1874/A, Bapat Gali, Belgaum-02. Date : M//a Name:-TSTS PtLtd
(0 Camputer lable 260.6
bLACK-i BLACKCAT INDIA Invoice Na. Dated No 515 to 522,5th.Floor Lucia City Centre, OTC Road Bangalore-S60002 Karnataka 560c02. 1ndia GSTIN AUIN: BI/3 138/24-25 19-Sep-24 294ATFDG635M1ZM D:livery Note Mode/Terms of Payn1cnt S:ate Name: Karrataka, Code: 29 Contact: Cos-3203/3503 T-3581,+91-9742721890/9740077581 / 7975776280 Reference No, & Date. Other References E-Mal : deepakoblackcat1rdtacom www.blzckco.in |Dated Buyer's Order No. Jchriss solomon-9731668812 19-Sep-24 Consigree (Ship to) Criss Solomon Dspatch Coc No. Delivery Note Date 178-G, Railway Station QuarterNear GST Bhavan, Club Road Belgavi Karnataka - 590001, India Des:inatior GSTINJUIN 294ADCTI835C1zj Dspatched through State Name Karnataka, Code : 29 SHREE TIRUPATI BELGAVI
Contact person PUNEETH.P Bill of Lading/LR-RR No. Motor Vehic e No.
Lontact y9L134UbB8 3911003U9241 dt 19-sep 24 E-Mail :puneeth p@tstsin Terms of Dellvery Buyer (Bill to) TVM SIGNALLING AND TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS PVT LTD NO.60,1st.Floor.,Digital Crauit Building, Doddakallasandra, BANGALORE -560 Karnataka - 560)62, India SCAN & PAY GSTIN/UIN 29ADCTI835C1ZI State Nam Karnataka, Code: 29 Contact person PUNEETHP Contact :9901340688 E-Mail puneethp@tstsin Descrption of QJantity HSN/SAC Part No. Rate per Disc. % Amount No Goods and Serviæs Shipped Blled Black-I HDMI To DVI 3 M 85444299 B1-HDDVI3)0 Pcs 1 Pcs 550,00 Pes 550.00
Amount Chargeable (in words) E& 0.E Eight Hun dred Twenty Six INR Only Taxable CGST SGST/UTGST Total HSN/5AC Va ue Rate Amount Rate Amoun Tax Amount 444299 550 00 9% 49 50 9% 49 50 99.00 996511 90 9% 27.00 Total 700.00 .00 126.00 laAmaun [ wd): One Hundred Twcnty ! INB Only Dedaration We dedlare that this invoice shows the actaal price of the gods desaibed and that allparticulars are true and correct. Al Black-i products have 1year &3year replacement warranty. Warranty vad if produt is ptys ically damaged. Bill 1s
Customer': Soal and Signature
for BLACKCAT INDIA Prepared by Verified by horised Signatory DSOCASH-MEMO 250 Bill No.
New Amba Bhuvan Loding
Station Road, BELGAUM-1. Room No Date 2fo s/2024 To,: TVM Sisnalin and Trangzoatin From Syskms PvAtao To Amount Particulars Rs. Ps.