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Date: 29th JAN 2024 Revision No.

: R06
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Site Safety, Health & Environment Plan Ref No.: SJCPL/SP/HSE/R00

Safety, Health & Environment Plan

Godrej- Meadows R8

Name & Designation Signature Date Signed

P re pa r ed B y( SJ C PL
Mr. Ramchandra Fadakari
S afet y M an ag e r) :

Ap p rov e d B y ( S JC P L –
Mr. Nilesh Pawar
P roj e ct M an ag er )

Rev i ew ed & Ap pr ov e d
Mr. Farukh Pathan
B y G PL ( EH S M an ag e r )

Ap p rov e d B y
Mr. Navnath Kolekar
G PL ( P roj e ct M an ag e r )

Revision No. Revision Status / Details Date Issued Remark

Revision for Equipment’s

01 List & Organization Chart, 25TH JULY 2022
Project Manager.

Revision for Equipment’s

02 List & Organization Chart, 14TH Feb 2023
Safety Manager.

Revision for Organization

03 Chart, Safety Manager. 18TH May 2023
Updated Logistics Layout.

Revision for Equipment’s

04 List & Organization Chart, 16th Aug 2023
Project Manager.

Revision for Equipment’s

05 List & Organization Chart, 8th Nov 2023
Objectives & Targets.

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Site Safety, Health & Environment Plan Ref No.: SJCPL/SP/HSE/R00

GPL PM, Objectives &

Targets, Logistics Layout.
06 29th Jan 2024
Revised project End Date

Objectives, Equipment’s
07 List & Targets, Logistics 02nd April 2024

Contain Page No.

1 Project Highlights 5

2 Safety Policy 7

3 Safety, Health & Environment(SHE) Commitment 8

Site Layout Plan mentioning emergency exit, assembly points, Fire

4 9
Points, first aid center & sanitation location etc.….

5 Site Safety Organization Chart 11

6 Objective & Targets 13

7 Roles & Responsibility 16

8 List of Applicable Legal & Other Requirements 23

9 Safety Budget 24

10 Safety Committee 24

11 Risk Assessment 25

12 General Safety Rules 31

12.1 Visitor Safety Rules 33

12.2 Induction Management 34

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12.3 Erection of Temporary Structure in Site 35

12.4 Safety Inspection & Audit 35

12.5 Electrical Safety 36

12.6 Excavation Safety 39

12.7 Concreting Safety 40

12.8 Scaffolding & Foam work Safety 41

12.9 Safety While Working at Height 45

12.10 Ladder Safety 48

12.11 Plastering Safety 49

12.12 Plant & Machinery Safety 52

12.13 Vehicle & Vehicular Movement Safety 53

12.14 Material Storage 54

12.15 Material Handling 56

12.16 Hot Work Safety 60

12.17 Fire Safety 64

12.18 Housekeeping 65

12.19 Waste Management 68

12.20 Access & Egress Safety 70

12.21 Environment Safety 71

12.22 Health, Hygiene & Welfare 73

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12.23 First Aid Facility 75

12.24 Personal Protective Equipment (PPE Matrix – Trade & Usage Wise) 77

12.25 Safety Display 81

13 Reward & Recognition 81

13.1 Safety Violation & Penalty 82

14 Disciplinary Procedure 86

15 Safety Training & Awareness 88

16 Abbreviation & Definitions 91

Annexure A
17 Safety Officer and Safety Steward Qualification & Experience as per GPL 93
Guide line
Annexure B
18 96
Inspection Color Coding for Harness

Annexure C
19 96
Incident Reporting & Investigation

20 99
Permit to Work
21 106
Energy Isolation & Lockout-Tag-out
22 116
Screening of workman

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1.0 Project Highlights

Sr. Name of Project Godrej Meadows


1 Location Mahalunge, Pune.

2 Client Godrej Properties LTD

Hafeez Contractors
3 Architect
Melior Structural Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
4 Structural Consultant

5 PMC In House

6 Contractor S J Contracts Pvt. Ltd

7 Project Start Date 14th April - 2022

8 Project End Date 30th May - 2024

9 Scope of Work RCC.

10 Total Construction Area(Total 14,19,330 Sq. Ft.

Carpet Area)

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A List of Plant & Machinery

Sr. Name No’s Location


1 DG set 3 All Towers’.

2 Tower crane 3 Tower # 1, 3&4, 2&5

3 Concrete Pump with pipeline 1 All Towers’.

4 Passenger Hoists 5 All Towers’.

5 Farana crane 1 All Towers’.

6 JCB 1 All Towers’.

B List of Machinery

1 Bar Bending Machine 2 Steel Yard

2 Bar Cutting Machine 2 Steel Yard

All Towers’.
3 Chap saw Cutting 3
All Towers’.
4 Hydro Pressure System 4
All Towers’.
5 Dewatering Pump 3
All Towers’.
6 Breaker 10
All Towers’.
7 Chipper 5
All Towers’.
8 Power tools 40
All Towers’.
9 Concrete Vibrators 5
All Towers’.
10 RSP 20

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2.0 SHE Policy

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3.0 Safety, Health & Environment (SHE) Commitment


Safety is our highest priority. We are uncompromising in our commitment to the health and safety
of our employees, subcontractors, customers, and community. We will continually improve our
processes, demonstrate leadership, and promote comprehensive safety.

SJ Contracts Pvt Ltd (SJCPL) is abide by to follow all safety rules, regulation & requirement laid
down in “Site Safety, Health & Environment Plan” & “Building & Other Construction Workers
(Regulation of Employment and Conditions of Service) Act,1996”.

SJCPL will take all necessary steps proactively to provide healthy & safe working atmosphere to
staff, workers& all stakeholders.

Project Manager

Name- Mr. Nilesh Pawar

Designation: Project Manager

Signature: ______________

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Site Safety, Health & Environment Plan Ref No.: SJCPL/SP/HSE/R00

4.0 Site Layout Plan mentioning emergency exit, assembly point, fire point, first aid center
& sanitation facility etc.…

Note: Site logistic plan to be displayed & any changes in site logistic plan will be incorporated and
updated plan will display at Site

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Site Safety, Health & Environment Plan Ref No.: SJCPL/SP/HSE/R00

Emergency Evacuation Plan:






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5.0 Safety Organization Chart

Mr Saurabh Jangle

GM Project
(Execution) DGM HSE
Mr. Pankil Mahajan Mr. Sunil Katare
Mr. Nilesh Pawar (PM)

HSE Manager
Sr. HSE Manager
Mr. Ramchandra
Mr.Chetan Deshmukh

Safety officer
Execution staff
Mr.Tejas Kate

Jr. Safety Officer Safety Supervisor Safety Supervisor Safety Supervisor

Male nurse Ambulance Driver Ambulance Driver
Mr. Pradip Borse Mr.Rajkiran Warma Mr. Pravin Dixit Mr.Jitendra Kharade
Mr. Dipak Dhangar Mr. Arun Shelke Mr.Kalpesh Bhandarkar
Mr.Kamalesh Salunkhe Mr.Akshay Pol Mr. Suresh Kulkarni

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Site Organization Chart


General Manager Safety Head

Project Manager
Regional Safety Manager

Billing Store Execution Quality Safety

Planning P&M Electrician Admin

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6.0 Objective & Targets

The primary objective of our organization is to ensure and enforce effective safety management
to eliminate accident in all job sites, and to maintain a conducive environment and
infrastructural facilities at work places with due consideration for occupational health and safety

An awareness of safety culture will be developed for building and maintaining an effective
accident prevention program by pertaining on the job safety training and following safe
operating procedure of all activities involved in this project. It is our firm belief that if the
procedure and code of practices are rigorously followed, we can reach our objective of

Project HSE Objectives

o Project, HSE objective is to achieve best HSE performance through:

• Apply a “zero philosophy” as the standard for health, safety and the environment.
• Continuously develop a HSE cultures to reduce human error and focus on individual
commitment, responsibility and accountabilities.
• Encourage open communication and employee participation in all activities related to
improvement and fulfilment of all Health, Safety and Environmental issues.
• Seek continuous improvement to achieve “best practice”.
• Identify and analyse all hazards to personnel, working environment, external environment
and Contractor assets, initiate corrective actions and verify that corrective actions are
• Maintain a Management System in compliance with statutory requirements,
• Ensure that a process of continual improvement is achieved through periodic objective
setting, auditing and performance reviews.
o Activity specific HSE Objectives can be established after reviewing the Hazard
Identification and Risk Assessment. Identify the areas where there is a scope for
improvement and establish HSE Objectives & Management programs.
o Use following guideword to establish HSE Objectives & Management program
• Eliminate: Eliminate the hazards altogether or combat the risk at source, (Eliminate all
hazardous events, usage of hazardous substances, unsuitable equipment).
• Provision of Substitution: Use of safe substances or defining the method statements
defining alternative ways of carrying out field tasks to ensure safety
• Provision of Engineering Controls: Machine guarding, proper platforms, acoustic
enclosures, automation instead of manual operations
• Increase / Improvement: Near miss reporting, awareness through training, use of personal
protective equipment, compliments /awards incentives, appoint safety stewards across all the
• Sustain / Continue: Work place inspections, Cross functional audits, Vendor audits. Periodic
Campaigns and Safety Patrols
• Reduce: Hazardous conditions, (e.g. Relating to slips/trips and falls), Exposure to hazardous
substances. (Specify quantitative target with defined time frame).
• Introduce: Risk Assessments, Emergency Plan, Active Monitoring system, Work Permit
system for specified tasks. Training etc. (Specify a date for achievement).

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7. Roles & Responsibility

• HSE management is a line responsibility requiring active participation of all levels of

management and supervision.
• Individual HSE roles and responsibilities, along with task and target shall be distributed to
the individuals for action, as described below.

7.1 Project Manager/Site In-charge

• The project manager shall be the leading force in progressively promoting and improving
safety and health in all areas. He shall:
• Comply with Client’s requirements, HSE-Policy of the Contractor and relevant statutory
requirements that are applicable to the relevant work.

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• Ensure HSE Action Plan and other operating instructions are available at site and copies
abstracts are issued to all concerned including sub-contractors and that special instructions
issued by clients are passed on to all concerned.
• Ensures the competency of project personnel and to provide training where applicable.
• Ascertain that all plants and machinery utilized at the project site meets the safety standard
and are safe for use.
• Pre-plan and prepare work procedures layouts in accordance with Health, Safety &
Environment Management Plan.
• Ascertain potential hazards or processes before commencement of work and inform all site
staff accordingly.
• Ensure that all sub-contractors meet their obligations under current legislation, codes of
practice, and condition of contract in accordance with HSEP, and complied with the same.
• Ensure that safe system of work is implemented and maintained by the project Engineers /
Supervisors / Foreman and employees at the worksite.
• Coordinate with HSE - Officer on Health, Safety & Environment related issues.
• Chair site safety committee & conduct meeting Monthly with sub-contractors and clients to
discuss various aspects on Health, Safety & Environment and minute the meetings.
• Ensure safety of the worker is prioritized including holidays & beyond working hours.
• Shall nominate qualified & trained safety Egg. /Officers reporting to the project manager
for supervision, co-ordination and liaison for the implementation of the safety plan.
• Shall arrange suitable facilities for drinking water, toilets, and lighting etc. as applicable
as per Laws/Legislation at site and arrange for workmen compensation insurance.
Third party liability insurance.
• Shall ensure that its employees have completed health & safety training. The records should
be maintained and produced for verification as required.
• Shall tie up with a local Multidisciplinary Hospital to deal with the incident cases round
the Clock on priority basis.
• Shall provide emergency vehicle or ambulance at site.
• Shall provide labour camp with proper sanitation & proper hygiene to be maintained at
the labour camp.
• Shall ensure that all ducts, cutouts opening & excavation area hard barricading are
provided as per the guidelines provided by Client.
• Before carrying out any new activity plan for the same shall be submitted to the Client.
• Shall actively participate in the safety audit carried out by the Client.
• Shall ensure that PTW are issued before the work commences& ensure proper closing
of permit.


• All supervisory staffs are responsible to the line management for the safety of personnel
under their control.
• The Supervisor is responsible for the employees under his supervision and accountable for
the effective enforcement for protection of Health, Safety & Environment related issues within
his area of responsibility. This includes:
• Maintain safe working conditions and good housekeeping in all areas under his supervision.

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• Enforce use of PPE as requested by Project Specific Rules and regulations.

• Act on any safety violations that are observed and liaise with the HSE Department on area
of concerned.
• Immediately Inform & report to the HSE-Officer while any accident, near misses, dangerous
occurrence, occupational poisoning or diseases shall be noticed within the project sites.
• Continuously monitoring the work area for conditions, which are likely to cause personal injury
or property damage? When any unsafe condition is found to correct them immediately.
• Plan safety in accordance with the approved work methodology for daily work activities.
• Ensure that job hazards and safety procedures are explained to each employee before
begins work.
• Work in close cooperation with the HSE-Officer to eliminate and correct all unsafe practices
and hazardous conditions found.
• Conduct daily tool box talk before start of work.
• Shall stop work in case of imminent danger to man, machine or material is observed and
resume only after ensuring corrective measures.
• Shall ensure that work statement made and safety precaution are taken before start of work.


• Carry out safety inspection of Work Area, Work Method, men, Machine & material, P&M and
other tools and tackles.
• Facilitate inclusion of safety elements into work Method Statement.
• Ensure daily tool box talk through site engineers & supervisors for their respective areas.
• Form risk assessment team & ensure risk assessment of all activity must be carried out &
outcome must be included in method statement.
• Conduct investigation of all accident/dangerous occurrences and recommend appropriate
safety measures.
• Advice & co-ordinate for implementation of operational control procedures etc.
• Act as secretly for safety committee, convene safety meeting schedule & minute the
proceeding for circulation & follow-up action till compliance.
• Plan procurement of PPEs and safety devices and inspect their healthiness.
• Report to PM/RO on all matters pertaining to status of safety and promotional program at site
• Facilitate administration of FIRST – AID.
• Facilitate screening of workman and safety induction.
• Conduct fire dill and facilitate emergency preparedness.
• Design campaigns, competitions and other special emphasis programs to promote safety in
the work place.
• Ensure celebration of National Safety day/week, Fire Service Day, World Environment Day,
Road Safety week etc.…
• Notify site personnel non-conformance to safety norms observed during site visits / site
• Recommended to Site In-charge, immediate discontinuance of work until rectification, of such
situations warranting immediate action in view of imminent danger to life or property or

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• To decline acceptance of such PPE / safety equipment that do not conform to specified
• Encourage raising Near Miss Report, along with improvement initiatives on safety.
• Shall ensure HSE Plan is to communicate to all levels of employees before start of
project site.
• Shall ensure risk assessment of all activity before start of activity & periodic review.
• Shall ensure to safety records (HIRA, Inspection reports, audit, checklist, training etc.…)
are maintained for all activity.
• Shall ensure that height pass is issued for the workers working at height.
• Shall prepare training skill matrix for staff & workers working at site.
• Shall provide safety training to staff & workers as per plan.
• Shall update HSE statistic board on monthly basis.
• Shall submit monthly plan.
• Shall ensure that safety net is provided as per the guidelines provided by the Client.
• Shall ensure preliminary medical examination of worker’s.
• Shall provide walkway for visitors & also for the vehicles moving at site.
• Shall ensure that Permit to Work is been implemented.
• Shall display Do’s & Don’t at site
• Comply with legal requirement as specified in the BOCW Act & Act & another applicable
statue requirement.


• Carryout daily inspection of their assigned area.

• Maintain a daily log of activities
• Recommended to Site In-charge, immediate discontinuance of work until rectification, of such
situations warranting immediate action in view of imminent danger to life or property or
• Hold HSE meeting at least once a month to discuss various aspects on Health, Safety &
Environment with sub-contractors and clients and minute the meetings.
• Act on any safety violations that are observed and liaise with the HSE Department on area
of concerned
• Maintain safe working conditions and good housekeeping in all areas under his supervision
• Conduct safety induction training for all new comer’s staff & workers.
• Conduct or organize regular training as per training matrix for skill enhancement & develop
• Duties: as laid down in Schedule VIII of BOCW Central Rules.)
• Shall propagate safety through leaflets, memos posters, notice etc.
• Shall maintain all safety related register and documents.
• Shall conduct regular site inspection & keep records
• Shall ensure access and egress to project work sites.
• Shall ensure that the checklists are filled by concern person.

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• Shall check the Permit to Work


• Attend the on –spot emergency meeting.

• Ensures necessary first aid facilities are available to meet the emergency.
• Ensures necessary arrangements for medical evacuation of injured and shifting to hospitals as
recommended by medical practitioner / first aid attendant.
• Collect details of manpower in the area during emergency.
• Carries out head count to find out the missing personnel (if any) at the assembly point.
• Maintain record of valid ID (Aadhar OR Voter ID Card) card with age proof of all workers.
• Shall ensure that employee below 18 years shall not be engaged for work.
• Ensure preliminary medical examination of all new entries (Staff & Worker).
• Ensure official tea-up with local hospital in case of emergency.
• Ensure weekly visit of MBBS doctor at project site.
• Ensure compliance with applicable statutory requirement.


• If required, arranges necessary materials like tools & tackles for rescue operation as advised
by the account and administration in-charge
• Assists accounts and administration in-charge in emergency operation.
• Maintain 25% buffer stoke of personal protective equipment’s round the clock.
• Maintained separate storage for highly flammable & hazardous material like diesel, paints,
Acetylene, DA or Industrial LPG cylinders etc.…
• Display MSDS in language understood by majority of hazardous chemical if any.
• Ensure material tagging.
• Maintained good HK in store with clear (w/o obstacle) access & egress.

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• They are responsibility for controlling the traffic on the public roads and keep them clear
of any obstruction for free movement of ambulance and other vehicle.
• Temporarily suspenders the entry of visitors and workers who are not required for the
rescue operations and stops all vehicle movements to clear the roads for emergency
vehicles, if required.
• Vehicle entry routes and parking arrangement, Control of movement of material / tool /
scarp, valid license of the vehicle, PUC & insurance of the vehicle to be checked
• Issuance of security passes, Gates / security personal / guardroom
• Ensure no one to enter site w/o valid ID cards.
• Issue helmet to visitor & guest at gate.
• Check for mandatory PPE like Safety Helmet & Shoes at gate.
• Assist HR or Admin to conduct head count.
• Briefing to visitor & guest regarding the assembly point
• Instruct the visitors that usage of mobile at site is prohibited& hard hat area.
• Shall ensure that employee below 18 years shall not be engaged for work.


• Makes necessary arrangement for Plant and Machinery, Operations and drivers required for
rescue operations as decided in the on-spot meeting.
• Arranges illumination / lightings as required for the rescue and other emergency operation.
• Maintain all legal documents for all P&M machine, equipment’s & vehicles.
• Take competency test of all operators & drivers before employment.
• Schedule Preventive maintenance & Maintain record of all P&M machinery, equipment’s &
vehicles maintenance.
• Ensure six monthly inspections of all lifting appliances.
• Maintained earthing & RCCB check record.


• Participate in all type of inspection and audit.

• Site survey –record & arrange or coordinate to comply with safety deviations
• Assist in controlling areas where critical tasks are being undertaking, e.g. pressure test,
heavy lift etc.
• Height pass issue, work permit cross check, Induction training, First aid center inspection
• Implementation of clients Guidelines, Contractor HQs Guidelines
• First and Near Miss Investigation and preparing preventive measures also reporting of all
accident to safety engineer.
• Active participation in daily tool box talk, Mobile Talk and like activities and drinking Water
tank cleaning
• Ensure that Permit to Work is in place & to be checked during site visit.
• All lunch shed Inspection, Canteen Inspection and labor colony weekly inspection.
• Provision of Safety Stewards by Contractor is at least with the ratio of 1 steward for every 100

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• All staff are responsible to the align management for the safety personal under their
• Staffs are responsible for the employees under his supervision and accountable for the
effective enforcement of the safety and Health activities within his area of responsibility.


• Comply with requirements of Contractor’s HSE Policy as relate to him and co-operate with
others in carrying out the requirements.
• Report defects in lifting appliances, lifting gears, transport equipment’s and any other
equipment’s or tools & tackles to your immediate superior.
• Not to remove or interfere with any fencing, gangway, ladder, covering, lifesaving
appliances, lighting and other things whatsoever required by site safety rules &
regulations. Take care of personal protective equipment
• Don’t let your work put another worker in danger.
• Use only means of access provided for specific work at site.
• Avoid horseplay, practical jokes or other activities to create a hazard.
• Don’t use drugs or alcohol on the job.
• Keep the latrines, urinals, wash points, canteen and other facilities provided in a clean and
hygienic condition.
• Present in the tool Box Meeting every day and obey all the instructions & information given
by the site engineers / supervisors.
• Report any unsafe work practice and any injury or accident to your supervisor.
• Attained daily tool box talk


• The subcontractors / his site-in-charges shall adhere to the rules and regulations
mentioned in this code practice very strictly in his area of work in consultation with his
concerned engineer and the Safety In-Charge.
• All workmen shall be screened before engaging for the JOB.
• No employee below 18 years shall be engaged for work.
• All necessary PPE like Safety helmet, Belts, Shoes, Face shield, Hand Gloves etc. shall be
arranged before starting the job.
• Ensure that all engaged are tested for fitness and have valid certificates from competent
• Instructions laid down in site safety plan shall be adhered to.
• Person working above 2 meters should use full body safety harness tied to a stable structure.
• Material should not be thrown from the height. Cautions to be exercised to prevent fall of
material from height.
• All accidents, Major / Minor, shall be reported to the Project Manager of main contractor.
• After completion of the Hot Work, the supervisor must ensure that there is no burning hot
object, which can cause burn injury.
• Strict adherence to permit to work (if applicable).
• Adequate valid FE shall be kept near the place of work while carrying out Hot Work.
• No unwanted materials should be left out.
• Good Housekeeping should be maintained.
• No personnel should travel on Tractor/ Trailer.

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• Horse-play should be strictly forbidden.

• Adequate illumination shall be arranged during night work.
• Ensure that all personnel working under you are working safely and do not create any
Hazard to self and to others 3

7.13 Responsibility of Camp Boss:

 Support to maintain the minimum requirement of the Workmen Camp as prescribed in
 Ensure strict implementation of healthy & hygienic practices at workmen camp.
 To facilitate the workmen or supervisory staff whoever staying at camp, for their healthy,
Hygienic and secure stay.
 Ensure availability and appropriate use of drinking and usage water.
 Monitor and maintain good working condition of all infrastructure resources provided at
the camp. (e.g. Lights, water taps, firefighting arrangement, rooms etc.)
 Confirm room, bathroom and toilet allocation according to MALE & FEMALE (family).
 If required, ensure proper functioning of baby crèches.
 Ensure cooking is doe only I designated areas or designated rooms. Maintain cleanliness
At kitchen area and dining area.
 Facilitate heath check-up and awareness drive along with Doctor to educate the people for
Healthy habits.
 Maintain cleanliness; carry out fogging and disinfection in and around workmen colony.
 Ensure timely disposal of waste generated from camp & kitchen area.
 Ensure monitoring and timely disposal septic tank.
 Fortnightly inspection to be carried out for workmen colony along with site admin and safety.
 Electrical inspection to be carried out on monthly basis along with electrical and safety department.
 Collect ID card and PPE before giving consent to workmen for EXIT.
 Log Book / Record to be maintained for;
a. No. of Rooms and total work strength.
b. Contractor wise allocation details of rooms. (In and out register)
c. Daily cleaning and disinfection of toilet, bathroom, washing area and drainage.
d. Potable and usage water tanker delivery record.
e. Water tank cleaning record.
f. Visitors record
g. First Aid and illness register.
h. Larva treatment & mosquito fogging
 On holidays and festival have a strict supervision upon workmen to maintain harmony in
Co-ordination with security.
 To ensure controlled vehicular movement to avoid and mishap.
 Ensure restriction of any unauthorized person, sale person to enter inside camp through security.
 COVID Guideline
a. Ensure thermal screening of workmen during entry and exit from camp.
b. Maintain isolation rooms as prescribed.
c. Take care of unhealthy / ill person and conduct SPO2 test and report to site admin
If any negative finding.
d. Promote use of nose mask at all time.

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7.14 Planning Engineer Responsibilities:

 Understanding project specifications and developing time schedules and budgets that
meet them.
 Negotiating with vendors and contractors to secure the best prices.
 Observing existing processes, analyzing staff performance, and addressing deficiencies
 Monitoring and tracking project progress, and writing up reports.
 Attending and scheduling meetings as required.
 Delegating tasks and ensuring workers receive feedback.
 Understanding and meeting all contract requirements.
o Communicating with managers, supervisors, and the rest of the team.
o Analyzing technical drawings and providing material and cost estimates.
o Ensuring all projects is completed on time and within budgets.
o Analysis of labour histogram on monthly basis & provide inputs to store dept. to help to
maintain Safety materials buffer stock of 20%.
o Share the planning of weekly activity to prepare the HIRA & to check the availability of

8.0 List of Applicable Legal & Another Requirement

Name of Act/Rules Frequency

Building & Other Construction Workers (Regulation of Continuously.
Employment & Conditions of Service) Act, 1996 and Central
Rules, 1998 or respective state rules
The gas cylinders rules 2004 NA
The Indian electricity act 2003 Continuously.
The Indian electricity rules 1956 & 2005 Continuously.
Fatal Accidents Act, 1855 As a When Required
Explosives Act, 1884 and Explosives Substances Act, 1908 & NA
Explosives Rules, 2008
Motor Vehicles Act, 1988 and Central Motor Vehicles Rules, Continuously.
Petroleum Act, 1934 and Rules, 2002 NA
The Static & Mobile Pressure Vessels [Unfired] Rules- 1981 6 Month
Noise Pollution Regulation & Control rules, 2000 6 Month
Environment (Protection) Act, 1986 and Rules, 1986 6 Month
The Hazardous Waste (Management & Handling) Rules, 1989 Continuously.
Air (Prevention & Control of Pollution) Act, 1981 and Rules, 6 Month
National Ambient Air Quality Standards- Notification 1994 6 Month
under Air Act
Water (Prevention & Control of Pollution) Act, 1974 and Rules, 6 Month
Battery (Management and Handling) rules, 2001 NA
Bio-Medical waste ( Management & Handling ) Rules1998 Continuously.

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Child Labour (Prohibition & Regulation) Act, 1986 and Rules, Continuously.
Contract Labour (Regulation & Abolition) Act, 1970 and Rules, Yearly
Inter-State Migrant Workmen (Regulation of Employment & NA
Conditions or Service) Act, 1979 and Rules, 1980
Public Liability Insurance Act, 1991 and Rules NA
Workmen’s Compensation Act, 1923 with State Rules Yearly

Note: The contractor shall display abstract of prominent safety and labour laws at conspicuous
places at site.

09.00 Safety Budget for the Project Cycle

Sr. Item Amount allocated

1 Personal Protective Equipment
2 Reward & Recognition
3 Safety Training
4 Training Room Set-up
5 Welfare & Awareness Programme
6 Safety Display
Safety Campaign(Nation Safety Day/Week, World
7 Environment Day, Fire Service Day/Week & Road
Safety Week Celebration) Min. 0.5% of Cost of Project
8 First Aid Centre & Facility
9 Medical Emergency
10 Rescue Kit
11 Emergency Vehicle(Ambulance)
Six Monthly third party test & examination of lifting
equipment, tools & tackle.
13 Medical examination of employees
Six monthly Ambient Air & Noise and Work Place
Survey for Illumination & Noise

10.0 Safety Committee (Rule 208 of BOCW Rules)

Safety Committee will be formed comprising of 50% participation from site management & 50%
participation from all sub-contractors and representatives of workers (Supervisors, fitters, helpers

The Committee shall meet at least monthly. Mandatorily contractor project manager must chair
the committee & contractor safety engineer must function as secretary.

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10.1 Duties of Safety Committee

 To identify probable causes of accident and unsafe practices in building or other
construction work and to suggest remedial measures.
 To stimulate interest of employer and building workers in safety by organizing safety weeks,
safety competition, talks and film shows on safety, preparing posters or taking similar other
measures as and when required or as necessary.
 To go around the construction site with a view to check unsafe practices and detect unsafe
conditions and to recommend remedial measures for their rectification including First Aid
Medical and Welfare Facilities
 To consider the health hazards associated with handling different types of explosive,
chemicals and other construction material and to suggest remedial measures including use
of proper personal protective equipment.
 To suggest measures for improving welfare amenities in the construction site and other
miscellaneous aspects of safety, health and welfare in building or other construction work.
 To bring to the notice of the employer the hazards associated with use, handling and
maintenance of the equipment used during building and other construction work.
 A review all accident, incidents or injuries, first aid data to identify any prominent trends or
outstanding hazards for which control can be suggested & discussed
 A review all audit / Inspections reports and the timelines of completion for
 Discuss any other Safety, Health & Environment related issues

NOTE: The Committee shall meet fortnightly in the beginning and after six months at least
once in a month.

11. Risk Assessment

11.1 Purpose:
To establish a procedure for the on-going hazard identification of all workplace and business-related
activities which may create OH&S hazard, determination of risks and selection of appropriate risk
control measures in accordance with both legal and other requirements.

11.2 Scope:
This procedure will be applicable to all bellow mentioned activities shall be taken in to account &
to be done proactively.

a. All routine (periodic) and non-routine (occasional) activities under normal, abnormal and
emergency situations.
b. Activities of all persons i.e. Employees, Workers, Customers, Visitors, Trainees, etc. having
access to work place.
c. Facilities (Infrastructure, Machinery/ Equipment, Installations etc.) whether provided by the
client or belonging to the Contractor etc.…
d. Hazard originating outside the work place capable of adversely affecting the OH&S of
persons within the work place.
e. Changes (temporary/permanent), proposed changes, modification to OH&S MS (Method
Statement), activities, Operating procedures and their impacts.
f. Human related aspects (Human error, Behavior, Capabilities, and Ergonomics etc.)
g. Legal & other requirements (e.g. Clients Guidelines, BOCW etc.…)
h. Work Environment Aspects (illumination, ventilation, ergonomics etc.)
i. Hazard near workplace

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11.3 Roles & Responsibility:

Project manager is responsible to ensure risk assessment of all activity as above through risk
assessment team & submit to Client for review & approval.

11.4 Procedure:
To identify & evaluate hazard involved in every activity during execution & to find appropriate
practical control measure to avoid harm to Personal & Property of the Contractor.

Risk Assessment (HIRA-Hazard Identification & Risk Assessment) is a part of planning stage &
It should be prepared well before start of every activity.

11.5 HIRA Preparation

 Standard risk assessment method as below will be followed.
 All undertake design and construction work for client construction Site, will refer to the safety
regulation under contract condition for guidance.
 The level of risk associated with identified hazards will be prior listed in accordance with their
probability, severity and classified under risk categories A, B, C and D. The objective shall to
be reducing the risk level to ‘D’.
 "Method of Risk Classification" outlines the method of risk classification and suggested risk
control measures which may be considered.
 This can be used to identify all hazards associated with the construction work being carried
out prior to classifying the risk before and after control measures have been identified using
the attached Hazard identification and Risk Assessment Sheet in Appendix - 1.
 The control measures which will be used to eliminate, reduce and manage risks will be
specified in Risk Assessments to enable cross checking to be carried out.

11.6 HIRA Preparation Team (HPT):

HIRA preparation team to be formed, who will be responsible for preparing HIRA for each &
every activity of site operation,

HPT members should meet minimum requirement;

 Knowledge and experience of hazard identification and risk assessment techniques
 Knowledge of the process or activity to be assessed
 Technical knowledge of the plant or equipment
 Good communication and report writing skills and
 Possess right attitude to carry out risk assessment
Suggested HPT should comprise of minimum Execution In-charge, Safety In-charge, Concern
Work In-charge & concern Supervisor.

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11.7 Identification of Hazard & Subsequent Risk:

Every activity, sub-activity and tasks have its own hazards & risks.

While identifying the hazards and subsequent risk, following points shall be taken into
consideration, these are:

 Human behaviors, capabilities & other human factors. (Workplace layout, operator
information, physical work, work patterns also personnel competency)
 Infrastructure, equipment & materials at the workplace, whether provided by the
organization or others. (e.g. hazards caused by stored material, handling & placement of
materials, Hired vehicles)
 Changes or proposed changes in the organization, its activities, materials.
 Modifications to the safety management system, including temporary changes, and their
impacts on operations, processes, and activities.
 The design of workplace areas, processes, installations, machinery/ equipment, operating
procedures and work organization, including their adaptation to human capabilities.

11.8 Sources of Information or Inputs to be considered during HIRA:

 Safety Policy
 Occupational exposure for health hazard
 Inputs from the applicable legislations, standards and codes of practices, relevant operating
manuals of plant and machinery and MSDS of the chemicals etc.…
 Records or reports of incidents
 Audit & inspection report, assessments and review
 Process review and improvement of activities in the workplace
 Information on best practices and typical hazards in similar organization
 Information on the facilities processes and activities of the organization plan, OEP etc.
 Nature, Timing, Scope of work and methodology should be considered.

11.9 Method of Risk Classification:

To identify level of risk associated to identified hazards, the hazards will be evaluated in accordance
with their probability & severity and classified in category indicated below,
Step 1 Hazard Identification
Identify the Hazards to health and safety to which persons are exposed. Objective is to develop a
proactive approach to Occupational Health and Safety Management System by anticipating and
managing the changes.
Step 2 Risk Rating (R) without control
For each hazard identified assess and estimate the Risk associated with it in relation to probability
(P) and severity (S) of occurrence, without considering the existing controls. Match the probability
index and severity index and calculate Risk Rating (PX S).
Refer –Table no.1 for probability; Table No-2 for severity

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Step 3 Risk Rating R with control

Evaluate the risk rating (PX S) by considering controls in place. Focus on:
 Exposure to specific hazard
 Probability (P) of the occurrence of the hazard.
 Severity (S) consequences of injury or ill-health
Table 1

Probability of
Rating Description
Very Unlikely
(Improbable) Hazardous event or exposure may occur in exceptional
1 circumstances. (Very remote chance)
Hazardous event or exposure is unlikely to occur (Rare
Unlikely (Remote)
2 chance
Hazardous event or exposure has a significant chance to
Likely (Possible)
3 occur
4 Very Likely (Probable) Hazardous event or exposure is certain to occur

Table 2

Rating Description
1 Negligible Minor injuries such as small cuts and bruise, back to work
Injury/ill health with short term effect, not reportable - away from
Minor work for less than two days
Major injury or permanent disability or ill health with long term effect
Severe reportable;
4 Major Fatality, disasters.

Step4: RISK Calculation / Evaluation:

Probability(P) 1. Negligible 2. Minor 3. Severe 4. Major

1. Improbable L L M M
2. Remote L M M H
3. Possible M M H H
4. Probable M H H H
H: Hazard must be avoided (or the level of risk reduced significantly and reliable by controls).
M: Hazard should be avoided (or the level of risk reduced significantly and reliable by controls).
N: Risk to be controlled as far as reasonably practicable.
L: Risk is controlled as far as reasonably practicable.
---: No control measures necessary.

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LEGAL: If activity come under legal implication (significant) than additional control measures is
to be taken and must be reviewed periodically.
T: Tolerable
NT: Non – Tolerable

Step 5: Implementation of Control Measure:

 Eliminating the hazard - Elimination of risk by avoiding a certain activity/ process or use of
alternatives; design improvements; change of process etc.

 Substitution - Reducing risk using a hazardous substance or chemical which is relatively less
risky; using low voltage electrical appliances
For example - Use hydraulic machine in wet condition instead of electrical power-driven
machine to avoid shock hazards.

 Engineering Controls
Redesign: Jobs and processes can be reworked to make them safer. For example, containers
can be made easier to hold and lift.
Isolation - If a hazard cannot be eliminated or replaced, it can sometimes be isolated, contained
or otherwise kept away from workers. For example, an insulated and air-conditioned control room
can protect operators from a toxic chemical and installing guarding on equipment or operating
machinery remotely.

Prevent or minimize exposure to the risk: If a hazard cannot be eliminated, there are many
control options that can be used alone, or in combination, to prevent or minimize exposure to
the risk.
For example - Remote control operation of the Boom Placer, anti-collision device of tower
crane etc....

 Administrative controls
Minimizing exposure to a risk using SOP (safe operating procedures), instructions or by
displaying signage’s/warning.
For example - Display warning signs or providing safety training.
Also, risk can be minimized by adequate supervision, training, job rotation, housekeeping,
repairs and maintenance schedule and hygiene at the work place.

 Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Protective Clothing /Aprons, Safety Goggles,

Earplugs, hand-gloves, Appropriate Foot wear, fall protection equipment’s are some of the
PPEs used. Personal protective equipment (PPE) and clothing is used when other controls
measures are not feasible and where additional protection is needed. Workers must be trained
to use and maintain equipment properly. The employer and workers must understand the
limitations of the personal protective equipment. The employer is expected to require workers
to use their equipment whenever it is needed. Care must be taken to ensure that equipment is
working properly

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For example - using respiratory protection to minimize exposure to inhalation of silica dust,
fine particles, cement dust etc.

Step 6: Submission of HIRA:

The Contractor will be responsible to submit site specific construction Risk assessment to
Client Site Management for review two weeks before commencement of the construction
Client Site Management will review the completeness and content of the Risk Assessment and
will comment on it and submit the same to Client Site Head for approval. After approval
release the HIRA for the preparation of method statement and specific checklist.

Hierarchy for HIRA approval:

Name Org / Sec. Signature Date

Prepared by Contractor
Reviewed By Contractor Head
Approved by Client Site Head
All subcontractors will maintain a full record of all the Risk Assessment relevant for their work.
The records should contain the following information: subject, number, date prepared, date
submitted to Client Site management, date of revision, accepted by Client Site management.

Revision of HIRA
Hazard Identification and Risk Assessments shall be reviewed for their adequacy when there are
any changes to OH&S MS (e.g. Changes in the technology, processes, methods, materials,
persons, machines, facilities etc.) or as recommended by legal/ other requirements or actual non-
conformances (e.g. deteriorating trend of air quality, near miss, accidents, complaints etc.). The
HIRA shall be reviewed at least once in six months and in the following cases also:
 New Type of job
 modification in site layout
 New safety equipment / equipment’s deputed
 After any incident / accident investigation
 Because of safety audit, safety inspection etc.

List of activities to be covered in HIRA

Survey Work
Gate Management
Temporary structure erection work
Non Operational Activities
Labour Camp - Erection & Operation
Barricading Work
Construction of habitats by Tunnel formwork method

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Vertigo test
Working at Height
Manual Material Handling
Mechanical Material Handling
Reinforcement work, reinforcement Cutting & Bending work
Welding & Gas Cutting
Storage of Chemical
Scaffolding erection & Dismantling work
DG Unloading and Installation
Reinforcement Fixing & Tying
Concrete Pipe Line Erection
QC Lab Works --Concrete sampling, cube Testing, Curing of cube
Erection of tower crane
Tower crane operation & maintenance
Tower carne height extension & Support fixing
Aluminum Formwork System.
Block work
Work inside shafts and cut outs
Erection & dismantling of Outer Peripheral Working Platform and fixing of safety net.

Man Material Hoist Erection, Commissioning, Operation, Maintenance & Dismantling

Plumbing Installation work

Construction Vehicle Operation

HIRA Record Format

HIRA Meadows R8

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12.0 General Safety Rules

1.All employees, sub-contractors, vendors and customers will follow the general site safety rules as
framed by the management- Immediately report any unsafe conditions, accidents, injuries or illness
to the Project Manager and safety officer/ Supervisor.

2.. It is the responsibility of all employees, suppliers, customers, sub-contractors and workers to use
appropriate Personnel Protective Equipment’s excluding non-PPE’s zone.

3. Dangerous areas will be identified and designated as hazardous (e.g. area below HT/LT line, Lift
& other shafts, Openings, Fuel storage. Warning signs will be displayed.

4. Plant or machineries, vehicles will not be used by authorized and trained persons.

5. Any work which may lead to fire can’t be carried out without hot work permit.

6. No alcohol is permitted on site and anyone deemed to be under the influence of alcohol is expelled
from site and imposed warning/penalty.

7. All construction vehicles will be parked in designated areas only.

8. Smoking will be strictly prohibited at site.

9. Security staffs will be trained in firefighting and handling emergency situations.

10. All workmen wear helmets and safety shoes or gum-boots.

11. All hand tools will be of 110 volts AC and insulated.

12. Full body Safety harness with double lanyard will be used to prevent workmen from tripping /
falling from a height.

13. New employees and workers will attend Safety induction training programme before engaging
work at site.

14. Construction site will be enclosed by acoustic sheet cladding to prevent unauthorized entry at

15. Person below age of 18 and above 58 years is not allowed to work in the premises.

16. Chewing or carrying Tobacco/ Gutkha are not allowed at site.

17. Two vehicle riders will use bike helmet inside the site

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12.1 Visitor Safety Rules

 Visitor to communicate & book a slot before visiting the site.

 Do not visit site unless escorted by Contractor person.
 Wearing safety helmet is mandatory and no visitor allowed to enter site area without
 Using mobile phone & listening songs/ headphones during site visit is strictly prohibited.
 Smoking is prohibited.
 Do not touch any electrical board or any mechanical / electrical equipment’s on the way.
 Be careful of heavy vehicle movement, crane movement etc.
 Do not cross any barricade area.
 Follow demarcated path during site visit.
 Photography is prohibited.
 In course of any emergency, the person escorting the visitors is responsible for their
safety evacuation. Hence do not panic & stay where you are, you will be safely evacuated.

Screening Workmen

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12.2 Induction Management

New Arrival

Level of Screening Contains

Age proof, ID Proof, Address Prof, Preliminary Medical Examination
Screening from admin including vertigo test, Detail medical examination in case of operator &
Screening from engineer Education Qualification; Previous Experience; Skill test
Safety Induction by Contractor safety Engineer & maintained record
Level Issue of ID Card/Gate After successfully completing all 3 level HR/Admin will issue with
4 Pass authorized signature & keep record of Level 1, 2 & 4

All new comers will go through safety induction training conducted by safety engineer. No one can
work on site without safety induction training.

Induction Training Flow,

Duration Topic to be covered

45 Mints Screening of safety induction video
Induction PPT Contain
45 Mints Project Overview
Safety Policy
Project Safety Goal
Site Safety Organization
Site Logistic Plan
CLIENT Safety Guideline
Roles & Responsibility
Hazard Associated with project & construction
Site Safety Rules or Do's & Don't
What to do in event of emergency
Welfare, health & hygiene
Reward recognition & Penalty
Practical Demonstration
30 Mints PPE demonstration Including Safety Belt
Basic firefighting training

NOTE: Only after the completion of Safety Induction Training, preliminary medical examination,
vertigo test workers can work. No one can work without ID cards. Contractor stamp & authorized
signature Induction stamp is mandatory on ID card.

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12.3 Erection of temporary structure at site

All type of temporary structures for site, steel yard, labour camp shall be erected as per approved
site logistics plan and approval of designs by Client Site Head. This will include all offices, stores,
open sheds, labour camp huts, tanks, toilet & urinal blocks, shelters, laboratory, batching plant,
electrical installations, cranes, scaffolds, platforms, ramps, access roads etc.

12.4 Safety Inspection & Audit

The following steps are followed during auditing
1) Collection of preliminary information about the project activities, the process and safety
provisions that exists, through a pre-audit questionnaire.
2) Preparation of audit checklist to suit the requirement of the project which is to be audited
3) Field visit involves Inspection of various areas, discussions with employees at various levels
and examination of documents, procedures, records.
4) Completion of Inspections and analysis of the data collected.
5) Preparation of audit report with recommendations.
6) Preparation of action plans based on the audit report in consultation with the management to
implement the recommendations.

Preparation of Audit reports and recommendations:

Audit report is the executive summary of the findings during the audit. This is followed by the
detailed report, the content of which shall be as given below.
i) Introduction
ii) A brief description of project activities under audit
iii) Objectives of the audit
iv) Methodology
a. Compilation of audit check list
b. Field visit reports
c. Perusal of records
d. Discussions with management and staff
e. Observations
f. Recommendations

The basic purpose of auditing is for improvement in areas where there is a lag and for future
preventive measures. Thus, audit helps to improve the governance in safety department in
the following ways.
 Confidence of customers.
 Leads to reduction of loss caused by accidents and interruptions.
 Reduction of accidents.
 Improved staff morale by reduction & control of hazards.
 Better emergency preparedness.
 Better public relationship.

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Internal audit:
Internal audit of safety system is carried out once in three months as per site safety plan &
report & compliance report is submitted to client.
Quarterly audit by Contractor corporate safety department & report shall be submitted to
Monthly audit by Contractor & report submitted to client.

Safety Inspection
Two-tier safety vigilance is must. Routine daily walk-through safety inspection by Safety
Engineers is essential.
Monthly inspection of major plant &machinery (batching plant, tower crane etc.…).

This section shall give the list of applicable inspection and report.
 General safety inspection(Monthly)
 Scaffolding Inspection
 Working at height Inspection
 Electrical safety inspection
 Vehicle & earth moving equipment inspection
 Crane/Tower crane/ vehicle/EM equipment inspection
 Crane, Vehicle, Earth moving Equipment’s Fitness Inspection.
 Office Inspection
 Labour Colony Inspection
 Track sheet of all Material Lifting Appliances/Material Handling Equipment’s mentioning Sr.
No. & Date of TPI & Due date & Authorized Operator/driver & Capacity/SWL &
Insurance/TC/PUC/fitness certificate & it’s due date
 Excavation
 Passenger & material hoist
 Legal Requirement
 Etc.……

External Audit:
External safety audit of site every six months through third party approved by Godrej Project
Manager. Audit report with compliance plan shall be submitted to Godrej Properties Ltd.

12.5 Electrical Safety

Electricity is our friend without which we cannot proceed towards any development. But it may
become dangerous foe while we neglect or forget to take care of it. Following safe practices must
be observed / ensured while executing electrical work and ensure compliance to prevent injury
and damage to property due to fire & explosion.

 Ensure to follow Electrical Safety Code of Practices while installation, operation & maintenance.
 Display Single Line Diagram (SLD) & no supply must be given only as per approved SLD from
 Display ‘DANGER’ notice near medium, high & extra high voltage installations.

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 Electrical cables and tools shall be regularly inspected. Any defective tool or damaged cables
shall be replaced or rectified.
 Provision of body eating is mandatory for all machines.
 Only use three core double insulated cables for portable tools.
 All electrical connections, fittings, appliances shall comply with National Electrical standard. Only
industrial standard plugs and sockets shall be used at the worksite.
 Ensure effective connection of both Neutral & Body earthing to every generator set.
 Maintain good housekeeping in the generator rooms
 Connection of all low voltage installations shall be taken through sound RCCB of 30 mA
sensitivities. Record of their periodic testing shall be ensured.
 Earth-pits and the earthing connections shall be periodically maintained to have effective earthing
system on all electrical equipment & installations. All non-current carrying metal parts of high &
extra high voltage installations should be earthed.
 Earth resistivity must be check on monthly basis with the help of earth tester.
 RCCB must be check on fortnightly with the RCCB tester.
 Ensure use of rubber-mat on the floor around each & every electrical installation and use of
insulated tools only while working with electricity.
 Ensure effective earthing and insulation at the joints if any in the cables connected with concrete
vibrators, hand lamps and any other Electrical power driven mobile - equipment.
 Provide cable-marker on the ground to identify underground cables at site. Cables are not
allowed to lie on ground. All the temporary electrical cables shall be laid on posts as overhead or
 Layout of the cables shall be done considering isolation & segregation from dangerous locations.
 Electrical powered equipment under repair / refuelled shall have the power source turned-off.
 Treat everything as live and ensure use of job specific PPE regarding electrical work.
 Ensure use of Full Body Safety Harness and use of Non - metallic Ladder while working at height.
 Provide proper illumination at each work front.
 Danger tags such as ‘DO NOT OPERATE’ shall be placed on defective electrical equipment/
 When passing or working under high voltage power line, no part of any plant or equipment shall
come closer than 6 m to the power line.
 Appropriate protection such as Lightning-Arrestor shall be provided against lightning.
 Fire buckets filled with clean, dry sand and portable fire extinguishers (Carbon di-Oxide & DCP)
should be provided for extinguishing electrical fire.
 Conduct periodic training and mock drill regarding electrical fire fighting technique and restoration
of persons suffering from electric shock.
 Procedure for restoration of persons suffering from electrical shock should be displayed in local
language at conspicuous places.
 Create awareness of the workmen through tool-box-talk & other HSE -promotional training to
avoid sleeping in the generator room and not to wear loose clothing while in work.
 Electric wires strung for temporary lighting shall have clear overhead clearance.

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1) Permissible approach distances

Voltage (Volt) 150 - 750 750 - 50,000 50,000 - 250,000 Over 250,000
Minimum Distance (m) 2.0 3.0 4.5 6.0

2) Erection of over-head barriers (goal posts) painted in two contrasting warning colours to caution
the driver / operator of transport & earth moving equipment to be operated in dangerous proximity
of the power lines. Clearance of overhead power lines from ground for earth moving equipment
and vehicles shall be as follows:

Voltage of Power Lines (KV) 11& below 33& below 132 & below 175 & below 400 &
Clearance (m) 1.4 3.6 4.7 5.7 6.5

Electrical Equipment’s
 Turn off the main switch of all electrical circuits when the equipment is not in use and more
particularly while leaving the site.
 Avoid temporary electrical connections. Use them only in situations where fixed wiring not
feasible. If their use is necessary, ensure that they are not run through such locations where they
could be damaged particularly due to the vehicle movement.
 Schematic and single line diagram shall be submitted to Client for approval.
 Don’t overload circuits. Install additional circuit if necessary.
 Ensure that portable electric tools are effectively earthed.
 Keep use of portable lamps to minimum.
 Disconnect electrical equipment if it malfunctions or gives off a strange smell. Call the
maintenance personnel.
 Follow correct specifications when replacing fuses in equipment.
 Always prefer standard equipment bearing ISI mark.
 All temporary electrical panel should be IP-55 (Weather proof panels) equipped with 30mA
RCCB. Use of only single length and three core double insulation cables of required rating
 All temporary electrical panel must be marked with identification number & inspection record
must be maintained as per marked identification number only.

Portable Electrical Hand Tools

The portable electrical hand tools & inspection lamp in underground or confined space at
excavation or tunneling work shall be of 24 volts. The risk of severe shock is very low with 24
volts’ circuits. Low voltage appliances are therefore suggested to minimize the risk of shock in
these areas.
 Employment of licensed electricians
 Use of low voltage or insulated portable electric tools wherever possible.
 Daily checks on earthing of metallic bodies of portable electric tools and keeping inspection &
maintenance record.

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 Periodical watering of earth-pits, measurement of earth-pit resistance and maintenance of

 Implementation of Lock-out & Tag-out system
 Tool Box Talk to workmen on safety while handling long objects near overhead electric wires,
supported by supervision.
 Continuous on the job supervision and correction in case of trailing cables on the ground
and improper tapping of power.

Power Tools
 Only trained & experienced personnel shall be authorized to operate power tools energized by
electricity, compressed air, pneumatically, fuel, hydraulic, cartridge or combustible gas.
 Manufacture's safety guidelines and maintenance schedules shall be strictly observed.
 Check electrical tools before starting work for the day and ensure that the cables are not
damaged & the tools are properly grounded.
 Provision of Inspection tagging system for all power tolls & equipment
 Powered tools, which are damaged, shall not be used until reported or replaced.
 Powered tools shall be stored in stable position.
 Approved and properly grounded electrical tools with three - pin plugs shall be used.
 Tools shall be used for the intended task and shall be maintained in good condition.
 Grinding disc shall be inspected for correct size and speed prior to installation.
 Guards shall not be removed except for service or maintenance purpose only.
 Personnel must wear appropriate personal protective equipment’s (Safety Shoe, Helmet,
goggles, Gloves, Apron etc.) while using tools.

12.6 Excavation Safety

 Excavation work shall not be carried out without PTW.

 Before taking excavation conduct underground utility survey to find out any underground
services (if any).
 If any underground services are located, then consult concerned department and take required
 Excavate as per the angle of repose of the soil.
 Provide shoring wherever required.
 The excavated soil shall be kept at the distance of more than 5 feet or half of the depth of the
trench whichever is more from edge. Proper slope must be given.
 Vehicle movement shall not be allowed near by the edge of the trench or excavated pit (minimum
5feet away from the edge).
 Cutting should be done from top to bottom. Under cutting shall not be allowed.
 While providing steps for access/egress, slippery must be avoided. Proper ramp must be given.
 Dewatering to be done before allowing workmen in or around the pit.
 Provide proper sign / warning board (Deep Excavation).
 Use proper means of access. Ladders to be provided which should be extended more than 3
feet from the ground level & secure at both the ends (top & bottom).
 Minimum two accesses & egress must ensure.

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 Barricade (hard barricading) the excavated area. Barricading must be in two rungs Top rail at
1.2 m & mid rail at 0.5mtr.
 Provide proper illumination for night work.
 12V bulb with red color to be provided at the excavation area for easy identification.
 In deep excavation (more than 4 feet), persons working at slope or bench of the pit should wear
safety belt / one ladder should be place at all the times.
 Store the material away from the edge of the excavation (minimum 5 feet away).
 Nose / dust musk shall be provided.
 Safety shoes with ankle must be provided.
 Eye protection shall be adhered (Safety goggle).
 All electrical or mechanical equipment must be inspected before starting excavation activity.
 No excavation allowed if any vibrating equipment employed within 5m radius.
 Sites of excavation shall be thoroughly inspected:

Daily, prior to each shift and after interruption in work of more than one day
After every blasting operation
After an unexpected fall of ground
After heavy rains
Adequate posters & signage board to be provided at appropriate location.
Entry & exit of the staff & workers to be monitored & registered of the same to be provided at the
entry of the excavated area.

12.7 Concreting Safety

 Before starting the concrete works the formwork engineer or foreman shall check the reliability
of the formwork done and give approval for concreting.
 Only authorized operator shall work on mixer machine. Nobody shall be allowed to work near
mixer machine with loose clothing. Moving parts of the machine shall be guarded.
 The access from the point where concrete is supplied to the area to be concreted shall be
properly made and free from obstructions.
 Barricade the concreting area while pouring at height and near to the public occupancy.
 Keep vibrator hoses, pumping concrete accessories in healthy conditions and mechanically
 Pipelines in concrete pumping system shall not be attached to temporary structures such as
scaffolds and support as the forces and movements may affect their integrity.
 Ensure and check safety cages in concreting mixers. Guards around moving parts etc. are
 Use Personal Protective Equipment like gloves, safety shoes etc. while dealing with concrete
and wear respirators/nose mask.
 Earthling of electrical mixers, vibrators, etc. should be done and verified.
 Cleaning of rotating drums of concrete mixers shall be done from outside. Lockout devices shall
be provided where workers need to enter.
 Where concrete mixers are driven by internal combustion engine, exhaust points shall be
located away from the worker's workstation to eliminate their exposure to obnoxious fumes.
 Ensure adequate lighting with 50 LUX illuminations along the length and breadth of area for
carrying out concrete work during night.
 Don't allow the same workers to pour concrete round the clock. Insist to follow rotation pattern.
 During pouring, shuttering and its supports should be continuously monitored for any defects or

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 Eating or drinking or keeping foodstuff near the machine shall not be allowed.
 Where possible, ready mixed concrete shall be used instead of mixing on the site.
 Jewelry such as rings and watches shall be removed because wet cement can collect under
 While carrying out floor / slab-concreting, planks shall be placed on the re-bars and secured for
safe movement of the employees.
 Movement of the employees and concreting process shall be predetermined and informed to the
concreting gang.
 Compressed air shall not be used, under any circumstances, to clean dirt and dust from clothing
or off a person’s skin.
 Ensure driver or operator involved in concreting (Batching plant, TM, Tower Crane, Concrete
Pump, Concrete mixture etc.….) must be competent, trained & experienced.
 Avoid concreting in night & if then concreting work must be done only after issue of night work
 Supervisor, Safety supervision, trained first aider & emergency vehicle must be available during

12.8 Scaffolding & Foam work Safety

General Requirement:
 Any scaffold and staging shall only be erected by experienced scaffold erectors and under
constant supervision by qualified scaffold supervisor.
 Before use of a scaffold, the erected scaffold must be inspected and approved by the
qualified scaffold supervisor. Following approval, the scaffold supervisor should complete
and sign a status tag placed at the scaffold which describes the location of the scaffold and
its latest inspection date.
 When the completed scaffold is handed over for use, it is the responsibility of the workers &
site supervisor to ensure its correct and safe use. It should not be modified in any way
without reference to scaffolding supervisor. Any defects or unauthorized modifications
should be reported to the scaffold supervisor.
 An erected scaffold shall be inspected at least once in seven days by the qualified scaffold
 Scaffold should not be erected within 4 m of high voltage line.
 An erected scaffold shall also be inspected by the qualified scaffold supervisor since
exposure to weather conditions likely to affect its strength or stability or to have displaced
any part.
 All scaffolding and components will be inspected for, but not limited to, the following:

 Dents
 Excessive rusting
 Structural fatigue
 Excessive wear and/or damage
 Any abnormal observation

 All damaged material shall be colored marked & stored separately from useable materials
and shipped back to the main yard as soon as possible.
 All scaffolding shall be furnished, erected and altered in accordance with IS-3696 (1987)

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 Scaffold and their components will can support without failure at least four times the
maximum intended load.
• The scaffold location will be inspected to determine ground conditions or strength of
supporting structures.
• Base Plates or screw jacks with a base plate must be in firm contact with both the sill
and the legs of the scaffold.
• Mudsill size will be determined only after the total loads imposed on the scaffold and
supporting soil or structures are determined, calculated and considered by a qualified

• No scaffold will be used for a hoist unless the structural consultant has designed and
approved the assembly.
• Bamboo scaffold should be strictly restricted at CLIENT site; it can be used in certain
situation with prior permission from site head after accessing the risk involved.
 All scaffolds shall be tagged in accordance with Section 7.1 of this work instruction.

Working Platform:
 All work platforms erected or altered will be constructed in such a manner that the work, for
which they were designed, may be performed safely.
 Every working platform from which a person is liable to fall more than 2 meters shall be:
1) Either closely boarded, planked or plated or guarded well.
2) At least 600mm wide if the platform is used by employee only and not for the deposit any
3) At least 900mm wide if the platform is used for the deposit of materials and work.
 Every metal tube scaffold exceeding 40 meters in height and every other scaffold exceeding '15
meters’ height shall be constructed in accordance with the design and drawings of a
Professional Engineer.
 Every MS board or plank which forms a part of a working platform shall:
1) Rest securely and evenly on its support and;
2) Rest on at least three supports, unless considering the distance between the supports and
the length & thickness of the board or plank, the conditions are such to prevent undue
 Any working platform from which a person is liable to fall more than 2 m shall be provided with
suitable guard rails of adequate strength to a height of 1m (950mm to 1150mm) above the
platform or place and above any raised stand place on the platform.
 Where work at the face of a building is done from a working platform, the space between the
face of the building and the working platform shall be as small as practical and where
employees sit at the edge of the platform to work, the space shall not exceed 300mm.
 Each end of the platform unless cleated or otherwise restrained by hooks or equivalent means,
shall extend over its supports at least 150mm.
 Each platform greater than 10feet in length shall not extend over its supports more than
460mm, unless it is designed and installed so that the cantilever portion of the platform has a
guardrail which block employee access to the cantilever end.
 Every platform shall be kept free from any unnecessary obstruction, material, or rubbish and
from any protruding nails.

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 If any platform becomes slippery, appropriate steps shall be taken as soon as reasonable
practical to remedy the problem.

Ladder Access Safety:

 Ladders must be set-up at a safe angle and secured to the scaffold to prevent slippage. The
distance from the base of the ladder to the scaffold should be a quarter of the working height
(75 degrees), or four units up to each unit out from the base (4:1). It is permissible to use
ladders in the vertical position as long they are attached to each ledger and top rail of the
scaffold structure.
 All scaffolding ladders must extend a minimum of 1 meter (3 feet) above the platform deck, if
guardrails and handrails are not required, otherwise 0.3 meter (12 inches) above top rail to
provide a handhold during mounting and dismounting.
 Ladders must be placed on a firm footing to avoid slipping or tipping.
 Ladders must be of the correct length for the job and shall not be lashed or spliced together, or
placed on boxes or other loose packing to gain extra height.
 The responsible person shall inspect all ladders at least once in a month and provide an
inspection tag over it.
 Employee should report faulty ladders to their supervisor without delay. Damaged or defective
ladders shall not be used and should be marked "DO NOT USE.” If repairs cannot be made to
a damaged ladder, the ladder must be removed from service immediately.
 A person climbing a ladder shall face the ladder and use both hands for climbing. Tools and
materials shall not be carried up or down ladders. A hand line shall be used for raising or
lowering tools/materials.
 A person working on a ladder should not over-reach. The ladder should be re-positioned to a
more convenient site to allow safer access. It is essential that the position of the ladder is safe
and that it is secured at the top or held firmly at the base to prevent movement before the
ladder is ascended.
 Ladders should be removed as soon as a job is complete and stored in a horizontal position.
 Care should be taken when carrying ladders, especially at doorways or around corners.

Fall Protection:
 Personal fall arrest systems used on scaffolds shall be attached by lanyard to a vertical lifeline,
horizontal lifeline, or scaffold structural member always. Vertical lifelines shall not be used
when overhead components, such as overhead protection or additional platform levels, are part
of a single-point or two-point adjustable suspension scaffold.
 When vertical lifelines are used, they shall be fastened to a fixed safe point of anchorage, shall
be independent of the scaffold, and shall be protected from sharp edges and abrasion. Safe
points of anchorage include structural members of buildings, but do not include standpipes,
vents, other piping systems, electrical conduit, outrigger beams, or counterweights.
 When horizontal lifelines are used, they shall be secured to two or more structural members of
the scaffold, or they may be looped around both suspension and independent suspension lines
(on scaffolds so equipped) above the hoist and brake attached to the end of the scaffold.
Horizontal lifelines shall not be attached only to the suspension ropes.
 When lanyards are connected to horizontal lifelines or structural members on a single-point or
two-point adjustable suspension scaffold, the scaffold shall be equipped with additional
independent support lines and automatic locking devices capable of stopping the fall of the

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scaffold in the event one or both suspension ropes fail. The independent support lines shall be
equal in number and strength to the suspension ropes.
 Vertical lifelines, independent support lines, and suspension ropes shall not be attached to
each other, nor shall they be attached to or use the same point of anchorage, nor shall they be
attached to the same point on the scaffold or personal fall arrest system.
 Lift shaft gate specifications:
Vertical & horizontal secured MS grill with following specifications –
1. Height of MS grills 1.20 mtr – 1.50 mtr approx.
2. Width of MS grill: Based on the shaft openings with 4’’ – 6’’ more at either site for
Fastening secured with side wall by concrete nail.
3. Material for MS grill frame - Outer frame made of 16mm steel re bars or 35 mm MS
angle and inside mesh of 12mm rebar with spacing not more than 4"-6", properly
welded & capable to take minimum 100 kg lateral load.
4. Waste / scrap steel will be used for MS grills.

1.0 Scaffold Tag Procedure:

 During erection or dismantling scaffolding, a red tag 'NOT SAFE TO USE" must be placed at
the access points to warn against employees' use of all scaffolds. Only scaffold erectors are
allowed on the scaffold now.
 After completion of the scaffold erection with placement of all required safe guard the red tag
should be replaced with a green tag "SAFE TO USE" to signify the scaffold is ready for use.
 Before use scaffold should be inspected by scaffolding supervisor, certify & sign the status of
tag and maintaining the scaffolding register at site with date of inspection and due date.

Work Methodology: Prior to authorizing erection of the scaffolding, the scaffolding design shall
be planned, and the work site inspected as to the soil characteristics, slope/grade of the ground
and to determine if any hazards may be encountered.

Safety Practices
 No person’s other than those authorized shall be allowed on scaffolding during its erection or
 Surface where scaffolds must be erected shall be in level & must be capable of sustaining load
placed on it.
 Good housekeeping shall be exercised always. Loose equipment and materials should not be
left on scaffold platforms.
 Material for scaffolding shall be as per standard & proper check shall be done before using any
material. None confirming material shall be avoided & replace by good quality of material by
scaffolding supervisor.
 Scaffolding materials shall be handled carefully to avoid damage. It is prohibited to throw
materials or equipment up to scaffold platforms, or down to the ground. Instead, use hand lines
or mechanical lifting equipment to lift loads.
 Verticality of scaffolds to be maintained & checked while erection always.
 Proper bracings & clamping shall be provided.
 Use of Scaffold tags shall be mandatory. After modifications & extreme weather conditions like
heavy rain, high wind inspect all the scaffolds by a competent person i.e. scaffolding inspection
should be done before use & as well as once in a week. & also maintain record of inspection.

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 Scaffolding crew members and other personnel, who used to work on scaffold, shall must wear
full body harness all the time.
 Scaffolding tubular shall not be used as rollers or used as levering devices.
 During Monsoon, proper precautions shall be taken to prevent accidents.
E.g.1. After rainfall checks the base stability of scaffolds.
2. Check the verticality of the scaffold.
3. If water is accumulated near to the foundations of the scaffolds then dewatering will be
done with water pumps.
4. During rainfall no worker shall be allowed to work on scaffolds.
5. All electrical collections to be checked after rainfall before starting any activity.
6 Electrical lamps shall not be placed directly over the scaffolds, Place it with wooden
battens / insulators.

Formwork Safety:
 Tubular steel frames used as staging to support concrete formwork should have a safety factor
of at least 2 and be used in accordance with each manufacturer’s recommendation.
 Before erection of steel frame staging is started, a though inspection should be undertaken on it.
 Struts and / or diagonal braces must be in proper position and secured for frames to develop full
load carrying capacity.
 As additional heights above two tiers are added, suitable planking should be used as a working
platform, which consists of two 2’’ x 10’’ planks minimum.
 Timber jackets, joists, stringers and ledgers should be inspected for defects such as cracks /
excessive knot.
 Final inspection of the staging equipment should be carried out to check soundness of the footing,
all lower adjustments screws sung against the leg of the panel, all upper adjustments crews or
head of jacks in full contract with the formwork, panel plumb in both directions, and all cross
braces in place and locking devices in closed and secure position.
 During concrete pouring operation, there should be constant inspection of staging system with
provision for correction as necessary.
 Before starting, the reinforcement and reinforcement work on concrete column. The existing
scaffolding must be extended to more than the required height, so that it provides a means to
anchor safety bets used by workmen.

12.9 Safety While Working at Height

 Working at a height above 1.8m shall be protected by rigid barricades / railing (minimum 2.5 or
3” mm pipes to be used as a railings) at a height 1 m with intermediate guard rails at spacing
less than 500mm with toe 150mm guard. The vertical posts should drive deep to provide rigid
support. All rigid rails shall be painted with 300 mm wide black & yellow strips alternatively.
 Working Platform should be greater than 600 mm and strong enough (made up of ms material)
to take load of persons, materials and tools for the purpose. All working platform should have
provision of two rung hand rail (top rail @ 1m & mid rail @ 500mm) with toe guard provision.
Outer working platform should be made only after approved design by structural consultant.
 Openings on platforms and untied-boards / gratings are not permitted. Toe board shall be
provided around platforms where applicable.

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 Ladders provided as access shall be secured at both top & bottom.

 Stairs with greater than 15 steps will have landings at every 15 steps.
 Where not possible to provide rigid barricades, use Double Lanyard Full body safety harness
with scaffold hook is compulsory. The anchoring point of the belt should be above the person
and hooks must be properly secured to the anchoring point.
 Safety Helmet with chin strap, Safety Shoes, double lanyard full-body safety harness and other
specific PPEs for the job concerned should be used by the workmen.
 Safety training of fall prevention shall be imparted to all workmen involved in such operations.
 The pass validity shall be given for six months from the date of issue. In case any individual
continues to work at height beyond this period he must obtain fresh gate pass undergoing the
same procedure.
 Person certified medically fit & should undergo vertigo test and then imparted training for “safe
work at height” and shall undergo the test in the Test rig specially design for testing of persons
for working at height. Vertigo test platform should be erected at site & all new entries should
undergo vertigo test in induction training itself.
 All employees of SJCPL (Engineers, Supervisors, Foreman & workers) shall undergo medical
test as per the format for certification of fitness by the qualified doctor
 P.P. net, if required, shall be provided under the staging platform to protect falling materials
and persons.
 Strict control to be followed for passive and active fall protection measures as per site condition.
Provision of hard barricading & railings for all open cut-outs, shafts, staircase, open edges/
balconies etc. is imminent. Provision of full body harness-double land-yard safety belts/ fall grab
arrester / lifelines (18mm pp rope / 8mm wire rope) for anchorage of harness for all type of height
work is must. Contractor to maintain sufficient stock of full body safety belts. Peripheral horizontal
safety net for overhead hazard protection and vertical nets all along face of the structures for
containment of falling materials are necessary (Rule 41 & Chapter XVI of BOCW Central Rules).

Protection of all Shafts; ducts; cut-outs/voids; floor & wall opening etc.….
Based on floor plan identify & list out all vertical & horizontal openings with specific dimensions &
accordingly fabricate the protection barricading made of MS material as per below specification.
This should be ready before casting of floor/slab.

 Height of Mesh = 1.80 m – 2.00 m (Approx.)

 Width of Mesh = As per the lift shaft, maintain 4”-6” more at either side for fastening.
 Size of Steel Bar = 16 mm steel bar or 35mmx35mm MS angle for outside frame and 8 to 10
mm for mesh with spacing 4" to 6", properly welded to take 100kg lateral load.

Use of binding wire observed not useful as mesh will lose its strength and may not be useful
further, there for welding is suggested. Fixed by anchor fasteners (Tie rod holes if available use
the same for fixing)

High rise Structure

 Any floor opening measuring more than 30 cm should have guard rails. Stairways opening
should be provided with fixed railing but for hatchway and chutes, the railing should be

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 Toe board and guard rails on a scaffold will generally prevent a fall to a lower level if workman
loses his balance. There should be safe working platform around the tower.
 Toe board should be provided on each exposed side.
 Height of guard rails should not be less than 1 m.
 Use fall protection system as slide guards, roof anchors.
 Wear proper slip resistant shoes to reduce slipping hazard.
 Train workers in safe work practices before performing work on foundation, walls and roofs.
 Stop work on roof when storms, high winds or any adverse weather condition exist.
Crawling board to be provided where work on fragile materials cannot be avoided. There should
be protection for people working at lower levels from falling objects / materials by erecting
suitable safety nets.
 Do not store materials on stairways that are used for general access.
 Keep hazardous projections such as nails, large splinters out of stairs.
 Stairways should not be slippery.
 Keep all walkways & stairways clear of trash/debris and other materials.
 Provide enough light for workers to see and to prevent accidents.
 Keep scrap and other materials picked up and put them in waste bins.
 Opening to be covered to avoid and fall.

Safety Nets
 In addition to hard barricading, where ever required or in case of hard barricading is not
practically possible, vertical safety nets should be effectively used to envelope the critical work
fronts to ensure to restrict fall of material and person from building (Rule 41&179: Chapter XVI
of BOCW Central rules)
 Safety nets to be erected as close as possible to the working level and if on the outside of the
structure should be higher at the outer edge than at the inner.
 Personnel safety nets shall be IS standard but not less than 12 mm and 4 mm mesh cord.
 Erection of nets and their supporting framework should be carried out under the direction of
experienced person.
 Safety Nets to be positioned at or below work areas where persons are liable to fall more than
6 meters. (In any case falling distance must not be more than 6mtr).
 Angle of response of safety net shall be 45 degrees.
 Nets should be securely attached / anchored to the supporting framework with tie cords, hook,
rings and thimble along each side.
 Nets should be made of polyethylene ropes and cord or manmade fiber ropes.
 Safety net should be of adequate strength, made of sound material and is suitable for use and
conforms to the relevant national standard and confirm following aspect.
 Vertical netting must be ensuring for brick or block work or any other outside work.

Vertical Netting: As a special case for all high-rise towers, towers close to neighboring structures,
public roads etc. the Contractor shall ensure that the vertical surface on external periphery all around
the building shall be covered with metal scaffolding and standard safety net with debris nets till the
completion of work. This arrangement shall be adequately anchored with and braced to ensure
stability and structural approval by consultant is must. Rule 41(3) of BOCW Central Rules. No extra
shall be paid for the vertical safety features.

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Specification of safety nets shall be as per IS-11057:1980, as described below:

Specification for safety Net at peripheral level (permanent overhead protection) as follows,
 Made of PP ropes.
 Border rope: 12mm (breaking strength 2995 Kgf)
 Inside ropes: 8mm (breaking strength 1345 Kgf) (as height of structure will increase
falling impact load on safety net will increase)
 Main net mesh size: 4"x4" or 3"x3"
 Overlay net / debris net (HDPE): 10mmx10mm
 Rope test certificate from supplier is must.
Specification for climbing safety Net (always at one floor below working level not more than
 Made of PP ropes.
 Border rope: 12mm (breaking strength 2995 Kgf)
 Inside ropes: 4mm
 Main net mesh size: 75mm*75mm with overlay net (mesh size of overlay net should
not be more than 10mmx10mm)
Vertical Safety Net for face of building
 Made of PP ropes.
 Border rope: 12mm (breaking strength 2995 Kgf)
 Inside ropes: 2mm single cord knotted with debris net.

Rope test certificate as per IS 5175 & Safety Net test certificate as per IS 11057 from supplier
is must

Safety nets and safety net installations must be drop-tested at the jobsite,
 After initial installation and before being used.
 Whenever relocated.
 After major repair.
 At 6-month intervals if left in one place.

12.10 Ladder Safety

Accidents are caused due to carelessness, misuse or defects in the ladder structure while
using it. Following safety precautions / measures shall be observed to avoid accident while
working with a ladder.
 Carry a ladder with the front-end high enough to clear anyone ahead of you.
 Wooden ladder is strictly prohibited on site
 Ladders shall be of good construction, made of sound materials (steel, aluminum etc.) with
rungs made of angles / rounds at interval of 25 to 30 cm.
 Before use a ladder, inspect all rungs, fittings, braces, cleats and rails for possible defects.
Defective ladders shall not be allowed to use.
 Correct ladder shall be used for the job. Never use a ladder too short or too narrow for the job.
 Horizontal distance from the top support to the foot of the ladder should be maintained ¼ the
length of the ladder while in use i.e. 75 0 to the horizontal.
 Ladders will rise at least 1.0 m above landing level and secured at both stiles.
 Stairs with more than 15 steps will have landings at every 15 steps.
 Ladder feet must rest on a solid foundation and be secured against slipping. Lash or tie-off the
ladder securely at the top and someone should hold the ladder while in use.
 Ensure not to use makeshift block, brick or drum for raising the height of a ladder.

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 Always face the ladder, use both hands when climbing or descending.
 Ladder shall not be allowed to use as a walkway.
 When using metal / wet ladder, there should be no current carrying cable at a distance of 5 m
or below it.
 Use of safety harness, helmet with chin strap, safety shoes & gloves should be ensured while
working from ladders at a height.
 Do not paint the ladder, as this will cover the defects.
 The ladder will be used by only one person at a time.
 Care should be taken to prevent ladders to slip & fall from height.

12.11 Plastering & Painting Safety

General Requirement/Guideline:
In construction industry plaster works also have one of the highest risks of suffering from a manual
handling injury. For this, site should be plastering work on site requires using appropriate safety
equipment and work method statement / procedure that are attentively reviewed to ensure a
consistent approach to safety
 Site team should have plan and location for the storage / stacking of cement bags, stacking
of cement nags should be on a clean, dry, plane surface area and over the raised platform,
away from the moister area with proper access and egress and stack height shall not be
more than 10bags.
 Site team should ensure that the workers engaged for handling and storing of cement work
should be experienced, well trained and must have knowledge of MSDS of cement. Also
ensure the rotation of cement handler at every three months.
 Engaged workers shall cover their body to prevent spill of the mortar on their body, also
cement handlers should use appropriate nose mask to avoid inhaling of the cement dust.
 Plaster work should be carried out by trained workers and under the supervision of
competent person.
 All plastering workers should be trained in correct manual handling techniques.
Wheelbarrow and hoist to be used to move mortar, sand and cement around site. Allow two
people to lift the 50kgs bags or use 25 kg bags (1/2 bag) to be used where possible, and
lifted by one person or moved via wheelbarrows.
 Areas bellow the plastering work should be covered and provide barriers nearby.
 No work within 2 m of an open trench or shaft unless barricades are in place to prevent
 Ensure the mixing of mortar should be done in an appropriate pan or tray and precaution
should be taken to control the spillover of material and environment contamination.
 Has the mortar delivered as close as feasible to work place?
 Always use a trolley/wheelbarrow to move bags of cement rather than carrying them; never
try to carry multiple bags of cement at one time;
 Use both long and short handled shovels that best suit the task/person, e.g. use a long-
handled shovel if there is a large reach involved; and take regular breaks from continuous
 Site team should ensure proper working platform with side protection for working at height
more than 1.5m.
 Site team should ensure that working platform erected on leveled ground and cleared off
from unwanted materials.

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 Working platform must be provided with proper top rail at (950mm – 1150mm), mid rail at
(450mm- 600mm) and toe board of 150mm, proper access & egress, and with adequate
bracing. And same should be inspected and tagged by scaffolding inspector.
 For fall heights <2 m, use fully decked heavy-duty frame trestle scaffolds, with bay lengths
of 1.8 m or less.
 For fall-heights >2 m, use heavy duty modular scaffolds, handed over by the competent
scaffolder as complete.
 Ensure safety belts at working platform with proper anchorage point and PPE’s like helmet,
safety shoes, hand gloves, goggles etc.… Hands & exposed contaminated parts of body
should be washed with water after every shift, before drink, eats, and smoke etc.….
 Do not allow excess load on the platform. And ensure that the plaster wastes are
adequately reused or removed from the work location on regular basis.
 Do not allow anyone to throw any materials from down to up and in reverse direction.
 Ensure adequate illumination and maintained good housekeeping at the work place at all
time. Specially spillage of cement / mortar slurry makes the area untidy and slippery to own
and other peoples e.g. tripping hazards. So, make sure pan or tray must be used for mixing
mortar and control spillage of cement / mortar slurry or use wet sand over the wet/ spilled
 All exposed r/f rod and exposed scaffolding pipe and shutter board should be removed from
the area. All electrical cables, welding cables and hose pipes nearer to the area should be
removed or kept away from the area. Area should be barricaded and display the sign board
of work in progress.
 Ensure any of the temporary bracing or temporary propping is not removed without prior
approval from the scaffolding inspector or site head.
 At the edges of platform / floors do not allow and extend plaster work beyond its reach
(hand reach)

Safe Work Practices: Developing and maintaining safe work practices reduces the risk of injury.
Specific examples for plasterers include:
 Wherever practicably possible work maximum in between knee and shoulder height. This
can be facilitated by using equipment like aluminum frame hop-ups.
 Ensure and use appropriate working platforms, i.e. mobile scaffold or suitable elevated
working platform (EWP) must be used instead of a ladder when major work must be
 Ensure that scaffold erected for plaster work should be strong enough to carry the adequate
load; scaffold should have sufficient workplace and safe access/ egress for the movement
of man and materials.
 Ensure that the operator of EWP must be trained and competent.
 Do all the preparation at the ground level instead of at working platform/ floor/ bench.
 Provide appropriate PPE’s like hand gloves considering giving consideration how they
affect manual handling; ensure their uses.
 Whenever practicably possible do the rotations of jobs like interchange between execution
i.e. engaging plasters workers to patching, finish coat, excavation, reinforcement and
carpentry work etc.…
 Use mechanical lifting and handling equipment when and as required instead of manual
lifting and handling if there is any doubt that it can be done safely.

External Painting
General Requirement/Guideline:
In construction industry painting works also have one of the highest risks of suffering from a
manual handling injury. Painting work on site requires using appropriate safety equipment and

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work method statement / procedure that are attentively reviewed to ensure a consistent approach
to safety
 Site team should have plan and location for the storage / stacking of paint, should be on a
clean, dry, plane surface, away from the other flammable material storage area with proper
 Site team should ensure that the workers engaged for handling and storing of paint work
should be experienced, well trained and must have knowledge of MSDS of paint. Engaged
workers shall cover their body to prevent spill of the paint on their body. Painting work
should be carried out by trained workers and under the supervision of competent person.
 All painting workers should be trained in correct manual handling techniques. Areas bellow
the painting work should be barricaded on ground.
 No work within 2 m of an open trench or shaft unless barricades are in place to prevent
 Ensure the mixing of paint should be done in an appropriate pan or tray and precaution
should be taken to control the spillover of material and environment contamination.
 Always use a trolley/wheelbarrow to move bags of cement rather than carrying them; never
try to carry multiple buckets of paint at one time;
 Use both long and short handled shovels that best suit the task/person, e.g. use a long-
handled shovel if there is a large reach involved; and take regular breaks from continuous
 Site team should ensure proper working platform with side protection for working at height
more than 1.5m.
 Site team should ensure that working platform erected on leveled ground and cleared off
from unwanted materials.
 Working platform must be provided with proper top rail at (950mm – 1150mm), mid rail at
(450mm- 600mm) and toe board of 150mm, proper access & egress, and with adequate
bracing. And same should be inspected and tagged by scaffolding inspector.
 For fall heights <2 m, use fully decked heavy-duty frame trestle scaffolds, with bay lengths
of 1.8 m or less.
 For fall-heights >2 m, use heavy duty modular scaffolds, handed over by the competent
scaffolder as complete.
 Ensure safety belts at working platform with proper anchorage point and PPE’s like helmet,
safety shoes, hand gloves, goggles etc.… Hands & exposed contaminated parts of body
should be washed with water after every shift, before drink, eats, etc.….
 Do not allow excess load on the platform.
 Do not allow anyone to throw any materials from down to up and in reverse direction.
 Ensure adequate illumination and maintained good housekeeping at the work place at all
time. So, make sure pan or tray must be used for mixing paint and control spillage of paint,
use wet sand over the wet/ spilled area.
 All exposed r/f rod and exposed scaffolding pipe and shutter board should be removed from
the area. All electrical cables, welding cables and hose pipes nearer to the area should be
removed or kept away from the area. Area should be barricaded and display the sign board
of work in progress.
 Ensure any of the temporary bracing or temporary propping is not removed without prior
approval from the scaffolding inspector or site head.
 At the edges of platform / floors do not allow and extend painting work beyond its reach
(hand reach)
Safe Work Practices: Developing and maintaining safe work practices reduces the risk of injury.
Specific examples for panting include:
 Wherever practicably possible work maximum in between knee and shoulder height. This
can be facilitated by using equipment like aluminum frame hop-ups.

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 Ensure and use appropriate working platforms, i.e. mobile scaffold or suitable Rope
Suspended Platform (RSP) must be used instead of a ladder when major work must be
 Ensure that scaffold erected for painting work should be strong enough to carry the
adequate load; scaffold should have sufficient workplace and safe access/ egress for the
movement of man and materials.
 Ensure that the operator of (RSP) must be trained and competent.
 TPI of RSP should be valid
 Periodically inspection of RSP
 Do all the preparation at the ground level instead of at working platform/ floor/ bench.
 Provide appropriate PPE’s like hand gloves considering giving consideration how they
affect manual handling; ensure their uses.
 Use mechanical lifting and handling equipment when and as required instead of manual
lifting and handling if there is any doubt that it can be done safely.

12.12 Plant & Machinery Safety.

1. Pre-inspection of all machines, equipment’s, vehicles will be conducted by MEP and

Safety person and inspection tag will be displayed.
2. Housekeeping will be maintained in and around machines.
3. Earthing will be provided to machines like steel cutting, bending, tower cranes, DG
Set, cube testing machine, etc.
4. All machines will be maintained in a good repair.
5. Preventive maintenance of all machines will be done as per frequency identified by
Mechanical department.
6. Monthly inspection of all machines will be conducted and tag will be displayed.
7. Authorized operators will be identified and displayed on machines.
8. All rotating, reciprocating & dangerous parts of machineries whether driven by
9. On completion of maintenance, oiling/greasing any guards that had removed will be
replaced immediately and whilst maintenance work is being carried out machinery
will not be operated.
10. Construction of guards shall be as per IS 9474 and adequate that it will prevent
human body access to the rotating parts of machineries.
11. Daily Alcohol test & TBT of P&M staff will be done before start the work.
12. Quarterly assessment of P&M staff will be done.

Electric machines safe guard should not be removed, while machine is in motion, Power
supply is “ON” or in working condition.

Following requirements to be full filled before engaging / deploying any equipment / vehicle /

Tower crane – Erection methodology, approved design, risk assessment, Third Party Inspection
after successful erection on site, crane operator competence.

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Passenger & material Hoist – Erection methodology, risk assessment, Third Party Inspection
after successful erection on site.

Farana crane – Third party inspection certificate, valid insurance certificate, operator license,
and PUC Certificate.

Tire mounted crane - Third party inspection certificate, valid insurance certificate, operator
license, Registration certificate and PUC Certificate.

Transit mixer / Dumper/ Tipper/other vehicle- Valid insurance certificate, operator license,
Registration certificate and PUC Certificate.

JCB- Valid insurance certificate, operator license, Registration certificate and PUC Certificate.

Excavator – Valid insurance certificate and operator license.

Also, should be using tested tools and tackles at site.

General Safety Precaution:

 Inspection tagging must be followed for all mechanical equipment.
 Skill test must be conducted by P&M in-charge of all P&M operators & test record must be
 All P&M must be inspected daily by operator, fortnightly by P&M in-charge & joint monthly
inspection by P&M in-charge & Safety engineer.
 Periodic & scheduled preventive maintenance must be followed & record must be maintained.
 Good HK must be maintained around P&M equipment.
 LOTO must be followed for repair & maintenance work of P&M equipment.

Machine Guarding: Ensure that all rotating, reciprocating & dangerous parts of machineries whether
driven by mechanical power or not, securely guarded and they are never removed while machines
is in motion and positioning is checked daily by operator, weekly by P&M personal, fortnightly by
safety personal & monthly joint inspection by safety & P&M In-charge. (Rule 37 of BOCW Central

12.13 Vehicle & Vehicular Movement Safety

 Traffic Management system by which all the vehicles entering the site will be inspected by
the P&M Engineer & Safety Coordinator and certified the vehicles having valid fitness
certificate duly signed by the P&M engineer & Safety Engineer only shall be allowed to enter
the site.
 Only license holders shall be employed as vehicle drivers and each driver shall be provided
with a flagman.
 All the safety devices like Breaks, Horns (reverse and front), and Indicators etc. shall be well-
maintained and kept in working condition.
 Speed limit 15km/hrs. within project premises shall be strictly followed.
 Required caution boards shall be displayed and parking area shall be allocated.
 Vehicles shall not be brought in unauthorized area.

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 Other than the driver, nobody should travel in the tractor.

 All the Vehicles entering the site must be registered with the Time office.
 The vehicles would be inspected by the P&M and Safety Engineers and then registered.
 The Vehicles inspection would be done as per the Inspection checklist.
 Only Registered vehicles would be permitted inside the site.
 Any New vehicles entering the site would be inspected by Safety Engineer and P&M Engineer
and then only would be allowed at site.
 While reversing the vehicle at site, reverse horn is a must and the flagman and helper must
signal the driver while reversing.
 Playing of audio is prohibited inside the site
 Vehicle / equipment fitness certificate shall be obtained for all vehicles entering the site.
 Vehicle fitness certificate must be displayed in driver’s cabin.
 List of authorized/license holder must be available with P&M In-charge and safety engineer.
 Separate way for vehicle movement & pedestrian must be maintained.
 Use of mobile phone/head phone will not be allowed while driving

12.14 Material Storage

General Precaution:
 Provision of separate storage for Combustible, flammable & explosive substances.
 Clear access (obstacle free) of minimum 1.2mtr must be must be maintained.
 Good HK must be maintained around material storage.
 Material must be tagged for easy identification & avoid miscommunication.
 MSDS must be displayed in Hindi or in language understood by users or handlers.
 Risk assessment of material storage must be carried out.
 Material piles are stored or stacked in such a manner as to ensure stability
 Material or equipment is not stored upon any floor or platform in such quantity as to
exceeds its safe carrying capacity.
 Material or equipment is not stored or placed so close to any edge of a floor or platform as
to endanger the safety of persons below or working in the vicinity.
Stacking of material or article is made on firm foundation not liable to settle and deviate such
material or article and does not overload the floor on which such stacking is made

 The materials or articles are not stacked against partition or walls of a warehouse or store place
unless it is known that such partition or the wall is of sufficient strength to withstand the pressure
of such materials or articles.
 The materials or articles are not stacked to such a height and in such a manner as would render
the pile of such stack unstable and cause hazards to the building workers or the public in
 Where the building workers are working on stack exceeding one point five metres in height,
safe means of access to the stack is provided.
 All stacking or un-stacking operations are performed under the supervision of a responsible
person for such stacking or un-stacking.
 The stacking of construction materials or articles is not made near the site of excavation, shaft,
pit or any other such opening.
 Stacks which may lean heavily or become unstable or collapse are barricaded.

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Stacking of cement and other material bags: -

 A stack pile is not more than ten bags in height unless such stack pile is stacked in a suitable
enclosure or otherwise adequately supported.
 While removing bags from the stack pile, the stability of such stack pile is ensured.
 Bags containing cement or lime are stored in dry places.
 The materials like bricks, tiles or blocks are-stored on a firm ground.
 Reinforcing steel is stored according to its shape, size and length.
 Stack of reinforcing steel is kept as low as possible.
 No pipe is stored on rack or in stack where such pipe is likely to fall by rolling.
 The angle of repose is maintained where loose materials are stacked.
 When dust-laden material is to be stored or handled, measures are taken to suppress the dust
produced by such storing or handling and suitable personal protective equipment are supplied
to and used by the building workers working for such storing or handling.

Storage of Fuel Oil & Lubricant

 For storage of oil and lubricants, well designed sump pit will be made and maintained to avoid
spillage of oil thus avoiding any kind of land contamination.
 Storage of fuel, oil, lubricants etc. shall be made away from all kind of flammable materials.
 As well as sufficient arrangement for fire protection should be made and maintained at site.
 MSDS must be displayed in Hindi or in language understood by majority.

Storage of Cylinder
 Cylinders shall be stored in cool, dry, well ventilated place under cover, away from open flames
or any potential sources of heat and such place shall be easily accessible.
 The storage room or shed shall be of fire‐resistant construction.
 Thin‐walled cylinders such as LPG and cylinders of dissolved gas shall not be stacked in
horizontal position. All cylinders shall be stored in up-right position.
 Cylinders containing flammable and toxic gases shall be kept separated from each other by
3m and from cylinders containing other types of gases by an adequate distance or by suitable
partition wall.
 Cylinders shall not be stored under conditions that will cause them to corrode.
 Cylinders shall not be stored with any combustible materials.
 Empty cylinders shall be segregated from filled ones and care shall be taken that the valves
are tightly shut.
 Separate area to be maintained for storing empty & full cylinder with proper signage board as
“Empty” / “Full”
 All cylinders will be kept under control of chain-age system with valve protection caps.
 Ensure that hydro-static test certificates of all pressurized gas cylinders are obtained & record

Diesel & Petrol Storage

 Full and EMPTY cylinders shall be stored separately.
 Storing of diesel above 1000 liters of HS Diesel or 32 liters’ petrol requires licenses, as per The
Petroleum ACT
 Flammable liquids shall not be stored with other fluids.
 Flammable liquids shall be labeled suitably.

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 Only authorized person shall distribute and issue flammable materials.

 Storage & use of fuel in plastic containers is prohibited.
 Provision of concrete flooring with sump for the diesel storage so that west or leaked oil get
collected in sump & can be reused.
 MSDS should be displayed in language understood by its handler.
 MSDS should be displayed for other flammable & hazardous material as well.

MSDS Diesel


12.15 Material Handling Safety

1. Mechanical Material Handling

Testing & Examination

Certificates of test and examinations must be obtained for the lifting appliances & gears such as

 Winches, Derricks and accessory gear

 Cranes / Hoists and their accessory gear
 Loose gear
 Wire Rope

 All lifting appliances shall be test, examine & certified by a competent person before being
used for the first time and subsequently examined by him once in every 6 (six) months.
 All lifting gears shall be tested initially (before being used) and after undergoing any major
alterations – tested on behalf of the manufacturer.
 Chain is to be examined at least once in every month by a responsible person.
 Ropes shall be tested & examined by a competent person. A responsible person inspects
every wire rope once in every month

Controlling Hazards
 Make sure (before use) that all the lifting appliances & gear are tested, examined & certified
by a competent person and they are in sound condition.
 Every lifting appliances and loose gear shall be marked (in plain figures or letters) with its
Safe Working Load and identified clearly by means of stamping or other suitable means.
 Lifting appliances & gears shall not be loaded beyond it’s Safe Working Load while in use.
 Care should be taken not to dragging or pulling under the load.
 Deployment of trained operator & signaler and their safe method of work.

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 All the operators, riggers, signalers of lifting appliances shall be above 21 years of age,
sufficiently competent & reliable, possess the knowledge of the inherent risks involved in the
operation of lifting appliances also competency test to be taken & certified by P&M in-charge.
 Ensure precaution to prevent persons passing under suspended load. Preferably barricade
the working place and instruct the gang to move to a safe away from the place where
operations are carried out before the loading sling is hoisted.
 All slings should have a thimble for increasing their life.
 Use guide rope or tag line for handling long objects.
 Specify area of providing safe means of access to every part of lifting appliances.
 Lift the load when in plumb and bring it to the plumb of the hook. Make sure that the horizontal
movement does not take place simultaneously with the vertical movement.
 Sling the load properly and signal only when loading of the sling is completed.

Color Coding for Slings

Color Coding of Slings shall be done periodically to ensure that only safe slings are being
used at site. (Where applicable as per contract requirements)

 All slings in use will be checked by the mechanical Engineer & Safety Officer.
 All damaged slings (10% wires broken in one lay, 4 wires broken in one strand) shall be
segregated and removed from site. Visually damaged slings having thinned diameter, bird
caging, flattening will be rejected.
 Serviceable slings will be marked with different color coding for every quarter as follows.

Sr. No. Duration Color

1 Jan-Mar Orange
2 Apr-Jun Blue
3 Jul- Sept Purple
4 Oct-Dec Green

 During the subsequent month slings marked with Green color will be used till they are once
again checked on the fixed day of the month.

Safety Precaution for Electrical & Mechanical lifting Appliances

Tower Crane
 No person other than the operator trained and capable to works at heights is employed to
operate tower cranes & competency record of tower crane operator must be available at site
for verification.
 The ground on which a tower crane stands should have adequate bearing capacity.
 Bases for tower cranes and trucks for rail-mounted tower cranes should be firm and leveled
and such cranes are erected at a reasonably safe distance from excavations and are
operated within gradient limits as specified by the manufacturer of such cranes.

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 Tower cranes to be installed where there is a clear space available for erection, operation
and dismantling of such cranes.
 Tower cranes are sited in such a way that the loads on such cranes are not handled over any
occupied premises, public thoroughfares, railways or near power cables, other than
construction works for which such cranes are used.
 Where two or more tower cranes are sited and operated, every care is taken to ensure
positive and proper communication between operators of such cranes to avoid any danger
or dangerous occurrences. Anti-collision device must be installed.
 Manufacturer’s instruction for erection and extension of cranes should be followed.
 Wedges for fixed tower cranes should be properly secured.
 The working load of the jibe should be marked and painted on it to avoid overloading.
 Electric control should be fitted on crane for safe lifting, swinging and turning of the load.
 Operator should be familiar with the signal system.
 Third party inspection to be done before the tower crane is installed at site.
 The tower crane should be periodically maintained for efficient functioning & records
 Provision of limit switch & indicator (over hoist, over turn, over load etc..) to be made.
 Provision of emergency brakes should be made.
 Trained signalman to give signals to operator.
 Separate and alternate DG line should be catered.
 Weekly checking of nuts and bolts tightening should be carried out.
 Any overhead wire shall be an energized line unless and until person owning such line or the
electrical utility authorities indicate that this is not an energized line and it has been visibly
 Railing to be provided for upper level.
 Landing point given in every 10 steps to climb upstairs.
 Lightning arrestor must be provided & also aviation lights must be installed on tower crane.

Crane Operators & approved riggers

Crane signaling procedures should be well laid down and need to be meticulously followed
by both the crane operator and banks men. Regular training to crane operators and their
banks men is therefore of immense importance to avoid any accidents that might take place
due to the wrong methodology being followed.

 One person is nominated by name to function as banks men with each crane. This person as
far as possible should not be changed and should work with the crane operator to develop
an understanding between them.
 Crane Operator will only look at his nominated banks-men and act on his given signals.
 Site supervisor to ensure himself that any instructions to be passed on to the crane operator
only through the nominated banks men for a specific crane operation.
 All other persons working in the area are firmly told not to signal to the crane operator. In fact,
personnel other than the nominated banks men should move out of the radius of operation
of crane.

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 The operator should be trained and competent.
 There should be substantial enclosure to prevent someone from being struck by any moving
part of the hoist or falling down the hoist way.
 Hoist should be inspected weekly and thoroughly examined once in 6 months and its record
 Gates to be provided at all landing including ground level with lock & key arrangement.
 Controls to be arranged in such a way that hoist can be operated from one position only.
 Safe working load should be clearly marked and excess weight should not be loaded.
 A warning notice to be placed at the platform to stop people to ride it if it is exclusively for
materials only.
 A cage is fitted on each of its opening should be only on one wide towards landing place with
a gate. Such cage should not be moved up or down as the case may be from the landing
place until such gate is closed. This must have efficient interlocking or other devices to secure
so that gate cannot be opened when such cage is not at a landing place.

Passenger Hoist
 Manufacturer’s recommendations shall be followed.
 Hoist shall be erected by competent persons under the supervision of P & M Engineer.
 Hoist shall be anchored to the building.
 Hoist shall be protected by a substantial enclosure to prevent someone from being struck by
moving part of the hoist or falling down the hoist way.
 The cage shall reach the nearest landing place so that the persons can get out of the cage
in the event of power failure.
 The controls shall be arranged so that the hoist can be operated from on position only.
 Hoist operator shall be trained and competent.
 Safe working load of the hoist shall be clearly marked in the cage.
 Hoist shall be inspected weekly by P & M and thoroughly examined every six months by a
competent person.
 Upper and Lower Limit Switches shall always be kept operation.
 Emergency Switch, Emergency Alarm and Emergency Lamp shall be provided on the
 Illumination shall be provided on the platform.
 Communication system, like telephone shall be provided which can be used in case of
 Emergency brake system, like centrifugal force brake, shall be incorporated in the hoist.
 Gates to be provided at all landing including ground level with lock & key arrangement.

2. Manual Material Handling

 Try to avoid manual material handling as much as possible.

 Manual material handling work must be done only under proper supervision.
 No adult more than 50yrs of age to be allotted material shifting work.
 Strict adherence of PPE in material shifting must be ensured.
 Material shifting work must be carried out as per below chart,

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Person Maximum Weight Load

Adult man 50 kg
Adult woman 30 kg
Adolescent male 30 kg
Adolescent female 20 kg

12.16 Hot Work Safety:

1.0 Guideline (Welding & Gas Cutting)

 Welding and gas cutting operations should be done only by qualified and authorized persons
and as per IS Specifications and code of Practice.
 Welding and gas cutting should not be carried out in places where flammable or combustible
materials are kept and where there is danger of explosion due to presence of gaseous
 Welding and gas cutting equipment including hoses and cables shall be maintained in good
 Barriers shall be erected to protect other persons from harmful rays from the work. When
welding or gas cutting is done in elevated positions, precautions shall be taken to prevent
sparks or hot metal falling on persons or flammable materials.
 Suitable type of protective clothing consisting of fire resistant gloves, leggings, boots and
aprons shall be provided to workers as protection from heat and hot metal splashes. Welding
shields with filter glasses of appropriate shade shall be worn as face protection.
 Adequate ventilation shall be provided while welding in confined space or while brazing,
cutting or welding zinc, brass, and bronze, galvanized or lead coated materials.
 Welding and gas cutting shall not be done on drums, barrels, tanks or other containers unless
they have been emptied, cleaned thoroughly and it is made certain that no flammable material
is present.
 Fire extinguisher shall be available near the location of welding operations. Fire safety permit
shall be obtained for working at vulnerable areas and operating areas before flame
cutting/welding is taken up.
 For electric (Arc) welding the following additional safety precautions shall be taken:
 When electrical welding is undertaken near pipe lines carrying flammables, such pipe
lines shall not be used as part of earth conductor but a separate earth conductor shall
be connected to the machine directly from the job.
 Personnel contact with the electrode or other live parts of electric welding equipment
shall be avoided.
 Extreme caution shall be exercised to prevent accidental contact of electrodes with
 The welding cables shall not be allowed to get entangled with power cables. It shall be
ensured that the cables are not damaged by movement of materials.

2.0 Grinding
 All portable grinders should be used only with their wheel guards in position to reduce the
danger from flying fragments should the wheel break during the use.
 Grinding wheels of specified diameter only should be used on a grinder portable or pedestal-
in order not to exceed the prescribed peripheral speed.
 Face shield (clear) / Goggles should be used during grinding operation.

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 Use tight clothing while doing grinding work.

 Use leather apron and sleeves for better protection

3.0 General Requirement:

 Gas cylinders in use shall be kept upright on a custom-built stand or trolley fitted with a
bracket to accommodate the hoses and equipment or otherwise secured. The metal cap shall
be kept in place to protect the valve when the cylinder is not connected for use.
 Hose clamp or clip shall be used to connect hoses firmly in both sides of cylinders and
 All gas cylinders shall be fixed with pressure regulator and dial gauges
 Non-return valve and Flashback arrester shall be fixed at both end of cylinder and torch.
 Domestic LPG cylinders shall not be used for Gas welding and cutting purpose.
 DCP or CO2 type Fire Extinguisher not less than 5 kg shall be fixed at or near to welding
process zone in an easily accessible location. Fire Extinguisher should confirm to IS 2190:
 Use firewatchers if there is a possibility of ignition unobserved by the operator (e.g. on the
other side of bulkheads).
 Oxygen cylinders and flammable gas cylinders shall be stored separately, at least 6.6 meters
(20 feet) apart or separated by a fire proof, 1.5 meters (5 feet) high partition.
 Flammable substances shall not be stored within 15 meters of cylinder storage areas.
 Transformer used for electrical arc welding shall be fixed with Ammeter and Voltmeter and
fixed with separate main power switch.
 Welding grounds and returns should be securely attached to the work by cable lugs, by
clamps in the case of stranded conductors, or by bolts for strip conductors. The ground cable
will not be attached to equipment or existing installations or apparatus.
 Use a low voltage open circuit relay device if welding with alternating current in constricted
or damp places.
 Take precautions against the risk of increased fume hazards when welding with chrome
containing fluxed consumables or high current metal inert gas (MIG) or tungsten inert gas
(TIG) processes.
 Avoid being in contact with water or wet floors when welding. Use duckboards or rubber
 All electrical installations shall meet the IS: 5571: 1997 and Gas cylinder rule – 2004 for gas
cylinder storage area and other hazardous areas.
 The current for Electric arc welding shall not exceed 300 A on a hand welding operation.

4.0 Welding and Gas Cutting Work:

Welding and cutting operations present a serious of hazardous situation with potential exposure
to burns, eye damage, electrical shock, crushed toes and fingers, and the inhalation of vapours
and fumes. Many welding and cutting incident in industry result from:
 Inadequate trained personnel.
 Poor housekeeping practices.
 Poor shop layout.
 Inadequate lighting and ventilation.
 Improper storage and movement of compressed gas cylinders.
 Exposure of oxygen cylinders and fittings to oil and grease creating a fire or explosion
 Pointing welding or cutting torches at a concrete surface causing spattering and flying
fragments of concrete.

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 Electrical shock when motors, generators, and other electric welding equipment are not
 Inhalation of toxic fumes or vapors from welding metals or alloys.
Fire, explosions, and injuries can occur resulting from:
 The proximity of combustible solids, liquids, or dusts.
 The presence or development of possible explosive mixtures of flammable gases and air.
 The presence or nature of oxygen – enriched atmosphere in locations where hot work is
 Cutter and welder and other exposed personnel, are also susceptible to eye injury from
infrared light and ultraviolet radiation.

5.0 Operating Precautions:

The following provides minimum guidance on operating precautions and procedures.
 Provide ventilation in rooms / shops where work is to be performed but avoid strong drafts
directed at the welding work.
 Do not place work to be welded or heated on a concrete floor. Concrete when heated, may
splatter and fly exposing the welder to possible burns and throwing hot particles a
considerable distance.
 Provide appropriate protection for welders and helpers when working on elevated surface.
Welding area shall be kept neat, clean and free from tripping hazards.
 Provide approved personnel protective equipment for welders who must entered confined
space, manholes or other space restricted areas. Also, provide a means to ensure their quick
removal in case of an emergency.
 Do not perform welding operation in sprinkle red buildings when the sprinkler system is
inoperable; In explosive atmospheres or where explosive atmospheres may develop; or,
within 50 feet of storage of large quantities of exposed, readily ignitable material.
 Shielding should be provided to protect personnel from heat, sparks, light and radiation.
 A fire watch will be maintained for at least 30 minutes after completion of welding operations
to detect and extinguish possible soldering fires.

6.0 Arc Welding:

 Arc welding equipment shall conform to the design and installation criteria of proper
standards for welding. The frame or case of the welding machine should be grounded under
the conditions and according to Indian Electricity Rule – 1956.
 Before starting operation all connection to the welding machine should be checked. The work
lead should be firmly attached to the work: contact surface of the magnetic work clamps shall
be free of metal splatter particles. Coiled welding cable should be spread out before use to
avoid serious overheating and damage to insulation. Work and electrode lead cable shall be
inspected for the damage and wear before use. Cable with damage insulation or exposed
conductors shall be replaced. Electrode cables shall be joined and insulated in accordance
with approved method.
 Grounding of welding machine should be checked; special attention should be given to the
ground connection of the portable machine.
 Electrode holders, when not in used should be placed where they cannot make electrical
contact with persons, conducting objects, fuel, or compressed gas cylinders.
 When it is necessary to splice cables to extend their length, only certified electricians should
make the splices. Cables with splices within 10 feet of the electrode holder should not be
used. The welder should not coil or loop welding electrode cable around parts of their body.

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 Welders should not place welding cable and other equipment where it will obstruct
passageways, stairways, landings, ladders.
 When welders are working close to one another on one structure where they may touch the
exposed parts of more than one electrode holder simultaneously, the machine should be
connected to minimize shock hazards as follows:
 All direct current machines should relate to the same polarity.
 All alternating current machines should be connected to the same phase of the supply
circuit and with the same instantaneous polarity.

7.0 Gas Cutting Work:

 Before lighting the torch for the first time each day, allow enough of each gas to flow through
its respective hose to purge any flammable gas mixture. Purge hoses in open spaces and
away from the ignition sources. Light the torch with friction lighter. Point the torch away from
persons or combustible materials when lighting. Do not attempt to light a torch from hot metal.
 When working in confined space, the fuel gas and oxygen supply shall be located outside the
confined space. The torch and hose should be removed from confined space when not in
 Fuel gas and oxygen torch valves should be closed and the fuel gas and oxygen supply to
torch should be shut off during lunch or tea break periods, when not in use for extended
periods and when unattended.
 Cutting torch hoses must be protected from damage by contact with hot metal, open flame,
corrosive agent or sharp edges. Pressure on the hoses will be released at the end of each
 Hose must be visually inspected for damage at the beginning of each shift. Hose showing
leaks, cuts, burns, worn spots or other evidence of deterioration must be repaired or replaced
prior to use.
 Replacement hoses or fitting must be approved from IS 818-1968 for use with acetylene
 Shielding should be provided to protect personnel from heat, sparks, light and hot spatters
 Cylinder of compressed gas must have pressure reducing regulators installed.
 Cylinders in use or in a transport must be stored in an upright position and secured to prevent
them from falling.
 Pressure hoses should be secured to prevent whipping.
 Oxygen cylinders and fittings must be kept free from grease and oil at all time.
 Cylinders should be kept away from external source of heat always.
 Cylinder should not be dropped or handled roughly, use trolley with wheel for transporting
cylinder at site and other places.

8.0 Fire prevention and Protection:

 The welding operation environment should be free of flammable liquids and vapours.
Combustible materials within a radius of 30 feet of the operation will be protected from activity
residue flame, heat, sparks, slags etc.…)
 Fire watcher procedure should be implemented whenever welding activities are conducted
within 35 feet of combustible materials, regardless of protection provided. A qualified fire
watcher should be engaged for the job.

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 Whenever there are cracks or other floor openings within 35 feet of the welding or cutting that
cannot be closed or covered, precaution should be taken to remove or otherwise protect
combustible materials on the floor below that may be exposed to sparks.
 Fire extinguishing equipment should be maintained, ready for use, while welding or cutting
operations are being performed. Equipment may consist of buckets of water, buckets of sand,
hose or portable extinguishers depending upon the nature and quantity of the combustible
material exposed.
 Use fire blanket to control the spatters emitting form the welding and cutting work, due to
wind, in case of height, near to gas line etc.…
 Each fire point shall be equipped with one fire extinguisher & two sand buckets.
 Containers of paints, thinners and allied materials shall be stored in a separate room which
shall be ventilated and free from excessive heat, sparks, flame or direct rays of the sun. The
containers of paint shall be kept covered or properly fitted with lid and shall not be kept open
except while using.

12.17 Fire Safety

Fire Safety at site

The common fire hazardous areas are fuel storage, Vehicle maintenance, gas cylinder storage,
paint storage, carpentry work shop, welding & cutting etc.
Causes to Catch Fire
a) Careless smoking
b) Poor housekeeping
c) Hot work (Welding & Gas-Cutting)
d) Improper storage of flammable liquids and gases
e) Electrical faults
f) Faulty or misused heating equipment’s
g) Uncontrolled rubbish burning
h) Cooking fires

Fire Prevention

Following fire prevention measures should be adopted at sites unless otherwise specified by the

a) Provisions of firefighting equipment’s.

b) Maintenance and inspection of the equipment at regular intervals (monthly).
c) Provision of fire extinguishers in cabin of lifting appliances & drivers cabin.
d) Prohibition of smoking, naked lights and other sources of ignition near fuel where handled,
stored or used.
e) Display of instructions regarding steps to be followed to fight outbreak of fire.
f) Emergency action plan
g) RCCB to be checked periodically to ascertain it’s correct functioning & a register shall be
h) All metallic body, portable electrical tools must be used with 3 core wires connected with
effective earthing.

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i) Sand-buckets, Water-buckets and Fire Extinguishers etc. to be installed wherever required,

depending upon type of fire & potential of fire hazard.
j) Improvised ashtrays at designated smoking areas.
k) One 5 Kg Dry Powder or CO2 extinguisher should be provided within 15 m of electrical
equipment (transformer, motor etc.).
l) The extinguishers should be in conspicuous places and readily accessible for immediate use.
Generally, these are to be placed near exits, stare case landings, routes of escape etc.
m) The extinguishers or buckets should be placed at convenient height above floor level.
Portable fire extinguishers as per site need (to be decided by Site Safety Engineers) (Rule35
of BOCW Rules).


 Water expellant
Paper, Wood, Cloth and other solid combustible
A  Sand Bucket

 Mechanical Foam
Inflammable Liquids-Oil, Gasoline, Chemicals, Paints  Dry Chemical Powder
& Solvents.  Carbon Dioxide

 Dry Chemical Powder

C Gases in the compressed form  Carbon Dioxide

 Dry Chemical Powder

E Electrical Installations, Motors & Switch gears.  Carbon Dioxide

Fire Fighting Training:

Train about 50% employees including site engineers & security in firefighting with practical training
in handling portable fire extinguishers (Rule 35)

12.18 Housekeeping

Dedicated & sufficient housekeeping team as per the size of the project but not less than 5% of total
work-strength and shall be specially identified by their reflecting jackets as “housekeeping” person
(“yellow” color jacket with reflective bands). The housekeeping team shall be controlled by
Responsible Person who should schedule of housekeeping at site, perimeter, internal access roads
and all associated places such as offices, stores, workshops, stock yards, batching plants, labour
camp etc. and maintain a register.

Housekeeping Procedure
 Housekeeping management shall be integral part of the Site Safety Plan and Site Logistics
Plan. The Contractor is responsible to prepare & adhere with these plans, PMC Site Head

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is responsible to review & recommend and CLIENT Site Head is responsible to approve the
 Housekeeping is a disciplined activity and must for prevention of incident & diseases. The
Site shall have housekeeping schedule with fixed responsibilities and communicate to all
responsible including sub-contractors.
 The site shall have dedicated & sufficient housekeeping team as per the size of the project
and should be specially identified by their reflecting jackets as “housekeeping” person
(recommended “yellow” colour jacket with reflective bands). The housekeeping team shall
be controlled by Responsible Person of the Contractor who should ensure schedule of
housekeeping at site, perimeter, internal access roads and all associated places such as
offices, stores, workshops, stock yards, batching plants, labour camp etc. and maintain a
 The Site shall have perimeter site fencing of minimum standard around the site to prevent
inconvenience & endanger to the public and stop unauthorized entry. The fencing should be
of sound construction and aesthetically good with minimum 3m height; 2” to 3” spacing in
between the sheets and neatly painted. Site fencing & frontage should be maintained
presentable with display of visitors’ instructions, safety guidelines & signage etc. and should
be cleaned & repair as required.
 There should be separate gates & access roads for labour entry and material vehicles to
prevent workers directly encountering vehicle traffic & happening of incident.
 The walkways, gangways with minimum width of 1.2m should be clear of debris, protruding
dowels, timber with nails, oil spillages & other obstructions all the time to prevent tripping
and slipping danger. Similarly, all emergency exit, fire doors, firefighting equipment, access
to electrical panels & DB’s, first aid stations, ambulance station, stairways, ladders,
scaffolds etc. should be unobstructed, dry and in good working order.
 Provide and maintain hard barriers with top rail at 1.1m, mid rail at 0.6m, vertical posts at
2m with toe board of 150mm at all floor edges, cut-outs, voids, shafts, staircases,
excavation, trenches etc. to prevent fall of person & material.
 Provide adequate illumination in the work place, staircases, landings, passages, lift shafts
and maintain general uniform illumination of 50 Lux across length & breadth of the site and
access roads.
 Parking of trucks, transit mixers& other construction vehicles should not be allowed on
public roads, which may impair aesthetics & obstruct traffic. The tires of the trucks leaving
the site should be cleaned with water, wherever the possibility of spillage on public roads,
particularly during excavation, piling, rainy season etc.
 Dewatering of stagnant water from site should be regular activity equipped with adequate
capacity of pumps.
 It shall be daily routine that sufficient time is devoted on housekeeping of the work place
after completion of work & just before leaving the work place.
 Similarly, on weekly basis or as required remove all the scraps, debris, waste oils and other
disposables, to the designated yard. And same should be disposed of from the site on
monthly basis or depending upon the quantum of scrap.
 Clean safety nets, catch platforms & deposits on chajjas weekly.
 The saleable/ salvage items like wooden scrap, empty cement bags, empty containers and
steels scraps etc. should be removed from the site on quarterly basis or as required.
 Similarly, all surplus earth and debris are removed/ disposed of from the work place to
officially designated dump yard as per logistics plan fortnightly or as required.
 Debris chute or other appropriate means should be installed in the buildings with five floors
or above compulsorily for safe removal of debris. Dropping of debris from height is
prohibited at CLIENT sites.
 Over and above as a good practice the Contractors must plan at least a day in a week as a
“housekeeping day” to keep the site orderly.

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 Electrical cables, welding leads routing should be overhead to prevent trailing cables,
tripping & electric shock. Overhead cable routing height should be minimum 2.5m inside the
buildings and minimum 3m in open area supported by stable & insulated stands/MS-poles
or otherwise ensure that DB’s and welding machines are placed near work location.
 Materials should be stacked at least 2m away from openings, roof edges, excavations or
 The storage area should be well laid out with easy access and material stored / stacked in
an orderly and safe manner and must be segregated and stored depending upon the cost,
type, shape, and size as per logistics plan.
 Steel, shuttering & other materials etc. should not be stacked more than 1.5m height and
concrete block and brick should be stored to a height not exceeding 1.8m at ground level;
however, while stacking material at floor level or slab consider the capacity of structures.
 Piles stack of cement bag should not be more than 10 bags in height unless such stack
piles is stacked in suitable enclosure or otherwise adequately supported.
 Sites having space constraints should limit the material inventory or staggered inventory,
disposed of scrap/ debris & other excess or waste material more frequently and plan rack
stack methods.
 Ensure that the work vicinity of hot work is cleared of all combustibles and rubbish and work
permit procedure is strictly adhered.
 Display required nomenclatures and mandatory, cautionary & informative signage such as
speed limit, no smoking, electricity danger sign, flammability diamond sign, no spitting,
drinking water, urinal/ toilet with gender pictorial sign, empty & full gas cylinders storage,
emergency exit, assembly point, numbering of floors/ levels etc.… as well as display
caution signs for height work, falling objects, deep excavation, fire, electrocution,
unauthorized entry or as per site requirement etc. prominently.
 Provide proper PPE’s (e.g. helmet, safety shoes, dust mask, hand gloves, goggles, safety
belt, yellow-colour reflective jackets with “Housekeeping” sign etc.) needed for
housekeeping and debris collecting workmen.

Procedure for Hygiene at Workplace, Labour Camp and Canteen:

 The floor area in & around the labour camp should be of impervious material easy for
cleaning & sweeping and water stagnancy is prevented.
 Provide adequate latrines& urinals conveniently situated, accessible & sanitary for use by
workers at labour camp & site. In high-rise buildings provide urinal facility at 5th floor &
above every after 3 floors.
 Daily cleaning and disinfectant treatment of toilets, bathrooms, water tank area, utensil
washing area, drainage etc. of labour camp is must.
 Spraying of larva treatment & mosquito fogging should be weekly or as required by
topographical conditions.
 White wash of every latrine/urinals once in every period of four months and every latrine is
covered, partitioned off & have proper door & fastenings.
 Canteen shall be situated at the distance not less than 15.2 meter away from any
latrine/urinal or any source of dust, smoke or fumes and should be equipped with fly
catcher. Also, waste water from canteen shall be carried away in covered drain.
 Arrangements shall be made for the collection & disposal of canteen waste daily.
 Drinking water tanks should be cleaned fortnightly or as required and portability test should
be done at every six months (as per IS:10500) and equipped with appropriate filtration
media. Also ensure that water tank lids are covered or follow directives of local Municipal
Corporation, to prevent the larva growth and mosquito breeding etc.

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 Medical examination of canteen food handlers shall be done twice in a year (if applicable).
 At site provide & identify lunch shed with drinking water facility& dust bin to prevent eating
food in open area & all over the site by workers and unhygienic condition.
 Weekly twice Doctor visit in labour camp.
 Fortnightly inspection of LPG cylinders in labour camp.

12.19 Waste Management

Excavated Material -

1. Excavated material will be stored at site and reused for back filling work.

Food waste generated in site mess and labour camp –

1. Waste bins will be provided for collection of food waste near site mess and in labour camp.
2. Collected waste will be disposed to authorized agency on daily basis.
3. Training will be conducted to workers for minimization of food waste.
4. Awareness posters will be displayed at site mess and in labour camp.

5. Sufficient man power will be deployed to maintain the hygienic condition in labour camp and
site mess.

Debris -

1. Debris chute will be provided to the buildings.

2. Water sprinkling on debris to avoid dust generation.

3. Debris collection area at ground level will be barricaded and covered with shed net.

4. Collected debris will be reused at site or disposed to authorized agency.

5. Waste plastic drums will be reused for making of debris chute.

Scrap Steel –

1. Scrap steel will be collected in identified locations in steel yards.

2. Scrap steel will be reused for fall protection, covering of ducts or horizontal protection to lift

Empty cement and P.O.P. Bags -

1. All empty cement and P.O.P. bags will be collected and stacked properly in the godown.

2. Empty cement bags will be reused for shifting of sand or other material.

3. Empty cement and other bags will be disposed to authorized agency for reuse/ recycle after
completion of project.

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Packing material – (Plastic, Cardboards, Wooden, Nylon Strips, etc.)

1. All packing material will be collected daily in the identified dust bins.

2. Combustible material will be collected and disposed to the agency.

Bio Medical Waste –

1. Bio medical waste will be collected in the bin.

2. Bio medical waste like used cotton; bandages will be disposed to the visiting medical officer on
weekly basis.

3. Record of bio medical waste will be recorded in the register.

Hazardous waste – (Waste oil, Old batteries, used cotton during maintenance, chemical
cans, welding rods, Used cutting blades, etc.)

1. Hazardous waste will be collected in “Red” dust bin and disposed to authorized agency.

2. Tie up with authorized agency approved by MPCB is done.

3. Old batteries will be replaced back to the agency while purchasing new battery.

4. Record of hazardous waste will be maintained.

Concrete Waste –

1. Concrete waste generated during construction work will be collected and disposed at the
authorized location as per recommendations

2. Waste concrete will be reused as per requirements.

3. Debris generated will not be thrown from Height, debris chute will be provided for debris

Contaminated Water -

1. Waste water will be collected and reused for construction work.

2. Sedimentation tank will be constructed near batching plant to collect contaminated water for

3. Sedimentation tank cleaned on weekly basis and sediment will be reused at site for making
pathways or feeling at uneven surfaces at site or labour camp.

4. Area will be identified for cleaning of vehicle tyres to avoid pollution on the public roads.

E Waste -

1. Electronic waste will be collected and forwarded to Head Office.

2. All collected E Waste will be disposed to authorized agency & record maintained.

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Other precautions –

1. Drip tray will be provided in the diesel storage to avoid spillage of fuel.

2. Regular fogging and spraying of bleaching powder in labour camps to avoid mosquito breeding.

3. Labour camp will be maintained in clean and hygienic condition.

4. MSDS (Material Safety Data Sheet) will be displayed near storage of chemicals or other
hazardous material.

5. Regular training will be conducted at site and labour camp for management of waste.

6. Environment awareness posters will be displayed at site and labour camp.

7. Tested concrete cubes will be reused for making temporary partitions walls, marking of roads,

8. Waste oil generated during maintenance of machines will be reused for cleaning of shuttering

9. Cement godown will be provided for storage of cement bags.

10. Ensure that all vehicles entered at site having valid P.U.C.

11. Ensure that all cement carrying vehicles will be covered with tarpaulin.

12.20 Access & Egress Safety

Access Control:
Follow strict access control to work site. Ensure that all visitor and customers get safety helmet at
entry gate only. Wear safety helmet. Security Staff at the main gate shall maintain a register to keep
record of entry/exit of persons including those of visitors, customers & vendors. This rule is strictly
applicable to drivers & cleaners of material supply transporters. Erect peripheral site hoarding to
prevent unauthorized entry.
Also, security to check ID card of all at gate to ensure only authorized entry.

Temporary means of assess and work platforms

The following temporary means of access shall be used for structural steel erection works as per
the requirement and convenience:
 Ladders
 Personal Suspension System
 Slung Scaffolds
 Crane suspended Man-case

Permanent of access
 Erection of permanent accesses shall be completed in all respect before letting the same for
 In case of ladders, the ladders shall be fastened as mentioned on the drawing.
 In case of staircase, in addition to proper fastening the following requirements shall be met
before they are put into use.

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 There shall be not being any missing step.

 All the steps shall be fastened adequately.

Work permit system shall be implemented for the removal of permanent means of access.

Protection against Falling Object

 All materials, equipment and tools, which are used at height and prone to fall from height, shall
be secured (tied with fixed structure) against accidental displacement.
 Any activity in a place, where overhead work is in progress, shall be prohibited unless overhead
protection like safety net for the employees below is provided.
 All the floor openings to be protected with hard cover (made up of steel scrap) on every floor,
elevator shafts, stairwells and floor edges shall be provided with guardrail with toe board.
 Provision of mid landing platform (made up of scrap steel) & catch platform (made up of safety
net) after every 2nd floor of lift shaft and other void ducts/shafts.


 Proper roads shall be built leading to the site office.

 The road shall be in good and serviceable condition free of dust and mud

Safe means of getting into and out of an excavation shall be provided at intervals not exceeding
50ft. Where there is a possibility that the excavation may become flooded, intervals shall not exceed
25 ft. ladders shall confirm to the requirements and be placed at an angle of 75 extend at least 3ft.
above the stepping off pint and be securely fixed.

12.21 Environment Safety

Ambient air & Noise monitoring test carried out on every six months as per State Pollution
Control Board / CPCB Standard and necessary arrangement for elimination of pollution and or
suppression of dust and noise is must (Rule 34, 40, 43, 52 of BOCW Central Rules).
Toxic Fume
Provide Gas mask during spray painting & other hazardous activity.
Water Pollution
Drinking water: Adequate number of water taps, water purifiers and water coolers for the potable
water supply for the staff and workers. Drinking water tanks should be cleaned fortnightly or as
required and portability test should be done at every six months (as per IS:10500) and equipped with
appropriate filtration media. Also ensure that water tank lids are covered or follow directives of local
Municipal Corporation, to prevent the larva growth and mosquito breeding etc.

 Date of cleaning, due date of cleaning & drinking water signage must be displayed on drinking
water tank.
 Accumulation of rain or any water is not allowed at site to prevent insects from spreading
 Cleaning of TM not allowed in project premises.

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Noise pollution: Ambient noise monitoring at initial stage of the project and later every six months
as per State Pollution Control Board / CPCB Standards and arrange necessary arrangement for
control/ elimination of pollution and suppression of dust and noise. (Rule 34, 40, 43, 52 of BOCW
Central Rules).

There are several steps taken on site to reduce noise:

 All vehicle and diesel engines fitted exhaust outlets with silencers/ mufflers and do not keep
machineries running unnecessarily.
 It is strictly prohibited to keep compressor closed with cover when they are in running condition.
 Check that concrete breaker/plugs provided if work is nearer to a noisy machine.
 Keep the hearing protection clean and in a safe place when you are not using.
 Moving employees from noise to quit areas at predefined intervals (rotation basis).
 Training and information provided to employees and workers on exposure times and control
measures when working nearer to a noisy area.
 Designate and mark ear protection zone.

NOTE: Many noisy machine or hand operates tools transmit vibration to the body – example:
pneumatic rock drills or concrete breakers are common example. In this way, they can injure muscles
and joints affect blood circulation causing what is known as “white finger disease” when using-these
tools you should wear gloves, which help to engaged one by to reduce exposure time to vibration.

Illumination: Adequate lighting facilities such as flood lights, halogen lamps, hand lights and
general area lighting shall be provided at the workplace, storage area of materials and equipment
and temporary access roads, staircases, ramps, passageways, landings etc. The area illumination
shall be such that it promotes work and safety for all workers at site and creates a pleasing
environment at work site. The intensity of illumination shall depend on the nature of work and the
same shall be planned by the contractor in advance based on the following table however minimum
shall be 50 Lux. Strict adhere to Rule 50-Illumination under BOCW Central Rules and shall arrange
to conduct illumination survey quarterly through external authorized agency and submit report to

Sr. Area Minimum intensity -

No. illumination in Lux
1. Passage-ways, corridors, staircases, warehouses,
stock-yard, entrances, gates, platforms, basements
2. Landings of hoists, conveyors, batching plants, store
rooms, toilets & wash rooms
3. Moderate discrimination of details essential:
concreting, road construction, brick work, shafts work 200
4. Close discrimination of details essential: workshops,
labs, welding/ cutting, drilling, plastering etc.
5. Fine discrimination of details essential: Offices,
carpentry w/s, glass work, assembly of fixtures, 400
fabrications etc.

Dust & Fumes: Confined areas like basement, bunkers, etc. shall be under forced ventilation
(using blowers) for at least 3‐7 air changes per hour depending on presence of dust and fumes
generated from grinding, gas cutting, welding, etc. Adequate measure like dust extractor/arresters

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shall be available for use to prevent spread of dust to nearby areas during open area operations.
Workers shall be rested for sufficient time after everyone hour of continuous working in dust. The
same worker shall not be engaged for grinding for many days continuously and they shall be
engaged /kept on job rotation. All necessary PPEs like dust respirators, safety goggles, hand
gloves, ear plugs, protective clothes, etc. shall be provided. Any illness due to continuous work in
dust or fume shall be immediately reported to the First Aid Centre. Daily water sprinkling for dust
separation in project premises. Strict adherence to Rule 40-Dangerous & Harmful environment
under BOCW Central Rules.

Humidity: The presence of water vapor in the atmosphere air is known as humidity. The maximum
amount of water vapor, which the air contains depend up on the temperature.

However, for practical purpose the relative humidity value is useful. Relative humidity expressed
in percentage is the ratio of amount of water vapor present in the atmosphere to the maximum
amount of water vapor it can contain at a given temperature. High relative humidity affects the
sweat evaporation rate and thus heat disposed from the body. Therefore, discomfort and
exhaustion are caused by high relative humidity especially at high ambient temperatures.

Rest period should be provided and provide drinking water and glucose, biscuits etc. Fans shall be
provided in locations where work is carried out in a closed space.

12.22 Health, Hygiene & Welfare

Adequate facilities for medical aid and treatment for his staff and workers including the first‐aid
facilities at the project site. Strict adherence to the guidelines of Rule 81 (iv), Schedule VII of
BOCW Central Rules, 1998 for periodicity of medical examination of building workers.

Preliminary Medical Examination of Workers: Preliminary medical examination of all workers

before deploying at site and ensure that the person having defective vision, deafness &tends to
giddiness are prohibited from employment. For height work, persons should be subjected to
vertigo test and records should be available.

Medical Examination of Operating Staff: Mandatory medical examination of all plant &
machinery operators, vehicles drivers, crane operators & signalers, electricians and technicians
before deploying at work by Medical Officer, which shall include general fitness, mental alertness,
vision, hearing, breathing tests and certificates shall be submitted to Contractor in Form XI,
Schedule VII and maintain Health Register in Form XII of Rule 223 of BOCW Central Rules.

Medical Examination Record: Maintain record of medical examination of every building worker
employed by him in a register in Form XII of BOCW Central Rules.

NOTE: Facility of visiting doctor will be arranged who shall visit site & labour camp minimum
Once in a week, tie-up to neatest clinic and hospital shall be done for medical treatment for the
worker free of cost.

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Hygiene & Welfare:

Sanitation and hygiene at work place as well as at the Labour Camp for all his workers and staff.
Shall submit the plan of labour colony and labour toilet in advance for approval of the Project
Manager of Client.

Labour Toilet and Urinals: Latrines and urinals, required to be provided, shall be as specified
 Every latrine shall be under cover partitioned off to secure privacy with proper door and
fastenings, adequately lighted, and maintained in a clean and sanitation condition always.
 Where both male and female building workers are employed, there shall be displayed outside
each block of latrines or urinals a notice containing therein “For Men Only” or “For Women Only”
with pictorial sign, as the case may be written in the language understood by most of such
workers. Such notice also bears the figure of a man or of a woman.
 The number of urinals and latrines at site and at labour camp shall be as per following ratio.

URINALS For Male Workers For Female Workers

1-50 workers 1 Urinal 1 Urinal per 50 female
50-500 Workers 1 Urinal per 50 workers workers with separate
500 & above Addition to above 1 entry & pictorial sing
additional urinal per 100
1-25 Workers 1 latrine 1 latrine per 25
25-100 workers Additional to above 1 female workers with
latrine per 25 workers separate entry and
100 & above Additional to above 1 pictorial sign & notice
latrine per 50 workers

 Full time sweepers shall be deployed to maintain latrine’s and urinal blocks in clean and hygiene
condition. It shall be cleaned at least every day and maintained properly throughout the project
duration. The privacy of the all workers shall be ensured by providing partitions of suitable
heights. Cleaning log book is maintained/available with camp boss all the time for checking.
 Proper disposal of excreta by septic tank and soak pit. In no case, the excreta shall be disposed
of in any open drain, nallah, etc. which may cause outbreak of disease or reduce the overall
hygiene of the workplace.
 The floor area in & around the labour camp shall be of impervious material easy for cleaning &
sweeping and water stagnancy is prevented.
 Adequate urinals conveniently situated & accessible in the high-rise buildings at 5th floor & above
every after 3 floors.
 Daily cleaning and disinfectant treatment of toilets, bathrooms, water tank area, utensil washing
area, drainage etc. of labour camp will be ensured.
 Spraying of larva treatment & mosquito fogging shall be weekly or as required by topographical
 White-wash of every latrine/urinals once in every period of four months.
 Canteen shall be situated at the distance not less than 15.2 meter away from any latrine/urinal
or any source of dust, smoke or fumes and should be equipped with fly catcher. Also, waste
water from canteen shall be carried away in covered drain.
 Arrangements shall be made for the collection & disposal of canteen & labour camp food waste

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 Medical examination of canteen food handlers shall be done twice in a year (if applicable).
 At site provide & identify lunch shed with drinking water facility& dust bin to prevent eating food
in open area & all over the site by workers and unhygienic condition.

Drinking water: Adequate number of water taps, water purifiers and water coolers for the potable
water supply for the staff and workers.
 Drinking water tanks should be cleaned fortnightly or as required and portability test should
be done at every six months (as per IS: 10500) and equipped with appropriate filtration media.
 Also ensure that water tank lids are covered or follow directives of local Municipal
Corporation, to prevent the larva growth and mosquito breeding etc.

Crèche: Crèche shall be provided at site if more than 50 female building workers are employed at
site. Necessary arrangement shall be made of crèche for their children under the charge of women
trained in the care of children & infants and maintain in sanitary condition and adhere with Section
35 of BOCW Act. The crèche shall ensure safe & adequate accommodation, adequately lighted &
ventilated, maintained in clean and sanitary condition etc.

Shelter: Arrangement of suitable weather shelters for lunch and resting of the workers, at a safe
distance away from construction activities.

Temporary Facilities Worker Camp

Proper arrangement of Residence / hutments shall be provided with adequate lighting facility
Adequate drainage facility shall be provided for Worker camp area. Open areas, grounds shall be
maintained free from debris, Stagnated water, combustible material and garbage and
material. Area shall be keep clean, well ventilated and lighted. All welfare and sanitary facilities shall
be provided Camps must comply with local fire protection requirement Display of emergency
numbers in the camp are to control & monitor camp area security & camp supervision shall be
provided. Regular Pest control treatment for Snake and Scorpion as well as Fogging for Mosquitoes.

12.23 First Aid Facility

Well-equipped first aid center with fulltime trained first aider, minimum two stretchers, emergency
contact number list, official tie-up letter& contact details with the nearest hospital for treatment in
case of emergency, full time ambulance & medicine as per SCHEDULE III CONTENTS OF A
*First Aid Kit please follow the contents as prescribed by BOCWA

The First Aid Kit comprises of First Aid Box together with its Medicines and Equipment.

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Size: (17 ½ “× 10" ×6 ½ “)

Type: Dust-Proof

First Aid Box Contents:


I. A sufficient number of eye wash bottles filled with distilled water or suitable liquid clearly
indicated by a distinctive sign which shall be visible always.
II. 4 per cent xylocaine eye drops, and boric acid eye drops and soda bicarbonate eye drops,
III. Twenty-four small sterilized dressings.
IV. Twelve medium sized sterilized dressings.
V. Twelve large sized sterilized dressings.
VI. Twelve large sized sterilized burn dressings.
VII. Twelve (fifteen cm) packets of sterilized cotton wool.
VIII. (Two hundred ml) bottle of cetrimide solution (1 per cent) or suitable antiseptic solution.
IX. One (Two hundred ml) bottle of mercurochrome (2 per cent) solution in water.
X. One (One hundred twenty ml) bottle of Sal volatile having the doses and mode of administration
indicated on the label.
XI. One pair of scissors.
XII. One roll of adhesive plasters (six cm x one meter).
XIII. Two rolls of adhesive plaster (two cm x one meter).
XIV. Twelve pieces of sterilized eye pads in separate sealed packets.
XV. A bottle containing hundred tablets (each of three hundred twenty-five mg) of aspirin or any
other analgesic.
XVI. Twelve roller bandages ten cm wide.
XVII. Twelve roller bandages five cm wide.
XVIII. One tourniquet.
XIX. A supply of suitable splints.
XX. Three packets of safety pins.
XXI. Kidney tray.
XXII. A snake bite lancet.
XXIII. One (thirty ml) bottle containing potassium permanganate crystals.
XXIV. One copy of first-aid leaflet issued by the Directorate General.
XXV. Six triangular bandages.
XXVI. Two pairs of suitable, sterilized, latex hand gloves.

Location of the First Aid Box

 Each work site should have at least one first aid box.
 The first aid box should be prominent and easily accessible. Ideally it should be near a sink
or washbasin.
 Make sure employees know where it is. Put up signs showing the first aid symbol to direct
employees to the first aid box and to other medical equipment.

Access to the First Aid Box

 Access to the first aid box should normally be through the first aider or an appointed person.
 The contents should usually only be used by those trained in giving first aid.
 In the absence of these people, employees should still be able to use the materials within the

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12.24 Personal Protective Equipment

All necessary personal protective equipment (PPE) shall be provided adhere to Rule 43, 45, 46, 54
& 178 of BOCW Central Rules. All PPEs shall conform to relevant IS Standard / EN Standard or any
other international code of practice as given under. All type of personal protective equipment must
be available for use of workers, supervisors and visitors at site as considered necessary and they
shall be maintained in a condition suitable for immediate use. Also, the ensure proper use of PPE by
those concerned.

List of PPE

Items Specifications
Full body industrial safety IS: 3521‐1999/ EN 361; land-yard length 1.8m
belt & harness- double land-
yard with scaffold hook
Fall arrestor & Lifeline Fall arrester: EN 353‐2:2002 Lifeline: 12mm/14mm polyamide
Ear Muff / Ear Plug IS: 6996‐1973 (Reaffirmed 1998); IS 9167 or EN 352‐1:2002
and EN 352‐2:2002; made of sponge or foam; preferably with
cord; length of cord not less than 50cm; after squeezing it
should return to its original shape within 30 seconds.
Safety Helmet MOC- HDPE; IS standard: 2925‐1984 (Reaffirmed 2000) or EN
Standard 397; chin strap & nap strap (adjustable); Inside- plastic
head band.
Safety Goggles IS: 5983‐1980 (Reaffirmed 2002) or EN 166:2001; adjustable
arm for personalized fit; made of tough polycarbonate material;
lenses with anti-scratch treatment; colour of lenses- Clear (UV
Face shield IS: 8521 (Part II) – 1977 (Reaffirmed 2002) IS: 8521 (Part I) –
1994 (Reaffirmed 2002) or EN 175F; IS-1179:1967.
Respirators/ Dust mask IS: 15321 – 2003, IS: 15322 – 2003 and dust mask IS:9623
Hand Gloves (canvas) IS 6994-Part-I; MOC-split or chrome leather; stitching should be

Hand Gloves (leather) IS6994 Part-I; Mock- fabric or coated fabric; additional lining at
palm; firm stitching
Electricians hand gloves IS-4770:1991-rubber gloves
Shoulder pads Round neck type leather covered with foam cushion, as per
manufacturer’s specifications.
Safety shoes IS: 15298 – 2002; EN20 345 certified by laboratory DGMS/CLI;
size engraved on sole; ankle height not less than 7cm,
acid/alkali resistant sole; foam cushion in inner side for ankle
Gum Boots IS-5557: 2004; IS 12254: 1993 (PVC)
Electricians safety shoes As per manufacturers specifications and test certificate
Flash Back Arrestor IS 11006

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General Guideline:

a) During safety induction, correct usage of basic PPE & safety belts must be explaining to
b) Minimum 25% buffer stock of PPE must be available at all time.
c) It is compulsory that all Workers, supervisors and site engineers at site should wear safety
shoes, Reflective Jacket and helmets, double lanyard full-body safety harness (while working
at height) and lead PPE culture.
d) Below color code for safety helmet:

Color Category
White Engineer & Supervisor
Green Safety
Yellow Workers
Blue Supervisor
Blue P & M Staff
Grey Visitor
Red Electrician
Orange (Client) Godrej Properties Ltd

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PPE Matrix-Trade Wise & Usage Wise

Electrical Safety Shoes

Respiratory Protection

body Safety harness

Safety Goggle (clear

Welding helmet with

Rubber hand gloves

Cut resistance hand

Leather Hand glove

Rope Grab Arrestor

Double Lanyard full


HV Electrical Hand
Safety Helmet with

Hearing protection


visual electric bell

chin strap/ratchet

Welding Goggle

Shoulder guard

Organic mask

Safety Shoes
Hand Sleeve
Face shield

Body apron

face shield

Dust mask

Leg guard

Gum boot
Body Suit




1 Executives / Supervisors √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
2 Foreman √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
3 Unskilled workmen √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
4 Formwork/Carpenters √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
5 Electrician √ √ √ √ √ √ √
6 Scaffold erection/dismantling √ √ √ √ √ √
7 Brick/Block Work √ √ √ √ √ √ √
8 Internal Plastering √ √ √ √ √ √ √
9 External Plastering √ √ √ √ √ √ √
10 Chipping √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
11 Concreting √ √ √ √ √ √ √
12 Bar bending/curing works √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
13 Fitter √ √ √ √ √ √ √
14 Grinding/Polishing √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
15 Riggers/Khalats √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
16 Signal/Banks Man √ √ √ √ √ √ √
17 Welding/Cutting √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
handling(Manual/Mechanical) √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
Handling corrosive
liquid/Chemical √ √ √ √ √ √

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20 Plumbing √ √ √ √ √ √ √
21 External Painting √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
22 Internal Painting √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
23 Bitumen work √ √ √ √ √ √ √
24 Roof work √ √ √ √ √ √
P&M equipment
erection/dismantling √ √ √ √ √ √ √

26 Work shop (P&M, Carp) √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √

27 Sweeper/Scavengers √ √ √ √ √ √ √
28 Housekeeping Team √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
29 Grid/Sand Blasting √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
30 Pre-stressing √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
31 Confined Space √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √

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12.25 Safety Display

 Adequate numbers of signboards (written/painted in photo‐luminescent paint) shall be displayed at
various workplaces, movement area of mechanical equipment, diesel store, scaffoldings, first aid
post, etc. to warn the workers and staff of probable hazards at work site. Such signboards shall be
written in the language understood by majority of the workers.
 Also arrange for display of posters as an awareness building programme.
 Signboards and posters shall be maintained in good condition throughout the contract period and
shall have to replace them periodically.
 Put-up Safety Park with display of all PPE and donning instructions.
 Some of the important topics for signboards are given as under for guidance; however, work
specific sign boards can be designed and displayed at site.
 Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) pictorial signs viz. Safety helmet, safety shoes, safety belt,
safety goggles, face shield, ear plug / ear muff, gloves, dust respirators, etc.
 No Smoking signs all over site and particularly near diesel room, general stores or near combustible
materials etc.
 A flammable danger diamond sign near fuel storages, DG sets etc.
 Caution for moving parts of equipment viz. fly wheels of piling rigs, motors of pumps.
 Hot job and fabrication works viz. welding, gas cutting, grinding, etc.
 Unsafe scaffolding—Red Scaffold-tag (wherever the scaffold is in unsafe condition)
 Danger sign- Deep Excavation / Openings in floors (especially near excavated pit, trenches, lift
well, stair well, etc.)
 Electrical danger sign- electrical installations, high voltage equipment, high tension line, welding
transformers, meter panels, fuse distribution boards, etc.
 Dismantling / demolition work in progress
 High noise level area especially near concrete pumps, demolition areas, etc.
 Fragile roofs (where sheeting and roofing work is going on)
 Vehicle movement areas, access roads, etc.
 Vehicle speed limit sign
 Fire extinguisher (class wise)
 Exit signs etc.
 HSE statistic board to be displayed at site.
 Do & don’t to display at site it should be Hindi & local language.

13 Reward & Recognition

Monthly reward & recognition: Best safety performer worker (5 every month), supervisor/engineer (1
every month) is awarded which is decided by site safety committee based on below criteria,

For Worker:

 Display of safety practices displayed during work

 Taking good care of self & team
 Reporting of unsafe act/condition

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 Active participation in daily tool box talk by attending or voluntarily imparting

For Supervisor/Engineer:
 Display of safety practices displayed during work
 Taking good care of self & team
 Reporting & correcting unsafe act/condition (potential incident)
 Imparting tool box talk on daily basis
 Active participation in safety inspection, audit, safety walk etc.….
 Reporting of near miss

13.1 Safety Violation & Penalty

The safety violations leading to any type of incident and fatality are in any situation are
not acceptable to the company and this will attract heavy penalty immediately at the
discretion of Project Manager or Region Head of company including termination of the
contract or removal of defaulting employees. The company project manager or region
head shall communicate its decision to defaulting contractor

Sr. No. Nature of Incident Penalty

1. Fire incident Rs.10,000/-minimum and max as per
Investigation and severity potential
2. Leakages/spillages of flammable or Rs.10,000/- per incident
Toxic gas & liquids
3. Medical treatment case Rs.5,000/- minimum and max as per
Investigation and severity potential
4. Dangerous Occurrence with grave Rs. 10,000/-
potentials defined in BOCW Rules
5. Lost time reportable incident Rs.50,000/-minimum and max as per
Investigation and severity potential
6. Fatality/disability Heavy Penalty shall be levied based on the
Investigation by Company team.

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Officially and proper record shall be maintained. The penalty will be deducted from
Contractor’s next running bill.

A) Penalty against repeated unsafe act/unsafe condition i.e. non-compliance

with Safety Regulations and GPL Health & Safety Requirements at site:

The contractor is required to comply with all the requirements laid down in the Contractual
Safety Rules and Regulation and Guidelines of the company, and any other safety
requirements as a matter of general judiciousness. Up on failure to comply with any of
these, Project Manager of company is authorized to impose penalty on the contractor as
per the details below. Upon observing any of the below non-compliances, the Project
Manager/ Safety Engineer / its designated representative shall serve a written notice
listing the non-compliance, estimated penalty and corrective action due date. The penalty
shall be deducted from Contractor’s next running bill, until the Contractor not completely
rectifies the situation by the due date and contractor risks dismissal from the site.

Degree of Activities and Violations Covered Penalty amount (Penalty

Penalty per activity
per violation)
1. Safety Statistics, PPE and notices of legal
compliances and mandatory safety displays not
2. General Housekeeping not maintained
3. Inadequate and unhygienic sanitary facilities
4. Obstructed passage way sand walkways

Rs. 500 each

1st Degree

5. Non-Usage of safety PPE

6. Workers working without having gone through safety
7. Untrained workers working without having gone through
safety training
8. Workers working without having authorized ID cards.
9. Record sun available for safety activities
10. Use of defective/un safe ladder

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Degree of Activities and Violations Covered Penalty

Penalty amount(Penalty per
Per violation)
1. Non-Availability of first aid kit
2. Emergency numbers not posted
3. Fire extinguisher incorrect type in place
4. Non-availability of fire extinguishers
5. Usage of appropriate PPE (compliance
6. Failed to safe guard the Equipment.
7. Scaffolding erected does not conform to the scaffolding
8. Proper grounding of equipment not done
9. Working at height w/o height pass/vertigo test
10. Inadequate/no’s haring of adjacent structure during

Rs.1000 each
11. Excavation material too close to the edge of excavation
2nd Degree

12. Excavation equipment too close to the edge

13. Proper shoring and strutting not carried out for the
14. Vehicle movement paths not define don construction sites
15. Shuttering for concrete work not properly supported and
not resting on firm ground
16. Absence of emergency vehicle at site during night work
17. Improperly centric /walkways/on MS-material-structures.
18. Use of in complete work platform
19. Taking un-authorized electrical connections
20. Construction of temporary structures w/o approval of PM
or representative of company.
21. Operating electric hand tools, machines w/o sound
22. Improper storage &hand ling of gas lenders

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Degree of Activities and Violations Covered Penalty amount

Penalty (Penalty per activity
Per violation)
1. Permit to work being carried out without ensuring the
2. Violation to LOTO procedure
3. Working at heights without proper safety devices like safety
belt-double lan-yard and without properties-off sand lifelines.
4. Gate access control failure and unauthorized person sob
served in the site
5. Hot work w/o hot work permit
6. Operating passenger hoists, builder’s hoists/o provision of
lock &key gate at loading &Landing floor.
7. Medical examination of operating staff& signalman not
8. Operating construction vehicles without competent drivers. Serious violations and
9. Hoistingequipmentchecklistnotfilledpriortoperforminghoistin any non-compliance of
goperations these will lead to the
10. Usage of proper PPE (compliance level<50%) penalty of Rs. 2000/
11. Activities started without permit - Per incident per
12. Operating electric appliances without ELCB and isolation violation in addition to the
switches. possible stoppage of job
13. Hard barricading of open trenches/shafts/floor openings till rectification.

(planked or barricaded) not done.


14. Cut-out sand shafts not protected.

15. Incorrect methodology adopted than available method
16. No Edge protection for terrace works or open sides floors
(Floor plates without exterior wall/skin and not edge
17. Safety stewards not deployed as per contract condition
18. Working at height w/o peripheral safety catch net
19. Using non-tested material lifting tools &tackles w/o
competent person’s certificate.
20. Debris openly thrown from height/ buildings

1. Not attending joint project safety committee meeting

2. Not providing safety infrastructure a trite as per SJCPL
Health& Safety Guideline. Rs. 10, 000/- per
3. Not submitting the Safety plan for approval violation
4. Safety officer not deployed as per contract requirement
5. Not reporting incidents at site to company project manager

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B) Violations to Legal Regulations and Housekeeping Standard

addition to above, in case of failure and/ or non-compliance of the applicable

BOCW Act & Rules, labour laws & other Statutory Compliances and safety rules
and regulations of the Company by the contractor in terms of the contract without
prejudice to it so the r rights, the Company shall be entitled to retain 1% towards
violations to safety statutes and labour compliances and minimum 2% towards
negligence to the company housekeeping standard from the monthly RA Bill. The
contractor here by note that no prior notice shall be required to be given by the
company before retaining the said amount and get the situation rectified by for
feather said amount if the contractor fails to provide the required compliance
evidence and documents to the engaging another agency. The company shall
reserve the right to satisfaction of the company before raising the next RA Bill.

14 Disciplinary Procedures

14.1 Purpose

To provide guidelines for enforcement of safety rules, policies, procedures and directives from
appropriate management personnel.

14.2 Scope

All employees

14.3 Responsibilities

 Employees will be subject to disciplinary action for violations of safety rules. Such action may
include any one or more of the following depending on the severity of the violation.
 Employees shall be afforded instructive counseling and/or training to assure a clear
understanding of the infraction and the proper conduct under company guidelines. However,
nothing in SJCPL’s policy or this safety manual will preclude management from terminating an
employee for a safety violation. This is not a progressive discipline
 System and any safety violation may lead to an employee’s termination without prior instruction
or warning. Management reserves the right to impose whatever disciplinary action it deems
 Verbal warning with documentation in personnel file.
 Written warning outlining nature of offense and necessary corrective action with
documentation in personnel file.
 Disciplinary suspension with documentation in personnel file.
 Termination.
 Management, including supervisory personnel, shall be subject to disciplinary action for the
following reasons:
 Repeated safety rule violations by their job‐site employees.
 Failure to provide adequate training prior to job assignment.
 Failure to report accidents and provide medical attention to employees injured at work.
 Failure to control unsafe conditions or work practices reported by job‐site employees or by
job observation

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14.1 Minimum required Training Aid:

 Training hall with capacity of minimum 25 personals
 Sitting arrangement (chair with foldable writing pad)
 Audio visual aid (Projector or 52” TV with speaker) for presentation & training video
 Good provision for ventilation
 Display of site sign ages & safety posters (minimum 10)
 Display of safety policy in English, Hindi& local Language
 Display of mannequin with PPE-Safety helmet, safety shoes, reflective jacket, hand
gloves, ear plug/muff, dust/nose mask, safety goggle & double lanyard full body safety

14.2 Tool Box Talk:

A short information meeting shall be conducted prior to commencement of every day's work chaired
by the Sire engineer or supervisor or location in-charge and attended by workers under his charge.
Safety and Health topics discussed will be related to the work to be under taken for the day.
Attendance and Safety and Health subject matters discussed shall be recorded.
Best practices & case studies also discussed & shared with workers through tool box talk.
 Safety pledge shall be taken before tool box talk.
 TBT roaster shall be prepared for staff.
 Participation of all staff in TBT shall be ensured.

14.3 Specialized Safety Training Matrix:

Site safety engineer in coordination with HR/Admin & other department to organize trade wise
specialized safety training covering all high-risk elements. Sample training matrix as below which
can be modified as per project need & included in safety plan.

14.4 Awareness

Celebration of National Safety Day, world environment day, fire services day, road safety week
etc. every year and shall plan for conducting various safety events, competitions, etc. during
this period. Good/best safety performers among different trades of workers and staff and shall
acknowledge their performance to motivate the others.

Apart from above below awareness camp shall be organized on quarterly,

 Free health check-up & awareness camp
 Aids awareness camp
 Eye testing camp
 Dental check-up camp
 Blood donation camp
 Screening of safety video (monthly) etc.….

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15. Safety Training& Awareness

Handling & Storage of building Materials & MSDS


Emergency response plan


Fire prevention & Control

Hand tools & power tools

Wood working machines

Gas Cutting & welding

Occupational health
Managerial aspects

Plant & machinery

Structural erection
SHE Plan Briefing

Abrasive Blasting

Material handling
Confined Space

Electrical safety

Work at height
SHE Induction


Safety signs
Road works






PM / CM √√ √ √ √ √ √ √ √

Site Engineers √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √

Site Supervisors & √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √


SHE Officer √ √

SHE Supervisors / √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √

Sub-contractor √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
Manager, Engineer
& Supervisor √ √

P&M Supervisor,
Technician & √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √

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Bar bending
Operators &
Electrician &
Electrician Helper

Masonry workmen

Drivers, Equipment


Electrical Workmen

SHE Induction

SHE Plan Briefing
Abrasive Blasting



Confined Space

Site Safety, Health & Environment Plan

Electrical safety

Emergency response plan



Fire prevention & Control

Gas Cutting & welding

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Handling & Storage of building

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Materials & MSDS

Note: This is an indicative matrix; it shall be made site specific. And displayed at site.

Hand tools & power tools


Managerial aspects
Revision No.: R06

Material handling

Occupational health


Plant & machinery



Road works

Safety signs

Structural erection

Wood working machines

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Work at height
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Formwork / √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
Scaffold Workmen

Welder, Gas cutter √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √

& Fitter

Riggers& Khalasis √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √

Security personnel √ √ √ √ √ √

Visitor √ √ √ √

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16. Abbreviation & Definitions:


SHE – Safety Health & Environment
PMC – Project Manager Consultancy
PM – Project Manager
OH&S – Occupational Health & Safety
PTW – Permit to Work
LOTO – Lock out Tag out
HIRA – Hazard Identification & Risk Assessment
PPE – Personal Protective Equipment
ELCB – Earth Leakage Circuit Breaker
RCCB – Residual Current Circuit Breaker
MSDS –Material Safety Data Sheet
HK –Housekeeping
FE –Fire Extinguisher
MS –Method Statement
MSRA –Method Statement-Risk Assessment
HPT – HIRA Preparation Team
HIRA –Hazard Identification & Risk Assessment
TPI –Third Party Inspection
PUC –Pollution Under Control
TC –Transfer Certificate
SWL –Safe Working Load
SLD –Single Line Diagram
DCP –Dry Chemical Powder
CO2 – Carbon Di-oxide
EWP –Elevated Working Platform
MIG –Metal Inert Gas
TIG –Tungsten Inert Gas
CPCB –Central Pollution Control Board
ERT –Emergency Rescue Team

It is a state of being safe or free from any kind of hazard

An unplanned or undesired event.

Fatal/Total Permanent Disability

Loss of life / bodily injury, which may permanently, disables a person to carry on his daily work

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Reportable Incident
Disable a person from working for a period of forty-eight hours or more immediately following the

Man-days Lost
Working man-days lost due to reportable accidents (excluding day of accident). Consider 6000
man-days lost for each death / total permanent disability.

An incident where person escaped from injury, ill health or fatality.

Dangerous Occurrences
The following classes of dangerous occurrences shall be reported to the Inspector having
jurisdiction, whether or not any death or disablement is caused to a building worker, in the manner
prescribed in sub-rule (1), namely:- (a) collapse or failure of lifting appliances or hoist or conveyors
or other similar equipment for handling building or construction material or breakage or failure of
rope, chain or loose gears; overturning of cranes used in building or other construction work; falling
of objects from height; (b) collapse or subsidence of soil, any wall, floor, gallery, roof or any other
part of any structure, platform, staging, scaffolding or any means of access including formwork; (c)
contract work, excavation, collapse of transmission; (d) explosion of receiver or vessel used for
storage, at a pressure greater than atmospheric pressure, of any gas or gases or any liquid or solid
used as building material; (e) fire and explosion causing damage to any place on construction site
where building material; (f) spillage or leakage of hazardous substances and damage to their
container; (g) collapse, capsizing, toppling or collision of transport equipment; (h) leakage or
release of harmful toxic gases at the construction site.

First Aid Injury

This is the provision of initial care for an illness or injury, which may not require further medical

Man, Hours Worked (as per IS 3786)

Man-hours worked shall be calculated from the pay roll or time clock recorded including overtime.
When this is not feasible, the same shall be estimated by multiplying the total man-days worked
for the period covered by the number of hours worked per day. The total number of man-days for
a period is the sum of the number of men at work on each day of the period. If the daily hours vary
from department to department separate estimates shall be made for each department and the
result added together. When actual man-hours are not used, the basis on which the estimates are
made shall be indicated.

Frequency Rate (FR) (as per IS 3786)

No. of Reportable Loss Time Injury X 1000000/Total Man Hrs. Work

Severity Rate (SR) (as per IS 3786)

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No. of Mondays Lost due to Reportable Loss Time Injury X 1000000/

Total Man Hrs. Work

Reportable Incident Rate (RIR) (as per IS 3786)

No. of Reportable Loss Time Injury X 1000/Avg. No. of Employee Per Day

The measurement of time during which the subject is at risk from a hazard.
Includes death, injury, physical or mental ill health, damage to property, loss of production or any
combination of these.
Danger or potential danger
Maintaining the working environment in a tidy manner.
A measure of the likelihood that the harm from a hazard will occur, considering the possible severity
of the harm.
Risk Assessment
The process of analyzing the level of risk considering those in danger, and evaluating whether
hazards are adequately controlled, considering any measures already in place.
Risk Management
The process of identifying hazards, assessing risk, acting to eliminate or reduce risk, and
monitoring and reviewing results.
The process of imparting specific skills and understanding to undertake defined tasks.
Unsafe Act/Unsafe Condition
Any act or condition that deviates from a generally recognized safe way or specified method of
doing a job and increases the potential for an incident.

Annexure A

Safety Officer and Safety Steward Qualification & Experiences As per GPL Guide line

5.4.1 Safety Officers

The contractor shall be fully responsible for supervision of its site, plant & machineries, all activities,
labour camp, batching plant and personnel to ensure that they strictly adhere to all applicable safety
& fire requirements.
The contractor shall appoint sufficient number of safety officers with the approval of Company
project manager and HO Safety Cell. The Contractor shall employ qualified & experienced, trained
and dedicated safety officers as described below:

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No. of workers No. of Safety Officers

Those contractors employing 50 to 500 workers One safety officer
Those contractors employing 500 or more workers Additional safety officers /
500 workers
OR in case of 50 or less workers but work involves hazardous One safety officer
activities like height work, 1.5m & more deep excavation, sloping
roof work, demolition work, heavy material lifting, confined space
work, steel structure work, façade work, piling, blasting job etc. or
as directed by the Company.

5.4.2 Qualification & Experience of Safety Officers (mandatory): -

The qualification & experience and duties of Contractors safety officer shall commensurate with
Schedule VIII of Rule 209 of BOCW Central Rules and as prescribed below:
A person shall not be eligible for appointment as a Safety Officer unless he fulfils following criteria.
I) Basic qualification: Degree or diploma in engineering or Science Graduate

ii) Professional qualifications: Advanced Diploma in Industrial Safety; min one year duration
course from State Board of Technical Exam, recognized under State Factories Rules / BOCW
Central Rules or Diploma in Construction Safety Management from NICMAR.
I) Experience: Minimum 8-10 years’ experience as safety officer in construction sector.
ii) Has adequate knowledge of the language spoken by majority of the workers in the region in
which the construction project is located.
iii) Duties: as laid down in Schedule VIII of BOCW Central Rules and as prescribed below.

5.4.3 Duties of Contractors Safety Officer:

The duties of Safety Officer shall be to advise and assist the site management in the fulfilment of
its objectives & targets, contractual obligations, statutory or otherwise, concerning BOCW Act &
Central Rules, prevention of personal injuries and maintaining a safe working environment. These
duties shall include the following, namely: ‐
a) To advise the concerned departments in planning and organizing measures necessary for
creating a safe working environment for all workmen engaged at site and to prevent any kind of
personal injuries and damage to property;
b) To advise on safety aspects in all job studies, and to carry out detailed job safety studies of
selected jobs and to formulate Hazard Identification & Risk Analysis, Job Hazard Analysis Report
and Site Safety Plan during initial mobilization stage of the project;
c) To check and evaluate the effectiveness of the action taken or proposed to be taken to prevent
personal injuries and damage to property;
d) To ensure that all Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) provided to workers as required under
any of the provisions of the Act or the Rules conform to the relevant Indian Standards / EN Standard
and to advise all Site Engineers / Supervisors to ensure proper use of such PPEs by workers at
e) Monitor that required buffer stock of the PPE is available and there is no shortage at any given
time of the project.
f) To provide advice on matters related to carrying out site safety inspections, daily walk‐through
surveys, etc.;
g) To carry out site safety inspections with involvement of site engineers, building/ area in charge,
section in charge & site head to observe the physical conditions of work and the work practices

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and procedures followed by workers and to render advice on measures to be adopted for removing
the unsafe physical conditions and preventing unsafe actions by workers;
h) To render advice on matters related to reporting and investigation of accidents and occupational
i) To report and investigate all accidents, dangerous occurrences and near‐misses and to
recommend the preventive measures to ensure non‐occurrence of such cases;
j) To investigate the cases of occupational diseases contracted and reportable dangerous
k) To advise on the maintenance of such records as are necessary relating to accidents, dangerous
occurrences and industrial diseases;
l) To promote setting up of Site Safety Committee and to act as adviser and catalyst to such
m) To organize in association with the concerned departments, campaigns, competitions, contests
and other activities which will create awareness and will develop and maintain the interest of the
workers in establishing and maintaining safe conditions of work and procedures; and
n) To design and conduct safety induction, skill safety training, special & motivational training and
educational program for the prevention of personal injuries, health & hygiene.
o) Maintain update inventory/ register of plant & machineries, lifting tools, tackles, cranes, earth
moving vehicles, power hand tools and monitor statutory, scheduled & preventive test /
examination and periodic inspections.
p) Monitor preventive maintenance & inspections schedules of plant, machineries and accessories
and remind respective sections about scheduled activity.
q) Also, he will be responsible to track preventive maintenance schedule of plant & machineries as
per manufacturers manual/ recommendations with P&M Dept.
r) The Contractor shall provide Safety Officer with such facilities, equipment and information as are
necessary to enable him to discharge his duties effectively. Such typical facilities may include
personal computer, training room, training audio-visual aids, first aid room, vertigo test station,
testing facility, facilities for storage of PPE, documents and stationery, etc.

5.4.4 Contractors Safety Stewards / safety Supervisors

In addition to safety officers and / or depend on the number of workers / hazardous nature of work,
the Contractor shall deploy adequate number of safety supervisors/ stewards for continuous
supervision, training and creating awareness at site. The Contractor shall employ trained and
experienced stewards as per below criteria:
No of safety steward’s/ safety supervisors

ii) The supervisor / steward shall be Graduate in any discipline and shall possess short term safety
management course from NIFE, NILEM, IOSH, Annamalai University etc.
iii) Stewards shall have minimum 3-5 years of site safety experience and adequate knowledge of
the language spoken by majority of the workers in the region in which the construction project site
is located.
iv) The Contractors safety officer will be responsible to ensure optimum utilization of stewards, train
them, allocate duties, review inspection reports & advice on compliances etc.

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Annexure B
Inspection Colour Coding for Harness

 Colour Coding of Harness shall be done monthly to ensure that only safe Harness are
being used at site. (Where applicable as per contract requirements)
 All Harness in use will be checked by the Safety Officer.

 All damaged Harness shall be segregated and removed from site.


1 January Orange

2 February Red

3 March Yellow

4 April White

5 May Black

6 June Blue

7 July Orange

8 August Red

9 September Yellow
10 October

11 November Black

12 December Blue

 Serviceable Harness will be marked with different colour coding for every Month as


Incident Reporting & Investigation


To ensure that safety related incidents are fully reported & effectively investigated.

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1. Fatal/Total Permanent Disability: Loss of life/bodily injury, which may permanently,
disable a person to carry on his daily work.
2. Incident: Work related events in which an injury or ill health or fatality occurred or could
have occurred.
3. Reportable Incident: Disable a person from working for a period of forty-eight hour or
more immediately following the incident.
4. Man-days Lost: Working man-days lost due to reportable accidents (excluding day of
accident). Consider 6000 man-days lost for each death/total permanent disability.
5. Near-Miss: An incident where the person escaped from injury, ill health or fatality.
6. Minor Incident: Small Scale-Minor damage to structure/machine/equipment, fire,
chemical spills, Gas leak, vehicle hitting against structure/facility, minor accidents of have
equipment such as crane, hydra, trailer etc. Lightning, Electrical short circuits etc., but
does not involve any personal injury.

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Site Safety, Health & Environment Plan Ref No.: SJCPL/SP/HSE/R00

Type Of Incident Reporting To Whom To Time Line Reporting Reporting Mode Of

Authority Report To Report To RH & HO To GOVT. Communication
By GPL Authority as
Project per rule-210
Manager BOCW
Fatal (Rule 210- Project Project Immediately / RH/ DRH; By contractor By phone / mail /
BOCW ) Manager of Manager within 2 COO; HR within 4 hrs. through
Contractor GPL hours of Head; ED; After consent messenger or
Incident Media Head of GPL In mode of any
and Safety Form No XIV. fastest
Head communication.
Followed by IR
(Incident Report )
and Investigation
Reportable Injury Project Project Within 4 RH/ DRH; By contractor By phone / mail / /
disabling workers Manager of Manager hours of COO; HR within 72 hrs. written report.
from working for a Contractor GPL Incident Head ; ED; after consent Followed by IR
period of 48 hours Media Head with GPL (Incident Report )
or more (Rule 210- and Safety Form No - and Investigation
BOCW ) and non- Head XIV Report
reportable but
medical treatment
Dangerous Project Project Immediate/ RH/DRH & By contractor By phone / mail / /
Occurrence as per Manager of Manager within 4 Region within 72 hrs. written report.
Rule 210 (5) – Contractor GPL hours of Safety & HO after consent Followed by IR
BOCW), Including incident. Safety Head with GPL (Incident Report )
fire Form No - and Investigation
XIV Report
Environmental Project Project Immediate/ RH/DRH, By contractor By phone / mail / /
Incident (Leakage of Manager of Manager within 4 Region within 72 hrs. written report.
flammable, toxic Contractor GPL hours of Safety & HO after consent Followed by
gases and liquids incident. Safety Head with GPL IR(Incident
etc.) Form No - Report) and
XIV Investigation
Near Miss Incidents Project Project Within 24 RH/DRH & Written report &
Manager of Manager hours. Region Investigation
Contractor GPL Safety Head Report
First aid cases Project Project Weekly Basis RH/DRH & Written report &
Manager of Manager with analysis Region Investigation
Contractor GPL Safety Head Report
Occupational Illness Project Project As an when RH/DRH & Form No – Written report &
Manager of Manager noticed Region XIII Investigation
Contractor GPL Safety Head Report

7. Dangerous Occurrences: As specified under BOCW Rules & large scale- Collapse of
structure, Fire, Explosion, chemical spills, Gas Leak, vehicle hitting against
structure/facility, toppling of vehicle, Breakdown/Collapse of heavy equipment such as
Crane, Hydra, Trailer etc. Lightening, Electrical short circuit etc., but does not involve
personal injury.

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8. First Aid Injury: This is the provision of initial care for an illness or injury, which may not
further require medical care.
9. Accident: An unintended occurrence arising out of and during employment of a person
resulting in injury.
10. Ill Health: Identifiable, adverse physical or mental condition arising from &/ by a work or
made worse by a work activity & / or work-related situation.
11. Lost Time Injury: An injury causing disablement extending beyond the day of shift on
which the accident occurred.
12. JIC: Joint Incident Investigation Committee.


It shall be the responsibility of the authorized person to report any incident that takes place
regarding their work. Each one shall be advised in writing to follow the protocol given in below
table for reporting any safety related incident.

The incident shall be reported by Project Manager/Authorized Person to the PMC Project
Manager & Safety Manager by phone/ E-Mail or through messenger whichever is the fastest
mode of communication at the time of occurrence.

The communication should include the followings.

a. Type of incident,
b. Date & time of Incident,
c. Place of incident,
d. Details of injured & property damage,
e. Brief description of the incident,
f. Action taken to minimize the impact,
g. External agency approached


Permit to Work

1. Purpose
The Permit to work system is aimed to ensure that methodical consideration is given to all high-
risk work to ensure positive communication between agencies, hazard is identified, risk is
assessed, all required precaution ensured and jobs are completed under due authorization. The
permit is a written document which authorizes identified people to carry out precautions required
to complete the job safely

2. Scope
Following jobs are identified but not limited to which the work is to permit system shall be applicable.
 Confined spaces entry
 Hot works
 Excavation permit

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 Height work permit

 Night work
 Electrical work-LOTO
 Blasting
 To open manhole cover/cut-outs & lift shafts-grills/handrails/safety nets/hard barricading etc.

3. Responsibility
GPL Project Manager is responsible for adherence to the work instruction through PMC &
responsible contractors & the respective contractors are responsible to transmit this work
instruction to their sub-contractor & ensure the content are clearly understood by them. In case of
not adherence to work instruction & non-performance by contractors, the GPL Project Manager
has right to get this done by other contractors & back charge the same to defaulting contractors.

4. Performance Monitoring
The work permit adherence at site should be monitored & audited on daily basis by following

i. Contractors Safety Engineer: Monitor on daily basis & make sure that relevant work permits
system introduced at the required workplace, make sure all aware are of the system & keep
checking on the process
ii. Contractor Site Engineer/Manager: Monitor daily & make sure that work is going on as per
the permit procedure & precaution
iii. PMC Safety Engineer: Cross check the permit during site visit & ensure specific permit at
actual workplaces as per permit document & in case of procedure violations stop the
work/cancel permit still rectification is done
iv. PMC/GPL Site team: Randomly cross check the permit as per their location & work done.

5. Definitions/Abbreviations


PTW Officer: -Person appointed by GPL/PMC site management responsibility for coordinating &
administrating of the PTW’s. Role is performed by PMC/GPL site Manager/area incharge /Safety

Excavation: -means the removal of earth, rock or other materials in connections of construction.

Confined Spaces: -A space which by design has a limited opening for entry & exist or A confined
space that present a situation that is immediately dangerous to life. This includes but not limited to
oxygen deficiency, explosive or flammable atmosphere & concentration of toxic substances

Hot work: -Any work involving burning/cutting, welding or similar fire producing operations, as well
as work which produce a source of ignition, such as space heating.

Height work: - Any work on, below or above the ground level where there is risk of personal injury
through falling & any potential risk to people below the work site being injured by falling objects.

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Process requiring LOTO: - “Lockout” is the placement of locking device on an energy isolation
device, which assures that the equipment being controlled can’t be operated until the locking device
has being removed & “Tag out” is the placement of tagging device on an energy isolation device.
The common activities requiring LOTO process during major maintenance are:
 Batching plant: - For isolation of electrical & mechanical energy during maintenance
 Electrical Maintenance Work: -For isolation of electrical energy during maintenance i.e.
maintenance of electrical/DG panels & other electrical operated equipment
 Precast element Table: - For isolation hydraulic energy during maintenance
 Steam Generator: - for isolation of steam & electric energy during operation, start-up &
shutdown process.
Apart from above, project should review the risk of unexpected release of energy in the other
processes during maintenance/operation & apply LOTO

Abbreviations: -
 BOCW: The Building &Other Construction workers (Regulations of Emp & Conditions of
Service) Act,1966 & Rules 1998
 HIRA: - Hazard Identification & Risk Assessment
 PMC: -Project Management Consultancy
 SWMS: - Safe work method Statement
 LOTO: - Lock Out Tag Out

6. Legal:
 The Building & Other Construction Workers (Regulations of Emp & Conditions of
Service) Act 1966& Rules 1966

7. Description: -
A permits formal written authority given to appropriately trained personnel to carry out work in areas
where hazard or adverse conditions may be present. The permit is issued by authorized person &
confirms that job in question has been assessed & clearly defines the safety precaution to be taken.
The permit in addition to the risk assessment process & any other documentation such as safe
work method statement, safe work procedure or standard operating procedure.
A permit to work can be used over a series of dates & times provided the permit is for the same
location & work activity date & time to work must be listed on permit.

Separate work permits for LOTO shall be issued for activities mentioned in clause 5 & the permit
initiator shall close the permit after completion of work. The system shall be re-energized only after
clearance from permit issuing authority thereafter permit will be treated as close.

For activities requiring energy isolation & which are not controlled through existing permits (e.g.
Confined space, excavation etc.) shall follow the process of LOTO & documents the requirements
as specified under the said permit. (Not required to take a separate LOTO permit)

Components to be isolated for energy isolation required for safe process shall be mentioned in
PTW form with all details i.e. energy isolated, method of isolation, type &no. of LOTO, person
responsible for isolation.

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Person involved in maintenance/operation requiring LOTO shall be competent & aware about
LOTO process. Specific training for use & method of isolation shall also be provided to those

LOTO register shall be maintained at project site to track & monitor the implementation of LOTO

7.1.1 The Permit States/ includes:

a) The exact identity, nature & extent of the job & the hazards involved. It also outlines any
limitations on the extent of the work & time during the job may be carried out.
b) Specifies the precautions which needed to be taken, including safe isolation from potential
risks such as electricity & hazardous substance.
c) Provides a system of continuous control & record showing the nature of the work.
d) Provides the cross-referencing of permit of work activities that may interact or affect.

7.2 Permit handover: -

Provides a formal handover process for use when permit is issued for longer period than one shift
& provides a formal hand back procedure to ensure that part of the site affected by the work in safe
condition & ready for restoration.

7.3 Responsibilities of Supervisor or Authorized person issuing a Permit to Work

I. Ensure all hazards are associated with the proposed job have been identified, assessed &
II. Be familiar with the intended task(s).
III. Ensure that area & equipment are made safe before hand over.
IV. Outline how to work is to be undertaken.
V. Ensure that permits are cross referenced with the permits (e.g. confined space entry permit
& hot work permit in confined spaces).
VI. Before any maintenance work is commenced on equipment requiring LOTO process, the
circuits/media shall be de-energized & ascertained to be dead by positive test with
approved testing device.
VII. Adequate precautions shall be taken in two important aspects in case LOTO process viz.
a. That there shall be no danger from any adjacent energies parts &
b. That there shall be no chances of re-energization of the equipment on which the
persons are working.
VIII. Ensure that the person(s) doing the work are appropriately qualified to do the work.
IX. Ensure the permit is granted before work commences
X. Ensure that the person(s) doing the work are appropriately qualified to do the work.

XI. Ensure appropriate persons are informed when jobs are completed or suspended & the
XII. permit is cancelled,

7.4 Responsibilities of the person undertaking work (permit holder

I. Satisfy that they understand the requirement of the permit.

II. Are skilled, qualified trained & competent to perform the work, including the use of ant
personnel protective equipment or recuse equipment.
III. Adhere to the permit to work requirements

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IV. Ensure the job is performed in a safe manner by identifying hazards & necessary controls
in place.
V. Make work area safe, including equipment & seek immediate advice if in doubt or conditions
VI. Ensure all tags & signs are prominently displayed so that personnel are aware that the
equipment etc. is isolated/not to be operated.

7.5 Display of Signs:

Permits are to be onsite & available for inspection while work is being undertaken.

7.6 Record Keeping:

All the records should be documented & maintained up to the end of project.

8. Procedure:

Work Permit Flow chart

Step- • Permit Applicant: Contractor's Site Engineer demand permit after site
Preparation as per permit checklists
• Safety Inspection of Location: Contractors safety officer cross check
STEP-2 location/equipment/activity by physically vesting & ensure all safety measures & sign the

Permit Approval: PMC/Company Site Engineer responsible for location/equipment/ activity/

Step-3 site approves permit &allow work after satisfactory verification of safety measures.

Permit Closure: 1. Permit Applicant will be responsible to verify restoration of abdications,

railings, safety nets& other safety measures and withdraw all of all persons and sign-off
Step-4 closure of Permit& forward to Permit Approver2.Permit Approver (PMC/ company Site
Engineer) will cross check restoration &safety in place& sign-off permit closing.

n • Additional Safety Check: Company/PMC Safety Engineers responsible to
Cross check the permitted location/equipment/activity/site by visit and if found un safe,
onalSt STOP the work and CANCEL permit.

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8.1 Completion of PTW application Form:

The application from (appendix 1) shall be submitted with all the checks with respective
contractor manager & safety engineer to PTW office (PMC/GPL) prior to the commencement the
work to ensure that PTW can be issued in time & in good order.
The application shall remain with contractor/PMC safety engineer until all necessary EHS &
precaution have been implemented or planned for action by the applicant involved. If the isolation
is required then the isolation list like electrical panel isolation, water line, gas line isolation must be
completed by person carrying out the isolation then the list must be attached to the PTW for
Depending upon the work category the corresponding permit from shall be attached to the
application from in appendix 2-7. Information on hazardous work or use of hazardous materials
(MSDS) shall also be attached.

8.2 Starting work with a PTW

The applicant should confirm in the PTW office, the receipt of the form by means of his
signature, date& time.
The PTW, officer should interview the applicant to ensure he understands the conditions listed on
it including EHS & isolation & precaution are to be taken or which must be taken.
The copy of PTW from together with the isolation list (if applicable), the isolation tag plus any other
application documents shall be retained by the PTW officer as a record.
One copy of PTW shall be always kept at the work location with permit holder or concern
The PTW shall be invalid & the original from shall be returned to the PTW officer if anyone of the
following conditions occurs;
 PTW Expires.
 PTW is not fully signed off.
 PTW does not apply for the location the work is being transferred.
 Requirement of the permits are being ignored.
 PTW procedure has not being explained to the personnel working in the area covered
by PTW.
 There is doubt about the safety system applicable to the work, e.g. risk assessment,
MS is missing.
 Scope of the work changes or additional work requirement.
 Emergency declaration/evacuation at site

8.3 Completion of work:

Return the PTW from to the PTW Officer immediately after work completion, the applicant must
sign to confirm completion nothing date time on the original.
All the work must be completed in full (extension may be applied), all workers must be
withdrawn from the work area of the PTW & tools & equipment’s etc. shall be cleared.
General housekeeping must be taken place to restore the area back to its original conditions

8.4 Resetting Action:

The work releasing authority or PTW officer responsible for arranging the isolations, & must assess
the work area & determine if it is safe to reset isolation. The original PTW application form shall
completed in printed letters & signed off confirming resetting maybe done safety only by the
authorized person or PTW officer. Verification of resetting can than take place by GPL
In case of shift for relieving of authorized person of LOTO, all lockouts shall be verified & transferred
to reliever. The permit issuing authority shall ensure this transition & record the changes on the

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Locks & Tags only to be removed by the individuals who install them. In case of absences of
authorized person for isolation & after verification of his non-availability, Project manager
(Contractor) shall authorize other components person in writing with approvals from releasing
Notification shall be sent to all concerned people by permit issuer that LOTO is going to be removed
& equipment is ready for operation.
8.5 Permit Extension:
As soon as it becomes obvious that the work cannot be completed by the date stated on the PTW
form, the applicant shall apply for an extension before the original time expiries. In such cases, the
revised duration the work shall be signed off on the original PTW form by work releasing authority
(site engineer/area in charge-PMC/GPL) at PTW office. It is not guaranteed that an extension will
be granted; therefore, careful work planning is essential to avoid difficulties.

9. Emergency Procedure & Details of Site Features:

i. A pre-start job meeting shall be arranged for informing about proper communication
ii. Arrangement of first aid facilities & emergency vehicles shall be ensured
iii. Contractor should inform to PMC/GPL for commencement of work
iv. In condition, as where work affecting by natural calamities like heavy rains, dusty
environment, thunderstorm etc. GPL guidelines shall be followed.

10. Isolation/Blocking methods Energy Type Isolation Method

1 Mechanical Motion, Rotation, Liner Oscillation 1. Remove segments of
operating mechanical linkage
such as push-rods, removing
belts or flywheels
2. Use blocking devices such
as wood or metal blocks,

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3. Remove power or energy

from the driving mechanism
such as;
a. Disconnect main
electrical sources
b. Close hydraulic or
pneumatic valves,
2 Electrical 1.Place the main electrical
source disconnects, switch in
off position.
2Remove segments of
electrical circuits.
3 Thermal Close the valves & maintain
an open bleed line
4 Potential-pressure Close the valves & maintain
an open to relieve pressure
5 Potential-Gravity Block in place by using wood
or mental blocks under the
mechanism or pin the linkage
in a position where gravity will
not cause the mechanism to
inadvertently fall.
6 Potential-Springs Block in safe position by
pinning or clamping the
device, to eliminate the
potential of unrestricted &
undesirable travel

11. References:
i. Contract Documents
ii. GPL HSE Guidelines
iii. Site EHS plan
iv. BOCW Act & Rules
v. QSP 03-Energy Isolation & LOTO

12. Appendix


Energy Isolation & Lockout-Tag out

This guideline applies to all facilities in which employees interact with energized machines &

Overview: -

Lockout-Tag out is the OSHA compliant method of isolating machines or equipment’s from
energy sources to prevent personal injury. This procedure must be used when machines or

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equipment’s are supplied with single or multiple power sources. This procedure will define the
Lockout-tag out program within corporate operations

Purpose: -

To provide a method for reducing the potential for injury to employee(s) or danger to equipment
due to unexpected or unplanned activation of equipment or energy during installation,
maintenance, repair, adjusting, unjamming, inspecting, processing or construction.

Even when “shut off”, powered equipment can be suddenly release stored, materials (e.g. liquids,
gases or powder in pumps, pipes etc.) or energy (e.g., hydraulic pneumatic pressure, steam
etc.). If such a release occurs when powered equipment is being serviced, employees can be
seriously injured. For this reason, repairs & servicing of powered equipment must be performed
after they are shut off, de-energized & locked out of services.

Each operation must regulate the repair & routine servicing of its powered equipment. Lockouts-
Tag outs are required when performing these operations.

Application: -

OSHA Standard 29 CFR 1910.147 requires the use of Lockout-Tag out control procedure on
machines & equipment when an employee must remove or by-pass a guard or any safety device
or when employee is required to place any part of their body into an equipment zone during
installation, maintenance, repair, unarming, adjusting, inspecting, operating, processing or

The standard allows an exception for minor tool changes, adjustments & other minor servicing
activities which takes Place during normal operation procedure, if they are routine, repetitive &
integral to the use of the equipment production: provided that the work is performed using
alternatives means of protection (see jams-alternative means of protection). In short, jams are
not automatically excluded Definitions: -

LOCKOUT is the placement of a locking device on energy-isolation device, which ASSURES that
the equipment being controlled cannot be operated until the locking device has been removed.

TAGOUT is the placement of a tagging device on an energy-isolating device, which indicates that
the energy isolating device & the equipment being controlled must not be operated until the
tagging device has been removed.

Machine specific Lockout-tag out procedures are set of instruction that indicate the required
tasks to achieve a zero-energy state for a specific piece of equipment. They are usually encased
in laminate & attached to the machine by a try wrap at the operator’ station. These instructions
should also be kept with the training information for each piece of equipment.

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Employees whose work assignment includes activities such as activities such as installing,
maintaining, constructing, adjusting, inspecting or contractor following company established

A lockout or DANGER TAG may only be removed by the individual who installed that lockout or
tag. When either is found on equipment that equipment may not be used until the lockout or
DANGER TAG has been removed by the individual who installed that lockout or tag (This may
require that these individual returns to the plant to do so after they have left for the day)

If such work is performed by contractor, he/she must provide all required equipment’s &
personnel to complete the work. Operations contracting such work will inform contractors of
facility procedure & confirm that contractor’s procedures are compatible with in plant procedure.

Operations will also review hazards in the area & routinely inspect a contractor’s job site(s) to
ensure his/her work does not pose hazard to the either of employees or operations. If a hazard
exists, all work at that work site must cease until the hazard is eliminated or reduced to the
satisfaction of operation management.

Lockout-Tag out Rules: -

The LOCKOUT-TAG OUT Technique must be used for any work that requires the removal or
disabling of guards or interlock from equipment’s.

The single execution to this rule occurs when minor maintenance or servicing of equipment takes
place during normal production. This situation requires use of DANGER TAG only.

The breakdown has been categorized under the following categories:

1. Preventive maintenance-All maintenance defined as preventive maintenance as per Godrej

site specific classification.

2. Autonomous maintenance- Activities which are carried out when the equipment’s is in
running condition for e.g. Cleaning (outside the machine), Inspection, Lubrication (external),
Tightening (external)

3. Breakdown Maintenance- Any maintenance activity that is carried out due to unexpected
stoppage of equipment’s

4. Other Abnormalities- Maintenance activities that cannot be classified under the above 3

Machine type: -

1. CLASS A: Has appropriate local electrical isolators (near the machine, easily & quickly
accessible). These isolators can be locked only when they are in “off” conditions.

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2. CLASS B: Does not have local isolators, but the main electrical supply panel of these
machines have isolation & locking (LOTO) provision.
3. CLASS C: Does not have local isolators, as well as their main electrical panel don’t have
isolation & locking (LOTO) provision.


1. Each facility should move all its electrical driven machines/equipment to class “A”
2. Any new machine or equipment to be purchased, should have “A” class provision

Lockout-Tag out Techniques; Shutdown:

Workers assigned a task requiring Lockout-Tag out must follow this procedure:


Preventive Maintenance:

1. Preventive maintenance to be planned to take into consideration all the relevant

2. Respective departments take the relevant LOTO devices based on the equipment specific
3. Maintenance team to refer to the equipment specific procedure & isolate the required
4. After isolating the equipment, the keys are the to be put in the group LOTO box by the
respective teams or individuals
5. Production to verify the correctness of the LOTO & put a lock on the group LOTO box.
6. As per the preventive maintenance checklist & referring to the machine specific
procedure, relevant department to issue “safe work permit” based on the risk assessment
& control measures
7. After assuring no personnel are exposed, attempt activation of all normal operating
controls (e.g. push control buttons, etc.) to make certain the locked-out equipment does
not operate. Return all controls to the “NEUTRAL” or “OFF”
8. Carry out all maintenance activity.
9. After the maintenance activity is completed, maintenance team to inform the production
team for trials with due authorization
10. After discussion between maintenance & production department, LOTO devices are
temporarily removed & the system is energized for trials
11. After successful trials, respective department to close the sage work permit
12. Equipment can be taken in line for production

Breakdown Maintenance: -

13. Breakdown is noticed by the production

14. Production to inform maintenance (mechanical, electrical, instrumentation, civil etc.)

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15. Assessment of the breakdown to be done by the maintenance team.

16. Respective department takes relevant LOTO devise based on equipment specific
17. Maintenance team to refer to the equipment specific procedure & isolate the required
18. After isolating the equipment, the keys are to be put in the group LOTO box by the
respective teams or individuals.
19. Production to verify the correctness of the LOTO & put a lock on the group LOTO box
20. Based on the type of breakdown as per the machine specific procedure production to
issue “safe work permit” based on risk assessment & control measures.
21. After assuring no personnel are exposed, attempt activation of all normal operating
controls (e.g. push control buttons) to certain the lock equipment does not operate.
Return all controls to the “NEUTRAL” or “OFF” position after testing
22. Carry out the maintenance activity.
23. After the maintenance activity is completed, maintenance team to inform the production
team for trials with due authorization.
24. After the discussion between maintenance team & production department, LOTO devices
are temporarily removed & the system is energised.
25. After successful trials productions department to close the safe work permit.
26. Equipment’s is taken in line for production.


1. Follow the procedure mentioned in above in breakdown maintenance & refer the
equipment specific procedure.

NOTE: -Under supervision- No maintenance above mentioned activity can be undertaken with
machine in energized conditions.

For any deviation: -Available LOTO authorized employee to ensure the job is carried out in a safe
manner. (He may discuss with Local safety committee /Corporate Audit & Assurance; SHE
Coordinate team)

NOTE: Switch (es), valves (s), or other energy isolating device (s) must be disconnected so that
all energy sources(s) (electrical, mechanical, hydraulic etc.) are disconnected or isolated from the
equipment. Stored energy, such as that in capacitors, springs, elevated machine members,
rotating flywheels, hydraulic systems (e.g. air, gas, steam or water pressure) must also be
dissipated or restrained by methods such as grounding, re-positioning, locking, blocking, draining
that will effectively secure the release of the energy. (see isolation/blocking methods)

Restoring energy sources; Start up:

1. When the assigned repair or servicing task is completed & the machine is ready for
testing or returns to service, check the area surrounding the shut off unit to assure that no
one will be exposed to danger when the machine is started up. Replace all guards &
reactivate all interlocks

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2. Notify all affected employee that locks/tags are going to be removed & the machine is
ready for operation.
3. When the area is clear, remove all locks & deactivate all the energy isolation devices to
restore energy & material to the machine. The same worker who installed the energy
isolating devices & installed the locks must be de-activated & remove them.
4. Perform any necessary testing of the restored machine to ensure it is in operable
5. Notify the management that work is completed & the area has been returned to
operational condition.

Group Lockout-Tag out

When a group of employees perform a task requiring lockout-tag out, group lockout-tag out
devices will be used. A single person will be designated to coordinate the work force & ensure
that each authorized employee affixes his personal lockout-tag out device to the group device.
This this same worker must be also responsible for insuring that all locks & tags are removed
when the task is completed.

Shift or Personnel changes of Lockouts: Some repair & servicing tasks require more than
single shift to complete. For these, lockouts/DANGER tags must remain in place for the entire

To allow a shift change, the relieving shift worker must install his/her lock to the lockout device
before the original lock is removed.

Before the task is transferred, all work must cease until lockouts are being verified. The individual
or group designee must verify that new lockouts are properly installed & tagged, & locked out the
equipment will not operate.

After all lockouts have been verified, the task may be transferred to new worker or new crew.

New Equipment’s: -

When new equipment arrives an Energy Source Evaluation form should be filled out to determine
what energy sources need to be controlled.

Have a posted procedure completed.

Fill out the machine specific Lockout-Tag out procedure & insert it in the Machine Training

Modification of Existing Equipment: -

After any significant modification of machinery/equipment a new Energy State Assessment will
need to be performed/filled out to determine if any energy sources will need to be controlled.

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Have a new machine specific procedure written up if needed. Determine if the machine specific
procedure needs to be revised. Attach new procedure at the operator panel& the machine
training instruction

Section 1 -Guidelines (continued)


Employee with authority & responsibility for performing maintenance, servicing or other
operations requiring exposure to hazardous energy sources must receive specific training in
recognition of these sources & use of adequate methods for their isolation.

Employee whose work assignment includes activities such as installing, maintaining,

constructing, adjusting, inspecting or operating equipment or process that are subject to lockout
procedures must be instructed in the purpose & use of this procedure.

All employees must be advised of the existence of this policy.

Absent Employee Device Removal:

Locks & tags are only to be removed by the individuals who installed them. On occasion,
however, an employee may be absent when devices are removed. The following conditions must
be met before the device can be removed:

I. Verify that the employee is not in the facility.

II. Make every effort to contact the employee to inform him/her that the device has been
III. A member of the employees’ management team must authorize the removal of
employees lock in writing.
IV. Ensure that the employee has knowledge that their lock has been removed before they
resume work at the facility.

Materials/Hardware: -

All locks & tags for performing Lockout-Tag out must be supplied by the company. Devices are to
be singularly identified to the employee applying the device by use of an LOTO tag filled out by
the employee, identifying themselves. Locks & tags cannot be used for purpose for other than
Lockout-Tag out & must be standardized in either colour, shape or size. Only one key per lock is
allowed, except that a spare key will be allowed for device removal if it is kept in a secured
location & under the control of the safety coordinator or designated representative for that area.


Each business unit must complete annual audit training, equipment, energy source evaluation,
devices & procedure relative to lockout-tag out energy control. Each coordinator/unit will submit
the result to corporate management. All deficiencies be noted & a date for correction affixed.

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Annually, the safety coordinator for each business group must review the employees
understanding of the lockout-tag out procedures. If the coordinator has reason to believe that the
employee knowledge is inadequate, retraining must take place. This training must be certified &
shall include the name of the employee, name the trainer, the dates of training, and a test.


Any employee who attempts to circumvent or defeat, the purpose use of a Lockout-Tagout
mechanism or knowingly operates equipment with these mechanisms disabled will
subject to the Positive Discipline procedure which would include termination / penalties

Enforcement of this policy will follow the review process for Positive Discipline as outlined in the
Human Resource Guidelines, up to & including termination /penalties.

JAMS-Alternative Means of Protection:

The intent of the OSHA standard 29 CFR 1910.147 is to ensure that an employee does not to
put any part of their body able to be injured by a machine.

When a machine jam, some alternative means that could be used to release the jams are:
Wooden Dowels, Metal Hooks, Wooden Blocks etc.

Available LOTO authorized employee to ensure the job is carried out in safe manner. (He may
discuss with Local Safety Committee/Corporate Audit & Assurance, SHE Co-ordination team.)

Contractual Safety Condition:

The GPL Contractual safety condition (8-section 8-safety contractual safety rules &
regulations) accepted by SJCPL & agreed to implemented same at site.

List of document, checklist & format to be maintained at site.

Sr. No. Subject Remark

1 Approved Site Safety Plan

2 Format - HIRA Register
3 Log sheet for HIRA
4 Format - Master legal register& evaluation
5 Format - Training Matrix

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Sr. No. Subject Remark

6 Format - Pep Talk

7 Format - Formation Project SHE
Committee Circular
8 Format – Mock drill Observation Report

9 Format – Monthly Safety Performance

10 Format - Preliminary Incident Report

11 Format – Incident Investigation, Recording

& Reporting
12 Format - Monthly Activity Plan

13 Format –First-aid Register

14 Format - Internal Audit Schedule

15 Format - Minutes of site SHE Committee

16 SHE Pre-qualification for Sub-contractor

17 Evaluation of Sub-contractor

18 Confined Space Permit

19 Hot Work Permit

20 Excavation Permit

21 PTW Plant Machinery

22 Electrical Work Permit

23 Permit to open Lift Shaft Gate Floor

Opening Covers Guardrails
24 Equipment Fitness Report P&M, Lifting
25 Equipment Fitness Report - Vehicle &
Earth Moving Equipment
26 General SHE Inspection Checklist

27 Electrical Safety Inspection Checklist

Prepared by SJCPL-HO Safety

Date: 29th JAN 2024 Revision No.: R06
Page No.: Page 115 of 121

Site Safety, Health & Environment Plan Ref No.: SJCPL/SP/HSE/R00

Sr. No. Subject Remark

28 Crane Inspection Checklist

29 Vehicle and Earth moving Equipment

Inspection Checklist

31 DG Inspection Checklist

32 Passenger Hoist Inspection Checklist

33 Plant Inspection Checklist

34 Format - SHE Inspection Report& it’s

35 Log sheet for lifting appliances & gears

36 Earthing Test Register

37 ELCB/RCCB Test Register

38 Workmen Camp Inspection Report

39 Office Inspection Report

40 List of Fire Extinguishers& inspection

41 Fire Drill Register

42 Specification of PPE& PPE Matrix

43 Vendor Assessment Form

44 SHE Norm Violation &Memo

45 First aid record register

46 Analysis First aid cases

Prepared by SJCPL-HO Safety

Date: 29th JAN 2024 Revision No.: R06
Page No.: Page 116 of 121

Site Safety, Health & Environment Plan Ref No.: SJCPL/SP/HSE/R00

Screening of Workman
Preforms for Screening of Workmen
S. No. : _______________________________
Full Name of the worker: ____________________________________________
Father / Husband’s Name: ____________________________________________
Name of contractor: ______________________________________________________
Permanent Address: ________________________________________________
Present Address: ___________________________________________________
 Date of birth ________________ Age _______ Years________
Married / Single / Widow / Widower ____________ Number of Children ______
Mother Tongue _______________ Other Languages Known__________________
In case of emergency, person to be contacted _____________________________
(With address and Telephone Number if any)

Signature or Left Hand Thumb impression

Of the workmen for identification
Any other identification mark:
Weight: _______________ Height: ________________
Vision: __________________________________________________________

Examination Passed Year School / Board

Prepared by SJCPL-HO Safety

Date: 29th JAN 2024 Revision No.: R06
Page No.: Page 117 of 121

Site Safety, Health & Environment Plan Ref No.: SJCPL/SP/HSE/R00

Referred by / References:
Screened by me. Certificates / Details verified / not verified.
Suitable for employment as ____________________
Signature of Site Engineer

Seen and briefed the Safety rules of the project and issued the ID Card.

Safety Officer

Witnessed by GPL Witnessed by PMC

Name & Signature: Name & Signature:
Good Safety Practices Photograph

Morning TBT and Daily Safety Pledge

Prepared by SJCPL-HO Safety

Date: 29th JAN 2024 Revision No.: R06
Page No.: Page 118 of 121

Site Safety, Health & Environment Plan Ref No.: SJCPL/SP/HSE/R00

Job Specific Training

Horizontal Safety Net.

Prepared by SJCPL-HO Safety

Date: 29th JAN 2024 Revision No.: R06
Page No.: Page 119 of 121

Site Safety, Health & Environment Plan Ref No.: SJCPL/SP/HSE/R00

Lift Shaft Drop nets

Drinking Water Tank at working location

Prepared by SJCPL-HO Safety

Date: 29th JAN 2024 Revision No.: R06
Page No.: Page 120 of 121

Site Safety, Health & Environment Plan Ref No.: SJCPL/SP/HSE/R00

Electrical DB Panel & tool inspection.

Prepared by SJCPL-HO Safety

Date: 29th JAN 2024 Revision No.: R06
Page No.: Page 121 of 121

Site Safety, Health & Environment Plan Ref No.: SJCPL/SP/HSE/R00

Working Floor Railing.

Site Safety Belt Inspection.

Prepared by SJCPL-HO Safety

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