is best undertaken under the guidance of a Mentor or a Guru

The Guru
A Guru by definition is someone who takes us from darkness to Light. He can be a
mentor who has travelled the path earlier and who knows the pitfalls and
shortcuts. God is the real Guru. Having a Guru at the physical level is not an
absolute must to start the journey. Though one can pick up a technique from a
book and begin, like any other discipline, a student requires the help of a seasoned
practitioner to understand the path, avoid mistakes and make faster progress.
A human Guru often works as a representative of the Rishis, the real guides of
humanity, who live in the higher planes of existence. Many of these Rishis and
Lightworkers often live in their physical bodies and can guide us directly. These
guides have a direct contact with the Supreme Intelligence – God and work for Him
selflessly, helping others on their inner journeys.
Step into the new world
The Initiation
The Guru sets the student on the path by instructing him a technique and by
giving him a spiritual charge, a push in his spiritual pursuit (sadhana). Subtler
energies are passed on to the student and certain processes are activated in him.
His entire system is tuned up so that the efforts he puts in the meditational
practice yield maximum results. This process, also called as Initiation or ‘Deeksha’
(in Sanskrit) is an act of grace from the Rishis and God. This is not a one-time
activity; the Master gives periodic initiations to the student whenever he crosses
certain stages and has to pick up a technique and energies for the next higher

Most of these are done at a subtler level and the student may not be aware of these
processes in the beginning. To make us aware of the importance of this occasion, in
earlier times, we were asked to make a donation, offer fruits and flowers and even
keep a fast.

Spiritual Progress
The Spiritual progress of a student is monitored by the Guru at this level and by
the Rishis and higher beings at a different level of existence. They asses the
‘Sadhana’ of the student and periodically decide whether to allow more time for the
inner processes to mature or to shift him to the next stage. While some individuals
progress faster, some travel leisurely—the pace of progress depends on various
factors like intensity of the practice, regularity, the sadhana done in previous life-
times etc.

The sign-posts on the journey

As the student continues on his spiritual journey, he comes across various sign-
posts that assure him that the path he’s treading leads to the desired goal. Some of
these are:

a) Silence and initial benefits

Meditations, we have seen, is a systematic process of silencing our body, mind and
intellect. Our system gradually enters the zones of silence with time, depending on
the intensity and effort one puts into the practice. We’ll be able to recognise the
initial benefits like calmness, ability to deal with stress, improvement in the general
health and well-being, clarity in thought etc. Apart from these, many processes are
also initiated within us. One such process is the cleansing of our system and the
clearing of our karmas.

b) Clearing of Karmas
Modern science considers Life as a freak accident; it defines a human being as a
physical entity, with a pulsating life-force which keeps him alive between birth and
death. On the other hand, the Spiritual science, or Yoga-shastra defines Life as a
play of the Universal consciousness. It considers human beings as sparks of light,
or ‘Souls’, residing in five bodies. This Soul which is a part of the Universal
Consciousness( or God), incarnates into Life to experience creation. The five bodies
which house the Soul are the ‘Spiritual body’, the ‘Intellect’, the ‘Mind’, the ‘Pranic
body’ and the ‘Physical body’.

As souls, we experience Life through our Mind, which has a limited capacity to hold
these experiences. When the experiences are in excess, they become a residue on
the mental body, blocking many of the capabilities of the mind and shutting down
the communication channels. This excessive residue is defined as Karmas.

With the cleansing process, these karmas are removed slowly, allowing the
communication channels to get cleared and the blocked faculties to operate.
Sometimes we can sense this purification process occurring deep within as a kind
of freshness that can be experienced after the meditation session. And as we
advance in our practice, we may be able to see colourful lights, hear sounds and
even have visions. This is the stage when our natural faculties which were hidden
until now begin to get activated.

c) Awakening of Inner Faculties

The inner faculties can be understood as the organs of our Soul, and hence not
detectable by our physical instruments because they are not present in our
physical bodies. These faculties are dormant in most individuals because of the
times we’ve been living in until now and also because of the layers of karmas that
cover the mind. In earlier times when we were spiritually evolved, these faculties
were fully active, but as earth moved into the dark ages and as humans, on their
spiritual degeneration began to misuse these faculties, they were shut-down.

Some of these faculties are:

Third eye: it is the capacity of the Soul to look into the past or future, and to have
visions of the astral worlds, other dimensions of existence and realities.
Intuition: this is the voice of the Soul, our own inner self which guides us.
Astral travel: This is the capacity of our astral body (the mind, intellect and
spiritual bodies together with the Soul) to travel in the astral plane.
Telepathy: This is the faculty by which we can mind-link with another person and
transfer/receive thoughts.
Teleportation: This is the faculty through which we dematerialize in one place and
materialize again at another place.
Contact with Rishis and higher beings: Rishis are the Spiritually advanced
masters, many of whom live in the higher planes. We can contact these benign
Masters for guidance in our spiritual and material lives.
There are specific techniques to awaken and activate these faculties, which have to
be practiced under the careful supervision of an experienced Master. Also, the
individual should be pure and should have a higher purpose of service to others in
order to activate some of these higher faculties. The practice of meditations initiates
a cleansing process which purifies a person and brings an expansion in his
emotions, thoughts and awareness, thus naturally awakening all these faculties.

Before the destination

Spiritual Sadhana is not just about reaching the destination – Samadhi,
Enlightenment or Mukthi – but also about the transformation that occurs within
the individual in the course of this journey. The process is as important as the
outcome, because, the journey itself changes a person even before he scales the
highest peaks.

And reaching the highest levels takes effort, dedication and perseverance, as in any
other field. It requires the individual to overcome a host of obstacles and
difficulties–most of them from within himself. The most important requirement is
the faith he has–in himself, the path and the Guru. It’s like taking the next step
even when the entire staircase is not visible.
When the student steps out with true faith, he moves in the right direction even if
the path is wrong or even when the Guru fails him. The Universe is the true Guru
and it always protects and rewards any great effort that is undertaken with
immense faith.

Meditation – The Journey (Part 2)

Submitted by VishwaAmara on July 25, 2010 –5 Comments

We’ve seen that the path of Meditations is similar to the ‘Hero’s journey’, where an
ordinary man embarks on an adventure which changes him in unimaginable ways.
The transformation begins in the process itself and culminates when he reaches
the destination. Apart from the various sign-posts and rewards on the path, the
aspirant also has to deal with a number of obstacles, many of them arising from
within. These obstacles test the mettle of the student- when he succumbs to them,
the journey ends and when he surmounts them, he emerges refined.

Major Obstacles
A student may find many distractions as he sets on this journey. Some of them
could be external like lethargy, too many thoughts, over-expectations etc. Apart
from these initial difficulties, a student will also have to deal with many inner
distractions and negative traits that come up once the cleansing process starts.

The Spiritual science defines some of these negative traits as the ‘Arishadvargas’,
(six major obstacles) – Desire, Anger, Greed, Attachment, Arrogance and Jealousy.
While these traits are present in everyone to some degree or the other, they become
detrimental when in excess. Unless a spiritual aspirant learns to sublimate these
negativities, progress on the spiritual path becomes difficult.

The effects of the spiritual practices increases the sensitivity of a Meditator, hence
he can easily recognise these traits – in others and also within. The dedicated
practice of Meditations by itself helps him in overcoming these negativities. Besides
that, he should make a constant effort in positivising his thoughts and emotions so
that he can rise above these obstacles.

The Destination
When our system attains a state of deep silence by the dedicated practice of
meditations, our awareness gets released and shifts to higher levels. The awareness
which is normally confined only to our system (and most of the time, to our
physical body) begins to expand gradually. It spreads and expands to the limits of
the cosmos and experiences all of creation, all of existence. This stage of meditation
is called as Samadhi where the individual Soul experiences the Universal Soul or

Samadhi is the highest state of worship where we are in communion with God.
Many complex realities about Creation and life can be understood and perceived
very clearly in that state. There are various levels or stages in Samadhi, and in the
higher stages, the individual soul experiences itself as God Himself. The boundary
between the two, vanish and the Soul can experience and perceive the entire
existence, the way God does. The meaning of ‘Omnipotence’, ‘Omniscience’ and
‘Omnipresence’ becomes evident as a direct experience.

When a student reaches the stage of Samadhi, the Rishis guide him directly on his
further journey, from the higher levels. With his increased sensitivity, the student
will be able to recognise and perceive this guidance from the physical level itself.

Enlightenment is the highest state of Samadhi where the individual experiences
Light (God) and becomes Light himself, in every cell of his system. In this state, all
of his inner faculties will be open and he will be able to live in the awareness of God
at all times. This is the ultimate goal of a Meditator.

After the journey

The spiritual journey transforms an individual gradually and culminates in his
experience of ‘Enlightenment’. He’ll be able to experience the highest state of Bliss
and Divine Love not only in Meditations but also in his daily living. The expansion
he experiences in Samadhi manifest in his life – in his broad thinking, sublimated
emotions and positive qualities. He’ll live as a perfect human being, as a role-

Living in this way, he can attain liberation from the cycle of birth and death, upon
leaving his body. This is called as Mukti – the goal of most of the spiritual aspirants
on this journey. This is the first way for a Meditator after Enlightenment.

Or the spiritual aspirant, on reaching the highest state of Enlightenment can

decide to forego his Mukti and instead choose to stay back, in order to help others.
This is another path which is chosen by a select few.

a) Mukthi or Liberation
We’ve understood that Karmas are the excessive residues which are accumulated
in our minds. Once the body dies, the Soul reincarnates into another body, into
another life-cycle, to learn the unlearnt lessons, to pay-off the uncleared debts and
to cleanse these residual karmas. In the process of this cleansing, more karmas
can be gathered in that lifetime. So a Soul continues to re-incarnate again and
again in order to be able to clear these karmas.

The liberation from this cycle of birth and death is called as Mukti. It is the final
liberation where we, the souls merge back into the Source — God, out of which
we’ve emerged and descended into this world to experience creation. A Meditator
who has attained the state of Enlightenment and has cleared all the karmas,
continues to live in God-awareness. After death, he is freed from the cycle of birth
and death and he can go back and become one with the Source.
This final liberation is the true aim of all spiritual practices, all meditations,
irrespective of any short-term goals or aspirations with which one takes up this

b) The Journey of a Master

The Master or a Guru is a person who has reached the end of his journey, but
instead of going back to his liberation, has stayed back to help others reach the
destination. Hence a Master is revered as a representative of God himself for this
selfless service of guiding others towards God.

A Master may or may not learn under another Guru, the way other students do.
This decision to guide others happens at a higher level, even before he takes birth.
So many of the inner faculties could be operational in him by birth. Or he may be
guided by his Higher Self or by the Rishis in the higher realms and could have an
early awakening, usually at a young age. A Master will have access to Knowledge,
Energies and Powers which are not available to an ordinary student, who’s working
for his own growth. Spiritual gurus like Mahavatara Babaji is known to be living for
thousands of years without ageing.

While some of these Masters come into the limelight to guide others directly, many
of them choose to serve in the background without anyone noticing them. They
work silently and the results of their work will always impact the lives of others in
innumerable ways. Many wars and natural calamities are averted or postponed, the
mass sufferings alleviated in many instances because of the efforts and struggles of
these Spiritual giants. Maharshi Amara was one such master who worked mostly in
the background for the welfare of humanity.

A Master may sometimes choose to specialize in one specific area, in order to bring
down more knowledge and energies pertaining to that branch. So we have Ramana
Maharshi for Samadhi, Mukthananda for Siddhis, Eckhart Tolle for Stillness,
Soluntra for Inner Healing and Light-body Awakening, Maharshi Amara for Astral
works, Ramakrishna Paramahamsa for devotion to God, etc. Many Masters also
choose to sit in Tapas (deep meditation) over thousands of years, in order to gather
special energies which can be used to help all humanity in their spiritual growth.
They may not be active like other masters but would be holding the beam of pure
energies, preserving them for better times as our Earth passes through the dark

Most of these Gurus and Masters work under the guidance and instruction of the
Saptarishis, the Hierarchy of Seven Great Sages, who are the Eternal Gurus of

A Rishi is a divine being who has the capacity to receive, hold and transmit the
knowledge and energies of God in the form of Light. The Rishis have a direct link
with God and have access to all the powers and capacities of the Universal
Intelligence. They can create, manage and destroy worlds with their immense
tapas-shakti. The capacities of the Rishis surpass all human imagination.

The spiritual aspirant who chooses to guide others can become a Rishi, with his
Spiritual Sadhana over many life-times. And he can move ahead to different levels
and grades even after attaining Rishihood.
The Saptarishis are the Hierarchy of seven great sages, who are the ultimate guides
of all humanity. All the Rishis work directly under the instructions of the
Saptarishis, who manage the whole of God’s creation.

An aspirant can reach the heights of Spirituality while leading a normal life and
attending to all of his duties and responsibilities. In earlier days, the aspirant
would move away from the society and the material life of an ordinary person, in
order to pursue his spiritual growth. But the times we’re living in call for an
integration of the Spiritual and the Material. A Sadhak has to live in the thick of
life, experience the ultimate in the Spiritual and manifest that expansion in his
daily living. This is the challenge and the excitement we find when we embark on
the spiritual journey.

We find ourselves now at a threshold point, where the old ways of the dark age are
being replaced with the arrival of a new age. Our earth is going through a shift in
cycles and moving on from a period of darkness to an enlightened age of Love and
Peace. This transition can be smooth or rough – it depends on the spiritual
condition of the entire humanity and the willingness to embrace the values of the
New age. The challenge to transform or perish is upon all of us.

Meditation and spiritual practices are the tools which can help us cope with these
challenges, transform ourselves and connect to the divine within and without. They
are the life-boats which we need to sail through the turbulence of this transitory
period and move into the next age of Light and Love.

Light — The Reality

Submitted by VishwaAmara on September 6, 2011 –4 Comments

We are moving into an age of Light on this Earth. It is a period where Light guides
and moulds all life here. Until now, we were living in a period where our existence
was hardly influenced by the vibrations of Light. In the future age that is about to
unfold, Light in its highest frequency will manifest and take effect in our lives.
At the deepest level, everything is Light. The most concrete thing like a rock, or a
living being, or even abstract things like ideas or dreams — are different
manifestations of Light. Even the physical light that we see is one such
manifestation. Light is the all pervasive, all powerful and most intelligent presence
in the entire Creation, and beyond.
The mystics and saints have called God as ‘Jyothi-Swaroopa’, or Light Himself. In
their deeper states of Meditations, they experienced God as an extraordinarily
immense Ocean of Light. This most subtle Light, they understood, is the ever
present reality which creates, governs and withdraws all Creation again and again.
The Ocean of Light — ParaBrahma, which was understood as the highest reality
until now, is one of the manifestations in existence. There are many other such
Manifested and Unmanifested realms. The Rishis perceived an even bigger and
immense presence, which gave rise to all these different and diverse
manifestations. This Primordial God has been called as Mula Brahman.
When Mula Brahman wanted to create and bring forth various manifestations, He
did not know how to go about it and which substance to use for this purpose.
Then, He perceived a shining and radiant Presence within Him. This was Light! God
understood that Light could be used to materialize His vision of Creation. That
moment onwards, Light has become an important and integral part of Creation in
all the Unmanifested and Manifested Universes.
Vishwamitra Maharshi says that Light is the most unconditional gift given by God
to His Manifestation.
At the highest level of Mula Brahman where it originates, Light is of the greatest
quality, intensity and potency. The Rishis have called this as the ‘Spectral Light’.
From the Spectral Light manifested a toned down and less intense vibration of
Light called as ‘Nirvena Prakasha’. This formed the base for the creation of all the
Unmanifested Universes.
From Nirvena Prakasha, a less intense form of Light manifested as various
Universes. With each further manifestation, the characteristics become simpler and
less potent. At all levels, the Light has different colours and vibrations. Each
vibration also has its own characteristic feature.
Our Universe, ParaBrahma is an ocean of Light which is predominantly Golden
coloured. Other Universes like Prakasha Brahma or Neela Brahma are oceans of
Blue Light. More details about the other universes are in this article — Manifested
When Creation continued in each of these Universes, Light further toned down and
gave rise to Energies. These condensed as different types of matter and also formed
the building blocks of the various Cosmoses, Worlds, Galaxies, Stars, Planets and
all life on these planets.
Everything and anything in existence is a manifestation of Light. In each of the
Universes, Light manifested further and further to give rise to a varied and complex
creation. In our Universe — ParaBrahma, various energy fields with different
characteristics and functions came into existence. Huge cosmoses were created,
which further manifested different worlds spanning across dimensions. Energy
condensed as matter to give rise to Galaxies filled with Stars, Planets and other
Cosmic bodies.
As Creation continued, life forms came into existence in innumerable Earths. A
very rich and diverse life took root in millions and millions of Earths. When living
beings were created, the particles of Light (also known as Souls) from various
Sources descended into these bodies in order to experience the Creation which had
manifested out from God.
Creation is not accidental or mechanical. A highly intelligent and compassionate
Presence governs and sustains all Creation — from the level of Cosmoses and
Galaxies to the tiniest level of single celled organisms and sub-atomic particles.
This Presence (God) created many divine beings and special Souls to administer
and sustain the diverse and complex Creation.
This Creation is bound by time. After a time-span, Creation is withdrawn back into
the respective Sources, in each of the Universes, only to be manifested again in
another form and diversity. In the bigger picture of Mula Brahman, even the
extraordinarily huge Manifested and Unmanifested universes will be withdrawn,
only to be projected again and again.
The life system on any planet follows certain laws and principles. Based on these,
Light supports and sustains life on that planet. One such principle that exists on
our Earth and many other planets in our Cosmos is the movement of Time in
cycles. A bigger cycle of Time is known as Mahayuga, which repeats over and over.
Each Mahayuga has four different and diverse time periods, in which the spiritual
condition of the Planet varies from one extreme to another. In the purest age —
Satya Yuga, Light manifests as truth, love, peace and many other divine qualities in
the lives of all inhabitants on our Earth. In the next two ages, when a dilution of
values sets in, there is a reduction in the influence of Light in the affairs of this
world. In these ages, the influence of darkness rises gradually. In the last age, the
Kali Yuga, there is hardly any influence of Light at all; this period witnesses the
rule of darkness with life filled with untruth, injustice and other negativities. When
Kali Yuga ends and a new Mahayuga begins, Light in its purest and highest form
begins to take root.
Every influence on this Planet — the dark, light and the gray in between, is a
different manifestation of the Highest Intelligence — Light. At present, our Earth is
going through a transitory period, moving from a dark age to the age of Light. It is
witnessing a shift of the vibratory level of Light, from the grossest to the Purest.
We are in the middle of this Shift at this point in time.
Our Earth is now witnessing a tremendous flooding of different vibrations of Light
from the divine realms. We can witness the workings of this Light in the disruption
of the old world, which is still tuned to the lower vibrations and injustice. The
systems and people all over the planet, who are still in the grip of the earlier age
and its influence, are shaken up and jolted out of their reverie by the divine Light.
Anyone can witness these paradigm altering events across various fields in today’s
This disruption and replacement of systems starts at a subtler level, where the
lower vibrations of Light are transmuted into higher ones. All those individuals who
are still holding on to the earlier vibrations are coaxed and helped to receive the
new, divine vibrations. They are assisted in getting over the influence of the
previous age and move into the New age of Light that’s about to begin on our
When people resist, they face situations which forces them to make a clear choice.
Those who resist even these situations or choose to go with the old world will be
shifted out of this Earth into a suitable Earth, where their Soul journey continues.
This shift-out happens during the many Earth change events, which are already
occurring and which will accelerate during the Galactic alignments and other
cosmic events of the near future. Only those individuals who choose the Light Age
on this Earth will be able to pass through these situations unscathed.
A huge network of evolved beings, Rishis and divine personalities are assisting and
facilitating this great shift of Ages under the guidance of the Supreme Light!
In this period of transition from one age to another, Light plays a major role at
various levels. At the physical level, it works through the Rishi workers, Spiritual
guides and those who’ve opened up to the higher realities; through them, it
provides education, guidance and hope to many others. At the subtler levels, it
works through the Rishis and Light workers. It also destroys the Dark and takes
action against the oppressors after warning them.
At still deeper levels, Light acts directly and guides every Soul. It educates the
individual about what’s happening in the current phase of transition and also
provides strength, wisdom and hope to tune to these changes. It guides everyone
through their intuition to take the right decisions and to solve any problem in their
Light also heals every Soul by churning out the inherent darkness or negativity and
by assisting in transmuting them. It opens up everyone to the divine vibrations of
the Light Age and exposes them to higher ways of living. It presents lots of
opportunities to grow and helps in manifesting divine qualities like Love, Peace and
A major step that an individual can take in his growth is to experience Light and
manifest its qualities in his daily living.
We have many times experienced a beautiful sunrise, a picturesque scenery or
listened to a soul stirring melody. What happens in those moments? We lose
ourselves and become a part of that experience momentarily. Experiencing Light is
a similar happening where we lose our individual identity and become a part of
Meditation takes us to this extraordinary experience which transforms and
divinises us. The first step of any meditation technique is to silence our system of
body-mind-intellect so that Stillness can be established in us. Then our awareness,
which is limited to this system, is trained to gradually rise and expand. With
practice, we will be able to expand our Awareness in the realms of Light. This is the
stage where we begin to experience Light directly.
In this spiritual journey, there are various levels and stages. As an aspirant moves
through these stages, he begins to experience the different sublime qualities of
Light — purity, peace, bliss, love etc. In the advanced stages, he will be able to
transmute the physical body into a Light body and in further stages he will merge
his awareness into Light while still existing in his body. This stage where the
aspirant directly experiences and realises his oneness with Light (God) and every
other manifestation of Light is commonly described as ‘Enlightenment’.
There are many more stages even beyond Enlightenment! These will be explored in
the next article which explains ‘Experiencing Light’ in detail.
Light is the permanent reality in existence. We who are sparks of Light are related
to it at the deepest level. This relation can be expanded to many other levels
including the physical. When this is done, our lives are transformed by the
luminosity of Light.
A simple method suggested by the Rishis is to imagine that we are always filled
with a radiant Golden Light. Even if we’re unable to visualise it, just having an
intention itself will help the Light to fill up our system. We have to enjoy its
presence as much as we can. This can be done along with our normal routine
activities by keeping the awareness of Light in the background, or whenever we find
solitude where we can focus our attention on this practice.
When we hold a lot of Light in our system in this way, the Light begins to cleanse
our system and bring in purity. It makes us positive and helps us remain calm and
composed in any situation. It helps us to manifest unconditional love and also
manifest Peace and Oneness. We will be able to distinctly notice a qualitative
improvement in our living.
We can refer to Light when we take decisions. Even in the smallest detail of our
lives, we can take the help of this Light. When we begin to relate and interact with
Light, it begins to assist and guide us through our intuition. We will be able to
clearly notice and receive the instructions from Light. This is the point where we
realise a fundamental truth — that Light is the only guide, the only Guru!
Gu means darkness and Ru means Light. Guru is an individual who leads us from
darkness to Light. Although the human spiritual masters and Rishis are commonly
referred to as Gurus, they are only the guides. The true Guru is Light itself! It
guides every Soul through these guides until the Soul evolves to a level of direct
communion with Light!
When this realisation comes through a direct experience, we will be taking a very
great step in our lives. This is the point where Light illuminates every aspect of our
lives. When Light enters, all darkness vanishes as Light brings knowledge, wisdom,
energies and healing. From then on, we will literally be living in Light!
When we perceive the existence of Light behind the myriad forms and play of
consciousness, we live out our purpose, without getting entangled in this creation
of Light. We will be furthering the purpose of Light and its Creation. Instead of
being caught in the web of life, we will be influencing and directing the movement
of life, in alignment with Divine will.
The Soul, which was a part of Light, descended into Creation and lost its
connection in order to experience it. Now, on the next step of the journey, this Soul
has to regain its connection and continue to experience in full awareness of its
relation to Source. Then it can merge back into the Source, at will.
This is our journey — the journey of every Soul. When we realise the existence and
prevalence of Light and begin to engage with it at the highest level, we are taking
the final steps of our divine journey. We are completing the story which began eons
ago with our descent. From here, whether we choose to merge back, or go on
another journey into our own experiencing or assisting other Souls — this choice is
left to every individual.
This opportunity to experience and live out our lives in the awareness of Light, is a
divine gift, available to all of us on Earth at this point in time. We can make use of
this opportunity to take the next step of our evolution.
♦ ♦ ♦
Dvi Nakshatra (Bi-Body)
Submitted by VishwaAmara on August 25, 2020 –7 Comments

The Rishis work on Earth is complex. In many instances, they have to go to great
lengths to accomplish them. A lot of it can be executed from the Astral level,
however many of the missions require their physical presence on Earth. These
aspects are taken care of by the Rishi workers on Earth.
There are several sensitive areas on Earth which a common man cannot access and
the Rishi workers have to carry out their work in such places. While trying to
understand the ways in which they accomplish such difficult tasks, we were made
aware of this new concept of Bi-Bodies.
When Maharshi Amara was alive, he was an expert in carrying out such tasks. He
was adept in Teleportation as well as had the capacity to multiply his physical
body. This process of multiplying the physical body is referred to as Bi-Locating,
which means being in two places at once.
The processes of Teleportation and Bi-Locating consume a lot of Tapas Shakti of
the Rishi and hence not used often. Also, very less number of Rishi workers present
on the Earth possess these capabilities.
To facilitate more Rishi workers to execute such works, a new concept has been
manifested by Lord Kalki known as Dvi Nakshatra or Bi-Bodies.
Concept of Bi-Body
The concept and functioning of a Bi-Body was conceptualized by Patanjali
Maharshi long ago when he was doing his research on the human system. This
part of the knowledge was never taken forward as it was not required in that
period. Then it was almost lost.
The knowledge came to light again recently when the Rishis were exploring different
ways to efficiently help Lord Kalki with his work. Vasishtha Maharshi could luckily
get hold of this hidden treasure and access the knowledge. He then discussed these
concepts with Lord Kalki.
Lord Kalki resonated very much with this concept. He began gathering the
necessary energies required for this in his lab and began studying the concept.
Then with the help of Vasishtha Maharshi, Renukananda Maharshi and Amara
Maharshi, he was able to manifest the concept of Bi-Body into existence.
The concept of a Bi-Body was that a person could operate through two physical
bodies, where one of them would have all the advanced capabilities.
Initially, Lord Kalki wondered whether He could be doing this work as he had the
capability of working in numerous places at once. He was advised against it as it
would consume a lot of his energies and also divert him from the other
The Rishis also mentioned to Him that if an Avatara keeps performing all the tasks,
his importance will reduce. They also mentioned that as humanity will keep
watching him often, his energies will get exposed and when it comes to his main
works, he will not be able to execute them efficiently.
The Rishis mentioned that they will carry out this special work. They had the
required criteria as they understand His work and are used to working with Him,
and in tune with the ongoing transition process.
The experimentation began after this. At first, Lord Kalki wanted to create Bi-
Bodies that are temporary in nature. But as the concept evolved and the works
began to succeed, the Bi-Bodies became permanent bodies.
The experimentation began in the year 2000. The experimentation was to test the
feasibility and efficiency rather than for immediate functioning. Three Rishiworkers
and one Lightworker were selected for this and four Bi-Bodies were created in
Shambala for them.
The Lightworker was able to manage this for only five days. A Rishiworker who was
aged managed to operate through this for about three years till he could continue
no more.
In due course, other Spiritually capable individuals on Earth were selected and
experimented upon. In many cases, the original bodies of these individuals
collapsed as they could not handle it.
The Rishis and Lord Kalki had long discussions about this and were studying the
impact it had on the worker – both their Astral part and main physical body and
how efficiently they could function.
Upon observation and study, the Rishis concluded that only the Rishi workers
could sustain working with a Bi-Body. Only the Rishi workers were able to adapt to
the conditions. It was mainly because of their Tapas Shakti and their familiarity in
working with the Rishis and Avatar’s of MahaVishnu.
The concept of operating through a Bi-Body was a success. Based on their
observations, Lord Kalki decided to expand this concept and enrol more Rishi
workers into it. He decided to have a maximum of 108 Rishi workers having Bi-
Bodies operating on the Earth. (Note — presently, there are 97 Rishi workers
having Bi-Bodies).
Bharadwaja Maharshi is the senior-most Rishi having a Bi-body presently. Because
of his old age, he works only on important occasions. He shares his wisdom and
experience with the other Bi-Bodies and helps them.
The next phase of the Bi-Bodies involved creating them for specific purposes who
could be experts in those respective areas of work. Depending on the role of the Bi-
Body, they are created in different places—
Andromeda Galaxy — The Bi-Bodies created here are meant to handle very tough
work. They are all-rounders and execute all types of work.
Vasishtha Maharshi’s lab — These Bi-Bodies are meant for very technical work.
Some of their responsibilities involve works like deciphering blueprints and codes,
breaking them open if required, dealing with some of the complex laws on Earth
Shambala – These Bi-Bodies are great warriors and they help in defence and
Mount Kailash – Very few Bi-Bodies are created here. They are very Spiritually
oriented and are involved more in chanting mantras, creating new energies, and
working with Light and sound codes.
The Seven Earths – The Bi-Bodies created here work and deal with the dark forces
directly. Therefore they are deputed only to certain countries on the Earth.
General Characteristics of Bi-Body
During this transition period, even though the Rishis and other Lightworkers are
present on Earth, there is a large amount of work to be done and additional help is
required. The concept of Dvi Nakashtra is a special innovation of Lord Kalki to
assist with this.
The Bi-Bodies are meant only for this period and will cease to exist after the
transition period.
The Bi-Bodies are created in various places (as detailed above) depending on the
requirement. Each of the respective Bi-Body is created in the same image of the
Rishi worker who will be operating it. Most of the external features including the
age of the Rishiworker is replicated onto the Bi-Body.
After the creation of the Bi-Body, a part of the Astral Body of the Rishiworker is
merged with this body and the worker will be able to operate the Bi-Body
independently. In simple terms, the Astral body of the Rishiworker now has two
physical bodies functioning.
The Bi-Bodies are created for a specific purpose, and therefore do not possess all
the qualities of a regular physical body. They are not meant for experiencing life
and the diversity of Creation. All the Bi-Bodies are generally very Intelligent Beings
and exhibit fewer emotions or sentiments.
By nature, the Bi-Bodies are created as the typical “Alpha” personality. They are
assertive and firm. They also tend to be aggressive and can have a lot of anger
within them. They are created with these properties due to the nature of the work
involved. The dangerous situations and circumstances of the work they will be in,
compel that their nature cannot be soft and loving.
They are extremely focused on their work and have the capacity to work 24hrs a
day. They have to be very aware of everything around them, at all times. Being
absent-minded or careless could cause exposure and failure in their work.
The Bi-bodies generally stay and work independently. They are meant for work and
do not have a family or get involved in social activities. Only in rare instances do
the various Bi-Bodies work as a team.
They have the special ability to completely detach from for the emotions and
sentiments that they exhibit and carry on with their work.
The Bi-Bodies are created with a large number of Spiritual faculties and powers
active in them. But by behaviour and Inner nature, they are very simple Beings.
There are many rules and karmic laws that apply to a Rishiworker and humanity in
general. These do not apply to the Bi-Bodies. Most of the work of the Bi-Bodies
come under the “exception to the rule” category.
Having a Bi-Body is advantageous over a person Bi-Locating as it can save
immensely on the Spiritual energies consumed and the duration one can operate
through this means.
Generally, there is no rest period or break for them. They move to the next project
after finishing the current one. In rare situations do the Bi-Bodies take a few days
of rest to recharge themselves.
The Bi-Bodies do not meditate or practice any specific Sadhana. All their focus is
towards work. Their strength comes from Lord SuryaNarayana or they draw
energies from their counterpart, the main physical body.
The Bi-Bodies generally sustain themselves by receiving energies from the Sun.
They generally absorb the necessary energies and Prana from Lord SuryaNarayana
for their sustenance. Depending on the necessity, they also draw energies from the
different Planets and the Solar System in general.
The Bi-Bodies have the capacity to function like a normal person also. This feature
is required to blend in with local people during work. If they have to consume food,
they usually eat only cooked food. The ability to eat food weakens as the Bi-Body
In extremely rare cases like the instances where they get trapped in a place for
many days or have to remain hidden for extended periods, they can sustain by
eating a part of themselves.
The Bi-Bodies can be referred to as Super Beings in regards to Faculties. They are
created by Lord Kalki specifically for this purpose of executing special works and it
requires them to possess special capabilities. The Spiritual faculties and capacities
are well developed and fully functional in the Bi-Bodies. Many of the faculties are
not possessed by us humans.
The Bi-Bodies are very psychic and Intuitive.
They have many advanced forms of communication. They can communicate using
telepathy, through glances or through the exchange of energies.
They are equipped with the majority of the languages and cultures of the world,
human behaviour and their ways of thinking. Any additional attributes like
different dialects can be acquired by them in minutes.
They can travel very fast. In human understanding, it can be described as
superfast running. The younger Bi-Bodies have the capacity to travel 2000 kms in
about 5-10 minutes. As the Bi-Body ages, the speed slows down a bit. They also
possess the ability to teleport but prefer the physical travel as they can assess and
understand the environment better. Teleportation is used only in extreme cases.
When not in work, they appear like the Rishi worker but change their form during
the work to blend into the place. They can change their size and appearance and
are very good at camouflage. Depending on the necessity, they can become
transparent, but not invisible. Only the Bi-Bodies created in the Seven Earths have
the capacity to become Invisible.
The colour of their skin is grey as it helps better with camouflage. And it is easy to
change this colour to any human skin colour during their mission.
The Bi-Bodies have the capacity to multiply themselves, up to 5 bodies, if required
for that particular work. This is not generally done. This ability also depends on the
capacity of the Rishi worker to be able to operate these many independent entities.
All the senses are well developed in the Bi-Bodies and they are naturally
clairvoyant, clairaudient, clairsentient, clairgustant and clairalient. In fact, their
clairalience or advance sense of smell is a unique feature.
The sense of smell is very less understood at the human level. The capacity of smell
in humans, as well as technology available in this area, is quite primitive and we do
not know to protect ourselves in this aspect. The Bi-Bodies can perceive and
understand many things with the help of this faculty. This faculty in them is so
advanced that they can smell things and decipher them over several kilometres.
They also know how to use their saliva and blood for various advanced tasks. They
also have numerous Siddhis or powers and utilize them when required. For
example, they can create fire by rubbing their nails.
The Bi-Bodies have the capacity to function in low oxygen. They also have special
gills on the top of their heads which give them the capacity to live underwater when
They have the ability to survive in extreme situations like fire, floods or droughts
and storms with the help of Lord SuryaNarayana and Lord Kalki.
Rishi worker and Bi-Body
The Bi-Body maybe an amazing creation with these super capacities, but it is not
easy to work in a Bi-Body. There are large effects on the Astral and main physical
body of the Rishiworker and it can be very challenging at times.
An important responsibility of the Rishiworker is to balance all the various aspects
of their life. The worker will have responsibilities at the physical level and at the
astral level. They have to continue executing this part smoothly along with the new
added responsibility of a Bi-Body.
By design, the main physical body and the Bi-Body will not meet or have any
connections. It is the Astral body of the Rishi worker operating two separate
physical bodies. The only time there is a partial connection is when the Bi-Body
wants energies, strength or Tapas Shakti for its work.
The work of the Bi-Body can get intense many times. This will lead to huge energy
level fluctuations in the main body. There will be large mood swings, emotions will
be harsh and it will influence various other factors like food and sleep. Intense
work of the Bi-Body tires the main physical body too as they share the same Astral
The Bi-Body is meant purely for Lord Kalki’s work and mission, and it cannot be
made to do other things by the Rishi worker. The Rishi worker does not have
control over the Bi-Body functioning in areas other than the work. The Bi-Bodies
have their own Intelligence, mission and individuality.
Being aware of the activities of the Bi-Body is discouraged. One, it affects the life of
the main body immensely. It also requires a lot of psychic energies and mental
strength to perceive this, and spending so much energy for long periods will affect
both the physical and astral body.
There is no concept of death separately for the Bi-Body. It can continue to function
until the health of the main body is good. In case there is any damage or injury to
the Bi-Body, Lord Kalki can heal it and it will become healthy again.
Eligibility of Rishi Worker to have a Bi-Body
As we have understood so far, it is not easy to function through a Bi-Body. There
are many things considered before a Rishi worker becomes eligible for this.
The person willing to work with a Bi-Body should be part of the 144,000 Rishi
workers and should have been working with the Rishis for many lifetimes. This
criteria being met itself is an important factor and many qualification aspects are
taken care of.
Once the Rishi worker expresses interest, there are further selection processes,
which are hard and severe, and in some instances brutal too. The Rishis
recommend different workers for this based on their observations, but it is the sole
discretion of Lord Kalki to select them.
The person should be very passionate about the work and already be working in
the capacity of a Rishi worker. There will be a lot of training and tests before they
can be selected to operate with a Bi-Body.
The person will have to continue to work at the Astral level and their present
physical body in addition to operating the Bi-Body. Only workers who have the
capacity for this will be eligible.
Ideally, the individual should be between the age of 24 and 50 years and they will
work till the age of 60.
Once the Rishi worker agrees for this, there is no backing out. It has to be an
assured commitment and they cannot retire early as the Bi-Body will be created
specifically for that individual. They retire only when they become old or severely
damaged or when Lord Kalki wants them to.
Another important criterion is that the Rishi worker having a Bi-Body cannot be
married. If they are, they will have to give up their family.
Operating through a Bi-Body is not an easy process. A lot of inner strength and will
power is required along with deep Inner knowing and mental stamina. Once the
Rishi worker gets selected, they undergo a few years of training and then begin to
operate through a Bi-Body.
Modus Operandi of Bi-Bodies
The work of the Bi-Bodies is not glamorous or fanciful and they generally work in
tough conditions. These are some of the darkest places on Earth as well as the
densest, energetically.
Some of the work of the Bi-Bodies involve infiltrating the dark forces and various
militias all over the world and defeating them. Sometimes it is aspects of espionage
to understand the activities of the dark forces. At times, they also work with World
Leaders and important personalities through camouflage.
Other than these works, the Bi-Bodies work with migrant refugees, in preventing
trafficking of people, working with the victims and exposing the people responsible.
Lord Kalki is the main person in charge of the Bi-Bodies, and their roles and
functioning. Vasishtha Maharshi and Kripacharya Maharshi are the Rishis
assisting Him in this. They take care of them, assign the work and monitor them.
All the Bi-Bodies report to Kripacharya Maharshi. He is the person who usually
communicates between the Bi-Bodies and Lord Kalki.
Kripacharya Maharshi brings the works from Lord Kalki. Vasishtha Maharshi
checks the feasibility and practicality of the work required, assesses on the
urgentness and difficulty and then plans the mission. This is then communicated
to the Bi-Body.
In some cases, the Bi-Body is further equipped and training is given.
Place of Operation
The Bi-Bodies reside in special places built specifically for them and are generally
referred to as Caves. They are permanent structures and are Home for the Bi-
Bodies. This is the place where they rest in between missions. There are about 7-10
such permanent structures, also known as Permanent Caves around the World.
Most of them are in Asia and Africa.
The Mission would be in distant places and in “enemy territory”. For this, the Bi-
Bodies will create a “temporary cave”, usually about 30 to 50 kms away from the
place of their work. They will settle in there before beginning their mission.
The Bi-Bodies can always travel from their permanent caves, but this will land up
consuming a lot of energy and it takes them a long time to recoup. So this is used
only in emergency situations, or when the mission is in very dangerous places.
Depending on the mission, the duration required to stay there, they will decide on
the size and characteristics of the Temporary Caves. These structures get created
by the Bi-Body. The caves also have layers of shielding and protection so that it is
not discovered.
Before the commencement of the work, they change the appearance to blend in
with the locals. Then they connect to the energies and vibrations of that particular
place and tune in. They also suss out as much information as possible about the
place and people and prepare accordingly. Then they proceed.
After the completion of the mission, the temporary caves are destroyed and made
sure that there are no traces left behind.
All information is communicated only to Kripacharya Maharshi, or Vasishtha
Maharshi or to Lord Kalki. No one else, under any circumstances.
The Bi-Bodies are an amazing Manifestation by Lord Kalki to be a part of his work.
By their creation, they are highly intelligent Beings and possess a lot of powers and
capacities, but by their behaviour and Inner nature, they are very simple.
They are very focused and passionate about their work and very hard working. In
fact most of the times, Kripacharya Maharshi has to keep reminding them to take
care of themselves. They accomplish their missions silently and very fast.
The Bi-Bodies are a wonder and an amazing part of the diversity of our Creation. It
is part of the Divine’s effort to help humanity through different forms and
•• •• •• •• ••
Our Love and Gratitude to Maharshi Amara on his Punyathiti, for enlightening us
with this Divine and Precious knowledge.
•• •• ••
The Higher Self — part 1
Submitted by VishwaAmara on September 26, 2013 –26 Comments

The Spiritual Realities are vast and the curiosity and daringness of each Soul
enables it to experience these new diversities and transcend boundaries. We took
birth on the Earth to have these unique experiences and in the process also dared
to break the laws and witness the other extremes.
In such adventures, it is possible to lose our way and get stuck and a similar thing
happened to us. We had to then rely on external guides to help us till we were
capable of guiding ourselves. At a stage of its exploration and evolution, the Soul
wanted to experience multiple realities simultaneously, still being present in our
Cosmos of duality and Maya. God consented and this gave rise to the concept of
the Higher Self.
Generally when most people use the expression of ‘Higher Self’, they refer to an
aspect of ourselves which is of a Higher Intelligence. It usually refers to contacting
our astral self or in some cases even our Causal Self.
But the Higher Self is actually a different and independent reality. The Higher Self
of a person is another physical body belonging to the same Soul, present in the
Higher Lokas (Urdhva Lokas).
For example a person on our Earth which belongs to the Bhoo Loka can have 6
Higher Self’s, one in each of the Higher Lokas. The emphasis is on the aspect that
all these physical beings are part of the same Soul. It is the astral body that divides
and occupies different physical bodies.
In Sanskrit, the Higher Self is referred to as the Amulya Atman. Unlike the common
perception that everyone has a Higher Self, only a smaller percentage of humanity
on our Earth have their Higher Self.
Creation of the Higher Self’s
The Higher Self is a complex reality and its creation is not a part of every Souls
journey. It is pursued only by some Souls to explore the diversity and the higher
capacities of the Soul. Lifetimes of sincere Sadhana is required by the individuals
to build up these capabilities. Also, to some extent the Soul should be willing to be
of service in Creation and cannot pursue all these higher realities for their own
There are special guides present in our Cosmos called the Atma Palakas. These
special Beings permit the creation of Higher Self and monitor their conduct and
functioning subsequently.
So how does the Higher Self get created?
To begin with, an individual should be pursuing their Sadhana seriously for a
minimum of 7 lifetimes to be eligible to create their Higher Self. This amount of
Sadhana is required as creating a Higher Self requires a lot of spiritual strength
and maturity and also the individual should have the necessary energies in them to
be able to do it.
The Higher Self’s are created usually after the death of the physical body. The Atma
Palakas permit and also guide the individual in creating the Higher Self’s. The
astral body gets divided and each of these entities is eligible to take birth
separately. In the first step, the individual will be able to create only three Higher
Self’s; corresponding to Bhuva Loka, Suva Loka and Maha Loka.
To become eligible to have a Higher Self in Jana Loka and above, further Sadhana
is required by the Soul through all these three entities. Also, it is mandatory that
the individual should be willing to be a part of God’s work and be of service to
others, other than being spiritually evolved and serious in their Sadhana. Due to
this condition many choose not to create their Higher Self’s in these Planes.
The Higher Self’s of these three higher Planes are created in two or three steps
depending on the potential of the individual. Usually, only the Higher Self
corresponding to Jana Loka gets created in the next phase. The Higher Self’s
relating to Tapo Loka and Satya Loka are created in the third phase only.
During the whole journey of creating the Higher Self’s, the individuals trust in the
Divine should be absolute. They should also develop the spiritual faculties like the
proper functioning of their Third Eye and ability to travel astrally. The individual
should also have a strong Intuition as this is the means through which an
individual communicates with the Soul and the Higher Self’s.
Usually the Self belonging to a particular Loka will continue to take birth only in
that Plane and they are subject to the respective spiritual and karmic laws of the
particular Plane. The karmas gained by the respective Self’s, will not affect the
others. And it will be the responsibility of that Self only, to clear them.
If too many rules and regulations are violated by any of the Higher Self, they are
counselled and advised. If it continues further, the Atma Palakas have the right to
even severe that Self from the remaining personality.
There are many Souls who have been created by the Divine for service and work.
These Souls will be eligible to create all the 6 Higher Self’s just after one lifetime of
experiencing life.
There are some rare cases where a Soul marries a special Soul like a Rishi or a
Lightworker. Such souls will also be able to create Higher Self’s in the next birth
itself if they progress well spiritually. The principle criterion behind this is that
these Souls choose to assist and serve their partner in their Work, and the creation
of their Higher Self’s will equip them better in doing so.
There are individuals who do intense Tapas or practice serious tantric techniques
and advance spiritually quite rapidly. They too with the grace from God will be able
to create a Higher Self by the time of their next birth itself.
In a few situations, the Soul would have been a part of the dark groups earlier and
transform subsequently. For these Souls to be eligible to create the Higher Self’s,
they will first be severely tested about their intentions for 7 lifetimes first. Then
they will follow the natural course like the other Souls where they will have to do
serious Sadhana for another 7 lifetimes before they become eligible for the creation
of the Higher Self’s.
Amsha and Higher Self
A Higher Self is created when the astral body is split and each of them can live
independently by taking a separate physical body. But they will all have the same
Soul. This is different from an Amsha.
An Amsha occurs at the level of the Soul itself. It is a small part of Light from the
larger field of Light and it assumes its own independent identity. Even the different
Koshas the Amsha acquires will be from the parent Personality.
Usually the term Amsha is used to describe various Avataras and Personalities who
have their origin from the Divine Plane of either Devi, Shiva, Vishnu or Brahma.
These Amshas take birth on the Earth mainly to help humanity and not to
experience life. They are not allowed to have Higher Self’s.
Lower Self
The natural question which arises next is whether there a Lower Self and do we
have them. Yes, there are Lower Self’s and they refer to the aspect of the individual
which exists in the lower Planes (the Adholokas). Normally the Souls from
ParaBrahma are not permitted to take birth in these Planes.
There are Souls created by Lord Brahma to exist in these Lower Worlds and these
Souls through their ‘growth’ have the Lower Self’s. In Sanskrit these Lower Self’s
are referred to as Naiychi Atman. A Lower Self can be defined as a part of individual
which exists in the Lower Planes. Some of the dark Souls are created by Lord
MahaVishnu too (for example Kali Purusha). These Souls are not permitted to have
Lower or Higher Self’s.
There is a much advancement of materialism is these Worlds and many Souls
pursue this knowledge. There is also an abundance of knowledge on occult
sciences and powers and many individuals connect to these Worlds to gain such
knowledge. We have met many tantrics and other aspirants wanting Siddhis
(powers) who have 3 Higher and 3 Lower Self’s.
As adventurers, there are many Souls who have wanted to explore these worlds and
experience the density and intense materialism in Creation other than the Spiritual
heights. These advanced Beings have a Self in all the 14 Lokas. There are many
advanced laws of the Cosmos that they will have to meet to be eligible for this
advanced existence and therefore the number of such Souls is very less.
The individual Soul in such cases who have 14 Self’s have the right to choose
whether to side with the Light or the dark. For example, Osama Bin Laden has a
Self in all the 14 Planes but works for the dark forces whereas the present Dalai
Lama, who also has a Self in all the 14 Planes, works for the Light.
Other Characteristics
All the Higher Self’s function under the guidance of the same Soul and they are
interlinked with each other. Yet they function independently and the action of one
of the Self does not affect the other.
The Soul will be monitoring the activity of all them in parallel. It is difficult to
logically explain this concept that the individual through the different Self’s will be
living in different physical bodies but will all have the same Soul.
More percentage of the Soul is active in the Higher Self of Satya Loka and it
gradually reduces as we come down. Due to the Soul participating in so many
spiritual activities simultaneously, it will contain a lot of Light. If any psychic can
witness the Souls of different individuals, the Souls of those having their Higher
Self will be much brighter than the individuals that do not.
Each of the Higher Self is subjected to the spiritual and karmic laws of its
respective Loka. If any of these laws are violated, they have to go through the
effects individually. Normally, as the individual and the Higher Self’s are spiritually
advanced; not many problems or karmic imbalances occur. The Rishis and Atma
Palakas also monitor and guide the Self’s at various junctures.
Each of the Self’s can communicate with the other for gaining additional knowledge
and energies. But there are various laws and rules that will have to be followed. We
shall explore these in detail in part 2 of the article.
It is normally understood that all the Self’s look alike. The Higher Self’s are not a
replica of how we look like here. In most of the cases there is hardly any similarity
in their appearance with each other.
The capabilities like multiplying the physical body is attained only when the
individiual has a Higher Self in Tapo Loka and above. Also, extensive training is
required before the individual can successfully do this.
♦ ♦ ♦
In the next part of the article on Higher Self, we shall understand the laws
applicable to connect with and communicate with the Higher Self and explore the
principles behind the severing of one of the Self’s from the main personality.
♦ ♦ ♦
The Higher Self — part 2
Submitted by VishwaAmara on November 23, 2013 –6 Comments

To enable the Soul to experience further diversity in our Creation, God permitted it
to have multiple physical bodies simultaneously so that it could have various
experiences through these bodies in parallel. The different bodies are present in the
different Planes (Lokas) and are known as the Higher Self’s.
The concept of Higher Self is complex and intricate. In the first article on the Higher
Self, we have presented the details on how an individual becomes eligible to create
a Higher Self and the process of doing so. We have also explored some of the
characteristics and laws that govern the Higher Self.
In this second and concluding part, we explore the laws that govern the
communication with one’s Higher Self and comprehend the realities which lead to
the severing of one of the Self’s from the main personality. We also try and
understand whether there are Realties beyond the Higher Self.
The individual had to grow spiritually over many lifetimes to be eligible to create
the Higher Self. Then the different Higher Self’s were created in phases which also
helped the Soul to cope up with the new realities and experiences. The various
Self’s are from the same Soul and in reality, One Being, and therefore they can
communicate with each other and take help from the other if necessary. But there
are various spiritual laws which govern the intercommunication amongst the
different Self’s. These laws are monitored by the Atma Palakas. Some of the
important laws that pertain to the communication are –
1. Generally the person having a Higher Self is slightly advanced in his spiritual
growth. But the individual should have begun pursuing their spiritual journey in
this lifetime also. If they are not spiritual in this birth, even though they may have
a Higher Self, they will not be able to communicate and seek guidance from it.
But sometimes, if one of the Self’s is going astray, the Higher Self can communicate
with it, guide and help it to fall in line. The Lower Self in such cases need not be
aware of the existence of a Higher Self. The communication occurs at the level of
the sub-conscious Mind.
2. There are special techniques with the help of which the individual can
communicate with their Higher Self. But more than these techniques, the essential
criteria is Love, selflessness and surrender.
For some individuals, the contact is very easy and natural and they can do so
without much effort. For the others who have to make a lot of efforts, care should
be taken by the individuals. The Rishis mention that in the beginning stages, more
often than not, the individuals land up contacting spirits and assume that it is
their Higher Self. Hence it is advisable to take guidance and help from their
spiritual guides.
3. The next important criteria is that the Higher Self’s should permit us to
communicate with them. Unless they explicitly permit, energies and knowledge
cannot be obtained from them.
There are Divine Personalities in charge of each Loka. The other aspect of this law
is that these personalities should also permit the individual to communicate with
the Higher Self pertaining to that Loka.
4. To a large extent, the individual should have his spiritual faculties like a strong
Intuition and other communication channels operative, and should be able to travel
astrally and recall the travel and other details. This is important as it is through
these communication channels that we communicate with the Higher Self.
5. Another condition for the contact is that the knowledge and energies we obtain
from the Higher Self cannot be used for selfish purposes. Generally, the individuals
who have a Higher Self and are pursuing their spirituality will somehow be
associated with working for the betterment of humanity directly or indirectly (They
need not be spiritual guides or workers alone. They can also be scientists, social
workers or individuals pursuing fine arts for example). The energies and knowledge
obtained from the Higher Self will be utilised in their work and service here. If an
individual is pursuing only his Sadhana, he will not be given much knowledge and
energies by his Higher Self.
6. There are fewer restrictions for the Higher Self to communicate with the Lower
Self on its own accord. They can take initiatives by themselves at times to help the
other Self’s. The Higher self sometimes helps the individuals to grow spiritually too.
They help in releasing finer energies through the chakras, raising the higher types
of Kundalini and also help the individual to equip themselves better.
Generally the Higher Self’s are spiritually advanced and mature Beings. Hence not
much problems are expected. The Atma Palakas keep a close check on the Self’s of
Bhuva Loka and Suva Loka. The Self’s higher than that do not require so much of
scrutiny and monitoring.
Severing is not a common occurrence. In fact, it is permitted only in exceptional
cases and there are various laws that govern this aspect which is again monitored
by the Atma Palakas.
When the Highest Self of the Soul is to be severed, or the Self’s from Jana, Tapo
and Satya Loka wants to withdraw, there is a possibility that all the Self’s are
withdrawn and merged together. The reasons are studied and only then a decision
is taken.
Amongst the different instances of a Self being severed, the main occurrence is
when one of the Self’s gets severely damaged. The damage could occur due to
getting injured at the astral level or getting exposed to very strong or negative
energies. In such cases the astral form of the Self is severed from the remaining
and then allowed to return to the Source. The karmas and energies if any are
merged with the remaining Self’s.
In a few instances, the Spiritual Body or the Anandamaya Kosha of the individual
gets seriously damaged. This affects the health and functioning of all the Higher
Self’s. In such situations one or two of the Self’s are severed to help in recovering
the health of the other Self’s.
There are some occasions when one Self will want to get severed and exist
independently. It is permitted only in very rare occasions. If the Self wants to attain
Multi and is from the higher four Lokas, they even have to capacity to acquire all
the karmas from the remaining Self’s and attain Mukti, thereby giving a boost in
the growth of the remaining Self’s.
If that Self wants to continue existing in the Creation, it should have the capacity
to acquire a new Soul and integrate with it.
In some cases, one of the lower Self’s will be pursuing Siddhis and occultism very
intensely and the growth in these area may affect the other Higher Self’s. In such
cases the lower Self will be severed from the main personality, but again, that
Lower Self should be advanced enough to acquire a new Soul for itself from God.
The concept of Higher Self’s was created by God to help each Soul to explore and
experience the diversity of the Creation further. As explained in the earlier article,
to acquire the Higher Self in the Jana, Tapo and Satya Loka’s itself, the Soul
should be willing to be a part of God’s work and assistance to help humanity.
The Soul is daring and skillful to acquire many capabilities through its growth and
grow beyond the Higher Self’s and to facilitate this, God has enabled various laws
through which it can be done. But this journey can be undertaken by the Souls
only for service and not for experiencing.
What is beyond the Higher Self?
A person having all the seven Higher Self’s itself is a highly spiritually evolved
person. The Soul would have developed all the spiritual faculties and would be
proficient in using them. The necessity of wanting to grow beyond the Higher Self’s
arises as the Soul will be wanting to be of more service in the Creation and the
different laws of the Lokas will be limiting it in its functioning.
In such cases, the Self’s are allowed to merge together and form one unit and they
will have the capacity to multiply themselves into multiple bodies at the same time
and serve independently. For example there are many Rishis who are present in
thousands of bodies in parallel in our Cosmos, each working for the betterment of
the life in the planet they are in.
The Saptarishis monitor and permit this. They check the eligibility of every Soul
which wishes to do this and if found eligible also channel a special blessing from
God to them.
The first criterion to be eligible for this is that they should have acquired a lot of
Tapas energies in them. This is required so that the Soul can be capable of
multiplying into many bodies and executing the work.
The Soul should have also completed a minimum of thousand years of service
through each of the Higher Self’s before they are allowed to merge together and
multiply into many individual forms.
Maharshi Amara
We tried to understand about Maharshi Amara who is one example of a Master who
has gone beyond the Higher Self’s. He is one of the most advance Rishis in our
Creation and has taken up many many forms, just to serve God. He is personally in
charge of the works of 7 Galaxies of the Material Cosmos including our Milky Way
Galaxy and to execute this responsibility, has multiplied himself into millions of
bodies. Other than the 7 Galaxies, he is also present in millions of other bodies in
different parts of our Creation participating in the works of God.
The life is different in each of the Galaxies and his work and role is different in
each. In one of the Galaxies that he is in charge of, the entire life is astral. Stars
(like our Sun) make up the planetary system and no physical life is possible. In
that Galaxy, he is present in thousands of astral forms.
In another Galaxy, he is present in 8009 astral forms and each of them has taken
up 43 physical bodies; which is about three and a half lakh physical bodies!
In another Galaxy, he has only 7 physical forms but more than 108 million astral
The above information left us stunned no doubt but also humbled and speechless
for days. The magnitude of his love and humility was beyond comprehension. Then
we dared to understand a little about the other Rishis as well but did not receive
Beyond Even This!
The Rishis shared some information which highlighted the possibilities that a Soul
can grow towards, which is even beyond the multiplying of our bodies into millions
of forms. It was revealed that Vishwamitra Maharshi and Vasishtha Maharshi form
another category altogether. They do not take up so many astral forms and
physical bodies. They come as specks of Light directly and each speck is radiant
with their qualities. Each of the speck has the capacity to guide and execute all the
work required of them. And they are present in our Cosmos in billions of such
specks of Light helping life and participating in the governing of God’s Creation.
♦ ♦ ♦

Energy part 1 — The Basic Facts

Submitted by VishwaAmara on March 24, 2012 –3 Comments

‘You are not a body made of flesh and blood; you’re pure consciousness’ said an
ancient mystic. The findings of modern science seem to agree with this idea. The
most fundamental unit of a human body, the cell, is made up of atoms with a
nucleus and electrons around it. These particles are so tiny compared to the empty
space in an atom that they seem like a marble against a football field. In other
words, about 99.94% of an atom is ‘empty space’! And our scientists theorize that,
if all the particles of our Earth are squeezed together without any space in between,
the whole Earth would fit into the size of an apple!
Particle physics further states that these immensely tiny sub-atomic particles
aren’t really particles, but ‘charges of energy’, with just a probability of being at a
certain point in time and space. The apparent solidness of any object is mainly
because of the forces that bind the atoms together. Anything and everything in
Creation including us Humans are basically only Energy, which condenses in
complex ways to give a solid, liquid or gaseous effect!
It is this vibrating energy that forms the building blocks of Creation. There’s also
energy around us in an unmanifested state which further influences and moves
Creation. Whatever we perceive and are yet to perceive is nothing but one or the
other form of Energy. And we are energetic beings ourselves.
Understanding the origin, characteristics and intelligence of Energy is to
understand and know ourselves and the Creation that we are a part of. We explore
a few known and some hitherto unknown aspects of Energy in this two article
Origin of Energy
Everything that exists originated from Light. At the Highest level of the Primordial
God, Mula Brahman, there exists Light which is of the greatest quality and
potential. This Light known as the Spectral Light, manifested to a less intense
form called as the Nirvena Prakasha, which formed the Unmanifested Universes.
From the Nirvena Prakasha manifested Light, which formed the Manifested
Universes like our Universe.
When Creation continued further and new Cosmoses came into existence inside the
Universes, Light manifested into a simpler component called Energy. The Huge
Cosmoses are immense fields of Energy with Light, the intelligent Presence at their
core. In our Creation, Devi Loka was the first energy field to manifest and hence
also referred to as Adi Shakti, meaning the first energy.
Different energies manifested from Light, each having its own distinct colour. Light
usually vibrates in various frequencies, so each of these frequencies gave rise to a
particular energy. And the energies inherited the colour of the Light frequency from
which they came out.
Energy condensed further into the five elements which formed the different states
of Matter — Solid, Liquid and Gas. These forms of matter resulted in the creation of
Galaxies, Stars, Planets and everything else on these Planets. Yet, a lot of energies
are still present just in their pristine pure state, carrying immense potential for
creation and other purposes.
Influence of Energies on our Earth
Apart from condensing into Matter, Energy has also manifested in subtler forms
which in turn influence matter. At the physical level, we can find various forms of
Energy like Heat, Sound, visible Light, etc which can be directly perceived. There
are subtler manifestations like the Prana energies from the Sun or the healing
energies, which cannot be directly perceived but whose effects can be felt. And
there are still subtler and finer energies which can be known only in the deeper
states of meditations.
All these various manifestations of Energies are present to sustain life on this
planet and to influence the evolution of all beings.
These Energies work under the guidance of the Higher Intelligence (God and
Rishis), along with acting according to their inherent intelligence. Many Rishis, in
their deep tapas, experiment and understand the various characteristics of
different Energies available. They use them for the various works to be executed on
this Earth.
New Energies released to Earth
Periodically many new Energies are released to Earth by the Higher Intelligence to
help humanity and all life here in various ways. Very special energies are released
during important occasions like eclipses and other alignments and on other days of
spiritual significance.
Further to help us sail through this turbulent phase of the transition — Pralaya,
with less pain and suffering, many new energies are released too. The new energies
allow everyone to open up to the higher realities with more ease. Very special
energies from other Universes are being brought down to our Earth to hasten our
transition into the New Light Age.
The new energies help in reducing the negative vibrations and energies. They also
make the dark less powerful and will in course of time, remove all darkness and
negativity from our Earth.
Our Earth also receives Energies which are released from different Stars and
Galaxies. These are specialized energies which are not required for all of humanity
but only to those Souls who have arrived from the respective sources from where
the energies are released.
The Flow of Energies
Generally all Energies flow in a linear or a spiral formation. They are also present
as particles of energy or as a field. The Energies which manifest directly from the
Higher Sources like the Manifested Universes, exhibit other unique patterns.
Energies flow in the following ways:
1. Linear
2. Spiral pattern (also termed as vortexing energies)
3. Special patterns like ‘L’ shape
4. In a twisted pattern like a chain pattern
5. As small particles (without any fixed pattern).
Special energies which are a combination of different energies flow in unique ways.
They are:
1. U shaped – the Energies flow in two separate channels and then merge
together before reaching the destination.
2. The combination of Energies also forms other patterns like an Ellipse, a
square, a triangle etc. each having a different and unique effect.
3. Some special Energies flow with a layer of other Energies surrounding
them which act as a shield, a passage way etc.
4. Some Energies are always present as a field and the entire field of
Energy is transferred as a unit rather than flowing in a pattern.
The difference in properties between these various Energy flow patterns is still
being understood. We shall share more information about this later.
External factors that influence Energies
Energies are pristine pure by nature and hence above all external influences. The
external factors influence us, the individuals; so it appears as if they are
influencing the Energies themselves.
The Energies generally exhibit more potency in the morning period than in the
evening. They are also more potent on days like the Full moon day.
Energies also respond to the presence of other energies which are already present
in an environment. In an atmosphere of positive vibrations, the Energies can act
more effectively. Yet, due to the intelligence they carry, they always have the
capacity to shield themselves without getting influenced in any way.
Intelligence of Energies
These Energies are not passive entities as our material science would want us to
believe. They have their own inherent intelligence and abilities to act, communicate
and manifest further. The Energies have manifested from different fields of Light.
They always carry the intelligence from their respective Sources. The Source and
the Energies are interconnected; hence by connecting to the Energies, one can tap
into the intelligence, capacities and characteristics of the Source itself.
The Energies also exhibit the natural characteristics of the Light field from which
they originated. For example, the energies from ParaBrahma always carry Peace
and Bliss.
They also follow the divine laws like that of respecting free-will. When healing
energies are passed to an affected part of the body, these energies request the
permission of the energies which carry the disease, to dissolve it. If they refuse (the
disease could be because of a karmic reason) the healing energies do not act but
stay neutral. As individuals we can force the healing energies to act with our
intention. In such cases the healing energies will act and help, but the resultant
karma will be gathered by us as the whole process was not in accordance with the
Divine Will.
Energies further exhibit varying degrees of strength, intelligence and influence
depending on their colours. These colours arise out of a particular frequency and
potency of Light from which that Energy has come out. Different coloured energies
play various roles in influencing Creation and in furthering evolution, especially in
the current period of major transition that our Earth and Humanity is going
through. We shall understand more about each individual Energy in the next
♦ ♦ ♦

Energy part 2 — The different colours

Submitted by VishwaAmara on April 23, 2012 –5 Comments

Our Creation has manifested because of God’s desire to experiment with His own
potential. One of the main features of this Creation is diversity. We can witness it
in the millions of species among plants, animals and insects, at various levels of
Nature on our Earth. This variation can be found even at the planetary, galactic
and cosmic levels where each part of creation is unique and specialised.
Energies, which are the building blocks of all Creation exhibit similar diversity.
When Light vibrates at different frequencies, a particular coloured Energy
manifested from each of these frequencies. Since all of them are from the same
source, they share many similar characteristics like love and peace. Yet each
Energy has more potency of a particular feature and exerts maximum influence on
Creation in that area.
The following sections discuss the prominent features of different energies –
1. White Energies
White Energy is the most basic and essential blessing to Existence from the
Supreme Intelligence. The core of Mula Brahman is a Brilliant and bright Whte.
This is the first energy which manifested and condensed to form the building
blocks of Creation. Due to the transition period into the Light Age now, the Golden
and Blue energies are predominantly active but it was White Energy which carried
out enormous amounts of works before these energies came into existence in our
part of the Creation.
Many Rishis carry and emanate White Energy. This primordial energy has guided
and assisted in the evolution of many Rishis, hence they generally carry it and use
it for their work. Among the Sapta Rishis, Pulastya and Pulaha Maharshis use this
energy the most.
White energy can be categorised into two groups. The first type of energy is the one
which can be drawn from above and spread to our surroundings. And the second
type is that which comes from within us and spreads out. The second type arrives
directly from ParaBrahma!
By nature, these energies are very gentle, mild and soothing. They are generally
very active during eclipses, when very strong energies are released. Since Earth and
its inhabitants cannot sustain these stronger energies, the White Energies take
care of these extra energies and provide relief.
White energy is not only gentle but also available to everyone. It is never discrete in
its grace and is available to both the Light and Dark forces. The Rishis who are
monitoring the Pralaya processes and are pushing back the Dark forces in order to
herald the New Light Age, have requested White Light to be discrete in His Grace.
Although this Energy has stopped working now, as per the Rishis’ request, it is
participating only in healing Mother Earth and shielding Her, on specific occasions.
It has always graced our Planet during times of immediate need. Since the other
Energies are working actively on our Earth, the work of White Energy is being
shifted to other Earths. Yet, this energy, with the consultation of Mula Brahman
and Vishwamitra Maharshi, wants to actively participate in the current pralaya
period and help humanity as much as possible.
At the individual level, White Energy can be used to tame our negativities. This
energy heals our hidden shortcomings. It removes our darkness and enhances our
positivity. By accepting and opening up to it, we can transform faster. When we
follow all the instructions and principles of the Higher intelligence, we will be filling
ourselves with an enormous amount of White light, which helps to transform
ourselves into Light bodies.
By utilising the White Energy, we can learn more about the new realities and open
up to newer dimensions. The Rishis are conducting more research on this aspect.
2. Golden Energies
Golden energies have emerged from Golden Light, the predominant Component of
our Universe, ParaBrahma. The atmosphere of ParaBrahma, Ananda (bliss matter)
is made of Golden Light and Energies. God has brought forth the entire creation
inside our Universe using Golden Energies.
Purity, Bliss and Love are the main characteristics of this Energy. By absorbing it
one can become as pure as ParaBrahma Himself! The Rishis say that although
ParaBrahma contains a lot of White Light, his purity and love are filled with Golden
The Pranas which sustain life on our Earth and on other Planets are purely made
of Golden Energies. The Second Sun which is playing a major role in our current
transition into the New Light Age carries a lot of this Energy. The SaptaRishis
always emanate Golden Energies. Among other Rishis, Maharshi Kapila has an
abundance of knowledge relating to these energies.
Maharshi Amara who is currently living on an Earth in Andromeda Galaxy has
mastered the art of Golden Energies, its advantages and the knowledge about how
to use it to help Humanity. The entire Andromeda Galaxy is made up of Golden
particles as this Galaxy carries a lot of energies from ParaBrahma.
Golden Energies normally flow in a spiral formation. They also flow in a triangular
or pyramidal formation. The Egyptian Pyramids were built to hold these energies in
large amounts. The kings of Egypt like Rameses II and the Roman emperors also
carried a lot of these energies.
Golden Energies along with Blue Energies are playing an important role in our
current shift into the New Light Age. A major impact of this energy has been in the
reduction of Pralaya duration and preponing of our entry into Satya Yuga. Many of
the changes that we see today were expected to happen at a later date. But our
Material Cosmos began absorbing enormous amounts of Golden Energies from
ParaBrahma. The Rishis had to plan about these excessive energies; so instead of
wasting them, used them to redesign the system of Lokas and the time periods in
the Brahmanda.
At the individual level, Golden energies help sensitizing and sharpening our five
sense organs. When we absorb more of these energies, our third eye begins to
operate easily. Since these energies are sensitive in nature, they help in activating
our hidden faculties.
During each eclipse, we receive a lot of these energies. The Rishis have built an
internal shield within each individual which helps retain these energies. By
accepting more of the Golden energies we can align to the spiritual realities and
shift our focus towards spiritual pursuits.
The Golden Energies help in destroying our negativities easily. By absorbing these
energies we can achieve total Peace.
3. Blue Energies
Our Earth, when viewed from outer space looks like a blue globe. Astronomy
attributes this to the oceanic waters which cover most of Earth’s surface and to the
refraction of Light by water. However, the Rishis say that when viewed from the
spiritual level also it is Blue and the reason for this blue hue is our Earth being
filled with the energies of Prakasha Brahma and Neela Brahma!
The Energy from Blue Light is one of the most important and dominant energies in
Existence. These strong energies act decisively against dark forces and remove
them without a trace. The Universe, Prakasha Brahma which is filled with these
energies has no negativities. Also these energies have amazing healing capabilities.
The Universe, Neela Brahma was created by the Primordial God with Blue Light
having these characteristics. By linking to these Universes, one can not only absorb
the Blue energies but also indirectly link to Mula Brahman Himself!
The Blue energies from Lord Shiva and MahaVishnu have always been present and
active on our Earth. However, the current transition that we’re going through on
our Earth is an important event — a part of a major project where all negativities
will be removed from the entire Material Cosmos. Hence the Rishis have brought
down and anchored stronger and intense versions of Blue Energies on our Earth
from the Manifested Universes — Prakasha Brahma and Neela Brahma.
As the Blue energies are becoming more active on our Planet, the dark forces are
slowly being pushed back. The Rishis have also added these energies to the Photon
Belt through which our Earth is passing through now. Because of this, when the
dark forces try to link up and draw energies from the Photon belt, their powers are
being withdrawn without their attention.
Experiencing Blue Light totally needs years of dedicated sadhana and services
towards God. One who experiences this Light gets closer to the Primordial God,
Mula Brahman. The best example is Vishwamitra Maharshi who is an expert on
this Light and its energies. By linking to him and focussing on Blue Light, one can
become the most spiritual Soul in Existence.
There’s more awareness of the existence of the Higher Intelligence in everyone’s
lives. This is because of Blue Energies, which bring an awareness of positivity at all
levels. Anyone who’s filled with this powerful energy can create or destroy anything
and they can also multiply themselves. They can manifest many positive miracles
in God’s creation with the help of these energies. The Blue energies help an
individual to be filled with unconditional love, peace and humility.
Absorbing Blue energies heals not only our physical body but also our astral body.
When Blue energies are passed to our body, the old cells are worn out and new
cells take birth. Then when these energies reach our astral body, the faculties of
Intuition, Telepathy and Astral travel get sharpened.
Blue Energies will play a major role in the duration between 2012 and 2020 when
many changes happen at various levels before Satya Yuga dawns on our Earth. An
individual who absorbs and holds Blue energies represents Satya Yuga, and cannot
be touched by negativities. When negative energies try to enter him, they are
rebounded, resulting in the collapse of those systems which harbour negativities.
The Rishis ask us to inhale and exhale Blue Light and hold it our system as much
as possible. We have to indulge it in all our activities. Incidentally, Blue Light is
also considered as the Rishis’ Light and their new Logo too. They are planning to
implement many new systems on our Earth with the consultation of these
4. Green Energies
Green Light and Energies have emerged from Aparoopa Brahma — one of the
Manifested Universes. This Universe belongs to Maharshi Amara, and these
energies are one of the most valuable and rarest gifts given to mankind by
Maharshi Amara.
A lot of research is being done on this Energy and its rare characteristics in
Andromeda Galaxy. Maharshi Amara who lives in this Galaxy has worked on these
energies between 1983 and 2008. As these energies are not very active yet, the
Rishis are still conducting research and studies to know more about them.
The main characteristic of this Energy is Healing but it has other properties too.
Green Energies were used to heal the Photon Belt which had a lot of holes and
damages in it. It was guided to absorb these Energies from Andromeda Galaxy by
Purushothama Maharshi, as a result of which it is getting healed quickly.
These special energies can heal individuals to any possible extent. But they are
effective only on those who are open to newer energies. Otherwise the energies can
damage their systems.
The Rishis say that we can also shield ourselves with these Energies. They not only
heal our other shields but also protect them from further damages. One of the rare
functions of these energies is that by absorbing them, we can attain Mukti and go
to any of the Manifested Universes — not necessarily our source, ParaBrahma.
Green Energies will be used by the Rishis to heal Mother Earth completely and help
humanity cross Pralaya without much difficulty.
5. Pink Energies
In our Universe, Adi Shakti or the Mother Goddess embodies unconditional love
and acceptance. Her energies are predominantly pink in colour. The Pink Light and
Energies have also emerged from one of the Manifested Universes — Dwithiya
Brahma. God created this Universe with the intention of having a space where only
unconditional love exists. Pink energies also help to nurture, care and heal many
negative emotions. The colour pink signifies these qualities.
When we are sad, tense or feeling negative in any way, we can link up to this
Universe to receive these energies. The Rishis say that there is no technique to
experience Love other than being pure at heart and trusting. When we link up to
the Higher intelligence with such trust we can always get connected to the source
of these pure Energies.
Two great Rishis — Maharshi’s Vasishtha and Kanva, had gone into this Universe
to experiment and understand more about these Pink Energies. They were given a
special shield to explore this Universe, which they’ve brought back along with these
rare energies. The shields have been split into infinite number of shields and fixed
in various places. They’re fixed in the Second Sun, Photon Belt and also into all the
Rishis and their workers. The newborn babies on our Earth and those who take
birth in future have also been given this special shield, which carries the properties
of the Pink Energy.
The Rishis have modified this shield so that it is easily available to everyone. One
can always have a link to Dwitiya Brahma and this shield. In any difficult
circumstance, we can imagine that we’re wearing this shield and deal with the
situation to change it positively. Using this shield and the pink energies, hatred
and negativities can be healed with ease.
Pink Energy carries the fine vibrations of unconditional Love. Having a contact with
the special shield, and through it, with the Pink Energy, one can experience drastic
positive changes in their lives.
6. Saffron Energies
Saffron Energies represent Purity and Perfection. The saffron energies present on
our Earth are mainly from the Manifested Universe — Rudra Kesara Prakasha
Brahma. This Universe has emerged from the third level of the Unmanifested
Universe, Kastura Prakananda Prakasha Tejas Avyakta Brahman.
A Rishi named Kalyana Batta Brahma Rishi, who is an expert on this Universe is
working with these Energies. He was one among the recent batch of Rishis during
Shoonya Masa. He has passed on a lot of knowledge and techniques to our Rishis
to tap into these energies and use them.
Saffron Energies are one of the purest in Creation. They cleanse, purify and also
help one attain perfection. They do not allow the negative to exist, hence Lord
Kalki, Lord Mahavatara and the Saptarishis are using more of these Energies in
their works. Lord Kalki is making use of them to churn out negativities and
manifest more purity on our Earth.
Saffron Energies also carry a lot of healing properties. They cleanse the karmas and
assist in generating new cells in our system. They help individuals cope with their
problems and overcome them. These rare Energies have been recently anchored on
our Earth from their Source by the Rishis and made available to the entire
7. Violet Energies
The most powerful and intense amongst all of the existing energies is Violet. This
Energy arrives from Violet Light—the Light of the Primordial God, Mula Brahman.
This is also the Light which Vishwamitra Maharshi always emanates. He got
enlightened on Mula Brahman and His vast creation when he did Tapas on this
This Light being so pure, does not accommodate impurity and hence it is also used
for destruction of darkness.
Violet Light is available only in the Unmanifested Universes. The Rishis wanted to
use its Energies in the current pralaya period but had to abandon the idea when
they found out that it was too powerful to be used in the Manifested Universes and
their Creations.
When Rishis studied the features and characteristics of Violet Light, they
discovered many beautiful and deeply hidden truths. They found out that the work
of administering God’s Creation is carried out efficiently because of Violet Light.
Although Violet Energy is not passed to Earth, the rays spread around wherever
Vishwamitra Maharshi travels, resulting in popping out of many negativities. These
are corrected using Neela Brahma’s Energies.
The same Light emanates from one of the immortal Rishis—Markandeya Maharshi.
He could survive the MahaPralaya period, long back, because of these energies and
witness the birth of new Creation starting from the appearance of God in the form
of a blue baby.
These energies though not available even to the Manifested Universes, can be
tapped, stored and used only by a few Rishis. Vasishtha Maharshi has used them
to construct many gadgets and spaceships. The same energies have been passed on
to the Second Sun, from where we can absorb them along with the Pranas in the
New Light Age and create God’s kingdom on our Earth. These Energies are also
available in abundance in the Star Sirius, as a result of which many New Agers
mistakenly assume this Star to be their source.
At the individual level, one cannot use Violet Energy without the permission and
guidance from the Rishis and the Higher Intelligence. These extremely pure and
strong energies can burn down our systems if not used carefully under proper
supervision from the Rishis. And they cannot be used for petty matters either.
Enlightenment is easily attained when we absorb a little of these Energies. By
experimenting on Violet Light, one can study the Universe and the Unmanifested
worlds in a detailed way. On receiving them with the permission of Vishwamitra
Maharshi, one becomes immortal. A minute of absorption of these energies
sharpens our Intuition and third eye. Many rare faculties have been created using
these energies.
Absorbing these energies, one cannot lead a normal life here on Earth. So the
Rishis have not made them available to all.
Special Energies
All of the above energies have manifested from different frequencies of Light. Apart
from them, there are two very special energies which were created by two of the
greatest Rishis. These energies combine the properties and benefits of many other
different Energies and are far more potent and strong than any known energy until
8. Rainbow Energies
Rainbow Energy is a very special energy created by Vasishtha Maharshi after a lot
of experimentation. He brought forth a special Rainbow Light which formed a
Manifested Universe. The Rainbow energies on our Earth have mainly arrived from
this source.
The Rainbow energies carry infinite number of colours and not just the seven of the
visible rainbow. Due to this multi-coloured nature, they exhibit the widest range of
characteristics amongst all the energies. One can say that these energies carry the
characteristics of the all of the colours mentioned until now.
These energies are very potent and are not used widely. They are used by the Rishis
and the Light workers only on very rare auspicious occasions.
One of the features of these Energies is in their efficiency at the astral level. They
enhance the functioning of the astral body and also assist in astral travel. They
help in better co-ordination and clearer communication between the physical and
astral bodies.
These energies also help us connect to Vasishtha Maharshi and communicate with
The other special and unique properties of these energies are yet to be revealed.
9. Transparent Energies
We’ve seen earlier that there are extraordinarily huge Universes which are in an
Unmanifested state, from which our Universe, ParaBrahma and other Universes
came forth. These innumerable Unmanifested Universes were discovered by
Vishwamitra Maharshi, who travelled to these places to know more about them.
When he visited these Universes and zoomed through them at an amazing speed,
his body began to absorb a huge amount of energies, because of which he was
about to attain an invisible state.
When the Rishi suddenly became aware of this, he prayed to the primordial God,
Mula Brahman, who suggested that these excessive energies could be converted
into a new energy. Then Vishwamitra Maharshi prayed, gathered all the extra
energies that his body had absorbed and converted them into a new energy which
was transparent in nature.
The transparent energies are as transparent as water, is colourless and very thin in
nature. They are very pure and pristine. They can easily coexist with other energies
because of their nature. They’re being mixed with other energies like those from
Neela Brahma, Prakasha Brahma, Pink energies and Green energies, and their
effects are being studied. These energies are very flexible and can flow through any
medium, whatever the shape and nature of that medium is. Unlike other energies
which flow only in some formations, the transparent energy can move around in
spiral, circular, square or any other forms without any restrictions.
Vishwamitra and Vasishtha Maharshis are absorbing a lot of energies from Mula
Brahman in order to build the gadgets which can contain the transparent energies.
They’re carefully dealing with these energies and trying to understand why they’re
transparent in nature.
The Lab of Vasishta Maharshi where this energy is being experimented upon is
shining brighter than before. When these energies flowed into one of the Rishi
workers, he forgot his work and without his conscious will, wanted to attain Mukti
immediately. Vasishtha Maharshi had to request the Transparent energies to
reverse the effects on that worker. On another occasion, Vasishta Maharshi himself
was about to collapse after absorbing these energies. He linked to Vishwamitra
Maharshi, who rescued him and together they put the transparent energies back
into the storage place.
Because of the extraordinary purity and strength of these energies, they cannot be
directly released on our Earth or passed on to anyone. They are so strong that just
by linking to them, the astral body can be burnt easily. The Rishis are working on
various methods to modify these energies so that they can be passed on to our
Earth and make them available to all of humanity. One of them is to combine the
Transparent Energies with other coloured Energies before releasing them. They are
used for healing and cleansing of darkness, both at the individual and Global
In our spiritual journey, we try to experience Light and manifest its qualities in our
everyday lives. Experiencing Light is not easy as our systems will not be able to
withstand the very fine frequency and purity of Light. Only those individuals who
reach the Samadhi stage of Turiya and the Rishis can absorb Light and experience
it directly. Until then, we absorb and work with the Energies even though in
common parlance, we refer to it as experiencing Light.
The Rishis experiment with the various vibrations of these Energies and
understand their unique properties. They use each of these Energies for different
works on our Earth and in other Earths, mainly for the benefit of all life. One may
get excited after reading about the individual characteristics of some Energies. We
should not experiment with them without proper guidance. If we are not open or
ready yet, these energies may damage our systems or create an imbalance in us.
The knowledge shared here is based on our current understanding of each of these
unique Energies. This is not a final word on the features of any of these Energies
nor is it absolute. More details on each of them will be shared as our
understanding grows.
Pointers on using Light in our Living
Submitted by VishwaAmara on February 27, 2012 –4 Comments

Recently we published an eBook, ‘Communing with Light’ in which the different

ways of using Light in our lives has been explained. The book contains simple
techniques of utilizing Light as a part of our daily activities and also on various
other important occasions. Such practices tune us to the divine vibrations of Light
and help us sail through the current turbulent times into the new Light age of the
Many readers have appreciated the usefulness of the information presented in that
book. They have begun to apply those principles and practices in their daily lives.
We also received many questions from various readers about the practical aspects
of these techniques. Some of those questions and our answers to them are shared
in this article so that it helps everyone understand these practices in better light.
♦ ♦ ♦
Life is so busy and hectic these days that we lose ourselves in the details and
forget about holding Light in our system. It’s difficult to be aware of Light at
all times. What is to be done?
It’s not too difficult to remember to hold Light in our system, however busy life
becomes. All that is needed is willingness and a bit of effort in the beginning. The
mistake we make is to assume that we have to be aware of the Light at all times.
We begin slowly, and gradually the practice becomes effortless and natural just like
our breathing.
We can start our day with a few minutes of experiencing Light in our system. Then,
in the middle of our daily activities, whenever we remember, we can think strongly
of Light and continue with our work. We can remember the presence of Light in us
when we are stressed or in need of guidance/support. We can also be aware of its
presence in the background while being engaged in activities like watching the
television. And we can end the day by thinking of Light in us and thanking it for
being in our awareness.
Although we may not be aware of it all the time, Light will be present in us and will
be guiding us at different levels. By remembering it every now and then, we bring
its awareness to the physical level and establish a conscious relation with it. The
disconnect occurs when we emote strongly, especially the negative emotions. After
such incidents, it is advisable to consciously sit and practice the technique for
some time.
Such a state of living in Light is not only possible for everyone but also easier
because of the times we are in. We can take advantage of the availability of the
higher energies on our Earth now and consciously tune up to Light.
♦ ♦ ♦
Are there ways in which we can improve our system so that we can hold Light
more efficiently?
There are many steps you can do in this regard. Practice seven rounds of
Pranayama with Light when you get up from sleep in the morning. This helps in
energising the system and makes one feel very refreshed.
Practice physical exercises. It is very important. Other than the benefits of
overcoming lethargy and improving the physical health, it also helps in the removal
of old energies from the system, thereby allowing the newer energies to flow better.
Consciously cultivate positive thoughts and emotions. Try to be aware of your
thoughts and reject the negative thoughts when they arise. Listening to good music
helps in refining our emotions. Take care of the health of each part of the system
(body, mind and intellect). Health and vitality in one part of the system influences
the others, so when we strengthen all the parts, our overall system will be strong,
tuned and capable of holding Light efficiently.
Finally, practice the technique of holding Light in your system whenever you
remember. The more one practices, the easier it becomes to align with Light
♦ ♦ ♦
When I go to places that have grosser / negative vibrations, I sometimes feel
lost or drained of energies. Why is it so?
People who are sensitive to the presence of energies usually get affected by the
grosser vibrations in a few places. Although these negative vibrations affect
everyone, it’s the sensitive ones who’re more prone to feeling drained or lost.
At such times, consciously think of the shield around you and imagine that it is
strengthening. Hold more Light in your system. If necessary, practice Pranayama
with Light for a few rounds.
♦ ♦ ♦
How to deal with people who are very negative and cynical and always a huge
burden to interact with?
Firstly, we cannot do much about how the other individual is. It is not in our
spiritual interest to interfere with others and also, we should not judge them. It is
their choice on how they want to be.
When it comes to interacting with people who are very negative, we do it silently
and allow the Light within to take care. If they begin to interfere in our life, we then
pray to God and send a lot of Golden Light to them until the
situation normalizes and the interference stops.
When our Meditations are regular and we practice the techniques like shielding
and carrying Light all the time, others will not be able to harm us or interfere in our
lives. And if they try, it can be handled easily.
♦ ♦ ♦
In a conflict situation, I’ve observed that it is very difficult to hold Light and
strangely less effective too when I do it. How to handle such situations?
The reason why holding Light is difficult or ‘less effective’ in a conflict situation is
mainly because the individuals themselves become agitated and get worked up.
They unconsciously connect to and manifest the negative vibrations prevalent
during that situation which prevents them to hold on to Light.
Being too involved into the situation also takes away our awareness from Light.
Although Light remains in the background and plays a role, when we get agitated,
we allow the grosser vibrations to take over. To hold on to Light and allow it to
diffuse the situation, we need to be calm and composed.
We also react to a situation especially when we have to defend ourselves. Instead of
reacting impulsively, we have to pause, think calmly and then respond. We have to
act with patience and maturity.
Light works best even in a conflict or argument when we face the situation calmly,
all the while holding on to Light.
♦ ♦ ♦
A similar difficulty arises during meetings where the discussion becomes an
argument and things get heated up. What should be done in such situations?
The first priority in any such situation is to calm down. Practice Pranayama with
Light silently. If possible, drink some water. This will give you space to mentally
disconnect from the argument and hold Light more efficiently.
The key is to detach from the vibrations of the argument. Being aware of your
shield along with Light will also help.
So ideally before the beginning of any important discussion follow this –
1. Imagine a globe of Golden Light around you. This acts as your shield as
well. Experience it for some time. Then send that Light to the people in
the discussion and the place. The vibrations of these energies help in
resolving any conflicts that may arise.
2. Do not lose patience at anytime. Also, have strong faith in Light and
have positive hope.
3. If none of these works, the right thing to do is to surrender to God and
allow things to happen silently. Accept the outcome without hatred or
judgement and allow Light to take care of the situation.
♦ ♦ ♦
I am practicing the technique mentioned for contacting the Rishis, but I do
not hear anything, however much I try.
Establishing a contact with the Higher Intelligence – Light and the Rishis is very
important, especially in the current times where each individual can take direct
guidance in every aspect of their lives. And because we are not used to this type of
communication, it takes some time and effort to establish a contact. We need to
approach the practice with humility and surrender, with a strong willingness to
talk to and hear from the Rishis. The main requirement to establish a contact with
them is the purity of thoughts and emotions in our daily lives.
One major hurdle to overcome is to get over our logical thinking. So strengthening
our intuition helps us to establish a better contact with the Rishis. This is a good
way to open up our higher channels of communication. Intuition surfaces mainly
through our thoughts, usually as the first response to a situation when our mind is
quiet. Some also experience a hunch or a strong conviction about a choice. Others
may experience a surge of positive energy or see some specks of Light. The way
Intuition operates varies for each person and the individual has to learn the best
way out for themselves through a little trial and error. The clarity of Intuition
increases with practice.
For example, if you are going out, refer to your Intuition on the route to take, or in
the order in which things have to be done in a day. While purchasing items, if you
have to choose between two, refer to your intuition. You can also use your intuition
before watching a movie to see whether it’ll be a good one or ordinary and then
watch the movie to check up on the results. In the beginning stages, link up to the
Soul and refer all such small decisions to its wisdom. Once this practice
strengthens, you can shift to bigger issues.
In the beginning, we may get one in ten such decisions correct but that is a good
start. Sharpening the Intuition is like a toddler learning to stand and walk. We
learn through mistakes and continue our attempts until we stabilize. Take it up as
a project and don’t be in a hurry to achieve results. Enjoy the journey to the
destination as well. As the Intuitive faculty sharpens, it assists us in deciphering
the communication that we receive from the Higher Intelligence.
♦ ♦ ♦
The Light Principles — Constitution of the Light Age
Submitted by VishwaAmara on December 20, 2011 –3 Comments

Life on every Earth in Creation is governed by a set of divine principles. These

principles change when that Earth moves from one age to another. The higher
intelligence decides these principles so that the inhabitants of any age have the
maximum opportunities to experience life and also grow on their individual
The New Light Age that our Earth is moving into is a part of a bigger project, also
known as ‘Pavitrena Karyam’, which is being implemented in many Earths in our
Galaxy. When the decision to implement this Divine Project was taken, the
Supreme Intelligence formulated the basic principles that will govern life hereafter
in all the Earths. Vishwamitra Maharshi did a lot of Tapas and brought down these
principles. There are a total of 12 principles that will govern the divine life in the
New Light Age and are called the ‘Light Principles’.
These principles are familiar to all of us. Many of these were also part of the laws of
the earlier Light Age on this Earth. They are still being followed in the divine city of
Shambala. After the end of the Dark Age, the citizens of Shambala shared these
with humanity. This set of older Principles was known as the ‘Shambala Principles’.
Vishwamitra Maharshi shared the new principles with a batch of Rishis, each of
whom further did Tapas and contemplated, experimented and experienced each of
them and brought out new techniques and methods to practice them. The energies,
love and blessings of each of the great masters is behind each Principle and hence
each of them is named after the respective Rishi.
The major improvement is that the aspects of Oneness and Light have been
strengthened in each of these Principles.
These twelve Light Principles are arranged under three categories.
I Qualities to Manifest
1. Manifest Peace and Prosperity — by Vishwamitra Maharshi.
2. Manifest Love, Patience and Accommodation — by Kripacharya Maharshi.
3. Manifest Oneness with the Entire Creation — by Agastya Maharshi.
4. Live with an Expanded Awareness — by Bharadwaja Maharshi.
II Taking the Help of Light in Daily Living
5. Be United within and with Others to Keep the Ego and Negativities Out — by
Pulastya Maharshi.
6. Use Light to Achieve the Goals — by Markandeya Maharshi.
7. Meditation and Sadhana are basic necessities — by Vyasa Maharshi.
8. Be Humble Always and Live in Light — by Amara Maharshi.
III Living an Exalted Life
9. Maintain Secrecy before Achieving the Result — by Vasishtha Maharshi.
10. Respect the Space and Privacy of Others — by Pulaha and Kratu Maharshi’s.
11. Balance the Material and Spiritual by Surrendering to God — by Purushotama
and Valmiki Maharshi.
12. Execute Every Work with Sincerity and Love — by Mangal Brahman Maharshi.
These 12 principles can be practiced easily and they help anyone achieve the
highest in the spiritual realms. They bring purity in the system, burn the karmas
and also form the base for many faculties to open up. These principles help in
sustaining the Light bodies in future.
All these Light Principles are interconnected. If we are able to follow any one of
them completely, we will be automatically manifesting the others. These are the
different aspects of a holistic spiritual life.
The first four principles emphasize our true state, our inner nature. Since it is
difficult to live these qualities all the time at present, we can begin to practice them
with conscious efforts like a technique until they become natural and we manifest
them all the time without effort.
When we practice these principles, we do not have to be concerned with the
parameters like place and time or even other specifics like a particular direction.
They can be practiced while travelling or even while lying down.
There are special, advanced techniques for the practice of these principles, which
are given to a serious student at an appropriate stage in his Spiritual Sadhana.
1. Manifest Peace and Prosperity — by Vishwamitra Maharshi
Peace is our natural state and we have an abundance of it within us. This
enormous peace is also present in God, in Light. We have to tap into this inner
peace and experience it. Then manifesting it in our lives become easy. We can also
spread this peace to everyone around us.
Vishwamitra Maharshi, through his experimentation also discovered that as we go
on manifesting Peace consciously, prosperity also manifests automatically.
♦ ♦ ♦
2. Manifest Love, Patience and Accommodation — by Kripacharya Maharshi
Love is the very nature of God and the fundamental aspect of His Creation. We, the
Souls, who are a part of God also carry these subtle vibrations deep within us. But
our other characteristics like anger, bitterness and jealousy come in the way of
expressing and manifesting love in our lives.
An individual has to first experience this unconditional and expansive quality of
Love so that he can easily manifest it in his living. It begins at the physical level
with an individual accepting himself, the way he is, with all the imperfections and
shortcomings. Such an acceptance removes a number of blocks within him. Then
with practice, this unconditional love can be extended to those around and even to
inanimate things.
When we start relating to others with Love and manifesting it, we can easily tolerate
many things which would disturb us earlier. And with Love comes patience and
accommodation with people and circumstances.
All these help us to become spiritually mature and make faster spiritual progress.
♦ ♦ ♦
3. Manifest Oneness with Everyone and the Entire Creation — by Agastya
At the level of Light, everything is one and undivided. As Light manifested into
Creation, duality and separation came into existence. We have come from the
undivided Source into this Creation in order to experience it. Oneness is our
natural state and we can experience it with the entire humanity and all existence.
It takes a lot of effort and time to manifest it completely, but it becomes possible
with persistence.
As we start to practice and experience Oneness with others, any hatred, bitterness
or selfishness dissolves. It strengthens our links with Light and makes us
experience our Self. Most importantly, it makes us better human beings and live
this life completely. When we start to experience and manifest Oneness completely
in our lives, we will be living in a higher spiritual state known as Nirvikalpa
♦ ♦ ♦
4. Live with an Expanded Awareness — by Bharadwaja Maharshi
Most of us go through life without being aware of our thoughts, emotions and
actions. We are not conscious of many of our activities and lead mechanical lives.
This unconsciousness is out of tune with our true inner nature — Silence. As we
start becoming aware of our thoughts and actions consciously, we start
experiencing and manifesting this inner silence.
Silence leads to the further refined state of Stillness. Living in Stillness is not being
idle but being aware of every thought, emotion and action of ours. When we are
established in this Stillness, we will automatically be able to radiate Peace and
Our awareness expands beyond our body-mind-intellect, in the state of Stillness. In
that expansion, we will be able to connect and relate to others, to Nature and to
Creation itself, and manifest Oneness.
There is no limit to the degree of expansion that can be achieved in Stillness. We
can expand to the level of the entire Creation at all levels. This principle helps us to
be in the highest state of Samadhi called as Paripoorna Samadhi.
Light is God. If we are able to take His help, guidance and support in every detail of
our lives, we will always succeed and never go wrong. Our lives improve multi-fold
and we will move towards perfection in all areas.
A simple beginning in this direction is to imagine that there is a bright Golden Light
inside us at all times. The Light nurtures, helps and guides in every situation. With
practice, we will be able to establish a relation with this Light and make it a part of
our lives.
The next four principles explain how to establish this relation with Light and take
His help in our daily activity.
5. Be United within and with Others to Keep the Ego and Negativities
Out — by Pulastya Maharshi
The observation made by Pulastya Maharshi is that we are not united within. Our
senses pursue their own interests, while the different bodies of our system try to
work independently. This non-unity is the reason that the ego sustains itself in
spite of our best efforts to sublimate it.
When we begin to experience Light within, it helps us to burn the impurities and
discipline our senses. It brings purity and unity in the entire system. We then begin
to operate with a higher awareness and find it easy to curb and finally sublimate
the ego.
Another comment made by Pulastya Maharshi is that similar to being united
within, we have to be united with others too. We have to be united as a family, as a
society, as a nation and finally unite as Humanity. This will ensure that Peace and
Love will manifest on our Earth at all times.
♦ ♦ ♦
6. Use Light to Achieve the Goals — by Markandeya Maharshi
Markandeya Maharshi has experimented a lot in understanding the different ways
in which one can take the help of Light and achieve goals in the everyday life.
The most efficient way discovered by him was to first take the help of Light with our
Intuition to make decisions, so that we are guided correctly. Then with our
intention, we have to consciously send a lot of Light and Love towards the decision
we have in our mind. Then we have to execute those decisions and also send Light
while doing it.
Markandeya Maharshi says that we have to use Light in each and every decision of
ours. This helps us to be guided correctly and also be just. And when we use Light,
we are also in tune with the other characteristics like Love and patience which are
very much essential while executing a work.
To improve the overall efficiency, he also suggests that first of all we should plan
our activities of the day in the morning and organise ourselves to execute this plan.
In addition, we also have to periodically introspect on the overall picture which
takes our long term goals into account and make sure that our efforts and activities
are supporting those goals.
♦ ♦ ♦
7. Meditation and Sadhana are Basic Necessities — by Vyasa Maharshi
Vyasa Maharshi has given this principle after a lot of efforts and Tapas. He
mentions that Sadhana or spiritual practices are very essential and fundamental in
a person’s life as they help the individual to actually experience Light, and thereby
manifest its qualities. It is also the basic requirement to acquire new energies and
Vyasa Maharshi says that regular and systematic Sadhana will bring about an
inner transformation. It helps the individual to balance his life well and ensure that
he does not live in extremes. It also helps in overcoming attachments and
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8. Be Humble Always and Live in Light — by Amara Maharshi
Amara Maharshi mentions that humility is one of the basic foundations of
spirituality. Humility is the absence of ego in a person and an important aspect
indicating the spiritual progress of an individual.
An individual becomes humble when he experiences Light. The Light is so much
larger than the ego that he can easily loose the ‘I’ within. A humble person is not
meek or timid but functions with the inner strength of Light and hence is a very
strong person.
Amara Maharshi says that we should always be filled with Light and then try to
experience it. We can also imagine ourselves to be surrounded by Light all the time.
This helps us to be protected and guided better. Living in Light transforms our life
In the initial stages, it might appear difficult for an individual to experience Light
and adopt it in all the activities of the daily life, but with practice it becomes easier.
When Light is used, the results will be easily noticeable and this gives the
necessary encouragement and the impetus to use it more.
III. Living an Exalted Life
These four principles help us improve the quality of our lives by implementing a few
subtle aspects. When manifested, they make a huge difference to our daily living.
9. Maintain Secrecy before Achieving the Result –by Vasishtha Maharshi
Vasishtha Maharshi has given this principle which states that we should consider
all our activities and goals as sacred and not talk about them unnecessarily until
we achieve the results.
When we start executing a work, we build up an energy field with our thoughts and
efforts, which supports this work. This energy field gets disturbed and diluted when
we talk too much about it. The jealousy and dislike of the other person will also
affect it.
We naturally have to discuss about any work with those who are associated with it.
This principle however cautions us that if ‘showing off’ and casual approach are
exhibited, they reduce the efficiency and hinder the accomplishment of the task.
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10. Respect the Space and Privacy of Others — by Pulaha and Kratu
These two Maharshis have observed that most of humanity is bothered about
others and spends less time introspecting or correcting itself. Gossip is a rampant
activity. Individuals also try to mould their lives based on others’ views and not
based on their own beliefs and higher laws.
This principle insists that one should learn to respect the space and privacy of
others. The individual should not interfere in the lives of others when it does not
concern him. He should also stop giving free advice to others and focus on his own
growth. One should practice first before preaching.
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11. Balance the Material and Spiritual Aspects by Surrendering to God — by
Purushothama and Valmiki Maharshi
Balancing both aspects of life — the spiritual and material is very important.
Focusing on either of them alone is not the way of the Light, as both these
seemingly opposite facets have emerged from Light. One may not know if he is
leading a balanced life, as this balance differs from one individual to another. The
easiest way to achieve it is to surrender to God and allow Him to guide. One has to
make conscious efforts to listen to His Higher voice.
When we surrender to the Higher Intelligence, everything falls in place in our lives.
We get all the help and guidance that is necessary at each and every moment. The
Supreme Intelligence, Light takes care of us in all aspects of our lives. One has to
practice this surrender to actually experience all of this.
Experiencing both aspects of life in surrender to the divine — this is exactly the
way a Light being leads his life in the Light Age.
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12. Execute Every Work with Sincerity and Love – by Mangal Brahman
Sincerity is an aspect of truth and it is a very important quality to be developed and
manifested at all times. When we approach any work, it has to be done with
sincerity and love. When we work with love, we will be able to accomplish them
faster and with ease, and the mistakes and errors will reduce drastically. The
overall efficiency also increases tremendously when we work with love and
Mangal Brahman Maharshi wants every individual to manifest Light in their lives
all the time and it was with this perspective, he devised and strengthened this
principle. He also says that when we can surrender to the material comforts, why
not surrender to God, who has created these and also us.
These Light Principles will be followed by everyone in the Light Age. We need not
wait until then as every individual can start manifesting them from now itself. They
help in leading a better life. The individuals who follow it can live a divine life in the
midst of all the chaos and churning, imperfections and duality dramas. These
principles take us beyond all of these into the divine life of the New Light Age.
♦ ♦ ♦
Experiencing Light
Submitted by VishwaAmara on October 6, 2011 –4 Comments

We know and understand something in totality only by experiencing it. The

succulent taste of a juicy fruit is best understood, not by reading or theorising
about it but by savouring and relishing it slowly. Similarly, one would have heard
or read about the expanse of an ocean, but only when he stands before that vast
blue does one really ‘know’ what an ocean is.
Humans are creatures of experience. One of the purposes of our lives is to
experience the diverse life on this plane. In fact, we the Souls have arrived from our
Source so that we can experience the rich and varied life that has been created
here on this planet. We grasp these experiences through our senses and make
meaning out of them through our faculties of feeling and understanding.
This process of experiencing occurs at various levels, from the gross to the subtle.
We experience the gross in the course of our everyday lives, in various physical
sensations of sights, sounds, smells, taste and touch. A slightly elevated experience
happens when we are moved by a melodious musical note or by the beauty of a
Sunrise. A further refined experience occurs when we feel love and affection
towards another individual.
The highest and most refined experience happens when the Soul experiences the
subtlest aspect of all Creation — the Light that shines deep within everything! This
experience of Light is the greatest experience that a Soul can have while still
existing in a physical body on this Earth.
Why Experience Light?
The Soul is equipped with unlimited capacities to experience Creation. But since it
has to survive in the diverse environment of Creation, it is surrounded by the
sheaths of the body-mind-intellect of an individual. These sheaths restrict the
experiences that a Soul can have because of their own limitations. So a Soul can
perceive only a part of the experience which can be grasped by the mind.
The mind, which is a wonderful tool of perception, is not unlimited like the Soul in
its capacities. It can perceive experiences only to a limit, and beyond that, the
excessive experiences form a residue around it. These residual experiences, also
called as Karmas, force the Soul to incarnate again and again in various lives in
order to go through or clear those experiences. The Karmas gathered over
innumerable lifetimes, form thick layers over our mind. They hinder the capacities
of the mind and also block the channels of communication of the Soul with the
Higher Intelligence.
So the awareness of an individual remains, most of the time, at the level of the
body-mind-intellect. The person perceives himself not as the radiant Soul, but as
an ordinary human being, living a life of struggles and triumphs between life and
death. Being cut off from the higher intelligence, the individual leads his life as per
the directions of the collective intelligence of his body-mind-intellect, also known as
the Ego. This limited awareness continues in every lifetime and the individual gets
caught in the web of life, restricted by the laws of Creation and re-incarnating again
and again according to his Karmas.
The experience of Light breaks all these limitations and awakens an individual to
his divine nature!
When the individual experiences Light for the first time, it is similar to waking up
after a very long sleep. The awareness shifts from the limited self of body-mind-
intellect to the unlimited, luminous Soul. Along with experiencing Creation, the
individual will also experience the divine Light that pulsates within everything that
is created — even a blade of grass or a raindrop. His perception and hence his
entire life undergoes a profound transformation when this higher experience
The processes involved in this experience of Light also results in clearing of Karmas
and opening up of the blocked communication channels with the Higher
Intelligence. The individual Soul re-establishes its contact with the Ocean of Light
— God Himself! Many dormant faculties become activated and the individual gains
access to great Knowledge, Energies and Wisdom. He breaks free from all
limitations and confinements of this world, and continues to experience life and
reality here, while being established in the permanent reality — Light. He regains
the freedom to move through the innumerable worlds and dimensions of Creation
and becomes a truly unlimited being, radiating the light and love of the Supreme
This extraordinary experience is the birth-right of every Soul! Internal purity is the
main requirement and the doorway that leads one to this experience. Meditation is
one of the main ways through which this can be achieved.
The Initial Stages of Meditations
Meditation is the process of silencing our systems of body, mind and intellect. (The
silencing helps the awareness to release itself from the system and then rise and
expand in pure consciousness.) A cleansing process also gets initiated when we
begin the practice. As our system becomes purer, we become sensitive to the
presence of Higher Energies. We will be able to experience these subtle energies
during meditations.
As we progress, we slowly begin to experience the various qualities of Light like
peace, purity and fulfilment. We experience Love, which is our nature itself. All
these spill over to our daily life where we manifest these qualities with less effort.
We will be at peace and contented in any situation. We also share unconditionally
and accommodate others. We interact with people and approach situations with
unbiased love.
As we continue to progress spiritually, we enter the zones of Stillness! We begin to
experience deeper states of Peace, which slowly grows towards Bliss. This is also
the stage where our awareness, which is usually confined to our system, begins to
rise and expand. We feel lighter and lighter as our awareness transcends the limits
of our body-mind-intellect and expands. We experience an extraordinary vastness.
As our awareness expands and encompasses all Creation, we begin to experience
Oneness with Creation. These two stages of experiencing Expansion and beginning
to experience Oneness are commonly referred to
as Savikalpa and Nirvikalpa Samadhi.
The actual experience of Light starts after these stages!
Higher Stages of Experiencing
The stage where one experiences Light is called as Turiya. By this time, there will
be a huge transformation in the individual. The experience of Light leads to further
transformation and growth. In this stage the veil of Maya drops and the individual
sees everything in its pristine pure state — as Light itself. He perceives a flying
bird, the clouds and the sky as pure light. This is a stage where the individual
requires assistance to lead a normal life because he will not be able to distinguish
one thing from another. With a few exceptions, most individuals will not be allowed
to continue in this stage for longer durations by the Higher Intelligence, as it affects
their normal living.
In the next stage, Turiyatheetha, the awareness of the individual expands in other
planes and realms of Light. Along with experiencing that expansion, he will still be
able to live a normal life, without that higher experience interfering with his life.
In one of the highest stages, the Paripoorna Samadhi, the individual will be
experiencing all the dimensions of existence, all the manifestations of Light and yet
continue to live this life simultaneously. He will be in communion with Light at all
times. This is the stage of perfection which is attained by highly evolved Souls.
Revised Approach Towards Sadhana
In the earlier age of Kali Yuga and in the present transitory phase, one had to go
through various purifying processes like cleansing the naadis and activating the
chakras, before experiencing Light. All these processes will not be required when
we enter the New Light Age. There will be no other medium between an individual
and Light.
In the New Light Age, the Light body and other Koshas of the individuals will be
highly advanced, pure and equipped with various inbuilt capabilities and
potentials. Faculties like telepathy, teleporting, having a direct link with Light etc
will be a common occurrence. A new Kundalini energy will be flowing in the entire
system. Every individual will be living with a higher awareness. Light will be
present everywhere and its help will be taken in every area of life.
With the present understanding, one can say that all of humanity will be in the
stage of Paripoorna Samadhi in the New Light Age!
Hence the focus of spiritual growth will be entirely different in the New Age. The
present stages of Samadhi will become obsolete and will be replaced with other
advanced stages which take the aspirant into areas beyond Paripoorna Samadhi.
There will be newer areas of Spiritual Sadhana which are yet to be revealed and
Living in a Light Body
When an individual makes sufficient spiritual progress and experiences Light, he
will be able to gather and hold this Light in his system. As he continues to gather
more and more Light, the physical body slowly evolves into a Light body, with each
cell radiating Light. The Immortals who transcend the laws of birth and death
usually live in such advanced systems.
A Light body can be achieved with persistent efforts in any age. These advanced
physical bodies will be the ones we use when enter the Light Age. Those who
qualify to live in the Light Age will ultimately be able to transmute their present
bodies into Light bodies, with extraordinary capabilities and fully functioning
The Light Age that awaits humanity in the near future is a unique era and part of a
new experimentation process. Hence an entirely new and extremely advanced Light
body will be available to all those Souls who shift into the Light Age. This advanced
body not only helps to live the pure and divine life of the New Age but also assists
the individual to make further progress in the higher stages of spiritual Sadhana. It
helps in experiencing and holding the very pure and higher frequencies of Light
which can be accessed by meditating in those advanced stages.
More information about the Light bodies can be found in the articles of the Light
body series.
Enlightenment normally indicates a state where an individual experiences his
oneness with Light and all the manifestations of Light, all the time. The Rishis say
that the real enlightenment occurs at a much higher level than this. Such a state
can be achieved only by those who are ready to serve the higher intelligence and
work for the betterment of all creation. This vast growth cannot be achieved by
individuals who are focussed on their personal growth.
Enlightenment is a state of a very high order. The awareness of the individual will
be connected to Light all the time and the cells of his body also hold a lot of Light.
The person will be experiencing Light at all levels and live with an expanded
awareness every moment. He will be a channel of Light. The Light that radiates will
be experienced by those around him as love and peace. The individual will also
radiate knowledge and wisdom which can be grasped by those who’re sensitive by
just being in his presence.
An enlightened person is above the general karmic laws that are applicable to
others. It is a state of perfection where the individual does not commit mistakes.
Such individuals can live as long as they wish and they usually continue to live
until the purpose of their life is fulfilled.
The individual who achieves Enlightenment dedicates his life towards working for
the betterment of humanity and all life. Such individuals will be advanced spiritual
Souls who would’ve focussed on their spiritual growth for many lifetimes.
This state of enlightenment has been achieved only by great Rishis and Avatars!
Beyond Enlightenment
Even this is not the final stage in the spiritual growth of an individual. There are
stages which are beyond this very exalted and advanced level of experience. Just as
Existence has no end and its mysteries are still being probed by the great Rishis,
the avenues for spiritual growth also have no end.
The Rishis say that even Vishwamitra Maharshi, the greatest Soul in Existence who
has achieved extraordinary heights, is still growing spiritually!
Conclusion… Other ways to experience Light
Meditations and higher spiritual practices lead us to the experience of Light. Yet
these are not the only ways which bring us this divine experience. It is possible to
connect to different aspects of Light and its manifestations in various other ways.
When we have no complaints about life and are content and fulfilled we experience
Light (or God) as Peace. We experience God as vastness when we expand our
emotions and thoughts. We also experience Him as elevatedness when we rise
above and view things from a higher angle. We experience Him as purity when we
recognise the inherent goodness and selflessness of individuals, of Existence itself.
And as Love, when we overflow with affection for another Soul or receive it from
We can also witness God in the beauty of Nature around: the sailing clouds,
chirping birds, flowing river, blooming flowers or the tender dewdrops on a misty
morning. The majestic silence that is intrinsic in Nature can also be felt within
ourselves, in moments of deep stillness, in situations of total present-moment
awareness. We can experience Him in the exalted qualities of Truth and Honesty.
And also in the pristine pure innocence of a child’s smile!
Sri Aurobindo said, ‘All life is Yoga’. When we recognise and feel the sacredness of
every moment of our existence, we open ourselves to the influence of Light. When
Light arrives into our lives, all confusions, questions and problems end. Light
illuminates and divinises every aspect of our lives and guides us further on our
For Contemplation:
Kindly contemplate on the below two questions. These questions when asked over
and over in a state of relaxed concentration, help in taking the awareness of the
individual beyond thought, into the realms of direct experience.
These are the fundamental questions of every spiritual seeker. They help the
individual to ponder over whom he really is and what is his connection and relation
to the whole and the creation around. The contemplation and intellectual
understanding, along with the ‘deep feeling’ of the answers to these two questions,
move his awareness towards actually experiencing higher truths.
These questions, like Zen Koans, still the mind and take the inquirer beyond
contemplation into deeper areas of stillness and experiencing.
Who Am I?
“Who am I” is the famous way given to humanity by the master Ramana Maharshi.
The purpose of this question is self-enquiry and this seemingly simple method can
help an individual to realise directly that he is a particle of Light at his core. The
intellectual realisation leads the individual to actually experience himself as a
luminous particle of Light, as a part of an immense Presence. He experiences
himself as God, manifested in a form to know Creation. The answer to the question
‘Who Am I?’ becomes evident as a direct experience.
Ask yourself ‘Who Am I?’ over and over and ponder over the answers that your
mind throws up.
Where Am I?
The parallel query the individual seeks is “Where am I?” On deep contemplation on
this query, the individual understands by direct experience that he exists not just
inside a limited form but also everywhere in Creation. He exists in each particle of
everything that ever manifested and will manifest further. And he also belongs to
no-where, to the nothingness, to the deep void which gave birth to and permeates
all of Existence! In essence, the individual is everywhere and also nowhere, all in
the present moment, in no-time.
Ask ‘Where Am I?’ again and again and reflect on the answer that arrives with each
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Light — The Reality
Submitted by VishwaAmara on September 6, 2011 –4 Comments

We are moving into an age of Light on this Earth. It is a period where Light guides
and moulds all life here. Until now, we were living in a period where our existence
was hardly influenced by the vibrations of Light. In the future age that is about to
unfold, Light in its highest frequency will manifest and take effect in our lives.
At the deepest level, everything is Light. The most concrete thing like a rock, or a
living being, or even abstract things like ideas or dreams — are different
manifestations of Light. Even the physical light that we see is one such
manifestation. Light is the all pervasive, all powerful and most intelligent presence
in the entire Creation, and beyond.
The mystics and saints have called God as ‘Jyothi-Swaroopa’, or Light Himself. In
their deeper states of Meditations, they experienced God as an extraordinarily
immense Ocean of Light. This most subtle Light, they understood, is the ever
present reality which creates, governs and withdraws all Creation again and again.
The Ocean of Light — ParaBrahma, which was understood as the highest reality
until now, is one of the manifestations in existence. There are many other such
Manifested and Unmanifested realms. The Rishis perceived an even bigger and
immense presence, which gave rise to all these different and diverse
manifestations. This Primordial God has been called as Mula Brahman.
When Mula Brahman wanted to create and bring forth various manifestations, He
did not know how to go about it and which substance to use for this purpose.
Then, He perceived a shining and radiant Presence within Him. This was Light! God
understood that Light could be used to materialize His vision of Creation. That
moment onwards, Light has become an important and integral part of Creation in
all the Unmanifested and Manifested Universes.
Vishwamitra Maharshi says that Light is the most unconditional gift given by God
to His Manifestation.
At the highest level of Mula Brahman where it originates, Light is of the greatest
quality, intensity and potency. The Rishis have called this as the ‘Spectral Light’.
From the Spectral Light manifested a toned down and less intense vibration of
Light called as ‘Nirvena Prakasha’. This formed the base for the creation of all the
Unmanifested Universes.
From Nirvena Prakasha, a less intense form of Light manifested as various
Universes. With each further manifestation, the characteristics become simpler and
less potent. At all levels, the Light has different colours and vibrations. Each
vibration also has its own characteristic feature.
Our Universe, ParaBrahma is an ocean of Light which is predominantly Golden
coloured. Other Universes like Prakasha Brahma or Neela Brahma are oceans of
Blue Light. More details about the other universes are in this article — Manifested
When Creation continued in each of these Universes, Light further toned down and
gave rise to Energies. These condensed as different types of matter and also formed
the building blocks of the various Cosmoses, Worlds, Galaxies, Stars, Planets and
all life on these planets.
Everything and anything in existence is a manifestation of Light. In each of the
Universes, Light manifested further and further to give rise to a varied and complex
creation. In our Universe — ParaBrahma, various energy fields with different
characteristics and functions came into existence. Huge cosmoses were created,
which further manifested different worlds spanning across dimensions. Energy
condensed as matter to give rise to Galaxies filled with Stars, Planets and other
Cosmic bodies.
As Creation continued, life forms came into existence in innumerable Earths. A
very rich and diverse life took root in millions and millions of Earths. When living
beings were created, the particles of Light (also known as Souls) from various
Sources descended into these bodies in order to experience the Creation which had
manifested out from God.
Creation is not accidental or mechanical. A highly intelligent and compassionate
Presence governs and sustains all Creation — from the level of Cosmoses and
Galaxies to the tiniest level of single celled organisms and sub-atomic particles.
This Presence (God) created many divine beings and special Souls to administer
and sustain the diverse and complex Creation.
This Creation is bound by time. After a time-span, Creation is withdrawn back into
the respective Sources, in each of the Universes, only to be manifested again in
another form and diversity. In the bigger picture of Mula Brahman, even the
extraordinarily huge Manifested and Unmanifested universes will be withdrawn,
only to be projected again and again.
The life system on any planet follows certain laws and principles. Based on these,
Light supports and sustains life on that planet. One such principle that exists on
our Earth and many other planets in our Cosmos is the movement of Time in
cycles. A bigger cycle of Time is known as Mahayuga, which repeats over and over.
Each Mahayuga has four different and diverse time periods, in which the spiritual
condition of the Planet varies from one extreme to another. In the purest age —
Satya Yuga, Light manifests as truth, love, peace and many other divine qualities in
the lives of all inhabitants on our Earth. In the next two ages, when a dilution of
values sets in, there is a reduction in the influence of Light in the affairs of this
world. In these ages, the influence of darkness rises gradually. In the last age, the
Kali Yuga, there is hardly any influence of Light at all; this period witnesses the
rule of darkness with life filled with untruth, injustice and other negativities. When
Kali Yuga ends and a new Mahayuga begins, Light in its purest and highest form
begins to take root.
Every influence on this Planet — the dark, light and the gray in between, is a
different manifestation of the Highest Intelligence — Light. At present, our Earth is
going through a transitory period, moving from a dark age to the age of Light. It is
witnessing a shift of the vibratory level of Light, from the grossest to the Purest.
We are in the middle of this Shift at this point in time.
Our Earth is now witnessing a tremendous flooding of different vibrations of Light
from the divine realms. We can witness the workings of this Light in the disruption
of the old world, which is still tuned to the lower vibrations and injustice. The
systems and people all over the planet, who are still in the grip of the earlier age
and its influence, are shaken up and jolted out of their reverie by the divine Light.
Anyone can witness these paradigm altering events across various fields in today’s
This disruption and replacement of systems starts at a subtler level, where the
lower vibrations of Light are transmuted into higher ones. All those individuals who
are still holding on to the earlier vibrations are coaxed and helped to receive the
new, divine vibrations. They are assisted in getting over the influence of the
previous age and move into the New age of Light that’s about to begin on our
When people resist, they face situations which forces them to make a clear choice.
Those who resist even these situations or choose to go with the old world will be
shifted out of this Earth into a suitable Earth, where their Soul journey continues.
This shift-out happens during the many Earth change events, which are already
occurring and which will accelerate during the Galactic alignments and other
cosmic events of the near future. Only those individuals who choose the Light Age
on this Earth will be able to pass through these situations unscathed.
A huge network of evolved beings, Rishis and divine personalities are assisting and
facilitating this great shift of Ages under the guidance of the Supreme Light!
In this period of transition from one age to another, Light plays a major role at
various levels. At the physical level, it works through the Rishi workers, Spiritual
guides and those who’ve opened up to the higher realities; through them, it
provides education, guidance and hope to many others. At the subtler levels, it
works through the Rishis and Light workers. It also destroys the Dark and takes
action against the oppressors after warning them.
At still deeper levels, Light acts directly and guides every Soul. It educates the
individual about what’s happening in the current phase of transition and also
provides strength, wisdom and hope to tune to these changes. It guides everyone
through their intuition to take the right decisions and to solve any problem in their
Light also heals every Soul by churning out the inherent darkness or negativity and
by assisting in transmuting them. It opens up everyone to the divine vibrations of
the Light Age and exposes them to higher ways of living. It presents lots of
opportunities to grow and helps in manifesting divine qualities like Love, Peace and
A major step that an individual can take in his growth is to experience Light and
manifest its qualities in his daily living.
We have many times experienced a beautiful sunrise, a picturesque scenery or
listened to a soul stirring melody. What happens in those moments? We lose
ourselves and become a part of that experience momentarily. Experiencing Light is
a similar happening where we lose our individual identity and become a part of
Meditation takes us to this extraordinary experience which transforms and
divinises us. The first step of any meditation technique is to silence our system of
body-mind-intellect so that Stillness can be established in us. Then our awareness,
which is limited to this system, is trained to gradually rise and expand. With
practice, we will be able to expand our Awareness in the realms of Light. This is the
stage where we begin to experience Light directly.
In this spiritual journey, there are various levels and stages. As an aspirant moves
through these stages, he begins to experience the different sublime qualities of
Light — purity, peace, bliss, love etc. In the advanced stages, he will be able to
transmute the physical body into a Light body and in further stages he will merge
his awareness into Light while still existing in his body. This stage where the
aspirant directly experiences and realises his oneness with Light (God) and every
other manifestation of Light is commonly described as ‘Enlightenment’.
There are many more stages even beyond Enlightenment! These will be explored in
the next article which explains ‘Experiencing Light’ in detail.
Light is the permanent reality in existence. We who are sparks of Light are related
to it at the deepest level. This relation can be expanded to many other levels
including the physical. When this is done, our lives are transformed by the
luminosity of Light.
A simple method suggested by the Rishis is to imagine that we are always filled
with a radiant Golden Light. Even if we’re unable to visualise it, just having an
intention itself will help the Light to fill up our system. We have to enjoy its
presence as much as we can. This can be done along with our normal routine
activities by keeping the awareness of Light in the background, or whenever we find
solitude where we can focus our attention on this practice.
When we hold a lot of Light in our system in this way, the Light begins to cleanse
our system and bring in purity. It makes us positive and helps us remain calm and
composed in any situation. It helps us to manifest unconditional love and also
manifest Peace and Oneness. We will be able to distinctly notice a qualitative
improvement in our living.
We can refer to Light when we take decisions. Even in the smallest detail of our
lives, we can take the help of this Light. When we begin to relate and interact with
Light, it begins to assist and guide us through our intuition. We will be able to
clearly notice and receive the instructions from Light. This is the point where we
realise a fundamental truth — that Light is the only guide, the only Guru!
Gu means darkness and Ru means Light. Guru is an individual who leads us from
darkness to Light. Although the human spiritual masters and Rishis are commonly
referred to as Gurus, they are only the guides. The true Guru is Light itself! It
guides every Soul through these guides until the Soul evolves to a level of direct
communion with Light!
When this realisation comes through a direct experience, we will be taking a very
great step in our lives. This is the point where Light illuminates every aspect of our
lives. When Light enters, all darkness vanishes as Light brings knowledge, wisdom,
energies and healing. From then on, we will literally be living in Light!
When we perceive the existence of Light behind the myriad forms and play of
consciousness, we live out our purpose, without getting entangled in this creation
of Light. We will be furthering the purpose of Light and its Creation. Instead of
being caught in the web of life, we will be influencing and directing the movement
of life, in alignment with Divine will.
The Soul, which was a part of Light, descended into Creation and lost its
connection in order to experience it. Now, on the next step of the journey, this Soul
has to regain its connection and continue to experience in full awareness of its
relation to Source. Then it can merge back into the Source, at will.
This is our journey — the journey of every Soul. When we realise the existence and
prevalence of Light and begin to engage with it at the highest level, we are taking
the final steps of our divine journey. We are completing the story which began eons
ago with our descent. From here, whether we choose to merge back, or go on
another journey into our own experiencing or assisting other Souls — this choice is
left to every individual.
This opportunity to experience and live out our lives in the awareness of Light, is a
divine gift, available to all of us on Earth at this point in time. We can make use of
this opportunity to take the next step of our evolution.
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Creation part 8 – Shiva Loka (Kailasa)
Submitted by VishwaAmara on March 2, 2011 –12 Comments

It is said that when Creation ends at Maha-Pralaya, when all manifestation in

withdrawn back into the Great Void, Lord Shiva begins His cosmic dance known as
Shiva-Tandav. This dance releases and activates the destructive energies which
dismantle and unmanifest all of Creation. The Nataraja form of Lord Shiva
depicting this divine dance stands at the entrance of the CERN Institute at Geneva,
where physicists have been experimenting to discover the secrets behind the Bing
Bang that gave birth to the Universe as we know it.
Lord Shiva has been worshipped for thousands and thousands of years, with His
energies being sought and utilised for Mankind’s evolution and growth. Mythology
pays rich tributes to Him as the Lord of the Universe and as the God of Gods. The
Shiva Purana details the origins, activities and exploits of this divine personality
along with His various incarnations. He is a part of Indian folklore as well as the
epics, worshipped as a patron of arts, dance and music. Devotional traditions have
grown around the mystical aura of Lord Shiva while the Siddhas, Nagas and
Tantrics focus their Sadhana on His energies.
Lord Shiva is one of the trinity of Gods comprising of Brahma-Vishnu-Maheshwara.
He plays a very important role in the administration of God’s Creation by
withdrawing and transforming manifestations at various time-intervals. The Rishis
who meditated and explored the various aspects and characteristics of this divine
personality and His immense field, have not only brought down unique knowledge
about Him but also devised techniques to harness His powers and energies, for the
benefit of all Life.
The following account of Shiva Loka reveals unique insights and further
information about Him. It is also a timely gift to all of us from the Rishis, on this
sacred day of Shivarathri, when an amsha of Him descends down to our Earth and
stays in our midst for the next ten days.
Creation in the beginning
Our Creation is very ancient, extending all the way back to eons and eons of
Earth’s time. The diversity and variety of manifestation that we find today has not
occurred just in a single phase. A lot of experimentation, trials and errors have
occurred before it has evolved into the present condition. This evolution and
change is a never ending process which will continue and go on into the future.
In the beginning, after Devi Loka came into existence and ParaBrahma decided to
manifest more of His potential, there was no Shiva, Vishnu or Brahma. The
Material Cosmoses (Brahmanda’s) manifested from Devi Loka directly. But they
were primitive and had less diversity and specializations. And at that time, Devi
Loka too was much more ancient and less diverse than it is at present.
Adi Shakti wanted to experiment in manifesting her various energies and bring
forth different creations; hence she directly created many Cosmoses. But after that,
the task of managing these cosmoses took most of Her efforts. When the
diversification processes continued and gradually became too vast and complex,
She requested the permission of ParaBrahma and Mula Brahman to create
specialized personalities, who would take over various parts of the administration
of Creation.
The Trinity
To simplify the process of administration and ease Devi’s work, three huge divine
Cosmoses manifested. Each Cosmos had its own unique characteristic and a
personality; we know them as Shiva, Vishnu and Brahma. Brahma took over the
task of creating new worlds and bringing forth life in them, while Vishnu managed
and sustained these worlds with His energies. The work of destroying and
withdrawing these manifestations was taken up by Lord Shiva.
The introduction of these three levels in the hierarchy of God’s administration also
enabled more diversity to manifest. Another reason for the creation of the Trimurtis
(Three Gods) was that, the Material Cosmoses which weren’t so pure could not
directly receive and hold the very strong and pristine energies of Devi. These divine
personalities helped in reducing the intensity and potency of those energies, so that
they could be absorbed and made use of in all the Material cosmoses.
The first Divine Cosmos, Shiva Loka manifested from Devi Loka. For manifesting
this Cosmos, Devi first created an immensely strong and dominant field of energy.
The Rishis have called it as the ‘Vectrum Diamond Principle’.
The Vectrum Diamond Principle
This is a hugely vast and powerful field, which is in the shape of a Star
Tetrahedron. It is bright, light blue in colour. This field was created first, as an
earlier attempt to manifest a Cosmos directly did not succeed. That Cosmos was
not stable and a portion of its Light also dissipated away. Hence Devi created the
Vectrum Diamond Principle mainly to contain and protect the new manifestations
which would further emerge.
From the Vectrum Diamond Principle, a total of 1008 Cosmoses manifested. Each
one of these Cosmoses had unique properties & characteristics and was completely
different from the other. The decision to manifest very different Cosmoses was
taken by Mula Brahman in order to introduce diversity in Creation at the highest
levels. In essence we can say that a total of 1008 Shiva Lokas manifested out of
Devi Loka.
There were many other manifestations that emerged out of Devi Loka other than
the Shiva Lokas. Also these Shiva Lokas further gave birth to other Cosmoses. The
Vectrum Diamond Field covers and protects only the 1008 Shiva Lokas. It also
helps these Cosmoses stay connected to Devi at all times. It further acts as a
substrate for the transfer of energies and knowledge from Devi Loka to these
The Vectrum Diamond Principle helps in creating new matter and then protects it.
Because of the special properties of this field, many advanced souls in Creation try
to connect to it, in order to gain special powers. This field also protects the Shiva
Lokas from the other manifestations that have emerged out of Devi Loka, which are
stronger and have different radiations, which can have a negative effect on these
1008 Cosmoses. It acts as a shield around these cosmoses, protecting them from
the stronger energies emerging from other sources in Existence.
Out of these 1008 Cosmoses, the one which led to creation all the way down to us
is called as Kailasa. Another name for this Cosmos is Kailasa Shiva.
Shiva Loka

Most of the temples of Lord Shiva worship Him in the form of a Linga rather than
as a personality. A Linga is a sacred geometrical shape that can hold a lot of strong
and special energies. It is cylindrical in shape with a hemispherical top and is
surrounded by an oval structure, as shown in the diagram. The reason for this
practice of worship is that our Shiva Loka is also in the form of a Linga. This shape
is inverted in Existence, with the oval rings towards Devi Loka and the cylindrical
shape facing down towards further manifestations.
The huge field of Shiva Loka is divided into 8 concentric layers. Each of these layers
is in the shape of a Linga and is further divided into 108 planes.
Creation inside Shiva Loka does not have Galaxies or Solar systems but is made up
of more complex and diverse units. A lot of floating particles are spread all over this
Cosmos. There are many special cells with various geometric shapes. These cells
have a lot of intelligence and they help in the creation of new energies and new
methods in solving problems at various levels of existence. There are many liquid
like structures inside Shiva Loka, which are the source of all the powers that can
be gained by any Soul.
The Dimensions
At the base of the Linga shape of Lord Shiva’s field, there are two circular rings
similar to the rings of Saturn. These are the two special dimensions of Shiva Loka.
The inner dimension is whitish blue in colour while the outer one is of a dark blue
hue. These two rings also act as a base for the entire Shiva loka.
The first inner ring is called as Adi and it contains the special energies of Lord
Shiva. It is also made up of a very porous matter. The outer ring contains the
energies of Ardanarishwara (a combination of Shiva and his consort, Parvati). This
dimension is filled with a viscous matter, and because of this, it acts like a filter
and protects the Cosmos by absorbing all the unwanted energies and matter that
come in.
These two rings also have tunnels which connect to all parts of Creation. When a
Soul descends down from Devi Loka and comes to Shiva Loka, it resides in these
rings for a very long duration, learning about the various choices it has when it
incarnates into Creation. Then the personalities in charge determine the
destination of the Soul and guide it further.
The Energies of Shiva Loka
The main energies of Shiva Loka are light Blue in colour. Apart from this, other
shades of Blue are also very prominent. The remaining coloured energies are in less
proportion. These energies are full of unconditional Love and kindness. It is easy
for anyone to relate to Lord Shiva and experience His energies.
There are many energies in this Loka that help us to activate our inner faculties.
Shiva Loka is also the source of many Powers and Siddhis. Tantrics do a lot of
serious Sadhana to acquire these.
One of the specialities of these energies is that they can easily multiply themselves.
Hence even if a small quantity is anchored, at an appropriate time a huge field of
energy gets manifested with the approval of Lord Shiva.
Another important feature of Shiva Loka is that the basic constituent energies
change periodically. It roughly coincides with a Mahayuga of our Earth. The
resulting new constituents bring about many diverse changes in all the further
manifestations that emanate from Shiva Loka.
Shiva Loka is the abode of many rare gadgets. Lord Shiva has specialised in the
areas of fragrance. The special fragrance of Shiva Loka helps in tuning up these
gadgets and also in maintaining the Linga shape of the Cosmos.
The Souls of Shiva Loka
Many Souls are created within Shiva Loka. Very few of them stay in that Cosmos
for experiencing life over there. The Rishis say that about 30% of the overall Souls
in our Material Cosmos are from Shiva Loka. No evil exists in Shiva Loka but the
energies of Lord Shiva can be used by both the good and evil forces of Creation.
Lord Shiva has also created many special Souls to assist Him in His work. These
entities, also known as Shiva Ganas, have an abundance of Lord Shiva’s energies
embedded in them. Each of them is very talented as they are specialised in different
areas of the work. They move all over Creation and spread the energies of Lord
Shiva wherever required. They are also involved in educating people about Him.
About 3/4ths of the work of Lord Shiva are executed by the Shiva Ganas
Lord Nandi and Nageshwara
Indian mythological stories depict a mighty bull, Nandi, which is the vehicle for
Lord Shiva to travel around. The Rishis explain that Lord Nandi is actually a
personality known as Nandikeshwara. He is like the backbone of Lord Shiva.
Lord Shiva has stored a lot of His energies in Nandi. They always work together and
usually discuss and co-ordinate before executing any work. Lord Nandi is also the
head and the person in charge of all the Shiva Ganas.
He is also the main channel for the energies and love from Lord Shiva to flow to the
entire Creation and Humanity. This is the reason why in all Shiva temples, a statue
of a Bull is placed facing the Shiva Linga.
Another personality known as Nageshwara is in charge of protecting Lord Shiva
during His work. He is symbolically represented as a snake encircling Lord Shiva’s
neck, protecting the vulnerable area. He sees to it that Lord Shiva is not affected in
any manner in the course of His work.
The Third Eye of Lord Shiva
Lord Shiva is depicted with a third eye in His forehead. The prevalent idea is that it
is a means through which He carries out His destruction. This isn’t true. The third
eye of Lord Shiva is one of the most complicated subjects to explore and
This third eye is symbolic of a special layer in Shiva Loka. Millions of Galaxy like
units, special Souls and Shiva Ganas exist in that layer. The Rishis say that this
special part of Shiva Loka is the place where many new energies are created and
from where new knowledge descends into Creation.
The Andromeda Galaxy took birth from the third eye of Lord Shiva.
Once a batch of 200 great Rishis went into the third Eye of Lord Shiva to explore
and understand. After coming back, they expressed that the place appeared like a
new Creation itself with everything being unique. They experienced a lot of
unconditional love flowing towards them. Every particle in that place was Light and
in each particle, they could experience Devi Parvati. These particles had the
potential to become a Galaxy each and nurture Life.
The Rishis found a thoroughly organised life in the third eye layer, with the souls
assisting in executing various specialised works. More research is going on about
the Third eye Cosmos within Shiva Loka. A very great Rishi, Kapila Maharshi, is an
expert on this special Cosmos, as he has a lot of Light from here.
Shiva – The destroyer
The personality of Shiva Loka’s core is Lord Shiva. Although He is depicted in
various forms, he doesn’t have different aspects like Devi does.
As explained earlier, the energy field of Shiva Loka was created by Devi to assist
Her in withdrawing and destroying Creation at various stages. The entire
manifestation has been withdrawn many times in the past. This has lead to the
creation of better and diverse manifestations.
Destruction is an integral part of Creation, where the concept of birth and death is
a profound reality. This destruction is required to bring about a balance in
Manifestation. At times, it is required to allow righteousness, justice and peace to
prevail. It also empowers the divine to manifest further and bring about more Light,
Love and Oneness.
The role of Lord Shiva isn’t confined just to destroy creation when required. His
functions extend much more beyond that.
He is in charge of destroying not only Creation, but also the evil, negativity and
stagnation of Life. Destruction doesn’t always mean death and pain but also an
opportunity for more Light to manifest in Creation and more transformation to
occur towards Light. Hence the destruction that’s taken up by Lord Shiva results in
major transformations and an abundance of new changes.
He gets involved in destruction only when it’s very important, just and essential.
Whenever He destroys a particular manifestation, He also creates a special energy
field with all the corrections, so that, when a similar manifestation has to occur the
next time, Lord Brahma (the Creator) can create with more care.
As He’s a specialist in destruction, he knows the exact ratio in which to do it. And
once the destruction is completed, He uses the energies from the destroyed
manifestation to create new gadgets.
The Other roles of Lord Shiva
Lord Shiva helps all the Souls in Creation to experience God to the fullest. He
assists many Cosmoses and Galaxies in their functioning and shares a very good
percentage of Adi Shakti’s work.
He personally involves Himself in the work of the Rishis and gives them a lot of
hope, energies and love. He has incarnated in many Earths to assist the Rishis in
their work. Even after the work is completed and He leaves the Earth, His energies
stay back and continue to influence and assist the positive forces of Creation. In
the previous cycle (Mahayuga), Lord Shiva incarnated on our Earth and lived for a
very long time on Mount Kailash in the Himalayas (the mountain is named so
because it housed this divine personality from Kailasa Shiva Loka). About 75% of
His energies were available at that place until 1974. Once the Pralaya period
started, much of those energies were gradually shifted and distributed to various
other places. Currently only 2% of His energies can be found at Mount Kailash.
Lord Shiva has many rare gadgets, many of which are used to destroy the evil
forces. The speciality of these gadgets is that if they are misused, they
automatically diffuse and become powerless. He is also the creator of newer
gadgets. The Rishis say that most of the gadgets and weapons in Creation have
come from Shiva Loka.
He is also a master at creating new energies. He takes a lot of help from Goddess
Parvati for this purpose. He carries an abundance of healing energies, which
destroy the cause of sickness and poor health in an individual.
When a Soul incarnates into Creation, its gender is selected upon choosing the
Mind in Brahma Loka. For all those Souls who choose the female mind, Lord Shiva
passes on a lot of energies from Devi Parvati.
Lord Shiva is in charge of extending the life of a person in the Material Cosmos,
although this process is monitored and administered by the Rishis.
There are many other roles, capabilities and characteristics of Lord Shiva which
we’re yet to fully comprehend. And apart from our Kailasa Shiva, there are 1007
other Shiva Lokas which have manifested out of Devi, from the Vectrum Diamond
Principle. These Cosmoses are still unknown to us. The diversification and
manifestations which have emerged from those wonderful Cosmoses and the life
which has evolved in that part of Existence is yet to be understood fully.
The enormity of Manifestation and the diversity that has occurred through all these
worlds and sub-worlds is truly mind-boggling and awe inspiring. The Rishis say
that all of this is the ‘leela’ of the Supreme Intelligence, His play, in which he brings
forth Creation, creates Life, allows us the Souls to experience all of these and then
withdraws it, only to bring it out again, in some other form.
The divine personalities play crucial roles in this play of God. Apart from
administering and maintaining these manifestations, they assist the Souls in their
journey and evolution through these worlds. Lord Shiva who withdraws and
transforms Creation at different levels, helps each Soul in their individual
transformations too. His energies can be used by any Soul to destroy their innate
negativities and transform themselves in the course of their individual journeys.
Anyone can link up to Him and receive energies, knowledge and guidance from His
Creation continued further from Shiva Loka where newer Cosmoses emerged. At
the next level of Creation is Vishnu Loka (Vaikunta) which has the characteristics
and energies necessary to maintain and sustain life in the Material Cosmoses.
Vishnu Loka has a very interesting detail of how it came into manifestation; which
we shall explore in the next article of this series.
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Creation Part 1 – Light, Soul and Consciousness
Submitted by VishwaAmara on August 19, 2010 –13 Comments

Man has always been fascinated by the enormity of Creation. While pondering over
the vastness of an ocean, or a blue sky or the picturesque display of the night sky,
a number of questions about the meaning of Life must’ve stirred up within him.
These questions have made him rise above the everyday struggles of Life, prodding
him on to explore and understand more about himself in the process.
To understand the immensity of God’s creation one has to just look up at the night
sky — a deep unending void with billions and billions of stars and galaxies,
separated by a colossal empty space. Our astronomers and scientists now say that
even this gigantic space is like the tip of a pin when compared to actual Existence,
which is beyond bounds. And all these are in the known Universe, in the third
dimensional space. Now scientists are even speculating about the existence of
multiple dimensions, Worlds within Worlds and parallel Universes — and the sheer
enormity of Existence blows away our mind . It makes one wonder, ‘What’s the
purpose of this all?’, ‘In all of this huge creation, does life exist only on our tiny
planet?’, ‘Is there life beyond what we’ve seen and known until now?’, ‘What’s our
relation to this whole?’ ‘What’s the purpose of our life?’
It looks daunting to understand these truths or answer these questions even
intellectually. The Spiritual masters, Rishis, in their deep states of Samadhi were
able to grasp many truths directly, when their awareness transcended the intellect
and expanded to the mystical realms. They also traveled to these Universes at the
Causal level and explored these places. They could understand many of the
realities of God’s creation, which they brought down and explained to others and
also recorded them in the scriptures. As time passed and as more knowledge was
revealed about Existence, the Rishis periodically revised the existing truths and
knowledge, giving us more information about the higher realities.
Maharshi Amara, during his lifetime, simplified the knowledge in our Vedas and
Upanishads and gave the essence of that knowledge in the form of the story of
creation. More truths about creation were recently revealed by the Rishis. The
following account helps us to understand the basics of God’s creation and also
gives us a platform to understand many more higher realities.
Mula Brahman
Zillions and zillions of years of Earth time ago, God was yet to come into existence.
In the vast infinite, unimaginable space, there were just various energies. These
energies were colliding with each other and moving around. Among the infinite
colours of energies that existed, the prominent colours were violet, golden and
At one instance, somehow some of the energies coagulated and their strength
began to increase. More and more energies collected together resulting in a lot of
interactions. After millions of years of this continuous activity, the whole energy
field finally balanced. This strong and intense energy field with its own Intelligence
was the first of its kind to come into existence.
This Energy field is the Source of all that is. It is called as Mula Brahman, the
Primordial God.
This Supreme Intelligence is the Ultimate, the most intelligent, potent and the
source God. This source is much much more than the Light that manifested out.
All Creation came out of this source.
This immense field of energy, which contains all the infinite energies, has three
primary colours. The outermost layer is Violet, the middle layer is Golden and the
innermost core is White.
The Rishis have discovered that more than three-fourths of Mula Brahman is made
up of ‘Om’ particles. These are very special particles that radiate the vibrations of
‘Om’. (More about Om has been elabotared in our next article – The Sacred Mantra
From this source, millions and millions of vast energy fields emerged and arranged
themselves in various hierarchical formations, depending on the potential they had.
These individual energy fields, which were huge Universes, did not have any
particular characteristics. Though filled with unlimited potential, their
characteristics were still ‘Unmanifested’. These are the Unmanifested Universes or
the Avyaktha Brahmans.
In the Hierarchical formation that leads to this part of Creation where we currently
exist, there are 108 Unmanifest Universes that came out of Mula Brahman.
How did Creation Begin?
The Unmanifested Universes which emerged from Mula Brahman are independent
from Him. They have their own intelligence, and since these energy fields are yet to
manifest, they change their shape and characteristics as and when they want to.
They act as independent Intelligences and can manifest in any possible way.
The Unmanifest or Avyaktha Brahman wanted to express itself, at least partly, if
not totally. From here, manifestation happened.
From the Unmanifest, billions and billions of particles manifested. Out of the
infinite possible characteristics of the Unmanifest, they came out with a particular
set of characteristics. These particles are what we call as Souls.
The Souls also carried a lot energies and Light. When zillions of them manifested,
the energies and Light from them also combined together to form one field, an
ocean of One Light. This Infinite ocean of Light is ParaBrahma, the Supreme God.
God and the Souls manifested together instantaneously in ‘no-time’.
This Ocean of Light (God) wanted to express itself more and hence manifested
further as Creation. The Souls had the choice of experiencing this creation or
staying back in the Ocean of Light. Those Souls that chose to descend took ‘birth’
into creation, and after experiencing, they returned and merged back into the
Ocean of Light to attain ‘liberation’ or Mukthi.
An interesting point is that, these souls continue to exist with their individual
identity even after Mukthi, even after merging back into God, the Ocean of Light.
Since they manifested directly from the Unmanifest, they lose their identity only
when they return and merge back into the Unmanifest.
Ocean of Light – ParaBrahma
ParaBrahma is the Supreme God as we had understood till recently, until the
higher realities about the greater Mula Brahman and the Unmanifested Gods were
perceived by the Rishis.
In Sanskrit, ParaBrahma is also called as Sat-Chit-Ananda. This means God is the
eternal Truth (Sat) and He is made up to two different matters – Chit and Ananda.
When we experience the sublime qualities like Bliss, Joy and Expansion, we’re
experiencing Ananda, which is the atmosphere of ParaBrahma Loka. We, the souls,
also carry this matter in our spiritual sheaths, or the Anandamaya Koshas which
surrounds us.
Chit is a very important matter. It is not consciousness, as it was understood until
now. Consciousness is a very subtle matter from the higher Light, Mula Brahman.
Chit helps to filter and bring down consciousness to the realm of ParaBrahma.
Universe of ParaBrahma
This Ocean of Light, ParaBrahma is timeless. If we just enter it and come back,
millions of years would’ve passed on our Earth by that time. But there are
advanced gadgets and astral space-crafts, with the help of which the Rishis can go
into this Universe of Light, explore and return quickly.
These are some of the new revealations about ParaBrahma Loka:
ParaBrahma Loka was one of the many that manifested out along with many other
Universes. This Universe is the mother of all the manifested Universes.
ParaBrahma Loka has expressed its potential to the maximum and has manifested
and diversified the most.
ParaBrahma is one of the closest to Mula Brahman and channels a lot of the Mula
Brahman’s intent into its Creation.
This Universe is spherical in shape and has many layers, each with a multitude of
unique characteristics. The Rishis are studying these layers. They say that there
are an infinite number of layers within ParaBrahma Loka but they’re so orderly
arranged that it is easy to understand.
The first layer on the outer realms is made up of Lights of multiple colours. And in
this layer, one can hear the sound of space, which is very soft and uniform.
The next layer has a lot of objects. Each object is of a
Creation Part 2 – The Sacred Mantra – OM
Submitted by VishwaAmara on August 21, 2010 –13 Comments

‘OM’ is one of the most sacred Mantras in existence. It represents the Primodial
God. When repeated, this mantra connects us directly to Parabrahma and His
A lot has been written and understood about this sacred syllable. Our scriptures
say that Lord Brahma, in the course of His creation, created a huge empty space —
the Material cosmos. Then at different points in this space, He created the sound
Om and from these points, huge Galaxies emerged. And it’s the humming vibration
of Om which gives the dynamism and movement to the Galaxies of our Universe. In
fact, any movement, from the highest galactic level to the revolution of electrons
around the nucleus inside an atom is powered by the vibrations of OM.
‘OM’ is also the root for many other words, many other mantras. The attributes of
God — Omnipresent, Omniscient and Omnipotent are derived from Om. All
mantras originate from Om. A mantra like ‘Om Namah Shivaya’, literally means, ‘O
Lord Shiva, who has come out of the Supreme God (OM), make me Egoless
When the Rishis perceived the knowledge about the Unmanifested Universes and
the Greater Light, Mula Brahman, some new information about the unknown
aspects of OM was also revealed. In this article, let us try to understand more
about these hitherto unknown attributes of OM.
Where did ‘OM’ emanate from?
Rishis say that this divine word and power, ‘OM’ was created by the primordial
God, Mula Brahman Himself!
When Mula Brahman came into existence, He wanted everything that he
manifested and created to be united, to always be one with each other. Among His
various initial creations, Sound had also manifested and after a lot of
experimentation, Mula Brahman perceived that his entire creation could be One
through the vibration of Sound.
He continued the experimentations to find the perfect Sound. He understood that
the sound should have the following attributes to meet his goal:
1. It should be of a single syllable so that it can make the whole creation ‘One’. It
should be simple and un-complicated.
2. He also wanted this Sound to represent Him and using this Sound, anybody
should be able to connect to him easily.
After a lot of experimentation, he felt very satisfied and impressed with the
vibrations of the syllable ‘OM’. And as soon as OM took birth, it provided beautiful
additions to HIS creation.
As God manifested and created ‘OM’, he infused it with the following meaning– “All
manifestation will be One with each other and in turn the entire manifestation will
be linked to Me. Let the entire manifestation be humble and linked with oneness
and surrender.”
OM particles
When God created OM, there was no creation or layers, no galaxies or dimensions.
When Om manifested, it created innumerable radiant particles, which were
humming with the vibrations of ‘Om’. These are the Om particles and they
constitute more than three-fourths of Mula Brahman.
Many of these particles later came down as the Unmanifested Universes.
The Mantra – OM
A Mantra is a combination of sounds which, when repeated, connects us to an
energy field and helps us derive energies from that field. Rishis say that OM is the
most divine and sacred word in God’s creation. They say that this word connects us
to our Source God, ParaBrahma directly.
When Om is pronounced (with a deep breath, repeat a long ascending OOOOO
followed by a descending humming mmmmmm…) the first part ‘O’ symbolises
God’s manifestation. There is a long phase of creation and then a withdrawal. The
initial part of the pronunciation represents this creation and withdrawal of God’s
manifestation. The ‘mmm’ in the end represents the manifestation that has taken
place between creation and withdrawal.

In Sanskrit, Om is represented by the symbol ॐ. There is a detailed explanation to

what this represents but briefly – the two curves of ‘3’ signifies that everybody is
equal. Also, it represents manifestation/withdrawal of Creation and also the
birth/mukti of the Soul.
The second part of the symbol which has the 2 curves and the dot – the lower curve
represents surrender – complete surrender to God. The upper curve represents our
Soul and the dot represents God. So this expresses that when we surrender
completely, our Soul is connected to God.
A Special Master
Among the Om particles, there was one very bright particle which did not want to
become a Universe. That particle wanted to explore creation and serve God. Mula
Brahman was very surprised by the love and affection of this bright particle and
granted its wish.
This particle gathered more Light and it became brighter and brighter and when
manifestation happened, this Soul took birth and continues to serve God.
This master is Vasishtha Maharshi.
Accessing energies from the Om particles
Rishis say that so far only a few masters have been able to access the energies of
‘Om’ particles. Through the grace of God, the Rishis have the technique to access
these energies.
They are waiting for the Light Age to fully set in and the individuals to qualify, so
that they can pass on these rare energies to humanity.
* * *
‘Om’ can be repeated aloud, in whispers or silently. The silent repetition is most
effective in stilling our minds and connecting us to the source, God. As we repeat, if
we can feel the humming vibrations of this syllable in every cell of our body, we can
easily sense the serenity and peace it carries.
And when we are aware that this sacred syllable also represents the Unity of God’s
manifestation, the repetition helps us experience the oneness that is inherently
present everywhere.

Creation part 3 – Mula Brahman and the Unmanifested Universes

Submitted by VishwaAmara on August 23, 2010 –7 Comments

A question which is asked by any devout non-believer is ‘If God created everything,
who created God?’ This has of course led to many answers and theories, mostly
intellectual ones, by the believers. And these have been countered by more
intellectual answers by those who choose to remain blind to the mystical part of
The Rishis have taken the same question and tried to find answers, not through
intellectual exercises but by way of direct exploration and experience. This
exploration has led them to understand more about the Worlds and Universes that
exist beyond the Supreme God, ParaBrahma. And the more we know, the more
remains unknown!
Until now, Mankind had understood ParaBrahma (known as Brahman, Allah or
Holy Father in other cultures) as the Supreme God, from whom everything else
emerged and to whom everything will return. The Rishis were also aware that Para
Brahma had emerged from an Unknown Void, like a wave in an ocean, but the
exact details weren’t available. These details of the unknown were revealed when
Vishwamitra Maharshi decided to explore this aspect of existence in 1950.
Maharshi Vishwamitra’s work
Vishwamitra Maharshi is one of the greatest souls in God’s creation. The Spiritual
heights, Purity and Compassion of this great Soul is unparalleled in the whole of
Existence. Our scriptures have recorded some of his works but most of his
activities and service to mankind remain unknown. Although currently he is not
one of the Hierarchy, the Sapta Rishis always consult him in all the major
decisions pertaining to the administration of Creation.
This great Rishi played a major role in preponing India’s Independence by nearly
200 years. As a gift to this nation, he brought down a major power from
ParaBrahma Loka in 1950. But when contacted at the astral level, none of the
leaders at that time were prepared to accept this power on behalf of the nation.
He then abandoned this great power and set out to explore God’s creation. He
divided himself into two parts. One part went to perform Tapas (intense meditation)
while the other part began the journey of exploration. He visited all the
Manifestations in the Material cosmos and Divine cosmos within Para Brahma
Loka. From there, he entered the Void and set out to know more about the
Unmanifested part of Creation.
It was then that the enormity of the Unmanifested part of creation was revealed. All
the information about the Unmanifested Gods and Universes, as well as other
Manifested Gods (similar to Para Brahma) came to light. And it was Vishwamitra
Maharshi who discovered the existence of the Primordial God, Mula Brahman, from
whom the entire existence has manifested. This entire journey of exploration took
him nearly 30 years to complete, after which he returned in 1980.
After these initial revelations, it was only last year that more knowledge about these
higher realities were revealed. The existence of 108 Unmanifested Universes, their
characteristics and the role they play in our part of creation – all these came to
light when some Rishis traveled to these parts. In this voyage, the Rishis also
discovered more about the immensely huge Universe of Mula Brahman, the
Primordial God.
Mula Brahman
We’ve understood the basics of Mula Brahman in the previous two articles. The
following account is an attempt to further understand the structure and enormity
of this Primordial Intelligence!
To say that Mula Brahman is Huge, Enormous or Immense would be a gross
understatement. When the Rishis observed Mula Brahman from the outside, they
noticed an infinite number of cells in this Universe. It was more like an
extraordinarily huge honeycomb with zillions and zillions of cells. All of these cells
were geometrically perfect Structures, many of them with a unique structure.
Every cell has a multitude of inner layers within it, with millions of manifestations
and extensions. The cells also arranged themselves into various layers.
So far, the Rishis have discovered 19,710,610,548 outer layers in Mula Brahman!
Our hierarchy has extended out from the 5th outer layer! When seen from Mula
Brahman’s perspective, this whole 5th layer looks like a huge blue whale. So this
layer is also called as ‘The Blue Whale Dominant Mula Outer Layer’.
From the Cell in which our hierarchy exists, a fine hair like projection came out.
On this projection, there are 108 levels. These 108 levels on a single hair-like
projection are the Unmanifested Universes!
And Manifestation happens on the tip of this hair-like projection. All the
Manifested Worlds, Universes and finally the ParaBrahma Loka to which we
belong exist at this tip!
Rishis have discovered that there are similar hair-like projections in every cell and
in those projections, there are many more levels of Unmanifested Universes.
With the help of some special gadgets, a batch of Rishis have gone into the inner
layers, to understand and explore. They are expected to return roughly after 20
years of our Earth time.
Sathya Mula Brahman
If Mula Brahman is the Primordial God, there is another aspect, a twin to this
highest Intelligence. This twin which came out of Mula Brahman has been called as
Sathya Mula Brahman! The Rishis discovered the existence of this Other
Intelligence only in June 2010, when they were trying to understand the origin of
one of the Manifested Universes!
Sathya Mula Brahman is still in His Infancy and does not have any extensions or
divisions like Mula Brahman. He was extended from Mula Brahman because of the
excess of energies and particles in the Primordial God.
At present, Sathya Mula Brahman has a lot of bluish-violet energies, with traces of
white, green and golden coloured energies. But He is yet to completely stabilize.
The composition and colours of the energies that become prominent may change
later on.
The Rishis are yet to understand much about this Twin of the Primordial God. They
have observed a lot of bubble like structures inside Sathya Mula Brahman. Their
understanding is that these bubble like structures will help in manifesting very
new things, that haven’t yet been manifested in Mula Brahman’s creation.
When the Rishis communicated with Sathya Mula Brahman, He expressed that he
stands for Truth, Oneness, Light and Love.
He further expressed that He wanted to manifest something that was new and
different from any of His Brother’s manifestation. He is doing a lot of
experimentation within at present and would reveal further details when these
manifestations were ready!
The Importance of the number 108
We’ve already understood that the Rishis have so far discovered nearly 19 billion
outer layers in Mula Brahman! And there are many hair like projections which
extend out from these layers. One such hair like projection, which has come out of
the 5th layer has 108 levels. These are our 108 Unmanifested Universes!
The Rishis have also discovered that, on other hair-like projections, there are many
more such levels. Some have 1008 levels, 10,008 levels, 1,00,008 levels and so on.
The number of these levels always begins with 1 and ends with 8, with an
ascending number of zeroes in between.
The significance of these numbers exists mainly in bringing about a balance. The
number ‘1’ represents Positivity while the number ‘8’ represents the other end of
the scale, Negativity. Any number beginning with 1 and ending with 8 signifies a
balance of these two opposite polarities! Hence the number 108 or 1008 brings an
inherent stability by itself to Manifestation at the highest level.
An Unmanifested Universe
We’ve seen earlier that Mula Brahman manifested an infinite number of Om
particles. Many of these particles gathered a lot of energies and later came down as
the Unmanifested Universes or Avyaktha Brahmans!
These Unmanifested Universes are vast energy fields, which are arranged in various
hierarchical levels on any of the hair-like formations, depending on the potential
they have. Thus, in our hierarchy of 108 Unmanifested Universes, the ones with
the maximum potential are present at the top of the hierarchy.
These Individual Energy fields are vast Universes in themselves! Though filled with
unlimited potential, their characteristics are yet to manifest and become
prominent. They have their own intelligence and can manifest out in any possible
Our Heirarchy has 108 such Avyakta Brahmans! Out of these, many
manifestations have occurred, one of whom is our Supreme God, ParaBrahma!
The next article in this series will detail the characteristics and importance of each
of these 108 Avyaktha Brahmans.
Concluding… why is this knowledge important to us ?
Man has always had an unquenchable thirst to know, seek and understand more
of the Unknown part of Existence. The knowledge he gains at every step has helped
him evolve more and develop his capabilities in understanding and grasping more
knowledge. This is a cumulative process that takes him higher and higher in the
scale of physical and spiritual evolution.
The Knowledge and awareness of these 108 Unmanifested Universes brings us
more of new Energies and newer Knowledge. It lays a foundation for our entry into
the Light Age. In future, various people will be able to connect to any of these
Unmanifested Universes and access the energies from these Universes. Hence this
knowledge has to be made available at the Physical third dimensional level, for the
welfare and growth of the entire Humanity.
All these Unmanifested Universes have influenced and guided various parts of
Manifestation that has occurred. So by knowing about these Universes, we can
better understand the different parts of God’s creation and manifestation.
But more than anything, we have to remember that Man is an explorer! This
valuable knowledge is the result of the exploration of the finest Human beings, the
Rishis. It has been discovered and brought down to our level so that we may have
new understandings and insights.
This is the base upon which further exploration will happen! Let this knowledge
give us such an impetus and inspiration to know more about Infinity!
* * *
The Next article in this series, Creation Part 4: The Unmanifested
Universes, gives a detailed information about each of these 108 Universes.

Creation part 4: The 108 Unmanifested Universes

Submitted by VishwaAmara on August 24, 2010 –7 Comments

Image courtesy : Helene Kippert

In Sanskrit, Avyakta means Unmanifested and Brahman means Universe. Avyakta
Brahman is an Unmanifested Universe, from which manifestation and creation
springs forth. This article provides a detailed list of the 108 Unmanifested
Universes in our hierarchy. As these Universes are yet to express their
characteristics and potential, they can change their shape, size and quailities at
any time. The information given here is based on the time these observations were
Each of these levels is distinguished by the quantity of potential that is present in
that Universe. Thus the most potent Universe finds itself at the highest level of the
These Universes are classified as Male and Female, mainly to help us better
understand their characteristics. They do not have a gender but the classification is
an indication of the characteristics of the Energy and Light in that Universe. The
Female energies are very soft and nurturing, caring and healing in nature. And the
Male energies are slightly extreme and tough, but very diverse and creative.
Though some levels have a number of Unmanifested Universes, all of them have the
same potential. And in some cases, the Unmanifested Universe at a particular level
has multiplied itself into many other Universes. Even though there are multiple
Universes at a particular level, the one which has the maximum influence on us is
mentioned in this list. The Sanskrit names given to them best describe the most
potent characteristic of that Universe.
◊ ◊ ◊
1. Sama Brahman
This Avyakta Brahman is in the first layer of the Unmanifest. He has the maximum
2. Adhi Brahman
This Unmanifest Universe has the maximum influence on our Universe, the Para
Brahma Loka. A lot of energies from Adi Brahman have been used by Para Brahma
for the manifestation of many Cosmoses.
This Unmanifested Universe has a twin called as Ardhena Brahman.
3. Kastura Prakananda Prakasha Tejas Avyakta Brahman
This Avyakta Brahman is filled only with Saffron coloured energies. The matter
within Him is very complex and difficult to understand. This Avyakta Brahman is
spherical is shape.
If we can absorb, these energies will make us absolutely pure.
4. Vikrama Amrutha Prakasha Tejas Avyakta Brahman
This Universe is very independent and withdrawn. Not much is known about it.
There are many Universes at this level. This Avyakta Brahman has 1 sister and
45,051 brothers.
5. Shravana Amrutha Prakasha Tejas Avyakta Brahman
No information is available about this Universe yet.
6. Yukta Brahma Prakasha Tejas Avyakta Brahman
This Avyakta Brahman has only yellow energies. Using the energies of this Avyakta
Brahman, one can destroy all the Manifested and Unmanifested Gods. We can
acquire these energies only for a very higher spiritual purpose. Rishis says that this
Avyakta Brahman does not participate much in Mula Brahman’s works.
He has 68 sisters and 72 brothers.
7. Pushpa Amrutha Prakasha Tejas Avyakta Brahman
His energies are yellow in colour and He has a lot of magical powers within Him.
This Avyakta Brahman is pyramidal in shape.
Rishis say that many pyramids on the Earth contain traces of energies from this
Universe. Our Sun also has energies from this Universe.
This Avyakta Brahman has 72 sisters and 74 brothers.
8. Pancha Amrutha Prakasha Tejas Avyakta Brahman
This Avyakta Brahman has the five most sacred and auspicious types of special
and rare energies which are combined together and called Amrutha.
This Avyakta Brahman has a lot of blue and violet energies.
He has 51,099 sisters and 51,098 brothers.
9. ChakraVyuha Shakti Prakasha Tejas Avyakta Brahman
The energies in this Universe are lavender and violet in colour
Rishis say that with the help of the energies present here, one can become as pure
as this Avyakta Brahman and Mula Brahman.
With the help of these energies time travel is very easy; one can go into the past or
travel into the future easily.
10. Param Visesha Punya Vishwa Tejas Avyakta Brahman
Rishis says that this Avyakta Brahman is very closely associated with Mula
Brahman and Adhi Brahman. It is situated very close to them with respect to its
position also. This Avyakta Brahman has blood red coloured energies.
11. Vishwa Tejas Avyakta Brahman
Amaraji says that in human language, we can express that Mula Brahman has
gifted this Avyakta Brahman to Vishwamitra Maharshi. Amaraji says that not
much information is known to us about this Avyakta Brahman.
12. Punya Srusti Prakasha Tejas Avyakta Brahman
With the help of this Avyakta Brahman, God could create many of his creations
which are rare and exclusive .
This Avyakta Brahman has a greenish lavender colour and is very soft in nature.
13. Agni Tarkata Prakasha Tejas Avyakta Brahman
Rishis express that when God created Lightning, thunderbolts and fire, He used the
energies from this Avyakta Brahman. This Avyakta Brahman is deep orangish red
in colour.
He has 1048 sisters.
14. Ambuja Punya Prakasha Tejas Avyakta Brahman
This Avyakta Brahman has all the types of energies related to smell. Using these
energies, one can easily become a specialist related to smell and sharpen the
intuitive aspect of the organs related to smell.
Rishis says that Bhishma and Duryodhana had used a lot of energies from this
Avyakta Brahman.
This Universe has 55 Brothers and 56 Sisters.
15. Raksha Punya Prakasha Tejas Avyakta Brahman
This Avyakta Brahman gives protection to the individuals by means of a shield. A
lot of rare energies and strength is also obtained by means of the shield.
16. Pushpa Prasidha Punya Tejas Avyakta Brahman
Rishis say that this Universe is ‘the most’ Divine, Precious and Auspicious of the
Avyakta Brahmans. They also says that using the energies of this Avyakta
Brahman, one can create things to any extent he wants.
17. Lakshana KarunaKrithagnya Prakasha Tejas Avyakta Brahman
This Universe is classified as a female because of her mid range characteristics.
She has a combination of dark green and light green energies.
She also has a lot of energies that can give a lot of inner peace.
She has 58,928 Sisters and 2,00,030 Brothers.
18. Vishwa Dixitha Prakasha Tejas Avyakta Brahman
This Universe, though Unmanifest, has a lot of substances that are like a liquid.
Rishis say that all water bodies like oceans, seas, rivers have been created with the
energies from this Universe.
Using the energies present here, life-forms which have to survive in water can be
19. Shakti Prakasha Tejas Avyakta Brahman
Rishis says that this Avyakta Brahman has a lot of violet energies. They can create
many rare and special gadgets and build spacecrafts using these violet energies.
Rishis also says that this Avyakta Brahman is smaller in size compared to other
Avyakta Brahmans. Goddess Mahalakshmi uses her powers with the help of this
Avyakta Brahman. One of the most important revelations about this Avyakta
Brahman is that He has passed on a lot of His energies to the Manifested Universe
Neela Brahma and that is why when we use the energies of Neela Brahma, healing
takes place quickly and soon.
20. HariRatnaMaya Vishesha Vajra Prakasha Avyakta Brahman
This Universe influences Maha Vishnu a lot in his work. More details are being
understood about this Universe.
21. RatnaMaya Prak asha Tejas Avyakta Brahman
Rishis say that this Avyakta Brahman is very well versed in Maya. He knows how
and when to create tricks, especially when anyone intrudes into Him.
22. SaptaPurna Ashta Chakra Prakasha Avyakta Brahma
Vishwamitra Maharshi was able to find out that this Avyakta Brahman has the
capacity to create millions and millions of Avyakta Brahmans. This Avyakta
Brahman has surrendered so much to Mula Brahman that He will not take any
decisions without the consent of Mula Brahman.
23. SriChakra Bindu Prakasha Tejas Avyakta Brahman
When Rishis went to explore this Universe, they observed that every particle
present here was like a solar system. It was revealed to them later that the concept
of a Solar system in manifestation took birth from here.
24. Moola Tejas Avyakta Brahman
The third Manifest universe – Brahma Moola Vastu Loka manifested from this
universe. This Avyakta Brahman is made up of pure Blue Light only; without the
mixture of any other Light.
He has a total of 108 brothers and sisters.

Image courtesy : Helene Kippert

25. BrindhaPujya Prakasha Tejas Avyakta Brahman
This Avyakta Brahman is classified as a female. She is full of compassion and filled
only with Love and Peace. Rishis say that She is forgiveness personified.
26. Vajra Prakalitha Prakasha Tejas Avyakta Brahman
Amaraji says that this Avyakta Brahman is an extra-ordinary Universe. He shines
with all the colours and has his own Manifestation. Even though he consults Mula
Brahman in certain matters, this Avyakta Brahman controls his own Creation. This
Avyakta Brahman too has a huge manifestation under Him, roughly half the size of
Mula Brahman’s. Therefore this Avyakta Brahman is very unique.
27. Vignana Prakasha Tejas Avyakta Brahman
This Avyakta Brahman has passed on a lot of energies to Lord Ganesha. He is very
mild in nature and is directly connected to Lord Ganesha.
28. Nirvikalpa Prakruti Prakasha Tejas Avyakta Brahman
This Universe has a lot of energies by means of which we can experience Oneness
(Nirvikalpa Samadhi) and have an absolute expanded awareness (Paripoorna
29. Nirakaya Prakasha Tejas Avyakta Brahman
In this Avyakta Brahman, there is complete darkness. There are no forms or
colours. Vishwamitra Maharshi says that in human language, this Avyakta
Brahman can be termed as a black hole. He also says that the concept of darkness
and night came from this Avyakta Brahman.
30. Chakra VishnuBimba Prakasha Tejas Avyakta Brahman
This Avyakta Brahman has a direct connection to all the Vishnu Lokas.
Bimba means the energies in spiral formation. This Universe has a lot of pink
energies emanating in the spiral form.
This Avyakta Brahman has 51,000 brothers and 92 sisters.
31. AmbuRenuka Prakasha Tejas Avyakta Brahman
This Avyakta Brahman is filled with Silver coloured energies. Using these energies,
Vishwamitra Maharshi says that one can become as strong as Mula Brahman.
A great Rishi – Maharshi Renukananda who is a master in Samadhi, was named
after this Avyakta Brahman.
32. Triambak Prakasha Tejas Avyakta Brahman
Not much is known about this Universe yet.
33. Ashta Prakasha Tejas Avyakta Brahman
This Avyakta Brahman is divided into 8 divisions and each section is flooded with
new energies.
The colours of energies in these sections are Green, Yellow. Blue, White, Violet,
Pink, Orange and Red.
Rishis say that when God created the rainbow, it was based on the inspiration he
had from this Universe. Pulastya Maharshi has a lot of energies from this Universe.
34. Paripoorna Prakasha Tejas Avyakta Brahman
This Universe has a lot of knowledge about various aspects of the Spiritual
35. Jeevaneya Prakasha Tejas Avyakta Brahman
The energies of this Avyakta Brahman is special as they can be used to extend
one’s life.
36. Rudra Bimba Prakasha Tejas Avyakta Brahman
This Avyakta Brahman is filled fully with divine Violet energies. Vishwamitra
Maharshi says that the great Rishi – Mangala Brahman Maharshi uses a lot of
energies from this Avyakta Brahman.

37. Pankaja Pushpa Prakasha Avyakta Brahman

This Universe is classified as a female and has only yellow coloured energies. Rishis
understood that with the help of these energies, any disease can be cured. They
also discovered that during Treta and Dwapara Yugas (Silver and Bronze Ages), the
Vaidyas (doctors) would use the energies from this Avyakta Brahman, though they
weren’t aware of it.
This Avyakta Brahman has 105 Brothers.
38. Shastra Nalina Prakasha Tejas Avyakta Brahman
This Avyakta Brahman has a lot of knowledge about the manifestation of Mula
Brahma. Rishis are understanding a lot of information about Mula Brahman
through Him.
39. Ambujala Vinena Prakasha Tejas Avyakta Brahman
Rishis say that Ambuja means rare and special and Jala means water. This
universe has a lot of knowledge about water.
Goddess Ganga Devi carries a lot of energies from this Universe.
40. Pancha Nalina Vinena Prakasha Tejas Avyakta Brahman
Rishis observed that the concept of Pancha Boothas or the five Elements came from
this Universe. They say that this Avyakta Brahman has the 5 most important
Elements, Directions and Dimensions compared to any other Universe.
41. Sangeetha-Gnana Prakasha Tejas Avyakta Brahman
Vishwamitra Maharshi says that this Avyakta Brahman is a female Avyakta
Brahman. She has full knowledge about music. She was named as Sangeetha
Gnana as she is full of music and Motherly Love.
Rishis also say that She is very close to Mula Brahman and Ardhena Brahman.
Whenever Mula Brahman wants any important support, He takes help from Her.
42. Niranjaneya Prakasha Tejas Avyakta Brahman
This Avyakta Brahman has a lot of white energies. These energies always makes
everything happy.
The Manifested universe – Amulya Brahman manifested from this Unmanifest
This Avyakta Brahman has a twin sister named Ranjaneya Prakasha Tejas Avyakta
Brahman. She is filled with light Pink and light Yellow energies.
43. Akshaya Tritiya Prakasha Tejas Avyakta Brahman
This Avyakta Brahman is a little difficult to explore. They say that this Avyakta
Brahman is named after the violet colour (Akshaya) and it has three phases
(Tritiya). This Avyakta Brahman is very alert and He will absorb any intruder.
44. Surya Prakasha Tejas Avyakta Brahman
Rishis says that this Avyakta Brahman is the smallest of all the 108 Avyakta
A lot of his energies are received by all the ‘Suns’ in the Manifestation.
He has 10 brothers and 10 sisters.
45. Mallika Marneya Maya Prakasha Avyakta Brahman
Vishwamitra Maharshi says that Lord Shiva has a lot of this Avyakta Brahman’s
energies. He says that when Lord Shiva wants to destroy anything by opening his
third eye, he uses the energies from this Avyakta Brahman.
46. Agni Kumba Prakasha Avyakta Brahman
Whenever Rishis performed homas and yagnas, they used the energies of Agni from
this Avyakta Brahman. This Avyakta Brahman has a lot of heat energies within
Itself. It shines with a lot of bright orange, red and blue energies.
Lord Suryanarayana carries a lot of energies from this Universe.
Vishwamitra Maharshi says that this Avyakta Brahman has 12,500 sisters and 493
47. Unda Vignyana Prakasha Tejas Avyakta Brahman
This Avyakta Brahman is named as Unda (means zero in Prakrit language), as this
Avyakta Brahman processes all the knowledge and information in the ‘O’ formation.
48. Sapta Slesha Prakasha Avyakta Brahman
Kratu Maharshi is an expert on this Universe and he understood the exact meaning
of Maya. Kratu Maharshi says that Maya means experiencing the pureness of God
in various diverse ways and thereby having the complete knowledge of God (Mula
This Avyakta Brahman has bright light yellow coloured energies.
Kratu Maharshi also says that mathematicians like Ramanuja, Baskara and
Aryabhata received a lot of their information by linking to this Avyakta Brahman.

49. Turiyena Prakasha Avyakta Brahman

Not much information is available about this Unmanifested Universe.
50. Kakulya / Kalyana Avyakta Brahman
Vishwamitra Maharshi says that Kakulya in Sanskrit means (Kalyana) prosperity,
knowledge and Peace. By the grace of this Avyakta Brahman, the Rishis can
become very powerful and strong. This Avyakta Brahman has showered His grace
on the Rishis many times.
51. Pragathi Prathama Tejas Avyakta Brahman
Vishwamitra Maharshi says that when he went to this Avyakta Brahman with his
team, he became puzzled and confused as all the colours of Light existed there.
Also he realised that each colour had a special source from which they came into
existence in that Avyakta Brahman.
52. Vrundha Prathama Tejas Avyakta Brahman
Not much is known about this Avyakta Brahman yet.
53. Ratna Bindhu Prathama Tejas Avyakta Brahman
Rishis say that this Avyakta Brahman gave a lot of energies to the Manifested
universe – Dwitiya Brahma Loka. They also say that Ratna Bindhu literally means
rare and special pearls. Though this name isn’t so apt for an Avyakta Brahman,
Adhi Brahman named this Avyakta Brahman so, as the energies here are in the
form of pearls.
54. Madhava Prakasha Avyakta Brahman
This Avyakta Brahman is named after all the below 54 Unmanifested Universes.
This is because it has the characteristics of all of them.
55. Kamal Kalyan Prakasha Tejas Avyakta Brahman
Not much is known about this Universe.
With His help, Rishis came to know more about the first Unmanifest Universe –
Sama Brahman and the twin of the Second – Ardhena Brahman.
56. Madhura Prakasha Tejas Avyakta Brahman
Goddesses Saraswati was created from this Universe. She also uses a lot of
energies from this Avyakta Brahman for her talents.
When Vishwamitra Maharshi went on an expedition to this Avyakta Brahman, he
felt his vocal cord getting tuned up and after that he has been able to bring down a
lot of knowledge about music and songs.
57. ChakraVyuha Prakasha Tejas Avyakta Brahman
The energies in this Avyakta Brahman run in circles like that of a wheel. When
Vishwamitra Maharshi went to this Avyakta Brahman, he had to use a wheel
shaped gadget to enter into It.
This Avyakta Brahman has 5,040 sisters and 1,12,304 brothers. The interesting
part is that though all the others are its siblings, they are all present inside
ChakraVyuha Prakasha Tejas Avyakta Brahman.
58. Anena Amrutha Prakasha Tejas Avyakta Brahman
Vasishtha Maharshi says that the energies from this Universe have been used
many times during great events. A few examples that he gave are-
i. When Lord Anjaneya took the Sanjeevani Mountain to help Laxmana, the herb
was a gift from this Avyakta Brahman.
ii. When Amaraji split himself into many bodies for Rishis’ work; without his
knowledge, he used the energies from this Avyakta Brahman.
iii. When Vasishtha Maharshi declared Vishwamitra Maharshi as a ‘Brahma Rishi’,
he used the energies from this Avyakta Brahman and passed it on to Vishwamitra
iv. Vishwamitra Maharshi says that Amaraji is the person who can most efficiently
tap the energies from this Avyakta Brahman.
v. It was the energies of this Avyakta Brahman that was given to Lord Buddha
when He attained Enlightenment.
vi. John the Baptist used the energies of this Avyakta Brahman to baptise Jesus.
vii. Lord Rama was able to kill Ravana as he used the energies from here.
viii. Bhishma got the boon to ‘die at his will’ from his father, Shantanu. This
Avyakta Brahman instructed Shantanu astrally, which was passed on to Bhishma.
ix. In all the births, whenever Lord Shiva married Parvati, Anena Amrutha
Prakasha Tejas Avyakta Brahman personally blesses them.
x. Vishwamitra Maharshi says that the concept of Light Body was introduced by
this Avyakta Brahman which was later certified by Adhi Brahman.
59. Chandra Prakasha Tejas Avyakta Brahman
Not much is known about this Universe. So far, what has been observed is that it
also contains a lot of information about Mula Brahman and its manifestations.
60. Kanchana Prakasha Tejas Avyakta Brahman
Kanchana means Gold. This Loka is filled with only Gold energies and Gold
particles. When Vishwamitra Maharshi went to this loka and returned, he was
shining with Golden energies for several days; and for some of those days he had to
play a very silent role.
This Avyakta Brahman has 50 sisters and 3 brothers.

Image courtesy : Helene Kippert

61. Prerana Prakasha Avyakta Brahman
This Avyakta Brahman is silent and dormant now and not much is known about
this Universe.
62. Keerti Archana Prakasha Tejas Avyakta Brahman
This Avyakta Brahman has one brother and one sister. The Brother is called
Harsha Keerti Archana Prakasha Avyakta Brahman and is full of happiness. The
Sister is called Poorni Keerti Archana Prakasha Avyakta Brahman and she is
Rishis observed that these 3 Universes are passing on a lot of energies so that only
the good exists. Their energies also help peace and prosperity to flourish..
63. Poorna Prakasha Tejas Avyakta Brahman
This Avyakta Brahman is named as ‘Poorna’ as its shape is a perfect sphere. This
Avyakta Brahman is filled with Light Blue energies.
64. Pancha Prakasha Tejas Avyakta Brahman
This Avyakta Brahman has 3 brothers and 2 sisters. More is to be understood
about them.
65. Yagna / Yachna Prakasha Tejas Avyakta Brahman
Rishis say that this Universe has very sacred energies. Vasishtha Maharshi used
the energies from this Avyakta Brahman to perform Yagnas and other sacred
66. ShuBrahman Prakasha Tejas Avyakta Brahman
‘Shu’ literally means Crystal clear / pure. This Avyakta Brahman is the purest of
all the existing Avyakta Brahmans.
67. Sampoorna Prakasha Tejas Avyakta Brahman
Not much is known about this Universe.
This Avyakta Brahman has 10 brothers and 2000 sisters who have each multiplied
further into 2 (a total of 4000).
68. Tejas Prakasha Avyakta Brahman
Again not much is known about this Universe.
This Avyakta Brahman has a total of 108 brothers and sisters.
69. Cheena Avyakta Brahman
Vishwamitra Maharshi says that the dark forces get their powers, wisdom,
energies, sharp Intuition and guidance from this Avyakta Brahman.
This is the second smallest Avyakta Brahman. Though it is not big in size, it
supports the dark completely.
70. NrupatungaNadhi Prakasha Tejas Avyakta Brahman
All the rivers which exist in the manifested world are the energies obtained from
this Avyakta Brahman. Rishis says that ‘Nrupa’ means soft / motherly touch of
female energies and ‘Nadhi’ is dedicated to all the water sources existing in the
manifested worlds.
The river Tungabadra on our Earth has a lot of energies from this Avyakta
71. Lakshaya-Lakshanam Tejas Prakasha Avyakta Brahman
This Avyakta Brahman gives a lot of importance to the details of creation like size,
form and appearance. This Universe came out of Adhi Brahman.
He has one brother called Lakshaya Avyakta Brahman and one sister called
Lakshanam Avyakta Brahman.
72. ShivaGangena Prakasha Tejas Avyakta Brahman
Lord Shiva, Goddess Ganga and Goddess Yamuna literally used the energies from
this Loka to take birth and come into Manifestation.
This Avyakta Brahman wants to create Manifestations (Brahmandas) directly of His
own. When this Avyakta Brahman creates His creation, the Brahmanda will be the
purest and the most Divine in Existence.

Image courtesy : Helene Kippert

73. i. Prathama Tejas Avyakta Brahman
ii. Dwitiya Tejas Avyakta Brahman
iii. Tritiya Tejas Avyakta Brahman
When these Avyakta Brahmans were created by Adhi Brahman, He split them as
triplets. Adhi Brahman says that initially He actually wanted to create only one
Avyakta Brahman, but as He Himself was newly created, He was excited with His
extra-ordinary powers. So He filled Himself with a lot of light blue energies,
expanded to infinity and then burst Himself and created them.
Pratama Tejas Avyakta Brahman has only pink energies. Rishis discovered that
this Avyakta Brahman has 1,00,000 brothers and 50,000 sisters. The huge number
is because of the excitement to manifest further.
Dwitiya Tejas Avyakta Brahman is filled fully with green energies. It has multiplied
Itself into 10,000 Dwitiya Tejas Avyakta Brahman’s.
Tritiya Tejas Avyakta consists of a combination of pink and green energies. It has
so far multiplied itself into 30,000 Tritiya Tejas Avyakta Brahmans.
74. Neela Tejas Avyakta Brahman
Not much is known about this Universe.
75. Shrungara Tejas Avyakta Brahman
This Avyakta Brahman is considered to be a female Unmanifested God. She
contains a lot of gentleness and has specialised in spreading Motherly Love.
76. Amulya Tejas Mula Avyakta Brahman
Not much is known about this Universe.
This Avyakta Brahman has 85 brothers and 1400 sisters
77. Kratu Prakasha Avyakta Brahman
This Universe is named after Kratu Maharshi. Not much is known about this
78. Pulaha Prakasha Avyakta Brahman
This Universe is named after Pulaha Maharshi. Not much is known about this
79. Pulastya Prakasha Avyakta Brahman
This Universe is named after Pulastya Maharshi. Not much is known about this
80. Angirasa Prakasha Avyakta Brahman
This Universe is named after Angirasa Maharshi. Not much is known about this
81. Atri Prakasha Avyakta Brahman
This Universe is named after Atri Maharshi. Not much is known about this
82. Bhrigu Prakasha Avyakta Brahman
This Universe is named after Bhrigu Maharshi. Not much is known about this
83. Vishwa Maitreyi Avyakta Brahman
This Avyakta Brahman is dedicated to Vishwamitra Maharshi and Maitreyi Galaxy.
84. Nanda Tamara Avyakta Brahman
Lord Krishna manifested from this Universe. Lord Krishna also carried a lot of
energies from this Universe for his work.
This Avyakta Brahman can create infinite number of Galaxies if it wishes. This
Avyakta Brahman has 1008 brothers and 1008 sisters.

85. Ananda Avyakta Brahman

This Loka is filled only with Love and Peace.
86. Teertha Avyakta Brahman
The rarest quality of this Loka is that it can connect to all the Unmanifested
Universes and the Manifested Universe. In our Cosmos, it is also connected to all
the planes.
87. Vajra Ayudha Avyakta Brahman
This Loka is named after the rare weapons. This Loka’s substances are used for
creating new kind of weapons.
88. Vasishtha Avyakta Brahman
This Avyakta Brahman is named after Vasishtha Maharshi. Not much is known
about this Universe.
89. Vikruth Prakasha Avyakta Brahman
When Para Brahma created the Galaxies and brought forth His creation, He used
some substances and matter from this Loka.
90. Vidyuth Avyakta Brahman
Not much is known about this Universe. This Avyakta Brahman wants to have His
own Manifestation.
91. Gynana Sundara Prakasha Avyakta Brahman
This Unmanifested Universe is filled with only Green energies. It also has a lot of
unknown matter.
The manifested Universe – Vignana Brahma has received a lot of matter from this
92. Prakasha Avyakta Brahman
This Unmanifested Universe resembles the Manifested universe Prakasha Brahman
and the Blue Light over there to such an extent that He has been named after
Prakasha Brahman.
93. Samrudhi Avyakta Brahman
Some energies from this universe manifested into Prakasha Brahman. Samrudhi
literally means a complete circle of Blue Light
94. Chaitanya Moola Prakasha Avyakta Brahman
Not much is known about this Universe.
95. Vishwa Avyakta Brahman
Not much is known about this Universe.
96. Mudhra Avyakta Moola Brahman
This Universe has 50 brothers and 50 sisters. The Saptarishis have requested for
many gadgets from this Avyakta Brahman.

97. Triambak Avyakta Brahman

Not much is known about this Universe.
98. Mangala Moola Prakasha Avyakta Brahman
This Universe has a total of 10 brothers and sisters. The great Rishi – Mangala
Brahman Maharshi has come from this Universe.
99. Amulya Avyakta Brahman
This means – sacred Unmanifested God. Not much is known about this Universe.
100. Klesha Moola Prakasha Avyakta Brahman
This is an Unmanifested Universe that contains only pyramid (klesha) particles.
He has 2 siblings.
101. Shoonya Prakasha Avyakta Brahman
Not much is known about this Universe.
102. Shresta Mukya Avyakta Brahman
This Universe is made up of energies from all the other 107 Unmanifested
Universes. He has 2 siblings.
103. Prana Neela Mukya Avyakta Brahman
This Unmanifested God is made up of important blue energies. He has 8 brothers
and sisters.
104. Ardha Moola Avyakta Brahman
Everything in this Universe is only half manifested.
He has 5 siblings.
105. Nera Triguna Avyakta Brahman
Not much is known about this Universe. He has 3 types of qualities of
He has 3 ‘siblings’
106. Moola Avyakta Brahman
Not much is known about this Universe.
He has 4 siblings
107. Abhi Prakasha Avyakta Brahma
This is the Universe from which Maitreyi Galaxy was created recently in our
Material cosmos. It predominantly has white coloured energies.
He has one ‘sister’ called – Nyuna Prakasha Brahmi
108. Avyakta Brahma
This Unmanifested Universe is the last in the chain of this hierarchy. It is from this
Universe that our Universe – the Ocean of Light ParaBrahma manifested. This
Universe has a lot of important partices in Him like oxygen, which is one of the
most vital elements required for life. A lot is being understood about this Universe.
◊ ◊ ◊
This rarest of the rarest knowledge has been made available on this Earth for the
first time by the Great Rishis. This knowledge is a part of a future Upanishad,
named as the Avyakto Upanishad!
The information presented here may not be appropriate for a casual one-time read.
The more we read and the more we reflect, the more we can grasp and appreciate.
And there will be newer insights and revelations as we ponder over this sacred
From these 108 Unmanifested Universes, many Manifested Universes have
expressed themselves. Rishis have revealed twenty Universes so far, one of them
being our Para Brahma Loka. The next articles in this series will explore the
characteristics and qualities of these Manifested Universes.

Creation part 5 – The Manifested Universes

Submitted by VishwaAmara on August 28, 2010 –8 Comments

Until now, we were aware that the Supreme Intelligence, Parabrahma was the only
manifestation out of the void, who came out as a huge ocean of Light. He further
diversified and created innumerable worlds, dimensions, galaxies, stars, earths and
a varied life on these earths. This was the known universe, an immensely vast
existence in space-time, which the Rishis could grasp in their deep states of
Samadhi. When they looked beyond the Known Universe and stepped into the
Unknown, they found many other oceans of Light like ParaBrahma, which had
expressed themselves from the Unmanifested worlds and given rise to further
The Rishis under the guidance of Vishwamitra Maharshi have identified Twenty
such Manifestations so far, which have come out of the Unmanifested Universes.
Some of them have been known to the Rishis from many cycles but this knowledge
was lost when Humanity went through the dark ages. And a few Universes were
discovered recently.
This article is a brief introduction to each of these Twenty Manifested Universes.
* * *
1. Para Brahma (First Manifested Universe)

Para Brahma is the first Universe to have manifested out of the Unmanifested
worlds. It emerged from the 108th Unmanifested Universe, the Avyakta Brahman,
and has expressed its potential to the maximum and diversified the most out of all
the 20 known Manifestations. This Universe is spherical in shape and has a
multitude of layers, each with distinct characteristics.
This is the Universe where we exist, now and here, as you read these words. An
introduction to this Manifestation has been dealt with in the article: Creation Part
1. More about the diversity in this Universe will be explained in the future articles
in this series.
2. Prakasha Brahma (Ra Manifested Universe)

This universe manifested from the second Unmanifested Universe, the Adi
Prakasha Brahma has been influencing our Creation from many cycles, but His
influence has been most predominant only from this cycle. The pure energies of
this Universe helps in the transformation and spiritual growth of all individuals in
our Universe. The Ra energy is 10,000 million times more powerful than the
energies of Para Brahma.
This Universe is in the shape of a Cone and has five main layers. The first layer has
no name. The second layer is called ‘Ra’, the third ‘Ma’, the fourth ‘Na’ and the fifth
layer as ‘Sa’. Each of these layers have 1580 types of energies. All of them are
unique and have very different characteristics.
Prakasha Brahma is filled mainly with blue energies. It is also made up of Golden,
White and a little pink coloured energies. The matter of this universe is called as
Prakananda. There are many Souls in Prakasha Brahma. These Souls will be
taking birth in ParaBrahma’s manifestation for the first time. This Universe does
not have any further manifestation.
The energies from this Universe will have a major influence on our Earth from the
Light Age onwards. These energies are pure and help us to make very fast spiritual
growth. With the help of these energies all our natural faculties like Telepathy,
materialisation and dematerialisation, absorbing pranic energies, linking directly to
God and many more open up and become active.
Even the Higher Intelligences around us like the ‘Second Sun’ and the ‘Photon belt’,
from which we are receiving energies, are absorbing more of these energies, and
through these Intelligences, the Ra energies will influence life on our Earth.
3. Brahma Mula Vastu Brahma (Red Star Universe)

This Universe is ellipsoidal in shape. He manifested out of a combination of the

Light from Mula Brahman, Para Brahma and Chatrumukha Brahma (the creator).
This Universe is made up of pure blue Light, with traces of dark red and Golden
Energies. It is smaller than Parabrahma.
The energies from this Universe help to understand the other Manifested and
Unmanifested universes. The gadgets and energies from this Universe help us to go
into dimensions of no time and yet return safely without losing our way.
These energies are tough and aggressive in nature. They act very quickly, and the
observation so far is that accommodation and forgiveness are not part of its
There are no layers or divisions in this Universe. But the Rishis discovered that
there are a lot of interconnecting tunnel like structures inside, which help in
storing and channelling Energies.
There are no further manifestations in this Universe.
4. Mangala Brahma (Dark Red, Small Star Universe)
This Universe is named after a great Rishi – Mangal Brahman Maharshi. It
manifested from the 98th Unmanifested Universe — the Mangal Moola Prakasha
Avyakta Brahman.
This Loka has a special shape. The shape itself is called Mangal, as shown below

The shape of this Universe is in the 3 dimensional figure of the Mangal shape as
illustrated below –

The Energies of this Univrese are deep red in colour. They are very very pure. We
will be destroyed even if a trace of negativity is present in us, when we take those
There is a lot of knowledge about Music present in Mangal Brahma. The knowledge
that so far exists in Parabrahma’s creation is only about 1%. The remaining 99% of
the knowledge exists in Mangal Brahma.
Mangal energies are used mainly for material purposes and sometimes for healing.
With the help of these energies we will be able to overcome all diseases, even
diseases like Aids.
No further manifestations have so far been identified in this Universe.
5. Dvitiya Brahma (Twin Love Manifested Universe)

This Universe manifested from Mula Brahman and is cylindrical in shape. It is one
of the most complicated of all the Universes that have manifested so far. It has
three main layers. The first one is made of Dark pink energies, the second, regular
pink, and the third, baby pink coloured energies.
The very nature of this Universe is Love. It radiates this Love to all the Manifested
Universes. The energies of this Universe do all that Love does: they comfort,
energise and heal. There are no further manifestations here.
Kanva Maharshi who’s mentioned in the Puranas is from this Universe. He is the
master who shared the maximum knowledge about Love with Humanity. He was
created with the combination of Light from Mula Brahman and Dvitiya Brahma
6. Aprupa Brahma (Green Star Creative Manifested Universe)

This Universe manifested from Mula Brahman and it consists of two turns of
clockwise spirals inside a cylindrical structure. The spiral have seven turns in the
clockwise direction. It is full of green coloured Light, with Parrot green coloured
energies being more prominent.
When we have more of these energies, humility will emanate and glow from us. We
will be able to sit longer in our meditations. We also use the energies from this
Universe for healing. Just as White represents truth and purity, Green energies of
this Universe represents total surrender. So total surrender becomes very easy
when we have these energies in us.
Experiencing Paripoorna Samadhi is very easy when we have a lot of these
energies. And entering into the Unmanifested Universes is easy from this Loka.
There are no further manifestations here.
7. Apoorva Brahma (V Star Manifested Universe)

This Universe manifested from Mula Brahman. It is made up of violet coloured

energies. The shape of this Loka is a combination of the shapes from all other
neighbouring Universes. Vishwamitra Maharshi had to put a lot of effort to
understand this shape.
On the top, this Universal is partly spherical (like Parabrahma), then pyramidal
(Vignana Brahma), then spiral (Aprupa Brahma), then ellipsoidal (Brahma Mula
Vastu Universe), and finally Mangal shape (Mangal Brahma).
The energies from this Loka are very pure and have only the positive qualities in
them. Apoorva Brahma’s energies are also purer than those from Prakasha
Brahma. We will be using a lot of these energies in the Light Age.
Energies from this Loka help in sharpening our Intuition. They help us to sail
through the Pralaya period smoothly. They also help us enjoy the process of
becoming a Light Body.
More details of this Loka are still being understood by the Rishis. There are no
further manifestations here.
8. Vignana Brahma (I Star Manifested Universe)

This Universe manifested from Sama Brahman, the first Unmanifested Universe. It
is situated close to Aproopa Brahma and Apurva Brahma. Hence it has many
characteristics similar to that of these Universes.
This Universe has a lot of Intelligence in it and engages itself in many creative
activities. While the outer shape of this universe is an Inverted Pyramid, there are
many conical areas inside. More than having any layers, this manifestation has
these conical structures, each with unique characteristics. There are about One
Lakh such conical structures in this Universe.
This Universe has a predominance of a bluish-violet and dark green energies – the
entire pyramidal manifestation is bluish-violet and the conical structures are filled
with dark green energies. The Violet Energies are related to Intelligence while the
Green energies are creative in nature.
The energies from this Universe will help us in doing more creative activity. New
Souls taking birth on our Earth are being pumped with these energies. This
Universe also has many Souls in it. They will take birth on our Earth in the New
This Universe has manifested a Cosmos, but it is still in the process of creation and
is presently filled with lot of dust and crude particles. The Cosmos doesn’t yet have
any life in it.
Vignana Brahma will begin to influence our Earth once the Light Age gets fully
9. Ujvalla Prakasha Brahma (Bright star manifested Universe)

Ujjvala means Radiant. This Universe is the brightest amongst all the Universes
that have manifested. It also has a lot of characteristics of Prakasha Brahma.
Hence the full name of this Universe is Ujjvala Prakasha Brahma.
This Universe manifested from Ardhena Brahman.
The main reason for its radiance is that this Universe is very porous in nature,
which causes the Light to continuously reflect from within. When Rishis tried to
understand the reason for the formation of so many pores they discovered that the
Universe has a lot of Gold particles which resulted in these porous formations.
Ujjvala Prakasha Brahma has three main colours of energies – bright and dark
Gold, a tinge of Light Blue and dark Violet. The specialty of this Loka is the special
Golden energies. Rishis say that this is the only manifestation that has these
The energies of this Universe can be used for healing. Due to the brightness of the
Universe, the dark forces will not be able to handle these energies. Rishis may use
these energies in their battle against them.
This Universe has manifested from Ardhena Brahman, the twin of the second
Unmanifested Universe, Adi Brahman. The shape is a perfect hemisphere. There are
no further manifestations in this Loka.
10. Vig-graha Prakasha Brahma (Small Unique manifested universe)

This Universe manifested directly from Mula Brahman. It can help us connect
directly to different dimensions of Mula Brahman.
When observed from outside, this Universe looks like a sphere with a lot of tentacle
like projections coming out in all directions. But the sphere is not perfect and is of
a very loose shape. It’s also very porous in nature.
Vig-graha means unique. The energies present here are very unique and cannot
easily be classified based on their colours. The main observable colours are deep
orange, blood red, soft green, light pink and a few shades of brown.
This world contains many unique and unknown gases. There are a total of ten
layers inside, and all these layers are shaped in the form of ∞ (infinity). Each of
these layers is connected to a different dimension of Mula Brahman.
This Universe was manifested more like an experiment. There are no Souls in it
and it is unfit for Life. It also does not have any further manifestations.
11. Amulya Prakasha Brahma (LH Big Star Manifested Universe)

This Universe manifested from the 42nd Unmanifested Universe – Niranjaneya

Prakasha Tejas Avyakta Brahman. It has a lot of energies of humor and laughter in
This spherical Universe is similar in shape and size to Parabrahma. It mainly has
navy blue coloured energies. The specialty of these energies is that they can co-
exist with almost all the other energies. So far the Rishis haven’t discovered any
layers or divisions in this Universe.
This Universe is exerting a lot of influence on our Creation. The energies help us to
express happiness from within, open up more and bring out more of our positive
characteristics. The Rishis say that whenever we are depressed or mentally feeling
lost and directionless, we can tap into these energies, which will help us come out
of those states. The energies also help us get healed for many of the issues present
at the mental level. We have to link up to this Universe with Love and Surrender.
This Universe has manifested one Cosmos. The Rishis have discovered that this
Cosmos is presently being taken care of by ParaBrahma.
12. Prakruti Prakasha Brahma (A Star Manifested Universe)

This Universe which manifested from Sama Brahman, is one of the youngest
amongst the first 16 Manifested Universes. It is in the shape of a star-tetrahedron
and the specialty of this Universe is its multi-coloured energies. This Universe also
manifests new diversities that are not found anywhere else. The Rishis are still
studying to understand these diversities.
This Universe has no layers, but Rishis are able to discover many many dimensions
within. The exact number of dimensions is not yet known.
Rishis say that Prakruti not only means ‘nature’ but also ‘multi-coloured’. This
Universe has six prominent colours – dark Blue, dark Green, Golden, Pink, light
Blue and Orange.
The energies vibrate specific characteristics – Happiness (dark Blue), Healing (dark
Green), Positivity (light Blue), and Love (Pink). The golden energies influence
ParaBrahma and His creation. Rishis are yet to understand the role of orange
This Universe has a lot of influence on our Creation. It influences all the
Brahmandas and Rishis have observed that many stars in our creation have
energies from this Universe.
So far, no further manifestation has been discovered in this Universe.
13. Poorna Prakasha Brahma (C Star Manifested Universe)

This Universe, which manifested from Mula Brahman is quite unique, as it

emanates a lot of sound vibrations. Also though being a manifested Universe, it still
has many characteristics of an Unmanifested Universe.
This Universe is made up of only Pristine White energies. The Stunning discovery
was that the basic music harmonics of Sa, Re Ga, Ma Pa, Da,Ne (Do, Re, Me, Fa,
So, La. Ti in western classical) emanate from this Universe.
The Rishis say that Goddess Saraswati and Lord Brahma carry a lot of energies
from this Universe. They also say that the energies from this Universe has helped
the knowledge of music descend into our creation.
Another stunning discovery is that this Universe is as old as our Universe – the
Parabrahma Loka. It also has many layers within,
A very vast manifestation consisting of many cosmoses manifested from Him. Many
Rishis are now inside this Universe to understand more about it.
Due to its nature, the Rishis also call this Universe as the “Musical Universe”.
14. Abhi Brahma(Black small star manifested universe)
15. Avyakta Prakasha Brahma(Black Manifested Universe)
These two Universes are twins and have similar characteristics.
These two Universes manifested from the 69th layer of Unmanifested Universe
– Cheena Avyakta Brahman and are considered to be the dark Universes. The
Rishis have not explored them.
The few characteristics known about these two Universes are that they are very
small in size and do not have any layers. They have only black and red coloured
energies and these energies can be used for destruction.
16. Neela Brahma (Blue Big Star Manifested Universe)

This Universe manifested from Satya Mula Brahman. This is again a Universe that
contains only blue Light. It is very active now and the energies from this Universe
are present in our Creation. So far, no further manifestation has been discovered in
The speciality of this Universe is that it has a direct pathway to Mula Brahman.
Rishis say that by linking to Neela Brahma, a lot of new knowledge about higher
realities can be brought down.
The blue energies from this Universe are now available on our Earth. They are
working in tandem with the Ra energies. These energies are helping to heal Mother
Earth and also helping the Photon Belt to strengthen its energy field. The new
Akashic Records contain a lot of Neela Brahma’s energies.
These energies help us to heal our body. If we regularly take in these energies, we
become much stronger and fit. They also help us in attaining purity which leads to
us becoming a Light Body.
Teleportation is easier and possible with these energies.
Vishwamitra Maharshi says that Neela Brahma is filled only with Compassion,
Love, Peace, Divinity and a lot of Softness. Neela Brahma is very curious about our
Mother Earth and wants to help her in all possible ways.
17. Nirmula Satya Prakasha Brahma
18. Nirmala Satya Prakasha Brahma

These two
Universes are again twin Universes. They both have manifested with the
combination of Light from Satya Mula Brahman and Neela Brahma. These were
very recently manifested from Satya Mula Brahman and discovered by Rishis only
in June 2010.
Both these Universes are in the shape of a peanut. They are still in their infancy,
with layers and further manifestations yet to be created.
Nirmula Satya Prakasha Brahma is filled only with Pink coloured energies, while
Nirmala Satya Prakasha Brahma is filled only with Violet Energies. Nirmala means
pleasant and peaceful. These energies always help us be pleasant and peaceful.
A lot of exploration is still going on to understand more about these Universes.
19. Satya Neela Brahma
This Universe has been manifested recently by Satya Mula Brahman. It is filled
with Blue coloured energies. When observed, they look like scattered clouds.
The Rishis are yet to understand the characteristics of this Universe.
20. Nakshatra Satya Brahma

This Universe was manifested so that newer energies can be given to the stars and
galaxies. This Universe was manifested only recently by Satya Mula Brahman, to
assist other sentient beings rather than to manifest Souls and bring out newer
It is full of green Light and the characteristic of these green energies is creativity.
This is the brightest of the Universes manifested from Satya Mula Brahman.
* * *
Many Rishis travelled to these Universes recently and brought down a lot of new
knowledge and energies. Like the Unmanifested Universes, these Manifested
Universes also exert important influences on our creation in general and on our
earth in particular. Especially, the energies from Ra Universe and Neela Brahma
Loka play a pivotal role in removing all negativity on our Earth, thus assisting us in
ascending into the Light Age.
These energies can help us in our next step of spiritual evolution, in opening up
our faculties, in transmuting our bodies to Light bodies and in attaining
unblemished purity.
As we move into the New Age of Light, we will be able to open up to the energies
and influence of these Universes. For that, the Awareness of the existence of these
Universes is the first step.
In the future articles in this series, we will explore each of these Universes in detail,
beginning with our Cosmos, the ParaBrahma Loka.

Creation part 6 – Manifestation of Prakruti and Purusha

Submitted by VishwaAmara on February 10, 2011 –6 Comments

“My home—it’s over there, beyond the horizon,” sang a mystic-poet. “I’m but a
traveller here.” These words aren’t just poetic expressions but pointers towards a
fundamental truth of existence. We the souls have arrived from a Higher Source
into this part of Existence, to experience and understand Creation. And though
we’ve forgotten about our origins and got entangled in the life here, the urge to
know and understand the unknown has always existed in Man.
Those who maintained their links with the Higher Intelligence and continued to
probe the unknown have brought down immense knowledge and understandings
about the entire Creation. This knowledge is lost every time mankind degenerates
into the depths of the dark ages, only to be regained when we come out of it and
enter the higher ages of Light. The Rishis equip us with this knowledge along with
helping us transit into Satya Yuga.
A part of that knowledge was shared here in the articles of the Creation series,
where very new information was channelled about the Primordial God — Mula
Brahman, the various Unmanifested Universes that emerged out of him and
many other Manifestations that exist in Creation. We exist in one such
Manifestation, ParaBrahma Loka, where creation continued, giving rise to various
Cosmoses, Galaxies, Stars and Planets with intelligent life evolving into complex
life-forms in millions of these planets.
In this continuation of the Creation series, we shall further understand the various
aspects of Creation in our Universe, the ParaBrahma Loka. While touching upon
the already existing knowledge about Divine Cosmoses and innumerable Material
Cosmoses, we will also be introduced to very new and unique information about
these wonderful worlds, as revealed by the Rishis. Let us continue our journey into
the unknown!

We’ve already learnt about the Primordial God, Mula Brahman, who came into
existence zillions and zillions of years of Earth time ago. This infinitely vast field of
Light contained other innumerable fields which arranged themselves in various
hierarchical layers according to their potencies. These were the Unmanifested
Universes. At the fifth layer, there are 108 such Universes which further gave
rise to many Manifested Universes, out which 20 are known so far. Our Supreme
God, ParaBrahma is one of these 20 Manifested Universes.
Light and Energies
All these Universes beginning from Mula Brahman, the Unmanifested Universes
and the Manifested Universes are fully made up of Light. These are extraordinarily
immense fields of Light, yet the potency and quality of Light in these Universes
varies from one another.
At the highest level of Mula Brahman, Light is of the greatest quality, potency and
intensity. It’s called as the ‘Spectral Light’. This Spectral Light toned down into a
less intense form known as ‘Nirvena Prakasha’, which filled up the Unmanifested
Universes. Further, when the Manifested Universes were created, they were filled
with Light which are a less intense version of ‘Nirvena Prakasha’.
When Creation continued further and new Cosmoses came into existence in the
Universes, Light manifested into a simpler component called as Energy. In its
purest form, Light vibrates at different frequencies, each corresponding to a
particular colour. Different energies manifested from these frequencies; hence each
type of energy inherited the colour of the frequency of Light from which it came out.
The Cosmoses (like Devi Loka or Shiva Loka) have Light in their core but are made
up mainly of these Energies. So an essential difference between a Universe
(Brahman) and a Cosmos (Loka) is that, while a Universe is a field of Light, a
Cosmos which is created inside a Universe is a field of energy with Light at its core.
Energy can be understood as a simpler and more accessible form of Light. Light is
the most subtle component in the Universe, hence it’s very difficult to access, or
use it. Only the spiritually evolved Souls have the capabilities to do it. These
Spiritually advanced Souls, usually referred to as Rishis can absorb, hold and
transmit Light directly. In our visualizations and Dharana during meditations,
although we imagine Light, it’s the energies that we experience, for, the actual
experience of Light begins from a higher stage of Samadhi called as Turiya.

ParaBrahma —The Supreme God

ParaBrahma Loka is the first Universe which manifested out of the Unmanifest. It’s
an immensely huge Universe which came into existence when zillions and zillions
of Light particles, or Souls manifested and combined their Light to form one single
field of Light. This huge ocean of Light, which is the Supreme God, later manifested
as Creation, diversifying into Divine and Material Cosmoses, in various dimensions
and worlds.
A detailed explanation about the characteristics and features of ParaBrahma Loka
has been explained in the first article of the series – ‘Creation Part 1’.
Manifestation of Purusha and Prakruti
Inside the ocean of Light, ParaBrahma, there were many different fields of Light.
Two of those fields which were very strong wanted to exist independently. They
were so strong that ParaBrahma could not hold them, hence they came out and
manifested as separate Light fields.
These two fields of Light were called Purusha and Prakruti. After manifesting out,
they continued to grow in potency and became stronger and stronger. As these
fields grew with immense strength, at one stage, the energies of Purusha became
very dynamic, unstable and started creating a huge imbalance in Creation.
Then Prakruti, out of Her love and concern for Creation, absorbed the core of
Purusha into her. Even after this, the imbalance in Purusha’s field continued and
after some time, the entire Purusha field exploded, spreading the Light particles
and Energy all over Creation.

Purusha was initially concentrated as a single field of Light, but after exploding, the
zillions and zillions of its particles spread all over Creation. As this energy is
completely dissipated, it cannot exist without the energies of Prakruti, and does not
have a consolidated Light field of its own.
The Purusha energies can help us to understand more about Creation, Universe
and even the Unmanifested Universes. As these energies are in a dissipated form
and spread all over Creation, contacting and making use of these energies is easy.
Purusha is a multi-coloured energy. By absorbing more of these energies into our
system, our cells can easily multiply faster. We will also be able to multiply our
bodies with the help of this energy.
In an accumulated form, these energies are found near the Black holes in different
Galaxies. The orbs of Light that float around usually carry a lot of energies of
The Rishis know how to use the Purusha energies very well. The Yogis and Tantrics
also use these energies though they haven’t understood it completely. In their quest
for greater powers, they land up misusing these energies and face the
Prakruti’s Light and energies are primarily dark pink in colour. It is full of
nurturing characteristics. Since it had to absorb the core of Purusha during the
process of creation, this field also contains a lot of Purusha energies along with its
own energies.
Apart from Purusha and Prakruti, many other Light fields also emerged out of
ParaBrahma Loka. Prakruthi field combined with some of these other Light fields,
and together with a small portion of Purusha, formed a new Energy field known as
Adi-Shakthi (The First Energy). This Energy field, also known as Devi Loka was the
first manifestation from Light in our Creation.
Until this point, there was no form anywhere in existence. Adi-Shakthi was the first
field to have a form at its core. This field, because of it nurturing, healing and
pleasant qualities came to be regarded as a Mother since all further Creation
manifested under her guidance and supervision. Adi-Shakthi is also the most
dominant field in terms of its influence in various decision making processes in
We shall understand more about Prakruthi in the next article in this series — Devi
♦ ♦ ♦
Our Universe, ParaBrahma Loka, gave birth to many other Creations and
Manifestations other than Prakruti and Purusha. In this series, we will be exploring
the part of Creation that occurred in Prakruti field, with the manifestation of
various Divine Cosmoses and Material Cosmoses, leading all the way down to a tiny
speck of a blue planet called Earth, where we exist right now. The information
about other branches of Creation that extended elsewhere out of ParaBrahma Loka
will be shared later.
We, the Souls, are specks of Light — tiny particles of the Supreme Intelligence,
God. In our quest to understand and experience His creation, we have emerged out
of our Source and traversed across all these infinitely huge Cosmoses and worlds
and arrived into the human life on this Planet. Understanding how Creation
emerged from the Ocean of Light and how it diversified into various Cosmoses is a
part of our education and evolution. At the same time, it’s also a remembrance of
the journey that we undertook eons ago, through all these beautiful worlds. Finally,
it’s also a key to our return to the source, when we transcend our limitations at all
levels and traverse back, to our final liberation – Mukti.
♦ ♦ ♦

Creation part 7 – Devi Loka (Adi Shakti)

Submitted by VishwaAmara on February 24, 2011 –11 Comments

Our Life blossoms in the womb of the mother and upon taking birth, we experience
an immensely rich and diverse creation here on Mother Earth. An atmosphere of
love and care sustains and supports our growth through different stages of our
lives. When these conditions exist, a sumptuous life manifests and takes root while
the absence of these qualities withers away any form of life.
This principle is at work at all levels, from the highest levels of a Universe, Cosmos,
Galaxies to the tiny ecosystem at the base of a forest pond. A Supreme intelligence
has lovingly moulded and guided Creation, just as a caring parent would guide her
child through the travails and challenges of life. This divine Intelligence has long
been worshipped as Adi Shakti, the First Energy, out of whom the entire Creation
manifested and expressed itself in all diversity.
The spiritually evolved souls, Rishis, who intuitively understood that there were
unseen forces at work behind existence, probed into these mysteries in their deep
meditations. What they perceived about these benevolent forces, they recorded in
the scriptures and passed on as mythological stories. The process of bringing down
new information about these Higher Intelligences and updating the existing
knowledge continues all the time.
The following account of the Supreme Mother, Adi Shakti, has some very new
information channelled by the Rishis along with those facts which are well known.
This knowledge, though immensely complex and mind boggling, has been
presented here in simple terms to help in understanding how creation evolved at
the highest levels of existence. A major part of the channelled information will be
shared later, in an appropriate format.
Creation of Devi Loka
We’ve seen in the previous article that innumerable eons ago, two huge and
powerful fields — Purusha and Prakruti emerged from ParaBrahma and existed
independently. When Purusha continued to grow in potency and started to disturb
the entire Creation with its instability, Prakruti absorbed the core of Purusha. In
course of time, Purusha which continued to grow in strength exploded and spread
all over Creation.
The core of Purusha which was still inside Prakruti began interacting with her and
started forming newer Light fields. Simultaneously more Light was also added to
these new fields from the Unmanifested Universes and ParaBrahma.
These interactions and manifestations resulted in the formation of seven other new
fields of Energy which had Light in their core.
In course of time the seven newly formed fields and the earlier two fields formed an
integral unit and they grew in strength. As their potency increased, this unit too
became very strong and unstable. When the instability grew, the Primordial
Intelligence, Mula Brahman, who did not want a repeat of what happened with
Purusha field, intervened. He created 14 different layers in the field and this helped
in bringing stability. In order to organise and also improve the diversity, these
layers were further divided into 32,000 dimensions.
This total field of Light and Energies is what we know as Devi Loka. The present
understanding of the Rishis is that Devi Loka comprises of 9 strong Energy fields,
arranged into 14 layers which are further divided into 32,000 dimensions.
The Characteristics of Devi Loka
The nine different Energy fields of Adi Shakti are –
1. Prakruti
2. Purusha
3. Prakruti Samaya
4. Stanakruti Kanda
5. Prakruti Kanda
6. Pralaya StanaNandini
7. Prakruti Pralaya
8. Prakruti Neela Brahmi and
9. Purusha Neela Brahmi.
(We will present the details of these Light fields in a later article)
Apart from these fields, there are 7 pillar like structures in this Cosmos. They are
made of a special Light from ParaBrahma and together, they form a sort of
framework for Devi Loka. All the pillars are in the shape of elongated cones. Four of
them are vertically aligned; they start from the borders of ParaBrahma and extend
all the way down. The other three are aligned horizontally.
The Four Vertical pillars have the main function of sustaining and holding all the
Energies of Devi Loka together as one unit. They also create new energies, multiply
the existing energies and pass them on to other Cosmoses when required and
maintain an appropriate proportion of all the energies in order to bring stability.
Apart from taking care of the overall protection of Devi Loka, these pillars also
monitor some aspects of other Lokas that manifested out of this Cosmos.
Two of the horizontal pillars help in manifesting and radiating the motherly
qualities of love, affection and nurturing throughout the entire Loka. The seventh
pillar is the most important of all. It helps Devi to perform all her actions, oversees
her functioning and helps in Her activities of creation, protection and destruction.
Devi Loka is in the shape of the Mahameru Chakra, as shown in the diagram. This
three dimensional structure is worshipped as a representation of Devi. Many
ancient temples in India which worship different aspects of Devi usually have the
MahaMeru Chakra, as this draws a lot of energies from Devi Loka.
The two dimensional form of Maha meru is known as Sri Chakra. As the energies
drawn by MahaMeru are very strong, individual households worship Sri Chakra as
this connects only to the milder energies of Devi Loka.
The MahaMeru Chakra consists of a Bindu (dot) in the centre, surrounded by nine
intersecting triangles. This is further surrounded by a lotus with 8 petals, followed
by another lotus with 16 petals.
The Bindu at the centre represents the core — the Light field of Devi Loka. The nine
triangles stand for the nine different energy fields, while the eight-petal lotus
represents the eight special energies of Adi Shakti which are used for further
manifestations. The lotus with sixteen petals signifies the protective layers around
Adi Shakti.
Different Aspects of Adi Shakti
Adi Shakti, as we know, is the first form to emerge in Creation, from the core of
Devi Loka. This form has further expressed itself in various other aspects, each
representing a particular set of characteristics. These aspects can also be
understood as individual intelligences which have been perceived by the spiritually
evolved souls over eons and eons of existence. So far, only the first three aspects
have been well known and also expressed in the ancient scriptures and mythology.
The Rishis say that there are 10 main aspects of Devi that they are aware of. They
1. Maha Gowri (Durga/Parvathi)
2. Maha Lakshmi
3. Maha Saraswathi
4. Mula Devi
5. Devi Brahmi
6. Tejas Brahmi
7. Swaroopini
8. Shakti Swaroopini
9. Mangala Devi
10. Mangala Adi Devi
(We will present the details of these different aspects of Devi in a later article)
Different Energies inside Devi Loka
Devi Loka is primarily made of a dark pink matter called Vignana. This divine
matter contains all the Light fields and various energies within it. Two special
energies called ‘Multiplying energy’ and ‘Creative Energy’ are spread all over Devi
loka. These energies are light pink coloured and together with Vignana, they give a
dark pink hue to the atmosphere of Devi Loka.
Devi Loka also has thousands of different Energies, most of which are in the colour
range from Violet to Red. The quality and function of each is different from the
others. The most prominent among these are:
Dark Pink: These are the most predominant energies which are found all over the
Cosmos. They give the motherly aspect to Devi. These energies are very nurturing
and filled with unconditional Love.
Light Pink: These energies are full of healing qualities.
Violet : These energies have the qualities of love, righteousness and justice. They
also have a lot of healing qualities.
Purple: The Purple energies help the entire Devi Loka to maintain its shape and
prevent the energies of the Cosmos from getting dispersed. They also act as a filter
to process the various other energies that enter and exit Devi Loka.
Dark Grey: These were specially created by Adi Shakti after the entire Creation was
manifested. She created them to destroy all darkness and evil. So far, these
energies have been used 8 times on our Earth.
Apart from these primary coloured ones, there are Golden, Lavender, Lime Yellow
and Orange coloured energies which help in various functions like connecting Devi
Loka to other Universes, creating newer energies etc.
♦ ♦ ♦
Life in Devi Loka
Creation simplifies as it manifests further and further down, starting from the
highest levels of Mula Brahman. The life that we’re familiar with in the Material
cosmos and in our Earth is probably one of the simplest, highly diversified and
easily understandable to us at present. Naturally creation in the higher divine
Cosmoses or Universes and the way of Life that has evolved in them is quite
complex and difficult to comprehend with our current levels of understanding. The
following account revealed by the Rishis gives a simple bird’s eye view of Life in
Devi Loka.
The atmosphere of Devi Loka is made of a divine matter called as Vignana or
Intellect Matter. The Entire cosmos radiates with an unconditional motherly Love.
Many precious stones and rare gems are present in the Space of Devi Loka. These
gems are larger than our Galaxies! They hold and sustain further life and
diversifications, the way Galaxies do in our Cosmos. They also hold large quantities
of the energies of Devi Loka.
This atmosphere also contains innumerable transparent particles with various
characteristics. One of its properties is that it helps in the efficient functioning of
Intuition in the Human System. There are many special energies in the atmosphere
which can be accessed directly by all Humans. Since these energies give special
powers and capabilities to the individuals, the Tantrics and Siddhas connect to
these special energies through their rituals, in order to gain such powers.
The Souls of Devi Loka are created at its core and are filled with the special Light
from this core. Many of these souls have also incarnated in the Material Cosmoses
and the Rishis say that about 20 % of the Souls in our Material Cosmos are from
Devi Loka. These individuals usually have most of their characteristics similar to
that of Devi.
The Souls living in Devi Loka are always filled with divine love and are connected to
Devi all the time. A very high form of life exists there, though it’s not as diverse as it
is on our Earth. No evil or negativity exists in Devi Loka. The Souls live only in their
causal bodies and stay in Devi Loka for some specific reasons rather than to
experience Creation. They have very important roles to execute in Creation.
Not much is known or revealed about Life or the diversification of existence in Devi
Loka. As we progress further into the New Age and as humanity evolves spiritually,
we’ll be able to know and understand more about this knowledge.
The Role of Adi Shakti in Creation
All further manifestation from ParaBrahma has occurred because of Adi Shakti.
She helps in the total monitoring and caretaking of Manifestation. All the major
and important decisions regarding Creation are referred to this Higher Intelligence
and then executed.
As creation continued further and diversified, Adi Shakti played an important role
in bringing these creations into existence, so that complex life forms could evolve
gradually for various souls to inhabit them and experience life. In course of time,
the other Manifested Universes and Unmanifested Universes too sought Her advice,
guidance and energies in bringing forth their own levels of Creation. The Primordial
Intelligence, Mula Brahman has a close fondness for Adi Shakti and has taken Her
help many times.
We’ve seen earlier that Light simplifies as Creation manifests further down from the
Universes to the Cosmoses, and later this Light tones down to energy and matter.
This process is executed by Adi Shakti so that Light flows into Creation as simpler
energies for all life to absorb and utilise them.
The concept of birth and death in Creation is the result of Devi’s Intelligence. She
was the one to decide that the female of every species would give birth to the
offspring. This birth and death concept hasn’t evolved into a profound reality in
other manifestations out of ParaBrahma (apart from Devi), where any part of a
living being’s body can regenerate and form the complete body.
When the Souls from other Universes want to take birth in any of the
manifestations of ParaBrahma, they have to be approved by Adi Shakti. She
scrutinises them and decides if they can descend down to take birth and
experience Life here. Devi Loka is also the place where the Intellectual sheath or
Vignanamaya Kosha is manufactured. Every Soul which descends through Devi
Loka acquires the intellectual sheath from here.
The basic gifts to every Soul — Love and Freewill are the results of Adi Shakti’s
initiative. It’s because of Her love for every Soul that freewill exists in all of
Creation. She is the source for various arts like music, dance, painting etc, which
bring diversity to life and enrich it.
Adi Shakti assists the Rishis all the time in their works with Her Energies. Most of
the efficient tantrics and siddhas have a lot of energies in their system from Devi
Loka. The concept of gadgets and energy capsules has also come from Her.
Further Manifestations from Devi Loka
After Devi Loka came into existence, Para Brahma manifested further with the help
of Mula Brahman by using the energies of Prakruti and Purusha. He wanted to
express most of His potential through these manifestations and hence have a very
diverse Creation. Adi Shakti is in charge of this manifestation process.
For this purpose, She first created three new levels of existence. Each of these three
levels expressed themselves as three huge Energy fields, with very distinct
characteristics. One level of existence helped Her create further, while the second
level helped in governing and maintaining the Creations. The third level assisted in
destroying and withdrawing Creation when required. These three levels are what we
know as Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva — the Creator, Sustainer and Destroyer.
All Creation emerged further through these three new levels of existence. Other
than these, there are 32 manifestations which have emerged from Adi Shakti. Each
of them have completely different characteristics and properties. The details of
these 32 other new manifestations will be explained later.
From Adi Shakti, the first major manifestation to emerge was Shiva Loka or
Kailasa. The details of this Loka will be shared in the next article in this series.
♦ ♦ ♦
Light Age: An Introduction
Submitted by VishwaAmara on July 28, 2010 –16 Comments

A revolutionary once said: ‘I am a soldier so my son can be a farmer and his son, a
poet’. His words stand as an example for the optimism and hope that characterises
Human nature. Inspite of a hundred trials and difficulties of life, humans have
never lost hope in a better tomorrow. They’ve sat through dark nights, knowing
that there’s a dawn waiting at the horizons.
All cultures and religions speak of a golden future, an utopia in which there’s only
peace and love and no place for any suffering, wrong or evilWhile some have a
judgement day, others speak about the second coming of a Prophet or Avatar, who
will put an end to the evil of the world and guide humanity into an age of peace and
abundance. Even those who dismiss these prophesies as wishful thinking would
definitely hope for such a future, which is different from and better than the world
we live in at this moment.
The Spiritual Masters who’re aware of the higher truths and divine laws reveal that
humanity is indeed moving into such an age in the near future. This Golden age of
divinity is called as Sathya Yuga or the Light Age.

Cycles of Time
Time moves in cycles—both small and big. While the scientists have identified the
shorter cycles like day-night and seasons of the year, the Spiritual masters have
recognised and recorded the larger cycles in which Time moves. These cycles are
called as Yugas and the Rishis have identified a cycle of four Yugas, which is called
as a Mahayuga, which runs for nearly 51000 years.

These four yugas are the ‘Sathya Yuga (Golden Age)’ which runs for 20,000 years,
the ‘Treta Yuga (Silver Age)’ for 15,000 years, the ‘Dwapara Yuga (Bronze age)’ for
10,000 years and the ‘Kali Yuga (Iron Age)’ for 5,000 years. The Transitory periods
between these yugas makes up for another 1080 years.

The difference between these time-periods is best illustrated in an allegory, in

which a sage has a vision of Truth and Righteousness in the form of a cow. The cow
first walks on four legs, then limps on three, then on two and then hops on one leg.
The age where values such as Truth and Love are at the highest level is the Sathya
Yuga. These values dilute when Time moves into the Treta Yuga and further
degenerates in the Dwapara Yuga. The Kali Yuga is the dark age where all values
collapse and humans, having lost all contact with the divine, live a totally material
existence devoid of values and filled with corruption, hatred and other vices.

The Spiritual Masters or Rishis have also revealed that humanity has just passed
through the 5000 years of the dark age (which ended on 14th April 1974) and is
going through a transitory period lasting 432 years, where the lower ways of living
will gradually be replaced with the higher ways of truth, love and equality.
New Revisions
The four Yugas were created differently so that there would be equal opportunities
for Good and Evil to flourish. While Goodness and Spiritual glory flourished in the
Sathya Yuga, it would be the reign of darkness and stark materialism in the Kali
yuga, with some shades and combinations of these two forces in the other two
ages. The Supreme Intelligence—God, who created these forces of Good and Evil,
ensured this division of time for the play of these forces on our earth, as in the rest
of His creation.

The balance in creation which existed because of the interplay of these two opposite
forces was gradually eroded over a period of many Mahayugas, because Evil began
to gain prominence and started dominating the forces of Goodness. This
domination has increased this Kaliyuga onwards. And God observed that the
Rishis, who govern and take care of the entire Creation on his behalf had to work
beyond their capacities and expectations in order to set right this balance. This
necessitated a revision in the laws of creation.

The Supreme Intelligence had a meeting with a batch of select Rishis – Maharshis
Vishwamitra, Vasishta, Mangala Brahma, Vajreshwari and Kapila. It was
concluded in that meeting that the repetition of the four Yugas would result in
more harm and further damage to our Earth. They decided to abolish the other
three Yugas and have only Sathya Yuga or Light Age on this earth henceforth, from
this transitory period onwards.

A New Light Age

Duality is one of the main characteristics of God’s creation, where the good and the
bad exist together. We value good more so because of the existence of evil, because
of our capacity to rise above evil. Joy is more joyful because of the sorrows of life. If
there’s only goodness, virtues & positivity, and all evil is removed, then there would
be no challenges to overcome and no thrill of triumphing over negativities. Further
down the line, there would be no value for all the goodness, beauty and virtues in
God’s creation. Without exaggeration, Man would take goodness for granted, if
there were no evil in this world.

To prevent this dilution of values in the New Age, the Rishis have decided to
introduce variations within the Light Age itself. The New Light Age would be divided
into 7 phases as mentioned below:

1. Sathya Shudh Yuga

2. Sathya Shudh Ardha Yuga
3. Sathya Ardha Yuga
4. Sathya Pralaya Yuga
5. Sathya Pralaya Ardha Yuga
6. Sathya Nyaya Yuga
7. Sathya Nyaya Poorva Yuga
(The details of these phases will be explained in the next article in the ‘Light Age’

Characteristics of the New Light Age

A number of changes have been made in the laws of the Universe; hence the exact
characterisitcs of the New Light Age are not yet known. The Rishis have given a few
glimpses into some of the decisions that have been taken at the highest level
regarding these laws.
They are:

1) In the New Light Age, only Love and Peace will prevail. There will be no place for
any Evil. The Individuals who live in Sathya Yuga will not have the challenge of
overcoming evil but will have to face…
a) Tests of Surrender
b) Tests of Truth and Equality
c) Test of Humility and the willingness to work for God.
2) In all the phases of the Light Age, people will draw the life-force(pranas) from the
Second Sun. They will be able to communicate with God directly.

3) This system of the New Light Age will first be experimented on this earth. If this
succeeds, then it will be implemented in others earths in this Galaxy & Universe
and in other parts of God’s creation.

4) Although mankind has experienced Sathya Yuga many times before, this New
Light Age will be an entirely new experience for them because of the seven phases.
The Rishis and God will protect and guide every individual who surrenders
completely to God.

5) God will take birth amongst humans in these phases but it will be different from
his earlier incarnations(Avatars) that we’ve understood so far.

The Coming Earth Changes

A transitory period is provided between two Yugas so that the change from one
Yuga to another is smooth. The usual period of the transitory period from Kali Yuga
to Sathya Yuga is 432 years, so with the Kali yuga having ended in the 1974, we
were expected to enter the New Age somewhere in the beginning of the 25th

A number of extraordinary events at the cosmic levels have drastically reduced this
transitory period, the result of which is that we’re at the threshold of the New Light
Age. As our Sun moves on its orbit around the central Sun, Alcyone, our earth and
the entire solar system will be entering a spiritual energy field called as ‘The Photon
Belt’, in the year 2012. A number of cycles also complete in that year, the most
prominent being the completion of the 26000 year revolution of the Sun in its orbit.
Also our earth will come in a direct alignment with the Galactic centre on 21st
December, 2012. These events are expected to cause major changes at the physical
level, most notable among them being the reversal of the magnetic and geographic
poles of our Earth.

The physical changes are also accompanied by changes at the Spiritual level, with
the Photon belt acting as a filter to prevent and eliminate all negativities on this
earth. When we enter the photon belt, a shift in consciousness is expected to
happen, by which all human beings will move from a third dimensional existence to
the fifth dimension. With the revision of the Universal laws at the highest levels, the
Rishis have decided to reduce the transitory period of 432 years, to accelerate our
advance into the New Age of Light.They have revealed that the year in which the
New Light Age will begin is 2018!
To Qualify for the Light Age
The changes that have been initiated on this earth are so massive and colossal that
we cannot cope with them by any physical means. We are already encountering
these changes in our daily living, to some degree or the other–whether it’s the
financial meltdown, the terror attacks, war, peak oil, rising prices or global
warming. These processes are accelarating and as we move ahead towards 2012,
we’ll have to face more challenges with the possible breakdowns of the existing
systems and disruption to our way of life.

Transformation at the spiritual level is the only way in which we can withstand this
turbulence and move into the next age. Meditations and spiritual practices sharpen
our intuition, open up our hidden faculties and connect us to the Divine– with
these, we’ll find proper guidance and will be able to take the right action under any
circumstances. Instead of fearing the Earth changes over which we have no control,
we can welcome them and make positive efforts to transform ourselves

We have to understand that these massive changes are not accidental. The purpose
is to purify our earth of all negativities–at the individual and global levels– and
assist us in choosing right over wrong before the Spiritual age dawns. We can enter
this Spiritual Age only when we manifest the qualities of the Spirit in our daily
living. For that, we have to shed the ways of the dark age which we’ve emerged from
and replace them with the principles of love, simplicity, honesty and expansion.

These principles can be summarised as follows:

▪ Be simple and honest at all levels–in thoughts, words and actions.

▪ Love everyone and everything. Manifest Love all the time.
▪ Be happy and content with Life. Serve and help others with love and
▪ Treat everyone as your equal. See Light in everyone and feel Oneness
with them.
▪ Live in the awareness of Light(God) always. Spread Light, surrender to
this Light and Love it.
We are not alone in this hour of need. Thousands of Rishis and Light workers,
many of them living at the physical level, are working over-time to prevent mass
sufferings and help humanity make a smooth transition. The pure Spiritual
energies which are flooding our earth are initiating massive changes and also
helping each individual cope with these shifts at all levels.

By practicing the above principles NOW, we can assit this shift and add to the easy
transition into the New Age. We can start living in the Light Age this moment
onwards, by making these principles an inseparable part of our daily living.
Light Body part 1 – An Introduction
Submitted by VishwaAmara on November 23, 2010 –13 Comments

In the movie City of Angels, an angel who helps people after their death is tempted
to experience Human life after a series of events. Ignoring all warnings that he may
get stuck into a lower life, he takes the plunge and descends into a human body. In
spite of the difficulties, limitations and disappointments that follow, he comes to
experience the beauty and joy of human existence that can be realised, not by
witnessing from a distance as an angel, but by being in the thick of life, as a
human being.
Our physical body brings us this experience of Human life on this planet. It is the
medium through which we come to know the various aspects of Creation that the
Supreme Intelligence has manifested in this world. The mystics and Rishis have
rightly recognised that we are in fact spiritual beings, who’ve arrived here for a
human experience, and hence have celebrated the bodily existence, without
condemning it or over-indulging in sensual pleasures. They’ve called the body as a
temple which houses the Soul.
The physical bodies do not remain the same always; their characteristics vary from
one Age to another. When we live in very pure and highly spiritual conditions, like
that of Satya Yuga, the physical body will be in a pristine pure and efficient state,
to enable us live that life. As values degenerate in subsequent Yugas, the
capacities of the body also decrease to suit the living conditions of those ages. Now
when we are at the turn of a great evolutionary leap, where we step into an entirely
New Age, our bodies will also be upgraded and enhanced into highly efficient
vehicles, so that the Soul can experience the new life of this Light Age.
The Rishis have revealed many details about these extraordinary bodies, some of
which were explained in the final article of the Earth Change series. In this
exclusive series on Light bodies, we share many more details beginning with:
1. An introduction to these Light bodies, the necessity to shift into them and when
exactly are we going to make this shift.
2. The Special and Unique characteristics of these Light Bodies.
3. The intricate processes which’ll transform our current physical bodies into
advanced Light bodies. And finally,
4. Specific guidelines and instructions from the Rishis, which help us shift into
Light bodies.
This article introduces the general features of a Light body.
What is a Light Body?
When Humanity enters the New Light Age in 2018, the present human bodies will
transmute into a purer, superior form which help the Souls in experiencing the
divine life of the New Age. This advanced Physical body that the Souls occupy is
called as the Light body.
The Light body will be entirely different in its composition and properties from our
present physical bodies. Its vibratory level will be about 12 times greater than at
present. The cells in this new body can hold a lot of Light and shine with a
brilliance that is visible to others. Because of this, all the characteristics of Light
like Purity, Love and Expansion will automatically be manifested by the Individual.
This body also has the capacity to hold a lot of different types of energies and carry
new faculties. By its very nature, it aids living a balanced life where an individual
can explore both the material and spiritual dimensions.
The Light body is not subtle like Light but will be made up of cells that carry a lot
of Light; hence it will have a definite shape and structure. It will follow all physical
laws of Nature, for e.g., being subject to the pull of gravity. It cannot go through
walls or other solid surfaces and gets wet when in touch with water. Since it shares
quite a few characteristics of the present physical body, it can be considered as the
purest form of the human physical body.
Why do we need a Light body for the New Light Age?
In Indian mythology a famous king who is greatly attached to worldly pleasures,
aspires to reach heavens while still living in his physical body. His attempts are
thwarted and he is thrown out of heavens for trying to enter it in an impure body.
This story sums up the necessity of an advanced body to live in a heavenly age on
this Earth.
Our present physical bodies suit the Dark Age that we’ve been living in so far. Now
we are moving into an era where the conditions of purity are so stringent that
darkness cannot survive. The Rishis clearly express that in order to live in this age,
we have to be pure, totally good and manifest truth always at all levels. These are
the qualities of Light and when we begin to manifest them in our living, we’ll
automatically begin to hold Light in our system.
The Light that the physical body holds will naturally bring positive changes and
transformation into the body so that it can hold and radiate more Light. This
gradual evolution will result in the transformation of our present bodies into the
Light bodies.
The other reasons why a Light body is needed in the New Age are:
▪ Many new Souls from other Universes will be taking birth for the first
time in this part of Creation. As these new Souls are very pure and
radiant with their Light, they require these higher physical bodies to live
on this Earth.
▪ The Light body can contain many higher faculties and spiritual powers
that are not possible to sustain while living in the present physical body.
These new faculties are necessary for the advanced life of the New Age;
hence a Light body is needed for the souls to live in that age.
▪ When we occupy a Light body, many limitations imposed by the physical
body are overcome. The chances of committing mistakes are less and we
can lead a life with more perfection. This helps us to cope up with the
requirements that are necessary to live in the Light Age.
▪ Another characteristic of the Light body is that it doesn’t allow negativity
to sustain in it. Hence the dark forces will not be able to occupy this
body. The Light body has a new faculty called ‘Tail Chord tubes’, which
churns out any negativity present in the body, thereby ensuring a
pristine pure state at all times. If a dark force tries to occupy this Light
body, the new faculty has the capacity to destroy the Soul itself.
▪ In the New Age, every soul is guided by Light. The Light body helps the
individual to maintain this contact with the divine and receive guidance
at all times.
When will the transformation into a Light body occur?
There are a few individuals on this Earth who have been striving to shift into Light
bodies from a long time. They will be able to see the results of their efforts from
March 2012 onwards.
For the rest of humanity who qualify for the New Light Age, the transition from the
gross physical body to the Light body will happen in three phases:
The first phase starts from the beginning of the year 2013. This batch consists of
those who begin to prepare themselves for the New age, now onwards. They have
spiritual backgrounds and are already in the process of purifying and cleansing
themselves at all levels. And those who are simple at heart and God-loving will also
make the shift because of their inherent purity.
The second phase starts from the middle of 2015. Those who awaken because of
the various catastrophic events and Earth changes that are expected to occur
around this time will make the transition into Light bodies. And those who do not
choose the Light age will be shifted to the Seven Earths in this duration. This phase
will be between 2015 and 2018.
The third phase begins from 2018 after the Light Age is established on our Earth.
All the Rishi workers and Light workers who would have strived so far to help the
entire humanity to shift to the New Age, will transit into Light bodies in this phase.
Those who’re born after 2018 will directly take up a Light body.
An Enhanced Light body from this Cycle onwards
Every time our Earth enters Satya Yuga, the physical bodies of the Humans
transmute into Light bodies. And once Satya Yuga gives way to other Yugas with
lesser purity, the Light bodies get replaced with bodies suiting the conditions of
that particular Yuga. This cycle of change in the bodies has been repeating over
thousands and thousands of Satya Yugas on this Earth.
The concept of Yugas has undergone a sea-change from this cycle. The other three
Yugas have now been replaced with an advanced Satya Yuga, with its own 7
phases; hence the characteristics of the Light bodies have also been changed to
suit the conditions of this New Light Age.
The Light body has been enhanced by nearly 75% in comparison to the earlier Light
bodies. In the earlier Satya Yugas, those who weren’t fully pure but who genuinely
repented could also occupy Light bodies. This small leniency from the Higher
Intelligence was misused by the dark forces to infiltrate into the New Age. This
feature has been withdrawn from this Light Age; hence the individual who occupies
the Light body has to be totally pure.
Many souls from various Universes are going to take birth on our Earth for the first
time, in the New Light age. The new Light bodies have been enhanced to allow
these souls to occupy them and experience life here, which wasn’t possible with the
earlier Light bodies.
The Light bodies of the previous Satya Yugas were designed to live for thousands of
years until the Light age ended and a new Yuga began. This feature has been
modified now since the concept of Yugas has been cancelled. The new Light bodies
will grow up from the stage of a baby and will die at some stage.
In the earlier Light Ages, there was no concept of a family. Everyone would live
together in harmony and Oneness. One of the features of the New Light age is the
concept of birth and death and living in families; hence the new Light bodies are
equipped to suit this lifestyle.
Many new and unique faculties which weren’t present earlier will be fitted into
these new Light bodies. Also there will be seven different types of Light bodies
present from this Light Age onwards. We shall understand more of such
characteristic features in the next article of this series.
Assistance from the Rishis
The Physical bodies transform into Light bodies over a period of time, and through
various processes, which are initiated both at the physical and astral levels.
Needless to say, the Rishis play a very important and crucial role in this whole
process, which begins right from providing the necessary information and
knowledge about the New Light bodies to all individuals. The imparting of
knowledge occurs at the physical level, but mainly at the astral level, where all the
individuals who qualify for, or choose the New Age are updated and trained with
the necessary information about the Light bodies.
A special batch of Rishis are overseeing these processes under the guidance of
Vasistha Maharshi. They are monitoring the individuals who are making efforts to
transform and purify themselves. They assist and guide these individuals at
various levels whenever required. They help people cope up with the life situations
that arise as a part of these transformational processes. They’re working very hard
to help as many people as possible to transform into Light bodies.
All individuals who wish to live in the New Age have to make efforts to positivise &
transform, and should have a very strong intent to sail through the pralaya period
and enter the Light Age. They have to cleanse their systems through spiritual
practices, become pure and be able to communicate with the Rishis by the time
these processes take effect. In the final stages, every individual will be guided
personally by the Rishis and will be assisted in becoming a Light body. The
guidance and instructions will be unique to each individual, hence their ability to
establish contacts with the Rishis plays a crucial part in this process.
The Rishis are also working on enhancing the qualities of the Light body. The
conditions that will prevail in the new Light Age will be different and very advanced,
hence the Rishis are designing and manufacturing very advanced bodies that can
live in that environment.
The specific processes that occur in the transformation of Physical bodies to Light
bodies will be explained in the third article in this series
♦ ♦ ♦
The New Light body is a very unique and spectacular creation, which has been
specially designed to help in furthering Human evolution. The individuals who live
in these bodies can attain hitherto unknown heights in the Spiritual and Material
areas because of the highly advanced nature of these bodies. Hence the Light body
is not just another sheath; it’s a gateway to progress and glory which also helps
humans to easily connect to the Supreme intelligence at all times.The Light body is
a special gift from God to all the Souls who qualify to live in the New Age. In fact,
every physical body and every object in this world is a loving gift from Him, created
for our experience and evolution. Being aware of this helps us to automatically
develop reverence and gratitude towards everything and everyone. This attitude of
humility is one of the pre-requisites that help us move easily into the New Light
Light Body part 2 – The Special Features
Submitted by VishwaAmara on November 29, 2010 –6 Comments

Image Courtesy - Johanna Koster

Astronauts who go on space missions wear special suits that create the necessary
living conditions for them inside it. These suits ensure that the individuals receive
the necessary temperature, oxygen to breathe and also appropriate air pressure for
the proper functioning of the physical body. Similar suits are worn by those who
venture into alien environments like ocean-depths or the mouth of active volcanoes.
These environments are so extreme that the physical bodies would immediately
disintegrate without these suits.
When we contemplate on this everyday fact, we realise that all of our bodies are
very similar to these space suits, which enable us to exist and experience Life on
this Earth. Our Spiritual sheath, Intellect, Mind and finally the Physical body are
the space suits which have allowed us to travel all the way from our Source to this
Planet. Without these bodies, we the Souls wouldn’t even be able to exist in these
planes, much less experience Creation here.
Our journey into the New age can be likened to going into a new environment,
which requires us to shed our old space suits and pick up sophisticated ones that
fit the changed conditions on this Earth. The Rishis have designed very advanced
bodies for us to occupy in the New Light Age. Some of the features of these bodies
have already been explained in the final article of the Earth Changes Series. This
article looks in depth at the very specific features of the Light bodies and also
explains the seven different types of Light bodies that’ll be available in the New Age.
The Basic Constituent Elements
The Material Cosmos is made up of the five elements, or the Pancha Bhootas –
Earth, Water, Fire, Air and Ether. These elements combine in different proportions
and form the basic physical particles like neutrons, protons and the electrons. The
current physical body is also made up of the same five basic elements.
The new Light bodies are created using a finer and higher grade of these five
elements. The combination and proportion of the elements will also be different, as
compared to the proportion in the current bodies. In addition, the energies from the
Divine Cosmoses and other Universes will be infused in these new bodies. All these
changes are incorporated so that every cell in the Light body will be able to hold
and radiate the Divine Light.
The present physical body has been used as the template to build a highly efficient
and enhanced Light body. The overall structure and appearance of the new body
will resemble our current physical body. There will be a skeletal structure as the
basic frame, covered by muscle and tissue like now, but all the cells will be
containing Light. Many of the internal organs will continue to exist, so do the other
processes like respiration and circulation. But the overall role and functioning of
these systems have undergone a major overhauling.
Many changes have been made at the cellular level of the body. The frequency of
vibration of the cells will be about 12 times the current frequency, which indicates
a highly advanced spiritual condition of the Soul that occupies such a body. The
density of the new cells will increase by four to six times the density at present.
Each cell will be able to hold and glow with Light and other special energies from
different sources.
Internal Systems of the Light Body
We will continue to have a digestive system but its function will not be to digest the
food that’s eaten, as it is now. In future, the new varieties of plants will gather
‘Pranas’ from the Sun in the form of fruits, and when they are consumed, the
digestive system will first absorb these Pranas. This Prana is then converted into
an appropriate energy that is required for the Light body to function.
The respiratory system will continue to function as it does now. The in-breath and
out-breath helps in the regulation of Prana that’s received from the Second Sun.
The blood that flows through our entire body will be replaced with a special liquid
called ‘Luminous Enzyme’. This liquid will be able to distribute the Pranas and Light
all over the Light body. The Luminous Enzyme is the same liquid that forms the
circulatory system of Unicorns.
As explained in the earlier articles, our bodies will grow to a height of 25-40 feet,
with a proportional increase in size and shape of all the organs and body parts. At
present, we use around 15-20% of our brain’s capacity. In the New Light bodies,
we’ll be able to use 100% of its potential. The brain will be rewired for more of
intuitive grasping and telepathic communication, while retaining its capacities for
logical reasoning and analysis. The present nervous system will be replaced with an
advanced system, consisting of a new faculty called as ‘Tubicular Light’ in place of
The means of reproduction will be through higher methods instead of sexual
intercourse. People can choose to procreate through contact with each other or just
with their intention. The infant will develop inside the womb of the mother as it
does now. This feature has been retained in order to keep the Light bodies as
‘human’ as possible. After birth, the infant will grow into an adult in a mere three
years, during which time, the astral body will be able to completely integrate with
the physical Light body.
Sense Organs of the New Light Body
The Sense organs of the Physical body are the doorways of experience for the Soul.
An individual perceives the physical world around him through the senses and
then creates meaning out of these perceptions. In the New Light bodies, the sense
organs will be highly advanced so that they’re capable of grasping the new
experiences of the Light Age.
1. Eyes: The eyes of the Light bodies can see not only the physical world but the
astral worlds too. This capacity will be the source of our ‘psychic visions’ in the New
Age. We will be able to view what’s happening in other parts of our Earth without
any distortions. With this faculty working in tandem with the Higher 3rd Eye,
‘Clairvoyance’ will be a natural phenomenon in all Light bodies.
2. Ears: Apart from the normal function of hearing, the ears will be enhanced with
many new faculties, which enables the Light body to ‘listen’ to happenings around
the world and even around the entire Galaxy! A new gadget that revolves like a
radar antennae will be placed inside the ear and this receives sound signals from
any part of the Galaxy. This also contributes towards staying connected with others
and manifesting Oneness.
3. Nose: The ability of the nose to sense smell will be enhanced in the Light body.
Also the nose will have additional capacities which weren’t found in the earlier
Light bodies. It will be able to detect the quantity of Light that an individual
receives at any time. It also helps the individual in assessing the flow of different
energies in his body. Most importantly, the new faculty in the nose alerts the
individual to any dangers and also gives an indication of ‘death’.
4. Tongue: The taste perception of the tongue will be reduced since we do not
consume much food in the New Light Age. Many changes will be made to this organ
so that it can help the Light body in its work. New gadgets will be installed in the
tongue which will assist the individual in detecting new chemicals, new energies
and also sense ailments if any. The complete role and functioning of the tongue is
yet to be revealed.
5. Skin: The sense of touch will be greatly enhanced in the New Light bodies as
compared to the current physical bodies. The individual will be very sensitive to the
surroundings and the changes that occur around him. He will be able to relate to
Nature in a better way. The enhancements in the sense of touch will enable him to
even detect and forecast the weather conditions.
This advanced faculty, commonly called as ‘Clairsentience’, enables the individual
to feel the vibrations of others and become sensitive to their thoughts and
emotions. New gadgets will be fixed on the fingertips which enhance the sense of
touch. These gadgets help the individual connect to different vibrations of Nature,
especially to the ‘Stillness’ in existence, so that he can easily enter the zones of
Stillness at will. Apart from helping the individuals in manifesting oneness with
others, these gadgets also emit unique rays which help in relating to higher beings.
The basic sensory functionality provided by the above five organs will receive a
boost because of two new gadgets. The first gadget placed inside the ears co-
ordinates the functioning of all the sensory organs. This gadget has been carefully
designed by the Rishis and modified by the Supreme Intelligence Himself. It has the
ability to receive more Light and Energies required for the proper functioning of the
Light body.
A tentacle shaped second gadget will be placed in the ear lobes of the Light body.
This will be responsible for the maintenance and proper functioning of various
gadgets and faculties in the body. It secretes different juices to lubricate and
maintain all these gadgets.
The Seven Types of Light Bodies
Apart from these general features, the Light bodies will have special and unique
characteristics according to the Souls that occupy them. Souls from various origins
having different capacities and purposes will take birth on our Earth in future;
hence the bodies they occupy will also vary from one another.
The Light bodies of Avatars (incarnations) and Rishis will be able to hold more Light
and manifest more diversity whereas the Light bodies occupied by the Souls from
other Universes will be able to exhibit various new characteristics. The Light bodies
housing these Souls will be equipped to enhance the special characteristics of the
Soul and hence the different Light bodies will have different capacities.
Seven such Light bodies are available in the New Light Age for different types of
Souls. These Seven Light bodies are differentiated mainly by the colour of Light that
they emit. They are:
1. Violet Light Body
2. Golden Light Body
3. Blue Light Body
4. White Light Body
5. Violet-Blue Light Body
6. Diamond Light Body
7. Diamond-Golden Light Body
Violet Light Body: This is the supreme among all Light bodies and will be highly
developed. Only very few Souls occupy the Violet Light body in the New Light Age.
Such individuals take birth for a special purpose and will play an important role in
God’s plan.
Golden Light Body: All the new Souls which come from Parabrahma Loka will take
birth in a Golden Light Body. Many new Souls from this Loka are expected to take
birth once the New Light Age dawns on our Earth.
Blue Light Body: Many Souls from other Universes will be taking birth in this part
of Creation for the first time. Such Souls will occupy a Blue Light Body. This Light
body is the purest among the seven types and hence all its faculties will be most
efficient, thus helping the newly arrived Souls to experience the maximum at the
physical level.
White Light Body: The individuals on this Earth who qualify for the New Light Age
will transmute their physical bodies into White Light Bodies. Also those Souls
who’ve lived on this Earth earlier and would want to take birth again in the New
Age will incarnate in these bodies.
Violet-Blue Light Body: When Divine Personalities incarnate on our Earth, they’ll
occupy the Violet-Blue Light bodies.
Diamond Light Body: These special Light bodies shine with a very bright white
Light. They also have many diamond shaped structures which radiate light of
various colours. These bodies are occupied by the Rishis and Rishi-Workers.
Diamond-Golden Light Body: This is a very special Light body which will be
occupied by a few Rishis and their workers. Apart from the diamond shaped
structures found in the Diamond Light bodies, these bodies will also have a golden
layer of Light. These Light bodies help in anchoring of energies, hence the
specialist Rishis who arrive for this work will take birth in such bodies.
Although the Light bodies and the Souls that occupy them are different and have
varying capacities, they all will live together in harmony, as Oneness is the essence
of living in the Light Age. This factor of manifesting oneness in spite of the diversity
will be one of the tests for these individuals. The New Souls who take birth for the
first time and those from other Universes will have more capacities and potentials,
yet they’ve to be humble and share their gifts with others. Similarly the Souls from
Parabrahma Loka have to manifest more love and accommodate everyone.
Some Additional Features
The Light bodies shine with such brilliance that they’ll not cast any shadows. The
bodies will be strong, healthy and free of any diseases. If any part of the body gets
severed by accident, the Light body can heal and re-grow that part. A special
gadget placed inside the heart radiates Love all the time. This gives our heart a
unique ability to heal others when they’re going through emotional issues.
A number of new gadgets and faculties will be fitted in these Light bodies, as
explained in this article. These faculties provide a fuller and expanded experience
to the Soul, which wasn’t possible until now.
The bodies age gradually over a period of 200-250 years after which death occurs,
as it happens now, by separation of the astral body from the Light body. The
individual will be able to leave his Light body at will or wait for the destined time.
When death happens, people gather around the Light body and pay regards to it.
They thank God for providing a vehicle for the Soul to occupy and experience
Life on this Earth. The body is then buried and allowed to merge back into Mother
In the New Age, people will have a heightened awareness of the capacities and
functioning of the Light bodies. They’ll have a sense of sacredness towards this
wonderful body which allows them to have a full experience of Human life on this
planet. They wear clothes made of natural fibres, not for the sake of modesty or to
protect it from natural elements, but mainly because of the awareness to take care
of this gift from the Supreme Intelligence.
The physical body is not just a sheath that enables the soul to experience the
physical life on this Earth. Like any object in creation, it has its own awareness but
because of the association with the Human soul, it has an advanced degree of
intelligence. This intelligence will function to the maximum extent in the New Light
bodies because of the inherent purity and perfection. The result is a highly
advanced body filled with supreme intelligence and wonderful capacities.
Those of us who qualify for the New Age need not undergo a biological death in
order to take up a Light body. We will be able to transmute the existing physical
bodies into advanced Light bodies, which is also the spiritual challenge that we
face. Several processes are involved which help in the transmutation of the current
body into the pristine pure condition of a Light body. The next article in this series
will explore some of those processes.
♦ ♦ ♦
Light Body part 3 – The Science of Evolving into a Light Body
Submitted by VishwaAmara on December 8, 2010 –4 Comments

Human beings are storytellers. Our stories and myths usually reflect the desires
and aspirations that are buried deep in the collective consciousness. One such
myth is that of the super-hero, where an ordinary man who’s going about his life
transforms into a great personality with super human powers, in order to correct
the unjust world and set right the atrocities. This myth can be found across all
cultures, in various time-periods, extending even to the modern day comic book
heroes like Batman and Spiderman.
The memory of such a transformation seems to be latent, deep within every one of
us. The expulsion of Adam from the Garden of Eden signifies our fall from grace,
our movement from the Light Age to a lesser age, or even the fall of Atlantis.
Similarly those stories which glorify the rise of the superhero signify the countless
times we’ve moved from a period of darkness to an age of Light full of love, peace
and harmony. While these stories remind us of the dawn that waits after a dark
night, they also point towards the possibilities of greatness that’s hidden within
every individual. The ordinary man who becomes a super hero is every one of us!
We as humanity stand at such a threshold point where this story is being played
out at the global scale, with the entry of our Earth into the Light Age being
accompanied by the gradual transition of our physical bodies into superior Light
bodies. While this transformation appears almost magical and unbelievable, there
are definite processes and stages which occur before we can inhabit entirely new
bodies with extraordinary capabilities.
This article explores some of those processes, which convert our gross physical
bodies into Light bodies, allowing us to experience the divine life of the New Light
Conversion from Carbon based to Silicon based system
The human body is made up of various internal systems and organs, which
essentially consist of tissues and membranes. These tissues contain a healthy
percentage of Carbon and hydro-carbons as their basic constituents. Our current
bodies are said to be carbon-based because of the presence of such a high
percentage of Carbon.
Carbon is an amorphous element which doesn’t allow the cells to hold much Light.
In converting our present body into a Light body, these Carbon based molecules
undergo a major transmutation into a Crystalline based molecules which can
contain a lot of Light. Hence the Light body is also referred to as the Crystalline
body or Silicon based body.
This conversion is the first and major step where our cells which are predominantly
elliptical will change into a regular crystalline shape. Then various changes are
initiated where the constituent carbon elements transmute into crystalline
components gradually. The changes in the cell properties allow them to hold a lot
more Light.
Genetic Changes

The next major changes happen at the genetic level. To understand these, we need
to look closely at the basic functional unit of any living organism, namely the single
cell. This is the building block of all organisms, including the Human body. It is
estimated that the human body is made up of nearly 100 trillion cells.
An average cell has a nucleus as its core component. The nucleus is made up of
DNA molecules among other things. The main role of DNA is the long-term storage
of information. It contains the instructions and blueprint to construct other cells
and cell components. The main segments of DNA that carry these instructions are
called as genes. The DNA carries genetic information from one generation to
another; this is the reason how a single cell in the womb of the mother grows into a
human baby, complete with all the internal and external organs and various
processes that make it a human being. The DNA decides everything from the eye-
colour, height-weight, physical characteristics and behavioral traits that a baby will
be born with.
It has been discovered that DNA is made up of two strands like a double-helix, or a
twisted ladder. Another major discovery is that about 90% of the genes in the
existing DNA strands are not used for any purpose; hence they’re called as non
coding DNA or junk DNA. Out of the remaining genes, each gene refers to a
particular trait (like hair color, or height) of an individual. These DNA molecules are
the same in each of the one hundred trillion cells in the Human body and are
unique to every individual on this Earth.
What is yet to be discovered in a lab is that the DNA molecules have many other
strands that are dormant. These additional strands became dormant once mankind
entered the dark ages and DNA has continued to carry only two active strands,
which have all the physical and functional information necessary for the routine
activities of a human being.
A very important step in transmuting the physical body into a Light body is the
activation of the ‘junk DNA’ or 90% of the inactive genes, as well as the activation of
the dormant strands! When the junk DNA becomes active, it results in the physical
body exhibiting newer characteristics. And the activation of the additional strands
releases the information stored in them to invoke extraordinary capacities, healing
powers and the ability to hold Light in the cells.
Such activations occur every time mankind transits from the dark ages to the Light
Age. Since we’re moving into a completely new Light Age which has its own unique
characteristics, the DNA activation processes have also been revised. The Rishis are
yet to reveal the number of DNA strands which will constitute the new Light bodies.
The activations of the junk DNA and the dormant strands will be carried out under
the careful monitoring and observation by the Light which we hold in our system.
There are several processes that occur one after the other, in order to convert the
physical body into a Light body, as explained in the next section. The DNA
activation process happens gradually at each step of these processes.
The Process that occur as the Physical body converts into a Light body
The conversion from a gross physical body to a superior Light body happens
gradually, in stages. The Light body can be achieved when every cell in the body
will hold a lot of Light. So every stage of the process of becoming a Light body is
designed such that the Light carrying capacity of the cells and the body in general
increases. The following sections give an overview of these processes.
1. The first step starts with the purification and cleansing of the entire system. This
happens mainly by the practice of Meditations and by following the spiritual
principles in our daily living. We should also reject negativity at every level and
positivise our thoughts and emotions. This positivisation involves overcoming all
our negative traits such as anger, arrogance, jealousy etc, accommodating and
sharing with others and manifesting more love in our lives.
2. Simultaneously, we need to begin the process of healing the emotional wounds
that still affect us. If there are any hurts in us caused by past incidents or people,
we need to let go of the resentments and grudges that we still hold, sometimes,
without our attention. Clearing all these blocks is very important since they come
in the way of our progress. We need to introspect in order to recognize any aspect
in us that is out of tune with the principles of Light. We should work on these
shortcomings until we naturally align ourselves with all the positive divine
qualities. This inner work is also referred to as Inner Healing. This is an important
step that allows us to hold more Light in our system.
3. In the third step, the cells in our system begin to undergo transmutation. The
old cells are gradually replaced with advanced new cells, thus allowing the body to
hold more Light. This process has been explained earlier in the ‘Conversion to
Silicon based system’.
4. Once this process is sufficiently underway, our blood is gradually replaced by
the ‘Luminous Enzyme’. Along with this, the Tubicular Light system will begin to
take the place of our Nervous system. This again increases the quantity of Light
that our system can hold.
5. By the time our cells morph and the blood and nerves are replaced with
advanced systems, we will be able to hold sufficient quantity of Light in our system
to activate our dormant faculties. All those faculties like telepathy and third eye,
which we naturally posses but have become dormant because of Kali Yuga, will
begin to get activated. Our Intuition will become very sharp, and with its help we’ll
be able to manifest many spiritual qualities in our living.
However, the new faculties which have been designed for our Light bodies will not
become immediately active at this stage. For those faculties to become active, we
need to totally convert into Light bodies. Since these gifts and gadgets are being
introduced for the first time in Creation, the incorporation and fine tuning will take
at least 60-70 years after we convert into Light bodies.
6. In the sixth phase, the size of our physical bodies begins to increase. The
changes in our DNA will play a very important role in this stage. These changes will
be triggered, controlled and monitored by the Light that we hold in our system. The
increase in the body size will help us hold more Light, but mainly it helps us to
hold newer knowledge and energies.
7. In the seventh phase, a new faculty called ‘Light dominance Intuition Faculty’
will get installed in our abdomen region. This faculty connects to the source of the
individual Soul and draws in more Light into the system, thus charging the system
with more Light and energies. This faculty also tunes the system periodically, thus
enabling it to experience more Light.
8. In the next stage, the individual will have to focus on his spiritual practices. The
techniques to be practiced and the areas where he has to focus will be
communicated to him directly through his Intuition and contact with the higher
beings. This phase is different for each individual, based on his spiritual condition
and source, and the Rishis guide the individuals directly. This is a very important
9. Until this stage, the individual will be consuming normal food for his
sustenance. In this last phase, he trains himself to absorb Prana (energies from the
Sun) directly from the food. This will be complemented by the corresponding
faculties and systems of digestion in his system. The digestive system will begin to
undergo a transformation to adjust to this change. With this process, he will be
able to hold more Light in his system.
In many of the above stages, the processes start simultaneously and do not wait for
the previous one to stop for the next to begin. Some processes continue for longer
periods. Together all these processes allow the cells and the body to hold more and
more Light until the entire physical body converts into a Light body.
Further processes once the transition is completed
As explained in the introductory article, people transit into Light bodies in different
batches and time periods, with the Light workers transforming finally after 2018.
The above processes are the same for all these different batches. The total time for
these processes to complete could be approximately 18-20 years. In this duration,
the nature around us will also undergo drastic and finer changes to suit the
conditions of the New Light age.
In the process of transition from a physical body to a Light body, many of the
internal systems and organs will also undergo a transmutation. The digestion,
circulation, respiration, nervous and reproductive systems will change according to
the new enhancements. Along with these the sense organs will also undergo a
transformation, only when the physical bodies finally convert into Light bodies. By
the time the final transformation occurs, the five senses will be replaced with their
advanced counter-parts, as explained in the previous article.
The koshas will also undergo a transformation only when the completed Light body
is fully available. There will not be any gradual transition in the Mind-Intellect-
Spiritual bodies. The Mind will be replaced by a new mind, which has enhanced
mind matter, better perceptive capabilities and without any Chakras. The Intellect
and Spiritual body will also be enhanced accordingly. The Kundalini energy will be
replaced with a new Kundalini energy, so do the changes occur in the number of
Naadis in the Vital body. The quantity of Light in the Soul will also undergo a
transition, with additional Light being added to it from the Source.
All these processes will be monitored and guided by the great Rishis, under the
direct guidance from the Supreme Intelligence.
The new flora and fauna will also begin to flourish once Satya Yuga has completely
set in. These plants will gather Pranas from the Sun and Second Sun in the form of
special fruits, which humans can consume and absorb for the sustenance of their
Light bodies
Other External Influences
The process of transmutation starts at the conscious level, with an individual
making efforts to purify, positivise and follow the principles of Light. The rest of the
processes occur at a level where an individual has no conscious control or
influence. He can only sustain these processes by dedicated spiritual practices and
by continuing to manifest positive qualities in his life. These two activities at the
conscious and subtle levels go hand in hand in converting the physical body into a
Light body. The individual efforts are greatly supplemented by divine assistance
from the Rishis and higher beings.
This is not the first time that a human body has been converted into a Light body.
Mystics and Light workers have successfully converted into Light bodies,
irrespective of the Age they’ve lived in. The inhabitants of Shambala live in a body
which is almost similar to a Light body, so do the chiranjeevis on this Earth. These
conversions were bi-directional, where the individual could revert back to his
normal physical body at any time. The current transition which we’re about to
witness cannot be reversed, because we’re moving into a permanent Light Age,
hence there’ll be no need for an ordinary physical body henceforth.
There are various other factors which play an important role in this conversion. The
times we’re living in is one of its kinds with various alignments and conjunctions
happening at the Cosmic levels. The huge Galactic alignments, our entry into the
Photon belt and the completion of various cycles, as explained in this article gives
us access to an enormous amount of spiritual energies, which’ve made this
conversion possible.
Another important factor is the initiation of the new project ‘Pavitrena Karyam’ by
the Higher intelligence to withdraw evil from existence. This has necessitated many
important changes at the physical and spiritual levels.
The access to other Manifested and Unmanifested Universes, along with the
influence of their energies is another aspect that influences this transition. The
sixteen Manifested Gods will play an active role on this planet henceforth. The
souls which arrive from these sources take birth on our Earth and draw energies
and knowledge from those Universes. These energies give a boost to these
transformational processes. Also the Rishis gather energies from the Unmanifested
Universes and utilize them to further the transformational processes.
The divine personalities on the Earth at this time – Lord Kalki and Lord
Mahavatara play a decisive role in the transition into Light bodies. One of the most
important phases of this process is the guidance that an individual receives at the
conscious and subtle levels. From receiving guidance externally from a Guru or a
path, the individual will transit to a state where he will be guided directly by the
Higher intelligence through his Intuition. Lord Kalki and Lord Mahavatara will help
all those who’ve qualified for the New Light Age to make this transition.
In the beginning of Satya Yuga, Lord Kalki will directly monitor each process of this
transition. Lord Mahavatara will be checking the spiritual condition of each Soul to
ensure if they’re eligible to live in the New Age.
This activity will continue for the initial 15-20 years after 2018. The mistakes done
by the individuals will be corrected while any good deeds will be rewarded by these
Divine personalities. They’ll remain active and continue to monitor the processes
for nearly 108 years. The effects of their actions will be more tangible from 2011
The most important factor of this whole transformation process is the ‘guidance’
that’ll be available to an individual in becoming a Light body. This guidance comes
from the Rishis and divine personalities in the higher realms; hence the ability of
an individual in establishing contact with them is very crucial. Until such a contact
happens, the individual has to follow a spiritual path or a human guru and
continue his spiritual practices in order to cleanse his system. When purity is
established in the system, the faculties of higher communications open up
automatically; it is then that the Rishis take over and guide him directly towards
becoming a Light body. The human Guru or the path becomes obsolete then.
To move towards such processes, we can start off by holding a lot of Light in our
system and be constantly aware of this Light, amidst our day-to-day activities. This
Light, which is the Supreme Intelligence Himself, will guide us into appropriate
actions and set the processes in motion. Many times the individual may not be
aware of these processes or guidance at the physical level. Also, if a person is
simple, good hearted and manifests all the divine qualities, the Universe guides him
towards these processes through his Intuition. He will be able to transform into a
Light body without any tangible external guidance.
Shifting from a gross physical body to a divine Light body is the spiritual challenge
that we face in the years ahead. The Rishis have given a few instructions and
practices that help us surmount this challenge with little effort. The next article
explains these instructions in detail.
♦ ♦ ♦

Special Days for Meditation — August 2022

31st Aug — Ganesh Chaturthi
We will have the presence of Lord Ganesha from the 31st to 8th Sep. As always,
when we connect to Him, we pray for the removal of any obstacles, outgrowing our
shortcomings and spiritualizing our thoughts and actions.
On the 31st, we will have the energies of Devi Gowri as well as Lord Ganesha, and
this combination will help in deep Sadhana. We can experience the nurturing,
bonding and Wisdom from these Personalities.
During his stay here, Lord Ganesha will be counselling the entire humanity at the
astral level. He wants to help everyone to awaken and understand the prevalent
situation, and the Light Age.
The Rishis mention that to those who are open, he will pass on a lot of knowledge,
tools to help adapt to the period and help in burning various karmas and runas.
•• •• ••
Let us approach Lord Ganesha with humility and openness and be willing to learn.
Practice the following technique from the 31st to 8th Sep. The technique will also
be very effective to deal with blocks and karmas that bother the entire family.
Face North
Duration— 1 hour
Begin with 7 rounds of Pranayama with bright Golden Light
Express your Love, gratitude and Light to Lord Ganesha. You can also place your
prayers and concerns to Him.
Imagine bright Red Light coming from Lord Ganesha and allow this to fill you
completely. Experience for some time.
Then extend the same Light to your prayers, concerns, Inner Strength and to your
Light within. Keep experiencing throughout.
Repeat the mantra “Om Mangalaya Murthy, Brahmaya Namaha” silently.
•• •• •• •• ••

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