Experimental and Numerical Study On A Novel .....
Experimental and Numerical Study On A Novel .....
Experimental and Numerical Study On A Novel .....
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Keywords: In suspension bridges, cable anchorage systems are critical structures for cable tension transmission. Owing to
Replaceability the tedious maintenance and replacement process, it is difficult to reduce maintenance costs and traffic impacts
Cable anchorage system for conventional anchorage systems. To solve this problem, this paper presents the development of a novel
Cluster cable prestressed anchorage system used in the Nansha Bridge. The novel anchorage system employs finite bundles of
Model test
cluster cables with multiple anticorrosive coatings, enabling monitorability and durability and efficient re-
Suspension bridge
placeability without traffic interruption. A replaceability model test is performed to reveal the mutual inter-
ference characteristics of cluster cable tension and verify the replacement efficiency. Graded load tests are
carried out on three specimens to investigate the stress distribution and load-carrying performance. Through
elaborate 3D finite element analysis, the mechanical behaviour and stress diffusion characteristics of the crucial
components under the anchors are further studied under three extreme scenarios. The results show that the novel
anchorage system is reliable with a sufficient safety margin and uniform stress distribution and that the re-
placement process is efficient without incurring traffic interruption.
1. Introduction suspension bridges [15–19]. According to the load path for the trans-
mission of cable strand forces to the anchorage block, the anchorage
The replacement of degraded components is an essential main- system is mainly divided into two categories: the steel rod anchorage
tenance operation throughout the lifetime of a suspension bridge to system and the prestressed anchorage system (Fig. 1). Steel rod an-
ensure serviceability and user safety [1]. Onsite bridge replacement chorage systems have been widely used for 100 years [20]. However,
activities can have significant impacts related to the environment, the repair and replacement of deteriorated steel rods are costly and time
mobility and safety [2–4]. The direct and indirect effects on the en- consuming due to the monolithic connection between the steel rods and
vironment and traffic disruptions resulting from cable replacement can concrete blocks, which has been evident in projects such as the re-
exceed the actual cost of the replacement itself (e.g., material and la- habilitation of the Manhattan Bridge [21].
bour costs) [5–7]. For instance, full-lane closures in large urban centres In recent years, the prestressed anchorage system has been in-
or on highways or waterways with heavy traffic volumes can have a creasingly used in place of the steel rod anchorage system [22]. Due to
significant economic impact on commercial and industrial activities in the replaceability and long-term monitorability of the prestressed an-
the region; partial lane closures that occur alongside adjacent traffic can chorage system, it presents economy and flexibility during life-cycle
also lead to safety and environmental issues (e.g., extra CO2 emissions maintenance and management [23]. As shown in Fig. 1, the unbonded
due to traffic detours) [8,9]. Because of the potential economic and anchorage system is developed based on the grouting bonded ancho-
safety impacts, maintenance planners has a high priority on minimizing rage system, which employs anticorrosive grease instead of cement
environmental and traffic disruptions when determining bridge-related slurry to protect the prestressed steel strands against corrosion. How-
replacement schemes [10–12]. Thus, to minimize maintenance costs ever, the liquid grease will inevitably leak along the anchor tubes
and traffic disruption, it is urgent to promote replaceability for the [24,25], which significantly increases maintenance time and costs. In
whole or part of a bridge [13,14]. addition, the conventional unbonded anchorage system has low re-
The cable anchorage system is a crucial load-carrying structure in placement efficiency due to the must individually stretch each
Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: [email protected] (X. Wang), [email protected] (X. Zhang).
Received 24 April 2020; Received in revised form 17 July 2020; Accepted 9 August 2020
2352-0124/ © 2020 Institution of Structural Engineers. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
X. Wang, et al. Structures 27 (2020) 2126–2136
Fig. 1. Classification and Diseases of Cable Anchorage System for Suspension Bridge.
prestressed steel strand. simulation of the novel anchorage system is conducted to further in-
This paper presents a novel cable anchorage system, which was first vestigate the stress diffusion behaviour of the crucial components under
used in the Nansha Bridge, called the prestressed anchorage system the anchor in three extreme scenarios.
with finite bundles of cluster cables (Fig. 2). Five layers of anticorrosive
protection are designed to adequately protect the cluster cables against
corrosion and effectively avoid the problem of anticorrosive grease 2. Novel prestressed anchorage system with finite bundles of
leakage. Since seven prestressed steel strands are bundled into a cluster cluster cables
cable for integral stretching, the replacement efficiency can be sig-
nificantly enhanced. The novel cable anchorage system improves long- 2.1. Design details
term monitorability, durability and replaceability, thus minimizing
maintenance costs and enabling rapid replacement without incurring The detailed design of the novel anchorage system with finite
traffic disruption. bundles of cluster cables is shown in Fig. 2. Each anchorage element
The present study focuses on the safety margin, stress distribution consists of a prestressed anchorage sub-element and a cable strand
characteristics, and force transferring mechanism of the novel cable connection sub-element. A prestressed anchorage sub-element includes
anchorage system. A replaceability model test is performed to reveal an anchor tube, three to seven bundles of cluster cables, nut-type an-
the mutual interference characteristic of the cable tension and verify chorages and straight trapezoid bearing plates. Every cluster cable
the replacement efficiency. Graded overload tests are carried out on comprises seven epoxy-coated prestressed steel strands. A cable strand
three specimens to investigate the stress distribution and load-carrying connection sub-element contains threaded rods and a connector socket,
performance. Through 3D finite element analysis, an elaborate local which connects the cable strand to the cluster cables for the transmis-
sion of the cable strand force.
X. Wang, et al. Structures 27 (2020) 2126–2136
Fig. 3. Anchor arrangement of the Nansha Bridge: (a) Elevation of the bridge (unit: m); (b) General arrangement of the 1/4 anchor zone (unit: cm); (c) Connector
socket (unit: mm); (d) Straight trapezoid bearing plate (unit: mm); (e) Front anchor face; (f) Tensioning process of the cluster cables; and (g) Back anchor face.
To ensure safety during the replacement process, the tension F of safety factor of the anchorage element at the replacement state, con-
every anchorage element must be determined by the following formula servativelyk ′ = 1.05; and k ′ ′ is the non-uniform coefficient among the
[25]: cluster cables at the replacement state, conservativelyk ′ ′ = 1.1.
n In addition to good reliability, the novel anchorage system with
F ⩾ k ′P finite bundles of cluster cables has the following advantages:
n − (n′ + n′ ′) k ′ ′ (1)
where P is the force of the cable strand connected to this anchorage 1. Favourable constructability. The novel anchorage system can be
element; n is the bundle number of the anchorage element, erected by using portable equipment in a simple construction pro-
usuallyn = 3–7; n′ is the number of bundles replaced per time, usually cedure. Conventional complicated processes such as filling with
n′ = 1; n′ ′ is the invalid bundle number due to serious damage; k ′ is the
X. Wang, et al. Structures 27 (2020) 2126–2136
X. Wang, et al. Structures 27 (2020) 2126–2136
Fig. 7. Specimen tension and replacement test: (a) Front view of specimen; (b) Top view of specimen; (c) Side view of connector.
Table 1 elements, which is equivalent to 0.6 times the ultimate bearing capacity
Material characteristics for replacement tests. Fptk of an anchorage element with five cluster cables.
Component Material Brand
2.3. Lifecycle cost evaluation
Connector socket 45 forged steel /
Cluster cable 15.2 mm steel strand GJ15-7
The life-cycle cost of the Nansha Bridge is evaluated during the
Support plate 40 Cr /
Bearing plate ZG270 / entire design service life, including the construction cost, maintenance
Main pedestal Q235 SYTZ3000.0 cost and indirect loss induced by traffic disruption. The replaceability of
Temporary fixing screw Q235 / the conventional solutions are compared with that of the proposed
anchorage system.
As shown in Fig. 6, the conventional unbonded prestressed ancho-
Comparing the multiple combinations of load effects, the maximum rage system with ordinary anticorrosive grease (solution S1) has the
tensions of the cable strands at the anchor span occur for the load case lowest construction cost; however, the maintenance cost is highest
of ‘constant load + longitudinal wind load + positive temperature among all the anchorage systems due to frequent grease leakage and
gradient + vehicle load’. The corresponding tension distribution for the necessary replacement. Although the unbonded prestressed anchorage
cable strands at the anchor span is shown in Fig. 5. Therefore, according system with special anti-leakage anticorrosive grease (solution S2) re-
to formula (1), P = 3590 kN, n = 5, n'= 1, n''=0, k'=1.05, k''=1.1, the duces the maintenance cost, the construction cost is also high due to the
design tension F is determined as 5468 kN for double-anchorage material cost. In comparison, the novel anchorage system with finite
X. Wang, et al. Structures 27 (2020) 2126–2136
Fig. 8. Tension and replacement test: (a) General view; (b) Tensioned end; (c) Anchorage end; (d) Tension and anchorage of cable No. 1; (e) Tension of the other
cables; (f) Anchorage of the other cables; (g) Release of the cable at the tensioned end; (h) Pull out of the cable at the anchorage end; and (i) Replacement of the cable.
X. Wang, et al. Structures 27 (2020) 2126–2136
Fig. 10. Load tests on the RC anchorage block: (a) Test preparation and (b) Specimen fabrication.
Table 2
Material characteristics for load tests.
Component Material Elastic modulus (GPa) Poisson ratio Reinforcement diameter (mm)
ensures that even if the cables are replaced quickly, the cable tensions 3.2. Model test for the RC anchorage block
are prone to uniformity.
3.2.1. Test setup and testing procedure
Load tests on the RC anchorage block were conducted using the test
setup shown in Fig. 10. Both the specimens and the test setup followed
the recommendations of JGJ85-2010 [28]. The RC anchorage block was
X. Wang, et al. Structures 27 (2020) 2126–2136
level of loading.
Fig. 12. Crack width of RC anchorage block. load value in the tests meets the requirements in the specifications. The
load test results for the three specimens show that the RC anchorage
block has a reliable load-carrying capacity with a safety margin of 2.16.
the load-carrying component for the cable anchorage system, which
primarily included the concrete under the anchor, spiral reinforce-
4. Numerical study
ments, reinforcement grids (consisting of vertical, transverse and
longitudinal reinforcement) and bearing plates. To investigate the me-
Based on experimental studies and global simulations, elaborate
chanical state of the RC anchorage block during operation and re-
local simulations involving interfacial bonding and friction are con-
placement, graded overload tests were performed on three specimens
ducted to further investigate the mechanical behaviour of the crucial
with the specifications shown in Fig. 10 and Table 2.
components under the anchors in multiple scenarios.
As shown in Fig. 11, each specimen was incrementally loaded, and
the loading was maintained for 10 min at the levels of 0.4 Fptk , 0.6 Fptk
and 0.8 Fptk . The loading was continued until the specimens were da- 4.1. Elaborate local simulation
As shown in Fig. 10(a), for reinforcement grids, the vertical, tra- As shown in Fig. 14, the elaborate local model of the anchorage
verse and longitudinal reinforcement were measured by strain gauges system is established by using the finite element software ABAQUS
No. 1–8, No. 9–12 and No. 15–22, respectively. In addition, strain (2019) [29,30], whose parameters have been determined according to
gauges No. 12–14 were arranged for the spiral reinforcement. During the design specifications and calibrated with the experimental results.
the load tests, the major observations and measurements were as fol- Truss Element T3D2 is selected to simulate the cluster cables and spiral
lows: reinforcements. After considering the size effect and the stress distor-
tion on the coupling nodes of different elements, solid element C3D8R
1. Observe and record the occurrence, width and expansion of cracks is used to simulate the anchor concrete, connector socket, bearing plate
in the model specimens; and steel anchor tubes. The material properties are shown in Table 1.
2. Observe the deformation of the bearing plate; To simulate the interaction between the concrete under the anchor, the
3. Observe and record the test limit load value; and anchor tube and the bearing plate (Fig. 14), binding constraints were
4. Test the stress of the reinforcement under the anchor under each used to simulate three contract pairs (CP1-3)—namely, CP1 between
the concrete under the anchor and anchor tube, CP2 between the
X. Wang, et al. Structures 27 (2020) 2126–2136
Fig. 13. The test stress of the reinforcement grids: (a) Longitudinal reinforcement stress; (b) Transverse steel reinforcement stress; (c) Vertical reinforcement stress
(unit: mm); and (d) Spiral reinforcement.
X. Wang, et al. Structures 27 (2020) 2126–2136
For the connector socket and straight trapezoid bearing plate, the
von Misses stress criterion is used as the failure criterion due to the
ductile failure characteristics of metal material. For the concrete under
the anchor, the principal stress criterion is employed to assess the stress
state because of the brittle failure characteristics of concrete material.
As shown in Fig. 15, the maximum deformations of the connector
socket in Scenarios 1–3 are 0.176 mm, 0.291 mm and 0.489 mm, re-
spectively, which are all less than the design limitation of 0.5 mm. In
addition, the maximum von Mises stress under the three scenarios is
241 MPa, which is less than the yield strength of 355 MPa. For Sce-
narios 2 and 3, the stress distribution of the connector socket is ex-
tremely uneven, and owing to the effect of the bias load of cluster cables
on the connector socket, an obvious stress concentration and in-
homogeneous deformation can be observed. In general, the connector
socket can meet the structural mechanical performance requirements
under extreme scenarios.
Fig. 16 shows the maximum von Mises stress of the straight trape-
zoid bearing plate under three scenarios. In Scenario 1, the stress dis-
tribution is uniform due to the even load of the cluster cables. In Sce-
nario 2, the maximum von Mises stress is reduced from 174.3 MPa to
Fig. 16. Maximum von Mises stress of straight trapezoid bearing plate.
151.5 MPa due to the removal of one cluster cable for replacement.
Remarkably, the maximum stress increases to 204.7 MPa in Scenario 3,
where another cluster cable is removed to consider the unknown da-
mage case. The following two aspects are the major reasons for this
The global simulation in Section 3.2 shows that the connector socket
is pulled out 12 mm by the cable strand in Scenario 3; therefore, the
tensions of the remaining cluster cables increase due to the rebalance.
The effect of the bias load of the remaining cluster cables on the bearing
plate could result in a higher concentration stress. In general, the von
Mises stress of the bearing plate is less than the yield strength of
270 MPa under the three scenarios, which shows that the straight tra-
pezoid anchor plate plays a significant role in the stress diffusion.
As shown in Fig. 17, the maximum principal tensile stress of the
concrete under the anchor is 2.36 MPa in Scenarios 1–3, which is less
than the threshold value of 3 MPa, and the maximum principal com-
pressive stress is 12.43 MPa, which is far less than the threshold value
of 22.4 MPa. The FEA results of the stress distribution correlate well
with the experimental measurements in Section 4.2. Similarly, the
maximum stress occurs in Scenario 3 due to the rebalance and effect of
Fig. 17. Maximum principal tensile and compressive stress of the concrete
under the anchor. the bias load. Owing to the straight trapezoid anchor plate and the
reinforcement grids under the anchor, the stress level is reduced sig-
nificantly, and the stress distribution becomes more uniform, which
anchor tube and bearing plate, and CP3 between the concrete under the
ensures that no cracks are present in the three extreme scenarios.
anchor and bearing plate. The main surface in the binding constraint is
selected with a relatively large stiffness. According to this principle, the
5. Conclusions
stepped contact surface of the concrete in CP1 is the main surface. The
end bearing surface of the bearing plate in CP2 is the main surface. The
A novel cable anchorage system with finite bundles of cluster cables
X. Wang, et al. Structures 27 (2020) 2126–2136
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