Bajaj Hindustan Sugar - Distillery and Cogen Feasibility Report - 2024
Bajaj Hindustan Sugar - Distillery and Cogen Feasibility Report - 2024
Bajaj Hindustan Sugar - Distillery and Cogen Feasibility Report - 2024
Having Capacity - 570 KLD along with 10.0 MW Co Gen Power at Village: Muradabad Urf Final
Nakta, Gulada Macchwapur, Tehsil: Bisalpur, District: Pilibhit (Uttar Pradesh) of M/s Bajaj EIA/EMP
Hindusthan Sugar Limited, Unit: Barkhera
An estimated 1.65 billion liters of ethanol will be produced in 2017, almost 20 percent less
than last year. Limited availability of molasses due to short sugarcane production, particularly
in Southern and Western states, will keep the supply tight. Theoretically, the ethanol available
is sufficient to meet the 5 percent blend target, but demand rationing, particularly from potable
and industrial sectors, will limit ethanol market penetration close to 2 percent. Industry
sources indicated that the OMCs may procure upwards of 700 million liters in 2017.
As per 2017 monsoon, ethanol production in 2018 will improve to 1.9 billion liters on
anticipated rise in sugarcane production, the result of farmers planting more canes to recover
area lost to adverse weather conditions. In turn, OMCs should be able to procure an estimated
850 million liters of ethanol for blending with gasoline in 2018, which will raise the national
blend average slightly to 2.2 percent.
Against the background M/s Bajaj Hindusthan Sugar Limited, Unit: Barkhera plans
to propose Cane Juice Syrup / Grains / B or C-Heavy Molasses Based Distillery Having
Capacity - 570 KLD along with 10.0 MW Co Gen Power to meet the ever-growing demand of
Ethanol for industrial and blending in Petroleum.
2.3.2 Connectivity
Plant site is well connected to SH-29 at adjacent to the project site in East direction. The
nearest railway station is Barkhera Railway Station (~2.64 km in South East direction). The
site is suitably located with respect to availability of raw material, water, road network,
skilled/ semiskilled/ unskilled and professional manpower etc. All communication facilities
such as telephone, telefax & internet are available in the vicinity of the plant site. Location
map of proposed location is given in Figure-2.3.
Hence, Water required for proposed project will be different during Cane Juice Syrup /
Grains / C or B heavy Molasses based operation. Maximum fresh water requirement will be
2280 KLD (@ 4.0 KL / KL of product). Source of fresh water requirement will be met through
Ground water. Fresh Water requirement for Cane Juice Syrup based operation 2166 KLD (@
3.80 KL / KL of Product), for Grain based operation 2280 KLD (@ 4.0 KL/KL of Product)
and Molasses (B heavy Molasses or C Heavy Molasses) based operation 2280 KLD (@ 4.0 KL
/ KL of product).
During Sugar Season, Fresh water requirement will be reduced due to utilisation of
treated water from Sugar Unit. 100 % Condensate water will be utilised in proposed Distillery
plant. Fresh water consumption will be 1166 KLD during Sugar Season. Water Balance for
Sugar Season with utilisation of treated water is given in Fig no 2.9.
Figure-2.6: Water Balance Flow Chart during 100% Cane Juice Syrup based operation - 570 KLD
Figure-2.7: Water Balance Flow Chart during 100% Grain based operation - 570 KLD
Figure-2.8: Water Balance Flow Chart during 100% Molasses based operation - 570 KLD
Figure-2.9: Water Balance Flow Chart during Sugar season with treated water utilisation
2. Fermentation
Cane Juice Syrup is the chief raw material used for production of alcohol. Cane Juice Syrup
57.3 % fermentable sugar. During the fermentation, yeast strains of the species Saccharomyces
cerevisiae, a living microorganism belonging to class fungi converts sugar present in the Cane
Juice Syrup such as sucrose or glucose in to alcohol. The continuous fermentation process
involves addition of fresh nutrients medium either continuously or intermittent withdrawal of
portion of nutrient for recovery of fermentation products. In continuous process, fermenter is
in constant usage with little shut down and after initial inoculation of yeast culture, further
inoculation is not necessary.
2. Fermentation
Yeast Activation:
Yeast seed material is prepared in Yeast Activation Vessel (Pre-Fermenter) by inoculating
sterilized mash with yeast. Optimum temperature is maintained by circulating cooling water.
The contents of the Yeast Activation Vessel are then transferred to fermenter. The purpose of
Fermentation is to convert the fermentable substrate into alcohol. To prepare the mash for
Fermentation, it is diluted with water. Yeast is added in sufficient quantity to complete
Fermentation to produce alcohol. At the start of the cycle, the fermenter is charged with mash
and contents of the Yeast Activation Vessel (Pre fermenter). Significant heat release takes
place during Fermentation. This is removed by passing the mash through heat exchangers to
maintain an optimum temperature. The re circulating pumps also serve to empty the
fermenters into beer well. CO2 can then be taken to CO2 vent line where it is vented out. After
emptying of fermenter, it is cleaned for next batch.
3. Distillation
Wash to ENA Mode
Multi-Pressure distillation system having several distillation columns operating at various
pressure conditions. Heat energy from columns operating under high pressure is utilized for
columns operating under low pressure to optimize the operation for energy consumption.
Following Columns will be under operation
➢ Analyser Column
➢ Degasifying Column
➢ Pre-Rectifier Column cum
➢ Exhaust Column
Prepared by: ETRC Consultants Pvt Ltd 38 | P a g e
Establishment of new Cane Juice Syrup / Grains / B or C-Heavy Molasses Based Distillery
Having Capacity - 570 KLD along with 10.0 MW Co Gen Power at Village: Muradabad Urf Final
Nakta, Gulada Macchwapur, Tehsil: Bisalpur, District: Pilibhit (Uttar Pradesh) of M/s Bajaj EIA/EMP
Hindusthan Sugar Limited, Unit: Barkhera
➢ Extractive Distillation Column
➢ Rectifier cum Exhaust Column
➢ Recovery Column
➢ Simmering Column
Pre-heated fermented wash is fed at the top of the degasifying column. Analyser column is
provided with re boiler. Top vapors of analyser column containing all the alcohol in the wash
are sent to Pre- Rectifier column. Rest of the fermented wash flows down the Analyser column
and is taken out as thick slops from Analyser column bottom. Low boiling impurities are
concentrated in the Pre-Rectifier column. A draw of impure alcohol is taken out from the top
of the Pre-Rectifier column. RS draw is taken from the top of Pre rectifier column, which
further is sent to Extractive Distillation column.
4. Evaporation
The suggested treatment scheme is a Four Effect (Integrated) plus Two Finisher working on
the principle of falling film Evaporation & Forced circulation. Simmering vapours is fed to the
first effect evaporator shell side and exhust vapour is fed to shell side of finisher at the given
pressure and temperature as the heating medium. The Feed at predetermined temperature is
fed from the top of First effect evaporator. Vapours generated in 1st effect VLS (Vapour Liquid
Separator) are used as heat source in the 2nd effect which is in series to the first effect & so on.
A Shell & tube type Multi-pass Surface condenser is employed for condensing the shell side
vapours. The product at the desired concentration is obtained at the outlet of last effect. Each
effect is provided with recirculation cum transfer pump. The condensate from surface
condensers is collected in a common condensate pot. The condensate is transferred for further
treatment / drain by using centrifugal pump. The system operates under vacuum.
Water-ring vacuum pumps will be used to maintain a desired vacuum. Cooling water from
cooling tower is used in the surface condensers for condensing the vapours.
5. Dryer
❖ Wet distiller’s grains shall be fed into the dryer housing at controlled rate through a
suitable feeding system. The Rotary Tube Bundle is enclosed in an insulated dryer housing
and on its outer flights is fixed. Dry saturated steam is to be supplied to the tube bundle
through rotary joint at one end & the condensate is discharged through rotary joint
mounted of another end.
❖ During the course of rotation, these flights pick up the material and shower them on to the
tube bundles. The heat transfer is primarily by conduction. The water vapors are
2) Fermentation
The yeast propagation is only at the start and stabilization of the fermenter. When once the
continuous fermentation is on, the yeast propagation is stopped and only a periodic
continuous addition of small make up of fresh culture from yeast vessel is done to maintain the
activity of yeast in the active yeast count in the fermenter. The yeast vessels are fitted with
jacket for sterilizing and cooling the medium in situ. Sterile air is supplied to these vessels
through compressor and the sterilization-system comprising a series of fine filters followed by
HEPA filters. Molasses from the molasses tank in the yard are pumped to transfer pump into
tipper type molasses weighing system and weighed molasses feed tank from where molasses
feed pump it to yeast vessels (when necessary) or to fermenter through a static mixer type
molasses diluter. Main fermenter could be one or two stages depending on the control system
envisaged based on the final designs. The heat of fermentation is extracted by circulating the
fermenter contents through wort coolers. Temperature in the fermenter is to be maintained at
32 - 34°C. Carbon dioxide evolved during fermentation is vented out through scrubber to
recover entrained alcohol vapors. Dilute molasses are fed to the fermenter continuously. The
Figure-2.14: Flow Diagram of Spent Wash Treatment during Cane Juice Syrup and
Molasses (B heavy or C heavy based operation)
Figure-2.15: Flow Diagram of Spent Wash Treatment during Grain Based Operation
The treatment steps for achieving required product water quality are :-
• Primary treatment
• Anaerobic System
• Secondary Treatment (Including Aerobic System)
• Tertiary Treatment (ETP Recycling system)
• Primary treatment
1. Bar Screen
Bar Screens are mechanical filter are normally installed as the first line of defence to
remove large objects primarily, rags, woods, Plastics that manage to escape and find their
way through the drainage systems. Usually, these objects can be of extreme nuisance
because if left around going to the main treatment plant, they pose a significant risk of
damaging pumps and blocking valves.
Bar screens come in many designs. Some employ automatic cleaning mechanisms using
electric motors and chains, some must be cleaned manually by means of a heavy rake.
Items removed from the influent are called screenings and are collected in dumpsters. As a
3. Equalization Tank
An equalization tank providing consistent flow and loading to a biological process is
important to maintain optimal treatment. Equalization (EQ) Basins are designed to
provide consistent influent flow to downstream processes by retaining high flow
fluctuations. Due to the additional retention time, aeration and mixing is required in
equalization basins to prevent the raw wastewater from becoming septic and to maintain
solids in suspension. We offer equipment that mixes your EQ Basin to keep suspended
solids in solution, add fine bubble aeration to minimize odors, and also ensure predictable
and constant flow equalization.
Effluent from the oil and grease pit comes to the equalization tank in wastewater
treatment. The main function is to act as buffer and to collect the incoming raw effluent
that comes at widely fluctuating rates and position to the rest of the CPU at steady
(Average) flow rate. During the peak hours CPU comes at high flow rate. The
equalization tank stores this effluent and lets it out during the non peak time when there is
no /little incoming effluent. The process condensate and the spent lees are mixed in the
equalization tank, from where it is pumped into the plated heat exchanger.
5. Buffer Tank
The effluent outlet from the plated heat exchanger is passed into a buffer tank, where,
sodium carbonate/caustic dosing is carried out along with nutrient dosing. The aim is to
ensure that sufficient food source is available for the bacteria to digest the effluent in the
UASB. This also ensures to maintain the desired Mixed Liquor suspended solids (MLSS
level within the UASB for the bacteria to act on. The nutrients and chemicals dosed in the
buffer tank are mixed by means of mechanical agitation to ensure uniform distribution of
the same within the effluent.
Anaerobic System
1. Anaerobic Up-flow Sludge Blanket Reactor (UASB)
The effluent from the buffer tank enters the anaerobic upflow sludge blanket reactor
(UASB) which is a single tank process capable of achieving a good reduction in the
organic pollutants. The effluent enters the reactor from the bottom and flows upward. A
suspended sludge blanket filters and treats the wastewater as it flows through it. The
bacteria present within the sludge helps to break down the organic matter by anaerobic
digestion. A by-product of this reaction is Methane, which is separated from the sludge by
Prepared by: ETRC Consultants Pvt Ltd 55 | P a g e
Establishment of new Cane Juice Syrup / Grains / B or C-Heavy Molasses Based Distillery
Having Capacity - 570 KLD along with 10.0 MW Co Gen Power at Village: Muradabad Urf Final
Nakta, Gulada Macchwapur, Tehsil: Bisalpur, District: Pilibhit (Uttar Pradesh) of M/s Bajaj EIA/EMP
Hindusthan Sugar Limited, Unit: Barkhera
means of a gas solid separator. A flare stack will be provided to burn the gas generated
from the process. The blanket floating of sludge floating on top provides a filtration effect
to retain the solids in the effluent. This results in an effluent with lower content of organic
pollutants in it. However, the effluent generated requires further polishing which can be
achieved by means of a secondary clarifier. Effluent quanlity at the out let of USAB
reactor will be are as follows:
pH 6.7 - 7.0
COD 800 - 1000 ppm
BOD 250 - 300 ppm
VA 100 - 500 ppm
TDS 900 - 1100 ppm
Alkalinity 800 - 1500 mg/Lit
2. Secondary Clarifier
A circular basin in which effluent from the activated sludge process is held for a period of
time during which the heavier biomass (microorganisms) settles to the bottom as
“activated sludge.” This sludge, teaming with hungry microorganisms, can be returned to
the aeration basin to begin the activated sludge treatment process all over again.
Secondary clarifier built with mechanical means for continuous recycling of Activated
Sludge. Clarifiers work on the principle of gravity settling. The heavier suspended solids
settle in the clarifier due to the quiescent conditions provided in the Clarification zone.
Settled culture from secondary tank will be recycle to Aeration to maintain the MLSS in
aeration tank.
5. UV System
A portion of the water from the outlet of process water tank is pumped to a UV e purpose
of this system is to disrupt the the growth of harmful microorganisms in the treated water.
High energy UV radiations penetrate the harmful microorganisms and are absorbed by
DNA of the pathogens in the influent water. This causes the DNA to be altered rendering
Prepared by: ETRC Consultants Pvt Ltd 59 | P a g e
Establishment of new Cane Juice Syrup / Grains / B or C-Heavy Molasses Based Distillery
Having Capacity - 570 KLD along with 10.0 MW Co Gen Power at Village: Muradabad Urf Final
Nakta, Gulada Macchwapur, Tehsil: Bisalpur, District: Pilibhit (Uttar Pradesh) of M/s Bajaj EIA/EMP
Hindusthan Sugar Limited, Unit: Barkhera
the pathogen ineffective in reproducing, thereby killing them. UV system are capable of
destroying around 99.99% of all the harmful microorganisms including E. Coli,
6. Chemical Dosing System
Purpose of dosing system is to prepare and feed various chemicals required for RO and
post treatment systems. Chemical dosing system shall include dosing of Acid, Anti-
scalant, Anti - oxidant, Alkali, etc.