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1. Cover Page……………………………………………………… 1

2. Introduction…………………………………………………..… 3

3. Preface………………………………………………………...… 5

4. Methodology……………………………………………………. 6

5. Research questions………………………………………………. 6

6. Literature review………………………………………………… 6

7. Survey……………………………………………………,,,……. 9

8. Discussion…………………………………………………….… 11

9. Conclusion …………………………………………………..…. 12

10. References………………………………………………………. 13


Choosing a subject that you need to get entitled for your whole next life must be

selected carefully, so what would you do if you have to select a subject for your future?

Will you go for something that contains your interest?


Will you choose a safer, secure degree?

There are different people in this world but not all of them are the same and no one can even be

and if they all become the same how can this universe run while all of the people are advancing

to the same destination like just imagine a world full of doctors? Why will there be a patient if

everyone can cure themselves by proper medication, imagine a world full of engineers? Like

how can the stability be maintained in this world if this goes on?

Society of which we are a part of don’t want to accept that person who wants to enter a field

other than a 'science degree' according to them he's some kind of an intruder who have tried to

escape their wall of limited set of boundaries which are their thinking that no one can get

successful if they can’t enrolled themselves in a 'science program'.

This society need to understand that everyone can not be as perfect as they want to be, everyone

have their own way or own speed to achieve their target and it is known that if a fruit is

providing taste to someone there must be someone who can be allergic to that fruit so people
selecting careers must know that they are the one who are going to be responsible for what they

choose for their future as only they be the one suffering from the consequences of the selected

courses cause this society will not be there to if you are an engineer or doctorate degree holder

and sitting jobless what to then? so rather than doing something against your interest why don’t

doing something of your interest and enjoy every day of your work because it doesn’t matter if

you are not earning a lot as compared to person who wanted to go for sciences but the main thing

is you are satisfied up there, in the mind.

"Sometimes life is all about risking everything for a dream that no one else can see but you"

-William Chase-

If he studies the courses that he has zero interest in, higher are the chances that he will fail in

those courses. Firstly, he won’t pay attention to the topics, because he won’t find the topic

intriguing at all. When he won’t pay attention to the studies instead he will start sitting in bad

company, the kind of company his parents won’t like. When he starts sitting in bad company, he

will also indulge in different social taboos. He can start smoking and doing drugs. While on the

contrary if a person chooses the subjects, he likes and the subjects that are from his own interest

he will pay more attention to those subjects. He has proven to his parents that that subjects he

chose were good for him and he is doing good in what he chose. He will have a healthy life style

when he is studying the subjects he chose from


What do you want to be in your life or what interests do you have that you want to continue in

your future, these are those things that only you know and choosing the career that you prefer on

the basis of your interest rather than selecting those subjects in which you have zero interest or

choosing under someone's pressure e.g. parents, friends etc will lead you to an unsuccessful
future. Everyone must be allowed to select their own subjects by the society as society plays a

very important role in this as all of these things are related to each other as parents never want

anything that their children never wants, you want something and your parents not get you that

thing is not possible unless it is something really not appropriate and selecting subject by your

own choice is not wrong but the thing that you need to understand is that our society have just

made an illusion mindset that no one can survive if they are not going for science subjects. To

the society only those students are just good who are going for doctorate, engineering etc and to

them they just think only they are going to be successful and our parents just because of his fear

that their children earn well, be successful and can have a secure future not all but most of them

forces their children to study those subjects in which they have no interest and eventually they

will be entering a field in which they would just go and just try to earn as compared to where a

person chooses his own field and will be all satisfied in the future and give his best in which he

will be going to have full interest and who knows that he may earn even more than any

engineering or doctorate student. Using all these point I will be supporting my thesis statement

and also going to take surveys so my thesis can be strong all together.


Our research was quantitative in nature. I conducted a survey to prove our stance. Though our

sample include very less people but our population included almost the students of our

university. Most filled the survey online and most preferred the survey in hard copy forms. I

almost gathered 90 responses approximately. And the percentage proportion of the question

asked will be discussed further in the discussion of the survey.


 Does parent forcing a child to study subjects of their liking, has a negative impact on

the child’s psychological, emotional and social life?

 If a person chooses the courses of his liking, will he be able to live a successful life?


There is a lot going on in the world and the time, we are living in, there are countless things

happening in one’s life that it gets hard to keep track of everything, yet, we all are trying to be

perfect and live that ideal life that we have imagined or what is expected of us. We try to do

everything in life ranging from having time for family to socializing to having a good education.

Education gives us information of our general surroundings and changes it into

something better. It creates in us a viewpoint of taking a gander at life. It causes us to

manufacture conclusions and have perspectives on things throughout our everyday life.

Individuals banter over the subject of whether education is the main thing that gives information.

Some say education is the way toward picking up data about the encompassing scene while

knowledge is something altogether different. They are correct. Be that as it may, on the other

hand, information cannot be changed over into knowledge without education. Education makes

us fit for understanding things, in addition to other things. It is not just about lessons in course

readings. It is about the lessons of life. One thing I wish I can do is, to give instruction to all: no

youngster deserted and changes the world for good!

Unfortunately, not all people think about children in the best way even parents

sometimes think that what they have planned for their child is the best thing there is for their

child but in reality it could be the worst. There's no all the more satisfying all day work or the

more pleasant duty than bringing up your youngster and watching them turn into the best
individual they can be. Clearly, your part as a parent is basic in helping your child grow up to be

certain, cheerful and brimming with confidence. In any case, is it possible for you to accept that

what you think is good for your kid is a bit too much? Tragically, it is. Obviously, on most

events, your experience and learning will fill in as a guiding light for your child; however what

happens when you need to acknowledge the way that your kid is really a different individual

from you, with different goals and premiums? Grace Marguerite Williams states in her article

Ten Ways Parents Destroy Their Children's Self-Esteem that “Many people are living their

parents' lives, not their own authentic lives, much to their regret.”

A standout amongst the most vital things you should know about is the way that

your child isn't you. Obviously, it's just characteristic that you share a few likenesses, yet you

can't anticipate that they will think simply like you. All things considered, they are not your

additional opportunity which you can use to seek after your own fantasy. In this manner, you

need to tune in to what your child needs regardless of whether you might not have the scarcest

enthusiasm for those things. Likewise, you ought to never constrain them to take up side interests

or agree to a vocation way that is clearly not their own decision. Keep in mind, you will help

your child the most by offering productive and valuable exhortation along the way, not by taking

absolute control of their lives. Tracey Clayton writes in her article Things parents do that destroy

their children’s career that “the truth is that being a child in this day and age is even harder.

There are just so many ways kids can lose their will, motivation and strength”

Our schooling system is also far from perfect. School ought to be where children

can find what they adore. They ought to have the capacity to make the inquiries that issue to

them and seek after the appropriate responses. They ought to find what they are energetic about,

what genuinely sets their hearts and souls ablaze. They ought to find that they can influence
other people. Most importantly, they should leave school recognizing what they are great at.

Today, most children graduate just knowing whether they're great at school or not. Regularly our

children have numerous abilities; they simply don't fit in our present educational modules on the

grounds that their gifts are likely not considered "real knowledge." we have to make an

environment that draws in students and encourages inventiveness. Rather than repetition

learning, teachers need to utilize content to teach abilities. We have to construct conditions that

enable our students to get their hands dirty and make things. Spots where students figure out how

to learn, and know how they learn best. Shelley Wright in her article Why Academic Teaching

Doesn't Help Kids Excel in Life writes that “Academics. Most of our current school system

revolves around it, and yet, I think it falls miserably short of what our kids need.”

Childhood is an opportunity to be interested and be amazingly creative

and to investigate bunches of various exercises. Concentrating excessively on your youngster's

first energy on something they indicate early may keep them from searching out different

premiums and adapting new things. Giving them an opportunity to experiment and attempt new

encounters will enable them to expand their point of view and recognize their actual interests.

Parents and schools should encourage such stuff so we can see our next generation flourishing

and happy. It additionally causes them turn out to be all the more balanced and versatile.


1. Have you selected subjects of your own choice?

o yes

o No
o Other:

2. Are you studying subjects because of?

o Parent’s choice

o Your own choice

o Other:

3. Do you think that parents forcing their children to study the subject of their own

choice is good?

o Yes

o No

4. Who will be more satisfied in future?

o one who chooses his/her own subjects

o one with parent pressure

5. Why students accept parent’s pressure?

o Love

o Fear

6. Why parents force children to study subjects of their choice?

o They just want to pursue their own dreams through their children

o Do they think they are not mature enough

7. Do modern parents force their children too or its just parents with stereotypical

o Yes

o No

8. Can one excel in a career in which he has zero interest?

o Yes

o No

9. What matters more?

o Money

o Satisfaction

10. Will you force you children to choose subject of your own choice?

o Yes

o No


While I was on my way of proving my research question, that whether my results would be in

favor of people choosing career of their own choice or the individuals who were in it all because

of parent pressure. So, for that I conducted a little survey, to prove my stance. I conducted a

quantitative research. My survey was distributed all over the university and around my residence.

The survey was a questionnaires form, with close ended questions in it. The population of my

scurvy included people of all most every age group. Mostly the survey was filled by the young

generation of our society. The first question that was asked was whether our population had

chosen the career of their choice or not. 88% of the sample had chosen career of their choice,
while the remaining 12% did the exact same opposite. They were studying the subject that

wasn’t liked by them at all. This shows that more than half of the people were satisfied with their

lives. 88% of the people were studying the career of their choice, 8% were studying the subjects

that were only liked by their parents, and they had no interest in those subjects what so ever.

Only 4% of the people had chosen the other option that was provided, means that they had

neither their say in the subject choosing nor their parents. 68% of the population was of this point

of view that parents should not force their children to study the subject of their liking, while the

rest 32% of those people had a different stance, according to them it’s good to study the subject

of parents liking, maybe because parents know what is right for their children and what is not.

According to the survey 58% of the children accept parent pressure out of fear of parents, that

they might scold them for not doing as said. 44% of the children accept parent pressure out of

love for their parents, they just can’t say no to their beloved parents. They are ready to give away

their future for the sake of their parents. 62.5% of the population thinks that the children aren’t

mature enough to decide all by themselves. 33.3% of the population thinks that all parents want

is to pursue their own dreams in the shape of forcing their children to study the subject of their

liking. They say if I couldn’t become a doctor my daughter would become one instead, to fulfill

my dream. 56% of the population was modern enough to not force the children to do that. One

cannot excel in any field in which he has zero interest. This was confirmed by my population

too, 68% of the population confirms it. For 56% of the population satisfaction matters more than

money, while only 44% thinks that money is more important in life. 76.9% of the people say

that they would never force their children to study the subject of the liking, while the rest 23.1%

thinks the exact opposite. This survey helps a lot, in terms of proving my research.
Parents often force their children into studying the subjects they themselves like, which can ruin

the children’s life. Studying a subject you don’t like is not the right approach. Interest matters the

most when it come to studying and progressing in life.


My research was on career choices. The results I got after all the researches and finding, were in

favor of the fact that one should choose the subject he likes, not the subjects he has been forced

to study. When a parent forces his child for all this, it creates an inferiority complex in the child.

The child keeps thinking that he is not good enough or is not prepared enough to take his own

decisions in life. Parents usually starts forcing them in times of study when their children are at

the age where one single decision could be life changing. When they don t allow him to take his

own decisions he thinks maybe he is not ready enough or still is not mature enough to take his

personal decisions in life. All this kind of thinking ruins his future life too. Firstly he is doing a

job he has zero interest in; he is not enjoying his job. Secondly from the very start he knows that

someone else would make his decisions for him, so he ultimately looses the sense of decision

making. While on the other hand if a person choose whatever he wants in life all by himself

according to what intrigues and interests him, he will lead a satisfied life, with no regrets in life.

Studies find that most people are studying courses of their own choices and further are doing the

jobs of their won liking. It was the previous trend that people used to force their young ones into

stuff, these days individuals chooses for themselves.


 Weisser. L. How to choose your own career path and be happy with it.

[email protected]

 MCKAY. D. R. (2108). How to Make a Career Choice When You Are Undecided.

 Saracino. A. (2103). 5 Questions That Will Help You Choose the Right Career.


 Condliffe. J. (2016). How Your Parents' Career Choices Affect Your Own, Visualize

 Clayton. T. (2017). Things parents do that their children’s career. University of

Connecticut (UCONN), Center for career development.

 Wright. S. (2013).Why Academic Teaching Doesn't Help Kids Excel In Life. KQED

News, published on MindShift.

 William. G.M. (2016).Ten Ways Parents Destroy Their Children's Self-Esteem. We have


 Arrunda. W. (2017). 7 Things Parents Do That Destroy Their Children's Careers.


 Doumbia. K. (2013). Why is Education So Important in Our Life? EdLab.com

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