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Executive Summary

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Executive Summary A: challenge to design an Architectural structure that

PROPOSED ELDERLY HOME meets the specific care requirements and accessibility
needs of elderly residents by incorporating a holistic
ABSTRACT approach to architecture, focusing on the physical,
This proposal shall consider a variation of emotional, and social well-being of the elderly.
design required to meet the elderly’s needs and Moreover, to provide them shelter, quality care, food,
wants, and in regards to the nostalgic theme of the clothes, medicines, so on and so forth.
facility which aims to provide and allow the senior GOALS AND OBJECTIVES
citizens to reminisce their younger selves, memories
of their experiences growing old, providing them a The proposed project aims to address the
sense of accomplishment in life for how far they’ve goals and objectives to provide a comfortable,
come in life. These variations shall stand as the engaging, and sustainable living space for the elderly
design guide specifically for the elderly, such as population.
finding the right type of furniture and fixtures,
sustainability, cultural, nostalgic, and holistic Physical Comfort: To design a living space that is
integration of the facility’s design, accessibility, right comfortable, accessible, and adaptable to the needs
type of materials for each space and facility, and of the elderly, with easy access to essential services
functionality can make a difference in providing a and amenities. (Property Guru, 2021)
more safe and comfortable living experience for our Emotional Well-being: To create a warm and
fellow senior citizens. (Kalita, 2017) When an welcoming environment that fosters a sense of
individual ages, their mental, emotional and physical belonging and promotes social interaction among
welfares also age, they opt to need more attention residents. (A. Rodriguez, 2020)
and assistance to live comfortably as they are likely to
get sick more often as their immune systems also Social Engagement: To encourage social interaction
aged leaving them vulnerable to weather changes, flu, and community involvement through the design of
different types of diseases like dementia, so on and shared spaces, such as communal areas, gardens,
so forth. (MedlinePlus, 2020) and outdoor terraces. (I. Hermstad, et. al., 2022)
Therefore, the proposed home care for the Natural Connection: To integrate elements of nature
elderly shall offer quality care for your senior family into the design, such as gardens, natural light, and
members with or without a certain illness, as not outdoor spaces, to promote a sense of connection o
every child provides parent care in times of need. (Lin the environment. (A. Rodriguez, 2020)
and Wolf, 2019) Elderly care can be a handful
especially for Filipino families who simply do not have Sustainability: To ensure that the design is
the time and strength left as some are bread winners environmentally friendly and promotes energy
of the family, some work late hours, and some have efficiency, using sustainable materials and
their own family that they need to take care of, so on construction methods. (A. Rodriguez, 2020)
and so forth; depending on every perspective in every Accessibility: To design the home to be accessible
household; leaving their senior family members to to all residents, regardless of physical abilities, with
care for themselves. While, some senior citizens are features such as wheelchair ramps, grab bars, and
fortunate enough to have shelter and family members wide doorways. (I. Hermstad, et. al., 2022)
to support them, some are not so fortunate. There are
some senior citizens whom do not have any shelter, Flexibility: To create a design that can adapt to the
food, clothes, medicine or family to support them; in changing needs of the elderly population, with
other words, there are unfortunate Filipino elderly who modular units and flexible spaces that can be
were abandoned by their own family members, reconfigured as needed. (I. Hermstad, et. al., 2022)
leaving them homeless.
Traditional nursing homes often lack the
warmth and comfort of a home environment, leading SITE PROPOSALS
to feelings of isolation and disconnection for CAVITE
residents. In order to meet their needs, wants, and
demands, the proposed project shall take on the

A province in the Philippines in the census. With over 4,508 population of the elderly with
Calabarzon region occupying the central Luzon with ages ranging from 65 and over, accounting as the
over 4,344,829 population as stated from the 2020 3.83% of the total population in the municipality of
census. According to a study “Cavite Ecological Tanay, Rizal for the senior citizens.
Profile 2020” that as of the 2020 census, a total of
268,139 citizens of Cavite are considered in their The proposed site for the project has a total
senior years. They are those who have been land area of 14,393.23 square meters and is located
registered with their respective LGU’s and have along the F.T. Catapusan Road, Calabarzon, Tanay,
received their Senior Citizen ID. Most of the senior Rizal. The site is far from noise and air pollution as it
citizens are female, which accounts for 59.20% of the far enough from the busy areas in about 1km radius
senior population in all of the Cavite province. from the site, but near enough to remain part of the
community giving the future residents a sense of
The proposed site for the project has a total belongingness. Within the 1km radius the site is near
of 10,647.56 square meter parcel of land and is several types of hospitals and clinics such optical
located in General Trias, Calabarzon, Cavite along clinics, general hospitals, pharmacies, and dental
the Governor’s Dr. Road. It is a flat terrain with care.
hospitals and churches and other public facilities
located along the 1km radius from the site. The site is
far away from populated areas but not too far as to be
isolated from a community, and also not to near as to
be bothered by the noise and air pollution from the
busy areas.

TANAY, RIZAL Executive Summary B:

Tanay is a municipality in the landlocked PROPOSED TRANSPORT HUB
province of Rizal. The municipality has a total
population of 139,420 as determined by the 2020 ABSTRACT

Transportation Hubs are where passengers The proposed project aims to address the
and cargos are connected. This type of infrastructures challenges faced by urban/suburban transportation
provides different types of transportation mode and set a new standard for integrated sustainable,
depending on which is the most convenient course and user-centric design in transport facilities. The
the passengers need to reach their destinations. The incorporation of modern technology and green
Philippines are equipped with transportation vehicular architecture can help create a transport hub that is
such as UVs, taxi, bus, jeepneys, mini bus, trains, so efficient, sustainable, and provides a positive user
on and so forth. experience.
However, not all locations have Space Optimization: To optimize spaces and
transportation centers or hubs where civilians who promote efficient movement of passengers and
commute can easily access near their work, homes, vehicular traffic. (C40 Knowledge, 2019)
or designated areas. The proposed project shall
consider a variation of designs required for a Vehicular Accessibility: To integrate various modes
transportation hub. It is proposed that it shall be of transportation, including bus, taxi, jeepneys, and
designed with a Modern functionality integrated with potentially light-rail transits, to ensure seamless
Green Architectural approach which aims to address connectivity.
the increasing demand for integrated and efficient Sustainability: To prioritize sustainability by
transportation facilities in urban/sub-urban areas with incorporating green building practices, energy-
lacking transportation access to the civilians of the efficient systems, and environmentally friendly
Philippines. The incorporation of the mentioned materials.
architectural approach shall improve the aesthetics
and functionality of the facility. The integration of Technological Advancement: To enhance the
functionality, green architecture and technology shall overall user experience by integrating modern
improve the informal transport systems, making them amenities, such as digital wayfinding, comfortable
more reliable and easy-to-use services, providing the waiting areas, and retail spaces, and improve and
proposed project an attractive identity (C40 increase safety in travel and transport. (C40
Knowledge, 2019) Knowledge, 2019)
The project aims to provide a transit hub for Accommodation: To upgrade the accessibility of a
all transport types: UVs, bus, mini bus, jeepneys, transportation hub, facilities to accommodate
tricycle, pedicabs, trains, and taxi for convenience, passengers before and after they travel, facility
and flexible flow of traffic whether the passengers demands and usage. (C40 Knowledge, 2019)
destinations are far or near the facility. This study
inspired by the researcher’s experience in commuting SITE PROPOSALS
shall provide foresight to the commuting problems of TANAY, RIZAL
other passengers who struggle to get from point A to
point B. The project shall consider a variation of Tanay is a municipality in the landlocked
design factors which aims to satisfy passenger province of Rizal. The municipality has a total
accommodations and accessibility in any weather population of 139,420 as determined by the 2020
present during their commute. census. According to the 2020 census that 138,416
tourists arrive overnight, and over 1,199,021 for the
STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM same day arrival of tourists to Tanay, Rizal. Meaning,
Urban and Suburban areas are facing that for every 500-700 tourists 300 of them mostly
challenges related to congestion, lack of intermodal arrive via commute for the purpose of having to go to
connectivity, and outdated transportation facilities. adventures along their destinations.
These issues have led to inefficiencies in the The proposed project site about 48,215.38
transportation network, increased environmental square meters parcel of land located along the
impact, and a decline ion overall user experience. Sampaloc Road of Calabarzon, Tanay, Rizal. Tanay is
There is a pressing need to develop a transportation a greenery and un-urbanized location, meaning there
hub that can effectively mitigate these issues and are selected barangays or municipalities with large
cater to the growing needs of the community. progressive communities with complete public and
GOALS AND OBJECTIVES private facilities like grocery stores, hospitals,
churches, transportation facilities, so on and so forth.

Whilst there are some areas with residents whom do

not own any kind of transport vehicles, who walk long
miles to get to their designation which can take up
half of the day, which is troublesome especially for
those with work and school to attend to.

Executive Summary C:
The 2 site is also located in Tanay but it is the
proposed site for the project has a total land area of
14,393.23 square meters and is located along the F.T. ABSTRACT
Catapusan Road, Calabarzon, Tanay, Rizal. Where
within its 1km radius there are other public facilities The project proposes a design and
like hospitals, churches, clinics and more. It is also a development of a contemporary wet and dry market,
good location as it is surrounded with facilities that integrating modern architectural principles with
most people go to both local and foreign visitors. sustainable, eco-friendly practices. The project
addresses the pressing need for transformed market

spaces that prioritize functionality, aesthetics, and Sustainable Design: To incorporate sustainable
environmental responsibility. By amalgamating design principles to reduce the environmental impact
modern design concepts with green architecture of the market.
principles, the proposed market endeavors to provide
an optimal environment for vendors and customers Modern and Attractive Appearance: To create a
while significantly reducing its ecological footprint. layout that allows for easy navigation and efficient use
of spaces.
This study inspired by the researcher’s experience
with the traditional wet and dry markets often grapple Energy Efficiency: To utilize natural lighting and
with issues such as inadequate ventilation, congested ventilation to reduce energy consumption.
spaces, subpar hygiene conditions, and a dearth of Aesthetic Enhancement: To incorporate green
sustainable features. Moreover, these markets spaces, landscaping, and eco-friendly materials to
contribute to significant energy consumption and improve the aesthetics of the market.
waste production, thereby exacerbating
environmental degradation. This proposal seeks to Accessibility and Technology: To design the market
confront these challenges head-on by conceptualizing to be accessible to all, including people with
a market space that not only accommodates modern disabilities, and incorporate technology to improve the
functionality but also aims to accomplish sustainability shopping experience.
through its architectural design and operational
practices. Furthermore, the proposed project also aims
to ensure that the designs to be implemented still
The primary aim of this proposal is to aligns with the local regulations, zoning laws, and
envision a market space that redefines the safety standards, promoting a safe compliant space
conventional market experience. Through the infusion for all vendors and visitors alike, as well as those
of modern design elements, efficient space utilization, whom has vehicles in shopping in the market.
and sustainable architecture, the proposed market
intends to create an inviting and conducive
environment for vendors and consumers alike.
Additionally, the integration of green architecture
principles such as rainwater harvesting, renewable
energy sources, and waste management systems will
be pivotal in reducing the market's environmental
impact, thereby aligning with global sustainability
Traditional wet and dry market often lack
modern amenities, efficient space utilization, and
sustainable design elements. This leads to challenges
sch as inadequate ventilation, congestion, waste
management issues, and a lack of aesthetic appeal. STE PROPOSALS
Furthermore, these markets typically consume
significant energy and produce substantial waste, ANTIPOLO
contributing to environmental degradation. This
proposal aims to address these challenges through a Antipolo City is a component city in the
design that emphasizes modern functionality and landlocked province of Rizal. It serves as the
green architecture principles. provincial capital. Antipolo’s 2024 population is now
estimated at 968,288. Based on the 2020 census this
GOALS AND OBJECIVES indicates that the population density as computed at
2,899 inhabitants per square kilometer or 7,508
This proposed project aims to align the inhabitants per square mile. Meaning, Antipolo City is
vision of creating a modern, sustainable, and user- very much populated and that their demands in
friendly wet and dry market that meets the needs of source for their daily consumables increases. Thus,
both vendors and customers while minimizing the the proposed project shall be located in Antipolo City.
environmental impact.

The proposed site has a total land area of

44,644.57 square meters and is located in 215 E.
Rodriguez Avenue, Antipolo City, Rizal, Calabarzon. It
is a slopping terrain with a hospital, transport station,
subdivision/villages, churches, schools, and other
public and private facilities nearby in a 1km radius.

The 2nd proposed site is also located in

Antipolo City, along Sapa Buho road, near the
entrance and exit of the village named synergy ville,
and other more villages, schools, parks, courts, and
hospital and clinics. It is a flat terrain site with a land
area of 16,818.28 square meters.

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