Adverbs List and Examples For Students

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Adverbs List and Examples: Words that Describe Verbs

What is an Adverb?
While adjectives describe nouns, adverbs describe verbs.
The 5 types of adverbs help explain ‘how’, ‘when’ or ‘where’ an action takes place.
Also, it’s key to notice how adverbs often end with -ly. But they don’t have to.

These adverb examples uses the verb ‘searched’.

 He quickly searched for his shoes. (Adverb of manner describes verb)

 He searched everywhere but couldn’t find it. (Adverb of place for “where”)
 Yesterday, he searched for his shoes. (Adverb of time for “when”)

Adverbs that add -ly at the end

In some cases, you can take an adjective and simply add -ly to form an adverb.


 The cat is quick

Instead of describing a noun, an adverb describes or modifies a verb. In this case, the
noun is the word ‘cat’. Because adverbs describe verbs, you need to add a verb in the
sentence. Adverbs of manner tell us the way or how to do something.


 The cat runs quickly (adverb)

 She plays the violin terribly (adverb)
In this case, ‘quicky’ describes the speed at which the cat is running. But not all words
ending with -ly is an adverb. For example, the word friendly below describes his
grandparents personality and is an adjective.


 He visited her friendly grandparents.

Adverbs that don’t end with -ly

However, not all adverbs end with -ly. For example, the words ‘fast’ and ‘well’ describe
verbs but do not end in -ly.

 The horse moved fast.

 She plays the piano well.
Other adverbs can modify adjectives but not the other way around. In other words,
adverbs can combine with other adverbs to put more emphasis on the verb. For example,
when you use ‘more’, ‘most’ and ‘least’, they can show degree when describing a been.


 The music is extremely loud.

 He runs very quickly.
 When he wears his running shoes, he moves more quickly.

Adverbs Examples
In most cases for descriptive adverbs (adverbs of manner), you can take an adjective
and simply add -ly to form an adverb. In general, adverbs of manner tell us the way or
how to do something.

We cannot produce an exhaustive adverbs list because there are thousands of

possibilities. But here are some of the most common adverbs examples in the English

Adverbs ending with -ly

Easy Easily
Rapid Rapidly
Loud Loudly
Playful Playfully
Gradual Gradually
Correct Correctly
Clear Clearly
Enthusiastic Enthusiastically
Careful Carefully
Silent Silently
Happy Happily
Rare Rarely
Safe Safely
Quiet Quietly
Terrible Terribly

However, not all adverbs end with -ly. For example, the words ‘fast’ and ‘well’ describe
verbs but do not end in -ly. Finally, here are some adverbs that don’t end with -ly.
Adverbs not ending with -ly

 Fast
 Hard
 Well
 High

5 Types of Adverbs: Degree, Frequency, Manner, Place

and Time

5 Types of Adverbs
As with all adverbs, they tell us more about the verb. There are 5 different types of
For example, adverbs can describe when (adverbs of time) or where (adverbs of place)
something happens.
Adverbs of manner express how something happens by simply adding -ly (in most

Let’s examine the 5 different types of adverbs including adverbs of degree, frequency,
manner, place and time.

1 Adverbs of Degree
The adverbs of degree answer “how much” or to “what extent”. For example, they usually
modify other verbs, adjectives or adverbs making them stronger or weaker.

These types of adverbs modify adjectives but not the other way around. In other words,
adverbs can combine with other adverbs to put more emphasis on the verb. When you
use ‘more’, ‘most’ and ‘least’, they can show degree when describing a verb.


 He’s very good at playing the piano.

 She’s almost always late arriving at school.
 It’s pretty (very) interesting to see the history of China.
 The English test was extremely difficult.
 When he wears his running shoes, he moves more quickly among everyone.

2 Adverbs of Frequency
Adverbs of frequency express “how often” something takes place. In other words, it
explains the intensity of occurrence that an event happens. Adverbs of frequency are
usually in this form: Subject + Adverb + Verb
Adverb of Frequency How Often
Never 0%
Hardly Ever 10%
Rarely 20%
Seldom 30%
Occasionally 40%
Sometimes 50%
Often 60%
Frequently 70%
Usually 90%
Always 100%

In addition, adverbs like “daily”, “weekly”, “monthly” and “yearly” describe frequency. But
these adverbs of frequency answer “how often” in a more specific way.


 I usually go to the gym on weekends.

 She always wake up at 7:00 am.
 The family rarely eat brown rice for dinner.
 I never take sick days.

3 Adverbs of Manner
Adverbs of manner express how something happens. In most cases for adverbs of
manner, you can take an adjective and simply add -ly to form an adverb. For example, if
you take the sentence – “The cat is quick (adjective).”

Instead of describing a noun, an adverb describes or modifies a verb. In this case, the
noun is the word ‘cat’. Because adverbs describe verbs, you need to add a verb in the
sentence. For example, you can use the verb “to run” in this form – “The cat runs

Adverbs of manner tell us the way or how to do something. However, not all adverbs end
with -ly. For example, the words ‘fast’ and ‘well’ describe verbs but do not end in -ly.


 The cat runs quickly.

 She plays the violin terribly.
 The horse moved fast.
 She plays the piano well.

4 Adverbs of Place
Adverbs of Place describe “where” an action takes place. In addition, we usually find
adverbs of place after the main verb.
For example, “indoors”, “next week” and “last month” all describe where something
happens. Again, we often find these adverbs of place after a verb in a sentence.


 If you want to see the hot air balloon, you will have to go outside.
 When she entered the classroom, she sat down.
 I searched everywhere but I couldn’t find him.
 He walked downstairs to meet his father.

5 Adverbs of Time
As with all adverbs, they tell us more about the verb. For adverbs of time, they tell us
when the verb happened or will happen. For example, “afterwards”, “every day” and
“recently’ are adverbs of time and describe “when”.

On the other hand, adverbs of time can describe the duration of an event occurs. Also, it
can show when an action is complete.


 We’ll go to the festival tomorrow.

 Yesterday, we played in the basketball tournament.
 She’ll eventually finish studying and go to university.
 They ate popcorn and watched movies all day. (all day long)

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