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Introduction to Web Development and React

Learning Objective
In this module, you will learn about MVC architecture, what is React and difference between
single and multiple page applications. You will also learn how to install React, make use of NPM
packages and ES6 concepts.

 Building Blocks of Web Application Development

 Single-page and Multi-page Applications

 Different Client-side Technologies

 MVC Architecture

 Introduction to React

 Installation of React

 JSX and its use case


 Virtual DOM and its working

 ECMA Script

 Difference between ES5 and ES6

 NPM Modules

Components and Styling the Application Layout

Learning Objective:
In this module, you will learn React core concepts like Components, State and Props. You will
also learn how to build the application layout using forms and style sheets.

 React Elements

 Render Function

 Components

 Class Component

 Component Constructor

 Functional Components

 Multiple Components

 Props

 Props with Class based Component

 Props with Function based Component

 States

 Component Lifecycle

 React Events

 React Forms

 Different Form Concepts

 Styling in React

 Inline Styling

 CSS Stylesheet

Handling Navigation with Routes

Learning Objective:
In this module you will learn to build an application using different route techniques and
consume remote data by integrating API in React applications.

 Routing

 react-router

 Features of react-router

 Configuration of routing using react-router

 Navigation using Links

 404 page (Not found Page)

 URL Parameters

 Nested Routes

 Implementing styles using NavLink

 Application Programming Interface

 Build a REST API using json-server

 API consumption in React application using Fetch method

 Build a dynamic Music Store application using Routing and API connectivity

React State Management using Redux

Learning Objective
In this module, you will learn how to integrate Redux with React. Also, you willunderstand the
other key terminologies associated with Redux to build a web application.


 Need of Redux

 What is Redux?

 Redux Architecture

 Redux Action

 Redux Reducers

 Redux Store
 Principles of Redux

 Pros of Redux

 NPM Packages required to work with Redux

 More about react-redux package

React Hooks
Learning Objective:
In this module, you will learn how to implement Class component- Stateful features within
Functional components using React Hooks.


 Caveat of JavaScript classes.

 Functional components and React hooks

 What are React hooks?

 Basic hooks

 useState() hook

 How to write useState() hook when state variable is an array of objects

 useEffect() hook

 Fetch API data using useEffect() hook

 useContext() hook

 Rules to write React hooks

 Additional hooks

 Custom hooks

node js syllabus
Session 1: Node JS Modules
 Functions

 Buffer

 Module

 Modules Types

 Core Modules

 Local Modules

 Modules Exports

Session 2: Node Package Manager

 What is NPM

 Installing Packages Locally

 Installing package globally

 Adding dependency in package Json

 Updating packages

Session 3: Creating Web Server

 Creating Web Server

 Sending Requests

 Handling HTTP requests

Session 4: File System

 Read File

 Writing a File

 Opening a File

 Deleting a File

 Writing a file asynchronously

 Other I/O Operations

Session 4: Express JS
 Configuring Routes

 Working with Express

Session 5: Serving Static Resources

 Serving Static Files

 Working with Middle Ware

Session 6: Database Connectivity

 Connecting String

 Configuring

 Updating Records

 Working with Select Command

 Deleting Records

Session 7: Project Development

Project Development using Node JS

Develop powerful and large web applications without writing complex code using Node.JS as it
has microservices and other features. Our Node.JS Course in Chennai is provided with hands-on
practices on real-time projects that equip you for better placements

Introduction & Overview of MongoDB

 Objectives

 Design Goals.

 The Mongo Shell

 JSON Introduction

 JSON Structure

 MongoDB Installation

 Installing Tools

 Overview of Blog Project.

 Swig, Express
 Node Packaged Modules (npm)

 CRUD Operation in MongoDB

 CRUD (Creating, Reading & Updating Data) Mongo Shell

 Query Operators

 Update Operators and a Few Commands

 Data Modeling

 Schema Design Pattern

 Case Studies & Tradeoffs

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