An Ayurveda Treatise: Rasarnava: February 2018
An Ayurveda Treatise: Rasarnava: February 2018
An Ayurveda Treatise: Rasarnava: February 2018
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3 authors:
Dr Vinay Kadibagil
SDM College of Ayurveda & Hospital Hassan
All content following this page was uploaded by Dr Vinay Kadibagil on 01 February 2021.
ISSN 2347-2375
‘Rasarnava’ is a dialogue form treatise which is considered as the oldest treatise in alchemy of Ayurveda. The author of ‘Rasarnava’ is
anonymous. The period and author both are controversial but yet considered as 10th century.The concepts of Rasashastra have its
starting point in the works of Sir P.C. Ray. The author has touched the every areas of Rasashastra. The author is very much inclined
towards Parada (Mercury). Its binding, alchemy, transmutation with various metals, turning of lower metals to higher metals have
been emphasized. Very less explanation of Chikitsa treatment aspect is found in this treatise. A critical analysis of the contributions,
the narration of the chapters with its contents, of the book is detailed in this paper.
Keywords: Rasarnava, Ayurveda, Parada, Lohavaada, Alchemy.
maya rahita (devoid of greed and worldly gains), Gambhira Satvapatana and Dravikarana (liquefying) vidhis are
(studious), Satyavadi (honest), Samudra shastra, performing explained.
puja etc. Chapter 7(Explanation about Maharasa, Uparasa, Metals,
Chapter 3 Gemstones and their application as therapeutic)
Various hymns which have to be chanted during the Maha rasas (group of mineral drugs) explained are 8 in
worshipping of Rasa (mercury) in the temple called as Rasa number they are; Abhraka, makshika, vimala, shilajit,
mandapa. Different rules and regulations for the temple chapala, sasyaka, hingula, srotanjana.8 types of Uparasa
constructionare explained in detailed in this chapter. Mantra (group of mineral drugs) gandhaka, taala, manahshila,
nyasa aadi karma, starting with Pranava mantra (omkara) etc. saurashtri, khaga, gairika, rajavarta and kankustaare
Various mantras (hymns) for the things present in Rasa mentioned under this group. Various Dhatus (metals) like
mandapa. During the Rasa siddha, Mantra japa (oration of Swarna, rajata, vanga, naga, loha etc.; also Hiraka (diamond)
hymns) has to bedone. etc.; Ratnas (gemstones) are explained for the Shodhana
Chapter 4 (purification), Dravana etc.; Samskaras along with their
Various names and features of Yantra (equipments), Musha Lakshanas (characters) are explained in detail.The author
(crucibles)etc., used for Parada Samskara (processes of further says the greater applicable are Vajra (diamond),
mercury) are highlighted. Equipment explained are; Dola Makshika (copper pyrite), Loha (iron) and Abhraka (mica).
yantra swarupa, Jarana musha yantra, Gandhaka jarana The applicability of these minerals is to be more in
vidhi, Somanala yantra, Garbha yantra, Parada jarana, therapeutics.
Marana, Ranjana gupta yantra , Hansa paaka yantra, Chapter 8
Koshtika (heating appliance) and Vakranaala (equipments). Different procedures for parade are explained in detail. The
Various crucibles explained are; Vajra musha nirmana exact terminologies for these cannot be termed but these can
(method of preparation), Musha swarupa, Karya (functioning), be said to be the various procedures done to the mercury,
Andha musha, Bhasma musha etc; Koshta yantra lakshana minerals, metals and gem stones etc.; using numerous kinds of
(different types of crucibles and furnaces) are dealt. herbal drugs. These are Raaga sankhya in Maharasa,
Chapter 5 Uparasa, Loha, Ratna, Ranjana kriya vidhi and Bija sadhana
The above said various equipment are now used for the vidhi, Bija Ranjana nirmana vidhi, Pakwa bija nirmana vidhi
processing of mercury. Various Samskara like; Niyama etc.
nasamskara, Kraamana karma swarupa (processes of Chapter 9
mercury) are dealt in detail. Also the various Aushadhis Explanation of Bija jarana sadhana,Vida nirmana prakarai.e;
(medicines) used for these processes are Shatavari (Asparagus method of preparation of Vidaviz.; kasisa, saindhava, kanshi,
racemosus), Bhringaraja (Ecliptaprostrate), Punarnava sauvira, abraka, gandhaka, sajjikshiraall together triturated
(Boerhavia diffusa), Mandukaparni (Centella asiatica) etc. with malati rasa, sigrumula rasa and then add to Parada.
The author also mentions Divyaaushadhis (celestial drugs) Further author has explained Vanhi mukha vida nirmana vidhi,
used for Paradamarana (incineration of mercury), Dravana jwalamukha vida nirmana vidhi, Sarva satva jarana vidhi,3
(processing of mercury), Kraamana, to remove the types of hema jarana vida.
Chanchalya dosha (quickness) of Parada like Chandali Chapter 10
(Shivlingi botanically termed as Bryonopsis laciniosa), Rasa lakshana (features of mercury), Rasa bhedas- types of
Rakshasi (sugandha dravya) and many more are mentioned in mercury are Rasa, Rasendra, Sutaka, Parada and Mishraka
this chapter. Explanation of Trikshara (alkalies), explained. Rasa shodhana (purification of mercury), Maana
Panchalavana (salts), Pancha upavisha (poisonous drugs), paribhasha (weights and measures), (viz.; 6 Yava- 1 gunja)
Vruksha kshara, Pancha mahavishas, Pancha taila (oils) etc.; etc.; Swedanadi karma phala, Parada shodhana vidhi, Parada
Rakta varga, Pitta varga (group of bile) etc.; can be traced in nirmali karana vidhi (purificatory measures of mercury) have
the chapter. been highlighted.
Chapter 6 (Mica, Iron and Tourmaline) Chapter 11
In this chapter explanation of mineral drugs like mica, iron Parada jarana vidhi, Jarana types are Baala jarana and
and tourmaline can be traced. Their different types, Baddha jarana. Abhraka jarana vidhi types are Samukha
characteristics, different types of procedures are explained. jarana and Nirmukha jarana, Parada pishti nirmana vidhi,
Abhraka utpatti (origin of mica), Bhedas (types), Lakshanas Parada bandha vidhi, Baddha parada, Sarva grasi parada,
(characters), Samskara vidhi (procedures) various types of Gandhaka druti, two types of Garbhadruti nirmana vidhi etc.;
mica like; Pinaka, Dardura, Nagaand Vajra are dealt in detail. are explained.
Abhraka swedana aushadhis like tinduka, maricha, punarnava Chapter 12
etc. Satwapatana vidhi, 16 types of Abhraka dravana vidhis. Explanation of Rasa bandhana, Baala jarana (binding of
Explanation of Kantapashana (kantaloha or iron) its 4 types, mercury), Abraka samajirna parada, Samagandhajirna
Dravana vidhi, Shuddhi, Drutipaat are mentioned. Vajra parada, Sagandha parade lepa nirmana and their uses. The
gunas and shodhana are explained. 16 types of Bhasma processing of mercury with mica, sulfur etc.; and its utility are
nirmana vidhis (procedure for incineration), Vajra explained. Rasa bandha explained are Hartala suta bandha,
mrudukarana vidhi, vajra dravi karan 6 vidhis etc.; can be Rasa karma, Mantra simhasani divyaushadhi, turasimhasani,
traced. Types of Vaikranta (tourmaline) mentioned are 7 in chatulaparni, ekvira, Raktakanchuki, Hanspaadi, etc. Mrutyu
number. Total 3 methods for Shodhana (purification),
Unique Journal of Ayurvedic and Herbal Medicines, 06 (04), July-August 2018 4
Kajree Pardeshi et al. UJAHM 2018, 06 (04): Page 3-5
jara nashaka yogas (formulations for geriatrics) have been sundari rasa gutika nirmana vidhi, Mukha dharan phala,
mentioned. other Vajra bandha lakshanas etc.
Chapter 13
Baddha jarana (binding of mercury with various metals).The DISCUSSION
3 types of bandha, uttama (best), Madhya (medium), Adhama It is one of the oldesttreatises that deal with Parada Siddhi
(inferior). Pindika bandha, Druti bandha (liquid form of (mercury). It deals in detail about mercury, processes of
metals) and formulations of lead and tin are explained in mercury (Parada samskara), highlights about this Parada
detail. bandhana (binding of mercury), Dhatuvaada (alchemy-
Chapter 14 transmutation of metals) and Dehavaada (making the body
The procedure of mercury binding with diamond turns free of disease and strong), more about Dhatuvaada. Each
mercury into Shata vedhi (transmutation property). This is Samkara (process) have been explained in detail, processing
explained as Vajra bandha. This turns to be as strong as iron with various methods, processing of Rajata (silver), Swarna
and acts similarly on body as well. (gold), etc.Various methods for coloring of Dhatu Ranjana,
Chapter 15 for Lohavedha making into gold, silver are mentioned2. No
Explanation of Parada bandha i.e.; means the binding of much of chikitsa (treatment) aspect has been explained.
mercury with various minerals drugs like Maharasa, uparasa
and loha etc.; metals. Further the Shweta vaikranta bandha, CONCLUSION
Rakta vaikranta bandha, Krishna vaikranta bandha, Peeta,
The author has covered almost all the areas of the subject
Kanta, Chapala, gandhaka, Gandha pishtika, Naga pishtika,
related to Rasashastra, with full dedication and sincerity so as
talaka bandha, Khota bandha, Vanaspatika khota bandha,
to make full justice to the field. This book is rich with rational
various types of Khota bandha vidhi can be found in this
thoughts, scientific analyses and indigenous ideas. The book
has retained its importance in the field of Rasashastra as it is
Chapter 16
considered to be the oldest treatise in Ayurveda. The author is
Explanation of terminologies like Baddha parade dravana,
more inclined towards metallurgy and converting the lower
Rasa bandha, Vajraadi ratna jarana and dravana, Ranjana
metals into higher one. Treatment aspect is less often covered
vidhi, Sukha sadhya kalka nirupana, Pishtika bandha, churna
in this treatise which makes it less applicable.Numerous of
bandh, puranaka nirmanaare dealt, which are required for
research works can be explored using the ideas mentioned in
this treatise. Only Hindi commentary is available which may
Chapter 17
affect the reachability of this treatise to different fields except
This chapter highlights the various procedures of mercury like
the alchemy in Ayurveda. Need of the hour is this could be
Sarana karma along with their two types, Indragopadi
translated into other language like English so that many
kraamana yoga, Tarashtaka, Tara dala nirmana vidhi,
students, researchers can read and access and take maximum
Rajatadala. Tamra shodhana, Sarana yoga, Mrudukaraka
benefit of this treatise.
yoga, Varotkarsha, two types of Rasa vedhavidhi have been
explained. REFERENCES
Chapter 18
1. Tripathi Indradeo, Rasanarva, edited by Pt. Taradatta
It highlights more on mercury and diamond. Explanation of
Panta, 3rdedn; Chaukhambha Sanskrit office,
Parada dehavedha, first Pancha karma is to be done followed
Varanasi: 1995.
by Rasa or Rasayana treatment. Hema jirna bhasma matra – 1
gunja (125mg), Rajata jirna bhasma matra -2 gunja (250mg), 2. Shridevi Kasavajjhala, International Research Journal
of Pharmacy Purification processes of Gandhaka as
Tamra jirna bhasma matra- 3 gunja (375mg). Benefits of
described in the medieval Indian text Anandakanda,
Abhraka jirna parada bhakshana,Vimala jirna parade
J.S.R.A. Prasad Research Scholar, Department of
bhakshana, Vajra bhasma nirmana vidhi, Vajra jirna parada
Sanskrit studies, schoolof humanities, university of
yoga, Vajra parade golaka nirmana, Vajra parade gutika
Hyderabad, India 20/04/14 DOI: 10.7897/2230-
nirmana vidhi, Vajra satva rasayana upachara etc. Parada
sevaana kaala, pathya, sevana yogya padharthas etc.; (intake
of mercury, diet and regimen) Explained about Vajranga