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EAS 565 (2008) (English): Road vehicles

— Spark-plugs — Test methods and
EAS 565:2008
ICS 43.060.50


Road vehicles — Spark-plugs — Test methods and requirements


© EAC 2008 First Edition 2008

EAS 565:2008

Development of the East African Standards has been necessitated by the need for harmonizing
requirements governing quality of products and services in East Africa. It is envisaged that through
harmonized standardization, trade barriers which are encountered when goods and services are
exchanged within the Community will be removed.

In order to meet the above objectives, the EAC Partner States have enacted an East African
Standardization, Quality Assurance, Metrology and Test Act, 2006 (EAC SQMT Act, 2006) to make
provisions for ensuring standardization, quality assurance, metrology and testing of products
produced or originating in a third country and traded in the Community in order to facilitate industrial
development and trade as well as helping to protect the health and safety of society and the
environment in the Community.

East African Standards are formulated in accordance with the procedures established by the East
African Standards Committee. The East African Standards Committee is established under the
provisions of Article 4 of the EAC SQMT Act, 2006. The Committee is composed of representatives of
the National Standards Bodies in Partner States, together with the representatives from the private
sectors and consumer organizations. Draft East African Standards are circulated to stakeholders
through the National Standards Bodies in the Partner States. The comments received are discussed
and incorporated before finalization of standards, in accordance with the procedures of the

Article 15(1) of the EAC SQMT Act, 2006 provides that “Within six months of the declaration of an
East African Standard, the Partner States shall adopt, without deviation from the approved text of the
standard, the East African Standard as a national standard and withdraw any existing national
standard with similar scope and purpose”.

East African Standards are subject to review, to keep pace with technological advances. Users of the
East African Standards are therefore expected to ensure that they always have the latest versions of
the standards they are implementing.

© East African Community 2008 — All rights reserved
East African Community
P O Box 1096
Tel: 255 27 2504253/8
Fax: 255-27-2504481/2504255
E-Mail: [email protected]
Web: www.each.int

© 2008 EAC — All rights of exploitation in any form and by any means reserved worldwide for EAC Partner States’ NSBs.

ii © EAC 2008 — All rights reserved

EAS 565:2008

ISO 11565:2006, Road vehicles — Spark-plugs — Test methods and requirements

© EAC 2008 — All rights reserved iii


Second edition

Road vehicles — Spark-plugs —

Test methods and requirements
Véhicules routiers — Bougies d'allumage — Méthodes d'essai et

Reference number
ISO 11565:2006(E)

© ISO 2006
ISO 11565:2006(E)

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ISO 11565:2006(E)

Contents Page

Foreword............................................................................................................................................................ iv
1 Scope ..................................................................................................................................................... 1
2 Normative references ........................................................................................................................... 1
3 Test methods and requirements ......................................................................................................... 2
3.1 General................................................................................................................................................... 2
3.2 General characteristics ........................................................................................................................ 2
3.3 Dimensions............................................................................................................................................ 3
3.4 Mechanical performance...................................................................................................................... 3
3.5 Gas tightness ........................................................................................................................................ 4
3.6 Thermal shock, thermal resistance..................................................................................................... 5
3.7 Electrical performance ......................................................................................................................... 7
3.8 Loading life of the incorporated resistor ........................................................................................... 9
3.9 Thermal stability of the incorporated resistor ................................................................................... 9
Annex A (informative) Wiring diagram of a test bench for the loading life of an incorporated
resistor ................................................................................................................................................. 10

© ISO 2006 – All rights reserved iii

ISO 11565:2006(E)

ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards bodies
(ISO member bodies). The work of preparing International Standards is normally carried out through ISO
technical committees. Each member body interested in a subject for which a technical committee has been
established has the right to be represented on that committee. International organizations, governmental and
non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work. ISO collaborates closely with the
International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) on all matters of electrotechnical standardization.

International Standards are drafted in accordance with the rules given in the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2.

The main task of technical committees is to prepare International Standards. Draft International Standards
adopted by the technical committees are circulated to the member bodies for voting. Publication as an
International Standard requires approval by at least 75 % of the member bodies casting a vote.

Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of patent
rights. ISO shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights.

ISO 11565 was prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 22, Road vehicles, Subcommittee SC 1, Ignition

This second edition cancels and replaces the first edition (ISO 11565:1998), which has been technically

iv © ISO 2006 – All rights reserved


Road vehicles — Spark-plugs — Test methods and


1 Scope
This International Standard specifies the test methods and requirements for the mechanical and electrical
performance of spark-plugs for use with spark ignition engines.

2 Normative references
The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For dated
references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced
document (including any amendments) applies.

ISO 1919, Road vehicles — M14 × 1,25 spark-plugs with flat seating and their cylinder head housings

ISO 2344, Road vehicles — M14 × 1,25 spark-plugs with conical seating and their cylinder head housings

ISO 2345, Road vehicles — M18 × 1,5 spark-plugs with conical seating and their cylinder head housing

ISO 2346, Road vehicles — M14 × 1,25 compact spark-plugs with flat seating and 19 mm hexagon and their
cylinder head housing

ISO 2347, Road vehicles — M14 × 1,25 compact spark-plugs with conical seating and their cylinder head

ISO 2704, Road vehicles — M10 × 1 spark-plugs with flat seating and their cylinder head housings

ISO 2705, Road vehicles — M12 × 1,25 spark-plugs with flat seating and their cylinder head housings

ISO 6789, Assembly tools for screws and nuts — Hand torque tools — Requirements and test methods for
design conformance testing, quality conformance testing and recalibration procedure

ISO 8470, Road vehicles — M14 × 1,25 spark-plugs with flat seating and 16 mm hexagon and their cylinder
head housings

ISO 16246, Road vehicles — M12 × 1,25 spark-plugs with flat seating and 14 mm hexagon and their cylinder
head housing

ISO 19812, Road vehicles — M10 × 1 compact spark-plugs with flat seating and 16 mm hexagon and their
cylinder head housings

ISO 22977, Road vehicles — M12 × 1,25 spark-plugs with flat seating and 14 mm bi-hexagon and their
cylinder head housing

IEC 60051-1, Direct acting indicating analogue electrical measuring instruments and their accessories —
Part 1: Definitions and general requirements common to all parts

IEC 60068-2-6, Environmental testing — Part 2: Tests — Test Fc: Vibration (sinusoidal)

© ISO 2006 – All rights reserved 1

ISO 11565:2006(E)

3 Test methods and requirements

3.1 General

The tests shall be carried out at an ambient temperature of (23 ± 5) °C and a relative humidity of (65 ± 20) %
unless otherwise specified.

For each test sample in Table 1, the test sequence is indicated by an X from top to bottom.

Each test sequence shall be started with unused samples.

Table 1 — Test sequences

In accordance Test sample

Characteristic to be checked with
subclause A B C D E F G

General characteristics (visual examination) 3.2 X X X X X X X

Dimensions 3.3 X X X X X X X
Resistance of incorporated element for RF suppression 3.7.1 X X
Loading life of the incorporated resistor 3.8 X —

Mechanical strength of the shell 3.4.1 X —
Tear-off resistance of the high-voltage terminal 3.4.2 X
Bending resistance 3.4.3 X

Gas tightness 3.5 X —
Withstand voltage of the insulator 3.7.2 X

Vibration 3.4.4 X
Gas tightness 3.5 X
— —
Withstand voltage of the insulator 3.7.2 — X
Thermal shock, thermal resistance 3.6 X
Insulation resistance at ambient temperature 3.7.3 X

Insulation resistance at high temperature 3.7.4 — X
Thermal stability of incorporated resistor 3.9 X
General characteristics (visual examination) 3.2 X X X X X

3.2 General characteristics

3.2.1 Test method

Check the following characteristics specified in 3.2.2 by visual examination. Carry out the visual examination
with the naked eye, at normal strength of vision and normal colour perception, at the most favourable viewing
distance, and with suitable illumination.

Visual examination shall allow identification, appearance, workmanship and finish of the item to be checked
against the relevant specification.

2 © ISO 2006 – All rights reserved

ISO 11565:2006(E)

3.2.2 Requirements The external gasket, if any, shall be in accordance with the International Standard for the
relevant spark-plug. The scavenging area shall be clean and without any foreign body. The electrodes shall be fixed in position. The shell shall be properly fixed to the insulator. No visible sign of corrosion is allowed. The
thread shall be free from burrs or damage. The insulator shall be smooth and uniform without abnormal appearance. The insulator shall not
show chips, cracks or signs of shock damage. The marking shall be in accordance with the manufacturer’s specification.

3.3 Dimensions

3.3.1 Test method

The dimensions shall be checked in accordance with the relevant International Standard, using random

3.3.2 Requirement

All dimensions shall conform to the relevant spark-plug International Standard.

3.4 Mechanical performance

3.4.1 Mechanical strength of the shell Test fixture

The test fixture shall have the thread and the seat according to the relevant spark-plug International Standard
and have a surface finish of 1,6 µm (Ra = 1,6). Test method

Install the fully assembled spark-plug on the test fixture specified in and tighten it with a torque wrench,
or a corresponding device, until the shell breaks. Requirements

The measured torque shall not be less than:

⎯ 60 Nm for M14 flat seat spark-plugs and for M18 conical seat spark-plugs;

⎯ 40 Nm for M14 conical seat spark-plugs;

⎯ 35 Nm for M12 spark-plugs;

⎯ 25 Nm for M10 spark-plugs.

© ISO 2006 – All rights reserved 3

ISO 11565:2006(E)

3.4.2 Tear-off resistance of the high-voltage terminal Test method

The test shall be non-destructive.

Mount the spark-plug on a tensile strength test bench using a suitable device. Apply a force linearly increasing
from 0 N to (400 ± 10) N with a rate of less than 500 N/s to the high-voltage terminal in the axial direction. Requirement

After the test, the spark-plug shall be intact.

3.4.3 Bending resistance Test method

Mount the spark-plug on a suitable test block at the maximum installation torque specified in the relevant
International Standard. Apply a force perpendicular to the insulator axis and within 5 mm of the insulator’s end.
The moment arm shall be defined as referenced from the seating surface (gauging point for conical seating) of
the spark-plug in the cylinder head. The test shall be non-destructive. The touch down velocity of the force
applied shall be less than 10 mm/min to avoid impact damage. Requirement

The spark-plug shall withstand to a bending moment of 15 Nm.

3.4.4 Resistance to vibration Test method

Subject the spark-plug, mounted and tightened as specified, to a vibration test Fc in accordance with
IEC 60068-2-6:

⎯ frequency range: 50 Hz to 500 Hz, sinusoidal;

⎯ sweep rate: 1 octave/min;

⎯ acceleration: 30 g (294 m/s2);

⎯ vibration directions: spark-plug axis and perpendicular;

⎯ duration: 8 h in each direction. Requirement

After this test the spark-plug shall show no abnormalities and shall fulfil all subsequent tests listed in Table 1.

3.5 Gas tightness

3.5.1 Test method

Mount the spark-plug on a test device which represents the configuration given for mounting the spark-plug to
the cylinder head and tighten it with an installation torque which shall be adapted depending on the friction
factor between the test fixture material and the spark-plug as specified in Table 2.

4 © ISO 2006 – All rights reserved

ISO 11565:2006(E)

The material of the test fixture shall be agreed between the spark-plug manufacturer and the engine

If the test fixture seat is not of alloy, it shall have a hardness of HRC 20 or greater. The surface roughness
across the seating surface shall be Ra max. 0,2 µm. To cover wear of the seating surface during several tests,
the spark-plug manufacturer shall test with a seating surface of Ra max. 1,6 µm. All threads shall be free of

Table 2 — Installation torque

Installation torque in the test fixture

(Tool adjustment value a)
Seating Thread

Alloy Hardened copper alloy Hardened steel

M10 × 1 15 18 20
M12 × 1,25 25 30 35
M14 × 1,25 30 35 45
M14 × 1,25 compact 20 25 35
M14 × 1,25 20 20 35
M18 × 1,25 23 23 45
a Tool calibrated according to ISO 6789.

Ensure the spark-plug temperature, measured close to the seat as shown in Figure 1, has reached
(200 ± 10) °C. Apply a pressure of (2 ± 0,2) MPa [(20 ± 2) bar] (air, nitrogen, carbon dioxide or any other
detection gas) to the spark-plug face for a duration of 5 minutes and determine the leakage rate between:

⎯ shell and test fixture seat;

⎯ shell and insulator;

⎯ insulator and high-voltage terminal.

3.5.2 Requirement

The measured total leakage rate shall not exceed 2 cm3/min. If air or nitrogen are not used, convert the
leakage rate to that of air using the specific volume of the detection gas.

3.6 Thermal shock, thermal resistance

3.6.1 Test method

Cut off the shell to expose the insulator nose without damaging the insulator nose. Immerse the insulator nose
for a duration of 30 s in a soldering bath with a temperature of ( 500 +−50
20 ) °C to a depth of not less than 3 mm.

Following immersion, allow the insulator to cool to ambient temperature without forced cooling.

The use of a flaw-detecting penetrating dye is recommended for visual examination. The same method shall
be used for examination before and after the test.

© ISO 2006 – All rights reserved 5

ISO 11565:2006(E)

Dimensions in millimetres

a) Flat seating

b) Conical seating

a Limited leakage possible.
b Temperature of (200 ± 10) °C in this area.
c Pitch diameter.

Figure 1 — Leakage

6 © ISO 2006 – All rights reserved

ISO 11565:2006(E)

3.6.2 Requirement

There shall be no ruptures, cracks or deformations.

3.7 Electrical performance

3.7.1 Resistance of the incorporated element for RF suppression Test method

Apply a pulsed voltage of 1 kV to 5 kV between the centre electrode and the terminal of the resistor plug.

For those plugs whose resistors are not voltage sensitive, a d.c. voltage of up to 12 V may be used. Requirement

The resistance of suppression spark-plugs shall be as agreed between the spark-plug manufacturer and the
engine manufacturer.

NOTE Typical resistance values are in the range 1 kΩ to 20 kΩ.

3.7.2 Withstand voltage of the insulator Test method

Mount the spark-plug on a suitable pressure chamber and tighten it with the torque specified in the relevant
International Standard. Apply pressure (air, nitrogen or carbon dioxide) in the pressure chamber to the firing
end of the spark-plug to ensure that no spark occurs between the electrodes during this test.

Apply ignition voltage pulses, with a frequency of (50 to 60) Hz, and with the voltage rising at a rate of
> 600 V/µs, up to a peak value as given in Table 3, between the shell and high-voltage terminal of the

A spark-plug boot may be used to avoid surface flash-over. The ground electrodes may be eliminated or the
firing tip of the insulator may be covered with a tube if the flashover cannot be avoided.

© ISO 2006 – All rights reserved 7

ISO 11565:2006(E)

Table 3 — Test voltages

Test voltage
Spark-plug in
(peak value)
accordance with

ISO 2346
14 ISO 2347
ISO 19812
20 ISO 2704
ISO 1919

ISO 2344

ISO 2345
25 ISO 2705

ISO 8470

ISO 16246
ISO 22977

NOTE Test voltages should be agreed between the spark-plug manufacturer and engine manufacturer when higher
performance is required. Requirement

No breakdown shall occur.

3.7.3 Insulation resistance at ambient temperature Test method

Measure the insulation resistance between the centre electrode of the plug and the grounded part using an
insulation tester with an accuracy according to IEC 60051-1. Requirement

The insulation resistance shall be 100 MΩ or higher.

3.7.4 Insulation resistance at high temperature Test method

Install the test spark-plug onto a metallic fixture to which one lead of an insulation tester is attached. Attach
the second lead of the insulation tester (mechanical or welded) to the centre electrode of the test spark-plug.
Insert the entire assembly into a heatable test chamber. Pass the insulation tester leads through the door of
the test chamber using a high temperature insulating material and attach them to the insulation tester. Heat
the chamber to 400 °C and record the insulation resistance after 30 min at this temperature. Requirement

The insulation resistance at high temperature shall be 10 MΩ or higher.

8 © ISO 2006 – All rights reserved

ISO 11565:2006(E)

3.8 Loading life of the incorporated resistor

3.8.1 Test method

Measure the resistance of the resistor plugs in accordance with 3.7.1, then subject them to 1,3 × 107 sparks of
the following parameters:

⎯ average required spark voltage: 20 kV;

⎯ spark energy: 16 mJ;

⎯ spark rate: 50 Hz or 60 Hz;

⎯ ignition coil output voltage: 35 kV.

Then measure the resistance again and compare the result with the values before testing.

NOTE The wiring diagram of a test bench is shown as an example in Annex A.

3.8.2 Requirement

The resistance shall be as agreed between the spark-plug manufacturer and the engine manufacturer.

3.9 Thermal stability of the incorporated resistor

3.9.1 Test method

Measure the resistance of the resistor plugs in accordance with 3.7.1 at room temperature. Store the
spark-plug in a hot air oven at 150 °C for 2 h and measure the resistance at the end of this period. Then store
the spark-plug at room temperature and measure the resistance again after it has reached room temperature.

Store the spark-plug in a hot air oven at 300 °C for 20 min, then at room temperature and measure the
resistance after the spark-plug has reached room temperature again.

Examine the changes of the respective resistance values.

3.9.2 Requirement

The resistance shall be as agreed between the spark-plug manufacturer and the engine manufacturer.

NOTE Typical resistance values are in the range of 1 kΩ to 20 kΩ.

© ISO 2006 – All rights reserved 9

ISO 11565:2006(E)

Annex A

Wiring diagram of a test bench for the loading life

of an incorporated resistor

Figures A.1 and A.2 show, as an example, the wiring diagram of a test bench for the loading life of an
incorporated resistor.

a a.c. supply R1 resistor 800 Ω to 1 200 Ω, 0,25 W
C capacitor 0,47 µF, 600 V R2 resistor 1 kΩ to 1,5 kΩ, 0,25 W
D1 diode 1 200 V, 1 A SCR thyristor 600 V, 5 A
D2 diode 100 V, 1 A SG spark-gap (see Figure A.2)
F fuse SP spark-plug
IT ignition coil SW power switch
NL neon lamp T transformer

Figure A.1 — Connection diagram for a loading life test of an incorporated resistor

Dimensions in millimetres

Figure A.2 — Spark-gap

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ISO 11565:2006(E)

ICS 43.060.50
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EAS 565:2008

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