Lab 3
Lab 3
Lab 3
To install QEMU on your virtual machine, type the following in your terminal:
Once you have finished the installation, you need to write the simplest ARM assembly program (the one listed
in B.1.1 in textbook), and assemble and execute it. Upon success, there should be nothing printed out — no
warnings or any type of output. To learn how to assemble, link, and execute an assembly program, read B.2.1
in textbook.
To get credits for attendance, show your CA that you have installed QEMU, and can assemble/link/execute the
simplest ARM program. No submission needed.
Unlike high-level languages, in assembly, if we want to print a string, we have to declare it first in the .data
1 .data
2 msg: .string "Hello World!\n"
To print this string out, we need to set several registers to correct values before invoking the system call, because
the system needs to retrieve the information about this string from these registers:
Register Content
X0 Destination (for printing, its value is 1)
X1 The address of the string to be printed
X2 The length of the string to be printed
X8 System call number (for printing, its value is 64)
Once these registers are ready, we can invoke the system call by using instruction: SVC 0 , and the string will
be printed out!
1 MOV X0, 0
2 MOV X8, 93
3 SVC 0
Note your code is a complete assembly program (not just a sequence of instructions). It must be able to
assemble, link, and execute without error and warnings. When executed, the program must finish without
If your code cannot assemble, you get no credit – this is the same to C programs that cannot be compiled;
You must declare the length of the string as a quadword in the .data segment;
You must put comments on every instruction you wrote; no need to comment on labels and directives;
You must put your name and honor code pledge at the top of your code in comments.
3 Grading
Task 2 will be graded based on a total of 10 points. The following lists deductibles, and the lowest score is 0 –
no negative scores:
-10: the code does not assemble, or the program terminates abnormally/unsuccessfully;
-10: the code is generated by compiler;
-2: the length of the string is not declared as a quad data in the .data segment;
-2: one or more instructions is missing comments;
-1: no pledge and/or name.
Earlybird Extra Credit: 2% of extra credit will be given if the lab is finished by Wednesday 11:59PM EST (1 day
before the lab deadline). For specific policy, see syllabus.
Attendance: show your CA completed task 1 and check off at the end of the lab to get attendance credit.
Submit a single .s file.
For those who are curious and interested: you must have noticed some similarities between the procedure of printing string and
terminating the program: both of them prepared some values to registers, and moved a number (system call number) to register X8 ,
and executed SVC . This is because printing needs to invoke a system call called write() , while terminating a program called
exit() . You will learn all about these in detail in CS-392 Systems Programming. You can see the details here: