Automotive Electrical Systems 120
Automotive Electrical Systems 120
Automotive Electrical Systems 120
Systems 120
Department of Education and Early Childhood Development
Curriculum Branch
The Department of Education and Early Childhood Development of New Brunswick (EECD) gratefully acknowledges the contributions of the
following groups and individuals toward the development of the New Brunswick Automotive Electrical Systems 120 curriculum document:
2020 Update:
Acknowledgements to Skilled Trades and Work-Ready CDAC members for their review and recommendations.
Brenda Cameron ASD-W, Fredericton High, Fashion Technology and Housing and Design
Wallace Knowles ASD-N Bathurst High, Automotive/Metals
Frank Coombes ASD-N Bathurst High, Building and Construction/Automotive
Hardy Cameron ASD-S Hampton High, Building and Construction/ Technology
Virgil Graham ASD-W, Nackawic High, All Skilled Trades and Technology
Krystal Thornton ASD-N Miramichi Valley High, Fashion Technology
Table of Contents
Acknowledgments .........................................................................................................................................................................................3
1. Introduction ......................................................................................................................................................................................6
1.1 Mission and Vision of Educational System .......................................................................................................................................... 6
1.2 New Brunswick Global Competencies ................................................................................................................................................. 6
2. Pedagogical Components ...................................................................................................................................................................7
2.1 Pedagogical Guidelines ........................................................................................................................................................................ 7
Diverse Cultural Perspectives ............................................................................................................................................................... 7
Universal Design for Learning .............................................................................................................................................................. 7
English as an Additional Language Curriculum.................................................................................................................................... 8
2.2 Pedagogical Guidelines ........................................................................................................................................................................ 9
Assessment Practices ........................................................................................................................................................................... 9
Formative Assessment ....................................................................................................................................................................... 10
Summative Assessment ..................................................................................................................................................................... 10
Cross Curricular Literacy .................................................................................................................................................................... 10
3. Subject Specific Guidelines ............................................................................................................................................................... 11
3.1 Rationale ............................................................................................................................................................................................ 11
3.2 Course Description ............................................................................................................................................................................. 11
3.3 Curriculum Organizers and Outcomes ............................................................................................................................................... 12
Outcomes ........................................................................................................................................................................................... 12
Learning Outcomes Summary Chart .................................................................................................................................................. 13
4. Curriculum Outcomes ...................................................................................................................................................................... 15
GCO 1 ................................................................................................................................................................................................. 15
Students will examine employment practices and Occupational Health and Safety legislation. .................................................. 15
GCO 2 ................................................................................................................................................................................................. 19
Students will identify and care for interdisciplinary hand tools, power tools, and fasteners. ....................................................... 19
GCO 3 ................................................................................................................................................................................................. 22
Students will identify, select, and interpret service information, measurement, shop equipment, and specialty tools. ............. 22
GCO 4 ................................................................................................................................................................................................. 26
Students will demonstrate knowledge of electrical concepts and materials. ................................................................................ 26
5. Bibliography .................................................................................................................................................................................... 33
Common Content ............................................................................................................................................................................... 33
Subject Specific................................................................................................................................................................................... 33
6. Appendices ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 34
6.1 New Brunswick Global Competencies ...................................................................................................................................................... 34
6.2 Universal Design for Learning (UDL) ......................................................................................................................................................... 36
7. Resources ........................................................................................................................................................................................ 39
1. Introduction
Each student will develop the attributes needed to be a lifelong learner, to achieve personal fulfillment and to contribute to a
productive, just and democratic society.
New Brunswick Global Competencies are statements describing the knowledge, skills and attitudes expected of all students who
graduate high school. Achievement of the New Brunswick Global Competencies prepares students to continue to learn throughout
their lives. These Competencies describe expectations not in terms of individual school subjects but in terms of knowledge, skills and
attitudes developed throughout the curriculum. They confirm that students need to make connections and develop abilities across
subject boundaries if they are to be ready to meet the shifting and ongoing demands of life, work and study today and in the future.
2. Pedagogical Components
It is important for teachers to recognize and honour the variety of cultures and experiences from which students are approaching
their education and the world. It is also important for teachers to recognize their own biases and be careful not to assume levels of
physical, social or academic competencies based on gender, culture, or socio-economic status.
Each student’s culture will be unique, influenced by their community and family values, beliefs, and ways of viewing the world.
Traditional aboriginal culture views the world in a much more holistic way than the dominant culture. Disciplines are taught as
connected to one another in a practical context, and learning takes place through active participation, oral communication and
experiences. Immigrant students may also be a source of alternate world views and cultural understandings. Cultural variation may
arise from the differences between urban, rural and isolated communities. It may also arise from the different value that families
may place on academics or athletics, books or media, theoretical or practical skills, or on community and church. Providing a variety
of teaching and assessment strategies to build on this diversity will provide an opportunity to enrich learning experiences for all
The curriculum has been created to support the design of learning environments and lesson plans that meet the needs of all
learners. Specific examples to support Universal Design for Learning for this curriculum can be found in the appendices. The
Planning for All Learners Framework will guide and inspire daily planning.
English as an Additional Language Curriculum
Being the only official bilingual province, New Brunswick offers the opportunity for students to be educated in English and/or French
through our public education system. The EECD provides leadership from K-12 to assist educators and many stakeholders in
supporting newcomers to New Brunswick. English language learners have opportunities to receive a range of instructional support
to improve their English language proficiency through an inclusive learning environment. EECD, in partnership with the educational
and wider communities offer a solid, quality education to families with school-aged children.
2.2 Pedagogical Guidelines
Assessment Practices
Assessment is the systematic gathering of information about what students know and are able to do. Student performance is
assessed using the information collected during the evaluation process. Teachers use their professional skills, insight, knowledge,
and specific criteria that they establish to make judgments about student performance in relation to learning outcomes. Students
are also encouraged to monitor their own progress through self-assessment strategies, such as goal setting and rubrics.
Research indicates that students benefit most when assessment is regular and ongoing and is used in the promotion of learning
(Stiggins, 2008). This is often referred to as formative assessment. Evaluation is less effective if it is simply used at the end of a
period of learning to determine a mark (summative evaluation).
Summative evaluation is usually required in the form of an overall mark for a course of study, and rubrics are recommended for this
task. Sample rubrics templates are referenced in this document, acknowledging teachers may have alternative measures they will
apply to evaluate student progress.
Formative Assessment
Research indicates that students benefit most when assessment is ongoing and is used in the promotion of learning (Stiggins, 2008).
Formative assessment is a teaching and learning process that is frequent and interactive. A key component of formative assessment
is providing ongoing feedback to learners on their understanding and progress. Throughout the process adjustments are made to
teaching and learning.
Students should be encouraged to monitor their own progress through goal setting, co-constructing criteria and other self-and peer-
assessment strategies. As students become more involved in the assessment process, they are more engaged and motivated in their
Summative Assessment
Summative evaluation is used to inform the overall achievement for a reporting period for a course of study. Rubrics are
recommended to assist in this process. Sample rubrics templates are referenced in this document, acknowledging teachers may
have alternative measures they will apply to evaluate student progress.
For further reading in assessment and evaluation, visit the Department of Education and Early Childhood Development’s Assessment
and Evaluation site here.
3. Subject Specific Guidelines
3.1 Rationale
Automotive Electrical Systems 120 is a course designed to develop proficiency in the repair, overhaul, service, and testing of the
internal combustion engine. The theory of operation of the engine and its components are emphasized, along with the
development of manipulative skills and work habits.
The interdisciplinary skills of observation, reflection, documentation, purposeful/intentional planning, goal setting, decision-making,
and problem-solving.
This course will incorporate a hands-on approach of both project-based and experiential learning.
• demonstrate the skills and knowledge required for taking the necessary precautions in the prevention of accidents in the
workplace (General Occupational Health and Safety);
• identify the various materials, tools, techniques, and rules governing the automotive repair industry;
• explore employment skills and career-awareness in automotive repair and the associated trades (Heavy Equipment, Farm
Machinery, Diesel Engine repair, and Truck and Transport industries);
• identify potential employment options by looking at provincial statistics and industry projections; and,
• identify the certification and continued education available at colleges and universities as well as an awareness of the
Canadian Red Seal Certification Program and its professional designation (RSE).
3.3 Curriculum Organizers and Outcomes
The New Brunswick Curriculum is stated in terms of general curriculum outcomes, specific curriculum outcomes and achievement
General Curriculum Outcomes (GCO) are overarching statements about what students are expected to learn in each strand/sub-
strand. The general curriculum outcome for each strand/sub-strand is the same throughout the grades.
Specific Curriculum Outcomes (SCO) are statements that identify specific concepts and related skills underpinned by the
understanding and knowledge attained by students as required for a given grade.
Learning Outcomes Summary Chart
GCO 1 Students will examine employment practices and Occupational Health and Safety legislation.
SCO 1.1 Students will examine safe and legal workplace procedures.
SCO 1.2 Students will describe ethical and legal workplace behavior.
Students examine employment opportunities, trades designations and the Canadian Red Seal
SCO 1.3
Certification program.
GCO 2 Students will identify and care for interdisciplinary Hand Tools, Power Tools, and Fasteners.
SCO 2.1 Students will identify/select and care for basic hand tools.
SCO 2.2 Students will identify/select and care for basic power tools.
SCO 2.3 Students will identify and select proper fasters for the specific application.
Students will identify, select, and interpret Service Information, Diagnostic Tools, Shop Equipment, and
Specialty Tools
Students will identify, select, and interpret service information.
SCO 3.1
Students will identify and interpret standard and metric measurement systems.
SCO 3.2
Students will understand, identify and use specialty tools related to working with vehicle electrical
SCO 3.3 systems.
SCO 3.4 Students will identify and interpret automotive information necessary for servicing a vehicle.
Students will use scientific electrical principles in application of automotive electrical system concepts.
SCO 4.1
Students will test service and repair vehicle batteries, components, and accessory systems.
SCO 4.2
Students will identify and demonstrate an understanding of the function of magnets and electric motors
SCO 4.3 (starters).
Students will identify and demonstrate an understanding of electrical generating components (alternators,
SCO 4.4 generators and regenerative braking).
GCO 1: Students will examine employment practices and Occupational Health and Safety legislation.
4. Curriculum Outcomes
Students will examine employment practices and Occupational Health and Safety
SCO 1.1 Students will examine safe and legal workplace procedures.
Concepts and Content I Can – exemplars:
New Brunswick Construction Safety Association (NBCSA) online I can identify potential consequences for unsafe procedures.
training courses in Workplace Hazardous Materials Information
Systems (WHMIS) and Safety Orientation to learn safe work practices I can interpret WHIMS symbols as identification for hazardous products.
regarding WHMIS and the Employment Standards Act.
I can locate and properly use safety equipment.
Safe body mechanics (i.e. back safety, lifting, etc.).
I can use Personal Protective Equipment (PPE).
Basic First Aid.
I can lockout and tag-out equipment with proper procedures.
GCO 1: Students will examine employment practices and Occupational Health and Safety legislation.
Video Website Document
New Brunswick Construction Safety Association
GCO 1: Students will examine employment practices and Occupational Health and Safety legislation.
SCO 1.2 Students will describe ethical and legal workplace behavior.
Concepts and Content I Can – exemplars:
Interacting with customers’ property regarding appropriate I can co-construct a description of appropriate workplace behavior
responsible resource management. based on my own and my peers’ experiences.
Video Website Document
GCO 1: Students will examine employment practices and Occupational Health and Safety legislation.
SCO 1.3 Students will examine employment opportunities, trades designations, and the Canadian Red Seal
Certification program.
Concepts and Content I Can – exemplars:
Job descriptions and employment opportunities in the skilled trades. I can discuss employment opportunities and statistics for tradespeople.
Post secondary training options have grown in New Brunswick. I can explore post secondary options or apprenticeship programs for
trade training.
There are some trades that are designated.
I can identify a designated trade.
The red seal certification program has a professional designation.
I can explain the Red Seal Certification Program and its professional
designation RSE.
Video Website Document
GCO 2: Students will identify and care for interdisciplinary hand tools, power tools, and fasteners.
Students will identify and care for interdisciplinary hand tools, power tools, and
SCO 2.1 Students will identify, select and care for basic hand tools.
Concepts and Content I Can – exemplars:
Hand tool selection, use, and care. I can identify, care for and safely use the appropriate: clamping
devices, pliers, wrenches, screwdrivers, striking tools, chisels, saws,
and files.
Video Website Document
CDX Global
GCO 2: Students will identify and care for interdisciplinary hand tools, power tools, and fasteners.
SCO 2.2 Students will identify/select and care for basic power tools.
Concepts and Content I Can – exemplars:
Power tool selection, use, and care I can identify, care for, and safely use the appropriate pneumatic,
electric, or battery-operated power tools
Video Website Document
CDX Global
GCO 2: Students will identify and care for interdisciplinary hand tools, power tools, and fasteners.
SCO 2.3 Students will identify and select proper fasters for the specific application.
Concepts and Content I Can – exemplars:
Fastener selection, use, and care. I can identify and safely use the appropriate temporary, removable, or
permanent fasteners for the application (screws, bolts and nuts,
washers, clips, rivets, glues, and epoxies).
Video Website Document
CDX Global
GCO 3: Students will identify, select, and interpret service information, measurement, shop equipment, and specialty tools.
Students will identify, select, and interpret service information, measurement, shop
equipment, and specialty tools.
SCO 3.1 Students will identify, select, and interpret service information.
Concepts and Content I Can – exemplars:
Students will learn about vehicle components and locations, service I can locate and interpret vehicle and component identification
information, vehicle identification, parts ordering, vehicle service numbers.
vocabulary and communication techniques.
I can locate and interpret vehicle specifications.
Video Website Document
CDX Global
GCO 3: Students will identify, select, and interpret service information, measurement, shop equipment, and specialty tools.
SCO 3.2 Students will identify and interpret standard and metric measurement systems.
Concepts and Content I Can – exemplars:
Students will become familiar with fractional inch and metric I can use proper place values.
measuring systems; they will also understand the need for both
fractional inch and decimal inch systems in the trade area and be able I can work with equivalent fractions.
to relate them with the metric system.
I can convert from fractions to decimals and vice versa.
Video Website Document
CDX Global
GCO 3: Students will identify, select, and interpret Service Information, Diagnostic Tools, Shop Equipment, and Specialty Tools.
SCO 3.3 Students will identify, select, and appropriately use specialty equipment related to working in a vehicle
repair facility.
Concepts and Content I Can – exemplars:
Vehicle repair facility capital equipment and general repair tools. I can choose and use:
Vehicle environmental concerns relating to repair and service: storing • electric or hydraulic tools (floor jacks, engine lifts, presses,
and recycling of consumable materials and vehicle routine hoists, electric drills, valve grinding equipment, grinders,
maintenance substances (Oil, Anti-Freeze, filters, tires). extension cords, lights, parts, washers)
• air tools (impact wrenches, ratchets, blow nozzles);
• clamping or holding tools (engine holding fixtures, bench vice,
safety stands)
• hazardous waste storage and recycling containers
Video Website Document
CDX Global
GCO 3: Students will identify, select, and interpret Service Information, Diagnostic Tools, Shop Equipment, and Specialty Tools.
SCO 3.4 Students will identify and interpret automotive information necessary for servicing a vehicle.
Concepts and Content I Can – exemplars:
Specific information relating to vehicle electrical systems such I can demonstrate the ability to locate and interpret vehicle and
as components and their locations as well as service component identification numbers.
information including test procedures and wiring schematics.
I can locate and interpret vehicle specifications.
I can understand colour codes and number codes and be able to read
wiring diagrams.
Video Website Document
CDX Global
GCO 4: Students will demonstrate knowledge of electrical concepts and materials.
Video Website Document
CDX Global
GCO 4: Students will demonstrate knowledge of electrical concepts and materials.
SCO 4.2 Students will test service and repair vehicle batteries, components, and accessory systems.
Concepts and Content I Can – exemplars:
Battery function, construction, maintenance and testing. I can explain lead-acid battery construction and operation:
• element
• cells
• electrolyte
• chemical reaction
• terminal locations
• terminal markings
• charge indicators
GCO 4: Students will demonstrate knowledge of electrical concepts and materials.
Video Website Document
CDX Global
GCO 4: Students will demonstrate knowledge of electrical concepts and materials.
SCO 4.3 Students will identify and demonstrate an understanding of the function of magnets and electric
motors (starters).
Concepts and Content I Can – exemplars:
Electrical diagnostics, magnetic fields and DC motor theory, I can identify types of magnets and demonstrate an understanding of how
operation, maintenance and service. they function in a vehicle.
I can electrically test and bench test field coils for opens, grounds and
solenoid operation
I can conduct a visual inspection of bearings and bearing surfaces, brushes
holders, springs, thrust washers, and drive mechanisms.
GCO 4: Students will demonstrate knowledge of electrical concepts and materials.
Video Website Document
CDX Global
GCO 4: Students will demonstrate knowledge of electrical concepts and materials.
SCO 4.4 Students will identify and demonstrate an understanding of electrical generating components
(alternators, generators, and regenerative braking).
Concepts and Content I Can – exemplars:
Electrical diagnostics, magnetic fields and A/C- DC electricity I can explain the construction and operation of the following components:
generation and regulation theory, operation, maintenance and • rotor
service. • stator (Y and delta winding)
• diodes and plate rectifiers
• brushes and field current
I can test the rotor, stator, slip rings, brushes, and related components.
I can inspect and test diodes and alternator regulation system using the
service procedures indicated in the electronic data retrieval system.
GCO 4: Students will demonstrate knowledge of electrical concepts and materials.
Video Website Document
CDX Global
5. Bibliography
Common Content
Universal Design for Learning, Center for Applied Special Technology (CAST)
Nelson, Louis Lord (2014). Design and Deliver: Planning and Teaching Using Universal Design for Learning. 1st Edition, Paul H. Brooks
Publishing Co.
Subject Specific
Curriculum document for Automotive Electrical Systems, Course code: EIESC0 1990
CDX Global
6. Appendices
Critical Thinking and Problem-Solving Innovation, Creativity, and Entrepreneurship Self-Awareness and Self-Management
• Engages in an inquiry process to solve • Displays curiosity, identifies opportunities • Has self-efficacy, sees themselves as
problems for improvement and learning, and believes learners, and believes that they can make
• Acquires, processes, interprets, synthesizes, in their ability to improve life better for themselves and others
and critically analyzes information to make • Views errors as part of the improvement • Develops a positive identity, sense of self,
informed decisions (i.e., critical and digital process and purpose from their personal and
literacy) • Formulates and expresses insightful cultural qualities
• Selects strategies, resources, and tools to questions and opinions to generate novel • Develops and identifies personal,
support their learning, thinking, and ideas educational, and career goals,
problem-solving opportunities, and pathways
• Turns ideas into value for others by
• Evaluates the effectiveness of their choices • Monitors their progress
enhancing ideas or products to provide
• Sees patterns, makes connections, and • Perseveres to overcome challenges
transfers their learning from one situation new-to-the-world or improved solutions to • Adapts to change and is resilient in adverse
to another, including real-world complex social, ecological, and economic situations
applications problems or to meet a need in a community • Aware of, manages, and expresses their
• Analyzes the functions and interconnections • Takes risks in their thinking and creating emotions, thoughts, and actions in order to
of social, ecological, and economic systems • Discovers through inquiry research, understand themselves and others
• Constructs, relates and applies knowledge • Manages their holistic well-being (e.g.,
hypothesizing, and experimenting with new
to all domains of life, such as school, home, mental, physical, and spiritual)
strategies or techniques
work, friends, and community • Accurately self-assesses their current level
• Solves meaningful, real-life, and complex • Seeks and makes use of feedback to clarify of understanding or proficiency
problems by taking concrete steps to understanding, ideas, and products • Advocates for support based on their
address issues and design and manage • Enhances concepts, ideas, or products strengths, needs, and how they learn best
projects through a creative process • Manages their time, environment, and
• Formulates and expresses questions to attention, including their focus,
further their understanding, thinking, and concentration, and engagement
Collaboration Communication Sustainability and Global Citizenship
• Participates in teams by establishing • Expresses themselves using the appropriate • Understands the interconnectedness of
positive and respectful relationships, communication tools for the intended social, ecological, and economic forces, and
developing trust, and acting audience how they affect individuals, societies, and
interdependently and with integrity • Creates a positive digital identity countries
• Learns from and contributes to the learning • Communicates effectively in French and/or • Recognizes discrimination and promotes
of others by co-constructing knowledge, English and/or Mi’kmaq or Wolastoqey principles of equity, human rights, and
meaning, and content through a variety of media and in a variety democratic participation
• Assumes various roles on the team and of contexts • Understands Indigenous worldviews,
respects a diversity of perspectives • Gains knowledge about a variety of traditions, values, customs, and knowledge
• Addresses disagreements and manages languages beyond their first and additional • Learns from and with diverse people,
conflict in a sensitive and constructive languages develop cross-cultural understanding
manner • Recognizes the strong connection between • Understands the forces that affect
• Networks with a variety of language and ways of knowing the world individuals and societies
communities/groups • Asks effective questions to create a shared • Takes action and makes responsible
• Appropriately uses an array of technology communication culture, attend to decisions that support social settings,
to work with others understand all points of view, express their natural environments, and quality of life for
• Fosters social well-being, inclusivity, and own opinions, and advocate for ideas all, now and in the future
belonging for themselves and others by • Contributes to society and to the culture of
creating and maintaining positive local, national, global, and virtual
relationships with diverse groups of people communities in a responsible, inclusive,
• Demonstrates empathy for others in a accountable, sustainable, and ethical
variety of contexts manner
• Participates in networks in a safe and
socially responsible manner.
6.2 Universal Design for Learning (UDL)
UDL helps meet the challenge of diversity by suggesting flexible instructional materials, techniques, and strategies that empower
educators to meet these varied needs. UDL research demonstrates that the challenge of diversity can and must be met by making
curriculum flexible and responsive to learner differences. UDL provides guidelines to minimize barriers and maximize learning for all.
Cooperative learning; team games and
Grouping and regrouping?
Teacher versus non- teacher centered? web based lesson… project-based, student
Instructional design strategies –… research based
Is there an independent or collaborative
activity-project that would be better meet
the needs of one or more students?
Are there any experts that I could bring into Speakers list, Skype contacts, media links,
the classroom electronically or as a guest television documentary, archived historical
speaker? documents
7. Resources
Curriculum document for Automotive Electrical Systems, Course code: EIESC0 1990