Paper 1 - Global MKT Strategy

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LBA 216 Global Marketing Strategy

Prof. Michael Trimarchi

Bruna Silva Andrade Alves

Paper 1 - Draft Country Study

Republic of Singapore

Chinese Company:

Product/toy: Stuffed Panda

March, 10, 2017


The most classic category of all children's toys are the traditional
stuffed animals. Suitable for children over 3 years of age, plush toys are a safe
and exciting toy and decoration artifact.
We chose the Plush Panda because it is an extremely representative
animal from China, which reached a large part of the target population in
Singapore (most of the population is Chinese descendents), besides being an
animal with great sentimental appeal.
In addition, the Plush Pandas still emphasize the threat of extinction of
the animal; an affective toy, of quality and that also represents a good cause.

Discussion of economic and financial factors.

The economy of Singapore is characterized by the fact that the country

is geographically located on a strategic route between more than two centers of
economic interest in Southeast Asia. Without an agricultural sector and a rural
population, the country invests in industry and in the service sector.
The population is 5.67 million, residents and non-residents, and the life
expectation is more than 84 years old. Recognizing that one of the essential
elements of the industrialization was the creation of qualified human capital to
operate the equipment, an education program that translated, in five years, into
an increase of the rates of of primary and secondary education from 33% to
94%, respectively. About the university courses, a special emphasis was placed
on the exact sciences, (particularly engineering) increased by 70%.
After its independence, Singapore had to rethink its economy focusing
on a social aggravation: unemployment. The measures adopted mainly sought
to promote the establishment of a significant number of labor-intensive
industries in the country, which account of the limited internal market, would
only be possible in the context of a greater guidance for the production of
tradables and, as such, likely to be exported.
The GDP per capita is $85.700 and the GNI per capita is $52.000 and
also, Singapore has 31 trade partners (BTA- Bilateral Trade Agreements).
Singapore is a small city-state with a limited number of natural resources,
according to Trade Chakra. Water is considered scarce in Singapore, and the
government is taking measures to conserve it. Singapore has nonrenewable
resources, including coal, oil and natural gas, but in very limited amounts. In an
effort to increase the city-state's resource base, the government is investing
heavily in developing renewable resources.

Discussion of political factors.

Singapore is an island situated at the extreme South of the Malaysian
peninsula; In 1918, was discovered by the english businessman Stamford
Rafflesit was covered by virgin forest and was almost inhabited. The island has
697Km² and was occupied by the Japanese between 1941 and 1945, but the
english colonial power regained the administration of the territory until, the
independence awake waves at the 1960s and six years later (1963), the
federation of Malaysia became independent of England. This union lasted,
however, a short time, since on August 9 of 1965, the country left the
Federation to become an Independent republic.

Now days, Singapore is a parliamentary democracy; the president is

Tony Tan Keng Yam. The role of the government is facilitator and light
regulator; one example is the Economic Expansion Incentives Act, which
provides a series of tax incentives, mainly tax deductions on corporate income
tax. Another is the regulations for foreign direct investments giving preference to
joint ventures.

Discussion of legal factors.

Several factors make Singapore a favored destination for business

investment. Singapore’s labor market is highly flexible; the non-salary cost of
employing an individual is low and regulations related to work hours are very
flexible. In addition, the number of days required in categories such as dealing
with construction permits, getting electricity, registering property, paying taxes,
trading across borders, enforcing contracts and resolving insolvency are lower
in Singapore than the East Asia.

Discussion of culture factors (for consumers and business).

Singapore is the meeting point to various ethinicities; the population is

74% chinese, 13% malay, 9% indian and 3% others. The major religion is the
buddhism 33%, than muslim, taoism, chatholic, hindu and others, including 16%
atheists.The country has 4 official languages: mandarin, english, malay and
The ‘power distance’ is 74%, that means that there is an large unequal
relationship between people. The individualismo is 20%, what says that is a
altruistic society that values the collectivism. The uncertainty avoidance is 8%,
the populations have a calm ans security life and they do not want changes and
risks. The society is more feminine (the tax is in the middle, 48%) what shows
that the people in Singapore are affective. Their perspective is long-term, 72%
prefer slow and bigger results.

Discussion of relevant technology factors.

The country is home to a number of reputed scientific institutions, and is

strongly backed by the private sector. The country is venturing into new areas of
research such as IT services and the space industry. The government is also
playing its part in promoting R&D by providing companies, especially cash-
constrained firms, with tax incentives and cash conversion schemes. It has also
increased its allocation towards R&D in recent years. Nevertheless, the city-
state’s high dependence on foreign researchers in STI poses a major challenge.
The problem might be aggravated with increasing competition for skilled
personnel from big economies like China and India. The government has
established scientific institutions such as the Science and Engineering
Research Council and the Biomedical Research Council to develop innovative

Discussion of relevant contemporary variables factors

 Singapore is vulnerable to rising sea levels. Singapore’s surface

temperature is estimated to have risen from 26.8°C in 1948 to 27.6°C in
2011. The limited land area of the country is blanketed with extensive
green cover, which functions as a carbon sink although its effect is
 The free trade agreement with China that came into effect on January 1,
2009, has allowed tariff-free access for around 95% of Singapore's
exports to China, and has improved bilateral ties and advanced co-
operation in East Asia.

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