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Paper - II

Signature and Name of Invigilator
1. (Signature) OMR Sheet No. : ..........................................................
(To be filled by the Candidate)
Roll No.
2. (Signature)
(In figures as per admission card)
Roll No.
J 0 0 6 1 8 PAPER - II (In words)

Time : 2 hours] HISTORY [Maximum Marks : 200

Number of Pages in this Booklet : 56 Number of Questions in this Booklet : 100
Instructions for the Candidates ¬⁄UˡÊÊÁÕ¸ÿÙ¢ ∑§ Á‹∞ ÁŸŒ¸‡Ê
1. Write your roll number in the space provided on the top of
this page.
1. ß‚ ¬ÎDU ∑§ ™§¬⁄U ÁŸÿà SÕÊŸ ¬⁄U •¬ŸÊ ⁄UÙ‹U Ÿê’⁄U Á‹Áπ∞–
2. This paper consists of hundred multiple-choice type of 2. ß‚ ¬˝‡Ÿ-¬òÊ ◊¢ ‚ÊÒ ’„ÈÁfl∑§À¬Ëÿ ¬˝‡Ÿ „Ò¥–
questions. 3. ¬⁄UˡÊÊ ¬˝Ê⁄êU÷ „ÙŸ ¬⁄U, ¬˝‡Ÿ-¬ÈÁSÃ∑§Ê •Ê¬∑§Ù Œ ŒË ¡ÊÿªË– ¬„‹U ¬UÊ°ø Á◊Ÿ≈U
3. At the commencement of examination, the question booklet •Ê¬∑§Ù ¬˝‡Ÿ-¬ÈÁSÃ∑§Ê πÙ‹Ÿ ÃÕÊ ©‚∑§Ë ÁŸêŸÁ‹Áπà ¡Ê°ø ∑§ Á‹∞ ÁŒÿ
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discrepancy should be got replaced immediately by a ‹¢– U ß‚∑§ Á‹∞ •Ê¬∑§Ù ¬Ê°ø Á◊Ÿ≈U ÁŒÿ ¡Êÿ¢ª– ©‚∑§ ’ÊŒ Ÿ ÃÙ
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4. Each item has four alternative responses marked (1), (2), (3) •Ê¬∑§Ù ‚„Ë ©ûÊ⁄U ∑§ flÎûÊ ∑§Ù ¬Ÿ ‚ ÷⁄U∑§⁄U ∑§Ê‹Ê ∑§⁄UŸÊ „Ò ¡Ò‚Ê Á∑§ ŸËø
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conclusion of examination. 11. Á∑§‚Ë ÷Ë ¬˝∑§Ê⁄U ∑§Ê ‚¢ªáÊ∑§ (∑Ò§‹∑ȧ‹≈U⁄U) UÿÊ ‹Êª ≈U’‹ •ÊÁŒ ∑§Ê
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12. There are no negative marks for incorrect answers.
13. In case of any discrepancy in the English and Hindi versions, 13. ÿÁŒ •¥ª˝¡Ë ÿÊ Á„¥ŒË Áflfl⁄UáÊ ◊¥ ∑§Ê߸ Áfl‚¥ªÁà „Ê, ÃÊ •¥ª˝¡Ë Áflfl⁄UáÊ •¥ÁÃ◊
English version will be taken as final. ◊ÊŸÊ ¡Ê∞ªÊ–

J-00618 !J-00618-PAPER-II! 1 P.T.O.


Note : This paper contains hundred (100) objective type questions of two (2) marks each. All
questions are compulsory.

1. Match List - I with List - II and select the correct answer from the code given below :
List - I List - II
(Thinker) (Definition of History)
(a) G.P. Gooch (i) “All past is my past and I want to recapture (it) for my
own satisfaction.”
(b) Henery Pirenne (ii) “Either we must admit that history has a meaning or we
must admit that history is a chaotic aggregate of
unconnected events and processes taking all rythm and
(c) Renier (iii) “History has had assigned to it the task of judging the
past, of instructing the present for the benefit of ages to
(d) Walsh (iv) “History is the story of deeds and achievements of men
living in societies.”
Code :
(a) (b) (c) (d)
(1) (ii) (iv) (i) (iii)
(2) (iv) (ii) (iii) (i)
(3) (i) (ii) (iii) (iv)
(4) (iii) (iv) (i) (ii)

2. Which of the following is wrongly matched ?

Author Title of the book
(1) S.K. Maity - The Economic Life in Northern India in the Gupta Period
(2) R.K. Mookerji - History of Indian Shipping
(3) R.C. Majumdar - Hindu Colonies in the Far East
(4) T.V. Mahalingam - The Pandyan Kingdom

J-00618 !J-00618-PAPER-II! 2 Paper-II

¬˝‡Ÿ-¬òÊ - II

ŸÊ≈U — ß‚ ¬˝‡Ÿ-¬òÊ ◊¥ ‚ÊÒ (100) ’„È-Áfl∑§À¬UËÿ ¬˝‡Ÿ „Ò¥– ¬˝àÿ∑§ ¬˝‡Ÿ ∑§ ŒÙ (2) •¢∑§ „Ò¥– ‚÷Ë ¬˝‡Ÿ •ÁŸflÊÿ¸ „Ò¥–

1. ‚ÍøË - I ∑§Ê ‚ÍøË - II ‚ ‚È◊Á‹Ã ∑§ËÁ¡∞ •ÊÒ⁄U ŸËø ÁŒ∞ ª∞ ∑ͧ≈U ‚ ‚„Ë ©ûÊ⁄U øÈÁŸ∞ —
‚ÍøË - I ‚ÍøË - II
(ÁfløÊ⁄U∑§) (ßÁÄʂ ∑§Ë ¬Á⁄U÷Ê·Ê)
(a) ¡Ë.¬Ë. ªÍø (i) ““‚ê¬Íáʸ •ÃËà ◊⁄UÊ •ÃËà „Ò •ÊÒ⁄U ◊Ò¥ (©‚) •¬Ÿ √ÿÁÄêà ‚¥ÃÊ· ∑§
Á‹∞ S◊⁄UáÊ ∑§⁄UÃÊ „°Í–””
(b) „Ÿ⁄UË Á¬⁄UŸ (ii) ““ÿÊ ÃÊ „◊¥ ÿ„ SflË∑§Ê⁄U ∑§⁄UŸÊ øÊÁ„∞ Á∑§ ßÁÄʂ •Õ¸¬Íáʸ „Ò, •ÕflÊ
ßÁÄʂ •√ÿflÁSÕà ÿÊ •‚¥ªÁ∆Uà ÉÊ≈UŸÊ•Ê¥ ∑§Ê ‚¥ÿÊª „Ò Á¡‚◊¥ Ÿ ÃÊ ∑§Ê߸
Sfl⁄U „Ò Ÿ Ã∑¸§–””
(c) ⁄UÁŸÿ⁄U (iii) ““ßÁÄʂ flÊSÃfl ◊¥ ßÁÄʂ∑§Ê⁄U ∑§Ê •ÃËà ∑§ ‚ê’㜠◊¥ ÁŸáʸÿ „ÊÃÊ „Ò,
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◊ʪ¸Œ‡Ê¸Ÿ „ÊÃÊ „Ò–””
(d) flÊÀ‡Ê (iv) ““ßÁÄʂ ‚◊Ê¡ ◊¥ ⁄U„Ÿ flÊ‹ ◊ŸÈcÿÊ¥ ∑§ ∑§ÊÿÊZ fl ©¬‹ÁéœÿÊ¥ ∑§Ë ∑§„ÊŸË
∑ͧ≈U —
(a) (b) (c) (d)
(1) (ii) (iv) (i) (iii)
(2) (iv) (ii) (iii) (i)
(3) (i) (ii) (iii) (iv)
(4) (iii) (iv) (i) (ii)

2. ÁŸêŸÁ‹Áπà ◊¥ ‚ ∑§ÊÒŸ ª‹Ã ‚È◊Á‹Ã „Ò?

‹π∑§ ¬ÈSÃ∑§ ∑§Ê ‡ÊË·¸∑§
(1) ∞‚.∑§. ◊ÒÃË - Œ ß∑§ÊŸÊÚÁ◊∑§ ‹Êß»§ ߟ ŸÊŒ¸Ÿ¸ ߥÁ«UÿÊ ßŸ Œ ªÈåà ¬ËÁ⁄Uÿ«U
(2) •Ê⁄U.∑§. ◊È∑§¡Ë¸ - Á„S≈˛UË •ÊÚ»§ ߥÁ«UÿŸ Á‡ÊÁ¬¥ª
(3) •Ê⁄U.‚Ë. ◊¡Í◊ŒÊ⁄U - Á„ãŒÍ ∑§Ê‹ÊŸË‚ ߟ Œ »§Ê⁄U ߸S≈U
(4) ≈UË.flË. ◊„ÊÁ‹¥ª◊ - Œ ¬Ê᫘UÿŸ Á∑¥§ª«U◊

J-00618 !J-00618-PAPER-II! 3 Paper-II

3. Which of the following pre-historic sites is known for the mass production of microliths ?

(1) Adamgarh (2) Bagor (3) Nalagonda (4) Sanganakallu

4. Which of the following objects are known from the Copper-hoard sites ?

(a) Anthropomorphic figures (b) Antennae swords

(c) Harpoons (d) Flat Celts

Code :

(1) (a), (b) and (c) (2) (b), (c) and (d)

(3) (a), (c) and (d) (4) (a), (b), (c) and (d)

5. Which of the following archaeological sites provide evidence of awareness and technical
skill of Harappans for the water resource management ?

(a) Dholavira (b) Mohenjodaro

(c) Harappa (d) Kalibangan

Select the correct answer from the code given below :

(1) (a) and (b) (2) (b) and (c) (3) (c) and (d) (4) (a) and (c)

6. Which of the following Janas are mentioned in the Rigveda ?

(a) Yadu (b) Puru (c) Chedi (d) Matsya

Select the correct answer from the code given below :

(1) (a) and (b) (2) (b) and (c)

(3) (c) and (d) (4) (a), (b), (c) and (d)

7. The important official next to the king during the Vedic age was :

(1) Govikartana (2) Purohita (3) Queen (4) Senani

J-00618 !J-00618-PAPER-II! 4 Paper-II

3. ÁŸêŸÁ‹Áπà ◊¥ ‚ ∑§ÊÒŸ-‚Ê ¬˝ÊªÒÁÄÊÁ‚∑§ SÕ‹ ’«∏ ¬Á⁄U◊ÊáÊ ◊¥ ‹ÉÊȬʷÊáÊ-©¬∑§⁄UáÊÊ¥ ∑§ ©à¬ÊŒŸ ∑§ Á‹∞ ¡ÊŸÊ ¡ÊÃÊ „Ò?
(1) •ÊŒ◊ª…∏ (2) ’ʪÊÒ⁄U (3) Ÿ‹ªÊ¥«UÊ (4) ‚¥ªŸ∑§À‹È

4. ÁŸêŸÁ‹Áπà ◊¥ ‚ ∑§ÊÒŸ-‚Ë flSÃÈ∞° ÃÊ◊˝-ÁŸÁœSÕ‹ ‚ ôÊÊà „ÊÃË „Ò¥?

(a) ◊ÊŸflM§¬Ë •Ê∑ΧÁÃÿÊ° (b) ∞¥≈UŸ ¿ÈUÁ⁄U∑§Ê
(c) ◊àSÿ÷Ê‹Ê (d) ø¬≈U ¬È⁄UÊ∑ȧ∆UÊ⁄U
∑ͧ≈U —
(1) (a), (b) •ÊÒ⁄U (c) (2) (b), (c) •ÊÒ⁄U (d)
(3) (a), (c) •ÊÒ⁄U (d) (4) (a), (b), (c) •ÊÒ⁄U (d)

5. ÁŸêŸÁ‹Áπà Á∑§‚ ¬È⁄UÊÃûfl SÕ‹ ‚ „«∏å¬Ê ‚¥S∑ΧÁà ∑§ ‹ÊªÊ¥ ∑§Ë ¡‹‚¥‚ÊœŸ √ÿflSÕÊ ∑§ Á‹∞ ¡ÊªM§∑§ÃÊ ∞fl¥
Ã∑§ŸË∑§Ë ∑§Ê҇ʋ ∑§Ê ¬˝◊ÊáÊ Á◊‹ÃÊ „Ò?
(a) œÊÒ‹ÊflË⁄UÊ (b) ◊Ê„Ÿ¡ÊŒ«∏Ê
(c) „«∏å¬Ê (d) ∑§Ê‹Ë’¥ªÊ
ŸËø ÁŒ∞ ª∞ ∑ͧ≈U ‚ ‚„Ë ©ûÊ⁄U ∑§Ê øÿŸ ∑§ËÁ¡∞ —
(1) (a) ∞fl¥ (b) (2) (b) ∞fl¥ (c) (3) (c) ∞fl¥ (d) (4) (a) ∞fl¥ (c)

6. ´§ÇflŒ ◊¥ ÁŸêŸÁ‹Áπà ◊¥ ‚ Á∑§Ÿ ¡ŸÊ¥ ∑§Ê ©À‹π Á◊‹ÃÊ „Ò?
(a) ÿŒÈ (b) ¬ÈL§ (c) øÁŒ (d) ◊àSÿ
ŸËø ÁŒ∞ ª∞ ∑ͧ≈U ‚ ‚„Ë ©ûÊ⁄U ∑§Ê øÿŸ ∑§ËÁ¡∞ —
(1) (a) ∞fl¥ (b) (2) (b) ∞fl¥ (c)

(3) (c) ∞fl¥ (d) (4) (a), (b), (c) ∞fl¥ (d)

7. flÒÁŒ∑§ ÿȪ ◊¥ ⁄UÊ¡Ê ∑§ ¬‡øÊØ ◊„ûfl¬Íáʸ •Áœ∑§Ê⁄UË ÕÊ —

(1) ªÊÁfl∑§Ã¸Ÿ (2) ¬È⁄UÊÁ„à (3) ⁄UÊŸË (4) ‚ŸÊŸË

J-00618 !J-00618-PAPER-II! 5 Paper-II

8. Which of the following pairs is not correctly matched ?

(Upanishadic kings) (Kingdoms)

(1) Ajatasatru - Magadha

(2) Asvapati - Kekaya

(3) Janaka - Videha

(4) Pravahana Jaivali - Panchala

9. The main dispute between the Digambara and the Shvetambara sects was due to the emphasis
on the following :

(1) Discipline and hard life (2) Non-Violence

(3) Pious living (4) Truth

10. Which one of the following pairs is not correctly matched ?

(Asokan Pillars) (Animal on the Capital)

(1) Lauriya Nandangarh - Bull

(2) Rampurava - Lion

(3) Sanchi - Lion

(4) Sankisa - Elephant

11. Given below are two statements, one labelled as Assertion (A) and the other as Reason (R).

Assertion (A) : The very existence of Kautilya at the time of Chandragupta Maurya is
regarded as doubtful.

Reason (R) : Patanjali does not mention Kautilya, though he refers to the sabha of
Chandragupta and to the Mauryas. Megasthenes, the ambassador of
Seleucus to the court of Chandragupta does not notice Kautilya.

In the context of the above statements, which of the following is correct ?

(1) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct explanation of (A).

(2) Both (A) and (R) are true, but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A).

(3) (A) is true, but (R) is false.

(4) (A) is false, but (R) is true.

J-00618 !J-00618-PAPER-II! 6 Paper-II

8. ÁŸêŸÁ‹Áπà ◊¥ ‚ ∑§ÊÒŸ-‚Ê ÿÈÇ◊ ‚„Ë ‚È◊Á‹Ã Ÿ„Ë¥ „Ò?
(©¬ÁŸ·Œ˜ ∑§Ê‹ËŸ ⁄UÊ¡Ê) (⁄UÊíÿ)
(1) •¡ÊÇÊòÊÈ - ◊ªœ
(2) •‡fl¬Áà - ∑§∑§ÿ
(3) ¡Ÿ∑§ - ÁflŒ„
(4) ¬˝flÊ„áÊ ¡ÒflÁ‹ - ¬¥øÊ‹

9. ÁŒªê’⁄U •ÊÒ⁄U ‡flÃÊê’⁄U ‚ê¬˝ŒÊÿÊ¥ ∑§ ◊äÿ ◊ÈÅÿ ÁflflÊŒ ÁŸêŸ ¬⁄U ¡Ê⁄U ŒŸ ∑§ ∑§Ê⁄UáÊ ÕÊ —
(1) •ŸÈ‡ÊÊ‚Ÿ •ÊÒ⁄U ∑§∆UÊ⁄U ¡ËflŸ (2) •Á„¥‚Ê
(3) ¬ÁflòÊ ¡ËflŸ (4) ‚àÿ

10. ÁŸêŸÁ‹Áπà ◊¥ ‚ ∑§ÊÒŸ ‚Ê ∞∑§ ‚„Ë ‚È◊Á‹Ã Ÿ„Ë¥ „Ò?

(•‡ÊÊ∑§ ∑§ SÃê÷) (‡ÊË·¸ ¬⁄U ¬‡ÊÈ)
(1) ‹ÊÒÁ⁄UÿÊ ŸãŒŸª…U - flη÷
(2) ⁄UÊ◊¬È⁄UflÊ - Á‚¥„
(3) ‚Ê¥øË - Á‚¥„
(4) ‚¥∑§Ë‚Ê - ª¡

11. ŸËø ŒÊ flÄÃ√ÿ ÁŒ∞ ª∞ „Ò¥, ∞∑§ ∑§Ê ∑§ÕŸ (A) •ÊÒ⁄U ŒÍ‚⁄U ∑§Ê ∑§Ê⁄UáÊ (R) ∑§„Ê ªÿÊ „Ò–
∑§ÕŸ (A) : øãŒ˝ªÈåà ◊ÊÒÿ¸ ∑§ ‚◊ÿ ◊¥ ∑§ÊÒÁ≈UÀÿ ∑§Ê •ÁSÃàfl „Ë ‚ãŒ„ÊS¬Œ ◊ÊŸÊ ¡ÊÃÊ „Ò–
∑§Ê⁄UáÊ (R) : ¬Ã¥¡Á‹ ∑§ÊÒÁ≈UÀÿ ∑§Ê ©À‹π Ÿ„Ë¥ ∑§⁄UÃ ÿlÁ¬ fl øãŒ˝ªÈåà ∑§Ë ‚÷Ê ÃÕÊ ◊ÊÒÿÊZ ∑§Ê ©À‹π ∑§⁄UÃ „Ò¥–
øãŒ˝ªÈåà ∑§Ë ⁄UÊ¡-‚÷Ê ◊¥ ‚ÀÿÈ∑§‚ ∑§ ⁄UÊ¡ŒÍà ◊ªSÕŸË¡ Ÿ ∑§ÊÒÁ≈UÀÿ ∑§Ê ‚¥ôÊÊŸ Ÿ„Ë¥ Á‹ÿÊ „Ò–
©¬ÿȸÄà ∑§ÕŸÊ¥ ∑§ ‚ãŒ÷¸ ◊¥ ÁŸêŸ ◊¥ ‚ ∑§ÊÒŸ ‚Ê ‚„Ë „Ò?
(1) (A) •ÊÒ⁄U (R) ŒÊŸÊ¥ ‚„Ë „Ò¥ •ÊÒ⁄U (A) ∑§Ë ‚„Ë √ÿÊÅÿÊ (R) „Ò–
(2) (A) •ÊÒ⁄U (R) ŒÊŸÊ¥ ‚„Ë „Ò¥, Á∑§ãÃÈ (A) ∑§Ë ‚„Ë √ÿÊÅÿÊ (R) Ÿ„Ë¥ „Ò–
(3) (A) ‚„Ë „Ò, Á∑§ãÃÈ (R) ª‹Ã „Ò–
(4) (A) ª‹Ã „Ò, Á∑§ãÃÈ (R) ‚„Ë „Ò–

J-00618 !J-00618-PAPER-II! 7 Paper-II

12. Which among the following Samskaras were pre-natal ?

(a) Garbhadhana (b) Pumsavana

(c) Simantonnayana (d) Sahadharma - Charini - Samyoga

Code :

(1) (a) and (b) (2) (a) and (d)

(3) (a), (b) and (c) (4) (a), (b), (c) and (d)

13. Which of the following Dharmasutras describes sea voyage as a degrading act ?

(1) Apastamba (2) Baudhayana (3) Gautama (4) Vasishtha

14. Buddha was symbolically represented in Sunga Art by which of the following ?

(a) Chhatra (b) Foot - steps (c) Dharmachakra (d) Bodhi tree

Code :

(1) (a) only (2) (b) and (c)

(3) (a), (b) and (c) (4) (a), (b), (c) and (d)

15. Which of the following is not mentioned in the Satavahana inscriptions, while specifying the
exemptions granted to the donees of land-gifts ?

(1) No entry of the army

(2) No administrative control of the king

(3) No digging for salt by royal officers

(4) No forced labour

16. Who among the following depicted Siva on their coins ?

(a) Harsha (b) Sasanka (c) Vasudeva (d) Vim Kadphises

Code :

(1) (a) and (b) (2) (a) and (d)

(3) (a), (b) and (c) (4) (a), (b), (c) and (d)

J-00618 !J-00618-PAPER-II! 8 Paper-II

12. ÁŸêŸ ‚¥S∑§Ê⁄UÊ¥ ◊¥ ‚ ∑§ÊÒŸ ’ìÊ ∑§ ¡ã◊ ∑§ ¬Ífl¸ ‚ê¬ÊÁŒÃ „ÊÃ Õ?
(a) ª÷ʸœÊŸ (b) ¬È¥‚flŸ
(c) ‚Ë◊ãÃÊÛÊÿŸ (d) ‚„œ◊¸ - øÊÁ⁄UáÊË - ‚¥ÿÊª
∑ͧ≈U —
(1) (a) •ÊÒ⁄U (b) (2) (a) •ÊÒ⁄U (d)
(3) (a), (b) •ÊÒ⁄U (c) (4) (a), (b), (c) •ÊÒ⁄U (d)

13. ÁŸêŸÁ‹Áπà ◊¥ ‚ Á∑§‚ œ◊¸‚ÍòÊ ◊¥ ‚◊ÈŒ˝‚¥ÿÊŸ ∑§Ê ¬ÃŸËÿ ∑§◊¸ ∑§„Ê „Ò?
(1) •Ê¬SÃê’ (2) ’ÊÒœÊÿŸ (3) ªÊÒÃ◊ (4) flÁ‚c∆U

14. ‡Ê¥Èª ∑§‹Ê ◊¥ ’Èh ∑§Ê ÁŸêŸ ◊¥ ‚ Á∑§‚‚ ÁøqÊ¥Á∑§Ã Á∑§ÿÊ ¡ÊÃÊ ÕÊ?
(a) ¿UòÊ (b) ø⁄UáÊ - Áøq (c) œ◊¸ø∑˝§ (d) ’ÊÁœflΡÊ
∑ͧ≈U —
(1) ∑§fl‹ (a) (2) (b) •ÊÒ⁄U (c)
(3) (a), (b) •ÊÒ⁄U (c) (4) (a), (b), (c) •ÊÒ⁄U (d)

15. ‚ÊÃflÊ„Ÿ •Á÷‹πÊ¥ ◊¥ ÷ÍÁ◊ŒÊŸ ∑§ ¬˝Áê˝„ËÃÊ ∑§Ê Á◊‹ŸflÊ‹ ¬Á⁄U„Ê⁄UÊ¥ ◊¥ ÁŸêŸÁ‹Áπà ◊¥ ‚ Á∑§‚∑§Ê ©À‹π Ÿ„Ë¥ „Ò?
(1) ‚ŸÊ ∑§ ¬˝fl‡Ê ¬⁄U ¬˝ÁÃ’ãœ
(2) ⁄UÊ¡Ê ∑§ ¬˝‡ÊÊ‚ÁŸ∑§ ÁŸÿ¥òÊáÊ ¬⁄U ¬˝ÁÃ’ãœ
(3) ⁄UÊ¡∑§◊¸øÊÁ⁄UÿÊ¥ mÊ⁄UÊ ‹fláÊ ∑§ πŸŸ ¬⁄U ¬˝ÁÃ’ãœ
(4) ÁflÁc≈U ¬⁄U ¬˝ÁÃ’ãœ

16. ÁŸêŸ ◊¥ ‚ Á∑§ã„Ê¥Ÿ •¬Ÿ Á‚Ä∑§Ê¥ ¬⁄U Á‡Êfl ∑§Ê •¥Á∑§Ã ∑§⁄UflÊÿÊ?
(a) „·¸ (b) ‡Ê‡ÊÊ¥∑§ (c) flÊ‚ÈŒfl (d) Áfl◊ ∑Ò§«UÁ»§‚‚
∑ͧ≈U —
(1) (a) •ÊÒ⁄U (b) (2) (a) •ÊÒ⁄U (d)
(3) (a), (b) •ÊÒ⁄U (c) (4) (a), (b), (c) •ÊÒ⁄U (d)

J-00618 !J-00618-PAPER-II! 9 Paper-II

17. Match List - I with List - II, using the code given below :
List - I List - II
(Place of the Inscription) (Issuer of the Inscription)
(a) Junagarh (i) Kumaragupta
(b) Mandasor (ii) Asoka
(c) Jaugada (iii) Rudradaman
(d) Mehrauli (iv) Chandra
Code :
(a) (b) (c) (d)
(1) (i) (ii) (iii) (iv)
(2) (ii) (iv) (i) (iii)
(3) (iii) (i) (ii) (iv)
(4) (iv) (iii) (i) (ii)

18. Given below are two statements, one labelled as Assertion (A) and the other as Reason (R).
Assertion (A) : In the course of his Indian tour in the 5th century Fa-hsien reported that no
respectable person ate meat in this country.
Reason (R) : Asoka, who himself was a strong believer in the doctrine of non-injury to
men and animals (ahimsa), had banned animal sacrifices and regulated the
slaughter of animals for food.
In the context of the above statements, which of the following is correct ?
(1) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct explanation of (A).
(2) Both (A) and (R) are true, but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A).
(3) (A) is true, but (R) is false.
(4) (A) is false, but (R) is true.

19. Following are the names of the land-measures in Bengal of the Gupta and post-Gupta periods.
Choose the answer indicating their order from the highest to the lowest, using the code given
below :
(a) Kulyavapa (b) Dronavapa (c) Pataka
Code :
(1) (c), (a) and (b) (2) (a), (b) and (c) (3) (c), (b) and (a) (4) (b), (c) and (a)

J-00618 !J-00618-PAPER-II! 10 Paper-II

17. ŸËø ÁŒÿ ªÿ ∑ͧ≈U ∑§Ê ¬˝ÿÊª ∑§⁄UÃ „È∞ ‚ÍøË - I ∑§Ê ‚ÍøË - II ∑§ ‚ÊÕ ‚È◊Á‹Ã ∑§⁄¥U —
‚ÍøË - I ‚ÍøË - II
(•Á÷‹π ∑§Ê SÕÊŸ) (•Á÷‹π ¬˝ø‹Ÿ∑§Ãʸ)
(a) ¡ÍŸÊª…∏ (i) ∑ȧ◊Ê⁄UªÈåÃ
(b) ◊¥Œ‚ÊÒ⁄U (ii) •‡ÊÊ∑§
(c) ¡ÊÒª«∏ (iii) L§Œ˝ŒÊ◊Ÿ˜
(d) ◊„⁄UÊÒ‹Ë (iv) ø¥Œ˝
∑ͧ≈U —
(a) (b) (c) (d)
(1) (i) (ii) (iii) (iv)
(2) (ii) (iv) (i) (iii)
(3) (iii) (i) (ii) (iv)
(4) (iv) (iii) (i) (ii)

18. ŸËø ŒÊ flÄÃ√ÿ ÁŒ∞ ª∞ „Ò¥, ∞∑§ ∑§Ê ∑§ÕŸ (A) •ÊÒ⁄U ŒÍ‚⁄U ∑§Ê ∑§Ê⁄UáÊ (R) ∑§„Ê ªÿÊ „Ò–
∑§ÕŸ (A) : ¬Ê°øflË ‡ÊÃÊéŒË ◊¥ »§ÊsÊŸ Ÿ •¬ŸË ÷Ê⁄Uà ÿÊòÊÊ ∑§ ∑˝§◊ ◊¥ ÿ„ Áflfl⁄UáÊ ÁŒÿÊ „Ò Á∑§ ß‚ Œ‡Ê ◊¥ ∑§Ê߸ ÷Ë
‚¥÷˝Ê¥Ã √ÿÁÄà ◊Ê¥‚Ê„Ê⁄U Ÿ„Ë¥ ∑§⁄UÃÊ ÕÊ–
∑§Ê⁄UáÊ (R) : •‡ÊÊ∑§ Ÿ, ¡Ê Sflÿ¥ ¡Ëfl - ¡ãÃÈ•Ê¥ ∑§ ¬˝Áà •Á„¥‚Ê ∑§ Á‚hÊãà ∑§Ê ∑§∆UÊ⁄UÃÊ ‚ ◊ÊŸÃÊ ÕÊ, ¬‡ÊÈ•Ê¥ ∑§Ë
’Á‹ ¬⁄U ¬˝ÁÒ㜠‹ªÊ ÁŒÿÊ ÕÊ •ÊÒ⁄U ÷Ê¡Ÿ ∑§ Á‹∞ ¬‡ÊÈ-flœ ∑§Ê ÁŸÿÁãòÊà ∑§⁄U ÁŒÿÊ ÕÊ–
©¬ÿȸÄà ∑§ÕŸÊ¥ ∑§ ‚ãŒ÷¸ ◊¥ ÁŸêŸ ◊¥ ‚ ∑§ÊÒŸ ‚„Ë „Ò?
(1) (A) •ÊÒ⁄U (R) ŒÊŸÊ¥ ‚„Ë „Ò¥ •ÊÒ⁄U (A) ∑§Ë ‚„Ë √ÿÊÅÿÊ (R) „Ò–
(2) (A) •ÊÒ⁄U (R) ŒÊŸÊ¥ ‚„Ë „Ò¥, Á∑§ãÃÈ (A) ∑§Ë ‚„Ë √ÿÊÅÿÊ (R) Ÿ„Ë¥ „Ò–
(3) (A) ‚„Ë „Ò, Á∑§ãÃÈ (R) ª‹Ã „Ò–
(4) (A) ª‹Ã „Ò, Á∑§ãÃÈ (R) ‚„Ë „Ò–

19. ÁŸêŸÁ‹Áπà ªÈåà ∞fl¥ ªÈåÃÊûÊ⁄U ∑§Ê‹ ∑§ ’¥ªÊ‹ ∑§ ÷ÍÁ◊-◊ʬÊ¥ ∑§ ŸÊ◊ „Ò¥– ŸËø ÁŒ∞ ª∞ ∑ͧ≈U ‚ ‚’‚ ’«∏ ‚ ‚’‚ ¿UÊ≈U
∑§ •ŸÈ‚Ê⁄U ©Ÿ∑§ •ŸÈ∑˝§◊ ∑§Ê ߥÁªÃ ∑§⁄UÃ „È∞ ©ûÊ⁄U ∑§Ê øÿŸ ∑§ËÁ¡∞ —
(a) ∑ȧÀÿÊflʬ (b) Œ˝ÊáÊflʬ (c) ¬Ê≈U∑§
∑ͧ≈U —
(1) (c), (a) ∞fl¥ (b) (2) (a), (b) ∞fl¥ (c) (3) (c), (b) ∞fl¥ (a) (4) (b), (c) ∞fl¥ (a)

J-00618 !J-00618-PAPER-II! 11 Paper-II

20. Evidence of water tax is provided by the inscriptions of :
(1) Palas (2) Senas (3) Pratiharas (4) Gahadavalas

21. Who among the following was the first to explain that the rotation of the earth on its axis
accounts for the daily rising and setting of the sun ?
(1) Aryabhata (2) Bhaskara (3) Brahmagupta (4) Varahamihira

22. Who, among the following, were great Tamil Saiva saints ? Choose the answer, using the
code given below :
(a) Appar (b) Sundaramurti
(c) Manikkavasagar (d) Mallikarjuna Pandita
Code :
(1) (a), (b) and (c) (2) (b) and (d) (3) (a) and (c) (4) (b), (c) and (d)

23. Which of the following statements is wrong in respect of the Rashtrakutas ?

(1) Indra III defeated the Pratihara ruler Mahipala I.
(2) Krishna III defeated the Cholas in the battle of Takkolam.
(3) The Kailasa temple at Ellora was cut out at the instance of Krishna II.
(4) Nripatunga was the author of Kavirajamarga.

24. Under the Cholas land-revenue was collected through the :

(1) Government officials (2) Gram-sabha
(3) Feudal-lord (4) Treasurer

25. Arrange the following kings of Kashmir in a chronological order.

(a) Avantivarman (b) Chandrapida
(c) Durlabhvardhan (d) Lalitaditya
Select the correct answer from the code given below :
(1) (a), (d), (b), (c) (2) (b), (a), (c), (d)
(3) (c), (b), (d), (a) (4) (d), (c), (a), (b)

26. Arrange the following in the chronological order in which they were written.
(a) Mitakshara (b) Manasollasa
(c) Vikramarjunavijaya (d) Chaturvargachintamani
Code :
(1) (a), (b), (d), (c) (2) (b), (a), (c), (d)
(3) (c), (a), (b), (d) (4) (d), (c), (a), (b)

J-00618 !J-00618-PAPER-II! 12 Paper-II

20. Á∑§Ÿ∑§ •Á÷‹πÊ¥ ◊¥ ¡‹∑§⁄U ∑§Ê ‚Êˇÿ Á◊‹ÃÊ „Ò?
(1) ¬Ê‹ (2) ‚Ÿ (3) ¬˝ÃË„Ê⁄U (4) ª„«UflÊ‹

21. ÁŸêŸÁ‹Áπà ◊¥ ‚ Á∑§‚Ÿ ¬„‹Ë ’Ê⁄U √ÿÊÅÿÊ ∑§Ë ÕË Á∑§ ¬ÎâflË ∑§ •¬ŸË œÈ⁄UË ¬⁄U ÉÊÍ◊Ÿ ∑§ ∑§Ê⁄UáÊ ¬˝ÁÃÁŒŸ ‚ÍÿÊ¸Œÿ ∞fl¥
‚ÍÿʸSà „ÊÃ „Ò¥?
(1) •Êÿ¸÷≈U (2) ÷ÊS∑§⁄U (3) ’˝rʪÈåà (4) fl⁄UÊ„Á◊Á„⁄U

22. ÁŸêŸÁ‹Áπà ◊¥ ‚ ∑§ÊÒŸ ’«∏ ÃÁ◊‹ ‚ãà Õ? ŸËø ÁŒ∞ ªÿ ∑ͧ≈U ∑§ ¬˝ÿÊª ‚ ©ûÊ⁄U ∑§Ê øÿŸ ∑§ËÁ¡∞ —
(a) •å¬⁄U (b) ‚ÈãŒ⁄U◊ÍÁø
(c) ◊ÊÁáÊÄ∑§flÊ‚ª⁄U (d) ◊ÁÀ‹∑§Ê¡È¸Ÿ ¬Áá«UÃ
∑ͧ≈U —
(1) (a), (b) •ÊÒ⁄U (c) (2) (b) •ÊÒ⁄U (d) (3) (a) •ÊÒ⁄U (c) (4) (b), (c) •ÊÒ⁄U (d)

23. ⁄UÊc≈˛U∑ͧ≈UÊ¥ ∑§ Áfl·ÿ ◊¥ ÁŸêŸÁ‹Áπà ◊¥ ‚ ∑§ÊÒŸ ‚Ê flÄÃ√ÿ ª‹Ã „Ò?
(1) ßãŒ˝ III Ÿ ¬˝ÃË„Ê⁄U ⁄UÊ¡Ê ◊„ˬʋ I ∑§Ê ¬⁄UÊÁ¡Ã Á∑§ÿÊ–
(2) ∑ΧcáÊ III Ÿ ÃÄ∑§Ê‹◊ ∑§ ÿÈh ◊¥ øÊ‹Ê¥ ∑§Ê ¬⁄UÊÁ¡Ã Á∑§ÿÊ–
(3) ∞‹Ê⁄UÊ ◊¥ ∑ΧcáÊ II ∑§ •ÊŒ‡Ê ‚ ∑Ò§‹Ê‚ ◊ÁãŒ⁄U ∑§Ê≈U ∑§⁄U ’ŸÊÿÊ ªÿÊ ÕÊ–
(4) ∑§Áfl⁄UÊ¡◊ʪ¸ ∑§Ê ‹π∑§ ŸÎ¬ÃÈ¥ª ÕÊ–

24. øÊ‹ ‡ÊÊ‚Ÿ ◊¥ ‹ªÊŸ fl‚Í‹Ë ∑§Ê ◊Êäÿ◊ ÕÊ —

(1) ⁄UÊ¡ ∑§◊¸øÊ⁄UË (2) ª˝Ê◊ ‚÷Ê
(3) ‚Ê◊ãà (4) ∑§Ê·ÊäÿˇÊ

25. ∑§‡◊Ë⁄U ∑§ ÁŸêŸÁ‹Áπà ⁄UÊ¡Ê•Ê¥ ∑§Ê ∑§Ê‹ÊŸÈ∑˝§◊ ◊¥ ⁄UÁπ∞ —

(a) •flÁãÃfl◊¸Ÿ˜ (b) øãŒ˝Ê¬Ë«U (c) ŒÈ‹¸÷flœ¸Ÿ (d) ‹Á‹ÃÊÁŒàÿ
ŸËø ∑§ ∑ͧ≈U ‚ ‚„Ë ©ûÊ⁄U ∑§Ê øÿŸ ∑§ËÁ¡∞ —
(1) (a), (d), (b), (c) (2) (b), (a), (c), (d)
(3) (c), (b), (d), (a) (4) (d), (c), (a), (b)

26. ÁŸêŸÁ‹Áπà ∑§Ê ©Ÿ∑§ Á‹π ¡ÊŸ ∑§ ∑˝§◊ ◊¥ ∑§Ê‹ÊŸÈ‚Ê⁄U √ÿflÁSÕà ∑§ËÁ¡∞ —
(a) Á◊ÃÊˇÊ⁄UÊ (b) ◊ÊŸ‚ÊÀ‹Ê‚
(c) Áfl∑˝§◊ʡȸŸÁfl¡ÿ (d) øÃÈfl¸ª¸ÁøãÃÊ◊ÁáÊ
∑ͧ≈U —
(1) (a), (b), (d), (c) (2) (b), (a), (c), (d)
(3) (c), (a), (b), (d) (4) (d), (c), (a), (b)

J-00618 !J-00618-PAPER-II! 13 Paper-II

27. A new tendency towards specialization of officers is illustrated by such titles as
Latasandhivigrahika in the records of :
(1) Kalyana Chalukyas (2) Cholas
(3) Kalachuris (4) Rashtrakutas

28. Arrange the following rulers in a chronological order.

(a) Chandella Paramardi
(b) Gahadavala Govindachandra
(c) Kalachuri Karna
(d) Pratihara Bhoja
Select the correct order from the code given below :
(1) (a), (b), (c), (d) (2) (b), (a), (d), (c)
(3) (c), (b), (a), (d) (4) (d), (c), (b), (a)

29. Match List - I with List - II and select the correct answer from the code given below the
lists :
List - I List - II
(Temple) (Builder Queen)
(a) Brahmesvara temple, Bhubaneshwar (i) Koladevi
(b) Lakshman temple, Sirpur (ii) Lokamahadevi
(c) Mallikarjuna temple, Pattadakal (iii) Trailokya Mahadevi
(d) Virupaksha temple, Pattadakal (iv) Vasata
Code :
(a) (b) (c) (d)
(1) (i) (iv) (iii) (ii)
(2) (ii) (iii) (iv) (i)
(3) (iii) (ii) (i) (iv)
(4) (iv) (i) (iii) (ii)

30. Match List - I with List - II and select the correct answer from the code given below the
lists :
List - I List - II
(Jain texts) (Writers)
(a) Kuvalayamala (i) Dhanapala
(b) Samaraichchhakaha (ii) Haribhadra
(c) Tilakamanjari (iii) Somadeva
(d) Yasastilaka-champu (iv) Udyotanasuri
Code :
(a) (b) (c) (d)
(1) (i) (iii) (ii) (iv)
(2) (ii) (iv) (iii) (i)
(3) (iii) (i) (iv) (ii)
(4) (iv) (ii) (i) (iii)

J-00618 !J-00618-PAPER-II! 14 Paper-II

27. Á∑§Ÿ∑§ •Á÷‹πÊ¥ ◊¥ •Áœ∑§ÊÁ⁄UÿÊ¥ ∑§ Áfl‡Ê·Ë∑§⁄UáÊ ∑§Ë ∞∑§ ŸÿË ¬˝flÎÁûÊ ‹ÁˇÊà „ÊÃË „Ò, ÿÕÊ ‹Ê≈U‚ÊÁãœÁflª˝Á„∑§?
(1) ∑§ÀÿÊáÊ øÊ‹ÈÄÿ (2) øÊ‹
(3) ∑§‹øÈÁ⁄U (4) ⁄UÊc≈˛U∑ͧ≈U

28. ÁŸêŸÁ‹Áπà ⁄UÊ¡Ê•Ê¥ ∑§Ê ∑§Ê‹∑˝§◊ÊŸÈ‚Ê⁄U ⁄UÁπÿ —

(a) ø¥Œ‹ ¬⁄U◊ÁŒ¸
(b) ª„«UflÊ‹ ªÊÁflãŒøãŒ˝
(c) ∑§‹øÈÁ⁄U ∑§áʸ
(d) ¬˝ÃË„Ê⁄U ÷Ê¡
ŸËø ÁŒ∞ ª∞ ∑ͧ≈U ‚ ‚„Ë ©ûÊ⁄U ∑§Ê øÿŸ ∑§ËÁ¡∞ —
(1) (a), (b), (c), (d) (2) (b), (a), (d), (c)
(3) (c), (b), (a), (d) (4) (d), (c), (b), (a)

29. ‚ÍøË - I ∑§Ê ‚ÍøË - II ‚ ‚È◊Á‹Ã ∑§ËÁ¡∞ ÃÕÊ ‚ÍÁøÿÊ¥ ∑§ ŸËø ÁŒ∞ ª∞ ∑ͧ≈U ‚ ‚„Ë ©ûÊ⁄U ∑§Ê øÿŸ ∑§ËÁ¡∞ —
‚ÍøË - I ‚ÍøË - II
(◊¥ÁŒ⁄U) (ÁŸ◊ʸáÊ∑§òÊ˸ ⁄UÊŸË)
(a) ’˝rÊ‡fl⁄U ◊¥ÁŒ⁄U, ÷È’Ÿ‡fl⁄U (i) ∑§Ê‹ÊŒflË
(b) ‹ˇ◊áÊ ◊¥ÁŒ⁄U, ‚Ë⁄U¬È⁄U (ii) ‹Ê∑§◊„ÊŒflË
(c) ◊ÁÀ‹∑§Ê¡È¸Ÿ ◊¥ÁŒ⁄U, ¬^Œ∑§‹ (iii) òÊÒ‹ÊÄÿ◊„ÊŒflË
(d) ÁflL§¬ÊˇÊ ◊¥ÁŒ⁄U, ¬^Œ∑§‹ (iv) flÊ‚≈UÊ
∑ͧ≈U —
(a) (b) (c) (d)
(1) (i) (iv) (iii) (ii)
(2) (ii) (iii) (iv) (i)
(3) (iii) (ii) (i) (iv)
(4) (iv) (i) (iii) (ii)

30. ‚ÍøË - I ∑§Ê ‚ÍøË - II ‚ ‚È◊Á‹Ã ∑§ËÁ¡∞ ÃÕÊ ‚ÍÁøÿÊ¥ ∑§ ŸËø ÁŒ∞ ª∞ ∑ͧ≈U ‚ ‚„Ë ©ûÊ⁄U ∑§Ê øÿŸ ∑§ËÁ¡∞ —
‚ÍøË - I ‚ÍøË - II
(¡ÒŸ ª˝¥Õ) (‹π∑§)
(a) ∑ȧfl‹ÿ◊Ê‹Ê (i) œŸ¬Ê‹
(b) ‚◊⁄UÊßë¿U∑§„Ê (ii) „Á⁄U÷Œ˝
(c) ÁË∑§◊¥¡⁄UË (iii) ‚Ê◊Œfl
(d) ÿ‡ÊÁSË∑§-ø¥¬Í (iv) ©lÊß‚ÍÁ⁄U
∑ͧ≈U —
(a) (b) (c) (d)
(1) (i) (iii) (ii) (iv)
(2) (ii) (iv) (iii) (i)
(3) (iii) (i) (iv) (ii)
(4) (iv) (ii) (i) (iii)

J-00618 !J-00618-PAPER-II! 15 Paper-II

31. Which of the following are correct in respect of the Golaki-matha ?
(a) It was located in Dahala - Mandala.
(b) It was a Saiva monastery.
(c) Kalachuri Yuvaraja I granted villages for its maintenance.
(d) Sadbhavasambhu was the head of the matha.
Code :
(1) (a), (b) and (c) (2) (b), (c) and (d)
(3) (a), (b) and (d) (4) (a), (b), (c) and (d)

32. Ghatiyantra was used in early medieval India for :

(1) Conducting Tantric situals.
(2) Irrigation from wells.
(3) Manufacturing metal vessels.
(4) Pouring of water for sacrificial-rituals.

33. Consider the following statements :

Assertion (A) : Jayavarman II instituted the Devaraja Cult in Kambuja.
Reason (R) : By it, he wanted Kambuja to be independent.
In the context of the above statements, which of the following is correct ?
(1) Both (A) and (R) are true, and (R) is the correct explanation of (A).
(2) Both (A) and (R) are true, but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A).
(3) (A) is true, but (R) is false.
(4) (A) is false, but (R) is true.

34. What is not correct about Arab traveller Istakhari ?

(1) He was a resident of Karkh, in Khorasan.
(2) He visited India in 951.
(3) He wrote Kitab al-Aqalim and Masalik wal Mamalik.
(4) He is reported to have prepared a map of the world.

J-00618 !J-00618-PAPER-II! 16 Paper-II

31. ªÊ‹∑§Ë ◊∆U ∑§ Áfl·ÿ ◊¥ ÁŸêŸÁ‹Áπà ◊¥ ‚ ∑§ÊÒŸ ‚ ∑§ÕŸ ‚„Ë „Ò¥?
(a) ÿ„ «UÊ„‹-◊¥«U‹ ◊¥ ÁSÕà ÕÊ–
(b) ÿ„ ∞∑§ ‡ÊÒfl ◊∆U ÕÊ–
(c) ß‚∑§ ⁄Uπ-⁄UπÊfl ∑§ Á‹∞ ∑§‹øÈÁ⁄U ÿÈfl⁄UÊ¡ I Ÿ ª˝Ê◊Ê¥ ∑§Ê ŒÊŸ ÁŒÿÊ ÕÊ–
(d) ‚Œ˜÷Êfl ‡Ê¥÷È ◊∆U ∑§ ◊„ûfl Õ–
∑ͧ≈U —
(1) (a), (b) •ÊÒ⁄U (c) (2) (b), (c) •ÊÒ⁄U (d)
(3) (a), (b) •ÊÒ⁄U (d) (4) (a), (b), (c) •ÊÒ⁄U (d)

32. ¬Ífl¸◊äÿ∑§Ê‹ËŸ ÷Ê⁄Uà ◊¥ ÉÊ≈UËÿ¥òÊ ∑§Ê ©¬ÿÊª „ÊÃÊ ÕÊ —

(1) ÃÊ¥ÁòÊ∑§ •ŸÈc∆UÊŸ „ÃÈ
(2) ∑ͧ¬Ê¥ mÊ⁄UÊ Á‚¥øÊ߸ „ÃÈ
(3) œÊÃÈ ¬ÊòÊÊ¥ ∑§ ÁŸ◊ʸáÊ „ÃÈ
(4) ÿôÊ-•ŸÈc∆UÊŸÊ¥ ◊¥ ¡‹Áfl‚¡¸Ÿ „ÃÈ

33. ÁŸêŸÁ‹Áπà flÄÃ√ÿÊ¥ ¬⁄U ÁfløÊ⁄U ∑§ËÁ¡∞ —

∑§ÕŸ (A) : ¡ÿfl◊¸Ÿ II Ÿ ∑§ê’È¡ ◊¥ Œfl⁄UÊ¡ ‚ê¬˝ŒÊÿ ∑§Ë SÕʬŸÊ ∑§Ë–
∑§Ê⁄UáÊ (R) : ß‚∑§ mÊ⁄UÊ fl„ ∑¥§’È¡ ∑§Ê SflÃ¥òÊ ⁄UπŸÊ øÊ„ÃÊ ÕÊ–
©¬ÿȸÄà ŒÊ flÄÃ√ÿÊ¥ ∑§ ‚¥Œ÷¸ ◊¥, ÁŸêŸÁ‹Áπà ◊¥ ‚ ∑§ÊÒŸ ‚Ê ‚„Ë „Ò?
(1) (A) •ÊÒ⁄U (R) ŒÊŸÊ¥ ‚„Ë „Ò¥ ÃÕÊ (A) ∑§Ë ‚„Ë √ÿÊÅÿÊ (R) „Ò–
(2) (A) •ÊÒ⁄U (R) ŒÊŸÊ¥ ‚„Ë „Ò¥, Á∑§ãÃÈ (A) ∑§Ë ‚„Ë √ÿÊÅÿÊ (R) Ÿ„Ë¥ „Ò–
(3) (A) ‚„Ë „Ò, Á∑§ãÃÈ (R) ª‹Ã „Ò–
(4) (A) ª‹Ã „Ò, Á∑§ãÃÈ (R) ‚„Ë „Ò–

34. •⁄U’ ÿÊòÊË ßSÃπ⁄UË ∑§ ’Ê⁄U ◊¥ ÄÿÊ ‚„Ë Ÿ„Ë¥ „Ò?
(1) fl„ πÈ⁄UÊ‚ÊŸ ◊¥ ∑§Êπ¸ ∑§Ê ÁŸflÊ‚Ë ÕÊ–
(2) ©‚Ÿ 951 ◊¥ ÷Ê⁄Uà ÿÊòÊÊ ∑§Ë–
(3) ©‚Ÿ Á∑§ÃÊ’ •‹-•$∑§‹Ë◊ •ÊÒ⁄U ◊‚ÊÁ‹∑§ fl‹ ◊◊ÊÁ‹∑§ Á‹πÊ–
(4) ∑§„Ê ¡ÊÃÊ „Ò Á∑§ ©‚Ÿ Áfl‡fl ∑§Ê ∞∑§ ◊ÊŸÁøòÊ ’ŸÊÿÊ–

J-00618 !J-00618-PAPER-II! 17 Paper-II

35. Which of the following statements are correct ?

(a) Sultan Iltutmish showed profound respect to sufi saints like Shaikh Qutbuddin Bakhtiyar
Kaki, Qazi Hamidu-d-din Nagori, Shaikh Bahauddin Zakariya etc.

(b) He placated the ulema also by holding frequent religious discourses in his court, and his
policies were affected by the opinions of the orthodox theologians.

(c) He did not bother to consult the ulema while nominating Razia as his successor.

(d) He, however, derived full advantage from the goodwill of the mystics that he enjoyed
on account of his pious personal life.

Select correct answer from the code given below :

Code :

(1) (a) and (d) only (2) (b), (c) and (d) only

(3) (a), (c) and (d) only (4) (b) and (c) only

36. Which of the following is not the work of Amir Khusrau ?

(1) Ijaz-i Khusravi (2) Ghunyat al Munyah

(3) Nuh-Sipihr (4) Qiran-us Sadain

37. Who among the following Sultans of Kashmir commissioned Mullah Ahmad to translate the
Mahabharata into Persian ?

(1) Sultan Qutbuddin (2) Sultan Sikandar

(3) Sultan Zainul Abidin (4) Sultan Shihabuddin

38. The earliest of the Jain Kalpasutra paintings belongs to which of the following regions ?

(1) Malwa and Gujarat (2) Malwa and Jaunpur

(3) Gujarat and Mewar (4) Jaunpur and Gujarat

J-00618 !J-00618-PAPER-II! 18 Paper-II

35. ÁŸêŸÁ‹Áπà ◊¥ ‚ ∑§ÊÒŸ ‚ flÄÃ√ÿ ‚„Ë „Ò¥?

(a) ‚ÈÀÃÊŸ ßÀÃÈÃÁ◊‡Ê ‚Í»§Ë ‚¥ÃÊ¥ ¡Ò‚ - ‡Êπ ∑ȧÒȌ˜ŒËŸ ’ÁÅÃÿÊ⁄U ∑§Ê∑§Ë, ∑§Ê$¡Ë „◊ˌȌ˜ŒËŸ ŸÊªÊ⁄UË, ‡Êπ
’„Ê©Œ˜ŒËŸ $¡∑§Á⁄UÿÊ •ÊÁŒ ∑§ ¬˝Áà ª„⁄UÊ ‚ê◊ÊŸ √ÿÄà ∑§⁄UÃÊ ÕÊ–

(b) fl„ •¬Ÿ Œ⁄U’Ê⁄U ◊¥ ÁŸÿÁ◊à œÊÁ◊¸∑§ flÊÃʸ‹Ê¬Ê¥ ∑§ •ÊÿÊ¡Ÿ mÊ⁄UÊ ©‹◊Ê•Ê¥ ∑§Ê ÷Ë ‚¥ÃÈc≈U ⁄UπÃÊ ÕÊ, •ÊÒ⁄U ©‚∑§Ë
ŸËÁÃÿÊ° M§Á…∏flÊŒË œ◊¸‡ÊÊÁSòÊÿÊ¥ ∑§ ◊ÃÊ¥ ‚ ¬˝÷ÊÁflà ÕË¥–

(c) ⁄UÁ$¡ÿÊ ∑§Ê •¬ŸÊ ©ûÊ⁄UÊÁœ∑§Ê⁄UË ŸÊ◊Ê¥Á∑§Ã ∑§⁄UÃ ‚◊ÿ ©‚Ÿ ©‹◊Ê•Ê¥ ∑§Ë ⁄UÊÿ ¡ÊŸŸ ∑§Ë ¬⁄UflÊ„ Ÿ„Ë¥ ∑§Ë–

(d) ¬ÁflòÊ √ÿÁÄêà ¡ËflŸ Á’ÃÊŸ ∑§ ∑§Ê⁄UáÊ ©‚ ‚ÍÁ»§ÿÊ¥ ∑§Ê ‚ÊÒ„ÊŒ¸ „ÊÁ‚‹ ÕÊ Á¡‚∑§Ê ©‚Ÿ ¬Í⁄UÊ »§ÊÿŒÊ ©∆UÊÿÊ–

ŸËø ÁŒÿ ªÿ ∑ͧ≈U ◊¥ ‚ ‚„Ë ©ûÊ⁄U øÈŸ¥ —

∑ͧ≈U —

(1) ∑§fl‹ (a) •ÊÒ⁄U (d) (2) ∑§fl‹ (b), (c) •ÊÒ⁄U (d)

(3) ∑§fl‹ (a), (c) •ÊÒ⁄U (d) (4) ∑§fl‹ (b) •ÊÒ⁄U (c)

36. ÁŸêŸÁ‹Áπà ◊¥ ‚ ∑§ÊÒŸ ‚Ë ¬ÈSÃ∑§ •◊Ë⁄U πÈ‚⁄UÊ¥ ∑§Ë ⁄UøŸÊ Ÿ„Ë¥ „Ò?

(1) ß¡Ê$¡-∞ πÈ‚⁄UflË (2) ªÈŸÿÊà •‹ ◊ÈŸÿÊ„

(3) ŸÈ„-Á‚¬„⁄U (4) Á$∑§⁄UÊŸ-©‚ ‚ŒÒŸ

37. ◊„Ê÷Ê⁄Uà ∑§ »§Ê⁄U‚Ë ◊¥ •ŸÈflÊŒ ∑§ Á‹∞ ◊ÈÀ‹Ê •„◊Œ ∑§Ê ∑§‡◊Ë⁄U ∑§ ÁŸêŸÁ‹Áπà ‚ÈÀÃÊŸÊ¥ ◊¥ ‚ Á∑§‚Ÿ •Áœ∑ΧÃ

(1) ‚ÈÀÃÊŸ ∑ȧÒȌ˜ŒËŸ (2) ‚ÈÀÃÊŸ Á‚∑§ãŒ⁄U


38. ¡ÒŸ ∑§À¬‚ÍòÊ ∑§Ë ‚’‚ ¬˝ÊøËŸ ÁøòÊ∑§Ê⁄UË ÁŸêŸÁ‹Áπà ◊¥ ‚ Á∑§Ÿ ˇÊòÊÊ¥ ‚ ‚¥’¥ÁœÃ ÕË?

(1) ◊Ê‹flÊ •ÊÒ⁄U ªÈ¡⁄UÊà (2) ◊Ê‹flÊ •ÊÒ⁄U ¡ÊÒŸ¬È⁄U

(3) ªÈ¡⁄UÊà •ÊÒ⁄U ◊flÊ«∏ (4) ¡ÊÒŸ¬È⁄U •ÊÒ⁄U ªÈ¡⁄UÊÃ

J-00618 !J-00618-PAPER-II! 19 Paper-II

39. Given below are two statements, one labelled as Assertion (A) and the other as Reason (R).

Assertion (A) : Barani writes, ‘Sultan Muhammad Tughlaq talked as if he hated low-born
people more than he hated idols, Nevertheless, I have seen him promoting
Najba, the low-born son of a musician, to such an extent that he rose higher
in status than many maliks, for Gujarat, Multan and Badaon were put in
his charge . . . It was strange how he gave high offices and governments of
extensive territories and great provinces to men of low and mean birth’.

Reason (R) : The Sultan believed in offices being open to talent. He dispensed with
whatever considerations of birth had persisted in the administration and
appointed low-born persons to the highest offices in the administration.

In the context of the above two statements which of the following is correct ?

Code :

(1) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct explanation of (A).

(2) Both (A) and (R) are true, but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A).

(3) (A) is true, but (R) is false.

(4) (A) is false, but (R) is true.

40. ‘The Sultan invoked Persian monarchical traditions and adjusted them to the Indian milieu.
The books Adab us Salatin and Maasir us Salatin, which he had obtained from Baghdad for
the instruction of his sons, dealt with the principles of Persian monarchy, which he was
eager to imitate in all their details at Delhi.’

Identify the Sultan.

(1) Qutbuddin Aibek (2) Iltutmish

(3) Balban (4) Jalaluddin Khalji

41. Which of the following Sultans ordered that Muslim women were not to come out of their
houses or go to visit tombs outside the city of Delhi ?

Select the correct answer from the code given below :

(a) Balban (b) Firuz Tughlaq (c) Bahlol Lodi (d) Sikandar Lodi

Code :

(1) (a), (b) and (d) (2) (b) and (d)

(3) (b), (c) and (d) (4) (a), (b), (c), (d)

J-00618 !J-00618-PAPER-II! 20 Paper-II

39. ŸËø ŒÊ flÄÃ√ÿ ÁŒÿ ªÿ „Ò¥, ∞∑§ ∑§Ê ∑§ÕŸ (A) •ÊÒ⁄U ŒÍ‚⁄U ∑§Ê ∑§Ê⁄UáÊ (R) ∑§„Ê ªÿÊ „Ò–
∑§ÕŸ (A) : ’ŸË¸ Á‹πÃÊ „Ò, ““‚È‹ÃÊŸ ◊È„ê◊Œ ÃȪ‹∑§ ß‚ ¬˝∑§Ê⁄U ∑§„ÃÊ ÕÊ ¡Ò‚ Á∑§ ◊Ò¥ ÁŸêŸ ∑ȧ‹ ‚ ©à¬ÛÊ ‹ÊªÊ¥ ‚
◊ÍÁøÿÊ¥ ‚ ÷Ë •Áœ∑§ ÉÊÎáÊÊ ∑§⁄UÃÊ „°Í, Á»§⁄U ÷Ë ◊Ò¥Ÿ (’ŸË¸) ©‚ ÁŸêŸ ∑ȧ‹ ◊¥ ©à¬ÛÊ ∞∑§ ‚¥ªËÃ∑§Ê⁄U ∑§
¬ÈòÊ Ÿ¡’Ê ∑§Ê ß‚ „Œ Ã∑§ ’…∏ÊflÊ ŒÃ „È∞ ŒπÊ „Ò Á∑§ fl„ ’„Èà ‚Ê⁄U ◊Á‹∑§Ê¥ ‚ íÿÊŒÊ ™°§ø ¬ŒÊ¥ ¬⁄U
¬„°ÈøÊ– ªÈ¡⁄UÊÃ, ◊ÈÀÃÊŸ •ÊÒ⁄U ’ŒÊÿ°Í ©‚∑§ ÁŸÿ¥òÊáÊ ◊¥ ÁŒÿ ªÿ . . . ÿ„ •Ê‡øÿ¸¡Ÿ∑§ „Ò Á∑§ ©‚Ÿ ÁŸêŸ
∑ȧ‹ ◊¥ ©à¬ÛÊ „È∞ √ÿÁÄà ∑§Ê ™°§ø ¬Œ, √ÿʬ∑§ ÷Í-÷ʪ •ÊÒ⁄U ’«∏ ‚Í’Ê¥ ∑§Ê ¬˝‡ÊÊ‚Ÿ Á∑§‚ ¬˝∑§Ê⁄U ÁŒÿÊ–””
∑§Ê⁄UáÊ (R) : ‚ÈÀÃÊŸ ∑§Ê ÿ„ ◊ÊŸŸÊ ÕÊ Á∑§ ÿÊÇÿÃÊ ∑§ •ÊœÊ⁄U ¬⁄U ¬ŒÊ¥ ¬⁄U ÁŸÿÈÁÄà „Ê– ¬˝‡ÊÊ‚Ÿ ◊¥ ¡ã◊ ∑§Ê ‹∑§⁄U ¡Ê
÷Ë ÁfløÊ⁄U ¬˝øÁ‹Ã „Ê¥ ©ã„¥ ©‚Ÿ πà◊ Á∑§ÿÊ •ÊÒ⁄U ÁŸêŸ ∑ȧ‹ ◊¥ ©à¬ÛÊ ‹ÊªÊ¥ ∑§Ê ¬˝‡ÊÊ‚Ÿ ◊¥ ™°§ø ¬ŒÊ¥ ¬⁄U
ÁŸÿÈÄà Á∑§ÿÊ–
©¬⁄UÊÄà ŒÊ flÄÃ√ÿÊ¥ ∑§ ‚¥Œ÷¸ ◊¥ ÁŸêŸÁ‹Áπà ◊¥ ‚ ∑§ÊÒŸ ‚Ê ‚„Ë „Ò?
∑ͧ≈U —
(1) (A) •ÊÒ⁄U (R) ŒÊŸÊ¥ ‚„Ë „Ò¥ •ÊÒ⁄U (R), (A) ∑§Ë ‚„Ë √ÿÊÅÿÊ „Ò–
(2) (A) •ÊÒ⁄U (R) ŒÊŸÊ¥ ‚„Ë „Ò¥, ‹Á∑§Ÿ (R), (A) ∑§Ë ‚„Ë √ÿÊÅÿÊ Ÿ„Ë¥ „Ò–
(3) (A) ‚„Ë „Ò, ‹Á∑§Ÿ (R) ª‹Ã „Ò–
(4) (A) ª‹Ã „Ò, ‹Á∑§Ÿ (R) ‚„Ë „Ò–

40. “‚ÈÀÃÊŸ Ÿ »§Ê⁄U‚Ë ⁄UÊ¡Ã¥òÊËÿ ¬⁄¥U¬⁄UÊ ∑§Ê •Êà◊‚Êà Á∑§ÿÊ •ÊÒ⁄U ©ã„¥ ÷Ê⁄UÃËÿ ¬Á⁄Ufl‡Ê ∑§ •ŸÈ‚Ê⁄U …∏Ê‹Ê–
•ÊŒÊ’ ©‚ ‚‹ÊÃËŸ •ÊÒ⁄U ◊•ÊÁ‚⁄U ©‚ ‚‹ÊÃËŸ ¡Ò‚Ë ¬ÈSÃ∑¥§, Á¡ã„¥ ©‚Ÿ •¬Ÿ ¬ÈòÊÊ¥ ∑§Ë Á‡ÊˇÊÊ ∑§ Á‹∞ ’ªŒÊŒ ‚
◊¥ªflÊ߸ ÕË¥, ߸⁄UÊŸË ⁄UÊ¡Ã¥òÊ ∑§ Á‚hÊãÃÊ¥ ∑§ ‚¥’¥œ ◊¥ ÕË Á¡ã„¥ fl„ ¬Í⁄UË Ã⁄U„ ‚ ÁŒÀ‹Ë ◊¥ •ŸÈ∑§⁄UáÊ ∑§ Á‹∞ ‹Ê‹ÊÁÿÃ
‚ÈÀÃÊŸ ∑§Ë ¬„øÊŸ ∑§ËÁ¡∞–
(1) ∑ȧÒȌ˜ŒËŸ ∞’∑§ (2) ßÀÃÈÃÁ◊‡Ê
(3) ’‹’Ÿ (4) ¡‹Ê‹ÈŒ˜ŒËŸ π‹¡Ë

41. ÁŸêŸÁ‹Áπà ◊¥ ‚ Á∑§Ÿ ‚ÈÀÃÊŸÊ¥ Ÿ •ÊŒ‡Ê ÁŒÿÊ Á∑§ ◊ÈÁS‹◊ ◊Á„‹Ê∞° •¬Ÿ ÉÊ⁄UÊ¥ ‚ ’Ê„⁄U •ÕflÊ ÁŒÀ‹Ë ‡Ê„⁄U ∑§ ’Ê„⁄U
◊∑§’⁄UÊ¥ ¬⁄U Ÿ„Ë¥ ¡Ê∞¥ªË?
ŸËø ÁŒÿ ªÿ ∑ͧ≈U ◊¥ ‚ ‚„Ë ©ûÊ⁄U øÈŸ¥ —
(a) ’‹’Ÿ (b) Á»§⁄UÊ¡ ÃȪ‹∑§ (c) ’„‹Ê‹ ‹ÊŒË (d) Á‚∑§ãŒ⁄U ‹ÊŒË
∑ͧ≈U —
(1) (a), (b) •ÊÒ⁄U (d) (2) (b) •ÊÒ⁄U (d)
(3) (b), (c) •ÊÒ⁄U (d) (4) (a), (b), (c), (d)

J-00618 !J-00618-PAPER-II! 21 Paper-II

42. Given below are two statements, one labelled as Assertion (A) and the other labelled
Reason (R).
Assertion (A) : Balban appointed ‘Khwaja’ to important iqtas to be selected from
‘mutasarrafs’. He was a civil official and dealt with accounts and records.
Reason (R) : The appointment of such an officer by the Sultan on the recommendation
of the Wazir suggests the desire on the part of the Sultan to keep an eye on
the revenue division and put a check on the activities of the muqtas.
In the context of the above two statements, which of the following is correct ?
(1) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct explanation of (A).
(2) Both (A) and (R) are true, but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A).
(3) (A) is true, but (R) is false.
(4) (A) is false, but (R) is true.

43. With regard to Akbar’s nobility, which of the following statements is not correct ?
(1) At the beginning of Akbar’s reign, his nobility consisted mainly of Turani and Khurasani
(2) From 1561, he began to admit Rajput princes who were allowed to hold their ancestral
domains against their mansabs.
(3) At the same time, he discriminated the Shaikhzadas (Indian Muslims).
(4) To bring the nobles under close control, he took away their Jagirs and put them on cash
pay, along with strict branding and muster regulations to ensure regular maintenance
of contingents.

44. Which of the following statements are correct about Kabir’s compositions ?
(a) The most revered collection of Kabir’s verses by the Kabir Panthis is the collection Bijak,
contained in the Adi Granth.
(b) Kabir’s verses in the Panchvani literature composed by the Dadu-Panthis appear to be
a little less authentic than the Punjab tradition.
(c) Charlotte Vaudeville argues that the corpus of Kabir in the Adi Granth is ‘free from the
Kabir Panthi sectarian element’.
(d) David Lorenzen believes that all the three major collections of Kabir contain
interpolations of material from other sources.
Select the correct answer from the code given below :
(1) (a) and (b) only (2) (a) and (d) only
(3) (c) and (d) only (4) (a), (b), (c), (d)

J-00618 !J-00618-PAPER-II! 22 Paper-II

42. ŸËø ŒÊ flÄÃ√ÿ ÁŒÿ ªÿ „Ò¥, ∞∑§ ∑§Ê ∑§ÕŸ (A) •ÊÒ⁄U ŒÍ‚⁄U ∑§Ê ∑§Ê⁄UáÊ (R) ∑§„Ê ªÿÊ „Ò–
∑§ÕŸ (A) : ’‹’Ÿ Ÿ ◊„àfl¬Íáʸ ßÄÃÊ•Ê¥ ◊¥ “ÅflÊ¡Ê” ∑§Ë ÁŸÿÈÁÄà ∑§Ë, Á¡‚∑§Ê øÿŸ “◊ÈÂ⁄¸U»§Ê¥” ◊¥ ‚ Á∑§ÿÊ ªÿÊ–
fl„ ∞∑§ ŒËflÊŸË •Áœ∑§Ê⁄UË ÕÊ •ÊÒ⁄U ©‚∑§Ê ∑§Êÿ¸ ‹πÊ •ÊÒ⁄U Á⁄U∑§ÊÚ«¸U ‚ ‚¥’¥ÁœÃ ÕÊ–
∑§Ê⁄UáÊ (R) : fl¡Ë⁄U ∑§Ë •ŸÈ‡Ê¥‚Ê ¬⁄U ‚ÈÀÃÊŸ mÊ⁄UÊ ∞‚ •Áœ∑§Ê⁄UË ∑§Ë ÁŸÿÈÁÄà ⁄UÊ¡Sfl ’°≈UflÊ⁄U ¬⁄U ¬ÒŸË ŒÎÁc≈U •ÊÒ⁄U
“◊ÈÄÃÊ•Ê¥” ∑§Ë ªÁÃÁflÁœÿÊ¥ ¬⁄U ÁŸÿ¥òÊáÊ ∑§Ê Œ‡ÊʸÃË „Ò–
©¬⁄UÊÄà ŒÊ ∑§ÕŸÊ¥ ∑§ ‚¥Œ÷¸ ◊¥ ÁŸêŸÁ‹Áπà ◊¥ ‚ ∑§ÊÒŸ ‚Ê ‚„Ë „Ò?
(1) (A) •ÊÒ⁄U (R) ŒÊŸÊ¥ ‚„Ë „Ò¥ •ÊÒ⁄U (R), (A) ∑§Ë ‚„Ë √ÿÊÅÿÊ „Ò–
(2) (A) •ÊÒ⁄U (R) ŒÊŸÊ¥ ‚„Ë „Ò¥, ‹Á∑§Ÿ (R), (A) ∑§Ë ‚„Ë √ÿÊÅÿÊ Ÿ„Ë¥ „Ò–
(3) (A) ‚„Ë „Ò, ‹Á∑§Ÿ (R) ª‹Ã „Ò–
(4) (A) ª‹Ã „Ò, ‹Á∑§Ÿ (R) ‚„Ë „Ò–

43. •∑§’⁄U ∑§ •◊Ë⁄UÊ¥ ‚ ‚¥’¥ÁœÃ ÁŸêŸÁ‹Áπà ◊¥ ‚ ∑§ÊÒŸ ‚Ê flÄÃ√ÿ ‚„Ë Ÿ„Ë¥ „Ò?
(1) •∑§’⁄U ∑§ ‡ÊÊ‚Ÿ ∑§ ¬˝Ê⁄¥UÁ÷∑§ fl·ÊZ ◊¥ ©‚∑§ •◊Ë⁄UÊ¥ ◊¥ ◊ÈÅÿ× ÃÍ⁄UÊŸË •ÊÒ⁄U πÈ⁄UÊ‚ÊŸË •◊Ë⁄U Õ–
(2) 1561 ‚, ©‚Ÿ ⁄UÊ¡¬Íà ⁄UÊ¡∑ȧ◊Ê⁄UÊ¥ ∑§Ë ÷Ã˸ ‡ÊÈL§ ∑§Ë Á¡ã„¥ •¬Ÿ ¬ÒÃÎ∑§ SÕÊŸÊ¥ ∑§Ê ◊Ÿ‚’ ∑§Ë ∞fl¡ ◊¥ ⁄UπŸ ∑§Ê
•Áœ∑§Ê⁄U ÕÊ–
(3) ‚ÊÕ „Ë fl„ ‡Êπ¡ÊŒÊ (÷Ê⁄UÃËÿ ◊È‚‹◊ÊŸÊ¥) •◊Ë⁄UÊ¥ ∑§ ‚ÊÕ ÷Œ-÷Êfl ∑§⁄U ⁄U„Ê ÕÊ–
(4) •◊Ë⁄UÊ¥ ¬⁄U ¬Íáʸ ÁŸÿ¥òÊáÊ ∑§ Á‹∞ ©‚Ÿ ©Ÿ∑§Ë ¡ÊªË⁄¥U flʬ‚ ‹Ë¥ •ÊÒ⁄U ©ã„¥ Ÿ∑§ŒË ÷ȪÃÊŸ Á∑§ÿÊ, ‚ÊÕ „Ë ÉÊÈ«∏‚flÊ⁄U
‚ŸÊ ∑§ ÁŸÿÁ◊à ⁄Uπ-⁄UπÊfl ∑§Ê ‚ÈÁŸÁ‡øà ∑§⁄UŸ ∑§ Á‹∞ ©‚Ÿ ŒÊª •ÊÒ⁄U ©¬ÁSÕÁà ‚¥’¥œË ÁŸÿ◊ ‚ÅÃË ‚ ‹ÊªÍ

44. ∑§’Ë⁄U ∑§Ë ⁄UøŸÊ•Ê¥ ∑§ ‚¥’¥œ ◊¥ ÁŸêŸÁ‹Áπà ◊¥ ‚ ∑§ÊÒŸ ‚ flÄÃ√ÿ ‚„Ë „Ò¥?
(a) ∑§’Ë⁄U ¬¥ÁÕÿÊ¥ mÊ⁄UÊ ⁄UÁøà ∑§’Ë⁄U ∑§ ¬ŒÊ¥ ∑§ ‚flʸÁœ∑§ üÊhÿ ‚¥ª˝„Ê¥ ◊¥ ’Ë¡∑§ „Ò, ¡Ê •ÊÁŒ ª˝¥Õ ◊¥ ‚¥ªÎ„Ëà „Ò–
(b) ¬¥¡Ê’Ë ¬⁄¥U¬⁄UÊ ∑§ ’¡Êÿ ŒÊŒÍ ¬¥ÁÕÿÊ¥ mÊ⁄UÊ ¬¥øflÊŸË ◊¥ ⁄UÁøà ∑§’Ë⁄U ∑§ ¬Œ •¬ˇÊÊ∑Χà ∑§◊ ¬˝Ê◊ÊÁáÊ∑§ „Ò¥–
(c) ‡ÊÊ‹¸≈U flÊÚ«UÁfl‹ ∑§Ê Ã∑¸§ „Ò Á∑§ •ÊÁŒ ª˝¥Õ ◊¥ ‚¥ªÎ„Ëà ∑§’Ë⁄U ‚¥ª˝„ “∑§’Ë⁄U ¬¥ÁÕÿÊ¥ ∑§ ‚Ê¥¬˝ŒÊÁÿ∑§ •Êª˝„Ê¥ ‚ ◊ÈÄÔ
(d) «UÁfl«U ‹ÊÚ⁄Uã$¡Ÿ ∑§Ê ◊ÊŸŸÊ „Ò Á∑§ ∑§’Ë⁄U ∑§ ‚÷Ë ÃËŸÊ¥ ¬˝◊Èπ ‚¥ª˝„Ê¥ ◊¥ •ãÿ dÊÃÊ¥ ‚ ‹Ë ªß¸ ‚Ê◊ª˝Ë ∑§ ¬˝ˇÊ¬ „Ò¥–
ŸËø ÁŒÿ ªÿ ∑ͧ≈U ◊¥ ‚ ‚„Ë ©ûÊ⁄U øÈÁŸÿ —
(1) ∑§fl‹ (a) •ÊÒ⁄U (b) (2) ∑§fl‹ (a) •ÊÒ⁄U (d)
(3) ∑§fl‹ (c) •ÊÒ⁄U (d) (4) (a), (b), (c), (d)

J-00618 !J-00618-PAPER-II! 23 Paper-II

45. Match the earliest references of various techniques given in the List - I with that of its source
given in the List - II and select the correct answer from the code given below :

List - I List - II

(Technique) (Source)

(a) First mention of spinning wheel in India (i) Sirat i Firuzshahi

(b) Soap manufacture (ii) Thevenot

(c) Cylinder and piston syringe (iii) Isami

(d) Grooved screw as metal attachment (iv) Monserrate

Code :

(a) (b) (c) (d)

(1) (ii) (i) (iv) (iii)

(2) (iii) (iv) (i) (ii)

(3) (iv) (iii) (ii) (i)

(4) (iii) (i) (iv) (ii)

46. Given below are two statements, one labelled as Assertion (A), and the other labelled as
Reason (R).

Assertion (A) : In the medieval period the dam was as much an index of the value of copper,
as the rupee was of silver. Interestingly the regional price variations attained
a much greater importance in the case of copper metal than in that of gold
or silver.

Reason (R) : The main supplies were from the mines of the northern and eastern slopes
of the Aravalli and the Vindhyan ranges. The proximity to these could
play a large part in determining the extent of differences in price among
various markets.

In the context of the above two statements which of the following is correct ?

(1) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct explanation of (A).

(2) Both (A) and (R) are true, but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A).

(3) (A) is true, but (R) is false.

(4) (A) is false, but (R) is true.

J-00618 !J-00618-PAPER-II! 24 Paper-II

45. ‚ÍøË - I ◊¥ ŒË ªß¸ ÁflÁ÷ÛÊ Ã∑§ŸË∑§Ê¥ ∑§ •Ê⁄¥UÁ÷∑§ ‚¥Œ÷ÊZ ∑§Ê ‚ÍøË - II ◊¥ ÁŒÿ ªÿ ©Ÿ∑§ dÊÃÊ¥ ‚ ‚È◊Á‹Ã ∑§ËÁ¡∞ •ÊÒ⁄U
ŸËø ÁŒÿ ªÿ ∑ͧ≈U ◊¥ ‚ ‚„Ë ©ûÊ⁄U øÈŸ¥ —
‚ÍøË - I ‚ÍøË - II
(Ã∑§ŸË∑§) (dÊÃ)
(a) ÷Ê⁄Uà ◊¥ ø⁄Uπ ∑§Ê ¬˝Õ◊ ©À‹π (i) ‚Ë⁄UÃ-∞ Á»§⁄UÊ¡‡ÊÊ„Ë
(b) ‚Ê’ÈŸ ÁŸ◊ʸáÊ (ii) ÕËflŸÊ
(c) Á‚‹á«U⁄U •ÊÒ⁄U Á¬S≈UŸ Á‚Á⁄¥U¡ (iii) ß‚Ê◊Ë
(d) œÊÃÈ ¬⁄U ‹ªÊÿ ªÿ øÍ«∏ËŒÊ⁄U ¬¥ø (iv) ◊ÊÚã‚⁄U≈U
∑ͧ≈U —
(a) (b) (c) (d)

(1) (ii) (i) (iv) (iii)

(2) (iii) (iv) (i) (ii)

(3) (iv) (iii) (ii) (i)

(4) (iii) (i) (iv) (ii)

46. ŸËø ŒÊ flÄÃ√ÿ ÁŒÿ ªÿ „Ò¥ ∞∑§ ∑§Ê ∑§ÕŸ (A) •ÊÒ⁄U ŒÍ‚⁄U ∑§Ê ∑§Ê⁄UáÊ (R) ∑§„Ê ªÿÊ „Ò —
∑§ÕŸ (A) : ◊äÿ∑§Ê‹ ◊¥ ŒÊ◊ ÃÊ°’ ∑§ ◊ÍÀÿ ∑§Ê ¡ÊŸŸ ∑§Ê ©ÃŸÊ „Ë ‚Íø∑§ ÕÊ, Á¡ÃŸÊ L§¬ÿÊ øÊ°ŒË ∑§ ◊ÍÀÿ ∑§Ê–
⁄UÊø∑§ ’Êà ÿ„ „Ò Á∑§ ÃÊ°’ ∑§Ë œÊÃÈ ∑§ ‚¥’¥œ ◊¥ ˇÊòÊËÿ ∑§Ë◊ÃÊ¥ ∑§Ë ÁflÁflœÃÊ ‚ÊŸ •ÊÒ⁄U øÊ°ŒË ‚ ’„ÈÃ
•Áœ∑§ ◊„ûfl ⁄UπÃË ÕË–
∑§Ê⁄UáÊ (R) : ÃÊ°’ ∑§Ë •Ê¬ÍÁø ◊ÈÅÿ× •⁄UÊfl‹Ë •ÊÒ⁄U Áflãäÿ oÎ¥π‹Ê ∑§ ©ûÊ⁄UË •ÊÒ⁄U ¬Ífl˸ …U‹ÊŸÊ¥ ∑§Ë πŒÊŸÊ¥ ‚ „ÊÃË ÕË–
ߟ∑§ ‚ÊÕ ß‚∑§Ë ‚◊ˬÃÊ ÁflÁ÷ÛÊ ’Ê¡Ê⁄UÊ¥ ◊¥ ◊ÍÀÿ ∑§ •¥Ã⁄UÊ¥ ∑§ ¬˝‚Ê⁄U ∑§Ê Ãÿ ∑§⁄UŸ ◊¥ ’«∏Ë ÷ÍÁ◊∑§Ê
ÁŸ÷Ê ‚∑§ÃË ÕË–
©¬⁄UÊÄà ŒÊ ∑§ÕŸÊ¥ ∑§ ‚¥Œ÷¸ ◊¥ ÁŸêŸÁ‹Áπà ◊¥ ‚ ∑§ÊÒŸ ‚Ê ‚„Ë „Ò?
(1) (A) •ÊÒ⁄U (R) ŒÊŸÊ¥ ‚„Ë „Ò¥ •ÊÒ⁄U (R), (A) ∑§Ë ‚„Ë √ÿÊÅÿÊ „Ò–
(2) (A) •ÊÒ⁄U (R) ŒÊŸÊ¥ ‚„Ë „Ò¥, ‹Á∑§Ÿ (R), (A) ∑§Ë ‚„Ë √ÿÊÅÿÊ Ÿ„Ë¥ „Ò–
(3) (A) ‚„Ë „Ò, ‹Á∑§Ÿ (R) ª‹Ã „Ò–
(4) (A) ª‹Ã „Ò, ‹Á∑§Ÿ (R) ‚„Ë „Ò–

J-00618 !J-00618-PAPER-II! 25 Paper-II

47. By an imperial farman which of the following Rajas of Amber was prohibited from using the
Makrana marble in his own watan jagir ?

(1) Ram Singh I (2) Raja Bishan Singh

(3) Mirza Raja Jai Singh (4) Sawai Jai Singh

48. Which of the following pair is not correctly matched ?

(Traveller) (Native country)

(1) Nicolo de Conti - Italy

(2) Athanasius Nikitin - Russia

(3) Ibn Battuta - Morocco

(4) Abdur Razzaq - Syria

49. His great-grandfather had written an account of many animals, plants and people, but
“had not ordered his painters to make pictures of them.”

Identify this royal great grandfather - great grandson pair.

(1) Babur - Jahangir

(2) Humayun - Shahjahan

(3) Akbar - Aurangzeb

(4) Jahangir - Bahadur Shah I

50. Who among the following kept one section of his Library in the harem, where the ladies of
the household read out books to him before he went to sleep ?

(1) Babur (2) Humayun (3) Akbar (4) Jahangir

51. A Mughal emperor showed to the conservative and religious minded persons that the language
is not a natural process (Zuban-i Qudrat), but it is a worldly process of learning. To prove his
argument, he, through his practical experiment, kept the newly born in a completely secluded
place known as Gung Mahal. Name the Mughal Emperor :

(1) Babur (2) Akbar (3) Jahangir (4) Aurangzeb

J-00618 !J-00618-PAPER-II! 26 Paper-II

47. ∞∑§ ‡ÊÊ„Ë »§⁄U◊ÊŸ mÊ⁄UÊ ÁŸêŸÁ‹Áπà ◊¥ ‚ •Ê◊⁄U ∑§ Á∑§‚ ⁄UÊ¡Ê ∑§Ê •¬ŸË flß ¡ÊªË⁄U ◊¥ „Ë ◊∑§⁄UÊŸÊ ‚¥ª◊⁄U◊⁄U ∑§
¬˝ÿÊª ‚ ⁄UÊ∑§Ê ªÿÊ ÕÊ?
(1) ⁄UÊ◊ Á‚¥„ I (2) ⁄UÊ¡Ê Á’‡ÊŸ Á‚¥„ (3) Á◊¡Ê¸ ⁄UÊ¡Ê ¡ÿ Á‚¥„ (4) ‚flÊ߸ ¡ÿ Á‚¥„

48. ÁŸêŸÁ‹Áπà ◊¥ ‚ ∑§ÊÒŸ ‚Ê ÿÈÇ◊ ‚„Ë ‚È◊Á‹Ã Ÿ„Ë¥ „Ò?

(ÿÊòÊË) (◊Í‹-Œ‡Ê)
(1) ÁŸ∑§Ê‹Ë «UË ∑§ÊÚã≈UË - ß≈U‹Ë
(2) •ÕÊŸÊÁ‚ÿ‚ ÁŸÁ∑§Áß - M§‚
(3) ßéŸ ’ÃÍÃÊ - ◊Ê⁄UÄ∑§Ê
(4) •éŒÈ⁄¸Uï$¡Ê∑§ - ‚ËÁ⁄UÿÊ

49. ©‚∑§ ¬⁄UŒÊŒÊ Ÿ ’„Èà ‚Ê⁄U ¬‡ÊÈ•Ê¥, ¬ÊÒœÊ¥ •ÊÒ⁄U ‹ÊªÊ¥ ∑§ ’Ê⁄U ◊¥ Á‹πÊ ÕÊ, ‹Á∑§Ÿ ““•¬Ÿ ÁøòÊ∑§Ê⁄UÊ¥ ∑§Ê ©Ÿ∑§Ë ÃSflË⁄¥U
’ŸÊŸ ∑§Ê •ÊŒ‡Ê Ÿ„Ë¥ ÁŒÿÊ ÕÊ–””
ß‚ ‡ÊÊ„Ë ¬⁄UŒÊŒÊ-¬˝¬ÊÒòÊ ∑§Ë ¡Ê«∏Ë ∑§Ê ÁøÁã„à ∑§⁄¥U —
(1) ’Ê’⁄U - ¡„Ê°ªË⁄U
(2) „È◊Êÿ°Í - ‡ÊÊ„¡„Ê°
(3) •∑§’⁄U - •ÊÒ⁄U¥ª¡’
(4) ¡„Ê°ªË⁄U - ’„ÊŒÈ⁄U ‡ÊÊ„ I

50. ÁŸêŸÁ‹Áπà ◊¥ ‚ Á∑§‚Ÿ •¬Ÿ ¬ÈSÃ∑§Ê‹ÿ ∑§Ê ∞∑§ ÷ʪ „⁄U◊ ◊¥ ⁄UπÊ ÕÊ, ¡„Ê° „⁄U◊ ∑§Ë ◊Á„‹Êÿ¥ ©‚∑§ ‚ÊŸ ‚ ¬„‹
©‚ ¬ÈSÃ∑¥§ ¬…∏∑§⁄U ‚ÈŸÊÃË ÕË¥?
(1) ’Ê’⁄U (2) „È◊Êÿ°Í (3) •∑§’⁄U (4) ¡„Ê°ªË⁄U

51. ∞∑§ ◊Ȫ‹ ’ÊŒ‡ÊÊ„ Ÿ L§Á…∏flÊŒË •ÊÒ⁄U œÊÁ◊¸∑§ ¬˝∑ΧÁà ∑§ ‹ÊªÊ¥ ∑§Ê ÁŒπÊÿÊ Á∑§ ÷Ê·Ê ∞∑§ ¬˝Ê∑ΧÁÃ∑§ ¬˝Á∑˝§ÿÊ ($¡È’ÊŸ-∞
∑ȧŒ⁄UÃ) Ÿ„Ë¥ „Ò, •Á¬ÃÈ ÿ„ ∞∑§ ‚ËπŸ ∑§Ê ‚Ê¥‚ÊÁ⁄U∑§ Ã⁄UË∑§Ê „Ò– •¬Ÿ Ã∑¸§ ∑§Ê Á‚h ∑§⁄UŸ ∑§ Á‹∞ ©‚Ÿ √ÿÊfl„ÊÁ⁄U∑§
¬˝ÿÊª mÊ⁄UÊ Ÿfl¡Êà Á‡Ê‡ÊÈ•Ê¥ ∑§Ê ‚fl¸ÕÊ ∞∑§Ê¥Ã SÕÊŸ, ¡Ê ªÍ¥ª ◊„‹ ∑§ ŸÊ◊ ‚ ¡ÊŸÊ ¡ÊÃÊ ÕÊ, ◊¥ ⁄UπÊ– fl„ ◊Ȫ‹ ’ÊŒ‡ÊÊ„
(1) ’Ê’⁄U (2) •∑§’⁄U (3) ¡„Ê°ªË⁄U (4) •ÊÒ⁄¥Uª¡’
J-00618 !J-00618-PAPER-II! 27 Paper-II
52. Which of the following are the characteristics of manuscript illustrations in Akbar-Nama ?

(a) In the Mughal paintings of Akbarnama usually two painters collaborated a single painting.

(b) The sketch and the colouring were usually done by a single painter.

(c) The collaborator used to finish portraits only.

(d) In certain paintings sketching, colouring and portraits are done by three different

Select the correct answer from the code given below :

(1) (a) and (d) only (2) (a) and (c) only

(3) (a), (b) and (c) only (4) (a), (b), (c), (d)

53. Which of the following painters were in Jahangir’s court ?

(a) Abdus Samad (b) Abul Hasan (c) Ustad Mansur (d) Mir Sayyid Ali

Select the correct answer from the code given below :

Code :

(1) (a), (b) and (d) (2) (b), (c) and (d)

(3) (b) and (c) (4) (a) and (d)

54. Which of the following statements are correct ?

(a) Within his own kingdom (Swarajya) Shivaji attempted to build regular administration
on the model of Deccan Sultanates. The taxation within it was very light.

(b) Shivaji’s death saw a momentary eclipse of the polity he had founded, as his son
Shambhaji was captured and executed by Aurangzeb.

(c) Maratha sardars enlarged their resources by a rigorous collection of Chauth, failing
which they subjected the recalcitrant territory to plunder.

(d) Tarabai, the widow of Shivaji’s son, accepted the Mughal suzerainty.

Select the correct answer from the code given below :

Code :

(1) (b), (c) and (d) only (2) (a), (b) and (c) only

(3) (a), (b), (c) and (d) (4) (b) and (c) only

J-00618 !J-00618-PAPER-II! 28 Paper-II

52. •∑§’⁄U-ŸÊ◊Ê ◊¥ ÁøÁòÊà ¬Ê«È¥UÁ‹Á¬ ∑§Ë Áfl‡Ê·ÃÊ∞° ÁŸêŸÁ‹Áπà ◊¥ ‚ ∑§ÊÒŸ-‚Ë „Ò¥?
(a) •∑§’⁄UŸÊ◊Ê ∑§Ë ◊Ȫ‹ ÁøòÊ∑§Ê⁄UË ◊¥ •Ä‚⁄U ∞∑§ ÁøòÊ ∑§ ‚ÊÕ ŒÊ ÁøòÊ∑§Ê⁄U ‚¥’¥h Õ–
(b) ⁄UπÊ¥∑§Ÿ •ÊÒ⁄U ⁄¥UªÊ߸ •Ä‚⁄U ∞∑§ ÁøòÊ∑§Ê⁄U mÊ⁄UÊ ∑§Ë ¡ÊÃË ÕË–
(c) ‚„ÿÊªË ∑§fl‹ ¬Ê≈˛¸U≈U ∑§Ê ¬Í⁄UÊ ∑§⁄UÃ Õ–
(d) ∑ȧ¿U πÊ‚ ÁøòÊÊ¥ ◊¥ ⁄UπÊ¥∑§Ÿ, ⁄¥UªÊ߸ •ÊÒ⁄U ¬Ê≈˛¸U≈U ÃËŸ Á÷㟠ÁøòÊ∑§Ê⁄UÊ¥ mÊ⁄UÊ Á∑§ÿÊ ªÿÊ „Ò–
ŸËø ÁŒÿ ªÿ ∑ͧ≈U ◊¥ ‚ ‚„Ë ©ûÊ⁄U øÈÁŸÿ —
(1) ∑§fl‹ (a) •ÊÒ⁄U (d) (2) ∑§fl‹ (a) •ÊÒ⁄U (c)
(3) ∑§fl‹ (a), (b) •ÊÒ⁄U (c) (4) (a), (b), (c), (d)

53. ÁŸêŸÁ‹Áπà ÁøòÊ∑§Ê⁄UÊ¥ ◊¥ ‚ ∑§ÊÒŸ-‚ ¡„Ê°ªË⁄U ∑§ Œ⁄U’Ê⁄U ◊¥ Õ?
(a) •éŒÈ‚ ‚◊Œ (b) •’È‹ „‚Ÿ (c) ©SÃÊŒ ◊¥‚Í⁄U (d) ◊Ë⁄U ‚ÒƒÿŒ •‹Ë
ŸËø ÁŒÿ ªÿ ∑ͧ≈U ◊¥ ‚ ‚„Ë ©ûÊ⁄U øÈŸ¥ —
∑ͧ≈U —
(1) (a), (b) •ÊÒ⁄U (d) (2) (b), (c) •ÊÒ⁄U (d)
(3) (b) •ÊÒ⁄U (c) (4) (a) •ÊÒ⁄U (d)

54. ÁŸêŸÁ‹Áπà ◊¥ ‚ ∑§ÊÒŸ-‚ √ÊÄÃ√ÿ ‚„Ë „Ò¥?

(a) •¬Ÿ ‚Ê◊˝Êíÿ (Sfl⁄UÊíÿ) ◊¥ Á‡ÊflÊ¡Ë Ÿ ŒÄ∑§ŸË ‚ÀßÃÊ¥ ∑§ ¬˝ÊM§¬ ¬⁄U ÁŸÿÁ◊à ¬˝‡ÊÊ‚Ÿ SÕÊÁ¬Ã ∑§⁄UŸ ∑§Ê
¬˝ÿàŸ Á∑§ÿÊ– ß‚◊¥ ∑§⁄U ’„Èà ∑§◊ ÕÊ–
(b) Á‡ÊflÊ¡Ë ∑§Ë ◊ÎàÿÈ ‚ ©Ÿ∑§ mÊ⁄UÊ SÕÊÁ¬Ã ŸËÁà ∑§Ê ˇÊÁáÊ∑§ œÄ∑§Ê ‹ªÊ ÄÿÊ¥Á∑§ ©Ÿ∑§ ¬ÈòÊ ‡Êê÷Ê¡Ë ∑§Ê •ÊÒ⁄¥Uª¡’
Ÿ ∑Ò§Œ ∑§⁄U∑§ ◊⁄UflÊ ÁŒÿÊ–
(c) ◊⁄UÊ∆UÊ ‚⁄UŒÊ⁄UÊ¥ Ÿ ‚ÅÃË ‚ „ÊÁ‚‹ øÊÒÕ mÊ⁄UÊ •¬Ÿ ‚¥‚ÊœŸÊ¥ ∑§Ê ’…∏ÊÿÊ, ß‚ Ÿ Œ ¬ÊŸ ∑§Ë ÁSÕÁà ◊¥ ÁflŒ˝Ê„Ë ˇÊòÊÊ¥
∑§Ê ‹Í≈U-¬Ê≈U ∑§Ê Á‡Ê∑§Ê⁄U „ÊŸÊ ¬«∏ÃÊ ÕÊ–
(d) Á‡ÊflÊ¡Ë ∑§ ¬ÈòÊ ∑§Ë ÁflœflÊ ÃÊ⁄UÊ’Ê߸ Ÿ ◊Ȫ‹ •ÊÁœ¬àÿ SflË∑§Ê⁄U ∑§⁄U Á‹ÿÊ–
ŸËø ÁŒÿ ªÿ ∑ͧ≈U ◊¥ ‚ ‚„Ë ©ûÊ⁄U øÈŸ¥ —
∑ͧ≈U —
(1) ∑§fl‹ (b), (c) •ÊÒ⁄U (d) (2) ∑§fl‹ (a), (b) •ÊÒ⁄U (c)
(3) (a), (b), (c) •ÊÒ⁄U (d) (4) ∑§fl‹ (b) •ÊÒ⁄U (c)

J-00618 !J-00618-PAPER-II! 29 Paper-II

55. Although taken aback by the beauty of Kashmir and its gardens, which of the following
emperors decreed in his 6th regnal year that no king should visit there unless on military or
administrative business, as he believed that the pursuit of pleasure was inadequate reason
for going to Kashmir ?
(1) Jahangir (2) Shahjahan (3) Aurangzeb (4) Bahadur Shah I

56. Arrange the following monuments in chronological order :

(a) Char Minar - Hyderabad
(b) Humayun’s Tomb - Delhi
(c) Tomb of Sher Shah Suri - Sasaram
(d) Gol Gumbaz - Bijapur
Select the correct answer from the code given below :
Code :
(1) (b), (c), (d), (a) (2) (d), (a), (c), (b)
(3) (c), (b), (a), (d) (4) (a), (d), (b), (c)

57. Match List - I with List - II and select the correct answer from the code given below the
lists :
List - I List - II
(Jain Terms) (Meaning)
(a) Bhadrak (i) Lay Jain follower
(b) Kshullak (ii) Digamber temple managers
(c) Shravak (iii) Shvetambar monk who follows the vows minutely
(d) Yati (iv) Initial stage of initiation of a Digambar Jain ascetic

Code :
(a) (b) (c) (d)
(1) (ii) (iv) (i) (iii)
(2) (iii) (iv) (ii) (i)
(3) (iv) (iii) (ii) (i)
(4) (ii) (i) (iv) (iii)

J-00618 !J-00618-PAPER-II! 30 Paper-II

55. ∑§‡◊Ë⁄U •ÊÒ⁄U ©‚∑§ ’ʪÊ¥ ∑§Ë πÍ’‚Í⁄UÃË ‚ ¬˝÷ÊÁflà „ÊŸ ∑§ ’Êfl¡ÍŒ, ÁŸêŸÁ‹Áπà ◊¥ ‚ Á∑§‚ ’ÊŒ‡ÊÊ„ Ÿ •¬Ÿ ‡ÊÊ‚Ÿ
∑§ ¿U∆U fl·¸ ◊¥ •ÊŒ‡Ê ÁŒÿÊ Á∑§ ∑§Ê߸ ÷Ë ’ÊŒ‡ÊÊ„ ‚Òãÿ •ÊÒ⁄U ¬˝‡ÊÊ‚ÁŸ∑§ ∑§ÊÿÊZ ∑§ Á‚flÊÿ ∑§‡◊Ë⁄U ∑§Ë ÿÊòÊÊ Ÿ„Ë¥ ∑§⁄UªÊ
ÄÿÊ¥Á∑§ ©‚∑§Ê ◊ÊŸŸÊ ÕÊ Á∑§ •Ê◊ÊŒ-¬˝◊ÊŒ ∑§ ‡ÊÊÒ∑§ ∑§Ê ¬Í⁄UÊ ∑§⁄UŸ ∑§ Á‹∞ ∑§‡◊Ë⁄U ¡ÊŸÊ ©¬ÿÈÄà ∑§Ê⁄UáÊ Ÿ„Ë¥ „Ò?
(1) ¡„Ê°ªË⁄U (2) ‡ÊÊ„¡„Ê° (3) •ÊÒ⁄¥Uª¡’ (4) ’„ÊŒÈ⁄U ‡ÊÊ„ I

56. ÁŸêŸÁ‹Áπà S◊Ê⁄U∑§Ê¥ ∑§Ê ∑§Ê‹ÊŸÈ∑˝§◊ ◊¥ √ÿflÁSÕà ∑§⁄¥U —

(a) øÊ⁄U◊ËŸÊ⁄U - „ÒŒ⁄UÊ’ÊŒ
(b) „È◊ÊÿÍ° ∑§Ê ◊∑§’⁄UÊ - ÁŒÀ‹Ë
(c) ‡Ê⁄U‡ÊÊ„ ‚Í⁄UË ∑§Ê ◊∑§’⁄UÊ - ‚Ê‚Ê⁄UÊ◊
(d) ªÊ‹ ªÈê’¡ - ’ˡʬÈ⁄U
ŸËø ÁŒÿ ªÿ ∑ͧ≈U ◊¥ ‚ ‚„Ë ©ûÊ⁄U øÈŸ¥ —
∑ͧ≈U —
(1) (b), (c), (d), (a) (2) (d), (a), (c), (b)
(3) (c), (b), (a), (d) (4) (a), (d), (b), (c)

57. ‚ÍøË - I ∑§Ê ‚ÍøË - II ∑§ ‚ÊÕ ‚È◊Á‹Ã ∑§⁄¥U •ÊÒ⁄U ‚ÍÁøÿÊ¥ ∑§ ŸËø ÁŒÿ ªÿ ∑ͧ≈U ◊¥ ‚ ‚„Ë ©ûÊ⁄U øÈŸ¥ —
‚ÍøË - I ‚ÍøË - II
(¡ÒŸ ‡ÊéŒÊfl‹Ë) (•Õ¸)
(a) ÷Œ˝∑§ (i) ¡ÒŸ ©¬Ê‚∑§
(b) ˇÊÈÑ∑§ (ii) ÁŒª¥’⁄U ◊¥ÁŒ⁄U ¬˝’¥œ∑§
(c) üÊÊfl∑§ (iii) ‡flÃÊê’⁄U Á÷ˇÊÈ ¡Ê œÊÁ◊¸∑§ ÁŒŸøÿʸ•Ê¥ ∑§Ê •ë¿UË Ã⁄U„ ‚ ¬Ê‹Ÿ ∑§⁄UÃ „Ò¥
(d) ÿÁà (iv) ÁŒª¥’⁄U ¡ÒŸ ◊ÈÁŸ ∑§ ŒËˇÊÊ ‚¥S∑§Ê⁄U ∑§Ë •Ê⁄¥UÁ÷∑§ •flSÕÊ
∑ͧ≈U —
(a) (b) (c) (d)
(1) (ii) (iv) (i) (iii)
(2) (iii) (iv) (ii) (i)
(3) (iv) (iii) (ii) (i)
(4) (ii) (i) (iv) (iii)

J-00618 !J-00618-PAPER-II! 31 Paper-II

58. Given below are two statements, one labelled as Assertion (A) and the other labelled
Reason (R).
Assertion (A) : Guru Amardas followed previous practice in appointing his successor.
Reason (R) : The sucession of Guruship was conferred by him on his son-in-law Ram
Das and his descendants, thereby making Guruship hereditary.
In the context of the above two statements which of the following is correct ?
(1) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct explanation of (A).
(2) Both (A) and (R) are true, but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A).
(3) (A) is true, but (R) is false.
(4) (A) is false, but (R) is true.

59. After storming Sirhind, Banda Bahadur adopted the title of Padshah, started a new calendar
and issued coins bearing the names of which Gurus ?
(1) Guru Nanak and Guru Hargobind
(2) Guru Nanak and Guru Gobind Singh
(3) Guru Hargobind and Guru Arjan
(4) Guru Gobind Singh and Guru Tegh Bahadur

60. Which of the following pair of writers and works is not correctly matched ?
(Writer) (Work)
(1) Nizamuddin Ahmad - Tabaqat-i Akbari
(2) Khafi Khan - Maasir-i Alamgiri
(3) Abdul Hamid Lahori - Padshahnama
(4) Muhammad Kazim - Alamgir-Nama

61. Given below are two statements, one labelled as Assertion (A) and the other labelled
Reason (R).
Assertion (A) : Akbar was keen to extend operation of measurement and realise revenue
in cash. In this regard he was uncompromising and over strict.
Reason (R) : While Akbar’s these reforms were being carried out under the guidance of
Shah Mansur and Todar Mal, mutiny broke out in Bihar and Bengal.
In the context of the above two statements which of the following is correct ?
(1) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct explanation of (A).
(2) Both (A) and (R) are true, but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A).
(3) (A) is true, but (R) is false.
(4) (A) is false, but (R) is true.

J-00618 !J-00618-PAPER-II! 32 Paper-II

58. ŸËø ŒÊ flÄÃ√ÿ ÁŒÿ ªÿ „Ò¥, ∞∑§ ∑§Ê ∑§ÕŸ (A) •ÊÒ⁄U ŒÍ‚⁄U ∑§Ê ∑§Ê⁄UáÊ (R) ∑§„Ê ªÿÊ „Ò —
∑§ÕŸ (A) : ªÈM§ •◊⁄UŒÊ‚ Ÿ •¬Ÿ ©ûÊ⁄UÊÁœ∑§Ê⁄UË ∑§Ë ÁŸÿÈÁÄà ◊¥ ¬È⁄UÊŸË ¬˝ÕÊ ∑§Ê •¬ŸÊÿÊ–
∑§Ê⁄UáÊ (R) : ©ã„Ê¥Ÿ •¬Ÿ ©ûÊ⁄UÊÁœ∑§Ê⁄UË ∑§ M§¬ ◊¥ ªÈL§ ∑§Ê ¬Œ •¬Ÿ ŒÊ◊ÊŒ ⁄UÊ◊ŒÊ‚ •ÊÒ⁄U ©Ÿ∑§ fl¥‡Ê¡Ê¥ ∑§Ê ¬˝ŒÊŸ ∑§⁄UŸ
∑§Ê ÁŸ‡øÿ Á∑§ÿÊ, ß‚ ¬˝∑§Ê⁄U ªÈL§ ∑§ ¬Œ ∑§Ê fl¥‡ÊʟȪà ’ŸÊÿÊ–
©¬⁄UÊÄà ŒÊ ∑§ÕŸÊ¥ ∑§ ‚¥Œ÷¸ ◊¥ ÁŸêŸÁ‹Áπà ◊¥ ‚ ∑§ÊÒŸ-‚Ê ‚„Ë „Ò?
(1) (A) •ÊÒ⁄U (R) ŒÊŸÊ¥ ‚„Ë „Ò¥ •ÊÒ⁄U (R), (A) ∑§Ë ‚„Ë √ÿÊÅÿÊ „Ò–
(2) (A) •ÊÒ⁄U (R) ŒÊŸÊ¥ ‚„Ë „Ò¥, ‹Á∑§Ÿ (R), (A) ∑§Ë ‚„Ë √ÿÊÅÿÊ Ÿ„Ë¥ „Ò–
(3) (A) ‚„Ë „Ò, ‹Á∑§Ÿ (R) ª‹Ã „Ò–
(4) (A) ª‹Ã „Ò, ‹Á∑§Ÿ (R) ‚„Ë „Ò–

59. ‚⁄UÁ„㌠•Ê∑˝§◊áÊ ∑§ ’ÊŒ, ’¥ŒÊ ’„ÊŒÈ⁄U Ÿ ¬ÊŒ‡ÊÊ„ ∑§Ë ©¬ÊÁœ œÊ⁄UáÊ ∑§Ë, ∞∑§ ŸÿÊ ∑Ò§‹á«U⁄U •Ê⁄¥U÷ Á∑§ÿÊ •ÊÒ⁄U Á∑§Ÿ
ªÈM§•Ê¥ ∑§ ŸÊ◊ flÊ‹ Á‚Ä∑§ ¡Ê⁄UË Á∑§ÿ?
(1) ªÈL§ŸÊŸ∑§ •ÊÒ⁄U ªÈL§ „⁄UªÊÁ’ãŒ
(2) ªÈL§ŸÊŸ∑§ •ÊÒ⁄U ªÈL§ ªÊÁ’㌠Á‚¥„
(3) ªÈL§ „⁄UªÊÁ’¥Œ •ÊÒ⁄U ªÈL§ •¡¸Ÿ
(4) ªÈL§ ªÊÁ’¥Œ Á‚¥„ •ÊÒ⁄U ªÈM§ Ãª ’„ÊŒÈ⁄U

60. ÁŸêŸÁ‹Áπà ‹π∑§Ê¥ •ÊÒ⁄U ⁄UøŸÊ•Ê¥ ◊¥ ‚ ∑§ÊÒŸ ‚Ê ÿÈÇ◊ ‚„Ë ‚È◊Á‹Ã Ÿ„Ë¥ „Ò?
(‹π∑§) (⁄UøŸÊ)
(1) ÁŸ$¡Ê◊ÈgËŸ •„◊Œ - Ã’∑§ÊÃ-∞ •∑§’⁄UË
(2) $πÊ$»§Ë $πÊŸ - ◊•ÊÁ‚⁄U-∞ •Ê‹◊ªË⁄UË
(3) •éŒÈ‹ „◊ËŒ ‹Ê„ÊÒ⁄UË - ¬ÊŒ‡ÊÊ„ŸÊ◊Ê
(4) ◊È„ê◊Œ ∑§ÊÁ$¡◊ - •Ê‹◊ªË⁄U-ŸÊ◊Ê

61. ŸËø ŒÊ flÄÃ√ÿ ÁŒÿ ªÿ „Ò, ∞∑§ ∑§Ê ∑§ÕŸ (A) •ÊÒ⁄U ŒÍ‚⁄U ∑§Ê ∑§Ê⁄UáÊ (R) ∑§„Ê ªÿÊ „Ò —
∑§ÕŸ (A) : •∑§’⁄U ÷ÍÁ◊ ∑§Ë ¬Ò◊Êß‡Ê •ÊÒ⁄U ÷Í-⁄UÊ¡Sfl ∑§Ë Ÿ∑§Œ ©ªÊ„ËU ∑§ ÁflSÃÊ⁄U ∑§Ê ßë¿UÈ∑§ ÕÊ– ß‚ ˇÊòÊ ◊¥ fl„
Á∑§‚Ë ÷Ë ¬˝∑§Ê⁄U ∑§Ê ‚◊¤ÊÊÒÃÊ ∑§⁄UŸ ∑§ Á‹∞ ÃÒÿÊ⁄U Ÿ„Ë¥ ÕÊ ÃÕÊ ©‚Ÿ ß‚∑§Ê Á∑˝§ÿÊãflÿŸ ∑§∆UÊ⁄UÃÊ ‚
∑§Ê⁄UáÊ (R) : •∑§’⁄U ∑§ ߟ ‚ÈœÊ⁄UÊ¥ ∑§Ê ‡ÊÊ„ ◊¥‚Í⁄U •ÊÒ⁄U ≈UÊ«U⁄U◊‹ ∑§ ŸÃÎàfl ◊¥ ‹ÊªÍ Á∑§ÿÊ ªÿÊ, ‹Á∑§Ÿ Á’„Ê⁄U ÃÕÊ
’¥ªÊ‹ ◊¥ ÁflŒ˝Ê„ ÷«∏∑§ ©∆UÊ–
©¬⁄UÊÄà ŒÊ ∑§ÕŸÊ¥ ∑§ ‚¥Œ÷¸ ◊¥ ÁŸêŸÁ‹Áπà ◊¥ ‚ ∑§ÊÒŸ ‚Ê ‚„Ë „Ò?
(1) (A) •ÊÒ⁄U (R) ŒÊŸÊ¥ ‚„Ë „Ò¥ •ÊÒ⁄U (R), (A) ∑§Ë ‚„Ë √ÿÊÅÿÊ „Ò–
(2) (A) •ÊÒ⁄U (R) ŒÊŸÊ¥ ‚„Ë „Ò¥, ‹Á∑§Ÿ (R), (A) ∑§Ë ‚„Ë √ÿÊÅÿÊ Ÿ„Ë¥ „Ò–
(3) (A) ‚„Ë „Ò, ‹Á∑§Ÿ (R) ª‹Ã „Ò–
(4) (A) ª‹Ã „Ò, ‹Á∑§Ÿ (R) ‚„Ë „Ò–

J-00618 !J-00618-PAPER-II! 33 Paper-II

62. During the medieval period the rate of discount on cash-payments made against Hundi was
known as :

(1) Anth (2) Foòa (3) Do-d Âmi (4) SatÂrahi


63. Match artisans engaged in building construction activities given in List - I with its modern
connotations given in List - II and select the correct answer from the code given below the
lists :
List - I List - II
(Artisans) (Modern connotation)
(a) Ahakpuzan (i) brick layer
(b) Khishtmalan (ii) engraver
(c) Parchinkar (iii) pounder
(d) Surkhikob (iv) lime burners

Code :
(a) (b) (c) (d)
(1) (iv) (iii) (ii) (i)
(2) (ii) (iii) (iv) (i)
(3) (iii) (iv) (i) (ii)
(4) (iv) (i) (ii) (iii)

64. “Of all the sovereigns of the house of Taimur, nay of all the sovereigns of Delhi no one since
Sikandar Lodi has ever been apparently so distinguished for devotion, austerity and justice
as him.”
In the above passage Khafi Khan is applauding the justice of which of the following Mughal
emperors ?
(1) Akbar (2) Jahangir (3) Shahjahan (4) Aurangzeb

65. Name the historians who have directly questioned the centralised character of the medieval
Indian state ?
(a) Burton Stein (b) Douglas Streusand
(c) J.F. Richard (d) Frank Perlin
Select the correct answer from the code given below :
(1) (a) and (b) (2) (b) and (c) (3) (a) and (c) (4) (a) and (d)

J-00618 !J-00618-PAPER-II! 34 Paper-II

62. „È¥«UË ∑§ ÁŸÁ◊ûÊ Ÿ∑§Œ ÷ȪÃÊŸ ¬⁄U ¿ÍU≈U ∑§Ë Œ⁄U ◊äÿ∑§Ê‹ ◊¥ ¡ÊŸË ¡ÊÃË ÕË —
(1) •Ê¥∆U (2) »§ÊÃÊ (3) ŒÊ-ŒÊ◊Ë (4) ‚ÃÊ⁄U„Ë

63. ‚ÍøË - I ◊¥ ÁŒÿ ªÿ ÷flŸ ÁŸ◊ʸáÊ Á∑˝§ÿÊ∑§‹Ê¬Ê¥ ◊¥ ‚¥‹ÇŸ ∑§Ê⁄U˪Ê⁄UÊ¥ ∑§Ê ‚ÍøË - II ◊¥ ÁŒÿ ªÿ ß‚∑§ •ÊœÈÁŸ∑§
•Á÷œÊŸÊ¥ ∑§ ‚ÊÕ ‚È◊Á‹Ã ∑§⁄¥U •ÊÒ⁄U ‚ÍÁøÿÊ¥ ∑§ ŸËø ÁŒÿ ªÿ ∑ͧ≈U ◊¥ ‚ ‚„Ë ©ûÊ⁄U øÈŸ¥ —
‚ÍøË - I ‚ÍøË-II
(∑§Ê⁄U˪⁄U) (•ÊœÈÁŸ∑§ •Á÷œÊŸ)
(a) •Ê„∑§¬Í¡ÊŸ (i) ⁄UÊ¡ªË⁄U
(b) Áπ‡Ã◊Ê‹ÊŸ (ii) Ÿ$$Ä$∑§Ê‡Ê
(c) ¬ø˸Ÿ∑§Ê⁄U (iii) ßZ≈U ÃÊ«∏ŸflÊ‹Ê
(d) ‚Èπ˸∑§Ê’ (iv) øÍŸª⁄U
∑ͧ≈U —
(a) (b) (c) (d)
(1) (iv) (iii) (ii) (i)
(2) (ii) (iii) (iv) (i)
(3) (iii) (iv) (i) (ii)
(4) (iv) (i) (ii) (iii)

64. ““ÃÒ◊Í⁄U ∑§ ÉÊ⁄UÊŸ ∑§ ‚◊Sà ‚¥¬˝÷È ‡ÊÊ‚∑§Ê¥ ÿ„Ê° Ã∑§ Á∑§ Á‚∑§ãŒ⁄U ‹ÊŒË ∑§ ∑§Ê‹ ‚ •’ Ã∑§ ÁŒÀ‹Ë ∑§ ‚◊Sà ‡ÊÊ‚∑§Ê¥
◊¥ ‚ ∑§Ê߸ ÷Ë ÁŸc∆UÊ, •Êà◊‚¥ÿ◊ •ÊÒ⁄U ãÿÊÿ ◊¥ ©‚∑§ ’⁄UÊ’⁄U Ÿ„Ë¥ ÕÊ–””
©¬ÿȸÄà •flÃ⁄UáÊ ◊¥ πÊ$»§Ë πÊŸ ÁŸêŸÁ‹Áπà ◊¥ ‚ Á∑§‚ ◊Ȫ‹ ‚◊˝Ê≈U ∑§Ë ãÿÊÿÁ¬˝ÿÃÊ ∑§Ë ‚⁄UÊ„ŸÊ ∑§⁄U ⁄U„Ê „Ò?
(1) •∑§’⁄U (2) ¡„Ê°ªË⁄U (3) ‡ÊÊ„¡„Ê° (4) •ÊÒ⁄¥Uª¡’

65. ©Ÿ ßÁÄʂ∑§Ê⁄UÊ¥ ∑§Ê ŸÊ◊ ’ÃÊ∞° Á¡ã„Ê¥Ÿ ◊äÿ∑§Ê‹ËŸ ÷Ê⁄UÃËÿ ⁄UÊíÿ ∑§Ë ∑§ãŒ˝Ë∑Χà ¬˝flÎÁûÊ ¬⁄U ¬˝àÿˇÊ× ¬˝‡Ÿ Áøã„
(a) ’≈¸UŸ S≈UÊߟ (b) «UªÀ‚ S≈˛U ÊÚ‚Ò¥«∏
(c) ¡.∞»§. Á⁄Uø«¸U (d) »Ò¥˝§∑§ ¬Á‹¸Ÿ
ŸËø ÁŒÿ ªÿ ∑ͧ≈U ◊¥ ‚ ‚„Ë ©ûÊ⁄U øÈŸ —
(1) (a) •ÊÒ⁄U (b) (2) (b) •ÊÒ⁄U (c) (3) (a) •ÊÒ⁄U (c) (4) (a) •ÊÒ⁄U (d)

J-00618 !J-00618-PAPER-II! 35 Paper-II

66. Match List - I with List - II and select the correct answer from the code given below the
lists :

List - I List - II

(Author) (Book)

(a) Ibn Hasan (i) The Provincial Government of the Mughals

(b) P. Saran (ii) India at the Death of Akbar

(c) Moreland (iii) The Mughal Nobility Under Aurangzeb

(d) M. Athar Ali (iv) The Central Structure of the Mughal Empire

Code :

(a) (b) (c) (d)

(1) (i) (ii) (iii) (iv)

(2) (iv) (iii) (ii) (i)

(3) (ii) (i) (iv) (iii)

(4) (iv) (i) (ii) (iii)

67. Which one of the following was not a factor for La Bourdonnais to defy Dupleix in giving
back Madras to the English East India Company ?

(1) To assert his independence by not submitting to Dupleix’s authority.

(2) Possibly received a private gift from the English East India Company.

(3) La Bourdonnais had already pledged his word for a ransom from the English in lieu of
giving back Madras.

(4) La Bourdonnais had been ordered to leave the Coast and return back to Mauritius by
the French home government.

68. Which legislation for the first time used the term ‘Scheduled Castes ?

(1) India Councils Act of 1909

(2) Government of India Act, 1919

(3) Government of India Act, 1935

(4) Constitution of Indian Republic

J-00618 !J-00618-PAPER-II! 36 Paper-II

66. ‚ÍøË - I ∑§Ê ‚ÍøË - II ∑§ ‚ÊÕ ‚È◊Á‹Ã ∑§⁄¥U •ÊÒ⁄U ‚ÍÁøÿÊ¥ ∑§ ŸËø ÁŒÿ ªÿ ∑ͧ≈U ◊¥ ‚ ‚„Ë ©ûÊ⁄U Œ¥ —
‚ÍøË - I ‚ÍøË - II
(‹π∑§) (¬ÈSÃ∑§)
(a) ßéŸ „‚Ÿ (i) Œ ¬˝ÊÚÁflÁã‡Êÿ‹ ªflŸ¸◊¥≈U •ÊÚ»§ Œ ◊ȪÀ‚
(b) ¬Ë. ‚⁄UŸ (ii) ߥÁ«UÿÊ ∞≈U Œ «UÕ •ÊÚ»§ •∑§’⁄U
(c) ◊Ê⁄U‹Òá«U (iii) Œ ◊Ȫ‹ ŸÊÁ’Á‹≈UË •¥«U⁄U •ÊÒ⁄¥ª¡’
(d) ∞◊. •Ã„⁄U •‹Ë (iv) Œ ‚¥≈˛U‹ S≈˛U Äø⁄U •ÊÚ»§ Œ ◊Ȫ‹ ∞ê¬Êÿ⁄U
∑ͧ≈U —
(a) (b) (c) (d)

(1) (i) (ii) (iii) (iv)

(2) (iv) (iii) (ii) (i)
(3) (ii) (i) (iv) (iii)

(4) (iv) (i) (ii) (iii)

67. «ÍUå‹ ∑§Ë •flôÊÊ ∑§⁄U ‹Ê ’ʌ͸ŸÊ mÊ⁄UÊ •¥ª˝¡ ߸S≈U ߥÁ«UÿÊ ∑§ê¬ŸË ∑§Ê ¬ÈŸ— ◊Œ˝Ê‚ ‹ÊÒ≈UÊ ÁŒ∞ ¡ÊŸ ∑§ ¬Ë¿U ÁŸêŸÁ‹Áπà ◊¥
‚ ∑§ÊÒŸ ‚Ê ∑§Ê⁄U∑§ Ÿ„Ë¥ ÕÊ?
(1) «ÍUå‹ ∑§Ë ‚ûÊÊ ∑§ ‚◊ˇÊ ‚◊¬¸áÊ Ÿ ∑§⁄U •¬ŸË SflÃ¥òÊÃÊ ∑§Ê ¡ÃÊŸÊ–
(2) ‚¥÷fl× Á’˝Á≈U‡Ê ߸S≈U ߥÁ«UÿÊ ∑§ê¬ŸË ‚ Sflÿ¥ ∑§ Á‹∞ ©‚ ∑§Ê߸ ©¬„Ê⁄U ¬˝Êåà „È•Ê ÕÊ–
(3) ‹Ê ’ʌ͸ŸÊ Ÿ ¬„‹ „Ë •¥ª˝¡Ê¥ ∑§Ê Á»§⁄UÊÃË ∑§ ’Œ‹ ◊Œ˝Ê‚ ‹ÊÒ≈UÊ ŒŸ ∑§ Á‹∞ fløŸ Œ ÁŒÿÊ ÕÊ–
(4) $»˝§Ê¥‚ ∑§Ë ÉÊ⁄U‹Í ‚⁄U∑§Ê⁄U Ÿ ‹Ê ’ʌ͸ŸÊ ∑§Ê ’¥Œ⁄UªÊ„ ¿UÊ«∏∑§⁄U flʬ‚ ◊Ê⁄Uˇʂ ‹ÊÒ≈U ¡ÊŸ ∑§Ê •ÊŒ‡Ê ÁŒÿÊ ÕÊ–

68. Á∑§‚ ÁflœÊŸ ◊¥ ‚fl¸¬˝Õ◊ “•ŸÈ‚ÍÁøà ¡ÊÁÃÿÊ¥” ‡ÊéŒ ¬˝ÿÈÄà „È•Ê?
(1) 1909 ∑§Ê ßÁã«ÿÊ ∑§Ê°Á‚Àʘ‚ ∞Ä≈U
(2) 1919 ∑§Ê ªflŸ¸◊¥≈U •ÊÚ»§ ßÁã«UÿÊ ∞Ä≈U
(3) 1935 ∑§Ê ªflŸ¸◊¥≈U •ÊÚ»§ ߥÁ«UÿÊ ∞Ä≈U
(4) ÷Ê⁄UÃËÿ ªáÊÃ¥òÊ ∑§Ê ‚¥ÁflœÊŸ
J-00618 !J-00618-PAPER-II! 37 Paper-II
69. Which British official had written about the uncertain land conditions prevailing in northern
India that, “.... in the landed property of the country a very extensive and melancholy
revolution” had been affected ?
(1) G. Wingate (2) Robert Marttins Bird
(3) John Dickinson (4) Holt Mackenzie

70. Given below are two statements, one labelled as Assertion (A) and the other labelled as
Reason (R).
Assertion (A) : Some of the peasant rebellions in pre-1857 India were participated exclusively
by the tribal population whose political autonomy and control over local
resources were threatened by the policies of the British rule.
Reason (R) : In the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries, the revenue reform of
the company’s government had fundamentally affected and altered the
Indian rural society.
In the context of these statements which of the following is correct ?
Code :
(1) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct explanation of (A).
(2) Both (A) and (R) are true, but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A).
(3) (A) is true, but (R) is false.
(4) (A) is false, but (R) is true.

71. Match List - I with List - II and select the correct answer with the help of the code given
below :
List - I List - II
(Author) (Work)
(a) John William Kaye (i) The Indian Mutiny in Perspective
(b) G.B. Malleson (ii) The Other Side of the Medal
(c) Edward J. Thompson (iii) A History of the Sepoy War in India
(d) Sir George MacMunn (iv) Indian Mutiny in 1857
Code :
(a) (b) (c) (d)
(1) (iii) (iv) (ii) (i)
(2) (iv) (iii) (i) (ii)
(3) (ii) (i) (iv) (iii)
(4) (iii) (i) (ii) (iv)

J-00618 !J-00618-PAPER-II! 38 Paper-II

69. Á∑§‚ Á’˝Á≈U‡Ê •Áœ∑§Ê⁄UË Ÿ ©ûÊ⁄U ÷Ê⁄Uà ◊¥ √ÿÊåà •ÁŸÁ‡øà ÷Í-‚ê¬ÁûÊ ∑§Ë ÁSÕÁÃÿÊ¥ ∑§ ’Ê⁄ ◊¥ ÿ„ Á‹πÊ Á∑§, ““ß‚ ˇÊòÊ
∑§Ë ÷Í-œÊ⁄U∑§ ‚ê¬ÁûÊ ∞∑§ •àÿÁœ∑§ √ÿʬ∑§ ∞fl¥ ŒÈ—πŒ ∑˝§Ê¥ÁÔ” ‚ ª˝Sà „Ê øÈ∑§Ë „Ò–
(1) ¡Ë. Áfl¥ª≈U (2) ⁄UÊ’≈¸U ◊Á≈¸Uã‚ ’«¸U
(3) ¡ÊÚŸ Á«UÁ∑§ã‚Ÿ (4) „ÊÀ≈U ◊Ò∑§ã¡Ë

70. ŸËø ŒÊ flÄÃ√ÿ ÁŒ∞ ª∞ „Ò¥– ∞∑§ ∑§Ê ∑§ÕŸ (A) ÃÕÊ ŒÍ‚⁄U ∑§Ê ∑§Ê⁄UáÊ (R) ∑§„Ê ªÿÊ „Ò–
∑§ÕŸ (A) : 1857 ∑§ ¬„‹ „È∞ Á∑§‚ÊŸÊ¥ ∑§ ∑ȧ¿U ÁflŒ˝Ê„Ê¥ ◊¥ ¬Í⁄UË Ã⁄U„ ‚ Á‚»¸§ •ÊÁŒflÊÁ‚ÿÊ¥ Ÿ Á‡Ê⁄U∑§Ã ∑§Ë ÕË,
ÄÿÊ¥Á∑§ Á’˝Á≈U‡Ê ‡ÊÊ‚Ÿ ∑§Ë ŸËÁÃÿÊ¥ ∑§ ∑§Ê⁄UáÊ ©Ÿ∑§Ë ⁄UÊ¡ŸËÁÃ∑§ SflÊÿûÊÃÊ •ÊÒ⁄U SÕÊŸËÿ ‚¥‚ÊœŸÊ¥ ¬⁄U
©Ÿ∑§Ê ÁŸÿ¥òÊáÊ πÃ⁄U ◊¥ ¬«∏Ÿ ‹ªÊ ÕÊ–
∑§Ê⁄UáÊ (R) : •∆UÊ⁄U„flË¥ ‡ÊÃÊéŒË ∑§ •¥Ã •ÊÒ⁄U ©ãŸË‚flË¥ ‡ÊÃÊéŒË ∑§ ¬Íflʸœ¸ ◊¥ ∑¥§¬ŸË ∑§Ë ‚⁄U∑§Ê⁄U Ÿ ⁄UÊ¡Sfl ◊¥ ¡Ê ‚ÈœÊ⁄U
Á∑§ÿÊ ÕÊ, ©‚Ÿ ÷Ê⁄UÃËÿ ª˝Ê◊ËáÊ ‚◊Ê¡ ∑§Ê ’ÈÁŸÿÊŒË M§¬ ‚ ¬˝÷ÊÁflà Á∑§ÿÊ •ÊÒ⁄U ’Œ‹Ê–
©¬ÿȸÄà ∑§ÕŸÊ¥ ∑§ ‚¥Œ÷¸ ◊¥ ÁŸêŸ ◊¥ ‚ ∑§ÊÒŸ ‚Ê ‚„Ë „Ò?
∑ͧ≈U —
(1) (A) ÃÕÊ (R) ŒÊŸÊ¥ ‚„Ë „Ò¥ •ÊÒ⁄U (R), (A) ∑§Ë ‚„Ë √ÿÊÅÿÊ „Ò–
(2) (A) ÃÕÊ (R) ŒÊŸÊ¥ ‚„Ë „Ò¥, ¬⁄U (R), (A) ∑§Ë ‚„Ë √ÿÊÅÿÊ Ÿ„Ë¥ ∑§⁄UÃÊ–
(3) (A) ‚„Ë „Ò, ¬⁄U (R) ª‹Ã „Ò–
(4) (A) ª‹Ã „Ò •ÊÒ⁄U (R) ‚„Ë „Ò–

71. ‚ÍøË - I ∑§Ê ‚ÍøË - II ∑§ ‚ÊÕ ‚È◊Á‹Ã ∑§⁄¥U •ÊÒ⁄U ŸËø ÁŒÿ ªÿ ∑ͧ≈U ∑§Ë ‚„ÊÿÃÊ ‚ ‚„Ë ©ûÊ⁄U øÈÁŸÿ —
‚ÍøË - I ‚ÍøË - II
(‹π∑§) (¬ÈSÃ∑§)
(a) ¡ÊÚŸ ÁflÁ‹ÿ◊ ∑§ÿ (i) Œ ߥÁ«UÿŸ êÿÍÁ≈UŸË ߟ ¬‚¸¬ÁÄ≈Ufl
(b) ¡Ë.’Ë. ◊Ê‹‚Ÿ (ii) Œ •Œ⁄U ‚Êß«U •ÊÚ»§ Œ ◊«U‹
(c) ∞«Ufl«¸U ¡. ÕÊÚꬂŸ (iii) ∞ Á„S≈˛UË •ÊÚ»§ Œ Á‚¬Êÿ flÊ⁄U ߟ ߥÁ«UÿÊ
(d) ‚⁄U ¡Ê¡¸ ◊Ò∑§◊ÍŸ (iv) ߥÁ«UÿŸ êÿÍÁ≈UŸË ߟ 1857
∑ͧ≈U —
(a) (b) (c) (d)
(1) (iii) (iv) (ii) (i)
(2) (iv) (iii) (i) (ii)
(3) (ii) (i) (iv) (iii)
(4) (iii) (i) (ii) (iv)

J-00618 !J-00618-PAPER-II! 39 Paper-II

72. Who among the following was not an eminent Orientalist ?

(1) H.T. Colebrooke (2) H.H. Wilson

(3) Edwin Arnold (4) Charles Trevelyan

73. Which one of the following Muslim thinkers persuaded the Ulamas in India to work for
Independence in cooperation with the Indian National Congress ?

(1) Jamal-al-Din Afghani (2) Muhammed Iqbal

(3) Syed Ahmed Khan (4) Ghulam Mahmud

74. Which one of the following statements regarding the ideas propagated by Jyotiba Phule is
not correct ?

(1) His words and actions represent a form of universal humanism.

(2) Phule worked for a new social structure built on equality and rationality.

(3) Phule not only put himself outside the Brahmanic culture system, but also outside of
Hindu Society.

(4) Phule rejected all Hindu scriptures which legitimised hegemony of the Brahmin class.

75. Which one of the following Governor Generals earned the epithet of ‘clemency’ ?

(1) Lord Canning (2) Lord Mayo

(3) Lord Ripon (4) Lord Lansdowne

76. Whose ‘open letters’ on Indian economy to Lord Curzon forced the British Indian government
to publish an official rebuttal and also initiate reformatory economic measures ?

(1) M.G. Ranade (2) G.V. Joshi

(3) R.C. Dutt (4) Lala Lajpat Rai

77. In nationalist iconography, whose celebrated painting of Bharat Mata or “Mother India”
(c. 1904-5) came to symbolise this new image of India ?

(1) Raja Ravi Verma (2) Abhinindranath Tagore

(3) Gaganendranath Tagore (4) Nandlal Bose

J-00618 !J-00618-PAPER-II! 40 Paper-II

72. ÁŸêŸÁ‹Áπà ◊¥ ‚ ∑§ÊÒŸ ¬˝Á‚h ¬˝ÊëÿÁflŒ Ÿ„Ë¥ ÕÊ?
(1) ∞ø.≈UË. ∑§Ê‹’˝È∑§ (2) ∞ø.∞ø. ÁflÀ‚Ÿ
(3) ∞«UÁflŸ •ŸÊ¸À«U (4) øÊÀ‚¸ ≈˛UflÀÿŸ

73. ÁŸêŸÁ‹Áπà ◊¥ ‚ Á∑§‚ ◊È‚À◊ÊŸ ÁfløÊ⁄U∑§ Ÿ ÷Ê⁄Uà ◊¥ ©‹◊Ê•Ê¥ ∑§Ê SflÃ¥òÊÃÊ ∑§ ‚¥ÉÊ·¸ ∑§ Á‹∞ ÷Ê⁄UÃËÿ ⁄UÊc≈˛UËÿ ∑§Ê¥ª˝‚
∑§ ‚ÊÕ ‚„ÿÊª ∑§⁄UŸ ∑§ Á‹∞ ÃÒÿÊ⁄U Á∑§ÿÊ?
(1) ¡◊Ê‹-•‹-ŒËŸ •»§ªÊŸË (2) ◊È„ê◊Œ ß∑§’Ê‹
(3) ‚ÒÿŒ •„◊Œ πÊ° (4) ªÈ‹Ê◊ ◊„◊ÍŒ

74. íÿÊÁÃ’Ê »È§‹ mÊ⁄UÊ ¬˝‚ÊÁ⁄Uà ÁfløÊ⁄UÊ¥ ∑§ ‚ê’㜠◊¥ ÁŸêŸÁ‹Áπà ◊¥ ‚ ∑§ÊÒŸ ‚Ê ∑§ÕŸ ‚„Ë Ÿ„Ë¥ „Ò?
(1) ©Ÿ∑§ ‡ÊéŒ •ÊÒ⁄U ∑§Êÿ¸∑§‹Ê¬ ‚Êfl¸÷ÊÒÁ◊∑§ ◊ÊŸflÃÊflÊŒ ∑§ ∞∑§ M§¬ ∑§Ê ¬˝SÃÈà ∑§⁄UÃ „Ò¥–
(2) »È§‹ Ÿ ‚◊ÊŸÃÊ •ÊÒ⁄U Ã∑¸§ ‚¥ªÃÃÊ ¬⁄U ÁŸÁ◊¸Ã ∞∑§ Ÿÿ ‚Ê◊ÊÁ¡∑§ …UÊ°ø ∑§ Á‹∞ ∑§Êÿ¸ Á∑§ÿÊ–
(3) »Í§‹ Ÿ •¬Ÿ •Ê¬∑§Ê Ÿ ∑§fl‹ ’˝ÊrÊáÊflÊŒË ‚¥S∑ΧÁà ¬˝áÊÊ‹Ë ‚ ’Ê„⁄U ⁄UπÊ, ’ÁÀ∑§ Á„ãŒÈ ‚◊Ê¡ ∑§ ÷Ë ’Ê„⁄U
(4) »È§‹ Ÿ ©Ÿ ‚÷Ë Á„ãŒÈ œ◊¸ª˝¥ÕÊ¥ ∑§Ê •SflË∑§Ê⁄U Á∑§ÿÊ ¡Ê ’˝ÊrÊáÊ flª¸ ∑§ •ÊÁœ¬àÿ ∑§Ê flÒœÃÊ ¬˝ŒÊŸ ∑§⁄UÃ Õ–

75. ÁŸêŸÁ‹Áπà ªflŸ¸⁄U ¡Ÿ⁄‹Ê¥U ◊¥ ‚ Á∑§‚∑§Ê “ŒÿÊ‹È” (Ä‹Ë◊ã‚Ë) Áfl‡Ê·áÊ ‚ ‚¥’ÊÁœÃ Á∑§ÿÊ ªÿÊ?
(1) ‹Ê«¸U ∑§ÁŸ¥ª (2) ‹Ê«¸U ◊ÿÊ
(3) ‹Ê«¸U Á⁄U¬Ÿ (4) ‹Ê«¸U ‹Òã‚«UÊ©Ÿ

76. Á∑§‚∑§ mÊ⁄UÊ ‹Ê«¸U ∑§¡¸Ÿ ∑§Ê Á‹π ª∞ ÷Ê⁄UÃËÿ •Õ¸√ÿflSÃÊ ¬⁄U “πÈ‹ ¬òÊÊ¥” Ÿ Á’˝Á≈U‡Ê ÷Ê⁄UÃËÿ ‚⁄U∑§Ê⁄U ∑§Ê ∞∑§
•ÊÁœ∑§ÊÁ⁄UU∑§ π¥«UŸ ¬˝∑§ÊÁ‡Êà ∑§⁄UŸÊ ¬«∏Ê •ÊÒ⁄U ‚ÊÕ „Ë ‚ÈœÊ⁄UflÊŒË •ÊÁÕ¸∑§ ∑§Œ◊ ÷Ë ©∆UÊŸ ¬«∏?
(1) ∞◊.¡Ë. ⁄UÊŸÊ«U (2) ¡Ë.flË. ¡Ê‡ÊË
(3) •Ê⁄U.‚Ë. ŒûÊ (4) ‹Ê‹Ê ‹Ê¡¬Ã ⁄UÊÿ

77. ⁄UÊc≈˛UflÊŒË ¬˝ÁÃ◊Ê ÁflôÊÊŸ ◊¥ ÷Ê⁄Uà ◊ÊÃÊ •ÕflÊ “◊Œ⁄U ߥÁ«UÿÊ” (c. 1904-5) ∑§Ê Á∑§‚∑§Ê ¬˝Á‚h ÁøòÊ ÷Ê⁄Uà ∑§Ë Ÿß¸ ¿UÁfl
∑§ ¬˝ÃË∑§ M§¬ ◊¥ •ÊÿÊ?
(1) ⁄UÊ¡Ê ⁄UÁfl fl◊ʸ (2) •Á÷ŸËãŒ˝ŸÊÕ ≈ÒUªÊ⁄U
(3) ªªŸãŒ˝ŸÊÕ ≈ÒUªÊ⁄U (4) ŸãŒ‹Ê‹ ’Ê‚
J-00618 !J-00618-PAPER-II! 41 Paper-II
78. Given below are two statements, one labelled as Assertion (A) and the other labelled as
Reason (R).

Assertion (A) : Mahatma Gandhi wrote : Even Swadeshi, like any good thing, can be ridden
to death if it is made a fetish.

Reason (R) : Mahatma Gandhi opined : Swadeshi is a doctrine that has its roots in the
purest Ahimsa i.e. love.

In the context of the above two statements, which one of the following is correct ?

(1) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct explanation of (A).

(2) Both (A) and (R) are true, but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A).

(3) (A) is true, but (R) is false.

(4) (A) is false, but (R) is true.

79. Match List - I with List - II and choose the correct answer from the code given below :

List - I List - II

(Nationalist women) (Their activities)

(a) Sarojini Naidu (i) A leader of the underground movement

(b) Usha Mehta (ii) Joined Azad Hind Fauz

(c) Aruna Asaf Ali (iii) Led Salt Satyagraha at Dharsana

(d) Dr. Lakshmi Swaminathan (iv) Operated secret radio during Quit India

Code :

(a) (b) (c) (d)

(1) (iv) (ii) (i) (iii)

(2) (iii) (iv) (i) (ii)

(3) (iv) (iii) (ii) (i)

(4) (iii) (ii) (iv) (i)

80. Which country imposed strict restrictions on the Indian immigrants from landing, carried by
the ship Komagatu Maru in March 1914 ?

(1) U.S.A. (2) England (3) Japan (4) Canada

J-00618 !J-00618-PAPER-II! 42 Paper-II

78. ŸËø ŒÊ flÄÃ√ÿ ÁŒ∞ ª∞ „Ò¥, ∞∑§ ∑§Ê ∑§ÕŸ (A) •ÊÒ⁄U ŒÍ‚⁄U ∑§Ê ∑§Ê⁄UáÊ (R) ∑§„Ê ªÿÊ „Ò–
∑§ÕŸ (A) : ◊„Êà◊Ê ªÊ¥œË Ÿ Á‹πÊ — ““SflŒ‡ÊË ÷Ë •ãÿ Á∑§‚Ë •ë¿UË ’Êà ∑§Ë Ã⁄U„ ◊ÎàÿÈ ∑§Ê •ÊÁ‹¥ªŸ ’Ÿ ‚∑§ÃË
„Ò ÿÁŒ ß‚ •ãœ üÊhÊ ∑§Ë Ã⁄U„ •¬ŸÊÿÊ ¡Ê∞–””
∑§Ê⁄UáÊ (R) : ◊„Êà◊Ê ªÊ¥œË ∑§Ê ÁfløÊ⁄U ÕÊ — SflŒ‡ÊË ∞‚Ê Á‚hÊãà „Ò Á¡‚∑§Ë ¡«∏¥ ‡ÊÈhÃ◊ •Á„¥‚Ê ÿÊŸË ¬˝◊ ◊¥ ÁŸÁ„à „Ò¥–
©¬ÿȸÄà ∑§ÕŸÊ¥ ∑§ ‚¥Œ÷¸ ◊¥ ÁŸêŸÁ‹Áπà ◊¥ ‚ ∑§ÊÒŸ ‚Ê ‚„Ë „Ò?
(1) (A) •ÊÒ⁄U (R) ŒÊŸÊ¥ ‚„Ë „Ò¥ •ÊÒ⁄U (A) ∑§Ë ‚„Ë √ÿÊÅÿÊ (R) „Ò–
(2) (A) •ÊÒ⁄U (R) ŒÊŸÊ¥ ‚„Ë „Ò¥, Á∑§ãÃÈ (A) ∑§Ë ‚„Ë √ÿÊÅÿÊ (R) Ÿ„Ë¥ „Ò–
(3) (A) ‚„Ë „Ò, Á∑§ãÃÈ (R) ª‹Ã „Ò–
(4) (A) ª‹Ã „Ò, Á∑§ãÃÈ (R) ‚„Ë „Ò–

79. ‚ÍøË - I ∑§Ê ‚ÍøË - II ∑§ ‚ÊÕ ‚È◊Á‹Ã ∑§⁄¥U •ÊÒ⁄U ŸËø ÁŒÿ ªÿ ∑ͧ≈U ◊¥ ‚ ‚„Ë ©ûÊ⁄U øÈÁŸÿ —
‚ÍøË - I ‚ÍøË - II
(⁄UÊc≈˛UflÊŒË ◊Á„‹Ê) (©Ÿ∑§ ∑§Êÿ¸∑§‹Ê¬)
(a) ‚⁄UÊÁ¡ŸË ŸÊÿ«ÍU (i) ÷ÍÁ◊ªÃ •Ê¥ŒÊ‹Ÿ ∑§Ë ∞∑§ ŸÃÊ
(b) ©·Ê ◊„ÃÊ (ii) •Ê$¡ÊŒ Á„㌠»§ÊÒ¡ ◊¥ ‡ÊÊÁ◊‹ „È߸
(c) •L§áÊÊ •Ê‚»§ •‹Ë (iii) œ‚ʸŸÊ ◊¥ Ÿ◊∑§ ‚àÿʪ˝„ ∑§Ê ŸÃÎàfl Á∑§ÿÊ
(d) «UÊÚ. ‹ˇ◊Ë SflÊ◊ËŸÊÕŸ (iv) ÷Ê⁄Uà ¿UÊ«∏Ê •Ê¥ŒÊ‹Ÿ ∑§ ŒÊÒ⁄UÊŸ ªÈåà ⁄UÁ«UÿÊ ‚¥øÊÁ‹Ã Á∑§ÿÊ
∑ͧ≈U —
(a) (b) (c) (d)
(1) (iv) (ii) (i) (iii)
(2) (iii) (iv) (i) (ii)
(3) (iv) (iii) (ii) (i)
(4) (iii) (ii) (iv) (i)

80. ◊Êø¸ 1914 ◊¥ ∑§Ê◊ʪÊ≈ÍU ◊ÊL§ ¡„Ê¡ mÊ⁄UÊ ‹ ¡Êÿ ªÿ ÷Ê⁄UÃËÿ ¬˝flÊÁ‚ÿÊ¥ ∑§ ©Ã⁄UŸ ¬⁄U Á∑§‚ Œ‡Ê Ÿ ∑§∆UÊ⁄U ¬˝ÁÃ’¥œ
(1) ÿÍ.∞‚.∞. (2) ߥNjÒã«U (3) ¡Ê¬ÊŸ (4) ∑§ŸÊ«UÊ

J-00618 !J-00618-PAPER-II! 43 Paper-II

81. Chronologically arrange the following top level political negotiations that took place to
conciliate the Muslim League position :
(a) Bhulabhai Desai-Liaqat Ali Pact
(b) Simla Conference
(c) Gandhi-Jinnah talks
(d) Rajaji (Raj Gopalachari) formula
Select the correct answer from the code given below :
(1) (c), (a), (d), (b) (2) (b), (d), (c), (a)
(3) (a), (c), (b), (d) (4) (d), (c), (a), (b)

82. After gaining independence from the British rule, who reminded Jawaharlal Nehru, ‘freedom
comes to India, not to the congress’, urging the formulation of a cabinet that included the
ablest men regardless of party affiliation ?
(1) C. Rajgopalachari (2) Dr. Rajendra Prasad
(3) Mahatma Gandhi (4) Vallabhbhai Patel

83. The Second Five Year Plan, which aimed at accelerating economic growth under the state
assuming leading role, was also known as :
(1) The Bombay Plan (2) The C.N. Vakil Plan
(3) The John Mathais Plan (4) The P.C. Mahalanobis Plan

84. Given below are two statements, one labelled as Assertion (A) and the other labelled as
Reason (R).
Assertion (A) : In the end, the Enlightenment brought the world of Europe into the modern
Reason (R) : The Scientific Revolution of the 17th century had created the basic intellectual
milieu in which the Enlightenment was born.
In the context of the above statements which of the following is correct ?
Code :
(1) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct explanation of (A).
(2) Both (A) and (R) are true, but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A).
(3) (A) is true, but (R) is false.
(4) (A) is false, but (R) is true.

J-00618 !J-00618-PAPER-II! 44 Paper-II

81. ◊ÈÁS‹◊ ‹Ëª mÊ⁄UÊ •¬ŸÊ∞ ª∞ ⁄UÊSÃ ◊¥ Ÿ⁄U◊Ë ∑§Ê M§π ‹Ê∞ ¡ÊŸ ∑§ ©g‡ÿ ‚ ÁŸêŸÁ‹Áπà ©ëø SÃ⁄UËÿ
‚◊¤ÊÊÒÃÊ-flÊÃʸ•Ê¥ ∑§Ê ∑§Ê‹∑˝§◊ÊŸÈ‚Ê⁄U √ÿflÁSÕà ∑§⁄¥U —
(a) ÷Í‹Ê÷Ê߸ Œ‚Ê߸-Á‹ÿÊ∑§Ã •‹Ë ‚◊¤ÊÊÒÃÊ
(b) Á‡Ê◊‹Ê ∑§Êã»˝¥§‚
(c) ªÊ¥œË-Á¡ãŸÊ flÊÃʸ
(d) ⁄UÊ¡Ê¡Ë (⁄UÊ¡ªÊ¬Ê‹ÊøÊ⁄UË) »§ÊÚ◊͸‹Ê
ŸËø ÁŒ∞ ª∞ ∑ͧ≈U ‚ ‚„Ë ©ûÊ⁄U ∑§Ê øÿŸ ∑§⁄¥U —
(1) (c), (a), (d), (b) (2) (b), (d), (c), (a)
(3) (a), (c), (b), (d) (4) (d), (c), (a), (b)

82. Á’˝Á≈U‡Ê ‡ÊÊ‚Ÿ ‚ SflÃ¥òÊÃÊ ¬˝Êåà ∑§⁄UŸ ∑§ ¬‡øÊØ, ¡flÊ„⁄U ‹Ê‹ Ÿ„M§ ∑§Ê ÿÊŒ ÁŒ‹ÊÃ „È∞ Á∑§ “SflÃ¥òÊÃÊ ÷Ê⁄Uà ∑§Ê Á◊‹Ë
„Ò Ÿ Á∑§ ∑§Ê¥ª˝‚ ∑§Ê” ÿ„ •Êª˝„ Á∑§‚Ÿ Á∑§ÿÊ Á∑§ ∑Ò§’ËŸ≈U ÁŸ◊ʸáÊ ◊¥ Œ‹Ëÿ ‚ê’㜠∑§Ê äÿÊŸ ◊¥ ⁄Uπ Á’ŸÊ ÿÊÇÿÃ◊
√ÿÁÄÃÿÊ¥ ∑§Ê ‚Áê◊Á‹Ã Á∑§ÿÊ ¡ÊŸÊ øÊÁ„ÿ?
(1) ‚Ë. ⁄UÊ¡ªÊ¬Ê‹ÊøÊ⁄UË (2) «UÊÚ. ⁄UÊ¡ãŒ˝ ¬˝‚ÊŒ
(3) ◊„Êà◊Ê ªÊ¥œË (4) flÀ‹÷÷Ê߸ ¬≈U‹

83. ÁmÃËÿ ¬¥øfl·Ë¸ÿ ÿÊ¡ŸÊ, Á¡‚∑§Ê ‹ˇÿ ⁄UÊíÿ ∑§Ë ¬˝◊Èπ ÷ÍÁ◊∑§Ê ∑§ •ãê¸Ã àflÁ⁄Uà •ÊÁÕ¸∑§ Áfl∑§Ê‚ ÕÊ, ß‚ ŸÊ◊ ‚ ÷Ë
(1) ’Êê’ ÿÊ¡ŸÊ (2) ‚Ë.∞Ÿ. fl∑§Ë‹ ÿÊ¡ŸÊ
(3) ¡ÊÚŸ ◊ÕÊ߸‚ ÿÊ¡ŸÊ (4) ¬Ë.‚Ë. ◊„Ê‹ŸÊÁ’‚ ÿÊ¡ŸÊ

84. ŸËø ŒÊ flÄÃ√ÿ ÁŒ∞ ª∞ „Ò¥– ∞∑§ ∑§Ê ∑§ÕŸ (A) ÃÕÊ ŒÍ‚⁄U ∑§Ê ∑§Ê⁄UáÊ (R) ∑§„Ê ªÿÊ „Ò–
∑§ÕŸ (A) : •ÊÁπ⁄U ◊¥ ¬˝’ÊœŸ, ÿÍ⁄UÊ¬Ëÿ ¡ªÃ ∑§Ê •ÊœÈÁŸ∑§ ÿȪ ◊¥ ‹ •ÊÿÊ–
∑§Ê⁄UáÊ (R) : 17 flË¥ ‡ÊÃÊéŒË ∑§Ë flÒôÊÊÁŸ∑§ ∑˝§Ê¥Áà Ÿ fl„ ’ÈÁŸÿÊŒË ’ÊÒÁh∑§ flÊÃÊfl⁄UáÊ ÃÒÿÊ⁄U ∑§⁄U ÁŒÿÊ ÕÊ, Á¡‚◊¥ ¬˝’ÊœŸ
∑§Ê ¡ã◊ „È•Ê–
©¬ÿȸÄà ∑§ÕŸÊ¥ ∑§ ‚¥Œ÷¸ ◊¥ ÁŸêŸ ◊¥ ‚ ∑§ÊÒŸ ‚Ê ‚„Ë „Ò?
∑ͧ≈U —
(1) (A) ÃÕÊ (R) ŒÊŸÊ¥ ‚„Ë „Ò¥ •ÊÒ⁄U (R), (A) ∑§Ë ‚„Ë √ÿÊÅÿÊ „Ò–
(2) (A) ÃÕÊ (R) ŒÊŸÊ¥ ‚„Ë „Ò¥, ¬⁄U (R), (A) ∑§Ë ‚„Ë √ÿÊÅÿÊ Ÿ„Ë¥ „Ò–
(3) (A) ‚„Ë „Ò, ¬⁄U (R) ª‹Ã „Ò–
(4) (A) ª‹Ã „Ò •ÊÒ⁄U (R) ‚„Ë „Ò–

J-00618 !J-00618-PAPER-II! 45 Paper-II

85. Match List - I with List - II and select the correct answer from the code given below :
List - I List - II
(Author) (Title of the book)
(a) K.R. Qanungo (i) History of the Sikhs
(b) Raghubir Sinh (ii) History of the Jats
(c) J.D. Cunningham (iii) History of the Marathas
(d) James Grant Duff (iv) Malwa in Transition
Code :
(a) (b) (c) (d)
(1) (i) (iii) (ii) (iv)
(2) (iii) (iv) (i) (ii)
(3) (iv) (ii) (iii) (i)
(4) (ii) (iv) (i) (iii)

86. From among the following statements which one is not correct ?
(1) The term ‘Enlightenment’ denote’s major intellectual and cultural movement of the
18th century, characterised by a deep faith in the power of human knowledge to solve
basic problems of existence.
(2) Enlightenment writers aimed at rebuilding human society, institutions and knowledge
on the foundation of old structures.
(3) Intellectuals during the Enlightenmnet turned a critical eye on nearly all received
traditions of Europe.
(4) The Enlightenment era was ruled by ideas of faith in reason, progress and humanitarian

87. At which session of the Indian National Congress, the procession was jointly led by the
Congress President, Motilal Nehru and the Muslim League President, Hakim Ajmal Khan ?
(1) Lucknow session, 1916 (2) Amritsar session, 1919
(3) Calcutta session, 1920 (4) Ahmedabad session, 1921

88. Which one of the following newspapers was not associated with Mahatma Gandhi for
communicating his ideas ?
(1) Harijan (2) Indian Opinion
(3) Young India (4) The Leader

J-00618 !J-00618-PAPER-II! 46 Paper-II

85. ‚ÍøË - I ∑§Ê ‚ÍøË - II ∑§ ‚ÊÕ ‚È◊Á‹Ã ∑§ËÁ¡∞ ÃÕÊ ŸËø ÁŒ∞ ª∞ ∑ͧ≈U ∑§Ë ‚„ÊÿÃÊ ‚ ‚„Ë ©ûÊ⁄U ∑§Ê øÿŸ ∑§ËÁ¡∞–
‚ÍøË - I ‚ÍøË - II
(‹π∑§) (¬ÈSÃ∑§ ∑§Ê ‡ÊË·¸∑§)
(a) ∑§.•Ê⁄U. ∑§ÊŸÍŸªÊ (i) Á„S≈˛UË •Ê»§ Œ Á‚Å‚
(b) ⁄UÉÊÈ’Ë⁄U Á‚¥„ (ii) Á„S≈˛UË •Ê»§ Œ ¡Ê≈˜‚
(c) ¡.«UË. ∑§ÁŸ¥ÉÊ◊ (iii) Á„S≈˛UË •Ê»§ Œ ◊⁄UÊ∆UÊ‚
(d) ¡ê‚ ª˝Êã≈U «U»§ (iv) ◊Ê‹flÊ ßŸ ≈˛UÊã¡Ë‡ÊŸ
∑ͧ≈U —
(a) (b) (c) (d)
(1) (i) (iii) (ii) (iv)
(2) (iii) (iv) (i) (ii)
(3) (iv) (ii) (iii) (i)
(4) (ii) (iv) (i) (iii)

86. ÁŸêŸÁ‹Áπà flÄÃ√ÿÊ¥ ◊¥ ‚ ∑§ÊÒŸ ‚Ê ‚„Ë Ÿ„Ë¥ „Ò?

(1) “¬˝’ÊœŸ” ‡ÊéŒ 18flË¥ ‚ŒË ∑§ ©‚ Áfl‡ÊÊ‹ ’ÊÒÁh∑§ ∞fl¥ ‚Ê¥S∑ΧÁÃ∑§ •Ê¥ŒÊ‹Ÿ ∑§Ê √ÿÄà ∑§⁄UÃÊ „Ò, ¡Ê •ÁSÃàfl
∑§Ë ’ÈÁŸÿÊŒË ‚◊SÿÊ•Ê¥ ∑§Ê „‹ ∑§⁄UŸ ∑§Ë ◊ÊŸfl ’ÈÁh ∑§Ë ˇÊ◊ÃÊ ◊¥ ª„⁄UÊ Áfl‡flÊ‚ ⁄UπÃÊ „Ò–
(2) ¬˝’ÊœŸ∑§Ê‹ËŸ ‹π∑§Ê¥ ∑§Ê ©g‡ÿ ¬È⁄UÊŸ …∏Ê°ø ∑§Ë ’ÈÁŸÿÊŒ ¬⁄U Ÿ∞ ◊ÊŸfl ‚◊Ê¡, ‚¥SÕÊ•Ê¥ •ÊÒ⁄U ôÊÊŸ ∑§Ê ÁŸ◊ʸáÊ
∑§⁄UŸÊ ÕÊ–
(3) ¬˝’ÊœŸ∑§Ê‹ËŸ ’ÈÁh¡ËÁflÿÊ¥ Ÿ ÿÍ⁄UÊ¬ ∑§Ë ©‚ ŒÊÒ⁄U ∑§Ë „⁄U ¬⁄¥U¬⁄UÊ ∑§Ê •Ê‹ÊøŸÊ •ÊÒ⁄U •ãfl·áÊ ∑§Ë Ÿ¡⁄U ‚ ŒπÊ–
(4) ¬˝’ÊœŸ ∑§Ê‹, Ã∑¸§, ¬˝ªÁà •ÊÒ⁄U ◊ÊŸflÃÊflÊŒË ◊ÍÀÿÊ¥ ◊¥ Áfl‡flÊ‚ ∑§Ë œÊ⁄UáÊÊ ‚ ÷⁄UÊ „È•Ê ÕÊ–

87. ÷Ê⁄UÃËÿ ⁄UÊc≈˛UËÿ ∑§Ê¥ª˝‚ ∑§ Á∑§‚ •Áœfl‡ÊŸ ◊¥, ∑§Ê¥ª˝‚ •äÿˇÊ, ◊ÊÃË‹Ê‹ Ÿ„M§ ∞fl¥ ◊ÈÁS‹◊ ‹Ëª •äÿˇÊ, „Á∑§◊
•¡◊‹ πÊ¥ Ÿ ‚¥ÿÈÄà M§¬ ‚ ¡È‹Í‚ ∑§Ê ŸÃÎàfl Á∑§ÿÊ?
(1) ‹πŸ™§ •Áœfl‡ÊŸ, 1916 (2) •◊ÎÂ⁄U •Áœfl‡ÊŸ, 1919
(3) ∑§‹∑§ûÊÊ •Áœfl‡ÊŸ, 1920 (4) •„◊ŒÊ’ÊŒ •Áœfl‡ÊŸ, 1921

88. •¬Ÿ ÁfløÊ⁄UÊ¥ ∑§Ê ‚¥øÊÁ⁄Uà ∑§⁄UŸ ∑§ Á‹∞ ◊„Êà◊Ê ªÊ¥œË ÁŸêŸÁ‹Áπà ◊¥ ‚ Á∑§‚ ‚◊ÊøÊ⁄U¬òÊ ‚ ‚ê’h Ÿ„Ë¥ Õ?
(1) „Á⁄U¡Ÿ (2) ߥÁ«UÿŸ •Ê¬ËÁŸÿŸ
(3) ÿ¥ª ߥÁ«UÿÊ (4) Œ ‹Ë«U⁄U

J-00618 !J-00618-PAPER-II! 47 Paper-II

89. Given below are two statements, one labelled as Assertion (A) and the other labelled as
Reason (R).

Assertion (A) : Despite its name, the Hindu Code Bill was to apply to Sikhs, Buddhists, and
Jains as well as Hindu castes and sects.

Reason (R) : After independence, among those favouring a common civil code were the
Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru and the law minister, Dr. B.R. Ambedkar.

In the context of these statements, which of the following is correct ?

Code :

(1) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct explanation of (A).

(2) Both (A) and (R) are true, but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A).

(3) (A) is true, but (R) is false.

(4) (A) is false, but (R) is true.

90. Match List - I with List - II and select the correct answer with the help of the code given
below :

List - I List - II

(Social Reformer) (Their association)

(a) Pandita Ramabai (i) Seva Sadan

(b) Maharshi D.K. Karve (ii) Sharada Sadan

(c) G.K. Devdhar and (iii) Rajmahendri Social Reform Association

Mrs. Ramabai Ranade

(d) Viresalingam Pantulu (iv) Anath Balika Ashram

Code :

(a) (b) (c) (d)

(1) (ii) (iv) (iii) (i)

(2) (i) (iv) (ii) (iii)

(3) (iv) (ii) (i) (iii)

(4) (ii) (iv) (i) (iii)

J-00618 !J-00618-PAPER-II! 48 Paper-II

89. ŸËø ŒÊ flÄÃ√ÿ ÁŒÿ ªÿ „Ò¥, ∞∑§ ∑§Ê ∑§ÕŸ (A) •ÊÒ⁄U ŒÍ‚⁄U ∑§Ê ∑§Ê⁄UáÊ (R) ∑§„Ê ªÿÊ „Ò —
∑§ÕŸ (A) : •¬Ÿ ŸÊ◊ ∑§ ’Êfl¡ÍŒ, Á„ãŒÈ ∑§Ê«U Á’‹ Á„ãŒÈ ¡ÊÁÃÿÊ¥ •ÊÒ⁄U ◊ÃÊ¥ ∑§ ‚ÊÕ-‚ÊÕ Á‚ÄπÊ¥, ’ÊÒhÊ¥ •ÊÒ⁄U ¡ÒŸÊ¥
¬⁄U ÷Ë ‹ÊªÍ Á∑§ÿÊ ¡ÊŸÊ ÕÊ–
∑§Ê⁄UáÊ (R) : SflÃ¥òÊÃÊ ∑§ ¬‡øÊØ, ‚◊ÊŸ ŸÊªÁ⁄U∑§ ‚¥Á„ÃÊ ∑§Ê ‚◊Õ¸Ÿ ∑§⁄UŸ flÊ‹Ê¥ ◊¥ ¬˝œÊŸ◊¥òÊË ¡flÊ„⁄U‹Ê‹ Ÿ„M§ •ÊÒ⁄U
∑§ÊŸÍŸ ◊¥òÊË «UÊÚ. ’Ë.•Ê⁄U. •Ê¥’«U∑§⁄U Õ–
ߟ flÄÃ√ÿÊ¥ ∑§ ‚¥Œ÷¸ ◊¥ ÁŸêŸÁ‹Áπà ◊¥ ‚ ∑§ÊÒŸ ‚Ê ‚„Ë „Ò?
∑ͧ≈U —
(1) (A) •ÊÒ⁄U (R) ŒÊŸÊ¥ ‚„Ë „Ò¥ •ÊÒ⁄U (R), (A) ∑§Ë ‚„Ë √ÿÊÅÿÊ „Ò–
(2) (A) •ÊÒ⁄U (R) ŒÊŸÊ¥ ‚„Ë „Ò, ‹Á∑§Ÿ (R), (A) ∑§Ë ‚„Ë √ÿÊÅÿÊ Ÿ„Ë¥ „Ò–
(3) (A) ‚„Ë „Ò, ‹Á∑§Ÿ (R) ª‹Ã „Ò–
(4) (A) ª‹Ã „Ò ‹Á∑§Ÿ (R) ‚„Ë „Ò–

90. ‚ÍøË - I ∑§Ê ‚ÍøË - II ∑§ ‚ÊÕ ‚È◊Á‹Ã ∑§⁄¥U •ÊÒ⁄U ŸËø ÁŒÿ ªÿ ∑ͧ≈U ∑§Ë ‚„ÊÿÃÊ ‚ ‚„Ë ©ûÊ⁄U øÈŸ¥ —
‚ÍøË - I ‚ÍøË - II
(‚◊Ê¡ ‚ÈœÊ⁄U∑§) (©Ÿ∑§Ë ‚¥SÕÊ)
(a) ¬¥Á«UÃÊ ⁄U◊Ê’Ê߸ (i) ‚flÊ ‚ŒŸ
(b) ◊„Á·¸ «UË.∑§. ∑§fl¸ (ii) ‡ÊÊ⁄UŒÊ ‚ŒŸ
(c) ¡Ë.∑§. Œflœ⁄U •ÊÒ⁄U (iii) ⁄UÊ¡◊„ãŒ˝Ë ‚Ê‡Ê‹ Á⁄U»§Ê◊¸ ∞‚ÊÁ‚∞‡ÊŸ
(d) flË⁄U‡ÊÁ‹¥ª◊ ¬¥ÃÈ‹È (iv) •ŸÊÕ ’ÊÁ‹∑§Ê •ÊüÊ◊
∑ͧ≈U —
(a) (b) (c) (d)

(1) (ii) (iv) (iii) (i)

(2) (i) (iv) (ii) (iii)

(3) (iv) (ii) (i) (iii)

(4) (ii) (iv) (i) (iii)

J-00618 !J-00618-PAPER-II! 49 Paper-II

91. Given below are two statements, one labelled as Assertion (A) and the other labelled as
Reason (R).

Assertion (A) : The humanists of the Renaissance period believed that the classical antiquity
constituted a reservoir of excellence – literary, intellectual, artistic and moral.

Reason (R) : The vernacular translation of scriptures during the Renaissance hastened
the process of secularization of society.

In the context of the above statements which of the following is correct ?

Code :

(1) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct explanation of (A).

(2) Both (A) and (R) are true, but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A).

(3) (A) is true, but (R) is false.

(4) (A) is false, but (R) is true.

92. Where did the nationalist vocalist Pandit Vishnu Digambar Paluskar establish his first
Gandharva Mahavidyalaya in 1901 ?

(1) Karachi (2) Bombay (3) Baroda (4) Lahore

93. Which one of the following statements regarding post-modernism is not correct ?

(1) Under Post-modernism, assumptions regarding the unity of humanity, the individual
as a creative force of society and history have been put under critical scrutiny.

(2) Under Post-modernism, assumptions such as the idea of science as Truth and the
superiority of the West, are held as absolute.

(3) Under Post-modernism, disciplinary boundaries are getting blurred and new
disciplinarity such as feminism, ethnic studies, urban and culture studies are moving
to the centre of human studies.

(4) The Post-modernist critique introduces the idea of discontinuity, disjunction and
interruption, instead of the idea of linear and progressive historical rhythm.

94. Which province ventured to construct irrigation canals through private companies by assured
returns on their investments in the early sixties of the nineteenth century ?

(1) Madras (2) Bombay (3) Bengal (4) Punjab

J-00618 !J-00618-PAPER-II! 50 Paper-II

91. ŸËø ŒÊ flÄÃ√ÿ ÁŒ∞ ª∞ „Ò¥– ∞∑§ ∑§Ê ∑§ÕŸ (A) ÃÕÊ ŒÍ‚⁄U ∑§Ê ∑§Ê⁄UáÊ (R) ∑§„Ê ªÿÊ „Ò–
∑§ÕŸ (A) : ¬ÈŸ¡Ê¸ª⁄UáÊ ∑§Ê‹ ∑§ ◊ÊŸflÃÊflÊÁŒÿÊ¥ ∑§Ê ◊ÊŸŸÊ ÕÊ Á∑§ Ä‹ÊÁ‚∑§Ë ¬È⁄UÊ‚Ê◊ª˝Ë ◊¥ ‚ÊÁ„Áàÿ∑§, ’ÊÒÁh∑§,
∑§‹Êà◊∑§ •ÊÒ⁄U ŸÒÁÃ∑§ üÊc∆UÃÊ ∑§Ê ÷¥«UÊ⁄U „Ò–
∑§Ê⁄UáÊ (R) : ¬ÈŸ¡Ê¸ª⁄UáÊ ∑§ ‚◊ÿ œ◊¸ ª˝¥ÕÊ¥ ∑§ Œ‡ÊË ÷Ê·Ê•Ê¥ ◊¥ •ŸÈflÊŒ ‚ ‚◊Ê¡ ◊¥ œ◊¸ÁŸ⁄U¬ˇÊË∑§⁄UáÊ ∑§Ë ¬˝Á∑˝§ÿÊ ◊¥
Ã¡Ë •Ê߸–
©¬ÿ¸ÈÄà ∑§ÕŸÊ¥ ∑§ ‚¥Œ÷¸ ◊¥ ÁŸêŸ ◊¥ ‚ ∑§ÊÒŸ ‚Ê ‚„Ë „Ò?
∑ͧ≈U —
(1) (A) ÃÕÊ (R) ŒÊŸÊ¥ ‚„Ë „Ò¥, •ÊÒ⁄U (R), (A) ∑§Ë ‚„Ë √ÿÊÅÿÊ „Ò–
(2) (A) ÃÕÊ (R) ŒÊŸÊ¥ ‚„Ë „Ò¥, ¬⁄U (R), (A) ∑§Ë ‚„Ë √ÿÊÅÿÊ Ÿ„Ë¥ „Ò–
(3) (A) ‚„Ë „Ò, ¬⁄U (R) ª‹Ã „Ò–
(4) (A) ª‹Ã „Ò, •ÊÒ⁄U (R) ‚„Ë „Ò–

92. ⁄UÊc≈˛UflÊŒË ªÊÿ∑§ ¬¥Á«Uà ÁflcáÊÈ ÁŒªê’⁄U ¬‹ÈS∑§⁄U Ÿ 1901 ◊¥ •¬ŸÊ ¬„‹Ê ª¥œfl¸ ◊„ÊÁfllÊ‹ÿ ∑§„Ê° SÕÊÁ¬Ã Á∑§ÿÊ?
(1) ∑§⁄UÊøË (2) ◊Èê’߸ (3) ’«∏ÊÒŒÊ (4) ‹Ê„ÊÒ⁄U

93. ©ûÊ⁄U-•ÊœÈÁŸ∑§ÃÊflÊŒ ∑§ ’Ê⁄U ◊¥ ÁŸêŸÁ‹Áπà ◊¥ ‚ ∑§ÊÒŸ ‚Ê ∑§ÕŸ ‚„Ë Ÿ„Ë¥ „Ò?
(1) ©ûÊ⁄U-•ÊœÈÁŸ∑§ÃÊflÊŒ ◊¥ ◊ÊŸflÃÊ ∑§Ë ∞∑§ÃÊ, ‚◊Ê¡ ∑§Ë ⁄UøŸÊà◊∑§ ‡ÊÁÄà ∑§ M§¬ ◊¥ √ÿÁÄà •ÊÒ⁄U ßÁÄʂ ∑§Ë
•flœÊ⁄UáÊÊ•Ê¥ ∑§Ê •Ê‹ÊøŸÊà◊∑§ ŒÎÁc≈U ‚ ŒπÊ ªÿÊ „Ò–
(2) ©ûÊ⁄U-•ÊœÈÁŸ∑§ÃÊflÊŒ ◊¥ ÁflôÊÊŸ ∑§Ê ‚àÿ ∑§Ê ¬ÿʸÿ ◊ÊŸŸ •ÊÒ⁄U ¬Á‡ø◊ ∑§Ê üÊc∆U ◊ÊŸŸ flÊ‹Ë •flœÊ⁄UáÊÊ•Ê¥ ∑§Ê
•¥ÁÃ◊ •ÊÒ⁄U ÁŸ⁄U¬ˇÊ Ãâÿ ‚◊¤ÊÊ ¡ÊŸ ‹ªÊ–
(3) ©ûÊ⁄U-•ÊœÈÁŸ∑§ÃÊflÊŒ ◊¥ •äÿÿŸ ∑§Ë ‡ÊÊSòÊËÿ ‚Ë◊Ê∞¥ œÍÁ◊‹ ¬«∏Ÿ ‹ªË „Ò¥ •ÊÒ⁄U ◊ÊŸflËÿ •äÿÿŸ ∑§ ∑¥§Œ˝ ◊¥
ŸÊ⁄UËflÊŒ, ŸÎÁflôÊÊŸ, Ÿª⁄UËÿ ∞fl¥ ‚Ê¥S∑ΧÁÃ∑§ •äÿÿŸ ¡Ò‚ Áfl·ÿ •Ê ª∞ „Ò¥–
(4) ©ûÊ⁄U-•ÊœÈÁŸÃÊflÊŒË •Ê‹ÊøŸÊ Ÿ •‚ÊÃàÿ ’ÊœÊ, ÁflÁë¿UãŸÃÊ, •ÊÒ⁄U ∑˝§◊ ÷¥ªÃÊ ¡Ò‚ ÁfløÊ⁄U ¬˝SÃÈà Á∑§∞ „Ò¥, ¡Ê
⁄UπËÿ •ÊÒ⁄U •ŸÈ∑˝§Á◊∑§ ∞ÁÄÊÁ‚∑§ ‹ÿ ∑§Ë •flœÊ⁄UáÊÊ ‚ Á’À∑ȧ‹ •‹ª „Ò–

94. ©ãŸË‚flË¥ ‡ÊÃÊéŒË ∑§ ‚Ê∆U ∑§ Œ‡Ê∑§ ∑§ ¬˝Ê⁄¥UÁ÷∑§ fl·ÊZ ◊¥ Á∑§‚ ¬˝Êãà Ÿ ÁŸ¡Ë ∑§ê¬ÁŸÿÊ¥ ∑§Ê ÁŸfl‡Ê ¬⁄U ÁŸÁ‡øà ‹Ê÷
©¬‹éœ ∑§⁄UÊ∞ ¡ÊŸ ∑§ •ÊœÊ⁄U ¬⁄U Á‚¥øÊ߸ Ÿ„⁄UÊ¥ ∑§Ê ’ŸÊ∞ ¡ÊŸ ∑§Ê ∑§Œ◊ ©∆UÊÿÊ?
(1) ◊Œ˝Ê‚ (2) ’ÊÚê’ (3) ’¥ªÊ‹ (4) ¬¥¡Ê’
J-00618 !J-00618-PAPER-II! 51 Paper-II
95. Who among the following is not a member of the Subaltern Studies Project in India ?
(1) Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak
(2) Dipesh Chakraborty
(3) Shahid Amin
(4) Ramchandra Guha

96. Match List - I with List - II and select the correct answer with the help of the code given
below :
List - I List - II
(Author) (Work)
(a) Benedict Anderson (i) Nationalism (1960)
(b) Ernest Gellner (ii) Nations and Nationalism in 1870 (1990)
(c) Eric J. Hobsbawm (iii) Imagined Communities (1983)
(d) E. Kedourie (iv) Nation and Nationalism (1983)
Code :
(a) (b) (c) (d)
(1) (ii) (iii) (i) (iv)
(2) (iv) (iii) (ii) (i)
(3) (iii) (iv) (ii) (i)
(4) (i) (iii) (iv) (ii)

97. Given below are two statements, one labelled as Assertion (A) and the other labelled as
Reason (R).
Assertion (A) : Historical method may be regarded as a science that deals with the nature
of human thought and the circumstances which condition its truth or
Reason (R) : As a science of knowledge, history is completely separated from natural
science because it does not have universal laws.
In the context of the above statements, which of the following is correct ?
Code :
(1) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct explanation of (A).
(2) Both (A) and (R) are true, but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A).
(3) (A) is true, but (R) is false.
(4) (A) is false, but (R) is true.

J-00618 !J-00618-PAPER-II! 52 Paper-II

95. ÷Ê⁄Uà ◊¥ ©¬ÊüÊÿË •äÿÿŸ ¬Á⁄UÿÊ¡ŸÊ ∑§Ê ‚ŒSÿ ÁŸêŸÁ‹Áπà ◊¥ ‚ ∑§ÊÒŸ Ÿ„Ë¥ „Ò?
(1) ªÊÿòÊË ø∑˝§flÃ˸ S¬ËflÊ∑§
(2) ŒË¬‡Ê ø∑˝§’Ã˸
(3) ‡ÊÊÁ„Œ •◊ËŸ
(4) ⁄UÊ◊øãŒ˝ ªÈ„Ê

96. ‚ÍøË - I ∑§Ê ‚ÍøË - II ∑§ ‚ÊÕ ‚È◊Á‹Ã ∑§⁄¥U •ÊÒ⁄U ŸËø ÁŒÿ ªÿ ∑ͧ≈U ∑§Ë ‚„ÊÿÃÊ ‚ ‚„Ë ©ûÊ⁄U øÈŸ¥ —
‚ÍøË - I ‚ÍøË - II
(‹π∑§) (¬ÈSÃ∑§)
(a) ’ŸÁ«UÄ≈U ∞¥«U⁄U‚Ÿ (i) Ÿ‡ÊŸÁ‹í◊ (1960)
(b) •Ÿ¸S≈U ª‹Ÿ⁄U (ii) Ÿ‡Êã‚ ∞¥«U Ÿ‡ÊŸÁ‹í◊ ߟ 1870 (1990)
(c) ∞Á⁄U∑§ ¡. „ÊÚé‚’Ê◊ (iii) ß◊ÒÁ¡ã«˜U ∑§êÿÍÁŸ≈UË¡ (1983)
(d) ߸. ∑§«ÍU⁄UË (iv) Ÿ‡ÊŸ ∞¥«U Ÿ‡ÊŸÁ‹í◊ (1983)
∑ͧ≈U —
(a) (b) (c) (d)
(1) (ii) (iii) (i) (iv)
(2) (iv) (iii) (ii) (i)
(3) (iii) (iv) (ii) (i)
(4) (i) (iii) (iv) (ii)

97. ŸËø ŒÊ flÄÃ√ÿ ÁŒ∞ ª∞ „Ò¥– ∞∑§ ∑§Ê ∑§ÕŸ (A) ÃÕÊ ŒÍ‚⁄U ∑§Ê ∑§Ê⁄UáÊ (R) ∑§„Ê ªÿÊ „Ò–
∑§ÕŸ (A) : ∞‚Ê ◊ÊŸÊ ¡Ê ‚∑§ÃÊ „Ò Á∑§ ∞ÁÄÊÁ‚∑§ ¬hÁà ∞∑§ ∞‚Ê ÁflôÊÊŸ „Ò, ¡Ê ◊ŸÈcÿ ∑§ ©Ÿ ÁfløÊ⁄UÊ¥ ÃÕÊ
¬Á⁄UÁSÕÁÃÿÊ¥ ∑§Ê •äÿÿŸ ∑§⁄UÃÊ „Ò, ¡Ê ©‚∑§ ‚àÿ ÿÊ •ÊÒÁøàÿ ∑§Ê •ŸÈ∑ͧ‹Ÿ ∑§⁄UÃ „Ò¥–
∑§Ê⁄UáÊ (R) : ôÊÊŸ ∑§Ê ‡ÊÊSòÊ „ÊŸ ∑§ ∑§Ê⁄UáÊ ÿ„ ¬˝Ê∑ΧÁÃ∑§ ÁflôÊÊŸ ‚ ¬Í⁄UË Ã⁄U„ ‚ •‹ª „Ò, ÄÿÊ¥Á∑§ ß‚∑§Ê ∑§Ê߸
‚Êfl¸÷ÊÒÁ◊∑§ ÁŸÿ◊ Ÿ„Ë¥ „ÊÃÊ–
©¬ÿȸÄà ∑§ÕŸÊ¥ ∑§ ‚¥Œ÷¸ ◊¥ ÁŸêŸ ◊¥ ‚ ∑§ÊÒŸ ‚Ê ‚„Ë „Ò?
∑ͧ≈U —
(1) (A) ÃÕÊ (R) ŒÊŸÊ¥ ‚„Ë¥ „Ò¥ •ÊÒ⁄U (R), (A) ∑§Ë ‚„Ë √ÿÊÅÿÊ ∑§⁄UÃÊ „Ò–
(2) (A) ÃÕÊ (R) ŒÊŸÊ¥ ‚„Ë „Ò¥ •ÊÒ⁄U (R), (A) ∑§Ë ‚„Ë √ÿÊÅÿÊ Ÿ„Ë¥ ∑§⁄UÃÊ–
(3) (A) ‚„Ë „Ò, ¬⁄U (R) ª‹Ã „Ò–
(4) (A) ª‹Ã „Ò •ÊÒ⁄U (R) ‚„Ë „Ò¥–
J-00618 !J-00618-PAPER-II! 53 Paper-II
98. Which historian wrote the following words ?
“The definition and demarcation of ‘ages’ in the history of any country are problematic issues.
These have been especially so in the case of India because our historians, all British to begin
with, borrowed the highly unsuitable paradigm of Ancient/Medieval/Modern from the
European experience, and further complicated the matter by inventing three other
‘ages’ – Hindu, Muslim and British.”
(1) R.C. Majumdar (2) Sumit Sarkar
(3) Tapan Raychaudhuri (4) Bipan Chandra

99. From among the following statements regarding history writing by Leopold Von Ranke, which
one is not True ?
(1) Ranke broke with the Enlightenment model of History as a teacher with teaching goals.
(2) Ranke’s advice to historians was to refrain from explaining historical facts by means of
mechanical cause-effect models and historical ‘laws’.
(3) Ranke believed that historical imagination could be used if documents were not available
for history writing.
(4) Ranke’s conception of history and his historical method were objective and free from
value judgement.

100. Which one of the following books was not written by Thomas Paine ?
(1) Common Sense (2) Reflections on the Revolution in France
(3) The Rights of Man (4) The Age of Reason


J-00618 !J-00618-PAPER-II! 54 Paper-II

98. ŸËø Á‹π ‡ÊéŒ Á∑§‚ ßÁÄʂ∑§Ê⁄U ∑§ „Ò¥?
““Á∑§‚Ë ÷Ë Œ‡Ê ∑§ ßÁÄʂ ◊¥ ∑§Ê‹Ê¥ ∑§Ê ’¥≈UflÊ⁄UÊ •ÊÒ⁄U ©ã„ ¬ÊÁ⁄U÷ÊÁ·Ã ∑§⁄UŸÊ ‚◊SÿʬÍáʸ ◊ÈgÊ „Ò– ÷Ê⁄Uà ∑§ Áfl·ÿ ◊¥ ÃÊ
ÿ„ Áfl‡Ê·∑§⁄U ∞‚Ê „Ë „Ò, ÄÿÊ¥Á∑§ „◊Ê⁄U ßÁÄʂ∑§Ê⁄UÊ¥, Á¡Ÿ◊¥ •Ê⁄¥U÷ ◊¥ ‚÷Ë Á’˝Á≈U‡Ê Õ, ©ã„Ê¥Ÿ •¬Ÿ ÿÍ⁄UÊ¬Ëÿ •ŸÈ÷fl ‚
¬˝ÊøËŸ, ◊äÿ •ÊÒ⁄U •ÊœÈÁŸ∑§ ∑§Ê‹ ∑§ Áfl÷Ê¡Ÿ ∑§Ê ¬˝ÁÃ◊ÊŸ Á‹ÿÊ, ¡Ê ÿ„Ê° ∑§ Á‹∞ ∑§Ã߸ ‚≈UË∑§ Ÿ„Ë¥ ÕÊ– ß‚∑§ ’ÊŒ
©ã„Ê¥Ÿ Á„¥ŒÍ, ◊ÈÁS‹◊ •ÊÒ⁄U Á’˝Á≈U‡Ê ÿȪ ∑§ ŸÊ◊ ‚ ∞∑§ ŸÿÊ Áfl÷Ê¡Ÿ ÃÒÿÊ⁄U Á∑§ÿÊ •ÊÒ⁄U ◊Èg ∑§Ê •ÊÒ⁄U ¡Á≈U‹ ’ŸÊ ÁŒÿÊ–””
(1) •Ê⁄U.‚Ë. ◊¡Í◊ŒÊ⁄U (2) ‚ÈÁ◊à ‚⁄U∑§Ê⁄U
(3) ìŸ ⁄UÊÿøÊÒœÈ⁄UË (4) Á’¬Ÿ ø¥Œ˝

99. Á‹ÿÊ¬ÊÀ«U flÊŸ ⁄UÊ¥∑§ ∑§ ßÁÄʂ ‹πŸ ∑§ ’Ê⁄U ◊¥ ÁŸêŸÁ‹Áπà ◊¥ ‚ ∑§ÊÒŸ ‚Ê flÄÃ√ÿ ‚„Ë Ÿ„Ë¥ „Ò?
(1) ⁄UÊ¥∑§ Ÿ ßÁÄʂ ∑§Ë ß‚ ¬˝’ÊœŸ∑§Ê‹ËŸ œÊ⁄UáÊÊ ∑§Ê ÃÊ«∏Ê Á∑§ ß‚∑§Ê •äÿʬŸ Á‡ÊˇÊáÊ ∑§ ©g‡ÿÊ¥ ∑§ Á‹∞ „Ò–
(2) ⁄UÊ¥∑§ Ÿ ßÁÄʂ∑§Ê⁄UÊ¥ ∑§Ê ÿ„ ‚‹Ê„ ŒË Á∑§ fl ∞ÁÄÊÁ‚∑§ ÃâÿÊ¥ ∑§Ê ÿÊ¥ÁòÊ∑§ ∑§Êÿ¸-∑§Ê⁄UáÊ ¬˝÷Êfl ∑§ M§¬ ◊¥
√ÿÊÅÿÊÁÿà ∑§⁄UŸ •ÊÒ⁄U ∞ÁÄÊÁ‚∑§ “ÁŸÿ◊” ∑§Ë Ã⁄„U ¬‡Ê ∑§⁄UŸ ‚ ’ø¥–
(3) ⁄UÊ¥∑§ ∑§Ê ◊ÊŸŸÊ ÕÊ Á∑§ ÿÁŒ ŒSÃÊfl¡ ©¬‹éœ Ÿ„Ë¥ „Ê¥, ÃÊ ßÁÄʂ ‹πŸ ∑§ Á‹∞ ∞ÁÄÊÁ‚∑§ ∑§À¬ŸÊ ∑§Ê ‚„Ê⁄UÊ
Á‹ÿÊ ¡Ê ‚∑§ÃÊ „Ò–
(4) ßÁÄʂ •ÊÒ⁄U ßÁÄʂ ‹πŸ ∑§Ë ¬hÁà ∑§ ‚¥’¥œ ◊¥ ⁄UÊ¥∑§ ∑§Ë •flœÊ⁄UáÊÊ flSÃÈÁŸc∆U ÕË •ÊÒ⁄U ◊ÍÀÿ ÁŸáʸÿ ‚ ◊ÈÄÃ

100. ÁŸêŸÁ‹Áπà ¬ÈSÃ∑§Ê¥ ◊¥ ‚ ∑§ÊÒŸ ‚Ë ÕÊÚ◊‚ ¬ÒŸ mÊ⁄UÊ Ÿ„Ë¥ Á‹πË ªß¸ ÕË?
(1) ∑§ÊÚ◊Ÿ ‚¥‚ (2) Á⁄Uç‹ćÊã‚ •ÊÚŸ Œ Á⁄UflÊÀÿ͇ʟ ߟ »˝§Ê¥‚
(3) Œ ⁄UÊß≈˜‚ •ÊÚ»§ ◊ÒŸ (4) Œ ∞¡ •ÊÚ»§ ⁄UË¡Ÿ


J-00618 !J-00618-PAPER-II! 55 Paper-II

Space For Rough Work

J-00618 !J-00618-PAPER-II! 56 Paper-II

UGC-JULY-2018 PAPER-2 Exam Date 08/07/2018 Set :- Date. 31/07/2018 Pg. 6
SUBJECT CODE & NAME:- (006) History
| 1 4 | 26 3 | 51 2 | 76 3 |
| 2 4 | 27 1 | 52 4 | 77 2 |
| 3 2 | 28 4 | 53 3 | 78 2 |
| 4 4 | 29 1 | 54 4 | 79 2 |
| 5 1 | 30 4 | 55 3 | 80 4 |
| 6 4 | 31 4 | 56 3 | 81 4 |
| 7 2 | 32 2 | 57 1 | 82 3 |
| 8 1 | 33 1 | 58 4 | 83 4 |
| 9 1 | 34 1 | 59 2 | 84 1 |
| 10 1 | 35 3 | 60 2 | 85 4 |
| 11 1 | 36 2 | 61 4 | 86 2 |
| 12 3 | 37 3 | 62 1 | 87 2 |
| 13 2 | 38 1 | 63 4 | 88 4 |
| 14 4 | 39 1 | 64 4 | 89 2 |
| 15 4 | 40 2 | 65 4 | 90 4 |
| 16 4 | 41 2 | 66 4 | 91 2 |
| 17 3 | 42 1 | 67 4 | 92 4 |
| 18 2 | 43 3 | 68 3 | 93 2 |
| 19 1 | 44 4 | 69 4 | 94 1 |
| 20 4 | 45 4 | 70 1 | 95 4 |
| 21 1 | 46 3 | 71 1 | 96 3 |
| 22 1 | 47 3 | 72 4 | 97 2 |
| 23 3 | 48 4 | 73 1 | 98 3 |
| 24 2 | 49 1 | 74 3 | 99 3 |
| 25 3 | 50 3 | 75 1 | 100 2 |
9=The marks have been awarded to all the Candidates against the question(s)

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