Psych Poster
Psych Poster
Psych Poster
By Phoebe Bespalov
This study investigates the impact The study included 9 participants The data was not supported by
of weather changes on the from Years 10, 11, and 12. The the hypothesis, due to the
emotional state of high school recruitment process involved research question being too
students in years 10, 11, and 12. asking teachers in various classes broad. This could also be due to a
This study was conducted via a if they had students interested in number of possibilities resorting
short survey, that had correlating participating. An even distribution from the the participants such as
images of varying types of of gender was achieved, with an their own individual interpretation
weather, including sunny, equal number of male and female of the questions, and their own
overcast, and rainy days. The data participants contributing to the amount of personal bias towards
was collected in an aim to assess survey. Students were given a the weather environments.
the students individual emotional survey aimed at understanding
responses to sudden changes in the relationship between weather
weather. conditions and student emotions.
Results of the survey show that The independent variable in this
the data was not supported by the study was the type of weather
hypothesis. This could be due to a depicted (sunny, rainy, overcast,
number of variables that will be and partially sunny), while the
explored later in this report. dependent variable was the
emotional response of the
Introduction participants, assessed through a
Participants completed a four-
How does the weather affect
question survey, where each
students' behaviour and emotion
question presented an image of a
in school? It has found that abrupt
different weather environment.
weather changes have negative
The survey assessed the
effects on human emotions but
participants' emotional responses
only when the transition to
to these weather conditions on a
‘unfavourable’ weather has been
scale ranging from positive to
realised (Spasova Z. 2010). This
negative feelings. Participants Acknowledgements
can also be connected to feelings
rated their feelings from 1 (very
and symptoms of anxiety and
negative) to 5 (very positive) (Spasova Z. 2010)
depression as a result of childhood
based on how they felt when (John Wiley &
exposure to extreme weather
viewing the respective weather Sons Ltd on behalf of Mac Keith Press (2021)
events (EWEs) (John Wiley & Sons
images. The small size of 9
Ltd on behalf of Mac Keith Press
participants limits the answers.
(2021). This is of importance as
Additionally, self-reported
little research has been done on
measures of emotions may be
the topic, and it has been
influenced by individual
suggested that sudden changes in
differences and interpretation of
weather can have an impact on
the weather. If future research