Final - PE 9.3 Organization and Management of Sports, 3 Lessons

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Organization and Management of Sports

Table of Contents

Introduction 3

Lesson 1: Managing Sports Events 5

Learning Targets 5
Let’s Warm Up! 5
Learn about It! 6
Check Your Understanding 8
Let’s Play! 8

Lesson 2: Qualities of a Good Official 10

Learning Targets 10
Let’s Warm Up! 10
Learn about It! 11
Check Your Understanding 16
Let’s Play! 17

Lesson 3: First Aid in Sports Settings 19

Learning Targets 19
Let’s Warm Up! 19
Learn about It! 20
Check Your Understanding 26
Let’s Play! 27

Did You Know? 28

Ready, Set, Go! 28

Self-Check 29

Wrap Up 30

Bibliography 31

Glossary 31


Organization and Management of Sports

Fig. 1.An illustration of organizing and managing an event.

Organizing sports event is a complex task. It needs good management skills to handle people
to work with you for a common goal. As an event manager, you have to guide your
subordinates, unleash their capabilities and bring out the best in them. Sports management
covers all areas of competition, from pre-competition to the match proper, and post-contest.
One of the sports management is to hire professional referees to officiate the games. It is a

must that you will employ quality officiating officials so that everybody involved in the games
will be satisfied with whatever the outcome of the competitions. Another factor that an
organizer must anticipate are the injuries. Injuries may occur during the matches. The
organizers should have a plan if there are cases like these happen.

Lesson 1: Managing Sports Events

Learning Targets
In this lesson, you should be able to:
● differentiate organization and management; and
● determine the different committees in sports and their job descriptions.

Let’s Warm Up!

Pair up with a classmate and answer the following questions below.

Guide Questions:
1. When you hear the word MANAGER, what is the first thing that comes into your mind?
2. How about the word ORGANIZATION?
3. Have you ever organized an event or a simple game in class, in your house or at a party
4. What do you think are the things to consider when organizing an event?

Learn about It!
Managing sports events is a complex task. It needs human
resources, logistics, and well-planned activities.
Communication among committee members of each task
plays a vital role to have a successful tournament.

Fig. 2. A team on planning a sports event.

An organization is the systematic planning of roles in implementing necessary functions.

● Is an essential factor to succeed in any physical and sports education programs.
● It involves long-term strategic plans and programs: resources, financial, legal and safety
management, public relations, and promotions.
● Concerns with the tasks to accomplish the objectives through participation and
● It requires team effort amongst members to fulfill the ultimate objective.

Five Major Functions of Management

1. Planning - program strategies are planned out to achieve the target outcome. It
includes processes such as forecasting, developing objectives, programming,
scheduling, budgeting, and formulating procedures.
2. Organizing - It supports in developing a group structure with defined job descriptions
for every member. It includes the development of the organizational structure,
delegation of responsibilities and work, and the relationship among individuals.
3. Staffing - the recruitment, selection, assigning and retention of members wherein they
are given appropriate assignment with proper training and professional development.
It also concerns establishing an ideal work environment and ensuring human resources
to get the work done.
4. Leading - directing the team to motivate and empower individuals in carrying out the
program. It includes decision- making, communication, selection of people, and
enhancing the work is done.
5. Controlling - ensuring proper plan execution within the goals of the organization. It
requires monitoring, assessment, evaluation, and feedback which can lead to
re-engineering, reframing, or rewarding.

Check Your Understanding
A. Enumerate the five functions of management.


B. Answer the questions.

1. How can management skills develop an excellent human relationship?

2. What is the process of planning an event?
3. What do you need to do in developing organizational structure?

Let’s Play!
Game Managers

● Depend on the chosen activity of the students.

● Divide the class into four groups.
● Each group has to plan one simple game to be executed in the class.
● Each student should have a role or designation in the team.
● The teacher will pick a sequence number for the order of facilitation of each of the
groups’ simple game.
● Each group executes their planned game or activity with other groups as their target

1. What is your role or designation in the team?
2. How did you find your role - easy or hard?
3. What do you think management function you are good at?

Lesson 2: Qualities of a Good Official

Learning Targets

In this lesson, you should be able to:

● enumerate the different qualities of being a good official; and
● exhibit integrity by following the ethics and guidelines in sport officiating.

Let’s Warm Up!

Let’s Review

1. List down the five major functions of management.
2. Explain each one of them using your own words.
3. In what functions of management are the officiating officials involved?

Learn about It!

Sports officiating is a system of managing sports,

particularly on implementing the rules of the game.
Officiating is an integral part of any sports activity whether
it is competitive or recreational. It makes the event more
challenging and fun. Quality officiating results in a quality
game and a quality game provides better entertainment.
Sports officiating is not just the “judge role in the court.” It also improves our fitness.
Participation in officiating coupled with a healthy lifestyle will inevitably lead us to attain and
sustain quality and healthy life.

Fig. 4. Basketball referee at work

Qualities of an Officiating Official:

The quality of the game depends on the quality of the officiating officials. To become
successful in this profession, these sports officials must possess qualities categorized
according to physical, emotional, mental, and social.

1. Physical Qualities

Officiating official needs to be physically fit to catch up on every point of the game.

Officials have no timeouts; whenever they feel tired or exhausted, officials cannot call a
timeout. These qualities are intended to the physical attributes of an officiating official.
Physical preparation is a crucial factor before officiating the game; therefore, officials
should maintain a high level of fitness level.

These are several ways to determine one’s fitness which are the basis in improving:
● Personal Maximal Heart Rate and Training Heart Rate
● Program or Exercise Program
● Nutrition and Weight Management Program

2. Emotional Qualities

Officials must be emotionally stable. Emotional readiness is the factor to be focused on

the game, especially in the crucial or end game. Whatever the stress might the
surroundings bring, officials must officiate the game according to the rules. He or she
should not be affected by the emotions of the game. By continuous practice through
game immersions and observations in the actual games, confidence is developed and

3. Mental Qualities

Same with the two qualities mentioned earlier, mental qualities are also essential for
the officials. Mental preparations are also rigid as physical preparations. To handle the

pressure of the game, officials must be mentally tough to perform quality officiating.
Specific knowledge of the rules of the games, alertness, and vigilance can result in
impartial, timely, decisive, and honest judgment. These results are leading to the
satisfaction of both teams including the audience in accepting whatever the conclusion
that the officials may call.

4. Social Qualities

Social qualities are the ability to deal with others in any given situation. Complaints
coming from both competing teams are inevitable in a game. Officiating official can
settle disputes without sacrificing his integrity of a game and the officiating crew.
Surrounding with people who could help and mentoring from a senior official will help
develop his decision-making skills.

Fig. 5. Soccer referee ignoring the complaint of the player.

Ethics and Guidelines

According to the book written by Bill Koch entitled “BC Athletics Official Ethics and Guidelines for
Conduct, 2011,” as he cited in the Code of ethics and guidelines for sports officials, “Officiating
is a profession”, therefore, officials must adhere to the set of ethics to keep the integrity in
their profession.

● Be a Benefit and Cause No Harm

As an official, the primary concern is to provide benefit to those involved in the
competition, and these are athletes, spectators, volunteers, and fellow officials.

● Be Accurate and Responsible

To achieve quality officiating, officials must strive for accuracy and consistency with
their judgment. To avoid mistakes or errors in officiating, preparations are the most
important thing to do. Officials should be responsible for their mistakes, especially
when it affects the result of the game.

● Be supportive of other participants and loyal to our Sports Organizations.

Officials must show loyalty and politeness to their organizations, fellow officials,
coaches, athletes, spectators, and even other organizations. They should extend these
values to every individual involved in the game at all levels.

● Act with Integrity

Integrity refers to firm adherence to ethical and professional standards. This means
that officiating officials will (a) not allow their judgment to be influenced by personal
loyalties or personal gain, (b) will adhere whenever possible to the specifics of ethical
code, and (c) will avoid officiating when their mental or physical competence may be

● Act with Fairness

Fairness refers to the performance of officials without being biased. This implies that
officials will act in a manner that does not create an advantage or disadvantage to any
athlete or club.

● Show Respect for Participants’ Rights and Dignity
Officials must respect individual athletes or other parties at competitions, cultural,
ethnic, gender, age, or other characteristics of the individual that may set the other
person apart from the official’s own background and sense of familiarity.

● Exhibit Professionalism
Professionalism means exhibiting a courteous, conscientious, and generally
businesslike manner in work. Applied to athletics officials, it means that officials, as part
of their volunteer duties, will conform to reasonable technical standards of their area of
practice (e.g., starter, track umpire, throws judge) as well as to any ethical standards
that govern them.

● Model of Appropriate Health Habits

This value presumes that athleticism is part of a generally healthy lifestyle of a sports

● Adhere to Legal Standards

This means obeying the law or other rules of the competition.

● Protect Vulnerable Persons

Officials must always protect persons with disabilities because they tend to become
vulnerable to poor treatment and abuse.

Check Your Understanding

A. Enumerate at least five code of ethics and guidelines for sports officials.


B. Answer the questions.

1. What do you think is the most important characteristic of a sports official?

2. As an official, how can you maintain a high level of fitness?
3. What are the mental preparations of a sports official?
4. How can you show impartiality in officiating?
5. How can you exhibit support to your fellow officials?

Let’s Play!

Volleyball Game

● Volleyball
● Volleyball net
● Whistle

1. The class will be divided into three groups.
2. The first two groups will play volleyball with each other, while the last group will
officiate the game.
3. The game will only have one set, the first group to reach 21 points wins the game.
4. After the game, the second group will act as officials while the first and third group will
play volleyball.
5. Each student will be graded according to their performance as an official.


UNDERSTANDING Indicates a clear Good Fair Showing off the

OF THE RULES OF understanding of the understanding of understanding of rules (10%)
rules (40%) the rules (30%) the rules (20%)

SHOWING PROPER Showing perfect Showing better Showing good Showing poor
MECHANICS mechanics as an mechanics (20%) mechanics (10%) mechanics (5%)

PROPER GESTURE Well presented (20%) Good Fair presentation Showing poor
AND POSTURE presentation (10%) gestures and
(20%) posture (5%)

Lesson 3: First Aid in Sports Settings

Learning Targets

In this lesson, you should be able to:

● enumerate the common injuries in sports; and
● performs appropriate first aid for injuries and emergency situations in physical
activity and sports settings (e.g., cramps, sprains, heat exhaustion).

Let’s Warm Up!

Let’s Review

Guide Questions:
1. What are the four qualities of a good official?
2. Cite one code of ethics and guidelines of officiating officials and explain.

Learn about It!
Injuries in sports are inevitable. Even elite professional
players are experiencing injuries. Most sports injuries are
a result of wrong coordination of body movements. It can
lead to injuries of muscles or bones. Nowadays, most
sports injuries are not a career- ending. With the new
technology in medicine, players can already recover in a
short period.

Most Common Injuries in Sports

Fig. 7. Female athlete experiencing an ankle sprain.

● Sprain - an overstretching or tearing of ligaments. An ankle sprain is very common to


Fig. 8. A soccer player is down because of a hamstring strain.

● Strain - a muscle injury or to the band of tissue that attaches a muscle to a bone.

Fig. 9. An athlete is having a knee injury.

● Knee Injury - are injuries to ligaments and tendons in the knee. A common knee injury
is the anterior cruciate ligament (ACL). Players usually injure their ACL by a sudden
twisting motion.

Fig. 10. An illustration of types of fracture.

● Fracture - a break or crack in the bone. A fracture that resulted in a loss of normal
positioning of the fractured extremity can obstruct blood flow to the affected limb.

Fig. 11. An illustration of shoulder dislocation.

● Dislocation - happens when two bones are out of place at the joint that connects them
that may cause injury to nerves and blood vessels. Commonly, joints that become
dislocated and later heal are more likely to become dislocated again.

Fig. 12. Long distance runner cooling his body to prevent heat exhaustion.

● Heat exhaustion - a condition caused by the body’s overheating whose symptoms

may include heavy sweating and a rapid pulse. The syndromes range from heat cramps
to heat stroke.

First Aid Treatment

For Sprain and Strain

Mostly sprains and strains can be treated immediately at home using the following
procedures. As soon as possible start the treatment right away. This is to prevent swelling so
that the repair in the muscle will not take a more extended period.
● Apply the R.I.C.E. method.
● To avoid the increase in swelling, do not apply heat during the first two days of injury.
● Remove any jewelry immediately if the injury is to the hand or fingers.
● After two days, start moving the limb slowly, until the pain is felt.
● Slowly increase the range of movement until the pain is felt.

For Fractures, Dislocations and Knee Injuries

● Apply the R.I.C.E method.

● Do not move the injured part. Don’t touch the broken bones.
● If the fracture involves an opening, cover the area with clean gauze.
● Call a physician immediately if there is severe bleeding.

Look for a doctor if:

1. You think there is a fracture or dislocation or if you are unsure of the severity of a
sprain or strain.
2. You cannot straighten the affected joint or bear weight on it, or if a joint feels unstable.
3. The skin over the injury area is broken.
4. The ligaments of the knee are injured.
5. You injure at an area that has been damaged several times before. Pain lasts longer
than 24 hours, or if the swelling doesn’t subside within 48 hours.
6. A sprain or strain doesn’t improve after five to seven days.
7. There are signs of developed infection.

For Heat Exhaustion

Heat exhaustion may result in heatstroke, a life-threatening condition. Follow these

procedures if someone is experiencing heat exhaustion.

● Transfer the victim out of the heat and into a shady or air-conditioned place.
● Put the victim down and elevate the legs at feet slightly.
● Remove any tight clothing.
● If the victim is conscious, have him/her drink cold water.
● Cool the victim by spraying or sponging with cold water and fanning.
● Monitor the person carefully.
● Call a doctor if signs or symptoms worsen.

Check Your Understanding

A. Write True if the statement is correct and write False if the statement is

1. Professional athletes do not experience injuries.

2. Proper warm-up before playing can help prevent injury.
3. If a player is experiencing heat exhaustion, let him drink water even if he is
4. Dislocations are a life-threatening injury.
5. Fracture is a muscle injury.

B. Answer the questions.

1. What do you think is needed to do to prevent a sports injury?

2. Why does heat exhaustion needs immediate first aid?
3. What do you think the reasons why players are experiencing sprain?
4. What do you think are the causes of knee injuries?
5. Is it important to know basic first aid? Why?

Let’s Play!
Injury Scenario

1. The class will be divided into four groups.
2. The leader will pick the assigned injury:
● Sprain
● Fracture
● Knee Injury
● Heat Exhaustion
3. Each group will be given 10 minutes to prepare the assigned task and perform in front
of the class.
4. Each group will make a scenario showing the basic first aid of the assigned task.



UNDERSTANDING Indicates a clear Good Fair The presentation is

OF THE TOPIC understanding of the understanding of understanding of off the topic (10%)
topic (40%) the topic (30%) the topic (20%)

COOPERATION All members Some members Few members One person does all
contribute (30%) contribute (20%) contribute (10%) the work (5%)

PRESENTATION Well presented (30%) Good Fair presentation Obvious lack of

presentation (10%) preparation in the
(20%) presentation (5%)

Did You Know?
Ferdinand “Bong” Pascual is the second Filipino referee that officiates FIBA sanctioned games.
Federation of International Basketball Associations or FIBA is the governing body of
international basketball. Pascual officiated in the 2014 Rio Olympics. He studied in Baguio and
was a member of a basketball varsity team when he was in college.

Ready, Set, Go!

Sports Event Management Team (group work)

● materials of the chosen sport

1. Organize a sports event in the other section.
2. The whole class will act as one organization.
3. Choose a leader to be the event manager.
4. Plan carefully with the class.
5. Make an organizational chart showing the people involved and their job description.
6. Execute the plan to the chosen section.

Follow the format of the sample rubric given below:

Criteria Beginning Developing Accomplished Score

(0-12 points) (13-16 (17-20 points)

Quality of Work
(met the objectives of the

(showing how organized
and prepared the group in
execution of the activity)

Time management
(ensures that the tasks are
done on time)

Check I can…

Display initiative, responsibility, and leadership in organizing and managing

an event.

Organize a sports event for the community.

Participate in an organized sports especially in the community.

Demonstrate good characteristics when officiating in sports.

Demonstrate proper basic first aid to common sports injuries.


I find __________________________ the most interesting because ______________________.

I got ____ checks because _______________________________________________________.
I need to improve on _______________________because _____________________________.
I need to practice _________________________ because _____________________________.
I plan to _____________________________________________________________________ .

Wrap Up

Bill Koch entitled “BC Athletics Official Ethics and Guidelines for Conduct, 2011”

Mayo Clinic
syc-20377938 Accessed on February 15, 2019

Guidelines for Officials

Accessed on February 15, 2019

Dislocation happens when 2 bones are out of place at the joint that connects them that may
cause injury to nerves and blood vessels.

Ethics and Guidelines are used by the officials and organizations to define what actions are
morally right and wrong.

Fracture is a break or cracks in the bone.

Heat Exhaustion is a condition caused by the body’s overheating whose symptoms may
include heavy sweating and a rapid pulse. The syndromes range from heat cramps to heat

Judgment is the ability of the officiating officials to make considered decisions.

Management is an essential factor to success in any physical and sports education programs.

Organization is the systematic planning of roles to implement necessary functions.

Sports Officiating is a system of managing sports, particularly on implementing the rules of

the game and put the order in the duration of the game.

Sprain is an overstretching or tearing of ligaments.

Strain is a muscle injury or to the band of tissue that attaches a muscle to a bone.


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