Plan Docente - LS3 UTPL

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FACULTAD: Ciencias Sociales, Educación y Humanidades

CARRERA: Pedagogía de los Idiomas Nacionales y Extranjeros


Listening and Speaking III

PROFESOR AUTOR: Martha Magdalena Prado Camacho, Mgs.


Abril – agosto 2024

A. Datos de identificación de la asignatura

Asignatura: English Language: Listening and Speaking III

Código: EDUC_3112

Tipo de asignatura (ECTS):

No aplica
Campo de formación del currículo
(Rediseño Curricular): Comunicación y Lenguaje

Número de créditos/horas: Créditos 3 Horas 144

Periodo académico/nivel: Tercero

Período académico/semestre:
Abril – agosto 2024

Facultad: Ciencias Sociales, Educación y Humanidades

Carrera: Pedagogía de los Idiomas Nacionales y Extranjeros

B. Descripción de la asignatura

English Language: Listening and Speaking III is taught in the third level
of the career and it is worth three academic credits. This subject is
essential because it develops two core complementary skills of the
linguistic competence that help students express themselves through
Presentación: speech and enhance their listening abilities. By developing their
listening skills through different strategies such as inferring, identifying
main ideas and details, distinguishing intonation, and pronunciation
patterns, and evaluating information, students will know how to express
themselves orally in a proper way and support their opinion with
English Language: Listening and Speaking III is the third level of four
Contextualización en el marco de that complete a B2 level of proficiency according to The Common
European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR). Learners
la descripción microcurricular que
will be able to apply the linguistic knowledge of the English language in
forma parte del plan curricular de accordance with international standards at a level that allows effective
la carrera: communication to perform professionally in teaching English to children
and young people.

To apply English language communicative competencies as a foreign

Contribución de la asignatura al
language at a level that enables professional performance in teaching
perfil profesional (UTPL-ECTS) y a children and youth according to international standards in order to
los perfiles profesionales y de address, respect, and value diversity through the creation of inclusive
egreso (rediseño curricular): educational environments.

Designs, applies, and evaluates educational resources and strategies
for teaching English as a foreign language in basic education as well
as in high school. Critical, reflexive, and emotional thinking skills are
considered since they are the basis of the construction and
reconstruction of mind connections which integrate faith, reason, and

FDCE_1075_English Language: Listening and Speaking II

To guarantee a quality education according to the characteristics of the

educational model of the Universidad Técnica Particular de Loja, the
principles of equal opportunity, and the special educational needs
associated or not with a disability, non-significant or graded, two
Adaptaciones curriculares: curricular adaptations are made. These adaptations follow a path from
least to greatest; considering the methodological aspect, learning
activities and the individual learning style regarding the strategies to be
developed. These adaptations are made based on the identification of
educational needs in the first weeks of academic work to support the
development of student competencies.

C. Programación del proceso de aprendizaje de la asignatura

Primer bimestre

1. Descripción de la secuencia didáctica para el aprendizaje de la asignatura1

del Tiempo
Resultados de Recursos de Instrumentos
Contenidos aprendizaje2 Actividades de aprendizaje Calificación (horas) Semana
aprendizaje aprendizaje de evaluación
Identifies main ideas Unit 1. Extreme Participate in the forum introducing yourself. Forum for
and supporting sports and Review the Academic Plan presentations
details from oral personal limits Present academic concerns through academic
content. announcements and messages. Permanent
Focus on listening: Use the institutional email and interact on EVA. chat
Infers information Participate actively in the weekly tutorial to listen to
from context. 1.1. Identifying 3
an introduction to the course; also, to talk about email
main ideas and ACD hours
vocabulary, grammar, and audio content from unit 1
Distinguishes supporting details in the virtual guide. EVA
different intonations Graded Activity 1: Video collaboration 1 to 8:
1. 2. Inferring Week 1
and pronunciation Develop and demonstrate the mastering of the Video
patterns. implied meaning Rubric 0.36
listening and speaking skills by actively participating collaboration
from context in the video collaboration.

En el caso de que el docente planifique actividades síncronas, deberá también proponer una actividad
Contacto con el docente (ACD)
Práctico-experimental (APE)
Autónomo (AA)

Evaluates 1.3. Recognizing Practice inferring information from context in the Virtual guide
information, debates and understanding exercises provided and separating main ideas from EVA
a position, and signal words details in the chart provided in the virtual guide. REA
supports own Find signal words while listening to the audio
opinions and criteria Overcoming Obstacles. To find the signal words in
with arguments APE this video, check what words or expressions 2
introduce point number one; which words introduce hours
contrast; and which a result:
Overcoming obstacles - Steven Claunch – TED-Ed
Then, think about one example of your own with
each signal word.
Learn how to differentiate main ideas from detail as
explained in the virtual guide as well as to infer
about information that is not directly stated. Virtual guide
Recognize signal words in a conversation as EVA
explained in the virtual guide. Textbook on
Learn new vocabulary and expressions by Pearson
developing suggested exercises and activities. English Portal
Review content from unit 1 in the virtual guide and 4
textbook. hours
Revise the didactic material provided in the
announcement, virtual guide, and textbook about
the topic of Extreme Sports and Personal Limits
Graded Activity 1: Video collaboration 1 to 8:
Develop and demonstrate the mastering of the
collaboration Rubric 0.21
listening and speaking skills by actively participating
in the video collaboration.
Focus on speaking: Permanent
Present academic concerns through the academic
chat 3
ACD announcements and messages.
email hours
Use the institutional email and interact on EVA.

1.4. Asking for and Participate actively in the weekly tutorial to discuss
expressing the use of grammar structures studied in unit 1.
opinions Graded Activity 1: Video collaboration 1 to 8:
Develop and demonstrate the mastering of the
collaboration Rubric 0.36
1.5. Grammar: listening and speaking skills by actively participating
Used to and would in the video collaboration.
Develop the exercises in the virtual guide to practice
the structures used to and would.
Apply how to express your opinion or ask for other Week 2
people’s opinions by developing the exercises
proposed in the virtual guide and after listening to Virtual guide
APE the following audio: EVA
hours REA
What's at Stake in Ukraine? | William Pirone |
Then, use learned vocabulary and grammatical
structures to describe your own endurance story.
To keep a discussion going, it is important for
everyone to share ideas; for that, you have to learn
how to express your opinions and ask for other
people’s opinions. Check the virtual guide for all the
Virtual guide
Analyze and illustrate with your own examples the
structure Used to and would after reading the
AA explanation given in the virtual guide and
developing the exercises proposed.
Review content from unit 1 in the virtual guide and
textbook prior to participating in the video
Graded Activity 1: Video collaboration 1 to 8: collaboration Rubric 0.21

Develop and demonstrate the mastering of the
listening and speaking skills by actively participating
in the video collaboration.
Unit 2. Fraud and Graded Activity 1: Video collaboration 1 to 8:
its consequences Develop and demonstrate the mastering of the
collaboration Rubric 0.36
listening and speaking skills by actively participating
Focus on listening: in the video collaboration.
Present academic concerns through academic 3
2.1. Inferring announcements and messages. Permanent hours
emotion from Use the institutional email and interact on EVA. chat
intonation Participate actively in the weekly tutorial to discuss email
about use of grammar structures, vocabulary, and EVA
2.2. Intonation for audio content from unit 2 in the virtual guide
Yes/No Questions, Exercise proper intonation when using yes/no
Information questions, information questions, imperatives and
Questions, tag questions with your own examples and by
Imperatives, and developing the exercises proposed in the virtual
Tag Questions guide.
Practice modals of request by developing the
2.3 Grammar: exercises proposed in the virtual guide.
Virtual guide
Modals of Request: Develop listening activities from unit 2 in the virtual 2
Would you, will you, APE YouTube video
guide and textbook. hours
could you, can you EVA
Use new vocabulary, grammar structures and
...? and Would you Week 3
correct pronunciation to give your comments
mind ...? regarding the following video that talks about
Identity Theft Protection and that will be discussed
in the video collaboration:

AA Graded Activity 1: Video collaboration 1 to 8: collaboration Rubric 0.21

Develop and demonstrate the mastering of the
listening and speaking skills by actively participating
in the video collaboration.
Distinguish intonation patterns as explained in the
virtual guide to show emotion.
Identify and properly use intonation for yes/no 4
questions, information questions, imperatives, and hours
Virtual guide
tag questions.
Learn vocabulary and audio content from unit 2 in
the virtual guide.
Distinguish and identify the use of modals of
request as explained in the virtual guide.
Review content from unit 2 in the virtual guide and
Focus on speaking: Graded Activity 1: Video collaboration 1 to 8:
Develop and demonstrate the mastering of the
collaboration Rubric 0.36
2.4. Making listening and speaking skills by actively participating
suggestions in the video collaboration.
Present academic concerns through academic
2.5. Highlighting announcements and messages. Permanent
important ACD Use the institutional email and interact on EVA. chat
information with Participate actively in the weekly tutorial to discuss email
word stress the topic of Identity Theft and use of grammar EVA
studied in unit 2.
Graded Activity 2: Academic Forum
What is Catfishing? Explain and give your opinion Rubric 1
about this topic by sending a video.
Give advice to prevent Identity Theft and make
suggestions by using expressions that show a weak Week 4
Virtual guide 2
APE or a strong intention.
EVA hours
Apply speaker emphasis using intensifiers and word

Get ready to talk about your own identity theft
experience for the video collaboration. Include
vocabulary and grammar structures learned.
Graded Activity 1: Video collaboration 1 to 8:
Develop and demonstrate the mastering of the
collaboration Rubric 0.21
listening and speaking skills by actively participating
in the video collaboration.
Learn how to make strong or weak suggestions in
the virtual guide. 4
Recognize and understand speaker emphasis by hours
using intensifiers or word stress in order to highlight Virtual guide
important information. Textbook
Review content from unit 2 in the virtual guide and EVA
Develop self-evaluation 1
Unit 3. Space and Graded Activity 1: Video collaboration 1 to 8:
planets Develop and demonstrate the mastering of the
collaboration Rubric 0.36
listening and speaking skills by actively participating
Focus on listening: in the video collaboration.
Present academic concerns through academic 3
3.1. Inferring ACD announcements and messages. Permanent
factual information hours
Use the institutional email and interact on EVA. chat
from context Participate actively in the weekly tutorial to discuss email
the topic of Space and planets, use of grammar, EVA
3.2. Recognizing vocabulary and audio content studied in unit 3.
and understanding Develop exercises and activities related to pronoun
pronoun references reference and inferring factual information from
context. Virtual guide 2
3.3. Grammar: APE
Practice the use of the future tense and the EVA hours Week 5
Future Tense and vocabulary and expressions learned in this unit to
Future Time give your opinion about space exploration

Clauses Graded Activity 1: Video collaboration 1 to 8:
(predictions and Develop and demonstrate the mastering of the
collaboration Rubric 0.21
decisions, plans listening and speaking skills by actively participating
and intentions, in the video collaboration.
arrangements, and Understand pronoun reference after reading and
timetables) listening to an excerpt about space exploration and
the explanation given in the virtual guide.
AA Virtual guide hours
Identify the use of future tenses for predictions and
decisions, for plans and intentions, for
arrangements, and for timetables as explained in
the virtual guide.
Review content from unit 3 in the virtual guide and
Focus on speaking: Graded Activity 1: Video collaboration 1 to 8:
Develop and demonstrate the mastering of the
collaboration Rubric 0.36
3.4. Keeping a listening and speaking skills by actively participating
conversation going in the video collaboration.
Present academic concerns through academic 3
3.5. Giving a announcements and messages. Permanent hours
presentation Use the institutional email and interact on EVA. chat
Participate actively in the weekly tutorial to discuss email
the topic of Space and planets, use of grammar, EVA
vocabulary and audio content studied in unit 3.
Prepare what needs to be done before giving a
presentation, during and afterwards as explained in
the virtual guide.
Virtual guide
Practice intonation to show a speaker you are Week 6
APE listening and also to encourage the speaker to keep
Develop suggested activities and exercises related
to grammar, vocabulary, and audio content studied
in this unit.

Review strategies suggested to prepare and give a
presentation as explained in the virtual guide.
Check the information given in the virtual guide in
order to be able to keep a conversation going.
Review audio content from unit 3 in the virtual guide
Virtual guide
and textbook.
Revise how to use Rhetoric to get what you want in
order to participate in video collaboration 4 about
the power of words: 4
get-what-you-want-camille-a-langston#watch hours
OER How to use rhetoric to get what you want -
Camille A. Langston
Graded Activity 1: Video collaboration 1 to 8:
Develop and demonstrate the mastering of the
collaboration Rubric 0.21
listening and speaking skills by actively participating
in the video collaboration.
Graded activity 3: Questionnaire
Online Questionnaire
Assess knowledge of grammar and language use 1
questionnaire EVA
from units 1 to 4
Unit 4. Language
and its power Present academic concerns through the academic
announcements and messages.
Focus on listening: Permanent
Use the institutional email and interact on EVA.
chat 3
ACD Participate actively in the weekly tutorial to discuss
4.1. Inferring a email hours
the topic of Language and its power, use of
speaker’s purpose EVA
grammar, vocabulary, and audio content studied in
unit 4.

4.2. Grammar: Graded Activity 1: Video collaboration 1 to 8:
Modals of Develop and demonstrate the mastering of the
collaboration Rubric 0.34
permission (Can, listening and speaking skills by actively participating
Could, May, do you in the video collaboration.
mind) Develop exercises to infer the speaker’s purpose. Week 7
Practice the use of modals of permission by
developing the exercises proposed in the virtual
Focus on speaking: guide.
Apply how to use eye contact at the moment you
Virtual guide
4.3. Using Eye give a speech.
Contact in a Apply persuasive techniques to sell products as
Presentation discussed in the virtual guide at the moment you
give a speech. hours
4.4. Understanding Develop suggested activities and exercises related
the persuasive to grammar, vocabulary, and audio content studied
techniques used to in this unit.
sell products
Graded Activity 4: Speech
Prepare a persuasive speech to sell a product and Speech Rubric 3
videotape yourself giving the speech
Learn how to infer a speaker’s purpose by paying
attention to the context as explained in the virtual
Explore the use of modals of permission as
described in the virtual guide.
Virtual guide
Learn how to use eye contact in a presentation as 4
AA Textbook
explained in the didactic guide. hours
Understand some persuasive techniques to sell
products as discussed in the virtual guide.
Review audio content from unit 4 in the virtual guide
and textbook.
Develop self-evaluation 2

Graded Activity 1: Video collaboration 1 to 8:
Develop and demonstrate the mastering of the
collaboration Rubric 0.24
listening and speaking skills by actively participating
in the video collaboration.
Review of units 1 to
Present academic concerns through academic
4 and test Permanent
announcements and messages.
chat 3
ACD Use the institutional email and interact on EVA.
email hours
Participate actively in the weekly tutorial to review
the content of units 1 to 4
Virtual guide
Review vocabulary, listening and speaking activities Week 8
and grammar from units 1 to 4
AA Graded Activity 1: Video collaboration 1 to 8:
Develop and demonstrate the mastering of the Video
Rubric 1
listening and speaking skills by actively participating collaboration
in the video collaboration.

2. Resumen de las horas de trabajo de la asignatura por componente de aprendizaje en el

Componentes del
Total de horas de En contacto con el
trabajo de la docente 24
asignatura en el
bimestre Práctico-experimental 16
Autónomo 32
Total 72

3. Descripción de las actividades calificadas

En contacto con el docente (ACD) ( X )

Componentes del aprendizaje: Práctico-experimental (APE) ( )
Autónomo (AA) ( X )
Graded Activity 1: Video collaboration 1 to 8:
Actividad de aprendizaje: Develop and demonstrate the mastering of the listening and
speaking skills by actively participating in the video collaboration.
Tipo de recurso: Video collaboration
Week 1 - Video collaboration 1
Unit 1: Extreme sports and personal limits
- Identifies main ideas and supporting details
- Inferring implied meaning from context
- Recognizing and understanding signal words
Week 2 – Video collaboration 2
Unit 1: Extreme sports and personal limits
- Asking for and expressing opinions
- Used to and Would
Week 3 – Video collaboration 3
Unit 2: Fraud and its consequences
- Inferring emotion from intonation
- Intonation for yes/no questions, information questions,
imperatives, and tag questions
- Modals of request
Tema de la unidad: - Making suggestions
- Highlighting important information with word stress
Week 4 – Video collaboration 4
Unit 3: Space and planets
- Inferring factual information from context
- Recognizing and understanding pronoun references
- Future tense and future time clauses
Week 5 – Video collaboration 5
Unit 3: Space and planets
- Keeping a conversation going
- Giving a presentation
Week 6 – Video collaboration 6
Unit 4: Language and its power
- Inferring a speaker’s purpose
- Modals of permission
Week 7 – Video collaboration 7

Unit 4: Language and its power
- Using eye contact in a presentation
- Understanding the persuasive techniques used to sell products
Week 8 – Video collaboration 8
Mid-term test (vocabulary, grammar and topics from units 1 to 4 in
the didactic guide and textbook)
Identifies main ideas and supporting details from oral content.

Resultados de aprendizaje que se Distinguishes different intonations and pronunciation patterns.

espera lograr:
Evaluates information, debates a position, and supports own
opinions and criteria with arguments.
Week 1 – Video collaboration 1
Read unit 1 in the virtual guide, textbook, announcements, and
proposed reference sources.
Actively participate in the session according to the schedule given
by your tutor.
Watch the following videos:
Overcoming obstacles - Steven Claunch – TED-Ed
Be Proud of Your Scars
Get ready to talk about the material and to give your opinion
regarding the topic of Personal Limits.
Week 2 – Video collaboration 2
Review vocabulary, grammar and topics studied in unit 1
Actively participate in the session according to the schedule given
by your tutor.
Watch the following videos:
What's at Stake in Ukraine? | William Pirone | TEDxYouth
You may work in pairs in class to have a conversation about the
Estrategias de trabajo:
topic of your own endurance story.
Week 3 – Video collaboration 3
Read unit 2 in the virtual guide, textbook, announcements, and
proposed reference sources.
Actively participate in the session according to the schedule given
by your tutor.
Watch the following videos:
What is Identity Theft?
Identity Theft Protection
Get ready to talk about the material and to give your opinion
regarding the topic of Fraud and its consequences.
Week 4 – Video collaboration 4
Read unit 3 in the virtual guide, textbook, announcements, and
proposed reference sources.
Actively participate in the session according to the schedule given
by your tutor.
Watch the following videos:
What's the Point of Space Exploration?

Space Junk Around Earth
Get ready to talk about the material and to give your opinion
regarding the topic of Space Exploration.
Week 5 – Video collaboration 5
Read unit 3 in the virtual guide, textbook, announcements and
proposed reference sources.
Actively participate in the session according to the schedule given
by your tutor.
Watch the following videos:
Space tourists come back to Earth after three days in orbit
Space tourism is already here
Get ready to talk about the material and to give your opinion
regarding the topic of Space Tourism.
Week 6 – Video collaboration 6
Read unit 4 in the virtual guide, textbook, announcements, and
proposed reference sources.
Actively participate in the session according to the schedule given
by your tutor.
Watch the following videos:
How to use rhetoric to get what you want
Get in the lesson of TED-Ed and learn how to use Rhetoric to get
what you want after you “watch,” “think,” “dig deeper” and then
discuss in our class.
How do you get what you want
Get ready to discuss how we can get what we want using the words.
The answer to that is a treatise on rhetoric proposed by Aristotle
over two thousand years ago.
After watching the following video, you are going to explain how
Rhetoric has been used by the speaker.
The Speech that Made Obama President
Week 7 – Video collaboration 7
Read unit 4 in the virtual guide, textbook, announcements, and
proposed reference sources.
Actively participate in the session according to the schedule given
by your tutor.
This time you are going to analyze and interpret some quotes from
Martin Luther King Jr.'s speech "I Have a Dream". You have the
transcript of the speech if you need to listen to the whole speech
and read the text. There is a link with the most important quotes of
this speech that you can revise, and there is a short video with part
of the speech.
Read Martin Luther King Jr.'s 'I Have a Dream' speech in its entirety
The 15 best quotes from Martin Luther King Jr.'s ‘I Have a Dream’

“I Have a Dream” - Martin Luther King Jr.
Search the web for more information.
Week 8 – Video collaboration 8
Study vocabulary, grammar, and topics from units 1 to 4 in the
didactic guide and textbook
Answer accurately all the questions asked by your tutor and get
ready to complete a quiz related to grammar and vocabulary.
Actively participate in the session according to the schedule given
by your tutor.

Instrumento de evaluación: Rubric

Video collaboration
Rubric is worth 10 points, and it will be averaged and converted accordingly.

CATEGORY Excellent Fair Needs improvement Unacceptable

Content & Clarity Demonstrates exceptional Shows a good Presents content with Struggles to communicate
understanding of the topic, understanding of the topic, some understanding of the a clear understanding of
provides insightful and well- presents clear and topic but lacks clarity or the topic, content is
organized content, and organized content, and organization and may disorganized, and has
communicates ideas with communicates ideas have frequent significant issues with
exceptional clarity. effectively with minor interruptions or language clarity and language.
1.66 – 1.50 issues. issues. 0.5 – 0
1.50 – 1 1 – 0.5
Delivery & Delivers the speech fluently Delivers the speech with Delivers the speech with Struggles to deliver the
Fluency with excellent pronunciation, good fluency, clear some fluency but may speech with fluency, has
appropriate pace, and pronunciation, appropriate have occasional pronounced pronunciation
effective use of pauses. pace, and effective use of pronunciation issues or issues, and pacing
1.66 – 1.50 pauses. pacing problems. problems.
1.50 – 1 1 – 0.5 0.5 – 0
Language Demonstrates excellent Displays good language Communicates effectively, Struggles to communicate
Proficiency command of the language, proficiency, using a range of but with some limited with limited vocabulary
using sophisticated vocabulary and varied vocabulary and basic and basic sentence
vocabulary and complex sentence structures. sentence structures. structures. Frequent and
sentence structures. Few to Occasional minor grammar Several noticeable significant grammar or
no grammar or pronunciation or pronunciation errors. grammar or pronunciation pronunciation errors.
errors. 1.50 – 1 errors. 0.5 – 0
1.66 – 1.50 1 – 0.5
Confidence Exhibits a high level of Shows confidence, making Demonstrates some Exhibits low confidence,
confidence, creating a strong a positive impression on the confidence, leaving a making a minimal impact
impact on the audience and audience and reads the moderate impression on on the audience and reads
does not read at all. response partially. the audience and reads the whole response.
1.66 – 1.50 1.50 – 1 the majority of the 0.5 – 0
1 – 0.5
Attendance and Students make sure their Students make sure their Students make sure their Students make sure their
interaction audio works well and audio works well and audio works well and audio works well and
participate actively during the participate actively participate actively participate actively
video collaboration. Attends during the video during the video during the video
100% of the classes. collaboration. Attends more collaboration. Attends less collaboration. Does not
1.68 – 1.50 than 70% of the classes. than 70% of the classes. attend the classes.
1.50 – 1 1 – 0.5 0.5 – 0

Individual Demonstrates meaningful Demonstrates fair Demonstrates poor Does not demonstrate any
preparation for the knowledge on the proposed knowledge on the proposed knowledge on the knowledge on the
class topic. Complies meaningfully topic. Complies fairly with proposed topic. Complies proposed topic. Does not

with proposed activities and proposed activities and poorly with proposed comply with proposed
exercises. exercises. activities and exercises. activities and exercises.
1.68 – 1.50 1.50 – 1 1 – 0.5 0.5 – 0

En contacto con el docente (ACD) ( X )

Componentes del aprendizaje: Práctico-experimental (APE) ( )
Autónomo (AA) ( )
Graded Activity 2: Academic Forum
Actividad de aprendizaje: What is Catfishing? Explain and give your opinion about this topic
by sending a video.
Tipo de recurso: Academic Forum
Tema de la unidad: Fraud and its consequences
Resultados de aprendizaje que se Evaluates information, debates a position, and supports own
espera lograr: opinions and criteria with arguments.
Check the information about Identity Theft that you have in the
textbook unit 2. Learn about Phishing that is identity theft online,
and investigate what Catfishing is in the following link:

You can also watch the following video:

Think about why this kind of crimes are increasing and what you
Estrategias de trabajo:
can do to avoid being deceived by a catfish.

Record a video of no more than 4 minutes explaining your answer.

Give comments to TWO posts of your classmates.
Do not forget to include the bibliography of the material that you
Make your video public on YouTube or Studio, and upload it in the
activity on EVA, or provide the link.

Instrumento de Evaluación: Rubric

Score of the activity: 1 point
Rubric is worth 10 points and it will be averaged and converted accordingly.

CATEGORY Excellent Fair Needs improvement Unacceptable

Content & Clarity Demonstrates exceptional Shows a good Presents content with Struggles to communicate
understanding of the topic, understanding of the topic, some understanding of the a clear understanding of
provides insightful and well- presents clear and topic but lacks clarity or the topic, content is
organized content, and organized content, and organization and may disorganized, and has
communicates ideas with communicates ideas have frequent significant issues with
exceptional clarity. effectively with minor interruptions or language clarity and language.
1.66 – 1.50 issues. issues. 0.5 – 0
1.50 – 1 1 – 0.5
Delivery & Delivers the speech fluently Delivers the speech with Delivers the speech with Struggles to deliver the
Fluency with excellent pronunciation, good fluency, clear some fluency but may speech with fluency, has
appropriate pace, and pronunciation, appropriate have occasional pronounced pronunciation
effective use of pauses. pace, and effective use of pronunciation issues or issues, and pacing
1.66 – 1.50 pauses. pacing problems. problems.
1.50 – 1 1 – 0.5 0.5 – 0

Language Demonstrates excellent Displays good language Communicates effectively, Struggles to communicate
Proficiency command of the language, proficiency, using a range of but with some limited with limited vocabulary
using sophisticated vocabulary and varied vocabulary and basic and basic sentence
vocabulary and complex sentence structures. sentence structures. structures. Frequent and
sentence structures. Few to Occasional minor grammar Several noticeable significant grammar or
no grammar or pronunciation or pronunciation errors. grammar or pronunciation pronunciation errors.
errors. 1.50 – 1 errors. 0.5 – 0
1.66 – 1.50 1 – 0.5
Confidence Exhibits a high level of Shows confidence, making Demonstrates some Exhibits low confidence,
confidence, creating a strong a positive impression on the confidence, leaving a making a minimal impact
impact on the audience and audience and reads the moderate impression on on the audience and reads
does not read at all. response partially. the audience and reads the whole response.
1.66 – 1.50 1.50 – 1 the majority of the 0.5 – 0
1 – 0.5
Time Stays within the allocated Slightly exceeds or falls Significantly exceeds or Greatly exceeds or falls
Management time, effectively managing short of the allocated time falls short of the allocated short of the allocated time,
the speech duration. but still manages the time and may impact the severely impacting the
1.68 – 1.50 speech duration effectively. effectiveness of the effectiveness of the
1.50 – 1 speech. speech.
1 – 0.5 0. – 0
Peer interaction Gives comments to two posts Gives comments to one Gives comments but the Does not give comments
of the classmates in a post of the classmates in a message is not coherent, to any classmates’ posts.
coherent, meaningful, and coherent, meaningful, and meaningful or clear. 0.5 – 0
clear way. clear way. 1 – 0.5
1.68 – 1.50 1.50 – 1

En contacto con el docente (ACD) ( )

Componentes del aprendizaje: Práctico-experimental (APE) ( )
Autónomo (AA) ( X )
Graded activity 3: Questionnaire
Actividad de aprendizaje:
Assess knowledge of grammar and language use from units 1 to 4
Tipo de recurso: Online questionnaire
Extreme sports and personal limits
Fraud and its consequences
Tema de la unidad:
Space and planets
Language and its power
Identifies main ideas and supporting details from oral content.
Resultados de aprendizaje que se
espera lograr:
Infers information from context.
Review the topics of units 1 to 4 in the virtual guide, textbook, and
other given material.
Estrategias de trabajo:
Answer the questionnaire on EVA platform.

Instrumento de evaluación: Questionnaire EVA

En contacto con el docente (ACD) ( )

Componentes del aprendizaje: Práctico-experimental (APE) ( X )
Autónomo (AA) ( )
Graded Activity 4: Speech
Prepare a persuasive speech to sell a product and videotape
Actividad de aprendizaje:
yourself giving the speech.

Tipo de recurso: Speech
Tema de la unidad: Language and its power
Infers information from context.
Resultados de aprendizaje que se
espera lograr: Evaluates information, debates a position, and supports own
opinions and criteria with arguments.
Read unit 4 in the textbook and didactic guide. Check the previous
video collaborations related to the topic of Persuasion.
Think about a product you need to sell. Remember that “A good
salesperson can sell you what you need. A great salesperson can
sell you what you don’t want and can’t afford.”
Plan what you are going to say. Probably think of a time when a
salesperson persuaded you to buy something. What did the
salesperson say? Why was it persuasive?

This is a speech you have to give to a group of people that you know
can buy your product. A good speech should have an introduction
that works like a hook to catch the attention of your audience. You
can begin with a question, an anecdote, a quotation. The main body
of your speech should have four main intents: to entertain, to
Estrategias de trabajo:
instruct, to persuade, and to inspire. In the summation you can
repeat a phrase or statement that most embodies what you wanted
to convey with your speech.

To sound spontaneous, do not memorize the speech; you have to

say it many times, rehearse it, trying to remember not words, but
connecting ideas, point by point.

Record yourself giving the speech. It should not last longer than 4
minutes. Make your video public on YouTube or Studio, and upload
it in the activity on EVA, or provide the link.
Do not forget to include the bibliography of the material that you

Instrumento de Evaluación: Rubric

Score of the activity: 3 points
Rubric is worth 10 points and it will be averaged and converted accordingly.

CATEGORY Excellent Fair Needs improvement Unacceptable

Content & Clarity Demonstrates exceptional Shows a good Presents content with Struggles to communicate
understanding of the topic, understanding of the topic, some understanding of the a clear understanding of
provides insightful and well- presents clear and topic but lacks clarity or the topic, content is
organized content, and organized content, and organization and may disorganized, and has
communicates ideas with communicates ideas have frequent significant issues with
exceptional clarity. effectively with minor interruptions or language clarity and language.
2 – 1.8 issues. issues. 0.6 – 0
1.8 – 1.4 1.4 – 0.6
Delivery & Delivers the speech fluently Delivers the speech with Delivers the speech with Struggles to deliver the
Fluency with excellent pronunciation, good fluency, clear some fluency but may speech with fluency, has
appropriate pace, and pronunciation, appropriate have occasional pronounced pronunciation
effective use of pauses. pace, and effective use of pronunciation issues or issues, and pacing
2 – 1.8 pauses. pacing problems. problems.
1.8 – 1.4

1.4 – 0.6 0.6 – 0

Language Demonstrates excellent Displays good language Communicates effectively, Struggles to communicate
Proficiency command of the language, proficiency, using a range of but with some limited with limited vocabulary
using sophisticated vocabulary and varied vocabulary and basic and basic sentence
vocabulary and complex sentence structures. sentence structures. structures. Frequent and
sentence structures. Few to Occasional minor grammar Several noticeable significant grammar or
no grammar or pronunciation or pronunciation errors. grammar or pronunciation pronunciation errors.
errors. 1.8 – 1.4 errors. 0.6 – 0
2 – 1.8 1.4 – 0.6
Confidence Exhibits a high level of Shows confidence, making Demonstrates some Exhibits low confidence,
confidence, creating a strong a positive impression on the confidence, leaving a making a minimal impact
impact on the audience and audience and reads the moderate impression on on the audience and reads
does not read at all. response partially. the audience and reads the whole response.
2 – 1.8 1.8 – 1.4 the majority of the 0.6 – 0
1.4 – 0.6
Time Stays within the allocated Slightly exceeds or falls Significantly exceeds or Greatly exceeds or falls
Management time, effectively managing short of the allocated time falls short of the allocated short of the allocated time,
the speech duration. but still manages the time and may impact the severely impacting the
2 – 1.8 speech duration effectively. effectiveness of the effectiveness of the
1.8 – 1.4 speech. speech.
1.4 – 0.6 0.6 – 0

D. Evaluación de la asignatura primer bimestre

Componente Actividad Instrumento Fechas de Calificación Peso

Graded Activity 1:
APRENDIZAJE Video collaboration 1 to 8 Week 1-7
EN Develop and demonstrate the mastering of Apr 8th – May 26th, 2.5 25%
CONTACTO the listening and speaking skills by actively 2024
CON EL participating in the video collaboration.
DOCENTE Graded Activity 2: Academic Forum Week 4
What is Catfishing? Explain and give your Rubric Apr 29th to May 1 10%
opinion about this topic by sending a video. 5th, 2024
Graded activity 3: Questionnaire Week 6
Assess knowledge of grammar and language Questionnaire May 13th to 19th, 1 10%
use from units 1 to 4 EVA
Graded Activity 1:
Video collaboration 1 to 8 Week 1-7
APRENDIZAJE Develop and demonstrate the mastering of Rubric Apr 8th – May 26th,
AUTÓNOMO the listening and speaking skills by actively 2024
participating in the video collaboration.
Graded Activity 1:
Video collaboration 1 to 8 Rubric Week 8 1 10%
Develop and demonstrate the mastering of May 27th to Jun
the listening and speaking skills by actively 2nd, 2024
participating in the video collaboration.
Subtotal 3.5 35%

Graded Activity 4: Speech Week 7
APRENDIZAJE Prepare a persuasive speech to sell a May 20th to 26th,
PRÁCTICO product and videotape yourself giving the Rubric 2024 3 30%
TOTAL 10 100%

Segundo Bimestre

1. Descripción de la secuencia didáctica para el aprendizaje de la asignatura3

del Tiempo
Resultados de Recursos de Instrumentos
Contenidos aprendizaje4 Actividades de aprendizaje Calificación (horas) Semana
aprendizaje aprendizaje de evaluación
Infers information Unit 5. Careers Present academic concerns through academic
from context. and job announcements and messages.
Weekly tutorial
opportunities Use the institutional email and interact on EVA.
Distinguishes Participate actively in the weekly tutorial to discuss
different intonations Focus on listening: the use of grammar structures, vocabulary, and 3
and pronunciation ACD audio content from unit 5 in the virtual guide. hours
patterns. 5.1. Inferring Graded Activity 1: Video collaboration 1 to 8:
feelings from Develop and demonstrate the mastering of the Video
Rubric 0.36
Supports ideas by context listening and speaking skills by actively participating collaboration
Week 9
providing facts and in the video collaboration.
examples. 5.2. Recognizing Develop suggested activities and exercises related Virtual guide
and understanding to grammar, vocabulary, and audio content studied EVA
reduced speech in this unit.
APE Listen, read, and infer unspoken thoughts based on 2
word choice, intonation, and context in the virtual hours
Recognize and apply common reductions in the
exercises provided in the virtual guide

En el caso de que el docente planifique actividades síncronas, deberá también proponer una actividad
Contacto con el docente (ACD)
Práctico-experimental (APE)
Autónomo (AA)

Get acquainted with new vocabulary and
expressions from unit 5.
Review listening activities and exercises from unit 5 Virtual guide
in the virtual guide and textbook related to EVA
characteristics of Jobs in the future. Textbook on
Check how a speaker indirectly expresses his/her Pearson
unspoken thoughts and learn how to infer feelings English Portal 4
based on word choice, intonation, and the context. hours
Understand reduced speech as explained in the
virtual guide
Graded Activity 1: Video collaboration 1 to 8: Video
Develop and demonstrate the mastering of the collaboration
Rubric 0.21
listening and speaking skills by actively participating
in the video collaboration.
Focus on speaking: Present academic concerns through academic
announcements and messages. Weekly tutorial
5.3. Using final Use the institutional email and interact on EVA. email
intonation Participate actively in the weekly tutorial to discuss EVA
the use of grammar structures studied in unit 5.
5.4. Using Graded Activity 1: Video collaboration 1 to 8: 3
transitions for oral Develop and demonstrate the mastering of the Video hours
Rubric 0.36
presentations listening and speaking skills by actively participating collaboration
in the video collaboration. Week
5.5. Grammar: Graded Activity 2: Academic Forum 10
Future Continuous Academic
What are Job Hoppers? Hand in a video recording Rubric 1
and Future Perfect Forum
explaining the topic of Jobs in the Future.
Complete suggested activities and exercises related
to grammar, vocabulary, and audio content studied
Virtual guide
in this unit. 2
Apply signaling and the use of transition words by hours
preparing an oral presentation in which you are
going to explain what you can do to find your Dream

Job. The oral presentation is going to be the last
graded activity of the second bimester.
Analyze the structures Future Continuous and
Future Perfect as annotated in the virtual guide.
Learn how to use final intonation when you want to
conclude speaking.
Virtual guide
Learn about signaling and using transition words in
oral presentations.
Revise audio content from unit 5 in the virtual guide
and textbook.
Review content from unit 5 prior to participating in
AA 4
the video collaboration.
Graded Activity 1: Video collaboration 1 to 8:
Develop and demonstrate the mastering of the Video
Rubric 0.21
listening and speaking skills by actively participating collaboration
in the video collaboration.
Unit 6. Tourism Graded Activity 1: Video collaboration 1 to 8:
and culture Develop and demonstrate the mastering of the
collaboration Rubric 0.36
listening and speaking skills by actively participating
Focus on listening: in the video collaboration.
Present academic concerns through academic 3
6.1. Recognizing announcements and messages. hours
Weekly tutorial
and understanding Use the institutional email and interact on EVA.
opinions Participate actively in the weekly tutorial to discuss
about use of grammar structures, vocabulary, and
6.2. Grammar: audio content from unit 6 in the virtual guide
Gerund: subject Practice and demonstrate the use of gerunds in the
Virtual guide 11
and object; Gerund subject and object position, and after a preposition.
after a preposition EVA 2
APE Practice new vocabulary and grammar structures by
YouTube video hours
developing the exercises proposed in the virtual

Propose solutions to control over-tourism after
listening to the following video about How mass
tourism is destroying cities. Review the didactic
strategies and get ready to participate in the video

Graded Activity 1: Video collaboration 1 to 8:

Develop and demonstrate the mastering of the
collaboration Rubric 0.21
listening and speaking skills by actively participating
in the video collaboration.
Distinguish the use of the gerund as subject, object, 4
or object of a preposition in a sentence. hours
Virtual guide
Recognize and understand how a person states an
opinion as explained in the virtual guide.
Revise audio content from unit 6 in the virtual guide
and textbook.
Focus on speaking: Graded Activity 1: Video collaboration 1 to 8:
Develop and demonstrate the mastering of the
collaboration Rubric 0.36
6.3. Making listening and speaking skills by actively participating
suggestions in the video collaboration.
Present academic concerns through academic 3
6.4. Grammar: announcements and messages. hours
Weekly tutorial
Adjective + to- Use the institutional email and interact on EVA.
infinitive; Verb + to- Participate actively in the weekly tutorial to discuss
infinitive; Verb + the topic of Tourism and Culture and use of
object + to- grammar studied in unit 6.
infinitive; Verb + Practice the use of Adjective + infinitive, verb +
object + bare infinitive, verb + object + infinitive, verb + object + Virtual guide 2
infinitive APE
bare form by developing the exercises proposed in EVA hours Week
the virtual guide. 12

Get ready to talk about Tourism and Culture in the
video collaboration as it is explained in the didactic
strategies of the activity, specifically about the
problem of trying to gain benefit from tourism.
Make suggestions
Graded Activity 1: Video collaboration 1 to 8:
Develop and demonstrate the mastering of the
collaboration Rubric 0.21
listening and speaking skills by actively participating
in the video collaboration.
Review listening activities and exercises in the
virtual guide unit 6 and textbook. 4
AA Categorize verbs that take infinitives or the bare hours
form by analyzing the following structures in the
Virtual guide
virtual guide: Adjective + to-infinitive; Verb + to-
infinitive; Verb + object + to-infinitive; Verb + object
+ bare infinitive
Record other forms to make suggestions.
Develop self-evaluation 3
Unit 7. Marriage Graded Activity 1: Video collaboration 1 to 8:
and traditions Video
Develop and demonstrate the mastering of the
collaboration Rubric 0.36
listening and speaking skills by actively participating
Focus on listening: in the video collaboration.
Present academic concerns through academic 3
7.1. Inferring a ACD announcements and messages. hours
speaker’s core Weekly tutorial
Use the institutional email and interact on EVA.
beliefs email
Participate actively in the weekly tutorial to discuss
the use of grammar structures, vocabulary, and
7.2. Grammar:
audio content from unit 7 in the virtual guide.
Gerunds or
Practice and demonstrate the use of gerunds and Virtual guide
infinitives: with a 2
APE infinitives by developing the exercises proposed in EVA
complete, small, or hours
the virtual guide. YouTube video

no change in Talk about and recognize core beliefs and give your
meaning opinion about What happens at a Catholic Wedding.
Get ready to participate in the video collaboration on Week
the topic of Marriage and traditions and watch the 13 following video. Saying I Do: What Happens at a Catholic
and-infinitive- Wedding

Graded Activity 1: Video collaboration 1 to 8:

Develop and demonstrate the mastering of the
collaboration Rubric 0.21
listening and speaking skills by actively participating
in the video collaboration.
Learn vocabulary and review audio content from
unit 7 in the virtual guide and textbook.
AA Infer core beliefs from context as explained in the
Virtual guide hours
didactic guide.
Differentiate and categorize verbs that only take
infinitives, verbs that take only gerunds, verbs that
take either infinitives or gerunds with a small or no
change in meaning, or with a complete change in
Focus on speaking: Graded Activity 1: Video collaboration 1 to 8:
Develop and demonstrate the mastering of the
collaboration Rubric 0.36
7.3. Using listening and speaking skills by actively participating
expressive in the video collaboration.
intonation to show Present academic concerns through academic 3
confidence and announcements and messages. hours
Weekly tutorial
interest Use the institutional email and interact on EVA.
Participate actively in the weekly tutorial to discuss
7.4. Using signal the topic of Tradition and Culture, use of grammar,
words to persuade vocabulary and audio content studied in unit 7.

Graded Activity 3: Oral Presentation
Prepare an oral presentation to explain what you Presentation Rubric 3
can do to find your Dream Job.
Apply what needs to be done before giving a
presentation, during and afterwards as explained in
the virtual guide on week 6. 4
Use signal words to introduce a position and to hours
Virtual guide
introduce supporting arguments in a persuasive oral
presentation. Also, use expressive intonation to
show confidence and interest and get ready for an Week
oral presentation, in which you have to explain what 14
we can do to find our Dream Job.
Review suggested activities and exercises related
to grammar, vocabulary and audio content studied
in this unit.
Identify when a speaker sounds more confident and
interested as explained in the virtual guide.
Recognize how signal words help a listener follow a
speaker’s thoughts in a persuasive speech or oral
Review what needs to be done before giving a Virtual guide
presentation, during and afterwards as explained in EVA 4
the virtual guide on week 6. Textbook hours
“Ikigai” is a Japanese formula for happiness, and it REA
gives you the hints to choose the right career,
something you are good at, something that you
love, something that the world needs, and
something that pays you well. Review the following
video to prepare your oral presentation.
The Japanese Formula for Happiness – Ikigai

Graded Activity 1: Video collaboration 1 to 8:
Develop and demonstrate the mastering of the
collaboration Rubric 0.21
listening and speaking skills by actively participating
in the video collaboration.
Unit 8. Climate Present academic concerns through academic
change and its announcements and messages.
effects Use the institutional email and interact on EVA. Weekly tutorial
Participate actively in the weekly tutorial to discuss email
Focus on listening: the topic of Climate change and its effects, use of EVA
ACD grammar, vocabulary, and audio content studied in
8.1. Identifying unit 8.
repetition to Graded Activity 1: Video collaboration 1 to 8:
emphasize a point Develop and demonstrate the mastering of the
collaboration Rubric 0.34
listening and speaking skills by actively participating
8.2. Grammar: in the video collaboration.
Infinitives with too Develop suggested activities and exercises related
and enough to grammar, vocabulary, and audio content studied
in this unit. Week
Focus on speaking: Demonstrate language use of Infinitives with too 15
and enough by developing the exercises proposed
8.3. Interrupting in the virtual guide.
politely and holding Formulate embedded questions as explained in the
the floor virtual guide.
Virtual guide 2
APE Simulate how to interrupt politely and hold the floor
8.4. Grammar: EVA hours
by completing the exercises suggested in the virtual
Indirect questions, guide.
requests and Practice conversational strategies and repetition to
orders emphasize a point as suggested in the virtual guide.
(Embedded Prepare a speech, not as a graded activity but as a
questions) practice because your tutor may ask you to prepare
one for the video collaboration, to propose solutions
to climate change.

Graded activity 4: Questionnaire
Online Questionnaire
Assess knowledge of grammar and language use 1
questionnaire EVA
from units 5 to 8
Learn vocabulary and audio content from the virtual
guide unit 8
Identify conversational strategies and repetition to
emphasize a point.
Distinguish the use of Infinitives with too and
Recognize embedded questions as explained in the
virtual guide.
Learn how to interrupt politely and hold the floor.
Review structure and strategies on how to make a Virtual guide
good speech (first bimester’s speech). EVA
AA Go through the following webpage and video that Textbook
talks about the effects of global warming to discuss REA
how you can contribute to a solution in the video
collaboration. Think how you can give a speech with
a solution to global warming and the consequences
of climate change.
Effects of global warming National Geographic
Develop self-evaluation 4
Graded Activity 1: Video collaboration 1 to 8:
Develop and demonstrate the mastering of the
collaboration Rubric 0.24
listening and speaking skills by actively participating
in the video collaboration.
Review of units 5 to Present academic concerns through academic Permanent
8 and test ACD announcements and messages. chat
Use the institutional email and interact on EVA. email

Participate actively in the weekly tutorial to review EVA
the content of units 5 to 8.

Virtual guide Week

Review vocabulary, listening and speaking activities Textbook 16
and grammar from units 5 to 8 EVA
Graded Activity 1: Video collaboration 1 to 8: hours
Develop and demonstrate the mastering of the Video
Rubric 1
listening and speaking skills by actively participating collaboration
in the video collaboration.

2. Resumen de las horas de trabajo de la asignatura por componente de aprendizaje en el

Componentes del
Total de horas de En contacto con el
trabajo de la docente 24
asignatura en el
bimestre Práctico-experimental 16
Autónomo 32
Total 72

3. Descripción de las actividades calificadas

En contacto con el docente (ACD) ( X )

Componentes del aprendizaje: Práctico-experimental (APE) ( )
Autónomo (AA) ( X )
Graded Activity 1: Video collaboration 1 to 8:
Actividad de aprendizaje: Develop and demonstrate the mastering of the listening and
speaking skills by actively participating in the video collaboration.
Tipo de recurso: Video collaboration
Week 9 - Video collaboration 1
Unit 5: Careers and job opportunities
Week 10 – Video collaboration 2
Unit 6: Tourism and culture
Week 11 – Video collaboration 3
Unit 6: Tourism and culture
Week 12 – Video collaboration 4
Unit 7: Marriage and traditions
Tema de la unidad: Week 13 – Video collaboration 5
Unit 7: Marriage and traditions
Week 14 – Video collaboration 6
Unit 8: Climate change and its effects
Week 15 – Video collaboration 7
Unit 8: Climate change and its effects
Week 16 – Video collaboration 8
Mid-term test (vocabulary, grammar, and topics from units 5 to 8 in
the didactic guide and textbook)
Infers information from context.
Resultados de aprendizaje que se
Distinguishes different intonations and pronunciation patterns.
espera lograr:
Supports ideas by providing facts and examples.
Week 9 – Video collaboration 1
Read unit 5 in the virtual guide, textbook, announcements, and
proposed reference sources.
Actively participate in the session according to the schedule given
Estrategias de trabajo:
by your tutor.
Watch the following video:
I Sued the School System

Answer the following question:
What is the job of a teacher?
Get ready to talk about the message in the video.
Week 10 – Video collaboration 2
Review vocabulary, grammar and topics studied in unit 6.
Actively participate in the session according to the schedule given
by your tutor.
Watch the following videos:
How mass tourism is destroying cities
Propose solutions to control over-tourism.
Search the web for more information.
Mass Tourism versus Alternative Tourism
Get ready to talk about the material and to give your opinion
regarding the topic of Tourism and culture.
Week 11 – Video collaboration 3
Read unit 6 in the virtual guide, textbook, announcements, and
proposed reference sources.
Actively participate in the session according to the schedule given
by your tutor.
Watch the following videos:
Why Do These Women Stretch Their Necks? | National
What is your opinion about this custom that began like a cultural
practice but now it is being used to gain benefit from tourism.
Week 12 – Video collaboration 4
Read unit 7 in the virtual guide, textbook, announcements, and
proposed reference sources.
Actively participate in the session according to the schedule given
by your tutor.
Watch the following videos regarding the topic of Marriage and
Saying I Do: What Happens at a Catholic Wedding
Nubian Wedding | National Geographic
And go through the following page to learn about:
How “I do” is done around some other countries around the
Get ready to talk about the material and to give your opinion
regarding the topic of Marriage and traditions.
Week 13 – Video collaboration 5
Read unit 7 in the virtual guide, textbook, announcements, and
proposed reference sources.
Actively participate in the session according to the schedule given
by your tutor.
Watch the following videos:
The Culture of Respect in Japan

In Japanese society, respect is one fundamental value. Respect is
deeply rooted in communication, both verbal and non-verbal,
between people of varying relationships and positions. Other
aspects are also considered like, how people should be addressed,
and the importance of humility.
Get ready to discuss this topic in the session.
Week 14 – Video collaboration 6
Read unit 8 in the virtual guide, textbook, announcements, and
proposed reference sources.
Actively participate in the session according to the schedule given
by your tutor.
Watch the following video regarding the topic of Climate Change:
Climate Change 101 with Bill Nye | National Geographic
Effects of global warming
Read the Causes and effects of climate change at this same
Get ready to talk about this issue in the tutorial session.
Week 15 – Video collaboration 7
Read unit 8 in the virtual guide, textbook, announcements and
proposed reference sources.
Actively participate in the session according to the schedule given
by your tutor.
Watch the following video:
A Creative Approach to Climate Change | Finnegan Harries |
Climate Change is a real and serious problem. The effects of
climate change affect our planet, so we need to act promptly to
mitigate its effects.
How can you contribute to a solution?
Get ready to talk about this issue in the tutorial session.
Week 16 – Video collaboration 8
Study vocabulary, grammar, and topics from units 5 to 8 in the
didactic guide and textbook.
Answer accurately all the questions asked by your tutor and get
ready to complete a quiz related to grammar and vocabulary.
Actively participate in the session according to the schedule given
by your tutor.

Instrumento de evaluación: Rubric

Video collaboration
Rubric is worth 10 points, and it will be averaged and converted accordingly.

CATEGORY Excellent Fair Needs improvement Unacceptable

Content & Clarity Demonstrates exceptional Shows a good Presents content with Struggles to communicate
understanding of the topic, understanding of the topic, some understanding of the a clear understanding of
provides insightful and well- presents clear and topic but lacks clarity or the topic, content is
organized content, and organized content, and organization and may disorganized, and has
communicates ideas with communicates ideas have frequent significant issues with
exceptional clarity. effectively with minor interruptions or language clarity and language.
1.66 – 1.50 issues. issues. 0.5 – 0

1.50 – 1 1 – 0.5

Delivery & Delivers the speech fluently Delivers the speech with Delivers the speech with Struggles to deliver the
Fluency with excellent pronunciation, good fluency, clear some fluency but may speech with fluency, has
appropriate pace, and pronunciation, appropriate have occasional pronounced pronunciation
effective use of pauses. pace, and effective use of pronunciation issues or issues, and pacing
1.66 – 1.50 pauses. pacing problems. problems.
1.50 – 1 1 – 0.5 0.5 – 0
Language Demonstrates excellent Displays good language Communicates effectively, Struggles to communicate
Proficiency command of the language, proficiency, using a range of but with some limited with limited vocabulary
using sophisticated vocabulary and varied vocabulary and basic and basic sentence
vocabulary and complex sentence structures. sentence structures. structures. Frequent and
sentence structures. Few to Occasional minor grammar Several noticeable significant grammar or
no grammar or pronunciation or pronunciation errors. grammar or pronunciation pronunciation errors.
errors. 1.50 – 1 errors. 0.5 – 0
1.66 – 1.50 1 – 0.5
Confidence Exhibits a high level of Shows confidence, making Demonstrates some Exhibits low confidence,
confidence, creating a strong a positive impression on the confidence, leaving a making a minimal impact
impact on the audience and audience and reads the moderate impression on on the audience and reads
does not read at all. response partially. the audience and reads the whole response.
1.66 – 1.50 1.50 – 1 the majority of the 0.5 – 0
1 – 0.5
Attendance and Students make sure their Students make sure their Students make sure their Students make sure their
interaction audio works well and audio works well and audio works well and audio works well and
participate actively during the participate actively participate actively participate actively
video collaboration. Attends during the video during the video during the video
100% of the classes. collaboration. Attends more collaboration. Attends less collaboration. Does not
1.68 – 1.50 than 70% of the classes. than 70% of the classes. attend the classes.
1.50 – 1 1 – 0.5 0.5 – 0

Individual Demonstrates meaningful Demonstrates fair Demonstrates poor Does not demonstrate any
preparation for the knowledge on the proposed knowledge on the proposed knowledge on the knowledge on the
class topic. Complies meaningfully topic. Complies fairly with proposed topic. Complies proposed topic. Does not
with proposed activities and proposed activities and poorly with proposed comply with proposed
exercises. exercises. activities and exercises. activities and exercises.
1.68 – 1.50 1.50 – 1 1 – 0.5 0.5 – 0

En contacto con el docente (ACD) ( X )

Componentes del aprendizaje: Práctico-experimental (APE) ( )
Autónomo (AA) ( )
Graded Activity 2: Academic Forum
What are Job Hoppers? Hand in a video recording explaining the
Actividad de aprendizaje:
topic of Jobs in the Future.

Tipo de recurso: Academic Forum

Tema de la unidad: Careers and job opportunities
Infers information from context.
Resultados de aprendizaje que se
espera lograr:
Supports ideas by providing facts and examples.
Watch the following video related to the new generation of Job
Educating the Next Generation of Job Hoppers. | Alex Ellison |
Estrategias de trabajo:

Search about Liberal Arts as a foundation for education nowadays
and try to understand its purpose. Many universities follow this
intellectual grounding or perspective towards education. In the
previous video, the speaker believes that liberal arts are the
reason for an increasingly practical direction of the educational
system nowadays. According to her, this kind of education is what
can give future job-hoppers the tools they need to thrive on the
demands of the world we now live in.

Read the following site for more information about Liberal Arts:

What is a Liberal Arts Education? Minnesota State Career-wise

Record a video of no more than 4 minutes explaining how we should

educate the next generation of job hoppers. Make your video public
on YouTube or Studio, and upload it in the activity on EVA, or
provide the link.

Comment TWO posts of your classmates.

Do not forget to include the bibliography of the material that you

Instrumento de Evaluación: Rubric

Score of the activity: 1 point
Rubric is worth 10 points and it will be averaged and converted accordingly.

CATEGORY Excellent Fair Needs improvement Unacceptable

Content & Clarity Demonstrates exceptional Shows a good Presents content with Struggles to communicate
understanding of the topic, understanding of the topic, some understanding of the a clear understanding of
provides insightful and well- presents clear and topic but lacks clarity or the topic, content is
organized content, and organized content, and organization and may disorganized, and has
communicates ideas with communicates ideas have frequent significant issues with
exceptional clarity. effectively with minor interruptions or language clarity and language.
1.66 – 1.50 issues. issues. 0.5 – 0
1.50 – 1 1 – 0.5
Delivery & Delivers the speech fluently Delivers the speech with Delivers the speech with Struggles to deliver the
Fluency with excellent pronunciation, good fluency, clear some fluency but may speech with fluency, has
appropriate pace, and pronunciation, appropriate have occasional pronounced pronunciation
effective use of pauses. pace, and effective use of pronunciation issues or issues, and pacing
1.66 – 1.50 pauses. pacing problems. problems.
1.50 – 1 1 – 0.5 0.5 – 0
Language Demonstrates excellent Displays good language Communicates effectively, Struggles to communicate
Proficiency command of the language, proficiency, using a range of but with some limited with limited vocabulary
using sophisticated vocabulary and varied vocabulary and basic and basic sentence
vocabulary and complex sentence structures. sentence structures. structures. Frequent and
sentence structures. Few to Occasional minor grammar Several noticeable significant grammar or
no grammar or pronunciation or pronunciation errors. grammar or pronunciation pronunciation errors.
errors. 1.50 – 1 errors. 0.5 – 0
1.66 – 1.50 1 – 0.5
Confidence Exhibits a high level of Shows confidence, making Demonstrates some Exhibits low confidence,
confidence, creating a strong a positive impression on the confidence, leaving a making a minimal impact
impact on the audience and audience and reads the moderate impression on on the audience and reads
does not read at all. response partially. the audience and reads the whole response.
1.66 – 1.50 1.50 – 1 the majority of the 0.5 – 0
1 – 0.5

Time Stays within the allocated Slightly exceeds or falls Significantly exceeds or Greatly exceeds or falls
Management time, effectively managing short of the allocated time falls short of the allocated short of the allocated time,
the speech duration. but still manages the time and may impact the severely impacting the
1.68 – 1.50 speech duration effectively. effectiveness of the effectiveness of the
1.50 – 1 speech. speech.
1 – 0.5 0. – 0
Peer interaction Gives comments to two posts Gives comments to one Gives comments but the Does not give comments
of the classmates in a post of the classmates in a message is not coherent, to any classmates’ posts.
coherent, meaningful, and coherent, meaningful, and meaningful or clear. 0.5 – 0
clear way. clear way. 1 – 0.5
1.68 – 1.50 1.50 – 1

En contacto con el docente (ACD) ( )

Componentes del aprendizaje: Práctico-experimental (APE) ( X )
Autónomo (AA) ( )
Graded Activity 3: Oral Presentation
Actividad de aprendizaje: Prepare an oral presentation to explain what you can do to find
your Dream Job.
Tipo de recurso: Presentation
Tema de la unidad: Careers and job opportunities
Distinguishes different intonations and pronunciation patterns.
Resultados de aprendizaje que se
espera lograr:
Supports ideas by providing facts and examples
After watching the two following videos, get ready to explain what
you can do to find your ideal job, one you can feel comfortable and
happy to do every day.

Find your dream job without ever looking at your resume | Laura
Berman Fortgang | TEDxBocaRaton

The Japanese Formula for Happiness - Ikigai
Estrategias de trabajo:
Remember that in a persuasive oral presentation, the speaker
states a position and then gives arguments to persuade the
audience to agree with his/her opinion.

Use a technological resource for your presentation as Genially or

PPT, etc. Record a video of no more than 4 minutes with your
presentation. Make your video public on YouTube or Studio, and
upload it in the activity on EVA, or provide the link.
Do not forget to include the bibliography of the material that you

Instrumento de Evaluación: Rubric

Score of the activity: 3 points
Rubric is worth 10 points and it will be averaged and converted accordingly.
CATEGORY Excellent Fair Needs improvement Unacceptable

Content & Clarity Demonstrates exceptional Shows a good Presents content with Struggles to communicate
understanding of the topic, understanding of the topic, some understanding of the a clear understanding of
provides insightful and well- presents clear and topic but lacks clarity or the topic, content is
organized content, and organized content, and organization and may disorganized, and has
communicates ideas with communicates ideas have frequent significant issues with
exceptional clarity. effectively with minor interruptions or language clarity and language.
2 – 1.8 issues. issues. 0.6 – 0
1.8 – 1.4 1.4 – 0.6
Delivery & Delivers the speech fluently Delivers the speech with Delivers the speech with Struggles to deliver the
Fluency with excellent pronunciation, good fluency, clear some fluency but may speech with fluency, has
appropriate pace, and pronunciation, appropriate have occasional pronounced pronunciation
effective use of pauses. pace, and effective use of pronunciation issues or issues, and pacing
2 – 1.8 pauses. pacing problems. problems.
1.8 – 1.4 1.4 – 0.6 0.6 – 0
Language Demonstrates excellent Displays good language Communicates effectively, Struggles to communicate
Proficiency command of the language, proficiency, using a range of but with some limited with limited vocabulary
using sophisticated vocabulary and varied vocabulary and basic and basic sentence
vocabulary and complex sentence structures. sentence structures. structures. Frequent and
sentence structures. Few to Occasional minor grammar Several noticeable significant grammar or
no grammar or pronunciation or pronunciation errors. grammar or pronunciation pronunciation errors.
errors. 1.8 – 1.4 errors. 0.6 – 0
2 – 1.8 1.4 – 0.6
Confidence Exhibits a high level of Shows confidence, making Demonstrates some Exhibits low confidence,
confidence, creating a strong a positive impression on the confidence, leaving a making a minimal impact
impact on the audience and audience and reads the moderate impression on on the audience and reads
does not read at all. response partially. the audience and reads the whole response.
2 – 1.8 1.8 – 1.4 the majority of the 0.6 – 0
1.4 – 0.6
Time Stays within the allocated Slightly exceeds or falls Significantly exceeds or Greatly exceeds or falls
Management time, effectively managing short of the allocated time falls short of the allocated short of the allocated time,
the speech duration. but still manages the time and may impact the severely impacting the
2 – 1.8 speech duration effectively. effectiveness of the effectiveness of the
1.8 – 1.4 speech. speech.
1.4 – 0.6 0.6 – 0

En contacto con el docente (ACD) ( )

Componentes del aprendizaje: Práctico-experimental (APE) ( )
Autónomo (AA) ( X )
Graded activity 4: Questionnaire
Actividad de aprendizaje:
Assess knowledge of grammar and language use from units 5 to 8
Tipo de recurso: Online questionnaire
Careers and job opportunities
Tourism and culture
Tema de la unidad:
Marriage and traditions
Climate change and its effects
Infers information from context.
Resultados de aprendizaje que se
espera lograr:
Supports ideas by providing facts and examples.
Review the topics of units 5 to 8 in the virtual guide, textbook, and
other given material.
Estrategias de trabajo:
Answer the questionnaire on EVA platform.

Instrumento de evaluación: Questionnaire EVA

D. Evaluación de la asignatura segundo bimestre

Componente Actividad Instrumento Fechas de Calificación Peso

Graded Activity 1:
Video collaboration 1 to 8: Week 9-15
Develop and demonstrate the mastering of Jun 3rd – Jul 21st, 2.5 25%
the listening and speaking skills by actively 2024
participating in the video collaboration.
Graded Activity 2: Academic Forum
What are Job Hoppers? Hand in a video
Rubric Jun 10th to 1 10%
recording explaining the topic of Jobs in the
16th, 2024
Graded activity 4: Questionnaire Week 15
Assess knowledge of grammar and Jul 15th to 21st, 1 10%
language use from units 5 to 8 2024
Graded Activity 1:
Video collaboration 1 to 8 Week 9-15
Develop and demonstrate the mastering of Rubric Jun 3rd – Jul 21st,
1.5 15%
the listening and speaking skills by actively 2024
participating in the video collaboration.
Graded Activity 1:
Video collaboration 1 to 8 Rubric Week 16
Develop and demonstrate the mastering of Jul 22nd to 28th, 1 10%
the listening and speaking skills by actively 2024
participating in the video collaboration.
Subtotal 3.5 35%
Graded Activity 3: Oral Presentation Week 14
APRENDIZAJE Prepare an oral presentation to explain what Jul 8th to 14th,
PRÁCTICO you can do to find your Dream Job. Rubric 2024 3 30%

TOTAL 10 100%

In case to detect, in any activity, 10% or more of plagiarism, the assignment will be graded zero.

The information presented by the student is an exact copy of information found on the internet, books, newspapers,
magazines, or any other source. It has not been properly cited as an idea or text from some other author. The bibliography
of the source was not included.


Actividades académicas Puntaje Fechas importantes

Evaluación de recuperación 10 Aug 31st and Sep 1st, 2024

E. Datos del equipo docente:

Horario de tutoría5

Paralelo Día Horario Sala Teléfono Extensión

100 Wednesday 17h00 to 19h00 Chat de - -
tutoría y

Profesor autor
Nombre Martha Magdalena Prado Camacho
Título(s) de tercer nivel Licenciada en Ciencias de la Educación mención Inglés
Título(s) de cuarto nivel Magíster en Literatura Infantil y Juvenil
Facultad Ciencias Sociales, Educación y Humanidades
Departamento Filosofía, Artes y Humanidades
Correo electrónico [email protected]
Teléfono (07) 370 1444 extensión 3851
Currículo profesional resumido
Magíster en Literatura Infantil y Juvenil - Universidad Técnica Particular de Loja - Ecuador. Licenciada en
Ciencias de la Educación mención Inglés - Universidad Técnica Particular de Loja - Ecuador. Lingüística
Aplicada con mención en Enseñanza de Lenguas – Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador - Ecuador.
Docente universitario (UTPL) de las materias de Listening and Speaking, Expresión Oral y Escrita, Literatura
Universal, Estética y Belleza Literaria, Inglés IV, Methodology and Didactics I, Curriculum and Materials,
Literature in EFL Classroom. Experiencia de 30 años de trabajo en la UTPL, Universidad San Francisco de
Quito, y colegios de la capital y en los Estados Unidos en asignaturas como Inglés, Science, Social Studies,
Health, Literature, Lengua y Literatura, Redacción y Español (Colegio Militar “Eloy Alfaro”, “Los Ilinizas”, “Ángel
Polibio Chaves”, “Giovanni Antonio Farina”, Tuscaloosa Academy, Holy Spirit Catholic School), traductora y
medical bilingual clerk (USA).

F. Relación con el perfil profesional y de egreso (rediseño curricular)

El nombre del profesor tutor y horario de tutoría constará en el entorno virtual de aprendizaje.

Resultados de Resultado/s de
Contribución Competencia/s del perfil
aprendizaje de la aprendizaje del perfil
(inicial, medio, final) profesional
asignatura de egreso
Identifies main ideas To apply English language Designs, applies, and
and supporting details Intermediate communicative evaluates educational
from oral content competencies as a foreign resources and
Infers information from language at a level that strategies for teaching
context Intermediate enables professional English as a foreign
performance in teaching language in basic
Distinguishes different children and youth education as well as
intonations and Intermediate according to international in high school.
pronunciation patterns standards in order to Critical, reflexive, and
Evaluates information, address, respect, and emotional thinking
debates a position, and Intermediate value diversity through the skills are considered
supports own opinions creation of inclusive since they are the
and criteria with educational environments. basis of the
arguments construction and
Supports ideas by reconstruction of mind
providing facts and Intermediate connections which
examples integrate faith, reason,
and life.

G. Bibliografía básica y complementaria

a) Nombre del texto básico

Solorzano, H., Schmidt, J. (2020). NorthStar Listening and Speaking Level 3, (5th ed.). Hoboken, NJ:

b) Información general del texto

This textbook has been chosen because the authors are expert writers in the Listening and Speaking
field. Besides, they have included interesting topics and didactic activities which ease the development of
listening and speaking skills.

c) Nombre de la guía didáctica

Prado, M. (2022). Guía Virtualizada English Language: Listening and Speaking III. Loja: Ediloja.

d) Breve descripción general de la guía didáctica

The virtual guide has been planned and developed with the idea of helping learners enhance their
knowledge about specific listening and speaking strategies. Its main purpose is to provide students with
opportunities to practice all the theoretical knowledge that they have acquired throughout the program.


a) Nombre del texto

Ostrowska, S. (2014). Unlock Listening & Speaking 3. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press

b) Breve descripción del texto

This textbook is a didactic material written by an expert in the listening and speaking field. The textbook
provides Listening and Speaking exercises. It also has pedagogical strategies and activities that reinforce
vocabulary, grammar, and pronunciation.

c) ¿El texto está disponible en la biblioteca general física o virtual de la UTPL?

Física X Virtual X

Repositorio (base de datos) Enlace
Randall’s ESL Cyber Listening Lab o

TED-ED Lessons: Improve your listening (Ut skills

listening to TED talks and lessons ilic
Forvo: The Pronunciation Guide e el
English Club: Listening comprehension practice
Título del REA las Enlace
Motivational Speech: Overcome Your
How to use rhetoric to get what you
want - Camille A. Langston AP
Effects of global warming
National Geographic Website warming-effects
The Japanese Formula for Happiness -
Investopedia: Financial Fraud -
La utilización de los REAs (al menos dos por bimestre) es obligatoria.

NOTA: Durante todo el bimestre el profesor deberá utilizar un a)portafolio

I docente digital donde respalde todo el
material utilizado para el desarrollo de la asignatura, sean diapositivas, pruebas, recursos, etc.
H. Elaboración y aprobación o
Actividades Nombre Función Firma
e 43
Mgs. Martha Magdalena
Elaboración: Profesor autor
Prado Camacho

Fecha de
10 de enero del 2024

Mgs. Franklin Oswaldo

Evaluación: Par académico
Espinosa Jaramillo

Mgs. Lisset Vanessa Toro

Aprobación: Director/a de carrera

Número y fecha de Acta de aprobación: ACTA NO. 004- CEMI-PINE-FCSEH-UTPL-2023


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