IMHA Position Paper Oxygen On Ships
IMHA Position Paper Oxygen On Ships
IMHA Position Paper Oxygen On Ships
The need to have medical oxygen on board a ship to optimally treat a sick seafarer until disembarkation is well
recognized and outlined in the medicine chest requirements of a flag State. The COVID 19 pandemic has
highlighted the question of how much medical oxygen should be carried on board and the difficulties in
purchasing and supplying cylinders of oxygen.
If an outbreak of COVID 19 occurs onboard it is noted that 50% of the crew are often affected and that up to
20% of them may require oxygen if they cannot reach medical care ashore for many days. This may mean that
more than one seafarer at a time requires oxygen therapy.
The minimum volume of medical oxygen that ships must carry is outlined in flag State medicine chest
requirements and the absolute minimum is 2 cylinders of 2 litres at 200 bar, that is 800 litres, as
recommended in the International Medical Guide for Ships, 3rd edition2. Many flag States require that ships
carry more than this, often 40 litres at 200 bar3 giving a total of 8000 litres. This is also required under the
International Maritime Dangerous Goods (IMDG) code4.
Many ship owners have expressed a wish to increase the volume of cylinder medical oxygen carried on board
but for several reasons, this has become increasingly difficult. Reasons include but are not limited to:
This has led to alternative sources of oxygen being considered and IMHA has been asked to advise on the
different options.
IMHA Office - Italiëlei 51 - B-2000 Antwerp - Belgium
Tel +32 3 229 07 76 - E-mail [email protected] -
IBAN BE91 4166 1040 0176 – BIC KRED BE BB
IMHA is registered in Belgium as an international association by Royal Decree of 14/07/1998, identification number: 22285/98
International Maritime Health Association
Oxygen concentrators
Oxygen concentrators are available for purchase and can provide up to 10l/min of oxygen although many only
provide up to 5l/min. They are used successfully on cruise ships and by some major US oil companies in
addition to the medical oxygen cylinders carried on board. Those able to supply 10l/min are the most useful
when treating acute illness. However, they are more expensive and currently have a long wait time for
purchase due to an increase in demand at the this time.
Oxygen concentrators need maintenance to clean and replace the air filters as directed by the manufacturer
and there are potential issues with the efficacy of the filters in extreme temperature and humidity. However,
these have not been seen as a practical issue in the ‘home use’ concentrators such as those used on board
ships and when the concentrators are used in air-conditioned spaces such as the ship’s medical centre.
A decision to purchase a concentrator should be based on a risk assessment that includes but is not limited to:
IMHA notes the potential benefits of having an oxygen concentrator on board and supports ship owners in
their decision to purchase such equipment if the appropriate risk assessment has been carried out.
Industrial oxygen
Ships carry industrial oxygen on board for use in procedures such as welding etc. The production of industrial
oxygen is less strictly regulated than the production of medical oxygen, in particular the preparation of the
tanks and cylinders. This can lead to industrial oxygen containing impurities that are not suitable for human
use5 6. Industrial oxygen also has a metallic taste and maybe unpleasant to breathe. However, in times of an
acute emergency, where there is no medical oxygen available, and the need for oxygen is recognized,
industrial oxygen manufacturers have been allowed to sell their oxygen for medical use7.
IMHA feels that the use of industrial oxygen to treat a seafarer on board a ship should only be considered in
an acute life-threatening situation where oxygen is required, and no medical oxygen is available. It should only
be used after consultation with TMAS or other shore side medical personnel and after a risk assessment.
IMHA Office - Italiëlei 51 - B-2000 Antwerp - Belgium
Tel +32 3 229 07 76 - E-mail [email protected] -
IBAN BE91 4166 1040 0176 – BIC KRED BE BB
IMHA is registered in Belgium as an international association by Royal Decree of 14/07/1998, identification number: 22285/98
International Maritime Health Association
Monitoring oxygen saturation is important to determine whether oxygen treatment is effective and to prevent
overtreatment8. A simple, inexpensive, and non-invasive way of doing this is pulse oximetry with the use of a
fingertip oxygen saturation probe. Any device purchased should comply with the relevant national or
international standards.
When a saturation probe is not available, the necessity of oxygen therapy should be guided by clinical signs,
even though they are less reliable9.
IMHA is aware of the potential limitations to the use of pulse oximetry but strongly suggests that oxygen
saturation probes are included as part of the ship’s medicine chest during the COVID 19 pandemic, especially if
additional oxygen is to be carried on board.
Pocket book of hospital care for children: guidelines for management of common
childhood illnesses, second edition. Geneva: World Health Organization; 2013.
IMHA Office - Italiëlei 51 - B-2000 Antwerp - Belgium
Tel +32 3 229 07 76 - E-mail [email protected] -
IBAN BE91 4166 1040 0176 – BIC KRED BE BB
IMHA is registered in Belgium as an international association by Royal Decree of 14/07/1998, identification number: 22285/98