Shaykh Ubayd Al-Jaabiree On Imaam Al-Albaani and Irjaa'

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Shaykh Ubayd al-Jaabiree on Imaam al-Albaani and Irjaa'

Author: Shaykh Ubayd al-Jaabiree

Source: Fourth Salafi Dawrah Ilmiyyah, 1422H, Jeddah (trans. Spubs.Com)
Article ID : MSC060015 [6979]


Shaykh Ubaydullaah al-Jaabiree (hafidhahullaah) said, in response to a question

concerning the ruling upon the one who abandons the prayer, and this was during
the fourth Salafi dawrah ilmiyyah that took place in Jeddah in the summer of
1422H, during his lesson on "Aqeedat us-Salaf wa As.haab ul-Hadeeth":

"As for today, then either he is a kaaafir, or you are a Murji' [1]. And this in
reality is exceeding the bounds, or it is ignorance of Irjaa' and what Irjaa'
actually is.

The end result of Irjaa' is that "no sin can harm in the presence of Imaan, and
that Imaan does not increase or decrease". And this in reality, is in oppposition
to whwat the Imaam, the Allaamah, the Mujtahid, the Muhaddith, the respected
Shaykh, Naasir ud-Deen al-Albaani (rahimahullaah) believes in. For he is with us
upon this sound aqeedah, he is with us, Ahl us-Sunnah, and his brothers from the
people of knowledge, his sons (i.e. his students) they hold that Imaan is speech
of the tongue, the belief of the heart and the actions of the limbs, it increases
with obedience and decreases with disobedience and that the disobedience sinner in
this world is a believer, deficient in Imaan, or a believer with his Imaan and a
sinner with his sin (together, at the same time), and that on the day of
Judgement, if he meets Allaah, persistend upon his sin, he will be under the will
of Allaah, the Mighty and Majestic. And the sinful person, he is the Muwahhid, the
one who dies upon Tawheed, while having persisted upon major sins. Also that
disobedience diminishes Imaan and reduces it, and that the one who falls into it
will be subject to the threat (of punishment) if he meets Allaah upon this sin.
Hence, he - may Allaah have mercy upon him - is very far and remote from Irjaa',
and accusing him with Irjaa' is either ignorance of Irjaa', or ignorance of the
Shaykh - may Allaah have mercy upon him - or it is exceeding the limits in one's
speech, and it is a fabrication against the Shaykh - may Allaah have mercy upon
him - and so we free ourselves in front of Allaah from that.


[1] And this is the baatil madhdhab of the sect of the Khawaarij known as the
Mansooriyyah, whose aqeedah in this regard was revived by that unfortunate doctor
and stooge of Aal Qutb, who neither knows Irjaa' and nor Imaam al-Albaani, rather,
he falls into Irjaa' himself, in the most repugnant of ways, and the most
despicable of manners, labelling those who spoke statements of kufr and apostasy,
made takfir of the Sahaabah, shaved the beard, abandoned the Jumu'ah prayer,
reviled Uthmaan (radiallaahu anhu) and spoke of just about every innovation in
history, as "shaheed" and that his da'wah was like the da'wah of the greatest of
Shaykhs of Islaam" - and this is but the practical exemplification of the
Extremist Murji'ah to whom no sins (until even statements of kufr and apostasy)
could harm in the presence of Imaan - as for today, then no sins (until even kufr
and apostasy) can harm in the presence of the talk of al-Haakimiyyah. And for this
reason, some of the notable people of knowledge have called this firqah as "the
Ghullaat ul-Murji'ah of the Era", after Imaam al-Albaani himself labelled them
"the Khawaarij of the Era". And the Khawaarij are the Murji'ah as has been related
from Imaam Ahmad. So you see them here and there, attempting to ascribe Irjaa' to
Imaam al-Albaani at the theoretical level, whereas they fall into this wicked and
despicable innovation on the practical front, and they think that Ahl us-Sunnah
will remain blind to their plots and stratagems, which alhamdulillaah, are clear
for anyone who has baseerah concerning the Salafi Aqeedah and Manhaj, and baseerah
about the Ahl ul-Ahwaa and their blatant contradictions, and their severe double
standards and in Allaah is the refuge.


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