The Influence of Frontal Lobe Tumors and Surgical Treatment On Advanced Cognitive Functions

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Literature Review

The Influence of Frontal Lobe Tumors and Surgical Treatment on Advanced Cognitive
Shengyu Fang1, Yinyan Wang2, Tao Jiang1-3

Key words Brain cognitive functions affect patient quality of life. The frontal lobe plays a
- Brain tumor crucial role in advanced cognitive functions, including executive function, meta-
- Cognitive function
- Frontal lobe
cognition, decision-making, memory, emotion, and language. Therefore, frontal
- Surgical treatment tumors can lead to serious cognitive impairments. Currently, neurosurgical
treatment is the primary method to treat brain tumors; however, the effects of the
Abbreviations and Acronyms
surgical treatments are difficult to predict or control. The treatment may both
ACC: Anterior cingulate cortex
DLPFC: Dorsal lateral prefrontal cortex resolve the effects of the tumor to improve cognitive function or cause perma-
IFG: Interior frontal gyrus nent disabilities resulting from damage to healthy functional brain tissue. Pre-
LGG: Low-grade glioma vious studies have focused on the influence of frontal lesions and surgical
From the 1Beijing Neurosurgical Institute, Capital Medical
treatments on patient cognitive function. Here, we review cognitive impairment
University, Beijing; 2Department of Neurosurgery, Beijing caused by frontal lobe brain tumors.
Tiantan Hospital, Capital Medical University, Beijing; and
Beijing Institute for Brain Disorders, Brain Tumor Center,
Beijing, China
To whom correspondence should be addressed: tumors published between January 1978 medial frontal lobe results in an apathetic
Tao Jiang, M.D., Ph.D. and February 2016. A search of the state and a decrease in self-motivated ac-
[E-mail: [email protected]] PubMed database was conducted using tivities.4 Another recent report revealed
Shengyu Fang and Yinyan Wang are coefirst authors. the terms “frontal lobe,” “cognitive func- that not only the DLPFC but also
Citation: World Neurosurg. (2016) 91:340-346.
tion,” and “tumor.” The exclusion criteria subcortical structures including the for publications were: 1) manuscripts not fronto-parietal circuit influence attention.5
Journal homepage: in English, 2) manuscripts describing an- Meta-cognition is the capacity to eval-
Available online:
imal studies, and 3) studies that solely uate the success or failure of one’s own
focused on motor functions. A total of 97 cognitive processes.6 In other words, it
1878-8750/$ - see front matter ª 2016 Elsevier Inc. All
rights reserved. articles are included and are cited as ref- facilitates self-awareness and the self-
erences in this review. monitoring of cognitive activities.7
Patients with middle and lateral frontal
lobe damage exhibit meta-cognition defi-
Technological advances in brain tumor FRONTAL LOBE INVOLVEMENT IN cits. Transcranial magnetic stimulation
treatment have resulted in better patient ADVANCED COGNITIVE FUNCTION studies have shown that the DLPFC is also
prognoses and prolonged patient survival.
The frontal lobe appears relatively late in involved in meta-cognition.8,9 Functional
Furthermore, survival qualities have
brain development and is required for magnetic resonance imaging studies
become a useful index for the assessment
advanced cognitive functions, including indicate that multiple brain regions are
of treatment effects. Cognitive functions
executive function, meta-cognition, deci- involved in meta-cognition, including the
are an important standard for evaluating
sion-making, memory, emotion, and lan- DLPFC, middle prefrontal lobe, and
patient quality of life after treatment.
guage.1 Executive function facilitates the cingulate cortex.10,11
Indeed, numerous studies have investi-
generation and adaptation of a variety of Decision-making has a significant
gated the impact of frontal lobe tumors
behaviors. Although executive function impact on quality of life. Previous reports
and their surgical treatment on advanced
traditionally was believed to be have suggested that the bilateral prefrontal
cognitive functions. In this review, we
associated selectively with the frontal cortex as well as the bilateral orbitofrontal
summarize the available data on frontal
lobes, recent reports indicate that circuits lobe play an important role in decision-
lobe tumors and the effects of surgical
between the frontal lobe and other brain making.12-14
treatment on cognitive functions. This
regions also are involved in executive On the basis of function, memory can be
knowledge has the potential to improve
functions.2,3 The orbitofrontal lobe has divided into 2 subtypes: working memory
the ability of neurosurgeons to preserve
been associated with behavioral- and episodic memory.15 Previous studies
advanced cognitive brain functions by
emotional self-regulation, whereas the have shown that the prefrontal lobe, in
influencing their surgical decisions.
The present study reviewed original dorsal lateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC) particular the DLPFC, plays an important
articles and literature reviews related to has been implicated primarily in attention, role in working memory.16,17 Many recent
cognitive impairment and frontal lobe information generation, organization, and studies also have found that the superior
planning. In addition, damage to the longitudinal fascicle, especially in the



context of the fronto-parietal pathway, is method to demonstrate that the ventral magnetic resonance imaging.46 Therefore,
crucial to the performance of working premotor cortex rather than the Broca area it is necessary for neurosurgeons to be
memory tasks.18-21 There also exist bilateral affect speech arrest, and that the IFG aware of the types of cognitive
differences in the neuroanatomical corre- rather than the area of Wernicke can affect impairments that can be caused by frontal
lates of working memory: interestingly, the anomia or paraphasia. This study also tumors.
left prefrontal lobe and its circuits are revealed the role of a supramodal network,
thought to be responsible for memory consisting of the frontal operculum, Impairment of Executive Function
encoding, whereas the right prefrontal lobe DLPFC, and posterior superior temporal Frontal tumors, in particular those in the
is thought to be responsible for memory cortex, in mediating language function. DLPFC, produce decreases in executive
recall.22 Patients with frontal lobe The fiber fascicles also participate in function.47 Among patients with LGGs or
impairments show poor performance on language function. On the basis of diffu- high-grade gliomas, executive response
episodic memory tests compared with sion tensor imaging, researchers have time is always prolonged, which suggests
healthy individuals.23 Some researchers identified a third subtype of the superior that frontal lobe gliomas also impair
believe that working memory is related to longitudinal fasciculus, which connects attention. Notably, greater glioma grades
decision-making; however, research on a the posterior IFG to the supramarginal have been associated with the severity of
component of working memory known as gyrus, in the phonological aspect of lin- attention impairment in patients.48
the phonological loop24 has indicated that guistic function.35 In a series of cortical Previous studies have shown that the
there is no relationship between the and subcortical stimulation studies, ACC also participates in executive
phonological loop and decision-making. Duffau et al.36-39 reported that many function.49,50 An evaluation of the
Emotional cognition refers to emotional components of the fronto-parietal circuit, executive functions of 2 patients with
self-awareness and the awareness of others’ which connects the frontal lobe to gliomas invading the frontal lobe
emotions. It includes intention, expecta- different parietal lobe sites, are involved in revealed that although single ACC lesions
tion, thinking, and faith.25 Emotional phonological and semantic functions. did not impair intelligence, memory,
cognition is thus part of the theory of Furthermore, Hickok and Poeppel40,41 language, or executive function, lesions
mind or mentalizing. Traditionally, the proposed the dual-route theory, which of the bilateral ACC produced mild
frontal lobe was considered to be less purports the involvement of the ventral decline in the function of the anterior
related to emotion than the anterior route and dorsal stream in language attention network.51 Because both
cingulate cortex (ACC), limbic system, or functions. The ventral route including A1, gliomas had invaded the frontal lobe in
bilateral temporal lobes26; however, many part of the IFG, and the anterior temporal this study, however, the patients also
studies on emotion have revealed that gyrus is responsible for semantic pro- showed executive dysfunction. These
impairment of the frontal lobe and cessing and comprehension. The dorsal findings suggest that although the ACC
especially the ventromedial prefrontal route including A1, the premotor cortex, does not play a core role in executive
cortex can negatively affect emotional the prefrontal cortex, and the planum function, it may synthesize cognitive
cognition.27 Many researchers also have temprolate is responsible for language processing and autonomic function in
identified roles for white matter structures perception. Recent studies also have the guidance of behavior. However, the
(e.g., the uncinate fasciculus) in the identified significant white matter areas of frontal lobes seem to play a larger role in
amygdala-ventromedial-prefrontal cortex the frontal lobe involved in speech executive function than the ACC.51
circuit in emotion.28,29 including the left frontal aslant tract,
Language cognition can be divided into 3 which connects the supplementary motor Meta-Cognitive Function Impairment
components: phonology, syntax, and sem- area and the Broca area.20,42,43 Frontal tumors can impair patient self-
anteme.30,31 The inferior frontal gyrus (IFG) awareness, which is a component of
in the dominant hemisphere is crucial for Frontal Tumors Impair Cognitive Function meta-cognition. Only a few reports,
verb generation but is not involved in Frontal lobe tumors have the potential to however, have described a mechanism for
semantic retrieval.32 Corticosubcortical damage a variety of cognitive functions the impairment of meta-cognition by
electrical stimulation is a useful method for (Figure 1). Mild cognitive impairment frontal tumors. One previous study re-
the evaluation of language function during attributable to frontal tumors is difficult ported the case of a 60-year-old woman
surgical procedures. Duffau et al.33 used for both patients and clinicians to detect. with multiple glioblastomas invading the
this method to identify differences in For this reason, epilepsy is usually the first prefrontal cortex. The patient’s primary
language performance during the symptom in patients with low-grade gli- symptom was pathological laughing; she
stimulation of different regions in the oma (LGG).44 In general, changes in would laugh every 3 minutes regardless of
dominant hemisphere and found that cognitive function precede the onset of whether or not it was relevant to her
stimulation of the ventral premotor cortex epilepsy. Conversely, if a patient with an environment. Moreover, although the
impaired word pronunciation. In contrast, LGG experiences changes in cognitive patient was unable to consciously control
dorsal premotor cortex stimulation resulted function, it indicates that the tumor is at her laughter, she did feel a sense of
in anomia. Stimulation of the pars an early stage.45 Studies have shown that embarrassment and a desire to control it.
opercularis and DLPFC induced speech assessing changes in cognition for the That is, although emotion and self-
arrest and semantic paraphasia, diagnosis of recurrent glioma is more control were not impaired, the patient’s
respectively. Tate et al.34 recently used this sensitive than computed tomography or self-awareness was damaged. After

WORLD NEUROSURGERY 91: 340-346, JULY 2016 341


Figure 1. Brain regions and corresponding symptoms related to DLPFC, dorsal lateral prefrontal cortex; IFG, inferior frontal
brain tumors in these regions. ACC, anterior cingulate cortex; gyrus.

surgical tumor removal, the pathological Memory Impairment addition, patients with frontal cortex
laughter resolved.52 In a study of 11 patients with left-sided gliomas demonstrate difficulty with the
frontal glioma (7 with gliomas located in accurate recognition of angry faces.57 A
the left IFG), working memory, assessed previous study reported that tumors in the
Decision-Making Impairment via the Digit Span Test, a traditional frontal lobe, ACC, and temporal lobe
Frontal lobe gliomas impair decision- measurement for working memory, was induce different emotional impairments.61
making, especially with regard to reaction impaired relative to control subjects. It Campanella et al.62 summarized 71 brain
time. The Iowa Gambling Task and Cam- was concluded that left frontal lobe gli- tumor patients’ pre- and postoperative
bridge Gambling Task have been used to omas damage working memory, likely due emotion test performances and concluded
evaluate patients’ decision-making ability to an impact on the phonological loop that tumors in the medial right prefrontal
in clinical trials. Clark et al.53 tested 46 located in the left IFG.54-57 Accordingly, lobe induce alexithymia, whereas tumors
patients with frontal lobe lesions (24/46 studies have shown that the phonological in the right lateral prefrontal cortex impair
right frontal lobe gliomas), however, and loop is a significant component of work- self-inhibition. Herbet et al.63 found that
concluded that the Iowa Gambling Task ing memory involved in both phonological gliomas in the right IFG damaged
was more sensitive than the Cambridge storage and the articulatory rehearsal patients’ mirror networks and decreased
Gamble Task for the detection of process. Indeed, left IFG damage impairs mentalizing. Subsequently, Herbet et al.64
impairments. Mattavelli et al.13 also used the articulatory rehearsal process in confirmed the disruption of empathy by
the Iowa Gambling Task successfully to patients.58,59 gliomas affecting the uncinate fasciculus or
evaluate 22 patients with left frontal LGGs the inferior fronto-occipital circuitry. Park
and concluded that dominant hemisphere Emotional Impairment et al.65 studied patients with intracranial
gliomas impair decision-making. A main Frontal tumors impair many aspects of arachnoids cysts and found that cysts
conclusion from these 2 studies was that emotion, and damage to different areas can located in the left frontal cortex were likely
patients with frontal lobe gliomas require produce variable emotional cognitive dys- to produce anxiety; indeed, the focal mass
more time to understand their own illness functions. Using the facial expression rather than the cysts themselves led to
and treatment, such that clinicians should recognition test, Botvinick et al.60 observed changes in patient mood as the result of
take more time to explain treatment that patients with ACC gliomas were effects on cerebral blood supply.
options and risks in these cases.13 unable to accurately recognize fear. In Unfortunately, there is a dearth of



additional direct evidence in support of the and the third circuit includes the left mentalizing, picture-naming, and verbal-
effect of frontal tumor masses on patient ventral, frontal, and posterior temporal visual tasks50 to monitor executive
emotions. In an autopsy study of patients cortices. When tumors grow into the left function, and the 2-back task20 to monitor
with depression, however, Drevets66 motor cortex, the first circuit is spatial working memory. Nonetheless, the
observed significant decreases in the overactivated, whereas the second and exploration of additional cognitive tests is
volume, thickness, and numbers of glial third circuits are overactivated by tumors required to optimize the monitoring of
cells in the frontal cortices. in the left inferior frontal triangle pars. advanced cognitive functions during the
Overall, frontal tumors lead to left IFG removal of brain tissue.
Language Impairment reorganization, and neural circuit over- In the postoperative stage, brain edema,
Frontal tumors damage language in 2 activation is a primary reason for compre- hemorrhage, or other complications can
ways: expression and syntax understand- hensive language dysfunction. create severe secondary and even life-
ing. Patients with tumors in the Broca threatening impairments. Therefore, it is
area exhibit different degrees of motor Default Mode Network Changing crucial for each neurosurgeon to predict
aphasia, and the mirror areas opposite to Even in the resting state, transmission intraoperative damage and treatment ef-
the Broca area in the dominant hemi- occurs between different brain regions. fects according to each patient’s situation.
sphere are forced to compensate.67 This This phenomenon is known as the default As mentioned previously, cognitive func-
compensation often is referred to as mode, and the pathways underlying this tion is an important criterion for the
functional plasticity, which occurs not phenomenon are known as default mode evaluation of patient quality of life.
only for the compensation of language networks. Upon reviewing studies of gli- Therefore, an understanding of how tu-
function but also for the compensation omas located in the dominant hemi- mor resection can potentially affect
of motor, sensory, and other sphere, we found that both LGGs and cognitive function is essential for optimal
neurological functions. Despite years of high-grade gliomas have been reported frontal lobe tumor treatment.
research on the topic of functional to impact default mode networks. Indeed,
plasticity, no clear mechanism has been higher tumor grades have been associated Tumor Resection and the Risk of Cognitive
reported. Southwell et al.68 hypothesized with more severe default mode network Dysfunction
a relationship between the degree of functional decline76; however, only LGGs Meta-Cognitive Impairment. A patient who
functional plasticity and glioma grade have been documented to induce underwent frontal lobe astrocytoma resec-
and volume. Alternatively, Duffau69,70 default mode network hemisphere tion developed postoperative anarchic hand
proposed that functional plasticity lateralization.77 The mechanism for this syndrome.83 This rare injury is characterized
occurs proximal to the primary lesion phenomenon is unknown but may be by hand conflicting behaviors and makes
and subsequently in the ipsilateral related to tumor invasiveness or the behavioral performance appear strange
region and contralateral hemisphere if degree of tumor cell differentiation. (obvious hand conflict and confrontation
the recruited components are between disuse and competition).84
insufficient. In a study of 7 patients with Unfortunately, it is unclear why this
gliomas in the Broca area, 5 did not EFFECTS OF TUMOR RESECTION ON
complication occurs, and so it is not
exhibit motor aphasia, suggesting that COGNITIVE FUNCTION AND RECOVERY
known how to minimize the risk of
compensation was nonspecific in these Surgery is the treatment of choice for most postoperative anarchic hand syndrome
patients.71 Other studies have concluded intracranial tumors. Tumor resection can during tumor resection.
that patients with frontal tumors are resolve brain tissue lesions, relieve focal
more likely to experience anomic oppression, and prevent the invasion of Memory Impairment. Not all patients with
aphasia.43,49,72 normal brain tissue. For neurosurgeons, it frontal lobe tumors exhibit memory
Patients with frontal tumors show is a challenge to resect as much tumor as dysfunction, but surgery may increase the
decreased language fluency performance possible without affecting important func- likelihood of functional memory impair-
relative to both healthy individuals and in- tional regions.78 Despite increasingly ments. A 5-year follow-up study of 18 pa-
dividuals with tumors in other positions.49 advanced technological methods for the tients with frontal lobe neurocytomas
Left IFG tumors can result in difficulty protection of cognitive function demonstrated a marked decline in mem-
understanding complex sentences.73,74 (e.g., preoperative functional magnetic ory after tumor resection. In addition,
Kinno et al.75 reported that language resonance imaging, neuronavigation, resection-related memory impairments
comprehension dysfunction in patients awake surgeries, and electrical stimulation were exacerbated with age.85 The reason
can occur as the result of the damage of 3 mapping), peripheral tissue impairment is for the decline in memory was likely
neural circuits: the first circuit includes often unavoidable.79-82 In addition to the related to damage to the frontal cortex
the opercula or the triangular parts of the monitoring linguistic functions during and blocked fiber connections between
left IFG, left intraparietal sulcus, awake resection, we have explored the use the frontal and temporal lobes.86
presupplementary motor areas, right of a handful of tasks during direct cortical
frontal regions, and right temporal stimulation for the monitoring of Emotional Control Disabilities. After the
regions; the second circuit includes the advanced cognitive functions. For resection of ventral prefrontal cortex tu-
left lateral premotor cortex, left angular instance, we have used the “reading the mors, patients are reported to experience
gyrus, lingual gyrus, and cerebellar nuclei; Mind in Eyes” task63 to monitor negative emotions such as anxiety,

WORLD NEUROSURGERY 91: 340-346, JULY 2016 343


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