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Ana and Bruno tell a story about a child who just discovered that she is just a part
of her mom's hallucination. It was a movie that people may perceive as being for
children; however, when you fully watch the movie, you will discover the
extraordinary message it perceived as I discovered in this the silent battle of
someone who lost. At first, I thought the movie was a piece that had fantasy in its
genre; however, as I went on, I realized that those were the elements that represent
the silent problem in our society right now. Mental health is one of the issues that has
been closed for years, and it was just recently that people started talking about it. It
is an issue that is not easy to identify, as some people are unaware of this problem
as of the introduction of the movie. I don't identify that there is a problem from the
start. And the mother of the child is going on that something. This reflects that the
problem is not perceived outside; however, it is more the battle inside. And this
movie led me to the different takeaways. I realized at the end of the movie that our
imagination is limitless, leading us to live with it and do things that seem impossible
for others, making every experience of our life extraordinary. However, despite the
advantage, it brought us some negative effects, as we sometimes alter reality to the
things we want us to think, being left out of the true events in our life. I also realized
that the process of having the mental health problem is already hard; however,
letting this problem be much harder as it became your norm and part of your reality
and taking all of this away was like restarting your whole life again. And lastly, I came
to the conclusion that in encountering the problem, it was not seeing or thinking what
others see is the main issue; it was more on the problem of how you cope with it and
go back to the true reality. This movie taught me different realization and also made
me amazed as it uses characters with different personalities, adding to the joy in the
movie, but what's more amazing about it is that it makes us understand mental
health without using any complicated words, a movie that even though we can't
relate to, is something everyone can understand.