IT Manual For Student
IT Manual For Student
IT Manual For Student
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1.1 IT Infrastructure The Computing resources at VIM include world class Servers, Notebooks, Desktops, Campus-wide networking , complete WI-FI Zone and Internet Connection form One ISPs 2MBPS. The IT Facilities for students use are located mainly in 3 Computer Labs for academic related applications with high end desktops. 1.2 Details about Data centre: 1. Servers :- IBM & Dell 2. Desktop:- Dell & HCL and Assembled Computers 3. Networking :- Managed and Non Managed Switch Structured CAT 6 Cabling. Outdoor WI-FI Access Points Squid Proxy Server. 1.3 Software Packages: 1. Operating Systems: Microsoft Windows Server 2003 R2 Microsoft Windows Server 2008 Linux Windows XP SP2 2. Application Software: Microsoft Office 2007 Microsoft Front Page 2003 Microsoft Visual studio With MSDN Microsoft Dot.Net Oracle 10g 3. Statistical Package: SPSS 17.0 SPSS 18.0 AMOS 18 Witness 4. Accounting : Tally 7.2 (Multi User) 5. Project Management : Microsoft Project 2003 6. Anti-virus Software: Quick Heal Admin Console
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7. Database: PROWESS (LAN Ver.) EBSCO (Web Based) 8. Other Language Lab
1.4 Rules for Usage of Information Resources: In Order to facilitate the optimal use of computers and related facilities in the Computer Centre, the following rules and norms are laid down. These need to be adhered to, in letter and spirit by all. This is a must to ensure that all users get the required services with minimum disruptions. 1.4.1 Computer Centre Timing: 1. Computer LAB-I- Monday to Saturday (9.30 AM to 8:00 PM) 2. Computer LAB-II- Monday to Friday (8:30 AM to 5:00 PM) 3. Computer LAB-III- Monday to Friday (10:00 AM to 6:00 PM) 1.4.2 Computer Centre Rules: Student should record their usage of computer lab in the respective lab logbook. Cell Phones and Eatables are not allowed inside the Computer Centre. Internet facility is strictly for educational purposes only. Students are prohibited to enter the lab unless authorized by Lab Instructor. Scan diskettes / pen drives before using them. Report all system related problems to the Lab Instructor. Do not attempt to repair or tamper with lab equipment. Be responsible when using equipment, software and facilities in the lab. Do not move any equipment from its original position. Do not remove or load any software into the computer. Do not change the settings in the computer. Save all work in external storage device and not in the computer. Turn off the computer after use. Switch off all power supplies before leaving the lab. While working in the Computer Lab, talk if you must, but keep your voice low. Do not cause disturbance/ discomfort to others. Ensure that the Computer Lab is always kept tidy and clean.
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Violation of the above rules will invite penalty. The IT staffs in charge of the facilities are there to help you and provide support. Their guidance and decisions shall be followed by the users. 1.5 Computer Accounts: Any student who gets admitted to VIM is eligible for student computer Login ID, this ID will be used till the student completes his/her tenure in the Institute. 1.6 ERP Accounts: Student shall login Identity for ERP accounts and shall remain permanent till the end of the Academic Year. 1.7 Facilities Usage: 1. No Student shall service/repair any personal laptop/computer using VIM resources. All breakdowns should be brought to the notice of IT Staff. Trying to service/repair any computer or other equipments by students tantamount to tempering. Student found doing so will have to bear the cost of the repairs and may be debarred from using VIM computer facilities for a period determined by the System Administrator 2. Students shall obtain permission from the concerned faculty member to use the computer centres facility when the classes are scheduled in Lab. 3. At any given point in time only one student is allowed to work on a terminal. Whenever there is a group task, the group may be allowed to work on the terminal, as sanctioned by the concerned faculty member or the IT staff. 1.8 General Rules: 1. The facilities in the Computer Lab are intended for academic purpose only 2. Students upon completion of using the computers shall shut down the system. 3. Students will have to pay for repair charges if they cause damage to the furniture, equipment and any other property in the Computer Centre. 4. VIM is taking all necessary steps aimed at securing information and maintaining the functioning of the network. Active support and cooperation from the student is crucial in making this a success.
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1.9 Misconduct: Any violation of the above mentioned norms shall be treated as Misconduct and shall be referred to the System admin & the Director. Disciplinary action including recovery of damages may be initiated against such defaulters.
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