Meaning of History, Primary Vs Secondary Sources
Meaning of History, Primary Vs Secondary Sources
Meaning of History, Primary Vs Secondary Sources
As a discipline it existed for around 2,400 History deals with series of events and each
years and is as old as mathematics and event happens at a given point in time. It
philosophy. dwells on the human development in time.
Provides significant records of events of the 4. History is concerned with man in space.
past, a meaningful story of mankind
depicting the details of what happened to History talks about nations and human
man and why it happened. activities in the context of their physical and
geographical environment. It centers on the
VARIOUS HISTORIANS interaction of man on his environment and
Jacob Burckhardt : “History is the record of what
one age finds worthy of note in another.” 5. History provides an objective record of
Henry Johnson: “History, in its broadest sense, is
everything that ever happened.” Historians are careful on the data they
include in their books. They base their data
V.S. Smith: “The value & interest of history depend
on original sources and make them free
largely on the degree in which the present is
from subjective interpretation.
illuminated by the past.”
6. History is multisided.
Jawaharlal Nehru: “History is the story of man’s
struggle through the ages against Nature and the History is not limited to one certain aspect of
elements; against wild beasts & the jungle & some man’s life. it covers all other aspects as they
of his own kind who have tried to keep him down are all closely interrelated. A change in
and to exploit him for their own benefit.” politics could have an effect in other aspects
of the society.
7. History is a dialogue between the events
1. History is a study of the present in the
of the past & progressively emerging
light of the past.
future ends.
The presence owes its existence on the
Past events are interpreted and become
past. One cannot just leapfrog and ignore
predictor of new objectives.
what happened in the past. The past events
need to be unearthed to reveal how the 8. History is not only narration but it is also
present evolved out of it. an analysis.
2. History is the study of man. History is not confined with narrative
accounts. It dissects and explains the
History deals with man’s struggles through
occurrence of the event and how it
the ages. Past events are riddled with man’s
ultimately changes the society over time.
Nicole C. Mangrobang, SPT (2024)
9. Continuity and coherence are the PRIMARY SOURCES
necessary prerequisites of history Testimony of an eyewitness.