Archive Center Release Notes 22.4
Archive Center Release Notes 22.4
Archive Center Release Notes 22.4
Release Notes
1 Introduction .................................................................................................................................... 5
1.1 Release Notes revision history .................................................................................................. 5
3 Downloads ...................................................................................................................................... 7
3.1 Packaging and delivery information .......................................................................................... 7
4 Documentation ............................................................................................................................... 7
4.1 Packaging and delivery information .......................................................................................... 7
OpenText recommends that you read these Release Notes in conjunction with the documentation
included with the software package. If any conflicts exist, the Release Notes supersede the other
We also recommend that you check OpenText My Support for any patches or documentation updates
that may have been posted after the initial release of this product.
Customers using OpenText product bundles including Archive Server can use the Archive Server
functionality provided by Archive Center assuming the scenario is licensed. Solution Registry Agent
for use is available as separate download from My Support.
Note: A separate license is required for usage of CMIS Interface, File Share Archiving and Archive
Center Web Application. Services and components delivered with Archive Center.
Archive Monitoring Server Monitoring for Archive Center and Document Pipeline deployments
Directory Services Manages user and group identity information for OpenText
also available as independent download from My Support. Note:
Downloads for Archive Center are available on My Support.
• Archive Server
The software for Archive Center includes the following components for Windows:
• Administration Client
4 Documentation
Documentation for Archive Center is available on My Support.
• Upgrade Guide from Archive Center 22.3 to Archive Center 22.4 (Windows and Linux)
• Administration Guide
• CMIS Cookbook
2. In the Search the Knowledge base, type AR220400 and then click Search
Other filters can also be used to search, view, and download the documentation
If no service pack, maintenance level, patch level or similar is explicitly mentioned for a specific
software version, OpenText supports all deliverables for this version that are released by the
manufacturer, unless explicitly stated otherwise. If details of a specific service pack, patch and
maintenance level etc. is given, then this one and all subsequent ones are supported.
RedHat RHEL x86-64 19c - - 12 2.0 SPS 04
8.x (8.4)6 Google Cloud
2.0 SPS 05
(PostGreSQL 11,
(PostgreSQL 12)
PostgreSQL 12
(Flexible Server)
Oracle Linux x86-64 12c Release 2 - - 11
7.x6 19c 12
1 Instruction set
2 Supported editions: Standard and Enterprise Edition; 64-bit all
3 Oracle 19c: Version 19.3.0 or later (19.x) is supported
4 Oracle 12c Release 2: Bundle Patch or later
5 Only SQL databases and SQL virtual machines are supported.
6 All minor versions of an OS major version are supported, the minor version in bracket was tested.
• Operating system for database installed on a remote system is not relevant for Archive Center.
Oracle database
• Contact Professional Services if you want to use:
o Oracle Real Application Cluster (RAC) 12c Release 2 and 19c
o Oracle Data Guard cluster database
• Contact Customer Support if you want to use Oracle roles.
• Archive Center support for Oracle includes Client 12c and Server 12c Release 2 and 19c
(Oracle Release – Production Version OpenText recommends to use
the same Oracle versions on server and client side.
• Archive Center requires the database to use the default session collation. Enabling data-
bound collations is not supported (see
• SAP recommends that the SAP HANA database must run on a dedicated host
without any OpenText software installed.
• SAP HANA 2.0 system can now be installed in multiple-container mode, which
means it can contain multitenant database containers (MDC).
Runtime environment
Application Server: Apache Tomcat 9.0.x (64-bit)
Use of OpenJDK 11 requires Apache Tomcat 8.5.23 or later
If you use Open JDK 11 to install Archive Center 22.4 then set the
JAVA_HOME path in the System Environment Variable.
Windows: Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2017 must be installed.
You can download it on
Note that OpenText products are resource intensive solutions and will require at least the same
amount of resources in a virtual environment as it would in a physical environment. Therefore,
additional resource scaling may be required to maintain the same level of performance in a virtual
environment as observed in physical environments. Static or committed resources within a virtual
environment are typically needed for performance sensitive scenarios. If a large volume of data is
being transferred, e.g., very large file upload, the customer should make sure network bandwidth and
latency SLAs are in consideration prior to production level deployments. Additionally, use of specific
cloud storage technology should be cross-referenced with individual product release notes.
As OpenText may not be fully aware of all aspect of public cloud administration needs, customers are
expected to provide specific public cloud expertise to navigate such administration and configuration
responsibilities. If an issue is encountered relating to the normal operation of an OpenText product
whilst running within a virtualized environment, OpenText Customer Support is only obligated to
attempt to reproduce the issue on the same base operating system. If the issue cannot be reproduced
on the same base operating system, OpenText Customer Support will request that the issue be
referred to the vendor of the virtualization software for further investigation.
For questions about installation, sizing, storage, backup, monitoring, integration into the on-premises
network, contact OpenText Professional Services.
The Microsoft Azure cloud platform offers Microsoft Azure Virtual Machine services that offer an
Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) platform. Archive Center supports Azure Virtual Machines (IaaS) as
well as Microsoft Kubernetes Services (AKS) for containerized deployments.
The IaaS platform allows deploying various scenarios, including hybrid deployments with connections
to the on-premises customer network.
The Amazon Web Services cloud platform offers Virtual Machine services that offer an Infrastructure
as a Service (IaaS) platform. Archive Center supports Amazon’s Virtual Machines (which includes
support for the Amazon hypervisor, AWS Nitro) as well as the Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service
(EKS) for containerized deployments.
The IaaS platform allows deploying various scenarios, including hybrid deployments with connections
to the on-premises customer network.
The Google Cloud Platform offers Virtual Machine services that offer an Infrastructure as a Service
(IaaS) platform. Archive Center supports GCP’s Virtual Machines as well as the Google Kubernetes
Engine (GKE) for containerized deployments.
gzip request content encoding (http setting: compression) is not supported with ILM.
• Chrome
• Firefox
• Safari
• Microsoft Edge
To achieve high availability with Archive Center (including Application Layer), there are several options
• Running a Remote Standby Server on an active-passive or active-active
cluster is not supported.
• TLS v1.3 is not supported in cluster environment.
• volck -X is not supported on a cluster environment.
• All nodes must run on the same operating system and OS major version.
• A cluster must not be deployed in a WAN. Cluster requires low network latency.
• HDSK pool and SAN storage as storage platform, except for disk buffers, are not supported.
• AFP feature
You must take care when using an active-active cluster and virtualization
technologies. Virtualization features can influence the timing behavior. Any
influence that results in a delay of the network communication must be avoided on
an Archive Center node while it is actively used in a cluster.
For more information about active-active cluster related topics, see the Cluster Installation Guide.
In the Administration Guide the marker Cluster topic is used to indicate deviations of an active-active
cluster installation.
Supported systems
Administration Client supports the same operating systems as Archive Center and Windows 11.
Administration Client does not include the Archive Center Application Layer.
Remote Standby scenarios are not supported for archives that are used within
Enterprise Library Services, that is archives that are used to host records and are
referenced within Content Server.
Archive Center only evaluates «allow» ACLs (access control lists) on the file share,
«deny» permissions are ignored.
This means: «allow» permission for everyone, and «deny» permission for a dedicated
user is not supported.
To support the configuration mentioned above, configure the «allow» permission for every single user
In IPv6 environments, the following environment variable must be set for a client
application using the API: DSH_USE_IPV6=yes
The migrate call must not be used, if the source and the target pool share the same disk
buffer. (Ref: AS-17377).
Hash algorithms supported by Archive Center: RIPEMD-160, SHA-256, SHA-512. You can only use
hash algorithms that are also supported by the timestamp provider.
Quovadis x
• Utimaco, Quovadis Timestamp Server are for use with Archisig only.
• TS_HASHALG2 must be empty for Utimaco Timestamp Server.
• exceet Timestamp Server cannot be monitored through Monitor Server.
• In regards to internal used timestamp certificates, see
The current configuration of the Microsoft SQL Server does not allow to recycle job numbers.
To check your current job number in use, run the following SQL statement:
If PercentageFree is less than 10 percent, contact OpenText Customer Support, and they will assist
you to reorganize the job numbers.
Time settings
All computers (servers, clients and storage systems) must use a central time server. Times returned
by Archive Center are in UTC (coordinated universal time).
IPv6 support
IPv6 addresses in place of host names are not supported. It must be ensured that host names are
resolved to IPv6 addresses.
Component name
The component name is treated as binary data. The length is limited to 255 characters (170
characters for Oracle or SAP Hana DB). Unicode characters are supported.
Some characters are not permitted as part of component names for documents in Archive Center. For
more information, see “Forbidden characters for filenames” on
Volume migration
• Remote Volume Migration is no longer supported.
Event-based retention is not supported for:
• ArchiveLink scenarios
• ECMPush
• AFP files
Under Windows, open a command line window, and then run <OT install AS>\bin\profile.bat.
Linux-like timestamps as datetime format are no longer supported.
Monitoring tools are expected to be transparent for the Archive Center software. For customers who
have a support agreement, OpenText will use reasonable efforts to investigate potential issues with
OpenText software running with 3rd party monitoring tools. As part of that investigation, OpenText may
require that the issue be reproduced independently from the monitoring products. Where issues are
confirmed to be unrelated to the monitoring software, OpenText will support its software in a manner
that is consistent with support provided when that software is not running in such an environment.
Antivirus software
To archive virus-free documents, you must protect the documents from viruses before archiving.
Archive Center does not perform any checks for viruses. To ensure error-free work of Archive Center,
locations where documents are stored temporarily – like disk buffer partitions, cache partitions, and
Document Pipeline directories – must not be scanned by any antivirus software while Archive Center
is using them.
Also, at no time antivirus software must kill any of the processes belonging to a running archive server
(see “spawncmd status”). If this happens, contact your antivirus software vendor to get updated virus
signature files so the OpenText processes are not terminated by the antivirus software.
Storage quotas
Quotas imposed by the operating system on storage platforms are not supported.
This does not apply to quotas imposed by the storage system itself. Storage systems with quotas
must behave like a normal disk partition.
The maximum number of volumes per single file device type (VI) is 256.
Migration via Document Import (dstools – volck) can lead to data loss
In the past, Archive Center migrations to new versions or new environments have been performed via
document import (dstools- volck) from storage systems. Migration via Document Import is no longer
supported as this method can lead to data loss. For more information, see the
For the latest compatibility information for OpenText products, refer to the
Product Compatibility Matrix (
Component EN DE JA FR IT ZH ES
If 100 kB documents must be ingested within 10 hours onto a NAS/CAS storage system, the
environment recommended above can be able to ingest 1 million documents per day (10 hours). Note
that the numbers can vary depending on document types, compression rates, encryption, or other
7 Fixed issues
This section provides information about past issues that have been fixed in this release.
8 Known issues
The following known issues exist in this release.
AC 1781 AutoDelete does not delete CMIS folder for AFP documents.
AC 1704 Archive Center 16.2 and OTDS 16.2.2: create license stub not possible.
AC 704 Archiving for Content Sever and Volume Migration cannot use Write-Thru
Pools as target.
AS 17377 The migrate call must not be used, if the source and the target pool share the
same disk buffer.
AS 17333 AutoDelete job does not work for single instance archiving (SIA).
AS 16314 Remote standby not supported for collections with retention option “Propagate
to storage”=Off.
AS 16307 Document option to allow changes by privileged users is not set by dsTools
AS 15981 Cluster: Copy/Move to different pool is not released using Archive Link migrate
AS 15761 Cluster: Import and export of buffer volumes is not supported for Cluster
AS 15759 Import and export of buffer volumes is not supported for Cluster deployments.
AS 15595 Calling dshdsk with a missing volume will result in success. Nevertheless,
errors are logged.
AS 15392 Write Jobs used for Generalized Storage cannot be stopped.
AS 15366 Solution registry agent cannot be used for Archive Center using PostgreSQL
AS 14546 Job SYS_MIGRATE_ATTRIBUTES will fail if there are documents with no
Archive Id.
AS 14465 Import and export of buffer volumes is not supported for Cluster deployments.
AS 7814 After deleting a shadow pool, the application server must be restarted.
AS 7684 Delayed archiving should not be used for Archives with shadow pool.
AS 17678 dsTools and volck are able to import more data as expected if EMC Buckets
have the same PEA File. Create for each needed volume a separate Bucket
and also dedicated PEA File to solve this issue.
AS 17669 dsPurgeVol does not delete ISOs from EMC ECS even that the output is OK,
but in the log there is the error "Wrong parameter detected" mentioned. The
ISO needs to be deleted manually afterwards.
AS 18209 verifyAts.exe wrongly parsing expiry dates for Exceet RSASSA-PSS
certificates and displays them not correct.
AC 3869 Node recovery util cannot be used.
AS 18054 dsGs hangs when copying docs to different volume on same storage with 5
threads for S3/HCP/Azure. To avoid the issue make sure than number of
threads for dsGs is smaller than number of sessions.
AC 3617 If a component is imported by dsTools in quick mode (option -q) the first
attempt to retrieve such component fails with error.
AS 17463 Move of document by migrate to different archive or storage tier ignored if still
in diskbuffer.
AS 17377 Move of document by migrate to different storage tier ignored if both pools
share same diskbuffer.
AS 17312 With the new ability to use an S3 connection for multiple volumes, it's possible
to also create a volume referencing the actual base directory. While this
operation succeeds, the volume's root directory then includes the root directory
of any volume using the same connection with a top-level folder. This leads to
AC 3041 Cluster: utility "Reassign work to other node" can break the remaining node if
archisig is used.
AC 3737 Export-to-Cloud: Cannot handle a file called toc file in keystore.
AS 18256 Dinfo - Different results on Windows and Linux for retention dates beyond year
AS 18876 Patch FAR-1620-002 removes system variable ECM_DP_FSA_JAVA_HOME
AS 18998 iso9660.log and backup_proto log files are written in <tomcat> directory not into
AS 19550 dsHdskRm.log grows unlimited
AS 19707 Archive Center 16.2 is not able to update component when the version is higher
than 1000.
AS 23023 Free storage calculation for AWS S3/Nutanix S3: Volume size limit for Archive
Server is 8 TB
AS 20615 DocId with ‘AFP’ in the ID string is not allowed outside of the AFP scenario.
The docId with ‘AFP’ in the ID string looks like an AFP docId, which is
applicable just to correct AFP documents i.e., MDF (multi-document files), but
fails for usual documents.
AC 4230 CMIS: Upload of files that are larger than 2 GiB is not supported if the
content length is not set.
AC 1158 Web applications Access and MyArchive: export fails if documents with the
same filename exist.
Work-around: Export in EDRM format.
AC 1044 Export/Import using SAP HANA DB Studio not supported.
AC 704 Archiving for Content Sever and Volume Migration cannot use Write-Thru
Pools as target.
AS 17387 CMIS: Selecting of a specific version including the latest version is not
AC 667 ECMPush cannot be used for documents within CMIS directories with
starting blank.
AC 664 Documents ingested via the file share data source cannot be propagated to
Content Server.
AC 3043 CMIS Date filters are not working in case of internal field mappings of type
AC 2227 AFP business document not processed in Pipeline due to
SAXParseException. Problem is a property value contains the Unicode 0x0
character. This is not allowed in XML.
AC 1266 In order to activate a full-blown SSL scenario for far variable
FSA.CMIS_HOST must be set to the fully qualified hostname (as localhost is
no longer permitted for SSL).
The xpwd feature used for authentication of CMIS request on proxy does not
work if call is not submitted by localhost.
AS 16607 Date time search not supported for CMIS custom types.
AS 15969 MS SQL: Tagging is not possible with double byte characters in tag name.
AS 17387 If the latest version of a document is deleted, the document is still queryable
when doing a "Search all versions" but not when doing a "Search only recent
Workaround: After deleting the latest version of a document, editing the
properties of the document in CMIS without doing any modifications (only
triggering a re-extract of the document of the indexer) the document is query-
able as "Latest Version" again.
Note: Deleting a specific version or the latest version is only possible using a
dedicated client (CMIS Workbench or any other custom written client,
accessing the CMIS Api).
AS 13319 Different (mixed) settings IPv4/IPv6 for Archive Cache Server and client
using the Archive Cache Server is not supported.
AS 15370 Changing subnet address of one of the subnet definitions of a Cache Server
will reset the Cache Server mode to "Write Through".
AS 16500 reportArchives: Only up to 1000 volumes will be included to the report.
AS 18633 List and refresh some ADMC objects failed when changing the one node to
another node in SQL 2017 Always on feature.
AS 19809 OTCS Ticket 4641954: ADMC Call of the Export to Cloud job does not work with
Keystore passwords containing special characters.
AS 19783 OTCS Ticket 4641954: ADMC Call of the Export to Cloud job logs passwords in
clear text in the logfiles.
9 Contact information
OpenText Corporation
275 Frank Tompa Drive
Waterloo, Ontario
Canada, N2L 0A1