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Pad-Mounted Transformers 17.

September 2011
Sheet 17 001

Pad-Mounted Transformers
General Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17.0-2 ii
Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17.0-2
Application. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17.0-2 1
Industry Standards . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17.0-2
Ratings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17.0-2
Design Impedances . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17.0-2
Application Limitations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17.0-2
Standard Features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17.0-3 3
Options. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17.0-3
Transformer Cooling Classes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17.0-4 4
NEC Requirement Guidelines. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17.0-5
Seismic Qualification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17.0-5 5
Primary Protection Options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17.0-6
Primary Switching Options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17.0-8
Loadbreak Wells and Inserts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17.0-9
Primary Fuse Details . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17.0-10
Layout Data 75–2500 kVA. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17.0-11 7
Technical Data 75–2500 kVA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17.0-12
Layout Dimensions 3000–5000 kVA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17.0-13 8
Technical Data 3000–5000 kVA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17.0-14
See Eaton’s Product Specification Guide, available on CD or on the Web.
CSI Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1995 2010
Section 16321 Section 26 12 19










Typical Pad-Mounted Transformer

CA08104001E For more information, visit: www.eaton.com/consultants

17.0-2 Pad-Mounted Transformers
September 2011
Sheet 17 002
General Description

i Three-Phase Industry Standards Application Limitations

Pad-Mounted Transformers Pad-mounted transformers meet The transformers described herein are
industry standards: IEEE® C57.12.00, designed for the application conditions
ii IEEE C57.12.34, IEEE C57.12.28, IEEE normally encountered on electric power
C57.12.29, IEEE C57.12.70, IEEE distribution systems. As such, they are
C57.12.80, IEEE C57.12.90, IEEE C57.91 suitable for use under the “usual service
and NEMA®.
1 conditions” described in IEEE Standard
C57.12.00 general requirements for
Ratings liquid-immersed distribution, power
2 ■ 75–5000 kVA and regulating transformers.
■ High voltages (primary): Consult Eaton for unusual service
4160 Grd. Y/2400 2400∆ conditions such as:
3 through through
34,500 Grd. Y/19,920 34,500∆ ■ Abnormal environmental conditions
■ HV Taps: 2–2-1/2% above and below ■ Unusual transient voltages present
4 normal, or 4–2-1/2% below normal on the source voltage
■ Standard BIL levels: ■ Frequent or planned through-
kV Class BIL (kV) fault duty
5 1.2 30 ■ Planned overloading unless in strict
2.5 45 accordance with the IEEE loading
Typical Pad-Mounted Transformer 5.0 60
6 8.7 75
guide (C57.91)
Introduction 15.0 95 ■ Motors whose horsepower rating
25.0 Grd. Y Only 125 is greater than half the transformer
Eaton’s three-phase pad-mounted
7 transformer is offered in a variety 25.0 150 kVA rating
of designs and configurations. The 34.5 Grd. Y Only 150 ■ Unusual frequency of impact loading
following pages describe the standard 34.5 150 may occur when supplying welding
8 designs and the common options that ■ Low voltages (secondary). apparatus, electric arc furnaces or
are available. All voltages through 5 kV class motors with cyclical loads
■ Loads involving abnormal harmonic
9 Some special designs and options
■ UL labeling available
or DC current that may result
may require additional engineering, ■ Factory Mutual labeling available
where appreciable load currents
factory coordination, unusual are controlled by solid-state or
10 application requirements or Design Impedances
similar devices
special manufacturing needs. Impedances are supplied to meet These lists do not purport to cover
IEEE C57.12.00 standards. Customer-
11 Higher impedances limit secondary specified impedances are available.
all unusual conditions and applicable
limitations. Other “unusual service
fault currents such that coordination (Subject to IEEE/ANSI ±7.5%
with secondary low voltage molded- conditions” are described in IEEE
impedance tolerance.)
12 case circuit breakers is usually Standard C57.12.00.
possible. (Low impedances are also ■ Typical design impedances:
Table 17.0-1. Temperature Guarantees
available if required for paralleling, kVA %Z
13 and so on.) 75 4.00 Description Ambient 1 Rise 23
112-1/2 4.00 Standard 30°C 65°C
Standard color is pad-mounted green 150 4.00 Optional 30°C 55°C
14 [Munsell® Green (#7GY3.29/1.5)]. ANSI 225 4.00 1 30°C average ambient temperature of
#24, 61 and 70 are available as options. 300 5.00 cooling air not to exceed 40°C maximum
500 5.00 over any 24-hour period.
15 Application 750 5.75 2 Degree rise is the average winding
Liquid-filled, three-phase, commercial 1000 5.75 temperature rise by resistance.
pad-mounted distribution transformers 1500 5.75 3 A dual temperature rating of 55°/65°C adds
16 are designed for servicing such under- 2000
12% additional continuous capacity to the
base kVA rating of the transformer.
ground distribution loads as shopping Note: Altitudes not to exceed
3000 5.75
centers, schools, institutions and 3300 ft (1006m).
17 3750 5.75
industrial plants. They are available
5000 5.75
in both livefront and deadfront Fluids—Liquid Dielectric
Note: Subject to NEMA/IEEE ±7.5%
construction, for radial or loop-feed
The choice of fluid, mineral oil or
18 applications, with or without taps.
impedance tolerance.
less flammable natural esther fluid
Note: Non-standard design impedance
may be obtained by contacting Eaton. (BIOTEMP®, Envirotemp FR3®) is
19 made based upon site conditions
and proximity to facility walls,
windows and flammable structures,
20 and environmentally sensitive areas.
Note: For additional information about
transformer applications and types of
21 insulating fluids, see Tab 14.

For more information, visit: www.eaton.com/consultants CA08104001E

Pad-Mounted Transformers 17.0-3
September 2011
Sheet 17 003
General Description

Standard Features
a Four lifting hooks
b Bolted-on terminal compartment
with removable front sill
a ii
c Hinged, lift-off cabinet doors
d Interlocked hex-head or penta-head d
bolt padlock handle operates a cam
assembly that is part of the three- 2
point door latching mechanism

Hex-head or penta-head bolts 3

must be removed from the flange
formed on the steel high/low
barrier before the HV door can
be opened—not shown b 4
Removable neutral ground strap—
not shown
e Tank ground pads (1 in HV, 1 in LV)
f Steel high/low voltage
compartment barrier
i 7
g Nameplate
h Fill plug and self-actuating 8
pressure relief device

i Externally operated no load 9

tap changer

j Drain valve and sampling device 10

Options e e
Primary Termination
k For livefront construction, exter-
nally clamped high voltage porce- h g
lain bushings double eye-bolt or
spade for cable (75–225 kVA) or a
single eyebolt or spade for cable
(300–1500 kVA). Spade bushings
are also offered d
c 14
l For deadfront construction, exter-
nally clamped high voltage epoxy
bushing wells for 200A loadbreak, 15
or 600A non-loadbreak inserts
Secondary Termination 16
m NEMA spade terminals

l i f m
Primary and Secondary Compartment Features 19



CA08104001E For more information, visit: www.eaton.com/consultants

17.0-4 Pad-Mounted Transformers
September 2011
Sheet 17 004
General Description

Transformer Cooling Classes

i Table 17.0-2. Fluids Advantages and Disadvantages
Advantages Disadvantages
ii Mineral Oil
■ Low transformer cost ■ Higher installation cost
■ Good dielectric performance ■ Vaults required for indoor installations per code low fire point—160°C
1 ■ Low maintenance cost ■ <30% biodegradability
■ Good heat dissipation
■ Good cold climate performance
2 ■ Preventative maintenance—DGA historical data available
Silicone Fluid
Low heat release Non-biodegradable
3 ■
■ Reduced smoke

■ Not suitable for use with internal Bay-O-Net fuses
■ Low flame ■ Transformer cost
■ Self extinguishing ■ Disposal cost
4 ■ Good dielectric performance ■ Viton gaskets required
■ Low toxicity ■ Retrofil applications
■ Moderate viscosity ■ High transformer cost
5 ■ High stability ■ High moisture absorption
Environmentally Friendly Fluids

6 ■

High fire point—360°C
High flash point—343°C
■ Transformer cost (lower than silicone fluid)
■ Pour point (–15° to –25°C) transformer energized with full load with top
■ Compatible with mineral oil oil temperature at –50°C with no problems—no crystals formed at –68°C
■ Excellent retrofil fluid (compatible with oil up to a 10% mixture)
7 ■ Excellent dielectric performance
■ 97% biodegradable
■ Renewable resource
8 ■ Greater tolerance to moisture

Table 17.0-3. Fluid Properties Comparison

9 Property Mineral Silicone Environmentally Friendly
Oil Fluid Fluids

10 Specific gravity 0.91 0.96 0.91

Flash point °C 145 300 343
Fire point °C 160 330 360
11 Viscosity (cSt.) 100°C
0°C 76 90 300

12 Pour point °C
Dielectric strength, kV
–15 to 25
Dissipation factor (%) 25°C 0.05 0.01 0.025–0.05

13 Permittivity
Oxidation inhibitor Optional No Required
Biodegradability <30% 0% 97%








For more information, visit: www.eaton.com/consultants CA08104001E

Pad-Mounted Transformers 17.0-5
September 2011
Sheet 17 005
General Description

NEC Requirement Guidelines General NEC Requirements in existing installations that change the
for the Installation of Listed The requirements and options for the transformer type, the transformers i
different types of outdoor installations must be marked to show the type of
Less-Flammable Liquid-Filled are outlined in Table 17.0-4. These insulating liquid installed and the
Transformers guidelines also summarize the UL installations must comply with current ii
Classification and FM Approvals requirements of the NEC. Examples of
NEC (NFPA) Recognition installation requirements for less- changes include replacing a complete
These guidelines focus on the flammable fluids referred to as transformer (retrofitting) or replace- 1
requirements of Article 450.23 of “listing” requirements in NEC 450.23. ment of the liquid only (retrofilling).
the National Electrical Code® (NEC®) Askarel (PCB) and conventional mineral
for the installation of less-flammable
In cases where the transformer oil-filled transformers are frequently 2
installation presents a fire hazard, one retrofitted or retrofilled using less-
liquid-insulated transformers. Less-
or more of the following safeguards flammable liquids. NEC 110.34
flammable liquids are used in
transformers where an extra margin
will be applied according to the degree sets minimum clear work space 3
of hazard involved: dimensions around transformers.
of fire safety is important. Typical
applications include installations
indoors, on rooftops, near buildings,
1. Space requirements.
Seismic Qualification 4
bush and forest fire prone areas and 2. Fire-resistant barriers.
in pedestrian traffic areas. 3. Automatic fire suppression 5
Less-flammable liquids, also known as systems.
high fire point liquids, are transformer
dielectric coolants that have a mini-
4. Enclosures that confine the oil
of a ruptured transformer tank.
mum fire point of 300°C. Commonly Refer to Tab 1 for information on
used fire-resistant fluids include NEC Article 450.28, Modification of seismic qualification for this and
dimethysiloxane and ester-based Transformers, requires that when other Eaton products.
fluids. Two Nationally Recognized modifications are made to transformers
Testing Laboratories (NRTL);
Underwriters Laboratories (UL) Table 17.0-4. NEC Article 450.23 Requirements
and FM Approvals (FM) currently
Installation NEC
list less-flammable liquids. They
also list less-flammable liquid-filled
Type Requirements 9
transformers. Outdoor Installations
Non-combustible building 1 and no Either of the following listing requirements 2:
Less-flammable liquid-filled combustible materials stored in area. ■ Underwriters Laboratories 10
transformers were formally recognized ■ FM approvals
by the NEC for indoor installation Combustible building 1 or combustible In accordance with NEC Article 450.27, oil-insulated
in 1978. In 1990, the NEC integrated materials stored in area. transformers installed outdoors, i.e., space 11
specific less-flammable transformer separation, fire barriers or water spray systems.
requirements for outdoor installations 1 Refer to NFPA 220-1999 for definition of non-combustible Type I and II building construction.
for Article 450.23, in effect recognizing 2 Fine Print Note, Article 450.23, (B) (1) states: “Installations adjacent to combustible material, fire 12
less-flammable transformers as escapes, or door and window openings may require additional safeguards such as those listed in
Article 450.27.”
inherently safer than conventional
oil-filled transformers. Less-flammable 13
transformers, long recognized as
an additional safeguard for indoor
installations, are becoming increas- 14
ingly recognized for outdoor
applications as well.







CA08104001E For more information, visit: www.eaton.com/consultants

17.0-6 Pad-Mounted Transformers
September 2011
Sheet 17 006
General Description

Primary Overcurrent Nameplate current rating of fuse/ Bay-O-Net fuse assemblies are used to
i Protection Options nameplate current rating of transformer protect transformers and distribution
= 1.25 for enclosures surrounded by systems. They are designed for use in
Primary protective devices are air (EFD, clip mount, arc-strangler) pad-mounted or sub-surface distribu-
ii applied to distribution transformers or = 1.35 for enclosures surrounded tion transformers filled with trans-
in order to: by oil (canisters). former oil or approved equivalent.
The assemblies combine the ease
1 1. Prevent injury to personnel. Derating factors are not applied to of hotstick operation with the safety
expulsion or backup CL fuses because of deadfront construction.
2. Prevent or minimize damage high temperature has minimal effect
to equipment.
2 on their operation. Removal of the fuse holder from the
3. Improve the continuity of service assembly indicates that the apparatus
Finally, it is necessary to verify that the is electrically disconnected. It also
by selectively controlling outages. fuse current rating under consider-
3 Factors that affect the protection ation will, in fact, operate prior to the
allows convenient fuse element
inspection and replacement. When
scheme are: transformer sustaining any perma- typical safety practices are followed,
nent thermal damage (conductor or
4 1. Industry standard. insulation burning or melting). This is
the assemblies can be load-break
operated for working on the
done by comparing the total clearing transformer secondary; changing
2. Customer’s specification.
characteristics of the fuse in question
5 3. Customer’s system configuration with the IEEE (I2t) damage line.
distribution voltage with dual
voltage switches or tap changers;
(available fault current, system or disconnecting the apparatus from
It is important that the total clearing
6 voltage, system connection, the line.
characteristics of the device under
and so on.)
consideration lie to the left of the The optional Flapper™ Bay-O-Net
4. Availability of equipment. damage line for all expected values Assembly (available as sidewall-
7 of fault current. Note that most fuse mounted only) includes a flapper valve
The first consideration in determining characteristics will cross the damage
the ampere rating of a fuse is to verify inside the housing, which closes when
line at some point. It is important to the fuse holder is removed, thus
8 that the fuse in question is capable of make this occur at the lowest possible minimizing oil spillage.
withstanding typical inrush currents value of the current.
without element damage. When a Table 17.0-5. Bay-O-Net Fuse Electrical Ratings
9 transformer is energized, it is exposed The interrupting rating of a device is a
kV Specification
to very large currents for very short measure of the maximum symmetrical
periods of time. These currents are fault current at which the device can
Electrical Ratings
10 known as magnetizing inrush (or fuse successfully clear a fault condition
withstand) and cold load pickup, without excessive damage to itself, 150 BIL and full wave crest
the equipment it is protecting or 50 60 Hz, AC, 1-minute withstand
and are a result of the transformer’s
11 magnetic circuit, the electrical system the surrounding environment. Maximum Single-Phase Interrupting Ratings 1
configuration and the connected load. 8.3 3000A rms asymmetrical—
It is extremely critical that the cover mount
interrupting rating of a device be
12 The second consideration for selecting
the fuse ampere rating is the maxi- greater than the maximum available
3500A rms symmetrical—
sidewall mount
mum load current the fuse is expected symmetrical fault current. For devices 15.5 2500A rms asymmetrical—
13 to carry without damage. Transformer applied to the transformer primary, cover mount
fusing tables available from the the maximum fault current must be 2500A rms symmetrical—
manufacturer normally list the range supplied by the utility because this sidewall mount 2
14 of overload provided. If the longtime value is dependent on the electrical 23.0 1000A rms asymmetrical—
minimum melt current for a particular system configuration. cover mount
fuse size is known, it can be compared 1000A rms symmetrical—
Protective Fuse Link
15 to the transformer rated current to
■ Internal, oil-immersed, expulsion type
sidewall mount
determine the exact amount of Load Break Ratings (Phase-to-Phase at 80% PF)
overload permitted. An ambient of ■ Sized to operate only in the event of
10.0 160A
16 25°–40°C is generally assumed for a winding failure, isolating the trans- 15.5 150A
application tables. Care should be former from the primary system 26.7 80A
taken when fuses are applied in higher ■ Interrupting rating is 3500A at 8.3 kV 34.5 50A
17 ambient conditions, which will reduce 1 With RTE Bay-O-Net fuse links only.
the amount of overload permitted. An 2 Except high ampere overload links, which
example of a high ambient condition are rated at 2000A symmetrical.
18 used frequently in distribution trans- Protective Fuse Link
formers is that of current limiting fuses
in dry-well canisters. To accommodate Bay-O-Net-Type Fuse
19 the overload and derating factors ■ Oil immersed, expulsion type
referred to, the following ratios are ■ Drawout for fuse replacement
used on general-purpose CL fuses.
■ Hookstick operable, loadbreak design
20 ■ Available with either overload-
sensing or fault sensing Bay-O-Net-Type Fuse Assembly
21 ■ 3500 AIC at 8.3 kV, 1800 AIC
at 15.5 kV

For more information, visit: www.eaton.com/consultants CA08104001E

Pad-Mounted Transformers 17.0-7
September 2011
Sheet 17 007
General Description

Current Limiting Fuses This two-part system provides low limiting protection of a current-limiting
■ Air immersed in drywell canister current protection with the replaceable fuse. Together, they coordinate easily i
expulsion fuse and it adds the energy- with upstream and downstream devices.
■ Drawout for fuse replacement
■ Hookstick operable Table 17.0-7. Two- and Four-Position, Load Break, Sectionalizing Switch ii
■ Limits both the current magnitude Ratings 200 Ampere 300 Ampere 600 Ampere
and energy associated with low
impedance faults Voltage kV phase—phase maximum 35 25 15 1
■ Effective in minimizing the probability Voltage kV phase—ground maximum 21.1 15.2 8.3
Impulse withstand kV 150 125 95
of tank rupture due to internal, high
energy, low impedance faults 60 Hz 1-minute withstand kV
Continuous current
■ Available fuse interrupting ratings of Loadbreak 200 300 600
25,000–50,000A rms (symmetrical)
■ Maximum fuse ampere rating at
Momentary, 10 Hz
15 kV (2–50A fuses) 3-shot make and latch ampere 6000 10,000 10,000

Partial Range Current Limiting Fuses Table 17.0-8. Current-Limiting Backup Fuse Interrupting Ratings 4
■ Oil immersed, internally block Continuous Ampere Minimum Interrupting Minimum Melt I2t Maximum Clear I2t
mounted Current Rating (Amperes) (A2x s) (A2x s)
■ Applied in series with an expulsion 8.3 kV 2
type fuse (Bay-O-Net type—see above) 30 100 1200 5800
■ Protection against tank rupture 40
The current-limiting backup fuse 65 300 6200 26,700
is used in series with low-current
primary protection devices such as
a Bay-O-Net fuse. 125 375 30,500 97,800
150 450 43,900 148,000
The fuse’s highly efficient current-limit- 165 500 68,600 245,000 8
ing section minimizes the effects of
high fault current stresses on equip- 250 3 800 122,000 369,000
300 3 1000 175,600 566,000
ment and the distribution system. Its 330 3 1200 274,400 875,700 9
minimum interrupting rating is coordi-
15.5 kV 4
nated with that of a low current inter-
30 100 1200 7600
rupter to avoid undesirable low current
operation; yet its maximum interrupt- 40 150 1800 11,000 10
50 200 4100 23,000
ing rating will clear the highest fault
65 350 6200 33,000
currents likely to occur. Higher continu-
ous current ratings can be achieved by 80 250 9600 52,900 11
100 350 17,100 93,800
connecting two fuses in parallel.
125 400 30,500 125,700
The current-limiting fuse is used in 150 450 43,900 162,300 12
transformers to protect and isolate 165 — — —
faulted equipment. When connected 250 3 800 122,000 408,000
in series with a low current primary 300 3 1000 175,600 660,700 13
330 3 — — —
protection device, the fuse becomes an
element of a two-part protection system 23 kV 5
that gives a full range of fault protection. 30 125 1200 10,500 14
40 200 1800 15,100
50 325 4100 34,300
65 400 6200 38,400 15
80 300 9600 68,300
100 400 17,100 121,000
Drawout Current Limiting Fuse Canister 125 500 30,500 149,700 16
150 600 43,900 196,700
165 700 68,600 307,300
250 4
300 4
330 4 1400 274,400 882,000
Drawout Current Limiting Fuse
Loadbreak Assembly 2 The 8.3 kV, 30–100A ratings have been tested and approved for application at 9.9 kV.
The maximum interrupting capacity for the 65–100A ratings at 9.9 kV is 18 kA.
Table 17.0-6. Current-Limiting Backup Fuse 3 Parallel fuses.
Electrical Ratings and Characteristics 4 The 15.5 kV, 30–125A and 250A ratings have been tested and approved for application at 17.2 kV.
The maximum interrupting rating for the 15.5 kV fuse, 30–125A at 17.2 kV is 43 kA. For the 15 kV, 19
Fuse Maximum
250A fuse at 17.2 kV, the maximum interrupting rating is 12 kA.
Type Interrupting Current
5 The maximum interrupting rating for the 23 kV fuse, 80–165A, 300 and 330A, is 30 kA. For the
Backup (partial range) 50,000A rms 23 kV, 250A fuse, the maximum interrupting rating is 12 kA. 20
“C” rated symmetrical 1
1 See Table 17.0-8 for fuses with ratings other
than 50,000 amperes rms symmetrical. 21

CA08104001E For more information, visit: www.eaton.com/consultants

17.0-8 Pad-Mounted Transformers
September 2011
Sheet 17 008
General Description

Primary Switching Options Metal Oxide Varistor (MOV)

i Eaton’s oil-immersed switches are Deadfront Arrester
available for radial or loop-feed Surge protection is available without
ii system switching in three current
ratings. The three-phase gang-
losing deadfront construction in the
cabinet. The Eaton type MOV arrester
operated switch has a spring-loaded is completely deadfront. It is compact,
1 mechanism for loadbreak and latch
operation. The switch is mounted near
and is usable wherever a loadbreak
elbow can be used.
the core and coil assembly, for low cable
2 capacitance; and with simultaneous The highly nonlinear characteristics
three-phase switching, the possibility of of the varistor elements provide more
ferroresonance is reduced. Available in precise and predictable operating
3 ratings through 600A at 15 kV, 300A at characteristics. The MOV arrester is
25 kV, and 200A at 35 kV. capable of withstanding temporary
overvoltages, so that ratings can be
4 A-Coil Open
reduced, providing improved margins
of protection.
Source Coil
Because it is fully shielded and dead-
5 A
front, it is mountable at any angle
and submersible. Its durable rubber
Figure 17.0-1. Two-Position Switch Deadfront Elbow Arrester construction means there are no
6 fragile porcelain skirts to chip or crack.
Surge Arresters The MOV arrester is available in
AB-Coil A-Coil
Eaton distribution class surge arrest- ratings from 3 kV to 27 kV.
7 B-Coil Open and Loop through
ers are supplied on transformers when
A B Source
specified. Transformers with livefront
AB-Coil A-Coil
configuration have mounting nuts
8 welded on the tank wall for arrester
B-Coil Open
mounting. B Source
9 Coil

10 Figure 17.0-2. Four-Position Switch

(Loop Feed) “T Blade” Source A

11 Figure 17.0-3. Four-Position Switch

(Loop-Feed) “V Blade”











For more information, visit: www.eaton.com/consultants CA08104001E

Pad-Mounted Transformers 17.0-9
September 2011
Sheet 17 009
General Description


High-quality peroxide-cured EPDM rubber High-quality peroxide-cured EPDM rubber formulated, mixed
creates a smooth surface around the “current and milled in-house for consistent and reliable field performance.
interchange” to evenly distribute electrical
stress within the insulation. SEMI-CONDUCTIVE SHIELD ii
High-quality peroxide-cured EPDM rubber provides protective
deadfront shield that meets requirements of IEEE Standard 592.
Stainless steel 1
reinforced for LOADBREAK PROBE
positive shotgun Tin-plated copper probe with arc-ablative
stick switching
tip(arc follower) provides dependable load-
break switching characteristics. 2
Corrosion-resistant, conductive
electrode provides consistent 3
capacitive voltage for application of
fault indicators and for determining COPPERTOP COMPRESSION CONNECTOR
if the circuit is energized (cap not
Inertia-welded aluminum barrel and threaded copper
lug makes crimping easy and ensures a tight, reliable 4
electrical connection with loadbreak probe.

UV-resistant nylon band identifies GROUNDING TABS 5
the elbow as three-phase loadbreak Molded into semi-conductive shield
rated and is field replaceable. for the attachment of a ground wire
to maintain deadfront safety.



-23.1 1
Encapsulated with insulating rubber. Reduces
cable extrusion and distortion that can be
caused by thermocycling. Mitigates the effects of 7
the electrical stresses along the cable to elbow
interface, greatly reducing the possibility of
interface tracking.

Figure 17.0-4. 200A, 15 kV Class Loadbreak Elbow Connector

INSULATION Molded-in bright yellow ring eliminates elbow installation
High-quality, peroxide-cured EPDM guesswork by ensuring a quality connection.
rubber formulated, mixed and molded 11
in-house for consistent and reliable SEMI-CONDUCTIVE SHIELD
field performance. High quality EPDM rubber provides protective deadfront
shield that meets requirements of IEEE Standard 592.
Structural member of insert CONTACT HOLDER
providing mechanical strength Copper component transfers current from
and uniform electrical shielding. piston-contact to bushing well stud. 13

3/8”-16 UNC
Copper threads 15
provide connection
to bushing well
stud. 16
5/16” hex broach
Arc-ablative plastic produces
arc-extinguishing gas
One-piece copper component
permits consis- 17
during loadbreak switching tent installation
provides a multi-point, knurled
operations. with torque tool.
current transfer to the contact
GROUNDING TABS holder. During a “fault-close”
switching operation, the piston
Three tabs molded into a semi-conductive
shield for the attachment of a ground wire is forced quickly forward to
engage the elbow’s
to maintain deadfront safety.
loadbreak probe. 19
Figure 17.0-5. Bushing Well Insert Cutaway Illustrates Uncomplicated Nature of Current Path


CA08104001E For more information, visit: www.eaton.com/consultants

17.0-10 Pad-Mounted Transformers
September 2011
Sheet 17 010
General Description

i Tank

Recommended Oil Level
1 Minimum Oil Level

Isolation Primary
3 Link Winding

4 Connector

5 Upper
Bottom Contact
6 Voltage

8 Cable

High Voltage
Figure 17.0-6. Bay-O-Net Assembly with Isolation Link
Note: Isolation link is not required if the Bay-O-Net fuse is used in series with a backup energy limiting fuse.
12 Fuse Link
Flare End


14 Cartridge
Tulip Tip End

15 Figure 17.0-7. Insertion of Bay-O-Net Into Cartridge

16 Tulip End of
Bay-O-Net Link
Flare End of
Bay-O-Net Link


18 End Plug Cartridge Inner Holder

(c) (a) (b)

19 Figure 17.0-8. Assembly of Cartridge with Fuse Onto Inner Holder



For more information, visit: www.eaton.com/consultants CA08104001E

Pad-Mounted Transformers 17.0-11
September 2011
Sheet 17 011
Layout Dimensions

Front View Side View Pad i

15.50 ii
HV LV (393.7)
Comp Comp
D + 4.00
(101.6) 1
Entry Area

(88.9) 42.00 (1066.8)
4.00 (101.6)
Min. W + 4.00 (101.6)
Figure 17.0-9. Pad-Mounted Transformer (75–2500 kVA)—Dimensions in Inches (mm)
Table 17.0-9. Standard Unit, Oil-Immersed 65°C Rise, 75–2500 kVA—Dimensions in Inches (mm) Dimensional Variations
kVA Transformer Dimensions Approximate Gallons (Liters) of
Width (W) Depth (D) Height (H) Weight Lbs (kg) Oil (Approximate) Height Variations 5
HV: 5–15 kV Radial Feed, Livefront
1. Add 3.00 inches (76.2 mm) to the
height when using bayonet fusing
56.00 (1422.4)
56.00 (1422.4)
50.00 (1270.0)
50.00 (1270.0)
56.00 (1422.4)
56.00 (1422.4)
2280 (1034.2)
2400 (1088.6)
115 (435.3)
115 (435.3)
on all kVA ratings. 6
150 56.00 (1422.4) 50.00 (1270.0) 56.00 (1422.4) 2700 (1224.7) 125 (473.2) 2. Add 7.00 inches (177.8 mm) to the
56.00 (1422.4)
60.00 (1524.0)
54.00 (1371.6)
58.00 (1473.2)
58.00 (1473.2)
58.00 (1473.2)
3350 (1519.5)
3650 (1655.6)
150 (567.8)
165 (624.6)
height when using dry well canister 7
fusing on 75–500 kVA ratings.
500 66.00 (1676.4) 62.00 (1574.8) 60.00 (1524.0) 5200 (2358.7) 200 (757.1)
750 81.00 (2057.4) 64.00 (1625.6) 68.00 (1727.2) 7200 (3265.9) 360 (1362.7) 3. Add 8.00 inches (203.2 mm) to the
1000 84.00 (2133.6) 66.00 (1676.4) 68.00 (1727.2) 9000 (4082.3) 400 (1514.2) height when using dry well canister 8
1500 86.00 (2184.4) 72.00 (1828.8) 68.00 (1727.2) 10,250 (4649.3) 440 (1665.6) fusing on 750 kVA rating only.
2000 92.00 (2336.8) 80.00 (2032.0) 72.00 (1828.8) 13,400 (6078.1) 550 (2082.0)
2500 98.00 (2489.2) 82.00 (2082.8) 72.00 (1828.8) 15,000 (6803.9) 570 (2157.7) Depth Variations 9
3000 102.00 (2590.8) 83.00 (2108.2) 77.00 (1955.8) 16,500 (7484.3) 625 (2365.9) 4. Canister fuses require deeper
HV: 5–15 kV Radial Feed, Deadfront tanks on some transformer sizes.
75 62.00 (1574.8) 50.00 (1270.0) 56.00 (1422.4) 2350 (1065.9) 115 (435.3)
a. Add 4.00 inches (101.6 mm) to
112 62.00 (1574.8) 50.00 (1270.0) 56.00 (1422.4) 2450 (1111.3) 115 (435.3)
150 62.00 (1574.8) 50.00 (1270.0) 56.00 (1422.4) 2700 (1224.7) 125 (473.2)
the depth of kVA ratings 75, 150
225 62.00 (1574.8) 54.00 (1371.6) 58.00 (1473.2) 3400 (1542.2) 150 (567.8)
and 225. 11
300 62.00 (1574.8) 58.00 (1473.2) 58.00 (1473.2) 3700 (1678.3) 165 (624.6) b. Add 2.00 inches (50.8 mm) to
500 66.00 (1676.4) 62.00 (1574.8) 60.00 (1524.0) 5400 (2449.4) 200 (757.1) the depth of kVA rating 500.
750 81.00 (2057.4) 64.00 (1625.6) 68.00 (1727.2) 7200 (3265.9) 360 (1362.7) 12
1000 84.00 (2133.6) 66.00 (1676.4) 68.00 (1727.2) 9000 (4082.3) 400 (1514.2) 5. Less flammable natural esther
1500 86.00 (2184.4) 72.00 (1828.8) 68.00 (1727.2) 10,250 (4649.3) 440 (1665.6) fluid requires deeper tanks on
2000 92.00 (2336.8) 80.00 (2032.0) 72.00 (1828.8) 13,400 (6078.1) 550 (2082.0) some transformer ratings. 13
2500 98.00 (2489.2) 82.00 (2082.8) 72.00 (1828.8) 15,000 (6803.9) 570 (2157.7) a. Add 2.00 inches (50.8 mm)
3000 102.00 (2590.8) 83.00 (2108.2) 77.00 (1955.8) 16,500 (7484.3) 625 (2365.9) to the depth of kVA ratings
HV: 5–15 kV Loop Feed, Livefront 75–1500. Add 8.00 inches 14
75 65.00 (1651.0) 50.00 (1270.0) 56.00 (1422.4) 2400 (1088.6) 115 (435.3) (203.2 mm) to the depth of
112 65.00 (1651.0) 50.00 (1270.0) 56.00 (1422.4) 2500 (1134.0) 115 (435.3) kVA ratings 2000 and 2500.
150 65.00 (1651.0) 50.00 (1270.0) 56.00 (1422.4) 2800 (1270.1) 125 (473.2) 15
225 65.00 (1651.0) 54.00 (1371.6) 58.00 (1473.2) 3500 (1587.6) 150 (567.8)
300 66.00 (1676.4) 58.00 (1473.2) 58.00 (1473.2) 3800 (1723.7) 165 (624.6)
500 68.00 (1727.2) 62.00 (1574.8) 60.00 (1524.0) 5600 (2540.1) 200 (757.1) 16
750 82.00 (2082.8) 64.00 (1625.6) 68.00 (1727.2) 7200 (3265.9) 360 (1362.7)
1000 86.00 (2184.4) 66.00 (1676.4) 68.00 (1727.2) 9000 (4082.3) 400 (1514.2)
1500 88.00 (2235.2) 72.00 (1828.8) 68.00 (1727.2) 10,250 (4649.3) 440 (1665.6)
2000 92.00 (2336.8) 80.00 (2032.0) 72.00 (1828.8) 13,400 (6078.1) 550 (2082.0)
2500 98.00 (2489.2) 82.00 (2082.8) 72.00 (1828.8) 15,000 (6803.9) 570 (2157.7)
3000 102.00 (2590.8) 83.00 (2108.2) 77.00 (1955.8) 16,500 (7484.3) 625 (2365.9)



Dimensions are approximate— 21

not for construction.

CA08104001E For more information, visit: www.eaton.com/consultants

17.0-12 Pad-Mounted Transformers
September 2011
Sheet 17 012
Layout Dimensions/Technical Data

Table 17.0-9. Standard Unit, Oil-Immersed 65°C Rise, 75–2500 kVA—Dimensions in Inches (mm) (Continued)
i kVA Transformer Dimensions Approximate Gallons (Liters) of
Width (W) Depth (D) Height (H) Weight Lbs (kg) Oil (Approximate)

ii HV: 25 kV Radial Feed Deadfront

75–150 68.00 (1727.2) 52.00 (1320.8) 55.00 (1397.0) 3500 (1587.6) 135 (511.0)
225–300 72.00 (1828.8) 54.00 (1371.6) 55.00 (1397.0) 4500 (2041.2) 185 (700.3)
1 500
72.00 (1828.8)
76.00 (1930.4)
56.00 (1422.4)
69.00 (1752.6)
55.00 (1397.0)
60.00 (1524.0)
6000 (2721.6)
7200 (3265.9)
190 (719.2)
360 (1362.7)
1000 80.00 (2032.0) 66.00 (1676.4) 70.00 (1778.0) 9000 (4082.3) 400 (1514.2)
1500 89.00 (2260.6) 72.00 (1828.8) 72.00 (1828.8) 10,250 (4649.3) 440 (1665.6)
2 2000 92.00 (2336.8) 74.00 (1879.6) 75.00 (1905.0) 13,400 (6078.1) 550 (2082.0)
2500 98.00 (2489.2) 82.00 (2082.8) 77.00 (1955.8) 15,000 (6803.9) 570 (2157.7)
3000 102.00 (2590.8) 83.00 (2108.2) 78.00 (1981.2) 16,500 (7484.3) 625 (2365.9)
3 HV: 25 kV Loop Feed Deadfront
75–150 68.00 (1727.2) 52.00 (1320.8) 55.00 (1397.0) 3500 (1587.6) 135 (511.0)
225–300 72.00 (1828.8) 54.00 (1371.6) 55.00 (1397.0) 4500 (2041.2) 185 (700.3)
4 500 72.00 (1828.8) 56.00 (1422.4) 55.00 (1397.0) 6000 (2721.6) 190 (719.2)
750 76.00 (1930.4) 69.00 (1752.6) 60.00 (1524.0) 7200 (3265.9) 360 (1362.7)
1000 80.00 (2032.0) 66.00 (1676.4) 70.00 (1778.0) 9000 (4082.3) 400 (1514.2)
5 1500 89.00 (2260.6) 72.00 (1828.8) 72.00 (1828.8) 10,250 (4649.3) 440 (1665.6)
2000 92.00 (2336.8) 74.00 (1879.6) 75.00 (1905.0) 13400 (6078.1) 550 (2082.0)
2500 98.00 (2489.2) 82.00 (2082.8) 77.00 (1955.8) 15,000 (6803.9) 570 (2157.7)
6 3000 102.00 (2590.8) 83.00 (2108.2) 78.00 (1981.2) 16,500 (7484.3) 625 (2365.9)

Technical Data
7 Table 17.0-10. Liquid Filled<34.5 kV Primary 55°C Temp. Rise Table 17.0-12. Environmentally Friendly Fluid<34.5 kV Primary
kVA No Load Load Loss Total 60–150 kV HV BIL 55°C Temp. Rise
at 75°C at 100% Losses Total Losses at kVA No Load Load Loss Total 60–150 kV HV BIL
8 Ref. Temp. Load and at 100% 50% Load and at 75°C at 100% Losses Total Losses at
(Watts) 75°C Ref. Load and 55°C LL Ref. Temp. Ref. Temp. Load and at 100% 50% Load and
Temp. 85°C and 20°C NL Ref. (Watts) 75°C Ref. Load and 55°C LL Ref. Temp.
9 (Watts) (Watts) Temp. per DOE (Watts) Temp.
and 20°C NL Ref.
Temp. per DOE (Watts)
75 175 960 1135 413
112.5 250 1250 1500 562 75 175 960 1135 413
10 150 300 1630 1930 696 112.5 250 1250 1500 562
225 330 2500 2830 942 150 300 1630 1930 696
300 520 2600 3120 1164 225 330 2500 2830 942
11 500 730 4900 5630 1889 300 520 2600 3120 1164
750 1100 6200 7300 2567 500 730 4900 5630 1889
1000 1500 6700 8200 3221 750 1100 6200 7300 2567
12 1500 1900 10,000 11,900 4375 1000
2000 2600 12,000 14,600 5429
2500 2800 15,000 17,800 6408 2000 2600 12,000 14,600 5429
3000 3800 16,000 19,800 —
13 2500

Note: Losses offered are typical only, not guaranteed.
Note: Losses offered are typical only, not guaranteed.
14 Table 17.0-11. Liquid Filled<34.5 kV Primary 65°C Temp. Rise
kVA No Load Load Loss Total 60–150 kV HV BIL Table 17.0-13. Environmentally Friendly Fluid<34.5 kV Primary
at 85°C at 100% Losses Total Losses at 65°C Temp. Rise
15 Ref. Temp. Load and at 100% 50% Load and kVA No Load Load Loss Total 60–150 kV HV BIL
(Watts) 85°C Ref. Load and 55°C LL Ref. Temp. at 85°C at 100% Losses Total Losses at
Temp. 85°C and 20°C NL Ref. Ref. Temp. Load and at 100% 50% Load and
16 (Watts) (Watts) Temp per DOE (Watts) (Watts) 85°C Ref. Load and 55°C LL Ref. Temp.
Temp. 85°C and 20°C NL Ref.
75 190 950 1140 413 (Watts) (Watts) Temp per DOE (Watts)
112.5 260 1300 1560 562
17 150 320 1600 1920 696 75 190 950 1140 413
225 400 2300 2700 942 112.5 260 1300 1560 562
300 500 3000 3500 1164 150 320 1600 1920 696
18 500 700 5000 5700 1889 225 400 2300 2700 942
750 1000 6500 7500 2567 300 500 3000 3500 1164
1000 1300 8500 9800 3221 500 700 5000 5700 1889
19 1500 1900 10,500 12,400 4375 750 1000 6500 7500 2567
2000 2100 14,500 16,600 5429 1000 1300 8500 9800 3221
2500 2700 15,500 18,200 6408 1500 1900 10,500 12,400 4375
20 3000 4000 18,000 22,000 — 2000 2100 14,500 16,600 5429
2500 2700 15,500 18,200 6408
Note: Losses offered are typical only, not guaranteed. 3000 4000 18,000 22,000 —
21 Note: Losses offered are typical only, not guaranteed.

For more information, visit: www.eaton.com/consultants CA08104001E

Pad-Mounted Transformers 17.0-13
September 2011
Sheet 17 013
Layout Dimensions

Front View Side View i


H1 H2 H3
X0 X1X2 X3 E 2

H1 H2 H3 XOX1 X2 X3
(203.2) F

D 8.00

Figure 17.0-10. Pad-Mounted Transformer (3000–5000 kVA)—Dimensions in Inches (mm)

Table 17.0-14. Standard Unit, Oil-Immersed Rated 65°C Rise, 3000–5000 kVA—Dimensions in Inches (mm) 6
kVA Transformer Pad Approximate Gallons
A B C1 D E2 F Weight Lbs (kg) (Liters) of Oil

15 kV Class, Delta Connected HV-HV 95 kV BIL, LV 30 kV BIL 3

3000 76.00 (1930.4) 119.00 (3022.6) 100.00 (2540.0) 74.00 (1879.6) 72.00 (1828.8) 58.00 (1473.2) 12,900 (5851) 385 (1457)
80.00 (2032.0)
78.00 (1981.2)
82.00 (2082.8)
137.00 (3479.8)
111.00 (2819.4)
108.00 (2743.2)
79.00 (2006.6)
76.00 (1930.4)
83.00 (2108.2)
80.00 (2032.0)
63.00 (1600.2)
60.00 (1524.0)
20,000 (9072)
21,500 (9752)
540 (2044)
565 (2139)
15 kV Class, Wye Connected HV-HV 95 kV BIL, LV 30 kV BIL 3

3000 74.00 (1879.6) 117.00 (2971.8) 102.00 (2590.8) 78.00 (1981.2) 74.00 (1879.6) 62.00 (1574.8) 15,000 (6804) 390 (1476) 9
3750 97.00 (2463.8) 81.00 (2057.4) 101.00 (2565.4) 81.00 (2057.4) 77.00 (1955.8) 65.00 (1651.0) 21,800 (9888) 550 (2082)
5000 91.00 (2311.4) 119.00 (3022.6) 108.00 (2743.2) 84.00 (2133.6) 80.00 (2032.0) 68.00 (1727.2) 22,000 (9979) 585 (2214)
25 kV Class, Delta Connected HV-HV 150 kV BIL, LV 30 kV BIL 3 10
3000 83.00 (2108.2) 84.00 (2133.6) 101.00 (2565.4) 86.00 (2184.4) 74.00 (1879.6) 70.00 (1778.0) 15,400 (6985) 515 (1949)
3750 96.00 (2438.4) 84.00 (2133.6) 98.00 (2489.2) 86.00 (2184.4) 78.00 (1981.2) 70.00 (1778.0) 20,100 (9117) 650 (2461)
5000 101.00 (2565.4) 101.00 (2565.4) 107.00 (2717.8) 84.00 (2133.6) 79.00 (2006.6) 68.00 (1727.2) 22,900 (10,387) 670 (2536) 11
25 kV Class, Wye Connected HV-HV 125 kV BIL, LV 30 kV BIL 3
3000 84.00 (2133.6) 80.00 (2032.0) 102.00 (2590.8) 80.00 (2032.0) 74.00 (1879.6) 64.00 (1625.6) 16,300 (7394) 450 (1703)
3750 93.00 (2362.2) 85.00 (2159.0) 99.00 (2514.6) 84.00 (2133.6) 78.00 (1981.2) 68.00 (1727.2) 21,200 (9616) 575 (2177) 12
5000 90.00 (2286.0 110.00 (2794.0) 108.00 (2743.2) 84.00 (2133.6) 80.00 (2032.0) 68.00 (1727.2) 23,100 (10,478) 605 (2290)
35 kV Class, Delta Connected HV-HV 200 kV BIL, LV 30 kV BIL
3000 86.00 (2184.4) 86.00 (2184.4) 101.00 (2565.4) 78.00 (1981.2) 73.00 (1854.2) 62.00 (1574.8) 15,700 (7121) 420 (1590) 13
3750 86.00 (2184.4) 82.00 (2082.8) 102.00 (2590.8) 82.00 (2082.8) 76.00 (1930.4) 66.00 (1676.4) 19,800 (8981) 525 (1987)
5000 102.00 (2590.8) 122.00 (3098.8) 106.00 (2692.4) 83.00 (2108.2) 78.00 (1981.2) 67.00 (1701.8) 22,600 (10,251) 580 (2196)
35 kV Class, Wye Connected HV-HV 125 kV BIL, LV 30 kV BIL 14
3000 82.00 (2082.8) 86.00 (2184.4) 101.00 (2565.4) 78.00 (1981.2) 73.00 (1854.2) 62.00 (1574.8) 15,700 (7121) 420 (1590)
3750 91.00 (2311.4) 82.00 (2082.8) 102.00 (2590.8) 82.00 (2082.8) 76.00 (1930.4) 66.00 (1676.4) 19,800 (8981) 525 (1987)
5000 92.00 (2336.8) 122.00 (3098.8) 106.00 (2692.4) 83.00 (2108.2) 78.00 (1981.2) 67.00 (1701.8) 22,600 (10,251) 580 (2196) 15
35 kV Class, Delta Connected HV-HV 150 kV BIL, LV 30 kV BIL
3000 84.00 (2133.6) 84.00 (2133.6) 100.00 (2540.0) 86.00 (2184.4) 74.00 (1879.6) 70.00 (1778.0) 15,400 (6985) 530 (2006)
3750 84.00 (2133.6) 84.00 (2133.6) 101.00 (2565.4) 86.00 (2184.4) 77.00 (1955.8) 70.00 (1778.0) 19,300 (8754) 630 (2385) 16
5000 92.00 (2336.8) 122.00 (3098.8) 106.00 (2692.4) 81.00 (2057.4) 78.00 (1981.2) 65.00 (1651.0) 20,500 (9299) 600 (2271)
35 kV Class, Wye Connected HV-HV 150 kV BIL, LV 30 kV BIL
3000 80.00 (2032.0) 84.00 (2133.6) 104.00 (2641.6) 86.00 (2184.4) 76.00 (1930.4) 70.00 (1778.0) 17,100 (7756) 500 (1893)
3750 86.00 (2184.4) 87.00 (2209.8) 107.00 (2717.8) 86.00 (2184.4) 79.00 (2006.6) 70.00 (1778.0) 20,600 (9344) 560 (2120)
5000 95.00 (2413.0) 105.00 (2667.0) 107.00 (2717.8) 85.00 (2159.0) 79.00 (2006.6) 69.00 (1752.6) 23,800 (10,795) 625 (2366)
35 kV Class, Wye Connected HV-HV 200 kV BIL, LV 30 kV BIL 18
3000 88.00 (2235.2) 104.00 (2641.6) 99.00 (2514.6) 107.00 (2717.8) 83.00 (2108.2) 91.00 (2311.4) 19,800 (8981) 720 (2725)
3750 90.00 (2286.0) 104.00 (2641.6) 104.00 (2641.6) 107.00 (2717.8) 90.00 (2286.0) 91.00 (2311.4) 24,400 (11,068) 840 (3180)
5000 101.00 (2565.4) 102.00 (2590.8) 106.00 (2692.4) 107.00 (2717.8) 90.00 (2286.0) 89.00 (2260.6) 28,600 (12,973) 920 (3483) 19
1 Standard compartment depth is 22.00 inches (558.8 mm) except 200 kV BIL has a depth of 30.00 inches (762.0 mm).
Depth may be altered by the addition of switching and fusing.
2 Extends under base of transformer only. Does not include rear coolers. 20
3 Standard low voltages are 480Y and 480 delta (through 3750 kVA only).
Low voltage above 3750 kVA must be 2400V or above.

Dimensions are approximate—not for construction.


CA08104001E For more information, visit: www.eaton.com/consultants

17.0-14 Pad-Mounted Transformers
September 2011
Sheet 17 014
Technical Data

Liquid Filled Technical Data

i Table 17.0-15. Liquid Filled 15 kV Primary 55°C Temp. Rise Table 17.0-19. Liquid Filled 15 kV Primary 65°C Temp. Rise
kVA No Load Load Loss Total Losses 95 kV HV BIL kVA No Load Load Loss Total Losses 95 kV HV BIL
ii at 75°C
Ref. Temp.
at 100%
Load and
at 100%
Load and
Total Losses at
50% Load and
at 85°C
Ref. Temp
at 100%
Load and
at 100%
Load and
Total Losses at
50% Load and
(Watts) 75°C Ref. 85°C 55°C LL Ref. Temp. (Watts) 85°C Ref. 85°C 55°C LL Ref. Temp.
Temp. (Watts) and 20°C NL Ref. Temp. (Watts) and 20°C NL Ref.
1 (Watts) Temp. per DOE (Watts) Temp. per DOE
(Watts) (Watts)

2 3000
5000 8193 32,255 40,448 16,260 5000 8889 34,996 43,885 17,640

3 Table 17.0-16. Liquid Filled 5 kV Primary 55°C Temp. Rise Table 17.0-20. Liquid Filled 5 kV Primary 65°C Temp. Rise
kVA No Load Load Loss Total Losses 60 kV HV BIL kVA No Load Load Loss Total Losses 95 kV HV BIL
at 75°C at 100% at 100% Total Losses at at 85°C at 100% at 100% Total Losses at
4 Ref. Temp. Load and Load and 50% load and Ref. Temp. Load and Load and 50% Load and
(Watts) 75°C Ref. 85°C 55°C LL Ref. Temp. (Watts) 85°C Ref. 85°C 55°C LL Ref. Temp.
Temp. (Watts) and 20°C NL Ref. Temp. (Watts) and 20°C NL Ref.
5 (Watts) Temp. per DOE
(Watts) Temp. per DOE

3000 5461 22,269 27,730 11,030 3000 5925 24,161 30,086 11,970
6 3750 6455 26,076 32,531 12,230 3750 7003 28,292 35,295 14,080
5000 8111 31,932 40,043 16,090 5000 8800 34,646 43,446 17,460

7 Table 17.0-17. Liquid Filled 25 kV Primary 55°C Temp. Rise Table 17.0-21. Liquid Filled 25 kV Primary 65°C Temp. Rise
kVA No Load Load Loss Total Losses 150 kV HV BIL kVA No Load Load Loss Total Losses 150 kV HV BIL
at 75°C at 100% at 100% Total Losses at at 85°C at 100% at 100% Total Losses at
8 Ref. Temp. Load and Load and 50% Load and Ref. Temp. Load and Load and 50% Load and
(Watts) 75°C Ref. 85°C 55°C LL Ref. Temp. (Watts) 85°C Ref. 85°C 55°C LL Ref. Temp.
Temp. (Watts) and 20°C NL Ref. Temp. (Watts) and 20°C NL Ref.
(Watts) Temp. per DOE (Watts) Temp. per DOE
9 (Watts) (Watts)

3000 5570 22,046 27,616 11,080 3000 6043 23,919 29,962 12,020
10 3750

Table 17.0-18. Liquid Filled 35 kV Primary 55°C Temp. Rise Table 17.0-22. Liquid Filled 35 kV Primary 65°C Temp. Rise
kVA No Load Load Loss Total Losses 200 kV HV BIL kVA No Load Load Loss Total Losses 200 kV HV BIL
at 75°C at 100% at 100% LOAD Total Losses at at 85°C at 100% at 100% Total Losses at
Ref. Temp. Load and and 85°C 50% Load and Ref. Temp. Load and Load and 50% Load and
12 (Watts) 75°C Ref. (Watts) 55°C LL Ref. Temp. (Watts) 85°C Ref. 85°C 55°C LL Ref. Temp.
Temp. and 20°C NL Ref. Temp. (Watts) and 20°C NL Ref.
(Watts) Temp. per DOE (Watts) Temp. per DOE
13 (Watts) (Watts)

3000 5848 21,825 27,673 11,300 3000 6345 23,680 30,025 12,270
3750 6913 25,556 32,469 13,300 3750 7500 27,728 35,228 14,430
14 5000 8686 31,295 39,981 16,510 5000 9424 33,955 43,379 17,910

Note: Losses offered are typical only, not guaranteed. Losses based
15 on aluminum windings. Losses based on LV rating 0.48 kV.







For more information, visit: www.eaton.com/consultants CA08104001E

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