First Lesson Plan
First Lesson Plan
First Lesson Plan
Lesson plan to support the development of the Research Proposal you are developing for the course.
GRADE: __501_ DATE: _04th October TEACHER: _Endy Rincon_ TOPIC: Simple Present with Daily Routine TIME: 2 hours
Students will The topic will be taught through slides which will I will check to see if they
understand the support the explanation of the topic and the understood the grammar of
correct grammar to visualization of the different vocabulary that can the present simple and how
express their daily be used to express the routine. to express their daily routine
routine with the through the last activity
explanation given. Canva presentation: which is to go to the board
and the other one which is
1. Explain the correct use and structure of the through the explanation
present simple in affirmative, negative and which is by asking them what
interrogative. Then, a space will be opened they do at such and such
for participation to resolve doubts and then time of the day.
questions will be asked where they will
mention what they do during the day to 50
address the topic of daily routines. (The Minutes
explanation will be supported with slides to
keep their attention).
2. Explain how to express themselves to
describe what they do in their daily lives
with the respective structure and then show
the vocabulary they can use, which they
should write down in their notebooks (use
of flash cards or slides with images to
reinforce their visual learning, being a
method of suggestopedia with a structural
Activity: Students who want to participate will go
to the board and write a sentence about
something they do during the day.
Students will adopt The practice will be based on the audio-linguistic Through student participation
more vocabulary of method through a video about the routine of two in the video
actions we perform people that will be shown slowly to clarify The correct development of
in a routine and vocabulary doubts and then ask students the guide
reinforce their questions about the video, encouraging their If they have any doubts
listening skills, participation and reinforcing listening and reading about vocabulary. The fewer
increasing their skills because it will have subtitles. doubts they have, the better
confidence in class. the vocabulary they have
Video- daily routine: acquired.
RESEARCH RELATION: This lesson plan complements my research proposal as I am implementing different strategies
such as ICT resources, audiovisuals, images, partner games, participation in the topics to reinforce confidence and self-
efficacy. This is in line with my research objectives since one of them mentions to identify what kind of activities they like
the most and how they help to reinforce their listening and reading skills.