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Image Task Guide

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Image Task Guide
er 5, R a
2 f
, 22002}3byniels
v e mbber A2DDvid}D
o _ aE
t e
a y IP uIrPdasyday
, NoveOmTEby D AM
d y, NEM54.9R_N 17 {R, N, N
Task The
e s
dn rda {R6.2 SE
2.1 E ov ov
Relationship Between Needs Met
WSeatu IP72.1 {U
6 M e
{U.254OeTmbme ber
1 SE .9 E_ r 2 1
IP R_ by AD5, , 20
N Da D 202 23
IMPORTANT (PLEASE READ): This task willAMprovide
and Freshness E}id D} b3y frforomlanding page
v R
an m
links that should be opened on your mobile device iels by following the

Send to Device Instructions. Note that you will not be able to access
the landing page links on your laptop/desktop.

Please note that this task will require a solid understanding of the
Image Search Guidelines and the General Guidelines.

In this task, you will be given a query issued to image search, followed by
a set of image search results. Your job is to understand the query and the
underlying user task or journey using the research links provided. You will
then be asked to evaluate each image search result as explained in the
Image Search Guidelines and the General Guidelines.

Specifically, for each result:

● Image Satisfaction - please rate the Image Satisfaction of the image
for the query.
● Image Prominence - please rate how easily the image can be found
on the landing page.
● Landing Page Helpfulness - please rate the helpfulness room
of the
Sa dn f
3 fr m
tur esd landing page for the user task or journey, assuming 2 022that
3 lsthe user is
IP IPday ay r 1 , 2 } baynie
, 0
17 {R, N N , e
b 25 Did D R
2.1 E interested in the image. Note: if the image is o'Fails
6.2 MoO veom
vem vemmber_ADDavto } Satisfy'
{U 54 T be ber , N v e T Eby ME
. E r 2 1, or 'Missing', please select 'Unhelpful'
R9_ by _AD 5, 20 s 9 _NA
dayy, NEoM5O4.('UH') without any
NADa D 202 23 e
n rd {R6.2 SER
R e d u 1
further MEvid consideration.
} 3 from WSat IP72. {U
} Dabny from 1
iels IP
● Landing Page PQ - please rate the Page Quality (PQ) of the landing
page as described in the General Guidelines.
● Image Flags - please assign Image Porn, Image
Upsetting-Offensive, and Image Not-for-Everyone flags when
● Landing Page (LP) Flags - please assign LP Porn, LP Foreign
Language, LP Didn't Load, and LP Upsetting-Offensive flags when

TELUS International Digital Solutions This material contains information that is proprietary and confidential to TELUS International. It cannot be
shared with third parties without TELUS International written consent. DO NOT COPY. DO NOT DISTRIBUTE.
The Image
Satisfaction Rating Scale
f m
2 0 233 fro ls
1, 0 by ie
b er25,D2R}Dan W
v ember_ADavid} Saedn
* The Image , NoveSatisfaction
o mTE y D M E rating scale is used
IP uIrPdasto
t e d rate individual images based
a y O b A 17 {Ry, N
s d y, NEM54.9R_N N
r d a {Rwell
6 .2 S E they fit the underlying user task(s)
2 .16 EMoveovor
e journey(s) for a query,
WSeatu IP72.1 {U {U.254OTmbme ber
1 including all reasonable interpretations SE .9 E_ r for
25 1, that query.
IP R_ by AD
NADa D, 2022023
MEvidR} b3 f fro
} Dany romm

The Relationship Between Needs Met

and Freshness
Important: Image Satisfaction ratings should be based only on the image you see in the rating
task, not its landing page or any text you see below the image. Occasionally you may need to
research the object(s) in an image to understand what they are, but you should not consider
the content, quality, page type, or website domain of its landing page when assigning an Image
Satisfaction rating.

Image Satisfaction Rating Explanation

Fully Satisfying (FullyS) A special rating category that only applies to queries
that are looking for one very specific image.

Highly Satisfying (HS) A very satisfying image and a good fit for the user task
or journey. Highly Satisfying images must have one or
more of the following characteristics: extremely
helpful, beautiful, inspirational, or visually appealing.
Highly Satisfying images may address any reasonable
interpretation or intent of a query, including
reasonable minor interpretations.
SaednModerately Satisfying (MS) A satisfying image and a reasonable 3 frroom fit for the user
t e 0223 yf els images are
IP uIrPdasyday task or journey. Moderately 1 , 2Satisfying
2 0 b i
17 {R, N, N b er25,DR}Dan
2.1 E ov ov
6 M e
generally average tovgood. ember_ADaThere id}
vE is nothing "wrong"
{U.254OeTmbme ber with a Moderately
o m E D
Nove T by AM image. Moderately
SE .9 E_ r 2 1
R_ by AD5, , 20 s d ay, ,NSatisfying
Satisfying imagese y E
NADa D 202 23 dn rd {R6may
a .2 SE address any reasonable
MEvidR} b3 f fro WSeatu IP72.1 {U
} Dany romm interpretationPor 1 intent of a query, including
iels I
reasonable minor interpretations

Slightly Satisfying (SS) A less satisfying image and/or a less reasonable fit for
the user task or journey. Slightly Satisfying images
may be less helpful for a reasonable interpretation of
the query, lower in quality, less visually appealing, etc.

Fails to Satisfy (FailsS) A satisfying image for very few to no image search
users who issue the query. Fails to Satisfy images
may be unrelated to the query, have extremely low
image quality, or may contain unsolicited unpleasant
or upsetting content. Important: Any unpleasant
images, uncomfortable images, upsetting or offensive
images, or porn images should be rated Fails to
TELUS International Digital Solutions Satisfy unless the query clearly indicates the user is
seeking that type of content.
3 frroom
2 f
Prominence of the Image on the Landing Page
1 , 22002}3byniels
er 5, R a
mbber A2DDvid}D W
v e a Saedn
o _ E t e
a y , NoveOmTEby D A M IP uIrPdasyday
N 4.9 _N 17 {R, N, N
nesdday,RE.M 2 5 ER 2.1 E ov ov
e d u*r PThe
WSat I 72. {
{ 1 6 U Image
S Prominence rating scale is{6U.2used
M e emto indicate
how easily
1 S .9 _ 2 1,
IP the image can be found on theERlanding by AD5, 20page.
_N D2 2
MaEvidR}02b3 3f fro
} Dany romm

The Relationship Between Needs Met

and Freshness

Important: Image Prominence ratings should be based only on the image and the landing
page, not the query. You do not need to think about the query when assigning Image
Prominence ratings to results.

Prominence Rating Explanation

Main Feature The image is the main feature of the landing page. All
users would easily find the image.

Easy to Find The image is easy to find on the landing page, but it is
not the main feature of the page. Most users would
find the image.

Hard to Find The image can be found on the landing page, but it
requires effort. Many to some users would find the
W froom
Saedn image. 0233 fr ls
t e
IP uIrPdasyday r 1,, 2202} baynie
17 {R, N, N
2.1 E ov ov m b r 25DDiRd D
6 M e The image cannot beofound v mbe_ADanywhere
e v } on the landing
{U.254OeTmbme ber , N v e T Eby aME
SE .9 E_ r 2 1
R_ by AD5, , 20 e .9R_NArating should also be used
dayy, NEoM5O4This
page, even with seffort.
NADa D 202 23
MEvidR} b3 f fro edtnuso
if the imageWis {R16.U2 SE to find that few or no users
} Dany romm Sa 1I 72 {
iels would find it, even
IP though it is present somewhere on
the landing page. For example, if the image is not in
the first few scrolls of a very long page with many
images, you may consider it Missing without
investigating further.

TELUS International Digital Solutions This material contains information that is proprietary and confidential to TELUS International. It cannot be
shared with third parties without TELUS International written consent. DO NOT COPY. DO NOT DISTRIBUTE.
Helpfulness of the Landing Page
3 frroom
2 f
1 , 22002}3byniels
* The Landing Page er 5,Helpfulness
R a rating scaleW is used to rate how helpful the landing
v e mbber A2DDvid}D Saedn
page would o em for
be _ Dathe E underlying user task tur esjourney,
a y N E
, ov OT by AM IP orIPdayd,ay,
assuming that the user is
d N M . 9 _ N 1 N
es y, E 254ER interested in the
72 {R No o
e dnurdPa {R16.U S .16 EM ve vem
WSat I 72. { {U.254OTmbe ber
1 SE .9 E_ r 2 1
IP R_ by AD5, , 20
NADa D 202 23
MEvidR} b3 f fro
} Dany romm
The Relationship Between Needs Met iels

and Freshness
Important: The helpfulness of the landing page only matters when the corresponding image
would satisfy at least some users and can be found somewhere on the page.
Landing Page Helpfulness Rating Explanation

Very Helpful (VH) Landing Page The landing page is very helpful both for the user task
or journey and for users interested in the image. Most
users would be helped along their task or journey, and
the landing page has a substantial amount of very
helpful content or information about the image (or the
object(s) in the image). Note: A landing page is only
eligible for this rating if the image is at least Slightly
Satisfying (SS) and can be found somewhere on the

Moderately Helpful (MH) Landing The landing page is helpful both for the user task or
Page journey and for users interested in the image. Many
users would be helped along their task or journey, and
the landing page has helpful content or information
about the image (or the object(s) in the image). Note:
A landing page is only eligible for this rating if the
image is at least Slightly Satisfying (SS) and can be
found somewhere on the page.
Saedn 3 frroom
2 f ls
t r esd
IP uSlightly
d ay Helpful (SH) Landing The landing page is slightly 1helpful , 22002}3byniefor the user task or
17IP a{Ry, N,N b er25,DR Da
2.1 E ov ov
Page journey and for users interestedvemmber_ADDavE id} in the image. Some
6 M e
{U.254OeTmbme ber users would be helped
o E
N ve along
SE .9 E_ r 2 1 d ay, ,NoM O.T9 b_yNAMtheir task or journey, and
R_ by AD5, , 20 s
e y RE.2some 4
NADa D 202 23 the landing page
e { 16 U5SER content or information
MEvidR} b3 f fro WSat I 7(or . {
} Dany romm about the image P 1 2 the object(s) in the image). Note:
iels I
A landing page is only eligible for this rating if the
image is at least Slightly Satisfying (SS) and can be
found somewhere on the page.

Unhelpful (UH) Landing Page For any image that is Fails to Satisfy (FailsS) or
Missing, its landing page should automatically receive
a rating of Unhelpful (UH). For images that are at
least Slightly Satisfying (SS) and can be found
somewhere on the page, the landing page should be
rated as Unhelpful (UH) when either of the following
are true: ● The landing page is not helpful for the user
task or journey. Few or no users would be helped
along their task or journey. ● The landing page is not
helpful for users interested in the image. The landing
TELUS International Digital Solutions has little or no content or information about the image
(or the object(s) in the image).
Page - Page Quality
0 2 3 ffrom
The Landing Page 23by iels
1,, 220Quality scale (slider) to assign the overall PQ rating looks like -
r } n
b r 2DDid Da
e 5 R W
m Saedn
oveembEe_ADaMvE} t e
, N v T by A IP uIrPdasyday
e s dayy, NEoM5O4.9R_N 17 {R, N, N
2.1 E ov ov
dn rda {R6.2 SE 6 M e
WSeatu IP72.1 {U {U.254OeTmbme ber
1 SE .9 E_ r 2 1
IP R_ by AD5, , 20
NADa D 202 23
Important: Landing Page PQ ratings should be based onlyMEon vidR}the
3 fro
} Dabny frlanding
omm page, not the
query or the image. You do not need to think about the query or thels image i e when assigning
Landing Page PQ ratings to results.
Landing Page Consideration Explanation

The purpose of the page If the page has a harmful purpose, or if it is designed to
deceive people about its true purpose or who is
responsible for the content, it should be rated Lowest
.Otherwise, PQ rating is the process of determining how
well a page achieves
its purpose.

The potential for the page or website to cause Websites or pages that are harmful to people or society,
harm as described in these guidelines untrustworthy, or spammy as described in these guidelines
should be rated Lowest .

The topic of the page and the extent to which The topic of the page helps determine the standards for
that topic is YMYL your overall PQ assessment. Pages on YMYL topics have
higher standards than pages on non-YMYL topics.

The type of website Different types of websites and webpages have different
expectations for PQ rating. For example, PQ expectations
may differ for: ● Small hobbyist websites vs. large
corporate websites ● Websites involving financial
transactions vs. websites that do not require payment or
collect personal information ● Websites with content
created by ordinary people on a volunteer basis vs.
websites with content created by professionals

While the information that websites m

WInformation provided by the website and
Saedn 3 frroom and content creators
provide about themselves20isn't 2 f always trustworthy, it can
tur esd
IP content
d ay creator 1 , 202}3byniels
17IP a{Ry, N, provide an importantbestarting r 5, R Dpoint.
2DDid a
2.1 E oNv ov em e r
6 M e
{U.254OeTmbme ber N ovembE_ADaMvE}
SE .9 E_ r 2 1 ,
ay, NoM v OT by A
9 _N
R by AD5, , 20 s d
ethe E.254E. Rto
y Rextent
Quality _of Da DMC
NAthe 2 2
MEvidR}02b3 3f fro
d n d a {
e turIP .16{US which the MC is satisfying and helps
W a 7
the page achieve2 its purpose.
} Dany romm S 1
iels IP
The title of the page The title of the page is considered part of the MC.
Descriptive MC titles that summarize the page allow people
to make informed decisions about what pages to visit.

The role of Ads and SC on the page Consider the ways in which the Ads and SC contribute to
how people experience the page. Remember : Many
websites need monetization to share content with users.
The presence or absence of Ads alone is not a
consideration for PQ rating.

Reputation of the website and content creator Research the reputation of the website and the content
creator to learn about how others view the website and
who is behind it.

Trustworthiness of the page: E-E-A-T Assess how trustworthy the page is. Experience, Expertise
TELUS International Digital Solutions and Authoritativeness can help with your assessment of
Trust. Some types of pages require a high level of Trust.
Assigning Flags to Images
2 f
, 22002}3byniels
er 5, R a W
mbber A2DDvid}D Saedn
Relationship Between Needs Met
a y
o v e
, NoveOmTEby D
, NEM54.9be
M E t e
IP uIrPdasyday
1 {R, N, N Language, Didn’t Load, and
You may nesddayalso
R .2 E R_ asked to assign the Porn, 7Foreign 2.1 E ov ov
d r { S 6 M mem
e u P
WSat I 72. {
Upsetting-Offensive1 6 U
(U-O) flags to landing pages{U.254Oewhen b
1 SE .9TEb_er e2r 1 appropriate, as defined in
I P R _Ny D D5D, 2, 0202
b A
the General Guidelines (Section 15.0). All flags should AMavi be R 2 assigned
3 based on the
E}d D} b3y frforom
image or the landing page and do not depend on the query. an m
and Freshness
Image Flag Category

Porn (P) Please flag porn images based on the standards of your locale. If you
are not sure whether an image qualifies as porn (such as racy
images or borderline porn), the Not-for-Everyone (N-E) flag
discussed in Section 4.3 may be more appropriate than the Porn flag.
Please use your judgment. Different locales have different cultural
sensitivities and standards, but the following types of images should
be flagged as Porn: ● Photos, cartoons, or other depictions of people
engaging in sexual activity or in poses that are highly suggestive of
sexual activity, even if bare body parts are not exposed. ● Sexually
suggestive depictions of naked or minimally clothed people in photos,
cartoons, or drawings. ● Pornographic text, such as an image
displaying the words, "HOT SEX”

Upsetting-Offensive (U-O) Please use your judgment and knowledge of your rating locale to flag
images that users in your locale may find
Upsetting or Offensive. Because U-O images may be disturbing or
even have the potential to cause
psychological harm, U-O images must be shown with extreme care
and only when users have issued queries that
clearly request U-O content. Even if a query seeks U-O content,
image search results should include the least
upsetting or offensive content to satisfy the query.
Please flag all U-O images, even if the query 3 frrooexplicitly
m seeks U-O
t e 0 2 3 f ls
IP uIrPdasyday images. Flagging these images is important 1, 02 byso
2 ie
17 {R, N, N b er25,D2R}Dan
2.1 E ov ov that image search engines understand what
vemmber_ADDavE id} types of images are U-O
6 M e
{U.254OeTmbme ber for users in your locale. o
N e E y M
SE .9 E_ r 2 1 ay, ov OT b A
N 4.9 _N
R_ by AD5, , 20
NADa D 202 23 n esdday,RE.M
d {
e turIP .16{U
MEvidR} b3 f fro W
Images may be racy orSsexual,
a 172 distasteful, unpleasant, or related to
Not-for-Everyone } Dany rom(N-E)
iels sensitive topics that IP
are not appropriate for all ages or all environments. N-E images may
unpleasantly surprise sensitive users and
result in a poor user experience if shown when users are not looking
for that type of content.
Use the N-E flag for any content that you feel may be unpleasant or
uncomfortable for some users. Use this flag
even if the query explicitly requests such content. Flagging these
images is important so that image search
engines understand what types of images may be unpleasant or
uncomfortable for users in your locale.

TELUS International Digital Solutions This material contains information that is proprietary and confidential to TELUS International. It cannot be
shared with third parties without TELUS International written consent. DO NOT COPY. DO NOT DISTRIBUTE.
Landing Page Flags
2 f
1 , 22002}3byniels
berr25D,DiRd Da We
Please referovto embthe
e_A aGeneral
vE} Guidelines (Section S15.0)
atudne for use of Porn, Foreign Language, Didn’t
N e mTE y D M s
Load, and a , v
o O.9 b NA
y NUpsetting-Offensive flags for landing I P 1 IrPdayday,
d M
esday,RE.254ER _ 72 {R, NoNo
d n r { 6 S .16 EM ve vem
WSeatu IP72.1 {U {U.254OTmbe ber
SE .9 E_ r 2 1
1 R_ by AD5, , 20
IP NADa D 202 23
MEvidR} b3 f fro
} Dany romm
Landing Page Flag Category

Porn Flag Please assign the Porn flag to all porn pages, whether the
query is porn-seeking or not. The Porn flag does not depend on
the query or user intent. This flag should be used if the content
inside the result block, or the content on the LP, is
pornographic, including porn images, links, text, pop-ups,
and/or prominent porn ads. An image may be considered porn
in one culture or country, but not another. Please use your
judgment and knowledge of your locale.
Remember: The Porn flag is used to indicate that the result is
porn. It doesn’t matter whether the query “asks for porn”.

Foreign Language Flag Please do not assign the Foreign Language flag when the
language on the landing page is one of the following:
● The task language
● A language that is commonly used by a significant
percentage of the population in the task location
● English
For example, most Catalan-speaking users in Spain also
speak Spanish. Therefore, for rating tasks in Catalan (ES), the
Foreign Language flag should NOT be assigned to landing
pages in Catalan, Spanish, or English.

Did Not Load Flag Did Not Load is used to indicate technical problems with the
webpage that prevent users from viewing any LP content.
Use the Did Not Load flag when: m
Saedn 3 frroom
t e ● The MC of the landing page is a, 2web 0223 yf server
s or web
IP uIrPdasyday r 1 , 2 0 } b niel
17 {R, N, N application error message m ande
b 25there R a
2.1 E ov ov Did D is no other content
6 M e vember_ADDavE }
{U.254OeTmbme ber on the page: no navigation y ,
Nove Tlinks,
Eby Mno home link, no SC,
SE .9 E_ r 2 1 O
a N M 4.9 _N
R_ by AD5, , 20
NADa D 202 23 and no Ads. See heren esdday,Rfor
E 25aERWikipedia page on different
MEvidR} b3 f fro e turIP {.16{.U
d S
} Dany romm types of error messages.
WSa 172
iels ● The landing pageIPis completely blank: no MC, no SC, and
no Ads. Assign the Did Not Load flag based on the
landing page, not the result block.

TELUS International Digital Solutions This material contains information that is proprietary and confidential to TELUS International. It cannot be
shared with third parties without TELUS International written consent. DO NOT COPY. DO NOT DISTRIBUTE.
Example: [blueberries],m English (US)
fro m
2 0 233 fro ls
r 1,, 202} baynie
Users may be seeking e 5 DRd D W
v e mbber A2visually
Davi } appealing images
Saednof blueberries. Users may also have fresh
o _ E t esd
blueberries on dhand m E y DM
y,NNoveO.T9and b NA need inspiration for what IP uIrPdto aydo
s a , M54 R_ 17 a{Ry, N , N with them, which could be provided
e y E 2 oveovmade
by imagesWof rIdPa {.R16.U
edtnudelicious 2 SE desserts or other recipes that .16 Eare
{ .25MO memb with blueberries.
S 17 2 { U SE4.9TEb_er e2r 1
IP R_ by AD5, , 20
NADa D 202 23
MEvidR} b3 f fro
} Dany romm
Satisfaction Image Explanation iels

Fully N/A Because the query [blueberries] does not seek

Satisfying one very specific image, no image can be rated
(FullyS) Fully Satisfying.

Highly This is a visually appealing image of blueberries.

Satisfying (HS) The green background, the open hands, and the
large, deeply colored berries are a beautiful visual

Moderately This is an image of blueberries. While the image

Satisfying (MS) is OK, no particular aspect of it is outstanding.
Compared to the blueberry images in the Highly
Satisfying section, there seems to be less effort
W and artistic skill evidentfroin m this photograph. The
Saedn 3 r o m
t e blueberries do not, 2appear 0223 yf els to be chosen or
IP uIrPdasyday 1 0 } bani
17 {R, N, N arranged, and b er25,D2effort
little R D appears to have been
2.1 E ov ov e m e r D v i d
6 M e v mb _ADa E}
{U.254OeTmbme ber made iny,composing o
Nove T by AM the photograph, bringing out
SE .9 E_ r 2 1 d a N O.9 _N
R_ by AD5, , 20 esday,RE.M
NADa D 202 23 thednrichness
e r { 6 2 S4Eof
5 R color, etc. On the other hand,
MEvidR} b3 f fro W
theret u I P . 1 { U
} Dany romm Sa 1is 72 nothing wrong with it. It would be
iels I P
satisfying for many image search users.

TELUS International Digital Solutions This material contains information that is proprietary and confidential to TELUS International. It cannot be
shared with third parties without TELUS International written consent. DO NOT COPY. DO NOT DISTRIBUTE.
Example: [blueberries],m English (US)
fro m
2 0 233 fro ls
r 1,, 202} baynie
Users may be seeking e 5 DRd D W
v e mbber A2visually
Davi } appealing images
Saednof blueberries. Users may also have fresh
o _ E t esd
blueberries on dhand m E y DM
y,NNoveO.T9and b NA need inspiration for what IP uIrPdto aydo
s a , M54 R_ 17 a{Ry, N , N with them, which could be provided
e y E 2 oveovmade
by imagesWof rIdPa {.R16.U
edtnudelicious 2 SE desserts or other recipes that .16 Eare
{ .25MO memb with blueberries.
S 17 2 { U SE4.9TEb_er e2r 1
IP R_ by AD5, , 20
NADa D 202 23
MEvidR} b3 f fro
Satisfaction Image Explanation } Dany romm

Slightly This is an image of a school notebook with a

Satisfying (SS) blueberry-themed cover. While it is connected to
the query, blueberry-themed school supplies are a
less reasonable user intent.

Fails to Satisfy An image of cherries is too unrelated to the query

(FailsS) [blueberries] to be satisfying for users.

Saedn 3 frroom
2 f
t e
IP uIrPdasyday 1 , 22002}3byniels
17 {R, N, N
2.1 E ov ov m berr25D,DiRd Da
6 M e
{U.254OeTmbme ber N ovembEe_ADaMvE}
SE .9 E_ r 2 1 ,
ay, NoM v OT by A
9 N
R_ by AD5, , 20
NADa D 202 23 n eday RE.254E. R_
s d
d r { 6 S
MEvidR} b3 f fro WSeatu IP72.1 {U
} Dany romm 1
iels IP

TELUS International Digital Solutions This material contains information that is proprietary and confidential to TELUS International. It cannot be
shared with third parties without TELUS International written consent. DO NOT COPY. DO NOT DISTRIBUTE.

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