Warhammer40000 Indexes Faqs&errata-Eng 16.10
Warhammer40000 Indexes Faqs&errata-Eng 16.10
Warhammer40000 Indexes Faqs&errata-Eng 16.10
This document collects amendments to the Index Cards printed for Autarch Wayleaper – Wargear Options
each Warhammer 40,000 faction, and presents our responses to Change to:
players’ frequently asked questions. Often these amendments are ‘This model’s shuriken pistol can be replaced with one of the following:
updates necessitated by new releases or community feedback. ■ 1 death spinner
At other times, they are errata designed to correct mistakes or add ■ 1 Dragon fusion gun
clarity. New or revised entries are marked with red (applied selectively ■ 1 fusion pistol
when used to highlight partial alterations). ■ 1 Reaper launcher
This model’s star glaive can be replaced with one of the following:
■ 1 Banshee blade
■ 1 Scorpion chainsword
Army Rule Card – Strands of Fate, 4th paragraph This model can be equipped with one of the following:
Add ‘Once per phase,’ to the start of this paragraph. ■ 1 Howling Banshee mask
■ 1 mandiblasters’
Autarch – Abilities, Superlative Strategist
Change to: Corsair Voidreavers – Melee Weapons
‘Once per battle round, one unit from your army with this ability can Add close combat weapon profile:
use it when its unit is targeted with a Stratagem. If it does, reduce the RANGE A WS S AP D
CP cost of that use of that Stratagem by 1CP.’ Close combat weapon Melee 3 3+ 3 0 1
Autarch – Ranged Weapons, Reaper launcher – starswarm Corsair Voidreavers – Unit Composition, wargear lists
Change Damage to ‘1’. Change to:
‘■ Every model is equipped with: shuriken pistol; close combat
Autarch – Wargear Options weapon; Aeldari power sword.’
Change to:
‘This model’s shuriken pistol can be replaced with one of the following: Corsair Voidscarred – Ranged Weapons, fusion pistol
Change Damage to ‘D3’.
■ 1 death spinner
■ 1 Dragon fusion gun Corsair Voidscarred – Melee Weapons
■ 1 fusion pistol Add close combat weapon profile:
■ 1 Reaper launcher RANGE A WS S AP D
Close combat weapon Melee 3 3+ 3 0 1
This model’s star glaive can be replaced with one of the following:
■ 1 Banshee blade Corsair Voidscarred – Unit Composition, wargear lists
■ 1 Scorpion chainsword Change to:
‘■ Every Corsair Voidscarred and Voidscarred Felarch is equipped
This model can be equipped with one of the following: with: shuriken pistol; Aeldari power sword; close combat weapon.
■ 1 Howling Banshee mask ■ A Shade Runner is equipped with: shuriken pistol; close combat
■ 1 mandiblasters’ weapon; paired Hekatarii blades.
■ A Soul Weaver is equipped with: shuriken pistol; Aeldari power sword;
Autarch Skyrunner – Melee Weapons close combat weapon; channeller stones.
Add close combat weapon profile: ■ A Way Seeker is equipped with: shuriken pistol; Executioner; close
RANGE A WS S AP D combat weapon; witch staff.’
Close combat weapon Melee 3 2+ 3 0 1
Dark Reapers – Unit Composition, 3rd line
Autarch Skyrunner – Unit Composition Change to ‘Every model is equipped with: Reaper launcher; close
Change to: combat weapon.’
‘This model is equipped with: close combat weapon; laser lance; twin
shuriken catapult.’
Index Cards 1
Detachment Rule Card – Ynnari section, last paragraph FAQS
Change to: Q: Can Wraithguard use their War Construct ability while within
‘No Drukhari models included in your army in this way can be given Engagement Range of one or more enemy units?
Enhancements. You cannot include units with any of the following A: No.
keywords in your army using these rules: Phoenix Lords; Avatar of
Khaine; Solitaire; Haemonculus Covens.’ Q: How do you place the Yncarne when using its Inevitable
Death ability?
Dire Avengers – Unit Composition, 3rd line A: Before removing the last model in the destroyed unit, determine the
Change to ‘Every model is equipped with: Avenger shuriken catapult; centre point of that model’s position on the battlefield. After removing
close combat weapon.’ that model, place the Yncarne so that its own centre point on the
battlefield aligns with that destroyed model’s centre point as exactly
Skyweavers – Unit Composition as possible. This means that the Yncarne will be positioned directly
Change to ‘2-4 Skyweavers’. over where that destroyed model was, with the centre of its base as
close as possible to the centre of the destroyed model’s base.
Solitaire – Abilities, Blitz
Change to: Q: Can a Fate dice be used as part of a re-roll?
‘Blitz: Once per battle, in your Movement phase, this model can use A: Yes.
this ability before it makes a Normal move. If it does, until the end of
the turn, add 2D6" to this model’s Move characteristic and add 3 to the Q: Does Eldrad Ulthran’s Diviner of Futures ability mean when you
Attacks characteristic of this model’s Solitaire weapons.’ re-roll a Strands of Fate roll, the nine D6 become eight D6, then seven
D6, etc.?
Spiritseer – Abilities, Tears of Isha A: Yes.
Change to:
‘While this model is leading a unit, in your Command phase, you can Q: If I re-roll a roll that used a Fate dice, do I get to use that Fate dice in
return 1 destroyed Bodyguard model to that unit.’ the re-roll (e.g. when re-rolling a Charge roll)?
A: No. Any contributed Fate dice are lost if re-rolled.
Storm Guardians – Wargear Options, 1st and 2nd bullets
Change to: Q: While Yvraine is attached to a unit of Kabalite Warriors, can that unit
‘■ Up to 2 Storm Guardians can each have their shuriken pistol replaced embark within a Drukhari Transport?
with 1 Aeldari flamer. A: No.
■ Up to 2 Storm Guardians can each have their shuriken pistol replaced
with 1 Guardian fusion gun.’ Q: While a Spiritseer is attached to a Wraithlord, does that unit have the
Infantry keyword?
Stratagems Card – Phantasm Stratagem, Target section A: Yes.
Change to:
‘TARGET: One Aeldari unit from your army (excluding Aircraft).’ Q: Which of these two rules happens first: Consolidate or the War
Construct ability?
Striking Scorpions – Wargear Options, 1st bullet A: Both happen after the unit has finished making its attacks. The
Change to: player whose turn it is determines the sequencing.
‘■ T he Striking Scorpion Exarch’s shuriken pistol can be replaced with 1
Scorpion’s claw.’ Q: When using the Yncarne’s Inevitable Death ability, is it restricted by
abilities that prevent Reserves from being set up within a certain range
Support Weapons – Unit Composition (e.g. Space Marine Infiltrators’ Omni-scramblers)?
Change to ‘1 Support Weapon’. A: Yes. However, the Yncarne can still be set up as close as possible
to where the destroyed model was (see ‘Repositioned Units’ in the
Vypers – Unit Composition Rules Commentary).
Change to ‘1 Vyper’.
Index Cards 2
Enhancements Card – Grand Strategist Ogryn Bodyguard – Unit Composition, 2nd line
Change to: Change to ‘This model is equipped with: ripper gun; close combat
‘Officer model only. In your Command phase, the bearer can issue weapon; huge knife.’
one additional Order in each battle round.’
Ratling Snipers – Keywords section
Aegis Defence Line Add ‘Ratling’.
Add Deployment section, to read:
‘When this model is set up, it will consist of 1 platform section, up Regimental Enginseer
to 5 shield sections, up to 2 broken shield sections and up to 2 end Change datasheet name to:
sections. All sections must be connected to each other to form a ‘Tech-Priest Enginseer’
continuous defence line; the 2 broken shield sections can be placed
either at the end of the defence line, or in the middle of it such that Change Keywords section to:
both are within ½" of each other (in this case, these 2 sections count ‘Infantry, Character, Imperium, Tech-Priest Enginseer’
as being connected to each other). All of the sections that have been
set up are then treated as a single model for all rules purposes.’ Regimental Preacher
Change datasheet name to:
Astra Militarum Infantry Armoury Card, asterisk note ‘Ministorum Priest’
Change to:
‘* If this weapon is equipped by a Militarum Tempestus model, it has a Change Keywords section to:
Ballistic Skill characteristic of 3+.’ ‘Infantry, Character, Imperium, Grenades, Ministorum Priest’
Astra Militarum Vehicle Armoury Card, exterminator autocannon, Tank Commander – Keywords section
weapon abilities Add ‘Squadron’.
Change to:
‘[RAPID FIRE 4, TWIN-LINKED]’. Taurox Prime – Ranged Weapons, Taurox missile launcher (frag)
Change Strength to ‘4’.
Cadian Castellan – Melee Weapons
Add close combat weapon profile: Ursula Creed – Abilities, Tactical Genius
RANGE A WS S AP D Change to:
Close combat weapon Melee 2 4+ 3 0 1
‘Tactical Genius: Once per battle round, one Regiment unit from your
army within 12" of this model can be targeted with a Stratagem for 0CP,
Cadian Castellan – Unit Composition, 2nd line even if another unit from your army has already been targeted with
Change to ‘This model is equipped with: laspistol; chainsword; close that Stratagem this phase.’
combat weapon.’
Death Korps of Krieg – Wargear Options Q: Can an Officer targeted with the Inspired Command Stratagem still
Change 2nd bullet to: issue an Order if it has already issued a number of Orders during that
‘For every 10 models in this unit, 1 Death Korps Trooper’s lasgun can battle round equal to the number listed on its datasheet? For example,
be replaced with one of the following: if a Cadian Castellen issues one Order during my Command phase, can I
lasgun and 1 vox-caster (that model’s lasgun cannot be replaced) use the Inspired Command Stratagem in my opponent’s next Command
plasma gun’ phase to issue another Order, even if it is the same battle round?
A: Yes.
Add the following bullet:
‘■ 1
Death Korps Trooper equipped with a lasgun can be equipped with Q: If a Tank Commander is destroyed by anything other than an attack,
1 Death Korps medi-pack (that model’s lasgun cannot be replaced).’ can that model use its Death Befitting An Officer ability?
A: No.
Gaunt’s Ghosts – Ranged Weapons table, Rawne’s lascarbine
Change ‘[SUSTAINED HITS]’ to ‘[SUSTAINED HITS 1]’. Q: If a Tank Commander is destroyed as a result of its own weapon’s
[HAZARDOUS] ability, can that model use its Death Befitting An
Infantry Squad – Unit Composition Officer ability?
Add the following: A: Yes.
‘Designer’s Note: Each Heavy Weapons Team model in this unit counts
as 2 models for the purposes of wargear options.’ Q: When a Tank Commander uses its Death Befitting An Officer ability,
can it benefit from Big Guns Never Tire?
Kasrkin – Keywords section A: Only if it is your Shooting phase.
Add ‘Regiment’.
Q: Does a Scout Sentinel’s Daring Recon ability allow a unit shooting
Ogryn Bodyguard – Melee Weapons with an Indirect Fire weapon at a unit that is not visibile to it to score a
Add close combat weapon profile: hit on a Hit roll of less than a 4?
Close combat weapon Melee 4 3+ 6 0 1
Index Cards 3
Q: Does the Kasrkin Warrior Elite ability stack with Ursula Creed’s Lord Primaris Sword Brethren – Wargear Options
Castellan ability to allow them to be affected by three different Orders Change 1st bullet to:
at once? ‘Any number of Primaris Sword Brothers can each have their Astartes
A: No. chainsword replaced with 1 power weapon.’
Add 6th bullet to read:
Q: Can the Rogal Dorn Battle Tank’s Ablative Plating ability be used ‘■ For every 5 models in this unit, 1 Primaris Sword Brother’s heavy
against attacks that have the [DEVASTATING WOUNDS] ability? bolt pistol and Astartes chainsword can be replaced with 1 twin
A: Yes. lightning claws.’
Q: Does the Rogal Dorn Battle Tank’s Ablative Plating ability have to be Primaris Sword Brethren – reverse of card
used against the first attack allocated to it? Add Attached Unit section, to read:
A: No. ‘If a Character from your army with the Leader ability can be attached
to an Intercessor Squad, it can be attached to this unit instead.’
Q: Can any Officer in an Attached unit use the Master Vox ability while
issuing an Order? Primaris Sword Brethren – Unit Composition, 2nd line
A: Yes. Change to ‘4-9 Primaris Sword Brothers’.
Q: Does Ursula Creed’s Tactical Genius ability allow the use of the FAQS
Reinforcements! Stratagem? Q: If I target a unit with the Fervent Acclamation Stratagem, and I then
A: No. A destroyed unit is not on the battlefield and therefore not within target the same unit with another Stratagem that has an enhanced
range of any Aura abilities. effect if that Templar Vow is active for my army, does that unit benefit
from that enhanced effect?
Q: Does the Kasrkin’s Warrior Elite ability allow the same Order to be A: Yes. For the purposes of that second Stratagem, the targeted unit is
selected twice and for them to stack on this unit? treated as though that Templar Vow is active for your army.
A: No.
Q: Can Chaplain Grimaldus’ Temple Relics ability be used while his unit
Q: Can the Tank Commander’s Death Befitting an Officer ability allow it is in Strategic Reserves?
to shoot out of combat in the Fight phase? A: Yes.
A: No. Big Guns Never Tire can only be used in the controlling player’s
Shooting phase. Q: If my unit is being affected by one or more rules that change its Move
characteristic, then when using the Devout Push Stratagem, is the total
distance I can move that unit affected?
A: Yes. A unit cannot move further than its Move characteristic when
making a Normal move.
Castellan – Keywords section
Add ‘Lieutenant’.
Index Cards 4
Horticulus Slimux – Abilities, Seed The Garden of Nurgle
Change to:
‘At the end of your Movement phase, if this model is within one Area
Terrain feature, until the end of the battle, that Area Terrain feature FAQS
is considered to be within your army’s Shadow of Chaos.’ Q: Does the Knights of Shade Stratagem allow a model to end its move
within a wall?
Warp Surge Stratagem – Effect section A: No.
Change to:
‘EFFECT: Until the end of the phase, your unit is eligible to declare a Q: When I declare the target of a War Dog Brigand’s attack, for the
charge in a turn in which it Advanced.’ purposes of its Brigand ability, do I check if the target is the closest
eligible target for any of the War Dog Brigand’s weapons or specifically
FAQS for that attack?
Q: When using the Daemonic Pact rule to add Legiones Daemonica A: Specifically for that attack.
units to my army, are any of the Shadow of Chaos army rules in effect
(including Daemonic Manifestation and Daemonic Terror)? Q: If a War Dog Brigand splits its attacks between two targets, and
A: No. it destroys the closest eligible target with the attacks from its first
weapon, can its remaining weapons benefit from its Brigand ability
Q: If a Pink Horror or a Blue Horror is destroyed as a result of its (assuming they are now targeting the closest eligible target)?
own weapon’s [HAZARDOUS] ability, can that model’s unit use its A: No, the closest eligible target is checked in the Select Targets step.
Split ability?
A: Yes. Q: When the Dread Hounds Stratagem is used in conjunction with a War
Dog Brigand’s Brigand ability, does that make the selected enemy unit
Q: When I return models to a unit of Blue Horrors that began the battle the closest eligible target?
as a unit of Pink Horrors, can I return Pink Horrors to that unit? A: Yes.
A: No.
Q: When I return models to a unit of Blue Horrors that began the battle DEATH GUARD
as a unit of Pink Horrors, can I return models to that unit to bring it
above the Starting Strength of that unit of Pink Horrors? ERRATA
A: No. Death Guard Chaos Lord – Ranged Weapons, plague bolt pistol
Add ‘[PISTOL]’.
Q: Do Pink Horrors’ and Blue Horrors’ Split abilities trigger when the
damage is dealt by something other than an attack? Death Guard Cultists – Ranged Weapons, heavy stubber
A: No. Change Ballistic Skill to ‘5+’.
Q: Does Be’lakor’s The Dark Master ability allow it to be set up closer Death Guard Daemon Prince with Wings – Core Abilities
than 9" to enemy models, in a location that is not otherwise within my Add ‘Deep Strike’.
army’s Shadow of Chaos, using the Warp Rifts Detachment rule?
A: No. Death Guard Helbrute – Abilities, Infused with the Blessings of Nurgle
Change the last sentence to ‘Until the start of your next turn, that
Q: If there are no objective markers within No Man’s Land or within my enemy unit is always considered to be within Contagion Range of
opponent’s deployment zone, does The Shadow of Chaos affect those this model.’
areas of the battlefield?
A: No. Death Guard Sorcerer in Terminator Armour – Abilities,
Putrescent Vitality
Q: If a unit of Pink Horrors suffers casualties such that there are no Pink Change to:
Horror models left, and it then uses the Blue Horrors datasheet, what is ‘Putrescent Vitality (Psychic): At the start of the Fight phase, you can
the Starting Strength of that Blue Horrors unit? roll one D6: on a 1, this Psyker’s unit suffers D3 mortal wounds; on
A: The Starting Strength of that Blue Horrors unit is the same as the a 2+, until the end of the phase, each time an attack is allocated to a
Starting Strength of the original Pink Horrors unit when it was added to model in this Psyker’s unit, subtract 1 from the Damage characteristic
your army list. of that attack.’
Q: Does using the Insane Bravery Stratagem on a Legiones Daemonica Malignant Plaguecaster – Ranged Weapons, plague bolt pistol
unit mean that unit is considered to have taken a Battle-shock test? Add ‘[PISTOL]’.
A: Yes, it is considered to have taken a test and passed it.
Plague Marines – Ranged Weapons, plague bolt pistol
Add ‘[PISTOL]’.
Index Cards 5
Typhus – Abilities, The Eater Plague FAQS
Change to: Q: If I use the Alliance of Agony Stratagem to empower one Archon, one
‘The Eater Plague (Psychic): In your Shooting phase, you can select Succubus and one Haemonculus, and one or more of those models’
one enemy unit within 18" of and visible to this Psyker (excluding units are within 9" of a friendly Cronos, can I use that Cronos’ Pain
units with the Lone Operative ability that are not part of an Attached Parasite ability to attempt to gain 1 Pain token, or do all three of my
unit and are not within 12" of this Psyker) and roll one D6: on a 1, units need to be within 9" of that Cronos for its Pain Parasite ability
this Psyker’s unit suffers D3 mortal wounds; on a 2-5, that enemy to apply?
unit suffers D6 mortal wounds; on a 6, that enemy unit suffers D3+3 A: You can use the Pain Parasite ability to attempt to gain 1 Pain token
mortal wounds.’ if one or more of the Empowered units are within 9" of that Cronos – it
is not required for all of those Empowered units to be within 9" of the
FAQS Cronos to attempt to gain that Pain token.
Q: Does an objective marker that has been Infected by my army via the
Spread the Sickness Detachment rule remain Infected if my opponent Q: Can Pain tokens that are gained from a Cronos’ Pain Parasite ability
controls it at the start or end of any turn? at the start of a phase be used immediately to Empower additional
A: Yes. However, while your opponent controls that objective marker, it units at the start of that phase?
does not have the Nurgle’s Gift ability. A: Yes.
Q: Do Poxwalkers returned by the Curse of the Walking Pox ability in the Q: Does the Venom’s Transport rule that splits units happen before
Fight Phase get to fight if they are returned within Engagement Range Leader units are attached?
of one or more enemy units? A: Yes.
A: No, they were not present in the Select Targets step when the unit
was selected to fight. Q: For the purposes of the Cronos’ Pain Parasite Aura ability, if multiple
Cronos units are within range of the same unit being Empowered, can I
Q: Does Mortarion’s Lord of the Death Guard ability ignore other models’ roll once for each of those Cronos units, or once in total?
abilities that affect the damage of his weapon (e.g. a C’tan Shard of the A: Once in total, as Aura abilities only apply once, regardless of the
Void Dragon’s Necrodermis ability)? number of sources of the same Aura.
A: Yes.
Q: Is the Scourges’ Winged Strike ability resolved before or after
Stratagems that enable enemy units to shoot in my Shooting phase?
A: The player whose turn it is chooses the order.
Archon – Abilities, Devious Mastermind GREY KNIGHTS
Change to:
‘Devious Mastermind (Aura): If this model is your Warlord, each time ERRATA
your opponent targets a unit from their army with a Stratagem, if that Brotherhood Chaplain – Core Abilities
unit is within 12" of this model, increase the cost of that use of that Add ‘Leader’.
Stratagem by 1CP.
Brotherhood Techmarine – Abilities, Omnissiah’s Blessing
Designer's Note: This ability takes precedence over the Lord of Deceit Add the following sentence:
ability presented in the Balance Dataslate June 2024.’ ‘Each model can only be selected for this ability once per turn.’
Cronos – Abilities, Pain Parasite (Aura) Grey Knights Land Raider Crusader – Profile line
Change to: Change Move characteristic to ‘12"’.
‘Pain Parasite (Aura): Each time one Pain token is removed from your
Pain token pool to Empower one or more units, if one or more of those Grey Knights Land Raider Redeemer – Profile line
Empowered units are within 9" of this unit, roll one D6: on a 4+, you Change Move characteristic to ‘12"’.
gain 1 Pain token.’
Death from the Warp Stratagem – Effect section
Haemonculus – Core Abilities Change to:
Add ‘Leader’. ‘EFFECT: Until the end of the turn, ranged weapons equipped by
models in your unit have the [ASSAULT] ability and each time a model
Lelith Hesperax – Keywords section in your unit makes an attack, add 1 to the Hit roll.’
Add ‘Succubus’.
Kaldor Draigo – Abilities, One With the Warp
Urien Rakarth – Keywords section Change to:
Add ‘Haemonculus’. ‘One with the Warp (Psychic): Once per battle, when this model’s unit
declares a charge in the same turn it was set up on the battlefield
Voidraven Bomber – Keywords section using the Deep Strike or Teleport Assault ability, add 3 to the
Add ‘Fly’. Charge roll.’
Index Cards 6
FAQS Q: Do you score the Bring It Down Secondary Mission when you destroy
Q: If the mission rules I am using state that Reserves units cannot Canis Rex?
arrive on the battlefield during the first battle round (e.g. the Pariah A: No. The Using Sir Hekhtur rule on the Sir Hekhtur datasheet states
Nexus mission pack), can I target a unit that has the First to the Fray that your Canis Rex unit is not considered to be destroyed until Sir
Enhancement with the Rapid Ingress Stratagem during the first battle Hekhtur is also destroyed. Once Sir Hekhtur has been destroyed, the
round if I have the second turn? Bring It Down Secondary Mission can be scored.
A: No.
Q: For the purposes of completing the Deed of the Lay Low the Tyrant
Q: Can I use the Servitor Retinue ability to join a Servitors unit to an Oath, if the enemy Warlord is destroyed then resurrected, is the Deed
Attached unit consisting of a Brotherhood Techmarine and another still completed?
Servitors unit? A: The completion of Deeds is determined at the start of your Command
A: Yes, but no further Servitor units can join that unit. phase. If the enemy Warlord is not destroyed at the start of your
Command phase, then even if you previously destroyed it, the Deed
Q: Can I use the Mists of Deimos Stratagem after an enemy unit has not yet been completed. Once completed, however, that Deed
disembarks from a Transport? remains completed (and so your army remains Honoured) even if that
A: No (see ‘Count as Having Made a Normal Move’ in the Warlord is no longer destroyed later in the battle.
Rules Commentary).
Q: Does the Grand Master’s Might of Purity ability ignore rules that LEAGUES OF VOTANN
would reduce the Damage characteristic of weapons equipped by
Bodyguard models in that Grand Master’s unit? ERRATA
A: Yes. Appraising Glare Enhancement – 2nd sentence
Change to:
‘Until the start of your next Command phase, while an enemy unit is
within range of that objective marker, it counts as having one more
Judgement token than it actually has (to a maximum of 2).’
Army Rule Card – Code Chivalric, 2nd paragraph Hearthkyn Warriors – Unit Composition, 2nd bullet
Change to: Change to ‘9 Hearthkyn Warriors’.
‘If, at the start of any of your Command phases, your selected Oath’s
Deed is completed, your army becomes Honoured for the rest of the Ûthar the Destined – Abilities, Ancestral Fortune
battle and you gain 3CP (you can only gain CP in this way once per Change to:
battle, and CP gained in this way are an exemption to the Core Rules ‘Once per turn, you can change one Hit roll or one Wound roll made for
that limit the maximum number of CP you can gain per battle round this model to an unmodified 6.’
to 1).’
Army Rule Card – Code Chivalric, Lay Low the Tyrant, Oath Ability Q: When does a unit gain a Judgement Token from destroying a
Change to: Leagues of Votann unit?
‘Oath Ability: Each time this model is selected to shoot or fight, re-roll a A: When the last model in that Leagues of Votann unit is removed from
single Hit roll of 1 and re-roll a single Wound roll of 1.’ the battlefield.
Squires’ Duty Stratagem – Effect section Q: Can I select one or more units embarked within Transports using
Change to: the Ruthless Efficiency Detachment rule?
‘EFFECT: Until the end of the phase, when resolving attacks that A: No.
target that enemy unit, improve the Strength and Armour Penetration
characteristics of weapons equipped by those Armiger models by 1. If Q: Can I select one or more units in Reserves using the Ruthless
your army is Honoured, until the end of the phase, add 1 to the Damage Efficiency Detachment rule?
characteristic of those weapons as well.’’ A: Yes.
FAQS Q: Can I select one unit that is part of an Attached unit using the
Q: If my Canis Rex model is destroyed, can Sir Hekhtur continue and Ruthless Efficiency Detachment rule?
complete an Action that Canis Rex model started? A: No.
A: No.
Q: If a unit from my army destroys one of the units in an Attached unit
Q: Do you score the Assassination Secondary Mission twice when you that has one or more Judgement tokens, what happens?
destroy Canis Rex then Sir Hekhtur? A: That Attached unit is not considered to be destroyed for the
A: Yes. purposes of Ruthless Efficiency. Each unit that remains from that
Attached unit has the same number of Judgement tokens. For
example, if a unit of Boyz is being led by a Warboss and a Weirdboy,
and has two Judgement tokens, after the Boyz unit is destroyed, the
Warboss and the Weirdboy each become individual units, each with
two Judgement tokens.
Index Cards 7
Q: Can I gain CP from another source, such as by discarding a Skyclaws – Attached Unit
Secondary Mission card, in the same turn in which I gained 3CP from Change to:
the Ruthless Efficiency Detachment rule (since it ignores the cap on the ‘If a Character unit from your army with the Leader ability can be
number of CP you can gain during a battle round)? attached to Assault Intercessors with Jump Packs or an Assault
A: Yes. Squad with Jump Packs, it can be attached to this unit instead.’
Q: If the mission rules I am using state that Reserves units cannot Stormfang Gunship – Keywords section
arrive on the battlefield during the first battle round (e.g. the Pariah Add ‘Imperium’.
Nexus mission pack), if I am going second, can I use the Hernkyn
Pioneers’ Outflanking Mag-Riders ability at the end of my opponent’s Stormfang Gunship – Ranged Weapons,
first turn, then set that unit up again during my first turn? helfrost destructor (focused)
A: No. You can use the ability to remove that unit from the battlefield, Change Ballistic Skill to ‘N/A’.
but you cannot set it up again until the second battle round using the
Strategic Reserves rules. Stormwolf – Keywords section
Add ‘Imperium’.
Q: Does the Appraising Glare Enhancement give one Judgement
token to each affected enemy unit that does not already have any Wolf Guard – Attached Unit
Judgement tokens? Change to:
A: No, but while a unit is affected by Appraising Glare, add one to the ‘If a Character unit from your army with the Leader ability can be
number of Judgement tokens it has for the purposes of other rules. For attached to a Sternguard Veteran Squad or Vanguard Veteran
the purposes of the A Long List Enhancement, for example, a unit that Squad, it can be attached to this unit instead.’
otherwise has no Judgement tokens would be considered to have one
Judgement token while affected by Appraising Glare. Wolf Guard Battle Leader in Terminator Armour – Melee Weapons,
twin lightning claws
Change Weapon Skill characteristic to ‘2+’.
6" 9 2+ 8 6+ 3
Index Cards 8
Wolf Guard Terminators – Wargear Options
Change 7th sub-bullet of 1st bullet to read:
‘■ 1
storm shield*’
Change 2nd bullet to read: Army Rule Card – Temporal Surge
‘For every 5 models in this unit, one Wolf Guard Terminator can replace Add additional sentence to read:
its storm bolter with one of the following: ‘If it does, that unit is not eligible to declare a charge this turn.’
■ 1 assault cannon
■ 1 heavy flamer Rubric Marines, Scarab Occult Terminators – Ranged Weapons,
■ 1 storm bolter and 1 cyclone missile launcher (this model’s storm Warpsmite
bolter cannot be replaced)’. Add ‘[PSYCHIC]’.
Wolf Lord on Thunderwolf – Melee Weapons, twin lightning claws Thousand Sons Defiler – Ranged Weapons, twin lascannon
Change Weapon Skill characteristic to ‘2+’. Change Strength to ‘12’.
Wolf Scouts – Profile line Thousand Sons Land Raider – Ranged Weapons,
Change Wounds characteristic to ‘2’. twin inferno heavy bolter
Change Range to ‘36"’ and Damage to ‘2’.
Wulfen – Melee Weapons, wulfen hammer
Change Strength characteristic to ‘6’ and change Damage Thousand Sons Rhino – Core Abilities
characteristic to ‘2’. Add ‘Firing Deck 2’.
Index Cards 9
Q: If a World Eaters Helbrute’s Frenzy ability is triggered, can I still
select that unit to shoot or fight that phase?
A: Yes.
Stratagems Card – For the Blood God! Stratagem, When section Q: Can the Favoured of Khorne Enhancement be used while the bearer
Change to: is embarked within a Transport?
‘WHEN: Fight phase, just after a World Eaters unit from your army A: No.
has fought, if one or more enemy units were destroyed as a result of
those attacks.’ Q: Can the Favoured of Khorne Enhancement be used while the bearer
is in Reserves?
World Eaters Rhino – Core Abilities A: Yes.
Add ‘Firing Deck 2’.
Q: If you have no models left on the battlefield, can you still make a
Lord Invocatus – Abilities, Road of Eight Bloody Steps Blessings of Khorne roll?
Change to: A: Yes.
‘Road of Eight Bloody Steps: At the start of the battle, before any
moves are made using the Scouts ability, you can select up to two Q: If I roll one D6 for a Khorne Berzerker unit’s Blood Surge move and
friendly World Eaters Infantry units within 6" of this model. Until then choose not to move the models, do those models still count as
the end of the battle, all models in the selected units have the Scouts having made a Blood Surge move that phase?
6" ability.’ A: Yes, they have made a Blood Surge move of 0".
World Eaters Rhino – Transport section Q: When a Khorne Berzerker model makes a Blood Surge move, does
Change to: that model have to move the full amount allowed by the dice result?
‘This model has a transport capacity of 12 World Eaters Infantry A: No, it can move any distance up to that result.
models. It cannot transport Eightbound, Exalted Eightbound or
Terminator models.’ Q: If I control an objective marker and have more than one unit that
contains a model equipped with an icon of Khorne within range of that
World Eaters Predator Destructor – Ranged Weapons, objective marker, can I re-roll one of my Blessings of Khorne dice for
Predator autocannon each of those units within range of that objective marker?
Add ‘[RAPID FIRE 2]’. A: Yes.
Q: If I use the For the Blood God! Stratagem to make a Blessings of
Khorne roll, could I use a triple 6 from that roll (if there is one) to use
Angron’s Reborn in Blood ability?
A: Yes.
Q: If Angron has been destroyed, can a player still select that unit for
abilities that instruct them to select a unit in their opponent’s army –
e.g. Oath of Moment – in case Angron is returned to the battlefield using
the Reborn in Blood ability?
A: No.
Q: Can a World Eaters Helbrute’s Frenzy ability trigger more than once
per phase?
A: Yes.
Index Cards 10