Baby Frog Crochet Pattern: © Anastasia Kirsanova / Nansyoops. All Rights Reserved
Baby Frog Crochet Pattern: © Anastasia Kirsanova / Nansyoops. All Rights Reserved
Baby Frog Crochet Pattern: © Anastasia Kirsanova / Nansyoops. All Rights Reserved
Hi there! Let’s create such a cute froggy! It will serve as a keychain if you add a
keychain ring on top or carry it in a pocket as a lucky charm.
Please note! This pattern is paid and is my copyright. Copying and/or distribution of this pattern or its
parts are forbidden! One pattern file is intended for personal use only. You are free to dispose of the toy
at your discretion. Please credit me as the pattern designer when posting the finished work photos as
follows: “made with Anastasia Kirsanova’s pattern (@nansyoops)”. I appreciate you respecting my work.
s yOops .
/ N an
t as ia K i rsanova
© Anas s erved.
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Any fine yarn in two shades – green and yellow. This pattern shows the
process in cotton bobbin fine yarn, with yardage 870 m per 100 gr. The
smaller froggy is made from textured floss Cloud by Gamma. (1 strand is
used, possible substitute is Adelia Kiss yarn, it is identical). You can also use
wool embroidery floss. The finer the yarn, the smaller the toy, and vice
0.75 mm crochet hook (I used 0.5 mm hook for the smaller froggy)
3 mm glass eyes. I order them on AliExpress (what do you do if this size of
eyes isn’t available with you? You can mold tiny balls from polymer clay and
coat them with clear top or use seed beads)
Gel super glue.
0.4 mm copper wire for the legs framing.
Thin strong needle for sewing pieces.
Sharp manicure scissors.
Fiber filler.
Toothpick or a broken felting needle to use as a stuffing tool.
Green chalk pastel for toning (optional).
Work all the rounds spirally, a total number of stitches is stated in brackets
at the end of each round.
Before you start, please see how to do yarn color change, for the froggy’s front is
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/ N an
t as ia K i rsanova
© Anas s erved.
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1. Regular SC is done in two stages – first, you insert your hook in a stitch of
the previous round, yarn over, and as the result get 2 loops on the hook.
See pic. 1.
2. To switch to other color yarn, yarn over using a new color yarn. See pic. 2.
3. Pull through both loops on your hook (from stage 1). Thus, you get 1 loop in
a new color, and the SC you just made, is left in the previous color.
Please note you should do yarn color change like this in all the cases when
it is stated: “Work 5 sc in green, and then switch to yellow yarn and work
further 9 sc”, which means you work 4 sc in green, and then at the stage of
the 5th one you switch to yellow yarn and go on working in yellow. Please
see the video on how to change yarn color here. Do not break yarn, leave
the thread runs on the wrong side without pulling.
s yOops.
/ N an
t a s ia K i rsanova
Anas/ NansyOops.rvAllerights
©Kirsanova d. reserved.
© Anastasia
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6. Work 5 sc, switch to yellow yarn and work 1 sc, then chain 11 and single
crochet 1 to the 10th stitch from the round’s end. Begin to the stitch, in
which there is the stitch marker, see photo. Switch to green yarn and
continue working till the end of the round - 9 sc. (27 sts in total)
10. Work 6 sc in green, switch to yellow yarn and work 10 sc, switch to
green yarn and work 9 sc. (25) At this stage stick the yellow part chain side
to the green one, the green part should go over the yellow one. Carefully
apply some glue on the yellow part edge and quickly and confidently glue it
under the green part. See photos.
s yOops.
/ N an
t a s ia K i rsanova
Anas/ NansyOops.rvAllerights
©Kirsanova d. reserved.
© Anastasia
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11. Work 2 sc in green, dec, 2 sc, switch to yellow yarn and work 4 sc, dec,
4 sc, switch to green yarn and work 2 sc, dec, 5 sc (22)
12. Work 5 sc in green, switch to yellow yarn and work 9 sc, switch to
green yarn and work 6 sc, dec. (21)
13. Work 5 sc in green, switch to yellow yarn and work 9 sc, switch to
green yarn and work 7. (21)
14. Work 2 sc in green, dec, 2 sc, switch to yellow yarn and work 3 sc, dec,
2 sc, switch to green yarn and work 3 sc, dec, 3 sc (18)
15. Work 2 sc in green, dec, sc, switch to yellow yarn and work sc, 2 dec,
sc, switch to green yarn and work dec, sc, 2 dec (12)
16. Work 6 dec in green. Stuff the body above average density, for it to
keep shape nicely. Stitch up the hole.
Leave an about 20 cm long yarn tail for further needle sculpting.
To do this, send your needle out in round 9 at the border of green and
yellow, insert the needle one round below and go out symmetrically at the
opposite side. Pull on the thread.
Repeat the same steps on the opposite side. This way you shape the
“cheeks”. See photos.
To shape the mouth, send the needle threaded with the same yarn tail in
the center of the future mouth, in the point syOopin s.the photo below.
ova / N
K i r s a n
Anas/ta sia
© Anastasia
s e
NansyOops. d. reserved.
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Grab the edge of the stitch and enter the same point, go out at the top of
the head, in the mr.
Pull on the yarn. Thus, the upper lip goes up a bit, getting a ω-shape. Go
through the frog's body several times in different directions to secure the
yarn tail.
Sew on of glue on the eyes between rounds 4 and 5. Each eye should be
right above the stitches in yellow as in my photos.
Optionally you can make eyelids. To do this, make one diagonal stitch
behind an eye, and sew it to the head winding the yarn around it (i.e. go
under the stitch and grab the main fabric each time).
s yOops.
/ N an
t a s ia K i rsanova
Anas/ NansyOops.rvAllerights
©Kirsanova d. reserved.
© Anastasia
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Arms, make 2.
1. 4 sc into mr (4)
2. to 5. rounds 4 sc across.
Once you finish the long part of the arm, crochet the
fingers. To do this, without breaking yarn, chain 4, slip
stitch to the 2nd st from the hook, then slip stitch 2
more times down across the chain. You made the 1st finger. Go on
crocheting – chain 4 again, and from the 2nd st from hook work 3 sl st across
the chain as for the first finger. Crochet the third finger alike. See photos
and the chart below.
s yOops.
/ N an
t a s ia K i rsanova
Anas/ NansyOops.rvAllerights
©Kirsanova d. reserved.
© Anastasia
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Legs, make 2.
1. 6 sc into mr (6)
2. to 8. rounds 6 sc across. At this stage take a piece of wire two times as
long as the leg, bend it in half (see photos) and insert in the leg. To
secure the wire inside, apply some glue on it.
Crochet toes in the same way you crocheted fingers. Send the yarn tail
to the leg beginning, to sew on the leg later.
Sew on the limbs using thread jointing for them to be movable. If it seems tricky
for you, please see the video.
Pin the legs between rounds 13 and 14. Pin the arms between rounds 8 and 9, at
the sides of the body. yOops.
/ Nans
r s a n o v a
A n a s t a sia Ki
©Kirsanova / NansyOops.
© Anastasia
s e d. reserved.
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Contact information:
Instagram: @nansyoops
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/ N an
t a s ia K i rsanova
Anas/ NansyOops.rvAllerights
©Kirsanova d. reserved.
© Anastasia
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