Jis B 1196
Jis B 1196
Jis B 1196
Translated and Published by
Japanese Standards Association
Weld nuts
les 21.060.20
Reference number: JIS B 1196 : 2010 (E)
Copyright Japanese Standards Association
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B 1196 : 2010
© JSA 2011
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permission in writing from the publisher.
This translation has been made based on the original Japanese Industrial
Standard revised by the Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry
through deliberations at the Japanese Industrial Standards Committee as
the result of proposal for revision of Japanese Industrial Standard sub-
mitted by The Japan Research Institute for Screw Threads and Fasteners
(JFRI)/Japanese Standards Association (JSA) with the draft being at-
tached, based on the provision of Article 12 Clause 1 of the Industrial
Standardization Law applicable to the case of revision by the provision of
Article 14.
Consequently JIS B 1196 : 2001 has been replaced with this Standard.
This JIS document is protected by the Copyright Law.
Attention is drawn to the possibility that some parts of this Standard
may conflict with a patent right, application for a patent after opening
to the public, utility model right or application for registration of utility
model after opening to the public which have technical properties. The
relevant Minister and the Japanese Industrial Standards Committee
are not responsible for identifying the patent right, application for a
patent after opening to the public, utility model right or application for
registration of utility model after opening to the public which have the
said technical properties.
Weld nuts
1 Scope
This Japanese Industrial Standard specifies the steel weld nuts (hereafter referred
to as "nuts") used for general purposes.
These nuts are intended to be projection-welded or spot-welded.
2 Normative references
The following standards contain provisions which, through reference in this text,
constitute provisions of this Standard. The most recent editions of the standards (in-
cluding amendments) indicated below shall be applied.
4 Classification
The nuts shall be classified by the combination of type and shape as given in table 1.
The type shall be divided by the welding method, the existence of pilot and the exis-
tence of projection at the weld.
Table 1 Classification
Class Remarks
Shape Type Welding method Existence of pilot Existence of projection
Hexagon weld Type IA Projection welding Yes -
nut Type IB No -
Type IF
Square weld Type IC Projection welding -
nut Type ID - Yes
T-shape weld Type IA Projection welding Yes -
nut Type IB No -
Type 2B No -
NOTE 1 In the column of type, 1 and 2 give the division of projection welding or spot welding,
A and B give the division of the existence of pilot, and C and D give the division of
the existence of projection, respectively.
NOTE 2 Type IF refers to Type IB without undercut on upper and lower surfaces whose nut
height of 5T in strength division conforms to that of the square weld nut.
6 Screw threads
The nuts shall be the metric coarse threads and fine threads specified in JIS B 0205-3
and their tolerance zone class shall be 6H specified in JIS B 0209-3.
In addition, electroplated screws shall also fall within the tolerances of the tolerance
zone class 6H specified in JIS B 0209-3.
7 Mechanical properties
The nuts shall be tested according to 11.3, and the mechanical properties thereof
shall be as shown in table 3. These properties shall not apply to the nuts which are re-
quired to have corrosion resistance, heat resistance at 300°C or higher, and cold resis-
tance at - 50°C or lower.
8 Material
The material of nuts shall be the carbon steel with the carbon content of 0.2 % or un-
der whose products shall satisfy the mechanical properties shown in table 3, and shall
show superior weldability with the rolled steel sheet.
When checking the weldability of nuts, the peel strength to pressing specified in Annex
A or peel strength to torque specified in Annex B should be refereed to.
9 Surface condition
The surface condition of nuts shall be free from surface defects such as cracks, flaws
and burrs detrimental to use.
10 Surface treatment
Generally, the surface treatment shall not be carried out on the nuts. The case where
the plating or other surface treatment is specially required shall be upon the agreement
between the parties concerned with delivery as occasion demands.
Mandrel Mandrel
t t
a) For hexagon weld nut and square weld nut b) For T-shape weld nut a)
Note a) In the case of nuts for projection welding, the weld projection shall be removed before testing.
12 Designation of product
The designation of nuts shall be in accordance with JIS B 1010.
The designated items such as the type of surface treatment shall be added as occa-
sion demands.
Example 1 In the case of the hexagon weld nut (coarse thread) of which the
nominal designation of screw thread is M6, the type is Type lA, the
13 Marking
13.1 Marking on product
The marking on product is not specially specified.
13.2 Marking on packaging
The following items shall be marked on the outside surface of the packaging.
a) Number or title of this Standard
b) Classification
c) Nominal designation of screw thread
d) Strength division of mechanical properties
e) Specified items (for example, surface treatment)
f) Quantity
g) Manufacturer's name or its abbreviation
Table 4 Shape and dimensions of hexagon weld nut (Type lA and Type IB)
Type 1A Eccentricity of screw hole
s h
Detail of Xl part
a-b=O.4 mm(max.)
Inclination of upper surface
Detail of X2 part
Unit: mm
Nominal desig· Outline Undercut Pilot Weld projection ~) (Informative)
nation of screw Hole diameter of
thread corresponding
d plate
s h dl g f h2 Standard
(Ap· (max.) Type 1A Type IE dimension
1-""T"""--+---r--~----1prox.) 1----r--+--r---+-~-__1
Notes") The difference between the maximum value and the minimum value of height (h - hI + h2 for Type lA, and h + h2 for
Type IE) including the weld projection shall be 0.15 mm or less, and the difference between the maximum value and
the minimum value of width (f) of the weld projection shall be 0.7 mm or less per a nut.
b) The difference (k) between levels of the pilot and the end point of weld projection shall be 0.15 mm or more.
Detail of Xa part
a-b=O.4 mm(max.)
Unit: mm
Nominal designa- Outline Weld projection ,,) (Informative)
tion of screw s m f h2 Hole diameter of
thread corresponding
d plate
Coarse Fine Stand- Toler- Standard Standard Toler- Stand- Toler- Stand- Toler-
thread thread ard ances dimension dimension ances ard ances ard ances
dimen- (hI4) for for (hI4) dimen- dimen-
sion strength strength sion sion
division 5 division S
M4 - 11 0 4 5 0 0.2 O.S 0 5 +0.3
-0.43 -0.30 to 1 -0.2 0
M5 -
M6 - 13 5 6 7
MS MSxl 15 6.5 7.5 0 0.2 9
-0.36 to 1.2
MI0 MI0xl 17 S 10 1 11
M12 M12x1.25 19 0 10 12 0 13
M12x1.5 -0.52 -0.43
NOTE: The threaded portion of lower surface of nut should be chamfered to the extent that its diameter becomes ap-
proximately (nominal diameter of screw thread + 1 mm), and The threaded portion of upper surface of nut
should be chamfered to the extent that its diameter becomes slightly larger than the major diameter of the in-
ternal thread.
Note ,,) The difference between the maximum value and the minimum value of height (m + h2) including the weld pro-
jection shall be 0.15 mm or less and the difference between the maximum value and the minimum value of
width (£) of the weld projection shall be 0.7 mm or less per a nut.
Table 6 Shape and dimensions of square weld nut (Type Ie and Type ID)
Type Ie Type ID Eccentricity of screw hole
./' y
a b
Unit: mm
(I nform a tive)
Hole diameter
Nominal designation
Outline Weld projection a) of
of screw thread
s m h2 f j Stand- Toler-
Coarse Fine Stand- Toler- Standard Standard Toler- Stand- Toler- ard ances
thread thread ard ances dimension dimension ances ard ances dimen-
dimen- (hI4) for for (hI4) dimen- sion
sion strength strength sion
division 5 division 8
M4 -
8 0 3.2 4 0 1 0 0.3 0.3 5 +0.3
M5 - 9 -0.36 4 5 -0.30 -0.2 to 1.5 to 0.5 6 0
M6 - 10 5 6 7
M8 M8xl 12 0 6.5 7.5 0.5 9
-0.43 0 to 1
MI0 MI0xl 14 8 10 -0.36 11
M12 M12x1.25 17 10 12 OL) 1.2 0.5 13
M12x1.5 -0.43 to 2
NOTE: The threaded portion of lower surface of nut should be chamfered to the extent that its diameter becomes ap-
proximately (nominal diameter of screw thread + 1 mm), and the threaded portion of upper surface of nut
should be chamfered to the extent that its diameter becomes slightly larger than the major diameter of the in-
ternal thread.
Notes a) The difference between the maximum value and the minimum value of height (m + h2) including the weld pro-
jection shall be 0.15 mm or less and the difference between the maximum value and the minimum value of
width (f) of the weld projection shall be 0.7 mm or less per a nut.
The tolerances on the standard dimension 12 mm are shown and those on the standard dimension 10 mm shall
be_g 36 .
Table 7 Shape and dimensions of T-shape weld nut (Type lA and Type IB)
Type 1A Type 1B
R;::; 1.5mm R;::; 1.5 mm
Unit: mm
Hole diameter
Outline Pilot Weld projection of
Nominal corresponding
designation of plate
screw thread
d de S dl h t d2 hI b c a Stan- Toler-
dard ances
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
.srn .srn .srn .srn .srn .srn .srn .srn .srn .srn
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Q) Q) Q) Q) Q) Q) Q) Q) Q) Q)
Q) "d
.§ .§ .§ .§ .§ .§ .§ .§ .§ .§
;.., cO "d rn "d rn "d rn "d rn "d rn "d rn "d rn "d rn "d rn "d rn
.s Q)
u "d
u "d
u "d
u "d
u "d
u "d
u "d
u "d
u "d
...., cO
::1 e9
Q) ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Q) Q)
~ cO ~ cO ~ cO ~ cO ~ cO ~ cO ~ cO ~ cO ~ cO ~ cO ~ 0. 0.
U ~ U) ~ U) ~ U) ~ U) ~ U) ~ U) ~ U) ~ U) ~ U) ~ U) ~ ~ ~
M4 - 20 ±0.5 12 ±0.25 5.4 +0.5 5.5 ±0.4 1.2 ±0.2 7 -0.1 O.S 0 3 ±0.25 0.6 0 15 ±0.2 7
- 6.2 0 - -0.2 -0.2
- 5 +0.3
M5 - 6.5 -0.3 6 0
M6 - 23 ±0.7 14 ±0.3 7.S 7 ±0.5 1.6 ±0.25 9 17 ±0.25 9 7
MS MSx1 9.5 +0.7 S.5 11 11 9
t-- - -
M10 M10x1 30 ±1 19 ±0.4 12.5 0 10 ±0.6 2 ±0.3 13 1.2 3.S 0.7 22 ±0.3 13 11
- I--
M12 M12x1.25 32 ±1.2 21 ±0.5 14.5 11 ±O.S 15 24 15 13
NOTE 1 The threaded portion of upper/lower surface of nut should be chamfered to the extent that diameters thereof become
slightly larger than the major diameter of the internal thread.
NOTE 2 The periphery of flange shall form an arc with approximately dc/2 in radius.
Note ~) The difference oflevels (k) between the pilot and the end point of weld projection shall be 0.15 mm or more.
Table 8 Shape and dimensions of T-shape weld nut (Type 2A and Type 2B)
Type 2A Type 2B
Unit: mm
Nominal des- (Informative)
ignation of Hole diameter of
Outline Pilot corresponding plate
screw thread
d- B dl h t d2 hl Standard Toler-
dimension ances
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
(l) (l) (l) (l) (l) (l) (l)
(ij S S S S S S S
(l) '"d
;a rn
;a rn
;a rn
;a rn
;a rn
;a rn
;a rn
(l) '"d (l)
u '"d (l)
u '"d (l)
u '"d (l)
u '"d (l)
u '"d (l)
u '"d (l)
'"" ~ ~
(ij ~
(ij '""
(ij '""
(ij '""
(ij '""
(ij '""
(ij '""
(ij ~
(ij C'1 C'1
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ (l) (l)
~ (ij '""
~ (ij '""
~ (ij '""
~ (ij '""
~ (ij '""
~ (ij '""
~ (ij '""
~ 0- 0-
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
M4 - 23 ±0.7 12 ±0.25 5.4 +0.5 5.5 ±0.4 1.2 ±0.2 7 -0.1 0.8 0 7 5 +0.3
f---- 0 I--- -0.3 -0.2 - 0
M5 - 24 6.2 6.5 6
M6 - 26 ±1 14 ±0.3 7.8 7 ±0.5 1.6 ±0.25 9 9 7
M8 M8x1 28 9.5 +0.7 8.5 11 11 9
M10 M10X1 32 ±1.2 19 ±0.4 12.5 10 ±0.6 2 ±0.3 13 ~ 13 11
NOTE 1 The threaded portion of upper/lower surface of nut should be chamfered to the extent that diameters thereof
become slightly larger than the major diameter of the internal thread.
NOTE 2 The periphery of flange should form an arc with approximately dc/2 in radius.
Annex A (informative)
Peel strength to pressing and its test method
A.l Peel strength to pressing
The peel strength to pressing when a nut is tested in accordance with the method
specified in A.2 is given in table A.l for reference.
The welded assembly is deemed satisfactory even if the weld is deformed in the peel
test by pressing when the load at the test is not less than the relevant value in table
Table A.I Peel strength to pressing
Unit: kN
Nominal diameter of screw thread (mm) 4 5 I 6 I
8 I I I 10 I 12
Peel strength to pressing 3.24 3.24 I3.24 I
3.73 I I I 6.03 I 6.03
The peel strength to pressing (F) is obtained by the following formula.
S: cross sectional area at root of one weld point
n : number of weld points per a nut
a: tensile strength of weld (0- = 294 N/mm 2)
Sand n are obtained by the calculation with the median of standard values for the hexagon
weld nut Type 1A in table 4.
Bolt a)
Steel sheet
Weld nut
The hole diameter on steel sheet (d' should be according to the hole diameter of corresponding plate speci-
fied in table 4 to table 8 for reference_
The welding condition of nut should be upon the agreement between the parties concerned with delivery_
When the steel sheet with other thickness than the nominal thickness specified in table A.2 is used, it
should be upon the agreement between the parties concerned with delivery.
Note a) The bolt employed in the test should be qualified as follows.
a) Finish extent: Annex 1 table 6 of JIS B 1180 or better
b) Tolerance zone class of screw thread: 6g
c) Strength division: 8.8 or over
Annex B (informative)
Peel strength to torque and its test method
Torque wrench
Weld nut
The hole diameter on steel sheet (d' should be according to the hole diameter of corresponding plate
specified in table 4 to table 8 for reference. For that without pilot, the holing may be omitted.
The socket for hexagon weld nut and square weld nut may be either one with hexagon hole or square hole,
or slotted socket which engages with the width across flats (8). The socket used for T-shape weld nut should
be a slotted socket which engages the width (8) of collar.
The weld condition of nut should be upon the agreement between the parties concerned with delivery.
The case that the steel sheet with other nominal thickness than that specified in table A.2 is used should be
upon the agreement between the parties concerned with delivery.
JIS B 1180 Hexagon head bolts and hexagon head screws
JIS G 3141 Cold-reduced carbon steel sheet and strip