Agency Checklist G-191

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May 2019 E/L/G 0191 Emergency Operations Center/Incident Command System Interface

Activity 7.1:
ICS/EOC Readiness Assessment Checklist

Instructions: Place a checkmark next to the actions that your jurisdiction has taken.
Highlight or circle any areas where you feel there is a need for improvement.

General NIMS Compliance

□ Has the jurisdiction or organization adopted the National Incident Management

System (NIMS) as the system of choice for prevention, protection against,
mitigation of, response to and recovery from incidents?
□ Has the jurisdiction or organization designated and maintained a point of contact
(POC) to serve as the principal coordinator for the implementation of NIMS?

Resource Management

□ Are deployable incident resources consistently identified and inventoried with

national NIMS resource typing definitions and job titles/position qualifications,
available through the Resource Typing Library Tool
□ Has the jurisdiction adopted NIMS terminology for the qualification, certification,
and credentialing of incident personnel? (Developing or participating in a
qualification, certification, and credentialing program that aligns with the National
Qualification System (NQS) is recommended but optional).
□ Does the jurisdiction follow the NIMS Resource Management Process during
incidents (identify, manage, estimate, allocate, order, deploy, and demobilize)?
□ Are mutual aid agreements developed, maintained, and implemented (to include
agreements with the private sector and nongovernmental organizations).
□ Are there procedures and systems for:
□ Activating and dispatching resources?
□ Managing volunteers?
□ Demobilization or recalling resources?
□ Financial tracking, reimbursement, and reporting?

Unit 7: ICS/EOC Action Planning

May 2019 E/L/G 0191 Emergency Operations Center/Incident Command System Interface

Command and Coordination

□ Is ICS applied as the standard approach to the on-scene command, control, and
coordination of incidents?
□ Are Emergency Operations Centers (EOC) and EOC teams organized and
managed consistently with pertinent NIMS guidance?
□ Is the Joint Information System (JIS) implemented for the dissemination of
incident information to the public, incident personnel, the media, and other stake
□ Does the JIS allows for:
□ The on-scene Public Information Officer to represent and advise the Incident
Command on all public information matters relating to the management of the
□ The dissemination of accurate and timely information including handling
media and public inquires, emergency public information and warnings, rumor
response, and media monitoring?
□ Coordination of public information between the MAC Group, EOC and the
Incident Command/ Unified Command?
□ Proper procedures for handling and safeguarding of sensitive, classified or
personally identifiable information?
□ Are MAC Groups/Policy Groups used as the policy-level body during incidents to
support resource prioritization and allocation and enable decision making among
elected and appointed officials and those responsible for managing the incident.
□ Are procedures in place for:
□ Ensuring each agency involved in incident management activities is providing
appropriate situational awareness and resource status information?
□ Establishing priorities between Incidents and/or Area Commands?
□ Acquiring and allocating resources required by incident management
personnel in concert with the priorities established by the Incident Command?
□ Anticipating and identifying future resource requirements?
□ Coordinating and resolving policy issues arising from the incident(s)?
□ Providing strategic coordination as required?
□ Ensuring improvements in plans, procedures, communications, staffing, and
other capabilities are acted on following the incident(s)?

Unit 7: ICS/EOC Action Planning

May 2019 E/L/G 0191 Emergency Operations Center/Incident Command System Interface

Communications and Information Management

□ Are plain language and clear text communications standards applied?
□ Are effective and secure communications enabled within and across jurisdictions
and organizations (i.e. can responders from different agencies, fire, police, public
works and mutual aid partners, communicate with one another)?
□ Does the jurisdiction develop, maintain, and implement procedures for data
collection, analysis, and dissemination to maintain situational awareness to
□ Gathering and analyzing all relevant information and intelligence?
□ Defining, tracking and disseminating Essential Elements of Information?
□ Formulating and disseminating appropriate warnings?
□ Formulating, executing, and communicating operational and policy decisions?
□ Preparing for potential requirements and requests supporting incident
management activities?
□ Do you have a plan/budget for maintaining and replacing your emergency
communications systems?
Emergency Operations Plans

□ Are Emergency Operations Plans based on a current threat/hazard analysis and

□ Is ICS integrated into functional and system-wide emergency operations policies,
plans, and procedures?
□ Are Incident Command and EOC roles and delegations of authority clear?
□ Is the contact information in EOPs up to date?
□ Are plans updated based on lessons learned from exercises and incidents?
Legal and Financial

□ Do procedures and authorities for emergency purchasing and contracting exist?

□ Have necessary mutual aid and assistance agreements been negotiated?
□ Are coordination procedures among different levels of government (local, county,
Tribal, Territory, State, Federal, etc.) specific and clear?

Unit 7: ICS/EOC Action Planning

May 2019 E/L/G 0191 Emergency Operations Center/Incident Command System Interface

Training, Credentialing, and Exercising

□ Does training for incident personnel incorporate NIMS training that is pertinent to
each individual’s incident responsibilities in alignment with the NIMS Training
□ Have sufficient qualified personnel been identified, trained, qualified and
credentialed to assume incident management positions utilizing a qualification
system with Position Task Books (such as the National Qualification System):
□ Incident Commander/ Unified Command?
□ ICS Command Staff (Safety, PIO, Liaison)?
□ ICS General Staff (Operations, Planning, Logistics, Finance/ Administration)?
□ ICS Intelligence/Investigations Function?
□ Technical Specialists?
□ EOC Director?
□ EOC Staff?
□ Have you pre-designated and rostered qualified Incident Management Teams
to staff the Incident Command and EOC based on incident complexity?
□ Do periodic exercises require the application of NIMS management features
along with interfacing with the EOC?
Additional Comments on Areas for Improvement:

Unit 7: ICS/EOC Action Planning

May 2019 E/L/G 0191 Emergency Operations Center/Incident Command System Interface

Activity 7.1:
ICS/EOC Interface Preparedness Plan

Instructions: List the top five actions or strategies to be taken to improve the ICS/EOC
interface. Identify the key players and a timeframe for completion.

Action/Strategy Key Players Completion

Unit 7: ICS/EOC Action Planning


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