KG1 Curriculum 2023-24

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The Kindergarten curriculum is based on specific learning goals and has been designed keeping in view the
educational trends and the needs of the children. A five unit thematic approach is implemented placing emphasis on
holistic development and key skills. It is planned across different areas of learning, facilitating the children to develop
at their own pace through differentiated and collaborative learning. Hence, efficiency through various methodologies
of teaching – learning with different activities satisfies individual differences thereby contributing to the child’s
The children are exposed to a variety of exciting and hands-on activities which enables them to discover, learn and
unleash their skills and interests. The integration of all the areas of learning provides ample opportunities for children
to make connections between their experiences.

The curriculum is based on CBSE guidelines and is in line with the early learning goals that need to be attained by
the end of Kindergarten. The assessment pattern has been adapted successfully to provide the necessary range and
balance. A record of individual student progress and performance is maintained through an on-going system of
spaced oral, written and hands-on activities. The curriculum framework gives a detailed view of the concepts that
are being covered in all the six areas of teaching:
❖ Personal, Social and Emotional Development
❖ Literacy
❖ Numeracy
❖ Physical Development
❖ Expressive Art and Design

Areas like Personal & Social Development, Expressive Art & Design are integrated in the main areas like Literacy,
Numeracy and EVS. The curriculum is provided through:
▪ A well-planned and carefully organized classroom and outdoor environment
▪ Clear explanation of tasks - how to do things
▪ Effective systems for planning, assessing and recording children's progress
▪ A clear statement of aims which are shared by all those involved in the child’s education
▪ Attention to the individual child's learning needs through differentiated activities.
▪ Regular monitoring and evaluating of the curriculum provision being offered to children
▪ Attention to the processes of a child's learning. E.g. by encouraging them to observe, question, think and
▪ Sand and Water Play: Sand play & Water play serves as a catalyst for developing concepts, fine motor skills,
eye hand coordination, constructing language, and promoting social skills. It gives children a chance to observe
science concepts like wet and dry, volume, pouring and sifting, full and empty, heavy and light, etc.
▪ Gardening and Working with Nature: Activities like nature walk, Environment Day, Earth Day, etc. help
develop their sensitivity to the environment, observational skills and taking responsibility through acts of
caring and nurturing the living things around them
▪ PE: To help enhance gross motor skills and knowledge of healthy living, children are taken through varied
exercises/activities. These activities foster the development of attention skills, social skills and instill
discipline. They visit the play pen during class hours.
▪ Circle time: It is a time when children develop listening skills, language skills, sensory experiences and social
skills. They get to discuss their day to day activities and talk about topics that interest them.
▪ Clay Work: To develop fine motor skills and creative expression.
▪ Construction area: To nurture creative thinking and enable articulation of ideas by using resources like
building blocks etc.
▪ Music and Movement: To provide children with the rhythm to engage in creative dance movements and
singing, during music session, special assemblies and special days.
▪ Community Connections: Interactions with the community is encouraged through different activities to instill
in them the value of being responsible citizens.
▪ Parental Involvement: Parent volunteers support in themebased activities or projects by visiting the
classrooms with their visits, inputs and experiences.
▪ Field Trips: Children visit surrounding museums, parks, aquarium, etc. for excursions which help widen their
knowledge of the environment, besides expanding observational skills and supporting learning
▪ Free Flow Area: Facilitates collaborative learning as children are provided with the opportunity to move
freely exploring and using various educational resources and equipment of their choice.
▪ Technology integration: Technology is integrated in the classroom through use of smart phones, digital
cameras, laptop computers, tablets, LCD projectors and online media.
▪ Reading Enrichment Programme: Children are exposed to a range of books in the classrooms. They are
encouraged to engage in flipping through the pictures, breaking & blending to read, identifying the sight words,
discuss the characters that fascinate them and share their thoughts with their friends and teachers during
reading sessions in the classroom. Parent calendars are sent online comprising links for online reading
▪ Learning Centers: To promote independence, help students become more responsible, allow students to learn
through self-discovery
▪ Theme based activities: Children are given opportunity to explore a range of activities like simple crafts,
music/rhymes, colouring, solving puzzles, role play etc. Weekly assemblies also bring forward the learning of
the children pertaining to the theme chosen.

Thematic Units, Assessments and Reporting

A day in Kindergarten captures classroom moments right from receiving the children, morning circle / activity tables,
organizing the materials and classroom, preparedness activities, writing activities, breakfast, reading and writing
preparedness: including children's language development characteristics, play area, learning centres in classrooms,
free flow in the corridors, story activities, closing circle - to dispersal time. A variety of experiences are provided to
adhere to all kinds of learners which also involves parents. Following practices support the learning journey through
the academic year:
➢ Thematic Units: There are 5 ‘Thematic Units’, each lasting for 6-8 weeks. The units comprise a group of
correlated activities designed around topics or themes and provide one of the best vehicles for integrating
content areas in a way that makes sense to children by helping them make connections of what is learnt and
applying it in a meaningful way. Thematic units also address the diverse learning styles of the students we
➢ Scheme of Work: Or the Annual Plan of Work provides an outline for teachers to plan their lessons that will
be taught over the year.
➢ Weekly / Daily break-up of syllabus: A detailed weekly planner comprising syllabus to be completed each
day of the week is maintained by the class teachers. This helps them in being organized and plan their
lessons accordingly.
➢ Lesson Plans: Being methodical & followed uniformly, lesson plans aid improved execution of lessons with
firm focus on objectives.
➢ Theme based activities: To facilitate hands-on learning, theme based activities are followed with materials
for use being provided as per the themes.

➢ Monthly Calendar: A monthly calendar is sent to parents at the beginning of each month to enable parents
to reinforce work done at school with ease.

➢ Weekly / Monthly Report: An end of month report sent to parents keeps them of the curriculum covered
through the month.

➢ Assessments: Assessments are ongoing in this phase and are conducted for a small focused group as this
facilitates proper observation and recording. Assessments track the progression of the students. The teachers
record their observation in the individual progress record maintained for each child. Student portfolios are
working documents which helps teachers to assess if the students have achieved the set targets.

➢ Unit Report: Each unit concludes with detailed report sent online to the parents giving them an idea about
the progress of their ward with respect to the work done at school. The online report shall explain about the
child’s attainment in all areas of learning, comments on general progress including the characteristics of
effective learning, child specific concise and informative comments. Targets met by the students are
reflected as follows:

• A – Exceeding expectations
• B – Meeting expectations
• C – Working towards expectations
• D - Below expectations

➢ Open House: PTA conferences offers parents reasonable opportunity to discuss the outcomes of the KG
profile with their child’s teacher. Meeting the teachers three times a year is a regular feature besides the special
celebratory moments of interaction between the teachers and the parents. Over and above the scheduled Open
House meetings, parents are called for discussion on specific areas of development based on student progress.
A record of such meetings is maintained, strategies to identify appropriate next steps for improvement are
discussed and an Individual Learning Plan is prepared in conjunction with the parent.
KG 1

1. Personal, Social & Emotional Development is about giving children the opportunity to imagine the world
as they fancy and express/share it with others.
The area of learning KG1 Learning Outcomes
The children will be able to: The children will:
 Play in a group.  Initiate new ideas and respond
 Learn to share. accordingly
 Extend and elaborate play  Form good relationships with peers
Making Relationships ideas for e.g. building up a and adults.
role-play activity with other  Learn to share.
children.  Act/play independently and as part of
 Initiate play. a group
 Offer cues to peers to join
them.  Express feelings and needs and
 Keep play going by become aware of the feelings and
responding to what others are needs of others.
saying or doing.
 Demonstrate friendly  Understand what is right, what is
behavior, initiating wrong, and why
conversations and forming
good relationships with peers
and familiar adults.
Self-confidence and self-  Select and use activities and  Dress and undress independently and
awareness resources with help. manage his / her own personal
 Welcome and value praise for hygiene
what has been achieved.  Select and use activities and
 Enjoy responsibility of resources independently.
carrying out small tasks.  Learn to take up self – responsibility.
 Be more outgoing towards  Learn to communicate freely.
unfamiliar people and more
confident in new social
 Be confident to talk to other
children when playing and
communicate freely about
own home and community.
 Show confidence in asking
adults for help.

 Be aware of own feelings and  Understand what is right, what is

knows that some actions and wrong and why.
words can hurt other’s
feelings.  Will be interested, excited and
Managing feelings and  Begin to accept the need for motivated to learn
behaviour others
 Take turns and share  Develop awareness of their own
resources sometimes with needs, views and feelings
support from others.
 Usually tolerate delay when  Consider the consequences of their
needs are not immediately words and actions.
 Understand that wishes may
not always be met.
 Adapt behavior to different
events, social situations and
changes in routine.
2. Literacy is about the exciting blend of phonics and the whole language approach. Children work and
play with words and objects to develop and improve speaking and language skills as they engage in
retelling of stories, picture talk, discussions and show and tell activities.

The area of learning KG 1 Learning Outcomes

development The children will be able to:
 Listen to others one to one or  Enjoy listening to and using spoken
in small groups when and written language.
conversation interests them.  Listen to stories, accurately
Listening and attention  Listen to stories, with anticipating key events and respond
increasing attention and to what they hear with relevant
recall. comments, questions or actions.
 Listen attentively and respond  Interact with others, express their
to questions, greetings, choices of plans and activities and
comments and actions take turns in conversation
 Join in with repeated refrains  Extend their vocabulary, while
 Anticipate key events and exploring the meanings and sounds of
phrases in rhymes and stories. new words
 Follow directions  Speak clearly and audibly with
(if not intently focused on confidence and control and show
own choice of activity) awareness of the listener. For
example by their use of greetings,
'please', and 'thank you'
 Listen to others & join in an open
 Listen attentively in a range of
 Give attention to what others say and
respond appropriately, while engaged
in another activity

 Understand use of objects eg  Show an understanding of the

‘What do we use to cut elements of stories such as main
Understanding things?’ character, sequence of events and
 Show understanding of openings.
prepositions such as ‘under’,  Answer questions related to stories
‘on top’, ‘behind’ by carrying about where, who, why and how.
out an action or selecting the  Hear and say initial and final sounds
correct picture. in words.
 Respond to simple  Link sounds to letters.
instructions e.g. to get or put  Say the letters of the alphabet.
away an object.  The following sets of opposites to be
 Begin to understand ‘why’ included: hot- cold, happy -sad, big-
and ‘how’ questions. small, wet- dry, day- night, yes- no,
 To understand and compare
in- out, soft- hard, sit- stand, loud-
two different things and
develop a more concrete
understanding of a specific

 Begin to use more complex  Express themselves effectively while

sentences to link thoughts showing awareness of listener’s
Speaking (e.g. using and). needs.
 Use speech to connect ideas.  Develop their own narratives and
 Explain what is happening explanations by connecting ideas or
and anticipate what might events.
happen next, recall and relive  Interact with others while expressing
past experiences. their choice of plans and activities
 Question why things happen and take turns in their conversations
and give explanations. Ask with others.
for e.g. who, what, when,  Learn to speak clearly and audibly
how. and shows awareness of their listener,
 Use intonation, rhythm and for e.g. by their use of greetings
phrasing to make the meaning ‘please’ and ‘thank you’.
clear to others.  Participate in meaningful
 Use vocabulary focused on conversations, and make relevant
objects and people that are of contributions during group
particular importance to them. discussions.
 Build up vocabulary that
reflects the breadth of their
 Use talk in pretending that
objects stand for something
else in play.
 Listen to and join in with  Say initial sounds in words.
stories and poems, one to one  Know that print carries meaning and
and also in small groups. that the English language is read from
 Join in with repeated refrains left to right and from top to bottom.
and anticipates key events  Recognize all 26 letters of the
Reading and phrases in rhymes and alphabet.
stories.  Link phonic sounds to letters
 Begin to be aware of the way  Associate pictures / objects with the
stories are structured. beginning sound of each letter
 Suggest how the story might  Recognize the formation of words in
end. association with pictures
 Listen to stories with  Read 44 sight words
increasing attention and  Blend and read CVC words (‘a’ & ‘i’
recall. family words.
 Describe main story settings,
events and principal
 Picture Reading- Students
will refer to pictures for
details and clues and then
discuss and predict what
might happen in a story.
 Show interest in illustrations
and print in books and print in
the environment
 Recognize familiar words for
e.g. own name.
 Look at books independently.
 Handle books carefully.
 Know information can be
relayed in the form of print.
 Hold books the correct way
up and turn pages.
 Know that print carries
meaning and English is read
from left to right and from top
to bottom.
 Hear and say the initial
sounds and ending sounds in
 Segment the sounds in simple
words and blend them
together and know which
letters represent some of
 Link sounds to letters, naming
and sounding the letters of the
 Read sight words, cvc words
and simple sentences.
 Reading sheets are provided
to each student to enhance the
reading skills and help the
students read fluently

Writing  Sometimes give meaning to  Use phonic knowledge to write words

marks as they draw and paint. which match their spoken sounds.
 Describe meanings to marks
that they see in different  Know that print carries meaning and
places. that English language is written from
 Write lower & upper case left to right.
letters Aa to Zz with correct
formation.  Write lower & uppercase letters of
the alphabet Aa to Zz.

 Write CVC words and sight words

 Write simple sentences.

3. PHYSICAL DEVELOPMENT: is all about children being guided to develop coordination, team work,
independence, confidence, fine motor skills, gross motor skills, coordination, agility, balance, body
awareness, spatial awareness, manipulation and healthy living.
Area of Learning KG1 Learning Outcome
Development The children will be able to:
 Move freely and with  Demonstrate eye and hand
pleasure and confidence. coordination
Moving and handling  Experiment in arrange of  Coordinate eye and hand movement.
ways like slithering,  Use a range of small and large range
shuffling, rolling, crawling, of manipulatives safely and with
walking, running, jumping, increasing control
skipping, sliding and hopping.
 Mount stairs, steps or  Hold writing tools and draws
climbing equipment using recognizable figures and meaningful
alternate feet. drawings.
 Walk downstairs, two feet to  Move in different ways with
each step while carrying a confidence, negotiating space,
small object. adjusting speed/direction to avoid
 Run skillfully and negotiate
space successfully.
 Adjust speed or direction to  Fold papers to make some clear
avoid obstacles. significant shapes
 Stand momentarily on one
foot when shown.
 Can catch a large ball.
 Draw lines and circles using
gross motor movements.
 Use one-handed tools and
equipment eg make snips in
paper with child scissors.
 Hold pencil between thumb
and two fingers, no longer
using whole –hand grasp.
 Hold pencil near point
between first two fingers and
thumb and use it with good
 Copy some letters eg letters
from their name.
 Tell adults when hungry or  Manage their own basic hygiene and
tired or when they want to personal needs successfully
rest and play.  Recognize the importance of keeping
Health and care  Observe the effect of activity healthy and those things which
on their bodies. contribute to this.
 Understand that equipment  Importance for good health and
and tools have to be used physical exercise and a healthy diet.
safely.  Talk about ways to keep healthy and
 Gain more bowel and bladder safe.
control.  Students will learn the importance of
 Attend toileting needs most of ‘Table Manners’. They will
the times themselves.
 Usually manage washing and demonstrate their learning during the
drying hands. break time.
 Dress with help eg put arms
into open-fronted coat or shirt
when held up, pull up own
trousers and pull zipper once
it is fastened at the bottom.
 To be able to familiarize with
table setting and equipment.
4. Math is all about children exploring numbers through hands –on activities which enable them to
understand quantities and operations through counting games, number lines, Counting, Sorting, Grouping,
1:1 Correspondence, Sequencing, Estimating, Comparing, Capacity, Problem solving, Pattern, Shapes,
Puzzles, Challenges with shapes and other interesting activities.

The area of learning KG1 Learning Outcome

development The children will be able to:

 Use some number names and

Numbers number language  Count reliably with numbers from 1
spontaneously. to 50.
 Use some number names  Understand the number value of the
accurately in play. numerals 0-20.
 Recite numbers in order up to  Write numbers 1 to 20 in a sequence.
 Write numbers up to 20  Use language such as big/small,
 Know that numbers identify full/empty, one/many, what comes
how many objects are in a set. next ,up/down, Near/far, above/under
 Begin to represent numbers  Match pairs, sort and group the
using fingers, marks on a objects on the basis of one’s
paper or pictures/ten frames. attributes.
 Sometimes match numeral  Complete the sequence of numbers.
and quantity correctly.  Write the number names (1 to 5).
 Show curiosity about  Write the number that comes after/
numbers by offering before and in between.
comments or asking
 Show an interest in numerals
in the environment.
 Show an interest in
representing numbers.
 Realize that not only objects
but anything can be counted,
including steps, claps or
 Identify the number
after/before/in between

 Show an interest in shape and  Use everyday language to talk about

space by playing with shapes size, capacity, time and money to
Shape, space and or making arrangements with compare quantities and objects to
measure objects. solve problems.
 Show awareness of  Use language such as tall/short,
similarities of shapes in the heavy/light
environment.  Explore characteristics of everyday
 Use language such as 'circle' objects and shapes and use
or 'bigger' to describe the mathematical language to describe
shape and size of solids and them.
 Relate shapes to real life objects from
flat shapes
their environment.
 Show interest in shape by  Identify objects of a specific colour &
sustained construction apply the colour concept to
activity or by talking about environmental observations.
shapes or arrangements.  Identify the shapes: Oval, star and
 Show interest in shapes in the diamond
environment.  Identify the 3D shapes: Sphere and
 Begin to read time (O’clock) Cone
 Use shapes appropriately for
 Name primary colours &
green colour, recognize &
differentiate basic colours.
5. E.V.S. is all about children demonstrating a keen interest in exploring and discovering the world around
them. The curriculum provides stimuli from the immediate environment to allow observation,
investigation, exploration, questioning and documentation of children’s unique discoveries in many ways.

The area of learning KG 1 Learning Outcome

development The children will be able to:
 Begin to know about their own
 Show interest in the lives of cultures and beliefs and those of other
people who are familiar to people.
them.  Find out about their environment and
 Remember and talk about community.
People and Communities significant events in their own  Learn to know about similarities and
experience. differences between themselves and
 Recognize and describe others.
special times or events for  Learn to know about similarities and
family or friends. differences between families,
 Show interest in different traditions and cultures.
occupations and ways of life.  Name the different community
 Know some of the things that helpers and their role in their life
make them unique and talk  Learn to identify the ways that fulfill
about some of the similarities people’s needs
and differences in relation to  Know about similarities and
friends, family and differences between themselves and
neighbourhood. others and among families in their
home country and in their
 Know the importance of  Talk about different means and
different people who modes of transport
help them
 Know the ways that fulfill
people’s needs
(buying/selling, work)
 Learn about different means
and modes of transport
 Enhance/promote curiosity  The planet Earth will be introduced to
and the students. They will learn about
creativity in relation to the land, water and living things
 Comment and ask questions  Learn to know about similarities and
The World about aspects of their differences in relation to places,
familiar surroundings. objects, material and living things.
 Talk about some of the things  Find out about their environment and
they have observed such as talk about those features they like and
plants, dislike.
animals, weather, natural and  Make observations of animals and
found objects. plants and explain why some things
 Talk about why things happen occur and talk about changes.
and how things work.  Make observations about different
 Develop an understanding weather conditions and talk about
of growth and changes over change.
 Develop simple science skills,  Participate in science activities,
such as observation and develop simple science skills, such as
classification. observation and classification.
 Show care and concern for  Show curiosity and interest through
living things and the listening and questioning to seek
environment. further information.
 Find out interesting facts and  Talk about the facts of different
features of countries like countries
UAE, India, China & Spain.
Technology  Know that information can be Recognize that a range of technology is
retrieved from computers. used in places such as homes and schools.

 Introduced to different types  Children will enhance learning

of computer devices (Laptop, through technology.
Tab, iPad, Mouse, Keyboard
 Select and use technology to exhibit
 Use different age appropriate knowledge and understanding of
and user-friendly online apps concepts.
(PicToOne, WordWall,
Padlet, Class Kick, NearPod,
Quizizz, Draa, Intro of
Scratch Jr.) to enhance
student interaction and
 Comprehend and follow
logical steps to sequence
Drawing/Paining/Intro of  Express ideas through simple  Create and depict simple drawings
Coding Apps. (Nearpod, PicToOne, and paintings by using different
Draa, Scratch Jr. & painting tools.
 Understand what action computer
take after coding.
 Introduction of Scratch Junior
 Selecting Characters
 Selecting Backgrounds
6. EXPRESSIVE ART AND DESIGN is all about the integral way children learn, and how they document
their inner worlds and outer experiences. It is connected to the child through elaborate assemblies, music
sessions, action songs etc.
Area of learning KG1 Learning Outcome
development The children will be able to:
Exploring and using media  Enjoy joining in with dancing  Safely use a variety of materials,
and materials and ring games. tools and techniques.
 Sing a few familiar songs.  Experiment with colour, design,
 Begin to move rhythmically. texture,
 Imitate movement in response  Participate in various types of
to music. functions.
 Tap out simple repeated  Sing simple songs and recognize
rhythms. repeated sounds.
 Explore and learn how sounds  Respond in a variety of ways to what
can be changed. they see, hear, smell, touch and feel.
 Explore colour and how
colours can be changed.
 Understand that they can use
lines to enclose a place, and
then begin to use these shapes
to represent objects.
 Begin to be interested in and
describe the texture of things.
 Use various construction
 Begin to construct, stacking
blocks vertically and
horizontally, make enclosures
and create spaces.
 Join construction pieces
together to build and balance.
 Realize tools can be used for
a purpose.
Being Imaginative  Develop preferences for forms  Choose appropriate colour for
of expression. colouring.
 Use movement to express  Develop a good colour sense.
 Create movement in response  Use variety of art media, tools and
to music. materials to produce work.
 Explore colour, texture &  Paint within a given outline.
shape.  Create patterns, shapes and collage.
 Express and communicate  Draw simple pictures.
their ideas  Recite rhymes and sing songs in tune.
 Notice what adults do, imitate  Perform simple movements in
what is observed and then do rhythmic manner.
it spontaneously when the  Use imagination in art and design,
adult is not there. music, dance, imaginative and role
 Engage in imaginative role – play and stories.
play based on first hand
 Capture experiences and
responses with a range of
media such as music, dance,
paint and other materials in

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