Vat Form A

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(a) List of books of accounts maintained (in case books of accounts maintained in computer system, mention the books of accounts generated by such system) 8. Particulars of (opening) Bank Accounts Name of Bank Branch

9. Account of statutory forms obtained from the Department a. Form b. Opening Balance

10. Details of surveys conducted(other than R.C.enquiry)if any a. Authority who conducted survey b. Date of survey


Account Number

c. Obtained

d. Total

e. Used

f. Cancelled

c. Results of survey

Form C E1 F g. Balance H I J VAT 15 VAT 47 VAT 49

PART-B 1. Sales Details Field Description (a) Gross Turnover [Including turnover of purchase liable to tax u/s4(2)] (b) Less: Sales returns within the Return Period (c) Less: Turnover of Exempted Sales (d) Less: Turnover of goods taxable at first point which have already suffered tax (e) Less: Turnover of Sales to exported (against Form VAT-15) (f) Less: Turnover of Inter-State Sales (g) Less: Turnover of sales outside the state of Rajasthan (h) Less: Turnover of Export Sales (i) Less: Other deduction, if any (j) Net sales subjected to VAT 2. Determination of Tax (Output/Purchase) Tax Type(Output/Purchase Tax) VAT 1% Tax Type Turnover As Per Books As Per Return Filed

Tax Amount

Difference, if any

VAT 4% Turnover

Tax Amount

VAT 12.5% Turnover

Tax Amount

Other Tax Rates Tax Rate(in percentage)


Tax Amount

Total : Turnover Total 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

Tax Amount Total 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

Output Tax Purchase Tax

3. Purchase Details Field Description : As Per Books (a) Gross Purchase (excluding capical goods but includes goods received by stock transfer) (b) Less: Imports from outside India (c) Less: Inter-state Purchase/ goods receive from Branches/ principal outside Rajasthan (d)Less: Exempted Purchases (e)Less: purchases from unregistered dealers of the State (f)Less: purchases from dealers who have opted for payment of tax under sub-section(2) of section 3 or section 5 (g) Less: purchase returns (h) Net: purchases eligible for inputs tax credit (i) Purchases of capital goods eligible for input tax credit 4. Tax Liability Particular 1. Tax credit 1.1 Inputs tax paid on purchase of goods from within State 1.2 Inputs tax paid on capital goods (eligible amount only 1.3 Purchase tax paid 1.4 Tax amount on sales return(eligible amount only) 1.5 Tax amount eligible for tax credit on opening stock (during the transition year 2006-2007 only) 1.6 Others if any (specify) 1.7 Total (1.1 to 1.6) 1.8 Excess input tax (credit carried forward from previous year, if any) 1.9 Total amount for tax credit (1.7+1.8) 2. Output Tax 2.1 Output tax/ tax collected as per sales invoice 2.2 Reverse Tax 2.3 Purchase tax due 2.4 Tax amount on purchase returns 2.5 Others, if any(specify): 2.6 Total tax (2.1 to 2.5) 3. Total tax payable/ creditable [Total tax - input tax credit (2.6-1.9)] 4. Tax due on inter-State sales 4.1 CST deposited 4.2 CST to be adjusted 5. Tax payable/ balance ITC carried forward [(2.6+4.2)-(1.9)] As Per Books

As Per Return Filed

Difference, if any

As Per Return Filed

Difference, if any

5. Detail Of Tax Payment During The Year a. Challan/Instrument No. b. Date

c. Bank/Treasury

d. Branch Code

e. Amount (Rs.)

PART-C I. Whether there is delay in payment of tax, if so please give particulars a. Due Date b. Date of Payment c. Amount (Rs.)

d. Delay

e. Interest Payable

II. Whether the person has deducted tax at source and paid the same to the credit of state Government according with a. Particulars b. Amount of Tax Deducted

same to the credit of state Government according with the provision of Act and Rules if there is delay in deposit of tax so deducte c. Due Date of Payment

ment according with the provision of Act and Rules if there is delay in deposit of tax so deducted d. Date of Payment

III. Whether all declaration for all sales claimed at concessional rates as required under the Act & Rules all received if not, give details a. Invoice No b. Date c. Name of Party d. Amount of Bill

IV. Whether there is delay in filling of returns, if yes, give particulars a. Period b. Due Date c. Date of Filing

V. Sales affected as Commission agent, in the following format a. Name of Principal & Address b. TIN (if,any) c. Total Sale

d. Delay

e. Reason, if

d. Output Tax if,any VAT

PART-D I. SALE IN THE COURSE OF EXPORT OUTSIDE THE TERRITORY OF INDIA, Whether all declarations of documents as required under the RVAT ACT, 2003 and CST Act, 1956 are available on record, If not, give details a) Invoice No b) Date c) Name of Buyer e) Amount (Rs.)

II. INTERSTATE SALE sale claimed as liable to tax as per section 8(1) or CST Act are supported with (a). Whether Interstate declaration forms C. If not, give details a. Sale Invoice No b. Date c. Name of Buyer d. Amount (Rs.)

and CST Act, 1956 are available on f) ITC Claimed

Act are supported with e. ITC Claimed

(b). Whether all Interstate branch transfer/ consignment sales are supported with declaration in form F. If not, give a. Invoice No. b. Date c. Name of Buyer d. Amount (Rs.)

(c). Whether inter-State sales claimed as exempt under section 6(2) of Central Sales Tax Act, 1956 are supported w declaration, if not details (A) Sales a) Sale Invoice No b) Date c) Name of Buyer d) Amount (Rs.)

(B) Purchase a) Purchase Invoice No

b) Date

c) Name of Buyer

d) Amount (Rs.)

eclaration in form F. If not, give details e. ITC Claimed

Tax Act, 1956 are supported with

e) Wanting Declaration(C/D)

e) Wanting Declaration (E1/E2)

III Total taxable inter-State sales as per books of Account IV. CST Deposited during the Year a) Challan/Instrument No. b) Date c) Bank/Treasury d) Branch Code

e) Amount (Rs.)

V. WHETHER THERE IS DELAY IN PAYMENT OF TAX, IF SO, GIVE DETAILS a) Due Date b) Amount (Rs.) c) Delay d) Interest Payable

VI. Whether there is delay in filling of returns, if yes, give particulars Period of Return Due Date Date of Filing Delay

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