Manifestation of I 00 New M
Manifestation of I 00 New M
Manifestation of I 00 New M
W. H. Ferguson Co.
Cincinnati, O.
ilbtirjr 6f Cttiiff^^ll^
9^e^ Sy ^9 at)
Copyright, 1900,
H. E. Newman,
This book is copyrighted simply and only to preserve the contents from
being garbled, and not Willi the expectation of reaping any financial beneiit from it.
A Vision,
. .
. .
. .11
— The Beginning^
— Heredity aud En\'ironment. — Ciin and Abel. .
VIII.— Faith
IX.— The,
. .
XII. —Environment^
XIII.— The Shadow and Substauce.—I.,
..... . .
XV.— The
XVI.— The
Idea Giving Life to All Things^
XXY.— God the Light of all Time, . . . .196
XXVI. — God ie to be Worshiped iu Spirit, . . . 201
Star of Bethlehem,
XXXII. ....
— Christ's Temptation,
. . 26G
XXXIII. — Baptism,
XXXV. — Eunuchs,
Eock, ......
fully manifested until God, who was that Idea, was made mani-
fest in a Personality, even Jesus Christ who was that Idea and
LIFE within would make the condition of that life within mani-
fest by a Life. Thus He, even Jesus Christ who was God,
made manifest in His Life the Life within Him, and in thus let-
ting the Life within control the outward life He made manifest
to all men Commands, the Char-
the Wishes, the Purposes, the
acter of God, and the Idea, which lived in Him as Him.
Since the Idea was not fully manifest to Man until He
came, and since therefore every line and passage, from the
first verse in Genesis to the time He lived, and from the
the record of this book, which seeks to show forth the mani-
festation of the Idea and the Idea manifested. If, then, you fail
to see the Idea or grasp the thought in the first pages of the
book, or you fail to see the Idea, and in seeing it see the Idea,
even Christ our God, after reading the book through, do not,
we implore you, grow discourage'd as regards your inability
to comprehend, or permit yourself to deny the suiHciency of
the revelation of the Idea, and therefore of Him (Christ) who
was that Idea, and who was able to comprehend the Idea by
living it, thus setting us the example that we, in living that Life,
might comprehend it in all its beauty.
If, however, this book should make manifest to the World.
even Humanity, the Truth of The Word, even the Bible, for
which Humanity has hungered and thirsted through ;nearly
all the nineteen centuries since He came and walked with
That God should reveal these things to one who was with-
out wisdom himself, need surprise none who comprehends the
depths of His (God's) wisdom. The weakness of the instru-
ment but makes manifest His Omnipotence In thus choosing !
the covering which has obscured the Light, that knocks and
knocks at the door of that Deep, even His Mind, that brings
the Soul of Man into harmonious touch with that Great Soul
in whom the Idea sits enthroned as Him, that makes manifest
the Character of that Soul in all its Glorious Beauty, that
makes the Soul of Man cry out, "Brother !" "Father !" is
ity, and that garment will have just as much glow and beauty
and brilliancy as there are these in the soul of the poet ; and he
clothes the thought with this garment, which is the language
scious touch with Truth, even God. The writers of the New
Testament were in that exalted spiritual condition of soul
Christ being The Word, and The Word being the Completeness
or End of all thoughts or ideas which have truth as their nature,
as He is the Source or Beginning of all these, the words which
Christ uttered were the Ultimate of all ideas, as in deed are all
or thought was that Elijah had fled from the place and
the duty to which God had called him, had feared
the garment, we strive after the truth, the thought, the idea it
its ultimate goal, and (if the conception be in harmony with the
and all ideas not in harmony with that Book can be cast aside
as worthless. Let them harmonise with that Book, and let the
soul harmonize zvith them (the ideas), and the soid will be brought
into contact zvitJi The Word, the Center, Source, Beginning and
End of all Truth.
these things spake Jesus unto the
Thk Bkginning.
(a) ''In the beginning God created the heaven and the
Hence not only life is the result of His coming, but the
life created by Him is in exact harmony with all Truth.
The {e) Life of all life is the Word (God), who is Spirit. The
life World, which is a creation of the Word, is Motion.
of this
Hence, when God said. Let the Unreal be made Real, let Death
live, let the Earth be made manifest, motion was the result.
(/) "And the earth was without form, and void, and dark-
ness was on the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God
moved on the face of the waters."
The creative Force, the Word, that Spirit of Life that
brought Motion out of Stagnation,was and is no part of the
thing created. He moves upon the face of His creation, guid-
ing it, no part of it.
but is
Bear it well in mind, for this book will demonstrate that all
things are governed by it, and that through that Law acting on
(c) Johui. 4. {d) John v. 6. (e) John i. 4. (/) Gen. i. 2.
the: beginning. 15
beginning was but the first step away from non-existence, there
would be nothing lighter than this, hence it would be zvithout
wcigJit, each and every part weightless, like every other part.
If the motion in all its parts was the same, there was lacking
lived out their mission, they will pass away. Since Heat is the
manifestation of a fuller or more condensed material life, it
follows that in the beginning we had an Earth, formless and
void, not because of excess of heat, but because of a condition
in matter which marked the entire absence of heat.
In Light there is no heat. The purer the light, the less
heat. Light one form of motion. Heat another. Light is
beginning as the Earth formless and void has never been added
to or taken from. The condition of that matter only has
changed, and the relationship of parts of that matter to other
parts has changed because of that changed condition. The
changing of the form of that matter adds not to it, neither does
it take from it.
The Sun is composed of molecules which are an intense
the pupil of the eye, and thus bring that and tributary uerves,
as regards their motion, into harmony with the motion existing
at that time in these etheric atoms, which constitute their
environment. Thus they are enabled to see in the night.
In the Sun, therefore, we have molecular motion affecting
the elemental atoms which compose these molecules, and ele-
mental atomic motion affecting the etheric atoms which com-
pose these elemental atoms. This motion is transmitted to the
sun's outermost limits, and in the circumference of the sun's
being we find etheric atoms abiding alone and manifesting a
vibratory motion, which gives Hght in which there is no heat.
The etheric atoms of the Sun are thus acted upon by a
superior force existing in the Sun itself, and thus the Sun be-
comes a Light. This is light produced by an internal force.
When this light motion is transmitted to another globe, and
it is made by reflecting it, then it becomes a light also.
to shine
But if theSun were composed of but one condition of matter,
and this matter was empty, void, and was not in forceful con-
could not generate within itself a form of motion which
tact, it
that "first existence when God said: (g) 'Xet there be light;
and there was light." Let it be, and itwas! Omnipotent
Other worlds besides the Sun and its satellites revolve in
space. Who made themf Who controls them? Before this
world had an existence, they existed. Who was their Law,
and who divined their course ? Who decreed their volume and
their relationship to each other? Are there more than One
God? Has each world its own God?
God exists. It is because God exists that all things
exist and are. He is the Great Central Existence and The
Beginning of all things. It is because God exists that we have
Law. It is because God exists as Law that we know His
works always harmonize in law. It is because Gpd is Law
that we see law in all of Nature's mysteries which He created.
Since we see law in all things and know that God is that Law
Supreme, whenever or wherever we see Law at work, behold
God's fiat. If, then. Nature and the Universe of Worlds are
made by God, who is Law, and are controlled by the One God
who is the
Supreme Law,
had he not that Wisdom of Power which would enable Him
to work out through Nature His will as regards Nature? Shall
we say that He could not have worked in harmony with the Laiv
that controls the UNIVERSE in bringing about His Will?
To say that He could not and zvould not is to deny that He is
the Supreme Law by which every Sun and planet and material
existence that traverses Space is operated and controlled. There
is not a miracle recorded in the Bible whose zvorkings were not
trolled by Lazv, and that God zvas that Lazv Supreme, hence all
(g) Gen. i. 3.
already determined their End, and shall bring that End about.
Thus we see God as the Supreme Law, the Maker and Upholder
and Guide of the
When, therefore, Matter made its appearance it came sub-
Son of God.
Thus this first existence, which was the Earth, was acted
upon by a superior force from without, and the motion of its
particles were changed, and vibratory motion was set up in
this existence by each etheric atom acting. on its neighbor, and
was the result. Since these etheric atoms are the minimum of
size to which matter can attain, it follows that the motion which
came with this existence as part of it, must have been of such
a nature as to form each etheric atom into the form of a sphere,
capable of force if acted upon by a greater force, if it (this exist-
ence) was to show forth vibratory motion within itself. When,
therefore, light was made manifest in this ether, it did not
involve a change in the property of the thing itself, but a change
in its condition. This was brought about w^hen the force from
without, abiding in the Universe which was our solar system's
environment, so acted upon this first Existence which em-
braced the entire solar system of which our Earth is a part, that
vibratory motion was set up in these etheric atoms. In the
vibration of matter as etheric atoms we then receive light.
Light is then a form of motion in etheric matter.
Since the effect of the Universe without was to force these
etheric particles back on themselves, condensation, if this is
continued, must result. A nucleus must be formed, this
nucleus becoming the center of the sphere in which it found its
home, and radiating from itself forces outward. Since ether,
and not molecules, gives light, each lost its light just as rapidly
as its condensation brought it to that point where the vibratory
motion of its particles were so limited in area as to destroy their
light-giving power. It is fair to presume that the smallest
of the globes lost its inherent light first, and the intense heat
which was the result of that intense friction, and that our globe
lost its inherent light in its own order of size, and the resulting
phenomenon was our Earth, a darkened ball, acted upon by tliis
atomic nebula of light, which was slowly becoming trans-
formed into other globes, and which would ultimate in them
all finally being dependent on that one great light, even the
'"And the evening and the morning were the first day."
Not which He called Day in conjunction
that the light
with the darkness He called Night marked a day^ and was the
evening and morning of that day. No No The evening ! !
the heaven to divide the day from the night, and let them be for
signs and for seasons, and for days and nights. And let them
be for lights in the firmament of the heaven, and it was so. And
God made two great lights, the greater light to ride the day and
He made the stars also."
the lesser light to rule the night.
Does not the Greater Light (God's face seen and felt)
make our souls a glorious Day, and does not the lesser fight
(God's face veiled and hidden, seemingly, from our tortured
souls) shine out in the darkness of our Night ?
"He made the stars also." Not that He made the Uni-
verse of worlds when He made our system of Sun and planets,
but that He who made the Sun and Moon also made the
If you throw a ball forward against a wall, the etheric
atoms which compose that wall are first forced back on each
other they then return to their former position, and in return-
ing they react on the ball, and the ball rebounds from the wall.
If there had been no reaction of the wall, the ball would have
rebounded, but not so far, because of the reaction of the etheric
atoms which compose it.
from without would center, and from which forces from within
by reaction would radiate.
As all the etheric atoms which compose a cloud vibrate
back and forth, and yet the cloud as a mass continues its for-
ward motion, so this first Existence continued its forward
journey undeterred by the transformation taking place within
it. The forming of a certain amount of this first Existence into
a separate existence with a center of its own from which would
returning to it (the Sun) favors in kind, and tlie Sun and the
planets which form hissystem all begotten from the one Exist-
What had happened to each sphere and to the Sun also
happened to as one Whole, and as
all a whole they were separ-
ated as far from the Force which begot them all as the antagon-
istic forces (i. e., vibrations existing in our solar system as a
part of its own being, draining itself thereby of its own vitality
and bulk.
and the Sun and all other matter, would be empty, as it was
before the beginning, and in that space NO-thing wotdd again
make evident non-existence?
What you have two balls and place them together,
then ? If
were suddenly dropped into the space outside the Earth's cir-
cumference, the sensation received would be of intensest cold.
Not because of any cold or heat existing in this space itself,
for there can be no heat or cold existing except where matter
exists, and there is no matter existing as a continuous medium,
the: beginning. 27
time when its area would be so great that it (the thing in mo-
tionand motion which was it) would also disappear, and matter
would cease to exist. The happy medium was the lot of Man
in the beginning, but it could not be maintained. Yet the
Law is Perfect, and as Truth is God's Being, and maintains the
Equipoise of that Being.
When we arrive at that point of the Earth's atmosphere
where each atom moves in its own orbit of being, as it did in the
beginning of creation, the space beyond that contains nothing.
The same is true of the Sun. Between the outermost Hmit of
the Sun's circumference of being, and the outermost limits of
the Earth's circumference of being, there is a vast space in
which there is no-thing. Neither atoms nor the last prop of the
This being true, we have the atoms
skeptical scientist, ether.
which are revolving at the outermost limit of the Sun's cir-
cumference in absolute contact with the atoms revolving at the
outermost limit of the Earth's circumference, though millions
upon millions of miles of Space intervene. But then it is only
space, and space in this instance is but another term for
What then? The atoms vibrating with tremendous and
inconceivable velocity in the Sun transmit at once their energy
(not themselves) our atmosphere, impact the result of
atomic action which gives us light, and then follows
molecular action, with its consequent heat. Thus we have the
Sun, although millions upon millions of miles aw^ay as regards
space, really at our door, its atoms vibrating hand in hand with
the atoms of our own planet, and giving to our Earth's atoms
the energy of its own and our Earth light and heat. We have
also presented to us a great Universe, with its unnumbered sys-
tems of worlds, revolving each in its owti orbit of being, travers-
ing the immensity of space, and each embracing within its oivn
circumference of being ai.t. material life and existence within the
Space which its being occupies. We see the immensity of space
ablaze with light, and yet know that in it is no light whatever.
The eye traverses through the nerves of sight the vast space
between the Earth and Sun, and sees the Sun only, for
to that law, then you have not a separate existence from matter,
but matter its manifestation of law know we that it
itself, for by
(matter) is and not something else.
matter, Hence, if you
imagine a certain existence, and call that existence ether, for
instance, and say it is not matter, and yet ascribe to it all the
functions of matter or any of its functions, you at once contra-
dict your own assumption. This they do when they speak of
ether as being a medium, not matter, which fills all Space.
and yet speak about a stress being produced in it. Now it is
evident that if a stress or wave be produced in matter,
there must be an outlet for the Crest of the Wave. Now to
secure this space for theupward movement of the wave, there
must be either an opening above for the crest of the wave, or
that which the wave pushes up, or a condensing into a smaller
area of space that which the wave displaces. But, says one,
there is no movement of the Ether as a w^ave in water, but it is
a motion imparted to the Ether which is manifested by a zvavc-
like course. Very well. What are the modes of motion ? Pri-
marily, they are rotary, translatory and vibratory. Does not
either one of these motions, if used to produce a wave, make it
one piece ? Do you not know that to produce either one of these
motions zvithin the Ether it must be composed of particles,
one acting on the other f Otherwise the rotary or vibratory or
translatory motion would be of the mass. If we give to them
Space, existingless, and were one gifted with the Sight of The
Omnipotent, and could see all material existence at once, that
mans view would he bounded by the horizon of material existence,
without which existence there remains but Space, which, exist-
ing not, and therefore not to be seen, is made manifest by that
which IS, and which is seen.
Thus, as non-existence was made manifest and given an
existence by that which is, even matter, which lived at the
coming of the Word, so later in Man non-existence took on an
existence or was made evident by the coming of the Word,
even Satan, who is the Opposite of Him who IS, and who is
made alive by that Word's coming. Satan being the Opposite
of Him who IS, even God, can not have a personal existence,
for God is Existence personified, and His Opposite must be
non-existence, therefore non-existent, and is only made alive or
manifest by the absence of that which IS.
The Sun, that glorious orb of light and heat and energy,
may or may not become a w^orld like ours, but it will (0) never
cease to give forth these until He who placed it there with Hi?
Omnipotent Word shall so declare.
Cold and Heat, Light and Darkness, are, as regards the
natural world, antagonistic. They are each a product of the
marshaling of material forces. They each enact their part in
the begetting of natural life, yet we know that the life is of the
Heat and the Light. These are all but the figure, the sign-
board, the image of spiritual things. Truth is ever antagonistic
to Error, Enlightenment to Ignorance. When that which is
spiritual shall fully come, then the shadow, even all material
things, shall pass away. The first motion which proclaimed
the presence of a material existence was the herald announcing
the Coming of God the Word, God the Creator, God the Idea.
God the Father of Humanity, God who and His King-
is Spirit,
ished them and gave them both form and existence. When
He shall have Come, surrounded by His holy messengers^ then
shall the Heavens and the Earth melt together with fervent
heat, and Heat shall be lost in light, and Light disappear in
God. Then shall that which was natural give place to the
spiritual, and corruption put on incorruption, for the Heat of
the Sun shall make place for the Love of the Son whose name
is Love, and the light of the Sun to the Light of the Son whose
name is Truth and whose world is Spirit, for all things shall
disappear before the Glory of their Creator at His appearing,
and Motion shall disappear in Him who is Energy personified,
and Time shall give place to Eternity.
{p) "And God said: 'Let the waters bring forth abun-
dantly the moving creature that hath life, and fowl, that may
fly above the Earth in the open firmament of heaven.'
over all the Earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth
on the Earth;
"So God created man in His own image, in the image of
God created He him. Male and female created He them."
"And God blessed them, and God said unto them: 'Be
fniitfnl and multiply and replenish the Earth, and subdue it,
and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and the fowl of the
air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the Earth.'
with birds on wing, and last of all, and crown of all MAN. —
Each step stands alone, by itself, and yet joined by an
indissoluble link to the succeeding step.
And God saw it all from start to finish, from Beginning to
End, and it was very good. It never could be otherwise.
God's works are always good. They have in them the perfect-
ness of a perfect Creator. God's work is always perfect. He
can not do an imperfect work. It is His will that all things
should be perfect, even, indeed, as He is perfect, according to
its kind. He made the Earth a perfect world ; it was good.
He made every tree, shrub, blade of grass, a perfect tree, shrub,
blade of grass. It had in it the perfectness of its being. It
seas, the first bird that swelled its little throat in joyous carol to
its Maker, was perfect as a fish, was perfect as a bird. The
Lion and the lamb were each perfect as to specie. God made
all vegetable life perfect, and (o) stopped there because He
tables; and to a//. animal life He gave the same. Animals and
fowls and creeping things preyed not on each other in the
beginning, but lived in peace, receiving their nourishment
from the Earth. He gave to all animal life a life commensur-
ate with its needs. The life of the animal is one of mind (soul).
But its life is of the Earth, earthy. It never can have aspira-
tions, because it can not receive spiritual things. Its brain acts
in harmony with the truth that environs it, but it can never
receive ideas as such, and it can not formulate thought for that
reason. It can not realize the thought of a higher life. If it
the necessity of their being. But above all mind was the
Word. All things were made by Him, all things were sus-
tained by Him, yet none, not even Man, natural man, was any
part of Him. Yet so inseparably is all creation linked to Him
that not even (q) a sparrow can fall to the Earth without the
Heavenly Father.
But when God made Man He made him in His own image.
Not in the image of that which was below God, but in His
own image. The image of that which was above. He did not
make man God. Man was the IMAGE, GOD THE
He made Man as near God
man, whose Mind
as a natural
was of the Earth, earthy, could be. The body of Man having
sprang into life full grown as a Man, the Mind which God gave
to him at the moment that body lived as a Man, sprang into full
that body's receiving life (mind), not only freedom from sin, but
dominion, and absolute freedom of zi'ill. This ]\Iind or Soul, or
Spirit, for each is the other, and they all mean the same, even
Man, which eaji^e from God^and lived in Adam as Man, became
one with that body of flesh which came into life full grown at
its birth, and gave to that body Mind, which lived as Man, and
that but Man ! If the lower existence could do this, there would
be progression for them;
Living Soul.
plasm, and from out this Protoplasm (the Earth) was gener-
ated organized life. The first Existence living as an empty and
void unnucleated Cell. Then this existence, acted upon by
the Universe which environed it, had a nucleus -formed in it.
Thus it (the Earth) lived as the Protoplasm. Then, within this
Protoplasm other cells were formed, and received a nucleus
and became protoplasms. These cells and protoplasms form-
ing and taking on life when the environment which gave them
existence, and in whom they found their Hfe (even the Earth),
made possible their begetting. If the protoplasms that formed
the plant, fish, beast, or Alan had each been formed at the
time, and began development under the care of the same envi-
ronment, those protoplasms would not have become plant, fish,
beast, and Man, but would all have developed into exactly the
same thing. Thus each parent of diversified specie must needs
be formed under a different environment, and would need also
a different environment to develop it, and proclaim the end of
that development. We have, therefore, first the lowest order
of protoplastic existence beginning to develop as soon as an
environment came which would beget it and develop it, and,
halting, fixed in its life beeause of that environment which begot
it and which proclaimed its End. Then another protoplasm
entering upon its separate existence at a different time, under a
different environment, and having a different being because of
this environment at birth, passing the first organized life on its
journey toward a higher order of life, and then itself becoming
fixed in an environment which held it ever. Then another
protoplasm, receiving being under a still different environment,
begins a development in har}nony zuith that environment, and
halts within an environment that proclaims the end of its
advancement. Last Man, finding his beginning, because of
condition prevailing in the Earth at the time he had his begin-
ning, in a protoplasm, and then the metamorphosis or change
of that protoplasm into the fullness of the completeness of the
perfect physical Man. The elements maintaining their equi-
poise and equilibrium from start to finish in that development
which lived as Man. Each one of that company that populated
the Earth in the beginning, beginning its separate existence as
a protoplasm, in harmony with and according to the environ-
ment in which it began its existence, continuing that metamor-
phosis or change according to its environment, and finding its
end because of its environment. Its start being in harmony
with its environment at start, its journey being according to
its environment at start and during its advancement, its com-
which acted on all things of Earth and Air and Sky in harmony
with itself, and according to that yearning, and thus the Uni-
verse became the environment that begot life in the elements
according to the Purpose of the Divine Idea, and formed those
elements into those protoplasms which lived at their comple-
tion as Man, made male and female. Thus it was the condi-
tions prevalent inall things that made that condition beget the
Thus the flesh was formed as Alan, and this flesh, which
lived as Man, also became hxed in its environment, as was all
that had. gone before, because of that environment and the Hered-
ity, even the Earth, zvhich made that environment, and the Man of
flesh zvas forever barred from the New Creation, which began
immediately on the completion of the Old.
The Idea as it existed in that Mind, even God, to beget a
Son by His Spirit, who would develop into the fullness of His
statue and be Him, we see manifested in every organism their
See you not the Reality and the Image? The Substance
going before, and the Shadow? Can you not see why every-
thing in this life is a parable, telling of spiritual things ?
one in Christ Jesus. The love of the mother, that through the
long, long years of weary praying and hoping and weeping
over the erring child still remains firm, true, seeming to
grow stronger after each disappointed hope, is but a reflex of
that greater love which comes from the Omnipotent Father,
and w^hich will endure through all eternity.
The Strength, the Firmness, the Wisdom, the Justice, that
are characteristic of the true father in dealing with his child
are but the stepping stones to, or the reflection of that perfect
Strength, Firmness, Wisdom and Justice that find an eternal
home with the Everlasting Father.
These forces of the soul meet in an harmonious whole in
Him who loves us, and reaches out after us with the Infinite
Patience and Mercy and Wisdom and Love of an Omnipotent
Father, for they are one in Him, even as (;) "And they were
That Man might be enabled, by comprehending the
Image, to know Him who is the Idea which giveth life to the
Image, God implanted within the male as the head of Creation
the seed of life, and that this truth might not be overlooked,
but proclaimed at the proper time, He put it into the Mind of
the Israelites, to give the genealogy of the male line only hence ;
tree of the Knowledge cf Good and Evil were not, but were
spiritual. There must then have been tzvo gardens, one spirit-
ual, the other material. There were two beings placed in that
garden, which was both material and spiritual, and these two
beings were both material and spiritual, and these two were one
being. There were four streams flowed out of the garden
towards the four corners of the Earth. The woman was begot-
ten out of Man. The Man was enjoined to eat only certain
fruit. The forbidden fruit and the Tree of Life were in the
midst of the garden. The garden was not Eden, but was in
the eastward of Eden. That is, over where the Sun rises,
where the light comes from zvhich dispels the darkness!
The Tree of Life and the Tree of the Knozvledge of Good
and Evil were in the midst of the garden that is, they Ullcd ;
The natural and the spiritual run side by side. One Man
sees Nature, and^ seeing no God of Nature but Nature only as
God, sees only the natural. The Beyond is to him a supersti-
nature's world.
The first stanas speechless at the questions, Whence and
whither ? The second satisfies the cravings of the natural man
with food, and feels within his own body the terrors of pain
and disease. Each finds himself contradicted by the other, and
the crying out of the spirit of the one for food, and of the
body of the other for its food, marks them both as victims of
delusions, and demonstrates even to themselves their own
The Idea being God who is One, and not two, Man is
was the Idea, even God, who One, that is the controlling
force in all things, Man still remains one until all things art
created and named. Since the Idea, even God, is One, the
woman is given as having been taken out of that Man who was
complete hi himself. Thus the Image remains One, as the
woman is part of the Man, "bone of his bone and flesh of his
The whole of the second and third chapters of Genesis is
ual. You might talk until doomsday about God as the true
Light to one who had no conception of natural light, and that
person would no more understand you than a stone wall.
To see the spiritual and the material, each standing by
themselves, is the difficulty. We see that the taking of the
woman out of the side of the man is a parable, and is
an absolute truth. The gardens that these two were
placed in were both material and spiritual. They being
natural beings saw only the natural garden. Yet they,
as spiritual beings, abiding in that garden which was spir-
itual, received the truth which they needed for their continued
life from the Spirit of Truth. This truth was in harmony with
every part of their being, for, because of that innocence of soul
which was theirs, they were in absolute harmony with God.
It was not necessary that this truth should be formulated into
the: beginning. 51
denial, not away from men, but 1)efore all men, reaching out
to succor others, and lift them up, to this God calls every one
To monk or nun, to withdraw our-
live alone, either as hermit,
selves from the world and wrap around us the selfish mantle
of self, is to disobey one of the first decrees that God laid down.
It is not the spirit of martyrdom, it is not the spirit of unselfish-
ness, it is not the spirit of Christ Jesus who bore upon Him-
self the Sin of the World, and yet mingled daily with publican
and sinner, who taught by a life unend-
of ceaseless •activity, of
ing sacrifice of self, of a continued teaching by His own irre-
proachable life, that those who lift humanity up, fallen human-
ity, are the ones Vvho are in the forefront of the battle against
evil, who hide not from the world, but live in the world above
it, and by the Grace and Strength of an Omnipotent Savior
stand firm and grow stronger in the sight of all men.
Christ went forth into the wilderness to pray He came ;
forth to fight. John went forth into the wilderness for a spe-
cial preparation he came forth to lay down his life before all
men. The fn'st man met evil and was overcome it is our duty ;
to meet it not for our own sakes, but for humanity's, and to
meet it where it doth most predomnnate, in the battle of the
world, in the conflict to which Christ calls every one of His
trusted soldiers, and meeting it, to overcome it. God calls not
His children to death, but to life. To bring in the reign
of Christ on Earth, this is the mission of His followers. Ye
are the leaven, ye are the salt, but wherewith will the Earth be
salted by those who have withdrawn from it. Oh that these !
all things which have Hfe. The most insignificant life upon
earth's domain owes its existence to this universal law. Mar-
riage has upon it the divine unprint and sanction. It is the
not bring absolute contentment, and they tear down and build
up, but thereis always something lacking. Secure within that
nest of a home which
they have builded, they abide in each
other's love and the love of their offspring, but trials enter
there, sorrow, pain, anguish, parting, death, and the Home
Beyond becomes a constantly increasing hope and desire and
and Eve had an ideal home. It had been builded
and planted and landscaped and grassed and flowered by an
Omnipotent God. Sorrow had not entered there, and there
was none to make them afraid. Earth and air and sky con-
tributed to their comfort, and the beasts of the field stood
ready to contribute to their pleasure. All things were theirs
but one ; lacking it, like children disobedient, they received it
the Earth took on a somber hue, the sky became brass, the
air a sorocco, the beasts shunned them, their Creator con-
demned them, their home was closed against them. They
build —
it satisfies not always lacking, it ever will lack, for man,
the £rst man, should know anything about the relations of father
and mother and daughter. Christ makes this clear when He
speaks of (b) God as saying this. God decreed it, and Adam's
whole being testified to the law that of one flesh are man and
Thus we find Man, made male and female, embodying in
himself as the law of his being every attribute necessary to
make him the perfect image of the True, the manifestation in
ten by the Mind of God they would drive out the devils begot-
ten by the evil mind and then would that mind shine forth in
all the glory of God Himself. If you understand this, you
understand the story or (e) parable of the wheat and the tares.
If you do not yet, you will if you read on, praying and believ-
Since these angels are the truth as it exists in that Mind,
even God, and are manifested to Man according to his own
condition of soul, it will be seen that no man can receive any
truth from God unless his own mind is brought into thai
(a) Matt. iv. 11. (5) Luke iv. 14. (e) Matt. xiii. 24-30 and 36-43.
exists in the Mind of God. Then God gave Man that truth.
This truth is the angel of God, the angel of His Mind. When
a Man's mind enters into such a relationship to God that it
becomes entirely oblivious to its material environment, it
receives truth in a predominating degree. It matters not
mind, and saw that truth mirrored before their mind's eye as
in a vision, and that vision took on form and feature in har-
mony with the truth which, back of it, gave it being. Their
minds being in harmony with the truth which was manifest
before them in the vision, if that vision appeared as a Man, it
would talk to them, enunciating the truth which it represented
and replying to their questions in absolute truth. The angel
that appeared to Mary at the -tomb of the risen Savior was
dazzling in the exceeding glory of his countenance. Would
he not be when we consider his glorious message ? It was the
condition of her mind that made it possible for her to see and
receive the truth, or come into the knowledge of the presence
that had rolled back the stone.
Man receives God's angels; these angels are Mind — ^they
are the manifestation of God's Mind, and of that truth or idea
or thought as it exists in the Mind of God, as God; they
deliver their message to Man whenever Man's Mind is in
harmony with them. This is the way God speaks to Man,
Mind to mind. Man interprets that mind or thought or idea
own condition of mind, and formulates it into
according to his
words according as he has the power to put into words his
thoughts. But he is able to receive truth without knowing
language, but is not able to express that truth so that others
may know the thought.
Man was made the image of God, hence Man begets
angels within his own mind, zvhich are him, and they are angels
or devils, according to the mind in which they find their home
Thus the (b) angels of the little child always beholds the face
of God because of the purity of that mind in which they find
their home. Not that the angels which behold His face are
spiritual entities existing independent of that child. No
No ! They are the mind of that child, and each thought or idea
proclaims its innocence ! When God made flesh live as Mind,
which He did when He made Mind live as flesh, then Mind
and that flesh were One. It depends, therefore, altogether on
the flesh as to the condition of that Mind, and on the Mind
Mind, you will cure the brain. Now as long as the Mind is
tables, raps on tables, etc., which are put forth as the work of
departed spirits. The operators gather around a table, place
their hands upon the table, and concentrate their minds upon a
given desire, namely, that the table should by raps reply to
their request. There must be a controlling mind at the table,
and it will be found that the reply will correspond to that
mind's predisposition. All the other minds will be more or
less subject to it. The minds of each and all are under an
Oped later that the horse was at neither place. If. Mr. C.'s mind
had contained the knowledge of the right place, the medium
would have told him truly. The difference between the last
illustration and the first is only in the thing acted upon. In the
first it was the atoms of the table, in the second it was the
atoms of the brain, and through that the Mind, and the medium
gave back just what was received. The Witch of Endor gave
back to Saul what she received from him; Saul received the
truth which he had from (ii) Samuel, and following that truth
to its conclusion saw in it his own doom. It was Saul that
motion in its own body harmony with that Soul, and that
their effect on all with which they come in contact is the same,
if open to their reception. Thus when the woman touched the
garment of Jesus, every atom of zvhich was in harmony with the
body it clothed, she was made whole. The change that took place
in tlw woman was physical. The antecedent cause was also physi-
cal. But back of the transformed motion was the faith of the
the Great Spiritual Engine, the SOUL, and from its pure depths
came the Force that made her whole. Did He need that He
must touch one, or that His garments must, that He might
heal? Nay!
(0) ''Go thy way; thy son liveth."
Let no one think that all things are not in harmony with
Law. God is Law, and the Law must always be true. One
sees motion in all things, and, looking upon Matter, sees
Motion IS Both its Life and Being, and all forms of matter as
Forms of Motion. The stone that lies beneath your foot is a
stone because of the mode of motion which forms its being.
God could transform that motion into diversified forms of mat-
ter, and (p) from it raise up children to Abraham. Trans-
form and intensify that motion, and that stone will be dis-
solved and disappear forever, as were the stones of the altar
which Elijah built, and which the fire consumed. If, then,
Matter is but Motion made manifest, and diversified Nature
but diversified Motion, and the Creator of Motion should deny
to it His sustaining fiat, and Motion itself should disappear,
where, then, shall we find this boasted Matter that has Eternity {?)
as its being f
If heat is the result of a mode of motion, and Matter is
(0) John iv. 47-53. Matt. viii. 5-13. (p) Matt. iii. 9. (q) Sam.
iii. 16-28.
64 the: manii^estation of the idea.
was sown in it, and soul is one with the flesh (matter), and all
matter is corruptible, then the destruction of this world by fire
would mean the transformation of motion from one degree to
another, until m.atter and motion would disappear together,
and there would remiain Personified Energy and the Resur-
rected Immortal Spirit, Soul, Mind, Body.
When the awful struggle took place in the mind of the
demoniac between truth and error, true ideas and false ideas,
a true condition of brain and a deranged condition, between
the angels and the devils, the child of God and the child of
the wicked one, that mental struggle was registered in atomic
motion, and beat upon the nervous system of all conditions of
life but only upon the swine did they have any effect, and their
one entity, not two. Whatever soul has His Spirit has His
Mind, hence they also would be not two, but one. Mind is not
six feet tall and so many inches in girth, and weighs so much,
and takes up so much space. Mind is Spirit, and if that Mind
is God, then it is above all things, yet fills all things. It can not
not eat of it: for in the day thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely
die," is the language of the writer of the book of Genesis, but
the truth embodied in that statement is the voice of God, Who is
was God and was the directing Truth going before in Crea-
tion's pathway, every footprint in which is a truth embaled in a
created organism. But Man had what the beasts had not, the
conscious knowledge of the Law. Thus Mind spoke to Mind,
and the Man fek within his own being the desire for knowledge
and the law governing its acquisition, and he felt that Law
warning him against a violation of the Law of his being, even
that spiritual being that reposed in God as God. All the attrib-
utes of his spiritual being (mind) centered and focused upon
his mind the one great truth that he could only know Good and
Evil by disobeying the Good and thus learning the Evil, and
thus he was warned not to eat of the tree of the knowledge of
Good and Evil, but abstain from it, and thus eat forever of the
Tree of Life, even God. Man being a natural being, could see
no other food than that w^hich the natural man could eat, hence
he saw these trees as natural trees growing in a natural garden.
Now since the truth came from God and was received by
Man through Spirit (Mind) acting on Spirit (Mind), and was
interpreted truly by Man, so also the temptation came from
below through matter acting on matter. As the sensations
which were begotten by the serpent beat upon the brain of
Man, the Serpent within the Man himself, even that Adind of the
flesh, awoke, and that mind of flesh or carnal mind of the
woman stood forth in opposition to God. Thus the Serpent or
Devil, which lived only in the snake because the snake
impressed sensations upon that woman's brain, and through it
upon her mind, which w^ere antagonistic to spiritual things,
now lived in the woman because of that carnal mind which
had awoke to life in her. Thus it will be seen that whatever
is opposition to the Spirit of Truth is the Devil. If it had been
the sensations cast of? by the wolf, for instance, that had
aroused the carnal mind of man, then the name Wolf and
Devil would have meant the same thing as Serpent and Devil
now means. It is the spirit of opposition to God that is the
Devil, and this Spirit of Opposition i? always in the things of
this material life, and finds its life in Man through the earnal
mind of Man and his works. This Serpent, even the Devil,
even the carnal or fleshly mind of the woman, while it had
awoke to life in the woman, it had no power in her until she
surrendered to it. Thus the carnal mind having awoke in her,
it stood in opposition to the truth presented to her and brought
before her mind the truth impressed upon it as expressed by
the statement of the text: (in) ''Yea, hath God said. Ye shall
not eat of every tree of the garden ?"
To this the woman replies, according to the second and
third verses: "We may eat of the fruit of the trees of the
garden but of the fruit of the tree which is
; in the midst of the
garden God hath said. Ye shall not eat of it, neither shall ye
touch it, lest ye die."
And the serpent replied: ''Ye shall not surely die: For
God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes
shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods, knowing good and
As has been stated, the truth came not to these persons In
the formulated sentence, but in the fullness of the Truth itself,
even their carnal mind or fleshly mind, which was (b) one with
the spiritual, that carnal mind interpreted truth which came to
Alan according to its nature, and its nature being opposition to
said that Man would not die when he ate of the tree of the
knowledge of Good and Evil, for, from the very nature of the
case, Man Good (God) without learning Evil
could not hwiv
he could never learn Evil from God, for God is only the Good ;
the spiritual Man that was cast out from his life, because he
(Man) surrendered to the demands of his carnal Mind. If
Man had had that fullness of faith which lived in Christ, he
would have been obedient to the heavenly Voice, and would
have never tasted of death, but would have had power over his
own body to ''lay it down or take it up again." Would Man
have died if he had not sinned ? asks some one. No What !
being cried out for release from the confines of the fiesh and
its World that He might enter into the joys of that World
which is Spirit only, and He would have been untrue to His
divine Nature ifHe had sought to arrest the laws of Nature,
Siud, therefore, He would
have sinned in thus violating the law
of His higher nature, and would have died, because the verv
desire to live the life of the flesh forever finding lodgment in
His soul and possessing it would have proclaimed His Soul in
opposition to God, thus a sinning Soul and sinning, it would ;
have been cast out from God and woidd have had no power over
His fleshly body! But there would have been no death in that
separation of Christ's soul from His body, which would have
come according to Nature's laws, for at the moment that His
soul had separated itself from the life here it would have
entered into the Fullness of that Life which is Eternal and
which was His Life even on Earth.
Thus the carnal mind of Man aroused into life by the ser-
pent lied to the Man when it said Man would not die, for Man
lost the power over his own body and was cast out spiritually
from that Mind in whom only is Life and death, or separation
from Life (God) was his portion.
(e) "And when the woman saw that the tree was good for
food, and that it was pleasant (a desire) to the eyes, and a tree
to be desired, to make one wise, she took the fruit thereof,
and did eat, and gave also unto her husband with her, and he
did eat."
All truth comes from God direct to the spiritual Man.
The Spiritual Man lives as one with the natural Man. Every
truth that comes to Man is first interpreted by the natural Man
according to his understanding. The spiritual Man being one
with the natural Man, sees the truth which the natural Man
(Mind) sees and spiritualizes it and thus sees truth as God sees
it. There was impressed upon Man's Soul the truth that there
was attainments of soul which it must possess and retain, if he
was to retain his innocence. That to maintain that innocent
state he must make certain attributes his own. That upon him
(e) Gen iii. 6.
knew that they were naked and they sewed fig leaves together
natural Man (Mind), seeing with his own eyes and interpreting
the idea or truth which came to the Spiritual Man (Mind)
according to his own understanding, showed them the naked-
(u) Prov. viv. 10. (o) Gen. iii. 7.
the: eeginninCx. 73
ness of their flesh, and the spiritual mind, one with the natural,
felt the shame of that nakedness of the flesh and denianded it
should be hid.
God made them naked. There was, therefore, no sin in
their nakedness. The little babe comes into the world naked,
and knows it not. It climbs life's ladder and some day it dis-
covers its nakedness. Blessed indeed is that innocence that is
naked and knows it not. Blessed indeed were these two in the
garden on that day when, in the innocence and purity of their
own hearts, they w^ere naked and knew it not. But thrice
blessed is he w^ho, having discovered his nakedness, hath
clothed himself with the Garment made white through its eter-
nal Sacrifice for Man
There is no knowledge of good and evil. God
sin in the
has that knowledge. Every parent seeks to instruct their child
in regard to that which is evil, and that which is good. The
sin lay in the disobedience which led azi'ay from that knowl-
edge. Listen Disobedience never brings with it knowledge
from below instead of the Voice was truth. Evil never exposes
itself as evil. It alv/ays cries out it is good. The exposure of
evil only comes with the Truth —with the coming of the knozv-
ing of the Good.
When fruit and their eyes were opened,
they ate of the
their understanding was made manifest. Their Minds were
opened to the Eight, even Truth. A new world opened up to
them, where Truth, Justice, Love, Mercy, Obedience, Holiness,
Purity, reigned and were supreme. A kingdom where nothing
of Earth could ever enter. A kingdom not made by hands,
eternal in the heavens, A kingdom where faith in God was its
first requisite. A kingdom where Man must walk by faith and
not by sight. They were no longer in harmony with their sur-
roundings. They had lost that earthly home forever. But
another kingdom was to unfold to them in time to come which
74 the: mani^kstation of the: idea.
the hand of Alan could never destroy, whose builder was God
through Christ Jesus.
Their knowledge of their nakedness came with the knowl-
edge of their evil act, and they, acting in harmony wdth that
knowledge, clothed themselves. The modest woman bares her
breast to give suck to her young, and the pure man sees no
shame or carnality in it. The woman of fashion bares her
breast that man may see its nakedness, appealing through her
fleshly attributes to the eye, to the senses, to the fleshly mind
for approbation. The pure man mother in the first
sees the
act and thinks of his own, and honors her motherhood, and
respects the instinct which moves and prompts her to minister
to her young. He sees in the last, at its very best, nothing to
elevate the mind above the carnal, and everything to drag down
the one basely inclined. No woman that ever bared her shoul-
ders and bosom for the gaze of strange men, hoping thereby to
win their admiration, ever received more than the admiration
of the carnal mind, and to be (n) ''carnally minded is death."
The flesh can never appeal to any but its own!
(o) ''And they heard the Voice of God walking in the
garden in the cool (wind) of the day and Adam and his wife
places : they dare not look the honest man and the pure man in
the eye ; their look is vacillating —hard to catch. The inherent
vileness of their own nature makes them seek to conceal them-
selves from others, (p) Christ Himself, bearing upon His own
soul the Sill of the World, could not bring Himself to look
abvre as in the face of God, but lay prostrate on the ground with
His face dust! It is the natural Man (Mind) responding
in the
natural Mind a way to hide from. God. It was the Man who
was both flesh and spirit, natural and spiritual, that hastened
to hide in the natural garden from God. Thus we see the nat-
ural and the spiritual going side by side in all this narrative of
Man's fall. It can not be otherwise, since Man is a spiritual
being living as a natural Man.
In the day they heard His V^oice there began the begetting
of the new man. And that Voice will ever resound through
the World, piercing every evil heart, until the new man is
The child crawling on hands and knees places its hand
against the heated stove and cries out with pain. The parent,
ever watchful, had cautioned it. The child did not know. It
To appropriate to himself the knowledge that would come
from the eating of the fruit of the Tree meant a life of sorrow,
of sacrifice, of toil, of untold anguish. For to know that he
KNFW the Good demanded a knowledge of His opposite, and
Earth has been one great cauldron of pain and torment because
of Man's journeyings with His opposite. The books which
will be opened on that Day are full of the struggle to know
very nature God never will forgive. Nay, more, {s) it should
be the prayer of every heart that God may never forgive this
sin, for it is the Sin of sins around which all other sins cluster,
and from which they receive their nourishment. It is
the Sin that keeps Christ out of the heart. Pray not
for its forgiveness. God in His infinite Wisdom knew
that the time would come when the predisposition to
fall away from^ their happy
would assert itself. estate
God also knew that the time would come when man,
the man made in the image of God, after God's own like-
ness, would seek to obtain that wisdom which was personified
in God of whom he was the image.
The condition existed before the act. The condition was
antagonistic to God. The Tree of The Knowledge of Good
and Evil did not create the condition. The tree was not planted
there for that purpose. For what purpose then?
that day to this every truth that man has received comes not
from man as its originator, but simply as its channel through
which it reaches the world. Its source is The Word.
Behold the beginning of the New Birth, which is a spirit-
ual one. Behold the beginning of Faith in God. Behold the
first step towards and into the new kingdom the new kingdom —
which is complete in The Word and is it.
Man sought Wisdom. The Tree of The Knowledge of
Good and Evil was its source. It showed him that true Wis-
dom lay in faith in God in obedience to God. Every truth
brought forth from the darkness that concealed it shines with
that knowledge. Humanity's struggle is a history of its reve-
lation. The branches of that tree point heavenward, and its
leaves are kissed by the breezes that fan the throne of the living
God. Its limbs reach out into all the world and unfold the
glories and the beauties of the kingdom of God. It sings sweet
the evil of their act was exposed. The (z') Good exposed it.
Having eaten of the tree of The Knowledge of good and evil,
their eyes were opened, and they saw their nakedness. To
their eyes their nakedness was an evil. And yet God made
them naked. The Evil was not in their nakedness, neither in
the knowledge of it, for God knew it. The evil was in the
condition that prompted the act that led up to a knowledge
of their nakedness. The knowledge of their nakedness was
a necessity after the act of disobedience which led up to a
knowledge of it. To them their nakedness became an evil,
and they sought to clothe themselves.
Listen They saw with natural eyes
! their natural naked-
ness. They They heard God's voice in the
ate a natural fruit.
wind. Yet the nakedness was also spiritual. The fruit was
also spiritual. The Voice was also spiritual. Man looks upon
natural objects, sensations, desires, and from them grasps spir-
and evil of his own life will press dow^n upon his soul with the
awfulness of the Judgment, and when man shall have the full
know^ledge of it.
Word acting upon that mind as Spirit calls spirit called him.
In this garden of mind, of spirit, God's voice moved and x\dam
heard it. And that voice said: {z) *'Adam, where art thou?"
Not thatGod knew not where Adam was. God knew,
but Adam did not know that God knew. The voice disclosed
God's presence to Adam, and the knowledge that it was useless
to conceal himself from God. God knew, Adam did not know
that God knew, hence the voice was first a questioning and
(to) Rev. XX. 12. (x) Psa. cxxi. 4. {y) 1 Kings xix. 11-12. (2)
Gen. iii. 9.
Good (God) he would never have knozvn the Good (God), for
the very fact of his obedience woidd proclaim his knowledge, and
that knowledge inherent and personified in him.
When Man sinned he fell away from that Environment in^
whom only is Eternal Life. This Life is Spirit. Since Man
had been separated from Life (God) because of that which was
Evil in his nature, and since the death to the natural world was
certain because he had surrendered his body to Nature's laws
and Nature demanded the death of -that body which was out of
harmony with its environment sufficient to bring about the dis-
solution of that body, it follows that if Man was to live forever
he must bring his spirit (soul, mind) into absolute and complete
harmony with that Supreme Spirit in whom only is Immor-
tality and again have that Mind as its Eternal Environment
When Man sinned the fleshly mind received power. God
never made Evil. Never! Never!! NEVER!!! He gave
it no power. It received power through mans disobedience and
surrender to it. If Man had remained pure and holy, there
Religion, for these all are sustained by the same and receive
their knowledge from the same Word. Science, true Science,
will find all its knowledge at first hand in the Word, and these
two agreeing to the faithfulness to Truth of the Book which is
the Word of God, will each point with unerring hand to Him
who is both Book and Science. Medicine will find its secrets
treasured in the Eternal Word, even the Word Christ Jesus.
(;) **Ask, and ye shall receive ; seek, and ye shall find
knock, and it shall be opened unto you."
And the Messenger that carries that message to the throne
of the Living Word, which looks beyond the vale into the
mysteries of the Beyond, which repeats the reverberations of
thatknocking until they sound their tocsin of expectancy and
hope upon the gates of the Eternal City, is {k) Faith.
(/) "And the Lord God said unto the serpent, 'Because
thou hast done this, thou art cursed above all cattle, and above
every beast of the field upon thy belly shalt thou go, and dust
shaltthou eat all the days of thy life. Xnd I will put enmitv
between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her
seed it (the enmity) shall bruise thy head and thou shalt bruise
his (the seed's) heel.'
''Above every beast of the field," "upon thy belly," "dust
shalt thou eat," —the enmity of man to the snake. Can any
one read that and fail to see the material all through it ?God
(i) Matt. xvi. 23. (J) Matt. vii. 7. (fc) Matt. xxi. 22. Q) Gen. iii.
14, 15.
did curse the snake, and that curse lives in every country and
clime, and Man's hand is against the serpent and he is loathed
above. any other beast or So also is there an eternal
enmity between the soul of Man and the Serpent, even the
carnal Mind, which deceives it, and every onward march of
Man has been over that carnal mind's prostrate body. So
shall the Seed of the Woman, even that seed which, born in a
manger, agonized on a cross, crush the Old Serpent, the Devil,
that incarnation of unbelief, of unrighteousness, of error, of all
(m) God said to the woman: "In sorrow shalt thou bring
forth children, and thy desire shall be to thy husband, and he
shall rule over thee." ''And God said: 'Cursed be the ground
for thy sake. In the sweat of thy face shalt thou earn thy
"Cursed be the ground." Why? "For thy sake."
Listen ! God cursed the ground for man's sake. It was the
ground and not the man that God cursed. Thistles, etc., should
it bring forth.
God is a God
Energy, and not a God of stagnation.
Laziness of whatever character is antagonistic to His char-
acter. To be shiftless and indifferent, to refuse to accumulate
for no other reason than because of the labor necessary, of
the energy necessary, is to be antagonistic to principles which
are divine. God labored. God labored, and with His own
Power built a Universe. Every star that shines in heaven's
canopy is an evidence, a testimonial, of the labors of an infinite
God. It is labor that builds up. Idleness is the curse of man,
not work. Nations as well as individuals are doomed when
they surrender to it. It has in it the seeds of decay. Mark
it: Its parent is Death. It is a reaching out after that with
which it is in harmony. Its tendency is ahvays back to that
condition of stagnation, of inertia, from, which God brought the
LTniverse. All things Evil coming from the same source, from
below, are by nature in harmony with it, hence with idleness
comes all manner of evil. Let all work. No man in health
(rZ) Gen. iii. 21. (d) Luke xxiv. 45. (e) Geu. iii. 22.
thj: be:ginning. 87
and luster, and perfume, and sweetness of all things hoped for,
and its name is Faith, and with imploring hand points to the
flaming Sword, and the Sword swings this way and that way,
gleaming, scintillating, glowing, and man's soul approaches
closer and closer and he reads: "He who would possess me
and control me, who would own me, must thing right, must do
right, must live right, must have a right being, for my name,
And I turn this way and that way, and I guard the approach to
the Tree of Life, and no one can approach that tree except they
possess me, and look upon it in all its glorious beauty without
me, and no one can see it unless I am with them, and no one
can eat of this Tree of Life and enjoy that happiness and that
peace which is its fruit without me, for where I am there is it
also, and its name is
but man. God took maw, who was nothing as regards the
spiritual world. He has determined his destiny as His Own
God always lifts up. The completeness of the Natural
World was man; the completeness of the Spiritual World is
God. God never stops short of completeness in His Work.
Having and foreordained from the beginning man,
spiritual man, His Son, the work will never cease until it
is finished. The lost sheep, straying far from home, the last
of that numerous throng whom no man can number, is His
own. He loves it, and His heart yearns after it. (h) Faithful
in all things, True in all things, as a (i) Shepherd He wanders
over hill and dale and into the bleak and barren mountains,
where the storms of an outraged conscience beat with remorse-
less stroke upon the shrinking soul, and in faithful perform-
ance of that duty intrusted to His care He perseveres, patient,
loving, tender, true, for His Mercy endureth forever, and His
Patience is from everlasting to everlasting, and His Love it
encompasses the World. He never goes back, for He having
put His hand to the plow could not waver or turn aside hav- ;
ing received from His Father the commission and having vol-
unteered as the Shepherd, in loving remembrance of that
Father who is one in Him, even as He is One with the Father,
and in harmony with the attributes of that Father who never
gives up a work undertaken until its completion, so will He
with a love that knows no diminution, and Patience that no
rebufif or repulse can overthrow, seek ever after that wandering
soul far, far away from His Father's house and at last bring
him safely Home.
This isthe way God works. He never leaves a work
uncompleted. He can not. It is contrary to His attributes.
Love reigns in His heart Eternal, and where Love reigns why
should we fear? Oh, doubting soul, looking out upon the
world reeking with the filth of debauchery and steeped in.
His life in the ^esJi, and having it for an example strive to live
it, and in living it come into harmony with Him who is not flesk,
but Spirit, and, having come into harmony with His Spirit,
look from natural to spiritual things. That He, having atoned,
not for His own sins, for He had none, but for ours, might save
us from the consequences of sin, which is mental death. For
He having by His own righteous life, and a death which was
the sequel of that righteous hfe, made manifest to the uttermost
His at-one-ment with the Father, and we by our lives which
are a manifestation and a direct result and measure of our faith,
and therefore not by our lives, but by our faith, having laid
In the beginning was the Law, and the Law was witli
God and was God. Thus we Word and Law one.
find the
Law being an attribute of His Being, all Law finds its home
in Him and controls His personality. He being the End of all
Law and its fulfillment, all Law must of necessity be in har-
mony with Him. Finding thus the completeness of all law in
His personality, His acts are all in complete harmony with that
personality or law. The Law, then, is in itself always perfect.
It is ahvays sure to fulfill its mission. This Personality having
as a Force in its Spirit the Spirit of Love, the Law is promul-
gated in Love, and the ultimate crowning or conclusion of Law
must of necessity be Love and the making manifest that Love.
There dwelling in His Holy Spirit Truth, Mercy, Power.
Majesty, Wisdom, Justice and Love, the Law has all this as its
Motive and Ultimate Crowning.
of all the Seven Spirits of God that God exists as God. There
life that is, in those that have a living soul ; that is, in those
that have conscious mind, —there is manifested not only con-
sciousness of discord in their being, but step by step we see the
organisms of each higher plane manifest more and more of
the emotions of hate and love, until we stand in the presence
of the Image who hath within himself the power to know good
and evil.
things, and yet could not solve the simplest of His works. It
is readily seen that the organisms which constitute the wool
of the sheep will only take up those elements that predominate
pered and feasted on that food which they love, they will
become gluttonous, and demand more and more, and the sys-
tem will be rent and torn and discordant because of the demand
of these organisms for their food. When they are well fed
they are in the ascendent, but when hungry they are weak,
and the system or the other organisms constituting that sys-
tem begin to grow strong. This is exactly the condition of
the intemperate, from whatever cause the drunkard, the —
tobacco user, the morphine eater, the opium fiend, the liber-
It has been frequently stated that motion is the life of
Matter ; formed themselves in the beginning
that the elements
because of the harmony of motion of the atoms that composed
them. The power of an organism is dependent, therefore, on
the element that predominates in it. The motion in some ele-
ments being greater than in others, that element has more
activity or life. Hence when that element predominates in an
organism to an abnormal extent, it predominates over the
other organisms to an extraordinary extent, and will quickly
bring about their dissolution. Thus certain elements, called
poisons, have as their life excessive motion and demonstrate
that extraordinary life by their action on the system.
When a man becomes a drunkard or a confirmed smoker
or a morphine or opium eater, or whatever the habit may be,
that awful hunger of the organisms for alcohol or morphine or
opium or nicotine seeks appeasement. If it is not satisfied by
the Man giving it that which it craves, it seeks to satisfy itself
some other w^ay. It becomes a cannibal, preying on all organ-
isms that come within its reach, which contain that which its
hunger demands, and if the system of the Man has become so
weakened, or, in other words, if the other elements which com-
pose the system of the Man in whom harmony of these organ-
isms is personified have been kept out of that system, and these
organisms have not had them for food, and therefore are too
weak to withstand the onslaught of the enemy seeking that
within them which they love, that System, which depended on
the harmony of its parts for its life, is overthrown and Death
reigns. To destroy this craving, then, the A^ictim needs a food
in which .the active principle of liquor, tobacco, morphine,
opium, or whatever it may be, is eliminated, or in extreme cases
loo the: manifestation oe the idea.
its part in the composite whole of that bod}" has its correspon-
dent in the brain, and if the means of communication between
the two, even the nerves, is open — that is, if the organisms
which compose the nerves and are the nerves are healthy,
each will receive the message of the other.
We thus find Man in the beginning, not a miserable exist-
ence, with elephantine jaw, and receding forehead, and pro-
truding back head, and all the monstrous malformations of
being with which misguided thought has endowed him, and
which exhibited in Man to-day is termed degeneracy (as if one
could degenerate from an inferior! Oh absurdity of absurdi-
other law, having, that is, disobeyed God, the result was the
same that follows all violation of law. Having surrendered to
the carnal nature and disbeUeved the moral, the carnal mind
reigned triumphant, the organisms of the lower brain, in
which the carnal nature has its seat, predominated over the
organisms of the upper brain, discord reigned, the harmony of
the Man's being was destroyed, and Man fell.
When he fell his environment changed. He, like as, and
previous to the world of which he was a part, became an abnor-
mality also. His system before the fall pure became filled with
poison. His Mind, which has its seat in the brain, became poi-
soned also. His body was claimed by Death, and Death gave
to him that which it had to give. The Man who previous to
his fall had been in harmony with God, God the Word, God
God the more exalted his ideas became of God, and the worship
acceptable to Him, and the service required by Him, as wit-
ness the religion of the Jews, which, inadequate in itself, and
falhng far short of the Truth, since they were unable to hear
His Voice fully, even His Voice who is Truth personified, yet
led step by step up to Him in whom Truth and the True Wor-
ship reigned.
It is an absolute and unchanging law in all things having
life that the judicious use of it makes strength for it. The eye
long subject to disease will lose its power. The muscles of the
throat, tongue and mouth long silent will refuse to articulate.
The muscles of the blacksmith's arm, of the limbs of the run-
ner, of the bar athlete, are strengthened and made perfect by
use. The brain is just as much subject to that law as any other
member of that body. When Adam sinned and fell away from
God, the brain which the animal sits enthroned predomi-
nated, the moral nature was held in restraint, and the organ-
isms in which the nature found its home were affected thereby
and became dwarfed and weak. They existed, but without
active life or strength. Yet since the mind has its seat in these
organisms, if that Mind which is fixed in God, and which "in
Him lives and moves, and has its being,'' and which is One with
these organisms, but asserts itself, these organisms will obey
that Mind, and their life, even the blood, will stimulate them
into renewed activity, and, behold! with the renezved activity
of the moral nature has come strength to these organisms and their
strength becomes the mind's strength also.
The organisms that constitute the nerves, brain, etc., of
the drunkard, morphine or opium eater, or confirmed smoker,
having as their most active principle that element which is the
active principle in these things, (hquor, etc.), and thus predomi-
nating over all the other elements in these organisms in which
the mind finds its seat, thus holding them in subjection, when-
ever any idea of any character is presented to them, it is of
necessity received only as the liquor, morphine, opium or
tobacco slave could see it, hence in a perverted way, because
these are the active principles in his body, and in that brain
which is acted on by that body. There is discord in that
body and brain, and it is impossible that the perfect mind, har-
monious in all its parts, should or could reside in that inhar-
monious body, and without the perfect mind there can be no
perfect interpretation. What is true of these slaves is also true
of the licentious hbertine. The most activity in his being resid-
ing in those organisms which have to do with sexual functions,
every thought or idea that comes to him, no matter how pure
or holy, is at once given a vile and licentious interpretation.
The man in whose brain the seat of benevolence is deficient
will of a necessity be covetous. Now one covets the things
brain in which the moral faculties reside, and the skull is also
deformed, to harmonise zuith the deformed brain, where is the
hope of reforming that degenerate mind, since the shdl will not
In the first place, it is not true that there is no expansion
or reformation of the skull. In babyhood, the skull responds
tO' every pulsation of the heart, and is as easily transformed to
and old age the skull will respond to the changed condition of
the brain.
But, in the next place, the reformation is not dependent
on the expanding of the skull at the seat of the deficiency at all.
The development of the individual toward a higher order of
mental activity is the only thing necessary in the reformation of
the criminal or degenerate, so as to establish the equipoise of
that brain, so that every organism will have equal power and
The babe is not a babe at conception, but a protoplasm.
It begins to secrete elements with which it is in harmony and
form them into cells. These cells form a nucleus within them-
selves, and they also become a factor in propagating their kind.
The child thus develops until its Environment, even the body
of its mother, proclaims its completion, then it is born. Then
the child, a Protoplasm again, begins to assimilate the ele-
ments again in its food ; this food is taken up by the organisms
within the child, these organisms form new cells, these cells
become nucleated, other cells join these, become nucleated, and
so the process continues until the Man has attaired his stature.
The brain is but a protoplasm composed of nucleated cells.
The nucleated cells which form the brain of man are capable
tried and tempted soul the misery and sin and sorrow of the
world. Within that Life there was fought the combat of the
ages. From the encircling arms of the manger to the out-
stretched arms of the Cross the deadly virus of Sin clutched
at that Life's being and sought its overthrow. Within that
Life, sustaining it, making it victorious even in death, was an
Omnipotent Spirit, and to it the Victory. Receive the Holy
Spirit into thy soul, O, diseased and perverted and deformed
man, and it will be a strength to thy spirit, and will mould that
Spirit which is the life of the soul into its own pure and sin-
proof condition, (in) "Seek ye first the kingdom of God, and
all these things shall be added unto you." When this Spirit
shall be the Governor of our minds, then shall sin cease for-
Combativeness in the spiritual mind combats only evil.
Combativeness in the carnal mind does only evil. If the mind
is unevenly balanced, where there is a deficiency of love there
the direct gift of. The Word, and flows direct from it, and man
is but the channel through which it reaches the world. Why,
then, should men boast or pride themselves on their knowledge
above their fellows ? God gives to them both the mind and the
truth it received.
Since then, the brain of man, which is part of his physical
being, is the channel through which the mind musx operate,
and that mind will be good or evil, bright or dull, pure or
impure, holy or unholy, kind or unkind, lovely or hateful, win-
ning or repellant, chaste or unclean, reverent or irreverent,
religious or irreligious, charitable or uncharitable, sympathetic
or unsympathetic, sacrificing or unsacrificing, patriotic or
unpatriotic, strong or weak, according to the construction of
the brain, and since brain as part of the physical being is
its ozvn, it follows that the mind of the child which takes on a
personality as that child when it is born into Time is dependent
on the parents, and the deformities of that mind is the fault
bowl, and it is the misshapen brain and body which the parents
give their offspring that distorts and dwarfs the soid, mind, the
off' spring of God, which enters it!
soul of the man who begot it. If the moral faculties were
dwarfed in the father at the time of the conception of that life
or seed which gave life to the ^gg in the womb of the female,
the head of that child will show this malformation at the precise
spot where that attribute of mind is located,and the brain
which is inclosed within that skull will be malformed also.
After the conception of life within the womb of the female, the
responsibility is and by her own pure and perfect
shifted to her,
mind she can improve upon the organism which may have been
predisposed to evil, and by giving it a superior environment
change its heredity, or she may by the impurity of her own
mind add to that malformation.
With this Law in our minds, we go back to the beginning
and behold Cain, v/ho slew his brother Abel
Begotten when his parents were in rebellion against God,
he received their rebellious spirit. He was the first fruit of
their loins, and well does his own life reproduce their spiritual
condition at that time. They had not yet learned to love holi-
ness for holiness' sake, to love the right and hate the wrong, or
to Kiss the hand that chastized them, not perceiving that to be
{n) chastized of God was to be chastened and made pure. Real-
izing not that God reproves but in loz^e, and His chastisement is
Mercy. Since the moral part of their natures were held in sub-
jection to their carnal natures, and since this meant that the
organisms which formed the low^er brain in which the carnal
mind found its seat were in active life while the organisms in
which the attributes of the moral nature were weak and feeble, it
followed that when that child, Cain, begotten and nurtured
under such conditions, was born, his brain, the seat of his
mind, was dwarfed at the same place, the organisms in which
the moral nature finds life were dwarfed and weak and undevel-
oped, and the skull and physiognomy conformed itself thereto.
Thus we find in the first man begotten after the fall a degen-
erate in sold and body.
(h) "But flesh with the life thereof, which is the blood
thereof, shall ye not eat."
dying victim. The flow of blood does not afifect him, having
become callous and indififerent to it as connected with the life
of his victim.
"And surely your blood of your lives will I require ; at the
not see the nakedness which they knew of only by report, and
covered up their father's nakedness. They knew he was naked,
but they never sazv his nakedness. And Time cursed his last
born that he should serve the elder brothers. And the two
elder brothers dwelt together, one superior to the other, and
the youngest served both.
they will walk backzvard with their faces to the front, and their
eyes fixed, not on things of this Earth, but on Him who is
within their clasp that of which they are a part, and which
came into existence with them, namely. Humanity, shall be no
more, for Time shall be swallowed up in Eternity and Human-
ity in Christ Jesus.
''And they said: 'Go to, let us build us a city, and a tower
whose top may reach unto Heaven, and let us make us a name,
lest we be scattered abroad upon the face of the earth.'
"And the Lord said: 'Behold, the people is one and they
have all one language, and this they begin to do, and now noth-
ing will be restrained from them which they have imagined to
do. Go to. Let us go down and confound their language,
that they may not understand one another's speech."
"So the Lord scattered them abroad from thence upon the
face of the Earth."
language, even as the WORD is the Idea back of all ideas and
words and language. Ideas dominate the mind of the beast
as they do the mind of man, but the beast never knows them
as such, and simply responds to these ideas automatically, as
the machine responds to the lever that controls it. But man
knows ideas as such. He weighs them, ponders over them,
considers them in connection with his previous experience, and
accepts or rejects them as they appeal to his reason in. harmony
with that experience. When one reads a sentence printed in
words there is an impression made upon the nerves of sight
of certain characters. Now these characters, or marks, or
lines, are meaningless to the beast, because it can not grasp
the idea which is back of that sentence, hence all lines are alike
to it. But to the Man each word, composed as it is of mere
lines and figures, becomes an inspiration, not because of the
122 th:b manifestation of the idea.
the souls of all men together under the One Father. One
people, one language, one God, that is the day that is dawning.
Mans love for Man will be the welding fire, and Humanity will
no more strive to make itself a name, but to God give the glory,
and no more try to build a tower to Heaven, for their souls wall
have become chastened by sorrow, and their spirits purified by
Love, and, walking in humbleness, and meekness, and lowli-
ness of heart, before God, they will rejoice with a great joy,
for, Behold,
Christ Jesus.
Infinite Word.
maid,' " etc. "And he went in unto Hagar, and she conceived,
and when she had conceived her mistress was despised in her
eyes. And Sarai said unto Abram, 'My wrong be upon
thee,' " etc. "And when Sarai dealt hardly with her she Hed
from her face. And the angel of the Lord found her," etc
"and said unto her, 'Behold, thou art with child and thou shalt
bear a son, and shalt call his name Ishmael, because the Lord
hath heard thy afifliction. And he will be a wild man; his hand
will be against every man, and every man's hand against
His mother was not of the chosen race, but was of the race
which all through the Book is held up as the type of darkness.
She had the characteristics of her race, an angry, revengeful,
and ungrateful nature. She despised the mistress who had
thus honored her in a most extraordinary and unselfish man-
ner, for she had through wifely devotion surrendered her bed
to a servant, and by her own free will exalted the servant to
the exalted position of bearing children to her husband.
The Egyptian mocked her in return for her show of con-
fidence, and sneered at her barrenness. While pregnant with
child, the life within her womb being a part of her own life, she
so aroused the indignation of her mistress by her ungrateful
conduct that she was driven from the home ofAbram, and fled
in Anger and Fear. Her heart was full of Hate for all man-
kind, her fiight to escape the wrath of an outraged mistress
Faith Developing.
(b) "And the Lord visited Sarai as He had said, and the
natural law her wom.b was opened, and she became with child.
What an impression this must have made upon that mother's
mind. Day by day
as she became more and more conscious
of that other which was a part of her, and realized that that
(d) "And it came to pass after these things that God did
tempt Abraham, and said unto^him, 'Abraham,' and he said,
'Behold, here I am
"And He said, 'Take now thy son, thy only son, Isaac,
whom thou lovest, and get thee into the land of Moriah, and
oflfer him there for a burnt offering upon one of the mountains
which I will tell thee of.'
"And said, 'By myself have I sworn, saith the Lord, for
because thou hast done this thing, and hast not withheld thy
son, thine only son: That in blessing I will bless thee, and in
multiplying I will multiply thy seed as the stars of heaven, and
as the sand upon the seashore ; and thy seed shall possess the
gates of the enemy : And in thy seed shall all the nations of the
Earth be blessed ; because thou hast obeyed my voice.'
if they are true ideas, they are Him ; if they are not true ideas,
they still find life, even if they are erroneous ideas, because of
the true idea which is God Himself is the Ulti-
v.iate End of Man. Hence every endeavor of Man is in fact
a reaching out for his conclusion, even God, This is the
endeavor of the spiritual man. God being
the Idea and the
ultimate End of Man and the Idea being
to be the Idea also,
the Source of all true ideas and the Sender of all ideas, even
ii those ideas are received in a perverted way, God (the Idea
in whom all ideas center and find their birth) becomes the
moving Principle or Force in all things, animate or inanimate.
Now since the ultimate end of spiritual Man is to be the Idea,
and God is that Idea, then it follows that all things will work
together for the one conclusion ; that is, to make Man the
Idea (God). Moreover, since God as the Idea is the Force in
all things, it follows that everything that takes place will not
only be a finger or a signboard pointing towards the Idea
(God) who gave it life, but also pointing toward Man become
the Idea. Thus all things in earth and air and sky, animate
and inanimate, of natural things and spiritual things, point
back to God, and forward to God. —
Man, spiritual Man, having as his destiny himself, living as
the Idea (God), he continually feeds on that Idea (God) which
hves in him and in whom "he lives and moves and has his
being." This Mind (Man) which is Spirit being made one with
the flesh and living as Man, it receives these ideas in a dual
capacity —as they relate to the natural Man and his world, and
as they relate to the spiritual Man and his world. The spirit-
ual Mind living in the Idea (God) as Him (a) dips his hand
(Mind) into the Vessel (God, the Idea) for the truth or idea
which is personified there, and the natural Man, being one with
the spiritual Man, dips his hand (Mind) in with him (the spir-
itual Man), and interprets the Idea according to his personality.
The natural Man being first, his conceptions were the first
to take root in Man's Mind. But it was always Man, spiritual
Man, reaching out after the Idea (God) from whom he sprang,
that he might find his End, as he found his beginning, in Him.
Having thus seen that God is the Idea, the Source of all
ideas, and that spiritual Man is ever reaching out after Him
to become Him, and that the spiritual Man receives the Idea
which is Spirit and his food, and the carnal or fleshly Mind
receives the truth also because of its oneness with the spiritual
Mind, let us look at the im.ages, the signboards, the fingers as
It (the Idea) relates to the natural Man's kingdom, and then
see the Substance to which they point.
First, there is the food for the body, the Substance is God
the food of the Spiritual Mind. There is the birth of the body,
the Substance is the Soul born God. There is the develop-
ment of the protoplasm in the womb of the mother, the Sub
stance is the development of Man into God. There is the
Man made male and female, the Substance is God in whom this
Oneness is personified. There is the house Man builds, the
Substance is God in whom Man dwells. There is the taber-
nacle in which Man worships, the Substance is God the Eternal
Tabernacle. There is the city Men build, the Substance is
God the Eternal City. There are the walls of that city, the
Substance is God the Eternal Wall, within which no foe of the
Soul can ever enter. There is the warfare of Man against his
brother, the Substance is the warfare, which is Eternal, of God
against Sin. There are the kings and their thrones, the Sub-
stance is God the Ruler of Heaven and Earth, and His throne
His Righteousness. The list might be continued until all
things could be shown as the image of the True.
When it comes to the interpretation of the Idea (God) as it
related to worship, we find the same duality of comprehension.
Abel ofifered up a more acceptable sacrifice than Cain. Not
that the slaying of the animal and the offering of it as a burnt
offering was pleasing to God above the offering of the fruits
THK IDE:a (god) the voice. I35
one only son (for Ishmael was not a Son of lawful wedlock), he
could not have received it, and when he did receive it (the Idea
as it lived in the Mind of God), he saw it according to the nat-
ural Man's view, and started to execute the command. For
the Idea as it lived in that Mind, even that Idea, even God, was
God offering up Himself in the person of His Only Begotten Son
for Humajiity (Man becoming the Idea).
Itwas the fact that Noah was the' father of a new raee, and
that he had three Sons, that the Idea as it related to Time and
Eternity lay hold of him. It was these truths in connection
138 the; manifestation of the idea.
the heart or soul or mind are the index of the condition of that
entity which exists forever, and the love of the child for its
parents which finds expression in word and act and deed shall
ripen into that perfect love of a divine child for a Divine Father,
even the love of
(c) "And Isaac entreated the Lord for his wife because she
was barren, and the Lord was entreated of him, and Rebekah
his wife conceived.
''And the children struggled together within her, and she
said, 'If it be so, why am I thus?' And she went to inquire
of the Lord.
"And the Lord said unto her, 'Two nations are in thy
womb, and two manner of people shall be separated from thy
bowels, and the one shall be stronger than the other, and the
elder shall serve the younger.'
"And when her days were fulfilled," etc., "and the first
came out red, all over, like a hairy garment and they called ;
his name Esau. And after that came his brother out, and his
hand took hold on Esau's heel; and his name was called
the home. Esau's heart grew faint at the lack of food, and he
bartered away his birthright for a mess of beans Jacob's heart ;
plenty to eat and the wild life of the field. Jacob's mind was
spiritually inclined, and his life harmonized with it. The rev-
erence of the father Abraham for God, his absolute and undi-
He sold his right, his privilege as the first-born to that which his
lather possessed to the younger, and all for a mess of pottage.
So Adam sold his birthright and surrendered itand lost it for-
ever. So Esau sold his birthright and lost it forever. For
Esau, who is the type of the carnal man, the man with the
fleshly mind, the man who despises spiritual things, there can
be no hope of spiritual possession. Every day of his life that
man is bartering spiritual things for the things of this world,
and yet anticipates heaven. But for Esau there can be no
heaven, here or hereafter, Esau may seek it in vain, but
held in subjection and the spiritual mind shall reign, and the
elder shall serve the younger and be subject to him, for these
two are in man as twins, yet are one, but where Esau is, is the
carnal mind, the mind of Evil, and the Evil will predominate,
and there no forgiveness for the Evil mind, for in the Evil
where Jacob is, is the spiritual mind, the mind of Christ, and
Christ will predominate, and he who abides in Christ hath
already obtained forgiveness in abundance, and hath obtained
the inheritance, (d) for Christ doth inherit all things.
the bark of the tree, the bull-frog the grass in which it lives,
being, for it was minus the same hand at a like boint on the limb as
was the one she zvitnessed.
Shall the supersensitive mind of the child-bearing mother
be swayed and startled and frightened with the story of scandal
and vicious gossip chilled by the recital by mouth or news-
the protoplasm or child she bears in her womb all the sensations
arising from a morbid gloating over the details of the horror?
Does the past teach us no lesson? Are the lessons that are
imprinted upon the innumerable and diversified forms of nat-
ural life lost on this Age and Time? Will the world never
learn that Matter is subject to Mind, and Mind to matter^
That these two are one, and yet one is always subject to the
other? Do not omit to gather the truths embodied in these
articles, for they enter into the mystery of Hfe, and through
their comprehension is unfolded the mystery of all child-bear-
ing, and the mystery of the conception of life in a Virgin.
They are made manifest that the imbeciles and the epileptics
and the pitiful creatures Vv-ho are born a curse to themselves and
their progenitors may be a thing of the Past. That the devel-
oped Mind and deform.ed body and suffering child may never
more be brought into this world to its life of woe and anguish
and misery. Oh! it is written because the one who wrote it.
meeting on the right and on the left these pitiful sights, and
feeling in his soul an anguish of pity that his tears and sobs
could not allay, could never look his God in the face if
place and on the same arm as the unfortunate child upon which
the mother looked, had begun its development wdth the full
assurance of two fully developed hands, but the extraordinary
impression made upon the mind of the mother was transmitted
tc the child, and the protoplasm ceased development where the
hand otherwise would have been. The reason the protoplasm
148 The manifestation op the idea.
Such is the law that made Mary, a Virgin, who had never
known Man, the Mother of a Son, even
Christ Jesus
(a) "Now Israel loved Joseph more than all his children,
because he was the son of his old age, and he made him a coat
of many colors."
they hated him yet the more for his dreams and his words."
they said, 'Come now, let us slay him and cast him
intosome pit, and we will say, Some evil beast hath devoured
him and we shall see what will become of his dreams.' "
He told them
His Sonship, and of the power which had been
given Him both in Heaven and in Earth, and by many acts
and words sought to impress upon their jealous hearts the
divinity of His mission, and when He told them that He would
rule over them, and they should be subject to Him, they scofifed
at Him and hated Him the more, and they said one to another,
"Let us slay Him," and they plotted amongst themselves as to
how best to accompHsh it, and they stripped Him of His gar-
ments, and hung Him to a tree, and they scoffingly said, "He
saved others; now letHim save Himself." They knew not,
because they believed Him not and
because they hated Him, that
His dominion was to be one of Love and Mercy, of freedom
(b) Gen. xxxvii. 4-8, 20.
slay our brother, and conceal his blood? Come, let us sell him
to the Ishmaelites, and let not our hand be upon him, for he
is our brother and our flesh.'
God a,-; the act of disobedience of the first man himself at time
of the act itself in the beginning. God knows to-day the per-
sonality of every human being that will be born ten thousand
years hence, should the world last that long; He knows their
every act, the condition of the heart that will make that act pos-
sible. All these things are foreknozvn by Him through the
Omniscience of His Eternity. But they are never foreordained
in the sense that man's will is made of none effect, and man
all things, above all things, and by which all things consist,
or not. The wind that blows the leaf in the whirling zephyr
before thy door, the lighting that leaps across the horizon, the
pattering rain upon the
burning rays of the July sun
roof, the
scorching and withering and bHstering all things, each and
His Beneficence.
Has the infamy of a Nero been forgotten, or the massacre
of St. Bartholomew's Day accomplished no good? Did the tax
on tea and the impositions and tyranny and oppression of '76
culminate in no good to Humanity ; or that Murder of all mur-
ders most foul, the crucifixion of a loving Savior, bring no
recompense? Think you that God sanctioned these evils or
blessed the evil hearts that perpetrated them ? Yet, God, hav-
ing foreknowledge of them, did prearrange that they should
work out His will. How
man's effort to thwart Him,
working all things to His will, then all things must tdtimate
in the One Supreme Good.
(f) Jer. ii. 19. (g) Rom. viii. 28. {h) Rom. xi. 36.
And yet God never interferes with man's free zvill or free
agency. Man is always a free moral agent. He wills to do
evil knowingly, willingly, freely, of his own choice, yet out of
that evil act God will bring Good, not because of the act itself,
(e) "And Israel stretched out his right hand and laid it
upon Ephraim's head, who was the younger, and his left hand
upon Manasseh's head, guiding his hands wittingly, for Man-
asseh was the first-horn'''
"And when Joseph saw that his father laid his right hand
upon the head of Ephraim it displeased him, and he held up
his father's hand, to remove it from Ephraim's head to Manas-
seh's head.
"And Joseph said unto his father, 'Not so, my father, for
this is put thy right hand upon his head,' and
the first-born ;
also shall become a people, and he also shall become great, but
truly his younger brother," etc., etc.
Spirits, shed abroad in the souls of those who love Him the ;
Pharaoh. — Greyed.
and grew.''
shall he, too, vv^orking with it, be blessed while blessing others
with the fruits of the labor of his hands ? Greed forever
reign and Self crucify the Savior afresh? Did not God raise
up a Moses for the children of Israel in the days of darkest
Egypt? Was it not Moses who slew the Egyptian striving
with his brother, and was it not Moses who led the children
forth out of the land ? Shall He not do so again ? Yea, More,
for He hath already risen and been crowned Leader by the
Lord Omnipotent, the Lord God strong in Battle. With the
oppressed of every land we see the carpenter's son walking.
Greed slew Him, and yet He Hves again, and the attributes of
His divine character are multiplying in the hearts of the people
of the earth the principles of which He was the exponent, and
employer and employee, (a) Greed and all his minions work-
ing through the employer, or the banker, or the merchant, or
the money-changer, or the laborer, working through one and
all engender Hate, and Envy, and Strife, to
of these, seeks to
antagonize class with class, and with the venom of the Spirit of
the Depths of the Uttermost Hell drag all Humanity down
into ihe darkness of the Egypt of eternal night. The Spirit
of the Moses of all Time and all Eternity, the. living Voice of
Him who sacrificed all on the Cross on Calvary's Hill, is knock-
ing at the door of the heart of the employer, the banker, the
merchant, the money-changer, and the laborer, saying, "Sac-
rifice Self ; take my Cross upon you, for my yoke is easy and
my burden is light." Do not the signs multiply of His com-
ing? Do not forces begotten by His Spirit multiply in every
heart,and rebel more and more against the greed which seems
to dominate it ?
The world grows worse, says one the oppressor more ;
(a) Rev. xviii. (o) Isa. ii. 4. (p) Isa* xi. 6, 7. (q) Pbil. ii. 10,
11. (r) Luke xxi.
(a) "And there went a man of the house of Levi and took
to wife a daughter of Levi. And the woman conceived and
bare a son, and when she saw that he was a goodly child, she hid
bim three months."
"And Pharaoh's daughter came down to wash," etc., etc.
"And the child grew, and she brought him unto Pharaoh's
daughter, and he became her son, and she called his name
great, hy the greatness of his mind, his soul, his intellect. And
these which are one, were great indeed, because they were
MOSES. 165
these ideas, is the One Great Idea in which all ideas center
back of all these leaders is the One Great Leader in whom all
are called, but few chosen." So God called Moses, and so God
called Luther and Calvin and the Wesleys and Knox and
Campbell and the few other great men who have become lead-
ers in the leading of Humanity to combat a certain error and
contend for some Great Truth. So God called a Washington,
a Lincoln, a Grant. God called not Luther or Wesley or
Calvin or Campbell to make a division, to divide up His people
but that the great truths that were forcing themselves upon the
World for a hearing might have Leaders worthy of the Truth
Himself. Know ye not that Truth and God are one, that God
is Truth's Source, Center and Being, and that every truth
forcing itself upon your soul for a hearing is God Himself, even
God the Idea, God The Word, God The Center of all Truth?
If each (Calvin, Luther, the Wesleys, or Campbell) contending
for the truth which he had received, saw gather around it a
people consecrated to that truth and blind to many others,
remember, there never was but one great Leader in whom all
Truth centered and had its being and was personified, and the
day will come and is nozv at hand when the truth held so sacred
(6) Matt. XX. 16.
by one people, and for which they would rather die than siir-
.render,and around which they have mustered all their forces,
and the truth of that other people, and the mighty truths of the
many divisions of the one great Truth, of the One Great Whole,
shall be found to be each in harmony with the other, and these
truths shall be found joined together, forming the One Great
Iruth from w^hich they all emanated, and in whom all had
their source and are personified then shall each of the numer-
melted into the one Indivisible, all truth into the Center and
Source and Ultimate abiding place of Truth, and all leadership
into the Creator and Caller and Equipper of all leaders, the
Leader of leaders,
since all things of this earth are but the shadow reflecting the
Real, the finger pointing the way to the True), separated into
numerous parts, each part having a natural affinity for every
other part, and why not, since they are the same? x\nd the
several parts of the same chemical are kept apart by a negative
substance which stands in opposition to each and every part, and
the chemist removes the obstructing or negative substance which
MOSES. 167
there shall be taken aivay even that which they have, even
God is Spirit.
behold, the bush burned with fire, and the bush was not con-
sumed and Moses said, 'I will now turn aside and see this
great sight, why this bush is not burnt.'
"And when the Lord saw that he turned aside to see, God
called unto him out of the midst of the bush, and said, 'Moses
Moses !' and he said, 'Here am L'
''Moreover, He said, 'I am the God of thy father," etc.,
emotion, seemed to shine and from its surface radiate all the
virtues which men honor and love ? you have, then you have
never pass away, but live forever. These are the manifesta-
tions of The Word back of the manifestations is the Word
says to all those within the sound of His Voice, ''Thou shalt not,"
but the Age and Humanity have changed.
Out of the bush came God's voice to Moses, but it was
not the bush burning that spoke to Moses, but the Voice in the
r/ddst thereof. A
large number might have stood around and
as close to the bush as Moses, and not heard that Voice. The
Voice came from the bush and was an audible voice, but it
v/as audible to Moses alone. None others could have heard it.
Moses' mind was prepared for the knowledge of the supernat-
ural presence by the wonder of the burning bush which pre-
ceded the knowledge of The Presence. A long line of ancestry
had transmitted to him a belief in the one true God, The God —
of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob. He had remained in close touch
always with his people, and was recognized as an Israelite.
His learning, as will all learning rightly assimilated, cofiHrmed
him in the ancient belief. He believed in God. The burning
bush which was not consumed at once led him to realize the
presence of the supernatural. The supernatural, in his rnind,
and God were one. The super-natural that is, that which was ,
superior to Nature, was to his mind a God, and that God was
The God, even the True God, the God of His people. Hence
his mind was at once brought into the knowledge of the Presence
of Gody and the Voice was heard. The Voice came from the
bush, but it was a still small voice, a spiritual voice, and the
connecting link between that Voice in the midst of the hush and
the mind or soid of Moses was Faith. The Voice is always a
still small Voice, but not so the manifestation of its Presence
The Voice is Spirit ; it speaks to the soul. The manifestation
is material ; it speaks to the natural man. God's Voice might
travel unlimited space, and if the soul, the hearing of the soul,
were barred against it, it could not enter in. (/) God spoke to
His Son in the still small Voice; the Son heard the message.
the bystanders the manifestation, (g) ''Behold, I stand at the
door and knock if any one hear my voice and open the door, I
v/ill enter in, and he will sup with me and I with him." Dis-
belief is the great barrier, Belief the opened door. And yet if
you open that door it will speak the language of your imder-
siandijig, and in a voice audibleand heard by the soul. But
none can hear that Voice in all its beauty and sweetness and
gentleness and love and mercy, that doth not open the door,
even the door of Faith, to its utmost limit, and let the Dear
Voice in His entirety and His fullness come in, for the fullness
of Faith means absolute and perfect unison zvith the Voice, for
"Faith is the Sitbstaiice of the thing hoped for," and therefore
if we have Perfect Faith we have the perfect truth, for our Faith
is that Truth, and the Voice and The Word are ONE. But
if between that Voice and your Spirit tliere comes one iota of
disbelief^ then the Voice will not be heard in its beauty, or its
message interpreted according to the spiritual man, for one
hears the Voice according to his own personality, his own con-
dition of sold becoming the trumpet or ear-tube through which
that Voice will be heard, and the harmony and beauty and
vSweetness and charm and gentleness of the Voice will be inter-
preted by the soul in their fullness just in proportion as the soul
is in harmony with the Voice. There will appear to You just as
much of hate and fierceness, and vindictiveness, and injustice,
in the V^oice as these live in you as you, and you will receive just
as much of the Truth there is in that Voice as there is Truth
(Righteousness) in You.
the emaciated faces of their starving little ones, and seeing the
despair in their own hearts reflected in the faces of the chil-
dren's mothers, lift hands on high and with centuries of oppres-
sion tuning their voices, cry out to God ! Think you He hears
not their voice ? Think you He sees not the bursting granaries,
the overloaded mills ? Was it not all His gift, and did He not
create them ? Shall the Son of Perdition forever reign ? Shall
he lift one hand in mockery to heaven and throttle. Humanity
with the other? Oh, thou Bastard of bastards! Thou wert
(b) Exodus iii. 9.
I Am That I Am.
(d) "And I will stretch out my hand and smite Eg)'pt with
all my
wonders which I will do in the midst thereof, and after
that he will let you go."
{e) ''And / will harden Pharaoh's heart, and multiply my
signs and my
wonders in the land of Egypt, and bring forth
mine armies, and my people, the children of Israel, out of the
land of Egypt by great judgments. And the Egyptians shall
know that I am the Lord when I stretch forth mine hand upon
Egypt and bring out the children of Israel from among them,"
(/) "And in very deed for this cause have / raised thee up.
for to show in thee my power, and that my name shall be
declared throughout the Earth."
(c?) Exodus iii. 20. (e) Exodus vii. 3-5. (/) Exodus ix. 16.
lyS th^ manife:staYion o^ rut iDtA.
Law. God being that law, the lazv is Just, therefore Unchang-
ing. God works through this Law which is Him, always. It
which is the Life of that soul which is the body of the spirit,
above the soul itself. Hence while the mind controls the body
the Spirit controls both, even The Word. It is the Spirit, the
the Word, his body will also be brought into subjection to it.
The mind, however, ofttimes surrenders to the flesh, the Word
never to the mind. The mind changes, the Word never. The
flesh, therefore, of the parent or the parents being evil and full
of disease, and the Word (which being Perfect can not change)
being fixed in the law that ''like begets like,'' and being Just and
True, -fixes upon the child the disease or the predisposition to
the disease of its parent or parents. Care, attention, change,
extreme watchfulness, a nczc environment, may save the child
from the disease for which it is by nature predisposed. The
brain, the seat of the soul, and which is one with the flesh, is
attended to at once while the bones have not yet hardened and
become iixcd or set. Now, the same law applies to the mind
that applies to the limb. The malformation of mind which has
become the heritage of the child because of the evil in its
tiny cells are operated upon by a mind above its own inherited
mind, the result v/ill be a transformation and rearrangement of
these cells in harmony with the mind operating upon it. A
change to a environment is absolutely necessary to the
salvation of that child from the evil life of its parents. As all
law is personified in The Word, so is all true environment. If
the parents can be brought into a correct relationship with
Christ and let Him be their environment, then the changed
environment of the parents will become the changed
environment of the child in a degree, and the parents will be
able to correct to some extent and in some measure the hered-
ity of the child. No parents should be permitted to raise children
zvhose lives are evil. Let Christ enter into the home of that
child and the greatest influence known in heaven or in Earth
to elevate the soul will be present. But the home life is only
part of the life of the child, and influences both seen and unseen
are at work for its overthrow. Let that child grow into man-
hood under the influences of that evil environment, and like
the crooked bone in the foot of the child which, as the child
grew, became hardened and fixed in its crookedness, so will
the brain of that child, becoming more fixed in the arrange-
ment of the cells which go to make up its brain according to
the impression received by its mind, these two, the mind an^l
brain, being one, as it began to grow into manhood at last
become fixed or set, the same as did the crooked bone of the
limb. Then, as in the case of the crooked limb, which band-
ages and liniments and soft poultices fail to straighten, and the
bone must be broken, the most severe of remedies, before the
bone can be straightened, and the limb made whole, so it
sometimes happens that only the most terrible catastrophes
will be found adequate, for the hardened heart must be broken
ens his heart for the heavier blow. To the one to whom the
chastisement alwavs brought a chastening he saw in it the
(i) Love of God for him, (;) although at the time it might be
God's Favor.
(g) "And I will give this people favor in the sight of the
Egyptians, and it shall come to pass that ^vJicii ye go, ye shall
7wt go empty. But every woman shall borrow of her neighbor,
and of her that sojoiirncth in her house, jewels of silver, and
jewels of gold ^nd-raimcnt, and ye shall put them on your sons
and upon your daughters, and ye shall spoil the Egyptians."
(//) "And the children of Israel did- according to the word
of Moses, and they borrowed of the Egyptians, jewels of silver,
and jewels of gold, and the Lord gave the people favor in the
sight of the Egyptians, so that they lent unto them such things
as they required, and they spoiled the Egyptians."
The Israelites had toiled long and hard in the land of the
Egyptians. They had sojourned inEgypt four hundred and
thirty years. Nearly all that time had been spent in bondage.
Each century brought with it new oppression. Pharaoh
after Pharaoh died living, each intensified the burdens of the
people. The treasure houses, the temples, the houses, were the
work of their hands. The wealth of the country represented
the toil, and misery, and suffering of the oppressed people. It
(:j) Ex. iii. 21. (h) Ex. xii. 35. (I) Gen. 3. 19. (m) Mark x. 21.
184 th:e: manifestation of th£: idka.
cross and foilow me." Sell ALL. Give ALL. Take His
Cross. For ''FOR my
yoke is Easy and my burden is light.''
Did God say, ''Rob them"? Steal from them? Defraud
them ? How often have you read it that way and upheld such
practices as approved of God? That same God who has pro-
nounced an eternal curse on dishonesty. Did He say these
things ? Nay "For I will give this people favor in the sight
of the Egyptians." And God did give them favoi' in the sight
of the Egyptians. They gave to the Israelites that which they
asked of them, willingly, gladly, freety. It zvas theirs by right,
God opened up the way to their peacefid possession of it. They
spoiled them. Not by robbery, but by free gift. The things
which they received being no less spoil because they were given
freely, and because of favor. Through love for the Israelites?
Nay; through fear. Had not the Israelites' God sent upon
them grievous pests ? Had they not lost their first-born ? Had
not even the magicians cried unto Pharaoh, "This is the finger
of God"? Had not the people of Egypt said unto Pharaoh,
"How long shall this man be a snare to us"? "Let the MEN
go." Fear! Yes. Love? Never. Love lives not in Egypt.
Love is the tie that binds man's heart to God, and yet fear is
the beginning of Wisdom. Fear hates God. Wisdom sees
His Beneficence. Fear crouches low, seeing only wrath.
Wisdom sees beyond the wrath to the loving face behind it
Fear sees an enemy in the Truth. Wisdom greets it as its
fellow. Every str(.^ke of the living God's arm of wrath is both
destroying and building up. Every revelation of His will a
tocsin sounding to war and to peace. Every battle cry the
lierald to death and to life. Fear is an attribute of Hell Love, ;
reigns in the heart the evil hears not God's voice, because the
Wisdom is not in harmony with evil, but with good, but when
Christ's voice is heard ever so feebly in the heart then is the Evil
exposed and in exposure cries out zvith fear. Let that soul then
indeed rejoice and not despair in whom fear of God begins to
dwell. For these two, the evil and the good, doth dwell
together in the human soul, and one doth afflict the other. Yet
the gift of The Word is not torment or affliction to those who
believe, but to those only who do not believe, to those in whom
the spirit of Unbelief doth abide. But as soon as the Spirit of
Christ enters in, in a degree immediately is this spirit of Unbc-
Hef made Alive through opposition to the Belief that hath
entered in, even that Belief which doth alzvays accompany the
I'ruth and is one with Him. Did you ever see a man so steeped
in Sin that he had no fear of Godf In that man Disbelief reigns
absolutely and reigning is Dead, for Disbelief and Death are ovie
as related to the Soul. Belief is no part of him, Christ dzvelleth
not in him, and where Christ is not, even Christ The Word who
is The Truth, there Let the truth, which is Christ
is no Belief.
Jesus The Word, enter into that man's soul, accompanied as
He always is with Faith, and immediately Unbelief is made.
alive and doth at once begin a Combat which will continue until
that man appropriates and makes a part of his nature through
Faith that Truth which came from The Word and is The Word.
In Adam there There was no Unbelief or Belief,
was no Sin.
both being without life, but when the Voice came demanding
belief then was Unbelief made alive. He who was above him,
(a) ''And Moses answered and said," etc., etc. "And the
Lord said unto him, 'What is that in thy hand?' and he said,
etc. "And Aaron cast down his rod before Pharaoh and before
his servants, and it became a serpent.
"Then Pharaoh also called his wise men and the sorcerers
now like manner with
the magicians of Egypt, they also did in
their enchantments.For they cast down every man his rod and
they became serpents. But Aaron's rod szvallozved up their
(c) "And Aaron stretched out his hand," etc., etc., "and
the frogs came up and covered the land of Egypt. And the
magicians did so with their enchantments and brought frogs
upon the land of Egypt. Then Pharaoh called for Moses and
Aaron and said, 'Entreat the Lord that He may take away the
frogs,' " etc. "And the Lord did according to the word of
Moses, and the frogs died out of the houses, out of the villages,
and out of the fields. And they gathered them together in
heaps, and the land stank.''
(d) "And they did so, for Aaron stretched out his hand
with his rod and smote the dust of the Earth, and it became
lice in man and beast," etc. "And the magicians did so with
their enchantments to bring forth lice, but they coidd not,'' etc.,
(a) Exodus iv. 1-4. {h) Exodus vii. 10-12. (c) Exodus viii.
All things that are Real have Truth as their Source. The
Unreal is a delusion. A delusion is a misconception of the
real. The Truth exists, has life, reality. The deluded ones
seeing truth through their own perverted perbunality can get
but the one conception of it, which is not a conception, but a
misconception. They see not the truth at all, but their miscon-
ception of it. Back of every superstition is a truth, and every
delusion a reality. It is the truth that gives life to both, but the
truth is not them. The superstition is the darkness of unen-
lightenment. Having received an impression from the Real the
truth in the impression is lost in a perversion. Spiritualism
with all its attendant phenomena is a delusion. So is Transmi-
gration of Souls, Theosophy. These are all founded on mis-
conceptions of Truth, (h) Truth seiids the delusion, but is no
part of it.
God, and him the Jews worshiped. His faith, his belief, his
humility, his knowledge of his ozmi weakness, made him knozv
that his work was different from theirs, without knowing how
their work was done. He knew that these men were skilled in
these very things, that it was life, and that what
their vocation in
tliey did, therefore, was because of their own power. Moses'
humility and zveakness was his strength, because he knew that,
let the sorcerers have ever so much power, the power he had
was not his, but came from a source above him. Knozving,
therefore, that there was such a power able to perform such
Zi'onders with such a weak instrument, he knew it was a power
superior to the magicians'. Moreover, knowing that this
power was God, and therefore true, he knew that that which
was opposing this power was a Lie, and their work a spell or
enchantment or delusion. "They cast down their rods and thev
became serpents" seemingly. Not that the rods became ser-
pents in fact, but to all appearances, for Moses distinctly states
that it was done by enchantment, or, in other words, by casting
a spell or delusion. To take the dry, inanimate wood and instill
it with life is an attribute of The Word and Him only. Moses
was the instrument, God the power. The sorcerers of Egypt
never could give life to an inanimate piece of wood, and trans-
form it from a piece of wood into a living serpent. God could,
and did. By legerdemain and by power of mind over mind
they deceived their own, but not Moses, whose faith in God
confirmed that which roseHip in opposition to Him as a deceit.
The truth that the rod coidd be turned into a serpent lay
with Moses, and not with the magicians. With that truth as
a reality, and demonstrated before them, they saw it only
through their own perverted personality, and so, believing it a
deception, since all their work was of that character, they
sought by deception to overthrow it. The serpents which they
threw down were real; the deceit lay not in the serpents being
real, but in their claim that their rods which they held in their
hands, the pieces of wood, became serpents. Upon the triith that
the serpents which the Serpent that came from Moses' trans-
formed rod szvallowed, were real serpents, they sought to
like manner that the Devil taught a lie in the beginning and
because of these one or more truths, as the only life the claim
the magicians made had was that the serpents were true ser-
pents. The truths which they present in support of their claim
to be the true religion are, like the magicians' claim, true;
their claims to be the tnie religion are, like the magicians', false,
and based on a deception! As has been frequently stated, the
only life anything has, be it leaf, flower, bird, beast, man, gov-
ernment, social system, or religion, is in The Truth which,
lying back and above it, is embodied in it, even the Truth as
personified in Christ Jesus, who was the Idea manifested. But
where The Truth is there only in a degree, and that a subordi-
nate one, error predominating, then Truth doth not reign at all,
and carnal display, and worship of the flesh, and love of tem-
poral power and lands and gold and jewels, masquerading
behind the tearful face of Pity and the succoring hand of Mercy
and the sacrificing spirit of Love, let not yourself be deceived
into believing that that abstemious spirit, that love of morality,
that great pitying, loving, merciful heart hath anything in com-
mon with licentiousness, idol worship, ecclesiatical despotism
and slavery of the soul, and formalism, and carnal display, and
worship of the flesh, and land and gold and jewels. The first
are of the Flesh, the last of the Spirit, yet the first put these last
monstrous evils
systems of the world, for the only True religion is the Religion
of Truth, and the trtiths of all reHgions are personified in Him.
For this Religion is founded not in a Theory, but in a Person-
ality, which personified and made manifest by its Lif^
in Itself
the True Government, and the True Social System, and the
True Religion, and all Truth, and who is without guile or
deceit, the One Altogether Lovely,
matter was created and motion took on life. The only con-
nection between Moses and the act was Moses' faith in God.
Belief is as necessary for the Real as the Unreal, but belief in
the Real is beHef in God. Faith in the Real is faith in God
Disbelief in the Real is Belief in the Unreal. The greater
man's disbeHef in God, wherein all the Real has its Source, the
greater man's belief in the Unreal. Man, doubting God and
God's existence and Him as The Creator, and refusing to accept
His Word as to the origin of things, even The Book which is
His revelation, becomes a prey to the delusion that Matter
begot itself and of its own volition took on life! That the greater
came from the less, and a Mindless zvaste begot all Mind! That
that which had not intelligence or wisdom begot these Was !
there is necessity for none, for if one being can have a mortal
existence without a previous mortal existence, so could all,
Upon their own bodies came boils and they stood power-
less before the Israelite leader. What avails thy subtle phil-
osophy, thy lulling Hes, thy deceitful sophistries, by which
untold numbers are deceived, in that day when God with-
draws His support from a disobedient race, and upon deceiver
and deceived sends forth the curse of His displeasure ? What
avail thy hoarded wealth, thy social position, thy brilliantly
deceptive mind, in that day when, laid low by an Avenging
God, who slumbers not nor changes, the curtain shall be
drawn away from before memory's citadel and the soul's his-
tory shallbecome its own revelator, and upon its seared and
blackened and ruined body shall be read its story, written by
"The Finger of the Living God" by the God of Vengeance,—
whose name is Love, Even Christ The Word.
Love and Mercy. But in the time of the darkness, when the
night has come and hell doth seem to encompass our soul, and
the gates of the Unseen to gape wide for our entrance, when
every wind is a sorocco and every voice of that night a moan
to dawn, and the fire that seemed to seeth and twist in the
circumference of its base and shoot its blazing tongue in terri-
fying grandeur towards heaven, scorching and withering and
blistering the soul, to His children, and His only to those who —
have Faith in Him and are therefore His every glowing flame—
v/ill develop into a cloud cluster, and every whirling mass of
tire a cooling zephyr ; the coming dawn will see that pillar of
fire disappear, and the birth of the day will find us once more
abiding under His gracious cloud wherein Peace and Plenty
dwell; and looking at the night with its darkness made alive
by the Fillar of Fire, and to the Day with its Light and its
Joy which came from the Pillar of Cloud, we see these two are
One, and Faith gave the Victory.
Did you ever see a mass of smoldering timbers and
ashes, the result of a great fire ? Did you ever look upon this
smoldering debris in the daytime, and notice what an immense
volume of smoke sometimes arises, and how little fire there is
seemingly, if any is perceptible f Did you ever look upon that
same mass of smoldering debris again at Night, and see how
that cloud of smoke had become a cloud of fire, illuminating the
surrounding darkness f And did you ever approach again that
smoldering debris the next morning and see that cloud of fire
become a cloud of smoke as daylight approached? Know you
not that it was the same? That the mass of timbers had in
it both the hre and the smoke, but only those who saw it at
Night sazu the fire, while those who saw it in the daytime saw
only the smoke f In the Heaven of heavens He sits enthroned.
the bright and Morning Star, the glowing Sun, the evening-
Starlight. From Him comes Light, ^nd in Him is no dark-
ness. To those who journey with Him in the daytime, to
those who, loving Him
and believing in Him, make His Life
their life, and under every and all circumstances have an
implicit faith in Him, there can come no darkness, for they do
Love for him more deep, and he see the illumination growing
still more radiant, and the darkness of the Past made visible as
the darkness of the Present passes away, and is cast out, and
then all at once the day dawns, and Love is made manifest, and
Mercy rides triumphant, and the Son rides triumphant in the
heavens once more with your soul. Has {0) He not sworn
never to forsake you?
Did you ever watch through the long night, when darken-
ing cloud hid from view the starry firmament, and moon and
stars gave forth no Hght? When one moved not so much by
the sense of sight as by the sense of feeling, it, too, dependent
on the light, and perceiving that which the eye saw not? Did
you ever notice how the darkness gradually began to develop
and to be seen out of the blackness that seemed to envelop it,
a darkness made visible by the coming light? Did you ever
notice how, as the day approached nearer, as the Sun
approached nearer the horizon, that at the place where you
stood while the Sun was yet far below the horizon that the —
place where you stood seemed to be the center of light, and
that the darkness was seen a greater distance from you in all
directions, both before and behind, in front and in the rear^ as
that darkness was dissipated by the ever increasing light? Did
you ever notice how the rays of light seemed to pierce more
and more the outer darkness and dissipate it, so that things
hidden within that darkness, or because of that darkness,
became visible to your sight ? Did you ever notice, as you
saw more and more of that Ught which was in front of you, and
which seemed to radiate from beyond, and which made brighter
and brighter the way between you and that beyond, that that
hght seemed to envelop you and hold you as its center, and as it
grew more radiant before, the farther and farther you could see
behind? And did you ever notice that just as that darkness
which had enveloped you entirely, disappeared and gave place
to the envelope of light and you could see no beginning and no
Old to the light, behold !the Sun rode high above the horizon,
and, gazing upon iT, You saw the beginning and the end of all
this light, and that v/hich made all things visible?
So looks the man of Faith. Darkness once enveloped
him. Faith sprang up within his heart, and with that Faith
came Light, tor they are One in Him. And seeing, and feel-
ing, and realizing the Light which has sprang up in his soul.
he sees it begin to radiate in the Present, even in a changed
Hfe, and standing in the Present, he sees that Light grow
stronger and radiate into the darkness of the Past, and the
darkness of the Future, illuminating both, and as He looks,
believing in the Light which He sees, which is the true Light.
he sees that Light grow brighter and brighter, even that light
v;hich has him as a center, and he sees the darkness, through
the Light which doth dissipate it, become more transparent, and
long Past, and making light the darkness, and overcoming it,
and casting it out and he sees the Light of the Present reach-
ing out and ahead through the Future and revealing all the
truth within it, and seeing back to the uttermost Past, and
seeing that Light shining in everything of the Past, creation,
governments, social systems, religions; and looking at the
Present and seeing that Light giving the brightness and glory
of the governments, social systemsand religions to them; and
looking ahead at the uttermost Future and seeing everything
ablaze and and glowing, government, social system,
appears in whom all Truth and all Love, and all Majesty and
Power, and all Wisdom and Justice, and all Mercy, abide and
are personified, and that Light is seen to be a PERSONAL-
ITY—the BEGINNING and END of all things,, and soaring
high in Heaven's dome gives life and light to all things, even
that Great Sun,
(a) **And God spake all these words, saying, 'I am the
Lord thy God, which have brought thee out of the land of
Egypt, out of the house of bondage. Thou shalt have no
other gods before me. make unto me any graven
Thou shalt not
image or any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or
that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the
(a) Exodus XX. 1. (6) Num. xxiii. 19. (m) Gen. v. 3. (n) John
xiv. 9.
man, and above the image of the flesh place the placard, "This
is the Christ," and bow down and worship it. Gather the
bones of the unknown dead, and the pieces of wood of
unknown origin, and playing upon the credulity of thy misled
devotees, bow down with them and worship them. What if it
were a piece of the Cross on which He hung, made He not all
things? What virtue in the wood, beyond or different from
any other wood, lackmg as it does His Personality? No won-
der the bones of saints so-called, called so by men and not
by God, vile some of them, all of them teaching perverted
doctrines, are treasured as objects of pilgrimage to be wor-
shiped. Image worshipers, all relics are grist that come to
their mill. If it was the body that lay in the tomb of Joseph
was the soul back of that house of flesh, that divine entity
called Spirit, which being one with the flesh and yet not the flesh,
animated it, and gave it life, and personality and being, then
worship Spirit. Grave not on wood, or stone, or precious
metal an image of bird, or beast, or man, or woman, for these
are but the image of the things of the earth. Worship them not
Kneel not down before them Worship Him who is above all
zvonian, but as the Giver of being to all of these, seen not with
natural eyes, but by faith. Worshiped not by the telling of so
many beads on by the recitation of so many stereo-
a string,
typed prayers chattered through with the celerity of a parrot
calling for food, with the bowing and the crossing of one's self
before a graven image, but by the spirit suppHcating Spirit,
by the soul looking past all flesh and beyond earth into the
land where He lives and reigns and (o) where flesh can never
enter, and, seeing Him through the eyes of faith, worship Him
by a
(o) 1 Cor. XV. 50.
A Willing Offering.
heart stirred them up in wisdom/' etc., etc. "And all the rulers
brought onyx stones," etc., etc. "The children of Israel
brought a willing offering," etc., etc.
His Life as the TRUE LIFE, even the life of Christ Jesus.
in the ark thou shalt put the testimony I shall give thee."
shalt set the table zvithout the veil and the candlestick over
against the table," etc., etc. "And thou shalt make a hanging
for the door of the tent," etc., etc.
(a) Exodus xxxvii. 1-9. (h) Exodus xxv. 21. (/) Exodus xxv.
23-27- (g)Exodus xxvi. (h) Exodus xxvii. 20, 21.
(i) "And take thou unto thee Aaron, thy brother, and his
sons with him, from among the children of Israel, that he may
minister unto me in the priest's office," etc., etc. "And thou
shalt make Aaron thy brother, for glory and
holy garments for
for beauty,and these are the garments they shall
. . .
make," etc., etc. "And thou shalt make the ephod of blue, of
purple, and of fine-twined linen," etc. "It shall have the two
shoulder pieces thereof joined together," etc. "And thou shalt
take two on3-x stones and grave on them the names of the
children of Israel, . . .and thou shalt put the two stones
upon the shoulders of the ephod for stones of memorial unto
the children of Israel, and Aaron shall bear their names before
the Lord upon his two shoulders for a memorial. And thou
shalt make the breastplate of Judgment with cunning work
And thou shalt set in its settings of stones, even four
. .
and the second row shall be an emerald," etc. "And the stones
shall be with the names of the children of Israel, twelve,
according to their names," etc., etc. "And they shall bind the
breastplate by the rings thereof unto the rings of the ephod,"
etc., etc. "And Aaron
bear the names of the children of
Israel in the breastplate of Judgment upon his heart when he
goeth into the holy place, and thou shalt put in the breastplate
of Judgment the Urim and the Thummim, and they shall be
upon Aaron's heart," etc., etc.
"And a golden bell and a pomegranate," etc., etc. "And
it shall be upon Aaron to minister, and his sounds shall
be heard when he goeth in," etc., etc. *^^And thou shalt
make a plate of pure gold and grave upon it like the engrav-
ings of a signet, 'Holiness to the Lord.' And it shall be upon
Aaron's forehead, that Aaron may bear the iniquity of the holy
things which the children shall haKow in their holy gifts, and
it shall always be upon his fafefiead, that they may be accepted
before the Lord."
"And Aaron and his sons shalt thou bring unto the doof of
the tabernacle of the congregation and shalt wash them with
— ~1I«H
zvater. And thou shalt take the garments and put upon Aaron
the coat," etc., etc. "Thou shah take
the anointing oil and
pour it upon and anoint him. And thou shalt cause
his head,
a bullock to be brought before the tabernacle of the congrega-
tion, and thou shalt kill the bullock before the Lord by the
door of the tabernacle of the congregation, and thou shalt take
the blood and put it upon the horns of the altar with thy finger
and pour all the blood beside the bottom of the altar. And thou
shalt take all the fat that covereth the inwards, and the caid
that is about the liver, and the two kidneys, and the fat that
is upon them, and burn them upon the altar. But the flesh of
the bullock and his skin and his dung shalt thou burn without
the camp with fire; it is a sin offering."
''Thou shalt also take one ram, and Aaron and his son?
shall put theirhands upon the head of the ram, and thou shalt
slay the ram, and thou shalt take his blood and sprinkle it
round about the altar. And thou shalt cut the ram in pieces,
and zuash the imvards of him and his legs and put them unto the
pieces, and upon his head. And thou shalt burn the whole ram
upon the altar ; it is a burnt offering unto the Lord ; it is a
S7veet savor and ottering made by fire unto the Lord.
''And thou shalt take the other ram, and Aaron and his
sons shall put their hands upon the head of the ram. Then
shalt thou kill the ram and take of his blood and put it upon the
tip of the right ear of Aaron and upon the tip of the right ear
of his sons, and upon the thumb of their right hand and upon
the great toe of their rigJit foot, and sprinkle the blood upon the
one loaf of bread, and one cake of oiled bread, and one wafer
out of the basket of unleavened bread," etc.
"And Aaron and his sons shall eat the flesh of the ram, and
the bread that is in the basket by the door of the tabernacle of
the congregation, and they shall eat those things wherewith the
atonement was made, to consecrate and to sanctify them, but a
stranger shall not eat thereof, because they are holy''
"And meet with the children of Israel and the
there will I ,
by my glory."
tabernacle (Israel) shall be sanctified
(;) "And thou shalt make an altar to burn the incense on."
(k) "And he reared up the court around about the taber-
nacle and the altar, and set up the hanging of the court gate.
So Moses finished the work.
"Then a cloud covered the tent of the congregation, and the
glory of the Lord filled the tabernacle. And Moses was not
able to enter the tent of the congregation, because the clouds
abode thereon, and the glory of the Lord filled the tabernacle
"And when the cloud was taken up from over the taber-
nacle, the children went onward in all their journeys ; but if
the cloud was not taken up, then they journeyed not until the
day it was taken up ; for the cloud of the Lord was upon the
tabernacle by day, and was on it by night, in the sight of
{j) Exodus XXX. ik) Exodus xl. 33-38. (j) Heb. viii. 5; x. 1.
as that Sun, that glorious orb of day, records its Zenith and
shines out clear and full and free, immediately above that object
which before was an obstructing medium, throwing a shadow,
how the shadow has. by almost imperceptible degrees, faded
away, growing shorter and shorter, until it is finally lost in the
the sin of the world are at the door of the tabernacle of the
congregation, and he that shall eat thereof shall eat of the
shew-bread before the door — shall eat of the Mind of Him who
was the and shall partake of
Sacrifice, His mind and of its Life,
even its and shall become a part of that atonement
(at-one-ment), and the veil before the holy place, even the flesh
which is that veil, shall be drawn aside and be lost and done
away through the revealing brightness of the True Glory,
and they who have eaten of that Mind and been nourished by
it through the assimilation of it shall reign ordained as priests
to serve with Him, and permitted as priests because of the eating
of His i7tind or soid, which has transformed that soul into His
likeness, and being in His likeness subject to and controlled
by His Spirit, to enter into the holy place with Him as sons.
And the children of the kingdom, each a priest, shall offer up
to the throne a perpetual ofifering of incense, even a righteous
life, and shall enter into the Holy of Holies through the minis-
trations of Our Great High Priest, who continuously ofTers up,
through the Spirit of His sacrifice, a holy and acceptable
incense,which shall obtain for His children Mercy and Salva-
tion from the consequences of Sin.
At the door of the tabernacle, even at the door of the
understanding, which is an attribute of the mind or soul, is the
sacrifice of the natural body, the flesh and blood of the natural
man, one with the spiritual, appealing through that which the
natural man can understand, to the spiritual man for that faith
in spiritual things which is the first step in all spiritual knowl-
edge. Thus the spiritual man, accepting by faith the testimony
of His sacrifice according to the lazvs of nature which the natural
man, one with him, understands, begins, immediately on the
acceptance of the testimony as regards the natural death or the
death of the natural body, through this same faith which is the
property of the spiritual man, to (k) cat of the spiritual body
which was the real sacrifice. Eating of this spiritual body,
which was the. mind of Christ and in which abode the Holy
Spirit, one with the mind of Christ, and which gave life to that
our souls, that our souls may grow into the (jn) fullness of
the stature of ihe Soul on which we feed, this food being given
to us through the ministration of The Word one with this
food which is His body, we are at once brought into that holy
place where our great High Priest is, our souls are in touch
with that Great Soul in which The Word abides in its fullness,
and the Truth which is in the spoken Word, the written Word,
and The Word within our souls which, abiding in Him in all
its fullness, gives Hfe to all three, becomes manifest to the mind
even His Spirit, that gift being joy, and peace, and humility,
and righteousness, and grace, according to our needs, and
spiritual power according to its wisdom, and having received
into our own mind's m.ind from Him, and having the Spirit
of that mind transformed into the likeness of His Spirit through
(I) Peter ii. 9. (m) Eph. iv. 13. (n) 1 Peter ii, 5; Eev. i. 6. Rev.
V. 10. Rev. XX. 6.
212 the: manifestation of the idea.
Word, we go on
the spirit of obedience begotten by faith in The
from {o) more holy life.
glory to glory into a purer and
All prophecy was personified in Him. All the beauty of
the temple worship was a looking forward to Him. All sacri-
fice was the signboard, the finger, pointing the way toward
those who' believe. For His mind, which was His soul, which
was one with the -fleshy having endured all temptation incidental
to the flesh, and all its agony, even to the cruel agony of the
death on the Cross, and in (r) death victorious over death itself
through His resurrection, this SAME souiy, freed from the
CONNECTION with the flesh, lived oni.y To the Spirit, even
The Word, which, dwelling as one with His Soul
(o) 2 Cor. iii. 18. (p) Rom. viii. 2. (g) John iii. 16, 17. (^r)
when His soul was one with the flesh, acting as that
soul's Monitor and Guide on this earth, after the completion of
that sacrifice of that man of flesh, became forever an inhabitant
of the Holy of Holies, where flesh or anything of flesh can never
enter. It was the Soul that, one with the flesh, agonized in
the soul, one with the flesh, that wept at the grave of Lazarus,
and on the Cross cried out, "Father Father why hast thou
! !
deserted me" it was the Soul one with the flesh, that cried out
with the flesh, that in the moments preceding the awful death
on the Cross, turned to the disciple whom He dearly loved
and commended unto mother who had given Him
his care that
that body oh,; it was that Great and Noble Soul one with the
flesh, that, having within Himself the human attributes, hun-
akin to and suffuses our souls with emotion and our eyes
with tears. Oh, the awfulness of the agony of that Soul, one
with the flesh ! —
The grandeur of its sacrifice, the superla- —
tive beauty of its love, —
the incomparable sublimity of its for-
giveness It was The Word dwelling in Him in His fullness,
one with that Great Soul, that sustained Him in that battle
against sin, and temptation, and gave Him the victory
and evil,
over them. It was the Word that spoke Peace to His Soul
when, in the agony of the garden His followers forsook Him.
It was the Word, which was one with His Soul, and was Him,
to her wish His soul responded to her desire through the com
mand of The Word. It was The Word that said unto Lazarus.
{u) ''Come forth," even while His soul (z>) wept; it was the
same Word which said, (w) "It is finished," even at the com-
pletion of that soul's agony. It was The Word that brought
that soul from out of the unseen and took it to Himself for ez'er-
more, and seated Him at the right hand of the Father for ever-
more. It was The Word giving to that soul, one with the
flesh, its admonitions and instruction and guidance, tJiat same
Word zvhich was one zvith that Sou! and zuas Him, that made
possible the grandeur of the sacrifice, the superlative beauty of
the love, the incomparable sublimity of its forgiveness. Oh, it
was The Word God The Father who taught, by His own
Spirit of Sacrifice, sacrifice to His Son by His own Spirit of ;
The Truth even God was His Father, and had begotten
Him, and He walked in that straight and narrow path Truth
liad marked out for Him. His own soul said to itself, ''I am
the Son of God I am God in the flesh I am the Idea mani-
; ;
fested I am the King of the Jews, yea, not only of the Jews,
that Path which Truth had marked out for Him to its End for
Humanity's sake! The Spirit of Justice, which was His Spirit,
demanded of Him that the Way be manifested to Humanity
which leads back to God, that the Soul seeking His Father's
kingdom might not be led astray into the Broad Path that
leads to Death, and that the soul might escape the penalty which
Sin entails. The Spirit of Justice therefore demanded that He
who knezv that Way walk in it, that all those, even all Human-
(2) Matt. xxvi. 39. 42.
ity, who knewnot the Way might see the Way as made mani-
fest by His Life and zvalk in it also! (a) "To whom much is
given of him will much be required." The Spirit of Mercy,
which was His Spirit, demanded of Him that He should walk
that Path and on the Cross (b) signal its fulfillment. The
Spirit of Love, which was His spirit, yearning with an inex-
pressible yearning after Humanity, His brothers gone so far
astray, crying out in intensest agony and incomparable solici-
tude because of their awful condition, demanded that He should
make manifest the Majesty and Power of thatLove by walk-
ing that Path that only He could tread. Oh, the Holy Spirit,
which was His Spirit, demanded the Sacrifice that that Spirit
which was His Soul's Life might be made manifest, that His
brothers might partake of that Spirit and receive its Life
Think you then that God found pleasure in the agony of
that Son on the Cross? Nay, not in the agony, but in the
obedience. The agony was the gift of Man to His Son, of Man's
inhwnanity to Man; the obedience, the gift of the Father to his
best beloved. Still God demanded the
think you then that
cruel and agonizing .death of the Son of Man on the Cross to
propitiate His wrath? Nay, —
but to show His love. The cruel
death on the Cross w^as the result of man's ignorance of God's
Love for m,an caused by the hardness of men's hearts, the
permitting of the death so cruel was for the purpose that all
men seeing The Father as thus made manifest in His Son, and
seeing Him as a God of Love, might also seek to become Sons by
assimilating through faith and a righteous life this sacrificing
love. Think you it was to satisfy the Infinite Justice of God
that this cruel death, which was foreknown and foreordained,
was permitted? Nay, but to make manifest the Justice of
God. The death on the Cross was the result of the injustice of
man, who, finding Him without fault, yet crucified Him. The
permitting of the death of His Son on the Cross was to open
up to them —
that is, to all men —
the Way by which all men
might escape the consequences of their injustice to man at the
dictate of an evil mind." through the sacrifice of self for others.
In this does God show His In-finite Justice, that having made
man a free agent, and man having ihrvugh that free agency
sinned, and therefore passed under condemnation, he doth open
up a Way whereby man may escape that condemnation by the
exercise of that same freedom of will, and receive an (x) eternal
inheritance in place of the one which man lost by his disobedience,
and which fadeth away. Even that great inheritance, (3') not
made by hands, eternal in the heavens, which is obtained by an
obedient spirit through faith in His atonem-ent. Oh, how incom-
prehensible is the magnitude of the Love of the Infinite Father
of us all
the body is the temple in which dzvelleth the Holy Spirit, even the
spirit of the High-Priest Jesus, and we are priests chosen of
stands at the door and knocks, and he that opens to Him and
shall believe in Him as the Son, and shall accept His sacrifice
as an atonement made for him, (e) shall partake of that body,
namely His mind, for it was not the fleshly but the spir-
(a;) 1 Peter i. 3, 4. (y) 2 Cor. v. 1. (z) Heb. viii. 2. (a) 1 Cor.
vi. 19. (6) Heb. x. 19-22. (c) Heb, v. 6. (d) Matt. vi. 6. (e) Rev,
iii. 20.
It was a
of formalism, of ritualism, of the sacrifice of animals.
priesthood beginning with Aaron, having a beginning and an
End. Christ's was a Priesthood from God, having God's per-
sonality, it was made manifest in Christ Jesus, it sprang from
God, it centered there, and reaches its climax there. It never
had a beginning, it (j) never can have an end. For Christ
Jesus The Word was one with God, and was God, and Christ
Jesus and the Priesthood are One. For the body nailed to
(f) Heb. vi. 1. (cj) 1 Peter ii. 2-9. (h) Eph. v. 9. (i) Matt. vii.
that the sacrifices of the temple looked forward to, and it was
made Him both the Sacrifice and
the Spirit of Sacrifice that the
High Priest who oii'ered it. The nailing to the cross of the
natural body was but its accompaniment. The sacrifice of the
body on the cross gave no pleasure to God, but the
in itself
Spirit of obedience to the Truth, even God, unto death pro-
claimed Him as His dearly beloved Son, begotten by His
Spirit, and in the obedience was the joy of the Father. The
devout Jew, responding to the promptings of that inward man,
and comprehending that inward Voice but faintly, but acting in
harmony with that Voice according to his comprehension of it,
offered up the animal sacrifice. God loved not the sacrifice; but
blessed the obedient Jczv, zvho, through this sacrifice made evident
his OBEDIENT SPIRIT, WHICH GAVE LIFE to that temple worship.
That which was within the man was the true worship, and
when He w^ho gave life to the True Worship was made mani-
fest, then the True Worship, even the worship of the Spirit in
separate and apart from the temple worship, which was one
of formalism and carnal ordinances. It was as though God
He calls them (p) children of the devil, the thought being their
conforming to the temple worship, and the law was hypocrisy
and not the result of the earnest desire of an obedient spirit to
do that which would be pleasing in the sight of God. They
worshiped to be seen of men. If they had worshiped to be
seen of the Father only, they would have recognized Christ as
the True Worship.
If it be said that Christ conformed His life to the Jewish
(l) Kom. ii. 28, 29. (m) John viii. 38. (n) John viii. 55. (o) John
viii 44.
be seen that there was not and could not be any break in this
religion which came from God. It was a continuous progres-
sion of Man toward God, or a continuous reaching out of Man for
God. The Word God was the Light which shone first into
the Soul of Man in Eden's garden. Like a (a) vigorous seed
which, sown in the earth, comes forth as a tree, and, spreading
its branches over the earth, encompasses all things, so is the
seed sown in Eden's garden the same seed, even that Great
(p) Johu XV, 13; Rom. ii. 6-8. (g) Matt. v. 17, 18. (r) John
xix. 30. (s) Heb. ix. 8-10. (a) Matt. xiii. 31, 32.
Light the Word, which shed its rays through every ordinance
and ceremony of that Jewish religion, and which, coming to
its Zenith, blended it all into its own Personality, and pro-
claimed that Personality as the True Life, continuous, without
beginning and without end.
Thus (t) by His very obedience has He loosed us from
these formalisms of a dead Past, and by His own sweet and
obedient and sacrificing Spirit proclaimed the True Worship.
Thus we see, with the passing of the sacrifice of animals which
ended in a human sacrifice, For US, there came in also the
ship, the true sacrifice. The True, and made it manifest. Not
in a formalism, but in a life. The shadow lost in the Sub-
stance. Formalism in a Life. The ordinances giving place
(t) Heb. X. 9. (u) 1 Peter ii. 5. (y) Gal. v. 13-26; Kom. xii. 1.
may look through this veil, (x) which is Flis flesh, and see the
divine sacrifice with the eyes of faith. Let, then, that child of
God, that Son of the High Priest, a priest himself, offering up
Mercy through the atoning blood
before the throne his plea for
of the Great High Priest, let this child of the kingdom, whose
right ear is tipped with the blood of the Slain sacrifice, whose
hand and whose foot are tipped with His blood, who stands at
the right hand of the living God, and reigns as a priest with
Him who reigns as a High Priest at the right hand of God,
receive into his soul that which he hears and make it manifest
by his acts and deeds and daily zvalk.
Has the Divine been made manifest? Then why still
cling to formalism, making of none effect the divine sacrifice?
Why {y) torture the spirit by lashing the body with goads and
mflicting upon the body cruel stripes? Think you peace can
be obtained by such a crucifixion, such a maltreatment, such a
barbarous chastisem.ent of the flesh? Know
you not you do
but deny His atoning power? Peace wiU never come. His
Peace, never Never ! ! ! NEVER ! ! ! to him or her who
thus makes of none effect the hanging of that body on the
Cross, {z) Once for all He made the sacrifice of the body,
offering on the cross that formalism might be nailed there with
it; will you still continue to pervert the meaning, thus laying
up wrath unto the day of wrath? For what use the golden
censer, the robes of scarlet, the tiara, the pomp, the display,
the formalism of v/orship? From whence your authority?
Know ye not these things are an abomination in the sight of
theLord? Is the old priesthood still alive (a) and Christ not
yet come ? God has marked thy formalism for destruction, and
upon thy head will He visit His displeasure (b) Was not the !
(x) Heb. X. 20. (y) Col. ii. 23. (z) Rom. v. 17, 18. (a) 2 John
vii. (6) Exodus xxv. 37.
filled in Him ? Why, then, this dead formalism, this empty shell
of the past? Why this burning of waxen tapers? Oh, thou
worshipers of a cast-out formalism, will the Spirit of God
strive with you always? Shall darkness forever envelop thee?
Blind leaders of the blind, linked to the Past, and its darkness
the world would drift back into the despotism of ages long past
if thou didst but rule Thou art marked for destruction, and
of the Living God, and (e) He hath decreed and proclaimed thy
downfall ! Know you not that (/) none can approach The
Father except through Christ Jesus? Hast thou taken upon
thyself, on thy shoulders, the names of the children of Israel
and their sins, and doth bear their iniquity that tJiou dost remit
their sinsand forgive them ? Know you not their prayers will
remain unanswered, and their confession of sin unheard,
except it come through Christ Jesus? What assurance have
(c) 1 Peter ii. 6-9. (d) John xiv 6. (e) Rev. xviii. 2. (/) John
xiv. 6.
they that you are divinely appointed? Know you not that
their confessions are as dead ashes on an ocean waste? That
their repetitions of a certain stereotyped prayer a certain
number of times can bring no forgiveness for sin, either to them
or to you, who do thus deceive both them and yourself?
ig) Know ye not that you will have to give an account for
these perversions of that which is given in Truth ?
Before the door of the temple of the Soul lies the body of
His sacrifice. Upon the altar of consecration of the life that
now is to His service lies the sacrifice. Let each child of the
kingdom, each one of the chosen children of Israel, eat of that
flesh. His body, even His mind and His soul, and drink of His
blood, which gives life to the body of flesh, even His Holy
Spirit which giveth Life to His soul and to all things, that as
priests before His throne our lives shall ascend as the odor of a
sweet incense to the throne of His Mercy, and in the confess-
ing of our sins to Him find our forgiveness through His atone-
ment, every step in the journey of this life bringing us nearer
where our heart, soul, mind, body, shall be
to the at-one-ment,
consecrated to His service, worshiping Him in Spirit and
Truth, that we may grow into the fullness of the stature of
obedient sacrificial service of Our Lord and Our Sacrifice,
yea, though zvc have known Christ after the flesh, yet now
henceforth knozu we Him no more.
eld things are passed away: behold, all things are become New."
its authenticity, (b) Their God was her God, and their faith
her faith. That the waters Dead Sea banked themselves
of the
on high at the command of Moses she had never questioned,
and beHef in the (c) budding rod of Aaron, of (d) the children
in the fiery furnace, of (e) the Sun that stood still at Joshua's
(6) Heb, xi. (c) Num. xvii. 8. (d) Pan. iii. (e) Josh. x. 12-14.
(/) Josh. vi. 20. (g) Jonah i. 17. (h) Matt, xviii. 3-6; xix. 13-15; xi.
25, 26. (i) Heb. xi.
certain things will be transmitted to the child and will write its
characters in the body and the brain (which is the seat of mind
and one with the body) of law of heredity.
that child by the
The thoughts, desires, {k) beliefs of the mother and father at
time of conception, and of the mother during pregnancy, will
fix themselves upon the offspring unfailingly, because the child
is a part of the mother and the mind of the mother, which is one
are One. The child, if begotten of a mother who loves the truth,
will hate deceit of all kinds intuitively. It will love the Truth,
The child whose mother loves purity and is herself pure in life
and thought, will be pure also, even from its mother's womb,
and will love that which is Pure. Let it have a mother whose
faith in God is strong, and the child will be a child full of
trusting confidence in all whom she meets, and distrust no one.
Let a child have this pure, hving, trusting disposition, and let
it hear of God as taught in His Word, and as was taught by
The Word, and she will at once accept Him as her God, and
love Him, because He will he the embodiment of those principles
the love of which are inborn in her, and which are the controlling
factors in her life, even from her mother s zvomb.
The child's nature can be changed by giving it a different
environment, and the belief that was predisposed in harmony
with all was noble and to be prized, can be directed into
an evil channel and fixed on evil things. In like manner can
the child whose loves and likes and incHnations are evil, be
brought into a new state of soul or being by changing its
environment. Belief, then, can grow, and is subject to the
same law that governs attributes of the mind. It can grow
and continue to grow until it becomes merged into and
becomes a part of that in which it believes. This is its fulfill-
The natural man —that is, the mind of flesh —has no
truth within itself as regards the things of the Spirit. But if
his brain and the nerves are perfect, every impression made
upon that brain will be absolutely perfect, and the mind will
see, refused to believe the Truth when it spoke to him, even The
Word, which spoke to him in the beginning of spiritual things,
and he fell. When he fell from his estate of bodily purity, and
mental purity as well, these same nerves recorded upon his
brain and made known to him that The Word which he had
rejected was true. There was war in his own brain and nerves,
and the equipoise was destroyed, and through these sensations
which he as a natural man could feel and know, the (m) spiritual
mind began development. That is, the mind which knoivs
spiritual things through faith. Faith in The Word was the
result. Faith in that which is {n) not seen took root in his mindy
and faith in the unseen began development There can be no
spiritual life without spiritual knowledge, and as that knowledge
is a part only of the spiritual man, that mind which is entirely
When Adam fell and his Mind lost its equipoise, and his
body its perfection, there stood between his mind, vi'hich zi'as
him, and this Environment, even God, this imperfection of
being. He received, therefore, only The Word in a degree, or,
in other words, he was not able to conceive in its fullness
truth which he received. The imperfection of his being
caused imperfection in his understanding. But he believed that
zvhich he did receive. So did the Jewish people. Their whole
history is the story of that belief in the Word zvhich they did
hear. Xot that they heard His Voice fully, for if they had
they would not have said, ''An (p) eye for an eye, and a
He taught differently; but they heard
tooth for a tooth,'' for
His Voice as much as their materialistic natures would allozv,
and believed that Voice and had faith in the Voice, even the
Word, and God was with that faith. That they indeed heard
His Voice, and that that Voice was in the ascendant, all who
faithfully study the Word or the Book must believe, for there
is the beginning of the manifestation of the Word at the very
beginning, and every record of the history of God's dealing
with the Jews, and their conception of Him and His A'oice, are
so many footprints showing* the road along which the Idea
journeyed and the patient; believing reader, seeking Truth,
even the Idea, even The Word, even God, and finding the
first footprint in the beginning, when [Man ate of a natural
through the land of sin, the pursuit by their enemies and their
enemies' king, the despair of the Israehtes, their crossing of the
Dead Sea, the overthrow and eternal destruction of their ene-
mies, their wanderings in the wilderness, their attainment of
the Promised Land, the refusal to permit their leader Moses,
who was of the flesh, to enter the promised land, the history
of Israel, theaccuracy of their prophecies, the enslavement in
the city of Babylon, and finally the beheving reader, seeking
always the Idea, even the Word, even the Truth, even God;
and having been ofttimes baffled, yet always finding again the
footprints which mark the road, the Idea, which is on before,
took, stands with bowed head before the manger at Bethlehem,
whose encircling arms cradled at its birth the body in which,
one with it, was personified Him w^hose footprints he had
followed in that long journey from the birth of man in the
beginning to the birth of Alan in the Manger, even the Idea,
even the Word, even the Truth, even God, and taking up that
journey again from the caressing arms of the manger and
following those footprints again, filled full and running over
with its awful agony, on, on, and UP, until he sees that quiv-
ering body of flesh held in cruel bondage by the outstretched
arms of the Cross, and seeing, beholds the journey's end, for,
behold, the
of Worlds is but the work of but One Law, even God, then
thou art dull of hearing. If you have failed to see that the
Law of Heredity and Environment is fixed in God, and there-
fore unchanging, then has this book been written in vain. If
you have failed to grasp the thought that the same law of faith
that has given to us our knowledge heavens and the
of the
earth and their elements is by which the Soul
also the law
reaches out after God, the Giver of all Knowledge, then are
you yet to be fed on milk. It is the faith of the astronomer in
that which he believes to be true that makes him continually seek
the unknown, that it may be known. It was the faith of the
degree, but not in its fullness, and acting in harmony with that
Word as their materialistic natures interpreted it, they marched
against the enemy believing and having faith in the Word.
It was that Faith that God zvas with, and those that had that faith.
(q) Num. xxxi. 17; Judges 21. 10, 11. (r) Luke ii. 14,
know, before the spiritual man, one with that natural man, can
receive the fact as it relates to spiritual affairs of which he is a
part. The natural Inan can only understand, and therefore
believe, in things of his world —that is, this world of matter.
As long as he refuses to believe a truth as it relates to his
world, which is the natural world, it will be impossible for the
spiritual man to receive or hiozv that truth as it relates to his
world, which is the spiritual world. For, as before stated,
(«) 1 Cor. ii. 14. (t) Gen. ii. 16, 17. (r) Gen. iii. 7. (a) 1 Cor.
XV. 45, 46.
the natural man was ^rst, and must see or hear of things first
before there can be any development of the spiritual man, who
comes after the natural man. Thus the little babe which at
birth is without the nerves of sight, which transmit the sensa-
tion of light to the brain,and therefore to the mind, could never
in this lifecomprehend the great truth that God is the Supreme
Light. It must have the knowledge of the lesser first, that
God was the Truth, and faith in the Truth as God began devel-
opment in Man. The truth in regard to Man's fall would thus
reach posterity in a natural way, and faith in him whom they
(natural men) could see and know would lead to faith in Him
whom they did not see or know.
The belief of Mary, the woman, in the true God began in
the day when Adam, a man, realized and believed that God
was the God of Truth. By zvord of mouth and by written word
this knowledge of God was handed down, and to this knowledge
was added in the course of time the knowledge that God was a
God of Mercy, Wisdom, Justice, Majesty, Power, and last, but
greatest of all, for in it all other attributes have their fulfill-
ment, the God of Love. The predisposition of Mary to this
faith began development at the moment the protoplasm which
in its development lived as her took on life in her mother's
wohib. This predisposition of Mary to certain beliefs attained
its fullness in the day that that protoplasm lived as Mary,
namely, when she was born. There is no mind of the whole
until the child is born, the mind previous to that birth existing
only in the mother as does the body, and when the child is
her body. Before the birth of that body which lived as Mary
it (that body) was simply a part of the personality of the mother,
as was the foot, the eye, or any other part of her mother's body.
There was no Mary until she was born and took up a separate
existence of her own and received mind, not from her mother^
but from the OVER-ALL MIND, even GOD.
Since the protoplasm developing towards its fulfillment,
even its birth as a human being, is before that birth simply a
part of the body of the woman who carries it in her womb, and
it develops according to the condition of her mind, it will be
seen that the more perfect the mind of the mother, the more
it is in harmony with that Supreme Perfectness, the more per-
fect will be the body she is forming within her womb. When
this body which lives as part of her is fully developed and of
a consequence its brain fully developed, that brain will be a
the temple made to receive it. The mind is the gift of God to
the child at its birth the temple is the gift of the parents.
; For
from (a) flesh comes the flesh and from the Spirit spirit. If,
then, the parents have given to their offspring a temple for
that mind, even a body or brain which is dwarfed, then the
mind which came from God and which is His child, and which
has become one with that temple, will be dwarfed also. The
mind then will, if the parents have given it a perfect temple,
have God for its environment, for its parents would also be in
harmony with Him, and its predominating disposition would be
God-ward from whence it sprang. If the parents had given the
child a brain so distorted and dwarfed as to distort that mind
which has become one with it, then the predominating disposi-
tion of that child at birth would be carnal. Belief is an attrib-
ute of the mind, and that belief will be fixed on spiritual things
just in proportion as that mind is spiritiial in its nature.
Innocent, the child ushered into the world, and the child
ness in Mary, the Holy Spirit dwelt with that belief which it
Adam learned that God was the true God, and to be believed,
and that there was no life away from Him, and that He was
(w) Isa. vii. 14; Gen. xlix. 10; Dan. x, 24. (x) Gen. i; Acts xvii.
harmony with The Word and the Idea as regarded her ozvn
(z) Luke i 28-33. (a) Isa. vii. 14. (b) Luke i. 30. (c) Luke i.
or God taking upon Himself (e) the nature of Man, and receiv-
ing His fleshly body from her who gave it The body
she gave Him. It (/) was part of her. Its perfection was the
result of the perfection that existed in her at the time of con-
ception. Her perfection of both mind and body was the result
of a belief in God and the acceptance of His Word, even the
Book, and the laws therein laid down.
with that flesh which, made alive by this Mind and Spirit,
lived as nature's Son, and The Son of Man and the Son of God
Conceived in holiness, womb of a mother
born in the
whose every thought looked up God, held in purity by the
purity of her who bore Him in her w^omb, the virginity of the
mother's hers until his birth, her soul wrapt and nurtured and
upheld by the angelic message which she treasured continu-
ously in her mind, the perfection of the child at birth w^as but
a continuation of the perfection at conception. (/) Joseph
{g) John i. 1-14. Qi) Phil. ii. 6; 2 Cor. iv. 4: Col. i. 15; 1 Tim.
iii. 16. (i) Matt. i. 25. (j) Ps. li. 5. (a) Phil. ii. 7. Revised Version.
these attributes find their birth and fullness. One need but to
speak to such a one of God to kindle a flame of love and faith
in that child's heart for Him. The soil is prepared, and but
(k) 1 Cor. XV. 47.
Upon His pure and sensitive soul with all the ferocity of terrific
combat as regarded that particular sin. Combating it, over-
coming it, (n) triumphant even in death, was His faith in God.
Each step in his onward journey towards manhood was the
revelator to Him of His own personality. Reposing from the
Eternity of the Past in the bosom of the Father, begotten by
the Holy Spirit in the likeness of man, He emptied Himself of
the knowledge which was His as the Father and became as a
new-born child, knowing not Himself. As the physical child
grew into the fullness of the strength of the stature of its man-
hood, so grew He into the fullness of the knowledge of the
stature of the Living Word which was in Him and was Him.
As the child, the physical child, has in its personality at birth,
undeveloped, all the attributes that developed go to make up
the physical man, so within His personality at His birth dwelt
all the attributes of The Word in His fullness, which developed
in harmony and exact equipoise with the physical man, and which
attained it fullness of stature in the day He cried, "It is Fin-
ished !" As the physical man
journeyed along that weary road
that, sweeping in one great circle, returned again to the begin-
ning, perfect physically as in the beginning, bringing with it
that pure and perfect brain, fit receptacle for The Word which
became one with it, so The Word in Htm swept through that
sea of evil whose beginning was in Humanity's fall, whose
(0) end shall herald Humanities' redemption, fighting unbelief,
temptation, sin, guiding His soul through the tempestuous bat-
tles, until He, too, having with travail of soul and exceeding
there imposed and their struggle for freedom, and the cry
that went up from His children for succor, was the image of
the burdens laid on His children through this evil bondage,
of their struggle to throw off this bondage and be free from
sin, and of the cry of their tortured souls for God; of the
who occupied the citadel, the promised land, even (r) MAN'S
(r) 2 Cor. vi. 16.
"Thh birth of jksus. 251
SOUL; that the weapons were (s) spiritual weapons, and the
sword, the (t) Sword of The Spirit, even the Sword of Right-
eousness ; that the battle was not physical man against physical
man, that man might slay his brother, but spiritual man fight-
ing against the toe zvitJnn {ii) his own soul, in conquering whom
he ovcrcomcth the IVorld. And ihen He knew that God is not
and never was a God of War, but a God of Peace, and He taught
Peace, not War, and the angels sang in the heavens at His
birth in harmony and unison with that truth. He knew that
the Idea, which was Him, was Peace, not War, as regards the
physical hie, but Eternal War against Sin and not Peace, as
regards the spiritual life. He knew that this Idea had not yet
been made manifest to them in its fidlness, for He, who was the
Idea, had not yet eome. He knew that it was their Faith in
the Idea as. they saw it (Him), (their vision" of soul being
obscured by that which was materiaHstic in their natures, this
materialism making them see that the battle was against their
fellow man instead of sin, and the Promised Land on Earth
instead of in Heaven, for one can never see beyond his own
personality), that made them assemble armies and slay their
fellow man; that it v/as that spirit v/ithin them which came
fiom God, and which proclaimed them sons, reaching out
through FAITH after the Idea, even God, from whom they sprang
and in zuhom they had their being, hampered and hedged about
and blinded and deafened by their carnal natures, that was the
incentive to all those conflicts and acts which the Book testi-
fies of them as being led thereto by the Idea, even God, and
He knew that God was with that Faith in the Idea, even Him-
self, not yet in its FUI.1.NESS manifested. And when He came,
and made manifest the Idea, even Himself, and manifested that
Idea as war against sin and not zvar against man. He testified
by that manifestation that all those who, coming after Him, still
taught war against his brother did manifest by that teaching a
i,ACK OF Faith in Him as the: Idfa, kvfn God, made mani-
fest. Thus that which before was testimony of their faith, and
for that reason was blessed of God, was after He came a festi-
(s) Eph. vi. 11-16. (i) Eph. vi. 17. (u) Kev. ii. 7.
252 the; manifestation of the idea.
saw the great Truth which w^as embodied in The Word, and
He knew the Truth in its fullness taught the Infinite Justice
of God, that it taught of spiritual things and He taught the
fulfilled conception of the Truth, saying: (v) ''As you mete, so
shall it be meted to you again as you judge others, so shall
evil with evil, but if a man strike you on the right cheek, turn
the left to him also." Grasping, with the fullness of the com-
prehension which bore witness to His divinity, the full meaning
of all that had gone before, and seeing their fulfillment in
Himself, he proclaim.ed a Universal Peace amongst men as
the wish of the Father, and, proclaiming it, returned Good for
Evil unto all men. But against He
proclaimed (.r) not
Peace, but War, — against Unrighteousness, and Despotism,
and Oppression, and Unbelief, a never-ceasing War, and —
with the (y) Sword of The Spirit in His mouth He fought the
Eternal conflict against Evil, and in Death rose triumphant
over it. He read in The Word of the wicked children chil- —
dren who scoffed and ridiculed and maHgned with evil tongue
the righteous Elijah who was his God's representative, and of
(«) Matt. vii. 2. {w) Matt. v. 38; 39. (cc) Matt. x. 34. {y) Rey,
xix. 15.
display, that man, who first must see with the natural eye,
might, seeing with his own eyes or the eyes of others in whom
he has faith, look beyond these, and bringing his spirit into
harmony with The Word which the pattern sought to portray,
contemplate The Word Himself and form his life in harmony
with it. So Qirist read the story of the giving of the law on
Mt. Sinai, and in the glory that shone around Moses saw again
His own glory, and The Word within Him, and which was
Him, bore testimony to the truth as found in the Word deliv-
ered by inspiration to Moses and Joshua and Samuel and
David sang. He understood him, for He had been
David's inspiration. Isaiah, Malachi, Ezekiel and Elijah pro-
phesied. He read them and in reading them interpreted them,
for Hehad delivered unto them The Word, even Himself,
which they uttered. Every page of that book was to Him a
revelator of His own identity, and His death at the age or at
the climax of the physical powers in man w^as the herald pro-
claiming the truth of His entrance into a state of Being
wherein the completeness and perfectness of all things spiritual
found their home.
All honor to that mother whose pure, chaste, and holy
mind made possible the begetting in the flesh that perfect soul
in which dwelt in (a) His fullness the God-head bodily, as one
with it. Let the world ever crovv^n her as woman's noblest
queen, and testify with ever-increasing acclaim to the nobleness
of her womanhood. To Mary the virgin, pure, and chaste, and
holy, whose every breath was freighted with its message of
the innocent soul within, across whose transparent and snowy
depths no carnality had ever dragged its destructive way; to
Mary, mother of the child which, flesh of her Hcsh, and hone of
her hone, and hlood of her hlood, received into itself as its own
that Mind or Soul in v/hich dwelt the Word, and which came
from God and zvas God; to the mother who bore in her womb
and nurtured at her bosom this child of bone, and muscle, and
nerve, let the world ever do honor. Her pure mind, ennobled
by faith, stood in touch with the Spirit of God, and, in perfect
(a) Col. ii. 9.
the: birth of jksus. 255
harmony with that faith which said, (b) "Behold thy hand-
maid, be it unto me according to thy Word," her soul became
submissive to that Spirit or that Word, and that thing of life
began development within her womb in harmony with the pur-
pose for which it was formed.
Mary's mind was fixed with an abiding faith on that
Word which is Spirit, at conception, and during pregnancy,
and the predominating emotions and thonglits of her mind were
all that time in harmony with the Holy Spirit, and that body
(6) Lukei. 38. (c) John iii. 3. (tZ) Matt. xii. 46, 47; Mark vi. 3;
Gal. i. 19. (e) John iv. 24. (/) Matt. xi. 11. (g) John i. 18; John
i. 1.
In Him
lived again as flesh (h) all His progenitors. That
flesh she gave Him. Made alive by the Spirit which dwelt in
it, it became, the channel through which all the evil of the
death and ascended to glory, if you love Him and the Father
who begot Him, (o) worship Spirit. Mary, the woman, the
mother of the flesh, died her (p) body became again the prop-
erty of the elements. Will man forever listen to the (s) Voice
from below and heed not, neither believe, that from above?
Was it not the man of flesh, (t) begotten out of the earth, his
mother, flesh of her flesh and bone of her bone, that denied
The Truth of The Word that gave him life, and, denying, fell ?
Can you not see that the story of man's fall is repeated again
in the story of man's redemption? (u) That Mary the woman
was but the type made manifest, so that all might see of the ele-
pervert all things to this inordinate Love and Greed and Lust
ior power, and lead on thy followers to their just recompense.
Blind leaders of the blind, canst thou escape the ditch? But
as for You, thou child of God seeking Peace, worship Jesus
Christ The Word
In Him we see manifested the fulfillment of the Law of
Heredity and Environment, and see God as that Law. Mary
the mother had so fully permitted her soul to become engrossed
with the Idea, even the Word, even God, that the spiritual part
of her nature, even that mind which lived in her as His child
and which came from Him, was completely in the ascendant,
and God, in whom she. as do all His children, (c) lived and
moved and had her being, was her environment. His Mind
environed her mind, and the Idea which lived in His Mind
as Him was her Environment, and at the moment her soul
was entirely lost to the carnal nature with its carnal mind, and
entirely and absolutely in harmony with the Spirit of the Idea,
even the Holy Spirit of God, the Hcsh which was one with that
mind responded to the condition of that mind, and her womb
was pregnant with life. Her mind, which was one with her
flesh, at no time in the interval which preceded the birth of
God which lived in that body of flesh as His Son. The mind
which He, the Son, had was altogether Spiritual, and He never
ceased to manifest that Heredity which was His as the Son of
God, and as He was ahvays true to that nature which came
from God and lived, in Him as His Son He never lost the
Environment of God the Father. Thus He and the Father
were always ONE, and He gave life and power and being to
but the one nature which was His by Heredity, even the spirit-
ual nature, even the Nature of God, and the heredity of the
flesh found no life or poiver in Him, and He was forever super-
ior to its (that is, the flesh and this world's) Environment, with
its Lust and Greed.
Oh, that parents might read this o'er and o'er until every
truth stares them in the face and is written on their hearts in
obedient remembrance, with the pen of Faith! Oh, that the
married, anticipating offspring of their own, might never lay
down this book until its revelation of the truth in The Book
(c) Acts xvii. 18.
might cast out from their souls all uncleanness, and impurities,
and licentiousness, and greed of money, and pride, and vanity,
and the spirits of anger and hate and bitterness, and let the
Mind which Christ made manifest be their minds, that they
might have the Environment which that mother had that the ;
there lived the same elements that formed the body of Adam,
Christ embodying in His own body of flesh the same elements
that lived in the body of His fleshly father, and was therefore
the beginning of the fleshly man made manifest again, the
fleshly Adam living in Him
even as His flesh lived in Adam,
He therefore embodying in His physical body the beginning
and end of the flesh, so in Him lived those attributes which
were personified in His spiritual Father, even God, and in Him
lived the Father as Him even as He lived in the Father as Him,
embodying thus in Himself the Beginning and End, the Alpha
and the Omega, of all things, both of flesh and Spirit.
And as Christ's body, which was the End of the flesh,
was a perfect physical body, so shall the Son of Man, even
Humanity, attain to the perfect physical body again, even as it
was perfect in the beginning, the (d) first being last and the
last first; and as Christ's Spiritual body TMind) was that body
that existed before anything was that is, even God, who was the
(a) Do
not yon see one of fhe tmths npon which the Theosophists
have, misinterpreting it, fonnded the delusion of the transmigration of
souls, (d) Matt. XX. 16.
And as the Son of Man, even Christ Jesus the Son of God,
emptied Himself of the knowledge He had with the Father as
the Father and became as a babe, and sinning not grew into
the knowledge of His own personality, gaining zvisdom
(knowledge) by that which He suffered, until He grew into the
fullness of the knowledge of His ow^n Stature, and was pro-
claimed the only begotten, and was crowned Lord and King,
so the Son of Man, even
the Son of God, emptied Himself of the knowledge He had
with the Father as the Father, and as a babe took up His life
liates it, and zvhen Humanity hates that Carnal Mind, even
that Son of Perdition, with all the hate that God hates it, tJien
will that Carnal Mind be cast out forever into the (a) Eternal
Night of Death, and upon that (b) Pure White Tablet (Soul)
will be written a New Name which no man can know, nay, none
but the Son, even the Name,
Oh ! do you not see that He that taught not at all without
a parable was Himself a
and His Life from the cradle to the grave He made
that in
manifest the Son of Man, even the Spiritual Humanity, in His
terrific combat with the Carnal Mind, and in His Resurrec-
{h) Johniv. 18.{i) Gal. iii. 24. ( j ) John xvii. 12; 2 Thes. ii. 3.
(fc) Gen. xxviii. 29. {2) There is no statement in the Bible to the effect
that Zarah was the ancestor of Judas. The conclusion is of analogy and
the known law of heredity.
Judas. —his heredity and knvironm:^nt. 269
who, giving up her virtue, not under that divine influence of
fleshy had begotten in
love for a mate, but through Lust of the
her a son in whom
sat enthroned.
(m) Centuries of licentiousness begot her as its culmina-
tion, and the sacrifice of her virtue to a paramour of like
nature, through the lust of the flesh, was the consequence.
All the evil influence of The World centered there at the
moment and the DisbeHef, and Disobedience,
of his conception,
and Lust, and Greed of the World were made a personality
at his deliverance. Begotten in Lust, Lust which is but Greed,
and Greed which is but Lust, were his disposition, the force,
the moving principle, that prompted him and actuated him in
all he said and did. Begotten in evil, all the evil in the moth-
er's nature hated the child within her womb, and the hate of
the mother for her child became the heritage and the hate of
the son for humanity.
Conceived in Greed, he was a thief from his mother's
womb. Hated by his mother, even from his conception to
his birth, he hated the world. Love neither watched over nor
cared for him, and the heredity which was his by birth was
strengthened by his environment. He, too, grew into manhood,
and The Word, even The Book, was his to read as did Jesus.
He disbelieved it. He believed in nothing except evil because
of his ozvn evil nature. Every man was a thief because he him-
self was a thief. Every man a deceiver because he himself
lived by it. Every man a liar because of his own lying nature.
Through his own perverted nature he saw all things, truths,
individuals, religions, God, and thus saw all things as a lie.
{!,) Ps. cix. 14; Rev. xvii. 1. (a) 2 Thes. ii- 3, i. (m) Ps.cix. 4.
how small the pittance or how awful the means of its procure-
ment. At the last supper, coming from the council where he
(n) 2 Sam. xil. (0) Euth iii.-iv. (p) iii. 11. (g) Matt. xxvi. 14
16. (r) John xii. 6.
: 1
had arranged to sell Jesus, even Jesus Christ The Word, his
deceitful nature spoke a He in a question, and (s) questioned
Jesus as to whether he was the betrayer. Still making a
and God are one, and w4th Love and Truth comes Wisdom, and
with Wisdom Power, and Holiness, and Justice,_ and Mercy.
Between him and his God, between him and those attributes
which in their correlative force bring Peace, and Joy, and Rest
to the soul in harmony with them, there stood like an impass-
able barrier, shutting out their Hght, his sinful nature. He saw
only his own sin in relation to his own soul and his God, and
having disbelieved in that Word made manifest to him, and
denied Him, and dehvered Him up to be crucifiedj. that same
disbelief, one with him, a part of his own personality, rose up to
torture him and to keep him from believing, and thus to see the
Love that doth always accompany the Truth, and to accept as
an incentive to Hope within him the saying of The Word
(v) ''Come unto me, all ye that are weary and heavy laden,
and I will give you rest."
Oh, the awfulness of the agony of the separation from
(s) Matt. xxvi. 25. (t) Mark xiv. 20. (u) Matt, xxvii. 4. (v).
Matt. xi. 28.
{x) Ps. cvi. 1.
Christ's Temptation.
round about."
was also one with Him. His body of flesh, with its nerves,
senses and demands, and His Spiritual body, even that Mind
which, dwelling in that body as one with it, also (b) abode in
the Father's Mind as One zvith Him.
may be applied.
which was Him, was seeking Truth, even
Christ's mind,
God, w^ho dwelt in Him as Him. His flesh, made alive by that
Mind which was Him, lived as mind also. This (the flesh's)
mind was a carnal mind, and was ever in opposition to Him
v/ho was spiritual. The natural man is the result of the com-
bining of flesh and mind. When the carnal mind controls the
Man, then opposition to God becomes a power, and the nat-
ural instincts, or the instincts which are in harmony with
Nature, predominate. When Paul says (d) spiritual things are
foolishness to the natural Man, he means the man whose mind
is in harmony with and responds only to the law as it relates
to Nature's and his natural body's demands. As a matter of
fact, that man is only truly natural who holds the natural mind
subject to his spiritual nature. When Christ's mind, which
(a) John i. 14. (h) John xvii. 11, 21-23. (c) John xvii, 16; 1
Cor. XV. 50.
was Him, entered into that spiritual realm where Truth (God)
abides, the natural mind was left without — it could not enter
that realm. As mind was fixed on
long, therefore, as Christ's
spiritual things only, He was unconscious of the demands of
nature. When, however, He became aware of the demands
of His natural body, then the carnal mind, which is of the
flesh, awoke to life. In the mind which is of Nature there
lives all Error as regards God, hence as Christ's mind became
more and more conscious of Truth, which is of God and is
Spirit, He not only received a constantly increasing amount of
truth, but had to overcome a corresponding amount of Error.
The carnal mind, which is of the flesh, is Error, and is the
wilderness in the world of mind. Thus it will be seen He was
led because of His seeking the Spirit of Truth of that very same
spirit into the wilderness of Error, and suffered the tempta-
tions therein. His flesh, ever obedient to His mind, which was
Him, responded to the condition of that mind, and every sense
and nerve and muscle responded in harmony with it and led
His physical body into the wilderness that was without the natural
city of Jerusalem, even as His spiritual body (mind) was led
into that [e) spiritual wilderness which is (e) without the spiritual
City of Jerusalem, even God. Wc see here the same response of
the natural man to the condition of the soul (mind) as took
place in the beginning when the first man saw the spiritual
trees as natural trees, (/) ate a natural fruit and hid behind
natural trees. Thus also the natural man responded to the
condition of the mind of Jacob in his awful mental struggle, and
his (g) thigh was thrown out of joint. Thus Christ (h) sweat
drops of blood when He endured the awful agony of the
Garden, and thus Paul lost his sight.
Since, as has been demonstrated already in this book, the
Mind can not enter into the Kingdom of Mind while the body
is filled to satiety with food, the blood, (2) which is the life,
(d) 1 Cor. ii.U. (e) Kev. xxii. 14, 15. (/) Gen. iii. (g) Gen.
xxxii. 25. (/i) Luke xxii. 44. (i) Lev. xvii. 11.
but to free the Mind from the grossness of the flesh. (7) Did
not they fast who were his followers ? Yes, but it was for the
same purpose that Christ did, namely, to (k) bring their souls
closer into communion with Him, even His Word and His
zvishes, and to purify that flesh. Can not one think deeply on
a full stomach ? Yes, but it demands extraordinary determin-
ation of the Mind, and is at the expense of digestion, which
almost ceases. Christ was governed by Law, the same as we,
in all things the same.
The longer Christ fasted the more His mind was cogni-
zant of spiritual things, and the less aware of natural things.
Thus he fasted forty days and forty nights, which is a figure in
the Bible denoting completeness, fullness, and at the (/) End
of that fast He
endured His greatest temptation and was filled
with (m) Supremest Power,
The mind is at equipoise with the body when it is unhar-
assed either by the body demanding nourishment or by the
body which has had a surfeit of nourishment. It is only by
the body being in need of that which sustains it, and making a
demand for it, that one becomes aware of what those needs are.
It is always through the nerves that the animal or carnal or
earthly nature makes its demands upon the mind for nourish-
ment. The more that body has been weakened by a long
fast (as in typhoid fever, for instance), the more fierce are its
Not only did He make Mind one with the fleshy but the Mind
(j) Cor. vii. 5. (k) Isa. iviii. 5-7; Zech. vii. 5-7; 1 Cor. xvii. 19-21.
(I) Eev. XX. 7-9. (m) Rev. xxi.
was His Mind living in the flesh, one with the flesh, as His Son.
This Mind having become one with the flesh, the flesh lived as
mind, and we have the fleshly or earthly or carnal mind. But
it is evident that the flesh has no mind of itself, and that it
only has mind by being made one with mind. It, this fleshly
mind, exists, therefore, not at all except as it is made alive by
that which does exist, even that Mind which is Spirit. When-
ever the flesh exerts an influence on that mind which is one
with it, then that Mind which is Spirit formulates the flesh's
demands into words, or interprets the demands of the flesh.
When one hungers, the nerves of sensation impress the needs
of the body upon the mind through the brain, in which the
mind has its seat. Then the mind becomes aware of the
demands of that flesh with which it is one. Now the flesh
was brought up out of the depths, from an absence of being,
into its own being, which is flesh or matter, and not spirit. The
Mind (Man) which is Spirit came dozvn from that Eternity of
Existence and Being, and meeting that flesh which came up
from Non-Existence, these two the Mind which sprang from
Him Who IS, and the flesh which sprang from that which is
not, the Opposite of that Mind (God) who IS —
met and became
One. Coming from the opposites, and meeting thus on neutral
ground, there was that medium of e.vistence which is sought in
all things, but never, as man, to be retained, but lost as soon
We thus see w'hat is meant when the ''flesh and the devil"
are spoken of. One more word needs to be added here.
When the soul (mind) surrenders to the flesh and its demands,
the soul becomes stained thereby; this surrender survives in
that soul after the death to the merely physical body, and thus
the carnal mind, which is the beast of Revelation, and the
Devil of the Scriptures, survives in that soul which is evil,
ders his soul to the carnal mind, he makes this world his god,
he seeks to gain as much of it as possible, and to retain as
much of it as possible. These become his treasures. Thus he
stands forever in opposition to the spiritual man and his treas-
ures, who is spirit and whose treasures are spiritual. Not only
so, but the devil, even the carnal mind, is made alive and given
power in him when he surrenders his soul to the love of these
things, and hate and revenge, and the spirit of the liar, the
thief, the Hbertine, the oppressor, the cheat, the deceiver, the
scandalmonger, the murderer, dominates that soul and is that
soul, and their works it will do. The flesh, then, and this
world and all it contains are not and can not be Christ's, for
He and His kingdom are of another world, and are another
world. Does it mean, then, that we shall not go becomingly
and sensibly dressed, that we shall not be comfortably housed,
that we shall not give food to our physical bodies, that we shall
not cultivate our minds in the knowledge of the things of this
life, that we shall not marry and beget children according to
the law fixed by the Creator Himself? Nay, but in all these
we must ever keep before our minds that these things are only
created and here to contribute to the sustaining our life here
while we develop that True Life which is not of Time, but
of Eternity, and any expenditure of any of the forces of mind or
body that has for its ultimate object the gaining of these
things for self, or any expenditure of time or means or mind to
gain clothing or food or houses or lands or gold or silver or the
things of this life beyond that point which the needs of our
body require, or the refusal, under certain conditions, to even
deny ourselves even that which we may need (as did Christ)
that the spiritual body may have its food and be glorified and
be seen and made manifest to all men, is a surrender to the
carnal man (mind) and Satan reigns in that soul and it is dead
to God and cast out from God.
Thus we see that it is the Mind (man) which gives under-
standing (which is not understanding since it is a He) and
voice and power to the carnal nature. Through the nerves
of sensation which relate to the physical man came those sensa-
tions which aroused the carnal mind and gave it a voice in
Christ. Yet the Devil came not as a Personality, for as a per-
sonality he has not now and never had a personality, but is the
opposite of that Personality who IS. The "Devil," as dis-
tinguished from ''devils," is the Composite Whole of the
influences in the world and flesh for evil, and which arrayed
themselves against Christ in the battle in the wilderness. All
the evil in the world centered in one supreme influence and
gave Him battle in that struggle, and this influence took on
form and speech according to that Mind which interpreted it
and gave it a voice and a hearing. To each and every soul
that voice would be interpreted and therefore speak according
to the personality of that soid itself. If that soul was familiar
with Scripture, that voice would quote to him passages of
Scripture zvith which he 7vas familiar. The man suffering
wrong, if he still forms his life, soul, (altliough he may profess
otherwise) to the demands of his materiahstic nature, will
hear that voice say, ''An eye for an eye, and a tooth for a
tooth," and will follow that voice to the gratification of his
revenge. If his heart is fixed on Jesus who is The <Word, he
will reply to that voice which says, (y) "An eye for an eye,
and a tooth for a tooth," "Nay, for He said, {z) Return good
for evil." To another man tempted by his appetite the voice
says, "Why fast? Others drink when they desire it," and will
name the names of some who do. If the man is carnally
minded, he heed that voice and fall. If he is spiritually
minded, he will hear the Voice above him which says, "Stand
fast in the Righteousness of Him who hath made thee free,"
{y) Matt, V. 38-44, («) Matt. vi. 44,
282 THE manif'e:station o^ the: ide^a.
is the devil, but the influence for evil that abides in all things
of this world, perverting the soul away from God. They
become an evil only when man surrenders his soul to their wor-
ship, thus permitting them to pervert the soul away from the
true zvorship, even God.
Whenever the soul of man becomes subject to either the
world or the flesh, then that soul will become perverted by
these lusts which are of the world and the flesh, and will live
{or them and not for the Spirit. Whenever a man, listening to
the voice of the flesh, lusts after the flesh, then this influence
which we call the Devil, in contradiction of that Personality
which we God, is made alive in that man, becomes the
it will be seen that while the Devil is not a Person-
mind through the senses, uses their language and their under-
standing or knozvledge to pervert their ozvn soul through a per-
verting or lying teaching of that knowledge, dragging it down
to its own level. What the individual knows, that fleshly mind,
made alive by the soul which feels its influence, knows also.
Hence the more intelligence there is in the individual upon
whom this influence is exerted, the more intelligence, seem-
ingly, there is made
by the knowledge of the
in this voice alive
presence of this intelligence. Hence, the more brilliant the
soul, the more dangerous it becomes if it becomes a victim
to this perverting influence. To such a one, whose heart may
have a true conception of some of the attributes of God, and
who can not harmonize them with some of the accepted teach-
ings of Him, this voice will come in all (d) subtility, (e) like
unto an angel of light, and speaking to this man in his own
voice, which is the voice of this evil influence, in accordance
with the knowledge of the Scriptures which he (this man) has,
(d) Actsxiii. 10. (e) 2 Cor. xi. 14.
his spiritual nature or through his mind, and then makes that
truth with which his soul is in contact intelligible to himself by
mterpreting it and presenting that interpretation to himself in
a language with which he is familiar. Thus, if God, who is the
Truth, should speak to two men of different nationalities
speaking a different tongue, by or because of these men's souls,
each coming in touch with the same idea or truth, they would
each interpret that truth, and that truth would be interpreted
in the language which each spoke. Each would hear that
truth, voice, speaking its own language. Now God presents
the truth to man whenever man's soul occupies a plane which
brings him into touch with that truth, but it frequently hap-
pens that while one may feel this truth or idea or thought forc-
ing itself upon his soul for a hearing, the soul itself does not
comprehend the idea sufficiently to interpret it, and to formu-
late that interpretation into language making the idea comprehen-
sible to himself, hence one frequently hears one say, "I know
what I want and every one who
to say, but I can not say it,"
has ever meditated deeply on any subject has been made con-
scious of this elusiveness, and has given up in despair of grasp-
ing the idea beating upon the brain for a hearing.
Language is not therefore of itself a thing of any force
whatever, except as a means of making known an interpre-
tation. The same language may record the interpretation of'
that voice of all Truth and the voice of all lies. Thus Adam,
interpreting the voice which came from below through the
flesh, heard it make use of the words, "Ye shall be as gods,
knowing Good and Evil," and later the voice from above
which was the Voice of Truth said, "the man has become as
one of us to know Good and Evil." Now the statements as
far as the language goes are the same, and it is only as we look
beyond the mere statements to the spirit within that first state-
ment, and the source that made use of that statement, tliat we
see that first statement as a lie and its Source a liar, even as
the last statement was true and its Source the Truth.
The World is here. The flesh is here. They are not the
Devil. There is no devil in either, but let either of them
present to the soul sensations which, acting upon that soul,
and interpreted by that soul, speaks to it of things which will
away from the True Voice which is a Personality,
lead that soul
and that World and that flesh will be exerting an influence on
that soul which is Evil —
and that influence is the Devil. If
Man surrenders to it, his soul becomes linked to this spirit of
death in carnal things, and, dying to the body, can not of
itself escape the agony it brings to the soul.
When Jesus interpreted the voice from below it, the voice
said to Him, "You have read the Word; you claim that that
Word proves you to be the Son of God. Now, if you are what
}^ou claim to be, you must have the same power that God has:
if you have the same power that He has, you should not hun-
^er. Show your power bv commanding this stone to become
Here was subtility. Here was ingeniousness. Seeking
in the very name of Truth, Truth's defeat. For He did believe
thatWord, and the Word within Him and the Word within
the Book both proclaimed Him as The Son of God. This
was all true, and He knew it. He knew that, as the Son of
God, He had pozver to transform those stones into bread.
Herein lay His danger, for in the moment he obeyed that voice
of the flesh, that voicefrom below, which received life from the
statement which made, but which was no part of the Truth,
that voice which was the demands of the flesh and the World,
and all Evil, that moment would He demonstrate His belief in
the voice from below, and, by implication His disbelief in the
V^oice from above, and would thus make manifest that He
was not the Son of God, but of the Earth, earthy, as was the
first man. If He had commanded that stone to become bread,
He would have failed, for the power lay wdth the Son of God.
and the Son of God could never disobey His Father's Voice
It was because He was the Son of God, even the Word which
and Evil, the evil influences centered in the carnal mind was
made alive by that Word, and interpreting that command
according toits (the carnal mind's) own personality, declared
of good and evil, as Adam's mind was that this word contained
the knowledge of good and evil. So this evil influence which
centered in the carnal mind, and which made alive by Adam's
mind spoke with his mind according to its nature, said to
Adam, '*Do you not perceive that God lives forever, that He
can never die, and that He has this knowledge of Good and
Evil, and that that is the separating line between you and Him,
and that if you eat of this tree, you, too, having this knowledge,
will be a God," or, in the words of the Book, "Ye shall not
surely die, for God doth know," etc., etc. Yet the flesh, that
evil influence emanating from it, that old Devil, lied. For the
man who obeyed his voice did die, and lost his likeness to God
also. In all things, the flesh, while made alive by that Word,
yet surely lied, by perverting the meaning of the truth that was
in that Word, and using if to teach a lie. The Word was The
Truth, and spoke the truth the carnal mind was the liar, and
spoke a lie. (e) He was a liar in the beginning, and the truth
was not in him.
In Christ this Word was personified. He had studied
The Word Book, and the Word iii the Book and The
in the
Word in Him both testified that He was the Son of God.
That He made all things. Within Him He knew was the
Science of all things in which the brilliancy of' art, of science,
of astronomy, of government, of authority, of dominion, of
power, had their Source, for in The Word, which was Him,
dwelt all this power, and He was its Source. That Power by
which cities were built, and nations developed, and govern-
ments inaugurated, and kingdoms established, and monarchs
enthroned, was vested in The Word by which all things consist.
This, all this, The Word, becoming more perfectly understood
as His mind was freed more and more from the grossness of
the flesh through His long fast, had revealed unto Him, and
He then fully realized Himself as He zvas, the Center and Source
of all Power, The Word in His Omnipotence. Having
attained to this height where He understood Himself as He
was, behold, He hungered, and His mind thus being diverted
to the flesh through its demands, all the influences for Evil oi
The World entered in through the nerves and senses of that
fleshly body, and receiving voice from the mind which dwelt in
that body and with which The Word was one, the carnal
have been led to that belief by the Book which is called the
Word, and by that Voice within you which you call the Word
and which you have been led to believe is You. Now, you can
prove to yourself, and answer in no better way the doubts which
assail you, than by exercising that Power which you as the
Son of God must have, and make bread out of these stones.
You would be justified in thus using that Power if you have
it, and you have it if you are the Son of God, for God gave you
of the text (for all evil and all things relating to that particular
temptation found voice and was embodied in the words Satan
uttered), ''If thou be," etc., etc.
Hast THOU ever heard that voice of the Pit? Oh, how
many tempted to do that in which there was profit or gratifi-
cation of some natural desire have heard that voice_of the
carnal man, the voice of the man of flesh, who came, from
below out of the Pit, say, ''You have your family to maintain.
God has given you that wife, that child, these children. You
assumed certain obligations when you took upon yourself the
duties of father, husband. It is your duty to fulfill them."
self, but in the labors of the Carpenter's bench, in humble toil with
the zvorld of toilers earn His bread, and use His Power for
What what a wretched, what a lying concep-
a perverted,
which paints Him, or con-
tion of the nobleness of that soul
ceives of Him, as lengthening the timber, by the Power of
the Word, which, through an error of judgment, had been
siiwn too short, or performing the many miracles credited to
beating upon that mind through the brain, and making that
influence which centered in those sensations known to Him.
He (Satan) standing on that threshold, and receiving mind,
and understanding, and knowledge, from that mind which was
within, and seeing that mind, and that knowledge, and that
understanding, as only the fleshly mind can see it, and therefore
receiving mind, and understanding, and knowledge, in a per-
verted sense, or way, exactly contrary to the Truth, he sought
to enter in at that closed door and possess that Mind, which,
one with the Word, had given Him life, (h) Without that mind,
(/) Matt. iv. 11. (g) Matt. iv. 11. (h) Rev. xxii. 15.
294 "^^"^ manife:station of the id^a.
Entering that mind would have been perverted to the
level of all thatwas without, and below, and would have done
its work, and the Word would have departed from that soul,
for The Word can not be one with Evil. Secure in the strength
of His faith, pure in thought, truthful in
spirit, loving, and
trusting, and believing The Word which was in Him and was
Him, He met the Enemy, with all his forces, upon this Earth,
in this world, in the flesh, upon his own battle ground, and gained
The same forces stood at the mind of Judas. The door
was wide open, there was no one standing in opposition at the
door, for he had closed the door to Him who would have saved
him; the soul within was in harmony with the influence from
without and from below upon the portal of that door was writ-
{i) Luke xxii. 3. (j) Luke xxii. il , 48. {k) Matt, xxvii. 4,
worship me, all shall be thine." (/) These were not his to give.
Standing upon the threshold of that soul, or mind, having had
his presence made known by knocking on the door
through the evil influences of the World, which, beating upon
that mind through the brain, acted upon by the nerves which
carried these sensations to it and made that mind cognizant
of them, he attracted Jesus' attention to that which The Word,
which was Hijn, sazv, and which flashed before Him in their
entirety because of the Eternity of all things which resided in
that Word and which makes all things ever present to that
Word. Did you ever, in a moment of great danger, which
seemed hours, but was ofttimes only the fraction of a minute,
have your life from childhood to that time pass before you in
review? That is the eternity which abides in your soul, even
the Eternal Truth, and which will at His (w) coming stare you
in the face in a moment of time. Thus, He who was The
Word, and in whom all Truth abided and was ever present,
having that mind diverted to things of earth by these evil
influences which have their home in this world, and whose
Prince Satan is, —He saw, in a moment, all the world, and its
splendor, and its grandeur, and its power, and its glory. The
mind thus diverted by this influence, and cognizant of it, inter-
preted what it said, it receiving voice and knowledge, and
understanding from Him, and perverting or misconceiving all
these, that he might deceive Him through a lie. Being the
composite whole of forces which were altogether carnal, and
therefore incapable* of understanding the Truth or believing
it or knowing it as the Truth, he saw all these according to his
own carnal nature, and sought through this voice and this
knowledge and this understanding to teach a perversion and
pervert His Soul. So he said to Jesus, claiming that which
(0 Rom. xiii. 1; John xix. 11; Rev. xxii. 24. (m) Matt. xxiv. 50-51;
Markxiii. 35-37.
was in that Mind as his own, '7 have all power; I can make
and unmake nations, build and tear down governments, dis-
establish and establish kingdoms their glory / give them, ;
from the earth which enfolds them, and can plan the ships and
can direct the commerce that enrich these nations. All
things in earth are mine, and / have power over all things, to
will them to do my will; these will I give thee, if thou wilt
fall down and worship me, for these have been given me," or,
as recorded in The Word, ''All this power will / give thee,"
etc., etc.
bread, and in the poverty of the laborer's home eat its scant
food, and wear its cheap and coarse apparel, and endure its
monotonous grind and its ostracism from the best society (?)
so-called, and all the attendant discomforts which go with it,
when you have but to say the zvord and nations shall salute
How devious are thy ways How treacherous thy kiss !
only shalt thou serve' " or, in other words, "Stand not before
with thy vanity; thou Devil, tempting me with all the power
of the pit from which thou sprang, leave me, for I worship God,
and I do but serve Him when I, though living, am dead to thee
and alive to Him; when I sacrifice thy lusts for His works,
when I forget self in my sacrifice for others, when I exercise
that Power in His name, which is His character; when I heal
the sick, give sight to the blind, make the lame walk, give Hfe
to the dead. For thus do I make manifest Him who abides
in me, who cures the sin-sick soul, opens the eyes of the spir-
itually blind, gives strength to the tottering soul, and life to
those dead in sin, binds up the wounds of the broken-hearted,
cheers the despairing, speaks of hope to the oppressed of every
land, comforts the dying. The intellect which I have, the
power which I have, the same power by which governments
are established, and kingdoms overthrown, is the gift of The
Word, and thou canst neither give nor take away that which
thou didst never possess."
He (n) believed The Word. The Word in Him, and
which was Him, bore testimony to the truthfulness of The
Word in the Book, and w^hen Satan approached Him with a
lie, perverting the meaning of the Word which he quoted to gain
credence for that which he said, Jesus answered him with The
Word in its truth. Later, when and this victory
this struggle
had revealed to Him in its complete sense the mystery of the
struggle of Good and Evil, and the consequences of succumb-
ing to that evil, He said, (o) "What doth it profit a man if he
gain the whole world and lose his own soul." In this terrific
combat He received the revelation of that which He taught,
(n) John X. 35. (o) Matt. xvi. 26.
298 TH^ manif:^tation of th^ idka.
faith made alive by action, that gave the victory. Of what good
would faith in the Word have been to Him if it had not been
faith with zvorksf It would have been a dead faith, and His
soul would have died with it. So Satan comes to the soul of
every man. To those still without the kingdom of Truth he
comes as he did to Judas, to all he lies. There is no Satan
having power over that soul until that door is opened, and he
enters in and occupies that mind, then the soul becomes a
devil, and the devil's work it will do. When a man becomes
angry at his neighbor, and hates him and wishes or does him
evil, it is because he has permitted his animal or fleshly or
carnal mind to control him, and he is a devil.
It will be seen that these spiritual forces of evil are all the
result of the evil condition of men's minds, and are given power
just in proportion as that mind is evil. There can be no Satan
having power in the individual if that mind is in harmony with
Christ's mind, for the spiritual mind will ever hold the carnal
mind subject to it. It is man that gives power to Satan, and not
Satan that gives power to man, by man doing the will of the
The temptations which came to Adam and which came
to Christ come to all. men. Our standing or our falling
depends altogether on how much faith we have in the Word
and how near the condition of our hearts is in harmony with
that Word. If we have an abiding faith in our hearts equal to
all emergencies, we can not fall. For the kingdom of heaven
IS within you ; and if Christ abides in the heart, then the temp-
tations of the world, the flesh, and the Devil, can not harm you.
If Christ abides not in your heart, then Satan does, and his
came from Him. (a) These must pass away. They are but
the reflection of that exceeding great and true glory, which
doth abide in Him, even the glory which was made manifest
in a Son, and whose correlative magnificence found expression
in His self-abnegation; who, possessing all things, {b) had not
where to lay his head, who healed the sick, gave sight to the
blind, fed the hungry, (c) Whose glory is not of this world, but
is found in the transcendent splendor of the Spirits of Wisdom
and Justice and Power and Majesty and Truth and Mercy and
Love, which, meeting in their correlative fullness in Him as
(a) 1 Cor. xiii. 8. (6) Matt. viii. 20. (c) John xviii. 36.
Baptism ,
I Cor. i. 12-17:
Gains, lest any should say that J had baptised in my Own name
"And I baptized also the household of Stephanus besides, ;
"And He said unto them, *Go ye into all the world and
preach the Gospel to every creature. He that believeth and is
baptized shall be saved; and he that believeth not shall be
John The Baptist was the end of the old order of things.
That is, he was the last stepping stone before the realization
of the heights wherein all that was of the old Jewish dispensa-
tion was to be fulfilled. was that of the natural man
His office
making way or preparing the way for The Way, even the spir-
ihial man. He was the fulfillment of those things which the
natural man, guided by the Holy Spirit, could do. He who
came after him was that Holy Spirit which had guided him.
As all natural truths are but to open up the way for the spiritual
truths to follow, so John was the natural man opening up the
way for the quickening spirit who was to follow. Prophecy in
the old Jewish religion was to prepare a people for the coming
of this Savior; John was the fulfillment of this means to pre-
pare this people. The natural man, as we have seen in all
that has gone before in these writings, could not see spiritual
things at all. Paul says {t) they were to him (the natural man)
fooHshness, but he could see the truth in natural things, and the
spiritual man could grasp the spiritual truth within it yet above
it. John was not the culmination of prophecy, but he was the
last of the prophets under the old Jewish dispensation in that
he proclaimed that He of whom all others prophesied {u) was
at the door.
(z') He was begotten of a woman of an earthly parent. Thus
his origin and his nature was natural, and not spiritual. He
was begotten as a son of parents in the last years of their lives,
who were old and stricken with years. He was thus the last
son begotten of that old religion which, old and gray with many
years, was to pass away, while that which it presaged, namely,
the rehgion which sees by faith only, was to come in and grad-
ually increase, while the other diminished. Thus all things also
which partook of that materialistic nature were to diminish,
while the spiritual was to increase. Christ, therefore, who was
the Source, the Author, and the Finisher, the Beginning and
the End of this new dispensation, which was one of faith in
(f) 1 Cor. ii. 14. (w) Matt. iii. 2. (v) Matt. xi. 11.
even the life of mind, as well as the life of motion, and receiving
through the senses the knowledge of carnal things, seeks to
pervert the soul to its own corrupt condition. The baptism of
John was a baptism in which they showed forth by a visible act,
which met with the approval of iheir materialistic natures, their
repentance for these acts of a carnal nature. Theirs was a bap-
tism looking towards a remission of their sins, of which repent-
ance is always the forerunner, going before to prepare the way
for their remission. Their baptism ended where it began.
There followed no change in the condition of their hearts or
their lives as regarded the old and new dispensation. They
arose to walk, as they had before the act, strictly in accordance
with the old Jewish law, eating or not eating meats, an eye for
an eye, a tooth for a tooth, conforming their lives to the old lazv,
which was materialistic, knowing nothing of the indwelling of
the Holy Spirit, which was one of a condition of the heart.
They could not knozv of the baptism in the name of Jesus, as
it had not, as symbolized in baptism to-day, been made mani-
fest as yet in a life. That is, it had not been made manifest at
the time of their baptism, for Christ had not yet died or been
Crucified. This baptism being, therefore, one of formalism
only, and simply a looking forzvard to that which was to come
after it, which they did not as yet know, they could not receive
that Spirit, even that Holy Spirit, which stands opposed to all
formalism, when it did come, because they had not been baptized
in His Name, which means His Character, which means a
which are the result of a right being, and which were at their
fullness in Him, —
demanded that He should show forth in a
natural way through an obedient Spirit the great spiritual truth
which it symbolized.
For the death which He died on the Cross was the death
of the natural body, the physical body, the death of the natural
man. He died to it — that is, to the mind which is of the
zvaters of the brain and its nerves and senses, and its lusts. On
the Cross He died to all things of Earth, which, born out of
zvater, found ministration, and rose to a life of The
its life in its
Was the baptism in the ivater the immersion into the najiie
or character of Jesus ? NO
For you then give to the
Oh, !
gave sins was the Agent, and that Agent was His Spirit.
The Water was Nothing. The Spirit of obedience to a com-
mand through faith in the Commander everything. In their
obedient Spirits they received the baptism into which His Name
is His character, for they, too, were obedient through faitJi in His
Word, as He zvas obedient unto death, {y) Like as He in His
(?/) Rom. vi. 1-5.
death died to the World, so did they in their going down into
the waters, and being overwhelmed by it, typify in this likeness to
His death their own death to the world; thus also, by their obedi-
decrease with the coming of the new religion, which was not
one of formalism, but of the Spirit, shown forth in a life of
obedience in all things to that Spirit. To teach that baptism is
but a formalism, and to practice it as such, is to still live under
the old dispensation of formalism. To teach that the water
lias in it the efficacy of baptizing one into His name is to make
carnal the entire ceremony, and to deny to the Spirit the credit
for the work which He oidy can do. To practice any other
baptism than the complete immersion in the zvater of the obedient
believer is to still shroud in darkness the great spiritual truth
which can only in this way be portrayed. Wherein does the
sprinkling or the pouring of water show forth {a) His death and
burial, and in what way does it convey the idea of His Resurrec-
tion? Since John's baptism was for the purpose to bring remis-
sion of sins to Sinners who had violated the Jezvish lazvs, and
since the baptism to which Paul alluded, and which he had
received was to them, who, having been Sinners, had repented
of their sins and had received forgiveness through a belief in
Christ as the Son of God, under zvhat claim, either in the bap-
the likeness of His death, and the resurrection from the water
in the Hkeness of His resurrection from the grave — may fur-
nish the natural truth, or the truth as regards the natural burial
and resurrection, that the spiritual man, one with the natural
man, may see the great spiritual truths involved in it. The
changed condition of the inner man was a changed mind, which
had as its foundation the determination to be dead to ih.t world
and alive to the Spirit. When the body dies, we bury it.
When Christ died, they buried His body. Having died to the
world, spiritually, although still in the body, their bodies were
buried in the water (grave), symbolizing that death and burial
which was and which was a death to that body which
they buried with its perverting lusts. That is, they (the dis-
ciples) symbolized the death and burial of that carnal mind one
zvith that body. As Christ rose from the grave to live for ever-
more to the Spirit, so they in coming forth out of the water did
show forth the determination which had already taken place in
condition that preceded the act. Man sees the outward act and
is helped thereby ; the Spirit sees the motive that prompted it.
All the acts of the believing Chrisiian's life are but the continu-
ation of the outivard manifestations of his life, which began
when he made the outward confession with his mouth, and
added to it by the immersion of his outward body, that all
might read these testimonials to the life within, which is the
true life. The outward acts (the giving of alms, etc.), like the
outward baptism, would be but a he, seeking to deceive the
world as regards the inner man, if the inner man was not
prompted by the same motives that prom.pted Jesus but if ;
Spirit, and is therefore unbdief in the Holy Spirit, (f) will never
be forgiven, neither in this World nor in the World to Come.
position, the time comes when its fallacy is exposed, and then
comes a deep disquietude of soul. There can be no Peace
outside of a conforming of the life to the Life of which He
gave us an example, and a peace built upon any other founda-
tion in the day when The Truth comes home to that soul will
surely fall. If He, being sinless, surrendered His body to
John, the natural man, and w^as by him immersed in the waters
01 the Jordan, so should w^e, too, who also being sinless through
His atoning death, which was but the culmination of His life,
this sinlessness being the result of faith in Him as the One who
will forgive if we but ask Him, nothing doubting, surrender our
natural bodies for immersion in the w-ater as He did.
which animates it, hath given to the zvater a virtue that belongs
only to the Spirit, until countless numbers have been led astray
by it.
sion can show it, the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus,
and our own death to the world and our resurrection to walk in
a newness of life, even the life of the Spirit, but is a Prophecy,
retold every time a penitent sinless believer is immersed, of the
sure coming of that blessed day when the heavens and the
earth having melted together with fervent heat, and the heav-
ens having dissolved as smoke and seen no more forever, and
the body of flesh with all its perverting lusts having been
destroyed forever, and the carnal mind been cast out with that
body of flesh into the depths of an endless night, we shall have
risen to live evermore to the Spirit, in the Spirit, as the Spirit,
even the Spirit of Our Lord and Savior
Jesus Christ.
This, the death to carnal things, its Hfe and its contami-
the Life that the Father has, which is above all things of Earth
and the Earth's contamination, and which immersion in water
alone can symbolize, that He sought to teach in His words to
Mary. Not that Mary's touch would contaminate Him more
than would', but that only in this impressive way
could He make evident the great truth that in the death and
burial of the fleshly body He had died to all that which tortured
by its perverting lusts that pure soul within it, which was one
with it, and that He bad arisen to live evermore to the Spirit.
Yet, having not ascended to the Father, but still abiding in
thatbody of touch of carnal hands would again bring
flesh, the
back the life of carnal things to that Spirit which was one with
that flesh. Of course, Mary's touch would not have contami-
nated Him, no more than would that of TJiomas', but it was
the truth He thus made manifest. What truth? Why, that
He had r^xeived the resurrection of the Soul from carnal
things to tne life of the Spirit ! He thus taught that the Chris-
tian soul which has rjied to the life of the old man,
the old life,
the Father, ''His Father and our Father/' and ean have that
soul, still one with flesh, contaminated by its lusts. But in that
death, burial and resurrection, and did away with it. There
could be no baptism of John, or a baptism emblematic of
Christ's coming death, burial and resurrection, after these had
taken place. If no other significance attached to the baptism
that Peter preached, after Christ's resurrection, on the day of
Pentecost, than was embodied in John's, it should never be
practiced nozv, for Johns baptism, as well as all ordinances that
had gone before, was fulfilled in Him (Christ). But the bap-
tism that Peter preached and practiced, even the immersion of
the penitent, believing, obedient, forgiven believer, was a testi-
The Rock.
"And are built upon the foundation of the apostles and the
prophets, Jesus Christ being the Chief Corner Stone"
away the truth back of it, which gave life to it, "can never pass
(i) IJohniv. 2,3-15; IJohn v. 1-5, 12, 13. (j) Eph. iv. 16. (k)
Luke vi. 47-49. (l) Matt. xiii. 34. (m) Rev. xxi. 2. (n) Rev. xxi. 14.
(a) Johnxiv. 2, 3.
"But whom say ye that I (the Son of Man) am?" Then Peter
declared Him ''The Son of God:" It was The Son of Man who
was the Son of God. Upon this statement that He, Jesus
Christ, the Son of Man, was the Son of God also, hangs all
the hope of Humanity and the permanency of His religion. If
He was not the Son of God, that matchless man, pure, lofty,
noble, gentle, kind, merciful, patient, long suffering, forgiving,
holy, altogether lovelywhose sacrificing Hfe and noble death
then Hope may well disappear from the heart of man and
Despair sit enthroned. Therein lies our hope. Within His
own Humanity He doth embrace all who love His attributes,
who strive to make them their own those attributes which
made Him the Son of God and revealed the Father. If, then,
those attributes which were personified in Him made Him the
Son of God, there remains the hope to man that the reproduc-
tion of those attributes in man, however faint, Hnks him also to
the Father as His son. Thus in His humanity rests our hope.
Yet not in His humanity, but in His divinity, for it was the
Divine in Him that made The Son of Man the Son of God. If
He was the Son of God, begotten by His Spirit, then the Word
which He uttered would have all the authority, and strength,
and power of God Himself. The promise to Peter and the
other apostles, that ''the sins they remitted on Earth should be
remitted in Heaven," depended altogether upon whether He
had authority to make any such a sweeping promise. If he had
not, the promise was of no avail and He a deceiver, (q) If He
{q) John vii. 16, 17; John xiv. 10.
Spirit can not lie. li He was the Son of God, then the declar-
ation that all power had been given to Him were true. If He
is now Cephas, or Peter, not the name thy parents gave thee,
but a name given unto thee by me, and which thou knowest
means a stone f' Peter would at once through the natural mind
receive that much and understand that
of the saying of Jesus
the name meant strength. It was the
Truth which,
Spirit of
coming to him later according to the promise, that brought
to his remembrance again all things which He had spoken to him,
and gave to those saying their true m£aning. With the true
meaning came the knowledge that as his name signified
'"stone," a thing of strength as regarded natural things upon
which men build their homes for a sure foundation, so the
was the spiritual stone upon which spiritual foundation should
be built up the great spiritual house of God, the walls of the
foundation thereof being not the sayings of the one, but of the
twelve apostles ; not of the lives of the one, but of the twelve
apostles ; nay, not only of the twelve apostles, but of the prophets
as well, reaching back to the beginning of God's will being
made known men. The Source, the Origin, the Birthplace,
the Inspiration, the Great Foundation, upholding the revelation
of apostles and prophets, giving to them their strength, dura-
bility, impregnability, resisting and protecting power, even the
even the Son of God, Christ Jesus, who was the Chief Corner
To which Peter shall we do obeisance? To the Peter
who drew his sword and cut off a servant's ear, and whom
{u) Christ called safan, and whom those who built upon him
have so often imitated? —
to the Peter who denied the Savior
to save his own cowardly life ? —
or to the Peter who, coming
into the fullness of the knowledge of the character of Christ
Jesus, made His name even His character, his character, and as
a stone indeed, firm, resolute, unyielding (no more vacillating,
cowardly, carnal), made so by that same Word which named
him Peter and gave to him the spiritual interpretation of the
declaration, sheathed the sword of steel, and unsheathed the
Sword and upon the Cross gave up his life in
of the Spirit,
sacrifice for that Word and Humanity? Nay, to neither.
Shall we give honor to {v) the vessel and ignore the Potter
that fashioned it? To the creature and forget the Creator?
To that man of flesh, of carnal instincts, of animal
desires, of narrow vision, of circumscribing prejudices, the
shifting sea of sand tossed hither and thither upon life's bil-
and nostrils, and all the attributes of the first man's being in
motion in simultaneous and harmonious union, and he that zvas
dead awoke to life, and was changed even in the tzvinkling of an
i^ye, all of which was a SYMBOL, which Christ drew attention
from and cast out from the pure all that was poisonous, that
man's being might be pure even as He was Pure in whose
image man was made, that he might enter into Hfe pure indeed
in all his parts, receiving into himself perfect natural life, so
the WORD, which is the Life of all life, was symbolized in
the cloven tongues as twofold in its character, beginning, in
the day He breathed on them, through the ministrations of the
Holy Spirit, to cast out and separate from their souls all that
was impure, false, perverting, unclean, preparing their souls
for the complete reception of The Word, that Word which is
the tivelve apostles revealed, and which had Him as its Source
and was Him, that remitted and retained sins. There was but
one chief corner stone, even Christ Jesus. The apostles, one
and all, were as nothing themselves without the one great Rock.
Christ Jesus, The Word, zvhich sustained, upheld, and inspired
man lay than that which is laid, even Christ Jesus." No other,
because all other foundations are embraced in Him. If it be not
in Him, it is no foundation at all, but a cheat, a sham, -a decep-
tion, a Lie. Let those who love the Son of God re^ad His
Word as made known by the apostles. In this Word we find
Him, and learn His will, and having found Him (which we will
if we truly seek Him, for the Way is plain), we shall know His
will, and knowing it, and doing it, we shall enter into life. In
this Word only is the knowledge of Eternal Life. Believe it
It is true. Councils may meet and seek to foist upon the chil-
dren of men their will. They seem not to know that the
thought of to-day is but the stepping stone to the greater
thought of to-morrow. Why, then, should men, thinking the
thoughts of yesterday, seek, by an inexorable decree, to stifle the
greater thought of to-morrow ? —
the finite to legislate for the
infinite? —
mortal man to legislate for the immortal soul? —
or fix upon man's soul the determination of another man's mind?
As well seek tobound space or to limit Eternity. The Eter-
nity of Life Word. This Word the apostles uttered,
is in the
not of themselves, but the Spirit of The Son of God who was
The Word, which dwelt in them. (/) In that Word is no
shadow of turning. The same to-day," yesterday, and forever.
Men change old ideas pass away new ideas spring in exist-
; ;
authority was vested in Him, why did not he choose the suc-
cessor of Judas ? (g) Why leave it to the disciples ? If Peter
was the head of the Church, (h) why did Paul stand him to his
face, and rebuke him for his truckling to his Jewish brethren?
(e) 1 Cor. iii. 10, 11. (/) James i. 17; Heb. xiii. 8. (g) Acts. i.
unzvorthy, why not choose Paul the chief apostle, and above all
again in the Day of days, when the Heavens and the Earth
shall melt together with fervent heat, and the heavens rolled
together as a scroll, and the Earth be burst asunder, (;) even
as was Judas, its prototype, and all its works become food for a
tremendous conflagration (k) m which the wicked of the world
shall be consumed, in the day when the heavens shall pass
away and disappear as smoke then shall this foundation which
hath been upholding all things, and by which all things consist,
appear, glorious, pure, radiant. Majestic, Omnipotent, Tri-
umphant, enduring. Eternal, transcendently beautiful and
glorious beyond compare, Infinite in Truth, and Power, and
Justice, and Holiness, and Wisdom, and Majesty, and Mercy,
and Love, even
and the Son of Man and the Son of God and The Word
: ^
"His DisciPLHS say unto Him, 'If the case of the man be
so with his wife, it is not good to marry.
''But He: said unto them, 'All men can not receive this say-
ing, save ihcy to whom it is given.'
"For there are some eunuchs which were so born from
their mother's womb, and there are some eunuchs which were
made ctmiichs of (or by) men, and there be eunuchs which have
made themselves eunuchs for the kingdom of heaven's sake. He
that is able to receive it, let him receive it."
married careth for the things of the world, how he may please
his wife. There is difference also between wife and virgin.
The unmarried woman careth for the things of the Lord, that
she may be holy both in body and in spirit, but she that is
married careth for the things of the world, how she may please
her husband," etc., etc.
I Corinthians ix. 5:
"I am made all things to all men, that I might by all means
save some," etc., etc.
be a castaway."
throne, and before the four beasts, and the elders and no man ;
could learn that song but the hundred and forty and four thou-
sand which were redeemed from the Earth.
zvith women, for they
"These are ihey which were not defiled
are virgins. These are they which follow the Lamb whither-
soever He goeth. These were redeemed from among men.
being the first fruits unto God and the Lamb. And in their
mouth were found no guile, for they are without fault before
the throne of God."
come. ' Thus Christ in His statement that whereas some men
were born eunuchs, and other men were deprived of the pow-
ers of procreation by a surgical operation, other men, to whom
Peter a married man, but many of the other apostles were also.
Christ could r^ot have m.eant then by His saying that only the
'unmarried were the called and chosen to the preaching of The
Word, for He chose in the beginning, at the very threshold of
the coming of His kingdom, not strictly single men, but both
{q) \ Cor. yii. 5. (r) 1 Cor. vii. 36. (s) 1 Cor. vii. 19.
men. The passions which assail most men, and which find
and only
their sinless satisfaction in the marriage relationship,
there,were by Paul held in complete subjection, and by the
iu) power of his own will bound in chains, and were as nought.
Thus he became a light to others of that day and age, as he
is to this day and age. Surely here was one to whom this
saying of the Master was given, and we see the reason why.
The truth that existed then exists now, because Truth is
made him superior to all the demands of the flesh, and held
them all in complete subjection to his own will. To Paul this
saying came with all the force of a personal command from
Christ Jesus. Not only because his work as the apostle to the
Gentiles demanded all his time and attention, thought, desires,
and capabilities, but because his Hfe, rounded in all its parts,
was to be, through Christ Jesus, who was both its (v) Author
and its Finisher and its Example, an example and an inspira-
tion to all mankind through the Ages Jo ivhom this saying should
come. What! his not marrying the inspiration? Nay, for
men, many men, under the cloak of eunuchs deny themselves
the one that they may the more surely enjoy all the other
lusts of the flesh and the eye, and in bloated face, and swelling
belly, and tobacco-scented lips, and costly apparel, and mag-
nificent jewels, give the lie to that which they profess. Nay,
not in the denial to himself the marriage tie the inspiration,
but in the denial of the animal man, the denial of self with its
the great Principle or Force which lay back and above and all
and as a married man proclaimed the very (a) Truth upon
which your system (through a carnal interpretation of the
Word) stands Oh, but you say, he (Peter) put away his wife.
the part of Peter and his putting away of her whom every law
of God and Man demanded he should cherish and protect, and
it is one of the mysteries of life that a system of religion could
own inordinate love for the honor and power and glory which
this world gives.
Plumanity has made a long and weary journey since He
spoke those words to the disciples, and the light which keeps
alive the Past, which beats with tremendous ray upon the
Present, which casts its hopeful and beneficent ray into the
Future, brings that saying into the Present and makes its
Voice heard to many, teaching a truth which that age did not
grasp, and not grasping could not receive.
Did you ever lookinto the face of a child, drawn, dis-
by the blasting curse of some ancestral sin^
torted, disfigured
Did you ever hear the hacking cough, see the fevered cheek,
and listen to the panting breath of the victim suffering from a
disease the direct result of some ancestral sin? Did you ever
see the childish form, full of and seeming health, suddenlv
begin to fade, and shrivel, and the hair drop out, and the
limbs lose power of locomotion, all because of some ancestral
sin? Did you ever through the
see the poisoned blood break
tender flesh,and in ulcer and running sore eat out the vitals
of the life upon which you looked, all the result of some ances-
tral sin ? Did you ever look upon the thousand and one forms
in which the blood, diseased and poisoned by the (y) violation
of the laws of God have been transmitted to posterity and
upon them pronounced and fullilled its curse? Oh, has your
heart grown sick within you, and your spirit faint, as these
wretched beings have passed before you, appealing through
their misery, and pain, and suffering, and wasting flesh, and
staring bone, and running sore, and gasping breath for that
sympathy which "marks the zvhole world as one kindred/' and
proclaiming the sins of ancestors which have been entailed on
their innocent heads ? Weep with them in their misery if you
will. You do but proclaim your own kindly heart. Teaches
it you no lesson ? Does not mute appeal against the trans-
mission of hereditary disease and inflicting it upon the inno-
cent meet with a responsive chord within your own heart, and
make your soul reach out into the Future as your soul grasps
the possibilities of your own yet unborn children? vShall the
Past living in the Present be perpetuated in your offspring of
the Future ? Does your heart go out in tenderest and anxious
questioning for your posterity yet unborn? What of yoitr
ancestry? Have any of these dread hereditary diseases been
prevalent in your own ancestry? Are the seeds prevalent and
sufifer for sins of which you have or have not been guilty, or for
violations in which you had or had not a part, then this saying
has come to You, and You can receive it. Are You willing to
sacrifice yourself and the lusts of the flesh for your offspring
never to be horn? To this The Word calls You! Can you, will
you, hear this Voice and upon the altar of His sacrifice, the
sacrifice of one whose every exhalation of body and mind was
Health personified, make your own? Without sin and without
sin's contaminated blood He made the sacrifice, that He might in
this, as in all things, be an example to all men, having first endured
cian of to-day, what a marvel are his works, and the works
of his brother, the surgeon. What great strides have been
taken in knowledge of the healing art since He was on Earth.
The blind see, the lame walk, the deformed are made whole.
Every forward step of science into the realm of knowledge that
benefits Humanity is the Son of God coming into His king-
dom, even the heart of Humanity every forward step that
all those who have heard that Voice and accepted its message,
the Most High God, the Father, shall be yours ! To live, and
yet living to be dead, for the sake of a Humanity in which, as
regards the flesh, you can have no part, for the sake of
a pos-
terity never to be born, which He calls
this is the heights to
you. Can you scale it? He who calls is ready with His grace
which is His help, to aid you. He will not fail you. Will you
fail Him?
To the man of family, to the man who is married, and who
sees in his suffering children the misery which he or his
ancestry through him did transmit, there comes that Voice
To man, married, who knows of hereditary traits in the
family, and whose information leads him to suspect their
transmission to his children, that same Voice calls a halt "Let !
both they that have wives be as though they had none," said
Paul. Shall not those who have wives, and those wives who
have husbands, seeking only the kingdom of God and His
Righteousness, which is right-thinking, right-acting, and
right-doing, bring into His service that devotedness of life
which holds all things subject to the demands of the higher
can never come, and for them it was never intended. They
can not receive it — it is not theirs to receive.
Sacrifice ! Sacrifice ! Oh ! how much is embraced in it
Christ prayed that "The kingdom of God come and His will
be done
as it is in Heaven." Did Christ, who was The Word, and in
whom Faith was personified, pray in vain? Nay. The
glories of His reign on Earth are at the threshold. Behold,
they knock at the door. His kingdom swept down from the
gates of Heaven's glory and came to Earth in the day He was
begotten. It was sealed with an everlasting Seal in the day
and the sin, and the lusts, and the misery of the world, we
see the kingdom, even Christ Jesus; and we see the Son of Man
entering in, even that Humanity of which we are a part, and
which is but one great Family, each a part of the whole, and
which loves Him and we see the world awakening
(6) Acts. i.
346 the: manifestation of the; idea.
Matthew xxi.:
'And went into the temple of God and cast out all
them that bought and sold in the temple, and overthrew the tables
of the money changers, and the seats of them that sold doves,
and said unto them, 'It is written, My house shall be called the
house of prayer, but ye have made it a den of thieves!
''Know ye not that ye are the temple of God, and that the
Spirit ofGod dwelleth in you? If any man defile the temple of
God, him God will destroy for the temple of God is holy, which
temple ye are!'
I Peter ii. 5:
affairs of the World; and the demands of the World held sway
the Spirit of God dwells, and blesses it, and sanctifies it, and
glorifies it. God has predestined and foreordained that, as
(c) His Spirit dwells in the one great soid zvhom He called Son, so
shall His Spirit dwell in the one great sonl called Humanity
Thieves have entered in and possessed it they have trafficked ;
with the souls of men and women within its threshold they ;
have made it the home of the money changers and with the ;
lust of gold have they corrupted it. Innocence has lost its
bloom and the widow and her children have cried for food
under thei^ encroachments (d) ''they have heaped treasure
together for the day behold the hire of the laborers who
last ;
was bought with a price, even the great price of His own life
God shall drive you out and in (g) His temple shall be found
no money changers no more forever! For the lash has been
begotten and the scourge hath been provided, even that Word
which drove out the money changers from the temple of old
when on Earth, and He will consume You with the fire of His
indignation, and cast you out with the terribleness of His
wrath. For He hath ordained that the (h) ''meek shall inherit
the Earth," and that it shall be a possession unto His children.
The forces for your overthrow are already marshaling, and the
casting out at hand. For Righteousness can not reign with
Unrighteousness, and His kingdom must come to Earth, and
''His will be done amongst men as it is in Heaven." The Son
of Man, even Humanity, that which in Humanity is like Him,
that entered upon the Battle for Humanity's redemption in the
day He was begotten, stimulated and encouraged by the Spirit
of the Son of God dwelling within its heart, has fought battle
after battle, falling yet ever rising, wresting victory from seem-
ing defeat; the line of advance has been movedandfarther
farther into the enemies' country; the banner, stained by the
blood of martyrs, floats above the anathema, and ribaldry, and
blasphemy, and lusts of ungodly men; the hearts of His sol-
diers beat with renewed hope and faith as they see the many
signs of His coming, and the souls of men take up the cry of
the (i) great Evangelist, and the Earth trembles at the echo of
that supplication of joyous Hope:
Matthew xxi:
(j) Johnxxviii. 38. {k) Gen. i. 1. {I) Matt, xxviii. 18. (jn) Rev.
XX. 4. (n) Rev. xxii. 5.
death was its portion. The life was not in it, but in the Per-
sonality developed out of it, and which left but an empty shell.
Of what use the chrysalis after the butterfly hath developed
from the chrysalis ?
Christ cursed the tree, not to show His power, neither
because of anger at the tree, but because He saw an oppor-
tunity to impress upon the minds of the apostles and upon
Humanity the great truth lying back of it. Some have ques-
tioned the spirit that would prompt the act, which would con-,
demn a tree to death at that season of the year which was not
the season of fruit. A natural truth (or a truth as it relates to
natural things) m.ay be made manifest tO' explain or make
manifest a spiritual truth. W> can follow that natural truth
only so far as it is necessary to make manifest the spiritual
truth, and as that natural fact is pertinent to the spiritual truth,
and no farther. Beyond that point it may become the teacher
of some other idea relating to spiritual things, and therefore
confusing. The fact as to whether the tree would ever have
borne fruit or not does not enter into the question at all. It is
the spiritual truth lying back of that question which is the real
question, and which He sought to impress on their minds,
and that truth was, that it hove no fruit at all for the man who
an-hnngered went to it to fmd food to sustain life.
(s) Johnvi. 35. (t) Num. xxiii. 19; John iv. 24. (it) Matt. vi. 7,
shall fall the curse/ and in her nakedness she sits exposed to
the wrath of man and God. Her devotees shall desert her, and
she shall bear no more fruit forever. She lives because of the
Truth which; back and above her, gave her life, and whose
teachings she perverted to her own selfish ends. The Truth
having come and been seen and recognized and known of all
men, the homage which has been given to her, as the begetter
of these forces, by her devotees, will be transferred to Him in
whom only is there life and sustenance. The Word, freed
from the mysticism, and superstition, and bigotry, and ego-
tism, and hypocrisy, and formalisms, and carnal display, and
feast days, and fast days, and saint (so-called) worship, and all
the deceptive shams with which it has been obscured, will then
be understood by all men and will be found to condemn these
very things as deceptions and contrary to that Word, and
therefore doomed to death. Hence that very Word of which
she professes to be the custodian shall pronounce upon her
its condemnation. The Word shall remain, she shall wither
away. The countries of the earth which are linked to her
will fall with her if they come not out from her, for a chained
Bible means a chained people, and religious darkness means civil
There is a vSupreme head, but His name is Christ Jesus.
There is one who is infallible —
His name is Christ Jesus.
There is an Intercessor for sinful man —
His name is Christ
Jesus. There is One who binds on earth and binds in
Heaven —
His name is Christ Jesus, even Christ Jesus The
Word. There is a High Priest, offering up the everlasting
sacrifice of His own Self before the throne of God continu-
ously — His name is Christ Jesus. There are priests ordained
of God to ofifer up the supplicating prayer to the living God
for forgiveness of sin. These are all them who believe in Him,
and love Him, and strive to serve Him, and who as priests of
God offer up within their ozvn hearts, not stereotyped prayers,
but the earnest and spontaneous suppHcation of a contrite heart
hating its sin, and which shall in its own sacrificing life seal
of. Saints, (y) but they are those who have come
with the souls
up through much tribulation and have had their characters
made through the Spirit (blood) of the Lamb. She has
and those to whom have been delegated much
power, but they were the meek and humble and the lowly
when on earth, who aspired not for earthly glory, but for that
glory that never fadeth away. Within that Church, even
that Bride of The Word, shall be found all those who abide
in Him, who fix their hopes in Him, but without shall be found
fornicators and sorcerers and all liars and deceivers. Let
those who wdll build their hopes on these things of the World,
but as for You fix your soul in Him. (w) ''The Heavens and
the Earth shall pass away, but my Word shall not pass away."
The last of the many things of Earth to receive that command
"To bear no fruit henceforth forever" shall be the Earth itself.
Flame and Fire and Conflagration shall envelop it. It shall
pass away and be (.r) seen no more forever. As a huge chry-
salisit shall pass, as an empty shell, while Humanity, the
(v) Rev. vii. 14. (w) Matt; xxiv. 35. (x) Rev. xxii.
and as The Word shall live
And above them, yet within them, Him to whom the Son
will have returned all authority and has Himself become sub-
ject to, even
them, with one of their Angers. But all their works they do to
be seen of men; they make bj'oad their phylacteries and enlarge
the borders of their garments; and love the uppermost rooms at
"Behold, thou art called a Jew, and resteth in the law, and
makest thy boast of God, and knowest His will, and approvest
the things that are more excellent, being instructed out of the
law ; and art confident that thou thyself art a guide to the
blind, a light of them which are in darkness, an instructor of
the foolish, a teacher of babes, which hast the form of knowU
edge and of the truth in the lazv.
Matthew vi. 7:
thou be bidden of him, and he that bade thee and him come
and say to thee, 'Give this man place'; and thou begin with
shame to take the lowest room. But when thou art bidden, go
and take the lowest room, than when he that bade thee com^eth,
''Salt is good: but if the salt have lost his savor, where-
with shall it be seasoned ? It is neither fit for the land nor yet
for the dunghill ; but men cast it out. He that hath ears to hear
let him hear."
The long robe and shaved head in the pulpit; the clergy-
man's coat before the chancel or altar rail, making conspicu-
ous him who preaches of Him who said, ''Be thou not as the
scribes and Pharisees," are self-evident testimonials that they
love the praises of men more than the praises -of God, or are
ignorant of that Word which they profess to know and preach.
How can the Word of God be reconciled or harmonised with
the ostentations display of the missions, and claims, and pur-
poses of those who adorn their bodies with the robe of black,
the headdress Of black with its frill of white, and the encircling
chain of beads with its .dependent cross? (a) Be humble.
(a) Col. iii. 12; Mark Ix. 34, 35; Matt. xi. 29. (b) Matt, vi, 4.
ence is due? None can harmonize these titles with the hum-
bleness Jesus taught, and none can defend it on that score.
Think of Jesus wearing a robe of costly goods distinguishing
Him by its style, manner of arrangement, color of cloth, etc.,
from His followers, with jewels of rare value upon His fingers
and a jeweled tiara upon His head, saying to His discipleS;
"Follow me, for I am meek and lowly" Think of Jesus
shalt not lie," we, His disciples, and then under glaring head-
lines and tempting posters give Bankrupt sales. Dissolution
sales, Closing-out sales, Fire sales, and employ all the lesser
or greater schemes known to the mind of man to accomplish
the purpose desired, whatever it may be? Dost thou say,
''Thou shalt not commit adultery," and then thyself lust after
thy neighbor's wife?
Thou preacher of the Word, called as a teacher to sit in
the seat of Christ and the apostles and expound His Word,
doest thou live that which thou teachest? Why, then, this
rivalry with thy brother, and this scrambling for the chief
place in the Church and before the people? Ye know the
law, ye teach it well with your lips. Do you live it? For the
law of Jesus Christ must be lived if the teacher of that law is to
escape the condemnation which that law both promulgates
and inflicts. If they who hear the law shall be condemned,
how much greater shall be the condemnation of them who
both hear and knozv and teach that law. For their own words
shall be their judge and executioner. They say, "Thou shalt
not covet," yet covet all things ; "Seek first the kingdom of
God," yet continuously strive themselves for the things of the
flesh. They preach of "sacrifice" to their hearers, and deny
themselves nothing. They say, "Love the poor," and hasten
to take the chief place at the table of the rich. They preach
the "brotherhood of man," and seek the companionship of the
lich only. The man of wealth is sought from afar, that he
may be added to the saved, while the poor man ofttimes finds
no welcome at the door. He counts his success in saving
souls at the amount of dollars those souls represent, and as a
builder up of churches is credited proportionately. He
preaches Vv^ith great unction and tears in his eyes of the
widow's mite, and finds it impossible to contribute much him
self beyond his teaching of the law at so much per sermon.
He proclaims the sacrifice of Paul, who labored at tent-making
while he preached the Gospel of SACRIFICE, and leaves the
poor, distressed and struggling church which needs his help so
much, and where the field is ripe for the harvest, and accepts
the call to another field if the call has attached to it an increase
then takes for his text in his introductory sermon, ''The love
of money is the root of all evil." He grows eloquent over
the story of the rich man and Lazarus, and leaves orders with
the cook to feed no beggars, and hastens off to the banquet.
He dilates on the blessings of toil, calls upon his congregation
to be industrious, not given to idleness, but to keep every
moment occupied, and above all to work unceasingly in the
Master's vineyard, for the harvest and the laborers is ripe
are few, and then by some clever diplomacy secures a sum-
mer vacation to recuperate the strength wasted in gormand-
izing three meals a day and carriage rides. He extols from
morning until late at night the comfort and peace and rest
there are in that service to which He called all His followers
in that beautiful passage, ''Take my yoke upon you, and learn
of me. .For my yoke is easy and my burden light,
. .
and then flees from the heat and dust and duties of the place
where they to whom he oft quotes the passage, "The laborer
is worthy of his hire," toil from morn till night through that
LOUDER 1 ! ! until the very rocks cry out, for a like recrea-
tion for the toiler? Did the Master call /ou that you might be
a petted and pampered child of selfishness?
can you expect of the blind whom he doth teach ? They, too,
imitating him, give a feast, and the man who hungers not is
fed,while the hunger of the poor man goes unsatisfied. They
can not entertain them —
they are not congenial (?), but if
they suddenly, through some fortunate chance, or, as ofttimes
happens, through unchristian methods, obtain wealth, their
uncongeniality at once disappears, and they find them quite
companionable. There is no worldly reward or recompense
to be expected in return for the entertainment of the poor —
quite the reverse, usually hence the poor are not invited to
the feast. The desire -of the heart not being a resurrection
with the just, which is a spiritual reward, but a reward in
harmony with the condition of the heart which gave the feast
which, being a carnal condition, can receive only a carnal
reward, that reward shall they receive.
The Word came unto the prophets of old; the fathers of
those who listened to Jesus slew those prophets. The chil-
dren, even those to whom gave sepulcher or
Jesus talked,
burial to that which the prophets taught by living a life which
gave the lie to that which those prophets taught. So the
fathers of those who do these things slew The Word Christ
Jesus, and the works of their father they will do. For as it
was the carnal man, the children of the devil, that slew the
Word, even the Truth Christ Jesus, so also it is the carnal
mind to-day that doth build the sepulcher and inclose within
its walls the truth which their fathers slew. Jesus bade them
to the feast, which was the Bread of Life, even the Word. To
this wedding, which is the joining of the soul and His Spirit
into one, all those are called. They who do these things are
likened imto the man who, bidden to the wedding, took the
chief place at the feast. When the time approaches for the
wedding He who bade them to come will lay bare before
them the life they have lived, which has been one of carnality,
of hypocrisy, of outward humility and inward egotism; of
much speaking and little acting; of w^hite exterior and black,
and feel its shame with all the agony which a mind in complete
accord zvith the Word can hate it. Having thus come into com-
plete harmony with the Word in that it hates sin with all the
hatred that the Word does, the Word begins to cease to con-
demn the soul, zvhile it STiiviv condemns the sin, so also the soul
will condemn and hate the sin, but will feel that condem-
a call unto life. This same Word which condemned the soul
will then raise it to a seat with those who have become free
from sin and its curse, and they, having also the humility
which he has, which esteems every one above himself, will
worship him, or give unto him honor as they with him con-
tinue to eat of the Bread of T^ife. None can hope to escape
this condemnation except those who hate sin with all the
strength of soul, mind, and body, and who have attained to^
that humbleness of spirit which is the foundation upon which
Christian character is built. The foundation is an absolute
necessity, and there can be no building erected until the foun-
dation is laid. Tet none deceive themselves as to the condi-
tion of their own souls. For there is one who shall judge you,
(e) even the Word, the written Word, the spoken Word, and
The W^ord Christ Jesus. And there is one, and only one, who
shall call you up higher, the written Word, the spoken Word,
The Word Christ Jesus, who dwells in you. What, then, of
those who know this written Word and speak it and live it not?
(cZ) Rom. V. 20. (e) Heb. iv. 12.
372 TH]e mani^e:station 0]F the: idka.
hair and beard, and these strange garments, and the pecuhar
bonnet of your companion? Why all these things which
appeal to the carnal ambitions ? Know ye not that the religion
of Jesus Christ is and has to do with spiritual things,
a life
and that these things have no part in it ? It is not that which
is Christlike in the lives of these people that is condemned
(God forbid !), but the parading of these acts or the calling
attention to their spirit of devotion to Christ by these outward
symbols. Why mar thy work and love by casting
of mercy
upon it a suspicion of its humility through the parading of
this distinguishing garb? Why should the preacher in the
pulpit separate himself from his listeners by distinguishing
garb? Let the soldier of the State wear the garb which is
the emblem of the power to which he has sworn allegiance
These things belong to the world. To each its own. Let those
who have sworn allegiance to an ecclesiastical despotism, to
a system, wear the garbs of those despotisms and those sys-
tems, if For they are all of the Earth earthy. For
they choose.
Christ's religion is not a system, but A Life. For those who
have sworn allegiance to Him there can be but one garment,
therefore that garment must be the life. As His was a religion
made manifest by His Character, so must you make manifest
that religion which you claim to love by your character. As
His religion was embodied in a Personality, so must you
embody that religion in your personality. His (/) kingdom is
not of this world, but of the world to come. Wear, therefore,
the garment that will insure an entrance into that kingdom, and
the only one that will or can he worn in that kingdom. D.D. and
LL.D., B.A. and D.L. —
these are all the things which attain
to and belong to this world. In His World there is but one
title, and it does not distinguish. Its name is "Righteous-
ness." And "he that is least shall be greatest" amongst his
brethren of whom Christ was the elder, {g) The Christian
man has but one Master. That Master is not an ecclesiastical
despotism, a system whose foundations are builded upon the
(/) John xviii. 36. {g) Matt, xxiii. 8-10; Luke xvi. 13; vi. 40;
John xlii. 16; xv. 29.
Bible and ignorant people. She has cursed all nations and all
peoples upon whom she has laid her detaining and enslaving
hand. There is not a nation on the globe to-day which does
tion the same as we, denying the Master ofttimes in his life
even as we, that man of flesh the same as we, our spiritual
begetter! That man, teaching perversion after perversion of
spiritual things, leveling all things to suit the ambition of the
eccksiasticism he calls Master — call him the custodian of that
spirit within you which shall live forever
What call him who denied himself to the world for
I'cr bread, — call him the channel through which come the
divine teachings of Him who worked at the carpenter's bench
for means to provide nourishment while milhons were His to
conmiand, who went into the desert to pray,»and in the silence
of Piis own presence communed with His Father and His
What ! call him at whose portals stand uniformed soldiery
guarding the entrance to the secret chamber where he
abides, in whose coffers are hoarded the wealth which his
deluded yet devoted devotees have lavished upon him, held in
grasping greed that it may enrich the heirs by the flesh of the
reigning potentate at his decease, whose ambassadors to for-
eign lands seek the uppermost seats at banquets, and whose
magnificent regalia -of office is conspicuous in the chief seat
at notable gatherings, — call him the channel through which
will come as a spiritual Father the Beneficence of Him who
gave not only all the world to Humanity, in that He refused
to receive it, but on the cross gave self, who ate with publicans
and sinners, and whose companions were the -fishermen of Gali-
lee !
world might know the Word that He sent His Son to reveal
that Word, and permitted His crucifixion on the Cross that
ihe world might receive it all, choose as the promulgator and
custodian of that Word him who chained that Word to a
priest's ignorance, and closed its lids to conceal its message
from the multitude
Oh, thou art doomed to die. Thou art neither hot nor
cold thou wilt neither come in nor let others come in.
; Thou
canst not serve bothGod and Mammon. He will spew thee
out of His mouth and destroy thee with the brightness of His
coming. To thee and because of thy teaching do we owe all
ihe divisions that have sprung up in the church of the living
God. There can be no escape from the death He hath pre-
pared for thee, for the carnal mind must die, that the spiritual
mind may, freed from it, enter into the joys of the kingdom of
The Word Christ Jesus.
revealed, whom the Lord shall consume with the Spirit of His
Mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of His coining
"Even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan,
with all power and signs and lying zvonders, and with all deceiv-
ableness of unrighteousness in them that perish, because they
receive not the love of the truth that they might be saved.
"And for this cause God shall send them a strong DEI.U-
SION, that they should believe a lie, that they all might be
damned who beHeved not the truth, but had pleasure in
some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits
and doctrines of devils, speaking lies in hypocrisy, having their
conscience seared with a red hot iron.
TO ABSTAIN FROM MEATS, which God hath created to
be received with thanksgiving of them which believe and know
the TRUTH. For every creature of God is good, and nothing to
be refused, if it be received with thanksgiving, for it is sancti-
fied by the Word of God and prayer."
1 John iv. 3:
"For there shall arise false Christs and false prophets, and
they shall show great signs and zvonders, that, if it were possi-
ble, they shall deceive the very elect. Behold, I have told you
before. Wherefore, if they shall say unto you, 'Behold, He is
''Ye are your father's, the Devil, and the Insts of yoitr father
mic harmony, and a living soul was the result. The immor-
tality abiding not in it, but in the Word which created it and
gave it life. The Work spake to it, and that Humanity in it
which was and is the Son of Man, heard it. Immediately the
voice of that which was antagonistic to that Word, that Son of
Perdition which is of the earth earthy, of the flesh fleshly,
having its lusts and its desires, and who is forever in opposition
to spiritual things and to that spiritual being, even the Son of
God the Word, dippinghis lustful and treacherous hand into
the dish wherein was truth, betrayed the Son of Man, and lost
him his kingdom. For that which gives personality and char-
acter to that body of flesh is spirit, and not flesh. This spirit
is the soul, and this soul is the mind, with its affections, desires,
the spiritual man that beHeved the lie, but the carnal man, for
to him and to him only came the voice of that which was below.
But the soul of man, being overcome, betrayed, suffered from
that disbelief because of its (k) oneness with that flesh.
Before the fall the Carnal mind and the Spiritual mind
stood at equipoise in the first man, but the mind itself did not
extend in knowledge beyond the things of the Natural World,
It had no knowledge of the things of the spiritual world, for the
(k) Johni. U,
yal world and its life. The immortality of that mind depend-
ing altogether on its harmony with the Truth and the extent to
which it has received that Truth, which is Christ Jesus, for only
that which is in harmonioiLs aiHnity with Him can live, all else
dies. Thus Error dies, Truth lives, and all those who have
laid hold on Error in hope will feel that upon which they have
builded crumble and come to nought, and with it their hope
also. Let it be understood clearly that immortality is not an
inherent attribute of soul (mind), but that the immortality
IS IN THE Word (Idea), by zvhich all things live. The beasts
of the field have souls, (/) but they shall perish and be known
no more forever, because the knowledge which they have is of
the flesh only; they have but the one mind, which is of the
flesh, hence when The Word ceases to give them a fleshly
Every onward step of the Son of Man has been only after
a struggle withand against this Son of Perdition. Man fell
The story of Humanity from that day until He came was to
(0 Psa. xlix. 20; 2 Peter ii. 12. (m) Mitt. x. 29. (u) Gil. ii. 17.
king," thus denying Heaven and its King. ''A King of this
world," denying the existence of the next. It called His mira-
cles sorceries, and His divine precepts the ravings of a disor-
dered mind. When man surrendered to that man of flesh he
became a slave to his passions and a doer of his deeds.
God loved Humanity. With a fixity of purpose which
nothing could change, eternal in its nature, like Him in whom
that purpose found being, He gave to Humanity revelation
after revelation, only to see that which was base in man betray
the better nature. He gave the first man an admonition
through love for man; man, the carnal man, disobedient yester-
day, to-day, and forever, has cursed the admonition and called
it Hate. In response to the cravings of an Infinite solicitude
(o) He placed within man's reach the knowledge of his sinful
condition, that man, knowing might come out of it. The
ings ; the Son of Perdition claims it for his ozvn, and Humanity
is betrayed and defrauded of its patrimony. The Earth brings
forth its harvest of grain and the orchards their healthful fruit,
soul, taught that she was a beloved (p) integral of that whole
who was and is the Son of Man, called her up to take her place
at man's side as his equal before Him who rightly judgeth all
things, that she might the more ably in that home where she
reigns as queen, in that world where her refinement of soul
refines all souls, in that realm where her motherhood shines
forth triumphant in the developing child who is the Future of
the Son of MaU; the more surely and the more quickly lead
the Son of Man to Him who gave her liberty. God has —
appointed to the man and the woman each their walk in life,
Zxud when He shall come in the brightness of the Truth which
is His glory, each will occupy their own, to the ennobling of
It is the Word that gave to the Son of Man the knowledge
of these mechanical devices, that of their construction, their
utility, their ability to save labor, that the Son of Man, that
agonizing, despairing, toiling Humanity, might be blest in its
giving. The Son of Man dippeth his hand into the cup, and
the Son of perdition dippeth his hand in with him, and Human-
ity is betrayed. At every avenue of life we see this Son of the
bottomless pit, grasping, greedy, selfish, tyrannical, wrenching
from the Son of Man that which his Father gave him, and
appropriating it to his own selfish ends. Oh, it is that Devil
within man. that seducing spirit of the flesh, that Son of perdi-
tion, that is betraying each and every one who does his will
into performing deeds of selfishness so awful in its indifference
to the welfare ofits fellowman that only the Infinite Mercy can
crying out against the truth which the spiritual man or mind,
betrayed, and imprisoned, and held under, would gladly
receive. The carnal man can not conceive of a man being the
Son God, having the attributes of God and being God, hence
the carnal mind and the infidel mind, which are one, deny
that Christ was the Son of God in the flesh.
In harmony with this infidel mind are all other minds
which deny the truth any
of the statements of the Word on
given subject, for they at once make
which is the Word a liar,
(t) the Truth can not oppose truth, for in Truth only is there
But God, who is the Truth, says through the Word by
Paul that He will send them a strong delusion, that they may
believe a lie and be damned, therefore there must be a truth
somewhere in regard to the life of the spirit after death which
sends that delusion. It becomes a delusion to them, not because
God wills to delude any one, but just the reverse, and to save
man from these delusions He sent us His dearly beloved and
only begotten Son, and made Him the Word, that we might
know His Word, and knowing it, know the truth. Neither is it
because there is any delusion in God, but because when the
truth (which is from God) comes to them they are unable
because of their perverse, and deluded, and disobedient, and
ignorant minds to recognize the truth as truth, but only recog-
nize their perverse conception of it, which is, of course, a delu-
sion. They do not believe The Book, which is His Word and
the expression of His will to man, and therefore can not receive
the truth which is in harmony with that Book, and which that
Book reveals. The Science (which is the knowledge, which
again is but another name for Truth) of mind telepathy has
begun to cast a bright light upon much of the darkness of
spiritualistic phenomena outside of those demonstrations which
are clearly the work of tricksters. That the spirit lives after
death, The Word clearly teaches, but that the spirit can ever
return to Earth, except by the perm.ission of that very same
Word which denounces spiritualism as the work of deluded
people, and its claims a lie, that Word no less clearly denies.
which were the ^'Spirit of His mouth,'' says that {v) "marriage
ishonorable in all and the bed undefiled, but whoremongers
and adulteiers God will judge." In opposition to this Word,
which upholds marriage and blesses and sanctifies it, and who
in this opposition deny that Christ was the Son of God,
drink ye all of it," and we find the carnal mind, unable to grasp
spiritual truths, teaching that by a peculiar transformation,
called transubstantiation, the bread which they give to their
communicants is really the actual body of the Son of God, and
that the wine is actually His blood, which He shed on Calvary.
It is impossible for that carnal mind to conceive the great truth
that the bread and wine are mere symbols, in themselves noth-
ing. That as the bread typified His flesh and the juice of the
grape which was the life of the vine typified his blood which
was the life of his body, so was His soid which was one zvith
that body His true body, and His Spirit was the animating
spirit or the Life of this Soul which was the body of that Spirit.
sacrificing spirit. Paul and the apostles saw this carnal con-
ception of spiritual things creeping into the church, and truth
made known, its source. The early Christians saw it also, and,
seeing it, they thought the day of Christ was at hand, for it is
Now it was impossible that all these artifices, and lies, and delu-
sions should be manifest at that time, because Christ had just
established His Church in the Truth, and the Man of Sin, the
Son of Perdition, could not be revealed only through his works.
His life for that soul, and in His sacrifice paid the price for
that soul's redemption ; and he saw it demanding that which it
loved, namely, "money (for the carnal mind loves nothing but the
things of this life,) for the redemption of a lost soul from its
(this despotism's) self-constructed purgatory. He saw it raise
on high the picture of a woman and call on all its devotees
to bow the knee in supplication to the mother of the Hesh. He
saw it usurp the place of God and in the penned enclosure
receive the confessions which should be made to Him. He
saw them arrogate to themselves the privilege of communion
with Him, and, assuming the powers of the priest, deny to
men the right of priesthood under their Great High Priest.
He saw it gradually add possession after possession, in harmony
with its carnal nature, until was that of a king.
its territory
He saw it and systems of Gov-
interfering in questions of State
ernments that it might enlarge its zvcrJdly pozver. He saw its
horrors of inquisition, and rack, and wheel, and its deeds of
darkness which its carnal nature prompted. All these things
he saw, not necessarily in detail, but through the instruction
of the Holy Spirit which comprehended all things. He saw
that liberty with which Christ through His Word had begotten
His follov/ers, stifled under the iron hand of ecclesiasticism
and that Book, within whose sacred leaves there lived the
knowledge of that (a) River of Life to which all men were
invited to come and drink freely, chained to the person of an
Ignorant priesthood, false ofttimes to both God and man. He
saw them canonizing devils and excommunicating saints. He
saw them reaching out o'er land and sea for their Peter's pence
v/ith carnal hand. Thou hast talked of holiness, yet thou hast
leagued thyself with murderers and extortioners to obtain thy
will. Thy touch hath polluted all Christendom, and because
of thee that Son of Perdition, whose name is Greed, and whose
being is Lust of Carnal things, sits enthroned in the Temple
of God, and opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is
called God, or that is worshiped as God. For thou hast
children who doth ennoble thee and give thee Hfe, to come out
from thee. For the life is not in thy formalism, neither in thy
ceremonies, or thy long robes or holy waters, or thy stereo-
typed prayers, or cloisters, or nunneries, or black veils or
white veils, or ecclesiasticism, or titles, or beads, or images, or
or holy shrines, or confessionals, and when the children
of God see thee in all thy nakedness they will forsake thee and
with them will go thy life. For the Son of Perdition is neither
of this faith or that faith as regards Christ Jesus ; theMan of
Sin is conH.ned neither to Roman Catholicism nor Mohamme-
danism, but is as wide as the world, and finds his personality
in every soul that denies that the Word is true by teaching a
doctrine opposed to that Word, and in this denial deny that
He who gave this Word is the Son of God, for if they who
teach these carnal conceptions of spiritual things be true, then
is Christ made a liar, and God hateth a lie and a liar with all
the strength of Truth, and no liar can be His Son. The Son
of Perdition is neither of this nation nor of that nation, but of
Humanity — carnal Humanity, and his name is LEGION
and his nature opposition to God. We know he is in the desert,
for knowledge of Christ makes Christ's absence manifest in
Mohammedanism. We know he is in the secret chamber,
because knowledge of Christ makes Christ's absence from the
secret chamber manifest. He is not an Individual in the sense
that one man ever again in this life will be the Son of Perdi-
tion. He is an individual to the extent that any individual
who BY HIS LIFE denies that Christ was the Son of God, is the
Son of Perdition. He becomes the Son of Perdition, par
excellence, when he {h) perverts the teachings of the Book to
his carnal ends. He is not an individual, but the composite
men begotten by that opposition to the
zvhole of the Evil in all
Truth which is embodied in the carnal mind. Yet in every
man's soul he has found lodgment, and every man's soul he
Body of Christ, with which abides His Mind, and with that
Body is His Spirit.
He lives but to antagonize the Truth, and when that
Truth, even The Word Christ Jesus,came to Earth and was
made manifest, and established His kingdom on Earth, and
called His Church that it might keep alive and make manifest
in its life the Gospel which He delivered unto them, and which
man will be (c) bound in chains and held under a prisoner. When
the Church of Christ, which is Christ's body, becomes fully
cdii'e to Christ who is the Word, and to the Word which is
in Word, Spirit, and doctrine, and that Spirit, Word, and doc-
trine be in harmony with the WORD and HIS Spirit, then
His which is God's Spirit,
Spirit even the Holy
Spirit, and the
Spirit, every knee shall bow and every tongue proclaim Him
King, and God upon the Earth in the Temple of God
shall dwell
(which is the Soul of Humanity, which is the mind of Human-
ity), and He shall be our God, and we shall be His people.
and understand it, we will know what to remove from our lives
to remove him from the Church.
His Nature is Greed of Money, Lust of the Flesh, Love of
Self, Ambition for temporal power and possessions. This
being his nature, we look out upon the World and we see the
World hath enthroned him, and we find him sitting in the
(/) Temple of God, which is the
are of God, and sitting in that temple which is the human soul,
sheweth himself as the one that is zvorshiped. For by our lives,
which consist of what we both say, think, and do, do we make
manifest whom we worship and who GOVERNS, as King, our
In response to that carnal mind of Humanity nude women
dance intensely immoral and suggestive dances before carnal
minded men, each responding promptings of the
to the carnal
other; the theater boards are loaded down
with brazen and
depraved women seeking through carnal display and sugges-
tive look and ribald song to stimulate the jaded and evil mind
of the blase theater-goer. The roofs of the houses are turned
into gardens, where every device that the mind of man can
conceive to drag down the soul of his brother is brought into
plain desecrate the day and ignore the law with their excursion
trains. The ball ground, ihe beer garden, the theater, have
become the rivals of the Church, and share with her the honors
of that sacred day, all in the name of personal liberty. The
saloon, the theater, the beer garden, the vile, the low, the
carnal-minded of the Earth demand His day for the pursuit of
their evil calhng, and Monday's news of Sunday lawlessness
but tells too well how well their dem.and is heeded, and the
(a) Gen. iv. 9. (c) John vi. 70. {d) John xiii. 5. (e) Luke x. 38.
(/) Matt. xi. 19. {g) Matt. xxv. 41-46,
404 the; manifestation of the idea.
and click click and jingle of the thirty pieces of silver, "and
from that time forth he sought continuously liow he might
betray Him." Behold, the love of money is the open sesame of
that devil's heart for it he robs, and murders, and slays the
tasteand conscience.
Jesus thanked the Father and praised Him that He
enthroned him. Know ye not that only the Son of God can
inherit Heaven, and that the Son of the Pit shall be cast out
into the Bottomless Pit, which is his habitation? Wherein,
then, lies your hope? Know ye not ye can not serve both
God and Mammon ?
These things exist. Why? Who was it that threw open
the gates of one State to prize fighters, and why? Who is it
that permits the saloon to the damnation ot men's souls, and
why? Who are these that license those playhouses in which
vile, lewd, and degenerate men and women congregate, and
why? Who are these that seek and obtain divorce on every
possible pretext, and why? Was it not (b) Christ that said
none should be divorced except for adultery, and he who mar-
ried the adulterous committed adultery also? Who is this
man and what his calling that pronounces the marriage service
for these divorced people, and thus becomes an accomplice
to. their adultery, and why ? Who are these that by indulgence
or indifiference uphold all these, and why? Who are these
that are applauding the competitive system with all its crime
and selfishness and want and woe and misery, and why?
Where is that mighty army that swore allegiance to Him?
ij) Acts i. 25. (k) Rom. viii. 7. (b) Matt. v. 31, 32.
Why are their voices silent ? When Jesus was betrayed by one
whom He called, and when He hung upon that cruel cross, all
men forsook Him. Have all those whom He has called and
chosen both betrayed and forsook Him? When Paul was
carried a prisoner to Rome because of that Word, they who
had sworn allegiance to that Word, come what may, forsook
him have those who hungered for an experience like Paul's,
cnce when He doth appear, and who can behold His counte-
nance without fear? To the ungodly, woe and anguish and
much sorrow ;
kingdom, love and joy and
to the children of the
peace. Behold, He doth already appear over the mountain;
His rays doth break through upon the soul Error, and Ignor- ;
ance, and Perverseness, and liars, and sorcerers, and all who
do evil, and all ivho by their lives deny that Jesus was the Son
of God, shall feel those rays burning into the soul like a con-
suming lire, and the glories of His kingdom shall be made
manifest even at the Coming of the Knowledge of the Truth
which is
Where are the children of the King? Arm thyselves and
prepare for rhe last great conflict before the final conflict that
shall herald the End of Time and the eternal disenslavement
of the Son of Man. He, the Faithful and True, calls upon
those who love Him and who hear His Voice to follow Him.
(m) Stand forth, that ye be not counted amongst them ! Know
ye not that ye are the called and chosen to manifest to the
World His Character, and to fight with Him that battle of
Righteousness against Sin ? Do you not hear the Voice of
your Leader and His myriads of angels within your own Soul,
calling you them against this Man of Sin ?
to this conflict with
Arm thyself with encompass thyself about with
His faith !
hand for the casting out of the (n) Beast, which is the Carnal
Mind of the Dragon, which is the (0) Carnal Mind in War,
spirits of the flesh, and world, and false prophecy, and they
shall be cast out, and they who are one with them and are
them. Kings and their armies, systems of religions and their
devotees, beliefs and their adherents, all men and all things
who deny by their lives the true King and His army. His reli-
gion and His devotees. His faith and the faith of His adherents.
His Word and that Word's teachings, shall feel the terror of
His absence from their own lives and the consequent presence
of him who is darkness indeed. What Are you His dis-
same words.
third time, saying the
"Then cometh He to His disciples and saith unto them,
"Sleep on now and take your rest Behold, the hour is at
hand, and the Son of Man is betrayed into the hands of sin-
ners. Rise, let us be going; behold, he is at hand that doth
betray me.'
"And while He yet spake, Judas, one of the twelve, came,
and with him a great multitude with swords. and staves, from
the chief priests and elders of the people."
2 Corinthians v. 21
"Who of His own self bare our sins in His body on (or to)
the tree, that zve, being dead in sins, should live unto righteous-
ness, by whose stripes ye zvcre healed
I John iii. 5:
"So Christ was once offered to bear the sins of many: and
unto tJicni that look for Him shall He appear the second time
ZL'ithout sin unto salvation."
'When the even was come they brought unto Him many
that were possessed with devils, and He cast out the spirits zvitJi
His WORD and healed all that were sick.
"That it might be fulfilled which was spoken by Esaias the
prophet, saying, 'Himself took our infirmities and bare our sick-
its life and that life's perpetuity, encompasses the World and
its name is —
God is Mind. He is the Supreme Mind. The affections,
desires, inclinations, loves, hates, etc., are the manifestations
of the Spirit of that Mind hence; that Mind's direction is the
result of the Spirit that animates that Mind and controls it. The
But while it abode in all things, only that mind could abide in
it (Him) which had a Spirit like His Spirit. If that Mind
would have His Spirit, then they would have the same Mind
and Spirit, and having the same spirit that mind would be the
Word. It is seen, therefore, that to abide where He is and in
His kingdom and to receive the truth which abides in the
Spirit of Truth, one must come into harmony with that Spirit.
clear, however, that the strictly carnal mind can not enter or
abide in the Mind of God, for their spirits are antagonistic.
Thus the animal mind and world are forever separate and apart
from that Mind (even God), although God dwells in them. It
is seen, moreover, that it is a Condition of Soul (Mind) that
either gives the Mind of Man entrance into or debars it from
that Supreme Mind.
God has imaged this truth in the things of this world, in
the law governing the transmission of light, sound, and images
of things close and distant. It is not the object of this book
close, you will hear the sounds otherwise, you can not.
; If
one with the flesh, there must be an environment for the nat
ural man to harmonize witli the spiritual or mental condition.
There is no such thing as Space considered in connection with
mind, for as space represents the distance between two material
objects, so the condition of the mind represents the distance
between one mind and another mind.
Let us apply this to Christ and the woman of Samaria.
Remember this, that God is the Supreme Mind. That He
lives in all things, but only that mind lives in Him which has
His Spirit. That the Mind of Man, while filhng to the full
the flesh and livmg as the natural man, also sweeps on beyond
the natural man, and abides in God. Jesus, the Christ, being
God manifest in the flesh, was forever conscious of the two
worlds in which He abode. The Mind (God), ivJiich was Him,
lived as Spirit only in the Spiritual Kingdom, but it also lived
as flesh in the flesh's kingdom. The flesh was the dividing
linebetween His humanity and His divinity. While He, there-
fore, abode in all things because of His divinity, yet because
of His flesh He abode only m the flesh, and as a Man of Nature.
or natural man, was subject to nature's laws. The natural
man, zvhich He was, could not sec the soul or mind within that
woman because it is impossible for the natural man to see
spiritual things or spiritual existences When, however, the !
eyes of the natural man impressed upon the braiii through th?
optic nerves the sight of the physical woman, the ^lind which
had its seat in that brain at once became alert to its power,
and the real woman, even her mind with all its historv, stood
have impressed upon it, through the brain in which it has its
seat and the nerves which lead to that brain, the vibrations
of the composite body of mankind, and if these vibrations were
impressed upon the brain in composite form, as One Whole, to see
sinmltaneously with that impression the One Composite Mind of
It will be seen, motcovct, that if the Mind which has
mirrored before it the Composite Mind of Humanity has
mirrored before it at that time only that which is Vile and
Impure and Unclean in that Mind of Humanity, and that
Mind would be absolutely Pure and Holy, that it would feel
Seeing how the unseen are made visible, we see one might
be able to tell you your life known only to yourself.
of events in
It is even possible for one to have mirrored before his mind's
tye one he has not only never seen, but one who is dead, if
there be some one living on the face of the Earth in whose
mind that face and form live as a remembrance. Thus the
witch of Endor saw Samuel as an old man in a long garment,
because he thus lived in the Mind of Saul who had known him,
and whose mind at that time was full of him (Samuel) ; and
she received this knowledge by reading his mind, and they
both received the knowledge of the events that were to follow
by their minds being brought into that condition which made
them open to the reception of the truih.
When these vibrations which are generated by the mind
of one individual present themselves to the one upon whom
the mind of the projector is fixed, they will seek, of course, to
so impress themselves on the mind (through the nerves and
brain) of the other as to make that mind entirely subjective to
them and in harmony with them. Two persons experimenting
along this line will find that the first impression made upon the
mind of the receiver will be a faint glare of light, caused by the
increased vibrations of the nerves of sight at their seat, namely,
the brain ; but if the person receiving these vibrations is able
to give his entire being up to them, it will result in his entire
reply to that party, the reply will be received by the first party
in the same way, and the result will be that they will see each
ether face to face, and talk to each other in voices audible and
heard, but to them only audible. Moreover, if each one, when
in this receptive condition of mind, can entirely forget their
own environment, or become oblivious to it, such as the fur-
nishing of the rooms, etc., becoming entirely oblivious to their
own environment, they will see distinctly the environment of
the one to whom their mind is and the furnishings ot
the room, etc., will be as plainly seen as though present there
in person. This is because of the complete subjection of their
mind, and therefore their whole being, to the mind of the trans-
mitter, and that transmitter's environment, every etheric atom
of which was vibrating in harmony with their (the transmit-
ter's) mind.
how God, the Supreme Mind, talks to Man, and the phenom-
ena of visions, prophecy, angelic messengers, etc. One needs
to bear all these well in mind, for they all have a bearing on
the agony in the Garden.
It has been shown clearly. that the condition of the physical
all, and builds its nest or home to-day as in the beginning, and
attends to its wantssame way, its resources of mind
in the
being adequate to law of being and its needs, as God, who
it, but which was no part of it. It dies and ceases to exist, but
that Mind which, back and above it, gave existence to it lives
on Eternally. The ideas or truths impressed upon its being
never came to it as such, but were impressed upon every attrib-
ute of its being, according to that being's formation, and the brain
sent to every part of that body sensations in harmony with that
impression, and it carried the work through to completion
without ever comprehending the idea, although doing its work.
Now the Mind of Man, abiding
God, will receive the in
truth or idea, as it exists in Him whenever he can bring his
soul into such a relationship to God as to be one with Him as
regards that one truth or idea. But since Man is not spirit
only, but flesh and spirit, and lives as a natural man, it is abso-
lutely impossible for rhe interpretation, at first, of that truth or
idea to take on any other form than that which would be intel-
ligible to the natural man. Neither is it possible for the mind of
man to receive the idea until his mind is in such a condition as
to miake it open to its reception, and since the mind and body
are one, it is necessary that the whole man, physical and spiritual,
enter into a state of being analogous to the idea or truth pre-
When the idea or truth is presented to Man, the Mind
v/hich abides in God receives it, but immediately, simultane
ously with the reception of the idea, that mind, which also
abides in the flesh and lives as the natural man, interprets that
idea according to that mind and its condition. Thus it hears a
voice speaking knows, using the phrases and
in the language it
terms with which the natural man is familiar, and sees mani-
uralman, being one with the spiritual, sees only the natural
man's conception or interpretation of them.
To receive the vibrations in matter the nerves must be
brought in harmony with them. The nerves will receive only
those vibrations with which they are in harmony. All else is
and he, interpreting this truth, which was in all truth the
Voice of God, heard his name called, (i) Christ's Mind, being
thoroughly in harmony with God's Mind and One with Him,
(0 Johnxii. 28,, 29.
422 th:^ manifestation of the idea.
of the flesh, even the blood, crimsoned that suffering body's sur-
face. As Jacob's body suffered because of its oneness with the
mind, and as his mind suffered because of its oneness with the
flesh, so the body of Christ, even His flesh, suffered because of
its oneness with His Spirit, and His Spirit, even His mind,
suffered because of its oneness with the flesh.
and evil's angels, even Despair and Woe and Anguish and
Sorrow and Death.
The flesh nez'cr could enter the spiritual realm; the flesh never
ccidd become Cod; the flesh never could become one with the Spirit;
it never can enter there; its life is of the Earth Earthy. But
God could leave His Kingdom which has as its Liee
Eternal Joy of Being, and become elesh, and by becom-
(y ) 1 Cor. XV. 50.
which are the fruits of the fleshly or carnal mind. God as the
Father never did and never can. So the Eternal God, the
Everlasting Father, animated by that immeasurable Love
which is His Being, responding to the demands of the Spirit
of Justice which declared that His children should know The
Way, giving attentive ear to the counsels of Wisdom, working
in harmony with Truth and Mercy, with all the Majesty and
Power of His Being, all of which are the spirits of His Spirit,
even the Holy Spirit, emptied Himself of His knowledge of
all these and became flesh, grew in flesh and spirit, and in the
ness of His own soul that made it possible for Him to realize
the azvful enormity of the Sin which was pressing upon Him
and making Him the Sin of the World. This His Agony.
Within that Soul and one with it was the Lord God The
Word, and was Him. This Word is forever at enmity with
evil. His hatred of evil is eternal, and is from Everlasting to
Everlasting. Every evil impulse, therefore, that beat upon that
brain, and was interpreted by that mind, placed that Word which
was zvithin Him and was Him, antagonism to that mind or
that sold which was one with that body. As the Evil of the
World forced itself upon that mind with increasing virulence
the wrath of the Word within Him and which was Him grew
more intense in proportion. The increasing sensitiveness of
that mind to this evil, which, coming from without, pressed upon
His Soul with tremendous energy, but increased the sensi-
tiveness of that mind to its Nature and its abhorrence for sin.
The sensitiveness of that soul became more and more acute, until
there bore upon it with all its awful sinfulness the Sin of the
V/orld from the beginning to the End of Time, and God's wrath
for that Sin. For to the Word all things are Ever Present
and Known, and as His soul became more and more in con
scions touch with that Word which was Him, the knowledge
of the Sin of the World developed more and more in that soul,
and the culmination of that knowledge was the presence
WITHIN THAT Soul, beating it down to the Earth in its awful
agony of shame, of all the sin of all time as related to this World,
and God's condemnation of that sin. Bearing this sin within
His own body. He bore it to and upon the Cross, and in its
cruel death paid the penalty for Sin. Not His Sin, but the
sin which He bore, none the least of which were the sins of him
who betrayed Him, of those who plotted His betrayal and
those that condemned Him, and those who crucified Him and
made merry while the cruel nails were driven in hands and
feet. He bore the sin of not only the man who may profane
the name of God, but He
bore the sins of a Judas and a Nero.
He bore the sin of the world to and upon the Cross, and in the
Sacrifice there made manifest opened up the Way for (a) all
and the penalty for sin being death, and the only atonement
(a) Johnxii. 32. (6) Rom. vi, 23; ^zek. xviil. 4.
that the sinner can make for sin being death, — that is, ban-
ishment from God, — he will forever be banished from God
because of that atonement. As frequently stated, sin being
of the flesh,and the fleshly or carnal mind being forever
debarred from the Place where God is, man as a sinner will be
forever debarred from the presence of God because of that
Mind's Carnality, occasioned by his sin. He can never escape
that banishment of himself, because his sin is the cause of that
death, and, abiding in him, will forever keep him separated
from his God and confined to the carnaIv KSTaTe;. His banish-
ment from God does not remove that sin, because that sin still
remaining, is the cause of that banishment. The criminal who
has committed some crime and has his. life taken on account of
it, has paid the penalty which the law imposed, but having
paid the penalty he is eternally dead. He has made the atone-
ment which the law requires, but his existence terminated with
the atonement. His ceasing to exist is part of that atonement,
and would not be complete, and the penalty would not be
paid and the law would not be fulfilled if he did not forever
cease to exist. Thus the Law doth condemn the carnal to
eternal destruction from the face of God. Sin being of the
flesh, and man having sinned, man has surrendered his soul to
will. His bearing our sins upon the cross was an absolute neces-
sity if He was to be our atonement. He who was sinless, hav-
ing paid the penalty for our sins, we who were once sinners
lay hold on Him in whom there is no Sin, and finding our
atonement already made (which we, being dead in sin, were
powerless to make), and the penalty paid (which we could not
pay and live), we find ourselves without sin, free from its curse,
which is death or banishment from God, and Alive in Christ
Jesus, who, being alive in God, maketh us alive also.
(d) Heb. xii. 29; Luke xii. 49. (e) 1 Cor. iii. 13-15; 2 Thess. i.8;
2Peteriii. 7-12. (/; Mattxxvii. 46.
gethsemane:. 433
But how, says one, does the suffering and agony of Jesus
atone for our sins ? Did God demand of Jesus that He should
take the place of Humanity and endure the awful agony of the
Cross to propitiate God's wrath? Was God angry and full of
wrath and hate and vengeance against Man, and that wrath
could not be appeased or satisfied unless it was vented on some
one ? Was it as though God called Jesus before Him and said
unto Him, ''You see these people, this Humanity? They are
my children. They are disobedient to me, their Father. I have
determined to destroy them by casting them out into an eter-
nity of punishment, for only in witnessing their agony, the
agony of my children^ can the Father in me, who has been out-
raged by their disobedience, find relief from that wrath which
now consumes me." And then did Jesus say: "Nay, Father,
/, your Son, love them ; / do not hate them. Send me to the
Earth; let me become sin for them. your wrath on
Visit all
{d) "For the Son of Man shall come in the glory of His
Father, with His angels ; and then He shall reward every man
according to his zvorks''
God's wrath, then, was not appeased, for there still is
wrath in store for some. "Yes, but for only those who do not
(rt) Acts xvii. 31. (6) Luke xii. 47, 48. (c) Rom. ii. 4-10. {d)
Matt. xvi. 27.
accept Jesus as their Savior from that wrath," says one. That
is indeed the Supreme Truth of Christ's hfe and death, but it
(His death) was not to appease His wrath, but to manifest His
Jcve! What a difference !
Jesus prayed that "if the cup could not pass from Him
'unless He drank it, then He would drink it." That is^ this
awful agony for the sin of the world must he drank; it would
never pass away until it was drank, and with the drinking of it
zvould come the passing of it. If He had refused to drink it here
Much had been given Him. No Man ever in this life will ever
attain to that Perfection of Soul and Body which was His.
The Power and Wisdom and Truth of the Omnipotent was
His. in Him, living in Him as His Son, demanded
The Father
of Him having received much, much must be given in
return; that, having been made God in the flesh, He should
make God manifest to a Sin-cursed Humanity in the flesh, and
thus in His Supreme Sacrifice of Self for Humanity make
manifest God's love for Humanity, and that God is Love and in
Him can abide nothing but I^ove for His children, so that when
the awful agony comes upon those who are separated
for sin
from God because of that Sin, and thus feel within their own
souls God's Hate for Sin, they might look unto the man Jesus
who bore that Hate for Sin to the uttermost for them, that
they might see above and beyond that Hate for Sin which God
manifested against them the Infinite Love and Solicitude of The
Lather for them. His children!
That when their tortured souls, writhing under the lash of
an outraged conscience, and hearing that carnal mind in them,
against which the wrath of God is Eternal, proclaiming itself
as them, and that God is a God of Hate, and His wrath from
everlasting to everlasting (which it is against the carnal mind),
— that the spiritual mind within them (which is really them, but
which is cursed because of that carnal m.ind, one with it,) may
see the true God in Him, and see that God as their Everlasting
Father, and they His offspring, and the love that He (Christ)
liianifested the Love of their Father for them!
Oh, Christ could have refused to drink of that cup then,
but how could He have escaped the agony when in the life of
the next world the Sin of the World would have pressed in
upon His and He would have had the conscious knowl-
edge that the world travailed in Sin because He had known the
Way and had refused to make that Way manifest in His own
life, even that Way which is
that others might, seeing His Life and His Sacrifice, see God
the Father in Him, and thus seeing the Father made manifest
in Him as the Son, learn to love the God thus revealed in Him,
and thus loving Him (God thus made manifest) seek to live
the self-sacrificing life He (Christ) lived that they might he sons
Oh, Christ could have refused to live that Life then which
had the Cross as its portion, but how could He have escaped
the agony of remorse (the Cross) which would have been His
when He had entered into the next world and had become
conscious that the world, seen and unseen, still groped in the
darkness of Sin and Error because He had refused to manifest
that Light (God) by living before all men that Life!
Thus Christ did die to save men from the wrath of God,
but the saving is in the manifesting in the flesh a Life that all
those living in the flesh might see that Life which He lived,
and by striving to live- that self -sacrificing Life be saved from the
banishment from God in this life and in the one to come.
Thus Christ did atone for all men's sins, but the atone-
ment was in the manifestation of that at-one-ment of His Life
and the Father's, and opening up the Way of escape for all
men who sin in that, seeing His Love as manifested in His
Life and death (which was the sequel of that life), and seeing
in that Love the love of the Father for His children, they may
lay hold on that Love thus manifested and thus faith in God
as the God of Love spring up in their hearts, and through this
faith which has sprung up in their hearts lay hold of this love
and appropriate it to themselves and thus escape that banishment
from Love (God) which can only be the portion of the carnal
mind which will not believe that God is Love
If, then, Christ could not have the cup to pass without
making it pass in His drinking of it, and if the cup would have
followed Him. into the next life, and He would have been com-
pelled to drink it with the consciousness of personal Sin and
disobedience, which He did not have in the agony of the garden
or the cross, how can WE escape the drinking of that cup in the
next life if we who know what that Life is and what is required
to live it, refuse to live it in this life?
Truth, the Life, and refused to live it that others seeing our lives
might seek to live the Way, the Truth, the Life also, but that we
lived a life in opposition to it and left that carnal life, that
seeking of self, and the things of this World, that life which is the
Himself being sinless, and who in His Life made God mani-
fest, and therefore did show forth in His life the attributes and
whom they have never heard? How can they see Him unless
you reflect Him in your lives, and Iwzv can they hear unless some
ONE BE SENT zvho doth already believe on Him?
It has been said that the agony of Jesus in the garden was
the shrinking of His soul through cowardice from the mere
contemplation of His physical death. Oh, what a perversion
ol the truth ! What a carnal conception of the depths of that
tried and suffering soul! Not but what He suffered physical
pain. Nay, more, the agony of that quivering flesh upon the
Cross was the most intense that man has ever been called upon
to suffer. No other nature but one like His could have
experienced such agony, and there was never one like Him
His agony in the garden was the torture, to our sinful, and
black, and polluted, and vile, and impure souls incomprehensi-
ble, of a soul absolutely pure, and holy, and clean, weighed
Humanity has risen, the one Great Battle which the Alpha
and Omega of the World measures fought in that lonely and
deserted garden with His soul for the battle-ground. Every
nicident of that One Great Battle of Humanity against Sin and
oi Humanity's suffering on account of that sin, your battle
and my battle, your suffering and my suffering, the battle 0[
each and every individual of the World from the beginning tO'
the End of Time, the last conflict when the Earth and the
firmament shall resound with the din of battle before the
Eternal City, each in their completeness as one Whole met in His
Soul in that night of agony and stamped the battle of that
Night as the
and drank to the depths that awful cup which had as its climax
His suffering Sacrifice, there might be found the (;') fullness
to which all things attained in Him, that in the agony of the
despairing soul for Sin He might excel, and enduring the agony
to the uttermost have made atonement for the vilest sinner; and
having thus endured all this conflict, even to the culmination
of that (k) great conflict which shall encompass the Soul of
Humanity, even the (/) City of the Saints, when the Devil shall
be loosed a little and his angels shall make war
season, and he
on the children of the kingdom when the evil of men's lives,
own souls God's wrath for sin, and shall feel that there can be
no hope for them, and shall agonize of soul because of their
part in the second death, which means eternal separationfrom
Life, and shall cry unto Him in the stress of their agony, —
then shall He appear unto them because of that developing
faith which prompted that cry unto Him, and the agony which
He endured on the Cross transcending their agony, which was
the penalty for their sin, which He paid, shall proclaim to them
the atonement already made, which they are pozverless to make, and
He shall separate that which is Evil from that which is Good,
even the carnal mind which is of the flesh and is enmity to
God, from the spiritual mind which is in harmony with God
and is His child, (this separation causing the (o) eternal death
of the carnal mind which is enmity to God,) even as He in the
death of the fleshly body was forever freed from the Evil of the
flesh and the agony which that evil caused, and as His soul
was resurrected from the grave and death to live no more with
the flesh, but eternally with The Word, to live no more as flesh
but as Spirit, to be no more in contact with the flesh, but eter-
nally in contact with God, to be no more tempted by the flesh,
but to be eternally upheld by the Spirit, to endure no more
sorrow or suffering or anguish of soul, which is of the flesh,
but to encompass within His own person eternally the joy,
peace, and happiness which is of God, so shall the soul of
Humanity be freed eternally from Sin and its curse (which is
death or separation from God), and having obtained the resur-
rection to eternal life through the separation of their souls
from the evil that was in them, they shall enter into the posses-
sion of that incomparable joy of being which is of God and is
God, and being like Him shall be forever with Him.
Oh, the awfulness of that struggle in the garden! The
agony of it The misery of it
! The terrible loneliness of it
them — they had sworn allegiance to Him, and one had testi-
fied that though all the World forsook Him yet he would not
forsake Him yet when He needed their sympathy the most
those who volunteered for its defense? Oh, the Son of Man
wanders, weary and heavy laden, buffeted and scourged, and
spit upon by the rabble, with the Despair of Centuries in his
heart and the agony of a Gethsemane transfiguring his coun-
tenance ! The poor, God's children, His brothers, look out
upon a world pitiless, indifferent, asleep their bodies hunger
for food, their children cry aloud in their distress ; in the faces
of their loved consorts, they see the misery which is but a
reflection of the misery in their own hearts ; they reach out,
groping in the darkness, for the Food that nourished both soul
and body they seek, but find not. Footsore, heartsore, fam-
ciples could but see His agony and witness His sorrow? Oh,
if they would but Awake ! Cast out that Spirit of the night,
that Son of the bottomless pit, that child of the shameless
harlot, that child of the Devil whose name is Greed, and who
is eternally engrossed with Self; open wide the door of thy
heart to Him whom thou hast pledged thyself to serve ; feel
to-day, —
if they would but BELIEVE in Him whom they
the meek shall possess the Earth! Behold the day is at hand
when the last Great Battle shall be fought on Earth preceding
the One Great Battle when Earth shall vanish away and Time
shall be no more !
God calls upon all His children, in the Name of His Sac-
rificed Son, whose disciples they are, to come out from amongst
the children of the wicked one, to cast off this death which is
Mark x. 23-27:
"And Jesus looked around about Him and saith unto His
disciples, 'How hardly shall they that have ricJies enter into the
kingdom of God.'
''And the disciples were astonished at His words. But
Jesus answered again, and saith unto them, 'Children, how
hard is it for them who trust in riches to enter into the kingdom
of God. It is e:asiER for a camel to go through the eye of a
needle than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God.'
"x\nd they were astonished out of measure, saying unto
themselves, 'Who, then, can be saved?' And Jesus, looking
upon them, saith, 'With man it is impossible, but not with God,
for all things are possible with God.'
which wax not old, a treasure in the Heavens that faileth not,
where no thief approacheth, neither moth corrupt.
''For ivhere your treasure is, there will your heart he also.''
Acts i. 25:
"That he may take part of this ministry and apostleship,
from which Judas by transgression fell, that he might go to his
own place."
1 Corinthians iii. 13:
2 Thessalonians i. 6-9:
John X. 2-5:
2 Peter iii. 7:
"But the heavens and the earth, which are now, by the
same Word are kept in store, reserved unto fire against the day
of judgment and perdition of ungodly men."
Revelation xiv. 20:
"And the wine press was trodden without the City, and
blood came out of the wine press, even unto the horses' bridles,
by the space of a thousand and six furlongs."
Matthew xxv. 41
"Then shall He say unto them on the left hand, 'Depart
from me, ye cursed, into kvi:rlasting fird, prepared for the
devil and his angels.'
on life and being. There zvas no spirit or mind of Man until the
flesh took on life as Man, there was no flesh limng as Man until
had had no other environment than that which the flesh gave
(r) 1 Cor. ii. 14.
it, Man would at death cease to exist. But the Idea which lived
in God as God was to raise up unto Himself (God) a Son, and
since Maji was the Mind predestined and foreordained to be
that Son, he lived and moved and Jiad a spiritual existence in
God the Father because of his connection with that Idea, even
the Idea to make him^ the Idea made manifest in a Son. For
this reason he was endowed with a Mind, which is him, which
lived not in one world, but two, —
not only in the world of
matter, but in the world which hath God who is Spirit as its
Kingdom. Without this connection with the Idea Man would
be no more than the brute, and would perish with them. It is
therefore not because the mind is spirit that Man (Mind) receives
life after the death of the natural body, for immortality is not
mherent in Mind of itself, but because that mind, which is spirit^
truths, the carnal mind that perverts them to his own under-
standing and' uses.
It would be impossible for the spiritual man to sell liquor.
late great wealth or to keep it. This is the work of the carnal
man. These things he loves. They are of the Earth, and he
is tireless in his pursuit of them. For this reason and in
response to his carnal nature, he reaches out for all things of
earth with selfish hand, (t) Spiritual things are a mystery to
him. He knows them not. He therefore desires them not.
He knows what it is to hunger and thirst after the possession
of carnal things, and seeks to satisfy that hunger with all the
power vested inThese things are his (//) god he knows
him. ;
him in the possession of that for which his mind lusted. Thus,
also, perverting to his own perception the truth contained in
the Law that of the cohabiting of the sexes should man per-
petuate himself, he held women as slaves, or property, solely
to pander to his carnal nature. Money being the means given
by which commodities could be exchanged with least friction,
and Gold being the highest standard of money, and therefore
the most precious and the most sought (z') since it represented
to the carnal mind more of carnal things than all else, the
carnal man has sought it with inexhaustible energy, and his
every endeavor is to protect himself in the undisturbed pos-
session of it. The carnal mind, being one with the spiritual
mind, perverts the truths which the spiritual mind receives to
its ovv^n understanding, and understanding no possessions but
those of the Earth — that is, carnal ones — is relentless and
merciless (for that is his nature) in pursuit of them. He under-
stands nothing else because he is in touch with nothing else.
ment houses the needy are turned away ; as long as one man or
woman or child is sightless, or lame, or halt, or diseased, and is
fice but the suffering of the carnal mind, and He notes what he
(z) Luke iv. 2-4. (a) Matt. xiv. 15-21. (6) Matt. viii. 16-17. (c)
Luke xix. 4; John xi. 35 (ri) Matt. vii. 2, (e) Luke xii. 48.
458 the; manifestation of thk id:^a.
His Soul, of man's Spirit with His Spirit, brings man into
conscious touch with His Life, which is ofHeaven and not of
Earth, of Spirit and not of flesh/ ol spiritual elements and not
carnal elements. This is the abiding place of the spiritual mind,
and the nearer man's mind is in harmony with His Spirit the
more His soul in this life and the life to come will partake of
His nature or the nature of His life.
The life of the carnal mind is in touch with carnal things.
The condition of the soul is the spirit of that soul ; the carnal
mind, therefore, having a carnal spirit, it will find its environ-
ment in the Spirit of life in carnal things. Thus the libertine,
surrendering his soul to the lustful passions of the flesh, will
find when he enters into the life of the Spirit, of the soul separ-
ated from the body, and no more flesh but Spirit, that that lust-
ful mind is his personality, from which there can be no escape,
it ever being present with him as him, and its presence with
God, and seeing and realizing its own vileness sees the futility
of its own atonement? As the Truth will proclaim to that soul
the justice of that separation from God and the Peace His
One lays down a hair. On one side is the (g) East, on the
other side the West. The dividing line is so minute as to be
hardly perceptible. One draws an imaginary line in their
mind, the having no existence in fact. On one side of it
(/) Acts iv. 12; 1 Tim. i. 15; John xiv. 6. (g) Psa. ciii. 12. (h)
1 John iii. 5. (i) I John iii. 6.
460 the: manifestation of the: idea.
dom from sin, a freedom from the carnal mind which is sin, and
a condition of soul that lives on Eternally Above the Carnal
j^ 9)C 3fC >|C 3|C 9|C
of the soul from it, but the life is no more of the soul, but of the
elements that constitute that fleshly body. Therefore, while living
its material self, in that the elements that constitute the nat
ural or material world are alive in it with the life of motion, and
through a process of disintegration resolves itself into the ele-
ments with which it is in harmony, and which is its body, so
the soul of man, after the separation from the fleshly body,
becomes a spiritual entity, and it enters into a state of being
with spiritual things in harmony with its own condition, v^'hert the
(j) spiritual disintegration of the evil from the good, the carnal
mind from the spiritual mind, must take place before the soul
can enter into that state or condition of soul which is one with
Christ Jesus. As the struggle of death to the material world to
the soul is commensurate with the tenacity with which the nat-
ural man holds on to life, so the struggle to escape the death
of the carnal man (of the carnal mind) will be commensurate
with the amount of carnal life there is in that soul, and the
agony zvill be in proportion to the strength of that carnal mind
Thus as some die a natural death, enduring all the agonies of
an awful struggle, and others meet the same death as though
passing into a peaceful sleep, so the soul cast out from God,
because of its carnal nature which keeps it from having faith in
Him, will endure all the agonies of the damned just in propor-
tion to that casting out, while the soul which rests through faith
m Jesus shall die to that which was carnal in its nature ivithoiit
the conscious kuoK'lcdgc of any agony in that death. The dififer-
ence will be one of degree, and the degree will be gauged bv
Faith and the life or condition of soul which is one with that
^ :^ :^i :(; >|< 5f:
The soul of man lives after its death to its body simply and
only because of that in its nature which is one with God, who is
the Life of the spiritual kingdom. It will partake of just as much
of the nature of that Life as that Life is personified in it and it
carnal mind, for that will be its condition and from that position or
point of z'iezv zvill it viezv all things of a spiritual nature. Hence
when it, the soul, sees God it will see God not at all, but only
God as the carnal mind can see Him, and thus the soul, see-
ing God as the carnal mind only can see Him, will see God as
a God who is Merciless, without Justice, unknown to Love, for
God's Hate is Eternal against the carnal mind and He is merciless
in His manifestation of it!
soul that these (love, mercy, truth, etc.) are wanting in it, and
thus the soul will of its own self find itself cast out from that
joy of being which can only be the condition of those in whom
this carnal nature does not abide. It will be seen that the soul
will be, if carnal, in that awful condition of which Insanity is a
manifestation in this life. For the soul thus cast out and receiv-
ing truth and yet refusing to believe that truth, and yet knowing
that that which it believes is not true, is like the insane man who
knows that he is insane. The most awful condition that can
befall the human soul. To know that that which you see you do
not see, that that which you believe to be true is not true, that
that which you seem to hear you do not hear, and yet to be
unable to cast out the unbelief in the truth and receive the belief
in the truth, is a condition of soul so horrible that the mind of
the driveling idiot is happiness in comparison. This was the
state of the rich man. His carnal nature received the truth that
it (him) was cast out forever from God, that God's hate was
eternal for it (him) ; his spiritual nature recognized the fact, the
truth, that there were joy and peace and love and eternal mercy
in God for those of like nature, but his carnal nature, predomi-
nating, by a lie, as in the beginning (for the truth that the carnal
mind was eternally cast out was used to teach the lie that the
soul that was suffering torment because of that carnality God
hated) taught that God had sworn eternal enmity against his
In this life the soul far, far away from God, indifferent as
to his own God, questioning and
soul, careless as to the love of
sneering at the sacrifice of His Son, ridiculing His followers
who, being weak, often fail miserably in showing forth that Life,
making merry over the warnings of His children, blasphemous,
vile, evil, is sometimes brought to a real-
low, carnal, altogether
ization,sudden and sure, of his spiritual needs by some earthly
calamity. The environment of the carnal mind after death in
the Wisdom of the Love of God is made to serve Him and His
purpose and bring that soul into a conscious realization of the
cause of that tonnent or of that environment which doth encompass
his soul. With the conscious realization of the cause of that
environment will come the conscious realization of the True
Fire, of which we see the (m) Sign Board in the fire of the nat-
ural elements, and which is the (n) Wrath of God for Sin. To it
by the carnal mind. Between that soul and those joys will come
the carnal mind, which is sin (since the spiritual mind and the
carnal mind are still one, and will be until the spiritual mind
becomes entirely free from the carnal as is Christ's) then ;
between the soul and God come its own sins. It is true that it
has but to beHeve in the Love Jesus manifested as God's nature
from which it is separated, and accept Him as its Savior, and
through faith appropriate to itself the atonement which He
made and thereby receive the sinlessness which is a part of the
(jn) Rev. XX. 10. (n) Rev. xix. 15.
the Way with it, every rejected appeal of that Spirit hardening
its heart, the result is become so hardened in
that the soul. has
sin that when the Way
shown, the spiritual mind can not
condemns the lie, the cheat, the swindle, the murder, the rev-
elry, the drunkenness, the debauchery, the filth of your life, be
not given attention and listened to and agreed with and its
demands granted, the day will come when the Truth within you
will testify against you before the Judge, even the Great Judge
who shall judge all things, and the Judge shall deliver you to
the officer, even your own guilty conscience, and it shall cast
you out from the presence of the Father and in the fires of His
Wrath shall you remain until the demands of the Infinite Jus-
tice, which is the Justice of Love, are satisfied. Give heed this
(0) Heb. iii. 7-19. (p) Luke xii. 59. (q) Heb. ii. 2,3.
of mind which is the possession of the sane, and as the sane man
can not enter into or be in touch or in any way be in harmony
with the man with the insane ideas, each state being an absolute
impossibility to the ether, so it is impossible that the carnal
mind should cross over to the spiritual mind or the spiritual
mind cross over to the carnal mind, (r) for the carnal mind is
enmity to the spiritual mind and always will be.
The wicked man, and especially the rich man, because of
his excessively carnal nature, dying, wdll be poor in spiritual
things which are the treasures of heaven, and rich only in the
things of a carnal nature. Having little spiritual (God) life, it
poor in the things of this life, but rich in the things of the "Life
to come, —
must of necessity escape this separation from God
and will at once at death enter into that joy of being which is
the birthright of the child of God.
The insane man sees all things through his own personality,
and his personality being unreal or unnatural, so are his con-
ceptions. The soul cast out from God sees all things of a
spiritual nature in the same way. Nay, all things, even of this
life. Thus in the sexual relations he sees nothing but the grati-
fication of his passion, refusing to believe that it was designed
but for the one purpose and that to perpetuate the race ; liquors
he believes in as a stimulant and intoxicant, not being willing
to concede that it was given but for a tonic and a medicine he ;
sees in cards, ball, bilhards, the bowling alley, and all games,
only a means to gratify his greed for the things of this world,
finding no pleasure in them when used only to bring cheer and
relaxation to the soul for which they are given ; the theater to
these will be the result of the experience of each, the soul having
undergone this experience from its birth in the
in its journe\'
tiesh as man to its God. The experience
birth in the Spirit as
of each will therefore give personality to each, and that person-
ality will be dififerent from every other personality because the
experience of each soul will he different from every other soul,
although the experience of each worketh together, under and
because of the Wisdom of the Father, to give all His children
exactly the same nature, even His nature. The soul when it
enters into the next life will be recognized by its (a) condition,
which will at once testify to the experience it is undergoing, and
this condition will make manifest whether the spiritual nature
even the "Mind of God," rules in it, and therefore gives to that
soul that Peace and Joy which only the soul that abides in God
can enjoy or whether the carnal nature rules in that soul and
gives to that soul the Woe and Anguish and Despair which is
the heritage of those cast out from God, and which they only
can feel. As the countenance here makes manifest the soul
within, so will that soul in the next world make manifest its
Whole shall have attained to its birth as the Son of God, each
one's personality will be recognized by the experience which
each one has undergone in his warfare against that carnal
nature which was of the Pit, and make manifest what
will thus
that carnal nature was and the nature of the warfare necessary
to overthrow it, and therefore the experience which was ahso-
liitely necessary before it could be overthrown. Yet no dishonor or
even God its Father, for whom it fought, and of its courage that
nothing could break or overcome, and its faith in the Goodness
of God, which ever grew stronger after seeming defeat. Every
scar a crown. Every feature of that glorified face a benediction !
even the Word, even the Father living again in His Son Peter, ;
]Moses, Elijah, —
Judas, begotten by His mercy which endureth
for ever —
all those who have lived on the earth from the beget-
Home, our City, our IJfe. We know that as we (the image) have
individuality, so has He. We can not conceive of His appear-
ance, as we see all things according to the natural man, and he
can not conceive of any form of the spirit beyond his own.
Having been formed spiritually in His image, we are like Him
no less. Man sees just as much of truth in this life as his mind
can see. No more, no less. Man hears just as much intellectu-
ally or mentally as his soul, mind, spirit can hear. No more, no
less. Thus he sees, hears and enjoys according to that spiritual
personality called Mind,which is his spiritual personality. When
that spiritual entity called Mind, which man, is the spiritual
leaves this and enters into the next, he will in the next life
which is spiritual sec just as much and hear just as much and
enjoy just as much of that life of Mind, Soul, God, as he is in
harmony with. He hears through his ozvn mind which is him; he
sees through his own mind which is him, he enjoys through his own
mind zvhich is him: he therefore sees, hears and enjoys that
Kingdom of the Spirit, even God, through Flis Ozvn Personality
No more, no less. The superlative characteristics of God's
Being are Justice, Truth, Wisdom, Mercy, Love, and the maj
csty of their power, h.ence the more there is of Love and Truth
2nd Wisdom and Justice and Mercy, even God, in the soul of
the individual, the more they will see of these in God as God.
Now there will be just as much of the Majesty of the Power of
these attributes, which are God, in you, there will therefore be
just as much of God in you, as you have made manifest th'ese
attributes in your life on earth, for the acts of one's life on earth
are but the outward manifestation of the inward life, the condi-
tion of the soul; and that condition, whatever it is, remains as
that soul when it passes into the World of Soul or Mind or
Spirit. Great intellectual attainments do not guarantee a soul's
entrance into the joy of the next life. The knowledge of all
things may be the Mind's, and yet Mind hath not shown
if that
forth The Life when it none of His. One may
was on Earth it is
carnality ruled in this life, will in the next life see that I^ife,
even God, as a God of Hate, Wrath, Injustice, Merciless,
without Love, for it will see God through its ozvn soul, and hence
see Him not at all as He IS.
Death as it relates to the natural life means that condition
of body which is out of harmony with its earthly environment
to that extent as to bring about the dissolution of that body as
a Whole and the separation of that soul from that body and its
life. It is really, therefore, a separation of the soul from the life
show the Wisdom of that Love by which all His acts are gov-
erned. For It is only by coming out of that condition (which Is of
the carnal mind, of sin, of destruction from God) that one can
enter into the conditions which are of His Kingdom, even peace,
joy, -and rest,and see and feel the Love which is,in Him.
The rich man, whose weaUh is a sure testimony of the
hardness of his heart and his indifference to the cry of the poor,
and the weak and the bhnd, and the homeless widow and the
breadless, clotheless, ignorant and joyless orphan or outcast
whom he refuses to recognize as the child of his brother and
therefore his child the drunkard, who prostitutes the mind
the gratification of his lustful and carnal soul through the over
throw of virtue and the destruction of the happiness of the fam-
ily relation ; the liar, the thief, the scandal monger peddling his
or her gossip with venomous and malicious intent, all these —
find their strength and incentive in their carnal minds, and.
dying 'n that condition, are, because of it, separated from God
The carnality of the soul is the (a) darkness of that soul, and
the carnal acts, thoughts, desires of that soul survive in that
soul as chains to fetter it and keep it from coming into or accepting
the Light. This is exactly what Peter meant.
The natural body stricken with disease suffers torture
according to the intensity of that disease and its degree of viru-
lence, suffering the most intensely as it approaches nearest that
condition which is ''sickness unto death." So the soul, suffer-
ing torture from the sting of death, which is sin, which separates
itfrom that joy and peace of soul which is in God, will endure
the most agony and torture according to the degree it is
impregnated with sin. The nearer it approaches that condi-
tion of soul which is a sickness unto death the greater its agony
and the more intense its suffering. If it were possible for any
human soul to be totally depraved, that is, to be entirely carnal,
then with the ceasing to exist of the spiritual mind the carnal
mind would cease to exist with it, and this would mean the
(a) 2 Peter ii. 1-4,
He (Christ) came in the flesh that we who are flesh and who
live in a material world might understand spiritual things. To
them who had been separated by death from material things
and had become Spirit, He spoke in the Spirit. In prison that —
is, in the iron bands of the carnal nature or mind were held —
all those who had lived wicked and unrighteous lives and had
the carnal mind and yet being one with that soul, was compelled
to let his soul which was him see God only as the carnal man
can see Him. Hence, while the spiritual man would fain see
God and believe in Him as the God of Mercy and Love, and
ever sees Him as the God of Justice and Wisdom and Truth
and Majesty and Power, and knows that these exist in God as
Him, yet the carnal m.ind being in authority and therefore hold-
ing the soul subject to it, will not let the soul believe that which
it knows, but testifies to that soul that the true God is without
Mercy or Love, and the soul believes it because the spiritual
man or mind sees and knozvs that God hates with all the Majesty
and Power and Wisdom and Justice and Mercy and Love of His
Nature that carnal mind, and the spiritual mind being held under
can not rescue the soul from its bondage to the carnal mind
that it may believe what the spiritual mind knows. It is as
though the soul were three in one, namely, the soul itself, the
carnal mind, and the spiritual mind, and that these two minds
were seeking to control that soul, and whatever mind controlled
it that was its condition.
mind that keeps it under and remembering the deeds that its
more clearly he sees that carnal mind the more he will hate it
The more the soul realizes the "exceeding sinfulness of sin'' the
more torment but the time will come when the spiritual mind,
even God, will so dominate and control that soul that it will no
more see sin or that carnal mind as a part of it, but of that car-
nal nature cast out from it.
for the relief of the poor. Fortunes amassed binder legal forms by
cruelest oppression and extortion, by cunning that knows neither
conscience nor shame, by speculation that regards no social suffer-
ing or injury, may enable men to stand at the head of great philan-
thropies and endozv public institutions^ Charity balls and bazars
are one of society's greatest diversions, helping to supply the
same place in their lives that any other social function does.
The Life is, then, not these things. They may be the outzvard
manifestation of the true Life which is a condition of the soul, or
just the opposite. That soul that has made it possible for itself to
manifest these works by robbing its fellow man in its wages or
a just requital for his labor or by manipulating for gain the
necessities of his fellow man, hath the works but not the Life.
The Life is within, and ever seeks and finds its joys in the sacrifice
of self for others. Love not for self, but for Humanity, the
mainspring of its Life and the incentive that prompts every
action. When a soul dies having this Life as its condition, it
will find its soul abiding in the next world in Christ as His
guest just in proportion as He was its Guest in this life. No
more, no less. The courtesy will be reciprocated in kind and
He will not forget those who ministered unto Him when He
was on Earth, dwelling in the Humanity of Earth, but- will
reward them in kind when they seek to enter into Heaven,
which is Him, and seek to be His guest. Before these guests He
will spread the saine amount of food and the same kind they gave
Him. Thus whenever the door was opened and He entered in
and supped with you and you with Him on Earth, so just as
wide will you find the Door, even Him, open to you that you
may enter in and sup with Him and He with you If you lived
His Life as much as you possibly coidd, (have you ?) the food He
ate with you, and which is the only food He can or will give
or accept, was that which is personified in a loving, trusting,
just, merciful, kind, patient, pure, holy, sacrificing, truthful,
obedient and believing spirit. This food, therefore, will He give
you abundant measure, filled full, pressed down and running
over, when you become His guest He is now and will be then
ready and anxious to give this abundance to all, but the con-
dition cf many now is such and will be then that they cannot
receive it!
The soul that dies and finds itself separated from that con-
dition of soul which only those who abide in God (Abraham
v/as in the parable the figure, God the Reality) can have, will,
Vv'hen it realizes its condition and the cause of it, namely, its
which his father gave him, every child that seeks to perpetuate
evil conditions in social, civil or political life because his father
was in favor of them and practiced them, but fills up the meas-
ure of retribution.
Every child that seeks to gain wealth and the treasures of this
zvorld, following in the footsteps of the parent zvho is dead, but adds
to that casting out from God and the awful agony which that cast-
ing out zvill bring
Mind IS not bounded by a measuring rod. The mind is as
tall, wide, strong, great, as God is personified in it. Mind is
the all embracing existence, and the mind or soul of the dead
is present in all things as the universal existence. The Mind
of Man is the temple of God. God dwells in it. It is His king-
478 THK mani^kstaTion ot^ thk id^a.
phemies against His nature and His character when His Voice
is heard and understood by those who, hungering after the thirty
flesh again, and his brethren would not and could not, being
natural beings, living In a natijral vvorld, receive from him
any other statement in regard to the true life than the life he
of the next life was, or how to escape that torment. With Laz-
arus who was dead standing before them, they would have
refused to believe the revelation he made, unless they were
spiritually minded, and if they were spiritually minded the Word
would become its oivn revelator to them and Lazarus would not be
There is one way and one way only by which the dead will
ever be able to speak to the living. The rich man cast out from
the Life above could not speak to warn his brethren. The beg-
gar, abeggar no longer, but rich in the nature of the Life
above for whose sake he was poor in the things of this life,
spoke continv.ously to the brethren of this rich man in the only way
that God (in whom he reposed) ever speaks, namely, through the
the written Word, the spoken W^ord, the Word within you,
even the Word Christ Jesus.
ness of that life of the body which had been their temporary
home, they were in His likeness. Wherever the spirit of Christ
went they went also. Where He abides they abide, where He
is cast out they are cast out. ''They (a) shall accompany Him
sat was that spirit of sacrifice of self for the Kingdom of Heaven
and Humanity's sake which was them; the thrones therefore were
their own souls, and that spirit of sacrifice for others, and love
and purity and hoHness, which was their souls' condition, shall
be and is the judgment by which the condition of all souls will
be judged.
We have held that Life, even God, which they made mani-
fest in their life and death, in death in us, having denied it the
right to reign in us. For nineteen hundred years this King-
dom has been endeavoring to estabhsh its reign in the Soul of
Humanity, (e) "Verily," said Jesus, "I say unto you, there be
some standing here which shall not taste of death until they see
the Son of Man coming in His Kingdom." Ever coming,
through pestilence, and flood, and famine, and war, and sor-
row, and suffering, and greed, and selfishness, and despotism.,
and oppression, to-day it is HERE, at the door, and the mil-
lennial dawn casts its beneficent light across the souls of men.
Having held that Life in death in us and given it sepulcher
as did the Jews we have given our souls over to the
of old,
carnal mind for its kingdom. But when Christ and those who
with Him are resurrected to life in Us and dominate our lives,
then we will (/) bind that carnal mind, even Satan, even opposi-
tion to God we will break the bands which every evil thought,
act, deed or desire hath forged for our souls we will bind him ;
in chains, even our righteousand cast him out and into the
and the old Spirit of Greed and Lust of the Flesh and Love of
Self and the things of this world will take possession of the
souls of men.
'Blessed are they that have their part in the ^rst resur-
rection on them the second death shall have no power, and they
shall reign with Christ a thousand years." Who are they, and
what is the second death ? The second death is the separation
of the carnal mind from the spiritual mmd and its eternal death.
This second death can have no power on those who held that
carnal mind in deatJi in this life of Earth, for if it is held in
death in them, how can its death have power over them?
for those who have given that carnal mind
them this
life in
severance of this carnal mind from them will mean most intense
agony of soul, for the carnal mind in its death agony will lay
hands on that struggling soul and claim to be it, and will
environ it with its own venomous nature and weeping and
waiHng and anguish will accompany its death. But for them
who accepted Him as their Savior, they will be superior to the
agony which otherwise would come through the opening of the
books, even the record of their lives on Earth, because of the
fact that abiding in Him they will see and know that that carnal
mind is not of them, even as He knew, even while He suffered,
that it was not of Him, and as He hated that carnal mind with all
the Hate that God in Him as Him hated the carnal mind, shall
they not also hate with all the Hate of God (in whom they
dwell) that carnal mind while living eternally above that carnal
mind and its record? On them the second death will have no
pozver. The record will lay bare that which was carnal in their
nature, but they will have no part in that record or in the death
of the carnal mind which wrote it.
To those who had died before His death He preached in
the Spirit, preaching Himself and to them He said as to Us,
*'I am the Way, the Truth, the Life; no man cometh to the
the Cross He had atonedin His flesh for the sins which they had
committed and that they were free from the pen-
in their flesh,
alty. He said unto them, '*My Love has paid the penaky which
you are paying." "Cast out that carnal mind which deceives
you as to my nature, and which keeps you from seeing Me as
I AM. Look upon my suffering, my agony, and see in it God
(Me) sufifering for you because He (I) loves you see in it all
Love and Me (God) that Love paying the penalty for sin
through my love for you. Against you there stands no accusa-
tion. Wide swings the door. Come out of thy bondage, I give
thee Liberty" !They witnessed His suffering, but it was as
incomprehensible to them as to those of Earth who understand
Him not and believe Him not. How could they comprehend
that sacrificing Love when their carnal minds denied the exist-
ence of Love for them in God or Love as God? Those who
believed entered into His Peace and became members of His
Kingdom. For those whose carnal natures would not let them
believe there could remain but the penalty.
It has been oft said, by those who seek to defend these
rich men in their vast wealth and their expenditure of it, that
in their building of magnificent mansions and giving of social
functions where the financial outlay is enormous, they thus
benefit labor that is thus employed. Thus they give a magnifi-
cent ball for which the expenditure ran up into the many
thousands and the next day supplied the hospitals of the city
with choice fiov/ers. There can be no question but what the
largest part of that money benefited tradespeople and labor.
There can be no question but the suffering inmates of those
hospitals were cheered and blessed and comforted by those
flowers. But all this has no bearing on the question. The
question is: Were the persons who gave that ball prompted
thereto by the Spirit of Jesus Christ abiding in them, or not?
Was it at the dictates of the spiritual or carnal man? He
(whom God acknowledged as His only begotten Son,) made
manifest by a Life the spiritual man, —
Is there anything in
His Life or Words that indorsed that ball ? What answer can
they make to the Judge before whose bar they must stand
the condition of the Scul that makes that work one of the
flesh or the Spirit. If a man's works have been evil, if he has
lived an evil he has fixed his soul on the things of this
life, if
life and lusted after them, then his soul will have no other
foundation upon which to fix its hopes and stand than its carnal
affinity with that record, and memory then unfolds its record,
whatever. Stupify the mind, and the flesh can be cut and
hacked, and even burned. It suffers no pain. Kill the ani-
mal the flesh is still there, but it suffers no pain. That which
suffered the pain is absent. It is not the carnal mind that will
spiritual mind, one with the carnal mind, that will feel all the
agony remorse for sin which was not of it, but of
of that awful
that carnal nature, one with it. Suffering, because of its one-
ness with that man of sin, that son of perdition, the child of the
King will feel within its own God against
soul the awful wrath of
sin, even as He felt it who was also zvithoiit sin. This agony He
bore to save this rich man from the agony, but he Would Not
Believe. For us He bore the awful agony on that cruel cross,
and enduring it to the utmost, (d) refused the anesthetic which
they offered Him that He, having endured this agony for us
because of our sins, might, through or because of this endur-
ance of our agony, by which He made atonement for iis, become
the GREAT ANESTHETIC, saving us from the agony of
this (e) severance. Oh, why will you reject Him, by your
lives, who alone can (/) save?
The Fire, even the Wrath of God, which is the True Fire,
of which the fire of the elements is but the figure, shall con-
sume that carnal mind with the brightness of its coming, and
through the Eternity of its Wrath shall forever proclaim its
eternal destruction.
When the Son has been begotten, shall the shell in which
(z) Rev. X. 12. (6) Rom. viii. 15; Heb. x. 26, 27; Rev. vi. 16-17.
(c) John XV. 23. {d) Matt, xxvii. 34. (e) Matt. xiii. 49. (/) Acts
iv. 12.
488 th:^ manifestation op th:^ idka.
have been saved by fire in that the Fire, even God, has
destroyed that carnal nature which denied it salvation.
The book, even the soul of every man, shall be opened,
and memory shall reveal its history written on that soul.
Everything recorded in that book which is not recorded in the
(g) Book of Life, even Jesus Christ, that is, every act which —
is recorded in that individual book which is not in harmony
with the Life of Jesus Christ, by which "man, all men, will be
judged," shall place the owner of that book on the (h) left hand.
Every act (i) recorded in that book which is also found
recorded in the Book of Life will place that soul on the right
hand. God will cast out into eternal destruction from Him
(who is Life) those on the left hand, and the soul will have
presented to it a (;) new book, even its own soul, spotless and
clean, upon which will be recorded through all Eternity acts
in harmony with that spirit.
To man his (k) judgment according to his works.
To the man who belii^vES in Jesus and who makes that belief
manifest by a life (which he will), there can be no sin, because,
wherein he fails because of the (/) weakness of the flesh which
overcomes the spirit earnestly seeking the Right, (m) Christ is
any casting out of that sinful nature. The soul that (n) hates
sin is in harmony with God, and the casting out or separation
of the evilfrom the good, the Carnal from the Spiritual, the
sheep from the goats, those on the right from those on the left,
is to give life to that soul which hates sin.
The soul that dies to the natural Hfe, and is, because of
its evil life, from God
carnal and at enmity to God, is cast out
and His presence immediately on the death of or to the natural
body, but as all things pointed forward to the time when in the
(p) fullness of time the Truth should come to Earth and appear
to all men as flesh, so all things point forward to the time
when in the fullness of time there shall come theDay of Judg- .
ment of all things, when the Earth and all men shall stand
before the Great Judge, and all the evidence shall be presented,
and the /zwa/ judgment shall be given, and the evil forever cast
out, and in this casting out shall the soul endure the agony,
and there shall be {q) weeping and wailing and impotent fury
because of this casting out.
There is (r) no one without sin no, not one, for all have
come short of the {s) glory of God. But if we hate that sin
w^hich we sin through the sinfulness of the flesh, we do thus
testify this hatred for sin that our spirits are in harmony
with His Spirit in whom
freedom from sin and the
only is
fore, the works, but the faith which prompted those works, and
the Spirit which Vv^as the home of that faith, that proclaims it
will {w) forever remain the (x) Knozvledge of the Evil of that
carnal mind, while the soul will be only the Good. There
remaining, therefore, Faith, and the purified Soul which is the
residt of that faith, and that faith having brought that soul into
perfect and absolute harmony and" affinity of spirit with Him
who is the Life personified, faith will no more be the substance
or foundation of things hoped for, but the Reality. Herein is
our Hope and the recompense of the patience of our faith,
a correct conception of the God, for she could not be like Him
and thus misconceive Him. She must have the True God
revealed to her. If the misconception of God which prompted
so did His sacrifice for her open up the way for her deliverance
from that condemnation. If she desired the Right, and she
thus by this sacrifice did testify to the inzvard condition of her
(w) 2 Thess. i. 8, 9. {v) 1 John iii. 9, 10. {w) Rev. xiv. Jl.
(w) Eev. xiv. n. {X) Gen. iii. 22. {y) Mark xvii. CO. (z) Luke
xii. 47, 48.
492 the: manifestation of thi- idfa.
accept Him as the Truth, the Life, the Way, would, dying before
he heard of Him, h2.YQ refused Him. to accept
It will be seen, therefore, that those dying who know not
Christ (God), must learn of Him, and must believe in Him, and
must accept Him as their Savior, if they would escape the
death which their misconceptions alone bring to them. The
redemption of this present world —
that is, of those that inhabit
the Earth is —
dependent upon the acceptance of Christ (God)
by all those who live upon the Earth. The Hope of the World
is Christ Jesus. Every stranger to Him is a menace to the
Brotherhood of Man which He proclaimed. The Soul thus
redeemed from Paganism is not only saved from the condem-
nation which must surely come upon him in the life to come, if
it comes not here, but he becomes at once a great force for the
the spiritual mind which will hear the voice of their Deliverer.
Without, on the barren mountain top, encompassed about 1/V
dark ravine and terrifying crevasse, is that lost sheep of the
spiritual house. Without the city where He dwells, and whicl":
is Him, there dwells that carnal mind of sin, which will not
believe the Truth, which can not hear His loving Voice. Held
under by that carnal mind, weak, faint, powerless, lost within
the depths of carnality which is that carnal man's being, is the
spiritual man, one zvith Christ Jesus. The Voice keeps calling,
"Jesus said unto him, 'If thou wilt be perfect, go and sell
all that thou hast and gk'e io the poor, and thou shalt have
treasures in heaven; and come and follow me.' "
"And all that believed were together and had all things
common; and sold their possessions, and parted them to all men;
as every man had need.''
ness of life to a perfect social system, but that the Capital that
Environment, had endowed him, and would find that the labor
that made the highway or street contributed as much to the
comfort and happiness of humanity as the labor that planned it.
Thus each individual would fill his place in the Labor of Society
according to his endowment, not as a machine in whom all
incentive lay dead and buried, but as a living force whose
incentive to every act was that greatest of all love for —
God has placed in the hand of Labor the ballot. Let him
use That
it. is the Way of Peace. The change must come
nay, more, it is at the door. Either the Way of Peace or the
Way of Violence. By one or the other it will come. God has
(a) decreed it in His Word, and it can not fail. Christ died
that it might prevail. Let those who block its approach con-
sider well which is the better way for it to come, since it must
(a) Rev. xviii.
Th:^ haricot cast out. - sociai^ism. ^99
Son, do ''thou sell all thou hast and give to the poor, and come
and follozv me." Listen: "Follow!" Then He must have
gone on before on that road zvhich is the Way. How? Does
He not ask us to follow Plim? Did He not therefore travel
that road by living it? by a Life? If, then, we follozv Him, w^e
must live the Way to Him. We must ijvE Him. The nearer,
therefore, we live the Way, the farther we are on the journey
that leads to Him, and the nearer we are to the journey's End.
Looking at His Life as manifested after He began His active
w^ork, we find Him confronted at the very beginning of that
ministry with the temptation to use His powers of mind for His
personal ends. Since the man walked and talked in the
Garden of Eden until the present time man has been trying to
unlock the storehouse of Knowledge. The Key was and is in
the hand of the Spiritual Alan, of that Mind which came from
God and lives in Man as His Son. This Key is the Spiritual
Man himself. He comes, because of his Nature, into com-
plete touch with the ideas as they live in the Mind of God, the
Idea, in whom he, the spiritual man, lives and moves and has
idea and its source, the Idea, were ONE. Christ received
these ideas by contemplation, the same
any other mind does.
He fixed his soul with earnest longing on the Idea in whom all
ideas centered, and His fasting in the wilderness was but the
result of His earnest contemplation and reaching out after the
Idea, even God, and in contemplating whom He became
oblivious to the demands of the flesh. Man in contemplating
and reaching out after the things of this world has been oblivi-
ous of God. There was no knowledge either as to things
spiritual or things natural that He did not have. By natural
isalways meant that which pertains to nature, although man is
only truly natural when he is obedient to his, higher nature
Chriol, the Son of Man, who was the Son of God, had that
of their teacher whom they had seen, and whose life they knew,
and taking counsel of the teachers whom He had left, and of
w^hom He was the inspiration, "sold all they had, and had all
things common, and gave to every man as he had need."
"But," says one, "this is SociaHsm." Can you be obedient
to the Life He lived and make that Life your life and yet deny
the Life He lived as the True Way? Either the Life He lived
is the Way and the only Way, or it is not! '7 am the Way,"
said Jesus. "No man comcth to the Father except through me,"
said the Savior. If we li^Je His Life, or if we strive to live His
And Jesus Christ, the Son of Man and Son of God, the Idea
made manifest in a Life, proclaimed the Brotherhood of Man,
and lived, therefore, proclaimed it the Way,
Having created and put into that flesh HIM-
the flesh
SELF, that flesh and that Mind is
lived as Alind, Man. —
What is true of IMan on this Earth is true of all ]\Iind made
one with flesh as was ^lan here, no matter when that creation
was made alive, and revolved as a World its little time in Space.
God thus is born into Time as one with the flesh in the person
of Spiritual Humanity as His oivn Son. Having endured the
condition which is the result of that oneness with the flesh, and
been born into the Kingdom of God, the conditions which
resulted from that oneness with the flesh live in God the Father
as Experience. This experience is embodied and personified in
the individuals who lived and endured the conditions which
became theirs as men, and thus the experience of each indi-
vidual on Earth individualizes every one whoever received the
first birth, and at the second birth, which is the birth into the
which itwas hidden as Him into its oivn existence, and then thai
existence began to take on form and fullness in harmony with
the Existence in which it lived, and out of whose depths it was
begotten. The Idea as regards Man began to develop in that
Deep, even that Mind, even that Idea, even God, in harmony
with that Idea, even God, of whom it zvas a part; and when
that Idea was fully developed in that Idea, even God, then that
Idea and the Idea, even God, were One. Conceived, therefore,
in Holiness, it (the Idea) was Holiness personified. Con-
ceived in Truth, it was Truth personified. Conceived in
Majesty, it was Majesty personified. Conceived in Power, it
was Power personified. Conceived in Mercy, it was Mercy
personified. Conceived in Justice, it was Justice personified.
Conceived in Eove, it was Love personified. Thus the Idea
on its conception was clothed with all the Omnipotence of Him
who begot it and was not ''it," but God. Having received all
the Omnipotence which belongs to God, it became the Word,
which is God, and was the Instrument by which God created all
things, and the Force by which all things consist, and the
Source from which all things get Life. He thus formed the
Earth and all things according to, and in harmony zvith, and
subject to, the One Great Idea. The Idea was the Plan by
,which all things were patterned, the Moidder of all things, the
Shaper of all things. It was therefore impossible that there
should be one movement made in the great scheme of Creation
which was not in perfect harmony with the Idea, for it was
that Idea become the Word, that Idea conceived in the Mind
of God and become God, that gave form and Hfe and sub-
stance to all things. There can be no thing occur, therefore,
that does not work for and idtimate crowning of
the development
the Idea.
The One Great Idea, up to which all ideas look as a child
to its father, was the begetting of a Son by His Spirit in His
likeness. To make this One Great Idea which lived in Him
and was Him the personaHty of One who would be His Son.
To take this Idea, which was Him, and with it beget a Being
who would he that Idea and that Word made alive in a Son.
When God gave His Power to that Idea which found its
birthplace in Him, and gave to that Idea His own personality
and proclaimed it The Word, and when that Idea began devel-
opment in harmony with that Word and because of it, all
things created and brought forth in the natural world were
created and brought forth in harmony with the Idea, but the
development of this Idea in Nature and the phenomena in all
things natural which would result from that development were
understood and known of God before the Idea began manifes-
tation in Nature, and therefore before the world was. Within
the Mind of God, where the Idea was begotten, all things
passed in review before Him, from the time that the atoms
began their existence, simultaneously with the motion which
came with that existence, until the Earth shall pass away in a
tremendous conflagration and Time shall be no more, and
Humanity shall be the Idea begotten in a Son.
The atom, whirling within its orbit, was the first stroke of
the Omnipotent Word in the development of that Idea. Before
it lived it was foreknown of God, and living, it was called to
last man who shall knock at the portals of the Eternal City for
entrance, and every creature who will have lived between the
begetting of the One by the fiat of the Word and the begetting
of the Other by the Spirit of the Word,- were foreknown to
God before the world was. Every act of man or beast or fowl
or fish or reptile, of springing grass and flowering shrub and
wave that tossed its foaming crest to dark-
fruiting tree, every
ened sky, and every wind that swept the surface of the Earth,
and every thought, im.pulse, desire, act, deed of each and every
soul, was foreknown by Him and was taken cognizance of in
the plan for the development of the Idea. Knowing before-
hand what man would do in the exercise of his freedom of will,
God planned^^'fTj; result in the Earth, Air and Sky to meet
the necessities of these acts of man without at any time inter-
fering with that freedom of will. He met every thought, con-
ception, desire, intent, of each and every individual, of each and
every community, of each and every nation, of Humanity, with
a natural event, circumstance, etc., exactly suited to that par-
ticular case, at that particular time, whether of individual, com-
munity, nation, or Humanity, using all these, in the Wisdom of
His Love, to the development of the One Idea, even the beget-
ting of a Son by His Spirit, even the Holy Spirit, in whom the
Idea which is the Word, and the Word which is the Idea,
should be personified.
Having thus foreknozvn all things as regards the Earth,
Man, and Man's Destiny, of all things that would transpire
even before the World was. He gave to all things life, and thus
proclaimed their foreordination.
The Idea, as it existed in the mind of God being to raise
up unto Himself a Son who should be exactly like Himself in
all things, the first absolute requirement of that Idea was that
the Son should be innocent of Evil, and only the Good, as His
Father was that the Son should be innocent of Evil, and only
begot would not be in harmony with the Idea, for the Idea
which is the Word, and the Word which is the Idea, is God,
who is absolutely free in His Will. God the Father could not
make the Son the Father by the Hat of His Omnipotence, for to
be a Son one must be horn of that which existed before the birth
and which made possible the birth. Do you not see that if God
had created in Eternity as Spirit a Spiritual being just like
Himself, there could have been no priority of Existence, hence
no Fatherhood or Sonship? Moreover, it was impossible that
the Father could have begotten a Son by the Hat of His Power
who would not only be like Him as regards His Nature, but as
regarded the Knowledge that Father had as well, for one must
learn of thcni zvhose previous experience has given them knoivl-
edge superior to those whom they teach.
Since it was possible for God to beget a being who would
be to Him a Son without this Son having the Knowledge of
Good and Evil, and since he could only learn he knezv the Good
by learning the Eznl, we see why the Father demanded of that
Mind within that body of flesh, which lived as flesh in that
body, but as Spirit and His Son in the Father who begot it,
even Adam His Son, that he should not seek to know the Evil.
Do not the earthly parents, as the Image, thus always seek to
guard the innocence of their child and keep it only the good ?
also one made in the image of their parents f And would not
one made in the image of their parents be in their image also?
Innumerable Worlds have lived their little existence in Time.
Out of them hath been begotten Sons of God grown into the
Fidlness of the Reality. At the Creation of Man they (a) "sang
together for joy" over the creation of man in their likeness,
even the likeness of those seven spirits v/hich beat in unison
with the seven spirits of their Father and Begetter. Thus
(a) Job xxxviii. 7.
God created out of the elements a body for that Son, even that
Spirit begotten in and made this Spirit flesh, even
His likeness,
as The Word was made and thus this- Spirit, even mind,
Hved as Dust of the Earth, and this flesh and this Spirit were
one, for this Spirit, even Man, had been made "dust of the
The Idea began to be made manifest in the natural world
when the first appearance of motion heralded the coming
development of matter. Every step forward in the develop-
the Idea, then all that which went before Man would point
natural Mind, the nearer any other creature came to having the
same body, the nearer it would come to having the same Mind.
Therefore the gradations in the Minds of the creatures according
to their forms. All below Man having been made to minister
to Man's wants, and thus fulfilled the purpose for which they
were formed, their existence terminates with this fulfillment.
But the Idea which gave life or mind to them for a purpose
lives on after the creature ceases to exist. They all have their
part in the Plan which is the development of the Idea, but
having no farther part in that plan than to minister to man's
temporal wants, there ceases the necessity for their existence,
r-nd with the ceasing of the necessity their existence ceases.
While thus the animal kingdom, and the vegetable king-
dom, and the mineral kingdom, and all things below Man, ful-
fill their mission when they have contributed to the pleasure
and existence of the being, even Man, for whose benefit they
were created, Man himself has but begun to make manifest the
purpose for which he was formed, for, having been born into
Time, it is his destiny to be born into Eternity.
Having thus begotten Man with the purpose that he might
develop into His Son through having been begotten by His
Spirit, He made him pure. He made him the ruler of a king-
from God, and which was His Son begotten by His Spirit, lost
that personal knowledge of God and the relationship it bore to
Him as His Son when it became one with the flesh and was
flesh, and its knowledge was limited to that world of matter
that body. Thus the spiritual man, even the Son (soul) of God,
even the Idea, reposed in the Soul of God, who gave to it life
and being, and which was one with Him and was Him. When
Adam was born, the flesh formed itself according to this Idea,
which was its pattern, and then the Idea lived in Man as Man,
and the Idea was born into Time, to be born into Eternity.
Having been born into Time, that is, the soul which lived in
God as vSpirit also now living in Man as flesh, that Spirit that
lived in the flesh was subjected and
to the flesh's limitations,
that which the Man who, having been born,
of Flesh could see,
had taken upon himself individuality separate and apart from
the Earth, which Son of God had been born into Time as the
son of man, that the Son of God in whom Eternity abode, abode
also in Eternity, even God, and had not yet been born unto that
Life, and could not be urftil begotten by that Life's Spirit, even
the Holy Spirit.
One may tire of the frequent statement that the things of
this life are but the shadow of spiritual things, yet one must
ever bear It In mind. The mind which Man had in the begin-
ning was like the protoplasm from which the child is begottea.
When God spoke to it and gave it the truth it most needed,
that mind began development. It began to make manifest the
life that was in it, and it gave an attentive ear to that Spirit
m that Voice. For it must be noted that the (d) Man was
incHned to accept that Voice as the Truth until his carnal
nature, full grown, (e) asserted itself and betrayed that Son of
God, (f) slain from the foundation of the World.
When man felt within his own soul and body the results
of that disobedience, then the spiritual man began to know that
He knew God, and began to know that carnal mind, one with
the spiritual mind, which betrayed him, and Man began to know
himself. Man having sinned, and the soul of man, which came
from God and which lived in Him as His son, having become
stained with sin because of its oneness with that carnal mind
which sinned, the soul of man, even man, was cast out from God.
Thus the Son of God suffered because of his oneness with that
carnal mind which was cast out.
It will be seen, therefore, that man was not that Son of
God, for man was disobedient, but it was that spirit within
man which came from God and Hved in Him as God, and
which was ready to believe. Yet it was this spirit (mind) which
came from God and lived in Man as Man that gave individ-
uality to that Man that sinned and was its life. It was this
spirit (mind) which God had begotten in Man as Man by His
Spirit. Man, therefore, w^as not the Idea, even the Son of
God, but the Spirit within that Man. If the Son of God,
begotten by His Spirit, Hved in that man as that man, it is evi-
dent he would make his presence manifest according as he had
(d) Gen. iii. iii (e) Gen. iii. 6. (/; xiii. 8.
5i6 th:^ manifestation of thk idea.
God The Word, God the Idea, existed from the Eternity
of the Past as For Jesus Christ the man, for Him who
was called Jesus Christ, it was just as necessary that He should
be born into Time to receive individuality, and therefore to
become a Son of God, as it was for you. In all things the same,
this the manifestation of the Idea as that Idea. But for the Idea
Himself which lived in Christ lesus as Him there could be no
beginning or End.
The Idea having attained to that point in its manifestation
wherein there had been begotten a Man in the image of God,
and that Soul having lost its purity through the disobedience
of its carnal mind, and having gained hnozvledge through its
Holy Spirit, and the Idea will have found its completeness in
that Unity, for then will God the Father have raised up unto
Himself a Son begotten by His Spirit, begotten out of Himself,
Soul of His Soul, Life of His Life, even the Idea which was
Him, begotten in a Son and become the Son also.
The ultimate end of all things is Man become the Son of
God. This is His Supreme purpose. All those who partake
of this obedient mind of faith He hath foreknown as His chil-
dren, and hath predestined and foreordained them to be con-
formed into the Hkeness of His Son, Christ Jesus.
Creation was like as if one should take a ball, we will say,
of a certain given diameter, this ball having from center to cir-
cumference perfect similarity of being, and then through this
ball draw an instrument, beginning at the bottom, on up
through the center to the top, this instrument having the inher-
ent power to give life to this dead ball and through the diver-
sity of its power give to each step of its progress through that
the instrument has arrived at the top of the ball and has brought
the life of the hall to completion. The advent at the top of the
ball marking the climax of Creation as regards the ball and
its elements, it follows that the farther progress meant a New
519 the; manifestation of the idka.
day that God put Mind into the flesh and that flesh Uved as
Man He ceased from His labors at the old creation and began
with the new. Thus there was no break in His labor not —
one iota, but a change as regarded that labor, and this zvas His
rest. Neither was there any stop or check to the begetting by
His Spirit a Son by the work of that carnal mind in Man, for
all things zvoj'ked together for the begetting of that Son, hence
that Son eould not or would not cease to develop or grow one
moment until He had attained to the fullness of His stature.
When the {e) new heaven and new earth, even Man become God,
shall appear, then the old shall pass away. The new creation
was made manifest when Christ was born; its completion was
manifested when (/) Christ rose from the dead. Hence while
the old Sabbath day of Rest commemorated that day when the
Creation of the physical world ended and God ceased from
His labors in the material world, so the new day of Rest com-
memorated the Day when God in the Hcsh ceased front His
labors and was the day of the first fruits of the new creation,
even the new birth of the Spirit, into the Spirit, that new birth
meaning an entire, an eternal separation of the soul from the
flesh or from matter, and an eternity of being with God as His
Son. To keep the old day of Rest is to commemorate the day
of the birth of the natural world and the natural man. To keep
the new day of Rest is to com.memorate the day of the birth of
the spiritual man, even Christ Jesus, and to keep that day in
remembrance, as a sure prophecy, of the day when Humanity
shall be begotten in His likeness. The first Creation began
when God spoke the World into existence and crowned it with
man, natural man, as its End. The second creation began
when God gave to Man the Truth the second creation will end
when Man has become the Truth. The third creation began
when the Virgin was overshadowed by the Divine Presence,
and ended when the Christ ascended to the Father. Yet there
is no first or second or third to the Idea, even the Word, which
was born into Time and from Time into Eternity, to the Son
of God who walked and talked in the flesh to a sin-cursed world,
and paid the penalty of that love in His death on the Cross, for
He reaches back to the Beginning before the World was, and
in God found His Alpha, and forward down through that vista
to the End after the World shall pass away, and in the Idea,
even God made alive in a Son, shall find the Omega, and in
His own person shall be found embalmed all Eternity of Being.
ig) Behold, all things are made new. As God took a
world, empty and void, and brought it on to completion, with.
Man, born out of water, as its climax, so God had taken Man,
spiritualman, who has been manifested as he is by Christ Jesus,
and willed to give him a new birth, even the birth of the Spirit.
God the Environment of that Spiritual Man, His Son, at the begin-
ning of his individual existence, his journey towards completion of
that journey, and at that journey's end.
When the elements formed themselves into being as Man
and was thus brought into contact, as one, with mind which is
Spirit, and the flesh lived as mind, then this man who was
made out of the dust of the ground was seen to be alive to
things of Earth, hut dead to God who is Spirit!
While Man, therefore, was made alive by the Spirit of
God within him, yet he had within him the predisposition
towards disbelief, insubordination, and rebellion against God
because of that carnal or fleshly mind. He never could attain
to that condition of soul which would proclaim him the Son of
God whom His Holy Spirit had begot, until the spiritual man
has obtained to that fullness of development which would forever
separate him from that carnal self. As the predisposition of
the carnal man Vv^as away from God and of the spiritual man
towards God, the farther this carnal mind got from God the
more mature he became, and the nearer the spiritual man got
to God the more mature he became, hence they both needed
to (a) grow to maturity to he separated, and once grown to
maturity, the carnal mind would forever be cast out because
of that maturity, and the spiritual mind forever at home because
of its maturity.
Every attribute of that man born out of the Earth was
God, who was the Word; the eating of the fruit was the sur-
render to it, and by this surrender the disobedient and unbeliev-
ing spirit was made manifest. If there had been no surrender
there would have been no sin or violation of the Idea, which
was obedience to the Father as His Son, for the sin lay not in
the temptation, but in the surrender to it, but the surrender made
manifest that that carnal nature was antagonistic to God, had no
faith in God, and therefore could not be God's son, and the son
of God began to knoiv and hate that carnal mind, even the son
that Life that will make man the Son of God. Thus all things
in heaven, and earth, and air and water and sky, and things
seen and unseen, in things natural and things spiritual, were
planned so as to best develop that faith and yet leave Man abso-
lutely free of zuill. Thus God, dealing with that carnal nature
of man and seeking to develop out of it, through faith in Him,
a Vessel, sweet, pure., chaste, holy, fit receptacle for the Idea
and all the honor and the power which that Idea which is the
W^ord brings unto Man, showed him a natural fruit in a natural
garden, that the natural man might see and know. To increase
and make stronger this faith He timed the waters of the deluge,
the winds that beat back the waters of the Red Sea and lying
quiescent let the waters engulf the Egyptians, brought forth
the winds, according to his foreknowledge and foreordination
before the world was, that lay the quails and the manna at the
and live when Man surrendered to his carnal nature, and every
onward step of Humanity has been by overcoming her sor-
ceries. In this Voice of the Pit, even this Great Harlot, are
murder and envyings, and strife and all Hes and sorceries, and
adulteries and deceptions. She is the opposite of Him who IS,
and is the Harlot with whom all minds have committed adul-
tery ; and her offspring are, like her, foul with the vileness of
the Pit. She hath become a great city, even the City of Baby-
lon, for her bastard children invade the Sanctuary of every
soul, where only God should reign. From out of her, even
this Harlot of harlots, hath come all the harlots of the Earth
from out of her hath come all the murders of the Earth ; from
out of her hath come all the wars of the Earth ; from out of her
hath come all the thieves of the Earth; from out of her hath
come all the Hes of the Earth ; from out of her hath come all
woman which rides upon the beast, even the carnal mind, upon
which is stamped the names of all blasphemies, and she lies
drunken with the blood of the saints from the time of righteous
Abel, and the martyrs of Jesus from the time He hung on the
Cross, until now. The Red Dragon, that old beast whose
name is War, and before whose pitiless march the Earth hath
travailed in sorrow, and mothers mourned, and widows
lamented, and children cried in vain for their fathers, found its
birthplace in her. The Earth was Humanity's and the full-
ness thereof; she hath laid hand on all things, and the mer-
chants have waxed rich because of her teachings, and have laid
by this world's goods at her behest, while the poor cry for food
and the homeless for shelter.
Think you that this Church or that Church is that old
Harlot that deceives the World? ''Roman Catholicism," says
one. Yea, Roman Catholicism, that owes its Hfe to formalism
and ecclesiasticism, and whose life is dependent on these pag-
eants and ceremonies and formahsms and ecclesiastical despot-
ism, whose stock in trade is stereotyped prayers and beads and
crossings of the body, and waters, and transubstantiation, and
worship of the Mother of the flesh, and old bones and pieces of
wood called relics, and the regal uniforms of ecclesiastical dig-
nitaries, and canopied chair, and kingly court, and ambassa-
dors of and to civil courts, and all the deceptions of her teach-
ings that hath led many
"captives into captivity" and slaverv
of the soul to the letter and the denying of the Spirit of the
law% and priestly interference between man and his God, and
the penitent sinner and his risen Lord, shall go down into
eternal Night with the Harlot by whose sorceries she hath
been begotten but Catholicism, the Unity of God's children, be
and the misery, and the anguish, and the suffering of the world.
All men have given heed to the seductive wiles of this Harlot,
and have become partakers of her vileness, and have done her
bidding. Her mind has become their miind, and her lusts will
they do. Thus kings make wars and oppress subjects to grat-
ify personal ambitions, great standing armies stand as a men-
This mind, even the carnal mind, for that is the mind
which the Lust of the Flesh has begotten, and therefore the
carnal mind and that old Hartlot are one, stands opposed to
Him who was the Power of God unto salvation from that car-
nal mind. The forces He made manifest as that Power, even
God who is Love, have taken hold on the soul of Humanity,
and to-day the battle is on in that Mind for the mastery of that
mind. But the battle is with Him and His disciples, "and the
526 the: manifestation of thk idea.
inception fed on the Mind of its Father, and the Spirit of that
Mind having drank, even from its inception, from the Spirit of
its Father, the seducing wiles of that Harlot, that Spirit of the
fleshly mind, fell harmless, and standing secure in the strength
of His Faith in the Word He rose triumphant over them. The
predisposition not to, but away from the flesh. The predispo-
tion not to love that which tempted the soul, but to hate it and
love ihat which is spiritual. He taught, therefore, that the Son
of God could not use His powers for the gratification of the
demands of His flesh, but for Humanity. He taught that the
Son of God
could not use His power to gain earthly posses-
sions or to deprive His fellow man of the equal possession of the
fruits of the Earth, w^hich are the gifts o£ the One Father to His
children. He who offered a Kingdom not made with hands,
eternal in the Heavens, and all the Fruits of that Kingdom, and
all the Bread of thatKingdom, and all the Comforts of that
Kingdom, to all who might ask of Him, offering to all men
freely and without price, prompted thereto by a knowledge of
Man's need and that Spirit of Sacrifice of the flesh which was
His Eternal Joy, could not give the lie to that profession of
Supreme nnselfisliness by laying a selfish and grasping and
unrighteous hand upon the things of Earth w4iich give
strength and nourishment and comfort to His brothers in the
llesh, and hold these possessions as His own, and deny to His
toil, and laboring put not up in store, and dying had not the
means for burial. In conformity with this Spirit of self-sacri-
fice, which is the Spirit of God, and which must control the soul
of every man before he can be called the Son of God, He
returned good for evil, reviled not when He was reviled, cursed
not again when He was cursed, beaten, scourged, spit upon,
nailed to the cross, mocked and blasphemed, He who was the
Powxr of Omnipotence, and could have cast into Eternal tor-
ment with a word those who tortured Him, prayed the
(») Father to forgive them, and went like a (p) Eamb to the
slaughter. He loved His enemies, did good unto those who
reviled and hated Him, and prayed for those who crucified
Him. Condemned divorce, and proclaimed that any one who
put away his wife for any other cause than adidtery and married
again was an Adulterer, and he wdio married the divorced
adulteress was an Adulterer also. None, therefore, who have
this Spirit of obedience, which was His Spirit, and which must
reign in their soul, can do this thing. {p) He condemned
Peter, w^ho drew the sword of steel, and in that condemnation
(n) Luke xxiii. 34. (0) Isa. liii. 7. (p) Matt, xxvii. 52.
erhood not Death, but Life, was its mission. Before the souls
as the (s) Will of the Father, so also the battles which Human-
ity have fought with the sword of steel forHumanity's sake,
under the inspiration of the scintillating rays from that Sword
of the Spirit, are the promise of the sure coming of that day,
even that day which is now at hand, when that Sword of the
Spirit shall slay the sword of steel and there shall be the dawn
of the Peace of a
The rich man, laying in store the treasures of this world,
the Kings of the Earth who ride in their chariots of Mammon
and Lust of Power and Greed forms
of Self over the prostrate
of their starving and ignorant and impoverished sub-
and idle
in common, and all men were rich with the abundance which
was the property of all, and poor with the loss of personal
aggrandizement which was the lot of all. Within that
charmed circle the old spirit of Greed entered, and, as in all
other things, there was a falling away from that which was the
He preached and taught by a Life that the Life which is
God is and must be worshiped by Spirit.
Spirit, That the
(s) Matt. vi. 10. (t) Acts ii. 44, 45.
Bread of Life which the Soul of Man must eat of before it can
become the Son of God, is Spirit and is His Mind. That the
blood (life) which the Soul of Man must drink of to become the
Son of God, is Spirit and is the Holy Spirit, even the Spirit of
God, which gives life to that Mind or Body of God. That the
life of the child of God must be made manifest in a life of acts
unto the Great High Priest, even the Great Sacrifice Christ
Jesus,who doth commune with YoiiF Oh Ye blasphemers !
of God, who lead your devotees into the captivity of error, and
offer them a stereot}'ped prayer as a penance and palliative for
Sin, and a telling of beads as a forerunner of forgiveness, who
fastened thy clutch upon the visible Church, and by degrees
incorporated within her body all the perversions which are thy
life ; Woman of flesh and proclaims
.who give to her devotees a
her the Mother of God who in her womb sheltered the Infi-
nite, —
who have made this woman of flesh, this Mother of the
flesh, a thing to be prayed to and worshiped, and have exalted
her as though she were God, and pray to her as the Intercessor
with the Son who is the Intercessor vvith the Father! Oh,
what a travesty on Truth On the Divine Purpose of God On
! !
to Man to show God's love for Man, and thereby bring Man to
the Father, n'lio waits with open arms to receive him? Oh,
ye of carnal hearts, searching after the things of earth, tem-
poral power, and royal court, and lackeys, and armed and
uniformed guards watching over that Court, one can not won-
der any longer that ye see in a Woman of flesh the Mother
of the Infinite, and worship her, and see in the bread and wine
(symbols of the true Bread and the Wine, or the Mind of God
and His and blood of Christ! No
Spirit) the living flesh won-
der ye give unto the dying the morsel of the Earth's life when
to you is incomprehensible the true life which only can make
that Soul meet for Eternity No wonder ye give them a
! thing
of ivory or silver or wood to kiss, a thing of the Earth's life,
gone to you for Bread thou hast given them a stone. For
life; death has been their portion. Thou hast been weighed
in the balance and found wanting. Upon the walls of the
temple ihou hast built has been written in letters of fire the
words that came to Belshazzar, (n) ''Mene, Mene, Tekel,
Upharsin." Thy kingdom shall be divided and the saints shall
come out of thee. Thou art the foe to Liberty, and where
Liberty reigns in the civil life there shalt thou see thy end.
Thou art the offspring of that old Harlot, and the (a) head of
the beast (the carnal mind) that was wounded to death in the
day that the Reformation struck thee with the Sword of the
Spirit, even the Truth as it is in God, the Word. Men wonder
at the tenacity of thy life this age and day shall witness thy
of the soul more despotic than slave owner ever wielded over
the body of his slave thou hast stifled liberty of conscience,
unto the flesh for succor. In the day when thy devotees real-
ize thy treachery, and come into that freedom which the Truth
(u) Dan. V. 25-28. (a) Rev. xiii. 3.
7i'ill bring them, and when they reaUze that the promises that
thou hast held out to their loved ones who are dead were
false, that the money expended
mass said for the repose of for
the dead are worse than a mockery and an added condemna-
tion, and when they see the captivity into which thou hast led
them, then will they turn and rend thee. Thou hast taken the
Sword of the Spirit, even the Written Word, and by perverting
its teachings have slain the Truth this same Sword of the ;
Spirit, even the Written Word, the Spoken Word, The Word
that dwells in the souls of all God's children, shall slay thee!
^ i-c ^ ^ >}; ^
The (f) dragon which gave his power, and his seat, and
great authority to this carnal mind (the beast) of Humanity,
was and is —
WAR. Thus the beast (Carnal Mind) through
the power which carnal warfare gives it, sits in authority ruling
the world.
The seven heads means the completeness of all carnality
in this beast (Carnal Mind of Humanity). The ten horns with
ten crowns means the power (horns) and authority (crow^ns) of
The head that was wounded unto death was and is the
Carnal Mind in the visible Church (there can be no carnality in
the spiritual church), as found in Romanism, and which was
wounded in the days of the Reformation.
The (e) Sword that made the wound was the Sword of the
vSpirit, even the Word of God, and in striking a mortal blow at
But the wound was healed and the Carnal Mind again
gained power and authority and reigned in the Soul of
And('/) they (carnal men) worshiped the dragon (war)
that gave power unto the beast (the carnal mind of Humanity),
saying, Who is like unto the beast ? who is able to make war
with him ?
(g) "And there was given unto him (this carnal mind of
Humanity) a mouth speaking great things and blasphemies
and power was given unto him to continue (make war) forty
and tzvo months.''
whose names are not written in the Book of Life of the Lamb
slain from the foundation of the world."
"If (k) any man have an ear, let /u';;i hear. He that leadeth
into captivity shall go into captivity ; he that killeth with the
sword must be killed with the sword. Here is the patience and
the faith of the saints."
Let us go back a little farther to the eleventh chapter of
Revelation. Here we find (/) two witnesses v/ho prophesy
twelve hundred and sixty days clothed in sackcloth. Later on
vv^e see these same witnesses lying dead in the (in) streets of the
city called Sodom and Egypt, where also our Lord was cruci-
fied for three days and a half.
(n) "After three days and a half the Spirit of life from God
entered into these two witnesses, and they stood upon their
feet, and great fear fell upon them that saw them."
(o) "And they heapd a Voice from Heaven saying unto
(/) Rev. xiii. 4. {g) xiii. 5. (h) xiii. 6. (i) xiii. 7. {j) xiii, 8.
{k) xiii. 9, 10. (0 xi. 3. (m) xi. 8. (n) xi. 11. (o; xi. 12.
two olive trees and the angel saying unto Zerubbabel, "Not by
might, nor by power, but by my Spirit, saith the Lord of
Hosts." The "two olive trees" meant the Word of God, and
the "two witnesses" means the Old and New Testaments which
are the Word of God, and (r) Spirit of His Mouth by which He
says He will consume His enemies.
We see that if the Word of God is meant, then the two
witnesses had the power to (s) close heaven, and would indeed
close heaven to all opposed to that Word, that they should not
receive any of its rain (fruits), etc.
In Ezekiel iv. 6 the Lord gave him a prophetic rule, as
follows: "I have appointed thee each day for a year.''
Now, the three and one-half days would be forty-two
months, or twelve hundred and si.vty days. Thus the Word of
God prophesied twelve hundred and sixty days, the Word of
God was (t) spit upon and decried and ignored and blas-
phemed for the same length of time, and the beast continued
the same length of time. Each day being a year, we have
twelve hundred and sixty years.
The temple of God, the reader knows, is the Spiritual
Mind of Himianity. This is the (u) Holy City, the New Jeru-
salem. The Word (the Reed) (v) m.easured this temple, but
the Couj't without the temple he measured not, for it was given
to the Gentiles, and they (the Gentiles) would trample the
"holy city'* under foot.
Now the Israelites represented Spiritual Humanity, and
the Gentiles Carnal Humanity. Since the Holy City, the New
(p) Rev. xi. 13. (q) xi. 14. (r) 2 Thess. ii. 8. (s) Rev. xi. 6
(f) xi. 10. (m) xxi. 2. (v) xi. 1, 2.
536 the: manifi:station of the: id^a.
held the Word of God in death and made war against it and
killed it for twelve hundred and sixty years. This would make
the time that the Word of God was resurrected to life, adding
the years (95) at which John prophesied, about 1355 or 1360
A. D. or the beginning of the Reformation
! !
names in that Book of Life Christ Jesus. They that lead the
souls of others into carnalism, whether that carnalism be the
iormalisms and ecclesiastical despotism in the Church which
takes the place of the true Worship which is of the Spirit and
the true Authority, even God in Us, or whether it be of the
World, with its licentiousness and selfishness and carnal war-
fare, or whether it be the Soul of the individual leading his own
is found his nature is the same as the first beast, and he exer-
cises the same power and produces the same result. It is the
same carnal mind, but he seeks that which he loves in a dif-
ferent manner. Thus he harnesses the (/) lightning and brings
it down to Earth in the sight of all men, to serve his spirit of
(/i) Rev. xiii. 10. (i) xiii. 11, {j) xiii. 13-U.
modern times he exploits before the beast, even his own Carnal
Mind whose name is Greed, and reaps treasures of Earth
because of these miracles which he works, and he says to
those of Earth: ''Set up within thine own heart an image,
even an image to the beast ; even set up in thy soul the spirit
of greed for earthly treasure," And this beast, even the Car-
nal Mind Humanity, gave (/) life to the image which each
soul has set up within its soul, and this image, even the carnal
mind, proclaimed that they who would not worship the beast,
which is greed of earthly treasure, should not and could not
exist, but should go down under the wheels of this chariot of
greed. And this Carnal Mind, this love of the things of this
Earth, causeth (m) all, both rich and poor, small and great,
free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand or in their
foreheads, —
that is, to stain their souls by holding captive
their spiritual natures and imprinting on that spiritual mind
the carnality of the carnal mind, that the spiritual mind, even
that soul which shall be placed on the right hand at the last
day, might feel the agony of the shame of that stain to its
soul, (n) All will receive that mark, for no man buyeth or
selleth save he that hath the mark or the name of the beast or
the number of his name.
The number is the time when this beast shall reign, even
this last beast which controls all things of Earth. And when
this beast reigns a (o) Man shall reign with him, and their reign
will begin and end together, and aU those who live at the time
this Man does will also have the number of his name, and he is
Oh, this Harlot that rides upon the beast with the
(p) seven heads (even the seven which are the opposite
of God's seven Spirits, and which are the Spirits of Hate and
Error and Injustice and Weakness and Vileness and Revenge
and Vindictiveness, all of which are but the manifestation of the
one Spirit, even the Spirit of that Carnal Mind which is of the
Greed and Lust of the Flesh.) and ten horns, (which embrace
the ten great families or peoples of the Earth as found in the
ten great religions, and in which as Carnal Humanity this car-
nal mind and her
of the beast abides,) hath the voice of a siren,
sorceries seduce the world, and thou, (Romanism is meant,
and not Catholicism formalism, and not the righteous life, is
as the Image in the Church (which embraces all those who wor-
ship Christ, no matter what their name,) of the Great Harlot
who seduces the World and is of the World, even that Carnal
Mind begotten of the Lust of the Elesh, art her best beloved.
For thou, the Image in the Church of Her who is in the World,
living in all the members of all the denominations to the cursing
and unfruitfulness of all, hath fixed thy place of abiding at
Rome, the city of the seven hills.' For as the Woman, even that
Great Harlot, sitteth on (a) seven mountains (spirits), and as
the Woman (b) many waters, (kingdoms, (c) peo-
sitteth upon
ples, multitudes, nationsand tongues,) so abideth the Nucleus
or Head of the Image in the City of Rome that sitteth on seven
hills by the waters of the Mediterranean Sea. Wherever is
found the putting forth of the letter for the spirit, stereotyped
prayer for the soul's sincerity, pomp and display in place of
humility and unostentatiousness, formalism for the life, gifts
of money instead of gifts of spirit, seeking of place instead of
sacrifice of place, self-seeking instead of seeking others, wor-
ship of a woman or saints so-called instead of the Worship of
God as manifested by the Son, and in like manner, even by the
Life, there you find, be it in whatever church or people it may,
this image in the Church of that Harlot who is in the World.
And this which is in the Church is One with that which is in
(p) Rev. xvii. 3. (a) xvii. 9. (b) xvii. 1. (c) xvii. 15.
the World, even that Spirit of Greed whose name is Lust of the
Within that Church, as within the One Great Soul of
Humanity, even the Son of Man, of which those who com-
pose the Roman Catholic Church and other peoples who do
these things are a part, lives that Spirit of the Son of God.
How it (this Spirit of Christ^ has given life to that system of
formalism and ecclesiastical despotism, even as it has given
life to that very Social System that doth now threaten its (this
Spirit's) life ! Like as the Mind which is the Son of Man, even
Humanity, hath been deceived by the Sorceries of that Harlot,
and hath been led captive by her, so hath the Son of Man in
the Church been deceived by these carnal things also,, and
feeds the hungry, clothes the naked, finds a home for the
orphan which ministers to the living dead on the lepers' isle,
and murmurs not when the disease itself claims the body as the
culmination of that sacrifice of Self; which, with sweet solici-
tude and the kindly face and gentle touch of earnest endeavor,
gives aid to the sick, visits the sick in prison, comforts the
despairing, brings cheer to the down-hearted ; which gives up
and devotes the life to the continuous sacrifice of self for
Babylon, even that Great Harlot, even that Carnal Mind which
is begotten of the Lust and Greed of the flesh and the Pit, and
to ''come out from it," so the Voice calls upon you who are in
Know ye not that the mind is the gift of God, and that
its endowments are but the nearer approach to the many
phases of that One Great Mind, and the loftiest emotions that
ever stimulated mankind were begotten by the sinking of self
in the That the w^elfare of the whole is the
cause of others?
only secure guarantee to the one? That God is the Creator
of that mind that manages large interests, unlocked the store-
house of Nature, and robbed her of her secrets, projected vast
enterprises and brought them to completion? That the only
competition that shall avail a man when he shall appear before
theJudge is that rivalry to excel in benefits to thy brother?
That this competition, instead of taking from, but adds to the
joy and comfort and peace of thy brother and to thy own
store as well ?
system she loves and fosters and calls her own. Fathers car-
rying the dinner pail to the child at work, working men fight-
ing each other for the privilege to labor — her recompense.
The struggling poor contending against the incorporated
wealth which is the fruits of this system.
Inventiongives to the World a marvelous piece of
mechanism. Greed lays hold on it and labor is displaced
Woman, freed from the thralldom of the Past, enters the Arena
as Man's Competitor, and Greed, seeing another opportunity
to enslave labor, replaces man's labor with hers. The new
invention requires little skill for its management, and the child
forsakes the school-room at the hard behest of poverty and
takes his father's place in the Mill. Men revolt against the
system that is slowly destroying their liberty and their ability
to earn sufficient for subsistence ; the starving idle only too
gladly cake their places. Thus honest labor seeking its own
is pitted against honest labor seeking its own. Corn and
potatoes rot in the field ; the idle starve in the cities. Children
go naked for clothes to protect the person the garments lie ;
the carnal mind, five of whom are fallen, and one is, and one
is yet to come, means the five greatest warriors who fought
solely at the dictates of the Carnal Mind, and who had lived
and died before John saw this vision the sixth w^as Caesar ;
(who is), and the seventh (who was to come) Napoleon! And
the (e) "ten horns which had received no. kingdom as yet, which
(a) Rev. xvii. 5. (6) Rev. xviii. 18. (c) Rev. xvii. 3. (d)
Revxvii. 8-11. (e) Rev. xvii. 12.
were ten kings," are the ten different peoples who rally under
the standards of the ten great behefs of the Earth. The
(f) purple and scarlet of the woman's raiment means power
and blood ; the gold and precious stones and pearls means this
world's riches and vanity and the golden cup and
; its contents
means the evil of men's lives begotten by the love of gold and
the treasures of this Hfe.
Within these ten great peoples, even Hii^manity, there
dwelleth the carnalmind and the spiritual mind, and these two
meet as one in the One Mind of Humanity. And Humanity
has received no kingdom as yet, but shall receive power as
Kings one hour with the beast (Carnal Mind). These shall
have but one mind (the carnal), and shall give their power and
strength to the beast. This Carnal Mind, being at eternal
enmity to the Spiritual Mind, even Christ Jesus and Spiritual
Humanity, it has through the ages made (g) war on the Lamb
and His followers, but the day is at hand when the spiritual
mind of Humanity shall overcome that carnal mind within it,
for they are called and chosen and faithful, and they shall
(h) hate that City of Babylon, even the carnality of the flesh,
and the Social System which is its offspring, and shall strip her
of the lies with which she has clothed and hid her foul and
loathsome person, and take from her all her treasures, even all
those things which she loveth, and give them to the called
and chosen, for the "meek shall inherit the Earth," and shall
burn her body, even that carnal mind, with the Fire of the
Consuming Truth, which is God the Word.
(i) ''And a Mighty Angel took up a Stone, like a great
Millstone, and cast it into the Sea, saying. Thus with Violence
shall that great City Babylon be thrown down and she be
found no more at all."
For the Sea is Time, and the Millstone is the Truth which
has been manifesting hself to Humanity, and the Violence is
the awful struggle of a despairing Humanity to destroy that
City of Babylon with its monstrous Social System. Shall the
Past seal that Violence? Will ye heed the Voice that this
(/) Rev. xvii. 4. {g) xvii. 14. {h) xvii. 16. (i) xviii. 21.
But (b) they will have to meet a foe more terrible than
Man, more potent than the Sword of Steel, even the Sword of
the Spirit, and they v/ill make war against Him, but He shall
overcome them, and cast them out, and in their place, and in
the place of the beast; and in the place of the Carnal Mind,
and in the place of that great City, there shall reign a new
King, even the King of Peace Christ Jesus, and His abiding
place shall be the Mind of Humanity, even the spiritual mind,
and this shall be His City, and all things will be changed, and
men shall proclaim Him King and He shall call them subjects.
Then shall God make His habitation with Man, and Man shall
make war no m.ore, neither oppress his neighbor nor despite-
fully use him.
(z') ''And I heard another Voice from heaven, saying,
'Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her
sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues.'
"For her sins have reached unto heaven, and God hath
remembered her iniquities."
And there shall be found no more any ruler in her, neither
any merchant, neither any artificer, neither any mechanic,
neither any owner or master of ships, neither any raiser of
cattle, or sheep, or horses, or oxen, nor any merchandise of
In the place of this old World with its Earth torn with
the storm's unbridled passions or parched with the storm's
quiescence — with its pitiful story of want and sickness and
disease and crime, its oppressions and rivalries and jealousies,
ils drunkenness and licentiousness and debauchery, its prosti-
tution of the noblest thing ever begotten, even that Mind
begotten in the image of its Creator, to the Service of the flesh,
the world, and the Devil — shall revolve a new world propelled
by Love. All men shall find labor awaiting them. Men shall
labor, not as heretofore, under the present system, when few
men work, and those few men long hours, but (w) all men
shall labor the few hours necessary to his brother's maintenance.
The pleasures of one shall be open to all, and God will smile
on those pleasures. Man's labor shall be assured of its
requital, and his body of its nourishment. Thus shall man
sell his labor in love and receive for that labor its satisfactory
dren, and the love we bear for them shall but increase the love
we cherish for our own. Humanity will be but one great
Family cemented together by the bond of the One Great Spirit.
Equality under the law would be no more a mockery, and the
only title to honor would be a noble life. The Peace of God
would abound on the Earth, and the Soul of Humanity would
be attuned in harmony with the Harmony of all harmonies,
whose name is I^ove.
Are these not blessings enough? Is He not Magnificent
in His Gifts to His obedient children ? The souls of this people
shall beat in unison with the God who created them, and the
Holy them and commune with them and
Spirit shall abide in
guide them, and the Spirits of Wisdom and Truth and Justice
and Majesty and Power and Mercy and Love be in harmony
with their Spirits, ''and the Sword shall be beaten into a prun-
ing hook and man shall make war no more." And the Spirit
of Wisdom shall give wisdom unto Man and the Spirit of
Truth knowledge, and Night shall be transformed into Day,
and Winter into Spring. It shall rain when it doth please us,
and the wind shall blow at our direction. Man shall labor
but to be fed, and shall sail through the air with the product
of his own labor. In the clouds of the heavens shall Man
picture the inspiration of his mind, and canopied in the sky
shall be the orchestra which shall deluge the Earth with
Under the benign influence of the God of Truth and Love
creeds and formalisms and ecclesiastical despotisms shall go
th:^ beginning. —the^ end. 549
And the carnal mind will be cast out, and with the casting
out of the carnal mind, which is the (c) beast, will go the false
-prophet which hath testified falsely lo that carnal mind, and
J^ccause of that carnal mJnd, in regard to God and His attrib-
utes, Man's soul and its destiny, God's plans and purposes,
^Heaven and Hell, Christ and His birth, death and resurrec-
'tion. His Coming, His Word, even the inspired volume, and
its meaning, a new Heaven and a new Earth and a new Jeru-
and He that sat on him was called Faithful and True, and in
righteousness doth He judgs and make war.
'Tlis eyes were as a flame of fire, and on His head many
crowns and He has a name written, that no man knew but
"And He was clothed in a vesture dipped in blood; and
His name is called The Word of God.
"And the armies which were in heaven followed Him
upon white horses, clothed in fine linen, white and pure.
"And out of His Mouth goeth a sharp Sword, that with it
"And the hcasi was taken and him the false prophet
the key of the bottomless pit and a great chain in his hand.
"And he laid hold on the dragon, that old Serpent (Oppo-
sition to and Disbelief in God) which is the Devil, and Satan,
and bound him a thousand years.
"And cast him into the bottomless pit, and shut him up and
set a seal upon him, that he should deceive the nations no
more till the thousand years should be fulfilled and after that
were beheaded for the witness of Jesus, and for the Word of
God, and which had not worshiped the beast, neither his image,
neither had received his mark upon their foreheads or in their
hands; and they lived and reigned with Christ a thousand
"But the rest of the dead lived not again until the thou-
sand years were finished. This is the first resurrection.
"Blessed and holy is he that hath part in the first resur-
rection on such the second death shall have no power.''
fire came down from God out of heaven and devoured them.
"And them was cast into the lake
the Devil that deceived
of fireand brimstone where the beast and the false prophet are,
and shall be tormented day and night for ever and ever.
"And I saw a great white throne and Him that sat on it,
from whose face the heavens and the Earth lied away, and there
was found no place for them.
"And I saw the dead, small and great, stand before God
and the hooks were opened and another book was opened,
which is the Book of Life and the dead were judged out of
heaven and the first earth were passed away, and there
for having slam the carnal mind ivJicn in the Hcsli, they are
superior to it in the Spirit!
And into that Pit, that No-thing, that bottomless abyss
from which he sprang, Satan shall be cast, and shall be power-
less against those who dwell on the Earth because their hearts
are fixed in God.
But at the last day, the Father knoweth, the End of Time
shall be proclaimed, the dead shall awake, and the Earth and
the elements shall m.elt with fervent heat. The Son of Man
shall appear in the clouds of Heaven, taking vengeance on
those who are His enemies, and then shall fear overtake the
souls of those who had no part in the first resurrection, and the
tortures of the damned shall be theirs, just in proportion as
their souls are impregnated with Sin, and every soul must give
an account of the deeds done in the body, and according to
those works will he be judged. For the second death is the
separation of the carnal from the spiritual, and in this separa-
tion will be the agony, for the separation will be caused by the
Coming of Chrisi Jesus the Word and illuminating that soul zvith
His and on His Coming all the Evil in that wretched
Soul will spring into life and claim that Soul's dominion.
Under the scorching rays of the Sun of Truth the Soul will
tell its own story to its shrinking self, and in the agony cf an
cruel life into that Soul, and the crackling flames of a burning
world repeats its story as an echo, but across that scared and
blackened and despairing Soul shall be wafted the message,
''Though your sins were as scarlet, they shall be made whiter
than snow." Oh! The Word! The Word of God! Wrath,
fierce, merciless, consuming wrath to the wicked, but a sweet
554 '^H^ manife:station oi^ th^ idka.
smoke and are found no more forever the fire of the wrath ;
Carnal Mind is cast out from Heaven forever, and the Mind of
the Son of Man is the Mind of the Son of God, and the Spirit
of the Son of A^an is the Spirit of the Son of God ;'and the Son
of Man has faith in God, is obedient to that f:ith, and loves Him
in whom He believes, and the Spirits of Wisdom and Truth
and Justice and Mercy and Power and Majesty and Love which
are the Holy Spirit are his Spirits; and the Idea hath been
begotten in Man, and Man hath become the Idea, even the
.Son of God, and they are one with Him even as He is one with
Hmi — one in body, one in Spirit, one in Nature. And
{g) Christ doth give back the dominion to the Father, and,
true to His Nature to the last, becomes as one of His brethren,
even those who are joint heirs with Him to the Kingdom of
their common Father.
{g) 1 Cor. XV. 24-28,
adorned with [
Within that- Heaven of heavens there sits,
River, was there the Tree of Life, which bare tzvche manner of
fruits, and yielded her fruit every month and the leaves of the ;
that heareth say, Come. And let him that is athirst come. And
whosoever will, let him take of the Water of Life freely''
^ ^ H: ^ H: H: