My Report
My Report
My Report
The training provided is an essential step towards making future engineer familiar with the practical aspects of the field. During the training period, we get an opportunity to relate the theoretical knowledge with the practical operation. There was first given a brief description of the individual I feel privilege as I got an opportunity to undergo this training at ONGC, Hazira. During the training, I was made familiar with the various operations, equipment, their functions and safety measures of individual working unit. I made this humble effort to put in words some information in brief, about the operation of the plant that I could gather during the training.
It was an eventful training session at the INFOCOM section in ONGC.This acknowledgement is a humble attempt to convey my earnest thanks to all those who were directly or indirectly involve in imparting this training and help whenever needed. I express my sincere gratitude towards training centre ONGC for this kind cooperation in arranging the training. I would like to thank Mr.V Murali [DGM INFOCOM] who have guided me to appropriate officers to impart training in spite of their busy sche I leave ONGC fully satisfied with the fond memories.
Mechanical Maintenance Process trains-Gas Receipt Terminal, GSU, GDU, DPD, CFU, KRU, SRU, LPG
Telephone exchange
Satalite communication.
With the discovery of Bombay High, ONGC opened a new chapter of growth. Subsequent to the success of Bombay High, ONGC discovered many oil fields in western offshore. Out of them, south basin proved to be phenomenal, having reserves of approx 2000 billion cubic meter of sour gas. To
sweeten this sour gas and make it sulphur free and suitable for industrial use. Hazira Project was conceptualized. Hazira plant, the largest gas processing complex in the country is designed to process 41MMSCMD natural gas and associated sour condensate. With the commissioning of gas based LPG plant ( MMSCMD) in December 1987, the processing capacity build up was commissioned in four phasesphase I, phase II, phase III and phase IIIA. Later on Kerosene recovery unit was added for value addition. 2 pipelines (42 and 36) carrying sour gas from Bombay high and basins- tapti, panna and mukta arrives at the Hazira plant for processing.
LPG 1172 MT
SKO 213 MT
Sulphur 12.2 MT
Gas Terminal
At the Gas Terminal, after the first receiving valve, the Sour Gas and Condensate are routed through a set of Pressure Reduction Control system. These control valves maintain downstream pressures at a preset value (normally set at 50-60 Kg/Cm2). in case the pressure exceeds the value, these valves try to close and maintain the pressure. These control valves are normally operated in automatic mode. The Gas and Condensate then reaches Slug Catcher.
Slug Catchers have liquid holding capacity of 11000 M3 each. They are nothing but set of parallel pipe fingers of 48' of diameter and approximately 500 Mtr. in length. These pipe fingers are mounted at a slope of 1:500; thus forming separation and collection zone. The Sour gas separated is taken out from top riser pipes to Gas Sweetening Units through cyclone filtess and the sour liquid thus collected is routed Condensate fractionation Unit.
The absorber is having valve type trays. The amine solution (Methyl) Di-ethanol Amine of concentration 480 gm/litre) is pumped from individual trains unit tank and is injected at the desired tray of the column. The amine and gas flow in the column is counter current. The sweet gas from the top of the column is cooled and routed to GDU/LPG Unit through a Knock Out Drum (KOD).
TEG then passes through a set of cartridge filter, charcoal filter and sent to reboiler, regenerator to remove absorbed moisture and the regenerated TEG continuously recycled and reused in the system.
The dehydrated gas from GDU trains first passes through gas-gas Exchanges and cooled to about 15 Deg.C. This gas is further cooled to about 5 Deg.C. In a chiller with the help of propane refrigerant in closed circulation cycle. The chilling temperature is controlled by a temperature control valve, which regulates the gas flow through chiller and operates at a present temperature value in automatic mode. The cooled gas 5 Deg.C goes to a filter separator where the liquid and gas are separated. The Condensate is pumped to LPG Plant surge drum (for condensate feed to distillation column). The cooled gas from the top passes through gas-gas exchangers where the chillness of the gas is exchanged with incoming gas from GDU. The gas then flows out to Gas Authority of India Ltd. Compressor station (GAIL) for transportation & distribution of Sweet Natural Gas to Hazira-BijapurJagdishpur (HBJ Pipeline).
The liquid from stripper bottom is reboiled and fed to LPG column under level and flow control. In LPG Column LPG is taken out from the top through Condenser reflux drum and NGL from the bottom through NGL cooler, under level control to storage area. It is being continuously monitored that LPG coming out from distillation column should not contain H2S more than 20 PPM. LPG thus produced from CFU is a sour LPG and the same is sweetened through processing in Caustic Wash Unit before sending to LPG spheres.
The cold gas and liquid is taken to separator (Separator-2). The cold gas passes through cold box and feed gas cooler for pre-cooling of the incoming gas and compressed by the compressor of expander compressor system. The lean gas is then further compressed through lean gas compressor to meet requirement of downstream consumers. The liquid thus separated in Separator01&2 is taken out under level and flow control and fed to Lightends Fractionating Column (LEF). DPD condensate is received in a surge drum and directly fed to LEF column via liquid dryers. Lighter Hydrocarbons are fractionated and removed from top of the LEF column. This low pressure (LP) gas is expanded in LEF overhead turbo-expander, gets cooled and then being heated by passing through cold box. LP gas is also used for supplies as LP lean gas under pressure control. After natively gas can be pressurized by residual gas compressors and same is fed back to high pressure (HP) lean gas header. Liquid from bottom of LEF column is then fed to LPG column under level and flow control. In LPG column, liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) is taken out from top and natural gas liquid (NGL) is recovered from bottom. The products coming out from distillaiton column are sent to storage under level control. AApart of LPG is further distilled to obtain propane which is used as refrigerant in LPG and DPD Unit.
NGL produced from CFU is the main feed for Kerosene Recovery Unit (KRU). The NGL (at 180190 Deg. & 10 Kg/Cm20 is taken to Surge Drum through a Pressure Reduction Valve. NGL is flashed to 4.5 kg/Cm2 and the vapour stream is taken to feed tray (12" Tray) of Naphtha Column (C-901). The liquid stream from the Surge Drum is passed through the pre-heater (E-902) and joining the vapour stream entering the feed tray of C-901.
The Naphatha Column is operated at the pressure profile of 0.7-0.9 Kg/Cm2 & temperature profile of 118-207 Deg.C with 20 nos. of valve Cap Tray inside the column. NGL is fractionated in C901 to produce Aromatic Rich naphtha (ARN) i.e. IBP-140 Deg.C CUT, from the top of C901 and 140 Deg. C+CUT from the bottom. The top vapor (at 118 Deg.C) of Naphtha Column is condensate to 55 Deg.C by passing through Air Cooler (E903, Forced Draft, Fan-10 nos.) and getting accumulated in Reflux Drum. The Reflux Drum is pressurized with IG. The angle of FAN Blades can be changed to control the air cooler outlet Temp. With a Feed Forward Advance Control system on the basis of Internal Reflux Ration (IRR) of the column C-901. The Reflux Liquid is pumped back to Column Top and ARN tapped out from the discharge of Reflux Pump. ARN is cooled and being sent to storage tank Phase-I (5 nos. of capacity 16,500 KL each along wiht NGL and LPG plant is equivalent to ARN. NGL Storage Ph-II is allocated for NGL only. For NGL remaining unprocessed due KRU SD. The NGL being produced from LPG recovery unit is equivalent to ARN. So NGL from LPG unit is taken directly to ARN storage A part of Naphtha Column bottom (around 2/3 of the total quantity) stream is vaporized through Furnace (fuel gas fired) H-901 at a temp. of 259 Deg. C and taken to bottom of C-901. The balance of 1/3 of the bottom stream around 60 M3 (Max.)/Hr. Is passed through E-902 & E-901 9if required for heating of sing NGL from tank. This 140+CUT is passed through E-905 (kerosene Column Bottom Vs. Naphtha Column Bottom Exchanger) and being vaporized by passing through furnace H-902 (Fuel Gas Fired). The vapour at 280 Deg. C is fed to the bottom of C-902 (20 valve cap trays0. C-902 is operated with a pressure profile of 0.9-1.2 Kg/Cm2 and at a temperature profile of 250-273 Deg. C. Kerosene thus
produced from top of C-902 (taken from Reflux Pump discharge) is cooled to 60 Deg. C before sending to storage tank (5 nos. of capacity 5000 M3 each). Heavy cut from C-902 bottom is cooled and stored in heavy cut tank (2 nos. of 500 M3 Each).
Radio communication:
Radio is the transmission of signals by modulation of electromagnetic waves with frequencies below those of visible light. Electromagnetic radiation travels by means of oscillating electromagnetic fields that pass through the air and the vacuum of space. Information is carried by systematically changing (modulating) some property of the radiated waves, such as amplitude, frequency, phase, or pulse width. When radio waves pass an electrical conductor, the oscillating fields
induce an alternating current in the conductor. This can be detected and transformed into sound or other signals that carry information. Radio systems used for communications will have the following elements. With more than 100 years of development, each process is implemented by a wide range of methods, specialized for different communications purposes. Each system contains a transmitter. This consists of a source of electrical energy, producing alternating current of a desired frequency of oscillation. The transmitter contains a system to modulate (change) some property of the energy produced to impress a signal on it. This modulation might be as simple as turning the energy on and off, or altering more subtle properties such as amplitude, frequency, phase, or combinations of these properties. The transmitter sends the modulated electrical energy to a tuned resonant antenna; this structure converts the rapidly changing alternating current into an electromagnetic wave that can move through free space (sometimes with a particular polarization). Electromagnetic waves travel through space either directly, or have their path altered by reflection, refraction or diffraction. The intensity of the waves diminishes due to geometric dispersion (the inverse-square law); some energy may also be absorbed by the intervening medium in some cases. Noise will generally alter the desired signal; this electromagnetic interference comes from natural sources, as well as from artificial sources such as other transmitters and accidental radiators. Noise is also produced at every step due to the inherent properties of the devices used. If the magnitude of the noise is large enough, the desired signal will no longer be discernible; this is the fundamental limit to the range of radio communications. The electromagnetic wave is intercepted by a tuned receiving antenna; this structure captures some of the energy of the wave and returns it to the form of oscillating electrical currents. At the receiver, these currents are demodulated, which is conversion to a usable signal form by a detector sub-system. The receiver is "tuned" to respond preferentially to the desired signals, and reject undesired signals. Early radio systems relied entirely on the energy collected by an antenna to produce signals for the operator. Radio became more useful after the invention of electronic devices such as the vacuum tube and later the transistor, which made it possible to amplify weak signals. Today radio systems are used for applications from walkie-talkie children's toys to the control of space vehicles, as well as for broadcasting, and many other applications.
101 km
Surface waves. MF Medium Frequency High Frequency (Short Wave) 3003000 kHz 1000100 m E, F layer ionospheric refraction at night, when D layer absorption weakens. E layer ionospheric refraction. 330 MHz 10010 m F1, F2 layer ionospheric refraction. Infrequent E ionospheric refraction. Extremely rare F1, F2 layer ionospheric refraction during high sunspot activity up to 80 MHz. Generally direct wave. Sometimes tropospheric ducting. Direct wave. Sometimes tropospheric ducting. Direct wave. Direct wave limited by absorption.
30300 MHz
101 m
The Ionosphere:
The ionosphere is a part of the upper atmosphere, comprising portions of the mesosphere, thermosphere and exosphere, distinguished because it is ionized by solar radiation. It plays an important part in atmospheric electricity and forms the inner edge of the magnetosphere. It has practical importance because, among other functions, it influences radio propagation to distant places on the Earth.
frequency of the ionosphere is less than the radio frequency, and if the electron density in the ionosphere is great enough. The critical frequency is the limiting frequency at or below which a radio wave is reflected by an ionospheric layer at vertical incidence. If the transmitted frequency is higher than the plasma frequency of the ionosphere, then the electrons cannot respond fast enough, and they are not able to re-radiate the signal. It is calculated as shown below:
Where N = electron density per cm3 and fcritical is in MHz The Maximum Usable Frequency (MUF) is defined as the upper frequency limit that can be used for transmission between two points at a specified time.
Where = angle of attack, the angle of the wave relative to the horizon, and sin is the sine function. The cutoff frequency is the frequency below which a radio wave fails to penetrate a layer of the ionosphere at the incidence angle required for transmission between two specified points by refraction from the layer. The open system electrodynamics tether, which uses the ionosphere, is being researched. The space tether uses plasma contactors and the ionosphere as parts of a circuit to extract energy from the Earth's magnetic field by electromagnetic induction.
Paging is a means of sending a digital coded signal to a small signal receiver known as a pager which is carried by a service user. The signal can be simple causing the pager to just bleep, more
complex, transmitting numeric characters (e.g. To show telephone numbers) or even more complex to show alphanumeric/text messages on the pager of up to 400 characters at a time. The pager contains a digital radio receiver permanently used to single radio frequency. When the unit is manufactured it is given its own unique identity called the Radio Identification Code (RIC). There are different pagers based on size, shapes and colours. They are as followed: Alphanumeric pager: This is able to receive and display full alphanumeric messages on an illuminated screen. High specification models are used for services where long messages are sent and received. (CPP) services provide one line scrolling messages of no more than one hundred characters.Messages are automatically time stamped and may be deleted or saved and can be protected from erasure. Numeric pager: A pager features numeric messages of up to 20 characters which are presented on an illuminated screen. A telephone number or coded numeric messages can be displayed. There is a memory facility which holds up to 16 messages. Tone pager: The simplest paging option On receipt of a signal the pager will bleep, flash a small lamp or silently vibrate to alert the user to take some form of prearranged action.
HF Communication:
High frequency (HF) radio frequencies are between 3 and 30 MHz. Also known as the decameter band or decameter wave as the wavelengths range from one to ten decametres (ten to one hundred metres Frequencies immediately below HF are denoted Medium-frequency (MF), and the next higher frequencies are known as Very high frequency (VHF).It;s the only way of achieving global communications coverage without using expensive terrestrial and satellite infrastructure.
The Antenna :
Antenna (or aerial) is an electrical device which couples radio waves in free space to an electrical current used by a radio receiver or transmitter. In reception, the antenna intercepts some of the power of an electromagnetic wave in order to produce a tiny voltage that the radio receiver can amplify. Alternatively, a radio transmitter will produce a large radio frequency current that may be applied to the terminals of the same antenna in order to convert it into an electromagnetic wave (radio wave) radiated into free space. Antennas are thus essential to the operation of all radio equipment, both transmitters and receivers. They are used in systems such as radio and television broadcasting, two-way radio, wireless LAN, mobile telephony, radar, and satellite communications.
30 MHz) is a result of skywave propagation. Since the early 1920s amateur radio operators, limited to lower transmitter power than commercial radio, have taken advantage of skywave for long distance or DX communication.
Tropospheric Scattering:
When a radio wave passing through the troposphere meets a turbulence, it makes an abrupt change in velocity. This causes a small amount of the energy to be scattered in a forward direction and returned to Earth at distances beyond the horizon. This phenomenon is repeated as the radio wave meets other turbulences in its path. The total received signal is an accumulation of the energy received from each of the turbulences. This scattering mode of propagation enables vhf and uhf signals to be transmitted far beyond the normal line-of-sight.
Tropospheric scattering, on the other hand, provides a usable signal at distances beyond the point where the diffracted space wave drops to an unusable level. This is because of the height at which scattering takes place. The turbulence that causes the scattering can be visualized as a relay station located above the horizon; it receives the transmitted energy and then reradiates it in a forward direction to some point beyond the line-of-sight distance. A high gain receiving antenna aimed toward this scattered energy can then capture it. The magnitude of the received signal depends on the number of turbulences causing scatter in the desired direction and the gain of the receiving antenna. The scatter area used for tropospheric scatter is known as the scatter volume. The angle at which the receiving antenna must be aimed to capture the scattered energy is called the scatter angle.
Diffraction refers to various phenomena which occur when a wave encounters an obstacle In classical physics, the diffraction phenomenon is described as the apparent bending of waves around small obstacles and the spreading out of waves past small openings. Similar effects occur when light waves travel through a medium with a varying refractive index or a sound wave through one with varying acoustic impedance. Diffraction occurs with all waves, including sound waves, water waves, and electromagnetic waves such as visible light, x-rays and radio waves
When a radio wave reaches an obstacle, some of its energy is absorbed and converted into another kind of energy, while another part is attenuated and continues to propagate, and another part may be reflected. Attenuation is when a signal's power is reduced as it is being transmitted. Attenuation is measured in bels (symbol: B) and is equal to the logarithm base 10 of the output intensity of the transmission, divided by the input intensity. Decibels (symbol: dB) are generally preferred as a unit of measure; each decibel is one-tenth of a Bel. With a Bel representing 10 decibels, the formula becomes: R (dB) = (10) * log (P2/P1) When R is positive, this is called amplification, and when negative it is called attenuation. In the case of wireless transmissions, attenuation is more common.
Attenuation increases with a rise in frequency or in distance. Also, when a signal collides with an obstacle, the level of attenuation depends strongly on which type of material the obstacle is made of. Metal obstacles tend to reflect a signal, while water absorbs it.
Total 5 Radyne Modems Providing Data Connectivity for Application SWAN(SAP WEB ADD ON)-Telephone and Welfare SHRAMIK (System of human Resources Automated Management Information for Kaizen) ICE(Information Consolidation For Efficiency) VLS (Virtual Learning System) EPINET (Exploration and production Information Network) IMPETUS (Implementing Maintenance and Procurement Efforts through Upgraded System)
Inmarsat is an international telecommunication company founded in 1979, originally as an intergovernmental organization. It operates a fleet of eleven (as of 2005) geosynchronous
telecommunication satellite. The company is publicly traded on the London Stock Exchange (ISAT) as
of June 2005. Inmarsat provides telephony and data services to users world-wide, via special digital radios called terminals. An Inmarsat terminal contacts the satellite and communicates to a ground station through the satellite. It provides reliable communication services to a range of government, aid an agencies, media outlets and business needing to communicate in remote regions or where there is no reliable terrestrial network. Services include traditional voice calls, low-level data tracking system, and high-speed data services as well as distress and safety services. The most recent of these provide GPRS-type services at up to 144kbbs via the BGAN IP satellite Modem the size of a notebook computer. Other services provide mobile ISDN services used by the media for live reporting on the world events via videophone. Newer services using IP technology features an always-on capabilities where the users are simply charged for the amount of data they send and receive rather than length of time they are online. The satellite is digital transponders that receive digital signals, reform the pulses and then retransmit them to the ground. The ground station performs billing and act as gateways to the public switched telephone network and internet.
In the field of telecommunications, a telephone exchange or telephone switch is a system of electronic components that connects telephone calls. A central office is the physical building used to house inside plant equipment including telephone switches, which make telephone calls "work" in the sense of making connections and relaying the speech information. The term exchange area can be used to refer to an area served by a particular switch, but is typically known as a wire center in the US telecommunications industry.
PBX A private branch exchange (PBX) is a telephone exchange that serves a particular business or office, as opposed to one that a common carrier or telephone company operates for many businesses or for the general public. PBXs are also referred to as:
PABX - private automatic branch exchange EPABX - electronic private automatic branch exchange
PBXs make connections among the internal telephones of a private organizationusually a business and also connect them to the public switched telephone network (PSTN) via trunk lines. Because they incorporate telephones, machines, modems, and more, the general term "extension" is used to refer to any end point on the branch.
Establishing connections (circuits) between the telephone sets of two users (e.g. mapping a dialed number to a physical phone, ensuring the phone isn't already busy) Maintaining such connections as long as the users require them (i.e. channeling voice signals between the users) Disconnecting those connections as per the user's requirement Providing information for accounting purposes (e.g. metering calls)
A hosted PBX system delivers PBX functionality as a service, available over the Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN) and/or the internet. Hosted PBXs are typically provided by the telephone company, using equipment located in the premises of the telephone company's exchange. This means the customer organization doesn't need to buy or install PBX equipment (generally the service is provided by a lease agreement) and the telephone company can (in some configurations) use the same switching equipment to service multiple PBX hosting accounts. Instead of buying PBX equipment, users contract for PBX services from a hosted PBX service provider, a particular type of application service provider (ASP). The first hosted PBX service was very feature-rich compared to most premise-based systems of the time. In fact, some PBX functions, such as follow-me calling, appeared in a hosted service before they became available in hardware PBX equipment. In addition to the features available from premises-based PBX systems, hosted-PBX: Allows a single number to be presented for the entire company, despite its being geographically distributed. A company could even choose to have no premises, with workers connected from home using their domestic telephones but receiving the same features as any PBX user. Allows multimodal access, where employees access the network via a variety of telecommunications systems, including POTS, ISDN, cellular phones, and VOIP. This allows one extension to ring in multiple locations (either concurrently or sequentially). Supports integration with custom toll plans (that allow intra company calls, even from private premises, to be dialed at a cheaper rate) and integrated billing and accounting (where calls made on a private line but on the company's behalf are billed centrally to the company). Eliminates the need for companies to manage or pay for on-site hardware maintenance. Allows scalability so that a larger system is not needed if new employees are hired and so that resources are not wasted if the number of employees is reduced.
Level DID (Direct Inward Dialing) facility from BSNL to about 975 extensions by Prefixing 287 to four digits EPABX no. (287xxxx). Access to out side lines through 0 dialing. Corporation wide Satellite Communication Through ICNET>
Interfaced with ONGC Captive Communication Network (ICNET, BPA). 2. DEFINITY (AVAYA) Master Exchange Model G3-R Location Capacity : - SES, Hazira Plant. :- 550 lines. Expandable 2400 lines.
Subscribers : - 525 lines Installed in Supplier : - Year 2004 : - AVAYA GLOBAL CONNECT PVT.LTD
3. DEFINITY(AVAYA) Remote Exchange Location Capacity : - Phase-I ONGC colony : - 700 lines. Expandable 800 lines.
Subscribers : - 650 lines Installed in Supplier : - Year 2004 : - AVAYA GLOBAL CONNECT PVT.LTD
Location Capacity
Subscribers : - 200 lines Installed in Supplier Both exchanges are: Interfaced with PSTN (BSNL) for communication outside ONGC through 0 dialing. Interfaced with Master Exchange at SES, Hazira Plant through fiber optic cable. ONGC Hazira has a total of 125 BSNL land lines and also has mobile services provided by BSNL under special mutual agreement with ONGC : - Year 2004 : - AVAYA GLOBAL CONNECT PVT.LTD
Demand Assigned Multiple Access (DAMA) is a technology used to assign a channel to clients that don't need to use it constantly. DAMA systems assign communication channels based on requests
issued from user terminals to a network control system. When the circuit is no longer in use, the channels are then returned to the central pool for reassignment to other users. Channels are typically a pair of carrier frequencies (one for transmit and one for receive), but can be other fixed bandwidth resources such as timeslots in a TDMA burst plan or even physical party line channels. Once a channel is allocated to a given pair of nodes, it is not available to other users in the network until their session is finished. It allows utilizing of one channel (radio or baseband frequency, timeslot, etc.) by many users sequentially at different times. This technology is mainly useful with sparsely used networks of transient clients, as opposed to PAMA (Permanently Assigned Multiple Access). By using DAMA technology the number of separate nodes that can use a limited pool of circuits can be greatly increased at the expense of no longer being able to provide simultaneous access for all possible pairs of nodes. A five-channel DAMA network can only have five simultaneous conversations but could have any number of nodes. A five-channel PAMA network permanently supports five simultaneous conversations, with channel ownership remaining with their permanently-assigned nodes even when idle. DAMA and PAMA are related only to channel/resource allocation and should not be confused with the Multiple access/multiplexing methods (such as FDMA frequencies, TDMA slots, CDMA codes, or others) intended to divide a single communication channel into multiple virtual channels. These systems typically use resource allocation protocols that allow a more rapid (although often less deterministic, consider CDMA collisions) near-real-time allocation of bandwidth based on demand and data priority. However, in sparsely allocated multiple-access channels, DAMA can be used to allocate the individual virtual channel resources provided by the multiple-access channel. This is most common in environments that are sufficiently sparsely utilized that there is no need to add complexity just to recover "conversation gap" idle periods. DAMA is widely used in satellite communications, especially in VSAT systems. It is very effective in environments comprising multiple users each having a low to moderate usage profile. DAMA is often used in military environments due to the relative simplicity of implementation, ease of modeling, and the fact that military usage profiles are a very good fit. In military SATCOM, it has the added advantage that it can function in a bent pipe environment, thus requires no special security or coordination hardware on the satellite. This allows the master and slave ground stations to be upgraded repeatedly to change or improve security and compression without requiring an expensive satellite replacement
Permanently Assigned Multiple Access is a permanently assigned frequency channel that provides dedicated bandwidth, through which one can send data, voice or video.
Since the ionosphere often refracts HF radio waves quite well (a phenomenon known as skywave propagation), this range is extensively used for medium and long range radio communication. However, suitability of this portion of the spectrum for such communication varies greatly with a complex combination of factors:
Sunlight/darkness at site of transmission and reception Transmitter/receiver proximity to terminator Season Sunspot cycle Solar activity Polar aurora
These and other factors contribute, at each point in time for a given communication path, to a
Maximum usable frequency (MUF) Lowest usable high frequency (LUF) and a Frequency of optimum transmission (FOT)
Exploitation of, and limits imposed by, these characteristics When all factors are at their optimum, worldwide communication is possible on HF. At many other times it is possible to make contact across and between continents or oceans. At worst, when a band is 'dead', no communication beyond the limited groundwave paths is possible no matter what powers, antennas or other technologies are brought to bear. When a transcontinental or worldwide path is open on a particular frequency, digital, SSB and CW communication is possible using surprisingly low transmission powers, often of the order of tens of watts, provided suitable antennas are in use at both ends and that there is little or no man-made or natural interference. On such an open band, interference originating over a wide area affects many potential users. These issues are significant to military, safety. and amateur radio users of the HF bands. Uses The high frequency band is very popular with amateur radio operators, who can take advantage of direct, long-distance (often inter-continental) communications and the "thrill factor" resulting from making contacts in variable conditions. International shortwave broadcasting utilizes this set of frequencies, as well as a seemingly declining number of "utility" users (marine, aviation, military, and diplomatic interests), who have, in recent years, been swayed over to less volatile means of communication (for example, via satellites), but may maintain HF stations after switch-over for backup purposes. However, the development of Automatic Link Establishment technology based on MILSTD-188-141A and MIL-STD-188-141B for automated connectivity and frequency selection, along
with the high costs of satellite usage, have led to a renaissance in HF usage among these communities. The development of higher speed modems such as those conforming to MIL-STD-188-110B which support data rates up to 9600 bit/s has also increased the usability of HF for data communications. Other standards development such as STANAG 5066 provides for error free data communications through the use of ARQ protocols. CB radios operate in the higher portion of the range (around 27 MHz), as do some studio-totransmitter (STL) radio links. Some modes of communication, such as continuous wave morse code transmissions (especially by amateur radio operators) and single sideband voice transmissions are more common in the HF range than on other frequencies, because of their bandwidth-conserving nature, but broadband modes, such as TV transmissions, are generally prohibited by HF's relatively small chunk of electromagnetic spectrum space. Noise, especially man-made interference from electronic devices, tends to have a great effect on the HF bands. In recent years, concerns have risen among certain users of the HF spectrum over "broadband over power lines" (BPL) Internet access, which is believed to have an almost destructive effect on HF communications. This is due to the frequencies on which BPL operates (typically corresponding with the HF band) and the tendency for the BPL "signal" to leak from power lines. Some BPL providers have installed "notch filters" to block out certain portions of the spectrum (namely the amateur radio bands), but a great amount of controversy over the deployment of this access method remains. Some radio frequency identification (RFID) tags utilize HF. These tags are commonly known as HFID's or HighFID's (High Frequency Identification).
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.
portable VHFs are even approved to be used as emergency radios in environments requiring intrinsically safe equipment (e.g. gas tankers, oil rigs, etc.). Marine radios can be "voice-only" or can include "Digital Selective Calling" (DSC). Voice-only equipment is the traditional type, which relies totally on the human voice for calling and communicating. Digital Selective Calling equipment, a part of the Global Maritime Distress Safety System (GMDSS), provides all the functionality of voice-only equipment and, additionally, allows several other features:
a transmitter can automatically call a receiver equipped with Digital Selective Calling, using a telephone-type number known as a Maritime Mobile Service Identity or MMSI. The DSC information is sent on the reserved Channel 70. When the receiver picks up the call, his active channel is automatically switched to the transmitter's channel and normal voice communication can proceed. a distress button, which automatically sends a digital distress signal identifying the calling vessel and the nature of the emergency a connection to a GPS receiver allowing the digital distress message to contain the distressed vessel's position