Ohs W12

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Subject: Occupational Health and Safety Practices

Authors: Ms. Miracle Mae G. Caparas, LPT

Editor: Ms. Ma. Janine F. Mijares and Ms. Melodie P. Robles, LPT
Reviewer: Dr. Victor T. Reyes


Description of the Lesson:

Food Safety Management System is often one part of a larger management system and is a network of
interrelated elements that is basically operated to ensure that food does not cause adverse human health
effects. This topic will enrich our learning on a systematic way of implementing food safety and why is
it necessary to often practice it.

At the end of the lesson, you are expected to:
a. discuss the food safety management system and HACCP principles;
b. defend the importance maintaining food safety in a food establishment; and
c. create slogan relating to food safety with original quotation.

Session 1: Pre-assessment (What I know?)

A great morning! Congrats yourself for diligently doing every activity in our RICH learning
module! For this exciting session, I would like to test your prior knowledge about our lesson for today!
Always be yourself all the time.
Instruction: Hello! I want you to meet this guy. He is not observing and practicing food safety in his own
food establishment. Could you give us 3 unpleasant results if he continuously doing the same thing?

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Week 12
Great job for activating your schema! We will now proceed on our very topic: Food safety
management system. Get ready your pen and notes and let us enrich our learnings! Let’s go!

Lesson Content (What’s new?)

It refers to handling, preparing and storing food in a way to best reduce the risk of individuals
becoming sick from foodborne illnesses. It is also a global concern that covers a variety of different areas
of everyday life. There are principles of food safety. It aims to prevent food from becoming contaminated
and causing food poisoning. It will be achieved through a variety of different avenues, some of which are:
▪ The proper cleaning and sanitizing all surfaces, equipment, and utensils
▪ To maintain a high level of personal hygiene, especially handwashing
▪ Practicing storing, chilling and heating food
correctly with regards to temperature, environment
and equipment
▪ Applying effective pest control
▪ Understanding food allergies, food poisoning and
food intolerance
NOTE: Despite of why you are handling food, whether as part of
your job or cooking at home, it is essential to always apply the
proper food safety principles. Various number of potential food
hazards exist in a food handling environment, many of which
carry with them serious consequences.


 This is not only a legal requirement, but a helpful tool to ensure safe practices are followed within
your business.

 Food safety management systems are a systematic approach to controlling food safety hazards
within a food business in order to ensure that food is safe to eat. No businesses has the exceptions
of requirement to put in place of safety, implement and maintain a FSMS based on the principles
of Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP).


By: Megan Ray Nichols
The foodborne illnesses cost billions of dollars each year in the United States. There is a lack of
standards can lead to severe consequences, including loss of customers, negative impact on brand
reputation and employees missing work due to illness. Hence, safety is vital for any brand that is
committed to high-quality food and maintaining a positive brand image.
The food safety management system is the processes and procedures that companies set up to prevent
contamination are essential in reducing the risk of foodborne illness and ensuring the safest products
The FDA regulation says that most food processors must have HACCP as well as corrective
actions/preventive action (CAPAs) plans in place. Considering the right safety guidelines, however,
contamination or exposure to food hazards can still occur. Statements below are the four ways to improve
the quality of your food safety management system.
1. Conduct Regular Audits

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Week 12
 Let say for example that own a business. Your Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points is very
effective in theory; it won’t prevent contamination unless actual practice lines up with
documentation. There must be regular audits can ensure employee practice complies.
 The HACCPs are structured around identifying both potential food hazards and important control
points (CCPs) where your system has the chance to stop, mitigate or eliminate a possible issue.
Usually, this suggests storing food items or performing some biological, physical or chemical
process to a target limit sort of a specific temperature to stop or mitigate contamination.
 For example, within the manufacturing of chicken products, cooking and hot-holding are critical
control points at which the merchandise must be heated to a particular temperature to eliminate or
prevent potential hazards. Here, an audit would be an opportunity to make sure employees cooked
and hot-held foods at the right temperatures.
 Whole process of audit must be consistent and occur regularly. It should also cover every aspect of
your HACCP strategy and place a specific specialize in potential hazards and CCPs. These audits
are often how to uncover the strengths and weaknesses of your current HACCP strategy. There
Companies can use this information to create upon existing practices or demonstrate how
procedures might be simpler.
2. Consider a CCP Monitoring System
 In addition, utilization of automated or digital systems is to ensure that CCPs aren’t deviating from
control limits. Having the right sensors, it’s possible to ensure that food remains between target
limits at each CCP.
 The alerts can help staff quickly respond to deviations, ensuring compliance, and reducing the risk
of contamination by food hazards.
3. Review and Maintain Equipment
 It is a great equipment program can be highly effective in reducing the risk of food contamination.
In minimizing the risk, your plan should look at the equipment needed in your plant, as well as
how it’s constructed and maintained. For instance, choosing industry-standard or food-safe
materials can help prevent contamination.

4. Provide Employee Support and Encourage Buy-In

 The training programs are an essential component of any HACCP. Whenever your subordinates
don’t know how to handle food properly or aren’t aware of HACCP documentation or the CCPs in
the food processing pipeline, they won’t be able to execute the plan and prevent contamination.
 In the process of training programs are crucial, they don’t necessarily guarantee compliance. There
are common pitfalls exist that can discourage employees from following the plan. In encouraging
to employee buy-in, training should begin by discussing the importance of food safety and the
potential risks of contamination.
The Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point or HACCP is an internationally recognized system for
reducing the risk of safety hazards in food. This system really requires that potential biological, chemical,
or physical hazards are identified and controlled at specific points in the process. In implementing a
HACCP system requires that both prerequisite programs and HACCP plans are implemented. There are
prerequisite programs that are put in place in the facility to control hazards in the environment, preventing
contamination of the product.
A plan for Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point are prepared for each process or product and
identify possible hazards and controls in place to make sure the hazards are modified or controlled to
ensure acceptable levels in the food product. Let us consider the steps below in developing a solid
HACCP plan.
1. Assemble the HACCP Team
Take a first step is assembling a team of individuals who have specific knowledge and expertise
about the product and process. Your multidisciplinary team should include individuals from departments
such as:

● Engineering ● Production
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Week 12
● Sanitation ● Food microbiology
● Quality assurance

NOTE: Don’t forget to include local personnel who are involved in the operation. Your whole team might benefit from outside
experts to weigh in on potential biological, chemical and/or physical hazards, bit these experts should serve as consultants not
as a replacement for your HACCP team.

2. Describe the Product

At beginning, the HACCP team provides a general description of the food, ingredients and
processing methods, your method of distribution should be described along with information on whether
the food is to be distributed frozen, refrigerated or at ambient temperature.

3. Identify the Intended Use and Consumers

You have to describe the normal expected use of the food. Your intended consumers may be the
general public or a particular segment of the population

4. Construct Flow Diagram to Describe the Process

So, your flow of diagram should provide a clear, simple outline of all the steps involved in the
process that are directly under the control of the establishment.

NOTE: Consider that the flow diagram can also include steps in the food chain which come before and after the processing
that occurs in the establishment.

5. On-Site Confirmation of Flow Diagram

Your Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point team should perform an on-site review of the
operation to verify the accuracy and completeness of the flow diagram, and modifications should be made
to the diagram as needed. Next, your first five preliminary tasks have been completed; the following seven
principles of HACCP are applied.

6. Conduct a Hazard Analysis (Principle 1)

In this part, your HACCP team conducts a hazard analysis and identifies appropriate control
measures. They must list all potential hazards associated with each step.

NOTE: As we discuss here the word HAZARD, it is defined as a biological, chemical or physical agent that is reasonably
likely to cause illness or injury in the absence of its control (i.e. safety concerns, not quality concerns.

7. Determine Critical Control Points (CCPs) (Principle 2)

Considering the definition of CCP, it is defined as a step at which control can be applied and is
essential to prevent or eliminate a food safety hazard or reduce it to an acceptable level. There are really
potential hazards that are dangerously to cause illness or injury in the absence of their control must be
addressed in determining CCPs. Kindly include the examples of CCPs below:

● Chilling ● Testing ingredients for chemical residues

● Thermal processing ● Testing product for metal contaminants
● Product formulation control

The CCPs must be carefully developed and documented. Meanwhile, thy ought to utilize only for
purposes of product safety. The different facilities preparing similar food items can differ in the hazards
identified and the steps which are CCPs. It can be due to differences in each facility’s layout, equipment,
selection of ingredients, processes employed, etc.

8. To establish Critical Limits for Each CCP (Principle 3)

The CCP by means, it is a maximum and/or minimum value to which a biological, chemical or
physical parameter must be controlled at a CCP to prevent, eliminate or reduce to an acceptable level the
occurrence of a food safety hazard. Whenever you practice CCP, your critical limit is used to distinguish
between safe and unsafe operating conditions at a CCP. The critical limits should not be confused with
operational limits which are established for reasons other than food safety.
Every critical limit will have one or more control measures to assure that the identified hazards are
prevented, eliminated or reduced to acceptable levels. Every control measure has one or more associated
critical limits. The critical limits may be based upon factors such as:
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Week 12
● Temperature
● Time ● Treatable acidity
● Physical dimensions ● Salt concentration
● Humidity ● Available chlorine
● Moisture level ● Viscosity
● Water activity ● Preservatives
● pH ● The sensory information

9. Establish a Monitoring System for Each CCP (Principle 4)

When you conduct monitoring, you are planning a sequence of observations or measurements to
assess whether a CCP is under control and to produce an accurate record for future use in verification.

10. Establish Corrective Actions (Principle 5)

There is no system that is perfect, so when preventive measures fail, corrective actions must be in
place to prevent potentially hazardous foods from reaching consumers. Corrective actions should:
● Determine and correct the cause of non-compliance
● Determine the disposition of non-compliant product
● Make a record of corrective actions that have been taken

Your specific corrective actions should be developed in advance for each CCP and included in the
HACCP plan. Hence, the plan for HACCP should specify what is done when a deviation occurs, who is
responsible for implementing the corrective actions and that a record will be developed and maintained of
the actions taken. The individuals who have a thorough understanding of the process, product and HACCP
plan should be assigned the responsibility for oversight of corrective actions.

11. Establish Verification Procedures (Principle 6)

In definition, the verification is as those activities, other than monitoring, that determine the
validity of the HACCP plan and that the system is operating according to the plan.
There is an aspect of verification that evaluates whether the facility’s HACCP system is
functioning according to the HACCP plan. There are effective HACCP system requires little end-product
testing, since sufficient validated safeguards are built in early in the process. In conclusion, instead of
relying on end-product testing, firms should rely on frequent reviews of their HACCP plan, verification
that the HACCP plan is being correctly followed, and review of CCP monitoring and corrective action
There is another important aspect of verification, it is the initial validation of the HACCP plan to
determine that the plan is scientifically and technically sound, that all hazards have been identified and
that if the HACCP plan is properly implemented these hazards will be effectively controlled. Kindly
include the information below needed to validate the HACCP:

 The expert advice and scientific studies

 In terms of In-plant observations, measurements and evaluations

The subsequent validations are performed and documented by a HACCP team or an independent
expert as needed. Let say that validations are conducted when there is an unexplained system failure; a
significant product, process or packaging change occurs; or new hazards are recognized.

12. Establish Documentation and Record Keeping (Principle 7)

In general, the records maintained for the HACCP System should include the following:

 The summary of the hazard analysis, including the rationale for determining hazards and control
 Your HACCP Plan
o Making a List of the HACCP team and assigned responsibilities
o Make description of the food, its distribution, intended use and consumer
o The verified flow diagrams
o The HACCP Plan Summary Table that includes information for:
▪ Steps in the process that are CCPs
▪ The hazard(s) of concern

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Week 12
▪ Critical limits
▪ Monitoring*
▪ Correction actions*;
▪ Verification procedures and schedule*
▪ Record-keeping procedures*

NOTE: For more information about doing the steps in HCCP, kindly visit this site:


Read the lesson once again. If you have any clarifications regarding the topic, you can
contact me or send me message personally. I am so proud of what you have learned about Food
Safety Management. Try doing this activity so you could personally assess your own learning and
comprehension. Are you ready?

Session 2: Practice (What is it?)

Part 1: Instruction. Using the flow chart on your answer sheets write on it the steps in HACCP plan.
Write your answer on the answer sheet provided at the last part of this module.

Part 2: Instruction. Write down on the space provided your SURNAME if the statement below is correct
and keep it blank if the statement is incorrect.
1. The food safety management system is the processes and procedures that companies set up to prevent
contamination are essential in reducing the risk of foodborne illness and ensuring the safest products
2. There is a lack of standards can lead to severe consequences, including loss of customers, negative
impact on brand reputation and employees missing work due to illness.
3. Whole process of audit must be consistent and occur regularly
4. In the process of training programs are crucial, they don’t necessarily guarantee compliance.
5. Despite of why you are handling food, whether as part of your job or cooking at home, it is essential to
always apply the proper food safety principles.

Application (What I can do?)

Instructions: For this activity, you will make your own slogan about Food safety in establishment. Do it
on the provided answer sheet of paper. Please see the criteria below in evaluating your slogan.

Craftmanship 4 3 2 1 Score
The slogan is The slogan is The slogan is The slogan is
exceptionally attractive in acceptably distractingly messy.
attractive in terms of attractive
terms of neatness. Good though it may
neatness. Well- construction be a bit messy.
constructed and not very
and not messy. messy.
Creativity 4 3 2 1 Score
Slogan is Slogan is Slogan is The slogan does not
exceptionally creative and a creative and reflect any degree of
creative. A lot good amount some thought creativity.
of thought and of thought was was put into
effort was used put into decorating it.
to make the decorating it.
Originality 4 3 2 1 Score
Exceptional Good use of Average use No use of new ideas
use of new new ideas and of new ideas and originality to create
ideas and originality to and originality slogan.
originality to create slogan. to create

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Week 12
create slogan. slogan.
Grammar 4 3 2 1 Score
There are no There is 1 There are 2 There are more than 2
grammatical grammatical grammatical grammatical mistakes
mistakes on the mistake on the mistakes on on the poster.
poster. poster. the poster.

Session 3: Valuing/Integration (What’s more?)

Instruction: For this part, answer the question below constructing five sentences. Do it on a provided
sheet of paper.
“Let us say your family will be owning a food establishment, give five reasons why is it
important to practice food safety management system?”

Post-Assessment (What I Have Learned)

Hello there! I believe that you fully understand the lesson about food safety management system!
For this section, let us assess your learning! When you get started, do not look back in the lesson content
as a challenge for you! I may suggest before you take this, do review thoroughly!

Part 1. For this part, you will express what you have learned throughout the content of this module. You
may express it for 5 to 8 sentences. Write it on the provided separate sheet of paper.

Part 2. In this section, answer the following question below. Write your answers on the provided sheet of

1. What are the 12 steps in developing a solid HACCP plan?

2. What are the seven HACCP principles?

Give yourself a round of applause for accomplishing the entire task for this week!
Keep going and keep moving!




picture 1

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Week 12
Subject: Occupational Health and Safety Practices
Teacher: _________________________________________________________
Student’s Name: ___________________________________________________
Course and Section: ________________________________________________

Answer Sheet for LESSON 9:


Pre-assessment (What I know?)

Practice (What is it?)

Occupational Health and Safety Practices 8|Page

Week 12
Part 1: Flow Chart for HACCP Plan

Part II: True or False


Application (What I can do?)

Occupational Health and Safety Practices 9|Page

Week 12
Valuing/Integration (What’s more)?

“Let us say your family will be owning a food establishment, give five reasons why is it important
to practice food safety management system?”


Post-Assessment (What I have learned?)

Part 1. For this part, you will express what you have learned throughout the content of this module. You
may express it for 5 to 8 sentences.


Picture: https://www.istockphoto.com/illustrations/food-safety

Part 2. Enumeration. In this section, answer the following question below. Write your answers on the
provided sheet of paper.

1. What are the 12 steps in developing a solid HACCP plan?

⮚ _____________________________________________________________

Occupational Health and Safety Practices 10 | P a g e

Week 12
⮚ _____________________________________________________________
⮚ _____________________________________________________________
⮚ _____________________________________________________________
⮚ _____________________________________________________________
⮚ _____________________________________________________________
⮚ _____________________________________________________________
⮚ _____________________________________________________________
⮚ _____________________________________________________________
⮚ _____________________________________________________________
⮚ _____________________________________________________________
⮚ _____________________________________________________________

2. What are the seven HACCP principles?

⮚ _____________________________________________________________
⮚ _____________________________________________________________
⮚ _____________________________________________________________
⮚ _____________________________________________________________
⮚ _____________________________________________________________
⮚ _____________________________________________________________
⮚ _____________________________________________________________

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Week 12

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