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Project Report

I. Primary Information:
1. Name of the Student
2. Class & Section
3. Roll No
4. Subject
5. Name of the Lesson
6. Date of Report submission
7. Name of the Subject Teacher:
II. Project Information:
1. Name of the Project:
To collect the information about ‘Electron microscope, types and its applications’
2. Need of the Project:
As a science student, minimum knowledge about the Electron Microscopes is
3.Data Collection and Analysis:
I have the collected information from various sources and analysed its need and


Microscopy enables a “direct” imaging of organisms, tissues, cells, organelles, molecular assemblies
and even individual proteins.
Electron microscopes allow biologists to explore cells in more details. To observe the organelles such
as : Mitochondria, Ribosomes, Endoplasmic reticulum (ER), Golgi apparatus and Lysosomes.
Electron microscope: Definition
An electron microscope is a microscope that uses a beam of accelerated electrons as a source of
It is a special type of microscope having a high resolution of images, able to magnify objects in
nanometres, which are formed by controlled use of electrons in vacuum captured on a
phosphorescent screen.
Ernst Ruska (1906-1988), a German engineer and academic professor, built the first Electron
Microscope in 1931, and the same principles behind his prototype still govern modern EMs.
Working Principle of Electron microscope
An electron microscope uses an 'electron beam' to produce the image of the object and magnification
is obtained by 'electromagnetic fields'; unlike light or optical microscopes, in which 'light waves' are
used to produce the image and magnification is obtained by a system of 'optical lenses'.
Types of Electron microscope
There are two types of electron microscopes, with different operating styles:
An electron microscope uses an 'electron beam' to produce the image of the object and magnification
is obtained by 'electromagnetic fields'; unlike light or optical microscopes, in which 'light waves' are
used to produce the image and magnification is obtained by a system of 'optical lenses'.
1. The transmission electron microscope (TEM)
The transmission electron microscope is used to view thin specimens through which electrons can
pass generating a projection image.
In transmission electron microscopy (TEM), a beam of highly focused electrons is directed toward
a thinned sample (<200nm) Normally no scanning required helps the high resolution compared to
SEM. These highly energetic incident electrons interact with the atoms in the sample producing
characteristic radiation and particles providing information for materials characterization.
1. High resolution, as small as 0.2 nm.
2. Direct imaging of crystalline lattice.
3. Delineate the defects inside the sample.
4. No metallic stain-coating needed, thus convenient for structural imaging of organic
5. Electrons can only travel through a vacuum, so the specimen must be completely
6. Electrons have poor penetrating ability. The specimen is usually imbedded in a plastic
block and cut into thin sections (no more than 50 nm thick) for viewing.
7. The image contrast results when electrons are scattered by the specimen. Most biological
materials scatter electrons poorly. Therefore specimens are usually “stained” with a coat
of heavy metal (uranium, osmium, and tungsten) to increase scattering ability.
To prepare an electron-transparent sample from the bulk is difficult (due to the conductivity or
electron density, and sample thickness).

2. The scanning electron microscope (SEM)

It provides detailed images of the surfaces of cells and whole organisms that are not possible by
TEM. It can also be used for particle counting and size determination, and for process control.
It is termed a scanning electron microscope because the image is formed by scanning a focused
electron beam onto the surface of the specimen in a raster pattern.
Parts of Electron microscope
EM is in the form of a tall vacuum column which is vertically mounted. It has the following
1. Electron gun
The electron gun is a heated tungsten filament, which generates electrons.
2. The electron source
Electrons can either be produced by thermionic emission or in a process called cold field emission.
3. Electromagnetic lenses
Condenser lens focuses the electron beam on the specimen. A second condenser lens forms the
electrons into a thin tight beam.
The electron beam coming out of the specimen passes down the second of magnetic coils called the
objective lens, which has high power and forms the intermediate magnified image.
The third set of magnetic lenses called projector (ocular) lenses produce the final further magnified
Each of these lenses acts as an image magnifier all the while maintaining an incredible level of detail
and resolution.
4. Specimen Holder
The specimen holder is an extremely thin film of carbon or collodion held by a metal grid.
5. Image viewing and Recording System.
The final image is projected on a fluorescent screen.
Below the fluorescent screen is a camera for recording the image.
Electron microscopes are used to investigate the ultrastructure of a wide range of biological and
inorganic specimens including microorganisms, cells, large molecules, biopsy samples, metals, and
Industrially, electron microscopes are often used for quality control and failure analysis. Modern
electron microscopes produce electron micrographs using specialized digital cameras and frame
grabbers to capture the images.
Science of microbiology owes its development to the electron microscope. Studies of
microorganisms like bacteria, virus and other pathogens have made the treatment of diseases very
• Very high magnification
• Incredibly high resolution
• Material rarely distorted by preparation
• It is possible to investigate a greater depth of field Diverse applications
Limitations of Electron microscope
1. The live specimen cannot be observed.
2. Expensive to build and maintain
3. A person who operates should be trained in this research field

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