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100 Viral Hooks

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These hooks were taken from mega viral videos, use them well ;)

Step-by-Step Common
Education Myths Authority
Systems Mistakes

This is how to You’re being I charge my If you are stuck This

(industry tip/hack) in brainwashed into clients $X-$X per at/with week/month/year
under 60 seconds believing this year, and today I (industry-relate I dream result)
(industry) myth. am going to d pain point) using this
show you my and you want method.
favorite (insert (dream result)
industry) then you got to
strategy so you stop making
can steal it and this (industry)
use it for yourself. mistake.

Next time you do X If I had a dollar for This is how to You need to This strategy
and you want (dream every time I saw (industry-related stop (common helped me get X
result) do this someone falling for thing you will industry related in X days, here is
immediately (industry myth) I teach them) in task)! Well… at exactly how I did
before/during/after would be rich son under 60 least until you it
of a… seconds. do this one
thing first

Here is a (industry) Why (popular What should you (common I have done
hack that most industry belief) is do if you want to industry 291,200 (task ex.
people don’t know complete BS (industry-related mistake) is calf raises) in the
about result) in destroying your last decade here
(timeframe) (insert dream is the best way to
result) achieve (dream

Have you ever The oldest lady to X is overrated Your throwing I went from X to X
wondered how to get ever lived drank heres how to (dream results) in X
(dream result) don’t and smoked actually get under the (days/months/yea
worry I won’t cigarettes until she (dream result) freaking bus if rs) here is exactly
gate-keep here is was 116 years old. you are doing how we did it so
exactly how So if you believe this! you can to
you have to be
perfect to achieve
X you're wrong.

Unethical ways to get Not seeing (dream Here is how to If I had a dollar I took my client
(dream result) result) then you double, triple, or for every time I from X to X in X
might be falling for even 10X your saw someone (days/months/yea
this common (desired result) in falling for this rs) here is exactly
(industry) myth 3 steps common how we did it so
that’s stealing your (industry) you can to. I
results mistake I would should be
be rich son of charging you for
a…. this information!
Step-by-Step Common
Education Myths Authority
Systems Mistakes

Here is a (industry) Here are 5 I am going to X is dead, stop Steal my strategy

hack I bet you didn’t common myths show you how to focusing on it to get (ideal
know, I kind of popular (niche) hack the X in 30 for (desired customers dream
wanted to gate-keep influencers want seconds result) result)
this but screw it I am you to believe
feeling generous.

This video will Here are the top I should be I have been an I am going to
make/teach you more (number) (industry) charging for X for over X show you how I
than a 4 year myths you are what I am about years, here are did X for my
(industry) degree being fooled by to tell you! 3 common client in less than
that are ruining mistakes I see 1 hour
your chances of newbies make
achieving (dream that you should
result) avoid

I made 10 times more If you are doing The top .1% of Stop making If you had
X when I put all my (insert industry (avatar) do this this (common (common
effort towards X myth) you can mistake) it will industry
100% guarantee just give your problem) and
you will never mother-in-law hired me to get
achieve (dream one more you too (dream
result) here's why reason to hate result) in just X
you days, these are
the main X things
we would do

The greatest X of our -controversial Heres how to get Here are 3 I’m going to show
generation said statement about your (desired newbie YOU how I
(valuable industry your industry result) in X steps (industry) helped/created
advice person said) revolving around mistakes you (industry related
myth- ex. yellow should avoid to result) in (X time)
bananas make you see (dream
fat result) 10x

I have Remember when This is YOUR You need to Take if from

made/done/grown you were a kid and SIGN to finally (common someone who
(desired result) here your parents used start X. Here are mistake) at has been in the
are 3 things I wish I to tell you (industry the first X steps least that what industry for X
knew earlier related myth) Well you need to take! all the gurus years/decades,
they were lying to are trying to tell here is the best
you… you but their way to achieve
WRONG (dream result)

This got me (super Doing (industry I studied the top (common - play a viral video
impressive result) but myth) is like taking 10 (avatar) of the industry for 5 seconds that
it’s to boring for most relationship advice last decade and mistake) is like relates to your
people so they never from someone who here is the X step bringing a knife niche- give your
end up learning it was divorced 7 framework they to a gun fight… professional
times. It's not all follow to You are the opinion after
going to get you achieve (dream only one who is
very far when result) going to end
trying to achieve up getting hurt
(dream result) in the process.
Step-by-Step Common
Education Myths Authority
Systems Mistakes

I studied the top 10 Remember when Want to impress You would see I have worked
(Ex. body builders, your mom used to all your (avatar - better results with over X
marketers, business tell you “if you keep ex. golf buddies) (ridiculous way clients, you can
owners, etc) of the making that face, with (desired to see results) practically call me
last decade and here it'll stay that way”. result) here is the than (insert the Gandhi of
are the 3 things they Well (industry exact step by common (industry). Here is
all had in common myth) is about as step process to mistake) how you actually
true as that. But get there. Trust get (dream
instead of mom me the look on result).
wanting you to their face will be
believe that it’s so worth it
marketers who
want you to buy.

I studied (huge (industry myth) is If you only have X Making this You take advice
number) (industry about as true as hours per week (industry) from a doctor
related item) here are Santa Clause. I to achieve mistake is the when your sick,
the top 10 best X - ex. I mean obviously he (dream result) equivalent to you take advice
studied 1,237 viral is real (wink) here is what you going to the from (your name)
hooks and here are should do gym to get fit when your trying
the top 10 best but only eating to get (dream
preforming hooks junk. You will result). Here are
never achieve the 3 best ways I
your desired teach my clients
results, yet so to achieve that.
many people
still do it. Here
is why you
need to stop

This (Industry related Saying (industry If I only had 1 You have a (insert jaw
website/tool/software/ myth) is like saying hour a day to better chance dropping
book) is so good it I am the rock (flex work on (dream winning the statistic) my
should be illegal your arm) its result) this is lottery than name is (your
complete BS. exactly step by achieving name) and I am a
step what I (dream result) (title) and this is
would do doing 100% accurate

I am going to tell you Marketers want If I only had 30 You have a Here are 5 hard
what took me X years you to believe days to achieve better chance truths about
to learn in 60 seconds (industry myth) so (dream result) of beating the (industry/niche)
about (industry) you will buy their here is a rock in an arm from a (title)
products but here breakdown of wrestling
is why that isn't what I would do competition
actually true than achieving
(dream result)
Step-by-Step Common
Education Myths Authority
Systems Mistakes

If I new what I was I would bet If I could only do I am literally I only work on my
about to tell you (something very 1 thing to achieve shooting (dream result) for
when I was 20 I would important to you) (dream result) I myself in the X minutes per
be so (dream result) that the reason you would do X foot by telling week and it looks
today. aren’t achieving X this but I am like this/or make
is because your feeling me $ per year
falling for (industry generous so
myth) here is my
exact strategy
to getting
(dream result
you charge
people to help

I did/or didn’t do X for I didn’t do (industry I have (dream Here are X Do you feel (ideal
30 days straight and myth) for 365 days result) but if I things you customer pain
here are the results straight and here had to start from should avoid point) I am a
are the results. scratch today like the plague (title) and I have
SIKE I have not this is a if you want help people go
done this for breakdown of (dream result) from X to X in X
YEARS because it’s exactly what I (time). Here is the
a common would do best thing you
(industry) myth can do…
that a ton of people
fall for when trying
to achieve (dream

Here is a secret You have better Here is a I am going to I am a (title) and

(industry) tip/hack odds getting a breakdown on upset a lot of here are the top X
that helped me letter being invited how to get people by things someone
achieve (dream result) to Hogwarts than (dream result) in saying this but with
achieving (dream under 60 (insert (Characteristic or
result) by doing seconds common item - ex. money
(industry myth) mistake) wont or depression)
actually get you wants you to
(dream result) know
here is why

This may just be the (industry myth) is The secret You have been Would you take
most important video about as real as strategy to told by your advice from
you watch today. vampires, dragons, (dream result) is parents, someone who
and fairy’s. They right under your teachers, and has (dream result
aren't true… nose… Because authority you have
you are probably figures that achieved) if your
holding your (common answer is yes I
phone under mistake) will have done that
your nose right get you (dream for myself and a
now and I am result). I am a ton of my clients.
about to tell you. (title) who has Here is my best
achieved advice when it
(dream result) comes to
and helped achieving (dream
many others do result)
the same. Here
is exactly why
this is wrong.
Step-by-Step Common
Education Myths Authority
Systems Mistakes

The top .1% of (insert I am going to make Here is an exact Want to know Who would you
avatar) don’t want you a lot of people breakdown of why most rather A) take
to know this one angry by saying how to achieve people fail at advice from
secret. this but you have (dream result) (dream result) someone who
been lied too and that they don’t it’s not because achieved (dream
deserve to know teach you at their lazy/dumb result) or B)
the truth. You school its actually someone who
know how people because of this repeats
say (insert myth) (industry) information but
well thats not common hasn't actually
actually true… mistake done the thing.
Most people will
answer A but
they do the
opposite and
learn from a
college professor
teaching stuff
they haven’t done
in real life. Here
are X things you
should know if
you want to
achieve (dream
result) that a
college professor
wont teach you.

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