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Journal on Education

Volume 06, No. 02, Januari-Februari 2024, pp. 13221-13229

E-ISSN: 2654-5497, P-ISSN: 2655-1365
Website: http://jonedu.org/index.php/joe

Enhancing Mathematics Learning Outcomes Through Stad Cooperative

Model In Grade V

Nurmawati1, Asnita Hasibuan2

SD Negeri Longkib, Longkib, Kec. Longkib, Kota Subulussalam, Aceh
Universitas Katolik Santo Thomas, Jl. Setia Budi No.479, Tj. Sari, Kec. Medan Selayang, Kota Medan, Sumatera Utara
[email protected]

This classroom action research, conducted in two cycles, aimed to explore the effectiveness of implementing
the STAD (Student Teams Achievement Division) type cooperative learning model in improving Mathematics
learning outcomes for grade V pupils. Each cycle involved planning, action, observation, and reflection, with
Cycle II incorporating adjustments based on Cycle I evaluations. Data collection encompassed test data on
Mathematics learning outcomes and non-test data gathered through observation using instructor and student
activity sheets. The study revealed significant improvements across both cycles. The STAD model's
implementation provided a space for students to communicate, promoting an interactive learning environment
and enhancing their understanding of Mathematics subjects. The research recommends further development
and application of the STAD cooperative learning model in Grade V Mathematics. Teachers should optimize
its usage by actively engaging students, addressing subject matter variations, and ensuring cooperative features
are maintained. Additionally, the study serves as a foundation for future research on cooperative learning
methods in various subjects and grade levels. In-depth examination highlighted critical aspects influencing the
STAD model's effective application, including student interaction, preparation and evaluation in action cycles,
improved conceptual knowledge, teacher involvement, and the impact of the learning context. Regular
monitoring and assessment of the learning process, along with active student involvement in preparation
activities, are crucial for successful implementation. This research contributes valuable insights into the
efficiency of the STAD model in enhancing Mathematics learning outcomes at the primary school level, with
positive implications for the quality of Mathematics teaching.
Keywords: Mathematics Learning Outcomes, STAD Cooperative Model, Classroom Action Research

Penelitian tindakan kelas yang dilaksanakan dalam dua siklus ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui keefektifan
penerapan model pembelajaran kooperatif tipe STAD (Student Teams Achievement Division) dalam
meningkatkan hasil belajar Matematika siswa kelas V. Setiap siklus meliputi perencanaan, tindakan, observasi,
dan refleksi, dengan Siklus II dilakukan penyesuaian berdasarkan evaluasi Siklus I. Pengumpulan data meliputi
data tes hasil belajar Matematika dan data non tes yang dikumpulkan melalui observasi menggunakan lembar
aktivitas instruktur dan siswa. Studi ini menunjukkan peningkatan yang signifikan pada kedua siklus.
Penerapan model STAD memberikan ruang bagi siswa untuk berkomunikasi, mendorong lingkungan belajar
yang interaktif dan meningkatkan pemahaman mereka terhadap mata pelajaran Matematika. Penelitian
merekomendasikan pengembangan lebih lanjut dan penerapan model pembelajaran kooperatif STAD pada
Matematika Kelas V. Guru harus mengoptimalkan penggunaannya dengan melibatkan siswa secara aktif,
mengatasi variasi materi pelajaran, dan memastikan fitur kooperatif tetap terjaga. Selain itu, penelitian ini
berfungsi sebagai landasan untuk penelitian masa depan mengenai metode pembelajaran kooperatif dalam
berbagai mata pelajaran dan tingkat kelas. Pemeriksaan mendalam menyoroti aspek-aspek penting yang
mempengaruhi penerapan efektif model STAD, termasuk interaksi siswa, persiapan dan evaluasi dalam siklus
tindakan, peningkatan pengetahuan konseptual, keterlibatan guru, dan dampak konteks pembelajaran.
Pemantauan dan penilaian proses pembelajaran secara berkala, serta keterlibatan aktif siswa dalam kegiatan
persiapan, sangat penting untuk keberhasilan pelaksanaan. Penelitian ini memberikan wawasan berharga
mengenai efisiensi model STAD dalam meningkatkan hasil pembelajaran Matematika di tingkat sekolah dasar,
yang memiliki implikasi positif terhadap kualitas pengajaran Matematika.
Kata Kunci: Hasil Belajar Matematika, Model Kooperatif STAD, Penelitian Tindakan Kelas

Copyright (c) 2024 Nurmawati, Asnita Hasibuan

🖂Corresponding author: Nurmawati
Email Address: [email protected] (Longkib, Kec. Longkib, Kota Subulussalam, Aceh)
Received 15 January 2024, Accepted 20 January 2024, Published 22 January 2024
13222 Journal on Education, Volume 06, No. 02, Januari-Februari 2024, hal. 13221-13229

Education is the process of acquiring reasoning power, abilities, and morals as the development
of the potential possessed by every human being. Education is said to be of quality if the educational
process takes place effectively, humans gain meaningful experiences for themselves and educational
products are individuals who are beneficial to society and nation building, so that the quality of
education can be measured from the aspects of input quality, process quality, output quality, and the
impact of graduation quality (Tondeur, 2019).
Learning is a mental activity that takes place in active contact between a person and the
environment, and causes changes in information, understanding, skills, and attitude values that are
relative and constant. Student learning outcomes are the talents that children acquire after going
through learning activities, because learning itself is a process of a person seeking to obtain a
reasonably permanent kind of behavior modification. Mathematics learning is a teaching and learning
process that involves two types of indivisible activities, namely learning and teaching. These two parts
will collaborate in an integrated fashion into an activity when there is interaction between students
and teachers, between students and students, and between students and the environment when learning
Mathematics is taking place.
But in reality, there are still many teachers who have not used the strategy or model used during
the learning process, so that many students think that Mathematics is a difficult and boring lesson
because in Mathematics lessons only contains numbers so that many students' learning outcomes are
low and unsatisfactory (Luttenberger, 2018). Learning outcomes can be obtained from each evaluation
in the fields of study taught at school and with the learning outcomes that have been obtained, we can
see the subjects that have passed the KKM (Minimum Completeness Criteria) and those that have not
exceeded or reached the KKM (Minimum Completeness Criteria) and subjects that are often a
problem of learning outcomes are Mathematics lessons. It may be demonstrated that the low learning
outcomes of students in Mathematics disciplines.
Number of Students Completed Incomplete 67 20 7 students (35%) 13 (65%) It reveals that in
class V, totaling 20 students, only 7 students reached the KKM (Minimum Completeness Criteria) and
13 students did not reach the KKM (Minimum Completeness Criteria). Mastery of Mathematics is an
issue in the level of education, especially at the Elementary School (SD) level. This is evident from
the National Examination (UN) carried out by the government, which can be seen that the low
percentage of students passing the Mathematics exam, and in the daily (school) exams carried out by
the school, there are very many student learning outcomes that do not reach the KKM (Minimum
Completion Criteria) set by the school, and almost the average school has problems with learning
outcomes in Mathematics. In general, the reason is the low ability of pupils in Mathematics subject
matter and not involve students in continuing learning activities (Perera, 2020).
The low accomplishment of students in Mathematics learning, of course, has many variables
that cause it, for example, the classic problem of the use of teacher-centered Mathematics learning
Enhancing Mathematics Learning Outcomes Through Stad Cooperative Model In Grade V, Nurmawati, Asnita Hasibuan

techniques, while students tend to be passive. This kind of teaching approach causes students not to
actively participate in participating in learning, therefore it is believed that students cannot enhance
their Mathematics learning activities to improve their ability growth (Li et al., 2022).
This traditional learning approach, normally relies more on problem solving exercises, the
learning model educates pupils to work but not to stress features of thinking or independence. This
activity occurs in the classroom using this lecture or conventional learning model is listening to the
teacher's explanation in giving examples and solving problems, and as a result if students are given
problems or exercises that are different from the examples students will find it difficult or make
mistakes in working on them. This shows that students simply memorize the solution steps but the
capacity to understand students is believed to be inadequate. Seeing such conditions, it is required to
develop and improve the quality of the learning process, specifically learning that is able to optimize
the interaction between students and teachers, students and students. Efforts to develop thinking skills
can be done by opening understanding in these students (PRAYUDA, 2020).
To increase learning outcomes or satisfy KKM (Minimum Completeness Criteria) set by the
school, teachers must be able to involve students so that it is not just teacher-centered but also
students participate actively during the teaching and learning process (Prayuda et al., 2023). Teachers
also need to adjust the atmosphere or apply a learning model that is suitable for the subject given
during the teaching and learning process, so that it aids in developing students' style of thinking in
studying mathematics (Gerde, 2018). In order for Mathematics learning to be understood and improve
learning outcomes and students' ways of thinking, teachers might utilize learning models during the
teaching and learning process (Hadi & Novaliyosi, 2019). The learning model can be interpreted as a
starting point or our point of view on the learning process, which refers to the view of the occurrence
of a learning process and the view of the teaching and learning process that inspires, improves, the
process of learner thinking patterns, and one of them is the cooperative learning model type Student
Teams Achievement Division (STAD).
STAD is a sort of cooperative that uses small groups with a number of members per group of 4-
5 students heterogeneously. Therefore, in the teaching and learning process of Mathematics subjects
using the STAD type cooperative learning model because in groups and with groups students can be
active and exchange ideas between fellow group members about the material being discussed and by
exchanging ideas and working together between fellow group members will certainly increase
students' understanding of the material being discussed and fellow members will be active during the
learning process and increase the student's understanding so that it will improve learning outcomes or
achieve KKM (Minimum Completeness Criteria), which has been determined.

The type of research undertaken is Classroom Action Research by adopting the Student Teams
Achievement Division (STAD) Cooperative model. The approach utilized in this research is class
13224 Journal on Education, Volume 06, No. 02, Januari-Februari 2024, hal. 13221-13229

action research, class action research as a process of researching learning difficulties in the classroom
through self-reflection in order to fix these problems by taking planned actions in real settings and
analyzing the impact of these activities. The ingredients in the term Classroom Action Research
(PTK) are research, action, and class. Research is a problem-solving method that is systematic,
empirical, and regulated. Action refers to the specific therapy carried out by the researcher, in this
example, the teacher. Meanwhile, class refers to the context in which the learning process takes place.
The adoption of PTK by instructors comprises various stages, including self-reflection, creating
planned actions to tackle difficulties, and analyzing the impact through observation. The major
purpose of this classroom action research is to improve student answers by implementing the STAD
(Student Teams Achievement Division) type cooperative learning model.
The model employed in this study is the Hopkins model, with the implementation of the
research forming a spiral starting from the creation of the plan, the implementation of the action, and
so on. This classroom action research follows a systematic sequence of activities to improve student
responses in learning Mathematics. The planning step begins with teacher self-reflection, recognizing
learning difficulties, and establishing an action plan. The implementation process entails
implementing the action plan by applying the Student Teams Achievement Division (STAD)
Cooperative model and conducting observations of students' responses and interactions. The
evaluation stage entails examining the impact of the action and reflecting on the success or failure in
solving the learning problem.
If the problem has not been fully resolved, the teacher might establish a corrective action plan
or make adjustments to the learning model. If the problem has been remedied, the teacher can go to
the next stage or devise a sustainable action to increase the quality of learning. Finally, teachers
produce a report on the results of classroom action research that contains initial problems, actions
taken, evaluation results, and recommendations for further improvement. Thus, this strategy is
projected to provide a beneficial contribution to increasing students' responses in comprehending and
mastering Mathematics materials, as well as generating a more dynamic and effective learning
Through the deployment of the STAD type Cooperative model in this study, it is envisaged that
there would be an increase in student learning activities. This concept is aimed to improve student
involvement in the learning process, create collaboration amongst students, and stimulate learning
motivation. Thus, it is projected that kids' responsiveness to learning Mathematics will grow
dramatically. The utilization of Hopkins' model as the cornerstone of the research also gives a robust
framework to direct the learning process. The spiral approach proposed by this paradigm allows
teachers to continue planning, implementing and evaluating on a continuous basis. This method
ensures that every action made is always relevant to increasing the quality of learning and attaining
the aim of improving student response.
Thus, this classroom action research is not only a concrete step in overcoming challenges in
Enhancing Mathematics Learning Outcomes Through Stad Cooperative Model In Grade V, Nurmawati, Asnita Hasibuan

learning Mathematics, but also a true endeavor to establish a conducive and effective learning climate
for students. Continuous evaluation is the key to guaranteeing the success of the actions taken, so that
learning can continue to evolve according to student needs and achieve optimal results.

Figure 1. Steps in doing Classroom Action Research


This study used a classroom action research approach implemented in two cycles, namely cycle
1 and cycle II. Each cycle includes the phases of planning, action, observation, and reflection. Cycle II
implemented changes based on the evaluation of the preceding cycle. Data collection strategies
included test data in the form of Mathematics learning outcomes and non-test data through
observation using instructor and student activity sheets. The results of the research in both cycles were
utilized to observe the improvement of Mathematics learning outcomes by using the STAD (Student
Teams Achievement Division) type cooperative model to grade V pupils.
At initially, the average value of Mathematics learning outcomes before the action was 41.02.
After the deployment of the STAD type cooperative learning model in cycle I, the average learning
outcome increased from 42.75 to 69.5. Student completeness also increased from 16 percent to 48
percent. Although it had not fulfilled the success threshold of 70 percent, the research was continued
in cycle II with comparable actions.
In cycle II, the average student learning outcomes in mathematics reached 78.24, with an
increase of 8.74. The student completion rate increased to 76 percent. Thus, the adoption of the STAD
type cooperative learning model can improve Mathematics learning outcomes in students, as
demonstrated by the research results from pre-action to cycle II which showed a considerable rise.
The analysis of this study reveals that the adoption of the STAD (Student Teams Achievement
Division) type cooperative learning model positively promotes the improvement of Mathematics
learning outcomes in grade V pupils. The huge growth from cycle to cycle suggests that this technique
13226 Journal on Education, Volume 06, No. 02, Januari-Februari 2024, hal. 13221-13229

can be successful in boosting students' knowledge and achievement in learning Mathematics.

The use of classroom action research methods helps instructors to methodically develop,
implement, and evaluate learning actions. The action cycle provides an opportunity to make
adjustments based on the evaluation of the results of the preceding cycle, thereby enabling continual
progress. During the implementation of the research, it was noted that the STAD model allows space
for students to communicate and talk with one other, establishing an interactive learning environment.
This fosters the active involvement of pupils in learning, so that they can understand Mathematics
subjects better.
The increase in average scores and student completion rates from cycle I to cycle II
demonstrates that the usage of the STAD cooperative model had a favorable influence on
Mathematics learning results. Nevertheless, it should be highlighted that the successful
implementation of the learning model can also be influenced by other factors, such as the quality of
implementation by teachers, student motivation, and learning environment support.
As a recommendation, the STAD type cooperative learning model can continue to be developed
and applied in the context of learning Mathematics in grade V. Teachers can continue to optimize the
usage of this model by actively incorporating students, paying attention to variances in subject matter,
and ensuring that cooperative features are adequately maintained. In addition, this study can be the
basis for subsequent research on the application of cooperative learning methods in other topics and
different grade levels.
An in-depth review of this study indicates some critical aspects that influence the effective
application of the STAD type cooperative learning model in enhancing Mathematics learning
outcomes in grade V pupils. Student Interaction and Collaboration: The STAD model allows students
to interact and collaborate in heterogeneous small groups. In learning Mathematics, interaction
between students can increase the interchange of ideas and understanding of concepts. This interaction
generates a dynamic learning environment, stimulates students to actively participate, and improves
their comprehension through conversation.
Preparation and Evaluation in Action Cycles: A classroom action research technique with
cycles of preparation, activity, observation, and reflection helps instructors to systematically enhance
the learning process. Evaluation of each cycle provides a clear picture of the efficacy of the learning
paradigm, allowing teachers to make required corrections and adjustments. Improved Concept
knowledge: The findings of the study reveal an improvement in the average score and the level of
student completeness, demonstrating an increase in knowledge of Mathematics ideas. The STAD
approach gives opportunities for students to help each other and clarify complex topics, which
enhances their learning process.
Teacher Involvement: The teacher's role in organizing, offering direction, and conducting group
discussions largely influences the success of the learning paradigm. Teachers need to identify the
barriers children face and provide the necessary support. In addition, teachers need to ensure that each
Enhancing Mathematics Learning Outcomes Through Stad Cooperative Model In Grade V, Nurmawati, Asnita Hasibuan

student is truly involved in learning activities. Learning Context: Although research results illustrate
the success of the STAD model, it should be highlighted that the learning context can influence the
implementation of the paradigm. Factors such as student motivation, classroom atmosphere, and
support from the school can play an important part in the effectiveness of the learning model.
In applying the STAD type cooperative learning model, it is vital to regularly monitor and
assess the learning process, as well as actively involve students in preparing activities. The creation of
this method can make a positive contribution to efforts to improve the quality of Mathematics
instruction at the primary school level. This classroom action research was carried out in two cycles,
namely cycle 1 and cycle 2. Each cycle comprised of preparation, activity, observation and reflection
stages. In cycle 2, improvements were made based on the findings of observations and reflections in
the preceding cycle. Data collecting approaches include test data, in the form of Mathematics learning
outcomes scores, and non-test data through observation using instructor and student activity sheets.
The research data from both cycles were utilized to analyze the growth in Mathematics learning
outcomes utilizing the STAD type cooperative model for class V pupils. In cycle 1, there was an
increase in the average value of Mathematics learning outcomes from 42.75 to 69.5. Even if there has
been an increase, the number of pupils completing has not met the success benchmark set by
researchers at 70 percent. Therefore, the research continued in cycle 2 with the re-application of the
STAD type cooperative learning model. In cycle 2, significant progress was noted, with the average
Mathematics learning outcome reaching 78.24. Apart from that, the number of student completions
grew to 76 percent. In-depth examination demonstrates that student engagement and collaboration in
groups, careful planning, and the active role of teachers play a vital role in boosting Mathematics
learning outcomes. This learning strategy has succeeded in making a beneficial impact to students'
grasp of Mathematics subjects.
However, it is crucial to pay attention to the learning context, where elements such as student
motivation and support from the school environment might influence the application of the learning
model. Overall, this research provides in-depth insight into the efficiency of the STAD model in
enhancing Mathematics learning outcomes at primary school level, with favorable implications for the
quality of Mathematics teaching.

In conclusion, this study, done through classroom action research in two cycles, has proved the
favorable influence of introducing the STAD (Student Teams Achievement Division) type
cooperative learning model on Mathematics learning outcomes for grade V pupils. The well-
structured action cycles, encompassing preparation, execution, observation, and reflection, provided a
systematic strategy to strengthen the learning process continually. The initial average value of
Mathematics learning outcomes dramatically improved from 41.02 before the intervention to 69.5
after the first cycle. Although the completion rate did not achieve the predetermined success level of
13228 Journal on Education, Volume 06, No. 02, Januari-Februari 2024, hal. 13221-13229

70 percent, the research lasted into the second cycle, resulting in a large rise in both average scores
and completion rates. In cycle II, the average score hit 78.24, and the completion rate improved to 76
The analysis highlights that the STAD model facilitates good student engagement and
collaboration in varied groups, producing a dynamic learning environment that stimulates active
participation and deepens comprehension through conversation. The action research methodology,
with its continuous cycles, allows systematic improvement, allowing teachers to make appropriate
adjustments based on evaluations. Improved conceptual knowledge was demonstrated in the study,
showing the STAD approach's usefulness in boosting students' grasp of Mathematics subjects. The
active involvement of teachers, their role in arranging and steering group discussions, considerably
influenced the success of the learning paradigm. Teachers were vital in identifying difficulties,
offering support, and assuring each student's active engagement (Liu, 2018).
However, it is vital to realize that the efficiency of the STAD model can be influenced by
factors such as student motivation, classroom atmosphere, and school assistance. Regular monitoring
and assessment of the learning process, together with active student involvement in preparation
activities, are crucial for successful implementation (Theobald et al., 2020). As a recommendation, the
STAD type cooperative learning model can be further developed and utilized in the context of
learning Mathematics in grade V. Teachers should optimize its usage by actively integrating pupils,
addressing subject matter differences, and ensuring cooperative aspects are maintained. This study
establishes the framework for future research on cooperative learning strategies in various topics and
grade levels. In-depth examination reveals essential variables impacting the effective use of the STAD
model, including student engagement, preparation and evaluation in action cycles, enhanced
conceptual knowledge, instructor involvement, and the learning context's impact. The favorable
impact of this method to increasing the quality of Mathematics instruction at the primary school level
is clear, making it a valuable approach for educators.

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