Application Form May 2021
Application Form May 2021
Application Form May 2021
This application form contains 8 sections. Please ensure that all sections are completed.
If you are completing the form electronically, the boxes will automatically expand. If you are completing it by
hand, you may continue any answer on additional sheets, but please mark each sheet with your name and the
section of the form it relates to.
Please also download and complete an equal opportunities monitoring form. The information you provide on the
equal opportunities monitoring form will not be made available to the selection/interview panel.
Please send the completed application form and equal opportunities monitoring form with your current CV to
Alistair Owen, HR Manager, at [email protected].
Name and address of Job title / Position held Dates from and to Reason for leaving
Section 8: Declaration
Please read the following carefully before signing this application. If you are submitting your application by email,
insert your full name in the box to acknowledge that you have read and understood the declaration of personal
consent. You may be asked to provide a written signature later in the process.
I declare that the information given on this form is true and complete to the best of my knowledge and
belief, and I understand that any false information or deliberate omission will give Mountview the right to
terminate any contract offered. Submission of this form indicates your explicit consent that your data may be
processed in accordance with the provisions of the Data Protection Act and General Data Protection
Regulation (GDPR) 2018.
Please note that the successful candidate will be required to complete a health questionnaire. Mountview also
reserves the right to ask the successful candidate to undergo a medical examination. Should we require further
information and wish to contact your doctor with a view to obtaining a medical report, the law requires us to
inform you of our intention and to obtain permission prior to contacting your doctor.